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Nifty — Every radio station in the world at a click

Radio Garden

There is something very cool, very curious, about being able to tune in to any station in the world. Spin the globe and pick a green dot. Hear Cher play in Novosibirsk, Russia, or Knights in White Satin in Port Chambers, New Zealand, and hear the same Uber Ads we hear in Australia in Peterborough, UK.

Radio Garden is a great talking point for the next family gathering.

Marvel at how many stations there are in America, and how few there are in China. Seriously. Are a billion people listening to the same ten stations in Guangzhou? Turns out there are a few more than it appears. A larger dot may link to 15 stations in the menu on the left.

But still, there seems a empty space there waiting for a civilizational mind to share.

World Radio Stations

Any station in the world…

There are not many stations in Africa. It’s a heartbreak kind of empty…

Somehow the world seems so much smaller.

On radio and in music English is the cultural paradigm. Many stations are not in English, but no other language appears on every continent, in so many songs.

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