Weekend Unthreaded

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    Friday Funny – D-Words Describe Defective Mann
    Anthony Watts

    Our resident cartoonist Josh writes:

    Apparently Michael Mann has a new book out where he describes a whole new slew of climate change ‘D words’, but which sound, as ever, like he is describing himself… “dissembler, deceiver, downplayer, divider, deflector, doomer, delayer, distractor.”



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      Something my Mum used to say, listen carefully to people hurling insults, they are usually saying more about themselves than anything else.


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    Greta Thunberg: “150 Weeks have Passed” but Leaders are Only Pretending to Act
    Eric Worrall

    Greta made woke climate leaders squirm at Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Austrian World Summit 2021 – they had to sit there and take it, and applaud and thank her afterwards.

    I love Andrew Bolt of Australia’s Sky News’ take on it – he suggests “She abuses these woke leaders because no one else will listen or put up with it.”.

    I’m actually starting to warm to Greta Thunberg.

    So the question is, how do woke climate leaders disinvite Greta, without looking like traitors to the cause? Maybe they are thick skinned enough to just put up with her scolding indefinitely. But the ongoing abuse surely makes it just a tinsy bit more likely that Greta’s victims will grab any opportunity which arises, to downgrade the climate emergency and head for the exit door.



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      Interesting to note that our own PM Morrison who is supposed to be a Christian is working with the Devil, no doubt unconsciously, to promote destructive plans that if left to continue will destroy our economy in more ways than one, not the least of which are the policies to reduce our emissions to zero. Go figure.


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        Be fair, but no doubt you have been misled by the left leaning media, our PM would not commit to net zero emissions including during his UK visit recently.

        What he said was that Australia’s position is aspirational and must be based on technological advances, not damaging The Australian economy.

        He is caught between political forces here, within his Coalition there are left faction MPs and Cabinet Ministers and also in the executive of the Liberal Party in NSW and their counterparts in other State executives. And then consider the gradual (inevitability of gradualness – UK Fabian Society of socialism communism) infiltration of Federal-State public services and Local Government by the leftist globalists. The PM is the Leader of Cabinet but that position relies on him having a majority of supporters in the party room.


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      I responded to a survey 2 days ago, by major Oz company on Climate Change and Carbon Credits – I was asked to clarify why I responded that I did not believe in Climate Change.

      I wrote:

      “Climate Change is the biggest Criminal Con in History – 110 km South of Winton – 95 million years ago Lark Dinosaur Quarry was part of a great river plain, with sandy channels, swamps, and lakes brimming with freshwater mussels, lungfish, and crocodiles. Rainfall was over a metre per year, so the surrounding lowland forest was lush and green..

      A huge meat-eating theropod, smaller than a Tyrannosaurus, approached the lake. It slowed, saw the other dinosaurs gathered at the water’s edge and began to stalk, then turned and charged. The stampeding herd of smaller dinosaurs left a chaotic mass of footprints in the mud as they ran to escape.

      Today, no Dinosaurs – the Climate Changed and No Humans were involved”


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        Greg in NZ

        Hear hear! Old Ozzie.

        In a previous age, the Manuherikia Sea (inland southern South Island) was inhabited by crocs & sharks and surrounded by semi-tropical foliage – not surprising as geologists understand that era was approx. 7 degrees Celsius WARMER than now.

        Today that area is known as the Maniototo Basin, in Central Otago, the COLDEST DRIEST part of New Zealand, worn smooth by glaciers and frozen & fractured by snow & ice in winter (was 7-below-zero C this morning). It’s the home of ice curling – on frozen lakes – and the Brass Monkey Motorcycle Club.

        In 2021 the only ‘crocs & sharks’ we have inhabit Parliament House in Wellington, where the max temp today is forecast as 9 degrees above freezing. Oh for some of that good ole fashion ‘warming’.


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        Tilba Tilba

        Today, no Dinosaurs – the Climate Changed and No Humans were involved

        Your logic is quite flawed.

        The dinosaurs went extinct because of an enormous asteroid impact, that created massive and essentially instantaneous (<1000 years) conditions under which they obviously could not survive.

        It's an interesting story, and without the asteroid we wouldn't be here – but it has nothing to do with AGW occurring today, and occurring at a very rapid pace.

        Climate Change is the biggest Criminal Con in History

        That refrain has been over-used for all manner of things that certain groups do not like. Heard most recently from the Covid-deniers, and the Vaccination-deniers.


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          They’re the same people who believe that, after murdering only 50 million people, Joe Stalin and Mao Zedong didn’t practice true Marxism.

          They also believe that, even though he controlled the banks, radio stations, newspapers and all domestic industries by threat of execution, Adolf Hitler was not a Leftist. (my favorite)


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          el gordo

          The Denialati is not a holy alliance, there are factions and we don’t necessarily agree on everything.

          Talking of asteroids, do you think this yarn has legs?



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            Thanks for posting this el gordo as otherwise I would never have learnt that “Wandjina do not need a mouth because their knowledge is greater than what can be spoken.”


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          Greg Cavanagh

          Your logic is quite flawed.

          There was no instantaneous event that wiped out the dinosaurs. There were at least several large impacts that happened. The theory that a dust covered earth plummeted the temperatures is just that, a theory. The dust layer they’re referring to isn’t world wide, yet only the smaller cold blooded lizards survive today.

          Birds, fish, crocks, snakes etc, are all still with us. There are many scientists that do not agree with the asteroid theory.


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          Tilba Tilba, Just argue the science, remove the manipulation of known history, forget about starting dates for your con that begin in 1910 to suit your maths and ignore the 1800’s. Don’t write out of history anything you can’t explain such as the LIA and the pre fossil fuel warmings that preceeded it. Don’t ignore the University of East Anglia emails -because they are an embarrassment. Don’t forget to do two years of dual measurements when introducing electronic devices to replace liquid thermometry without daring to compare the two. Don’t select only trees whose tree rings support your theory and present it as a science paper ‘proving’ current global warming. Don’t declare the science-is-in when previously your AGW proselytisers were thrashed in open debates, so the only way to ‘win’ the debate was not to have any at all. Don’t rely on computerisation where the software never gets forcasts right – seen increasingly as time move on – and when data is modified by some secret maths manipulation that still never gets it right, seems unable to get any cooling at all, but provides a basis for your fear campaigns to scare the general public into accepting anything.

          As for CO2, well just look at history and warming of the past. You never explain how the world actually managed to warm before CO2 from fossil fuels; that’s because it did but you can’t defend your mantra by clouding the waters with facts, so you ignore any other forces acting on the Earth’s climate as though they don’t exist. If only we could all get over our problems as easily as saying they don’t exist!

          In fact, the entire gospel of AGW is the equivalent of the old flat earth argument where not to agree the world was flat could result in death. Now, as I see it – not to put ideas in your head – that might become ‘the final solution’ of the true believers (of AGW theory; and critical gender theory?). Now, what was that equivalence again about true science believers / sceptics? It was some accusation about the Holocaust and… .

          Things are looking increasingly desperate on your side of the fence, especially when the leftist world of Marx, such as Russia, China in particular don’t believe you at all. Neither does India, nor most of the West’s people, as per polling on the topic (as against their governments and Head of Science). That, in particular, was why the left still fear and hate Trump so ferociously; they see him as their nemesis. Can’t have freedom of speech and open debate on any leftist theory, but all our traditions that got the world so far Western Civilisation, they are all open to be destroyed by noise, riots, unemployment and cancellations.


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          Tilba, you have to get a lot more support than you one sentence opinion that atmospheric heating is increasing at a rapid rate.

          Global warming climate models have been demonstrated many times to way over predict any possible future temperatures- in every IPCC report. Such information doesn’t highlight the report for governments since gov. representatives write the report.

          No cigar a kudos for you.


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    Those in Oz reading about the rising number of cases in the UK and might be alarmed for friends and relatives could usefully take five minutes to read this excellent article which deconstructs the figures.


    There are probably lessons here for Australia as you are subject to on off lockdowns for tiny numbers of cases.

    To give some brief highlights more people are being discharged from British hospitals after being a covid case than are entering it. A high proprtion are catching it IN hosputal after entering itvfor other reasons, Most hospital admissions are those going to A and E and who after examination and being logged in are sent home because they are not ill enough to warrant treatment.

    Some 1 million tests a day are being carried out so case numbers can appear high but not when put in context.

    Flu remains a larger killer at present. The age of death from covid still hovers around 82 . Only 25 under 18’s have died of covid( see my previous post) whilst hundreds have committed suicide or died of trauma as a direct result of being locked down.

    Some 1500 people a day die of various causes every day in the UK . Covid deaths hover around25 .

    The figures are being manipulated as the govt has an agenda which I noted in an earlier post about being’nudged’ to change our attitudes. This agenda of trying to scare us to death can be directly related to climate change where the fear factor will be ramped up ahead of cop26


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      I urge you all to take the time to read carefully and absorb the insights revealed within this post. I worked in the NHS for over 50 years as an employed pharmacist and the as a contractor and can confirmed his diagnosis is spot on. It is just as relevant to your situation as it is to ours, but it is up to you to reassert control of your local situation especially in respect of the move to extend the Covid narrative to that of Climate Change, which, I believe will fail. The reason I say this is that basically Covid, for me, 78 years with co- morbidities, it represented a possible 21 days from infection to death.So for 18 months I put my life on hold, only to discover, largely through an Australian medical innovation, that this was a very large chunk of my remaining existence.I avoided the NHS as, way back in 2010, it was the largest risk of infection. The consequence was a late diagnosis of a fatal condition.The political initiative to extend the control indefinitely must fail if the people decide that they have lives to lead! The simple response is “ fxxk off”, a response Ozzies are well familiar with. Use it!


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        The statistics from the NHS about covid are fascinating and the narrative of fear is one we have become so used to with climate change over the last 30 years. However climate change scaremongering will now be supercharged as respective govts realise just how scared people can be made and accordingly how compliant they will become. Covid is merely a dress rehearsal for what will follow.

        We are being manipulated and nudged into thinking ‘correct thoughts by the use of behavioural scientists, instructed by governments to ensure we do what they believe to be the right thing.

        Vote to stay in the EU. Wear masks. Accept white privilege as a fact. Accept mass immigration. keep your distance. eat less meat. use less fuel. change to heat pumps and accept being colder and poorer.

        The following are not trite phrases we have all heard a dozen times before, but genuine insights

        H L Mencken; “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

        Friedrich Hayek commented;

        ‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.”

        “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
        ― George Orwell, 1984

        Let me juxtapose two comments made decades apart;

        “We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” Stephen Schneider (leading advocate of the global warming theory in interview for Discover magazine, Oct 1989)

        (Many people )‘still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened’ and that ‘the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased’ ‘.….using ‘hard-hitting emotional messages’, However this latter comment did not come from a climate change activist but, as an illustration as to the similarity of tactics and the weaponisation of fear, this comment was made by the behavioural insight subgroup-also known as the ‘nudge unit- situated in Whitehall, as noted in the minutes of the SAGE committee (advising the UK Govt) held in March 2021.

        Sydney has its very own nudge unit.


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          Tony, compared with choking to death in 21 days, bad weather in 50 years time is not very compelling. My view is that when the people have broken free of the Covid chains they will be very disinclined to put them on again.
          The difference between lies and deceit is that when you know they are liars you are not deceived.


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            If the main problem is stated to be the overwhelming of health services, then the use of IVM etc could help relieve the problem.

            This article gives an interesting take on the pressure behind the bad-mouthing of IVM trials.


            The expert the BBC programme used to discredit the trials is apparently based in OZ.


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        John R Smith

        from the comments …
        “One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is that the population is subjected to absurdity with such force that it is unable to resist.”


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      The problem is that the readers here are not the ones that need to be informed but rather our politicians and medicos. Sadly, they refuse to do anything but follow the WHO guidelines, probably because it is the politically and professionally “safe” option (ie not career threatening).

      “Following the science” is going to be our society’s downfall unless we get mass levels of distrust of the mainstream media


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        Posted on Sydney Thread below, but relevant to your comment

        The problem is that the readers here are not the ones that need to be informed but rather our politicians and medicos. Sadly, they refuse to do anything but follow the WHO guidelines, probably because it is the politically and professionally “safe” option (ie not career threatening).

        H/T Catallaxy Files

        An excellent letter

        The Hon. Brad Hazzard, MP
        52 Martin Place
        SYDNEY NSW 2000
        Ph: (02) 8574 6000

        Email to: wakehurst@parliament.nsw.gov.au

        To the Honourable Premier and Ministers Federal and State,


        1. I refer to the Government declared pandemic and various business closures nationally since
        around March 2020 and June 2021 (the “Lockdowns”).


        44. The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate that the Australian community has only been fed one side of the story and anyone who critically assesses or “questions” the science is ridiculed, or intimidated using terms such as ‘antivaxer’. In particular of speak of front-line doctors who have merely been trying to bring facts and scientific evidence by way of education to the Australian public, and then threatened with deregistration.

        45. The idea of Government exerting pecuniary pressure on business to undertake a vaccine rollout (by proxy) may not fall within the guidelines of peace, order and good governance.

        46. The issues faced in Australia and globally have been challenging, but there is also the idea that they have been disproportionate to the publicised risks as opposed to the scientifically provable risks. This is not to suggest that COVID-19 is a hoax, rather the suggestion that the lack of transparency creates a deep sense of suspicion in the community that suggests transparency and democratic debate is supressed.

        47. There is no doubt that the widely promulgated message of COVID-19 has created fear and insecurity in the community, largely due to the heavy-handed tactics employed by State Police members(presumably ordered) to supress open debate and forcibly coerce citizens to comply with Public Health Orders that are questionable in some instances. By way of example, the Orders presumably used to justify lockdowns and manage the transmissibility of the virus are dubious at best. Whilst it is understood that a delicate balance does exist between management and transmissibility, the idea that someone sitting down in venue is a lower risk than someone standing in the same venue is questionable because at some point, each person must stand to move. It follows that if a virus is as deadly as claimed, it would not matter whether someone is sitting or standing in the same venue, the virus, based on the public messages, is so deadly that entire cities must lockdown.


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          From the Sunday Telegraph

          Mark Bouris: How do we build an economy when businesses are crippled?


          I thought I would reach out to you on behalf of a loosely cobbled-together group of Australians, probably the most powerful army of Australian residents that exist today. I am going to say some things in this letter that many are thinking but feel they can’t speak up about.

          This army of people don’t live off the public purse nor do they have the certainty of getting a pay cheque at the end of every month.

          Whether they work from home or their office, most of this magnificent army of citizens get by without annual leave, sick leave or superannuation. They have no safety net for themselves and their loved ones, yet they work tirelessly and offer service to all and sundry, usually with a smile and gratitude for our custom.

          This is what they’re telling me:

          “There is a disconnect between us and those that are telling us what is best for us to do. Our businesses are suffering, we’re having to put staff off and live with the crippling daily fear of banks cutting us off because of revenue pressures while those telling us to take the hits are taking none themselves.

          “Business goodwill is being wiped away after years and lifetimes of building it up. Yet we have never seen it even recognised or acknowledged. Why is that?”

          When you look at the lockdown decisions it’s fair to say that the business sector is proportionately more affected financially than the rest of the economy.

          In other words, the business sector is “ getting it in the neck “ for the betterment of our whole social/economic system. To a large degree, business has copped that on the chin. But the presumption that “they’ll understand “ that we’ll understand, is starting to wear thin.

          Kids not going to school … that has an effect on business owners. Business owners can’t run a business from home or anywhere for that matter if they’ve got kids to home school, especially coming off the back of two weeks of school holidays.

          How are we going to build an economy when all businesses are crippled? Businesses can’t be run at less than 60 per cent occupancy — cafes, restaurants, hotels, dry cleaners, whatever the business. What is the plan?

          One thing that DOES help businesses is CERTAINTY.

          What I want is for this letter to trigger discussion, to start an open forum, to bring some intellect to this and to say “how do we get out of this?”

          What I want to articulate for small businesses is this: “We don’t know who to talk to, we’re not sure who to listen to, everyone’s giving out different stories, we’re saying there’s all these things that don’t make sense to us and we feel a great sense of disconnect.”

          Businesses are told daily how much they matter as the “engine room” of this economy, and that they will be the engine room for our economy to recover. “Go and rebuild the economy for us, you’ve done it before, now do it again.”

          Well, right now that engine is stalling.


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            Kalm Keith

            Obvious to anyone living in the real world.

            But not to those living off the government.

            By the way, how much have our governments spent on advertising the dangers of CV19 in the unbiased Media.


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            I pity the cops.

            I’m all for law and order and being peaceful, as the covid brutalization of the population by arbitrary lockdown rules continues, its possible the cops will suffer losses. I sincerely hope they dont.

            Human nature what it is, people will eventually say enough is enough ….

            It seems the plan is to put so much pressure on people that they snap and lash out. The globalists have set everything up to crush any revolt. Any push back has to be peaceful.


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        Richard Owen No.3

        An excellent letter in The Spectator this week.
        Respecting site rules I have shortened it slightly.

        Your writer is three bags short of a nursery rhyme describing sheep as stupid.
        Research has shown that sheep are very good at being sheep, and at remembering human faces, and in solving simple practical problems.
        Only the last might disqualify them from a life in politics.


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        Analitic. ‘.. but follow the WHO guidelines,’. I have forever wondered where governments were getting their advice on therapeutics. Always thought it to be coming from their own health advisers. Maybe they are the ones getting ‘advice’ from WHO! I thought it more likely to be coming from the Pharmaceutical companies, based on the economics of everything. Certainly, I doubt Trump was ever listening to the WHO, or even the USA health advisors as he was actively pro therapeutics and taking them personally.

        However, for the rest, the relationship between China and the WHO would cast your statement in a much more sinister light, especially when shutting down acceptance of foreign nationals in the early days was met with such huge and loud derision by the media and, I believe, the WHO!

        China certainly didn’t stop the flow of its citizens around the world while itself was in the throws of the epidemic. To stop therapeutics at that time was to maximise the damage done by the virus and observe how the world coped. These are the facts. Put a conspiracy theory in there if you will, but nothing has made sense based on the freely available reporting of therapeutic successes from various parts of the world while places such as here not only poo-hooed them, our government banned them and threatens any doctor prescribing them with gaol!

        Nothing is making sense, even in an economy destroying epidemic where one would think any independent, democratic government would be throwing everything at the virus to look after the health of its citizens and get the country up and running. I just can’t get my head around what looks increasingly like medical and government absurdity which potentially has cost and will increasingly cost many lives if the accepted position is really and knowingly compromised. What could be the justification?


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      Is it fraud to announce Covid illnesses in place of flu illnesses?

      Yup, it is…


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        Um…..”double vaccinated people more likely to get and carry the virus”…. ( and presumably spread it)?


        More freedoms….yeah…enjoy it temporarily until your health crashes.

        In my office, one vaccinated person I hear today has a head infection that antibiotics just cant cure.

        Now if thats not an advert for not taking the vaccine, I dont know what is.

        Interestingly, he was bemoaning his need for endless extra jabs as the number of “variants” continues to climb.

        Hes a nice guy, I feel sorry for him…..he was also adamant that “everyone had to do the right thing and get the jab”

        So, Australia has more pointless lockdowns, with the only rerason it seems to drive people to get the vaccine.

        FUnnily enough, back in 2003 Australains refused to get into the Iraq war…so the infamous Bali bomb went off in Kuta ( a safe place, in the psyche for Australians ) and they couldnt sign up quick enough.

        Same old sicko globalist play book – inflict pain long enough, and people will aquiesce.

        Heel, you deplorables…heel…..

        Did I mention deagel.com projected a 60% population drop for Australia by 2025? Golly…I wonder how that might happen?

        And in the USA Soviet, they want to send X-iden goons to your door to pressure you to take the shot? Why?


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      Excellent. Indeed why all the scaremongering and the desperate attempts by our governments to vaccinate as many people as possible? It’s certainly not because of some disastrous pandemic that’s killing hundreds of millions of people world wide, which would have been the case if it were a typical pandemic. There are lots of reasons. One of them is the growing fear of death itself. More and more it’s becoming a top fear. Yet we all knwo we have to die some day. Why not also ban cars to reduce the huge number of deaths on our roads? Because we need to work. Same reasoning must be applied to the so called pandemic. We need to just live with it like many other causes of deaths, most of them being far worse. If we keep on with these lockdowns, which by the way have been proven to be of very little value, we will have much more serious issues to face that would make the so called pandemic look like a picnic. The trouble is our political “masters” either don’t have a clue or deliberately know what they are doing and so don’t give a damn, and as such I can’t see how things will be turned around. That means crash and burn is the most likely end result, unless of course the people wake up, rise up and make aware our “masters” they must stop acting like little helpers of the master of evil.


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        Come on now it’s just a nanolipid encapsulated spike protein generator we’re injecting in case you ever meet an innocuous novel corona virus not to mention our repertoire of other real pathogens we’re not at liberty to talk about just yet.


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        Good point. However, it is a bit misleading. It’s not just the left. The so called conservatives in power are just as guilty. We now have a situation where the left and the conservatives have joined forces to attack our freedoms. Go figure.


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      The cat was never in the bag in the UK. In Australia, the cat has mostly been in the bag and there has been few hospitalisation from Covid apart from a spike in Victoria during June last year.

      Generally short sharp lockdowns have been effective apart from Victoria last year when the cat got out and was not easy to get back in.

      Australians have been complacent about getting vaccinations. Hence there is still need for the short sharp lockdowns when the cat gets out. It appears Sydney is currently fibbing it hard to contain the cat.


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        Tilba Tilba

        I see you’re getting chipped for stating the reality as it has occurred here in Australia (and particular Victoria) – lockdowns are unpleasant but they do work. I think in general, our various state health ministers and health officials have done a good job.

        The prime minister is a boofhead – as bad as Boris Johnson but without the charm and sophistication. He had three jobs – vaccines, quarantine, and aged care – and severely dropped the ball on all three.

        I thought from early 2020 that inner city highrise hotels were a dreadful quarantine solution – as they have proven to be, with centralised aircon, and easy security breaches.

        They could have readily re-purposed army camps or a range of holiday parks that the country has hundreds of. Individual cabins with isolated aircon, and one gated entrance.


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      cook in hospital?

      Back in the 1980s, my brother went into a “modern” (barely twenty tears old),city hospital for a “rooutine”appendectomy.

      within DAYS he was not discharged but put under serious medication for the Golden Staph infection he had picked up whils
      recovering from the “routine surgery”.

      Seeing him with drips and drains hanging out of him was a little unsettling.

      It should have been a warning.

      BOTH my parents passed away under “medical care”. My father walked into the hospital unaided for “further assessment” of what appeared to be Parkinsons. I never saw him walk again, not even a few days later when I got a chance to visit hm. Within weeks he was immobile and virtually incoherent; doped to the eyeballs, it seemed.

      My mother was treated for leg ulcers by a strange hag who dropped the ball so badly on Mum’s case and several others, that she was struck off, a year or so after Mum died. That was the closest thing to “accountability” I have seen in that field in my lifetime.

      My suspicion of the medical fraternity has not abated after all this time. Iatrogenic deaths and cripplings are forbidden subjects, it seems.

      A mechanic who put the wrong parts and fluids into a car, resulting in a catastrophic failure, would be burnt to the waterline in a flash.

      As for some others?


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      Tilba Tilba

      The guy made some interesting points – but nothing we didn’t already pretty-much know: that the Delta Variant appears much more virulent – but not as harmful, or at least not more so.

      And the author has a lot of ideological baggage, plus an anti-NHS vehemence – which cuts into their credibility and usefulness.

      Meanwhile – the UK gets as many cases in 18 hours as Australia has had in 18 months. For which we are very grateful of course. Lockdowns are not pleasant, but they work.

      The decision of Boris Johnson to just go “open slather” is extraordinary. The policy seems to be: the capitalist state has looked after you for 18 months, but that’s it, the end of welfare. It’s back to Business as Usual – too many millionaires are hurting.

      If you get sick from Covid-19 it’s now your own fault for not being vaccinated.


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        Hang on now….much ado about a virus thats basically only as bad as a nasty flu.

        The main driver behind the hysteria ( which is exactly what it is ) about Covid, is making sure people are stuck in races ( vaccination centres ) and “jabbed”(vaccinated) like cattle.

        Watching free to air tv is like one big long promo screaming “vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate” at the population at the top of its lungs. Its like watching a freak show.

        Where is HCQ?
        Where is ivermectin?
        Where us vitamin D?

        The globalists are sick in the head control freaks. Its like a demonic freak show.

        The whole media appears to now be a rabid frothing at the mouth dog…

        This is the coming future if we dont resist marxism.


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          Hmmm…free to air tv like daleks …



          You will be vaccinaaaaaaated….


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          This is more to my liking

          Made-in-Israel anti-viral nasal spray found effective against COVID -The Jerusalem Post

          An anti-viral nasal spray called Enovid that was developed in Canada and tested in the UK can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours, a press release said on Sunday.
          The Israeli-manufactured spray can be used up to five times a day after coming in contact with viruses, according to the release. It’s suitable for children as young as 12 years old, and the Ministry of Health approved it in January this year. It will go on sale in the coming week.
          “The spray we developed has been proven not only as a virus blocker that causes Covid-19 but also as a killer,” Dr. Gili Regev, CEO and founder of Snotize (the company that developed the spray) said.
          Since most COVID-19 infections are nasal, SaNOtize believes this is an effective way to reduce the spread and infection of COVID-19. It has been able to suppress the SARS-CoV-2 virus within two minutes, including the Alpha and Gamma variants, according to the release. It is currently being tested against the Delta variant.


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        Surely you mean Delta is more CONTAGIOUS, but it is far less virulent.


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    excuse me “2020” !! . Mind you, even in 2010 the NHS was hazardous, indeed ever since I was involves in 1965! On Monday we buried my brother in law at 87. He had not engaged with the NHS for 35 years!


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      Condolences for your brother in law and well done him. My thinking these days is its really best to stay out of the hands of the medical/industrial complex as far as possible.


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        Tilba Tilba

        […] its really best to stay out of the hands of the medical/industrial complex as far as possible.

        What does “as far as possible” imply? Until you get ill? Until you require drugs or treatment to prevent your demise? Have you ever been vaccinated for anything?


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          You should go get as many covid vaccines as possible and tell those of us smart enough not to touch them, how it goes.

          in the office im already hearing at least one covid vaccinated person talking about persistent mysterious ailments the doctors dont know how to treat.

          Australia was slated for a 60% population reduction by 2025. Looks like if the vaccines destroy your capiliraieslike diabetes, it will be on track.

          Im going to have to learn to drive a bulldozer.


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          What it means Tilb is that i dont run to the doctor with over sniffle and twinge, and at my age i dont get involved in screening programs and such. If I have an accident collapse on the floor then its not possible to avoid them and by then the will have somethibg to focus on rather than just milking my wallet.

          Vaccinations ? Why yes i have had most common vaccinations over the decades. I have travelled for work to a few 3rd world countries and had the appropriate shots. More recently we had MMR boosters to visit a newly minted grandchild and 2 months ago a flu shot. I do not participate in trials however.


  • #

    Well for a while it looked like the possible lab origins of covid was getting a fairer airing, but from the tone of this BBC article it sounds like a new offensive is being launched to bury that possibility for good.



  • #
  • #

    Study of COVID-19 screening workers shows vaccination largely reduces infections but no reinfections of those previously recovered


    h/t ZeroHedge


    • #

      It confirms my suspicions that on the balance of probabilities it would be far better to catch the virus that to take unproven experimental vaccines with known side effects including death, as well as the unknown long term risks, which could turn out to be horrific and far worse than the virus itself.


      • #
        M Allinson

        If you want to know just how dangerous these “vaccines” are, watch this short video (first on the linked page) from Dr Charles Hoff.

        The fact that Dr Hoff has been hounded out of his practice because of his views and recently has had to flee his home should short-circuit any claim that he is a mere “anti-vax” propagandist – he has lost virtually everything, yet continues to speak out.

        Dr Hoff does not believe the clotting events from these “vaccines” are rare – the large clots in lung and brain are rare, but micro-clots in the lungs which do not show up in scans or x-rays are revealed in 62% of those he has tested.



  • #

    I first came across the work of Dr. Steven Quay in January this year. Follow the links on


    More recently, the links from Dr Fauci through Peter Dansak to the Wuhan Institute of Virology have been made public. Also Danzacs organising of the original lancet article in March 2020! , now withdrawn, denying “conspiracy theories” before ANY investigations could have taken place is a smoking gun. The cat is too far out of the bag for this to be buried, but you are right, it will be attempted. The saving grace is that all these institutions are loosing their credibility so fast that their only their shills will fall for it.


  • #

    reply to Mr Nasty #5


    • #

      Yes seen it, I didn’t elaborate, but my unsaid thought on the cats/bats bag issue was that the escape made it very difficult to credibly cover up. But the expected serious uproar and Fauci’s ruination does not seem to have happened, so maybe they feel confident enough to go back to plan A?


  • #

    Big news for Ash Barty and Australians in general. In 3 sets.
    Well done Ash.
    Dave B


    • #
      David Maddison

      I don’t follow much sport but good news.

      On the subject of sports:

      I am surprised transgenders aren’t currently seeking to dominate women’s tennis as they are in so many other women’s sports.


      • #

        That would require talent, skill, determination, coordination and hard work, not just added strength.


        • #
          David Maddison

          Good point.


        • #

          WXcycles said “That would require talent, skill, determination, coordination and hard work, not just added strength.”

          Nah, Most of the men at Wimbledon (i.e. the world’s top 128) would crush any of the women in 2 sets, let alone best of 5. The top 30 would be having an off day if they lost a game… Sure Serena and a couple of others can hit serves around 160 kph+ and crush the odd forehand, but they are the EXCEPTIONS, whereas for the men, that’s very AVERAGE

          If one of the blokes in the 200 to 1000 decided he wanted to earn $20 mill a year instead of $2 mill, he could shave his legs, put on a skirt, call himself trans and make at least the quarters in most women’s tournaments…

          There’s very good reasons why Martina Navratilova is vehemently AGAINST trans men in women’s tennis, all very valid


    • #

      Weird first set. It was like Pliskova was sulking or sick or had an urgent appointment elsewhere! Then she decided to play. If she had played from the start……….


  • #
    David Maddison

    A dog had his chain reduced a link at a time every few days…until his chain was so short he could barely move. He never resisted because he was conditioned to the loss of freedom gradually. He was left living the rest of his life on a one link chain attached to a tree. Yes, he was alive, but he had no freedom.

    This is what’s happened to Australians.


    • #
      el gordo

      Surely you exaggerate?


      • #
        David Maddison



        • #
          el gordo

          Beijing was surprised that Oz made them lose face and is punishing us, which only makes us more resolved to stand up to the bully.

          If the US government is a corrupt illegitimate regime, then Australia should quit the Alliance. Do you agree?


          • #
            • #
              el gordo

              We have to deal with the failed democracy in the US and overbearing Chinese fascists, Australia should become non-aligned. Do you agree?


              • #
                shortie of greenbank

                We should further our ties with Japan and Taiwan, leave US in the mix if they ever get out of the quagmire they currently find themselves in.


              • #
                el gordo

                I second the motion, in maybe of interest to know that China and Japan are competing to build very fast train systems throughout south east Asia, its amicable.


              • #

                el Gordo. You assume the people of the USA will always tolerate what they see their government doing to them. Americans, unlike Australians, have a history of standing up for themselves. The Civil War shows just how far they will go if necessary. That independent streak still survives. It is the reason the current government wants to destroy the Second Ammendment on the right to bear arms.

                All that does is remove guns from the licensed and have no control over the criminal supply, as seen in the current border mess. I believe the US is at Churchill’s ‘beginning of the beginning’ of the fight. For 40years or more the left have had it all their own way – slowly, slowly. It is to be seen how they take the coming fightback which is observable but in its infancy.

                The last thing I would do is demand we separate from the alliance. It would gain nothing, lose much and it would be so wrong as exemplified being the one thing the left needs to make their takeover complete. China would control our waters, locking us up whenever it so desired.


              • #
                el gordo

                ‘ … the current government wants to destroy the Second Amendment on the right to bear arms.’

                I support the proposal.

                ‘The last thing I would do is demand we separate from the alliance.’

                Its out of my hands Doc.


      • #

        el gordo you think it’s an exaggeration because your are that dog and haven’t realised what’s happening around you – not yet anyway.

        Very related is: Haiti serves as a warning to blue states (in the US)


        • #
          el gordo

          The behaviour of our American cousin is entirely their business, Australia should detach itself from the Alliance. Do you agree?


          • #
            dinn, rob

            you’d like that, i’m sure. There are many levels to life though. Here’s one:
            Bobby Powell the host of “The Truth is Viral” podcast . Bobby was on the east side of the US Capitol on Jan. 6. He witnessed several men attacking the building. Bobby told OAN, “Two men I saw attacking the building, breaking windows and even pushing people inside HAVE NOT been arrested. And they are not on the list of suspects being sought by the FBI. Now I provided the FBI with 29 minutes of high definition footage, 1080p, more than five months ago. Neither one of these men has been arrested. They are not in any of the 400+ indictments, I’ve checked them all. There’s not one frame of video not one still photograph on either of these men on the FBI’s webpage that ask people to give them tips on who the rioters were. The FBI’s YouTube channel or their Facebook page. They’re putting up all kinds of fuzzy pictures but they’re not putting up the HDI images that I sent them.” His video: https://rumble.com/vio10r-real-america-dan-w-bobby-powell-june-16-2021.html


            • #
              el gordo

              You’re wasting your time talking to me, if the US government is illegitimate, should Australia quit the Alliance and join the Non-Aligned Movement?


              • #

                Non aligned movement. Surely you jest!


              • #
                el gordo

                Australia could be king of the kids, instead of an American lackey.

                ‘The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a forum of 120 developing world states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. After the United Nations, it is the largest grouping of states worldwide.’ (wiki)


          • #

            I agree on the condition we become a nuclear power along the lines of Israel ie. having them but not talking about it too much


            • #
              el gordo

              Its alright for Israel, they have real enemies, nuclear is out of the question for Australia. Beijing has no intention of going to war, they have too much invested in a peaceful new world order, which is under their control.


              • #

                Its alright for Israel, they have real enemies, nuclear is out of the question for Australia. Beijing has no intention of going to war, they have too much invested in a peaceful new world order, which is under their control.

                Do you really believe that crap or are you paid to say it?


              • #
                el gordo

                I’m a probono reporter.

                I’ll wait for the 2021 Defence white paper before giving a definitive answer to your question, but speaking generally, Beijing intends to lift the Third World out of poverty and make the UN a rubber stamp to create this new world order.

                A hot war is not on the agenda.


              • #
                Kalm Keith



              • #
                el gordo

                There’re a lot of people around here who are bordering on schizophrenia.


  • #

    We like to calculate the facts vs fiction of renewable energy claims here so here’s one for our friends in the USA,


    Links to – Moving oil Keystone Pipeline Versus Train Versus Ships.


  • #
    el gordo

    ‘A break-in at Taiwan’s embassy in Haiti following the assassination of the Haitian president has put a spotlight on the Asian high-tech hub’s connections to the Caribbean nation.

    ‘Haiti has become an increasingly important ally of Taiwan, as other governments have switched their diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China. Beijing, meanwhile, has kept a close eye on the Haiti-Taiwan relationship.’ (Washington Post)


    • #
      el gordo

      It now appears they are Colombian mercenaries and four companies hired them to do the killing.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘China has pledged billions to revamp infrastructure in the capital of Haiti, one of Taiwan’s oldest allies. Haitian President Jovenel Moise’s regime has signalled that its friendship with Taipei should not be taken for granted: ‘Taiwan is a long-time friend … [but] Haiti is looking for where its interests lie’. (East Asia Forum 2019)

      Assuming they decided to go over to Beijing, a post pandemic realignment, this looks suspiciously like a Washington hit job.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘A group of Colombians and Haitian Americans suspected of assassinating Haitian President Jovenel Moise told investigators they were there to arrest him, not kill him, the Miami Herald and a person familiar with the matter said on Sunday.’ (SMH)


      • #

        ” group of Colombians and Haitian Americans suspected of assassinating Haitian President Jovenel Moise told investigators they were there to arrest him, not kill him”

        They were arrested and could potentially sing, so they’re days are numbered. Once the media attention declines, they will be Epsteined.


  • #

    It would seem the “swamp” is determined to prevent Trump running for the Presidency in ‘24.
    This latest investigation into Trump budiness tax may not directly impact him personally, but i understand the consequences from a successful prosecution may include not only serious financial penalties for the Companies, Individuals, etc…..and also severe restrictions on many parties holding any financial office AND PREVENT SEEKING FUNDING for any future ventures.
    I guess a financial noose is less obvious than an outright physical “contract job” !


    • #

      “It would seem the “swamp” is determined to prevent Trump running for the Presidency in ‘24.”

      Has it ever occurred to you that the investigation into Trump’s business tax isn’t being made on the whim of “the swamp” but is because there is reason to believe his companies warrant investigation?

      It’s much like the cries that Trump was treated unfairly by the dismissal of all but one of his 60+ lawsuits. No-one, it seems, ever takes the trouble to read why these lawsuits were dismissed. In most cases the judges provided written reasons for the dismissals. The usual reason was that the evidence presented by Trump’s lawyers was not substantiated and was thus not valid. There was no judicial conspiracy.


  • #

    Apologies if this video has been linked before: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/a-manufactured-illusion-dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich-9-7-21_hPChWe1no7nxGDM.html

    This discussion just happened a couple of days ago and the implications are jaw-dropping: “There was no novel Coronavirus. Check of gene sequence vs all patent records showed not novel since 1999! There are 120 patented pieces of evidence showing total fallacy of claim ‘novel’!”


    • #

      WokeBuster, it is certain based on the facts revealed in your video link that natural and synthetic CV virus research has been taking place for over 20 years. Research that was prohibited in the U.S. was continued in Wuhan. SARS-CoV-2 was not novel in 2019. Research on the “vaccine” predates the pandemic.

      One then might speculate on explanations for chain of events. The virus release was planned for and likely intentional. It’s possible that it was not planned for a release so soon. The main objective likely was to make money off the vaccine and to gain global power but a bonus was defeating President Trump and that may have sped up the timetable.

      It is likely known by the instigators what the mid to long term effects will be from vaccination. It’s possible that they don’t know. Are they so evil as to implement a massive population reduction campaign? We will likely find out within a year.

      Major questions concern who knows what and who is in on it? We all can easily identify some keys players. We can’t know who is behind them. The Chinese military at least had to know about the plans even if they weren’t directly involved. They likely weren’t in on it directly but responded to take best advantage of the circumstances. Major intelligence agencies also have to know most of it even if only a few are directly involved. It’s unlikely that most would go along with what would essentially be human mass extermination. That’s why I’m hopeful that this is just about money and power.

      If white-hats exist, then the truth can be widely revealed and the global take over might be thwarted with a fight. I wouldn’t count on the American people though, but I wouldn’t count them out either. A large part of the power play is directed toward defanging them. The fight has yet begun but it’s possible that we may go down without a fight.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Someone else wrote the following on Social(ist) Media.

    Care to comment?

    Is it my imagination, every country that has high Vaccination rates – has high infection rates, every country with low vaccination rate has low infection rate and states with high vaccination are in lockdown where states with low vaccination are open -with closed borders?


  • #
    David Maddison

    Dinesh D’Souza with the latest on Hunter Biden.



  • #
    David Maddison

    Donald Trump kept dictators at bay.



  • #
    another ian

    “2020 Election Fraud Summary”

    Tucker Carlson link



  • #
    David Maddison

    Question for Americans:

    The majority of American Sheeple are at least as dumbed down and brain washed as typical Aussies and our dominant media is just as Left wing, but I still find it hard to understand how so many Americans don’t see how Imposter Biden and his handlers are destroying America (most likely by design rather than incompetence).



    • #

      The answer is the same as here – apathy. Still there is a line if crossed the people will rise up and fight back. The trick though our political “masters” are using is they are changing things very slowly to avoid detection and waking up of the masses. Slowly but surely we are losing our freedoms and being turned into a communist style rule. The slower it is done the more likely it will work for the evil ones.


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Biden is having no effect on anything. He is nothing but an avatar for people who wish to control whilst remaining out of the spotlight.

      The thing I can’t figure out is why Biden’s handlers want to destroy the USA. Money and power are very likely to be at the root of it, but who is going to want to “own” a wrecked USA? Maybe the theory is that the powers that be only want to wreck it to the stage where they can own and control it.

      The whole thing does my head in.


    • #
      dinn, rob

      we have a ways to go in usa. 7-4-21 Several U.S. federal judges – including Supreme Court Justices – have served as Visiting Professors at the Chinese Communist Party-run Peking University, The National Pulse can reveal. The efforts were funded by Chinese influence groups seeking to coerce “foreign actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of” the Chinese government’s “preferred policies.”  Financial supporters of Peking University’s School of Transnational Law (STL) also include Thomson Reuters and the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) – the leading influence group in the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front propaganda outfit.  https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/judges-double-as-fellows-at-ccp-run-peking-university/


    • #

      Question for Americans:

      The majority of American Sheeple are at least as dumbed down and brain washed as typical Aussies and our dominant media is just as Left wing,

      Suggest you check how many newspapers in Australia are owned by News Corp a company that is definitely not Left wing

      And as for Sheeple it is amazing that you cannot see that the comments are virtually all from right wing Conservatives all with the same thinking, same prejudices and same intolerance of anyone who is not right wing Conservative. It is an echo chamber for the right


      • #

        while you are at it Americans, apart from absolute numbers, check how many are the regional bugle type newspapers and check the ownership and leaning of capital city newspapers. such a BS comment.


        • #

          “such a BS comment.”

          That is Ian to a “t” !

          His leftist victim status must be established for all to see.


        • #

          No it is not a BS comment for Mjurdoch does have about 60% of the newspaper markets. And that is fact. You clearly do not know that News Corp has subsumed many of its regional papers into capital city newspapers. It owns 7 of the 12 capital city newspapers. According to figures for the year to December 2020, News Corp’s seven major papers were read 2.0 million to 2.9 million times on any given weekday. Nine Entertainment’s combined print-only readership was a much smaller 0.8 million to 1.2 million.

          So why not get the facts straight before making BS remarks about BS comments


          • #

            “Murdoch does have about 60% of the newspaper markets”

            That’s because people buy them, idiot !!

            Get your facts straight, and not bent so far left that your ear is scraping on the ground


            • #
              Peter Fitzroy

              Mod, Jo Nova. Will you do something here, Clarence T should have this comment blacked. Or as a denier, is it true that he gets to say whatever ever he wants?


              • #

                Seriously Peter !

                Maybe the word “idiot” was a bit strong, sorry…

                Do you really think that it isn’t a sales issue that allows the Murdoch press to sell more newspapers. !

                Sorry you take “leftism” as such an insult… but I do understand.


              • #
                Richard Owen No.3

                Pardon me Peter,
                but your paranoia is showing.


              • #

                And sorry you can’t grasp the reality.

                The Murdoch press is subject to the same media rules as everyone else.. except the ABC.

                The fact is that they do a better job, and sell more newspapers, because they cater to a more balanced audience.

                Stop whinging about it.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                That’s rich,


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                Coming from a serial blogg clogger.


              • #
                Peter Fitzroy

                ? an appeal for civility, and this is the response. I am proud to be considered a leftie, compared to alternative as exemplified here


              • #

                Yawn ! stop your pitiful attention seeking.


              • #

                Come on then, Peter,

                Apart from the word “idiot”, which I have apologised for, what is uncivil about the post ?


              • #

                Thanks Peter Fitzroy. Unfortunately clarence.t lacks the wit to follow the way responses to comments move through the blog.

                The original comment, # 14 from David Maddison, stated

                “The majority of American Sheeple are at least as dumbed down and brain washed as typical Aussies and our dominant media is just as Left wing,

                My response was that Australian media is not left wing as News Corp, a right wing organisation, has the major input .

                clarence.t’s response was

                “Do you really think that it isn’t a sales issue that allows the Murdoch press to sell more newspapers. !

                He then went on to say in a further comment

                “The Murdoch press is subject to the same media rules as everyone else.. except the ABC.

                The fact is that they do a better job, and sell more newspapers, because they cater to a more balanced audience.”

                and followed that with

                ““Nine Entertainment’s combined print-only readership was a much smaller 0.8 million to 1.2 million. “

                What does that tell you about their marketability, Ian !”

                and concluded with this, rather garbled, statement

                “Ian cannot stand that there is the Murdoch newspapers have a somewhat balanced point of view.

                Just not allowed in his leftist/marxist world.”

                As is apparent clarence.t clearly does not realise he has confirmed, in spades, my original statement that the Australian media is not dominated by leftist media.

                The fact that he does not realise it speaks volumes regarding his ability to understand what he reads.


              • #

                Ian just keep digging deeper.

                Yes Newscorp sells more newspapers.. Well done NewsCorp.

                That because they provide a balanced outlook.

                ABC has far more outlet and is definitely leftist, with some 80% of its presenters being Greens voters…. and everyone is forced to pay for it via taxes.

                Sorry that you cannot accept the fact that overall the media is tilted significantly to the left.

                And that you cannot accept that NewsCorp sells more.. because it caters to a wider audience.

                It doesn’t cater just to the far-left like the Gruniad, Age etc…

                That is a good thing, so stop complaining and whinging about it.


              • #

                Calling someone a “denier” is abusive. Deliberate reference to N@zis.


              • #

                “Unfortunately clarence.t lacks the wit”

                Oh dear.. is that the best you can do as an insult !.


              • #


                First 3 lines above were not meant to be bold.

                No idea how it happened


              • #

                … and to say the free-to-air TV media is not heavily leftist is just not facing reality..

                How much free-to-air TV does “NewsCorp” own, I wonder.


            • #

              Why is calling a leftist who has no idea how a grid works an “idiot” outrageous but leftist abuse is considered routine? “Denier” is deliberately abusive for starters.

              Fitz has to control himself here where he is outnumbered but go anywhere leftists don’t have such limits and the abuse resembles carpet bombing.


          • #

            “Nine Entertainment’s combined print-only readership was a much smaller 0.8 million to 1.2 million. “

            What does that tell you about their marketability, Ian ! 😉


          • #

            Ian, you’re just quoting print figures. Online is where most of the readership is with online beating print about 2 to 1. Of the online newscorp sits at about 25% and Nine and ABC combine for a bit over 50%.

            Our Aus media is left wing dominated for two reasons. Newscorp actually has commentators and contributors from both sides of politics. The ABC virtually only has commentators from the left and the Nine media is also left dominated.
            Yes, newscorp has more “right” commentators than “left”, but their balance is better than the other two and therefore the dominance is left.


            • #

              Ian cannot stand that there is the Murdoch newspapers have a somewhat balanced point of view.

              Just not allowed in his leftist/marxist world.


          • #
            Kalm Keith

            Exactly; BS.


      • #

        Then I suggest you check out how many far-left ABC TV stations there are.

        How many channels they have in capital cities.

        Also how many free-to-air channels NewsCorp doesn’t have.

        And how many radios stations the ABC has, compared to NewsCorp.

        And no, News Corp is centrist, a far cry from the rabid leftism of the Age, SMH etc.

        Then you could ask, why do NewsCorp newspapers have such high circulation numbers? compared to the leftist papers.

        There must be a reason, hey Ian


      • #

        You really are whiney, whingy little marxist, aren’t you Ian !!


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Yes, and this situation concerns me about the ethics involved.


        • #

          I find myself in strange territory …. agreeing with Peter Fitzroy. That “idiot” isn’t an appropriate reply. Likewise the above comment (20.4.3) is not designed to benefit the conversation.


          • #
            el gordo

            Reminds me of the good old days, clarence has andy’s voice, but I agree its verbal abuse. Of course if he said ‘idjit’ Mr Fitzroy may have taken a softer line instead of appealing to higher authority.

            I dislike opinionated bullies of all political persuasions.


            • #

              It was a mark of exasperation at the lack of comprehension of the situation by Ian.

              I apologised for the use of the word.

              Murdoch sells more newspaper.. there must be a good reason for that.

              Unlike the ABC, it is not taxpayer funded, and nobody is forced to pay for it.


              • #

                You did apologise for the use of the word, which was good.
                However, in the same message you then said, “Sorry you take “leftism” as such an insult”. Straight back to calling him an idiot again. It wasn’t subtle. Arguably a funny jibe but still a repeat.

                More than likely in a forum like this it’s a long shot that someone is going to convince someone of the opposite view to change their mind. It’s even less likely if you insult them. There’s little point in a blog like this if its ability to educate is hampered by the way discussion is conducted.


              • #

                There is absolutely zero likelihood of convincing Peter or Ian that they are wrong…

                …. no matter how many facts are put in front of them.


              • #

                ““leftism” as such an insult”. Straight back to calling him an idiot again”

                Interesting that you also take the word “leftism” as constituting an insult..

                .. equivalent to that of “idiot”. 😉


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                Strop, that’s exactly what Andy and I were saying some years back;

                “There’s little point in a blog like this if its ability to educate is hampered by the way discussion is conducted.”

                The blog was being hampered by non contributing contributors who never showed any intention of exploring a topic but instead constantly threw and currently throw up unjustified contrary interjection.

                Some of the heat for this current spat must rest with the three;

                S, I and P.

                If people read their comments what would they find? Genuine contributions or mischief (lesser description used).


              • #

                Interesting that you also take the word “leftism” as constituting an insult..

                .. equivalent to that of “idiot”.

                I don’t. I just read it as that’s what you were implying. Tell me that wasn’t what you meant (that the words were inter-changeable) and I’ll apologise for putting words in your mouth.


              • #

                The blog was being hampered by non contributing contributors who never showed any intention of exploring a topic but instead constantly threw and currently throw up unjustified contrary interjection.

                Some of the heat for this current spat must rest with the three;

                In this instance I think it wasn’t unreasonable or mischief by Ian to point out that in the print media readership stats there is a dominance of newscorp reach. That is the angle pushed by K Rudd and so on the surface it can sound like an unfair dominance. Particularly when it satisfies a confirmation bias. There are possibly some others who may share that view point of that statistic and have equally swallowed Rudd’s comments.

                So for it to be put forward here (even if in mischief) and is answered in a reasonable and polite way, there’s a better chance that the counter view (readership share has nothing to do with unfair media dominance if people are choosing to read the publication) will be accepted upon reflection. Plus it’s an opportunity to offer the counter view to those who have a similar thought or acceptance of Ian’s view (or Rudd’s view).

                Sure, there comes a point when some comments may be so out there they don’t deserve a response, and that no response is probably the best way to react to them. The fact that Ian hadn’t concluded from the stats the same thought Clarence had doesn’t mean he is an idiot or that he deserves to be called one.


              • #

                “I just read it as that’s what you were implying.”



              • #

                Sorry Clarence, for misinterpreting and putting words in your mouth.

                Peter had taken exception to you calling Ian an idiot and you said sorry and also, “Sorry you take “leftism” as such an insult”.
                Given leftism didn’t appear to be Peter’s concern but “idiot” was, at least in this conversation but maybe it was in another, it appeared you were inter-changing the words as a jibe.


              • #
                Sceptical Sam

                Perhaps, Strop, you need to define the modern use of the term “idiot”.

                Wikipedia, that font of all leftist interpretations, has this to say:

                An idiot, in modern use, is a stupid or foolish person.


                Are you sure you’re not demonstrating a sensitivity that is, just, like, so out of date?


              • #

                Hi Sam,
                I have no issues with or sensitivity toward the word idiot. My concern was with the unnecessary personal insult in the message regardless of the word used for the insult.
                Whether idiot, dipstick,numnut, dingbat, frigwit, or whatever. It’s not a great way to discuss something for reasons stated above and below.


              • #
                Sceptical Sam

                I take your point, Strop. And a good one too.

                The person may not be an idiot even though his comment is idiotic (in the modern leftist’s sense of the word).


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                Re Strop at 1.55 PM.

                Hi, when you say that the word “idiot” shouldn’t be used here, I agree, but in taking the “discussion” about the readership of various newspapers as an issue, you are moving away from my main focus.

                My response involving Andy was mainly because I found it more than a coincidence that Clarence was finding the comments by “the three” as being what Andy and I had experienced long ago.

                Andy frequently was able to comment about aspects of science around global warming that I wasn’t fully sure of and his contributions helped me understand things better.

                In the case of “The Three” I can’t recall any discussion or contribution that had a scientific content.

                Calling out “show me your links” is not science.


              • #

                KK stop being a dolt. C.t is Andy.


          • #
            Kalm Keith


            and some time ago one of the moderators pointed out the huge, behind-the-scenes, job that was done by Jo and the mods to constantly screen contributions here.

            And still there are three or so current non contributing contributors who get through that screen.
            Why? Are they being used?

            My thought is that they are being exposed to constant assessment by the rest of the contributors who see them for what they are?

            Is that being fair to them?


            • #
              Sceptical Sam

              What’s fairness got to do with it?

              Gee! If the hat fitz, wear it.

              Unfortunately, they tend to talk through it.


          • #

            And I apologised for it !


          • #

            You do have to wonder why Ian is complaining about Murdoch’s business savvy…

            … as though being able to cater to a wider, more balanced audience, and thus sell more newspapers, is a bad thing!


            • #

              I don’t wonder. I know why he’s complaining about it. Some people only want their viewpoint issued to the community and any alternate must be quelled.
              Given so much content is now accessed via online people have choices. There’s the ABC and Guardian for free. Newscorp and Nine Media content you have to pay for. There’s no dominance issue. Particularly when the free content is of the left and easily available.


          • #
            Kalm Keith

            I agree, but since Andy was mentioned below the long drawn out issue of those who don’t contribute to the discussion has come up again.

            Perhaps the only way to draw attention to this is to use very plain and unambiguous comments like that from Clarence.

            And it worked. We are discussing it.

            There’s a difference between Tony’s post yesterday about Santo and Johnny on the one hand and the posts by S, I and P who simply yell out “wrong” or write something to contradict considered argument.

            If we wanted to be subjected to that sort of unscientific politicised clap trap we could just go to Skeptical Skience Blog.


            • #

              Wow. Imagine if Andy was posting here as well. Or Fred250 from WUWT who mysteriously stopped posting there just a few weeks ago.

              Plain abuse and chest thumping is what drives a robust discussion.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                And it seems that you are willing to exclude half the thinking population with your comment.


              • #

                Whereas non posts like yours, contribute nothing.


              • #
                el gordo

                Its astonishing how much discussion Mr Fitzroy can generate with just a single word.


              • #
                el gordo

                Leaf contributes as a counterpoint and we need to encourage more commenters from the green/left to join in discussion. Not to feel intimidated by right wing bullies, careful how you go.


              • #
                Sceptical Sam

                It is neither “right wing” nor “bullying” to point out the foolishness and downright ignorance of the green/left’s vacuous propaganda, el gordo.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                It really takes some imagination to picture , Women thumping their chests.


              • #

                “Leaf contributes”

                Rarely !. !


            • #

              It seems that you, like clarence.t do not realise I was replying to the statement by David Madison that the dominant Australian media is left wing pointing out the predominant media in Australia is from News Corp.

              At this clarence.t with his usual inability to understand the bleeding obvious, reinforced my point by stating that News Corp sold more papers than anyone else . When I pointed out that is what I had said he rushed back to talk about the ABC and the number of stations it has. But as Conservative commenters here and elsewhere state categorically they do not watch/listen to the ABC it is apparent it is not as widely disseminated as is News Corp with its 100 or so right wing regional papers

              The whole point of my original comment was to challenge David Maddison’s comment that Australian media is predominantly leftist, a challenge clarence.t unwittingly supported wholeheartedly despite his later protestations to the contrary when his comments were played back to him.

              You state “There’s a difference between Tony’s post yesterday about Santo and Johnny on the one hand and the posts by S, I and P who simply yell out “wrong” or write something to contradict considered argument.

              There ain’t no considered argument from clarence.t. He is all over the place trying to gloss over his inadvertent support of something with which he actually disagrees. He cheerfully yelled out wrong but lacked the ability to express himself cogently in his subsequent comments

              As for your criticism regarding views from the few who, on some topics, may have a different view from the majority, it is to Jo’s eternal credit she hasn’t turned this blog into the far right echo chamber you so ardently desire judging from your comment “If we wanted to be subjected to that sort of unscientific politicised clap trap we could just go to Skeptical Skience Blog”.

              Just check out the comments you so despise and you will find that far from being “unscientific politicised clap trap ” they generally give appropriate links to substantiate their views, something that most here including yourself and clarence.t rarely do.


              • #

                “predominant media in Australia is from News Corp. “

                Except its not !

                Only in the print media, because they cover a wider audience hence sell more newspapers.

                ABC is the predominant media presence by far..


              • #

                And Skeptical Science… LOL

                The fact that you think they are non-biased or in any way scientific, says all we need to know about your understand of balance and science.

                Perhaps you can find another poll to get your opinion from, Ian !


              • #

                You just can’t accept that the balanced centrist approach of NewsCorp print media, only partially balances the far-left ABC and their tax-payer funded TV dominance, can you, Ian.


              • #

                Then of course you have Nine, which gets around the cross-media laws by using subsidiary companies and has both TV and print media.

                Nine and its subsidiaries print the very leftist AGE, SMH etc

                NewsCorp has no free-to-air TV at all in any capital city.


              • #
                el gordo

                The Cat and his mate own a big chunk of NSW mastheads.



              • #

                At this clarence.t with his usual inability to understand the bleeding obvious

                This is equivalent to Clarence calling you an idiot. Peter Fitzroy can now acknowledge that alarmists also get to say what they want on this blog, and freedom of speech isn’t the domain of “deniers”. #

                My comment above to Clarence suggesting non-constructive personal criticism doesn’t open anyone’s ears applies here too.

                With regard to your suggestion Clarence argues against himself. It could appear so on the basis that a) he says Newscorp is not the dominant media and b) Newscorp’s high readership share is because they have a good product. (I’m paraphrasing) However, the two comments or angles are not necessarily opposed.

                Firstly, what defines a dominant media. You started out with ownership and then moved to quoting readership numbers where newscorp were 2 to 3 times the number in print media. (0.8-1.2 vs 2-2.9) So is ownership or readership what defines dominant? From a brainwashing aspect, brain washed was in David Madison’s original comment, perhaps readership is the right measure. Because owning 99% of media isn’t going to brainwash anyone if everyone reads the 1% newspaper owned by someone else.

                Now Clarence supported your comment that newscorp has a high print readership. He said it was a choice people made based on the quality of the product. This is a reasonable position given ownership is the angle that K Rudd complains about but quotes readership to try and prove his point … I mean mislead those listening to him. Clarence is defending product quality and choice.

                But he also points out that the dominant media is left leaning media, such as the ABC with it’s mandated in legislation community reach with radio, online, and TV, and Nine with it’s print, radio, online, and TV.
                So while you’re using print media only as a demonstration of newscorp’s dominance and arguably “right” dominated media, Clarence is looking at the big picture of media and saying the “left” angle has the dominance in both ownership and reader/viewer/listener-ship.

                So Clarence defending the dominance in one small portion of the media (Newscorp in print) that is earned by people paying by choice, does not negate his overall argument that the majority of media in Aus of the “left”.

                Whether people are getting brainwashed or not is another matter. But the dominent media in Aus is left leaning on both an ownership (incl. govt ownership) or a reader/listener/viewer basis.


              • #

                “inability to understand the bleeding obvious”

                Yet that was exactly what I stating…. the “bleeding obvious”.

                Ian just has difficult accepting it.


              • #
                Forrest Gardener

                Just one serious question Ian. Why are you here at all?


      • #

        In any of those ‘not left wing’ Murdoch’ papers, has the word ‘Ivermectin’ ever appeared?


      • #
        Forrest Gardener

        Ian why are you here at all?


  • #
    David Maddison

    After the coup against President Trump, the Left in the US and everywhere are acting without restraint. The Left will destroy the US, and Western Civilisation in general.


    • #

      Let’s wait and see how far they can go before a civil war eventuates, assuming most Americans haven’t been brainwashed, in which case the Republic is completely obliterated. The alternative is the union breaks apart peacefully to avoid a civil war, and people are allowed to relocate uncontested.


      • #
        Dave in the States

        There is already a civil war in progress, it just hasn’t gone hot. It’s the Swamp vs the Deplorables. There are several segments of society that are just cannon fodder in this cold war but don’t realize they are just being used. Biden’s policies make sense in that context. Like I told a buddy yesterday, Biden is screwing over America good and hard and he is thoroughly enjoying it.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘The Left will destroy the US, and Western Civilisation in general.’

      Why the preoccupation with a failed state?


      • #

        Because the US is our only ally with nukes that can protect us from serious threats, at least until now. Biden might just let us go. That’s the real reason we should develop our own nuclear power industry, but I do understand we won’t because of our childish attitude towards nuclear energy,


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          In hindsight;

          Until 1969 I felt that Australia was a wonderful country and that it was Growing.

          Since 1975 I have increasingly been concerned that it’s Wilting.


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Seems reasonable David. What comes after the destruction?


  • #
    David Maddison

    Interesting and simple demonstration for those interested in antennas and electromagnetics.



    • #

      Very good demos David. It’s interesting that despite the fact that Maxwells Equations in the 1890s described mathematically how radio waves should work, well before Marconi proved that they did work, we still don’t really understand how radio energy propagates through space. Yet we continue to use these principles for all radio transmissions.


  • #
    David Maddison

    We all know how the Leftist Elites LOVE flying everywhere in their private jets, including to “climate catastrophe” conferences.

    Well, the EU now proposes to exempt private jets from fuel tax. But the non-Elites who travel as passengers on commercial jets WILL have to pay the tax.

    Just like Animal Farm where some are more equal than others.

    Orwell was a prophet.



    • #

      His latest video is very disturbing. I did think that all the conspiracy about the vaccines being used as a tool to control the masses was hogwash. Now I’m wondering if that’s exactly how it’s all going to played out by our political “masters”. Time will tell.
      Lock down Freedom Day!! What Freedom Day?
      If governments refuse to protect our free choice not to be vaccinated by allowing places of employment and business to refuse those who are not vaccinated, then all is lost and we will be well on the way of being slaves.


    • #

      I expect we will be hearing soon from those who get confused between subsidies and rebates, such as the mining companies who get a refund of road taxes on fuel used by vehicles on private roads.

      And the Greens who who have been running a petition to get billionaires to pay their share of tax.


      • #

        I like the people that get so righteous about CGT and negative gearing with no clue about how they work in real life, just regurging memes.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          “Negative Gearing” is simply the tax provisions applicable to all business activity.


  • #
    • #
      David Maddison

      Farcebook “fact checkers” always append that image saying it is a diesel van, not gasoline, and it is towing a battery pack, not generator.

      Presumably the battery pack is recharged with fossil fuels, nuclear or proper hydro. Most probably coal because that is the most common proper power generation method.

      The charging /discharging efficiency for lithium ion batteries is 80-90%, let’s say 85% on average.

      When that battery gets charged by coal it loses 15% of the original energy. Then another 15% when it discharges to charge the car battery. Then the car battery being recharged loses a further 15%. And then an additional 15% as it drives away.

      That’s a LOT of extra fossil fuel that has to be burned when gasoline has efficiency losses only once.


      • #

        The round cycle efficiency of any battery is dependent on its rate of charge and discharge. A lithium house bank achieves around 95% round cycle efficiency. It is way above lead/acid:
        The chargers and load controllers can achieve efficiencies in the high 90s. So taking them into account lowers power in to power out down to low 90s for the overall lithium storage system.

        The cycle efficiency of an EV battery depends on how hard the vehicle is driven. Essentially the same as the economy of an ICE vehicle. Foot to the floor on accelerator and brake lowers efficiency of both systems.


        • #

          Just perfect for Police use, notably Highway Patrol vehicles.



          • #

            One of the US counties tried a few EV police cars. Experiment ceased when one off the EVs ran out of charge while involved in a chase.


      • #

        Funny how when it suits them they will quite happily call a battery pack a generator.

        and as calling a diesel van good? such heresy, its wonder they didn’t burst into flames!


    • #
    • #

      Slowest jump start evah!!!!


    • #
      shortie of greenbank

      There was a picture on WUWT some years back of an electric car charging from a point connected to a shed with a chimney billowing black smoke as the large generator gets to work charging a single vehicle. the kind of logic has been around for a long time.


  • #

    Interesting presentation by James Corbett on the future/present.

    The notes and links mentioned in the Vid https://www.corbettreport.com/humandesign/


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Pleased to meet you,
      hope you guessed my name.
      But what’s fussing you is,
      the nature of my game.

      Doo-doo, doo-doo . . .


  • #

    12-year-old boy defending mother fatally shoots armed home intruder

    “I don’t know what you tell a kid at that age. I’ve tried to reflect myself when my kids were 12-years-old, or maybe when I was 12-years-old, what I know is a very horrific incident. He’s really a hero for taking care of his mother,” Sheriff Jeff Travis told the Washington Examiner.

    If this happened here in Australia, the outcome would have been very different, unfortunately. I suspect in Victoria the police would arrest the child and treat him as the criminal for daring to protect his mother from being murdered.


  • #

    It is very important for Australians and others to be aware of this and to discuss it with other people, knowledge is power …

    “The Great Reset is a ‘hiding in plain sight’ agenda: Bernardi
    January 29, 2021 – 20:17PM

    The ‘Great Reset’ is the hiding in plain sight agenda of the World Economic Forum, a globalist institution staffed by “leftist elites” who want to dictate how you live your life, says Sky News host Cory Bernardi.

    “It (World Economic Forum) was started by a chap named Klaus Schwab and has run what is the equivalent of the Woodstock event for the super-rich and super powerful – Davos – for many years,” Mr Bernardi said.

    “Davos is on now, although there are fewer private planes parked this year than normal.

    “It’s not because they’re practicing what they preach and they’ve all gone green and ditched the gas guzzlers but it’s because of coronavirus.”

    Mr Bernardi pointed out the “hypocrisy” of those so-called leaders who are “jetting in” to lecture about the need to take urgent action on climate change by reducing emissions.

    “The Great Reset is only a new term to mask their previous failures to control economic and social foundations,” he said.

    “The World Economic Forum is just a cabal of climate crusaders and social engineers who think they know what is best for the rest us.””


    • #

      Reset – Build Back Better, New Green Deal.

      Among the elite communist propaganda is the advice that most people would be better off if they owned nothing, we should handover our assets and become welfare dependent on government and rent a home, which reminds me of the Agricultural Age when people lived on estates and worked for the Lords of Manors and in return were given tiny houses and even tiny villages and common ground for growing vegetables to feed the family.

      Or people starved and were homeless and had very short lives.


      • #

        July 11, 2021 at 12:40 pm · ……., which reminds me of the Agricultural Age when people lived on estates and worked for the Lords of Manors and in return were given tiny houses and even tiny villages and common ground for growing vegetables to feed the family.

        The principle still exists in the UK at least….likely elseware also.
        Rural Ag jobs often come with accommodation ,…seasonal “temp” jobs in Australia ( fruit harvesting, shearing, etc) might be bunk house type facilities…… but many permanent Ag jobs still have family accommodation/ house type facilities included…traditionally termed “tied “ accommodation.
        IE, if you lose the job, you also lose the accommodation !


      • #
        shortie of greenbank

        Build Back Better was used as a slogan in some recent Suncorp Insurance ads.

        I’ve accosted those positively spinning taking part in a WEF function earlier in the year, I actually received more support for my resistance to their supporting the WEF than there were total pro comments and usually you only get middle managers sucking up in those places. felt good to get one up as a pleb.


        • #
          shortie of greenbank

          just need to clarify, I didn’t accost suncorp but those in the company I work for that is not related to suncorp. Just pointing out the tendrils of this corporate feudalism are everywhere.


  • #

    And now for some Sunday light relief. 😉

    Left Wing Yoga

    I normally think Sammy J is a twat, but this one hits the spot.


    • #

      I suspect it’s doublespeak so he actually believes in all that double standard crap. That’s how leftists think. Also, the leftists are becoming far more brazen and open about espousing their leftist ideologies. They truly believe they know everything and the rest of us need to comply by being “retrained” or else…..


  • #

    A reminder to me why I do not watch ABC news and current affairs … happened to see ABC TV News a few minutes ago while changing channels, an item about shellfish dying in Canada, heatwave conditions plus low tides blamed.

    As the item ended a young man commented that there can be no doubt that climate change is underway.


    • #

      Then the question is why would a so called conservative government keep funding a left-wing propaganda broadcaster that hates conservative politics? Being an appeaser to organisation with left-wing ideological falsehoods and deceptions makes them just as guilty as the actual people who thrust such propaganda onto the public. There can be no excuse for our taxpayer money to be going to a propaganda machine.


      • #
        shortie of greenbank

        Conservatives are generally a badly worn handbrake when slamming it in reverse is what is truly needed.


    • #

      low tides? how can it be ?


  • #

    Indonesia’s Covid hell as Australians may have to wait years to go back to Bali

    Graveyards and hospitals full of Covid patients have changed the face of Indonesia, as the military patrol popular Aussie hotspots and clear them of foreigners.

    Almost overnight the price of oxygen doubled from $67 for a single cylinder to $175, as the frantic families of the infected queue for hours to buy the lifesaving oxygen from small stalls.

    The price of the ring worm medication Ivermectin has doubled to $55 a strip of ten tablets in the past few days. The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir recently held a press conference where he said that several respected medical journals supported the drug’s efficacy.

    “We are going forward with a production capacity of four million tablets a month, this drug is hoped to be a solution to mitigate the coronavirus in Indonesia,” Mr Thohir said.

    With 47.5 million doses of the vaccine – predominantly China’s Sinovac – administered, almost 9 per cent of Indonesia’s 270 million people are fully vaccinated.

    Graveyards in Jakarta are among the few businesses in the capital that are recruiting workers. Ambulances laden with the dead in white coffins, line the approaches to cemeteries which are populated with dozens of grave diggers and excavators ready to carve the soft tropical soil for yet another grave.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Sounds bad on the face of it.


      • #

        Decided to do an hour of Imogen One Oxygen Generator

        Prior to start took readings – interesting 2nd finger 95 on Finger Pulse Qximeter, whilst middle finger reads 98 – levels taken every 3 weeks at Hospital usually 95-96 so matches home readings.


      • #
        Peter C

        That sounds a bit skeptical KK.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Well, I’ve never been to Indonesia, a country with a huge population and extremely large group of wealthy elite, but can picture the living conditions of the vast bulk of the population.

          Most would be crowded city or basic rural.

          Comparing Indonesian covid deaths with Australian might need to account for many factors not immediately visible to the assessors.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          A parallel might be in the initial New York CV19 “deaths”.

          When I read that most of the deaths were in nursing homes I looked up details about those places.

          First, the population of older people in those homes was huge and representative of what might be expected of a very wealthy area.

          Second, the average “stay” in those homes was about 18 months; a good indication of the health of those people.

          There may have been other issues, such as ventilation but the main point is that in most other countries and locations this cohort would have been gone long before.

          They were labeled as CV19 but really?

          The “data” we are being hit over the head with is not all that reliable; unless you are Bill Gates.


          • #
            shortie of greenbank

            Ivor Cummins of Fat Emperor fame had claimed the data seemed to indicate average life lost would average close to 6 months i.e. most people died from wuflu, not with wuflu would have on average about 6 months left to live normally.

            While normal flus kill at a lower rate the average loss of life is much larger.


    • #
      dinn, rob

      5-21-21 Fear fuels stupidity. By June 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) had announced that asymptomatic transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is “very rare.”…

      It’s not smart to keep people indoors when by May 2020 we knew 66% of New York’s new cases were in folks who stayed home. After more than a year, the CDC finally acknowledged real-world evidence and “the science,” and announced that “less than 10%” of transmission occurred outdoors. Data show the actual outdoor transmission is somewhere between 0.1 and 1%….

      Wall Street predicts that in 2021 Pfizer and Moderna will generate $32 billion in COVID-19 vaccine revenue. Was the drug and health product manufacturers’ $92 million to lobbyists in the last three months intended to ensure the federal government’s cooperation?…Social media were censoring experts who disagreed with the wizards at WHO, NIH and CDC, and medical journals funded by Big Pharma. https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/pandemic-craziness-fueled-stupidity-fear-greed/


    • #

      “We are going forward with a production capacity of four million tablets a month,

      He can’t be serious. Indonesia’s population is 270 mill.

      People will be getting “old” as fast [slow?] as they can be treated.


    • #
      • #

        That’s quite a projection for 1st October 2021 – 172,699 reported COVID-19 deaths
        based on Current projection scenario by October 1, 2021

        Hope Ivermectin works


        • #

          “Hope Ivermectin works”

          How can you doubt it? Surely it must work. Mustn’t it? It is pushed enough here as a preferred treatment of Covid-19
          by many commenters.


          • #

            Ian, it might surprise you, but there are people who would prefer to use a proven safe and probably effective medicine, rather than a genetically modified time bomb injected into their arms.

            A concoction that is proving to cause blood clots and seriously stuff around with the body systems.

            You go get it Ian. Follow the leftist sheeple as is your meme.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        The graphs and presentation are outstanding and would be very useful to politicians.

        As for understanding or working out a plan to get through the CV19 drama, that’s another story.


    • #
      Curious George

      “Australians may have to wait years to go back to Bali.”
      Easy. Build your own Bali. It won’t be as cheap, but it will be your own.


  • #

    Any experts (non government type. End sarc.) care to comment on this:

    Seems totally correct. Factor in the Graphene oxide and….
    Ok – how do we neutralise these kill shots, if it’s even possible?


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      I’ve been concerned about the blase’ approach to annual rushed flu jabs but these CV19 things are at another level.

      But I feel much more comfortable knowing that many leaders have bared their arms and taken the jab: Scomo, Bill Gates?, Boris, MaCron? and a number of public US figures.

      No Saline was involved in the making of these movies.

      Was it.


    • #

      Seems totally correct.

      This article and none that I could find by the “dr” appear to provide any evidence at all. Also they ignore the biological reality of mRNA – it runs out after a short period of time. The proteins that illicit the immune response soon disappear through normal degradation processes and through cell turn over.


      • #

        “it runs out after a short period of time. “

        After the damage is done.

        At least listen to the video next time.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        Thank goodness, it’s a relief to hear that.


      • #
      • #

        Except for reverse-transcription of mRNA into DNA.

        Researchers at MIT and Harvard:
        . . . investigated the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome and that transcription of the integrated sequences might account for PCR-positive tests [in patients after recovery]. In support of this hypothesis, we found chimeric transcripts consisting of viral [sic] fused to cellular sequences in published data sets of SARS-CoV-2 infected cultured cells and primary cells of patients, consistent with the transcription of viral sequences integrated into the genome.
        Their key findings were as follows: SARS-CoV-2 RNAs “can be reverse transcribed in human cells,” “these DNA sequences can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be transcribed”.

        Other medical researchers have described the consequences of mRNA transcribing into your DNA as making “the spike protein production permanent — and probably intergenerational” . . . assuming the patient lives long enough to reproduce.

        According to Ph.D. biochemist and molecular biologist Dr. Doug Corrigan, these important findings run contrary to “current biological dogma” as espoused by the CDC.

        Corrigan continues:

        Ordinarily, RNA is a “notoriously fragile” and unstable molecule, but the synthetic mRNA in the COVID vaccines is a different story. In fact, the step that ultimately allowed scientists and vaccine manufacturers to resolve their decades-long mRNA vaccine impasse was when they figured out how to chemically modify mRNA to increase its stability and longevity.

        Confirmatory evidence is lacking “to show that the spike protein only is expressed for a short amount of time (say 1-3 days) after vaccination,” adding, “We think that this is the case, but there is no evidence for that.

        Nor is reverse transcription uncommon. Geneticists report that “Over 40% of mammalian genomes comprise the products of reverse transcription.”


  • #

    Say, how about something different.

    I just heard this on the radio. I was only eight years old when this was a huge hit, and the song is one of my favourites to this day, and it’s amazing how some songs just stay with you.

    Sleepwalk – Santo And Johnny

    That’s a Fender Stringmaster Steel guitar with three eight string necks, each tuned to a different key. They don’t make them any more, and don’t even ask what one of these might bring these days.

    Santo Farina is playing it and that’s his 18 year old Brother Johnny behind him on the acoustic electric.

    This is such a beautiful piece of music.



  • #
    • #

      FBI Agents Raid Massive Terrorist Compound In California

      CARLSBAD, CA—After confiscating a LEGO Capitol Building from one of the conspirators of the worst day in our nation’s history, January 6, FBI agents uncovered an even more sinister plot, saying the LEGO conspiracy is far worse than they had feared. They’ve traced the conspiracy all the way to the top, raiding a massive terrorist compound in Carlsbad, California.

      “This place is terrifying,” murmured an FBI agent scoping out the place, which had big letters over the entrance saying “LEGOLAND.”

      According to investigators, they found models of nearly every government building in D.C. throughout the park, models of a giant X-Wing and various other starfighters, and even people dressed up as LEGO characters — all of which point to a terrorist plot to blow a bunch of things up around the world and across the galaxy.

      “Ladies and gentlemen, we got ’em,” said one agent as he put a man in a Ninjago costume into giant handcuffs and led him away. “These crazies won’t be causing any insurrections anymore. I can guarantee you that.”


      • #

        Better Hide Your LEGOs! FBI Goes Full-on Stasi With Its Latest Tweet

        We reported previously how someone in the FBI apparently thought it was important to report a suspect in the Capitol riot had a LEGO set of the Capitol. Worse yet, it was reported as a “fully constructed” set. Obviously part of the plan!

        Except that turned out to be false. According to the a memorandum in the case, it wasn’t even constructed. It was still in the box.

        Great job there. But the false story went out everywhere.

        But as if seizing LEGOs wasn’t enough, the FBI has another message for you — make sure you’re checking your friends and family for signs of extremism and reporting them to the FBI.

        That sparked a huge backlash from a lot of people on Twitter on a few different levels.

        First, that the FBI was asking people to monitor their family members and friends for signs of extremism and then fink them out to the FBI. Hello, how to sound like the KGB, the CCP, or the old East German Stasi and Nazis — where they encouraged kids to report on their parents. Yeah, no. We’re the United States of America, not whatever banana republic you want to turn us into.


        • #

          Meanwhile in Australia

          No sign of ‘normal’ as fear infects our leaders

          Nick Cater

          The police in NSW right now are not citizens in uniform, keeping public order by consent. They are enforcing government fiats by coercion. They are not appealing to our better instincts, encouraging people to make voluntary sacrifices for the common good. They are urging citizens to spy on their neighbours so they can sting unauthorised visitors to private homes with a $1000 fine.

          Switching from the politics of fear to the politics of proportion is proving harder than we might have imagined. A year and a half of exaggeration and finger-wagging has taken its toll and people are frightened. A survey of 1000 Australians last week by True North Poll asked people to estimate how many of the thousands of Covid-19 cases in Australia this year had resulted in death. The average estimate was 255, with 21 per cent of people estimating that there were more than 500. The right answer, chosen by just 18 per cent, was one, or zero if overseas cases are excluded.

          Chant made much of the fact that a teenager with Covid-19 is in an intensive care bed. Journalists on Saturday asked for details. How many of the younger people in hospital had comorbidities? Chant’s response: “I will have to get back to you with that information.”

          We hope she does, for if the public are to be forced into the discomfort of extreme lockdown, they deserve an honest assessment of the risks.


        • #
          another ian

          But! But! But!

          “Botched: More Embarrassing Details Emerge In FBI’s Snag Of Rioter With Lego Set”


          “Remember last week when The Daily Beast published a “scoop” revealing that one of the men charged in the January 6 Capitol riot had a “fully assembled” Lego model of the Capitol in his home? It turns out it wasn’t true; the man merely had the unopened box set.”

          FBI and “Egg on Face”?


      • #
        Curious George

        I received the following email from my Congresswoman Barbara Lee:

        “Dear Friend,

        The deadly white supremacist insurrection on January 6th was a stain on our nation and a blatant attack on our democracy.

        Five people were killed, 140 law enforcement officers were injured, and countless others were traumatized. This was an unprecedented attempt to silence the voice of the people and undermine the peaceful transfer of power.

        I wore my tennis shoes to the Capitol that day because I had a feeling something might go down. It’s crucial that we get to the bottom of what led to this dangerous attack on the Capitol.

        This week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and my Democratic colleagues in the House began establishing a bipartisan Select Committee to investigate this attack and ensure an assault on the Capitol and our democracy never happens again.

        Do you agree that the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol should be fully investigated?”

        I replied:

        “Dear Representative Barbara Lee:

        I fully agree with you that the events of January 6 should be investigated. The first-ever unarmed insurrection!

        But why do you call it the deadly white supremacist insurrection is beyond me. Let’s ban deadly fire extinguishers.

        Keep up the work, — (my name)

        (A little seeking the truth would be good for everybody. Including you. I don’t want my representative to look really silly.)”

        I sincerely hope that the Committee (they’ll establish it, I am sure) finds the person who shot an unarmed protester. This is the only killing to my knowledge. Five people killed? Name them.


  • #
    dinn, rob

    Researcher Yunchul Woo and his team at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) have now developed a membrane that is less susceptible to wetting and is stable in the long term….
    The hydrophobic nature of the nanopartcle-engineered membrane is helpful because it is designed to not allow water molecules to pass. Instead, a temperature difference is applied on the two sides of the membrane that causes water from one end to evaporate into water vapor. The membrane allows water vapor to pass, which then condenses onto the cooler side. Called membrane distillation, this is a commonly used method of desalination using membranes. Since the salt particles are not converted to the gaseous state, they are left out on one side of the membrane, giving highly purified water on the other side. https://interestingengineering.com/nanofiber-membrane-filters-999-of-salt-from-seawater-within-minutes

    Woo and his team have published at least 10 articles on this salt to fresh water process. -r


    • #

      I have a multitude of good fact based theories…
      One is that I suspect plankton is our salt desalination in the Oceans as we have lost massive amounts of water to space.
      When you evaporate a jar of junk water, the chemicals are more concentrated as the water evaporates so why didn’t the Oceans become more saltiness…


      • #

        That Oceanographer Currie has done a multitude of water salt testing worldwide and in many cases, the water was saltier on top of the Oceans than down below.


        • #

          Another fact based theory is our evaporation process is the Nitrogen gas on the surface vibrating tremendously with the heat.
          We have atmospheric pressure by the Sun’s exhaust gases that traps our planet in a frictional rotation as the gases on one side are less pressure that on the outside of 9ur planet due to distance.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Very good video. Please watch. Text from video follows.

    Covid and the Clash of Ideologies



    The foundations of the bogus Covid narrative are crumbling. The novel recipe of lockdowns, masks, fear campaigns and lots of stickers turns out not only to entail horrific collateral damage, but to worsen Covid outcomes. An edifice of lies has been sustained by ruthless censorship, media blankets, and extensive conflicts of interest at our institutions of public health and science. As the lies are exposed, we stand at a crucial junction in history. Down one road lies a painful repeat lesson from history—that technocratic centralisation and surveillance deliver only stasis and gross inequality. Down the other lies an opportunity to cast off the yokes of woke critical theory, concentration of power and safety culture, and to reassert the generativity afforded only by personal agency, freedom of expression, decentralization and an evolutionary approach to knowledge and economy.

    Find full resources for this presentation at: https://www.pandata.org/covid-and-the-clash-of-ideologies/

    LBRY URLlbry://@PANDA#3b/CovidandtheClashofIdeologies#c


    • #

      Thank-you David,
      I’ve just finish watching the video and all I can say is it was truly worthwhile. A stunning piece, and awesome in the reality it shows. I’ll be spreading this to all the blogs and people I comment to who are concerned about this topic.



  • #

    Yup, be careful of covid19. Netherlands caseload explodes. Most spctacular example yet. Be interesting to know what is going on



  • #
    • #

      That’s 11 months old. Nothing has happened. The populace has not even been told to supplement Vit D since.

      At Nuremberg “I was following orders” was not accepted as defence. It should not be when we are holding our politicians to account either.


    • #

      G’day Ian,
      That article is dated Aug 20, so nearly 12 months ago. I don’t see any indication of its being implemented already, planned or even acknowledged by our clever politicians, health bureaucrats or “experts”. Do you?
      Dave B


  • #
    another ian

    “This is a long video, but it’s full of details about the dozens of patents related to SARS-COV2:


    Via Chiefio


  • #

    Here’s a handy database of Ivermectin COVID-19 studies (also includes HCQ, Zinc etc studies).



  • #
    David Maddison

    This site is very much about establishing and promoting objective truth. (Thanks Jo!)

    But the Left, who now dominate all levels of society don’t believe in objective truth or reality. Things, are, whatever you want them to be.

    President Trump was the very last hope the West had and the Left destroyed him.

    What hope have we got now?


    • #
      el gordo

      If you are a US citizen, where there is life there is always hope. Democracy is bigger than one man, which is why they have a collective running the country.

      Australia is travelling comfortably, all things considered.


      • #

        If you are a US citizen, where there is life there is always hope.

        And if all else fails they have the weapons to fight the Second War of Independence or is that the Second Civil War. We don’t have them.

        Thanks for nothing Howard.


        • #

          oh please, we are not disarmed. It depends who you imagine you are fighting.


          • #

            I haven’t got a rifle and couldn’t get one, not even an air rifle. [owned a .22 as a kid and knew how to shoot and drill them in the services] I don’t even know any one with a shot gun now. All the family’s guns were destroyed.

            How am I armed? Are there degrees to which one can be “disarmed”?


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          It was either remove the unregistered guns or gaol all the uglies.

          In modern Australia it’s counter woke to put someone away for serious assault, robbery or murder because we all “know” that people only commit crimes because they suffered disadvantagement.

          The real crime is in the political/judicial system that fails to act and keep us safe by jailing criminals.

          The woke will note that I have been nationally unbiased in the description of the place where armed criminals should end up.


        • #

          The way things are going over there, they might need them.


  • #
    • #

      Excellent though he needs to lighten up towards the end; sure it’s serious and they’re out to get us but we need to have a laugh.


  • #

    A comment on SM drew my attention to look at Swedens covid curves on worldometers. It has been a long time since i last looked.

    I think they are very interesting and would appreciate any others observations and views…

    Referring the death graph –

    1. The first wave
    approx March to July 31 2020 (5 months) about 6000 dead

    2. The second wave
    approx November 2020 to May 31 2021 (7 months) about 8000 dead

    3. Vaccinations started during the second wave – December 2020

    Referring the Cases graph –

    4. Look at the difference in case numbers between the first and second waves.

    (Possible) changes between first and second wave –

    a. Possibly reporting and testing changes.
    b. Possibly changed community restrictions during second wave as opposed first (but they cant have been less?)
    c. Possibly affected by the Vaccine roll out occurred during start of second wave.




  • #

    According to the television news this evening the heatwave in Canada at this time resulting in shellfish dying at low tide would be “virtually impossible” without climate change.

    Hottest days since temperatures were reliably recorded, apparently.

    Oh really?


  • #

    Good morning all you Perth people. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting very excited because the weather bureau thinks it might rain tomorrow. And for the coming week. Obviously, this is all a cruel hoax, Tim Flannery has told us it won’t rain. Ever.

    And even if it did rain (which it won’t), then whatever falls won’t make it as far as the dams.

    Trust him, he’s a genius.




    • #

      Whatever. The good ole BOM totally missed our storm last week, yet almost every day they say we are “possibly” going to have some serious storms. FWIW, I plan to be out walking tomorrow morning when the BOM says Perth’s weather will be at its worst, as I know that the BOM rarely get the weather correct these days.


    • #
      shortie of greenbank

      On Flannery I had an ad from his ‘climate change council’ that started with a fire fighter (I think one of those pencil pushers who claimed to fight fires but didn’t, not sure) claiming the fires of late 2019 early 2020 were a direct result of climate change. I immediately reported it for making unreasonable claims since the CSIRO upon investigation did not claim as such. I then requested not to see the ad again only to get it for the next two videos I had.

      There are so many dodgy ‘ethical super’ type ads etc as well kicking about too. they certainly have the funding to push that rubbish.


  • #
    another ian

    Just a touch of sarcasm here

    “Kamala Harris on Voter ID Says Rural Rubes in America Ain’t Got No Fancy Photocopy Stuff
    July 10, 2021 | Sundance | 171 Comments”


    Ande comments


  • #

    ‘The TGA reports 300+ deaths following administration of COVID vaccines since February and 29,436 adverse reactions following COVID vaccines since February’



    • #
      Kalm Keith

      An interesting note from one doctor suggests that applying vaccinations during the actual pandemic might not be good practice?


  • #

    ‘Extraordinary footage shows 21 police cars parked along suburban streets in western Sydney as the state continues to enforce lockdown measures in the region.
    New South Wales Police have initiated a high-visibility operation in south-west Sydney after a spark of coronavirus cases in the area.’



    • #

      Major topic on prime time evening National News.
      .Covid lockdown enforcement in Sydney..
      …”.Police break up a group of 5 men playing Playstations in a garage “…!!
      And on a personal note,.. there were two armed police on duty at my local take away shop ensuring covid proceedures, (masks, QR codes ) .. were being enforced !
      … WTF ?


  • #
    David Wojick


    Proposed Green ecocide law does not work
    By David Wojick

    The beginning: “This is a funny story. The greens are hot to have what they call an Ecocide Law. This new international law would make illegal a bunch of things they do not approve of. So now a green group, the Stop Ecocide Foundation, has produced a proposed law.

    The problem is it does not work. The things it makes illegal are already illegal. The things the greens want to make illegal it does not touch. It appears that the authors have been blinded by their green zealotry. Their draft law does not say what they think it does.

    This kind of failure is not unusual. For many years my work was failure analysis of proposed regulations and laws. I developed a diagnostic system of 126 kinds of failure and it was often my job to tell the drafters that the text did not say what they thought it said. For background see http ://www.stemed.info/engineer_tackles_confusion.html

    The challenge is the legal definition of “ecocide”. Big new laws and regulations typically have a crucial definitions section. They are trying to pick out something new and make rules about it, in this case rules against it. A common form of failure is when the definition does not work. It either includes too much or too little. In this case it is too little. The problem is that a definition that actually worked would be ridiculous.

    Here is the proposed definition: “For the purpose of this Statute, “ecocide” means unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.”

    Sounds good, right? Well it ain’t. So let’s do some analysis.”

    The analysis is in the rest of the article


    • #

      ” substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.””

      This is great, they want to ban wind turbines and solar panels ! 🙂


  • #
    Rod McLaughlin

    I wander what y’all think of this


    Australia’s COVID Catch-22


    • #

      It says “It’s become like a Groundhog Day, set in late March 2020.” At the peak in March 2020 we had some 450 cases per day. In the peak of August 2020 it went up to around 700 per day. Today it’s around 40 or so per day. There is no comparison. They exaggerate.


    • #

      It seems to be a race between robust immunity delivered by the Delta variant vs weak immunity delivered by the more deadly but highly profitable “vaccine.”


      • #

        Has anyone seen hard evidence that Delta is more deadly? I haven’t. I’m willing to accept that it has a higher R0 but that looks to be exaggerated for political purposes too.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        I ticked this before, but it needs emphaasis.


    • #

      So from the peak in Ausgust 2020 it went from about 700 per day to some 40 per day today. Worldwide over the same period it has gorn from some 250,000 per day to 400,000 per day today. We are doing better than the rest of the world. In terms of deaths we are far better still. But who cares about the facts? They prefer to tell fibs.


    • #

      Aussies genuinely felt superior watching the rest of the world last year: we beat the virus, you got millions of deaths. The early success, however, bred arrogance and complacency.

      I don’t think anyone in Victoria was feeling superior. The other states might have felt superior to Victoria while the Vic govt royally stuffed up quarantine and locked us down hard for four months.


  • #

    I posted about out of season respiratory disease surges in various countries before.

    The UK is still on alert/worried.


    It would be ironic if flattening one curve resulted in dangerous peaks in other diseases. We’re now in the situation where several generations of children could get the lurgy all at once, potentially overwhelming NHS resources (obviously more limited for specialist child care).



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  • #

    Logistics and Costs for Australia to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 2050

    Author: Kenneth Schultz


    Across the world, politicians are going out of their way to promise fantastically expensive climate policies. US President Joe Biden has promised to spend $US500bn ($648bn) each year on climate — about 13 per cent of the entire federal revenue. The EU will spend 25 per cent of its budget on climate.

    Most rich countries, stampeded by climate activists and peer pressure now promise to go carbon neutral by mid-century.

    Surprisingly very few countries have made a serious independent estimate of the cost.


    Massive industrial and economic disruption. Unreliable energy. Higher energy prices reducing Australia’s international competitiveness.

    Deployment targets that will be logistically impossible to achieve in the time frame.

    A gargantuan total cost of $1.13 trillion.

    And in the words of Australia’s Chief Scientist, virtually no impact on the world’s climate.

    It begs the question, why would any political party want to condemn Australia to such an ill-conceived scheme that would decimate our economy while assisting China to grow economically, politically and militarily.



  • #
    David Maddison

    The 6000 year disaster cycle, Heinrich-bond events.

    5.5 minute video; https://youtu.be/RZHKmgaDavo


  • #

    2020 Global Energy Data Shows Fossil Fuels Completely Dominate World Energy Use

    Guest essay by Larry Hamlin

    British Petroleum has published its Global Energy Statistical Review for year 2021 showing dramatic pandemic caused declines in global energy use and emissions. Global energy use declined by 4.5% during the extraordinary 2020 pandemic year compared to year 2019 with global CO2 emissions dropping 6.3% in 2020 as well. These declines are the largest that have occurred in these measures since 1945

    Declines in global oil consumption accounted for nearly three quarters of the year 2020 energy use decline.



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    • #
      Kalm Keith

      A quick read of the titles of the submissions gives a good idea of the thinking.
      It seems that India may actually have some leaders.


      • #

        They are building lots of coal fired power stations so they must have some very good leaders. Too bad we don’t


        • #
          David Maddison

          They wanted to buy a lot of coal from Vicdanistan but the Andrews regime refused, for their own good, you know.


          • #

            In other words the Victorian state government doesn’t want India to increase their standard of living like the West has don’t. The government also neglects the fact that India will simply find another source of the coal. Stupid is as stupid does.


            • #

              “to increase their standard of living like the West has”

              That does seem to be one of the big agenda items of the AGW scam, doesn’t it.

              Stop development in third world countries, and try to bring developed countries back to that level.

              Socialist equality, I think its called. !


  • #

    COVID 19 will always be with us…forever and ever (AMEN).


  • #
    David Wojick

    The more they hype COP26, the better. It will make the bust all the bigger. Mind you hitting the wall of nothingness makes no sound.


  • #

    The Impossible Dream? Logistics and Costs for Australia to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 2050.
    In summary:
    Install 119,000 wind turbines over an area of 60,000 square kilometres
    Install 6 million rooftop solar systems.
    Build 22,000 solar farms.
    Plant 17 billion trees per annum on 201 million hectares, an area equivalent to 50 per cent of Australia’s total agricultural and grazing land.
    Build 6 nuclear power stations.
    Spend an estimated $1.13 trillion.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Stop being so realistic.


    • #
      Richard Owen No.3

      I didn’t see any reference to the cost of storage, which would be essential when those wind turbines and solar panels weren’t working well, say during calm overcast days.
      And on top we would need reactive power (see Lance in various blogs) to cover sudden surges in demand. There was a big one such in the UK when a popular TV broadcast finished and “everyone got up to put the kettle on”. Over 2GW increase in demand from memory.


    • #

      Perhaps there is are other costs, the cost to replace existing units and any units built between now and 2030, and the disposal of existing units. It has been discussed on this site that solar panels and wind turbines have a life of 20 years, so any plan to meet a requirement for net zero emissions by 2050 would need to include the replacement of existing units.


  • #
    another ian

    Interesting reading

    “Stay in Place Policies: Uncomfortable Facts”

    “To do so, we use data from 43 countries that implemented SIP policies and all 50 U.S. states. We estimate the effect of SIP policies using an event study approach. We also examine thechange in excess deaths following the introduction of SIP policies separately for each country and U.S. state. We also compare differences in excess mortality based on the timing of SIP policy implementation.

    In both settings, we fail to find that SIP policies saved lives. To the contrary, we find a positive association between SIP policies and excess deaths. We find that following the implementation of SIP policies, excess mortality increases. The increase in excess mortality is statistically significant in the immediate weeks following SIP implementation for the international comparison only. At the U.S. state-level, excess mortality increases in the immediate weeks following SIP implementation and then trends below zero following 20 weeks of SIP implementation.”



  • #
    another ian

    A view from outside

    “When you think the fear mongering can’t get any worse along comes the Australian government with a PTSD inducing TV campaign.”



    • #

      2GB once the bastion of common sense, truth and logic is doing the same thing and scaremongering their audience with similar tactics.


      • #

        Gone to the pack since Alan Jones left, Hadley is extolling the jab every minute of his 3 hrs.


  • #

    If you enjoy classical Spanish guitar, Ana Vidovic is perhaps the finest player I’ve ever heard.
    She is from Croatia, a child prodigy who began playing at age 5 and performed internationally at age 11.

    Asturias: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inBKFMB-yPg

    Recuerdos de la Alhambra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwjX-m4LkYk


  • #

    Football goes to ROME: Aussies explode as England choke AGAIN in 3-2 penalties loss to Italy in the Euro 2020 final to continue 55-year trophy drought – as wild scenes erupt on the streets of Melbourne

    From the Comments

    Shame for all that to have ended on penalties though isn’t it? It always seems a bit of a hollow victory, like why bother with the whole 90 minutes?

    Mids 90s visiting Head Office UK and staying in Pub near Godalming, on weekend was watching 1996 Semi-final – England 1-1 Germany (Shearer 3’; Kuntz 16’ – Germany win 6-5 on penalties)

    Turned to one of my English Mates (Actually from Ireland and Rugby & Gaelic Football Fan) and said exactly the same thing

    why bother with the whole 90 minutes? – just have a Penalty Shootout at the beginning and save the boredom


    • #

      I never had the opportunity to play AFL, but it looks the best game of them all for me. Reminds me of the Rugby I played but they don’t stop the game for a knock on.


      • #

        Played Hooker Rugby League at School – Jersey Flegg and President’s Cup for North Sydney Bears, and Hooker for Sydney Uni Engineering Rugby Team, but was introduced to AFL in 1968 when I moved to Melbourne with my new wife and discovered that if you did not know what was happening in the AFL comp then you could not join in conversations – got to enjoy the ganes I saw.

        With Melbourne Son-in-law (Carlton Supporter – Sad) and Sydney Son-in-law who worked for the GWS, I have become a rabid AFL Fan – the most exciting football game in the world and that includes visiting Boston 36 times over 3 1/2 years and becoming a Patriots Fan and seeing games at their Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts (also became a Boston Red Sox Fan and attended games at Fenway Park)


    • #

      Jam packed stadium with royals and dignitaries.

      Delta variant in UK

      Not a single person wearing a mask !


  • #

    From an article in Lockdown Sceptics (4th & 7th July 2021) entitled “Covid and the Death of the Scientific Method”

    “The present Government has made society believe that it is more important not to die than to have the ability to live. Sadly, we will all die, but they have shown that they can stop us living”.

    Here’s a question that everyone must ask: Why do we routinely accept and submit to this absurd behaviour of our government which causes needless disruption to daily life and destruction to the economy?


    • #

      I presume by “we” you mean the public in general. I and many others refuse to take the vaccines on the basis of logic and reason. On the balance of probabilities at the moment I’ve conclude that I have a higher risk of a serious illness or death by taking the vaccines than of the virus itself. Then there are the unknown long term effects. I might be happy to take the vaccines after a couple or so years once we have a much better understanding of them and are shown to be relatively safe. For now one really has to be naive to take up the experiential vaccines. I don’t like playing Russian Roulette with my health and life.


      • #

        Look for a thing called Novavax.. More like a regular vaccine.


        • #
          Brenda Spence

          I was thinking that too but after watching the video at #66, I’m not sure I want to produce antbodies just to the spike protein which is where the viral mutations occur.


      • #


        I’m a jab refusenik for similar reasons. My long-term objective research puts me in the position of knowing more than enough to never consent to become a laboratory test subject for the experimental medical procedure delivered by injection.


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  • #
    Brenda Spence

    Here is an interesting explanation from a French geneticist who questions the safety of the current “vaccines”.

    She explains what RNA is and how these vaccines work in human cells. Makes it simple. She also believes they should be stopped!

    Her English is a bit hard to follow at times but she knows her subject and makes me even more certain not to have them!



  • #
    Will Gray

    Is it time for James Bond to stop the evil Doctor Nudge?
    Accessing the 5g algorithm vector – graphine oxide – triggers from mass vaccination has threatened a global Holocaust.
    James must defeat Dr Nudge and destroy the networked virus.


  • #

    The first billionaire in space, oh glory.


  • #

    Interesting comment on what could happen in the US if an employee of a company gets sick or dies from a COVID19 vaccine:

    You cannot sue the vaccine companies and the government will not pay any damages either. They demand you get the jab, but have not done any research to ensure it is safe. However, if an employer insists that you get vaccinated, this is really quite foolish for they are NOT under the immunity blanket. If an employee missed work due to any side effects from receipt of the vaccine, the employer has a problem. Such an illness could be considered a compensable injury under workers’ compensation laws. If the employee dies because of a manadatory vaccine, the family may line up to sue the employer. Businesses better watch what they are doing. They can end up being responsible in many ways. Nobody asks if you got the flu shot or the Polio vaccine when you were a kid. Why is COVID so different when it is on par with the Flu insofar as being lethal. At the very least, this will become a Workman’s Comp claim which could seriously jeopardize the company long-term.



    • #

      When the Hawke government in 1990 hijacked the management of The Wool Corporation, they cut the price by 20% on the stockpile in which $5 billion had been invested. That’s a $1 billion writedown, without compensation.

      The lawyers told us that the government could do whatever it liked, no compensation was payable. We didn’t sue.

      In the years since I am sure I have seen cases where governments were successfully held accountable for their sctions.

      If I am right there then government surely can’t just declare itself immune to prosecution.


      • #
        another ian


        IIRC the duck shove on this in the tree clearing situation was that there is the provision for compensation in the Commonwealth constitution but not in those of Qld and NSW.

        So if it was a Commonwealth action then compensation ought to have applied


  • #

    How sneaky they didn’t even tell us about this petition and there only 4 days left to sign it !!! If you don’t want to be forced into taking the vaccine then sign the petition , we have every right to choose what vaccines go into our bodies and they can’t force you into it ! They need 100,000 signatures to stop them making it mandatory so far there 24,000 share around and sign it or we will lose our choice !

    Copy this and paste Into your search bar ! VV

    XMA Header Image
    e-petitions – Parliament of Australia


    • #

      Sneaky? It is the originator of the petition (ie the person you agree with) who is tasked with promoting the petition. They were lazy and that is where the fault lies.


  • #

    Petition EN2753 – No Mandatory Covid-19 vaccination



  • #
    Robert Christopher


    It isn’t Novel: it goes back over 20 years!

    A Manufactured Illusion


  • #
    Brenda Spence

    Heard on ABC radio this morning that nearly half of Jakartas population, 4.7 million out of a population of 10.6 million tested positive serologically for covid 19 antibodies. However only 8.1% had actually been confirmed as having the disease, the rest had gone undetected or were asymptomatic!

    What are the implications of this? Maybe not as dangerous after all? Maybe it would be worth testing nationwide for antibodies although I seem to recall some news article recently saying that antibody testing had been discredited.

    Yep, their ABC.



    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Confusion reigns supreme.


      • #

        That’s the plan. It’s like a shell game. Eventually though enough people will wake up and then the real fun starts; sooner rather than later to avoid waking up one day finding we are under a communist regime.


  • #
    John R Smith

    A ‘pandemic’ where 90% of people never know they’re a victim?
    All words redefined.
    Words are Violence (did Orwell think of that one?).

    It’s likely due to PCR false positive rate.
    Most never really had IT , and IT was not especially contagious, or abnormal.
    You ain’t seen nothin’ yet … b-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


  • #
    H. Riches

    The video at the link below has Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Dr David Martin. The evidence is clear that the COVID-19 was engineered and its genetic sequence was created on a computer. Every person needs to hear what has been documented from the patents that have been lodged since 2008. This is a huge money-making scam at the expense of people worldwide.



  • #
    another ian


    “For a whole new take on the so called Novel Sars virus youi need to watch this video. It is a bit of a shocker regarding it’s origin.




  • #

    Has personal health, and responsibility for one’s own health become political?

    My No 2 son is a leftist, as useless as a hip pocket in a singlet. He gets NO sun and never takes any D3 tabs that are always in the house. I tell him that he must be dangerously low of D3 and he rolls his eyes. He went off for his second jab today, in spite of there being no wild covid within a thousand kms of us. He refuses to believe there are risks with the jab because the gubbmint hasn’t told him so.

    He is 26 years younger than I and still healthy by normal metrics but I suspect I will outlive him. When something goes wrong he will be defenceless.


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      John R Smith

      I read in Smithsonian Magazine an article about the Aztecs cutting the beating hearts out of 20,000 people.
      The article claimed they were all volunteers.
      I thought “what Postmodern drivel”.
      After CVD, I’m thinking it could be true.
      So everything is political … or religious.
      Nowadays hard to draw the distinction.


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        Curious George

        Aztecs were trying to prevent a climate change. Without sacrificing a beating heart at the sunrise, the Sun would not have risen. If you don’t consider it a scientific approach, study their astronomical achievements.


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    Will Gray

    s it time for James Bond to stop the evil Doctor Nudge?
    Accessing the 5g algorithm vector – graphine oxide – triggers from mass vaccination has threatened a global Holocaust.
    James must defeat Dr Nudge and destroy the networked virus.


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    Aunty Pravda’s rolling news feed of unacceptable articles for the 12th July – https://thepointman.wordpress.com/rolling-headlines/ #freepointy



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    Dave in the States

    So the oppressed people of Cuba are rising up, but you would never know from the MSM. Meanwhile, the Biden regime is trying to prop up the Cuban regime against the freedom fighters.

    Edit just before posting: They just just ran a 30 second blurb, but the spin was that the communists were “not doing enough.”


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      Dave in the States
      July 13, 2021 at 4:37 am ·
      …… the Biden regime is trying to prop up the Cuban regime against the freedom fighters

      ?? I think you have that backwards !

      (CNN)President Joe Biden on Monday expressed support for the Cuban people amid rare protests in the country over a lack of freedoms and a worsening economy, calling on Cuban President Miguel Diàz-Canel regime to “hear their people and serve their needs.”


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    another ian


    “At the video link there’s also a link to a 205 page pdf called “The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier”. Definitely worth a look.

    Via Chiefio


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    another ian

    The next (big) brotherly step

    “Major Escalation – Biden Allies and DNC Instructing Cell Phone Carriers to Filter and Censor Text Message Content
    July 12, 2021 | Sundance | 190 Comments”



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    berejiklian has proposed mail in voting for Sydney Council elections.

    I wonder what steps they will be taking to stop ballot harvesting??

