Weekend Unthreaded

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213 comments to Weekend Unthreaded

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    So – the TGA has now banned the prescription of Ivermectin for all ‘off purpose’ usage of this anti-parasitic.


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      Maybe not if your “specialist” can see “other indications”.
      “Certain specialists including infectious disease physicians, dermatologists, gastroenterologists and hepatologists (liver disease specialists) will be permitted to prescribe ivermectin for other unapproved indications if they believe it is appropriate for a particular patient.”

      I will have a cup of neem tea and think about it. Then brush my teeth with neem toothpaste and wash my hands with some neem soap.

      Neem (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) Capsules for Prophylaxis of COVID-19 Infection: A Pilot, Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial



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      BS Buster

      And they wonder why so many people are turning to veterinary sources of this product!
      The more they blatantly try and stop the use of antivirals such as this, the more egg they will get on their face when they eventually have to retract. Even the health minister had previously come out saying it was OK for doctors to prescribe ivermectin off-label.
      In my case, after proper research and due diligence I have have had to secure my supply of IVM from a veterinary source as my good doctor, who is normally very open minded with regard to alternative treatments, was very surprisingly blunt about trying to shut down any discussion on, or suggestion of using IVM. It was noted that this medical practice was very much into administering the “JAB”, so one can assume he was only toeing the line, but he certainly suddenly lost a fair bit of my respect.
      Anyway, I would rather be a cow or a horse than a “guinea pig”! (Hey, this might be a good slogan for a tee shirt!)

      On the subject of the word “JAB”, I find it very strange how even in quite official communications, very senior politicians refer to getting the Covid “vaccine” as getting the “JAB”. This is a very informal word to be using for vaccination. (Check the dictionay, I did!) Is this a play with words so that they can’t be held accountable down the track, or are they just trying to be ever so cool and hip?


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      Because some people are under the mistaken belief that taking ivermectin means that they won’t need to vaccinate. We have drugs and vaccines that have proved to be effective. Unlike ivermectin, where the evidence is, at best, inconclusive.


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        The evidence is pretty conclusive that Ivermectin actually works and is totally safe

        Whereas the vaccines are possibly quite dangerous, have unknown long term effects, and while they work on the shorter term to alleviate the symptoms, they have an efficacy that drops off rapidly after 6 months, requiring the further injection of spike toxins at very regular intervals

        Also, vaccines also hide the symptoms, while allowing the vaccinee to carry a large load of CV19 thus ensuring the spread of the CV19 virus.

        And who knows what else the vaccines do to the immune system. !


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        Why do you always lie about proven facts ?


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        Experts weight evidence based on trial quality. The largest highest quality trials indicate that ivermectin is little better than a placebo. Why not use drugs and vaccines that actually work?


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    Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.

    Firstly, there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated. Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community. [This is merely a health education issue. It is saying, in effect, ‘We have suppressed the use of this medication and provided no guidance, so we consider its use can be unsafe.’ This is really an admission of failure on the part of the medical system. Is there evidence of the asserted public health risks actually occurring?]

    Secondly, the doses of ivermectin that are being advocated for use in unreliable social media posts and other sources for COVID-19 are significantly higher than those approved and found safe for scabies or parasite treatment. These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma. [The answer to this purported issue is to mainstream the treatment, not to suppress it. Another admission of failure.]

    Finally, there has been a 3-4-fold increased dispensing of ivermectin prescriptions in recent months, leading to national and local shortages for those who need the medicine for scabies and parasite infections. It is believed that this is due to recent prescribing and dispensing for unapproved uses, such as COVID-19. Such shortages can disproportionately impact vulnerable people, including those in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. [Somewhere between 2 to 4 thousand million doses used worldwide since discovery. A rare drug? Or another admission of failure of the pharmaceutical industry being unable to ramp up production by a few million doses with a year’s notice and a potentailly assured market.]
    Or, more disinformation.


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      Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.

      Even the idea is wrong. Ivermectin as prophylaxis seems to be able to reduce or even prevent symptoms and respective spreading.
      Taken as cure, you may have been tested positve, confirmed with a PCR test, than quarantine and following cure protocaol, and after the mandated number of days you are tested again, in case of negative test, leave the quarantine and get the “healed” certificate often asked for a “free” life.


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      nb, what a word salad of unspecific unverified undocumented generalities that mean nothing!



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      Brenda Spence

      Had a look at the National COVID-19 Clinical Network and this appears to be the oracle and fount of all knowledge.

      Their home page lists all the avenues with which they are concerned and it is extensive from definitions and treatment guidelines to evidence under review.

      On Ivermectin they say:( implying that nothing has been done!)

      “Do not use ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.”

      “Trials are needed in special populations, including children and adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, older people living with frailty and those receiving palliative care. Until further evidence is available, do not use ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in these populations unless they are eligible to be enrolled in trials.”

      “The Taskforce continues to conduct daily searches to identify relevant high-quality studies. As at 20 August 2021, the Taskforce has concluded that there remains significant uncertainty whether ivermectin is more effective and safer than standard care in treating patients with COVID-19.” (Even suggests the BIRD trial in the UK has problems!)

      The Taskforce looks forward to reviewing larger, rigorous trials of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 (e.g. the Oxford PRINCIPLE Trial).
      (This is there face saving get out if it turns out to be a success)
      What a crock!



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        Thank you Brenda for the link…..
        Interesting that the only reason that they say “Do not use ivermectin plus doxycycline for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.” is because they claim

        “Trials are needed in special populations, including children and adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, older people living with frailty and those receiving palliative care. Until further evidence is available, do not use ivermectin plus doxycycline to treat COVID-19 in these populations unless they are eligible to be enrolled in trials.”

        Ergo it is safe to use the treatment in all other classes of the population…..so why not just say that and allow doctors to prescribe for the rest of us !!!


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      All the above.


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    ‘other developed countries’
    Dr. Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association, supports its use.
    That aside, why are the experiences of people in other countries deemed no better than equine. Is that racist?


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    The U.S. CDC’s definition of “vaccine” would seem to apply to vitamin D in my opinion.

    “Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”


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    This battery fire issue is getting interesting:

    EV’s could get regulated out of existence, along the lines of nukes except this time with good reason. BTW parking outside is not an option for a lot of city dwellers who live in high rise apartments or people who work in big office buildings, where in both cases almost all available parking is inside. When you look at a city you do not see the untold thousands of parking spaces in the buildings, mostly underground in multiple layers.

    A battery fire there could be truly catastrophic. Anybody remember “Towering Inferno”?


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      William Astley


      This is a good article. It is surprising that this issue has been hidden and ignored.

      The EV battery fires burn so hot and for so long…. The heat from the battery fire that does not go out can cause the collapse of buildings and mass explosions of other vehicles in the garage. Cars must be parked in garages, some of which are in apartment buildings and attached to homes. An accident in a tunnel could result in a large loss of life.

      The problem will be the insurance companies will not ensure buildings for fire if EVs are to be parked in the building.

      A fire that cannot be put out and that burns very, very hot for days and produces toxic, carcinogenic gases will almost always cause massive amounts of physical and political damage each and every time it happens.

      From the article.

      “After a Volkswagen Golf (not an electric vehicle) caught fire in the underground car park in Eku-Platz, Germany, the city’s civil engineering department closed the car park for five months. Damages (all eventually paid for by insurance) amounted to 195,000 euros. As a condition for the reopening, however, the insurance company forbade the use of the underground garage by hybrid and electric vehicles.

      There were several reasons. Lithium batteries can only be cooled with extinguishing water and continue to burn for several days. The car park’s ceiling is not high enough to pull out burning vehicles with heavy equipment. This means that every other vehicle in the car park, as well as the entire building, remains at risk of a fire or explosion that could have disastrous results. Yet as the fire protection report admitted, nobody had even considered the magnitude of the fire risk from lithium-ion batteries prior to the Golf fire.

      The fire risk from electric vehicles is not just a German parking garage problem. Nearly a year ago the National Transportation Safety Board acknowledged that at least half of the nation’s fire departments are not equipped to put out battery-powered car (EV) fires. The NTSB too agreed that lithium-ion batteries burn with extraordinary ferocity; battery fires also release emissions of extremely toxic fluoride gas.

      Last November Reuters reported that worldwide acceptance of EVs, despite government mandates and subsidies, is being threatened by a global string of fires from overheated batteries. The article included a list of recalls by major auto manufacturers and what their investigations found.

      Hyundai recalled at least 74,000 Kona EVs, after 16 of them caught fire over a 2-year period, to upgrade their battery management systems. Of the first 23,000, Hyundai found 800 vehicles with battery defects requiring replacement of modules said the have a significant risk of an electrical short circuit.

      Ford Motor Co. recalled 20,500 European Kuga plug-in hybrid EVs and suspended sales. ….the root cause as a battery cell contamination in its supplier’s production process. The setback delayed the U.S. debut of the Escape SUV.

      BMW’s recall was limited to about 4,500 plug-in hybrid EVs, admitting that debris may have entered the battery cells during production, which could lead to short-circuiting and a “thermal event.” BMW also recallefficd 26,000 other plug-in hybrids over potential battery problems.”


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        In response to a petition filed pursuant to a class action lawsuit, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration recently probed potential defects in certain Tesla vehicles that could result in non-crash fires. The plaintiffs claim that Tesla limited the battery range of older vehicles via a software update to avoid a costly recall to fix alleged defective batteries.

        Capping the list is General Motors, which initially recalled nearly 70,000 Chevy Bolt EVs over fire risks, with the fix limiting battery charges (and thus mileage) to 90 percent capacity.

        Meanwhile, GM has recommended that Bolt owners park their vehicles outside and limit battery charges to 90 percent or lower, at least until replacement batteries are ready and service appointments are scheduled.

        The problem with this mandate is obvious. Those whose in-home EV charging stations are in their garages cannot exactly park their EVs outside and charge the vehicle at the same time. The same goes for EV chargers now located in underground garages. Moreover, the fixes typically reduce battery charging by at least 10 percent, further shortening the vehicle’s range.

        One supposes that some EV owners could just move their charging stations outside, but who leaves a vehicle out in winter cold or summer heat when they have a perfectly good garage? Yet who wants to risk burning down the house to avoid scraping the windshield or putting their tushes on a hot car seat?

        Earlier this year Value Penguin reported that auto insurance for EVs is on average about 23 percent more expensive than for an equivalent internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. This is despite the fact that the average EV is driven far fewer miles a year than ICE vehicles.


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        Sorry WA, accidental red while scrolling.


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      The batteries don’t do too good inside an alligator either:



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      In the small town of Dowerin in rural WA, the local hotel caught on fire. They had T shirts made with the Dowerin Inferno on them.


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      I would imagine plug in hybrids would have a similar problem with the added bonus of a petrol explosion as well,


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        …delete the “as well”.

        I believe plug in hybrids will be the norm. I looked on the Hyundai site and their version saves you $376 per year (average use). That’s not that enticing. People sneeze at that sort of money these days.


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          I have a hybrid, may save me a few $s/yr but I didn’t pay much extra for it in the first place.

          But they are also low maintenance, even the 12V battery is still original after 12 yrs because it doesn’t crank the engine. The gearbox is “sealed for life”, whatever that means, and aircon, power steering etc are electric so no belts or mechanical maintenance. It has a timing chain so no belt replacement every 100,000.

          Even cold start wear is reduced because the hybrid system supplies much of the torque while the ICE warms.


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            I have a MY20 Isuzu and it has electric steering. My 99 Falcon v8 had a timing chain. I find modern cars (diesel at least) to be rather low maintenance anyway.


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          Absent other numbers like purchase cost differences and depreciation, a savings claim is just marketing BS that you can expect to be as loaded as an alarmists climate model


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    Article below explains why predicting weather is so difficult beyond about 5 days.
    Now, imagine the model accuracy at more than 7,000 times that interval, which is what the climate astrologers would have one believe is so accurate that entire economies, populations, and governments must trust them implicitly.

    The Actual Reasons Meteorologists Get The Weather Wrong So Often



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      You can’t compare weather models with so called climate models. Bedode that, climate models are worse. 😀


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      Climate is the average of weather. I can’t tell you what an individual coin toss will be heads or tails, but I can tell you that, on average, 50% of the tosses will be heads.


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        Yes but these are not coins. Weather is a chaotic oscillator so it exhibits what are called “strange statistics”. This means the averages oscillate too and are intrinsically unpredictable for the same reason weather is, namely extreme sensitivity to initial conditions (the butterfly effect).

        Just as there are hot and cold days (for that date) there are hot and cold weeks, months, decades centuries and millennia. None are predictable. Same for precip.

        I used to lecture on this stuff. Running ensembles of models and/or runs does not decrease the unpredictability.


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        Thanks for confirming that climate prediction is totally random, Simon


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        Weather forecast is not so bad at all. They are better than climate “forecasts”, not even able to hindcast.


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        Coin toss and climate models, a nicee comparison 😀 Advantage coin toss 😀


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        Graeme No.3

        Don’t bet on it. It depends on the coins used.
        When i was at Uni they had a 17 year experiment with coin tossing (by unpaid first year students) and the result wasn’t 50% heads.


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          Most coins have different patterns of weighting on the two sides.

          This can be enough to bias the results over a large trial.


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        You coin toss: You forgot the rare but possible third possibility 😀
        Landing on the edge 😀


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        Over what period is the average of weather to get climate. For Townsville, the average monthly rainfall component of the weather is about 94mm, so anything more than that would be climate change. However, for the months around December to March, the average monthly rainfall is about 223mm, sometimes more. For the months April to November, the average monthly rainfall is about 30mm. So what is the rainfall component of the Townsville climate.


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          so anything more than that would be climate change.

          why do you misrepresent things like this? I prefer to think that your are genuinely mathematically challenged.


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          ‘ … the average monthly rainfall component of the weather is about 94mm, so anything more than that would be climate change.’

          Only if it showed a 30 year trend.


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    I haven’t seen this mentioned elsewhere


    It seems to imply that blogs like jo’s will no longer be able to function as she would be held responsible for peoples comments as well as the content.

    I know there are already some big restrictions so is this something new and chilling or merely a rehash of existing restrictions?


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      I know there are already some big restrictions so is this something new and chilling or merely a rehash of existing restrictions?

      No – it could be a big deal. As ever, it is trying to find the balance between free speech / free expression and the right of individuals not to be slandered / society not to be flooded with misinformation or racist hate speech, and so on.

      Section 230 in the US gives protection to Facebook, Twitter, and everyone else, by saying they are not liable for third-party comment – only their own content. They are seen as both publishers AND platforms.

      Section 230 also gives those platform owners the right to censor material they deem racist, hate-filled, obscene, or inciting violence etc, even if that content would otherwise be protected by the “free speech” clause of the First Amendment.

      Conservatives (in the post-Trump era) are claiming that the dual operation of Section 230 gives Social Media too much power to censor, and shape the national conversation.

      They point particularly at the censoring of discussion about the 2020 Election, but it also relates to other issues – such as the pandemic. Conservatives didn’t complain when Donald Trump had great success and open slather using these platforms, and by-passing mainstream media.

      It’s a double-edged sword. If Facebook (and all Facebook page owners) were legally responsible for every comment – as is now the case in Australia – then obviously many comment sections would close.

      It’s not feasible for the platforms to have thousands of moderators, and algorithms work poorly, so free speech would be diminished. This is the argument Social Media used to secure Second 230 initially.

      I don’t know where this is going, but if you write, “Politician X is a serial killer, sex trafficker, and is bribed by the Chinese” without any proof, and Jo allows the comment to stand, then as owner and publisher she seems to be liable, according to the High Court ruling.

      You would think that the weekend NewsCorp and Fairfax papers might have a bit to say about it.


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      Here is an interesting related story, about a business suing someone who gives you a bad review anonymously on Google.



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      I always considered that it was only a matter of time that the cancer of censorship will only keep spreading far and wide, and eventually hit here. It’s inevitable sadly.


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        dinn, rob

        PeterS: Truth is the long wave 5-29-21 The WIV website also lists international partnership with EcoHealth Alliance of USA; INSERM and Lyon P4 Laboratory of France; Biological Research Center, Defense Science and Technology Organization, Pakistan; International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, etc.
        Prominent on the list of more than 100 researchers of the WIV is Ashaq Ali, a researcher from University of Lahore, who is investigating “emerging viruses and other highly infectious pathogens”, as mentioned by him on a research website. WIH has also had close ties with the Galveston National Laboratory in the United States, the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie in France, and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. jointly authored by 15 researchers including Ralph S. Basic’s team at University of North Carolina; Xing-Yi Ge and Zhengli-Li Shi from Key Laboratory of “Special Pathogens and Biosafety, WIV”; and labs in Boston and Zurich. They showed that a lab-generated chimeric virus caused severe disease in  the lungs of humanized mice and that such mice cannot be protected with then existing therapeutic neutralizing antibodies developed against SARS-CoV. The authors also noted that “On the basis of these findings, scientific review panels may deem similar studies building chimeric viruses based on circulating strains too risky to pursue, as increased pathogenicity in mammalian models cannot be excluded. Together, these data and restrictions represent a crossroads of GOF research concerns; the potential to prepare for and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens.” They acknowledged grants from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and that the “Human airway epithelial cultures” were supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease of the NIH. Another article on SARS coronavirus published on 30 November 2017 in the journal PLOS Pathogens by Ben Hu and associates from WIV acknowledged funding from multiple sources including USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
        it is obvious that gain of function research on emerging pandemic threats i.e., corona and influenza viruses was done using humanized mice and human airway epithelial cultures, and deadly chimeric viruses were produced even before the BSL4 facility was set up. They have also acknowledged their collaborators and those who were funding them. Investigation into the US intelligence report that many (some) of WIV researchers became sick in autumn 2019 with symptoms consistent with Covid-19 should reveal the truth about the outbreak.  https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/news/wuhan-institute-virology-prime-suspect-sars2-pandemic


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        I always considered that it was only a matter of time that the cancer of censorship will only keep spreading far and wide, and eventually hit here.

        I think you need to examine the issue. If Social Media and blogs (including Jo) are liable for all content, then comment sections will be stopped, or extremely moderated.

        That isn’t a path to “free speech” in the “public square”.

        Unless of course you believe that Social Media and all blogs should have the right (no – the obligation) to publish everything, with no fear of being sued for libel. If that is the case then you would have open slather. Lots of very evil stuff would get out there.

        Personally I think everyone – absolutely everyone – who uses Social Media should use their real names, and include their real address in their profile for everyone to see. If people couldn’t hide behind anonymity, then all Social media, comments, and blogs, might become much more civil, and much less slanderous.

        Being anonymous is cowardly.


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          And yet lies and hate can always be countered with the truth and kindness. And it is the latter that is being censored…

          So the lies and hate spread better, but apparently you support that.

          We, on the other hand, are happy for people to speak their minds even if they are obviously wrong, as long as we can politely reply.


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      Open an American site?


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    Isn’t this the current logic?

    Remember to get vaccinated,

    or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against

    because you’re not vaccinated.

    Remember to get booster vaccinations because the vaccination doesn’t vaccinate very well and the vaccine and booster vaccinations may result in being infected with the virus being vaccinated against.


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      That pretty much sums it up right there. I don’t understand why so many vaccinated people are making such a fuss about unvaccinated people. Its almost like they feel regret about getting vaccinated and are upset by those who aren’t. Its weird.


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        another ian

        Don’t overlook the power of “egg on face”.

        Or (IIRC) as that Latin class phrasing had it

        “Tu es, you are, a clot”


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      I think you’ve got it, Lance!
      Should make total sense to any and every State Leader or bureaucrat …

      Just as an aside:
      if you want to sterilize the interior of a motor vehicle, from SARS-COV-2 heat the interior to 56° C and hold it for 30 mins.
      How do you attain such a temperature?
      Easy: Close all windows and park car in the sun, after ensuring all mammalian life forms have been removed from within before closing doors. ( I think it can be safely assumed that higher temperatures would be OK )


      The interior may not reach such elevated temperatures ( 😀 ) during winter, or on cloudy days.


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      Graeme No.3

      I’m not exactly an admirer of Clive Palmer but lately I am wondering why his advertisement saying “If vaccinated people can still carry the virus and give it to the unvaccinated, or the vaccinated can still get the virus from the unvaccinated, when will shutdowns end?”

      I may have paraphrased that I think but that is what he means. But it seems that practically none of our current politicians can see this (or want to see this?). I find myself more & more in agreement with PeterS about the need to change politicians regularly.


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    So, if you are unvaccinated you will be denied the same rights as the vaccinated. So who followed who, biden following OZ or Oz following Biden?


    Good job this isn’t blackmail or coercion -just friendly concerned advice. Incredible as it seems to me, it seems a popular idea. Why are the population in so many countries so eager to see themselves made prisoners?


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      Why are the population in so many countries so eager to see themselves made prisoners?

      It’s the reverse of that. The vast majority of the mainstream population see vaccination as the ticket to freedom after 18 long months, and it is the recalcitrant stubborn holdouts who are going to remain imprisoned.

      However I concede I’m a bit surprised to see how quickly President Biden, other national leaders, and Australian state premiers, have drawn a sharp distinction between the liberties for the washed and the unwashed.

      Nothing particularly subtle about it. One fly in the ointment is the WA Premier saying that even the vaccinated from NSW won’t be allowed into WA by Christmas. I appreciate he’s playing to the isolationist Zeitgeist in his state, but this statement is outside the narrative.


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        Injection Macht Frei


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        In all countries with high twojab %, they are starting to see increasing numbers of twojabs hospitalisations.

        The injuries seem consistent with a huge drop-off in vaccine efficacy, and an over-response to new virus loads.

        Or maybe its just the manifestation of the spike proteins that the twojabs have loaded themselves with.


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      M Allinson

      Keep us Safe!

      Shut us down and lock us up, the ovine bleat resounds,
      A sniffle-bug is on the prowl, please keep us safe in bounds.
      We are domesticated beasts, we cannot live with risk,
      Pass the lockdown laws and then into our sheepcote whisk.

      And do not let us out again until that bug be gone
      And savagely fine each goatish face which has no mask upon.
      We care not if economies crumble, our main priority
      Is protecting our most vulnerable – and most importantly me.


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    I think it is fair to say that we have rarely had so many articles about Australia and certainly not so many negative ones, as on the whole OZ gets a good press in the UK

    However I think we all look on in astonishment not only at the huge over reaction to so few cases, but the compliance of the people in enthusiastically becoming prisoners and with disbelief at the antics of the police

    This article goes into all this and also references what sounds a very interesting book chronicling how Australia has got to its current situation


    Has anyone read it?


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      Australians love their freedoms and want them back, but we are prepared to put in the hard yards for a few more months to have a pristine environment.

      As I mentioned previously, Oz was a convict colony up until the 1860s and this has had an impact on our thinking. I feel right at home in a country town and everyone is happy to play the game until Xmas.


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      However I think we all look on in astonishment not only at the huge over reaction to so few cases, but the compliance of the people in enthusiastically becoming prisoners and with disbelief at the antics of the police

      Criticism from the UK is pretty laughable – Australians just shrug it off, and our record on handling the pandemic has been hugely better than the bungled bumbling mess perpetrated by Johnson and his Tory mates.

      “Look at the Score Board! Look at the Score Board!”

      On every metric, the UK has been awful, and remains so. Over 50 times the death rate per capita as here for example.

      I think the police went over the top unnecessarily on that weekend – but such events are very isolated and rare, and of course are blown out of all proportion by the media of all stripes.

      It is a real stretch to say that under the pandemic Australia has descended from a wild bunch of freedom-loving sun-drenched larrikins to a cowering scared rabble, wrapping ourselves in governments and chains when just one case appears.

      Piffle and nonsense, and just reflects the fact that the writer is making Great Big Conclusions with a tiny set of facts, and a lot of misunderstanding. It’s a public health emergency, not an attack on freedom (except in the fevered imagination of certain conservatives).


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      Recognising early on the biggest story of all of our lives, Stapleton set out to record in graphic detail and with authenticity the developing catastrophe, from the toilet paper crisis at the start to the emerging apartheid regime for those who refuse the State Injectible.

      Stapleton records with palpable astonishment the now familiar litany of harms that have been done, not only to the body politic, but to our core values, indeed, to our very sense of our country. Our place. They include the impositions of lockdowns that do not work but cause harm beyond telling; the ‘wildly inaccurate’ modelling that predicted catastrophe and instead merely delivered fame and riches for those involved; the succession of non-medical interventions with no basis in science and without popular understanding that this is the case; the low information voter; the punitive policing; the absence of real leadership in the crisis; the incoherent messaging from the top; the disaster that is ‘National Cabinet’; magic money tree economics; the relentless announcables; the Covid cronyism; the entrenching of power by the political class.

      This all amounts to ‘a radical social experiment going against decades of epidemiological wisdom’. It has been, Stapleton suggests, ‘demonic’. Not just stupid and deranged, but evil. It has caused, as we now see in all our empty churches, ‘spiritual damage’. Earthly lives gone, and souls lost. A sad tale of deceit and compliance, of induced fear, isolation, economic deprivation, destroyed friendships and civil fracture. A creepy but unmistakable feel of the Biblical End Times, the streets empty. Astonishing submissiveness. A story of manufactured narratives, of a ‘disinformation feedback loop’ as Stapleton reports, his previous faith in the scepticism of his countrymen utterly destroyed. Societal dysfunction. Many ‘conspiracy theories’ across the internet have proved to be spot on.

      Chillingly, as Stapleton says, ‘All of this has been done in secret, and in our name.’ The parliaments rarely sit. Public Health Orders trump democratic processes. Reasons are never given for policy actions beyond formulaic tosh. We never signed up for this.

      As the first draft of history, this magnificent book should be marked ‘essential reading’. Normally one might add here: ‘Send a copy to your member of parliament’. Alas, I fear, in this case, such a course of action would be pointless. Our rulers are in and settled, on a good wicket, and they intend to bat on.


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      Yes, I have read it. I get a daily list of articles from TCW (The Conservative Woman). Link above from Tonyb @#13.


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    Travis T. Jones

    “Mr McGowan has not budged on his hard border stance, today explaining vaccinated people could still spread Covid-19.

    “Even though you might be vaccinated, you can still transmit the virus,” he said”


    There goes the lie that it is “the epidemic of the unvaccinated.”


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    dinn, rob

    from Jefferson City, MO: USHeartlandChina (USHCA)–major propaganda outlet


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    Very detailed analysis of public health England data reveals two things.


    Firstly depending on age groups, vaccinations might make you more likely to be infected for several weeks than the unvaccinated. (possibly because as I have observed here before the vaccinated often then seem to become very casual in their behaviour so put themselves at greater risk.)

    The second finding is that if the vaccinated do become infected they becomes much less ill and are at much lower risk of death than the unvaccinated.

    It also concludes that in the light of all this vaccine passports are pointess


    • #

      Firstly depending on age groups, vaccinations might make you more likely to be infected for several weeks than the unvaccinated. (possibly because as I have observed here before the vaccinated often then seem to become very casual in their behaviour so put themselves at greater risk.)

      It would be useful if a direct comparison could be made: the relative chance of being infected between two people (or groups) who exhibit essentially the same behaviour, and therefore have the same risk profile (masks, social distancing, avoiding crowds … or not).

      The second finding is welcome, and that is being proven pretty-much everywhere that such stats are collected – almost the entire population in ICU or dying are unvaccinated, even when the percentage of those unvaccinated might only be 20-40%. Or if they are vaccinate and it’s serious / fatal, they had serious other issues.

      I haven’t heard (or don’t recall) any stories saying, “Young, healthy, 35 yo, fully vaccinated male died of Covid-19 in hospital today”.


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        The stats from Israel prove that this is simply untrue.


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        From “Massachusetts” 40% deaths are vaccinated. From the UK, in the above 50s since January 1st more vaccinated people have died than unvaccinated.


        • #

          Replying to
          IMPORTANT UPDATE: the total number of students with active Covid continues to EXPONENTIALLY INCREASE at the College of William & Mary in Virginia. Now over 200 despite 96% of in-person students being FULLY VACCINATED!


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        I haven’t heard (or don’t recall) any stories saying, “Young, healthy, 35 yo, fully vaccinated male died of Covid-19 in hospital today”.

        Well I know of a young healthy 15yo schoolboy here in Adelaide died of myocarditis in his sleep within a week after having his second vaccination. A study has found teenage boys are 6 times more likely to have heart issues from the vaccinations than they are to be hospitalised from Covid.


      • #

        Countries with advanced percentage of twojabs are now suffering a rapid increase on twojabs hospitalisation

        They call it “Delta”, but many of the symptoms are just what you would expect from vaccine spike toxins.


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    BS Buster

    Just more evidence that, deep down, some politicians really know that reaching the magical 80% of the population being double injected with an experimental “vaccine” is just fanciful thinking that it will suddenly fix the Covid issue.

    WA’s border to remain closed to NSW for Christmas regardless of vaccination status

    “Mr McGowan has not budged on his hard border stance, today explaining vaccinated people could still spread COVID-19.”


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    another ian

    “Fauci doesn’t have an answer on natural immunity for previous Covid infection v vaccination”



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    The CDC now interfering in how people are treated. Starting recently nearly every pharmacy in the US has blocked access from prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19. Why is this allowed to happen by front line people in a profession that knows better than what the CDC knows? We can find the answer in history, as in most situations. During the Naz1 days more than half of the doctors joined the Naz1 Party. Several papers and studies have been written on that subject, and the parallels to today are strikingly obvious. Most of the studies go through the reasons for their enthusiasm to join the Naz1 Party. They detail the moral lessons for today’s doctors, which now appear to be falling on death ears. The trend to dehumanise many scientists (wrt climate change) is now being extended to many doctors.

    Such papers include: (certain obvious word misspelled to avoid mod):
    Why Did So Many Doctors Become Naz1s?
    by Ashley K. Fernandes

    Why did so many German doctors join the Naz1 Party early?
    by Omar S Haque, Julian De Freitas, Ivana Viani, Bradley Niederschulte, Harold J Bursztajn

    and several more. As I said many times before, history repeats and we so often end up repeating the same mistakes.

    Of course it’s not too late for all doctors to band together and reject what the CDC is doing. Likewise here, wrt to the TGA. Will they do it? I doubt it. Like so many other professions today there is no enthusiasm any longer to defend what’s right, only what officialdom says. They are all puppets on a string. As far as I’m concerned they, and our state and federal leaders all have sold their soul to the devil.


    • #

      ‘ … history repeats …’

      Strongly disagree.

      ‘ … our state and federal leaders all have sold their soul to the devil.’

      That seems highly unlikely.


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    Martin Armstrong telling it the way it is:

    Australian General Practitioners have also been banned from prescribing Ivermectin to Covid-19 patients. Let us make something very clear. They have NOTHING to treat symptoms. They are effectively banning doctors from treating people with COVID-19. Politicians, I believe, have been bribed by these people to restrict treatment to only the vaccines. They are now deliberately killing people. Israel has already confirmed that the Pfizer vaccine is ONLY 39% effective. Then, nearly 50% of the people in the hospital with COVID have already been fully vaccinated. All the elderly people dying they attribute to COVID would have died from the flu.

    No in universities, you better pull your children out ASAP. Textbooks are appearing in colleges that now say that the people dying of COVID are because of those people who have opposed lockdowns. We are in the midst of an all-out assault by governments who have joined this Great Reset intent upon dividing the people to hate one another and to force the suppression of all opposition.

    The DEFUND THE POLICE is so they can replace all local police with a national police force so they will have no connection to the local community and will follow orders and shoot any who resist. I have warned that this is the lesson governments learn from the Nika Revolt.


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      Pfizer may not be all its cracked up to be, whereas AZ is holding up well.

      ‘Booster shots to extend the protection of Covid-19 vaccines may be unnecessary for many people, a leading scientist behind the AstraZeneca vaccine said on Friday.

      ‘Oxford University Professor Sarah Gilbert told The Telegraph newspaper that immunity from the vaccine was holding up well – even against the Delta variant. While the elderly and those who are immune-compromised may need boosters, the standard two-dose regimen is providing lasting protection for most people, she said.’ (SCMP)


      • #

        Novavax Covid vaccine better than Pfizer coming to Australia

        It could be set to hit Australian shores very soon, with strong results on protecting against Covid-19 as well as milder side effects.


        • #

          Wish that were true, Old Ozzie. But production problems (contamination of batches) have delayed distribution in USA. I do not get good feelings about this vaccine. Hope I am wrong.

          In any case, there are many other conventional vaccines being developed. But the test period for vaccines, as many are aware, are very many years. Maybe the anti-virals are a better bet.


        • #

          it says milder side effects of feeling fatigued by 15% than Pfizer, nothing about the other side effects
          and will be used as a booster for the already so called vaccines available and in use
          l dont think it is going to be that promising


      • #

        ‘MAY be unnecessary’, ‘MAY need boosters’, ‘protection for MOST people’.
        Sounds exactly like every other EXPERT utterance on this subject. Total obfuscation.


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    M Allinson

    “Teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the vaccine than be hospitalised from Covid-19, a major study has found”

    Quick, let’s get all our kids “vaccinated.”



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    Travis T. Jones

    Explain to me again the health advantages of wearing a face mask for 10 hours a day …

    “You excrete waste products from your lungs an average of 850 times each hour, 20,200 times each day and 8,103,000 times each year.

    That translates to around 650,000,000 toxic expulsions over a 80 year life span.

    Breathing is an ongoing, automatic process and a valuable ally for detoxification that can be supported through numerous practices, botanicals and foods.

    The lungs are the transmutation point where oxygen and carbon dioxide enter and leave the fluid environment of the blood.

    The lungs are the exchange centre for these gasses that keep us energised, functioning and alive.

    Deprivation of oxygen from the body tissue for even a few minutes can cause irreparable damage and death.

    The inability to release carbon dioxide changes various balances within the body, disturbing healthy function.”


    Masks are useless, dirty, filthy pieces of rag.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Stimpy, you’re not happy enough yet? You need to put on another Happy Mask™, and then a ‘booster’ mask, and then another…

      Sucks-sucks-sucks: the Mask of the Beast.


    • #
      M Allinson

      Great info, thanks.

      But I must confess I am surprised to see posters still assuming these mandates are related to the health of the population.


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    First study results on an active ingredient from red algae are promising, according to virologists from Erlangen.

    Nasal spray with iota-carragelose – a natural active ingredient from red algae – could protect against SARS-CoV-2 infections. This is indicated by first results from studies with hospital staff. Several laboratory studies have already proven the effect of carragelose against the coronavirus in cell tests.

    Against this background, the special nasal spray could support the general protective measures against SARS-CoV-2 and prevent infections.
    Risk reduction of 80 per cent

    Carragelose is extracted from red algae. The natural active ingredient forms a protective film as a physical barrier and thus prevents viruses from infecting the mucous membrane, introducing their genetic information into the mucous membrane cells and multiplying and spreading there. This mechanism works with many cold viruses and – according to the latest findings – also with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

    “A nasal spray containing carragelose causes an 80 percent relative risk reduction for infection with SARS-CoV-2,” says Prof. Dr Ulrich Schubert, researcher at the Virological Institute – Clinical and Molecular Virology at the University Hospital Erlangen.

    This finding comes from an Argentinian study with almost 400 participants who had direct daily contact with COVID-19 sufferers. The volunteers, who were evenly divided into two groups, used either the Carragelose nasal spray or a placebo four times a day for three weeks. The nasal spray proved to be safe and well tolerated, as in all previous clinical trials with cold viruses.

    Studies in the laboratory proved the antiviral effect of Carragelose against SARS-CoV-2 in various human cell systems. Prof Schubert explains, “Together with the clinical investigation, the laboratory findings form the basis for a solid scientific rationale that Carragelose has a clear effect against SARS-CoV-2.”

    Three further clinical trials on the efficacy and tolerability of Carragelose nasal spray, inhalation solution and lozenges in relation to the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections are already underway.

    The virology department of the University Hospital Erlangen is directly involved in these. Prof. Schubert and his research group are cooperating with the Austrian Marinomed Biotech AG.

    “Within the framework of the studies, we are examining samples from test persons who have used carragelose products for antiviral effects of carragelose against SARS-CoV-2. The aim is to support clinical research on patients with our knowledge and our possibilities,” explains Prof. Schubert.

    Exploit possibilities for prevention

    The German Society for Hospital Hygiene has already been recommending the use of carragelose nasal sprays to hospital staff on COVID-19 wards since December 2020.

    “But the general population can also use them to extend their personal protective measures for prevention,” says Ulrich Schubert. “In view of the in vitro data, I am convinced that the widespread use of Carragelose sprays is justified and can have a benefit. On the one hand, Carragelose is effective against SARS-CoV-2 with virtually no side effects; on the other hand, it also protects against various cold viruses, for which there is extensive evidence from the laboratory and from clinical trials. Every cold prevented or shortened reduces the overall burden on our health system, which could use every bit of relief,” the virologist explains.
    Carragelose against SARS-CoV-2 virus variants

    According to the World Health Organisation WHO and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECDC, mutant virus variants are spreading worldwide with great momentum. The so-called British mutant B.1.1.7, the South African variant B.1.351 and the Brazilian variant P.1(20J/501Y.V3) are under particular observation.

    “Carragelose is a polymer that coats the virus through an electrostatic interaction, neutralising it. Therefore, it should make no difference to the efficacy which virus variant is present,” explains Ulrich Schubert. “Especially in view of the mutations that are currently spreading more and more rapidly, we consider carragelose to be a real option in the fight against the pandemic.”

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Nasal spray against COVID-19 (German text)


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    DGAP-News: Marinomed Biotech AG / Key word(s): Scientific publication
    09.09.2021 / 07:45
    The issuer / publisher is responsible for the content of this announcement.

    Marinomed Biotech AG publishes clinical data on the efficacy of Carragelose pastilles against respiratory viruses including SARS-CoV-2 in the International Journal of General Medicine

    Peer-reviewed publication of clinical data supporting that Carragelose pastilles could reduce infections and transmission of viruses, including SARS-CoV-2
    Saliva can inactivate highly infectious respiratory viruses after ingestion of just one Carragelose pastille
    Study conducted in cooperation with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
    The publication joins a growing number of studies suggesting the use of carragelose against SARS-CoV-2
    Carragelose-based products for the prevention and treatment of respiratory viral infections are available without prescription in more than 40 countries

    Korneuburg, Austria, 09 September 2021 – Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE:MARI), an Austrian science-based biotechnology company with globally marketed therapeutics from its innovative proprietary technology platforms, today announced that positive clinical data on the antiviral efficacy of carragelose-containing pastilles has been published in the peer-reviewed journal International Journal of General Medicine. The open access publication can be accessed via the journal’s website: https://www.dovepress.com/articles.php?article_id=68558. The study was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Dr Ulrich Schubert, Chair of Clinical Virology at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, and his team and provides further evidence that carragelose can effectively inhibit SARS-CoV-2.

    The clinical trial investigated whether sucking a carragelose-containing (10 mg) lozenge in the saliva of 31 healthy volunteers resulted in a sufficiently high iota-carrageenan concentration to neutralise seven human respiratory viruses that cause influenza infections as well as COVID-19. The iota-carrageenan concentration achieved was several times higher than the concentration required to inhibit 90% of viral replication (IC90) of all viruses tested. This indicates that the pastilles are a suitable measure to reduce infections and possibly prevent severe courses and transmission within the population.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Marinomed Biotech AG publishes clinical data on efficacy of Carragelose lozenges against respiratory viruses including SARS-CoV-2 in the International Journal of General Medicine



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    Friends of Science Newsletter #353


    Some of the topics include:

    Hurricane Ida and Global Warming: Unsupported Claims.

    Net +6% Expansion in the Area of Atoll Islands During the 21st Century

    Antarctica Sees Growing Sea Ice


    How Much Has the Sun Influenced Northern Hemisphere Temperatures?


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    I’m not sure if this is common knowledge yet – doctors are no longer allowed to prescribe ivermectin off-label. They can only prescribe oral ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions.


    This law came into effect today.


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      Yep – saw it today. They are without conscience.

      They could have just let it go, since most people are succumbing to fear anyway, and are getting inoculated.

      But no – whether through contractual agreements with Pfizer, or just sheer bastardry, or even some outrageous political agenda……whatever…….


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    I saw that dreadful woman Kerry Chant blubbering over the deaths of some already feeble and morbidly ill octogenarians at her press conference yesterday. Looking forward to the day she sheds tears for the thousands of young and once vital people who have taken their own lives or self-harmed due to her heartless, monstrous policies. Will she weep for the millions of people who are going broke and will never enjoy financial independence again while she checks her bank statement to make sure her bloated salary has landed on time.


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      Unfortunately there will be collateral damage, but overall most of us will survive and flourish even more than before. Restraint offers a catalyst for new beginnings, the things we took for granted are now greatly appreciated.


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      And here in Victoria, we are treated to another wildly orchestrated rant by none other than our resident temporary political parasite – premier Dan. This time threatening us with buses parked
      ‘at the end of every street if that is what it takes’,to ensure our docile acceptance of his experimental therapy. It is now obvious that he is becoming completely unhinged, as his mission for total tyrannical rule falters, with not all of his subjects prepared to submit. No wonder the rest of the world looks on in amazement at the suspension of democracy here.
      I fear that there will be some serious ‘pushback’ if a shattered small businessman having lost house and family, or simply an aggrieved citizen denied access to family for the best part of 18 months, finally snaps and decides to meet Dan face to face with serious hardware.


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        And here in Victoria, we are treated to another wildly orchestrated rant by none other than our resident temporary political parasite – premier Dan.

        As a Melburnian I’m heartily sick of wave after wave, and lockdown after lockdown. But I think your anger should be directed at the thoughtless, selfish, over-entitled individuals that have breached Covid-19 rules and caused these outbreaks each time.

        I’m okay earning a good super pension that hasn’t varied, and all I really miss is the capacity to travel – but I know too many whose incomes have been shattered because they work in areas or own businesses where you require the economy to be open.

        But it a is public health emergency, where infectiousness is high, and tough measures are required. Victorians understand that, and I have no doubt that Premier Daniel Andrews would be re-elected very well if there were an election held this month.

        It’s not an attack on “freedom” – it is a response to very difficult circumstances where there are no many good options. No government or elected official wants to be going through this.

        The Victorian Government – like all states really – is putting all their eggs in the 70-80% vaccination basket, and for all our sakes I hope it’s the right call. I fully expect to see “vaccine discrimination”, and once the app is in place, it will be quite difficult to function fully in society while unvaccinated.

        Outside that, I don’t think the unvaccinated should be vilified or pressured. If the vaccines work as advertised, then 70-80% coverage should be sufficient. If they do not, or not for a decent term, then there is little point of having a vaccine passport.

        Mark McGowan in WA has already pulled the rug from a vaccine passport, in respect of interstate travel from NSW.


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        I wish someone would physically sort the moron out.

        The staircase job was pretty good but obviously not quite good enough.


    • #

      I saw that dreadful woman Kerry Chant blubbering over the deaths of some already feeble and morbidly ill octogenarians at her press conference yesterday.

      I respectfully suggest you rethink your vehemence.

      Dr Chant is a public servant, not an elected official, and not deserving of vilification. None of us like the pandemic or the lockdowns any more than you, but we do retain some emotional intelligence. Dr Chant, and all the other chief medical officers are trying to do a difficult job as well as they can.

      I would love to see any of the keyboard warriors on here do better LOL

      And in respect of “thousands” of suicides and self-harm cases – the number is an exaggeration, but whatever the true figure, they are tragic events indeed.

      But they are generally a federal responsibility – if the insufferable boofhead ScoMo and his evil bagmen (Frydenberg, Dutton, Joyce, etc) had any heart, they would have funded subsidies and compensation properly … they cause the suicides, not professional medical officers such as Dr Chant.


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        No, it is the incredibly stupid and continuous lock-downs and the brutal dictatorial totalitarianism of the enforcement that has lead to the demoralisation and destruction of society and increased suicides rates.

        That insufferable boofus Dan Andrews and the screeching meanie from NSW are the ones that need to accept responsibility.


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    Brenda Spence

    Its not the virus in the lungs that kills you, its the clots. Via Mike Yeadon on telegram.

    From https://drtrozzi.com/2021/09/the-covid-19-injection-is-not-a-vaccine/#comment-2860

    “The appropriate reproductive toxicity studies, the teratogenicity studies, the pharmacodynamic studies, and the pharmacokinetic studies etc. were not done. The spike protein on the viral ball is the portion of the virus that causes the devastating trauma and illness from severe COVID-19. This spike protein is what kills you and devastates your vasculature, ravaging the endothelial layer of the vasculature. End-stage severe COVID-19 illness is a blood clotting vascular illness. You do not die when your lungs fail in end-stage COVID-19 because there is virus in the lungs. No, you die because of the millions of micro-thrombi (blood clots). The spike protein that our cells produce post injection (though not exactly alike the authentic spike protein on the viral ball), is pathogenic and toxic. It is deadly.”

    That may explain the drop in O2 saturation as the disease progresses.


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      Just this very day Brenda Spence I’ve moved onto referring to the covid injected concoctions as “blood thickeners” as if I had already seen your Mike Yeadon material; thanks.


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      The appropriate reproductive toxicity studies, the teratogenicity studies, the pharmacodynamic studies, and the pharmacokinetic studies etc. were not done.

      You always get these medical and “sciencey” sounding phrases in scare stories about the vaccines – that they are deadly and billions are gonna die!

      The reality is that overwhelmingly (95%+) of those with serious cases, or are in ICU, or die from COvid-19, are from the unvaccinated – even when the percentage of unvaccinated remaining in the broader community might be as little as 30%.

      I agree there are real challenges with the vaccines, in terms of how enduring they will be, and whether they are broad enough to deal with variants, but overall they are safe, effective, and free. Too many people dying of Covid-19 need not.

      Whatever “Dr Trozzi” might think or say. Great name!


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        “but overall they are safe, effective, and free”

        Science and facts aren’t a strong suit of yours are they TT !!

        No ! they are not safe.. not by a long shot.. many are dying after being jabbed. There is no information about even medium term safety.. stop just making up BS !

        No ! They are not effective. . they wear off in a few months leaving the “twojabs+” in a state of possible massive reinfection.

        No ! they are not free.. Pfizer et al are making an absolute motza, out of future taxpayer’s money.


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    ACT continues with the seemingly random numbers with a mean of 17.5, SD of 6.1.

    19 17 22 16 11 8 19 16 30 9 14 21 26 13 12 13 23 12 18 32 15 11 19 20 15 24 15

    previous report


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    So much for the Ivermectin petition…
    As expected, power and corruption control the show not a genuine concern for public health.
    Ivermectin always had some potentially serious side effects and there are some newer more beneficial otc products out there I’m gunna stock up on. Heh.

    On a different topic, Bill Gates has increased his holdings in Four Seasons to over 70%. That’s strange considering the WEF/NWO planned destruction of the capitalist system, end of personal freedoms and banning of travel. He could have bought up way cheaper after it all collapses so why buy now?? Bigger picture gains another piece…

    On another topic again, both active and retired police in the Netherlands are LEADING freedom protests. They’ve woken up and smelled the roses unlike police here in Oz. What will it take?


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      Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs in the world.


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      IMHO we need to keep pushing back however we can
      the TGA banning DR’s prescribing Ivermectin is only going to make people dig there heels in harder
      because there is no give and so much deceit from those who make the decisions there will come a time when it will be too much for everyone, l am thinking after the 70% jabbed happens and the BS continues
      just remember “you cop the flak when you are over the target”


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      “So much for the Ivermectin petition…”

      Probably because of the petition. It doesnt have to be considered now. Another hole plugged.


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    Some Happy news for the Day – A Pilot Spent 17 Years Building a 1:3 Scale Replica of the B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber—and Yes, It Flies

    The idea for the Bally Bomber, as it’s known among aficionados, was hatched over a “few adult beverages” shortly before the turn of the century. Initially, Bally had wanted to make a scale replica of the B-24 Liberator but soon discovered it would be too hard to shrink down. He then turned his attention to the B-17. After poring over the schematics of the 1:9 scale radio-controlled version of the plane, he decided it was possible and quickly got to work.

    Having built several planes before, Bally would have known his mini-bomber would require a ton of work, but even he probably didn’t foresee it taking 17 years and 40,000 hours to complete (though he claimed it felt “really fast”). The replica has an aluminum-riveted fuselage, retractable landing gear and a wingspan of 34 feet, which is relatively large for a homebuilt plane. It’s also not an inch-perfect replica, as the cockpit had to be made larger so that a full-sized adult could fly the plane. The biggest challenge may have been the engine setup, though. Most homebuilt planes have a single-engine design, but the B-17 is powered by four Hirth F-30 two-stroke four-cylinder air-cooled boxer engines which combine to produce 240 hp.

    Although it would take its first flight in 2016, the Bally Bomber wouldn’t make its public debut until the Experimental Aircraft Association’s 2018 AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, Wisc. It wasn’t just there for display, either, as it took to the air and showed a gleeful crowd of enthusiasts what it could do.


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    Stark Contrasts: RealClearInvestigations’ Jan. 6-BLM Side-by-Side Comparison

    By The Editors, RealClearInvestigations
    September 09, 2021

    Many in the political and media establishment consider the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot to be one of America’s darkest episodes. Others say the nationwide protests last summer over George Floyd’s murder were worse. With polling indicating Americans see two sides to the story – and major media dwelling on only one – RealClearInvestigations has developed the database below allowing readers to draw their own conclusions. Further context can be found here.


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    Biden Blasts Americans on Eve of 9/11: ‘We Have Witnessed Violence in America Against M@slims – True Followers of a Peaceful Religion’ (VIDEO)

    Did Obama write Biden’s 9/11 message?

    Joe Biden lashed out at Americans in a pre-recorded video released Friday on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attack.

    Nearly 3,000 people died 20 years ago after Isl@mic terrorists hijacked planes and crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

    Another hijacked plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

    Biden marked the 20th anniversary by blasting Americans and praising Isl@m as the ‘religion of peace.’


    “We also witnessed the dark forces of human nature. Fear and anger. Resentment and violence against M@slim-Americans — true and faithful followers of a peaceful religion,” Biden said.


  • #

    Taking bets.
    QLD’s emergency act is due for renewal around the 26th of this month, what’s the odds.


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    A little girl dies a day after she and her parents are tested positive for Covid-19, in Galveston Texas.

    It’s shocking – it’s what you get when the mouth-breathers deny the pandemic and deny the vaccines. Child killers one and all.



    • #

      Glad you got all the facts before getting hysterical


    • #
      M Allinson

      The animus against those who oppose the elite’s narrative line becomes clearly visible when the abusive names appear.

      “Climate deniers”


      “White nationalist terrorists”

      “mouth breathers”

      All these terms say one thing: “I have absolutely no interest in rational debate.”


    • #

      No ! This is what happens when people are denied treatments that are available.. eg Ivermectin.

      …. and just left to die in their homes.


  • #

    Not surprising news – this US summer has been the hottest – even hotter than the Dust Bowl years of 1935-1936.



  • #

    From Media Matters:

    In a better world, safe, effective vaccines developed under a Republican administration and distributed under a Democratic one would not have become a partisan issue. Politicians from both parties would have worked together to vaccinate communities as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

    Right-wing, mainstream, and left-wing news outlets would all have pursued whatever messages they deemed most effective in getting their audiences to take life-saving shots. High vaccine uptake would have sent COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths plummeting.

    But that’s not what happened.



    • #

      Tilba, glad you agree that the current debate is toxic and that is killing people. When will Biden and the government start treating those that disagree with respect and act trustworthy, so that the acrimonious politicizzation of medicine can stop and people won’t die because they simply don’t trust a political medical agency.


      • #

        I don’t agree, Jo, that opposition to the “vaccines” is necessarily influenced by one’s political affiliations.

        When the virus emerged in Wuhan and subsequently in Europe, I was quite frankly terrified. It was clear that, at the very least, this was a very infectious entity possibly on a par with SARS 1, HINI, et al. It wasn’t immediately apparent that it was primarily dangerous to the old and/or infirm, despite its record in Northern Italy.

        Personally, I couldn’t wait for a vaccine to be developed, principally because, at the time, I understood next to nothing about the length of time & clinical trials which were required. It really wasn’t until the vaccines began to be administered early this year, and reports of adverse reactions began, that I took the time to learn the basics of immunology in relation to vaccines.

        As for many people, the 3 way conversation between Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein & Steve Kirsch really changed my thinking. Even so, I did not stop my inquiries – in fact they intensified. Nothing to do with politics at all.

        But I do agree that the Biden administration has treated Republican vaccine dissidents as the enemy. In Australia, we are just treated with contempt as some sort of imbeciles.


      • #

        Yes – I have said several times, even as a strong advocate of vaccination to end the pandemic, that those who wish to resist vaccination should not be vilified or shamed, and of course there should be no mandatory vaccination – yet.

        The vaccinated will demand however, that certain privileges attach to their status, and they will be to protect them from a higher risk of infection if they are close to unvaccinated people.

        So it means pubs, restaurants, nightclubs, concerts, schools, gyms, transport, churches, sports – it will be a pretty long list.

        I don’t know why Boris Johnson has scrapped the vaccine passport at the last minute. Just seems to be extremely ideological and he will have to flip it again. What is the alternative? A Brit won’t be able to get on a plane to go overseas without one.


    • #

      ” and deaths plummeting….. ”

      Except they aren’t..

      Unfortunately the ‘twojabs+’ seem to be suffering a thing called “Delta”

      Lots of them in hospital in countries with high “twojabs” percentages.

      Oddly, the symptoms are just what you would expect from vaccine spike protein injury. !


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    you cop the flak when you are over the target
    Rebel news Canada covered the election debate after having to go to court to be able to
    reporter Alexa wrecked Trudeau, his face is full of hatred



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    New Scientific Discovery!
    August 4, 2009 by Dan Mitchell
    A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been tentatively named “Governmentium”. Governmentium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a normal half-life of three years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium’s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to speculate that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as “Critical Morass”. You will know it when you see it.


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    Biden has early onset Alzheimers. Normally, you could ignore his rantings. Unfortunately, he is POTUS. Although the alternative, VP Kamala Harris taking over sends shivers through my spine.


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    robert rosicka

    Trying to find the odds of dying with Covid if unvaccinated.
    Odds of dying of Covid if fully vaccinated .
    And odds of dying from an adverse reaction to any Covid vaccine .

    It’s hard to find a reliable source for info .


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    M Allinson

    With one sentence the NSW Health Minister made it crystal clear that the current “health orders” have absolutely nothing to do with health.

    “Fresh air is the safest place to be”, says Hazzard.

    And he is right – the virus cannot survive an encounter with strong UV light.

    His statement also implies, correctly, that it is less safe to be indoors where the virus thrives.

    But what do the health orders command: Get out of the safe places and back inside to the unsafe places.

    In short, these “health orders” are there for the control of the population and not for the sake of health.

    If health truly was the aim he would be encouraging all people to get out in the fresh air and raise their Vitamin D levels.


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      robert rosicka

      It may get worse because some groups want the COVID passport to also track an individual’s carbon footprint according to Rowan Dean on the “Outsiders” programme. Not so much of a stretch when you think of it because who would have thought a COVID passport possible just 18 months ago.


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    M Allinson

    ” … who would have thought a COVID passport possible just 18 months ago.”

    Boris Johnson has declared the “vaccine passport” dead in the water – for this year at least.

    Mainly because vaxxed and unvaxxed are in the same boat.



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      The B29 pilots knew about the jetstream by the end of the war, a chap whose name escapes me informed them. He was a pioneer and highly regarded but totally dismissive of AGW.

      Help me out please.

      Some boat racing and F! tonight so I’ll think about it tomorrow. My brain is old and slow but maybe I’ll remember 🙁


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    Is anyone else noticing a shift in petrol marketing?

    I see Ampol is advertising on Fox. Bugger me I was unaware they still existed and Mobil has opened a new LARGE coffee shop with a number of bowsers out front. It must be 40 years since they closed their servos, office and dozed their tank farm.

    I know of two new large “Liberty” servos and think there is a third here and one in Cairns.

    Are these “petrol” stations trying to get a march on the market with high current cabling in ground so bowsers can be replaced with EV charge points? If so I hope they have deep pockets ‘cos in the country “range anxiety” will often be “range – bugger”


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    Incredible! Danny Ric won Monza, spoke to the crowd in Italian and drank champers from his shoe.

    It doesn’t get better.


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    Gary gets it

    Arstechnica has some great journalists, but unfortunately it’s very partisan, and the commentators are vicious: see

    1. I’m open to accept that the vaccine does work, but I strongly suspect deception here. What do you think Jo?
    2. Check out this comment “Those that refuse to be vaccinated are,11X more likely to die? I’m good with that.” – crazy people put up crazy comments all the time, but this one was upvoted 120 times, and downvoted only 34. [see https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/09/unvaccinated-are-5x-more-likely-to-catch-delta-11x-more-likely-to-die/?comments=1&post=40219704%5D
    3. Any comments that are downvoted enough get hidden by default, here’s one “Of course the CDC study stops at July 18, when Delta in the US was just beginning to take hold. Los Angeles began the indoor mask requirement on July 17…”. If that’s true (I tend to believe it), you can see the extremist partisan politics at work here. Truth doesn’t matter, only the side. [see https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/09/unvaccinated-are-5x-more-likely-to-catch-delta-11x-more-likely-to-die/?comments=1&post=40219704%5D


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    Hidden deep down in a long lost unthreaded is today’s ACT covid numbers. Two days to add with noting more to say since this update.

    19 17 22 16 11 8 19 16 30 9 14 21 26 13 12 13 23 12 18 32 15 11 19 20 15 24 15 15 13
