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Doctor diagnoses death by Climate Change. How about deaths by socialism, junk science, and watching CNN?

Wind power, religious faith. Art.An ER doctor decided he wants to write down “the root cause” at least as far as an ER doctor reckons.  He’s not well versed in climate model infrastructure, hasn’t scanned for tropospheric hot spots, or Precambrian CO2 extremes, but he’s watched CNN so why not?

h/t Climate Depot

Let’s yank this chain and run with it:

B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’

Times Colonist

The head of a Nelson, B.C., emergency department says it’s time doctors start looking at the underlying cause of medical conditions triggered by smoke and heat.

For the first time in his 10 years as a physician, the ER doctor picked up his patient’s chart and penned in the words “climate change.”

“If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” he told Glacier Media when asked why he did it.

It was late June, and British Columbia was trapped under a heat dome that even NOAA says was due to La Nina, not because of a coal plant in Guangdong. So the unfortunate lady in her 70s that lived in a trailer and died in the heat might have been a victim of La Nina. Cause of death, the Pacific Oscillation?

She’d probably be alive today if she had air conditioning and cheap electricity.

Who to blame for that then, Professors at Penn State that hid the decline? Or the media that hid the profs?

She might well be alive today if The New York Times had interviewed Nobel prizewinners who were skeptics with the same enthusiasm they interviewed teenage girls on national energy policy.

But don’t stop there in pulling on the root cause chain. Someone taught the journalists not to ask and some medical school didn’t teach doctors the difference between people and planets:

Roughly 40 doctors and nurses at the small hospital — all busy trying to manage a pandemic and their regular professional lives — came together under the banner Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.

Just wait til the Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health get to lesson number one in “how to take Earths temperature.”


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