The unelected, unaudited and unaccountable Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia has decided that consenting adults and fully qualified doctors should not be allowed to use a drug off label that’s so cheap and safe the discoverers won a Nobel Prize. Something like 200 million people use ivermectin each year. After 33 years and 3.7 billion doses of use, it qualifies as one of the safest drugs around.
The TGA says it hasn’t found any evidence that ivermectin is useful against Covid, but then we have to ask, has the TGA looked? lists 60 studies involving 25,000 people that show its useful and 3 that don’t:
So the TGA want to ban one drug to force the punters to pick the other drug?
Once upon a time the phrase would be “persuade me”. Now it’s just fines and jail if you disagree?
In the end the TGA appears to be banning it for psychological reasons, not medical ones — always a risky game to play when a group is trying to look like a medical agency, and not like a marketing team. It may have the opposite effect the TGA intends. If we want more people to stop using agricultural chemicals (and surely we do want that?) then don’t we want the punters to get treatments under supervision from their GP and Pharmacist instead?
If the TGA wants more Australians to trust them with the vaccines, they might want to explain their decisions better than this.
Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) stops GP’s prescribing ivermectin for Covid-19:
New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19
Sept 10, 2021
These changes have been introduced because of concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.
And yet in less developed countries ivermectin has been used en mass with seeming success: India, Peru, Mexico, Indonesia, Slovakia and so many others.
As for The WHO — they told us there was no human to human transmission and no reason to stop the flights last February. Tedros has an obvious potential conflict of interest. Whatever the WHO says, it’s almost good national practice to do the opposite.
Firstly, there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated. Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.
People may get false confidence, and choose not to get tested or seek medical care, but exactly the same can be said of vaccinated people. How many vaccinated people ignore social distancing, or falsely believe they can’t catch Covid or pass it on to their friends? We could hardly blame them after months of hearing how those who get vaxed are helping the community.
If social media gets it wrong, why ban the doctors that get it right?
Secondly, the doses of ivermectin that are being advocated for use in unreliable social media posts and other sources for COVID-19 are significantly higher than those approved and found safe for scabies or parasite treatment. These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.
The symptom list looks frightening, but high enough doses of anything have bad side effects. Most of these bad things will also occur if you drink too much water.
Dangers of overhydration: headaches, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, muscle weakness or cramping, increased blood pressure, double vision, confusion and difficulty breathing with cerebral edema, seizures, brain damage and coma.
If supplies are low, perhaps order more supplies?
Finally, there has been a 3-4-fold increased dispensing of ivermectin prescriptions in recent months, leading to national and local shortages for those who need the medicine for scabies and parasite infections. It is believed that this is due to recent prescribing and dispensing for unapproved uses, such as COVID-19. Such shortages can disproportionately impact vulnerable people, including those in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
We’d all understand if supplies need to be conserved for some patients. But a year after HCQ was banned to keep it available for Lupus patients, why haven’t we solved that? Trust means acting consistently…

Doctors on the The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners are divided:
In comments on the RACGP site some doctors are glad this takes the pressure off them when patients ask for ivermectin, but most docs are very unhappy:

74% of people who bothered to do a poll at the RACGP site didn’t agree with the TGA.
Dr Anthony
The contempt we are held in by our bureaucracy is palpable.
Dr Ayodele
…If our goal is to keep Australian safe from dying, shouldn’t we give alternatives to those who for whatever reasons will rather die than take the vaccines. Two or three people died in their homes in NSW recently and they were reportedly positive posthumously. India saved their nation with Ivermectin . Do we want people to die in their homes in the name of promoting vaccination? GPs should stand up for choice. I am in no way against vaccination. please.
Dr Sandra
This is disgusting. Is medicine only about money and power now?
…how on earth can we back up advice such as it’s fine to give these experimental vaccines to pregnant women? Who has any idea what long term side effects will occur? One case of someone with some GIT side effects from taking a wrong dose of ivermectin, and meanwhile we’ve had a significant number of deaths and serious morbidity from these vaccines. Ivermectin is low risk, may be effective, doesn’t mean you have to stop administering vaccines, and should be available on prescription from GPs.
Dr Irene
…We at this moment are not treating patients and only isolate them till they worsen and went to hospital ( which is late). I am surprised to see that ivermectin was unsafe …
Dr Paul
The TGA? Are they the same people who approved a Covid vaccination for adolescent boys , a recent study from Univ of Ca has shown, has a 6 times greater chance of them being hospitalised with myocarditis after administration than being hospitalised with Covid. (which has a 99.999…% survivability in that healthy demographic)
And the TGA didn’t read the fine print in the emergency use of the vaccine in pregnant women.The study supporting its use in pregnancy lasted 3 months. When I was in school, pregnancy lasted about 9 months. Any chance of longterm cognitive, behavioural or other effects in offspring. Is informed consent even possible?? We do need an inquiry into ATAGI and TGA when all this is over.Their advice has been abysmal.
Dr Anthony
I’m not aware of a single study where mortality increased with ivermectin therapy. so I’d love to see the data supporting the “it’s not safe” advice. The metanalysis conducted by Prof Tess Lawrie shows about a 49 – 84% reduction in mortality.
There are so many big questions going unanswered. If ivermectin is not approved, why isn’t it? If the correct study has not been done, why hasn’t it? And most of all, why is no one, apart from bloggers and people like Craig Kelly, and Malcolm Roberts asking these questions? Where is the legacy media… Where is our PM?
- Ivermectin may prevent 86% of Covid cases, and the UK will do a hobbled trial of it
- Indias Health dept stops Ivermectin use but others sue the WHO
- . It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored?
- In Mexico deaths were 50% higher for 8 months, then they start Ivermectin…
- Indonesia and the ivermectin donation the goverment wrecked…
- In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and quite ignored
- It’s open war on Ivermectin now
- The battle worth fighting for: Let us and our doctors choose what medicine we take
Andy Crump and Satoshi Omura (2011) Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective ,Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. Feb 10; 87(2): 13–28. doi: 10.2183/pjab.87.13
Bryant, Andrew MSc1,*; Lawrie, Theresa A. MBBCh, PhD2; Dowswell, Therese PhD2; Fordham, Edmund J. PhD2; Mitchell, Scott MBChB, MRCS3; Hill, Sarah R. PhD1; Tham, Tony C. MD, FRCP4 (2021) Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines, American Journal of Therapeutics: June 17, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001402
Blocking patients from taking Ivermectin is equivalent to sentencing some to death.
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, posted this on Twitter; it was copied on 9/11/2021 in the U.S.
“Robert W Malone, MD
“Replying to
“I have seen reliable estimates that there have been at least 450,000 excess US deaths attributable to USG blocking early use of ivermectin and HCQ.”
“I have seen reliable estimates that there have been at least 450,000 excess US deaths attributable to USG blocking early use of ivermectin and HCQ.”
Presumably USG = US Government.
The drive to have everyone vaxed even extends to the 200,000+ US military members who’ve alread got natural immunity due to having had Covid19 itdelf. This isd directly against the DoD’s own rules on vaccinations.
Thus, the sad reality that being VAXED is the object as opposed yo being SAFE is out in the open = being vaxed is not being safe. And that’s all you need to know.
This has become a religion, and everyone has to partake in the sacrament, that will make the high priest/CFOs and their acolytes feel good.
The relevant government petitions relating to Ivermectin and “vaccines” you need to review ,sign and pass onto like minded contacts are:-
I signed all 3 well done for finding them.
I also wrote to they are perhaps the only reporter who might look at it.
“TGA and Covid-19 treatments.
I am disappointed that Sky and it’s presenters seem to be promoting Covid Vaccines without question or safety concerns and to be actively avoiding investigating and presenting alternate treatments some shown here
The TGA says there is no tests or trials? Why can’t you people do your due diligence? Or have you been somehow coerced into compliance? There is no doubt on proper investigation Australia should be giving some sort of early treatment for +ve Covid rather than ‘sit at home and wait to see if you get sick enough to go to hospital and get experimented on with more new poorly tested expensive drugs.’ Please, PLEASE do your best to save Australian lives.”
Robert Clancy
Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School says it well!
It’s clear Sky’s legal team have warned its presenters to steer clear of ivermectin discussion . Rita made a scripted comment about how ivermectin is not approved and that there was no proof it works belatedly after one of her guests let it slip out.
When the best source of conservative TV feels the need to censor its own presenters we really are in trouble. It not only shows that the bad guys are winning but they are winning by a big margin.
If the truth about Ivermectin ever does get to mainstream Media and it can be shown beyond doubt that it works this will be the most heinous action ever taken on a global scale since the rise of Hitler 85 years ago. I think the 450,000 unnecessary deaths mentioned in the tweet mentioned in comments above is probably on the low side.
Thanks JM, all signed and fingers crossed it makes a difference. ToM
Ah and then I also gave The Conversation article a blast, it will be interesting to see if my comments stays in as I didn’t mention any trigger words!
“There is no doubt that Covid-19 will spread throughout Sydney, NSW and eventually the rest of Australia, you can not stop it but merely slow it down. I am over 60 with comorbidities so I am at higher risk, I have had the 2 astra shots. But when they don’t stop you catching it and they don’t stop you spreading it they are a poor vaccine aren’t they? If I get a positive Covid-19 test in Australia I am told to go home, isolate and if I get sick enough I can go to hospital! (and get a chance to get experimented on with another set of new Covid-19 drugs) That’s it ……Why aren’t these know it alls actively pursuing prophylaxes and treatments for early stages?? Why are we accepting to just sit at home and do nothing till we can not breath?? Surely if you can treat the early stages then hospital loads are reduced and many lives are saved. Why is the TGA and others so actively recalcitrant to openly review ALL the available information??”
Update: Comment gone without a trace!!
The Author (and I assume moderator?) Peter Wark; Conjoint Professor, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle
Now you just won’t believe this coincidence:
TGA Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling (ACMS) has a Committee Member
Professor Jennifer Martin is a dual-trained clinical pharmacologist and practicing general physician, serving as Chair of Clinical Pharmacology in the School of Medicines and Public Health at the University of Newcastle.
Who’d da thunk that I mean really?????
Update 2: The Conversation Emailed me with a standard letter saying my comment had been removed but there was no explanation of why.
So I put the same comment (but replying to the authors comment) in another article and added a sentence regarding modeling. C Raina MacIntyre, the Author, replied nicely as did a couple of others so I expect this time the comment will stick!
thanks all 3 signed
If you do intend to sign these, sign one and respond to the email verification, sign the next and respond, and so on. Don’t do as I did at first, sign all three and then handle the emails. The second and third will error if you do. Apparently only one verification can be queued.
It’s all about profits for Big Pharma. How educated intelligent people cannot see this is a real mystery. Anyway, as is custom these days I identify as “Transequine” and I am taking supplements to suit.
Is it just about profits? Some of the biggest proponents of vaccinations are also proponents of less people, to save the planet you understand. Has Bill Gates and Zuckerberg had their shots I wonder? George Soros is in the danger zone but has he had his shots? The problem now is who do we trust and who can we trust. Our family doctor was once the most trustworthy after mum and dad and hopefully that is still the case but who would trust a politician or a bureaucrat these days? Apart from a few scientists that we all know here many are completely beholden to grants rather than science and have thrown away any integrity they may have had. Do you trust universities, the public school system or even the Pope, who is decidedly a communist and global warming alarmist? I don’t anymore. The CSIRO, once a fountain of truth is no more, the BoM another organisation working to an agenda rather than truth. Will the truth ever come out? Well if it does you won’t read about it in the MSM. I await with interest the results of the Arizona audit and how the “media” will handle the findings for proof of the MSM’ integrity or lack of it.
According to Gateway Pundit the VAERS reports 3296 Covid Vaccine deaths since 24 July. So I ask again who do we trust? The pushers of a vaccine that kills or a drug that when used correctly kills no one and is 86% effective against Covid. Has the TGA been told of this? They apparently have no one there who can read for themselves.
If there are multiple vaccines of differing effectiveness why do we use the weakest ones. Choose the best and go with it. If there are supply problems the manufacturers of the losers can produce the good stuff under license. The current arrangements are basically a market sharing agreement, and an admission that the quality of the vaccine is not an issue.
On a recent interview with Craig Kelley and Dr Zelenko, the good doctor stated that he knows personally from the prescribing physician ‘that the Big Wheels at Google have NOT been vaccinated and are taking Ivermectin.” We also know that vaccines are not mandated at the WH; so my assumption that they are all on Ivermectin is a fair one.
Lawrie, further to Chris’s comment, not only as Zelenko said is the White House and the execs from Google exempt from the vaccine mandate, but apparently so also is the NIH, the FDA and the US postal Service. Don’t forget the part that the US postal service played in getting Biden into the White House. And here’s Joe getting really agro screaming about this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and then mandating the clot shot to any business over 100 employees, while he sits there knowing that a) he doesn’t have to have the shot and b) is on HCQ. Scandalously criminal doesn’t even come close. ToM
it’s not that simple, belif is involved, in the school tell us germ theory, and if you say anything otherwise –you will not finish school and get degree — if unlucky you will be locked up in some kind of insane institutions.
According to VAERS Website: There Were 3,296 COVID Vaccine Deaths in US Since July 24 – Or an Average of 70 Deaths per Day
Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment Thereof
Meanwhile a group of scientists and researchers have published an article in The Lancet Medical Journal today recommending that any effort to introduce “booster shots” to supplement the experimental COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy, aka “the vaccine”, be stopped because the approach by the medical system ‘writ large’ is undermining confidence in the healthcare profession. [Lancet Article Here] – 4 page PDF
The scientists write: “The effectiveness of boosting against the main variants now circulating and against even newer variants could be greater and longer lived if the booster vaccine antigen is devised to match the main circulating variants,” following the same protocol as the annual flu vaccine (which is not based on gene modification).
As you can see directly in the wording of the medical scientists and researchers the underlying message is that if the mRNA genetic modification approach is to be continued, they will need modifications of the ‘vaccine‘ to match each specific strain of the virus. This is exactly what critics of the vaccine approach have been saying openly for quite a while; however, it is the first admission by the scientific community of that reality.
Their scientific admission proves the point….. If you take the genetic modification approach (vaccines) to create artificial antibodies; thereby destroying the natural immunity antibodies; you are creating a scenario where the genetic modification of the immune system will need to continue (more boosters) in perpetuity for every variant.
It is not only big Pharma that is profiting. Outfits like Amazon and other big internet suppliers are wiping out the small local competition.
“The TGA says it hasn’t found any evidence that ivermectin is useful against Covid, but then we have to ask, has the TGA looked?”
There’s none so blind as those who won’t look.
“It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It”
this is correct up to the point, majority people, probably more than 80% ; will not and can not admit if they are duped, bamboozeled, brain washed, played for a fool, suckered, taken advantage of…
As Mark Twain said “It is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled”. ToM
See also Twain:
“There are three kinds of lies.
Lies, Damned Lies and STATISTICS”
the covert beast within the USA; post Lincoln, Kennedy, Martin Luther King ops, post 9-11 and 2008 bailout ops
I notice it is first world countries banning Ivermectin. I suppose they have to be broken in some way and reduced to subservience. Do the TGA think Australians are all dumb, that we can’t research, that we don’t know about double vaccinated deaths, permanent disabilities etc? I thought the medical world was there to help people. Have realised they are now under control of Big Brother, the WHO or Big Pharma.
There is a pattern of non-first world countries banning ivermectin too. It appears that either the WHO or Big Pharma is able to lean on them to stop it. It happened in Indonesia and India. Also Peru. So some of these countries have gone through two waves. When they are desperate enough, ivermectin seems to find a way back. Then when things are more under control, it’s banned again.
India is fighting back against the WHO and have sent them a legal notice accusing them of disinformation with regard to the use of Ivermectin See
[Off Topic , repost in Tuesday unthread.]AD
Go to Dr Zelenkos website, and he lists some alternatives to Ivermectin. He has put these in place due to the ridiculous and wrong banning of a drug that works wonders against covid.
Quecertin is one that is readily available.
But it should not have to come to this. Ivermectin works, it needs to be made available.
The TGA will have blood on its hands as we get a surge of cases due to the vaccination campaign, which we will need Ivermectin to assist with related to the severe cases that will develop.
Prophet of Boom
Have you tried to buy Quercetin lately?
Mostly unavailable/sold out/ don’t know when we can get more.
I was lucky at the 5th or 6th place (a Natural Health Store) and got the last bottle in stock. They confirmed strong sales but wholesalers are out of stock (mine is Herbs of Gold brand, but they cannot get from them nor 2 other suppliers)..
I would suggest that the general public are paying more attention to sites like this than the TGA.
I got 3 bottles on the weekend, no issue. It was ordered in by my local pharmacy. And it was also the Herbs of Gold ones.
EGCG is another one which can be used, probably also out of stock…
I was lucky that my doctor prescribed Ivermectin for me a couple of months ago, and copped flak for doing so. He is livid about the situation.
AHPRA and the TGA can try to pressure and coerce but in the end when this blows wide open, and it will, we need to ensure all members of both organisations are never allowed to serve in any public capacity ever again.
Whilst the TGA is a government body, it is advised by seven different committees. These committees are made up from the medical profession and associated industries ie Big Pharma. Members on these committees appear to rotate through the associated organisations. I’m sure they don’t do this out of the goodness of their hearts.
Quercetin is hard to get online and my local chemist gave me the WTF is that look!
ECGC you can get from green tea if you can wade through the vegan goobly goock to work out which tea is best = good luck, I gave up!
Then I was checking something else here and they had referenced 4 successful trials with Curcumin (active ingredient of Turmeric) so I went on a Ducky search and found plenty of references to Curcumin/Covid-19.
So I am happy to add Curcumin + peperine to my daily supplements of fish oil, Vitamins D3, C, Magnesium and Zinc. It certainly will not hurt as Curcumin has long been known for it’s many therapeutic benefits.
Quercetin and zinc is more for daily use. Curcumin is nore for treatment if you do get infected.
I use the quercetin daily and keep the curcumin in reserve.
I consider curcumin to be an essential supplement to be taken every day for the rest of your life. Not all curcumins are born equal so DYOR.
It’s only a curry extract so I have no idea why is not much cheaper than it is.
I should have added “unless curries are part of your regular diet”. For those of us from British backgrounds that is unlikely to be so.
My daily breakfast:
Vit B,C,D3
Curcumin for osteoporosis-arthritis (it seems to work although I was a long time sceptic
The Quercetin I purchased from a reputable online supplier in the US, arrived in under 2 weeks.
Ivermectin is orderable from the US, if you search you can find other names for the product but it is still Ivermectin. Hopefully the other name will float through the authorities.
Also apparently found in red onions, dose per onion: unknown.
Politicians keep telling us that mRNA vaccines are efective, but if we need three and possibly four shots i’d say they aren’t effective at all. Are there any Covid vaccines available that actually work?
They don’t seem to say just what it is that these “jabs are effective AT.
They are certainly NOT a “vaccine” in the traditional sense. It’s like some Klever Klown has tried to “short-cut’ the way the body handles invasive bugs. Probably will NOT end well. Or is that being excessively charitable?
Dr. Mengele to the courtesy phone…..
The question is, what is a “developed country” ?
A country prohibiting usefull drugs to fight the pandemy can’t be called “developed” – just the contrast is reight, it’s worse than an underdeveloped country or a third world dictatorship.
If I only compare the occurring side effects of the “vaxxes” with these possible of f.e. Ivermectin, the choice should be clear.
“As Tokyo, Japan’s top health official Dr. Haruo Ozaki recently explained, “In Africa, if we compare countries distributing ivermectin once a year with countries which do not give ivermectin… I mean, they don’t give ivermectin to prevent Covid, but to prevent parasitic diseases… but anyway, if we look at Covid numbers in countries that give ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4 per 100,000, and the number of death is 2.2 in 100,000.”
He continued, “Now, African countries which do not distribute ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000. I believe the difference is clear.”
Dr. Ozaki believes Japan should approve Ivermectin’s use for Covid-19.
‘Don B’, thank you for that very telling quote.
German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, is orchestrating a global lawsuit against the perpetrators of what is turning out to be the most flagrant breach of the Nuremberg Code humanity has seen since the inception of that document in 1947. Testimony like this from Dr Ozaki, and from thousands of other medical doctors and nurses, will seal the fate of the large numbers of people behind what is clearly a serious dereliction of duty (at best) resulting in harm and/or death to tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands? … millions?) of unsuspecting human beings worldwide.
You really don’t need a medical degree to see that large numbers of individuals, who have no excuse for their behaviour, are knowingly guilty of crimes against humanity under the principles of the Nuremberg Code. Forced medical treatment, in this case in the form of mandated ‘vaccines’ (not to mention masks, lockdowns, and the accompanying severe economic and social consequences), is explicitly forbidden under the Code since it constitutes a violation of intrinsic human rights – especially in view of the fact that safe, effective, therapeutic alternatives such as Ivermectin were, and still are, readily available.
And the guilty parties in all of this should take the time to apprise themselves of the penalties for crimes against humanity.
Because they might not like what they find out.
I’ve seen articles on this too. The main problem with this observation is that the countries in Africa that use ivermectin as a matter of course, are also the ones with a much lower BMI!
Malone did a post on this here
There are a comple of little “fatty” countries in the middle, but small enough to disappear in the aggregates.
A ‘Developed Country’ is one where the govt is wealthy enough to pay exorbitant prices for vaccines
Developed refers to the Swamp. Some countries are more developed than others…
Black Seeds oil is a good idea to look after. Or/and Algovir nasal spray.
Was an answer to Prophet of Boom
Misleading clinical evidence and systematic reviews on ivermectin for COVID-19
Different websites (such as,,, among others) have conducted meta-analyses with ivermectin studies, showing unpublished colourful forest plots which rapidly gained public acknowledgement and were disseminated via social media, without following any methodological or report guidelines. These websites do not include protocol registration with methods, search strategies, inclusion criteria, quality assessment of the included studies nor the certainty of the evidence of the pooled estimates.
These websites show pooled estimates suggesting significant benefits with ivermectin, which has resulted in confusion for clinicians, patients and even decision-makers. This is usually a problem when performing meta-analyses which are not based in rigorous systematic reviews, often leading to spread spurious or fallacious findings.
” often leading to spread spurious or fallacious findings.” Such as your post.
You pretend that it’s like climate-change modelling.
They point out that they only use data from peer-reviewed papers. That is what you amateurs consider gold standard of fact? Those papers followed accepted methods (or sensible new ones) or they wouldn’t pass peer-review.
Your comment just highlights that propaganda, rather than reasoning, is behind this demonisation that even naturopathy seems to avoid.
Why are some people so against the use of IWM, what is their agenda?
Data from many countries shows it to be very effective.
Simon’s link is essentially a baseless opinion piece from two non-doctors.
Talk about mis-information !
I’m not the youngest, I’m not a doctor, but if I’m interested to find I find it. If I find only ahint, I search deeper until I find.
Your search is biased against Ivermectin, you will not find or are blind on both closed eyes, if your blindness is caused by river Blindness, use Ivermectin 😀
The study is published right there innfront of you … otherwise how else did read it?
Simple Simon, once again you show not to be able to read, to understand, to use your eyes, to use that what usualy is to find between your ears: I looked at your link
If you look at that site, it’s full of links to the sudies, to the results, to the respective paper, tha authors, short you find there all what you claimed. Be happy I’m a civilised person, else you would get a comment I would be banned for.
Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID‐19
The website provides several meta‐analyses of pooled effects including up to 60 studies. This website shows pooled estimates suggesting significant benefits with ivermectin, which has resulted in confusion for clinicians, patients, and decision‐makers (Garegnani 2021). The analyses are misleading and have several limitations. As described for the other reviews, several ineligible interventions and comparators were pooled. Additionally, different outcomes were pooled and reported as percentage improvement with ivermectin studied in RCTs ranging from 40% improvement when used as late treatment to 83% improvement when used as prophylaxis. However, there is no full prospective protocol available describing the relevant review methodology, and there is no assessment of the risk of bias or the certainty of evidence.
I’m with you Simon. I’m going to believe a bunch of spread sheet jockeys, who haven’t been within a bull’s roar of a covid19 patient. These Dr’s who are actually doctoring, are obviously frauds, and are probably in hiding from relatives of patients, they killed with their sham medications. I’ve misplaced the massive list of people who have relapsed, and died after using this useless placebo. I saw the All Blacks- Argentina game in the weekend, man, that was exciting. It was so close – 39 zip. When stats are that close it’s really difficult to work out who won isn’t it? I to think that Big Pharma is justified in demanding a clear field, and no competition, before they would invest any money. That really gives predatory capitalism some balls.
And the African nations using Ivermectin that have less then 10 percent of the cases and deaths of the rest of Africa, those real world experiments mean zero to Simon.
Not to mention the incredibly poor procedure use in the anti Ivermectin rags, also labeled peer review.
I wonder what weird anti-life agenda some willfully blind people have for trying to use baseless misinformation in a failed attempt to show that IVM is not an effective med against Covid-19.
Read what you post first !
“but the evidence base is limited. “
ie that only looked at a small unrepresentative samples,.
How about we look at big samples..
Simon… I would like to talk. The stuff that you are posting is not ‘correct’. There are some individuals/some evil organization (The fake studies were all issued as a group or at specific times like they were issued as part of an organized propaganda war associated with the release of covid.
There is now hard evidence of group lying. For example, The January 2021 Lancet paper on covid origins is now in consider in the general science community to be a fake lying paper which makes statements which are factual not correct. For example that it is not physically possible to make the virus in lab, that was released in the vicinity of the Wuhan Virology Lab and the wet market and other regions to create a cover story about covid origins.
There is zero physical evidence to support the assertion that covid could be natural.
Covid has never been seen in the general population. The covid spike, has never been seen before in nature. The covid spike (which is manmade) attacks the body in ways that no other virus has ever done. Covid is the sudden appearance of super deadly sneaky, deadly virus. And the deadly stuff is in the covid spike.
Covid is sneaky deadly and as contagious as small pox. There has never been and never will be a ‘natural’ virus that is a splice of virus strands from three different species along with covid spike which has the biochemical connections to replicate (connect to our cells ACE-2 connector and a biochemistry required to cross our bodies blood brain barrier which protects the brain from virus (covid is so smart), as well as the ‘ability’ to cause nerve damage.
These fake sciency studies… that had mumbo jumbo, fake data, and so on are issued to create confusion and in the case of the instant fake covid origin paper alleging that there it is possible covid could a be natural virus is…. Propaganda. Covid is manmade.
For example, there were three fake Vit D studies issued from Asia at the same time. What would motivate a group of three ‘independent people’ to issue three fake Vit D studies within three days of each other? One of the studies has a fake name for the author. Author unknown. The others have fake data.
The evidence (simple measurement of in blood serum active Vit D) … Is Vit D deficiencies in the general population, affects covid ‘outcomes’ as follows:
Those patients who have a Vit D blood serum level less than 20 ng/ml have a three to five times greater chance, of dying from covid or having severe covid symptoms, as compared to those people who have a Vit D blood serum level that that is greater than 40 mg/ml.
The Vit D factor increases to a factor of 10, for those who have Vit D blood serum level that is great than 60 ng/ml and who take zinc supplements.
Now Ivermectin. Ivermectin works. This … the fact that Ivermectin is not water soluble explains why is not 100% effective at killing covid.
Ivermectin is not soluble in water and must hence be taken with a meal. There is a company has been working 5 years to develop an engineering technology that makes Ivermectin 8 times more bioactive, as compared to the same in body dosage of standard Ivermectin. The same company has tested Ivermectin against live covid in vitro and found Ivermectin stopped live covid from replicating.
Comment: Ivermectin is one of 13 special biochemicals which are highly effective for treating patients that, do not dissolve in water. Their technology targets this class of drugs. The corruption in/of the medical industry enables a tiny company to make Ivermectin roughly up to 8 times more bioeffective to stop covid.
This is a link to their explanation of the technology.
“The body’s ability to absorb a drug is directly related to its solubility and bioavailability in turn”, explains Mr Hancock. Moreover, there is still no injectable form of the drug for human use and so ivermectin has to be taken by the oral route. “It takes about six hours for its onset and has a 40% variability which means it’s difficult to prescribe for humans”, explains Mr Hancock. Taking ivermectin with food (especially high-fat food) improves absorption and distribution is affected by body weight.1
“We have a technique that is applied to the macrocyclic lactone drug class – one of which is ivermectin and another is selamectin – there are 12 or 13 of them in this class.
So now we’ve taken ivermectin and made it 5000 times more soluble using two excipients that are already approved by the FDA as safe for human consumption.
So it’s the only leading candidate in the world that’s safe for human injection”, says Mr Hancock. “It’s also the same solubilised form that we’ve used in a rapid-dissolve sublingual application – take something the size of a little piece of gum that dissolves under your tongue”, he adds.
Compared to existing oral forms, the sublingual presentation offers a number of advantages. “We’ve done preclinical trials – we’ve been able to use one fifth of the ivermectin, the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) in this case, and achieve a sublingual [dosage form] – so again it does not go through digestive enzymes – it crosses directly across the [oral] mucosa
,,,and we’ve achieved a one-hour onset, with 5% variability”, explains Mr Hancock. The injectable form uses one eighth of the API and has a 15-minute onset of action.”
“This … the fact that Ivermectin is not water soluble explains why is not 100% effective at killing covid.
Ivermectin is not soluble in water and must hence be taken with a meal. ”
From what I’ve seen internal dosage recommendations are
For intestinal parasites taken with water without food
For other internal parasites taken with food
IVM for jetting sheep is diluted 200 ml/100l water
Safety literature for IVM as a sheep drench – “If ingested drink water and unlikely to be further complications”
Another Ian —
If you want ivermectin to stay in the intestinal tract to kill worms, then it needs to be taken on an empty stomach.
If the aim is to be absorbed into the blood stream, then take it with a meal including some fat content.
I was pointing out that IVM seems to get along with water. The jetting fluid is 16 gm/l IVM and is diluted 200 ml to 100 l of water for use
It’s really puzzling why any group would try to block the use of a potentially effective drug in treatment. At the very least it is harmless, so why?
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia So acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling
And who is on this committee?
which shows the members solely of the specific committee of seven committees.
A pharmacist as Chair.
Two GPs, one also a pharmacologist.
A Sport and Exercise Physician
Two more pharmacists
The Consumer Healthcare manager at Healthcare Products, Australia,
A healthcare administrator with degrees in Accounting and Arts.
And the health implications of their advice are profound. So are the commercial implications.
So the question is why?
Why was the critical evidence on which a cheap, harmless, famous and potentially very effective and now old drug banned?
These changes have been introduced because of “concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19.” A friend has always told me that governments are only good at stopping things. You can never be wrong if you just stop everything.
Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by
1 the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce,
2 the World Health Organisation and
3 the US Food and Drug Administration.
So the committee has taken the safe route. Not their choice, but it goes back to the WHO and the US FDA. They cannot be guilty of doing anything except potentially stopping a life saving drug and saving many lives. It’s a zero risk decision. The dead cannot complain and write letters.
As for the National COVID Clinical Evidence Tasksforce, it is a nebulous group based in Melbourne
So ultimately the group responsible for this unbelievable decision is the World Health Organization, the President of which should be on trial for crimes against humanity for reassuring the world that there was no danger with this virus?
Is it possible Tedros Adhonom is still trying to make sure as many people as possible die from this virus? It is a weapon of mass destruction, brought to you and the world and supported and promoted by the United Nations WHO. And they are advising us not to use the cheapest and most effective and proven old drug available. When will this member of the Ethiopian People’s Liberation Front be arrested?
If the communists of the world are expert at one thing, it is taking control of committees. And the biggest committee of them are in the United Nations, not an organization for world cooperation but a world government, controlled at present by China and their loyal servants on the Belt and Road.
Excellent points TdeF. Let’s keep following that string — Who is accountable?
Could the Minister for Health reverse the decision?
Hunt probably wont do anything. For some crazy notion , they think that the publicity of any early antivirals will somehow diminish the COVID vaccine uptake. So it’s all verboten. I can’t understand why, when the selling points of the vaccines are still very good. You get injected with a relatively ‘safe” vaccine that will give you a period of protection against hospitalisation or getting really sick. Basically the same as the flu vaccine ever was. I think probably the only hope may be if Mark Mc Gowan decides that IVM is worthy of his ‘children” in WA- he seems to love the whole ” up yours East coasters thing”. In fact, it would be a great solution for WA with its low community infection.
“It’s really puzzling why any group would try to block the use of a potentially effective drug in treatment. At the very least it is harmless, so why?”
There is a considerable amount available on the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco but they’re still available.
Such models of consistency!
True, but not from a pharmacy. And shelves in a pharmacy are groaning under the weight of Blackmore’s amazing range of often harmless placebos and ancient herbs and fantasy drugs. No prescription needed.
The usual “suspects”: MONEY AND POWER.
G’day TdeF,
” Why was the critical evidence on which a cheap, harmless, famous and potentially very effective and now old drug banned? ”
Perhaps our clever government has signed a contract with some unnamed company, and perhaps that contract has some unconscionable clauses?
Dave B
I have no expertise at all to judge whether Ivermectin is the slightest bit effective against Covid-19 – either as a prophylactic or a treatment.
BTW – calling it “a cheap, harmless, famous … and now old drug” is not relevant to whether it has anti-Covid qualities. It has venerable qualities against parasitic worms – but that’s all.
And absent any expertise, I have to go with the advice of experts, and AFAIK there isn’t a single western country in the world that has endorsed Ivermectin. That is telling, and sufficient for me.
I think its vehement promoters haven’t actually delivered any credible evidence (and is not that credible).
But its relevant to the risk benefit ratio.
WHY hasn’t a huge study been done?
Many people are not getting the jab because the TGA has banned the use if IWM.
If they can’t get basic medicines correct , what chance have they go of getting the safety of an experimental pseudo-vaccine correct.
There has to be some sort of an agenda behind the banning of such and obviously cheap and effective medicine as IVM.
Indeed, there is almost a double-double think position where we wonder if the aim of doing something so inexplicable is to increase the division and doubt and divide the nation.
Those who are vaccinated may well assume this shows how crazy the other half are. Those who are unvaccinated may assume that the TGA is not making decisions with their health as their first priority.
Thus the division grows…
I think we might now understand the vaccines mechanism, feel free to correct.
1. injection of mrna
2. mrna instructs body to generate spike protein, but production that never switches off
3. spike proteins travel all over body, lodging in many capillaries
4. spike proteins act like a root thats grown into sewer a pipe, causing bloodcells to catch on it causing micro clots
5. over enough time in enough blood vessels these clots kill off circulation.
if this is correct, my quip about getting my bulldozer ticket might become real.
My God have mercy on us.
Not so sure about not switching off Steve, but otherwise looks pretty sound. However boosters considered to be given every six months will give additional opportunities for micro clotting measured by a Dr Richard Hoffe to be present in 62% of his patients tested in the seven day period following vaccination.
If your point 2 is correct then definitely; “may God have mercy on the vaccinated”. In addition to this it appears that in response to the most recent Lamba variant, the vaccinated produce almost no neutralising antibodies. This is not good to say the least. I really wonder at the wisdom of taking a vaccination that was designed to be effective (and in reality was only partially effective) against the alpha strain which is only represented in about 1% of cases today, and will soon disappear entirely.
No, on item (2) in your list the mRNA does switch off. It gradually gets broken down over a period of a few weeks. Cells produce mRNA all the time, so it’s always getting broken down as well.
Also, there’s some argument that the human cells producing the spike proteim might get attacked by killer T cells, when the immune system concludes something has gone wrong with these cells. This second part is arguable but it’s the normal way that infected cells are removed, so it would be expected to happen.
Item (4) on your list I would regard as speculative, but it does bring up a good question that once a spike protein lodges somewhere, what process cleans it up? I have not seen any real study proving how it works. Willing to read whatever links people have.
There is. photos of the damage. So with well over 15,000 suspected vaccine deaths, ( likely far more) guess how many autopsies have been performed to look for such damage. The answer tell you all you need to know. Answer is ZERO.
The booster shot point is a valid one, though bear in mind, part of the need for a booster shot may arise because the immune system is just not taking the “threat” seriously.
People with serious Covid — who survive — seem to have the strongest response. At a really basic (and possibly not useful) level, there need for boosters may have something to do with the vaxes not posing a threat. (I’m just saying the real situation is so complex, we must be wary of trying to use “just so” simple reasoning).
We don’t really know what we are doing. How do coronaviruses get around the immune system so our immunity to even the common cold disappears? What is it about them?
this doesn’t make any sense considering how poor the protection these mRNA injections provide after six months. If what you said was true the protection would stay high for longer but these spike proteins do break down quickly thus despite the damage they do to the system you get ineffective medium or longer term protection from these jabs. Hence the requirement for continual boosters.
Although and this might be a moot point – if constant boosters are forced upon people under threat of being an untermunchen without a vax passport, then in a way it signals a desire to keep that spike protein generation going via the boosters, which also means keeping the potential clotting process going too……
Have I missed anything?
Also the time frame given for the worst if it all to happen was about 3 years, which jibes with the 2025 “extreme” population predictions for most of the 5 Eyes countries…
Many experts think each booster increases the chance of blood clots and systemic ADE and OAS.
so many
When I visit my GP who is actually analysing my symptoms, the TGA, the WHO or my GP. Let the one analysing my symptoms prescribe for me.
Link to the University of California study mentioned in Jo’s post, here:
As a drug rep, all I will say is…..follow the money.
The TGA seems to exist in an elitist bubble and appears to think the rest of the populace cant read or use the Internet, or maybe thats them, hard to tell.
So now we have a treatment that is deliberately withheld that we know will lead to a certain number of unnecessary deaths. Isn’t that called manslaughter or something?
So, if a doctor deliberately withholds a treatment that could save a life, couldn’t that doctor be charged with attempted murder or something similar?
I’m really curious, when the first organisation or the first doctors will be sued.
I share your impatience, “Krishna Gans’, and my understanding is it will likely be much sooner than you think. The groundwork is already done.
Hundreds of lawyers and literally thousands of medical doctors are involved in an imminent global lawsuit under the auspices of respected international lawyer, Dr Reiner Fuellmich. Check the internet for more details.
[Background information: Dr Fuellmich is a legal practitioner registered in both Germany and California. His command of English surpasses that of most native English speakers! A formidable intellect, confident of victory, and a very personable man besides.]
Yes, I know the story, starting with the PCR tests etc and read a lot about in alternative media here in Germany sonce around more than 8 month.
There is a lot to prepare for lawyers, but action has to come soon now.
I would say this more comes into it in refusing to treat someone who is not vaccinated. The ‘duty of care’ is more ’cause no harm’. There is a famous Doctor called Dr Shawn Baker who served in the middle east and he would operate on taliban and his own soldiers alike as that is his oath as a physician. Yet the media would say there is nothing wrong with his actions there but another doctor refuses to give life saving treatment to an unvaxxed person is also okay for the media midwits…. madness.
Yes, the general topic of refusing someone who is not vaccinated comes under a broader issue where in fact some have made the bold and stupid statement that unvaccinated people should be refused treatment of any kind, even in hospitals. At the moment I’m focusing on the doctor-patient relationship wrt a specific treatment that has been demonstrated to save lives, not just any treatment to help a person to be healthier, such as to lose weight. The analogy you’ve given is a good one and falls into the more specific category I’ve mentioned.
The reason I ask is if I ever do get COVID-19 and I go to my doctor to request a prescription for ivermectin and I am promptly refused, I will then warn my doctor that I will press civil charges against him for failing to treat me as a professional doctor. If enough people do that then we could mount a serious class action suit against all doctors to make an example of them for not acting in the best interests of their patients. We need to resist this spreading of evil as much as we can. Although I do believe things will get much worse before it’s all over, it doesn’t mean we can stand by and do nothing as long as it’s not violent. Passive resistance is another approach but that has clearly failed thanks to the jelly backed gullible nature of most Australians.
Peter, can I suggest, we need to fight that battle now, not wait til we catch Covid…
The Doc will be under threat of losing their license. This is not a fair position to put GP’s in.
But it’s unconscionable to ban a safe cheap treatment, though the fault for that lies not with most GP’s.
I think a lot of Australians would be appalled, but they have no idea — not just about ivermectin, but about how much their “news” service is not telling them.
Jo: “But it’s unconscionable to ban a safe cheap treatment, though the fault for that lies not with most GPs.”
The ban hasn’t come from the GPs, it’s true. So, in that sense of course, it’s no fault of theirs.
But government bans which have no basis in medical science, and which are plainly detrimental to human health, must NOT be permitted to hold sway.
Doctors must follow their oath and also their consciences. They should have the professional nous and gumption to withdraw from any organisations which promote treatments – or the lack thereof – which are clearly against the wellbeing of their patients.
If corrupt governments seek to control how they treat those patients, it’s beholden upon the doctors (and nurses as well) to band together and resist that control to the best of their ability.
When a doctor treats a patient, the doctor owes his/her full attention to achieving the best possible outcome for that patient. All other considerations are secondary and no government has the right to interfere with that relationship of trust.
To that extent then, a craven capitulation by GPs to regulations they know to be wrong must carry with it certain repercussions. No medical practitioner can allow him/herself to betray the doctor-patient relationship, no matter what the external pressures may be.
We know full well we can’t trust politicians but we MUST be able to trust our GPs.
I have been hitting my local member Frydenberg with a regular barrage of e-mails about how the
governments (collectively) are going to be sued, in a class action, when the public finally wakes up that they have been well and truly shagged. And I am now keeping the warning shots as ammunition and the TGA is adding to the evidence. If you check the TGA website, the party making the statement keeps referring to himself or herself as ‘I have decided to amend the Poisons Standard by creating a new Appendix D listing for ivermectin.’ But this gutless schmuck fails to identify I self. Now aint that convenient; just hide away like sleepy Joe and later emerge to blame everyone else.
I noticed that too. Who is “I” — and they did not do public consultation either. “Given the Urgency”.
We can FOI. Time to formulate questions.
I have a friend who has submitted a number of FOI requests and he was going to help me do it. I’ll be seeing him over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd October. You may have a better option tho.
FOI is the way to start it off and then as the evidence is built up the Hon C. Kelly MP could get some of his lawyers mates on board and issue a writ claiming negligence. Nonfeasance is one area that could be considered. See meaning: Misfeasance, nonfeasance, and malfeasance are types of failure to discharge public obligations existing by common law, custom, or statute.
I work every day building up defences for Insurers and Lawyers (please do not hold it against me) but I am not a lawyer. A lawyer who practices in dealing with Governments and Quango’s would be ideal. Suggest you get C K on side but I would be most interested to see who is on that Micky Mouse outfit and minutes of meetings is the way forward.
And add the following: ‘My decision was not open to public consultation, given the seriousness of the circumstances, the risks to the community and the immediacy with which action needed to be taken. However, the ACMS (including state and territory representative members) was consulted in relation to the proposal and supported the amendment. Further, it was considered necessary to make the amendment urgently in order to support the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Doesn’t that tell it all
Well, this is no surprise from the US.
Best response to that “horse dewormer” I’ve seen was
“They give that to horses worth millions. The ingredients are probably better quality than in the human version”
A while back there was a discussion (at Chiefio IIRC) to the effect that internal parasites seemed to have a role in disrupting the Vitamin D cycle in humans.
As IVM is approved for such use in humans – –
the horse owner also probably has more legal avenues open to them than the vaccinated do from vaccine injury to boot.
My favourite is the comment by ‘RightOverLabour’, above at #2:-
“Anyway, as is custom these days I identify as “Transequine” and I am taking supplements to suit.”
So topical! So amusing! Well done! {Chuckle!!}
[P.S. Do you find the shoes uncomfortable?]
“Do you find the shoes uncomfortable?” No but the nails are a bitch.
This comment is really unsurprising, but may shock you 🙂
The idea that bacteria are in charge of over 70% (more?) of the immune response of life itself is incredibly unsurprising. Dosing up with vitamins is ok in the short term, but like farmers now know, excessive use of super-phosphates eventually burns the ecosystem out and baronnes results….intuitive and unsurprising.
What about the long term??
Many farmers are now switching back to letting bacteria do all the heavy lifting and is the natural alternative to the pathological over use of antibiotics in agriculture.
Gut there is mmore.. 🙂
Using bacteria instead of vaccines…….old trick that has worked since the dawn of time??
An alternative to antibiotics…being used extensively.
In my case, i am not a vegetarian, or a carnivour….so i must be a bacterian as my diet in its simplest form consists of beans fermented with the Bacillus Subtilis which is surprisingly easy to process. B Subtilis is arguably the most important bacteria on the planet and beyond.
Fun facts
:The first antibiotic was isolated from B Subtilis.
:B Subtilis produces one of the most important vitamins K2
:B Subtilis saved the German army from dropping like flies to dysentery and cures the disease in 24 hours.
:etc, etc etc…
It’s a round about way of saying herd immunity is more often than not best in the long run.
“doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.”
This statement is about the jab, isn’t it ?
Add in lung disorders, Myocarditis, blood clotting in many parts of the body etc…
They are right to say this is not a safe medicine..
…oh wait.. they keep telling us the jabs are safe !!
They really have things the wrong way around, haven’t they !
“Australians all let us rejoice
For we are young and free”
is not an anthem for everybody anymore.
Coercion is not freedom,
Suspended parliaments and scripted lockstep are not democracy.
Are our administrators hostages?
well I think they changed the anthem to ‘one’ and free… you know to fit our more communist leaders these days. If I had to sing the anthem I will not sing the changed parts but use the original parts that were voted on by the public rather than changed by a bunch of leftist nonces.
“In the end the TGA appears to be banning it for psychological reasons, not medical ones ”
The whole Covid industry runs on psychological reasons.
“Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and not for medical reasons, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said on Sunday, ahead of the weekly Cabinet meeting.
Horowitz was caught on a hot mic telling this to Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, who was also unaware that the conversation was being taped and would be broadcast on Channel 12 News.”
Yeah. It IS mostly about psychological issues. Irrational fear: media-driven phobias, govt-induced paranoia and hysteria etc etc….are behind the whole scam. Which is why the way to stop the madness is not by intellectual or logical arguments, but by psychological means…
About 60 years ago, an american psychologist, Solomon Asch, did a series of experiments (Asch Conformity Experiments: google them) which demonstrated just how easily “feelings” conquer “rationality”….specifically the desire to be part of the crowd. And also how easily this “spell” can be broken. essentially, the individuals doubting the narrative have to be shown that they are not alone. No arguments neccessary wince they already KNOW it’s a lie and is harming them.
Once the dam cracks, the collapse flood is not far behind.
Consider the rapid increase of draconian penalties for NOT getting an armful of a “Novel” vaccine and the desperate stridency of the proponents, ESPECIALLY in the LSM “opinion-shaping” commentariat.
If the stuff is SO good, so “surgically” effective and utterly free from “interesting” side effects, why would it be “mandatory”. “Mandatory”, i.e., MANDATED, carrying the force of LAW. When, not if, it becomes, as is already happening, COMPULSORY, first for “critical” persons and then across the population, it will be clear that the “Fix” is in AND also starkly clear, that it is too late for polite protest.
The latest chapter in this caper is the floating of the need to step up “security” against future “terror” attacks. Such announcements are pure theatre from a real security perspective. Smoke and mirrors, not fooling anybody except the LSM and a bunch of pubic serpents.
Injection Macht Frei
Grorge stepped out on a limb and parliament condemned him.
George is right on the money!
Yesterday he organised a “phone-in” to the TGA, where he asked as many people as possible to ring and complain about their decision.
His comments last night:
“Either the TGA have been jammed or they’ve turned off the phones. We’re making our point that ivermectin should be able to be prescribed for prevention and treatment of COVID-19
I can tell you that these agencies record the amount of calls that come in and report up to their CEOs who have reports that go up to the Prime Ministers office.
Every call and email counts.
At the moment their phones can’t handle the volume of calls coming in but they would be recording how many incoming calls there were, how many calls were abandoned and how many were blocked as a result of being overwhelming.”
Thanks Brenda. Time to start sending polite but assertive letters on paper.
I tried to ring the TGA yesterday afternoon and eventually, at the third attempt, left a brief if somewhat garbled message. I then decided to email them and sent it last night.
Ironically the two drugs that are approved for treatment in Australia Remdesivir and sotrovimab seem to have had rather unconvincing data to support them. The fact that neither have had widespread use while the pandemic rages tells you about how affective they are. And neither has 40 years of safety data to support them.
“American Medical Bureaucracy, Including AMA, Increase Threats Against Doctors Who Do Not Comply With Forced Vaccination Position
September 13, 2021 | Sundance | 225 Comments
“Nice license you’ve got there Doc, it’d be a shame if something happened to it”… ”
Is their claim that there have been supply shortages even true?
They claim there has been a three to four times increase in imports so that would not be coming out of local supply.
And the wonderful thing about the free market is that shortage are quickly alleviated.
It is not hard to manufacture and it is one of the world’s most prescribed drugs. There is no reason for shortages.
The British Medical Journal retains its scepticism about the published data on Ivermectin, including ivmmeta:
Different websites (such as,,, among others) have conducted meta-analyses with ivermectin studies, showing unpublished colourful forest plots which rapidly gained public acknowledgement and were disseminated via social media, without following any methodological or report guidelines. These websites do not include protocol registration with methods, search strategies, inclusion criteria, quality assessment of the included studies nor the certainty of the evidence of the pooled estimates.
And it’s good that the TGA is independent and apolitical – its purpose is to give unbiased professional assessments, and to ensure the safety and health of Australians, who are bombarded by thousands of “health products” each year.
I don’t think there is any other industry with more potential for financial rip-offs, and the peddling of useless and dangerous. At least with used cars you can walk round it and kick the tyres.
I think the TGA reasoning is good. If they endorsed human Ivermectin as a prophylactic or treatment, vaccine take-up would crash, and herd immunity wouldn’t be achieved. The TGA would need much more solid evidence than ivmmeta apparently provides.
How – how to you measure prophylactic effectiveness, and down to single-digit percentages?
Herd immunity is probably impossible with leaky vaccines.
More likely to happen with 100% IVM use and milder disease giving stronger natural immunity.
Right on the money Jo.
The biggest illness in the world today that afflicts all of us is MIC.
Politicised use of medical problems to control us is a great and demonic sickness that has destroyed our rights, our work, our education, our health and our future.
Next year when the Medical Immunisation Complex has its coffers topped up we will be allowed out to see our family; but Only If you show your VaxxiNation passport.
You are now in the new country of Vaxxi, enjoy.
This is pure evil.
So a committes of many committees refused to give the pharmacists permission to make a drug freely available based on the advice of other committees, even the FDA which has approved invermectin for decades but not for this very specific application. That’s a safe decision. Pharmacists and even GPs are not pioneers.
And this committee is formed by both and their decision is not on the effectiveness of the drug but how to present it in a pharmacy and how readily available it should be. So they make ultra safe decisions based on other published decisions. That way no one can be blamed. And no one can be blamed for doing nothing. So this is a decision not to make a decision.
This is the nature of committees. One author on administration from decades ago had a sign over his desk. Nothing is impossible. Until sent to a committee. And both invermectin and the utterly deadly hydroxychloroquin are leftover ideas from Donald Trump who was insane apparently. And Dr Fauci remains a National hero.
There was one famous decision not made in the heat of WWII. While everyone has been lectured by the many documentaries and even movies on the ultra secret break of Enigma, even after the war, few know that the British code was quickly broken by the Germans. That’s not something to boast about. Even worse, Whitehall knew it and did nothing. Ultimately it was worked out that a specific public servant decided not to order new code books because of the huge stock of the old books and the cost of the exercise. So British ships were sunk for many months while the old broken code books were used. And no one was blamed.
We have a lot of the same bureaucratic intertia in Australia. In the 1980s the official limit on digital traffic set by Telstra was 300 baud. That’s right 300 bits per second. The Americans were using 2400 bps on the same lines but everything had to be approved by Telstra and tested in their Clayton laboratories for susceptibility to lightning strike. There was a 3 year wait. So I bought the US equipment and used it.
When Bill Gates came to Australia, he was shocked at how backward we were and how slow the internet. Internal traffic had been digital fibre optic for a decade by the people of Australia still had analog and slow to their homes.
And we now are building the world’s slowest diesel submarines because the Greens do not want nuclear submarines. Another successful committee. Like the one which picked the Collins Class submarine, another completely untested design which had one major design flaw, it could not submerge. But at least we did not suffer the disaster of the Kursk. That’s really a safe decision.
So with Invermectin. No one will do anything about anything. And thousands of committee hours will be spent and many lunches discussing the pros and cons of doing anything at all. Better wait on everyone else. Committee meetings are times when minutes are taken and hours are wasted.
And the dead hand of Tedros Adhanom and his WHO lies over every decision to do nothing about the Wuhan Flu.
It’s not just an Australian issue – is there any major Western country where the health authorities have endorsed Ivermectin (or other drugs such as HCQ) as a prophylactic or treatment for Covid-19? I don’t think there is.
I’ve sat on a lot of committees – they can drive you mad, but they are very much preferred to the alternative – key decisions being made by possibly flawed individuals, without sufficient feedback, and too little consultation with those affected by the decision.
Committees work by ensuring that every policy or innovation is tested to destruction. Analysis paralysis can occur, but that’s an issue of the committee members, not with the committee structure itself.
Committee decision = unaccountable. No responsibility. Group think. Herd-brain. Baa Baa.
We don’t elect a Committee President. We need one person, solely responsible, 100% accountable. Then they think hard…
Jo: “We need one person, solely responsible, 100% accountable. Then they think hard… “
Yes, accountability by individuals. So much more productive than committees.
And yet such logic has been undermined by the usual suspects, who like to see fascism everywhere they look.
What you describe is sensible and gets results, so it has to be vilified by a certain brand of politics we all know.
Adolf Hitler was an adherent of something called the ‘Führerprinzip’, which essentially entails this very system of individual responsibility. But of course, it also encompassed Hitler’s own megalomaniacal ideas of absolute power. His word was above all national laws because he was the ultimate leader in Nazi Germany (Der Führer).
Thus the perfectly defensible notion that a task or project should be assigned to a certain individual, charged with seeing it through to a successful conclusion – on time and on budget, has become forever tarnished by association with the Third Reich.
We really need to get away from all this ‘political correctness’ BS.
It’s stifling our ability to think.
[Hmmm. You don’t suppose that was the plan all along, do you?!]
And, of course, we’ve bought the F35.
What’s wrong with the F 35? Money was wasted but the end result is pretty good. It is better than other single engined jets and cheaper than other twin engined ones.
Thanks for your comment about the Germans breaking the British Code, Tde F. First time I heard of it. The Germans are renown for being able to break codes.A Staff Sergeant I knew was from German extraction who was good at breaking codes so I was told.
What “medical care” is the Thugs and Goons Administration talking about?
1) If you have a positive PCR test they tell you to go home without treatment. In fact no effective treatment such as with IVM or HCW protocols is permitted.
2) If after a while at home without treatment you get REALLY SICK, they say to call an ambulance. Then you go to hospital and everyone gets the same World Homicide Organisation “treatment” without exception with no deviation and no individual thought by doctors permitted, punishable by deregistration of doctor.
3) In hospital you will get a) oxygen then b) dexamethasone as the cytokine storm starts to rage and then c) a ventilator and then d) death.
They are killing people with no option of survival whatsoever. Even if a doctor didn’t think the HCQ or IVM protocols worked, wouldn’t it be worth trying rather than killing the patient?
Do Australian hospitals get bonus payments for admitting and/or allowing the death of covid patients?
We certainly need a covid Nuremberg trials which is now even more important than an anthropogenic global warming fraud Nuremberg trials.
Thanks for that statement David; it puts things so clearly and logically.
Just the history of “Ventilators” in this disease management alone is enough to make you sick, but the avoidance of “other options” is an unbelievably huge issue.
Having read a description of the “Ventilation” process there’s only one conclusion possible; you would need to be a very healthy and fit person to survive that intrusion.
One of the Other Options was the obvious need to fix air flow in nursing homes to reduce cross contamination and this was only mentioned in the New York catastrophe long after the extraordinary death toll had been counted.
I recall someone in New York crisis management saying that they had ordered 35,000 “Ventilators”. Big deal.
So much to investigate.
If Ivermectin is good enough to be pumped into multi-million dollar horse flesh, why is it not “safe” to use in suitably SCALED DOWN doses on wrinkly retiree humans?
Supplementary: Why the big “kill” on synthetic quinine, the dreaded HCQ, that has been SUCCESSFULLY used on humans for quite some decades?
Insufficient opportunity for price gouging on “NEW” products and palm-greasing at several levels?
Next, some “concerned expert” will notice a potentially interesting pattern among patients on Hypertension medications (often in conjunction with “blood thinners”), and rates of “COVID-19 infection”.
I have been using an Australian brand of quercetin with bromelain plus separate zinc combo for prophylaxis however lately it has become unavailable.
It is a zinc ionophore just as is Ivermectin and HCQ but it is non-prescription. I wonder if the Thugs and Goons Administration will be banning that as well?
It isn’t only the TGA in AU. It is also happening in the USA with AMA, ABEM, threatening loss of medical licensure if the doctors speak out or contradict the “official” positions.
“Nice license you’ve got there Doc, it’d be a shame if something happened to it”…
Should ABEM determine, in its sole authority, that a physician is promulgating inaccurate information that is that is contrary to the interests of patients and that adversely impacts public safety, ABEM may withdraw or deny certification for that physician.
Judge, Jury, and executioner, all rolled into one Star Chamber.
Indeed Lance, I should have mentioned that in the post. We here in Oz are hoping we can learn some lessons from the US and UK — or perhaps if we achieve anything, send some hope back the other way.
The Deep Medical Swamp is very well developed in the US and UK.
Then, we have the interesting spectacle of doctors who claim they will refuse ti treat the “unvaccinated” for general maladies.
“Lebensunwertes Leben.”
(Wonkypedia link: )
Are we there, yet?
Dr. Mengele will see you soon.
“Dr” Mengele has been replaced by “Dr” Fauci.
The badge for that?
Twenty countries are using Ivermectin to treat Covid-19. They include Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Nigeria, and Egypt. In South Africa doctors are allowed to prescribe Ivermectin, but it is not being rolled out everywhere and in hospitals and clinics.
28% of the world’s population.
And Indonesia now.
But no, ….the West knows better!
Oddly enough they are the same countries that are using the more traditional whole virus type of vaccines (as well as the others) in a hurry unlike the West where they went down only the others (mRNA and viral vector types) in a hurry. Others that followed the whole virus approach include Russia, Indonesia, China and many other Asian countries. The West knows better? In the past yes but not today – they have lost it.
Indonesia is particularly interesting. During the last week of July they had around 570,000 active cases, today about 99,000 with a mere 15% ‘fully’ vaccinated.
The TGA has made an administrative decision which is almost certainly subject to review. I have notified them in writing that I am lodging an appeal against the decision. Sadly, this will take a while.
Thank you. Any wisdom you have to share on this process is gratefully accepted.
The wheels of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) turn pretty slowly. You have to argue technically that the TGA erred in its application or interpretation of applicable Commonwealth law.
It is not a trial context where lawyers for both parties can spin arguments to impress a judge or jury. You also must have “standing” – demonstrating how you are adversely and improperly affected. This might be very difficult.
You can’t successfully appeal just because you don’t like the decision.
“But no, ….the West knows better!”
No, the West can’t wait to complete its suicide mission.
During World War 2 a lot of British and Australian Soldiers developed tropical ulcers in South East Asia which led to having limbs being surgically removed. The Dutch who had been in Indonesia had been successfully treating tropical ulcers for centuries. The British and Australian doctors would not listen to the Dutch doctors.
Someone needs to inform the public that the TGA never checked the safety data on the Pfizer vaccine before approving it. They just took Pfizer at their word. So then how will they feel about the TGA banning ivermectin?………
And the UK regulator was found to do the same thing…..
Anyone care to post that on their FB page?
Ivermetic is usually described as an anti-parasitical drug, but covid has mutated and become a mind-parasite.
Check this out…. Madness
You dont who is watching, do you? Comments must be being scrutinised closely. I watched that live and people were pretty upset. Over 7000 tuned in!
They are worried.
Don’t forget — Get Tested — with a test that can’t
tell one virus from another?
Ross, the test can tell not just one virus from another but which strain.
See Nextstrain (Every dot on that map is fully sequenced, all 29k bases).
Jo, the PCR used to yell if you may have COVID doesn’t sequence the virus, and they aren’t going to sequence it for everyone.
“Graphs show for each country, the proportion of total number of sequences (not cases), over time, that fall into defined variant groups.”
(From the CoVariants link you provided)
Note that they also write…
“It is worth interpreting with caution:
Oops, “tell” not “yell.”
Also, I think his objection stands. Just because a given variant has been sampled more than another in a given area doesn’t mean it’s the one a specific patient has.
The problem is that all the sanitized experts don’t point out that distinction.
Oh, yes, I also need to thank you for those links Jo. I’ve been wondering about the claims being made about the variants for a while, and those links essentially give the answers I was looking for.
Hi Jo.
I think ‘Yonason’ is correct in what he says. There are different tests which can investigate viral infections but the one being used almost exclusively for COVID assessments is the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test. (Or ‘PCR test’ for short.)
It was invented by Kary Mullis, (PhD biochemistry, now deceased) who shared the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1993 for his contribution to the research.
[BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The original version of PCR that Mullis developed uses repeated cycles of elevated temperatures to separate DNA strands, which are then copied by a heat-stable DNA polymerase. Repeating the cycle many times leads to an exponential increase in the quantity of DNA. In this way, even traces of DNA can be amplified into amounts that can be easily sequenced or quantified.]
But according to Mullis himself, the PCR test was never designed to diagnose illness. It was designed to detect vanishingly small quantities of genetic material or even just molecular fragments of that material.
Mullis was once videoed in a small discussion group, talking about the PCR test in relation to HIV.
I’ve seen the video myself.
He said: “With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. … It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.”
The more cycles you employ with the PCR test, the more exquisitely sensitive it becomes. In fact it’s far too sensitive for the detection of active COVID viruses (or any viruses) if used at high cycle rates (CTs). By the time you get to 33 cycles, the accuracy rate is a mere 20%, meaning 80% are false positives. Beyond 34 cycles, your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to zero.
If you do not have symptoms, yet test positive using a PCR test run at 35 CTs or higher, then it is likely a false positive and you pose no risk to others as you’re unlikely to carry any live virus. In fact, provided you’re asymptomatic, you’re unlikely to be infectious even if you test positive with a test run at 24 CTs or higher.
Now here’s the kicker!
While any CT over 35 is deemed scientifically unjustifiable, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recommend running PCR tests at a CT of 40.
Tests recommended by the World Health Organization are set to a CT of 45. My information is that Australia uses 45 cycles in its testing. These excessively high CTs guarantee the appearance of widespread (pandemic) infection when infection rates are in fact low.
The PCR test was recommended for general use based on the Corman-Drosten paper: “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR”, published in Eurosurveillance (January 23rd, 2020).
This paper was riddled with errors and should never have been published.
In fact, a group of 22 experts in medical science published their own paper afterwards, The Corman-Drosten Review Report, in which they noted and listed 10 of the most serious of those errors.
If you’re interested, here they are. But I warn you, much of it is very technical. Ignore the technical stuff if necessary but note the conclusion at the end of each of the 10 sections:-
1. There exists no specified reason to use these extremely high concentrations of primers in this protocol. The described concentrations lead to increased nonspecific bindings and PCR product amplifications, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
2. Six unspecified wobbly positions will introduce an enormous variability in the real world laboratory implementations of this test; the confusing nonspecific description in the Corman-Drosten paper is not suitable as a Standard Operational Protocol making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
3. The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection.
4. A difference of 10° C with respect to the annealing temperature Tm for primer pair1 (RdRp_SARSr_F and RdRp_SARSr_R) also makes the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
5. A severe error is the omission of a Ct value at which a sample is considered positive and negative. This Ct value is also not found in follow-up submissions making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
6. The PCR products have not been validated at the molecular level. This fact makes the protocol useless as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
7. The PCR test contains neither a unique positive control to evaluate its specificity for SARS-CoV-2 nor a negative control to exclude the presence of other coronaviruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
8. The test design in the Corman-Drosten paper is so vague and flawed that one can go in dozens of different directions; nothing is standardized and there is no SOP. This highly questions the scientific validity of the test and makes it unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
9. Most likely, the Corman-Drosten paper was not peer-reviewed making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
10. We find severe conflicts of interest for at least four authors, in addition to the fact that two of the authors of the Corman-Drosten paper (Christian Drosten and Chantal Reusken) are members of the editorial board of Eurosurveillance. A conflict of interest was added on July 29 2020 (Olfert Landt is CEO of TIB-Molbiol; Marco Kaiser is senior researcher at GenExpress and serves as scientific advisor for TIB-Molbiol), that was not declared in the original version (and still is missing in the PubMed version); TIB-Molbiol is the company which was “the first” to produce PCR kits (Light Mix) based on the protocol published in the Corman-Drosten manuscript, and according to their own words, they distributed these PCR-test kits before the publication was even submitted [20]; further, Victor Corman & Christian Drosten failed to mention their second affiliation: the commercial test laboratory “Labor Berlin”. Both are responsible for the virus diagnostics there [21] and the company operates in the realm of real time PCR-testing.
In light of our re-examination of the test protocol to identify SARS-CoV-2 described in the Corman-Drosten paper we have identified concerning errors and inherent fallacies which render the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test useless.
So while there are certainly tests which can differentiate between one strain of a virus and another. And I’m sure no one would disagree that it’s possible to differentiate among several different strains of COVID.
But I believe ‘Yonason’ is correct that such exact tests do not form the basis of generalised COVID testing. In fact, the test used almost universally – the PCR test – is totally useless at detecting live COVID in a subject when run at the number of cycles we’ve been using.
Given that fact, what use can it possibly be in differentiating one COVID strain from another?
Very nice. Very thorough.
Jo, you should probably take any claim of “sequencing” with a grain of salt (and a slice of lemon and a dash of tequila). In order to sequence something, they would have to isolate (purify) it, first. To my knowledge, no one has ever actually done that for SARS-nCoV-2. (Or HIV, for that matter)
If you look closely at the procedure that they use for “isolation”, the samples are invariably contaminated with something else during the process – usually monkey cells, followed by some kind of toxic chemicals. What results from that is not “an isolated pre-existing virus” but rather “whatever human cells produce when mixed in with monkey cells and poisoned by toxins”, which could be any number of things… bearing in mind that the mechanism that cells use to communicate with each other looks a lot like viruses…
Yes, Steve, there’s been a lot of controversy surrounding the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Many parties claim it’s been completely isolated and sequenced while many other parties claim it hasn’t.
There has been so much fraud associated with the science in this whole ‘pandemic’ that it’s difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff.
However, I think my own account of the evidence (#46.1.3 above), showing conclusively that the PCR test is invalid and therefore useless in diagnosing COVID infection, is a very sobering indicator of just how suspect the whole thing really is.
The entire ‘pandemic’ situation has been based on this utterly useless diagnostic test. These aren’t my words but the words of 22 people in a position to know exactly what they’re talking about.
[To give you an idea of the calibre of these experts, here’s the list:
Dr. Pieter Borger (MSc, PhD), Molecular Genetics, W+W Research Associate, Lörrach, Germany
Rajesh Kumar Malhotra (Artist Alias: Bobby Rajesh Malhotra), Former 3D Artist / Scientific Visualisations at CeMM – Centre for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2019-2020), University for Applied Arts – Dept. for Visual Arts, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Michael Yeadon BSs(Hons) Biochem Tox U Surrey, PhD Pharmacology U Surrey. Managing Director, Yeadon Consulting Ltd, former Pfizer Chief Scientist, United Kingdom
Dr. Clare Craig MA, (Cantab) BM, BCh (Oxon), FRCPath, United Kingdom
Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer, founder Medical Genomics, engineered the sequencing pipeline at WIBR/MIT for the Human Genome Project, invented and developed the SOLiD sequencer, awarded patents related to PCR, DNA Isolation and Sequencing, USA
Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger, Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Molecular Andrology, Biomedical research Centre of the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany
Dr. Paul McSheehy (BSc, PhD), Biochemist & Industry Pharmacologist, Loerrach, Germany
Dr. Lidiya Angelova, MSc in Biology, PhD in Microbiology, Former researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Maryland, USA
Dr. Fabio Franchi, Former Dirigente Medico (M.D) in an Infectious Disease Ward, specialised in “Infectious Diseases”, “Hygiene and Preventive Medicine”, Societa Scientifica per il Principio di Precauzione (SSPP), Italy
Dr. med. Thomas Binder, Internist and Cardiologist (FMH), Switzerland
Prof. Ullrich, specialist Diagnostic Radiology, Chief Medical Doctor at the Centre for Radiology of Collm-Oschatz Hospital, Germany
Prof. Dr.Makoto Ohashi, Professor emeritus, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, Tokushima University, Japan
Dr. Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc. Ph.D., Microbiologist, Nutritionist, Italy
Dr. Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens (MSc, PhD), specialist in Laboratory Medicine (clinical chemistry), Maasziekenhuis Pantein, Beugen, The Netherlands
Dr.Dorothea Gilbert (MSc, PhD), PhD Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. DGI Consulting Services, Oslo, Norway
Dr.Rainer J. Klement, PhD. Department of Radiation Oncology, Leopoldina Hospital, Schweinfurt, Germany
Dr.Ruth Schruefer, PhD, human genetics/ immunology, Munich, Germany
Dra. Berber W. Pieksma, General Practitioner, The Netherlands Jan Bonte (GJ), Consultant Neurologist, The Netherlands
Dr.Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare (Molecular biologist), IP specialist, BDC Basel, Switzerland
Dr.Kevin P. Corbett, MSc Nursing (Kings College London) PhD (London South Bank) Social Sciences (Science and Technology Studies), London, England
Prof. Dr.Ulrike Kämmerer, specialist in Virology / Immunology / Human Biology / Cell Biology, University Hospital, Wurzburg, Germany ]
The figures for ‘cases’ are therefore entirely wrong, the figures for deaths actually caused by COVID are suspected of being hugely inflated, the safety and efficacy of the ‘vaccines’ against COVID are under a cloud, and the figures for deaths and serious injuries caused by the ‘vaccines’ are scandalously high – and likely grossly understated as well.
So yes, Steve, I think you’re right to have doubts about the accuracy of any information emerging about the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus too.
Very true Interested, definitely, as you say, that PCR test is a load of hokum too. Apparently the CDC is planning to scrap it in December and replace it with a new one that is supposed to be “better”, somehow, at distinguishing SARS from regular flu. I’ll believe that when I see it, especially since no matter how you seed the PCR, it still doesn’t pick up intact infectious viruses. But either way, if they know already that the current test is not fit for purpose, why do they keep using it? Things that make you go Hmm…
As far as I’ve been able to tell, the whole pandemic is an exercise in control, power, money, and distracting everyone from the economic collapse of the fiat currency followed by a Great Reset. We certainly wouldn’t want people looking too closely at those things, so let’s up-end their lives and give them something else to worry about.
I refer you to
Parts 1 and 2 appear lower on the same web page. The writer says he has “never been paid by any pharmaceutical companies, hold no interests in drugs of any kind, and am funded entirely by the Australian state and federal governments”.
But against that, consider poorer countries that used ivermectin widely and with seeming success. Maybe that success was due to something else. I don’t know. I’m yet to be convinced one way or the other.
The inti-IVMer writes for the Guardian.. the ultimate in fake news. !
Good luck if you follow that !
The guardian is full of rubbish, but that doesn’t mean you should automatically discount a story there. This one appears to be based on some truth. The Egyptian Elgazzar paper is likely fraudulent, and also the Argentinian Carvallo studies are suspect. (See notes on It is good for lies to be exposed, even or especially the ones you’d like to believe.
Even so, if one third of all the papers on Ivermectin need to be taken with a grain of salt, that still leaves a great deal of evidence in Ivermectin’s favour.
Surely we can all now agree that government responses to Covid all round the world HAVE NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE AND HEALTHY.
Does anyone here still believe it?
Lockdowns, as most studies are showing, will kill many times more people than Covid.
Denying any and all alternative treatments, even those with massive positive results.
Funnelling recovering elderly patients from hospitals back into care homes
Ordering people out of biologically safe environments (parks, beaches, etc) and back indoors where the virus thrives.
Mandating face masks when studies again show more harm than benefit.
And yet still those who claim all this is a world-wide de-population exercise are called “conspiracy theorists”.
If governments were truly concerned for the health of the people we would be seeing videos such as this below – a Dr showing how breathing exercise help a great deal – on our televisions nightly.
“Finally, there has been a 3-4-fold increased dispensing of ivermectin prescriptions in recent months, leading to national and local shortages for those who need the medicine for scabies and parasite infections. It is believed that this is due to recent prescribing and dispensing for unapproved uses, such as COVID-19. Such shortages can disproportionately impact vulnerable people, including those in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.” If Ivermectin is being used in these communities(as this quote seems to imply)then we ALREADY have available a cohort of tested communities that can be used to verify,or refute, the correlation between ivermectin use and an unusually low number of covid cases, that has been accepted in some countries,Esp Japan,as a suitable reason to APPROVE the use of Ivermectin.
So TGA is banning potential cures and approving band-aid solutions with side effects ranging from disabling people of all ages to deaths of people of all ages.
Well, that is the rolling pitch of big pharma, pretend to treat the symptoms. There is money in them there patients.
I went to the doc’s y’day for my annual licence checkup and asked if he was “sympathetic” to the use of IVM. His reaction was what I would expect if I’d handed him a taipan.
Are our doctors REALLY the “cream of the crop”?
Corruption ! Shoveling taxpayers’ money out the door to the Big Pharmaceutical companies. Sack the lot of them.
I just saw that Israeli “hot mic” faux pas too. No doubt the same deal (lie) here in Oz.
So if the slimy tentacle arm of the govt, known as the TGA is to fulfill its charter then in MUST act on these injurious fake “vaccines”.
Perhaps they need a history refresher:
It took 5 years to find the Thalidomide link. By then it had caused 20,000 deformities and 80,000 deaths.
MRNA vaxxes developed in record time and Moderna’s in 2 days.
Go ahead TGA – explain how you let these through for a non-emergency “pandemic” and how proven alternatives are rejected.
The drug co’s may be immune to lawsuits but the governments, pollies and TGA aren’t.
Lessee now – an individual damages lawsuit can easily run to $1M. Multiply that by thousands or more likely 10’s of thousands and we can quickly see why so many organisations are on board with vaxx compliance. Fear of being wiped out from legal action.
What the TGA is doing is criminal.
They are banning Ivermectin for the sole purpose of forcing people to take the quackzine jabs. If people take the jabs they throw away their chance of aquiring long lasting broad based natural immunity. Infection after being jabbed doesn’t increase immunity.
The use of Ivermectin could allow the unjabbed to safely aquire natural immunity in an outpatient setting. That’s over 30% of our population still able to safely aquire better protection than the quackzines offer. And the TGA is fighting to stop this happening. This cannot be excused as a “Nobel lie”. This is criminal.
The TGA is also in clear violation of the Nuremberg treaty. They are admitting that this ban is to coerce and pressure people into taking an experimental medication.
The reign of these vile people must be brought to an end, including any who introduce quackzine passports. And the power to do that lays in the hands of the unjabbed. Just don’t get jabbed. If 30% of the population get the virus once and 70% keep getting reinfected, it will destroy those who tried to use this virus to end freedom and democracy.
Mass passive non-compliance is the ONLY way out of this.
But are there enough of us to do this?
Team “Never let a good crisis go to waste” have lied about so much involving this virus. And I suspect they are lying about the quackzination numbers as well. I think quackzine resistance is higher than they want to publicly acknowledge.
They threaten quackzine passports, but actually implementing them would publicly reveal the true scale of quackzine resistance.
They were forced to admit an “error” in counting Aboriginal vaxx numbers in Victoria – a figure of 40,000 was revised down to 12,000.
Yes, over-reporting of numbers is a psy-op, telling people, well, you might as well join the swelling numbers.
But where will they go next if the roll-out hits a solid wall of NO?
Engineer food shortages?
Poison the water?
They despise we Oiks and will find another way of reducing our numbers.
Maybe they can get the RAAF to strafe street marches?
“Quackzination” – LOL – I love it!
Here’s your prize…
Me thinks the answer to the bizarre decision by these bureaucrats is quite straight forward.
They serve to please their masters.
Who serve theirs.
Check out this catchy little number on Utube;
The Mona Lisa Twins:”I bought myself a politician”.
Great Visual too.
I’ll repeat what I wrote yesterday. The missing information from the TGA is whether ivermection is effective or ineffective.
In fact as per the documents discussed yesterday they say they don’t know. My follow up question is why the hell not?
And it is a very good question. It was actually researchers at Monash university that first suggested that Ivermectin could be useful. Most strange then that all further research is being done in countries other than Australia …
I asked my federal local member (Mike Freelander) why, if there was a significant proportion of the medical industry personel who were “vaccine hesitatnt”, we didn’t use these as a large sample of people likely to contract COVID for a prophylaxis trial for IVM/HCQ/whatever. I also pointed out that if the vaccines are deleterious long-term (which we don’t know!), then mandating for all medical personel seems a bit dangerous.
He said “no evidence” on IVM/HCQ.
I showed him, US NIH and Oxford studies showing indications that IVM may be effective at both prophylaxis and treatment (early and late).
He won’t move his position and supports the IVM ban.
I asked why in the last 18 months we have not done anything like testing these things.
He replied that they are trialing remdesivir et al, but they refuse to look at HQC and IVM. This despite a single “marginal” study on remdesivir vs multiple studies on IVM/HQC, and no reason why we didn’t start this sort of trialing much earlier.
“Industry capture” is what is happening, I think – the “regulators” are so full of revolving-door Big Pharma people that they believe their own rubbish. That only they are smart enough to direct the response.
Well, it’s like communism, isn’t it? You may well be the smartest person on the planet, but you can’t beat millions of people at the same time, can you?
Interestingly, a Senator asked me and another to prepare a report on Ivermectin, which I know made it to Greg Hunts desk. He had asked Prof Borody for more info. I have read all the papers and looked at the great success in Mexico and Peru.
But it all came to a shuddering halt.
I surmise that Scomo received his orders from the UN to shut down any Ivermectin use, just like is happening in the US. And told Hunt to shut it all down.
This is disgusting. We have a totalitarian govt completely disinterested in the welfare of Australians, its all about their own greed.
One of the concerns with security is that individuals can be compromised and then have handlers tell them what to do. e.g. Joe Biden and his 10 percenters well known to the CCP. Scotty from marketing may have been compromised from his time in the Tourism and the contracts. He would be open to handlers telling him what to do.
‘prophet of boom’: “We have a totalitarian govt completely disinterested in the welfare of Australians, its all about their own greed.”
If only the reason were as innocuous as greed.
For the TGA to contemplate–c5hKiVUfE4_FnvQCPcBGAsYHg/s960/Meme%2B-%2BIvermectin%2Bjokes.png
And more at
I can see that with the well documented global outbreak of parasite infestations, ivermectin would be in short supply.
Are you referring to politicians?
I’m actually glad and even more confident of ivermectin after knowing it’s suitable more multiple animal, that just shows how safe it is. Some substances such as chocolate can easily kill horses yet chocolate is not banned.
Another issue is the choice of a vaccine and medicines like ivermectin is not a binary choice, it not one or the other. Just like during a cancer treatment it’s a mix of drugs and chemo, tailored to each individual.
The problem is alone either treatment effectiveness is too low, resulting people to opt out, just as some people may opt out of a late stage cancer treatment.
It’s likely if you mix both ivermectin and covid Vax you likely have 99.99% effectiness rate,if that’s the case people will be falling over each other to get vaccinated. Ivermectin use will therefore greatly improve the vaccine rollout.
Be aware though that IVM might not be good if the blood brain barrier is breached, and vaccination may do that, so they might not work well simultaneously. Drug interactions can be devilishly difficult.
What we’d want of course is good medical advice that suggests whether this mattered and how many weeks the exclusion should last (if it’s needed).
In my dreams…
How do you know it’s “likely”? Is it in the medical literature? Have there been large-scale trials that prove it?
Here’s two noteworthy quotes from from an article in American Thinker by Andrea Widburg, September 12, 2021, about Ivermectin (IVM) stating:
“In Australia, vaccines are not necessarily about your health”.
“Instead, Australia’s Health Department is worried that, if people can get treated fairly painlessly for COVID and then end up with natural immunity, the vaccine will seem unnecessary. We can’t have that:”
“What we’re seeing here are governments that are desperate to steer people away from possible treatments that, when given early,can turn COVID into just another virus. They want to force vaccines on people. And whenever a government is trying to force something on its citizens, it is the wise citizen who questions the government’s motives”
I haven’t studied the TGA’s argument in detail, but it seems to turn on the idea of taking Ivermectin as a preventive measure rather than as a treatment for those who are infected. Could they not issue a diktat of the form “Ivermectin may only be prescribed for treatment of Covid 19 infection and not for prevention”?
As far as I can tell, the vaccines
(a) do not protect from infection
(b) do not prevent the vaccinated from spreading the infection.
(c) are actually quite dangerous
Would Ivermectin do any better as a prophylaxis?
And I have seen idiotic TV ads saying that it is more dangerous to have a quickie than to have an AZ jab. This may be so, but it is no argument.
It is more dangerous to practice a hard martial art than to shuffle papers, but is this a good reason for giving yourself a paper cut?
(And is the AZ jab as much fun as a quickie?)
You would think that , at the very least, the TGA would allow ED doctors to prescribe it in emergency situations. But ideally, we don’t want people going to hospital with COVID for all sorts of reasons in the first place. So having IVM freely available would be the equivalent of “crushing the curve” which is how this whole thing started in the first place. Everyone is now worried about hospitals being overwhelmed in various states ( WA = worst example) and yet here is a perfect solution for reducing that problem.
That makes sense, but only if you have ready access to a GP and local pharmacy every day. Here in the sticks of North Central Vic we don’t, so need to be ready-supplied if the dreaded virus hits.
We’ve had no cases so far….so far.
As terms go I’ve found that “Government enthusiasms” gets a lot more recognition than “Government wisdom”
And what better illustration than this whole Peking Pox, “vaccine”, HCQ, IVM saga!
Clearly, banning early treatment with drugs that are safe and effective is needed to force citizens to accept unsafe and ineffective inoculations.
Hopefully, we’ll see Roal Commission into TGA and government action and inaction.
Dr. Chris Martenson of posted Ivermectin safety metastudy review. One of the safest medicine out there. What a scandal
116 Ivermectin studies summary
Other early treatment and prophylaxis
USA: Viva & Barnes: LAWSUIT: Is the Vaccine FDA Approval Legit? Lawyer Explains – If I heard it correctly the manufacturers can’t be sued but any employer who compels their staff to take the vaccine can be sued – they are liable.
Great work once again Jo. As a Medico for 43 years I am disgusted that the use of this drug is not being discussed and considered as a preventative agent and also for treatment of Covid.
George, — it’s great to hear from you. I want to connect up more doctors. We need some kind of protected anonymous reporting place so that Docs can speak without fear.
Then we need perhaps to start polling them, numbering them, doing a petition, something. I’m not sure how, but if there were thousands of disgusted GPs, that would matter. But we know the AMA won’t speak for them. So who will?
In an earlier post (#22) there was a link with respect to an experiment done in one instance by those concerned about the livestock industry. Many in livestock are excellent vets to say the least. Vets are a trusted group in medicine.
Perhaps vets can speak to us now….
From a recent (in the previous 40 years) monty python skit….
“(Elderly couple, Mr A and Mrs B are staring through french windows at a cat that is sitting in the middle of their lawn motionless and facing away from them. A car is heard drawing up.)
“Mr A: Oh good, that’ll be the Vet, dear.
“Mrs B: I’d better go and let him in.
(Mrs B goes out and comes back into the room with the Vet)
“Mrs B: (stage whisper) It’s the Vet, dear.
“Mr A: Oh very glad indeed you could come round, sir.
“Vet: Not at all. Now what seems to be the problem? You can tell me – I’m a Vet, you know.
[My bolding]
Mrs B: See! Tell him, dear.
Mr A: Well…
Mrs B: It’s our cat. He doesn’t do anything. He just sits out there on the lawn.
Vet: Is he … dead?
Mr A: Oh, no!
Vet: (to camera dramaticaly) Thank God for that. For one ghastly moment I thought I was… too late. If only more people would call in the nick of time.
………The veterinary side of medicine is rarely looked at and on this occasion i believe we should pay more attention to veterinary and livestock science, especially in view of findings with respect to Marek’s vaccinated chickens and in particular…in the link below again. (My view)..Surely viruses had been a problem that was sorted out billions of years ago??
As per post #22
“Using bacteria instead of vaccines…….old trick that has worked since the dawn of time??” Circa 2014.
Did they forget to tell us? Leaky vaccines may trigger an arms race that makes Covid more dangerous
First of all, using spores to prevent bird flu and others is not using them as a vaccine.
Virus’s have had trillions of years to become resistant to spores but have not yet. The “leaky vaccine” mechanism does not apply here Jo. Spores are an alternative the provide broad spectrum support across all cause mortality.
Bacillus Subtilis in both spore and vegetative form have a vast tool kit.
Here Geert Vanden Bossche gets deep into the weeds on this.
Also, this doctor’s blog is terrific!
Also, Jo do not forget that Bacillus Subtilis can modify its own genetic code during a part of it life cycle called “competency”
During “competency”, the bacillus looks around outside for usefull bits of dna it can snip for its own use and then unlike virus’s it has a self correction of any errors in its genome.
Each organism/mammal/etc that Subtilis assists is a unique evolutionary bottleneck and so of itself it cannot perforce make Covid or any other more dangerous.
And furthermore, B Subtilis variants are vast.
They are not clones of themselves like certain man made vaccines or man made life or mRNA etc….
Provided you can still buy it for animals and can do maths at 12-year-old level regarding dosage, who gives a toss what the government says?
What you actually need is parliamentarians to stand up and say that.
As of last week the type for internal application for sheep has vanished from the market. Presumably also the injectable form.
Still seems to be some pour-ons for cattle external use and for sheep jetting
No way will I allow even 1 molecule of ivermectin to enter my bloodstream. I may as well inject warfarin. The Quacks that are hyping up ivermectin should be sued for malpractice.
CHRIS – Ivermectin is often an ingredient in headlice treatment for kids. Also of course used on adults when their kids come home from school with headlice. For Warfarin, a friend of mine is prescribed that by her doctor – it thins the blood and stops the risk of bloodclots. Probably has saved her having heart attacks, which is why it was prescribed. Like all medicines (or stuff used as medicines) you look at the risks and benefits of taking it. If benefits outweigh risks for you, then it’s a better idea to take that medicine. But of course, you don’t have to.
Other stuff might be more of a problem. Do you like Liquorice? Look up heart problems associated with eating too much of it. Tylenol (paracetamol) is normally dosed at 4g/day for an adult, but above twice that you start to get a risk of damage. Not exactly safe. Still, “standard care” for Covid is to go home and take Tylenol until you can’t breathe and need to go to hospital.
Meantime Ivermectin might not help with Covid, even though the data from other countries certainly suggests it does. Good data is hard to find, with conflicting results from various unofficial and official tests. Still, with around 3.7 billion doses given to humans since it was developed the safety record is better than either Aspirin or Tylenol, and you don’t need prescriptions for either of those. Thus if it does no good, basically it won’t do any harm except to any possible worms in your gut or any other parasites in your body. No harm to the human part of you.
It’s up to you. No-one will force you to take Ivermectin, though they are certainly trying to force you to take the vaccination. Still, maybe you prefer an unknown risk to a very small known risk.
Meantime Ivermectin might not help with Covid, even though the data from other countries certainly suggests it does. Good data is hard to find, with conflicting results from various unofficial and official tests. Still, with around 3.7 billion doses given to humans since it was developed the safety record is better than either Aspirin or Tylenol, and you don’t need prescriptions for either of those. Thus if it does no good, basically it won’t do any harm except to any possible worms in your gut or any other parasites in your body. No harm to the human part of you.
I appreciate your measured caution. Rather too many Ivermectin boosters here are adamant that it’s the proven antiviral wonder drug, and that those against it are either in the pocket of Big Pharma, or have been brainwashed by a compliant mainstream media.
There is also often a strong whiff of fundamentalist anti-vaxxer going on too. Look at the idiot Craig Kelly.
I remain agnostic – the so-called studies and trials remain very unconvincing so far. and no reputable body has recommended its use. And I certainly don’t see IVM as an alternative to vaccination
Jo, you know full well why the studies aren’t being done and the data on efficacy vs. safety isn’t being released: money talks.
I find it interesting that no one seems curious as to why the original home of the Delta variant has had such a significant drop off in case numbers and deaths whilst having such a small number of the huge population vaccinated. When one sees how much difficulty Australia is having containing the spread even with Draconian lockdown measures , India should be seen as a leader in how it managed to fight the virus. If the information is indeed correct that they have had widespread use of Ivermectin it would point to it being a major influence. To me the best trial one can have about whether a drug is successful is the real world clinical trial such as occurred in India. Fortunately in India some states went and banned Ivermectin so that gave the perfect opportunity to have your placebo comparator group and I suspect if the ivermectin v non Ivermectin states are compared you would’ve been able to establish statistical significance in a clinical trial sense. The fact that this success story is ignored ( censored ) by mainstream media and world health organisation tells you everything you need to know about the corruption that has dominated the Covid response.
Why does an already available drug need to be banned? Either it works for Covid and should be available as an option or it doesn’t and won’t be used. Specifically banning it isn’t necessary…unless there’s ulterior motives.
Late post to thread, but had to add – a big deal was being made in 6pm news last night about IVM being stopped at the border coming in to NZ, and of course the usual references to it not being approved for Covid, being a horse de-wormer, no evidence that it helps, how unsafe it could be. If Ashley can stand behind the podium and knowingly deceive the entire population of the country, he will simply lose the trust of all those that know its safe and that there is evidence that it makes a difference and saves lives. I’m really disappointed that he was not far more careful to remain honest and truthful about it.
Why anyone would deny IVM to those just testing positive, and ready for early treatment (esp anyone that had already earned their “vaccinated” badge, as I intend to do), is beyond understanding. No one said it was a “cure”. Nothing is a “cure” for Covid.
What we need though, is a very quickly set up bona-fide clinical trial, that any NZer testing positive can opt into, and under supervision of their g.p. or any hospital, can be prescribed IVM that could shorten their illness + reduce hospital load + reduce rates of infection to others + reduce ongoing after-effects (?) + possibly save their lives.
Too straight forward for a Director-General of Health to implement ?
Not sure if you’ve seen this, but a publication in California has a great series of very well researched and referenced articles on the IVM scam going on, including India’s incredible results with their (accidentally) controlled “trials”.—part-ii-eric-clapton-s-human-rights-warning/article_284902bc-14be-11ec-8d43-43e98275cff8.html—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html
I was frankly shocked to see such journalisming going on.
Oh, and part four:—part-iv-keralas-vaccinated-surge/article_8a8c481c-09d3-11ec-a51c-fb063e1a3e3b.html
Simon…I appreciate your argument, however we must get this COVID debate into context. Ivermectin is not a solution to COVID 19. The three major vaccines are also not a perfect solution