The War on Ivermectin continues:

Photo of gunshot victims looking suspiciously overdressed for August heat waves.
After news spread that Joe Rogan took ivermectin for Covid the legacy media “discovered” (in the magical sense of the word) that people were overdosing on it. It was so awful that gunshot victims had to wait for treatment and people were going blind.
“Gunshot victims left waiting as horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals, doctor says.”
As Dr Jason Mcelyea said:
“Some people taking inappropriate doses have actually put themselves in worse conditions than if they’d caught COVID.”
“The scariest one that I’ve heard of and seen is people coming in with vision loss.”
It was such perfect Psy-Ops against ivermectin it’s like it could have been written by a Hollywood studio. Within a day it turned out to be fake news. RollingStone got the hot quotes from Doctor Jason A. Mcelyea, who is affiliated with two hospitals in Oklahoma. One of the two, NHS Sequoyah, went so far as to issue a statement which basically said he hasn’t worked at the hospital in the last two months, and far from there being a queue of blinded people vomiting up their ivermectin, there was not one, as in zero, patients:
NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications relate to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose.
Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.
The hospital even changed its home page to make sure people got the message.
There are a lot of other hospitals in Oklahoma where gunshot victims might have laid waiting for hours, but Zero Hedge reports that according to the Oklahoma Centre for Poison and drug information the total number of Ivermectin poisonings reported in the whole state in the last four months was eleven.
Zero Hedge also phoned the other hospital that Mcelyea worked at, and all they got was a laugh, “the gentleman who answered the phone sounded quite amused. ”
So this was a slap in the face to Rolling Stone
It’s a legendary fail in journalism. The illustrious pop culture review magazine hadn’t even bothered to make one phone call to check the veracity of anything before going to press. It was grovelling apology and retraction time. Instead, Rolling Stone called it an “Update” and added: “Rolling Stone has been unable to verify any such cases…”
Even though the new information basically slayed the entire original story, they simply added the new information at the top, turning the headline into a Rorschach test where anyone could find whatever endpoint they wanted.
It’s one of the longest, most uselessly ambiguous headlines you can read anywhere. If I tell you not to think of Pink Elephants, what animal are you thinking of?
Robby Soave at lists the global news pile on and points out just how ugly this was. The deplorables were not just fools risking their own necks, they were wrecking hospitals for everyone as well:
It was quickly picked up by national news outlets, such as Rolling Stone, Newsweek, and the New York Daily News. Numerous high-profile media figures, including MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, tweeted about ivermectin overdoses straining Oklahoma hospitals—the implication being that the right-wing embrace of a crank COVID-19 cure was dangerous not only for the people who consumed it but for the stability of the entire medical system. It was a story that appeared to confirm many of the mainstream media’s biases about the recklessness of the rubes.
Insider, Newsweek, and The Guardian “updated” their articles (somewhat). The New York Daily News has not.
It was all confirmation bias writ large and moving at the speed of cut-n-pasting.
Strangely Twitter has not banned any of the guilty parties, nor slapped warnings about disinformation on any of their accounts.
The problem is not just the media — it’s the medical swamp too
Rolling Stone added that there were 459 cases of ivermectin overdoses in the entire US in August according to the National Poison Data System. It sounds like a lot but since there are 6,000 hospitals in the US, that means each hospital might see one ivermectin overdose over the course of a whole year. It’s probably not the cause of too many delays with gun victims.
But if people are overdosing on veterinary products, that means that something is going terribly wrong in the US Health system (and other nations too). Millions of people have no faith in their medical system. If patients could get prescriptions for treatments they have confidence in, there wouldn’t be this problem.
The solution we all want is for doctors to be able to prescribe the medicines they think are most appropriate, and to be able to speak their minds freely.
Talk to your GP. Give them information. Find protocol suggestions on the FLCCC site.
———————————————————————————– has the most detailed description of the whole incident.
The story started on a local radio station” KFOR on Sept 1.
Germans did experience it in 1930s. They even invented a word for it. Google “gleichschaltung”.From Merriam-Webster: “policy of achieving rigid and total coordination and uniformity (as in politics, culture, communication) by forcibly repressing or eliminating independence and freedom of thought, action, or expression.”
Never heard that term before, BUT ! gleichschaltung =
so as usual, what’s in a name: and it gets lost in translation, ….
Speaking of gleichschaltung, it appears food shortages are starting to happen all over the world. I’ve noticed in my local Coles supermarket. Is this the next scam? Not sure but something odd is happening. Distribution issues are being reported so it’s probably related.
The, or A , perfect storm is brewing: Over the years , UK regns for trucking tightened up, aided & Abetted by / with, the EU, Drivers I speak to didn’t like it. For those like me, who do drive very large machines around, we see the problems: stupid motorists aka politicians DO NOT. the Stress of repercussions IF / WHEN you fall foul is not worth the wage. As I’ve said manys a time before: “the DOT looks for you to have a Hunger for Compliance, but few readers seem to Get the Point. Who would risk obliging the Boss or the Customer by driving the extra mile, if it meant that Points on your truck Licence can have you lose your Private Car licence, too?
So the eggs have been layed, they have not been looked after: but the (Half) Cock was about, and so now there are many spoilt ( STINKING ROTTEN ) eggs …. and the rest. As for our M N X and your Breck, sit and THINK …. the Farmers not just following, but actively chasing the Gravy trains, encouraged by various influencers,are now left exposed in their follies. Me? I’ve had to ‘grin & bear it’ . Grinning I wasn’t, but now I can. Time will tell. I have my food, a roof, and fuel. Cash ? well what’s that worth? Venezuela(?) going to use Bitcoin as per RT news report this morning.
Thanks for the heads up. It confirms what I have suspected. We are treading on thin ice and time will tell whether it holds or not. I too am stocking up on essentials. What I haven’t done as yet but should is to get a backup generator.
A few years ago I looked into a home generator solution to the then AEMO head’s reckless disregard for continuity of electricity supply but was dissuaded from persisting with the project because of the fuel storage conundrum –neither petrol nor diesel keeps forever and it doesn’t feel appropriate and ought to be illegal to have an amateur fuel dump in a residential zone. There’s other considerations but let’s keep to the ivermectin narrative…
Valid point. I wasn’t referring to an “Omega Man” scenario but rather as a way to smooth out the bumps we are likely to experience along the way.
For those who haven’t see the move, it’s one of those post-apocalyptic fictional stories, starring Charlton Heston. He lives in a fortress and in the basement he has a generator that’s caged up and locked. He scroungers around for fuel among other things. In such a situation I wouldn’t even bother, I rather be dead than live through that kind of existence, of one could call it that.
Keep fuel in a garden shed up the back yard, your vehicle would hold at least 50L.
Ah ha! That’s one valid reason to use a petrol not a diesel generator as my car uses petrol. If it had been a diesel car I would get a diesel generator.
+1 its easy to set up a small pump to siphon fuel from cars. We normally have 20-30 ltrs in the garage but the cars are the main source.
At best, a generator alone is only short term relief for most.
How long would a 2kV genny run on a standard BBQ gas bottle? [I don’t even know the weight.]
Up here in Cyclone country a generator seems the obvious decision however there are negatives like: big amount of generator thefts (just listen at night to find your next target), fuel shortages (you can only keep a limited amount in a domestic environment), fuel use by dates (after a few months fuel “goes off” and your gene malfunctions). So really gene’s are good for days to a week or so but any longer becomes problematic.
Saighdear, a couple of sources I’ve visited have stated that our truckies have won the battle against mandatory vaccinations. Do you know if this is true?
Just as an acknowledgement: No, I haven’t heard one way or t’other.
Most travelling workers I speak to, have taken the neejab. Happy to say that I haven’t. when I speak wih folk, there’s a reasonable distance between us, but nature of my work, I have to work WITH folk – so we don’t speak too much / huff n puff. The Gaelic is great for communicating: you hardly need to open your mouth!
THen again ( for fun- but it’s true) I am brown skinned and from Nigg, and lived on the “Dark Island” as we lovingly call it.
Thanks again.
BTW, my wife is Scottish heritage (born here) and she is learning Gaelic.
Take care.
PeterS, Still haven’t heard about this story but found this ( nothing to be heard regularly on radio / tv ) :
alatho thismorning , was something about “delay in jab deliveries to some GP surgeries due to issues related to a shortage of HGV drivers.” – whatever next?
They’ll get us one way or the other, it seems truckies are the enemy.
To us plebs, truckies are the best, but to the regulation mad govt plonkers, who booked a truckie for a load of hay bales that was allegedly 15mm over width, how do you even run a tape across hay bales.
Now coupled with stupid state laws that prevent farmers getting harvester drivers and fruit pickers, there may well be food shortages.
Are you sure it is not the unreported actions of the great Aussie truckers, Peter.
Just thought you’d like to know.
On the Dan Bongino show, he claimed the photo was of a vax line, front of Oaklahoma church, in January.
LOL. !!
Reformed Warmist of Logan
There’s a food shortage in Sri Lanka thanks to a ban on the importation of fertilizer by a government official who wanted the country to convert to organic farming. See the reddit subthread r/climateskeptics.
You May Not Be Interested in the Gleichschaltung, but the Gleichschaltung is Interested in You
Gleichschaltung is a German word (in case you couldn’t have guessed) borrowed from electrical engineering. It means “coordination.” The German National Socialists (N@zis) used the concept to get every institution to sing from the same hymnal. If a fraternity or business embraced N@zism, it could stay “independent.” If it rejected N@zism, it was crushed or bent to the state’s ideology. Meanwhile, every branch of government was charged with not merely doing its job but advancing the official state ideology.
Now, contemporary liberalism is not an evil ideology. Its intentions aren’t evil or even fruitfully comparable to H@tlerism. But there is a liberal Gleichschaltung all the same. Every institution must be on the same page. Every agency must advance the liberal agenda.
And this is where the Catch-22 catches. The dream of a nimble, focused, problem-solving government is undone by the reality of hyper–mission creep. When every institution is yoked to an overarching philosophy or mission, its actual purpose can become an afterthought. In 2005, volunteer firefighters from all over the country offered to help with Katrina’s aftermath. But FEMA sent many of them to Atlanta first to undergo diversity and s@xual-harassment training (which most already had).
Such examples are everywhere. What is political correctness other than the gears of the liberal Gleichschaltung? The financial crisis was worsened because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac became tools for liberal social engineering. Let’s not even mention public schools.
“ Now, contemporary liberalism is not an evil ideology. Its intentions aren’t evil or even fruitfully comparable to H@tlerism”
“ Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector “
“ Government is a necessary evil”. Why? Evil is in essence, power over others. All want power. Power to choose a vocation, to live where one wants, marry or not etc…. The desire for power is inherent and not the root of evil. Power does not necessarily corrupt. However power reveals corruption. It reveals the evils of power OVER others. All crimes are essentially crimes of exercising power over others. Theft, fraud, larceny, tape, murder, are crimes of implementing power over others. Government is power over others, backed by police and law and military. If it is not severely limited it always turns into totalitarianism. The Ancient Greek, Plato to the founding principles of the US, understood the nature of government. Power over others can and certainly often is “group” power, as in Government, or Corporate or Religious, or Criminal organization etc. individuals need protection from all forms of group power.
Thank you a David.
Not the last word but very good argument nevertheless.
Recent events show how our governments and legal systems are not giving much protection to individuals suffering from the power of governments.
It may be a mistake to call it ‘group’ power. It is centered on a quite small cohort who pretend to act in the name of the ‘common good’.
Meanwhile the USA is tightening controls over the use of Monoclonal Antibodies to treat Covid, despite approving their use to treat Covid
It is almost as if this ‘crisis’ can only be solved by experimental vaccines…
Hmmm, more and more, I “BELIEVE ” that the best medicine is to have heaps of red buttons around – which you can PRESS. ie SWITCH OFF the Media, bringing ‘the disease‘ into your life. The red button is readily available and actually reduces your Costs of living. Simply the best experimental medicine to use – works every time! Try it!
Och aye.
I”t is almost as if this ‘crisis’ can only be solved by experimental vaccines…”
The government wants everyone to believe precisely that, they don’t want anyone knowing that the best way to solve the Covid crisis is to not vote Left.
Monoclonal antibodies are what the vaccines essentially are; boosted antibodies falling at 40 percent a month giving zero long term immunity. Only monoclonal antibodies don’t have all the adverse reactions of the vaccines.
Joe Rogan: ‘I’m Doing Better But I’m Still A Little Hoarse’
“AUSTIN, TX—Podcaster Joe Rogan has announced that he’s feeling better but is still going around with a long face and is feeling a little hoarse after recovering from his illness with a concoction of drugs prescribed by his doctor.”
The Great Ivermectin Poisoning Hoax
” Still a little hoarse.” LOL, a pony.
Jackie Wright (on Benny Hill) once quipped that an “asset” was a little donkey.
What are the indications of an IVM overdose?
Bloody hard to kill yourself.
If you stick to the recommended doses for humans it is very safe. I have not had any side effects that I am aware of after taking the forbidden version.
This here has dosage information.
Lastly I am a Palaeoclimatologist so therefore this is advice about the climate, not health.
A friend of mine has been taking it for years and it has done him no harm at all, only benefited his health.
For years? Why?
Could be a houyhnhnm; Gulliver came to prefer their company to that of his yahoo peers.
G’day Dave,
” What are the indications of an IVM overdose? ”
I suspect there are two: The public one: a headline in the local paper about the overdose; and
Your covid disappears, very much in private.
Dave B
Dave-in-the States, don’t quote me but I think:
1) the urge to neigh.
2) incessant clopping of your feet.
3) and the rapid growth of a mullet.
An appetite for hay and lucerne?
A strange increase in your interest in fillies ?
4. A case of the trots. (h/t an earlier commenter on another thread here.)
Aaye, the medical swamp, too. bit of a Taboo subject, maybe, – but it’s got so political, I feel they deserve all they get. Maybe I’ve been relatively lucky in my life but I am also a “doctor” in a different field: and have to put up with Quackz and RScholz. Indeed even whe I refer my “paatients” to Consultants, or more often, discuss issues directly with Consultants, I find myself “out-of-line”. I have to get results to get paid, they do not: just tow the paty line and don’t rock the boat. Howmany times have we heard this all before? Education, Health, aand more.
So Draining the swamp as a Project, is already exposing many deeper pools and undercurrents within the swamp. There will be many Monsters and detritus coming to light. Be prepared for a great stink before it is all over. May be cheaper to drain Loch Ness.
Yes, it’s actually extreme ignorance to believe that doctors are immune from the evil tentacles spreading across every other walk of life. They are of course not. As in any other area there are the good, the bad and the ugly. The issue now though is the doctors are being coerced into following the mantra coming directly from the politicians who are not health experts but in fact their only discipline in life is to lie to people to win the next election. Sure they get health advice from so called health experts but do they ever get it right? Not according to their performance over the past year or so that’s for sure. It’s debatable anyway the advice of health experts are even being adhered to as it’s possible the politicians only accept the advice they want to hear and reject any they don’t want to hear. We’ve seen that happen several times over the years, be it right or wrong.
Education, media, science, why not health infiltrated by the marxists
I rather think its big Pharma
Old surgical adage:
If you can’t operate then teach;
If you can’t teach then become a public health officer;
If you can’t get a public health officer job (you really must be bad) then become a health reporter;
and finally if you can’t become a health reporter turn to politics.
All so very true…
Have an aspirin. question or statement?
The wheels on the covid vaccination bus go thump, thump thump …
The Australian Values Statement
Applicants for most temporary, provisional and permanent visas must:
. read the Life in Australia booklet, then
. sign or accept the Australian Values Statement.
I confirm that I have read, or had explained to me, information provided by the Australian Government on Australian society and values.
I understand that Australian society values:
. respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual;
. freedom of religion (including the freedom not to follow a particular religion), freedom of speech, and freedom of association;
. commitment to the rule of law, which means that all people are subject to the law and should obey it;
. parliamentary democracy whereby our laws are determined by parliaments elected by the people, those laws being paramount and overriding any other inconsistent religious or secular “laws”;
. equality of opportunity for all people, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, or national or ethnic origin;
– a ‘fair go’ for all that embraces:
. mutual respect;
. tolerance;
.compassion for those in need;
.equality of opportunity for all;
We are a group of senior medical doctors and health professionals concerned about the health impacts of the lockdowns used in response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks across Australia.
No mention of ’emergency powers’ by which all that mentioned above can be rescinded, indefinitely.
No mention of ’emergency powers’ by which all that mentioned above can be rescinded, indefinitely.
Firstly, every nation I expect has “emergency powers” tucked away in their constitution or legislation somewhere, for use in a major natural disaster, war, rebellion, or a public-health crisis.
And secondly, nothing can be rescinded “indefinitely”. It’s quite difficult in Australia to act unilaterally, since
• you must command a majority in the Lower House
• you must command a majority in the Upper House (except Qld)
• a governor can veto you or dismiss you
• the military, police, and public service can resist and stop you
• the union movement could hold a general strike
• and finally, you have to face the electorate every 3-4 years
Still, I don’t understand why the Australian Values Statement is in a thread about IVM and vaccination. Perhaps Travis will explain.
If people are overdosing on veterinary products, that does not mean that something is wrong with the health system, it means that they are being mislead by cynical misinformation.
There is no conclusive evidence that ivermectin is any better than a placebo for treating COVID-19 at safe human dosages.
The bigger question is why do a proportion of society reject science and expert advice to follow a shamanistic cure.
Yes, those who reject science that shows that Ivermectim is a very good medicine to help against CV-19 and deny its use, really have a lot to answer to. !
Your constant rejection of actual science is duly noted.
“Yes, those who reject science that shows that Ivermectim is a very good medicine to help against CV-19 and deny its use, really have a lot to answer to.”
Here’s some science but perhaps, as it doesn’t conform to your view on the use of ivermectin, you may not accept it.
“Compared with the standard of care or placebo, IVM did not reduce all-cause mortality, LOS, or viral clearance in RCTs in patients with mostly mild COVID-19. IVM did not have an effect on AEs or SAEs and is not a viable option to treat patients with COVID-19.”
here’s some more
and here’s some from your side of the discussion
and some undecided
two of your links are the same
As it already has in any country that has used it to any degree.
And seeing that IVM is totally safe for humans at human doses, it is far better than what is currently on offer as a treatment.
There is absolutely no reason for its use to be blocked except that it gives a working alternative to the pseudo-vaccines.
It is not based on science.. it is based on money and agenda.
Why are some people so scared to let Ivermectin be used by doctors and patients who wish to use it
It is proven totally safe at human doses. 3.6 billion doses proves that it does no harm.
It has had large impacts in several countries
There is absolutely no logical scientific reason for not allowing it to be used.
There are many scientifically logical reasons for totally avoiding the current batch of vaccines.
I think, that deep down that know that Ivermectin does work against CV-19.
They are just trying to rationalise to themselves why they were so d**b as to let themselves be injected by an experimental, rapidly ineffective, immune-system-challenging blood-clotting, pseudo-vaccine.
They don’t want others to enjoy the benefits of a viable, safe, non-toxic group of medicines.
Its bizarre!
Houston, we have a problem…
Following your statement, shamanictic cures are proven by science

Likewise to what I said to Simon, I sincerely entourage you to keep posting here. It gives me an insight into how fools misuse logic and reason so I can respond better to other fools I encounter.
What do you believe is “science” ? Not to know what happens after been “vaxxed” ? To know, after six month the “vaxx” isn’t usefull anymore ? To know to need a third, even a forth “vaxx” dose during a year as in Israel ? To know, as “vaxxed” to spread as a not “vaxxed” ?
That is science in your eyes not to be rejected but to believe in ?
Selective hearing and seeing is part and parcel of being biased and subjective rather than being unbiased and objective so don’t be too harsh on PF. It can’t be helped.
CSIRO, BOM, NASA, NOAA, Universities, all infiltrated by marxists.
I wonder why govts and vax makers reject previously accepted science and ethics and field trial on the general population.
Fitz appears to dutifully ignore the comparison between Israel ( 4 jabs and counting, no Ivermectin ). Last seen, cases/day had cracked 10,000. 2/3 of cases were vaccinated ( 2 jabs or more ).
Compared with the Indian state of Dehli – use of Ivermectin in May 2021 – July 2021 stopped a human catastrophe with minimal or none vaccine use.
The vaccination regieme us about compliance, not science. Australia appears to have a bunch of medical taliban running the show.
Appears to be veteran pilot from Kwuantarse with “no jab no job” protest video
What a wonderful man. How can we support him? Quant-arse (think about that AJ) is exercising its Fascist principles whereby the corporates join with the politicians in designing our future. Let’s say GS to the BS.
Just Curious Peter what is your degree in?
“why do a proportion of society reject science and expert advice to follow a shamanistic cure”
The problem is that almost nobody has the time or the knowledge to meaningfully sift through all the scientific papers reporting on COVID-19. So we rely on the media and they’re particularly unreliable. Their story changes constantly where a morning news broadcast claims Pfizer gives longer lasting protection, then by early afternoon the same station reports that AstraZeneca shots last longer. Then that night, yet another research paper is reported to find no reliable evidence yet exists to make any assessment of their longevity.
“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?” – but in this case it’s more like “When the ‘facts’ are all over the shop like a drunken cat, don’t rely upon them!”
If people are overdosing on veterinary products it means they are taking too much.
If doctors were allowed to prescribe ivermectin people wouldn’t have to resort to veterinary medicine.
There is a higher certainty that Ivermectin can reduce Covid deaths than the worst case scenarios around Global Warming.
Or are you a Science Denier™?
“If people are overdosing on veterinary products, that does not mean that something is wrong with the
health systemactual medicine… (fixed your mis-statement for you)Availibility of human-dose Ivermectin would solve the problem immediately.
Ivermectin is proven safe at human-dose level (some 3.7 billion doses) and has also proven to be very effective against the corona virus.
Stop denying the science just because of your ideology..
[Snip – LVA]
Simon, I sincerely entourage you to keep posting here. It gives me an insight into how fools misuse logic and reason so I can respond better to other fools I encounter.
Check this – pilot of known airline appears about to lose job for refusing the jab
More interesting than this confusion over “vet vs human” medications (most vet medications are simply human ones in different doses) is the manipulation of information regarding the alleged variations of Covid19.
Ok, so the standard PCR test tells you that something is in there somewhere. but to get the exact variety you need to do genomic sequencing, which is a much more involved test.
Do ANY of the labs doing the PCR test actually do this? At all? Here’s NSW Health on the use of genomic sequencing…”Low capacity, high cost and slower turnaround times limit the use of this test for clinical diagnosis”
Ok, so when they tell you Delta is rampant they are mostly making it up. i read that in theh US approximately 3 samples in 1000 get this test. Talk about accurate and reliable!
it always known, in case of a positive PCR test, what the used cT value was ?
Yes understating what the Ct (cycle threshold) is and how it is applied in reality exposes why the PCR test is a fraud.
“Yes understating what the Ct (cycle threshold) is and how it is applied in reality exposes why the PCR test is a fraud”
What, precisely, do you mean by PCR is a fraud? Are you referring to specificity or sensitivity? Are you saying PCR results are altered to achieve some predetermined result?
See this link for the details about Ct.
Its not confusion it misdirection aka lying
As usual, you are completely wrong, but, people interestetd because of reasons are interested to get IVM, should get an prescription by their doctor part of the healthcare system, givng the right dose and any other available information. As long that doesn’t happen, the healt system needs to be healed.
No are so blind then those who won’t see.
What Jo and others is advocating is that people should be allowed to self-prescribe medicine based upon what they read on the internet. Do any of you seriously believe that is a good idea?
Where it is said ?
Simon is making things up again.
As usual.
Certainly doctors and pharmacists should not be locked from prescribing it.
It has been proven both safe and effective against early contact of the CV virus..
It is only some sort of weird, underhanded, political/money/agenda program that is stopping it.
There is no agenda, ivermectin is not recommended due to a lack of evidence:
Plenty of evidence for those that haven’t got their eyes shut.
3.7 billion doses of evidence that it is totally safe
Simon our problem is not that Ivermectin is not recommended. It’s that Ivermectin has been blocked with no apparent valid reason.
The date when there was a lack of evidence is long gone.
Close your eyes ! Do not look !
Try looking at this nice summary, Simon
Simon, this site and all that it advocates is a great resource, for the following reasons
It invariably takes the wrong side in just about every topic (some parts of the Covid debate excepted)
It never explains why using commentary to argue science is a good tactic
It shines a torch on areas where sensible people will not go.
It demonstrates that logic and reason can be outbid by click bait (this post is a great example btw)
It uses all the classical logical fallacies to make its points
that is why I follow it
1. It invariably takes the scientific viewpoint on all issue, not the agenda driven one.
2. Expects commentary to explain things using science (please try to do so at some stage)
3. Most people here are sensible… 2 or 3 are not.
4. Uses logic and science to counter trolling click bait (of which your post is a great example, btw)
5. Uses logic and facts to make its points, not failed anti-science mantra.
Somebody should do a stock take of Jo’s predictions and see how many of them actually come true. Two that spring to mind is that the climate did not cool after 2014
and that the US election was not invalidated by Executive Order or the Kraken lawsuit.
and yet the belief continues even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
One should take stock of the climate glitterati predictions
none of which have come true
And yet people still believe them, even though they are totally unable to produce any scientific evidence.
“climate did not cool after 2014”
A strong non-CO2 El Nino/Big Blob (absolutely nothing to do with CO2, as you keep proving)
On a year to date basis 2021 is cooler than, in order:
2016, 1998, 2020, 2010, 2019, 2017, 2002, 2018, 2015, 2005, 2007, and only fractionally above 2014.
La Nina coming strong.. Quiet Sun… more cooling on the way….
Timing not quite right, but a pretty good prediction.
You need to keep up with the data and reality. !
And one really has to laugh at all those Arctic ice “all-gone” prediction from the climate priests.
MASIE has the current level above every year back to 2007 except 2014
Sad to see, but they wouldn’t be doing it if the authorities were doing their job properly.
There’s nothing shamanistic about this:
That’s a very useful looking site if you look into it a bit.
Simon, there is now absolutely no conclusive evidence that vaccines will defeat Covid 19.
There, fixed it for you.
Depends what you mean by defeat. Vaccines will not totally eradicate COVID-19 from a population, the virus is evolving too quickly. A vaccine will however make an individual far less likely to develop complications from the virus. Those of us who are vaccinated have antibodies trained to resist the virus.
No, the efficacy of the vaccines has been shown to drop very low within 6 months,
the efficacy of the pseudo vaccine is dropping very rapidly. Gone within 6 months
For 6 months
From your article:
When you look at the actual graphs both states are surging. Notice how the article says nothing about the surge in Vermont. A lie of omission.
It really comes down to how many clotting jags you are prepared to take every few months or less,(or can survive), doesn’t it.
these ‘vaccines’ will do what the flu ‘vaccine’ did for the flu, make progressively worse years until something comes along that will take their place that will no doubt be worse than covid19 at which time it will replace the delta/lambda, or whatever it is up to at that time, ‘vaccine’. it is the inevitable outcome of very leaky vaccines.
Perhaps they just lack proficiency in mathematics – particularly division.
Reply to Simon at #7
It’s almost impossible to overdose on Ivermectin. 10 times the dose is tolerated and there have been cases of people with 500 times surviving. Do some research on its safety. I’d also look up the definition of “gleichschaltung”. It applies to you. So I suppose India, Mexico and most of central Africa are just coincidences then? Once again do some, research.
The weird thing is – people don’t want to do the research. It is all there. Many many clinical trials & still increasing. And the observational evidence from India, Peru etc incredibly clear.
I totally understand the resistance of governments & healthdepts – that was beautifully explained in yesterday’s thread – but I cannot understand why intelligent people – with no particular prejudice- cannot bring themselves to approach this issue with an open mind.
Vicki. See yesterday’s Tele about Dr Paul Oosterhuis:
“A NSW Medical Council spokeswoman said the suspension of his registration was taken “in order to protect the health and safety of the public and maintain confidence in the medical profession and to maintain confidence in the medical profession”.
His crime? A post recommending early treatment with “evidence based” medications as described here, and questioning the efficacy of vaccines.
It’s all about money.
It’s been said over and over but worth repeating that most people have a valid or invalid (mostly the latter) reason for not doing their own research to acquire enough knowledge and understating to make an informed decision. The common thing to do is to just rely on what is said and shown on the MSM and the politicians. Placing so much trust in them alone is about the biggest mistake anyone can do in their whole life. I feel sorry for those who don’t see all that’s the truth.
Like the fools that watch the ABC and nothing else and believe all they say.
“Like the fools that watch the ABC and nothing else and believe all they say.”
Anyone who has only one source of information and believes implicitly in the veracity of that source, is extremely misguided. Of course this applies to all of those who take that approach and believe only material from that source such as occurs in so many other instances
it is simple really, these people have been taught to trust the reasoning of others rather than their own.
The Lincoln Project has published a 90-second ad for Ivermectin … it’s hilarious.
I found it funny and clever but perhaps others will not as they may take it as being a serious comment on ivermectin
“MAY take it as being a serious comment on ivermectin” You miss the point AGAIN Ian. It was a nasty shot at Trump and his followers.
Many Biden followers still have a very strong case of TDS. !
One has to wonder about how their minds work, if at all !
yeah, real funny. you know it is interesting that they have the side effects worked out for Kalocivir in the SPARS pandemic (done in 2017) and it was supposed to be the antiviral such as ivermectin and along comes the saviour in the vaccine (which had side effect of mad cow disease.. hmm sounds familiar), but they miscalculated how easy it would be for social media to censor and banish effective drugs from gaining traction in the populace. they also missed how ineffective the vaccine would be, and thus the outcome. so really, they got the whole thing wrong, but still go by the playbook. nasty.
Futher to my comment above “Ivermectin is a macrolide antiparasitic drug with a 16-membered ring that is widely used for the treatment of
many parasitic diseases such as river blindness, elephantiasis and scabies. Satoshi ¯omura and William C.
Campbell won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the excellent efficacy of
ivermectin against parasitic diseases. Recently, ivermectin has been reported to inhibit the proliferation of
several tumor cells by regulating multiple signaling pathways. This suggests that ivermectin may be an anticancer
drug with great potential. Here, we reviewed the related mechanisms by which ivermectin inhibited the
development of different cancers and promoted programmed cell death and discussed the prospects for the
clinical application of ivermectin as an anticancer drug for neoplasm therapy.” from
No-one is arguing against the efficacy of IVM against parasites, and it might even have some anti-cancer properties as well. The issue is whether they of any use against the coronavirus.
The evidence is posted here multiple times per day. But to rerad and understand them seems to be a challange.
Ah! Another one. Sorry I forgot about you. Like what I said to Simon and PF, I sincerely entourage you to keep posting here. It gives me an insight into how fools misuse logic and reason so I can respond better to other fools I encounter.
No-one is arguing against Ivermectin’s efficacy against viruses either
It has been proven effective against the CV-19 virus.
It is only some bizarre anti-human political agenda that is blocking its use.
This blocking of its use is not based on actual science.
Talking to my brother, he mentioned that he injected Ivermectin in cattle in the 1994 drought. We were administering it orally for some years before that. That’s 30+ years ago.
Why did it take over 30 years to discover that it has all these additional wonderful functions? Because it is “horse medicine?”
Dating by droughts. In the 1965 drought our mare Suana foaled on the day it rained in October. When the foal was a yearing he got gored by a bull. I noticed that he had been standing in the one place for a couple of hours and when I investigated he had a hole in his flank surrounded by a swelling about a square foot in size. He was too sore to walk.
The local horse doctor brought out some PENICILLIN and showed me how to administer it. After one day the swelling went down, and with a course of a week our horse was saved.
So Penicillin is horse medicine. Very good horse medicine. But not only that.
TED1 – following SARS 1 the WHO (maybe in collaboration with the US CDC) did a funded screen of most of the world’s major pharmaceuticals vs that virus in laboratory trials. In vivo. Why did they do that? Because at the time there was a lack of success with developing vaccines for SARS 1. Hence, they wanted to find some form of treatment should that virus every re- appear. Good sensible stuff- what the WHO & the likes of the CDC should be doing. In those trials they identified a number of very good candidates. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin were 2 of the notable products identified. Fauci even made an announcement regarding this finding where he proclaimed HCQ to be both a potential treatment and a vaccine (preventative) for SARS 1 type viruses. This was all early 2000’s. Luckily, a lot of medical researchers and other doctors took note of those findings, so that when COVID 19 rolled around they re- applied these findings to provide treatments. Tweaked them a little – added Zinc + antibiotics + Vitamin D etc and aimed at early treatment timing. The early researchers involved were Didier ( France) , Zelenko (US) and even Dr Thomas Borody (Australia). That’s a pretty rough summary.
So funny that the line of untreated “gunshot victims” are all wearing parkas and overcoats … in the heat of Oklahoma summer !!
Good catch Anne! Made me laugh.
Also note that no one looks in any particular pain.
Well spotted yes mid 30’s .
Or if you prefer in Fahrenheit.
Why is this a surprise? The campaign against Ivermectin and for vaccinations are only meant for one purpose, subjugation of the people. It’s not about the virus. In fact mandatory vaccination is now their next goal. Will they succeed? That’s up to the people. In case anyone missed it, proof that mandatory vaccination is the next ticket item on their agenda can be found here: Daniel Andrews threatens to lock out unvaccinated Victorians from Health Care and the Economy
Notice carefully what he is saying several times. Whether his wish becomes reality in Australia depends on whether the other states and territories have the same agenda, and I believe they do, and whether the people resit or not. Time will tell.
. .and all the while they completely ignore those who have had Covid and now have natural immunity !!
It has already been stated by someone here, can’t recall who, that natural immunity doesn’t exist. Let’s see if that lie is added to the ever increasing list of lies being told by our politicians only to be believed by much of the people.
Who said that?
It will be interesting to find out how natural immunity is affecred by “vaccination”.
It has already be touched on in previous threads. Some say the vaccines eventually reduce one’s immunity to a level far below that of a person who hasn’t been vaccinated and has natural immunity, which is why they are now so desperate to push for 3rd, 4th and in some cases already indefinite numbers of booster shots in countries where they have high vaccination rates. It’s starting look really scary for the vaccinated. Time will tell if the vaccinated are the ones who will need quarantining for their own health. I hope not since one of my sons go his first shot and is planning to get his second next month.
NZ will allow 8 jabs in their new documentation. Will they then issue a new passport or won’t it be necessary?
If there is a small risk of blood clots with a jab, does it get less as you are jabbed again and again?
No one can answer that last question as yet. If I had a time machine I would.
My understanding is that the spike proteins are meant to stay in your arm muscle. Its when they get out and circulate that blood clots can happen. So I would guess if you keep jabbing, the chance of a leak out of muscle tissue, and therefore a blood clot, must go up.
from what l understand Farmerdoug2
how your natural immunity will be affected when vaccinated is that your immunity will be looking for one type of corona to fight off, the original virus it was made for, so when you come in contact with a mutated corona your natural immunity wont fight it as it is looking for the original version to fight
so a weaker mutated virus that your immunity could easily fight off, cannot because it wont try
l have read that after two jabs your immunity is down by 35% and more after each booster jab,
l cant find it to put a link up sry
apparently your immunity will come back if you stop the booster jabs but nobody knows when
As I never tire of pointing out Dan talks as though he has not been informed that the vaccinated not only catch the virus but also spread the virus (an ignorance I attribute to his CHO Brett Sutton).
It may be that the notoriously Byzantine reporting channels within this Victorian government are designed specifically to keep the premier quarantined from facts which might thwart the exercise of his tyrannical psychopathology.
We can only wonder had he carked it on the stairs would life be any different.
A very useful video on the above topic
It could be manipulation of the media by the forces of darkness, big pharma or the Chinese Communists. But it could also be the incredible gullibility of the hordes of teenagers who call themselves journalists. As with this incredible science from Deakin University which has gone viral too, this one in the UK Telegraph.
TdeF paywall unfortunately. ToM
It’s all over the web. Amazing adulterated rubbish here’s one.. And of course Dumbo the Elephant has been cancelled because of a great jazz number by some Jim Crows on a telegraph line. It’s such a fun show for children and someone had to see it as racist. I guess Jazz is now racist too. So how long before Al Jolson is cancelled, a Jew in black face in the Jazz singer.
What used to be called imitation, the sincerest form of flattery and these days called homage is now cultural appropriation or in the BLM movement, racist oppression. The new Marxism is about allocating oppressors and the oppressed. Women, black people, minorities, anyone can be oppressed.
And anyone who expects Rolling Stone to be more than a music magazine is likely to be disappointed with the standard of journalism. The name is a giveaway. But it presumably does appeal to the same age group as the alleged journalists.
One thing which is essential in these new news people is to never pick up the phone and confirm a story. You could add the entire ABC journalists to that group. Find a target and attack, never confirm and Aunty will pay the massive legal bills. As long as you do electoral damage to white male conservatives and senior Catholics.
And this is what you would expect as Google, Facebook and Twitter have stolen all the advertising which funded the journalists. Anyone who believes that an alleged 1.5C in 150 years will change the size of an elephant’s ears really has a problem. And would buy solar powered ear buds, as long as they were a bargain at under $600.
TdeF, I think all the people in the picture are musicians.
Is it rude to point out the obvious … that the most ‘diverse’ local Govt areas and most ‘diverse’ states have the biggest covid problems? But at least they are multi-kulchural, eh?
COVID-19: the risk to BAME doctors
The evidence so far
We have seen disproportionate numbers of BAME doctors and other healthcare workers die from COVID-19:
21% of all staff are BAME – 63% of healthcare workers who died were BAME.
20% of nursing staff are BAME – 64% of nurses who died were BAME.
44% of medical staff are BAME – 95% of doctors who died were BAME.
(Figures from March and April 2020 – source)
PHE’s review of disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID-19 found that:
the highest age standardised diagnosis rates of COVID-19 per 100,000 population were in people of black ethnic groups (486 in females and 649 in males) and the lowest were in people of white ethnic groups (220 in females and 224 in males)
after accounting for the effect of sex, age, deprivation and region, people of Bangladeshi ethnicity had around twice the risk of death when compared to people of white British ethnicity.
People of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, other Asian, Caribbean and other black ethnicity had between 10 and 50% higher risk of death when compared to white British.
COVID-19 and BAME – LibGuides – St George’s, University of …
20 Aug 2021 — The COVID-19 pandemic has affected some sections of the population more than others, and there are growing concerns that the UK’s minority ethnic groups are …
Statistics suggest that certain groups in British society have been particularly affected by the pandemic both medically and by the impact of lockdown.[543]
COVID-19 risk and ethnicity
A second Public Health England study found that those with a Bangladeshi heritage were dying at twice the rate of white Britons. Other BAME groups had between 10% and 50% higher risk of death from COVID-19.[561][562][563]
Maybe it was low Vit d.
Low Vit D is a question I would like a journalist to ask Dr Kerry Chant in the daily NSW briefings
Are Drs Jeanette Young and Kerry Chant related or do they just go to the same hair salon.
Oh please dont.
Vitamin D supplements for horses is a thing. You may start the next BS tsunami.
Conservatives often say we are losing our liberty.
Wrong. We have already lost it and there is no way the politicians are ever going to revoke the “emergency powers” they have stolen. We are already in a dictatorship. No freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, no freedom of movement, curfews (longer hours than Kabul or Pyongyang) , no freedom to work, trade or associate or shop. The covid “crisis” has exposed a hereto unknown very evil fascist, totalitarian inclination among our politicians and senior public serpents and some of the citizenry.
Yesterday on this esteemed blog (where Leftists are allowed to post but we are not allowed to post on their blogs because of their terror of alternative ideas) I posted similar comments to the above in response to a certain Leftist who said “name one” in response to a statement by a conservative that “our liberties had been lost”. The Leftist, simply could not see that these were liberties or that they were lost or that they even mattered or were worth caring about. The terrifying thing is that a large proportion of the population “think” like that Leftist. It remains to be seen if the proportion of the population that think like that is more or less than 50% because the Marxist dumbing down of society is almost complete.
I’m not so sure society has dumbed down. That may not be possible. What has dumbed down is the press.
And worse, politicians respond to the press, because to get to the top, you have to please more than 50% of the people.
It is possibly why everyone runs polls of what people think and claim a survey of 1,000 people represents what people think to within the often quoted 3.3%, a normal distribution. And politicians believe this because most are lawyers and innumerate. If you want to push politicians around, just runs polls. It’s all standard Yes Minister stuff.
Then how come people are rushing to get vaccinated? To me it proves roughly half of the population give or take a wide margin are dumbed down.
Then why do people respond to the lies of Media and politicians, haven’t they ever watched ” Yes Minister’, I started refusing to believe the bastards 40 years ago.
The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
To me at least the defining moment will be when vaccine passports are used. When that happens, and we still are not sure they will be but NSW has announced they have already developed the means to do it and will start a trial soon, it will mean they have won, just as they have already won on the CAGW scam. Then it will be a case of two down and I suspect at least one more scam to go to finish the job to subjugate the whole Western world, if not the whole world.
That is a very depressing comment but I fear you are quite right. It seems that a very small number of individuals have a bigger say in the affairs of the world than all the worlds voters combined. Governments listen to world oganizations like the WHO, the IPCC, but dont listen to their own voters. It is one world government, “for the people”, but not by the people.
It might help if doctors gave clear, concise and detailed responses to patient questions about Ivermectin.
But that would require them to undertake detailed research themselves.
Much easier to glance at the headlines, then roll your eyes and snort derisively.
Most doctors left medical school long ago. And they are ultra conservatives, slaves to fashion, Lancet and the pharmacy companies.
However the pharmacy groups are driven by profits for their members.
And increasingly the upper management of most organizations and publications have gone extreme left, as with Lancet, the Royal Society, NASA and American Association of Physicists. And the UN is a communist organization. Even the National Party which purports to represent farmers in Australia. Green is good. Save the planet. Xenophobia. BLM. All very popular and you get into trouble if you disagree.
I would give GPs a break. It is their responsibility to be ultra conservative and wait for confirmation and lengthy trials and advice. Unfortunately the ones who have their ear are the pharmacy companies. And they are busy people.
I thought they can’t do that. Aren’t doctors under instructions not to promote Ivermectin? Perhaps it’s different when it’s a private consult. I haven’t asked my doctor as yet to find out how he will respond. I will next time I visit him. Anyone else done that?
Had a ‘phone consultation’ with my doctor y’day (re ongoing, work-related, inguinal hernia – ouch) then asked her what her view on ivermectin was: after pausing a moment, she said she’d been researching it as-of-late, but that the NZ Medical Council had been advising doctors to NOT prescribe it. Can I get some from the chemist myself, I asked: no, it was not available over the counter.
How many deaths in NZ so far from the killer Delta psy-op? Zero. Zip. Nada. Apart from a dear old 91-year-old with numerous complications who died this week, nobody. There’s carnage up and down the country (economic, psychological, educational, technological) but hey, Cindy’s regime’s agenda always was about flattening the curve of prosperity, whatever the cost.
Becoming a GP is not the toughest option in medical training. It is not easy to get into a medical degree course but the easiest option once there is to specialise as a GP. They can enjoy a good income with flexible hours of work and little need for ongoing learning.
Any good GP will be willing to prescribe Ivermectin if you provide compelling evidence. They will most likely recommend vaccination as the vaccines are proving to be highly effective and are free. So you will need to have a discussion. If the GP does not have the protocol then they can email the CDD – link here:
It would be worth asking the CDD if they can recommend a GP in your area who will prescribe the pills if you have an uncertain relationship with your GP.
Everyone I know over the age of 75 (only 9 people) have had some notable reaction to the AZ vaccine – typically weariness and a day in bed. And if you have had chicken pox and not vaccinated against shingles then Moderna and Pfizer could pose a risk of shingles that will need treatment.
Since most of Australia’s political ideas like lockdowns, now come from communist China rather than the (once) freedom-loving West, how long before a “social credit” score is implemented in Australia.
We can already see talk of a “vaccine passport” with special privileges for the “vaccinated” and punishment or disincentives for those who aren’t.
And conveniently, the COVID crisis has meant that cash has almost completely disappeared, meaning government can track your activities (and potentially control them by deciding where you can or can’t spend money) even more than universal cell phone usage already allows them.
And we have a mostly compliant, substantially dumbed-down population, many of whom (including supposed “intellectuals) have no understanding or appreciation of individual rights or liberties, at least not for “the people”, naturally the Elites who know better than the rest of us will have special privileges.
It won’t end well.
Yes, it won’t end well that’s for sure. For the moment I don’t care what they do as I can purchase all my essentials on-line without the need of a vaccine passport. The problem will arise though when whatever identification they use is required to be on their right hand or forehead. I hope I’m not around to see that day. When the mark of the beast starts being enforced then people who are aware will know the return of Jesus will be very close, and only a matter of a few years. Those who do receive that mark will not be saved.
Watch this video to get a good appreciating of how the social credit system is already being applied in China, and people are loving it. I suspect a lot of people here would too – I’m almost certain of it, especially among the young.
Vaxx Passports Are Just the Beginning
Two things they haven’t achieved yet; an “empathy virus” and the ability to clear people’s memories as depicted in the movie “Code 46”, which would be a better means to rewrite the past using memory holes as portrayed in George Orwell’s novel 1984.
Does anyone remember when digital phones were about to replace the earlier analogue ones, the rollout was delayed until the relevant agencies could acquire the equipment to monitor phone calls, I remember it well.
Now we have Covid check-ins, cash being phased out, lockdowns as a part of life in the major states, whispers of vax passports as an add on to vax check-ins, then if there is no rebellion, the ultimate, Social Credit Scores.
I remember it well too Ronin. You are the only other one I’ve encountered that has any clue about that. I mentioned in a recent article I wrote about how Big Brother is watching us (to be published in two parts, Nov and Dec 2021). I can’t find the reference right now but I have only ever found one online article about it, I think it was in the SMH.
I posted what seems to me a reasonable read on the “Big Pharma” thread
How lethal is Ivermectin. It can kill a dog via respiratory depression at 40mg/kg or about 200 times the recommended does in humans or animals of 0.2mg/kg. In any case, an observed human with respiratory depression coukd still be saved.
Water poisoning can kill. Healthy humans can excrete 800mls to 1000mls of liquid from their kidneys per hour. It stands to reason that ingestion of any amount of water more than that will eventually kill you as well and it will.
It is often suggested that people drink 2 to 4 litres of water per day so that would mean that poisoning from water could occur at around 5 to 10 times the recommended dose.
In rats water has an LD50 of 150ml/kg.
The deadly dose of Ivermectin is significantly more than water which is 5 to 10 times the recommended dose vs 200 times for Ivermectin.
Maybe they all took Ivermectin and passed out??? Sarc/
“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is Following The Exact COVID Protocol Recommended By U.K. Senior Vaccinologist Sir Andrew Pollard
September 7, 2021 | Sundance | 60 Comments”
“Fauci Lied, People Died – New Documents Show Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress, U.S. Funded Gain of Function Research in Wuhan China That Created SARS-CoV-2
September 7, 2021 | Sundance | 364 Comments
…Fauci Lied, Thousands Died !”
SHARYL ATTKISSON – (UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns
If you find yourself confused about the mixed guidance when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines and safety concerns, you’re not alone.
While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is marketing widespread use of the emergency-use vaccines in the U.S. for both old and young alike, many other countries are limiting Covid-19 vaccine use. Health officials around the world are giving varying advice on safety issues as Covid-19 vaccines are given to more people, and more information can be collected.
Summary by safety concern
In the UK, some scientists analyzed adverse event reports and called upon the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to stop the Covid-19 vaccines as “not safe for human use” due to reports of issues with bleeding/clotting, pain, immune system, neurological, loss of sight/hearing/smell/speech, and questions about impact in pregnant women.
A petition of scientists led by Linda Wastila, Professor, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is calling for Covid-19 vaccines to be disapproved.
Fifty-seven authors from 17 countries have signed an endorsement urging that Covid-19 vaccinations be stopped unless new safety mechanisms are immediately implemented.
The authors include Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and former Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, who has called for a halt to vaccinating 30-year olds due to “no clinical benefit” and safety concerns. [McCullough is currently Senior Professor of Internal Medicine at the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center.]
Interesting: “In the UK, some scientists analyzed adverse event reports and called upon the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to stop the Covid-19 vaccines as “not safe for human use” due to reports of issues with bleeding/clotting, pain, immune system, neurological, loss of sight/hearing/smell/speech, and questions about impact in pregnant women.”
That’s agrees to what our our Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines does reveal, which I pointed out many times before, in particular about the reported deaths suspected to be the direct result of the vaccines, which currently number 483 along with over 51,000 cases of adverse reactions.
It ought to be noted that given the evidence of large numbers of adverse reactions as well as not an insignificant number of deaths associated with but not necessarily caused by COVID-19 vaccines, that under any other similar circumstance in the past the vaccine would be immediately withdrawn from the market until much more detailed investigations are undertaken. Given that’s not the case today, most likely because of the momentum is too strong to resist by even those on public office who do have doubts about it, one really has to be a brainless twit not to smell a rat.
Rushing makes perfect sense as long as there are no unintentional consequences to develop the vaccines. The problem is covid is sneaky designed evil.
There was no warning or discussion that the vaccines, could cause permanent life changing neurological damage. Permanent life change damage, is different than a temporary reaction. The Pharmaceutical counter claim, would likely, I assume, be covid will also cause permanent neurological damage to some people.
From your link.
“A new study in Journal of Neurology examines possible links between Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and acute Central Nervous System (CNS) demyelination, including Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Demyelinating diseases damage the protective covering surrounding nerve fibers in the brain, optic nerves and spinal cord, causing neurological problems. In the study, four patients had the Pfizer vaccine and three had the Moderna vaccine. Within 21 days of the first or second dose, the patients developed active CNS demyelination of the optic nerve, brain, and/or spinal cord leading to “visual loss, dysmetria, gait instability, paresthesias, sphincter disturbance, and limb weakness.”
Age ranged from 24 to 64 years old. Four patients were ultimately diagnoses with exacerbation of their stable MS.
Two were diagnosed with new cases of MS.
One was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica.”
Kogan is selling ‘Equimec” which is Ivermectin horse wormer.
See my comment at
Risk of COVID-19 death in cancer patients: an analysis from Guy’s Cancer Centre and King’s College Hospital in London
An excellent read
Download PDF
The Left wing do not get ‘it’. The covid ‘crisis’ is not over. Lying to hide a covid cure and getting caught along with the FDA/CDC/Mass Media/BBC/Democratic Party and so on… …. Is different, then lying to push CAGW.
Covid is a WMD, designed and released for a purpose. Go with that assumption. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that the vaccines against COVID are falling far short of what they were promised to be.” See link below.
The assumption that covid is a WMD requires and is only practically possible, if covid was developed using a super computer. A common error in military plans is overkill. Military plans that are too effective can have unintentional consequences such as a forced change in the ‘game’.
If the covid vaccines fail, that event/paradigm change, will force a covid solution. There are limited real covid solutions. Our economies are failing. Our people are angry about covid restrictions. Hiding a solution to covid was a propaganda mistake by the Left who are like clueless children.
Covid was designed, use a simulation package that simulates the general human immune response (all bio active regions of the body) and a separate virus simulation software package enables the software version of the vaccine to evolve defeat the human immune system’s response. The advanced software package also enables the prediction of how the virus will damage and hurt humans. This advanced AI level software made it possible for the covid designers to know how covid would evolve and determine estimated deaths, serious damage, in a population.
Assume it will not be medically (will not be effective, people will not keep getting jabs) or politically, possible to covid vaccinate, over and over. The Medical Industry knows there is a super dispersion version of Ivermectin that is 8 times more bioactive than taking Ivermectin as a tablet. Obviously that changes how effective Ivermectin can be to stop covid.
If the covid vaccines fail, the public is going to force the politicians to find the solution to covid and punish the idiots/companies/political parties/CCD and so on, that hide the solution and made us suffer.
“Oberhausen-Germany: “Three seniors had to be resuscitated” after 3rd jab
Germany has started administering third shots to the elderly and already reports of signs of dangerous side effects are emerging. In a nursing home in the western German city of Oberhausen, several seniors experienced “serious problems” a few days after the Corona booster vaccination, reports the online German WDR public broadcasting.
“Three residents of the nursing home had to be resuscitated three days after the booster vaccination.” 10% had to be medically treated. 90 residents are reported to have received the third shot at the Oberhausen nursing home. According to WDR: “Of these, nine had reactions so severe that they had to be treated,”
Of course Rachel Maddcow piled too on but she is bullet-proof when it comes to being sued:
Maddow’s “I’m Not a Real Journalist” Defense Prevails in Court
By Mike Cernovich Leave a Comment
Any belief that Rachel Maddow is a journalist was set to rest in a San Diego federal courtroom on Friday, with a federal judge dismissed a defamation lawsuit brought against Maddow. The judge concluded that Maddow was far too silly to be taken as a credible news source.
The lawsuit against Maddow was brought by OANN, a news network that Maddow falsely accused on her show as being controlled by the Kremlin.
For the lawsuit to go forward, OANN would had to have shown that Maddow’s show stated facts rather than opinions.
For the lawsuit to go forward, OANN would had to have shown that Maddow’s show stated facts rather than opinions.
It’s an interesting defence – and is also being used by Fox News and Sidney Powell in their arguments against the huge Dominion law suits.
It wouldn’t work in Australia, because our libel laws are stricter. We don’t have a constitutional right to free speech (although it’s heavily implied in both legislation and legal precedents). And here you can certainly be successfully sued for airing an opinion, especially if the plaintiff can prove you did so maliciously, that it caused damage, or if you knew the truth was not in line with your opinion.
Are people old enough to remember Leo Schofield – a prominent Sydney food reviewer – who was successfully sued by a famous restaurant for writing that the lobster was the worst he had ever had, or something similar to that? His defence that it was an opinion was not sufficient.
Probably not the best day for the lobster in question either, when you think about it.
Sacrifices have to be made at times.
This suppression of a very useful medication really is a crime against humanity!
And the media are complicit. Its a disgrace. I am so angry! We have our pills ready fortunately, in the fridge where I hope they will last at least 6 months, prescribed by an informed doctor, and as we are retired, money isnt a problem but I feel for people who are being bullied into vaccines.
The anguish people are going through because they could lose their jobs if unvaxed is shocking. The antivirals could treat the bug very adequately as has been demonstated on this blog in Africa where IVM is used to treat parasites.
I personally know several people who are under pressure with a time limit, to make a decision and for no good reason!
THIS is the reality of no jab, no job. A qantas pilot speaks out. Needs to be seen.
It is appalling
Yes it’s a disgrace but don’t get too hot under the collar over it – not necessarily stating that you are but just as a general comment. Watch with open eyes how “game” progresses and avoid the “traps” that will snare many people, perhaps even most. I look at it as a welcoming challenge to home (or hone if you are old fashioned) in my skills of perception, BS detection, sound logic and reasoning.
Not my words but Im getting around to this way of thinking!
“There has been a great deal of discussion about the vitriolic, almost rabid disposition of people who are pushing the vaccination.
This should not be a surprise, although it might be disconcerting to find formerly reasonable people in your network, perhaps even in your family, now become seemingly unhinged if the subject arises.
It is demonstrably true, there has been a cleaving of our American population as the debate about the COVID vaccination rages on. However, it is wise to consider the underlying psychology of a person who has been vaccinated, before engaging in an argument.
You may end up being entirely correct in your position; however, an intense or combative argument? At what cost?
A vaccinated person is, as a consequence of their decision, in an irreversible frame of mind. Once the vaccination has been injected into a persons body, there is no turning back; the Rubicon has been crossed, the event horizon closes, there is no retreat.
Any conversation or debate about vaccine efficacy or long-term consequences with a person who has accepted the vaccine must be weighed accordingly.
The no-retreat baseline can, often does, form the origin of anger and vitriol, particularly in unstable leftists -who are, by nature of their ideology- professional blame-casters and prone to emotional responses as a matter of disposition. Therefore, it is better to avoid the topic entirely (if possible) and retain your peace of mind.”
At what cost indeed. Perhaps civil war. I hope not but if the vitriol and hard nosed insistence by people like Daniel Andrews keeps up and spreads then civil war is a distinct possibility.
Here is a 59 minute interview with co-inventer of MRNA technology, Robert Malone, discussing RNA molecules and the efficacy of Pfizer vaccine, re it’s becoming useless after 5 months and concerning misleadimg statements being fed people that the vaccines are completely safe.
Peter, it is the stuff of civil wars, but surely has a long way to go yet.
Brenda, wise words indeed. Yes, the decision to have the injection once made is irreversible, and the ones I feel the greatest sadness for are those who learn more after they’ve had it and realise that they can’t go back. It will be a very rocky path for us all, but I just hope that more and more people wake up and see the road that we’re being forced to travel and stand up for a different direction. ToM
My son, a member of Mensa, has had both Pfizer jabs, is now as sick as a dog with some cold virus and will not even consider taking Vit D! He has taken 10 days off work but still will not listen to anyone who says anything against the vaccines or for the use of IVM. The most frustrating thing for me is this closed mindedness even anong supposed highly intelligent people. I give up!
PS if we were anywhere but WA , I would suspect covid!
l hope it turns out ok for him Brenda
its a hard one but as an adult he can make his own mind up about how he wants to be treated
my 22yr old is very educated and still has lots of learning to do but will not be sceptical about any of it, she disregards anything that is not fashionable at uni or covered in the set government doctrine
although l have turned her on a couple of things, maybe there is hope
I hate to say this, but it is possible for the vaccines to have lowered his immune system’s defenses against things like the basic cold.
Make sure he at least takes in lots of Vit C,D Zinc.
We all wish him well.
what mg Stromectol tablets did you get prescribed and local chemist
– my GP seems cynical, but I do have HCQ from last year and need to get Azithromycin again as Son used for infection, but would prefer ivermectin and Doxycycline
Got no reply to request for Doctors who would prescribe to
12mg IVM x 4 but I think it goes by body weight(
20 x 100mg doxycycline
10 x zinc pincolinate
Over 14 days in a blister pack.
The Borody protocol.
There is still a dr on the net who will prescibe apparently,Dr.%20Peter%20Lewis%20%28IVM%29%203%209822%209996
Thanks Brenda – will chase up
I have seen the video (25 minutes) and he mentioned another virus called Marburg is on the way.
He certainly spoke his mind.
Brenda- IVM, Hydroxychlorquine, Quercetin and possibly also the common antibiotics like azithromycin/doxycycline are all what is termed “zinc ionophores”. They are claimed to transport Zinc ( and other ions) into cells that could be infected by virus eg COVID. Zinc is an antiviricide and works to disrupt viral replication. Hence, all the protocols recommending these products contain the critical Zinc tablets in their “cocktails”.
Yes. I’ve ordered quercetin so that Ive got it on hand. I think zinc is probably easy to get and it seems to be an important for killing the virus.
I order Now Now Foods, Quercetin with Bromelain, 240 Veg Capsules and
through iHerb for over a year now – good service
I admire people like him who put in the hard yards with a high level respect and regard, unlike our political leaders, state and federal who really are despicable and a disgrace, some who really belong in prison.
That video is really excellent. What a wonderful and courageous man. I watched it last night from a link in Michael Smith News.
what an honourable man Hoody is
and he’s right about its time for doing something about this mess
l also looked up the Marburg virus Hoody spoke about
Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus of the Filoviridae family of viruses and a member of the species Marburg marburgvirus, genus Marburgvirus. Marburg virus causes Marburg virus disease in humans and other primates, a form of viral hemorrhagic fever. The virus is considered to be extremely dangerous. Wikipedia
Me too. That was news to me. Next pandemic???
Perhaps the most telling observation of several in his video is that QANTAS passengers are shown videos about the risk of deep vein thrombosis and aircrew are obliged to receive injections known to pose a risk of blood clotting.
Elsewhere he reports “the Minister for Health Greg Hunt says long term effects will not be known at least till the end of 2022” and that his fifty-three year career has required him continually to make correct safety assessments which the vaccine does not yet pass.
He laments that “we’re not a nation anymore anyway we’re a conglomerate of little state dictatorships” and is beyond disappointed in Scott Morrison who’s mouthed “we’re a free country with informed consent” suggesting he read the Book of Revelation to understand what’s going on.
He’s concerned that now Tedros has announced a pandemic of Marburg virus the cycle of vaccinations will be endless.
He’s at his most vehement attacking people who “wish everybody who hasn’t been vaccinated rots in their home without any privileges” in the manner the Victorian premier ordains.
And finishes with “Stay out of the trees, god bless ya” which I took to be old crop duster talk.
I am pleased you posted this Brenda Spence.
QED – A COVID Conundrum for the Cognitively Consonant
Statistics can be wielded to suit a purpose. Lies, damn lies, and statistics, as it were. Climate change is replete with statistics. If you’re like me, you can’t keep up. Help me. Is it a record if it is the hottest day since 1932?
COVID comes with statistics. The number of cases is the most favoured statistic of them all. A case is registered when someone who most likely isn’t the least bit ill gets tested and is found to have the virus. Why would you get tested voluntarily if you are not ill? That’s one of those sweet mysteries of life. I can offer no explanation.
Deaths is the next favoured statistic, with hospitalisations coming in third. In itself this relegation to third place is also a bit of a mystery; if you recall that flattening the curve, popular near the beginning of 2020, was all about ensuring that hospitals could cope.
So far there have been over 206 million cases worldwide, according to Worldometer‘s latest numbers as of August 13. But remember, if you’ve had it and have not been tested, you’re not a case. So how many infections have there actually been? As the disease is asymptomatic or very mild in children and young healthy people, the number who have been infected might, possibly, be some multiple of 206 million. I don’t know. No data. You guess.
Deaths are more matter of fact than cases. Dead bodies are hard to invent or ignore. However, death leaves enormous scope for allocation among many causes. If a dead person had three morbidities which one to hold responsible is not an easy matter to determine, I would think.
Doctors, I’m sure, do the best they can. But there have been stories of pressure on doctors and hospitals to assign COVID as the cause, if present, whatever other morbidities are present. How much that has inflated the numbers (now reportedly 4.35 million deaths worldwide) I don’t know. On the other side, Greg Sheridan, a COVID worrywart, suggested that deaths in India were significantly undercounted. So the data might not lie, but what is the data?
G’day OO,
“…suggested that deaths in India were significantly undercounted. So the data might not lie, but what is the data? ”
My guess is he can’t handle the possibility that India could be doing better than Australia and hasn’t identified the states where IVM is widely used, let alone comparing them with other Indian states where it is not.
The difference is rather significant.
Dave B
Those ivermectin overdosing stories even caught out some Aussie journalists. Most notably “Jack the Insider”, who now writes for the Australian newspaper is writing a series of articles about anti vaxxers. In his first article he did a hit piece on ivermectin where he described how ED’s in US hospitals were being overwhelmed with cases of IVM poisoning. Mentioned all the usual horse dewormer catchphrases etc. JtI tries to write jocular type articles on the weeks serious news items. But, in this case was deadly serious. But you have to remember he was also on the ABC and a regular guest on the Insiders program hosts by Barry Cassidy. Enough said!
They are pulling out all stops. The scam is gathering pace. Watch out peoples!
The results so far on my “survey of availability of IVM as a sheep drench”
One stock agent was told it has been taken off the market and is unavailable except as a pour-on. No results from the second as yet.
The horse wormer I buy is still advertised online with no warnings about usage or indications of supply constraint . . . yet. My mob of horses is growing.
I note that Equimec was recently recommended by a couple of commenters. I wouldn’t touch it as it contains over 12 times the amount of Praziquantel as it does of Ivermectin. Folks need to read the SDS as I keep saying.
iirc, There is one version of Equimec that doesn’t contain any Praziquantel
JtI’s disparaging remarks about so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’ really infuriated me. I wrote a comment about how offensive it was, which was rejected, needless to say.
I rarely read his column anyway; I won’t bother again.
I have unsubscribed to the Australian. Never published any comment on the vaccine or antivirals. Gave up in disgust.
Can one speculate then on which inside he gets his tips from?
WSJ oped)
It seemed to work in New Zealand and Australia, but now ruinous, oppressive lockdowns are back.
By Jay Bhattacharya and Donald J. Boudreaux
Aug. 4, 2021 6:16 pm ET
Much of the pathology underlying Covid policy arises from the fantasy that it is possible to eradicate the virus. Capitalizing on pandemic panic, governments and compliant media have used the lure of zero-Covid to induce obedience to harsh and arbitrary lockdown policies and associated violations of civil liberties.
Among all countries, New Zealand, Australia and especially China have most zealously embraced zero-Covid. China’s initial lockdown in Wuhan was the most tyrannical. It infamously locked people into their homes, forced patients to take untested medications, and imposed 40-day quarantines at gunpoint.
On March 24, 2020, New Zealand imposed one of the most onerous lockdowns in the free world, with sharp restrictions on international travel, business closures, a prohibition on going outside, and official encouragement of citizens to snitch on neighbors. In May 2020, having hit zero-Covid, New Zealand lifted lockdown restrictions, except quarantines for international travelers and warrantless house searches to enforce lockdown.
Australia also took the zero-Covid route. While the initial steps focused on banning international travel, the lockdowns there also involved closed schools, occasional separation of mothers from premature newborns, brutal suppression of protests, and arrests for wandering more than 3 miles from home.
New Zealand’s and Australia’s temporary achievement of zero-Covid and China’s claimed success were greeted with fanfare by the media and scientific journals. China’s authoritarian response seemed so successful—despite the country’s record of lying about the virus—that panicked democratic governments around the world copied it. The three countries lifted their lockdowns and celebrated.
Then, when Covid came back, so did the lockdowns. Each government has had multiple opportunities to glory in achieving zero-Covid by hairshirt. Australia’s current lockdowns in Sydney are now enforced by military patrols alongside strict warnings from health officials against speaking with neighbors. After Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the U.K. must “learn to live with” the virus, New Zealand’s minister for Covid-19 response, Chris Hipkins, imperiously responded, “That’s not something that we have been willing to accept in New Zealand.”
Humanity’s unimpressive track record of deliberately eradicating contagious diseases warns us that lockdown measures, however draconian, can’t work. Thus far, the number of such diseases so eliminated stands at two—and one of these, rinderpest, affected only even-toed ungulates. The lone human infectious disease we’ve deliberately eradicated is smallpox. The bacterium responsible for the Black Death, the 14th-century outbreak of bubonic plague, is still with us, causing infections even in the U.S.
While the eradication of smallpox—a virus 100 times as deadly as Covid—was an impressive feat, it shouldn’t be used as a precedent for Covid. For one thing, unlike smallpox, which was carried only by humans, SARS-CoV-2 is also carried by animals, which some hypothesize can spread the disease to humans. We will need to rid ourselves of dogs, cats, mink, bats and more to get to zero.
For another, the smallpox vaccine is incredibly effective at preventing infection and severe disease, even after exposure to disease, with protection lasting five to 10 years. The Covid vaccines are far less effective at preventing spread.
And smallpox eradication required a concerted global effort lasting decades and unprecedented cooperation among nations. Nothing like this is possible today, especially if it requires a perpetual lockdown in every country on earth. That’s simply too much to ask, especially of poor countries, where lockdowns have proved devastatingly harmful to public health. If even one nonhuman reservoir or a single country or region that fails to adopt the program, zero-Covid would fail.
The costs of any eradication program are immense and must be justified before the government pursues such a goal. These costs include a sacrifice of non-health-related goods and services and other health priorities—forgone prevention and treatment of other diseases. The consistent failure of government officials to recognize the harms of lockdowns—often citing the precautionary principle—disqualifies Covid as
a candidate for eradication.
The only practical course is to live with the virus in the same way that we have learned to live over millennia with countless other pathogens. A focused protection policy can help us cope with the risk.
There is a thousand-fold difference in the mortality and hospitalization risk posed by virus to the old relative to the young. We now have good vaccines that have helped protect vulnerable people from the ravages of Covid wherever they have been deployed. Offering the vaccine to the vulnerable everywhere, not the failed lockdowns, should be the priority to save lives.
We live with countless hazards, each of which we could but sensibly choose not to eradicate. Automobile fatalities could be eradicated by outlawing motor vehicles. Drowning could be eradicated by outlawing
swimming and bathing. Electrocution could be eradicated by outlawing electricity. We live with these risks not because we’re indifferent to suffering but because we understand that the costs of zero-drowning or
zero-electrocution would be far too great. The same is true of zero-Covid.
Dr. Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Mr. Boudreaux is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
Whaddya think team?
The only practical course is to live with the virus in the same way that we have learned to live over millennia with countless other pathogens. A focused protection policy can help us cope with the risk.
We live with countless hazards, each of which we could but sensibly choose not to eradicate. Automobile fatalities could be eradicated by outlawing motor vehicles. Drowning could be eradicated by outlawing swimming and bathing. Electrocution could be eradicated by outlawing electricity. We live with these risks not because we’re indifferent to suffering but because we understand that the costs of zero-drowning or zero-electrocution would be far too great. The same is true of zero-Covid
One big problem with that. They don’t care about the virus. All they care about is subjugation. If the virus suddenly went away they would find something else, another one for example. Oh golly gosh – another one is perhaps coming! Officials in India are racing to contain a virus outbreak that has claimed the life of a 12-year-old boy and is deadlier than COVID-19 — the Nipah virus.
Offering the vaccine to the vulnerable everywhere, not the failed lockdowns, should be the priority to save lives.
Robert Malone advocates this policy. I would support it, only if the risks of the vaccine were clearly explained. Further, even if Ivermectin remains forbidden by the pollies and bureacrats, it should be explained that anti-virals are soon to be offered.
Life’s too short to put up with being impeded in progress through it such as now seems our lot forever after.
Who’d have thought the Safe Space neurotics would gain control so swiftly?
The Left are responsible for stifling all scientific, medical and political debate and not only that, they fabricate evidence to suit their agenda.
What more evidence is needed of their evil, disgusting and civilisation-destroying ideology than the above that Jo writes anout and also following examples?
A few of many examples include fabrication of data and stifling of debate about supposed anthropogenic global warming.
The heavy promotion of mutilating transgender hormonal and surgical alterations in children.
Lies about covid and its treatment options.
Indeed, almost any Leftist cause involves lies, deception, censorship, the reversal of causality, the reversal of truth and the destruction of all that is decent and good in Western Civilisation and the Judeo-Christain moral principles on which it is founded and the reason and logic that comes from Ancient Greek civilisation.
“Journalists” are generally left wing liars and propagandists and they are responsible for a lot of our problems. I think the rot set in in Australia in 1972 with Australia’s first Cultural Marxist Fabian Socialist regime under Gough Whitlam. They changed the nature of the journalism profession from one that was learned as an apprenticeship “on the job” to a subject that was taught by Marxists in universities. I suspect that similar things happened in other countries at around the same time. These “journalists” need to be held to account for their contribution to the destruction of Western Civilisation. No excuses accepted, ignorance is never an excuse, just as “I was only following orders” isn’t.
Not to mention that 1972 kick-started the welfare state. Social security is meant to be a safety net, funded by the able-bodied members of society, for those in who CANNOT support themselves due to mental or physical disability. Almost fifty years on, it is unrecognisable. Middle-class welfare is now accepted. At the risk of upsetting many, I for one deeply resent paying for other people to have their children minded by strangers so that they can go back to work and ‘fulfil themselves’ (i.e. pay for the next holiday to Aspen). Take your pick – save like the clappers until you can afford kids or don’t bother. According to my latest ATO return, I work until lunchtime every Monday to pay for these freeloaders.
The rural press is now getting in on the act.
The LAND felt obliged to do a hit piece on IVM after a prominent NSW beef producer said he was “confident the ivermectin he was taking would keep him from contracting coronavirus.”
“. . . If I happen to become infected, I’m confident ivermectin will greatly speed my recovery. I am no longer afraid, because I can purchase ivermectin at the local livestock supply store.”
IN the wake of a Sydney COVID-19 patient ending up in hospital after overdosing on ivermectin this week, fears are increasing about people seeking to source the chemical from the livestock industry.
The possibility farmers may be instructed to ‘lock up’ their supplies has been discussed.
Indeed, in the United States, many rural stores are now demanding proof of animal ownership for purchase of products containing ivermectin. Australia may be headed down a similar track.
You have to show them a photo of you kissing your horse or some such before they will sell you the IVM.
The Australian CMO Paul Kelly lied through his teeth and issued a warning to the public not to take the substance.
“The reality is many trials that have been done into ivermectin and not a single one of them have shown[sic] to be effective,” he said.
They go on to quote the demise of the defective Egyptian study as if it were the only source of public confidence in IVM as a COVID prophylactic and treatment.
CMO Paul Kelly wallows at the deepest end of the medical swamp with the other swine.
See 30.1.1 re availability
I have been waiting for this to happen.
When I attempted to purchase Ivermectin based “pour-on” cattle drench a few months ago, the assistant at the Ag store said he didnt have it &, in any case, the parasites become resistant, & I should try another chemical!
Needless to say, I went to another store & purchased the Ivermectin based product – for two reasons – 1) it is a great product for eliminating the grass mite/scabies that cattle get in the winter months and 2) out of sheer indignation that I should be lied to – even for cattle medication!!!
I have just been looking at the photo of the “gun shot” victims. Besides they being over dressed, they look mighty casual for gun shot victims….
That photo was also false. It was taken outside a church in a nearby US state where the pastor had opened up his facility for vaccination.
The a Washington Free Beacon
You would have thunk all his guests were vaccinated.
Maybe they were, and that’s the problem.
Rutgers student says he’s being stopped from taking virtual classes because he’s not vaccinated
For this school year, as a senior, the psychology major decided to sign up for all virtual classes.
He hasn’t taken, and doesn’t want, the COVID vaccine.
“I’m not in an at-risk age group. I’m healthy and I work out. I don’t find COVID to be scary,” said Hollar, 22. “If someone wants to be vaccinated, that’s fine with me, but I don’t think they should be pushed.”
Last spring, Rutgers was the first university in the country to mandate vaccines for students at all of its campuses, but it didn’t require them for students in fully remote online degree programs or online-only continuing education programs.
Even though Hollar has all virtual classes, he’s not part of the online programs that don’t have a vaccine requirement.
“When they put out the guidance in March, I was reading through all the verbiage, which was if you plan to return to campus, you need to be vaccinated,” Hollar said. “I figured I wouldn’t be part of that because all my classes were remote.”
Hollar said he checked his Rutgers email without issue in the beginning of August and he successfully switched out of a class on Aug. 6.
Then he completed a required survey about the coronavirus vaccine. He checked a box that said the vaccine mandate didn’t apply to him, “which I believed to be the case,” he said, because he would be learning from home.
“After submitting the survey, I got no pop-up indication that I still needed the vaccine — like I had seen in the past — and since I was online and the survey said I was all set, I assumed the emails in my inbox pertaining to (the vaccine) must apply to in-person students,” Hollar said.
“This turned out not to be the case,” he said.
On Aug. 27, he said, he went online to pay his tuition but he was locked out of his Rutgers email and related accounts.
He said he called the university’s vaccine hotline, and a representative said he had to be vaccinated even if his classes were all remote.
From that time, Hollar said, he made multiple attempts to get answers about why he has to get the vaccine if he’s not on campus.
One representative said Hollar could request an exemption, so he did. If accepted, it could take two to four weeks before he was reinstated, he said he was told. That would mean he’d miss three weeks of classes, or more.
Whaddya think team?
I think it’s a conundrum with no good solutions, given aerosol transmission, and apparent virulence of infectiousness, especially of the Delta Variant.
Take Florida – rather smaller population than Australia, but 10,100 new cases per day, compared to 1480 in Oz, and deaths per million of 2,187, compared to just 41 in Oz.
These are big differences, so it depends on how governments and medical authorities (and the public) balance the economic & social cost of lockdowns and other restrictions, versus trying to keep some sort of control over the pandemic.
The other dilemma is the difference between “learning to live with Covid-19” versus opening up (or having “lockdown light”), and one case becomes 100, which becomes 1000, and so on – as happened in Sydney. The serious case / death rates aren’t high, but it can be a serious disease, and health facilities can become overwhelmed.
I don’t have any solutions to this – just pointing out that lockdowns, border closures, and serious quarantine are not welcomed by anyone – including elected and professional leaders. It’s not a freedom issue – it’s a public health one.
Anyway – they’re banking on the effectiveness of 80% vaccination – let’s hope their bet is on the right horse. I’m not a fan of blanket, governmental, vaccination passports and apartheid, but I expect politicians (who do face elections regularly) are betting that it is the least worst option in a pretty poor field.
I certainly don’t support the vilification of the unvaccinated – and I’m getting a bit tired of premiers and health ministers harping on this point day after day – that the double-vaccinated will enjoy much more freedom. They sound like they’re running out of options. And lockdowns will (have) become intolerable for those whose income depends on an open economy.
Population is 21 M. How many people do think live in Aus?
Daily deaths have dropped to about 50, recently, for some unknown reason. Peaked at 283 last month. Almost 1000 000 active cases, so pretty small daily deaths.
We had zero community transmission a few months ago and its at 30 000, even though locked down. Daily deaths are 5-8 a day but will be higher than Florida had between April and July this year, soon (40-50).
We have 60 new cases per 1000 active cases. They have 20 daily new cases per 1000 active cases. We just kept the virus out of the country and hard lockdowns stopped the spread early. Now, even what we are doing seems lees effective than what Florida are doing. Doesn’t seem right but them is the stats.
Population is 21 M. How many people do think live in Aus?
Florida has 21 million, Australia has 25.8 million – that is a big difference, when you consider the comparative figures. Florida has 50+ times more deaths, because their lunatic governor is trying the Trump-populist route to become president in 2024 (heaven help us).
Take Florida – comparable population to Australia.
Florida has 85% of the deaths per 1 M as New York. Is that for the same reason?
Belarus has only 411 deaths per 1 M, less than half of Oregon. Must be because it has a socialist government?
The reason is well known – vaccinations. Florida currently has 53% fully vaccinated and 66% at least one jab.
That is not near enough yet to the >80% required for herd immunity with delta but is certainly reducing death rate. They will get though as the number with natural immunity builds up from the unvaccinated who survive the virus. Surviving the virus is just as effective in building immunity as getting vaccinated but at about 10X the risk of death getting there.
Australia has not been able to push back delta with curfews so it is much more infectious than alpha.
USA States like Vermont that have higher vaccination rate are closer to herd immunity:
Washington is one of the large states that has got a more reasonable balance between vaccinations and mobility:
They are levelling out post vaccination but still not at the >80% with antibodies needed for herd immunity with normal mobility.
Many seem to envision Israel as the vax goal. Some 86% vaxxed.
But have a look at the reality: 5 Times as many cases are vaxxed compared to unvaxxed.
Five sixths (86.6%) vaccinated says that for every unvaxed there are five vaxed which turns the benefit of vaccination quite on its head seeming to imply there’s twenty-five times the chance of being infected when vaxed.
Don’t show this to the prime minister or he’ll up the threshold to ninety-five percent and give us three hundred and sixty-one times the chance of being infected when vaxed (supposing there’s an inverse square rule in play here and we’ve moved from 5 to 19).
I wonder what the paradox will be when we start vaccinating against Marburg.
Woman Dies from CJD (Prions in Brain) 3 months after COVID Vax
Cheryl Cohen, a healthy 64-year-old woman from Florida, died three months after her second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to Chery’s daughter, Gianni Cohen, her mother suddenly developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) — a rare, degenerative and fatal brain disorder — soon after she was vaccinated.
Gianni said her mother received the first dose of Pfizer on April 5, and her second dose on April 25.
On May 6, Cheryl experienced her first episode indicating “something was neurologically wrong,” Gianni explained. “She had extreme brain fog and confusion. She couldn’t remember where she was driving, and got really scared.”
On May 31, Cheryl called 911 because she was experiencing a severe headache. She was taken to Nordstrom Medical Center in Homestead, Florida, where she was hospitalized for 10 days.
Gianni said:
“She got taken to this hospital and I don’t know what they considered it, but they kept her for 10 days and released her home. She was in a very very bad state. She said, ‘Hey, I don’t know where I am.’
“My mother had mass confusion and brain fog. She could not do simple things and something wasn’t right. We had to have round-the-clock care with friends and families, thinking this was something that needed to be detoxed from her system.”
Gianni, who at the time did not know Cheryl had been vaccinated, said her mother’s condition grew progressively worse.
“She went from being able to work and do normal everyday activities to being able to do only basic things,” Gianni said. “Before she was vaccinated, she had her own apartment and worked every day as a sales representative. She cooked, cleaned and was in a great place in life.”
Around June 19, Cheryl experienced another severe headache, which became so bad she felt her head was going to explode, so she went to the emergency room and was admitted to the hospital, her daughter explained.
“A few days later, I visited her in the hospital and I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Gianni said. “She couldn’t walk, spoke in broken sentences, wasn’t making much sense, had uncontrollable body movements, was trembling and unable to be still.”
The daily regression was rapid. “It was mind-blowing, confusing and truly heartbreaking. Watching her brain have no control was hard,” Gianni said.
At first doctors couldn’t find anything medically wrong with Cheryl other than a slightly elevated white blood cell count, Gianni said. But then MRI imaging of the brain showed evidence of prion disease, prompting doctors to immediately perform a lumbar puncture — which ruled out acute infection, tuberculosis, syphilis, multiple sclerosis and other diseases.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prion diseases are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and animals. Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.
On July 12, a second lumbar puncture came back positive for CJD — a prion disease. Cheryl’s tau protein value was 38,979 pg/ml, while the spectrum for CJD positive patients is 0 – 1,149.
The thing is, where did she acquire the CJD from, did anyone note the UQ Oxford covid vax contained remnants of HIV virus, enough to give you a positive HIV test result, then it was quietly let slip out of sight.
It’s getting to be quite the nightmare.
We were warned of the possibility of prion disease and here it is and we were warned of likely ADE and yesterday’s war room video spoke of indications it had arrived also.
There’s gotta be steak knives on the way…
Where’s the outcry regarding so many patients presenting with lead poisoning (i.e. gunshot wounds)?
This seems to be a more important public health issue than Ivermectin overdoses
Bit of a law and order fail there.
Probably a statistic borrowed from Chicago?
In defence of the doctor, he was miss quoted. While still unnecessarily alarmist, he just made a point about the hospitals being overcrowded and don’t need extra cases from ovedosed patients.
The numbers, though are small compared to paracetamol, which leads to “56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and 458 deaths due to acute liver failure per year.” in the US.
Interesting how Simon (from the ABC) would be someone who is pro injecting rooms, delegalisation of drugs etc, in order to reduce overdoses, yet he can’t see the point of allowing people to get human treatments under supervision.
New South Wales, Australia, Premier Promises Freedom Once 70% Double-Vaxxed Status Achieved – However, Non Vaxxed Will Remain Locked-Down
New South Wales, Australia – Premier Gladys Berejiklian has announced that once the state achieves 70% double-vaccinated status, citizens within the region will be given some freedom from the lock-down situation. The details of the freedom will be announced later; however, only vaccinated people will be permitted to participate.
So she and Daniel Andrews are on the same page after all. How revealing. I suppose PM Morrison has nothing to say, presumably because secretly he agrees with them in spite of what he has stated over the past few months about our “freedoms”. I’m waiting for some lawyer to cut through the chase and deal with all this nonsense in the courts to test once and for all do we have constitutional rights or not? If we don’t then fine, at least we will know that we live in a dictatorship of sorts, heading to something like Naz1 Germany. If we have such rights then some of the people at least who are leading this charge to such a regime change ought to end up in prison. It’s time to clear up where we stand as a nation. Which is it?
Oh good grief … your constant assertion that this is a subjugation of the sheep is getting really, really tiresome.
It is a public health emergency for which there are no really good solutions. Governments are trying to do the best they can – they have to – all those politicians face elections quite soon. It’s not about taking away your freedoms, nor are they going to stamp us all with the “mark of the beast”. Perhaps it’s time to renew the tinfoil in your hat.
“It is a public health emergency for which there are no really good solutions.“
Except that there are, they are just being blocked by whatever bizarre/evil agenda is behind all this.
Many countries have used IVM and had a lot of success in combating CV19.
… but our governments refuse to even let people try it, despite it being proven totally safe by some 3.6 billion doses in wide areas of the world.
Something very sick and twisted is going on. !
To those people who have taken two jabs, and will need another every few months….
Remember, you have zero idea what the long term effects will be.
I wish you all the best.. try not to be too scared…
Or just try not to think about it at all… just block out the thought completely.
Quote from the link:
“Several weeks ago, I would have dismissed opinion that Australia and New Zealand were some sort of testing ground for the ability of a government to control the activity of the population. However, as I have watched the two nations conduct their COVID mitigation efforts; and contrast their claims against the reality of what is happening on the remaining parts of planet earth; I can no longer dismiss that theory…. in fact, I am becoming increasingly convinced that is exactly what is going on.”
For those who have a long memory span that conclusions is obvious. The trouble of course is most people’s memories are very short, at least that’s what I think. Soon we will find out if that’s the case. If these and up and coming draconian measures do come into play then it will be a big test of people’s stance on all this. So far it appears people in general love to be subjugated. I’ll reserve final judgement until the vaccine passports are issued and enforced. It all comes down to how the people and small businesses will react. We already know that big business are in it together with the draconian political agenda.
You can’t give up the subjugation agenda, can you? Go see 44.1.1 again.
Why is it that some people are totally accepting of government controlling every facet of their lives ?
Peter. Subjugation.
I grew up in a society which set a very high value on personal freedom. Only one generation later I began to see the concern about freedom becoming not so much that I be free as that nobody else be more free than I can be bothered to be.
Only people who have experienced subjugation or the severe threat of subjugation have any idea what it is like.
And what’s Gladys going to do when the vaccinated start catching covid, just as in Israel?
“It’s a legendary fail in journalism.”
But a great success in propaganda, now the single aim of most “journalism.”
So many people only skim these publications for the headlines and maybe a para or two.
And the message in the headline is what stays with them – stay away from that horse stuff.
A retraction three days later on page 5 has absolutely no counter-effect to the initial message.
Here is proof that getting vaxxed has absolutely NOTHING to do with the virus or with health:
A student at Rutgers University was banned from taking online virtual classes because he’s unvaccinated, despite the fact that he was willing to stay off campus completely.
Yes, really.
Yes we saw that posted by someone else in the previous thread. I made the comment, “Well that proves it’s not about the virus but is about politics and power.”
I now say it’s all about subjugation – it sounds better and is actually more pertinent.
No – it’s all about trying to keep on top of a public health emergency, in a context where those making decisions face the people in elections regularly.
Your paranoia about subjugation is fairly laughable. You clearly don’t believe there is a democratic process – but that is normal for those who believe that everyone who doesn’t hold their fringe views is a sheep. Par for this course.
So, working from home can spread infection, if on-line.
Just like CAGW is not about the climate but a concerted effort to undermine the West, started off at the Lima Declaration in 1973.
Again it’s all about subjugation. Has been from the start.
There are obvious some people that actually feel that they need that subjugation, just to get through life.
They activity want/need someone else to control everything they think and do.
I see Yvette D’Arth was made to look the dill she is, complained that Peter Dutton had not replied to her text, she flashed her phone at a presser, see here is the text I sent and no reply, sharp-eyed reporter (is there still such a thing), sees the number and says ‘that is not Duttons number’, oh shit.
When you have “Healt Ministers” named Hazzard and De’Ath, what do people expect?
Jo said, “Talk to your GP. Give them information … ”
I have tried, with no success. Two GPs so far and neither even wanted to talk about it. I can’t think why:
The ABC: Regulator warns Australians against using anti-parasitic medication Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. There’s no evidence to support the use of ivermectin to treat Covid-19, Professor Gunja told Western Sydney Health’s news website
C9 News: The TGA strongly discourages self-medication and self-dosing with Ivermectin for COVID-19 as it may be dangerous to your health.
The Guardian: There’s no evidence to support the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19.
New Daily: Some fringe medical identities have pointed to it … but official medical bodies have ruled out using it and warned it could have damaging side effects.
I did read somewhere that a doctor was interviewed about this and she stated she is not allowed to give professional advice that goes against the official mantra that Ivermectin is not to be recommended, and that if she did she would lose her job. So much for even discussing it. This is even more serious than the other scam in play, namely CAGW. Officialdom are certainly desperate to subjugate us. Whether they succeed or not only time will tell. It shouldn’t be too long though.
Email the CDD and ask them to recommend a GP near you:
You could phone the CDD if you want a faster response:
Or even ask your GP to advise a GP who will write the prescription for the Borody cocktail if they are not prepared to. That will at least get them thinking.
“Official medical bodies have ruled out using it and warned it could have damaging side effects.”
Damaging side effects to their practice and therefore income stream.
I am wondering where the investigative journos are ?
I mean – where did this story come from?
Who put it into the head of the reporter to start off with?
Putting aside the non-investigative or lying nature of the journalist who penned the article
What is the back story?
Is there a paid for disinformation campaign or is it just ‘we know what’s best for the unwashed’ type of zealotry?
Is it a double level fraud where the journo wanted to undermine the anti-IVM’s?
fascinating that these seeimg obvious questions (to me) remain unanswered (that I have seen thus far)
“I am wondering where the investigative journos are ?
Whaat ? Teenagers with a google account who copy and paste, that’s how it works nowadays.
Self-declared “Opinion shapers”?
Those “fearless investigative” churnalists?
They are a myth, a total chimera.
Ethics? How about: “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story”.
Along the lines of: “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend”, from director John Ford’s Western “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”.
Life imitates art imitating life!
Covid Vax champion Dr John Campbell is running a survey on “Should Covid vaccines be made mandatory?”. Please make his day more miserable by voting against mandates.
Currently 46k votes counted and 73% voted against making it mandatory.
Woke, got to have a Google account to vote. Won’t stoop that low. ToM
Me too.
I understand. 50K voted now and still 73% against so holding strong. Based on the comments many of the vaxxed are clearly uncomfortable with it being mandatory.
I see what you mean. I’ve had gmail since mid 2005 but never logged into youtube; when I clicked a choice after following the link a popup arose soliciting me to CREATE CHANNEL and agree to youtube Terms of Service, an offer I declined.
He’s not too sound, John Campbell, eh, working within Alphabet’s environment; how much of Pfizer does it own again? And the rest is Vanguard?
where did this story come from?
Who put it into the head of the reporter to start off with?
That’s what is increasingly concerning me. I find it hard to believe that it is simply a matter of the journo’s personal views. It has to get past editorial scrutiny. Or is this where the ideas come from?
For over 30 years I have had letters published on a regular basis (often “head” letters) in The Australian. Although I have tried to be as relatively uncontroversial as I can be, my recent letters dissenting from vaccination policy have been consistently rejected.
My comments on the Australian blog used to attract huge nos of likes. I used to concentrate on climate change and covid issues. In both cases I had always had around 30% rejections but some months back it suddenly escalated and around 90% were rejected. I gave up.
I moved to LinkedIn, and started to notice comments being removed. This escalated and suddenly I was removed altogether. The price of a return included sending a copy of my passport or drivers licence. No thank you.
Seems that I was “over the target” too often.
In the LinkedIn case I used to usually include peer reviewed papers in my comments. But obviously peer reviewed science is too much for some.
In the Ivermectin case its criminal, as the stuff works amazingly, and many dying here would be living if our bureaucrats actually looked at the successful use and studies on it. But they must shut down any and ever alternative to the vaxxes – even where there is no long term safety data. I mean, safety is so passe….
Our newspapers magazines and Big Tech have become propaganda arms for the govt – good luck with that working out well.
In the Ivermectin case its criminal, as the stuff works amazingly, and many dying here would be living if our bureaucrats actually looked at the successful use and studies on it.
This is REALLY what upsets me – that we have had deaths from both the vaccines, & preventable deaths if Ivermectin was prescribed to the vulnerable as a prophylactic. I mean – if doses were prescribed as developed by the FLCC protocol, what is the risk? If the Ivermectin fails in the early stages – OK, use your dexamethosone & ventilators if required.
It is not if ANYTHING is prescribed by these medical geniuses after initial “positive” tests. Nothing. Zilch. Not even vitamins! Or even Betadine gargles by the positive case & members of his/her household to try to eliminate early viral load.
“Our newspapers magazines and Big Tech have become propaganda arms for the govt – good luck with that working out well”
I think its the other way around, it should be “Government has become a propaganda arm of big tech”
More the “enforcement arm” of the “concerned” class.
You may have noticed the increasingly shrill note from the actors of this Dread Covid Theatre.
You,their audience,are not buying in fast enough,for they are running out of time.
If there is malice at play,the poisoners have a very short window,before their gullible lackeys start dying like flies,so the longer we refuse or just procrastinate,the fewer minions remain to force us.
Otherwise incompetence rules the day.
Good old fashioned stupidity.
For where do the lazy,stupid and incapable congregate in our work force?
Where they belong to unions who protect them and insist they must only be held to the “highest” of standards?
You Know..I call it Good Enough for Government..
The very people who have failed at everything they claim to aspire to.
Cannot stay on budget.
Cannot account for money.
cannot show any useful results from years of their “work”.
Cannot stop invasive plants or animals.
Cannot stop smuggling of drugs or firearms.
But they will stop a virus.
If you buy that,well you will believe every other lie they tell you.
Such as “We are from the Government,we are here to help you”..
With help like this,you need no enemies.
These people insist they must help us,that our refusal of their kind of help is criminal behaviour,because they are ,the collective of defectives,so much smarter than all individuals.
Thus our refusal of their help,cannot be accepted,for they “know better” and must subdue us for our own good.
I cannot belabour this point too much.
A bureaucracy,staffed by plodding minions,who went to work inside the government voluntarily..are collectively smarter than all the private citizens everywhere.
Now think of each and every government employee you personally know…
Delusions of adequacy much?
Darwin lives.
You could add to that fire ants, cane toads, etc etc.
Venezuela is way ahead of us….
Walking around naked or near naked in the tropical sun for thousands of years people would receive to much vitamin D and your tan would slowly see your turn black to stop over dosing.
Modern world has seen these people not only wear clothes but moved to places with little sun. Thus people of colour do not get enough vit D so are more susceptible to the Wu Flu.
I think greater protection from sunburn and melanoma play an evolutionary part as well. Mind you, early humans (~150,000 years ago) might have been pretty dark brown or black to begin with.
But I have thought the same thing – with African-Americans living in Chicago or Canada or even Sweden … how well do they cope (relatively) with extreme cold and far less good sun?
Whether certain ignorant people, including medical professionals, think Ivermectin is useful or not, could someone please explain what the downside would be of treating a person who is sick or seriously sick with covid with this drug if the patient/family is agreeable or demands it?
The family will not be involved. Someone who is seriously sick will have family call an ambulance and the patient will be taken off to hospital. The only involvement of the family after that is to take phone calls from nurses treating the person. They will not be permitted into the Covid ward because they are unlikely to be trained in the PPE requirements and have them available. Family will not be able to visit the patient.
If you want to try Ivermectin rather than take the free vaccine then you need to get that sorted before becoming seriously ill. Once seriously ill, it is no longer in your hands.
I have appointed my middle son, physician, my medical power of attorney. But that only comes into play if I am unable to make my own decisions. Usually it gets down to enabling pulling the plug on life support and he knows my requirement on that matter.
RickWill, that doesn’t really answer the fundamental question. Disregarding the family’s wishes, why won’t the “doctors” at least try a therapy which at worst is harmless given that there are no or few other useful therapies?
I know for a fact that in the early stage of Covid in Australia, older physicians steered clear of Covid cases. It was a good time for younger physicians to move up the ranks. Older physicians may be prepared to prescribe off label but younger ones would do it the risk of their career. Younger physicians would normally refer the case to a senior consultant and they tend to follow agreed protocols as well.
We expect hospitals to have good quality systems. That means having guidelines/procedures for every aspect of the care provided, including prescribing. Hospitals are not going to experiment unless it is an organised trial that people sign up for.
About 90% of the people going into hospitals with Covid in Australia get out alive. It is not a fair success rate; similar to USA and better than the UK.
If you want to prescribe in a hospital, you should spend the 10+ years it takes to get the qualification after entering a university.
RickWill, I do hope you have left strict instructions that only WHO treatments are used on you. No off-label or “unconventional” treatments to be used. Obviously, this would rule out the published HCQ and IVM protocols, or anything else that’s innovative. Group-think compatible therapies only.
Well for one, IVM, HCQ etc are best used as early treatment, once someone is seriously sick it’s probably too late. But right, why cant a doctor give it in the early stages? Especially since it cant harm you anyway.
HCQ needs to be used early, but IVM can be used anytime but obviously earlier rather than later, both in accordance with appropriate protocols.
If Trump never praised HCQ would there be a different attitude to ALL treatments?
Of course I’m aware that the money end of town is agin them for other reasons but would the great unwashed have been as sheepish?
“Wuhan Flu: Delta Variant And The Fourth Wave”
“Someone, please explain India to me.”
Graph there for your inspection
So…how’d that petition for Ivermectin go I wonder…
Some more ammo:
Ivermectin treatment for Covid is now supported by 113 studies, 73 of which have been peer reviewed. This includes 63 controlled trials with a total of 26,398 patients, and 31 Randomized Controlled Trials. Here is a direct link to 51 of them -P2X4
I can’t wait for a new political party here in the former greatest country on Earth.
Maybe we can call it the PPA -Peoples Party of Australia, shamelessly tweaked from the Canadian PPC. I might send that to Craig Kelly. It can’t come soon enough.
Maybe we can entice our own Jo to run for office
India has been severely impacted by Covid. The Delta variant evolved there and had a devastating impact on the population. Excess deaths during the Covid wave s estimated at 5M:
That means something like 35% of the population have acquired natural immunity. Add to that the 37% who have been vaccinated:
Now combine that with mobility still 20% down on normal they are slowly achieving herd immunity:
All three factors need to be considered. The number with natural immunity, the number vaccinated and the degree of immunity. It is not rocket science just the combination.
It takes >80% of the population to have anti-bodies to achieve an infection rate BELOW 1 with normal mobility.
This natural immunity is very clever.
It is strong in the Indian States that use ivermectin,
and weak in the States that rely on vaccination.
I’ll just leave this here for Rick to ponder over.
Malta has the highest double-vaxxed population on the planet (81% – Sept 7th), India on the other hand has only 12% double-vaxxed, yet according to current figures (Sept 7th), Malta has higher Covid cases per 1M of population than India and Australia;
India: 29.31 per 1M
Australia: 62.18 per 1M
Malta: 106.05 per 1M
Percentage people vaccinated
Daily new confirmed cases per million people
There are many links here to COVID-19 Preventions and Treatments
This is one example
‘Millions of doses’: Pfizer approached Australia first for vaccine deal
Documents obtained under freedom-of-information laws show the Health Minister did not take up Pfizer’s invitation for a first meeting.
By Rachel Clun
News just in (SMH) & also in The Australian.
Its just a personal “feeling” I have – I’ve always felt that Greg Hunt was not comfortable with the vaccine hype. His advice to Dr. Mark Hobart re it was “OK” to presribe Ivermectin was an indication….but there have been other indications eg his advance order of the conventional vaccine Novavax (now not looking good) & his recent advance order of anti-virals under development by Pfizer(not sure about Merck & Roche).
The handling of this epic *demic has so far been based on an unique, group-think, tunnel-vision approach: A one size fits all vaxxine, the discredited PCR test to trigger and manage lockdowns and the wholesale refusal to even consider proven, cheap, effective and safe alternatives. Do the results we’re all suffering as a result of this approach corellate with scientific good practice?
Go Gleeso, !
Immunisation medical exemptions for family assistance payments.
‘The only reasons you might be able to get an exemption from having a vaccine are if you:
– had anaphylaxis after a previous dose of a vaccine
– had anaphylaxis after a dose of any component of a vaccine
– are significantly immunocompromised—for live vaccines only
– have natural immunity—for hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox only.’
‘You won’t be able to get an exemption if your reason for not having a vaccine isn’t valid.
These aren’t valid reasons:
– any family history of adverse events following immunisation
– history of convulsions
– previous infection with the same pathogen
– neurological conditions’
If a child has had a seizure from a vaccine they want them vaccinated again. If a child has siblings who have been seriously harmed by vaccines they still want them vaccinated. If a child has brain injury/infection/inflammation they don’t care if their brains are harmed more. They want them injected anyway. No doubt there are those in government who would love to see this for the wuflu shot – except for the natural immunity exemption.
Robert Barnes has posted (on as youtube bans vax criticism)
outlining USA based religious exemptions to vax mandates
the vaccines have all had aborted fetal cell lines used during the development of vaccines (see ‘Liberty Counsel”s legal statement to (begins) “Unlawful Attempt to Suppress Religious Exemptions and Accommodations from State’s Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
Dear Governor Inslee, Attorney General Ferguson, and Secretaries:”
where they have 1st Amendment protections against vaccine mandates
from the claim…
“The State of Washington cannot itself deny (nor induce private employers to deny) religious exemption requests, on the basis that an employee has taken other vaccines or medication in the past. It is now common knowledge and incontrovertible that all three of the currently available COVID-19 vaccines are produced by, derived from, manufactured with, tested on, developed with, or otherwise connected to aborted fetal cell lines. There is no question about the accuracy of this determination. The North Dakota Department of Health, in its literature for those considering one of the three, currently available COVID-19 vaccines, notes the following: “[t]he non- replicating viral vector vaccine produced by Johnson & Johnson did require the use of fetal cell cultures, specifically PER.C6, in order to produce and manufacture the vaccine.” See North Dakota Health, COVID-19 Vaccines & Fetal Cell Lines (Apr. 20, 2021), available at 19_Vaccine_Fetal_Cell_Handout.pdf (bold added).
The Louisiana Department of Health likewise confirms that the Johnson & Johnson COVID- 19 vaccine, which used PER.C6 fetal cell line, “is a retinal cell line that was isolated from a terminated fetus in 1985.” Louisiana Department of Public Health, You Have Questions, We Have Answers: COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (Dec. 12, 2020), available at PHCH/Center-PH/immunizations/You_Have_Qs_COVID-19_Vaccine_FAQ.pdf (bold added).
The same is true of the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccines. The Louisiana Department of Health’s publications again confirm that aborted fetal cells lines were used in the “proof of concept” phase of the development of their COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Louisiana Department of Public Health, You Have Questions, We Have Answers: COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ (Dec. 12, 2020), available at PH/immunizations/You_Have_Qs_COVID-19_Vaccine_FAQ.pdf. The North Dakota Department of Health, in its handout literature on COVID-19 vaccines, notes: “[e]arly in the development of mRNA vaccine technology, fetal cells were used for ‘proof of concept’ (to demonstrate how a cell could take up mRNA and produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) or to characterize the SARS-CoV- 2 spike protein.” See North Dakota Health, COVID-19 Vaccines & Fetal Cell Lines (Apr. 20, 2021), available at 19_Vaccine_Fetal_Cell_Handout.pdf (last visited Aug. 10, 2021) (emphasis added).
Thus, the currently-available COVID shots are different than any vaccines an employee has taken in the past that were NOT derived using aborted fetal cells. While some people may hold sincere religious beliefs against taking ANY vaccines, many (indeed most) others only hold religious beliefs against accepting those vaccines derived from aborted fetal cell lines used in testing, development, or manufacturing. “
Does AstraZeneca use aborted foetal cell lines? I understood that it does.
A QANTAS pilot posted a UTUBE of his imminent sacking for refusing a vaccination. I started watching it but lost it. He said that he expected it to be taken down any time by UTUBE.
Did anyone save it?
I can see it here:
and here:
Very good talk.
Seems the chap would not be far off retirement.
You linked to it upthread and a couple of hours ago I posted a detailed comment there.
Principa Scientific has a beaut video today. A free lance journalist in England is interviewing an undertaker regarding his experience with Covid and his clients. Just as the American health service financially incentivised doctors and hospitals to report ‘covid deaths’ , the British system did the same. His take on the aged care deaths is grim.
Do you have a link?
I REALLY wish I could call BS on that, but I can’t.
Trumps Dr Vladimir Zelenco talks to Israeli politician’s and health minister about Vaccine
Here’s a very thoughtful (apolitical) article on the stuff that I have commented upon a fair bit – the balance between trying to control or manage the pandemic, but also return to some form of normal life, and the decisions politicians have to make about it.
Get ready for the next pandemic. But it makes covid seem like hay fever. This one’s truly nasty and deadly.
Marburg virus.
In Vicki’s QANTAS pilot’s video he refers to Doctor Tedros issuing a pandemic warning about Marburg; Tedros is the ideal person to manage the coming global carnage being no stranger to massacres. Here again is the link I posted upthread
Has Marburg been around for a while? I seem to have heard mention of it before.
Yes it has. In the West there was an outbreak in Berlin in 1967.
The Plandemic is coming along quite nicely, enforced by the leftists with vigor.
On the news I heard Vicdanistan’s “Health” Minister say that Vicdanistanis who are currently outside Vicdanistan will not be allowed to return unless they had evidence of having had the injection.
How can being injected be made a legal requirement?
I thought legality had been suspended in Victoria and we live under the despot’s diktat.
Sorry David Maddison I didn’t mean to trivialize your query.
Presumably the minister has received advice and not actually gone off on a frolic of his own or been leaned on by the premier and the first step should be to apply for clarification as to where this order is legally grounded.
If we’re lucky some barrister idly perusing this page will be able to provide a link.
Get ready for the next pandemic. But it makes covid seem like hay fever. This one’s truly nasty and deadly.
Marburg virus.
This could end up like the last reel of Stanley Kramer’s On The Beach with us lining up for cyanide capsules.
considering where that movie was set.
Thanks PeterS.
Such a powerful rant from Geoff Wood. More power to him. While this UTUBE remains, please send it to everyone you know.
For anyone who missed this brilliant rant.
Dr Malcolm Kendrick speaks. He has not been silenced.
A very thoughtful review of the Covid situation from a British perspective.
Notes :
He is not impressed by Ivermectin
Covid 19 is worse than flu
It probably escaped from that Wuham Lab
Re “covid is worse than flu” … My son has 6 friends sharing a house (Calgary Alberta, Canada).
One tested positive and so all got tested for covid (likely the Delta variant) results are 4 of 6 tested positive but all are symptom free and the other two tested negative despite the obvious exposure. These 4 are part of the “scary 4th wave” here in Alberta that has the media going bonkers yet again.
Some aspects of the 4th wave are real …. as Alberta opened right up & Delta arrived it seems obvious that the virus got through to the elderly / susceptible and they are dying and getting quite ill in significant numbers however the young and healthy are fine … somewhat like the first to 3rd waves of CV19.
I have yet to see the age breakdown for covid victims for the latest surge in deaths but overall Alberta averages 80 years old. The swine also won’t give us good numbers for vaccinated covid victims but I would bet that in the elderly group of victims the vaccination rate is high … in Alberta over 90% of the over 80s are vaccinated.
One last worse than flu thought … I’m sure I had covid in late march 2020 and it was a pretty mild flu like bug compared to the last flu I had in 2008 which really knocked me on my ass for 5 days.
Drugs, even when taken properly under prescription, cause 1.9 million hospitalizations per year and close to 900,000 patients experience serious drug reactions, according to a Harvard report. More alarming statistics: prescription drugs are a major health risk, ranking fourth (with stroke) as a leading cause of death; and new FDA-approved prescription drugs have a one-in-five chance of causing adverse reactions. But despite that, the FDA believes that it is supplements that are unsafe, and unleashes campaigns against them on behalf of Big Pharma.
But now there is a bigger peril to the supplements industry — a noxious international agenda that is potentially more threatening. Orchestrated internationally by Big Pharma through the U.N., the WHO, and the World Trade Organization, the agenda aims to enforce a set of global standards established in 1963 by a joint intergovernmental body called the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The stated purpose of Codex is to protect consumer health, protect fair food trade practices, and coordinate food standards worldwide. In 2005, Codex adopted global standards for vitamin and mineral food supplements, enabling the U.N., WHO, and WTO to place severe restrictions on natural forms of healthcare.
What we see is a blending of the national agenda, virtually set by Big Pharma via the FDA, with an international one, also set by Big Pharma. The ostensible purpose is to harmonize standards for food and medicine. But ultimately, the international standard is set to supersede domestic standards. So the protections won by supplement makers through DSHEA will be sidestepped. With American law harmonized with Codex, restrictions will be set on the maximum potency and availability of supplements and natural alternatives. The supplements industry — lacking power to influence at the international level — will be choked.
The FDA and its Big Pharma cohorts, who favor “harmonization” with Codex, have been working offshore, away from the glare of the American media, on international treaties and trade agreements that threatens to ultimately supplant DSHEA, enforce international standards, and gain complete control over supplements. These machinations will ensure that Codex will nullify DSHEA.
Member countries of the World Trade Organization, which uses Codex standards, are obliged to abide by its rules and standards or suffer penalties or trade sanctions. The FDA’s eagerness to comply, driven no doubt by Big Pharma, which has had its say in setting the international agenda, is particularly evident in an FDA statement in the Federal Register of October 11, 1995. It says the agency will develop standards that comply with Codex requirements, and “where a relevant international standard exists or completion is imminent, it will generally be used in preference to a domestic standard.”
COVID Propaganda Roundup: The Ivermectin War
The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
The Big Lie: ‘Ivermectin=Horse Paste’
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
-Alice in Wonderland
Corporate Media Propaganda:
A comment I saw elsewhere
“That horsepaste is given to horses worth millions. It is likely more pure than the human version”
Might be a good idea to allow the repurposing of known drugs to be patented.
To enable blackmail: You want your son to live? $5,000 thank you.
Just for fun.
Listed human medicines that can be given to a horse are…
Ibuprofen, Tylenol, aspirin, Benadryl, celecoxib, Chloroxylenol, and Ivermectin
And of course that liniment you use on your sprains…. same ingredients for horse and human.
Menthol 1.27%, Chloroxylenol 0.50%, Iodine 0.02%. Inactive ingredients: absinthium oil, acetone, blue 1, plant extracts of calendula, echinacea and wormwood; potassium iodide, thymol, water, yellow 6.
Anti inflammatories…. dexamethasone, prednisone etc
Brochial: albuterol and several others
Anti bacterials: penicillin, tetracycline, trimethoprim sulfa
The list could go on and on….
So, all those naysayers calling Ivemectin a “horse” medicine..
… you better swear off all substances with these chemicals in them.
Just for fun #2. Some of the comments on re Equimec may induce a wry smile..
Since this “vaccine” is meant to lessen severity of disease symptoms and not prevent infection, I’ll wait until the whole virus vaccine being developed by Valneva (VLA2001) finishes clinical trials and passes FDA clearance.
Just because Moderna and Pfizer have a cheaper version of a “vaccine” doesn’t mean it’s as effective as a whole virus TRUE vaccine.
“Just because Moderna and Pfizer have a cheaper version of a “vaccine” doesn’t mean it’s as effective as a whole virus TRUE vaccine.”
That is “the vaccine” you get when you have thoroughly woked the definition of “a vaccine” – seems to me anyway
“The Ronacoaster, Once You Get in the Vaccine Car You Ain’t Getting Off Until The Ride’s Over
September 8, 2021 | Sundance | 117 Comments”
Now we know why the Israeli strategy failed.
“What we’ve learned from [Israel], and what’s consistent with the modelling … is that even at 80 per cent, you need to have some public health measures in place to contain transmission,” said Professor Lewin, director of The Doherty Institute.
“Israel flung the door open at the time Delta hit, and once things take off and you’ve got very large numbers, it’s very hard to bring that under control.” (ABC)
Well, The Doherty Institute are not going to admit that the vaccinated are becoming infected & spreading the virus at the same rate as the few unvaccinated are they?
At first commentators claimed it was a new “epidemic of the unvaccinated”. When that proved obviously false because of the large number of vaccinated cases, they have turned to blaming open borders.
To really comprehend the reality of where we are now in Australia in terms of our democratic heritage – read this brilliant article just published in Quadrant Online :
Robert Heinlein wrote:
“Do not confuse “duty” with what other people expect of you; they are utterly different. Duty is a debt you owe to yourself to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily. Paying that debt can entail anything from years of patient work to instant willingness to die. Difficult it may be, but the reward is self-respect.
But there is no reward at all for doing what other people expect of you, and to do so is not merely difficult, but impossible. It is easier to deal with a footpad than it is with the leech who wants “just a few minutes of your time, please—this won’t take long.” Time is your total capital, and the minutes of your life are painfully few. If you allow yourself to fall into the vice of agreeing to such requests, they quickly snowball to the point where these parasites will use up 100 percent of your time—and squawk for more!
So learn to say No—and to be rude about it when necessary. Otherwise you will not have time to carry out your duty, or to do your own work, and certainly no time for love and happiness. The termites will nibble away your life and leave none of it for you.
(This rule does not mean that you must not do a favor for a friend, or even a stranger. But let the choice be yours. Don’t do it because it is “expected” of you.)”
He also wrote:
“Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.”
“Always keep beer in a cool, dark place.”
This Petition could use some exposure
Petition EN3196 – Alternate treatment options for Covid 19
I understand that the 3000 members of Service NSW have been exempted from mandatory vaccination, unlike the rest of NSW public servants.
Minister responsible is, I think, Victor Dominelli……………………
A new definition of mixed messaging…
Hi Jo, Your long running defence of Ivermectin is noted. I too was a believer. But recent solid well researched findings tell us that the original Australian Ivermectin paper got it wrong. There is now sufficient doubt about it’s efficacy for it to be discarded as an effective treatment for Covid 19. See for example:
I will be very disappointed if you continue to flog this dead horse.
Jim Hutchison
Forget it, Jim: It’s “Nature”…..
As they say in the classics.