Back in 2010 some 700 children were enrolled in a trial to control head lice in two schools in Canberra. The most lice infected school not only gave ivermectin doses to 93% of all the children, but sent the drug home for their brothers and sisters too. The exact details are behind a paywall, but similar trials like this use oral doses of 200 micrograms per kilogram, which is, as it happens, the same dose the FLCCC recommends for adults to use for prevention against Covid.
At the end of the school trial, six months later, lice infestations were down by 87% and “No adverse events were reported. ”
But wait, what about all the diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and coma that may have befallen all these poor children? Who would be so reckless as to hand out this drug hither-thither with just a “fact sheet”?!
This is, after all, what the experts at University of Sydney, one of our”top” universities, are saying about ivermectin in 2021:
Taking a scientific approach to misinformation about unproven and potentially dangerous covid ‘treatments’, Sydney experts explain that side-effects range from vomiting and diarrhoea to seizures and a coma.
What does it do to your body?
We know very little about what the drug does to humans, and the little we do know mostly comes from its use in animals.
Who were these fools, ignorant of 3.8 billion doses of ivermectin given to humans, plus a Nobel Prize, and the title “wonder drug”? They were Doctors of Pharmacology: Associate Nial Wheate, Professor Andrew McLachlan and Slade Matthews from the University of Sydney. Researchers who apparently slavishly adopt FDA twitter campaigns, but don’t even know how to look up Wikipedia?

The kind of experts you get on The Conversation where the article started.
The TGA know this drug is safe when prescribed by doctors, yet they won’t let doctors prescribe it?
Ivermectin has been used successfully in Australia, India, Brazil, and Mexico in clinical trials to reduce head lice. And it’s been used in India, Mexico, Peru, and Indonesia to save lives from Covid. The risk is low, and Australians want the right to discuss it with their doctor. If the TGA hasn’t reviewed some of the 65 studies on ivermectin against Covid, isn’t it about time it did?
Does the government serve the people or do the people serve the government?
h/t OriginalSteve
A pilot study of the use of oral ivermectin to treat head lice in primary school students in Australia
Marian J Currie, et al.
Head lice are a common, costly public health problem worldwide. We aimed to determine the feasibility of an ivermectin intervention program. Consenting students in two schools were screened for head lice. Infested students and siblings at one school were offered a head lice fact sheet and two doses of oral ivermectin, 7 days apart. Parents of infested students in the other school were given the same fact sheet and asked to treat the child and siblings using their preferred topical treatment. Seven hundred two of 754 (93.1%) students enrolled in the two schools were screened; 40 (5.3%; 95% CI 3.7-6.9) had head lice; 31 (9.4%; 95% CI 6.1-12.2) in the intervention school and nine (2.5%; 95% CI 1.1-3.8) in the control school. Subsequently 93.6% of children in the intervention school were treated with oral ivermectin. No adverse events were reported. At 6 months the reduction in the head lice infestation rates for the intervention and control schools were 87% and 56%, respectively. This pilot study suggests that school wide screening for head lice and the administration of oral ivermectin is feasible and acceptable. A randomized controlled trial at 20 schools is planned.
Bryant, Andrew MSc1,*; Lawrie, Theresa A. MBBCh, PhD2; Dowswell, Therese PhD2; Fordham, Edmund J. PhD2; Mitchell, Scott MBChB, MRCS3; Hill, Sarah R. PhD1; Tham, Tony C. MD, FRCP4 (2021) Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
American Journal of Therapeutics: June 17, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue –
doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001402
Munirathinam et al (2009) Impact of ivermectin drug combinations on Pediculus humanus capitis infestation in primary schoolchildren of south Indian rural villages, Int J Dermatol,. 2009 Nov;48(11):1201-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-4632.2008.04059.x.
Sanchezruiz et al (2018) Oral ivermectin for the treatment of head lice infestation, Am J Health Syst Pharm
1;75(13):937-943. doi: 10.2146/ajhp170464. Epub 2018 May 22. doi: 10.2146/ajhp170464. Epub 2018 May 22.PMID: 29789316 DOI: 10.2146/ajhp170464
Ameen et al (2010) Oral ivermectin for treatment of pediculosis capitis, Pediatr Infect Dis J, Nov ; 29(11):991-3.
Pilger et al (2009) Household-wide ivermectin treatment for head lice in an impoverished community: randomized observer-blinded controlled trial Bull World Health Organ, Feb;88(2):90-6. doi: 10.2471/BLT.08.051656. Epub 2009 Dec 21.
The named academics are obviously in the peanut gallery of Big Pharma.
It will be duly noted when the FauXInne deaths and disabilities are
inevitably discovered, to be given the severest punishment. Hope tenure
and grants were worth the Sargeant Schultz act.
Never has it been more obvious that the TGA and AHPRA need a broom through them.
They are both not for for purpose, costing the country 10’s of trillions of $ in
unbelievably naive and dangerous advice to Government. Experts indeed.
But the financial collapse in the coming month is the real shock….
A Sergeant Schultz act, without a doubt. They say:
A lie about Ivermectin, but truth if they were talking about the vaccines.
To be a good liar you need a good memory and I think the TGA have a memory problem.
This is not a lie if ‘we’ refers only themselves and they have not bothered to look at any research.
Not a lie to be held responsible for but still grounds to be removed from any area of responsibility
Even better…
…” because we aren’t very good at our jobs”!
March-April 2020 agreement: there would be censorship of reports counter to Covid-19 narrative
Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck.
It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise
The ‘Freedom Day’ in New South Wales is now “bunkum,” according to Sky News host Alan Jones.</strong>
“We were told vax, vax, vax, and if you do at least the state of New South Wales will open up,” Mr Jones said.
“Well words have lost their meaning, we’re now told from the Monday after we hit 80 per cent double vaxxed, 16 and over, there will be eased restrictions.
“Not freedom at all.”
1984 – George Orwell
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.”
Welcome to your Brave New Fahrenheit 1984 Vendetta Report – all the best (or worst, depending on your point of view) bits from “Brave New World”, “Fahrenheit 451”, “1984”, “V for Vendetta” and “Minority Report”.
So, clearly, those are in charge are not illiterate at all – they most certainly did pay attention. Except that they saw these things as instruction manuals rather than warnings of potential distopia’s – a minor error, easily made. That error can be corrected using piano wire and light poles (pitch forks and torches are optional, but out of fashion).
It’s a big call – is there some evidence for this?
Just declare that COVID-19 Delta is simply caused by head lice! Simples!
This is emblematic of the two-tier societal system being foisted on all of us between the haves (fame, money, title, position) and the have nots (the average person, poor, less educated). The former are constantly seeking ways to demonstrate they’re not like us. That’s why we see two systems of governance: one for thee, another for me.
Until and unless this hypocrisy is eliminated, more of this kind of malfeasance is going to be perpetuated.
Bumped from “Tuesday Open”
“Rex Murphy: How COVID-19 taught the public to distrust the authorities”
It is the end of science and medicine.
Now health policy is decided by politicians, the Left and Big Pharma. Big Pharma is the moiety which tells the politicians and Leftists what to think.
“Under § 564 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), use of FDA’s EUA authority requires a determination that an emergency exists by secretaries of the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, or the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as a declaration by the HHS Secretary that emergency circumstances exist warranting the issuance of EUAs. Each issuance of an EUA requires that FDA conclude that:
– it is reasonable to believe that a given product “may be effective” as an emergency countermeasure,
– the known and potential benefits of authorization outweigh the known and potential risks, and
– no formally approved alternatives are available at the time
It has always been in big pharmas interest to ensure EUA so to make sure no alternatives were approved
Is the intent of this post to demonstrate that a poison used on free living cells like bacteria, can also kill more complex organisms like head lice?
Well gosh, a poison is killing living cells, not really a newsflash.
How does that relate to viruses which are not free living, and therefore will not be poisoned outside of the host cell.
There has been no demonstrated mechanism of the way in which ivermectin attacks any virus, let alone Covid.
I think the point of posting this article is to contest the widely promoted idea that this drug may be dangerous for people to take without medical supervision. This was always an absurd proposition, given the fact that it did nor, to my knowledge require a prescription. Of course, we also know that it was widely used, and still is, for prophylactic use for many viruses, such as Dengue, River Blindness et al in Equatorial Africa.
I don’t understand the hysterical and tyrannical opposition to its use.
I would have thought the reason was clear; people like PF are hysterical and have a casual attitude towards tyranny, often to the point of total approval of it.
“I don’t understand the hysterical and tyrannical opposition to its use.”
It’s all about Big Pharma income, don’t you know, can’t have something undercutting all their good work.
I would like to know why the government has banned us from taking legal action against big pharma should the vaccine do us harm. Ditto, for doctors who administer the vaccine, although this, I understand, is in train, but is planned to be made retrospective.
Basically the government has taken away our fundamental right, to sue for damages.
Something smells!
Correct….in one respect.
Also notice the figures for CV19 infections in the UK shot up and appear to be going through a typical control system overshoot, undershoot, then settle around a fairly steady state value – around a constant 35000 cases.
Would be intersting to see if that is the capacity of the NHS hsopitals.
Interestingly – “capacity” is based on staffing levels, not beds.
In reply to Ronin’s comment.
Yes. The Medical Industry is all about the money and the medical industry controls politicians, media, and legal system. Zero about Medical science and patients. Ivermectin is not used/allowed to be discussed/is banned, because Ivermectin is a very effective early treatment for covid. Ivermectin would under cut yearly forced vaccination for covid.
Vit D unlocks our cell’s natural protection for viruses that must connect to the ACE-2 connector to replicate. This explains why there is portion of the population that has no covid symptoms.
To protect the profits the Medical Industry gets from treating cancers, type 2 diabetes, covid, and metabolic syndrome, and so on, is the reason why the general population has not been told they are almost all Vit D deficient.
” don’t understand the hysterical and tyrannical opposition to its use.”
Its an extremely good broad-based anti-parasitic.
A natural enemy to parasites of any stripe.
[wee edit – LVA]
Peter F, I gave you a short synopsis last week about ivermectin MOA. if you choose to be deliberately obtuse, that’s your problem. You are not serious person, you project intellectual weakness through unintelligent statements and arguments that do not add meat to what is, a very serious and potentially, life changing topic.
I could be wrong but you sound like an adult of some age, it is possible for you to participate, intelligently in these discussions instead of trolling the threads everyday?
Craig I appreciate your attempt but
You aren’t wrong but you aren’t right either. He is an adult of enough age but not enough wisdom.
[Please, the thread is not about PF. He’s not worth it. OK? -Jo]
PF is a bot.
You put in a few words, hit the random nonsense generator routine…and..voila…..Peter Peachfuzz!
“similar trials like this use oral doses of 200 micrograms per kilogram, which is, as it happens, the same dose the FLCCC recommends for adults to use for prevention against Covid.”
Also the rate for sheep, cattle, horses etc
And the LD50 is a hell of a lot higher
Vicky – have you read this? It may be the explanation for what is going on at the moment.
Brilliant article thanks Spike!
to try and give you an answer to this “I don’t understand the hysterical and tyrannical opposition to its use.”
please watch this
“widely promoted idea that this drug may be dangerous for people to take without medical supervision. ”
I don’t think much is promoted at all, either for against the use of ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19. Most people with an ounce of are aware that studies of Ivermectin have not really proved its use one way ot=r another. Commenters here in the main believe it does but there is a fair body of evidence that claims it isn’t. Personally I neither know or care. For some facts rather than ignorant guesses here’s a table some may find interesting
If it “doesn’t do anything”, why prevent its use? if it “doesn’t do anything”, and people decide to take reasonable doses anyway, what’s the harm?
There are always going to be people who think that because X milligrams is ok, then Y grams is better, and end up sick or dead, regardless of being given a medication via prescription, off the shelf, or over the counter. fortunately, those numbers are tiny in comparison to “reasonable use”.
Let the Doctors prescribe and advise dosage,
Many years ago a good friend of my mothers suicided by taking a bottle of panadol tablets.
Others have done similarly(sadly) yet we do not have people clearing the shelves of panadol and preventing its use.
Nearly all medications, if taken in excess, will have bad results, often fatal ones, yet that does not stop them being available over the counter or via prescription.
The ABC and others speaking in hushed tones about the severe problems (never actually spelt out in clear detail) of excess Ivermectin use are inconsistent and idiotic. How about, ABC and the ridiculous idiots masquerading as journalists, actually let peoples doctors talk to them about Ivermectin and prescribe the correct dosages – and lo and behold 99.99999% of people will actually follow it! And even better, significantly reduce their chance of a severe covid infection.
This will be of particularly use in the coming months when we have a quackcine induced surge in covid infections, and those with the quackcine will be filling our hospitals. And Ivermectin could make a huge impact….but no the quackcine addicted cannot have people protected from covid via any mechanism except the quackcine, which we know wanes swiftly, kills & sickens many and will highly likely cause an ADE breakout variant – with even more serious impacts…
Seriously, you could not make this up….
See my 3.1 above the EUA is only valid if there is no approved alternative,
far too much money involved = Big Pharma will not let any alternative get approval even if it kills MILLIONS as it undeniably has. 🙁
I want to see all the Big Pharma Boards in the Hague!!
You are up early Peter!
There is no climate change either; just a climate of fear and just in time for drinkies in Glasgow.
Bill Johnston
Just watch all the parasites fly in on their private jets.
The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
LeonCalya, Julian D.Drucea, Mike G.Cattona, David A.Jansb, Kylie M.Wagstaffb
a Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital, At the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Victoria, 3000, Australia
b Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Clayton, Vic, 3800, Australia
• Ivermectin is an inhibitor of the COVID-19 causative virus (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro.
• A single treatment able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h in cell culture.
• Ivermectin is FDA-approved for parasitic infections, and therefore has a potential for repurposing.
• Ivermectin is widely available, due to its inclusion on the WHO model list of essential medicines.
Although several clinical trials are now underway to test possible therapies, the worldwide response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been largely limited to monitoring/containment. We report here that Ivermectin, an FDA-approved anti-parasitic previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2), with a single addition to Vero-hSLAM cells 2 h post infection with SARS-CoV-2 able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h.
Ivermectin therefore warrants further investigation for possible benefits in humans.,normal%2C%20more%20efficient%20antiviral%20response
But the dose required is the issue. And it works out to somewhere between 1,500 and 100,000 times currently used anti-parasitic doses.
Kylie Wagstaff, the lead investigator of that study has detailed why the IC50 dosages levels calculated on a monkey kidney cell line in their initial paper is misleading. Briefly, the IC50 for lung tissue is an order of magnitude lower and Ivermectin accumulates in lung tissue in vivo. There is unpublished data floating around from the Melbourne group that shows that the normal 200ug/kg dose reaches appropriate levels in lung tissue in vivo.
And here is an August 9 2021 comment on the paper in layman’s terms. Seems the snowball is getting bigger.
Earl – Reference?
Sorry Earl,
Very badly colour blind – only when I just happened for the mouse to scroll your post above, I saw it underline and here is
A group of researchers from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and Monash University in Australia set out to test the antiviral activity of ivermectin toward SARS-Cov2. Using a technique called cell culture, they infected human cells with samples of SARS-CoV2 taken from real patients, and then treated the cells with ivermectin. Then, they harvested the cells as well as the surrounding medium to see if the SARS-Cov2 virus replicated.
To detect the virus, the scientists needed to detect if its RNA is present in both the cells and in the surrounding medium. They employed a test called RT-PCR to measure the viral RNA content in both. They found that compared to control samples, treatment with ivermectin results in approximately 5000-fold reduction in viral RNA within 48 hours due to its inhibitory action. This implies that ivermectin treatment can lead to the loss of essentially all viral material within 48 hours of its administration. In addition, no further reduction in viral RNA was observed at 72 hours.
To test for the effectiveness of ivermectin, the researchers treated SARS-Cov2 infected cells with serial dilutions of ivermectin. A serial dilution is a set of solutions of the drug that decrease in concentration, usually by a factor of 10. It is standard practice if you’re trying to determine the optimal concentration to use. Just as before, they noted a 99.98% reduction in viral RNA at 48 hours in their samples. This further suggested that a single dose of Ivermectin can control viral replication within 24 to 48 hours in the human cell line.
Ivermectin is a unique candidate because it already has an established safety profile for human use and has FDA-approval for a number of parasitic infections. A high dosage of ivermectin has comparable safety to the standard low-dose treatment (using low doses of a drug across time intervals). However, there isn’t enough data on its safety profile for human use during pregnancy.
Peter, the anti-viral mechanism of Ivermectin is known as posted above.
Secondly, even if the mechanism was not know, would that matter as long as it works?
It was postetd here for several times,but didn’t pass the agenda filter.
“Secondly, even if the mechanism was not know, would that matter as long as it works?”
Not only that, it has 40 years of history, and shown to be safe for human use unlike this other poison being foisted upon us.
Add to Ronin’s comment ivermectin hasn’t caused almost 500 deaths in Australia this year as the covid vax has believed to have caused, and that is probably understated by a factor of ten
Restart at primary school, start learning alphabet, continue with reading.
Ivermectine is active against about some more than 20 virus. It doesn’t poisen the virus, but prohibit to enter cells, in so far prohibit replication. Isn’t sooooo complicate to understand, as several times explained here the last weeks.
Just remember you are addressing Peter and his mate, Simple Simon.
Unfortunately I know, it’s a problem.
Too complicated for some, Krishna.
Peter, are you not aware that many prescription medications have multiple uses beyond their original purpose and it is a completely acceptable practice? Where would science and medicine be if people throughout history were too terrified to try new things?:
SEE, for example:
10 Surprising Off-Label Uses for Prescription Medications
January 6, 2016
” Where would science and medicine be if people throughout history were too terrified to try new things?:”
Medicine wouldn’t have gotten to leaches yet
Oh Dear Peter. Only 113 studies on the effectiveness of ivermectin when used in combination with other medications in combating covid19. Obviously not enough replication for your mind. Of course the anti-viral effect demonstrated in-vitro doesn’t appear to help satisfy you either.
All this you would know if you actually read Jo’s posts. So just what is the problem. reading comprehension, stubborn refusal to admit that a position that you originally adopted is wrong, or are you simply denying the clearly demonstrated truth because you have a sinister political agenda?
TGA approved Sotrovimab COVID-19 based on 1 study by GlaxoSmithKline on 583 Patients, sotrovimab is one of the Drugs used for treatment in NSW Hospitals for Covid Patients, yet TGA ignores Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 65 studies
Reference – and
Yeah. Sotrovimab is “only” USD 2,394 per dose. Like that’s helpful, “not”.
IVM is what, USD 2? TGA is quite full of stupid.
Clearly, this isn’t about cost or performance effectiveness. It is about Profits and fleecing the People.
How many lives were destroyed in this quest for power and profit? Quite more than a few.
You really will have to do better than this post Peter.
Wow – you really have to be determined to remain ignorant about IVM to make a statement like that .
There are literally countries that have been rescued from a Covid nitemare -documented .
For AN example
There over 60 peer reviewed studies .
There are countless medical professionals on Rumble explain how IVM works .
Even the NIH says it works
and this is DESPITE all the opposition from the big pharma /global elite driven MSM and social media – banning all talk wherever possible
so keep on living in your blissful ignorance
Arévalo, A.P., Pagotto, R., Pórfido, J.L. et al. Ivermectin reduces in vivo coronavirus infection in a mouse experimental model. Sci Rep 11, 7132 (2021).
The reason given for ignoring Ivermectin is that too high a dose is need to get it into cells, not Peter’s drivel. This study shows that high but safe levels do reduce viral loads of a similar virus to Covid 19 (although not the same virus). Its more than double the dose used for lice but 4 times less than the lowest estimate of LD50 for humans (Although that appears to be a mistake with placement of the decimal point. They modelled a LD50 for humans from 28mg/kg for mice to 2.2mg/kg for humans).
Safety of Ivermectin
Standard doses of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg x 1–2 days) have a nearly unparalleled safety profile
historically among medicines as evidenced by the following findings:
. WHO Guidelines for Scabies: “the majority of side effects are minor and transient”
. Prof Jacques Descotes, Toxicologist, Expert on Safety of Ivermectin: “severe adverse
events are unequivocally and exceedingly rare”
. LiverTox Database: Not considered toxic to the liver
. Nephrotox Database- Not considered toxic to the kidney
. PneumoTox: Not considered toxic to the lungs
Safety of High Dose Ivermectin
In COVID-19, particularly in regard to the emerging variants of concern, viral loads are higher and
viral replication is thought to be prolonged. Given that ivermectin has demonstrated a strong
dose-response relationship in terms of viral clearance, higher doses have not only been required,
but have demonstrated clinical efficacy. Below are hyperlinked references to numerous studies
demonstrating the wide safety profile of high dose ivermectin in COVID and other diseases
COVID-19 Studies
1) Randomized controlled trial of ivermectin in COVID using 0.6mg/kg x 5 days reported no
differences in side effects.
2) Randomized controlled trial, with 3 arms; one arm treated with 1.2 mg/kg for 5 days, and
another treated with 0.6mg/kg for 5 days with no differences in side effects
3) A report by the State Health Minister on 3,000 patients in La Pampa, Argentina who were
part of a “test and treat” program were given 0.6 mg/kg daily for 5 days. Liver function
tests and significant side effects were closely monitored and none were reported.
4) A report by the Health Minister in Misiones, Argentina, also using 0.6 mg/kg for 5 days
with no significant adverse events reported.
A scoping review of the pathophysiology of COVID-19
COVID-19 is a highly heterogeneous and complex medical disorder; indeed, severe COVID-19 is probably amongst the
most complex of medical conditions known to medical science. While enormous strides have been made in understanding
the molecular pathways involved in patients infected with coronaviruses an overarching and comprehensive understanding
of the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is lacking. Such an understanding is essential in the formulation of effective prophylactic
and treatment strategies. Based on clinical, proteomic, and genomic studies as well as autopsy data severe COVID-19
disease can be considered to be the connection of three basic pathologic processes, namely a pulmonary macrophage
activation syndrome with uncontrolled inflammation, a complement-mediated endothelialitis together with a procoagulant
state with a thrombotic microangiopathy. In addition, platelet activation with the release of serotonin and the activation and
degranulation of mast cells contributes to the hyper-inflammatory state. Auto-antibodies have been demonstrated in a large
number of hospitalized patients which adds to the end-organ damage and pro-thrombotic state. This paper provides a
clinical overview of the major pathogenetic mechanism leading to severe COVID-19 disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed over four million lives and shows no evidence of abating. While the majority of SARS-CoV-2 infections are self-limited, approximately 20% of patients are symptomatic, with many of these patients requiring hospitalization with approximately 3% symptomatic patients having a fatal outcome.1–3 Furthermore, in excess of 50% of patients who recover from symptomatic infections, independent of disease severity,develop the debilitating “long-haul syndrome”4 The human and economic toll of this disease is astronomical. In orderto develop effective prophylactic and therapeutic strategies against COVID-19, an accurate understanding of its pathogenesis is required. While tens of thousands of publications have explored the clinical and basic science aspects of this disease, there is lack of an integrative, all encompassing, and clinically focused review of the pathogenetic mechanisms of this disease.
– Phases of COVID-19
– The pathology of severe COVID-19 infection
– SARS-CoV-2 microangiopathy and complement activation
– COVID-19 organizing pneumonia and NOT ARDS
– Platelet activation and increased circulating serotonin
– Mast cell activation
– COVID-19 as an auto-immune disease
– Altered expression of ACE-2, an unbalanced RAAS and increased bradykinin
– Limitations of this study
Summary and conclusions
Severe COVID-19 infection is the consequence of the overlapping effects of macrophage activation with uncontrolled inflammation, a complement-mediated endothelialitis and a thrombotic microangiopathy with platelet activation and high circulating serotonin. In addition, mast cell activation, auto-antibodies, and an imbalanced RAAS contribute to the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 disease. During the first 6 months of the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) and almost all national guidelines recommended a “supportive care only” strategy for the management of severe COVID-19.176 Based on our increased understanding of this disease, such therapeutic nihilism is no longer acceptable. Patients’ transition through a number of different phases (clinical stages) and treatment must be tailored to each specific phase. Antiviral therapy is likely to be effective only during the viral replicative symptomatic phase. As patients progress into the pulmonary phase, they require treatment with multiple therapeutic agents that target the major pathogenetic mechanisms; these include anti-inflammatory agents (methylprednisolone, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine, etc), anticoagulants (heparin and ASA), and anti-serotonin agents (cyproheptadine).5,177,178 And finally, there is no one-size-fits-all protocol, and it is essential that the treatment strategy must be individualized according to the clinical phenotype of each patient.
I used to get annoyed, even angry, about the paid trolls on this site but I am now kind of grateful for them. Responses to the troll comments invariably draw out further information and arguments along with links to further evidence from knowledgeable posters like David M and others that serves to consolidate the original proposition and give me ever more confidence about what is right.
[Thanks John. That’s why they’re here. – Jo]
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a paid troll.
They may not even entirely disagree with you, and may just be interested in seeing a balanced scientifically based discussion.
Some regulars are not even trying to provide “balance” with a good argument. This drivel from Peter is the norm from him. Extreme lack of knowledge but written with the confidence of an academic. And zero care that the knowledge that he contributed was shown to be wrong. Paraphrasing Reagan, its not that he doesn’t know a lot. It’s that a lot of what he knows is not true.
The problem, John, is that this “trolling” can be misleading for those who either don’t read the comment carefully or who are not technically up on the topic; i.e. They sound plausible, but are deliberately misleading.
Such comments, previously referred to as “blogg clogging”, when read in bulk are offensive to those trying to get at the truth.
Sure, there may be some good responses but I feel that the negatives far outweigh any benefit.
When a person of interest gets 73 red thumbs surely that says that a lot of regulars on the blog are sick of it.
One of my comments has been O’Bidenised and placed in the bin for immoderates.
Australian Hospitals Over Capacity With People Beaten By Police For Not Wearing Masks
According to medical professionals in Australia, the concerning rise in people getting absolutely demolished by the police and having to get rushed to the hospital is exacerbated by the fact that hospitals are already overwhelmed with people who got bit by two-story-tall spiders, punched by kangaroos, and elbow-dropped by drop bears.
Peter Fitzroy,
“There has been no demonstrated mechanism of the way in which ivermectin attacks any virus, let alone Covid.”
Kylie Wagstaff at Monash University has been studying Ivermectin for over a decade with regards to its anti-viral properties, in particular it appears to block transfer of viral proteins through the nuclear membrane, which prevents the virus thwarting the cells own protective functions. i.e. it doesn’t directly attack the virus, but stops the virus stopping the cell defending itself.
But instead of me making a hash of it, how about you watch her presentation here: (from 1:18:30 onwards):
Where she explains what she thinks it is doing (from her perspective, whilst still leaving open the possibility that it has multiple modes of action), why the Ivermectin IC50 concentrations in her initial paper are misleading and why it probably does have a beneficial effect at the regular dosage levels.
so none of you know how this particular poison works on a virus.
We know that it kills it, QED
And we know that, as an effective cheap treatment, it kills the narrative requiring emergency use authorisation of Big Pharma’s billion dollar cash cow jabs, and the narratives of lockdowns and of vaccine passports, in fact the whole paraphernalia of digital IDs, necessary for digital currencies to morph into total citizen control. No wonder it is so virulently suppressed.
Peter Fitzroy – you keep saying there is no demonstrated way that Ivermectin can affect the virus.
“The spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 is a trimeric, or three-part protein, composed of two functional S1 subunits, as well as a structural S2 subunit. Each of those three units are, incidentally, bound and inactivated by the drug ivermectin.”
Quoted from . If you search around you’ll also find other research papers showing the same. This has been checked in molecular simulation and in vitro, and is also confirmed by practical usage in various countries that are starting to reject the WHO mandates to ignore the man behind the curtain. Japan is the latest to allow Ivermectin to be prescribed.
Rather than just quote the official talking-points, you should really do some independent research on what scientists have actually shown. Trouble is that that’s going to affect your income. It’s actually not just Ivermectin that works – there are quite a large number of medications that will produce a cure. However, given that around 3.7 billion doses of Ivermectin have been used on people to cure various parasitic infestations, and the safety record is amazingly good with the main problems being caused by too many dead parasites in the human body, it’s probably the best option. It’s safer than Aspirin. It’s also been used for headlice treatment in kids for a long time, and using it via absorption through the skin removes the problem of stomach-upsets if taken as a pill.
The official tests that have been done on Ivermectin have all waited to treat people around 10 days or so after infection, by which time the virus has done about all the replication it’s going to do and instead you’ll be trying to fix the damage that has already caused. Ivermectin is best used to stop that replication happening, so should be given as soon as people know they’re infected or as soon as possible after, or even if they think they might have been infected. At these later stages, when people need to go to hospital because they can’t breathe, about all Ivermectin will do is mop up any loose spike proteins and stop any further replications – that will help a bit, but won’t fix the damage already done. Early treatment is important.
I checked on Amazon yesterday and found that all products with Ivermectin were no longer for sale, even the tiny pipettes with around 1mg or less for treating parasites on cage birds. The 3mg Stromectol pills I used to be able to get to de-worm the cats have also disappeared from sale. An interesting situation, don’t you think?
“no demonstrated mechanism of the way in which ivermectin attacks any virus, let alone Covid.”
Strawman. Billions of doses have been administered to humans over decades; it almost tops the list safest drugs.
And it works against Covid, as shown in multiple places around the world – Uttar Pradesh in particular as Jo recently posted.
I doubt anyone who’s life it saved cares much what the mechanism was.
Would it be so bas and terrifying for Australian politicians, medical public serpents and the Left to allow Ivermectin to be used? At the very worst it is harmless at less than 200 times the recommended dose (unlike many over the counter meds) and there is nothing to lose.
With what other medical condition are you told to simply go home with zero therapy to use or try and are simply told if you get REALLY SICK, call an ambulance?
And then you are sent to hospital and put on oxygen and get a standard therapy from which absolutely no deviation is permitted or possible and doctors are not allowed to exercise any alternatives?
If you don’t start to recover naturally and develop a cytokine storm you are given a powerful steroid like dexamethasone and then go onto a ventilator and then maybe die.
If you are really lucky you might get access to an expensive and useless patent medicine like Remdesivir*.
*Reference for Remdesivir:
Talk about “survival of the fittest”!
Not to foregett the massive sideeffects of Remdesivir
Ivermectin is safe for children and foreigners but is dangerous to politicians and their hangers-on.
It is also dangerous to parasites and other viruses.
politicians / parasites… hmmm…
David it would be a political disaster of unimaginable scale.
There isn’t a politician or senior medical ‘adviser’ on the planet, that doesn’t startle awake in a cold sweat. At the thought of a cheap simple safe and effective treatment to COVID19 already existing. That would make the economic and social destruction of the last 2 years unnecessary.
That would make the economic and social destruction of the last 2 years unnecessary.
And we have sent the country broke on expensive PCR tests, expensive vaccines and crippling Lockdowns –
TGA approved Sotrovimab COVID-19 based on 1 study by GlaxoSmithKline on 583 Patients, sotrovimab is one of the Drugs used for treatment in NSW Hospitals for Covid Patients, yet TGA ignores Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 65 studies
Reference – and
Even US. has noticed
Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis slams Australia’s strict approach to Covid-19
Adam Creighton Washington Correspondent
The governor of Florida, America’s third biggest state, has slammed Australia’s strict approach to Covid-19 as “dramatically off the rails”, likening the nation to “communist China”.
Governor Ron DeSantis, a rising star of the Republican party, who has repeatedly clashed with President Biden over forced masking and other Covid-19 restrictions, declared Australia wasn’t a free country and even questioned maintaining diplomatic relations.
“Look what’s going on in Australia right now; they’re enforcing, after a year and half, lockdowns by the military… that’s not a free country at all,”
“Is Australia freer than communist China right now? I don’t know. The fact that’s even a question tells you something’s gone dramatically off the rails,” he added.
Reports of Covid-19 restrictions never tried even in Democrat states, along with images of police brutality, mass protests, and the Australian military in Sydney, have spread throughout US mainstream and social media in recent weeks, as Australian authorities imposed tougher measures to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Victoria’s public hospital system on verge of collapsing
At least 13 ambulances queued outside a Melbourne public hospital on Monday night waiting to admit patients to the emergency department in a sign the state’s health system may not cope if a predicted spike in Covid-19 cases eventuates.
The ambulance ramping issue emerged as Victoria reported a record 867 Covid cases on Tuesday, and the state’s Health Department attributed the failure to confirm another 149 cases from Monday and Sunday to a “third party software” glitch.
An extra 140 cases added to Monday’s tally bring that day’s caseload to 845, seeing Victoria overtake NSW, which recorded 787 cases on Monday and 863 on Tuesday
The Northern Hospital in Epping – about 20km north of the CBD – was overcome with patients on Monday night, chief operating officer Debra Bourne said
“The hospital is very busy as a Covid-19 streaming hospital – with three Covid wards plus our ICU. Currently, we have around 65 Covid patients in the hospital.”
Ms Bourne did not say how long patients needed to wait or whether they were to be seen for Covid-19.
In another sign the state’s health care system is buckling under pressure, it took nearly 13 minutes in one case for an emergency operator to respond to a triple-0 call on Monday night.
More than half of Victoria’s record 867 cases on Tuesday are located in the northern suburbs including 270 in Hume, 125 in Whittlesea, 88 in Moreland, 43 in Darebin and 24 in Banyule.
The Australian article has been removed or taken down or censored.
See instead:
“Would it be so bad and terrifying for Australian politicians, medical public serpents and the Left to allow Ivermectin to be used? ”
Hell yeah, they are charged with running interference for the drug companies, if they are seen to be failing in their duties, there will be consequences.
Go and have a play with the data at
I selected continents instead of countries ( besides Israel) and there are interesting things, like the most vaccinated have the most confirmed daily cases per million people. Why is that not screamed from the headlines?
Eventually, when the hysteria dies down in a few years and governments are changed and science gets back to doing science, not propaganda, these truths will emerge, as they always do. And the withholding of Ivermectin will be seen as a crime against humanity.
“Eventually, when the hysteria dies down in a few years and governments are changed and science gets back to doing science, not propaganda, these truths will emerge … ”
I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. The trajectory at present doesn’t indicate any return to sanity for decades, I would say. Far from getting better “in a few years” I expect things to get much worse. The ‘beacons of truth’ here and there simply don’t have the power or exposure to change anything, and the merest hint of pushback is squashed like a bug, reminiscent of emerging dictatorships of the past. See the capitol ‘riots’ and Melbourne’s anti-vaccine mandate protests for examples. See also the way that Abbott and Trump were taken down. See also the continuing lawfare waged against Trump and his associates. See also pregnant women being arrested for having the wrong opinion, and various others ‘cancelled’ for the same. See also the watertight banning of Ivermectin, slavishly observed with little question by medics at all levels.
No, until we see some of these people actually WINNING their fight against the new tyranny rather than just complaining about it, I see no light at the end of the very dark tunnel.
I would argue that the weekly protests in Europe are a sign that people are seeing the light. As freedom gets more and more impinged, and massive labour shortages start to emerge as people resign or get fired for not being vaccinated, when businesses go under as the unvaxxed refuse or can’t buy goods, the light will slowly start to emerge. There is a massive cone of silence against the protests, but the information is getting out there, same for vaccine side-effects with posts hitting thousands of comments before being taken down or “purged”. Some countries have already had vax mandates or passes overturned. We need to keep sharing this information as much as possible, using every method available. But you do make good points that need further discussion.
I am afraid you are right Steve of Cornubia. While there are occasional beacons of hope that get us excited, the dumbing down of most of the population by the Left has been going on for too long now. Many or even most people see suppression of freedom of movement, association and speech as acceptable, or indeed, desirable.
It is the ultimate fulfillment of Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions” which starter 50 odd years ago.
Science, reason and basic human decency have been destroyed. The US has a remote hope that Donald Trump might be re-elected and failing that, the Second American Revolution; but for Europe including Once Great Britain, Canada, NZ and Australia there is almost no hope. We do have a few politicians, not more than about ten nationwide that understand the issues but they aren’t and won’t be in positions of power.
I think the Anglo democracies have reached peak civilisation (with some hope for the US) and will now deteriorate into pseudo-Marxist dictatorships for at least many decades if not indefinitely.
“The US has a remote hope that Donald Trump might be re-elected …”
As remote as the fleeing galaxies at the far end of the universe.
The last US Federal election was a coup, supported not only by the media but by the military and every branch of the Deep State.
No SOC, we will get Trump back in the WH and he will blow this whole charade o smithereens.
Because it is wrong.
This is the chart for the top 10 vaccinated countries:
All show a rapidly declining trend in daily cases, for example Spain:
Or UAE- the most vaccinated at 92% single jab and 82% fully vaccinated:
The trend in daily cases globally is also rapidly declining:
Vaccinations work and serious adverse reactions are very low. The idea of using an alternative to effective vaccinations falls squarely in the loony bin.
Israel only has 66% of their population vaccinated but that is doing the job since their holiday season a couple of weeks back:
Daily cases now half of what they were at the peak of their holidays.
Give it time.
Yep, trends are all in thought direction apart from a few locations like Victoria.
No idea where you get 66% from for Israel…. Israel has administered at least 14,958,007 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that’s enough to have vaccinated about 82.6% of the country’s population.
They are already giving boosters in Israel. US has also started boosters.
Counting jabs does not provide a reliable number on people vaccination.
Israel has preferred to dump expired vaccines than send them to Palestine. Israel continues to import cases from Palestinian workers. Irrespective the infection rate is now firmly below 1 as the linked curve above proves.
Thanks Steven,
Yes, it does accumulate at higher levels in lung.
But I’m not sure why the IC50 would vary between tissues.
I’m sure you can also see why regulators are not so far convinced by high dose in vitro work and dodgy meta-anayses and anecdotes and political pitches.
Sure, if the researchers can show that it is effective at normal clinical doses, that will resolve the issue.
The mouse trial mentioned here at normal clinical doses rates also looks useful … a few more like that are needed.
And then people can then stop quoting high dose in vitro trial data as their proof.
So if our health was the most important thing to the Minister of Health and the TGA why haven’t they done the proper study?
Because health isn’t the most important…
Rick , Maybe there is a reason Spain is doing so well . This post by Jim + Barker at Comment 6 :
It seems some antihistamines have powerful antiviral properties . :
Research in Spain has revealed that commonly available non-prescription hay-fever tablets seem to be just as emphatically effective against Covid 19 as Ivermectin .
This has been known for a while but kept hidden but could be a game changer .
Not all of the antihistamines are effective but a few of them are .
One that is available locally is Fexofenadine :
According to this study Fexofenadine is one of the more effective ones .
As for the death jabs … perhaps they really are trying to kill us : The government doesn’t even train the people for giving the poison jab to do it properly :
Here Dr John Campbell explains the danger of accidentally injecting it IV instead of IM and how to tell if the needle is in the right place .
Most don’t even bother to check , and get insulted if questioned about it !
Bad luck for those who will get heart or kidney failure in 5 years time !
Perhaps they do actually want to kill us ?
Meanwhile, Biden has outrageously demanded anyone in the military who refuses to be vaccinated, which is 46%, is to be dishonourably discharged, stripping them of all pensions and benefits. The Republicans have rushed in a bill to say any soldier refusing to vaccinate must be only honourably discharged. Yet it all could be handled better simply by issuing ivermectin to all of them and give the vaccines only those who volunteer for them. The evidence is clear that ivermectin is safe and it works yet our Western governments refuse even to try it on the population as others have. Our governments and main opposition parties have evil intentions on the populations of the West. There can be no other explanation.
“The evidence is clear that ivermectin is safe and it works yet our Western governments refuse even to try it on the population as others have.”
They have been captured by big pharma just like pollies were with Big Tobacco back in the 60’s 70’s and 80’s and the DuPonts of the 90’s with the ozone scams.
The West has the best politicians money can buy.
Unbelievable, Peter. What level of ineptitude do you need to have descended to, to telegraph the news to your enemies that you are about to reduce your fighting capacity by almost half?
I suspect that the enemies are not so inept as to believe the things that you believe.
They are certainly not so inept as to believe in such myths as CAGW, or others in which you may believe, yes?
Strange to link this to such an issue and to link me to the geopolitics of the globe.
I, perhaps mistakenly, understood that for many years, US military personnel had no choice with regards to being vaccinated against, well, anything, really.
I would therefore imagine that refusing is not a gateway to career longevity.
However, I only know of this through anecdotal evidence, have no idea if exemptions are allowed, and am neither advocating for, or against it.
NSW Police Racist Targeting of Multicultural Australian communities EXPOSED
Yet all this tyrannical like behaviour could have all been avoided if our governments adopted the ivermectin path. There would have been few case numbers, fewer deaths and far few restrictions.
Oh, and also saved ourselves billions of dollars that could have been better spent on building nuclear power plants to reach zero emissions far more easily, quickly and efficiently thus saving our economy from yet the other scam, namely too much focus on renewables.
And in turn the billions we would have saved by not relying so much on renewables could be better spent on building hospitals, roads, bridges, dams, etc.. See how simple it all is? It’s becoming clearer that all our governments interested in to become more and more tyrannical for the explicit purpose to subjugate the people. They are certainly not interested in serving for the good of the people. In essence then they are evil and there is no other way of looking at it. Hence, PM Morrison has a conflict of interest. He should resign immediately if he wants to be a true Christian. He either serves God or the devil, not both.
given BAME lack of vitamin D in US and UK Studies, a better approach bt NSW Health would have been to distributed Quercetin, Zinc, Vit D and Vit C as a Prophylactic approach in Sydney Western Suburbs
Yes that too. The point being is the vaccine only approach is not only dangerous but it’s also unnecessary as it could have been augmented to boost the efficiency of tackling the virus significantly, resulting in possibly even eliminating the need of restrictions over a years ago.
It appears that the Leftist mantra of “my body my choice” only applies to things they support such as abortion, transgenderism, recreational drug use etc..
When it comes to the use of a drug that may help people (but not Big Pharma), the Left have different views.
As I say, if it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.
it ends up consistent if you change it to ‘My body, big pharma choice”. The first options often fill their pockets while using ivermectin will not but vaccines will.
“Your body my choice” fits perfectly with the requirement for double standards
I see the nurses and police are starting to push back against mandatory vaccinations, saying they don’t want to be part of forced experimental drug trials,
Wasn’t that something that the Nuremberg Trials took a dim view of.
I bet a large number of people these days have never even heard of the Nuremberg Trials but I like to remind politicians and senior public serpents I meet that:
“Just following orders” or the plea of “superior orders” hasn’t been acceptable since the trials of Peter von Hagenbach (1474), the trial of Australian Breaker Morant (controversial) in the Boer War, Lieutenant Karl Neumann, U boat captain in WW1, and most famously Nazis in the Nuremberg trials.
This morning The Australian ran a story on vaccinations for children (
I made a rather measured comment: “A study led by Tracy Hoeg of the University of California found that the risk of hospitalization among children because of adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines was 6 times higher than their risk of hospitalization due to Covid-19 itself. Citing the low risk of the virus to healthy children, the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization declined to recommend vaccinating children (including the 12 to 15 age group), although this finding was then ignored by the UK’s CHO (Chris Whitty). It is completely unethical to ask our children to take a vaccine that they don’t need, and that has a small but demonstrated risk of doing them harm, in order to protect their or someone else’s grandparents.”
For some reason it was rejected. Can anyone figure out why?
btw I had thought it wasn’t adverse reactions but specifically the adverse reaction of myocardial in nature, not the other reasons one would have an adverse reaction.
Ivermectin is safe in appropriate does. There is insufficient evidence that ivermectin is effective against Covid. The misinformation amplified by bloggers like Jo is misleading and dangerous.
Medical double-blind studies show it’s effective,metha studuies about the use of Ivermectin come to the same conclusion. The article here shows, even primary school kids got Ivermectin proving it’s safe. The children in Africa get it since decades against river blindness, proving it’s safe. So, what will you tell us, if not lies ?
Nobody here is telling you or others to use veterinary medicine.
Nick Robins-Early (is that a real name “Robins-Early”, get it?) seems to have an obsession with Ivermectin and uses the usual strategy of calling it a veterinary drug (which of course is but one if it’s uses) and fails to mention India or over 30 other studies.
What is it that you people are so afraid of?
You never know. The BBC had a Phil McCann report on fuel shortages in Britain.
There was PhD student of climatology with the surname Fudge.
I used a finicky procedure once, according to the method of a chemist called Stickler.
How about a dentist with the surname of “Mangle”? I have a copy of the ad somewhere.
On a par with ‘Snarey and Fox’; a butcher’s shop in Basingstoke Road in Reading which I passed every day as a child.
Referring to The Guardian is suspect.
You mean that the Guardian hasn’t yet put itself out of business due to its founding’s connection to money from the slave trade?
Love the article Simon. It’s interesting that they bring up the Surgishere scandal as one of their arguments against IVM. That really shows the depth of their research. The Surgishere fraud was a fake study about HCQ! Keep quoting the Guardian. It’s quality journalism!
The Surgishere database also had suspect ivermectin treatment data. Mock the Guardian if you will, but they do good investigative journalism.
To repeat from above
The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
LeonCalya, Julian D.Drucea, Mike G.Cattona, David A.Jansb, Kylie M.Wagstaffb
a Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital, At the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Victoria, 3000, Australia
b Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Clayton, Vic, 3800, Australia
• Ivermectin is an inhibitor of the COVID-19 causative virus (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro.
• A single treatment able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h in cell culture.
• Ivermectin is FDA-approved for parasitic infections, and therefore has a potential for repurposing.
• Ivermectin is widely available, due to its inclusion on the WHO model list of essential medicines.
Although several clinical trials are now underway to test possible therapies, the worldwide response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been largely limited to monitoring/containment. We report here that Ivermectin, an FDA-approved anti-parasitic previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2), with a single addition to Vero-hSLAM cells 2 h post infection with SARS-CoV-2 able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h.
Ivermectin therefore warrants further investigation for possible benefits in humans.,normal%2C%20more%20efficient%20antiviral%20response
Thanks OldOzzie
Yes, that sounds like a perfectly logical conclusion:
Ivermectin therefore warrants further investigation for possible benefits in humans.
“These are the conclusions on which I base my evide3nce”?
If you don’t read the link, the context makes you think that the about turn was on its effectiveness rather than papers that bagged it as dangerous were retracted. That is poor journalism, especially when pushing propaganda against ivermectin.
As for its claim that it uncovered worrying inconsistencies, they wrote about it a day later after it was uncovered by others.
“Ivermectin is safe in appropriate
does.doses “Great to see Simon getting something correct.. just this one sentence though.
Ivermectin has been shown to be far more effective than the pseudo-vaccines at stopping the spread of this CV virus.
That is what all the data from several countries show it.
Hint.. it doesn’t work in countries that don’t use it.. Surprised ?
typo correction….
“That is what all the data from several countries shows“
“it doesn’t work in countries that don’t use it.. ”
Or from another field –
“It is 100% dead set guaranteed that buffel grass will not grow on your property if it is sitting in a bag in the shed”
The village idiot is out of bed at 8:00AM and rushes off to PC to post rubbish on a “right wing site”. Also has the hide to quote from The guardian. Says it all.
He may ponder how many lives in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh were saved by administering Ivermectin. Evidence doesn’t count for the ones who are deceived.
This was debunked last week. The reason is seroprevelance, most residents in Uttar Pradesh were exposed to COVID-19 in the first wave whereas other regions were not.
Debunked Simon?? Read what the medical professionals on the ground say.
Simple Simon – TWO things
1. “most residents in Uttar Pradesh were exposed to COVID-19 in the first wave whereas other regions were not.” – so you mean that natural immunity works BETTER than the vaccine? Please explain???????
2. I have a niece I am in regular contact with who lives in Kerala state – they aren’t using Ivermectin as Uttar Pradesh is so either please explain again or [snip] and keep quoting the Guardian – if keeps making you look foolish. 🙂
Population of Kerala approx 36 million – Uttar Pradesh population approx 240 million – why don’t you check daily numbers from Johns Hopkins University for each state – – I’m not going to provide you the links do it yourself and you MIGHT learn something but I highly doubt it. 🙂
so you mean that natural immunity works BETTER than the vaccine?
I don’t think this should surprise anyone, or need explaining.
So, you believe that most of the 240,000,000 residents of Uttar caught COVID in the the first few months of the first wave?
Yet everwhere else in the world less than 10% of populations had COVID, when in actual fact 233,593,596 in the whole world have had it.
Some people are too [Snip]AD to understand big numbers.
Wow, we can agree on something Simon!
Did you get permission from your co-ideologues to say that? Because they keep telling us what a dangerous drug it is.
Careful, or they’ll send you to the Gulag!
Anyone who believes that safety is the issue and the true reason why the TGA rejects Ivermectin is still operating in the fantasy that the Covid industry is all about health.
One could prove that Ivermectin is as safe as water and still the TGA would reject it.
Because Ivermectin (like HQL or any other alternative treatment) threatens the vaccine rollout.
And this NOT all about Big Pharma dollars – although that is a factor.
The misanthropic Malthusian elites who financed and developed these “vaccines”, both as individuals and within world bodies such as the UN, are determined to force willing puppet governments to make sure that as many shots go into as many arms of human beings as possible, and quickly.
This is the ONLY goal – vax and vax and vax.
And any treatment that offers an alternative will be banned.
There are still too many people assuming that the Covid show is all about health.
‘safe as water’
Are you not aware of the many deaths caused each year by water?
If water cured covid I am sure the TGA would make us aware of it.
By banning it.
After all, water does not have electrolytes.
And as vapor, a greenhouse gas.
So double bad.
Yes, true – but I meant ml for ml – Ivermectin vs H2O.
Yes, I agree, but why?
“Yes, I agree, but why?”
Well, when you consider the philosophy of those misanthropic Malthusians who financed and pushed for these mRNA “vaccines” – they are Deep Deep Greenies and believe the earth needs no more than 500 million human beings – and, when you consider the already immense number of vaccine-caused death and injuries, together with the FACT that these “vaccines” are still many years away from being able to claim they are safe, I would say the answer is very clear.
But for those unable (or unwilling) to connect the dots, they will just have to wait and see.
Those who say: “Oh don’t be so negative and paranoid, as if the governments of the world would do such things to their people”, it reminds me of a German guard saying to the frightened people before him: “Oh don’t be so paranoid, it’s only a shower block.”
The gov is deliberately hindering proven methods of treating covid. Gov is pushing vaccinations with untested drugs hard (and on kids), and is demonising anyone who hesitates.
Knowing _why_ is very important but not as important as acknowledging _that_ they are doing it.
The TGA is not ‘accidentally’ ignoring the deaths and other adverse effects of the vaccines. There is no ‘oopsie’ here. It’s deliberate.
Once you acknowledge that a conspiracy is occuring, then you need to think about how to handle it.
One peaceful way forward may be to tell state and federal reps that the status quo may change, and in a big way, and that while no-one is talking about prosecutions for pushing untested vaccines (on children!) now, there may come a time when they are put up for questioning… “What were you doing while you knew untested vaccines, with known adverse affects including death, were being administered, including to children, in your electorate?”
“Life in prison with an option to hang” might make a good campaign slogan one day.
A horse is a horse of course, of course …
“They think that everything will be solved by taking a horse deworming tablet that gives you the runs and puts some people in hospital,” he said.
They are literally in a fantasy world … let’s not pretend that these are otherwise rational individuals.”
– Brett Sutton, Victorian Chief Health Officer, 24 Sept, 2021.
Brett is no Mr. Ed.
Mr. Ed was smarter and more rational.
I would like to know, what medication will help against morons like that.
Heavy Metals?
Very heavy, fast moving, metals.
“Ivermectin Side Effects”
“Less common—for the treatment of strongyloidiasis only
skin rash or itching”
Sounds like Sutton might have the verbal form?
I would also like to know who has actually ended up in hospital due to taking Ivermectin. The one Australian case I saw reported attended hospital after taking a ridiculous overdose intended for a horse (or several horses) but were sent home without a stay and no treatment.
Dr. Robert Malone said in a tweet that one would have to ingest 10 tubes of the horse paste to risk hospitalization.
I’m not sure anyone could tolerate so much apple flavoring.
From the Cooper’s Blowfly and Lice data sheet
“The acute oral toxicity studies of Ivermectin have shown clear difference among species. Rodents are uniquely sensitive compared to other species in which the compound has been tested. It is therefore in appropriate to base human risk assessment on the response in mice. Ivermectin is used at a therapeutic dose of 200 µg/Kg in a variety of species including human. “
I believe there is cherry flavour as well. Still waiting for bugglegum flavour personally.
G’day D M,
As far as I know no one in the press has mentioned why he took the IVM, nor have they commented on his COVID state after recovering from the runs. Was he cured within 24 hours? He was certainly discharged from hospital within that time. My guess is that he has maybe the best immunity in Sydney.
Dave B
Brett Sutton, otherwise known as Dr B.S..
Let the profits from protease inhibition flow…
The link is to a Pfizer press release.
Spot on,,,,,,, Pfizer trialing “New” tablet with similar actions to Ivermectin. But will cost heaps more,use required under the terms of the “contract”.
Would be interesting to compare the chemmical composition with f.e. Ivermectin or Thymoquinon etc.
My guess would be 6 mg Ivermectin, 25 mg zinc gluconate, 50 mg doxcyline, 100 mg aspirin, 100 mg hydroxychloroquine. 2 tablets daily.
Price: Whatever the market will pay. Just a guess. Eh?
Let’s see, 7 Billion people at 2 pills / day at USD 5/pill, that’s a right smart income stream. 🙂
Meanwhile, 95% of Victorians hospitalized with CoViD are vaccinated of which 78% are fully vaccinated. Dan Andrews continues to call it an epidemic of the unvaccinated.
Sorry, that was the Project Veritas video with J&J employees
Here is the video of the Victorian CoViD situation
If you had dug deeper you would have found that 78% were unvaccinated. The CHO simply said it wrong. A similar thing happened in NSW a few weeks ago when the press conference announced that 2% of hospitalisation were unvaccinated when it was actually 2% fully.
Here is the data
The moral here is too many press conferences means too many chances to make an error that the uneducated unsceptical unwashed public will be mislead by.
Until a few days ago Covidlive had an entry for NSW giving hospital and ICU cases by vaccination status. That could be opened to give the daily results for at least the past months. The proportion of vaccinated patients was steadily rising.
That seems to be no longer available.
It would not be difficult data to collect so I don’t know why they are no longer sharing it.
Conversely Victoria is now giving the vaccination status of hospitalized patients, which you shared above. I wonder how long that will last.
last until they get bored of it or report the collected data elsewhere.
Proportion of vaccinated will increase as population proportion goes up.
Total numbers per infections will go down at the same time due to increased vaccination. It is not rocket maths.
Infections going up in Vic. Proportion of vaccinated patients going up in both states.
you understand the rocket maths right? here is a simple one. t=time of measurement. v= vacc’d, U= unvacc’d
total patients = V + U
Population proportions(t) = V(t):U(t)
relative likelihood of hospitalisation V(h):U(h)
relative likelihood of infection V(i):U(i)
crunch all these for expected numbers at any t.
simply when 100% are vaccinated, all patients will be vaccinated, for other values it will depend on the relative likelihoods BUT no matter what the numbers, vaccinated cases in hospital will go up along with increased numbers of vaccinated people.
In other words what you just wrote is totally expected and is unremarkable.
Thank You Professor for a lesson in rocket maths!
Is that what they taught you at riverside?
All you have done is define the terms Vaccinated and Unvaccinated in symbols.
You fail to give any function relating to time (t) and hence you can crunch your numbers however you like but you will never get the an answer for the expected numbers at any time (t).
“vaccinated cases in hospital will go up along with increased numbers of vaccinated people. ”
Basically, what you are saying is that as the efficacy of the experimental clayton’s vax wears off, the % of two-jabbed in hospital will increase.
Thanks for confirming that the so-called vaccinations don’t really vaccinate
Obviously the minister missed the word “not” in front of vaccinated. This is the actual CHO update for the day:
The fully vaccinated number of 4% is inflated because the hospitals are being used as quarantine centres for aged care that are not equipped to quarantine. Before that happened on 19th September, there was only 1% fully vaccinated in hospital:
So 1% from 45% of the population fully vaccinated and 99% from the 55% of the population NOT fully vaccinated. Who would be silly enough not to get vaccinated given those odds?
You’ve got more chance of winning Lotto than dying from the Peking Pox.
Unless you are in your 80s + in God’s waiting room, dangling by a thread, where even a draft from an open door could carry you off, THEN Covid can be deadly.
Remember, the average age of death from Covid in Australia is 84 – two years more than the average age of death.
Wow! What a terror Covid is – if you have been hypnotised by the MSM that is.
Less than 2% of people admitted to intensive care in New South Wales in the first 11 weeks of the recent outbreak were fully vaccinated, the latest NSW Health weekly surveillance report shows.
In total 284 unvaccinated people (64.4%) had been treated in ICU during the latest outbreak up to 4 September. Seventy patients (15.9%) who received intensive care were categorised as partially vaccinated, while eight (1.8%) were fully vaccinated.
The remaining 79 people treated in ICU had an undetermined vaccination status.
Until 4 September, there were 129 confirmed COVID deaths within NSW – again mostly among the unvaccinated. Of those deaths, 15 (11.6%) were confirmed as fully vaccinated, including six people in their 70s, five in their 80s and four in their 90s.
Almost all COVID-19 patients in Victorian hospitals are unvaccinated
Rachel Eddie
September 6, 2021
Almost all the patients in hospital with COVID-19 in Victoria were unvaccinated, Health Minister Martin Foley has revealed.
Ninety-two people are in hospital as a result of infections driven by the Delta coronavirus variant but only one of the cases in the state’s hospital system on Sunday was fully vaccinated.
9 September 2021
Victoria was notified of 325 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday. 324 were locally acquired and one case was in a returned international traveller in hotel quarantine.
There are 2,166 active cases in Victoria – 2,161 locally acquired and five overseas-acquired cases.
There are 111 COVID-19 cases in hospital in Victoria. 32 of these cases are in intensive care, with 19 cases on a ventilator.
Of the cases in hospital yesterday, 89 per cent were not vaccinated and 11 per cent were partially vaccinated. No COVID-19 patients in hospital in Victoria were double-dose vaccinated.
The total number of confirmed cases in Victoria since the beginning of the pandemic is 23,964. Two historic cases were reclassified
meanwhile in NSW it is only 2%. Why is Victoria different or is the official data in NSW wrong and the youtuber providing no evidence right?
oh yeah… forgot this
Similarly to vaccination status they should also indicate any comorbidities and micronutrient deficiencies such as Zn and Vit D.
sure but a hard bunch of data to collect and disseminate, unless you are a big government advocate?
in any case this is does not affect Analitiks misinformation.
It is not apart from a health minister who has difficulty reading. This was the actual CHO report:
you realise I was writing in support of what you just wrote?
btw this ‘fully vaccinated’ rubbish needs to stop. The WHO has classified someone as vaccinated is thst the treatment provides 50% or more ‘protection’ to wuflu. This would mean a week or so after your first shot, not more than two weeks AFTER your second shot. They use this period to shift to goal posts constantly and will do so again when the protection plummets as time goes on to be near useless after 6 months as we see elsehere.
1/3rd of infections in wales are unvaxxed and 13% of wuflu patients in hospital are unvaxxed, they started vaccination much earlier than we have here.
Thanks shortie.
Good point.
Funny how in Uttar Pradesh state in India with 250 million population, using ivermectin, had only 400 cases.
But heres the thing – covid isn’t about covid, its about injecting the planet with what appears to be a very dangerous gene therapy. Why?
So from my Christian perspective, when it gets to the point where you can’t buy or sell unless you’re vaccinated/or similar, at that point we have the Biblical Mark of the Beast upon us.
Rev 13:15-17
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The technology used to implement the passports could be extended to fulfil that prophecy but only once the antichrist and false prophet come to the scene. They aren’t here as yet. They might actually be around today but as yet not made themselves known to the world. When they do we will know, at least those who are awake at the time. The rest of the people will be duped and willingly receive the mark of the beast on their hands or foreheads. I hope I don’t live to see that day but if I do then so be it.
Then why didn’t it work in Brazil?
Brazil being a country which has embraced the ivermectin route
The mortality charts are telling
Here is an excellent video by a recently-resigned NSW police officer who objected to the misuse of police to turn NSW (and Australia more generally) into a dictatorship.
Ex-Coffs policeman Alex Cooney releases ‘Cops for Covid Truth’ video
A Coffs Harbour police inspector has brushed off the latest ‘Cops for Covid Truth’ video from former highway patrol officer Alex Cooney.
A serving Coffs Harbour policeman has brushed off the latest online instalment from former officer Alex Cooney, in which he airs concerns about officers enforcing public health orders.
The former Coffs-Clarence highway patrol officer has claimed in an online video the use of officers to enforce public health orders is “unjustifiable, unlawful and eroding the relationship between the police force and the community”.
He also refers to Covid-19 as an “alleged virus”.
It comes after Mr Cooney sent an open letter to police commissioner Michael Fuller on October 26 last year with claims about global and corporate agendas.
His nine-minute video released at the weekend says “police are worried about what they are being asked to do” but he could not speak out when he was a serving member of the police force.
In the video he claims he always went above and beyond in his years of service.
As recently as October last year the Coffs-Clarence Police District Facebook page praised his work as a highway patrol officer and featured a photo of him at the Grafton PCYC where he spoke to young people about road safety.
On Monday, current Police Inspector Ben Atkinson distanced himself from the ex-cop and emphasised the enforcement of public health orders remained a major priority for local officers.
“The Public Health Act is a big focus for us and while restrictions have eased we are still enforcing regulations to help ensure Coffs doesn’t go back into lockdown,” Inspector Atkins said.
When asked about Mr Cooney’s latest video he said he would not comment.
“It doesn’t warrant comment as far as I am concerned,” he said.
It comes after former Lismore magistrate David Heilpern spoke out to say public health orders were legitimate laws and fully enforceable.
His comments came in relation to divisions different viewpoints on the virus had caused in the Byron community.
“The orders certainly are law and they are enforceable,” Mr Heilpern, who now works as a lawyer, said.
“Unless they’re successfully challenged, they’re fully enforceable and they are legislation that applies to all people.”
He said there had been no such successful challenge.
“There is a big difference between saying I don’t agree with the law and saying this law does not apply,” he said.
Kudos to this young chap, he saw a wrong and did something about it, pity he had to sacrifice his career to do it though, cops like him are needed and if he was in the force for another 20-30 years it would have served the populace better.
I can understand why not many would follow his footsteps. They need to earn a living. However, there are other ways. I don’t understand why they can’t go on strike and refuse to apply fines and arrest people. They have done it before for other reasons. Perhaps they have been threatened that if they did strike they would lose their jobs. In that case if most did strike they can’t sack all of them. It appears then the MSM and governments have done an excellent job at fooling almost all of them. It’s unfortunate since it was our only big hope of stopping the increase in tyranny. The police by and large have not only betrayed us but have turned against us by their display of thuggish tactics for all to see, except for those who refuse to see it and instead support their draconian tactics.
They should have asked genuine experts from the John Curtin School of Medicine, ANU!
None so blind as those who won’t look.
Ive heard alleged stories from the US where it apepars doctors are denying patients care.
Some doctors who were asked about this cannot fathom why its happening, although criticizing the vaccine is the 3rd rail now – as soon as you criticise it, youre done, which should slap people across the face to let them know something is very wrong if some doctors are acting like gods ( a few jokes in there…I know …) and others are plain too frightened to say bad things about what apepars to be clearly and dangerous vaccine….what has doctors so scared they wont speak up?
Answer – Evil.
Let’s hope some don’t go crazy over there and start shooting those doctors for refusing to treat them.
People who wisely haven’t subjected themselves to the spike protein formula are being labelled ‘antivaxxers’, just like ‘climate deniers’, seems to be working to a script here.
My problem with being labelled a climate denier is that nobody will tell me exactly what it is that I’m denying. My problem with being labelled an anti-vaxxer is that these injections are not vaccines.
The problem is , many people have swallowed the lie.
Its like God has sent a delusion to those who want to believe a lie, so those deluded will become more deluded still, those seeking truth, Gods default position, will find more truth still.
Its a form of initial separating work by God – sheep on the right, goats on the left….and its only going to get more pronounced.
Actually many people have swallowed two lies; CAGW and the need to vaccinate virtually all of the population against a virus that could have been tackled better in other ways at much less cost to the economy and to people’s lives. The fact is though it’s far from over. The trend is continuing with more and more people swallowing both lies. It’s a given. We are going to tackle climate change whether anyone believes it’s true or not. What remains to be seen is how exactly Australia is going to tackle the fabricated hoax. We might continue down the renewables road or we might switch to the nuclear road as other countries already have. The other countries have the advantage over us in that can achieve their goals far easier than we can by relying more on nuclear as some indicated they will, such as UK. It doesn’t take a rocket scientists to see we might do the same.
That’s an interesting point. Not sure if many noticed it but I have. There is a definite trend now for more people to be outspokenly critical about us “climate change deniers”. I’m already seeing it on RT News where in Europe and the US people are beginning to make it know that anyone is sceptical of CAGW is to be talked down as a fool. As I stated before we lost the CAGW battle. Now they are turning things against most of us by using the vaccination hysteria and make sure they do force the West do something about climate change. If they go down the nuclear road then so be it. There are already signs of that but too early to tell that’s how the so called climate change issue is going to be tackled. If the trend continues fast enough I can see the day very soon that PM Morrison will come out and declare we are going with the nuclear option like so many other countries already have. We shall see.
Well I for one will resist their poison clot shot and if they ban me from dining out or going to Woolies for food, I will just order it online and get it delivered, I can be a nuisance in other ways.
Australia has a Sinovac Problem
We want international students back, but many of them, not just Chinese, have been jabbed with Sinovac, which we don’t recognise.
The first problem is the lack of mutual recognition of vaccines. Students from China, Australia’s largest international education market, are vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm, neither of which are recognised by Australia. Other countries which send thousands of international student to Australia – including Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines – also use the Chinese vaccines.
This is part of a broader international problem which all countries need to deal with, and it’s not all about China. For example Australia’s main vaccine, AstraZeneca, is not yet recognised in the US. Lack of vaccine recognition affects many industries, including aviation and tourism, as well as any business which needs its staff to travel internationally. A big international agreement is needed to solve this problem and it can’t come quickly enough.
The next problem is one of validation of an individual’s vaccination. How does an international student, or other visitor, offer proof that they have had the jab or jabs? There is not yet a globally recognised system to validate vaccination. Again, one needs to be built.
A third problem is home grown. Let’s stay that the federal government, after taking advice from its expert bodies, recognises Sinovac and Sinopharm. Sadly, that’s not the end of the story. Because state governments hold the power over health (as has become all too clear in this pandemic), they also have the final say in whether an international student with a particularly vaccination is allowed into their state.
US To Exclude Travelers Vaccinated With Russia’s Sputnik V Despite Distribution To 70 Countries
testing and taking Ivermectin would have likely resulted in different outcomes:
– “Yesterday the state confirmed four new locally acquired cases, with the most concerning being an unvaccinated truck driver who was staying in shared Brisbane accommodation. He was infectious in the community for more than a week.”
– “By the time the ship was well into its journey on Sunday, some of the crew reported flu-like symptoms and after rapid-antigen testing, at least 11 of its 22 crew members have tested positive for Covid-19.”
– “Two cases are a couple from Eatons Hills, with the husband a vaccinated aviation worker who was infectious in the community for three days.”
– “The fourth case is a person who tested positive after completing their full 14 days in quarantine and leaving the hotel.”
– “More than half of the people who died at home with Covid-19 during Sydney’s current outbreak were not diagnosed until after their deaths.
ABC’s 7.30 program on Monday night reported that 13 of the 29 people who have died at home were being cared for under NSW’s Hospital in the Home scheme, which looks after people who test positive but aren’t ill enough to be in hospital.
But the other 16 weren’t known to health authorities until they died.
In Melbourne, four of the nine people who have died at home were only diagnosed post-mortem.
In both cities, the victims were largely from migrant and non-English speaking backgrounds.
—> What if those people got information in different languages in their post box with telephone numbers from trusted persons who they can ask for help (for example in Sydney: GP Jamal Rifi).
Teams could have been set up with the required ‘tools’, food package,… to visit those people at home and explain what’s next.
” How the delta variant stole Christmas: Empty shelves, long waits — and yes, higher prices”
—-> There are multiple reasons why it has come to this,
one of those: the narrow response to this crisis….
Drug repurposing should have always been very high on the agenda from the very start of this crisis.
The “narrow response to this crisis” is either a sign of how blind and delinquent our governments and health officials have become, or that they have a sinister agenda to engineer a despot and tyrannical control over the people. It really doesn’t matter which one it is from the point of view of how to deal with them at the next election. They are guilty at failing to serve the people in the way we entrusted them to behave. So, anyone who votes for them again, LNP or ALP, will themselves be guilty for supporting their efforts.
Thanks Catherine,
I agree . The narrow simple minded responses of our health departments has been shown to be inadequate. NSW and Vic have not been able to suppress covid and achieve zero cases this time.
It is not too late to change course, but it could lead to awkward questions. That is why they are doubling down on the failed strategy.
The effect of the vaccines is still an unanswered question.
I can see the possibility that the long term effects of the vaccines as ending up being ignored, either by some other diversion or the shortness of people’s memories, probably both. Get used to it. It’s not about the virus nor the vaccine, it’s about turning towards tyranny. They are using both CAGW and the pandemic to scare people into giving up their freedoms to our forthcoming dictators.
Oh for a journalist worthy of the name. One who put inconvenient facts to the talking heads. One who then reads back some of the bizarre statements and asks for an explanation.
I’m expecting a Royal Commission by the ACT Government. Using horse-dewormer tablets on school children to treat lice is cruel and unusual punishment.
The nurse whistle blower site is troubling, where it points out the hardening of attitudes to the unvaxed. I listened to a recent Jordan Peterson interview, where he brought up the question of religion, and how our modern Western societies have moved away from any belief in a God, but we are still stuck psychologically with with a need to have something beyond us, to worship. The climate cult, and now probably the vax wave, has become a faith based religion, like ‘old time religion’, where facts have no relevance. Mantras work! 97%, or ‘safe and effective.’
It’s interesting on the nurse’s site, that there don’t seem to be any instances, of the ‘gung ho’ being laid low? I’ve read a lot, but not all of it. Leading to possibilities that either the hesitant are picking up things intuitively, or they’re having hysterical reactions, and the gung ho aren’t having problems, or they are hiding them?? Or all of the above?
I totally agree with Steve of Cornubia’s post, that huge numbers of rational people aren’t going to suddenly appear, to steer our white anted………..society (every institution has been captured) on to a path of rationality, and believing that one person can fix everything is madness. That’s another instance of ‘religion’. It seems to be choice between sitting back, and just enjoying the mayhem, or rooting for the Chinese!
From the abstract
“A randomized controlled trial at 20 schools is planned.”
Did the randomised trial take place?
“But wait, what about all the diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and coma that may have befallen all these poor children? Who would be so reckless as to hand out this drug hither-thither with just a “fact sheet”?!”
Also from the abstract:
“No adverse events were reported.”
That says it all
El Salvador has done it.
Central American nation of El Salvador, the nation’s Ministry of Public Health (Ministerio de Salud Publica—MINSAL) had embraced the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin as part of a combination of recommendations for early-onset treatment of COVID-19 via an ambulatory home patient kit.
As shared by Salud Conlupa, every citizen in El Salvador (Central America) is provided with an “anti-COVID-19 kit” containing the following products free of charge by the government if needed.
The kit contains:
Paracetamol and aspirin (anti-inflammatory)Loratadine (antihistamine)Ivermectin (against parasite infestation)Azithromycin (antibiotic)Vitamin C (500mg)Vitamin D (2000 IU)Zinc (50mg)Electrolytes (minerals)
Guatemala and Bolivia are now also implementing this program.
As did Brazil
It looks disastrous
Even the Far Left The Lancent is prepared to cautiously, extremely cautiously, ask the question:
“Is ivermectin ready to be part of a public health policy for COVID-19 prophylaxis?”
They were rather less cautious about promoting poorly tested vaccines, but it is refreshing to see a Leftist organisations being prepared to ask a question beyond what Big Pharma and the WHO told them to think.
That or they can sense the mood shifting, eswepcially in the US.
I saw figures that said only 15% of the US are fully double tapped.
This presents a huge headache for the vaccine n*zis – which I think is why they will unleash a second bioengineered nasty on the US during the coming hot war with China.
15%? The official figure is around 56%. Are you saying it’s fake?
What evidence do you need. He wrote that he saw it. sheesh.
Unlike you I like to question everything. It’s the result of my training as an old school scientist, now retired, who believes in the search of the truth no matter what. I realise it’s getting harder these days with the flood of lies coming from all sorts of directions but predominately from the left.
you realise I was writing in support of your question?
No, you didn’t. You assumed you have given me the answer to my question. Instead you derided the OP and avoided my question. I seek the truth, not innuendos. Try again if you wish.
Good luck getting anything out of someone who has never given anyone what you seek.
Like I said- for Steve the fact that he “saw it”, is evidence enough.
That’s why I’ve recently added RT News to my list of “news” sources” as well as doing my own research. At least RT News is the closest to an unbiased news service I’ve ever come across. They have left wing and right wing people speaking out. It’s also more educational as they cover so many other topics that the others like Sky News never touch. COVID is hardly discussed, which is also refreshing compared to the near wall-to-wall COVID chatter on the others including Sky News.
Its amazing, today in my web browser there’s numerous pop up ads recommending you go talk to your doctor about the “vaccine”. Even, go talk to your pharmacist about the vaccine. Sponsored by the Vic govt- terrible use of taxpayers money, by the way. If you haven’t heard of the “vaccine” by now, you must live under a rock! For me, talking to my GP or pharmacist would almost be the last place I would go anyway. Yet, I cant go to my GP/pharmacist and talk about IVM or HCQ or Quercetin. All are either TGA approved or complimentary drugs with fantastic safety profiles. Doctors have for decades prescribed antibiotics for colds and flus in this country. None of those have approvals in the treatment of those infections. Yet, the GP’s know they have efficacy vs viruses. The only think to hope for ( and its a bit macabre) is for COVID deaths to start rising as we open up. Then, maybe some more independent thinking ED medicos might start considering IVM for treatment as oral doses in cocktails with Zinc, etc. Perhaps even those experimental sub-lingual and injectable forms of IVM as proposed by the Canadian company, Mountain Valley MD.
Well, Ross, part of the answer is the politicization of medicine and medical care.
Yes, like the politicisation of other science (s) as well.
It is not amazing, it is how big brother works. I imagine you were doing searches on medications and Covid. You only need to know one thing “get vaccinated”. No one is going to advertise Ivermectin unless you do a search for animal drench and parasites. Every time you press the enter key or click on your web browser, it is being monitored by big brother and they are just helping you to find what you really need.
if using Chrome, click on 3 dots on right of web address,
In drop down, select more tools
From that Drop Down select extensions
In the Search Extensions at the top Type Cookie Remover
Add as Extension
While you are there In the Search Extensions at the top Type “Bypass Paywalls” and also “Adblock Plus” and Add
and why not search IBA Opt-out (by Google) – Opt out of Google’s interest-based ads as you browse the web with Chrome.
and Unpaywall Legally get full text of scholarly articles as you browse.
Note with AdBlock Plus blocks eg DailyMail. so I use Safari Browser (which I leave without AdBlock Plus) to view sites that object to AdBlock and I see then why I use AdBlock – Ads on Daily Mail site are ridiculous – basically unreadable
Also have AdBlockPlus on Firefox
Just re watched PJ Watson’s ‘covid cult’ video. No punches are pulled! Unfortunately he got it wrong at the end. It’s not a cult anymore, it’s a religion. His latest is on the Catholic Church. I hadn’t noticed how even it has woked.!
For completlenss they should also sear a tin foil cap. Is it any wonder why so many would welcome with open arms a vaccine passport and social credit score system all-in-one? I’ve seen interviews with people who are so eager for them they sound like those apple iphone cultists desperately queuing up to buy the new model. It’s a cult alright. We should soon see something similar with the climate change cult. As they join forces it’s not too much of a stretch to see them hunting down climate change sceptics and the unvaccinated. That’s why I believe he is wrong at the end when he said the cult is finished. It’s just beginning!
“Health Minister Foley announced 867 new COVID cases recorded yesterday. During the statistical outline Foley identifies 375 people as hospitalized, 81 people in intensive care and 61 people on a ventilator. Then comes the statistic everyone in government and media ignore. Amid the recorded cases “78% of the hospital cases are fully vaccinated, and 17% are partially vaccinated (1 dose)”….
That means 95% of the COVID patients in Victoria hospitals are vaccinated.
356 people out of 375 patients are vaccinated, yet 81 people are still in intensive care with 61 on a ventilator.
What good are the vaccinations if 78% of those fully vaccinated are occupying the hospital?”
Where can we see data of those in hospital who have been vaxxed?
I looked at
and I can’t see it recorded the proportion in hospital or infected and not in hospital of vaxxed/not vaxxed.
yep he definitely says
“Health Minister Foley announced 867 new COVID cases recorded yesterday. During the statistical outline Foley identifies 375 people as hospitalized, 81 people in intensive care and 61 people on a ventilator. Then comes the statistic everyone in government and media ignore. Amid the recorded cases “78% of the hospital cases are fully vaccinated, and 17% are partially vaccinated (1 dose)”
What good are the vaccinations if 78% of those fully vaccinated are occupying the hospital?
Keep in mind, this tracks with what we have been saying about sample populations around the world in general. The percentage of people sick and hospitalized is directly equivalent to the percentage of people vaccinated in the population. If 50% of the population is vaccinated, 50% of the hospitalized patients will be vaccinated. The vaccine makes no difference.
Victoria is reflecting this same issue, perhaps worse. 78% of the hospital patients are fully vaccinated, that’s actually a higher percentage than the population vaccinated as a whole. Meaning vaccinated people are arriving at the hospital in greater percentage than they represent in the population. The vaccine could be making people suffer more severe outcomes. Watch it again. These are his own statements.
The vaccine appears not about preventing illness, it apepars whatever is in the vaccine is setting people up for later…whatever that is….ADE presumably, so any old bug can knock them over later…..
A global roll out of a useless vaccine – common old horse sense says it not about preventing disease.
Some might say money, but think about what could theoretically happen to pharma companies when people work out they have been diddled…unless they arent expecting retribution, because people are expect to be literally incapable of it.
Logic says that seems a possible outcome.
The minister did not read correctly. This is from the actual CHO report:
The vaccines are highly effective. That is clear across the globe. Covid is history apart from a few countries like Australia that were slow to get jabs in arms because there were no cases for 6 months in 2021. But now on a solid upward trend to fully vaccinated:
Gibraltar with 116% ‘double vaxxed’ and uncontrolled spread in the community begs to differ on this. The least a fully vaxxed community wayyyyy above natural herd immunity lines should be able to do is limit infections to at least near 1 per infection. Same with Singapore, though lower vaccination rate it is still high at 77.3% when I last looked.
Gibraltar is not a big place; even so I consider single digit daily cases for the last month being described as “uncontrolled spread” being accurate.
Most of that tiny number will be tourists as it is a tourist destination. They do require tourists to be vaccinated but they can still carry the virus. The last Covid death in Gibraltar was more than a month ago!!!!
How can the vaccines be highly effective and Covid be history if the CEO’s of Pfizer and Moderna are now saying that you will have to get boosters continually for the rest of your life? That does not sound like an effective product to me. It also does not sound like Covid is history …more like the common cold.
You are saying the Victorian Health Minister is like President Joe Hiden – can’t read Cue Cards?
So we have a Senile Victorian Health Minister?
My wife has suggested that he may have suffered a stroke at some point. The right side of his mouth seems to lack control.
Less than 2% of people admitted to intensive care in New South Wales in the first 11 weeks of the recent outbreak were fully vaccinated, the latest NSW Health weekly surveillance report shows.
In total 284 unvaccinated people (64.4%) had been treated in ICU during the latest outbreak up to 4 September. Seventy patients (15.9%) who received intensive care were categorised as partially vaccinated, while eight (1.8%) were fully vaccinated.
The remaining 79 people treated in ICU had an undetermined vaccination status.
Until 4 September, there were 129 confirmed COVID deaths within NSW – again mostly among the unvaccinated. Of those deaths, 15 (11.6%) were confirmed as fully vaccinated, including six people in their 70s, five in their 80s and four in their 90s.
9 September 2021
Victoria was notified of 325 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday. 324 were locally acquired and one case was in a returned international traveller in hotel quarantine.
There are 2,166 active cases in Victoria – 2,161 locally acquired and five overseas-acquired cases.
There are 111 COVID-19 cases in hospital in Victoria. 32 of these cases are in intensive care, with 19 cases on a ventilator.
Of the cases in hospital yesterday, 89 per cent were not vaccinated and 11 per cent were partially vaccinated. No COVID-19 patients in hospital in Victoria were double-dose vaccinated.
The total number of confirmed cases in Victoria since the beginning of the pandemic is 23,964. Two historic cases were reclassified
From a rationalist point of view it is impossible to believe why Ivermectin is not being tested in a clinical trial.
In Australia as well as other countries, a substantial portion of the population have no intention whatsoever to get The Injection once, twice or three times.
That cohort would willingly participate in a clinical trial against cohorts that don’t wish to take The Injection or Ivermectin and those that willingly will take one, two, three or more Injections.
I can see absolutely no ethical problem at all, plus it would be super cheap to do this. It is about as simple a clinical trial as it is possible to get.
Ivermectin is TGA approved treatment for river blindness, threadworms and scabies in Australia ( as we all know). I would bet that is was approved using probably all overseas supporting data. I would wager no Australian clinical trials were ever completed. Why would you anyway? – the active has been off patent for years The company applying to the TGA would have used all the same arguments evidenced in this blog (for the last 15 months) and the TGA would have said ” Yep, no worries guys, that use is approved”. Possibly what is needed is some philanthropic pharmaceutical company ( oxymoron?) to apply for COVID treatment worldwide using some of the 18 supposed RCT trials already available. The system needs to be used the same way as the Pfizers, AZ, Moderna etc access it for their vaccine approvals. Then it becomes ” official” – especially for the likes of the TGA.
I’m in!
OT – or is it?
I was re-reading an old favourite novel – D.H.Lawrence’s Kangaroo
In one chapter the narrator (obvious Lawrence himself) is reading some of the local Oz newspapers, and notices this report:
Globe: There can’t be much telepathy about bullocks, anyhow. In Gippsland (Victoria) last season a score of them were put into a strange paddock, and the whole 20 were found drowned in a hole next morning. Tracks showed that they had gone each on his own along a path, overbalanced one after the other, and were unable to clamber up the rocky banks.
That, thought Richard at the close of the day, is a sufficient comment on herd–unity, equality, domestication, and civilisation. He felt he would have liked to climb down into that hole in which the bullocks were drowning and beat them all hard before they expired, for being such mechanical logs of life.
The key to understanding our bovine friends is understanding that they are first and foremost herd animals.
The herd is all important to them – which, when you think about it – is obvious, since they were susceptible to predators before domestication. There are some indomitable single minded ones, but most stick with the mob.
But never underestimate their intelligence. I have a breeding herd that, because they are permanent residents, I have been able to observe closely over the years. I have cows that can turn on a tap to a trough & others that can open the catch to gates. I am very fond of them and they constantly take advantage of that!
Wow Vicki! What interesting cows.
I wouldn’t be much of a farmer. I couldn’t send those to the slaughterhouse…
Here is a video about examples of bovine intelligence.
Most cows are more intelligent and more honest than most politicians.
Smart Cows – I liked the double bolt gate opener, the Fetch Cow and the Dressage Cow
The grandest collection of patent gate latches I’ve ever seen was in South Africa. Apparently Angora goats are experts.
Foley reminds me of Muttley.
That was a reply to Lance #31.
Points on Ivermectin and the doses required for viral inhibition:
Note that viral inhibition apparently needs a 2 micromolar dose.
The usual antiparasitic dose is 30 picomolar.
Micro = 10-6 (10 to the minus 6)
Pico = 10-12
around five orders of magnitude off here, which just isn’t feasible
“…. But let’s imagine that you want to hit that 2 micromolar IC50 concentration in the bloodstream: how much Ivermectin would you need to take? Well, this calculation will involve some hand-waving, because who knows what the pharmacokinetics do as you head upwards like that. Here’s why I don’t want to even guess: that last link will show you that an 18mg tablet gives a peak blood concentration of 31 nanograms/mL. Ivermectin has a molecular weight of 875 (rather a lot when you think about it, to quote an old Monty Python routine), so that Cmax of 31 ng/mL is about 35 picomolar in the blood. Told you it was potent! So we’re around five orders of magnitude off here, which just isn’t feasible. One would have to hope that the compound concentrates significantly in the site(s) of action – really, really significantly. And we have no evidence that that’s happening.
It doesn’t take much to do these calculations – people were throwing their hands up in the air as soon as the Monash paper came out. As those letters to Antiviral Research note, ivermectin will start to hit other targets as you jack up the doses. The reason it’s such a great antiparasitic drug is that you don’t have to dose up at all. It’s hard to imagine that it’s a safe compound if you really have to push the concentrations to even within binocular distance of those in vitro levels. For that reason, the FDA has been warning people not to take the drug for the coronavirus….”
An in-vitro trial has no effect until above a 1 micomolar dose (see the charted dose response).
(Note the scale is logarithmic):
Thanks for the detail. Apparently ivermectin does concentrate in lung tissue which explains part of its success, despite the in vitro studies suggesting a very high dose (too high) would be needed.
Thanks for your comment Jo.
There is some concentration in lungs, but not enough to reach the levels required.
Vet Parasitol . 2000 Feb 1;87(4):327-38. doi: 10.1016/s0304-4017(99)00175-2.
Comparative distribution of ivermectin and doramectin to parasite location tissues in cattle
A Lifschitz 1, G Virkel, J Sallovitz, J F Sutra, P Galtier, M Alvinerie, C Lanusse
PMID: 10669102 DOI: 10.1016/s0304-4017(99)00175-2
J Pharm Sci. 2020 Dec; 109(12): 3574–3578.
Published online 2020 Sep 4. doi: 10.1016/j.xphs.2020.08.024
PMCID: PMC7473010 PMID: 32891630
Development of a Minimal Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model to Simulate Lung Exposure in Humans Following Oral Administration of Ivermectin for COVID-19 Drug Repurposing
Brian Jermain,a Patrick O. Hanafin,a Yanguang Cao,a Adrian Lifschitz,b Carlos Lanusse,b and Gauri G. Raoa,∗
“….The mPBPK model accurately described the simulated ivermectin plasma concentration profile in humans. The mPBPK model was also used to simulate human lung exposure to ivermectin after 12, 30, and 120 mg oral doses. The simulated ivermectin lung exposures reached a maximum concentration of 772 ng/mL, far less than the estimated 1750 ng/mL IC50 reported for ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Further studies of ivermectin either reformulated for inhaled delivery or in combination with other antivirals with differing mechanisms of action is needed to assess its therapeutic potential….”
Mark says: “reached a maximum concentration of 772 ng/mL, far less than the estimated 1750 ng/mL IC50 reported for ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.”
Since ivermectin has about 27 possible modes of action against SARS-2, and countless in vivo reports of success, dare I suggest that the “in vitro” estimates probably based on one mode of action are almost certainly wrong?
Reality — after all — is in vivo.
Reality — after all — is in vivo.
Yes, absolutely
Hopefully there is some convincing invivo data in the pipeline.
Interestingly, with all the many and varied links and summaries in this discussion, I’ve yet to see one decent set of invivo data.
Just anecdotes so far
Unfortunately so far the meta-analyses of trial work have not been convincing, so ‘success’ in treatment is still subject to further assessment.
Published: 22 September 2021 Correspondence
The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable
Jack M. Lawrence, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, James A. J. Heathers, Nicholas J. L. Brown & Kyle A. Sheldrick
Nature Medicine (2021)
“…Research into the use of ivermectin (a drug that has an established safety and efficacy record in many parasitic diseases) for the treatment and/or prophylaxis of COVID-19 has illustrated this problem well. Recently, we described flaws in one randomized control trial of ivermectin1, the results of which represented more than 10% of the overall effect in at least two major meta-analyses2,3. We described several irregularities in the data that could not be consistent with them being experimentally derived4. That study has now been withdrawn by the preprint server5 on which it was hosted. We also raised concerns about unexpected stratification across baseline variables in another randomized controlled trial for ivermectin6, which were highly suggestive of randomization failure. We have requested data from the authors but, as of 6 September 2021, have not yet received a response. This second ivermectin study has now been published6, and there is still no response from the authors in a request for data.
The authors of one recently published meta-analysis of ivermectin for COVID-193 have publicly stated that they will now reanalyze and republish their now-retracted meta-analysis and will no longer include either of the two papers just mentioned. As these two papers1,6 were the only studies included in that meta-analysis to demonstrate an independently significant reduction in mortality, the revision will probably show no mortality benefit for ivermectin.
Several other studies that claim a clinical benefit for ivermectin are similarly fraught, and contain impossible numbers in their results, unexplainable mismatches between trial registry updates and published patient demographics, purported timelines that are not consistent with the veracity of the data collection, and substantial methodological weaknesses. We expect further studies supporting ivermectin to be withdrawn over the coming months.
Since the above primary studies were published, many hundreds of thousands of patients7 have been dosed with ivermectin, relying on an evidence base that has substantially evaporated under close scrutiny….”
Here are some charts showing ivermectin and doromectin distribution in cattle tisses.
Brazil encouraged free use of Ivermectin.
And in early 2021 its death rate sky rocketed.
Bolsonaro published the most popular Facebook post on the early treatment on Nov. 19, encouraging Brazilians to start the drug regimen with the arrival of the first COVID-19 symptoms. Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are where Bolsonaro, right-wing influencers and even doctors hawk the benefits of unproven drug cocktails. Agência Pública, a nonprofit publication focused on investigative journalism, recently revealed that Brazil’s Ministry of Health contracted social media influencers to post about early treatment in January.
Check out the mortality rates here: Bolsanaro was hushing the treatment in November 2020, with deaths peaking in March and April 2021.
A bit more :
In Brazil and in most of Latin American (LATAM) and Caribbean countries, IVM has been prescribed and widely used for the preventive treatment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) immediately after the publication of its in vitro effect against the virus [3]. In the early stages of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) people were also bombarded by the false promises, such as the immunological and antiviral protection of IVM. Most of the treatment decisions did not follow any medical, pharmacological or epidemiological recommendations and the medical community took the one-size-fits-all attitude based on the fact that the drug was affordable and exceptionally safe. A number of researchers were cautious about these widespread indications and started warning medical doctors and the population to evaluate and reject the idea of self-medication and self-dosing with IVM [4].
In June 2020, right in the middle of the first COVID-19 wave, the sales of IVM skyrocketed as 12 million packages were sold in Brazil alone ( The record sales were also related to the decision of mayors of three cities totaling 300,000 people, who have organized a voluntary mass treatment recommending three tablets of 6 mg of IVM on three occasions 15 days apart. Moreover, the population of Peru were also encouraged by their former President Mr. Martín Vizcarra to take IVM
The medical and political decision for these and other mass treatments were misleadingly based on prevention, the possible reduction in hospitalization time, and the reduction in the total number of deaths. In a similar vein, countries that did not produce IVM in LATAM and Africa (approx. 500 million people) were desperate to obtain IVM at US$3.5 a package. Unfortunately, and after all these investments, the shape of COVID-19 curves did not exhibit any modification when comparing groups of treated and untreated people from the same area (Office of the Secretary of Health:
As early as January 2021 the COVID-19 condition in LATAM got out of hand and this unprecedent situation was described as a complete massacre and a horror film, referring to overcrowding in 100% of the hospitals in Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonas, North of Brazil. Most hospitals throughout the entire region were overwhelmed by the surge of the new P1 variant of the COVID-19, with a 200-people daily death rate, confirming the devastating situation. IVM may have contributed to this terrible situation since a team of infectologists described that more than 90% of the patients in the ICU admitted to having taken IVM as a preventive treatment for COVID-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (The Intercept – and at INCOR in São Paulo, Brazil.
Also the IC50 of the monkey kidney cells is much higher than human lung tissue. They used the monkey kidney cells because that is what the first Australian isolate of the virus came in, I suppose to get the information out there quickly. Unfortunately this backfired and has led to the drug being repeatedly dismissed.
Dosage rates are overrated unless they are extreme. We just need to use it and stop worrying about how much as long as it’s within reason. The same applies to Zinc, VitD, VitC and many others. As long as they are not taken in extreme amounts it’s better than nothing, possibly even life saving for many. Like anything there might be some ill effects to some but the same is true for the vaccines that’s not stopping governments dishing them out like candy.
Thanks for your thoughts, PeterS. You perhaps should read the publications linked above.
They VERY CLEARLY show the doses required to have the much acclaimed physical effect on the virus.
It is probably 100,000 times the usual therapeutic anti-parasitic dose, and, in all the information I’ve seen, AT THE VERY LEAST 1,500 times the therapeutic dose is touted.
Didn’t we find it worked in places like India without such high doses?
No, we did not.
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Task Force on Covid-19 have dropped the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) drugs from their revised guidelines for the treatment of the infection. The decision was taken after experts found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient.
Following the WHO Guidelines.
The WHO being primarily concerned with CCP welfare and not ours.
Ask Tedros.
Fact Checked at 8;57PM.
Passed O.K being completely free of facts.
Not all Indian states don’t follow the advice with success. Uttar Pradesh is one and nearly free of COV-19
OK Mark,
Science direct , published by the same people as “Lancet” – epic fail. – owned by the Gates – Highly suspect. Both articles published in the nation with the worst covid record.This is spin again . Voldermectin works and there is plenty of evidence of this .
If you are going to disregard the premier scientific journals, where are you going to get your information from?
Fact Checked at 8;57PM.
Passed O.K being completely free of facts.
The senior author on that paper explains why the IC50 concentration given in that paper is clinically misleading in her presentation starting at 1:18:30
Hard to argue with that. I’ve seen other unpublished data from this group (from February 2021) that suggests appropriate levels are reached in lung tissue in vivo.
Mark’s link to this article in Science is well worth a read.
It even has a xkcd reference:
From May 2020.
Might the concentration be less important depending on IVM’s mode of action?
IVM can be an anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, a zinc ionophore and even an anti-cancer agent.
“Ivermectin, antiviral properties and COVID-19: a possible new mechanism of action”
And anti-inflammatory, anti-cytokine, and pro-interferon.
Sorry, what that guy writes will prove not existant competence with some null sense numbers without own research but with guessed probabilities without ny scientific background.
It is remarkable that Australian researchers first indicated Ivermectin (IVM) as a potential treatment for the CCP virus. As best I can tell (which isn’t saying much; there are well over 1500 citations) no one since has discredited their work. Indian doctors have happily acknowledged the Australian connection with IVM (here, for example). Yet Australian governmental bureaucracy (very broadly defined) and many others in the ‘developed’ world are intolerant of any application of IVM when treating people for the virus, indeed show themselves to be furiously incurious (apologies to F. C. above). There may be some who are in thrall with ‘big pharma’ but that does seem a bit underwhelming as an explanation for what appears to be a prejudice (it’s definitely not science).
What, one then asks, are the priorities of the medical professoriate? These should be identifiable from their (probably many) publications. How do these priorities then translate to the members of various government bureaucracies which have constructed public policies of such uniformity (a characteristic as dispiriting, perhaps, as anything else)?
Members of the public who ask questions about the vaccines available to date (however inchoate) are coming under ever more ruthless and vilifying attack from the intellectual classes whose scientism is showing. Vaccine passports are the next imposition designed to reduce the living standards of people who dare raise questions.
And after a few more months, what then?
How to prevent a third wave of Covid-19
Drug control authorities around the world chose to dismiss or stay indifferent to the sustained efficacy of Ivermectin despite studies showing its effectiveness
Ivermectin is also used as a preventive medicine for those who are at high risk of infection, like family members of Covid positive individuals and all frontline workers, which includes healthcare professionals, the police, traffic and railway personnel, bus, auto and taxi drivers, bank employees and more. It is useful in treating post-Covid complications and long Covid, although the most dramatic results are seen when it is used early. We believe that this drug should be quickly cleared for use countrywide and also provided to ASHA workers in their health kits, with clear instructions for use. In fact, Ivermectin should be given to all those who are not vaccinated or are partially vaccinated. After the initial three tablets given on three consecutive days, a once-weekly dose of 12 mg provides enough protection against the virus. When a drug that is safe and cheaply available can work effectively during the waiting period for the vaccine, is there any reason not to use it? Mass prophylaxis is a sure way of stopping transmission. It should be urgently implemented by the Centre, because all mechanisms of mutation and spread are not only of national but also international significance.
In December 2020, a group of medical experts formed the international Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) led by Drs Paul Marik, Umerto Meduri, Jose Inglesias, Peirre Kory and Joe Varon. In the UK, the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development panel (BIRD) was founded by a team led by Dr Lawrie. To date, there have been over 60 clinical trials and 31 randomised clinical trials done on 25,000 patients by 549 scientists on Ivermectin use in Covid-19 infections. They firmly endorse the universal use of the drug.
However, there is one dilemma: Major pharmaceutical companies around the world have invested trillions of dollars in the manufacture of vaccines. One can understand their need to recover costs and make profits by selling vaccines to every country. But it should not mean that we sacrifice millions of lives in order to make it okay for the companies. Sadly, this is happening. Drug control authorities around the world and (ironically) WHO itself chose to dismiss or stay indifferent to the sustained efficacy of Ivermectin. Medical professionals who work in super-speciality hospitals are none too happy about a drug that will drastically reduce hospital dependency.
The saddest part of the story is that the media has apparently chosen to look only at one side of the coin. What other explanation is there for the shrill publicity given to expensive drugs like Remdesivir and several newer drugs while the success, safety and ease of use of Ivermectin is treated with deafening silence? If patients can recover quickly with a tablet that can be taken at home, we can undo lockdowns, open up business and tourism, and run colleges and schools without waiting until the whole world is vaccinated. None of this is to say that vaccinations are not necessary. What we are trying to reinforce is that we should use the simpler, safer, quicker method of mass prophylaxis with Ivermectin as soon as possible. If properly planned, it can be done in a matter of days.
To put it simply, it makes very good sense to Ivermectinise the world while going ahead with vaccinations at the same time. Given the crumbling economy of many poor countries, universal vaccination is a long way off. Every single Covid patient is a risk to herself and the rest of the world.
In conclusion, we quote Michael Capuzzo, a five-time Pulizer shortlisted writer from his article on Ivermectin titled The Drug that Cracked Covid. He writes: “I do not know of a bigger story in the world than this.”
15 Page PDF
Now waiting with “bated breath” for Anna to lock down Brisbane over 4 new Covid-19 cases infectious in the community for several days like she did previously for one case. The NRL are frantically making alternative arrangements to hold the rugby league final in Townsville. I’ve got my Ziverdo Ivermectin kits ready if the AstraZeneca jabs don’t work.
Oh no, that’s right, this can’t happen. The NRL Final is at Suncorp Stadium on Sunday so these 4 cases can’t possibly be as bad as that single case because NRL players and partners are exempt from catching Covid-19 so that applies to the 50,000 spectators as well. Will she or won’t she? That is the question.
Selwyn+H I’ve got my Ziverdo Ivermectin kits
Where did you Ziverdo Ivermectin kits?
Last attempt at ziverdokit selected PayPal and it did not work, said they would get back with an email re payment – never did
I would avoid any site that do not use PayPal for payment
Exactly that happened to us! Fortunately we got our own sets from a Victorian doctor back in July but I wanted to get more for friends and family , just in case.
It all looked good and easy with Paypal but same thing, an email then … nothing.
Found another website but doesnt take Paypal so didnt do it.
Hi OldOzzie. I got my Ziverdo kits by going through Indiamart and selecting one of several pharmaceutical companies recommended by them
after checking their prices and postal cost.
They did not accept Paypal payments so I used TransferWise. This was back in January so things may have now changed.
If she’s true to form, she’ll lock down the morning after the NRL final.
+ 10
70,000 New York health care workers have refused the jab – what does that tell you?
“New York may use national guard to replace unvaccinated health workers
“The plan, outlined in a statement, would allow the governor to declare a state of emergency and thereby increase the supply of healthcare workers to include licensed professionals from other states and countries as well as retired nurses.
“Hochul said the state was also looking at using national guard officers with medical training to keep hospitals and other medical facilities adequately staffed.
“Some 16% of the state’s 450,000 hospital staff, or roughly 70,000 workers, have not been fully vaccinated, the governor’s office said.
“Over 333,000 New Yorkers Have Left City Since COVID Pandemic Began In March
“More than 54,000 people moved to New Jersey, 31,268 to Florida, 23,387 to Connecticut and 21,872 to California.
“More than 100,000 went upstate or to Long Island.
“This data does not include those who left without formally changing their addresses.
ie a higher rate than the general public (62% fully) with no breakdown on how many of the 16% are vaccinated but not fully. In other words hospital staff unvaccinated is likely much less that half the rate of the general public.
Is this your god writing for you?
And out comes the religious vilification. Classy.
He’s the one with conviction and yet is happy to misinterpret data. go figure.
Repost of a link by OldOzzie yesterday to a thread of Registered Nurses listing adverse reactions to CoViD vaccines and how doctors will not report them
Principles are very flexible things in politics, maybe even non-existent on the left. The Covid panicdemic has emphasised that fact.
Just look at so-called human rights and a person’s right to decide what happens to his/her body. On the one hand, Democrats used the phrase “My body, my choice” when they were fighting for unfettered abortion, but then ignored that principle when it came to mandatory vaccination.
Then consider the actual vaccine deployment and the approach taken by governments of all stripes, i.e. we have no right to refuse it. Meanwhile, we have no right to demand treatment with Ivermectin. Medication is good when it supports leftist totalitarianism but bad if it doesn’t.
Next we look at political protests. While BLM supporters, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, statue-toppling vandals and motorwway-blocking eco nutters apparently have a right to disrupt society, an entirely peaceful vaccine mandate protest in a Melbourne park gets shut down by busloads of police. And that’s when they’re not shooting protesters with rubber bullets AS THEY RUN AWAY (a crime in any other context).
But do you see the difference? These anomalies exist because the left always gets its way and, in pursuit of this objective, our governments, all of which are left-of-centre, ignore principle in pursuit of obedience.
I am shocked and dismayed at the level of ignorance in the comments. It’s well known that Ivermectin is just a horse paste and unproven/unfit for human use.
We don’t need dozens of peer-reviewed studies, 60 years of proven results worldwide & 3 billion successful treatments. If it was up to me we’d still be spraying kids with DDT to keep them safe!
Y’all need to wake up and take unproven drugs by drug companies with decades of fraud behind them.
Ok, I’ve got it down pat now. Where do I sign up for the chief health officer job?
P.S. I am glad to see those Melbourne nurses out protesting. The cops don’t know what to do. (Hint: wake up & protect the people as you swore to do). Imagine if they started rubber bulleting them. The outrage and backlash would start the revolution.
“The media have disingenuously claimed that because Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, it has no utility as an antivirus. This is incorrect. Ivermectin has utility as an antiviral. It blocks importin, preventing nuclear import, effectively inhibiting viral access to cell nuclei. Many drugs currently on the market have multiple modes of action. Ivermectin is one such drug. It is both antiparasitic and antiviral.
In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir, which is toxic to the liver, costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug. Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating hyperinflammatory COVID-19. The media has hardly even covered this at all.
The opposition to the use of generic Ivermectin is not based in science. It is purely financially and politically-motivated. An effective non-vaccine intervention would jeopardize the rushed FDA approval of patented vaccines and medicines for which the pharmaceutical industry stands to rake in billions upon billions of dollars in sales on an ongoing basis.
The majority of the public are scientifically illiterate and cannot grasp what any of this even means, thanks to a pathetic educational system that has miseducated them. You would be lucky to find 1 in 100 people who have even the faintest clue what any of this actually means.”
And a bit more from the same article:
“Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never show any benefit for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The reason for this is simple; for the patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as Oxford’s ludicrous RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive effect.
The clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical attention for hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered off to almost nothing. If someone is about 10 days post-exposure and has already been symptomatic for five days, there is hardly any virus left in their bodies, only cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinflammatory response. It is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited, pretty much exclusively.
In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus in their bodies, only a delayed hyperinflammatory response, and then absurdly claim that antivirals have no utility in treating or preventing COVID-19. These clinical trials do not recruit people who are pre-symptomatic. They do not test pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis.
This is like using a defibrillator to shock only flatline, and then absurdly claiming that defibrillators have no medical utility whatsoever when the patients refuse to rise from the dead. The intervention is too late. These trials for antivirals show systematic, egregious selection bias. They are providing a treatment that is futile to the specific cohort they are enrolling.”
Dr Mike Yeadon on Telegram – a letter from Spartacus
This is a most remarkable document. I don’t think I’ve read this author before. Has anyone? I don’t recognise the style or the way the arguments are laid out, either.
It’s as if an underground person has been carefully researching everything & has pulled everything together.
A long read, but I think worth it for additional breadth.
Best wishes
from above – given That would make the economic and social destruction of the last 2 years unnecessary.
And we have sent the country broke on expensive PCR tests, expensive vaccines and crippling Lockdowns –
As shared by Salud Conlupa, every citizen in El Salvador (Central America) is provided with an “anti-COVID-19 kit” containing the following products free of charge by the government if needed.
The kit contains:
Paracetamol and aspirin (anti-inflammatory)Loratadine (antihistamine)Ivermectin (against parasite infestation)Azithromycin (antibiotic)Vitamin C (500mg)Vitamin D (2000 IU)Zinc (50mg)Electrolytes (minerals)
Guatemala and Bolivia are now also implementing this program.
How much Money would NSW Health, let alone the rest of Australia by supply everyone in Australia with the above kit?
Absolutely right, OO! Goodness knows how much money has been wasted just this year alone, after antivirals became known.
This is from the last budget:
$557 Million over two years for PCR tests
$86 billion for job keeper and job seeker payments
$1.9 billion over 5 years for vaccines
Add to this, hotel quarantine costs, telehealth costs, and mental health support….
Our poor kids and grandkids will be saddled with repaying this debt.
The ‘Spartacus letter’ is a fine resource. Another item is a detailed description of the mechanism by which red blood cells lose oxygen carrying capacity in covid-19 patients. I had read of doctors noting this effect as early as April 2020, but never a clear explanation of why.
Also I completely agree with the author’s comments regarding the motivations of those behind COVID-19 and government’s maliciously disingenuous responses. It would be great if everyone could just cut it out with the ‘it’s all just stupidity, incompetence and greed for vast profits’ naive garbage. No it isn’t. It’s a long-planned deliberate program of global genocide. The problem is not going away until that is addressed, with the guilty parties in court on charges of crimes against humanity. (That will be a LOT of people to hang.)
I notice the author mentions ‘lace cards’ (referring to what happens when every position in an archaic computer punch card is punched.) This tags the author as either 70+, or with good knowledge of retro-computing (as well as mol-biology.) More likely the former. Sources:
The Spartacus Letter, by Spartacus
Posted on September 26, 2021
A long but excellent article by an anonymous writer who knows a tremendous amount about Covid, the vaccines, and the people pushing them on us.
Whoever Spartacus is, they have a very elaborate knowledge in “the field”. If you want to know a lot more about the no. 1 issue in the world today, read it. And don’t worry if you don’t understand every single word, neither do I. But I learned a lot.
The original PDF doc: Covid19 – The Spartacus Letter (gone) (incomplete) complete with refs, as html My local copy, without refs.
See also
From The Conversation’s disclosure statement:
“Andrew McLachlan receives… research scholarship funding from GSK for a PhD student under his supervision. …
Andrew does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article.”.
The tentacles of this octopus are everywhere. Nobody is untouched.
Scaremongers. That’s who they are. Why? That’s a good question.
IVM is very safe. Even if it is ineffective against covid its not really hurting anybody. But it has shown effectiveness.
To scare people away from it when it could possibly save lives, out of professional pride or dogma is evil. Even worse if it boils down to money.
Are doctors to be allowed to practice the scientific method or are they to do only what they are told by bureaucrats?
Here is the Statement of Claim lodged by the Plaintiffs against Hazzard.
I demand to know the numbers on horses reporting diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and coma? They take much heavier doses than humans, so they should be very clear!
Comment newcatallaxy blog
Mother Lode says:
September 29, 2021 at 10:10 am
One nurse who works at the vaccination hubs said, “ninety per cent of the people I’m vaccinating are there because they want their freedoms back… that’s not the right reason to make a medical decision”.
That is the take away that needs to be broadcast far and wide.
This is how much the governments have ground down the people, all the while pretending to be concerned, caring, and solicitous for their welfare.
Gladys may be better than Sneakers, Stairman Dan, or Palacechook, but as Samuel Johnson said:
Sir, there is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea
Well next election lets bring the Purina dog powder to get rid of them all and get the guard dog instead.
What in God’s name is wrong with Australia? Why are you taking this crap and not revolting?
Australia has gone from a country that was quite innovative at certain times in history such as the 1960’s to one that is terrified of any and all new (useful) ideas. However bad ideas are always adopted….
Australia’s astonishing tyranny keeps growing
It’s ironic that, each year, ‘Australia Day’ is celebrated on January 26, which commemorates the day that the British Navy first sailed into Sydney Cove, hoisted their flag, and declared the land their penal colony.
So Australia Day does not celebrate the birth of a nation so much as the ribbon-cutting of a giant prison.
Clearly in 2021, Australia has simply been returning to its roots as the world’s largest prison.
You know the story by now— “two weeks to control the spread” of COVID-19 became “indefinite dictatorship and total suspension of basic human rights.”
Over the course of the last 18 months, Australia’s state and federal governments have:
. Banned citizens from leaving the country without permission.
. Banned citizens from entering the country, with threat of five years in prison.
. Banned citizens and residents from crossing state borders.
. Banned citizens and residents from traveling further than 5k from home without permission.
Ironically, an Australian government website lays out citizens’ “right to freedom of movement” and says that this very basic human right “cannot be made dependent on establishing a purpose or reason for leaving.”
But Australia doesn’t have to follow its own rules, nor care about the human rights of all the little people, because it’s an emergency.
In the name of COVID Australian police and government officials have also:
. Tracked a large fast food order to a party to fine guests $26,000 for an unauthorized gathering.
. Deployed the military to enforce lockdowns. Deployed helicopters to threaten young healthy men playing soccer.
. Told people not to talk to their neighbors.
. Executed several dogs to prevent rescue workers from coming to the town.
. Arrested a pregnant mom in front of her kids for posting about an anti-lockdown rally on social media.
. Refused to grant a travel exception to a three year old boy visiting his grandparents separated from his parents for months, because of a surprise border closure.
. Caused a newborn infant to die because the mother was denied permission to travel across state borders for medical care.
It is also now illegal to plan, publicize, or participate in protests.
The right to peaceably assemble and hold public protests against unjust government actions is enshrined in the Western legal tradition. But for organizing protests against the Australian government’s tyranny, Anthony Khallouf has been sentenced to several months in prison.
His “crimes” include not complying with COVID decrees, and “encouraging the commission of crimes”— that is, sharing information about the time and location of protests.
He is a political prisoner, like many of his forebears.
But at least Philip Cunningham was imprisoned because he engaged in actual violence.
Khallouf, on the other hand, was found guilty of… illegally crossing Australian state borders.
That hasn’t stopped the protests however.
This is the Leftist utopia they have always wanted.
and I’m afraid it appears they will get it as there is virtually no resistance at the moment, not even slowing it down let alone stopping it. If anything, it’s all gathering pace. It looks as though we’ve reached critical mass of stupidity. Has happened many times before in history. One classic example is the witch hysteria that took hold in Europe during the mid-1400s, when many accused witches confessed, often under torture, to a variety of wicked behaviours. Witch hunts were common and most of the accused were executed by burning at the stake or hanging. I wonder what is awaiting the climate change sceptics and unvaccinated? Let’s hope it’s just barring from certain places, such as cinemas, sporting events, restaurants and the like. I can live with that. Anything much more than that I will have to find another country.
” … I will have to find another country.”
Yes, within the next few years there will be opportunities to leave the country – just so long as you have had the twelfth “booster” on your vaccine passport.
At least there is this upside to the current situation – we should have absolutely no fear of a Chinese invasion now that we live under an even more harsh regime.
From Penal Colony to Penal Colony in two hundred and thirty-three years: What an achievement!
If it’s still a requirement by then, I suppose I will just put up with whatever restrictions are in place here – a prisoner in my own country. I’m still considering taking Novavax once it’s available here but not sure as yet. Eventually there might be other more traditional whole virus vaccines – there are over a dozen still undergoing trials but not yet made available.
Why was ivermectin used back then for head lice treatment? Well, Big Pharma didn’t have a proprietary treatment they could scam money for so they didn’t care.
Govt didn’t have an agenda being pushed by the UN to depopulate the planet and asset-strip the West on their way out the door.
Anyone lese noticed the States with the totalitarian lockdowns and knee-jerk reactions to c0v1d are also FAAAAARRR out in front in cases and deaths?
They are not THAT much larger than other States.
Why would the scum be bothered with penny ante stuff like schoolkids head lice when you can promote a scam to inject the whole world several times over, enough for all the pigs to get their snouts in the trough.
Why is it that nurses are reluctant to get jabbed, they are closer to the action than any of us, is there something they are aware of, why is it so.
According to Cian Hussey, in Spectator Australia, 10 September 2020:
“Ordinary Australians have been left behind by the disdainful class of public sector elites during the COVID-19 crisis. The lockdown measures have smashed those in the private sector, and those in the public sector, who decide when and how lockdowns will be eased, have not suffered any negative consequences”.
As a result their deliberate withholding of Ivermectin from the public, it is hard not to include Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration in the “disdainful class of public sector elites”. Deliberately withholding something of benefit to health is a heinous crime.
“The lockdown measures have smashed those in the private sector, and those in the public sector, who decide when and how lockdowns will be eased, have not suffered any negative consequences”.”
Yes, they have either been able to work from home or been told to stay at home… on full pay.
“The lockdown measures have smashed those in the private sector, and those in the public sector, who decide when and how lockdowns will be eased, have not suffered any negative consequences”.”
Yes, they have either been able to work from home or been told to stay at home… on full pay.
Try and ring any public service department in Canberra, make that NSW as well – no one at work
Big pharma is the biggest Capitol Hill lobbyist of all, they spent $300 million a year for 20 years, buying off politicians, no wonder they want to protect big drugs.
I still think bleach is cheaper, why bother with science ?.
What type of bleach? H2O2 is very effective when used in a nebuliser for covid.
Chlorine dioxide has also been found to be effective against covid.
There are numerous questions asked in the comments section as to why certain information is not headline material. As with so many other subjects, climate change, Arizona audit and power shortages is is patently obvious that the MSM, including Sky unfortunately, have become players but all on the same team. There is no diversity of opinion and certainly no diversity of reporting. Reporters these days are just stenographers although that belittles stenographers who were highly trained. No. reporters are merely errand boys and editors simply printers writing any garbage fed to them by anyone with PhD after their name.
Although not perfect, I find RT News is streets ahead in terms of the real news. There is some BS but it’s nothing like that on even the best of the other alternatives; Sky News. The only real exception is the Outsiders program but I sometimes wonder how that that will last.
Culpable Homicide?
Brought to you by: “Iatrogenic Deaths ‘R Us”?
‘Pharma’s Culture War: Are Simple, Cheap & Effective Options Being Downplayed?’
‘Our long journey to eradicate the coronavirus has in part become a culture war that has pitted well-meaning groups against each other, especially around the topic of vaccines vs. therapeutic treatments for COVID. There is a growing and disturbing trend toward authoritarian censorship of well-respected and science-driven medical doctors who are sharing information about COVID-19 therapeutic approaches that go beyond vaccines. Many countries in the Global South are using early treatment protocols with outstanding success, resulting in very low rates of cases and deaths. The FDA’s and CDC’s lack of early treatment policies is not only harming Americans’ health and causing needless deaths but also hitting taxpayers, given inflation and the rising cost of hospitalization.’
As reported in Nature, COVID vaccine immunity is waning. Politico reported that the Israeli government briefed the Biden administration in mid-September 2021 that the double-vaxxed country has confirmed that vaccines are now wearing off. As of August 15, of the 514 Israelis hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, 59% were fully vaccinated.
“There are so many breakthrough infections, and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,” says Uri Shalit, a bioinformatician at the Israel Institute of Technology, adding, “One of the big stories from Israel: ‘Vaccines work, but not well enough.’” Thus, therapeutic treatments and drugs that have already saved countless lives are especially vital against new variants that may further evade vaccine protection.
Whereas countries in the Global South provide COVID home kits of Vitamin D, zinc, and !vermect!n, the USA tells its citizens, in effect, that they are on their own with no treatment protocol until they get so sick they have to go to the hospital, at which point the damage is often done. Despite the mounting evidence on the importance of vitamin D and zinc, our governments and public health agencies are MIA during a pandemic. A multifaceted early treatment interferes with viral replication, assisting in recovery and immune defense and reducing the number of COVID-19 long-haulers.
Many physicians are prescribing weekly prophylactic doses of !vermect!n. Upon early detection of COVID-19, patients take it daily (along with supplements) for 5-10 days. The FLCCC protocol also now includes gargling with mouthwash several times daily to reduce viral loads.
COVID-19 therapeutic supplements including vitamins C and D, zinc, melatonin, quercetin, and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) have been shown to assist the body in reducing viral loads and provide an additional choice of self-care, based on sound best practices.
The Daily Mail has done a poll for what it’s worth:
Do you agree with mandatory Covid vaccines?
YES — 35% 348 votes
NO — 65% 657 votes
Meanwhile Health Hazzard is doing his best day-on-day to promote discrimination against the unvaxed by business owners, repeatedly warning that business owners were likely to continue blocking unvaccinated people from their premises. He has repeated that mantra now for a few days running to give business owners the hint that he wants them to do his dirty work.
aleajactaest, Perth, Australia, 15 hours ago
I need someone to explain to me how an UNvaccinated person can be a threat to a store full of vaccinated people. Surely the reason you have the vaccination is to protect you from the disease? If that is the case – why are you so concerned about a non vaccinated person being near you?
NickyTee, Sydney, Australia, 13 hours ago
They’re not worried about being around unvaccinated people per se, they just want to punish them for not falling for the same lie they all fell for.
A look at the important role of zinc supplementation in C-19.
The importance of zinc ionophores such as IVM (banned for C-19 in Australia), HCQ (banned for C-19 in Australia) and Quercertin (not yet banned for C-19 in Australia) shouldn’t be excluded either.
“The Potential Impact of Zinc Supplementation on COVID-19 Pathogenesis”
Front. Immunol., 10 July 2020 |
The importance of zinc ionophores such as IVM (banned for C-19 in Australia), HCQ (banned for C-19 in Australia) and Quercetin (not yet banned for C-19 in Australia) shouldn’t be excluded either.
With next iHerb Delivery on the way for 5 Oct 21, I will have over a years supply of Quercetin, expiry March 2025
What were they sticking a drug into the kids for anyway?
Here is a tried and tested solution. Open clean classrooms with hard floors cleaned each day with chairs on desk before you leave.
Desks in rows, 2 children per desk, children with the highest test results in the top corner with those in need of help towards the front.
No class room clutter or kids sitting like little ducklings all bunched up on the floor while the Mother Duck preaches guilt and fear.
Solved a whole heap of problems and saved money too!
And PS
No bloody homework till at least 15 Y/O
No Guilt visits or other propagandists. Education not distraction.
I have children doing well at school and completely uneducated. Sorry I lie, they can watch Tic Tok & are up to date on NetFlix.
God help the rest of these children.
another ian – excellent post – bookmarked and saved
will print out and put in my medical bag for future reference
From all that one can’t help to come to one conclusion. The hysterical push for mass vaccinations is one big exaggerated and hyped up scam.
Vaccines work to reduce the severity of the disease if you do contract it. More than 95% of those requiring hospitalisation are unvaccinated, and death-avoidance percentages are even more in favour of the vaccinated.
I’m not in favour of mandatory vaccination (outside of some obvious specific industries – education, transport, health services) – but vaccines shouldn’t be rejected on the grounds that they don’t work to save lives, or stop people getting very ill.
My bigger concern is the enduring effectiveness of the vaccines, and how “fading” immunity will interact with vaccine passport regulations. Will they be date-stamped?
“CDC Beclowns All Mandates”
For those of boundless faith
A prison is highly analogous to a hospital or other health-care setting. Both are “conjugal” living arrangements. Both have a locked in component (the patients in one, the prisoners in the other) and a working and mingling in society component (the doctors, nurses, orderlies, janitors, etc. in one, the guards, cooks, janitors and similar in the other.) In both cases the locked-in persons are not really free to leave; in both they typically leave only when allowed by the working component (yes, you can sign yourself out against medical advice in a hospital, but few actually do.)
Both confine people, typically two to a room but sometimes one, among the conjugal and locked-in persons. Both therefore are highly-effective places to spread disease — especially airborne pathogens.
But — in the prison it is now documented that after four months the vaccine’s effective rate of protection was statistically zero.
The argument for forcing vaccinations in these highly-confined environments, say much less those which have fewer constraints, such as colleges, secondary and primary schools and other workplaces is that people are put at “unreasonable” risk by unvaccinated individuals.
Yet the data is that four months post-vaccination there is no statistical difference between vaccinated and not when it comes to attack rates. By the CDC’s own data the vaccines are worthless to protect others after four months.
Many people are being vaccinated due to peer pressure and lets face it blackmail by government. Vaccination passports that will allow one to do things. It is quite shameful how the virtuous vaccinated are shaming and ridiculing the unvaccinated. It has got to the point where the unvaccinated will not be able to participate in society. This is not very far off making the unvaccinated where something to distinguish them from the vaccinated. I am sick of spin about being vaccinated to protect your family and others. How can this be true when the vaccinated can still get and pass on the disease. People are really getting vaccinated to protect themselves. Let others tmake their own choices.
Ruby Princess NSW Minister for Health Liberal “Thug” Brad Hazzard attempts Coercion
Why Australians refusing to get a Covid vaccine could still be locked out of ordinary life long after December – even if Gladys says they’re allowed back in the pub
– Unvaccinated NSW residents may stay locked out of daily life after December 1
– Brad Hazzard warned businesses were likely to continue blocking unvaccinated
– Qantas requires passengers to be vaccinated when flights resume in December
– Mr Hazzard urged the unvaccinated to stop hesitating and get the vaccine
Feel free to join me.. $7 buys a floro yellow safety vest, $4.40 buys an aerosol of matt black paint. Put the Star of David on the back of the vest in masking tape & a stencil crossing out the word “juden” and saying “Un-vaxd”.
Spray gently with black paint to get a yellow star with yellow writing, which is what the Nazis had the Jews wear. I can toss the vest over whatever I’m wearing to display exactly where I think their treatment of the un-vaxd comes from.
The picture of the Nazis demanding papers from the Warsaw Jews that is taped to the back of my driving licence amused then disturbed the only cop I’ve ever had to show it to.
(…) We know very little about what the drug does to humans, and what little we do know comes mainly from its use in animals. (…)
This medicine fights (living) microbes and not harmless dust called ‘viruses’.
Boris Johnson’s Govt Revamps Vaccine Passport Push Under Winter ‘Plan B’
Under the supposed backup plan, only those who have received at least two doses of a coronavirus vaccine would be granted the passport, which would come in the form of an update to the NHS app, which already stores vaccination status. Those who have recovered from the virus and therefore have a natural immunity or those who have tested negative on a test would not be afforded the health pass.
Every nightclub, as well as other businesses which serve alcohol, play music, or have dancing past 1 pm would be subjected to the scheme. Indoor events with over 500 people capacity, and outdoor events such as music festivals with over 4,000 people, and sports arenas with over 10,000 fans would all be forced to ask people for their papers.
The government would also “encourage” other venues to voluntarily implement the scheme, meaning that in practice the health pass could be extended far wider throughout British society than just at large events and nightclubs.
The plan did carve out exceptions for weddings, funerals, and religious services, as well as protests or other large commemorative events. The mandate would also not apply to workplaces, however, the government would allow private businesses to impose their own regulations.
Versus the Limp NSW Liberal MPs led by Gladys and Ruby Princess Brad Hazzard, some UK MP have c@jones
To date, 83 MPs, including 44 Conservatives, 25 Labour, 12 Lib Dems, one Green, and one Independent alongside sixteen peers have joined the cross-party campaign declaration from the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch to oppose COVID-status certificates.
Appearing at an event on the fringes of the Labour Party Conference in Brighton organised by Big Brother Watch on Monday, senior figures from the party expressed their opposition to the measure, representing the biggest pushback against the authoritarian move to date, with the party hitherto largely supporting restrictions throughout the pandemic.
Baroness Shami Chakrabarti said: “I object to covert id on the basis that it normalises compulsory ID checks of the most intrusive kind.
The former director of Liberty added that she believes vaccine passports “are bound to lead to discrimination bullying and corruption,” noting that even the Labour Party Conference was mandating vaccination status for entry.
“This high price to both liberty and equality will bring no benefit in my view to public health and it will more likely bring the grave danger of creating a false sense of security,” Chakrabarti said.
Labour MP Dawn Butler said that she opposed the imposition of vaccine passports over concerns that the health passes will create a “two-tier society” in which people from ethnic minority backgrounds will be subjected to increased discrimination.
The full paper:
Here’s an interesting point from the link below. The more you test the greater the pandemic. Imagine if everyone were to be tested. Given what they have done so far and to be consistent without exposing the hypocrites they blatantly are, we all would need to be in home detention for the rest of our lives. Of course they are hypocrites and as such they wouldn’t dare do that for a number of reasons. It illustrates the point though how PCR tests must be one of the biggest tricks ever perpetrated.
Testing Propaganda
I think it’s the reverse, the owners of capital and business – and politicians who want re-election – want everyone out of their homes, working, consuming like mad, travelling, drinking, eating, and not saving.
That is the real agenda – and vaccination is the Yellow Brick Road.
“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drops Truth Bomb On Australian Response To COVID, Questions if Diplomatic Relations Should Be Reviewed
September 29, 2021 | Sundance | 223 Comments”
As I’ve mentioned before I reckon that, when this Peking Pox thing is settled, there will be a large gold mine in being positioned as a promoter of international tourism.
The view given to the outside world will require big buckets of government money to try and get back all those tourists that are going to fund those new green jobs in tourism (/s in case)
Note to Ron DeSantis – there is a coronavirus pandemic in play.
US Cases per Million: 132,566 (Australia 4,064)
US Deaths per Million: 2,141 (Australia 50)
A cynic might suggest that being criticised by Ron DeSantis means you’re doing something right. Florida is among the very worst states – in fact one of the worst places world-wide, with a sizeable population.
Florida Cases per Million: 168,159 (Australia 4,064)
Florida Deaths per Million: 2,518 (Australia 50)
More from outside
“The Dystopian Future Has Arrived and Its Name is Australia”
“An Australian shares how totalitarian the Australian politicians have become:
It is obvious that media coverage of Covid here is completely controlled by the government. The other day when Joe Rogan said he recovered from Covid with Ivermectin i saw the same “special report” on the 6pm news reports of all 4 main stations smearing Ivermectin.
Not only were all the key points and buzzwords identical, i.e. the horse dewormer talking point and the claims that the ICU’s were full of people with life threatenning diarrhoea from taking it, but the whole script was pretty much identical. What are the odds that all 4 channels decided independently to do a special report on Ivermectin all on the same day and all with the same false talking points? There is obviously a unit in the government that is monitoring for when somebody with influence contradicts the narrative and sends out a script designed to counter it for the media to run.
Everyday on TV here the various state leaders and health ministers get on TV and tell the public that the vaccine will stop them getting Covid and/or transmitting it to other people. They use very careful language when doing it. They don’t make a clear direct statement that might come back to haunt them, i.e. You can’t be infected once vaccinated, but they just repeatedly imply it over and over again.”
It’s competition rather than government control. Newsrooms have a pretty good idea what their rival channels are working on, and when they will broadcast various stories.
If you watched 7, 9, 10, ABC, and to a lesser extent SBC News for a decent period of time, you will see that the stories they run, and the order of “importance” they give each of these near-identical stories, is remarkably similar.
Most Australians wouldn’t have a clue who “Joe Rogan” is – does he play Centre-Half-Forward for the Dockers?
In Canada, there are basically no options for early treatment of covid. They basically say treat the symptoms. They would rather do nothing than prescribe ivermectin. We have totally lost the plot here.
“Comrade Citizens, Google Subsidiary YouTube Bans Any Content or Discussion Critical of Vaccines
September 29, 2021 | Sundance | 230 Comments”
It would be the icing on the cake if any of those three liars were involved in the school lice trial in some way.
I like listening to talk back radio, in particular John Laws, who rallies against the mary-jane, and screams the CBD oil is un-tested by science don’t give it to your kids to stop their seizures and fits its very dangerous, yet with the rapidly developed Vaccine, the message is take it you fool, and dont question it.
We have let our lives be controlled by the Health Department bureaucrats (of all states), and the so-called “epidemic” experts, with their doomsday modelling (exactly like the AGW modelling). One reason for this is the Education systems placing no importance on Science and Mathematics in school curriculums. In these times, throw a graph and a bit of arithmetic at society, and most people would not understand. This is what intellectually challenged individuals like Tim Flannery depend on.