A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here Mark Mills lists all of the problems replacing fossil fuels with so called GREEN ENERGY. So called Green Energy like TOXIC S&W that has to be buried in LANDFILL every 20 years FOREVER.
A list INCONVENIENT REALITIES from 1 to 41. What a joke.
“Realities About the Scale of Energy Demand”
“1. Hydrocarbons supply over 80% of world energy: If all that were in the form of oil, the barrels would line up from Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles, and that entire line would grow by the height of the Washington Monument every week.
2. The small two percentage-point decline in the hydrocarbon share of world energy use entailed over $2 trillion in cumulative global spending on alternatives over that period; solar and wind today supply less than 2% of the global energy.
3. When the world’s four billion poor people increase energy use to just one-third of Europe’s per capita level, global demand rises by an amount equal to twice America’s total consumption.
4. A 100x growth in the number of electric vehicles to 400 million on the roads by 2040 would displace 5% of global oil demand.
5. Renewable energy would have to expand 90-fold to replace global hydrocarbons in two decades. It took a half-century for global petroleum production to expand “only” 10-fold.
6. Replacing U.S. hydrocarbon-based electric generation over the next 30 years would require a construction program building out the grid at a rate 14-fold greater than any time in history.
7. Eliminating hydrocarbons to make U.S. electricity (impossible soon, infeasible for decades) would leave untouched 70% of U.S. hydrocarbons use—America uses 16% of world energy.
8. Efficiency increases energy demand by making products & services cheaper: since 1990, global energy efficiency improved 33%, the economy grew 80% and global energy use is up 40%.
9. Efficiency increases energy demand: Since 1995, aviation fuel use/passenger-mile is down 70%, air traffic rose more than 10-fold, and global aviation fuel use rose over 50%.
10. Efficiency increases energy demand: since 1995, energy used per byte is down about 10,000-fold, but global data traffic rose about a million-fold; global electricity used for computing soared.
11. Since 1995, total world energy use rose by 50%, an amount equal to adding two entire United States’ worth of demand.
12. For security and reliability, an average of two months of national demand for hydrocarbons are in storage at any time. Today, barely two hours of national electricity demand can be stored in all utility-scale batteries plus all batteries in one million electric cars in America.
13. Batteries produced annually by the Tesla Gigafactory (world’s biggest battery factory) can store three minutes worth of annual U.S. electric demand.
14. To make enough batteries to store two-day’s worth of U.S. electricity demand would require 1,000 years of production by the Gigafactory (world’s biggest battery factory).
15. Every $1 billion in aircraft produced leads to some $5 billion in aviation fuel consumed over two decades to operate them. Global spending on new jets is more than $50 billion a year—and rising.
16. Every $1 billion spent on datacenters leads to $7 billion in electricity consumed over two decades. Global spending on datacenters is more than $100 billion a year—and rising.
Realities About Energy Economics
17. Over a 30-year period, $1 million worth of utility-scale solar or wind produces 40 million and 55 million kWh respectively: $1 million worth of shale well produces enough natural gas to generate 300 million kWh over 30 years.
18. It costs about the same to build one shale well or two wind turbines: the latter, combined, produces 0.7 barrels of oil (equivalent energy) per hour, the shale rig averages 10 barrels of oil per hour.
19. It costs less than $0.50 to store a barrel of oil, or its equivalent in natural gas, but it costs $200 to store the equivalent energy of a barrel of oil in batteries.
20. Cost models for wind and solar assume, respectively, 41% and 29% capacity factors (i.e., how often they produce electricity). Real-world data reveal as much as 10 percentage points less for both. That translates into $3 million less energy produced than assumed over a 20-year life of a 2-MW $3 million wind turbine.
21. In order to compensate for episodic wind/solar output, U.S. utilities are using oil- and gas-burning reciprocating engines (big cruise-ship-like diesels); three times as many have been added to the grid since 2000 as in the 50 years prior to that.
22. Wind-farm capacity factors have improving at about 0.7% per year; this small gain comes mainly from reducing the number of turbines per acre leading to 50% increase in average land used to produce a wind-kilowatt-hour.
23. Over 90% of America’s electricity, and 99% of the power used in transportation, comes from sources that can easily supply energy to the economy any time the market demands it.
24. Wind and solar machines produce energy an average of 25%–30% of the time, and only when nature permits. Conventional power plants can operate nearly continuously and are available when needed.
25. The shale revolution collapsed the prices of natural gas & coal, the two fuels that produce 70% of U.S. electricity. But electric rates haven’t gone down, rising instead 20% since 2008. Direct and indirect subsidies for solar and wind consumed those savings.
Energy Physics… Inconvenient Realities
26. Politicians and pundits like to invoke “moonshot” language. But transforming the energy economy is not like putting a few people on the moon a few times. It is like putting all of humanity on the moon—permanently.
27. The common cliché: an energy tech disruption will echo the digital tech disruption. But information-producing machines and energy-producing machines involve profoundly different physics; the cliché is sillier than comparing apples to bowling balls.
28. If solar power scaled like computer-tech, a single postage-stamp-size solar array would power the Empire State Building. That only happens in comic books.
29. If batteries scaled like digital tech, a battery the size of a book, costing three cents, could power a jetliner to Asia. That only happens in comic books.
30. If combustion engines scaled like computers, a car engine would shrink to the size of an ant and produce a thousand-fold more horsepower; actual ant-sized engines produce 100,000 times less power.
31. No digital-like 10x gains exist for solar tech. Physics limit for solar cells (the Shockley-Queisser limit) is a max conversion of about 33% of photons into electrons; commercial cells today are at 26%.
32. No digital-like 10x gains exist for wind tech. Physics limit for wind turbines (the Betz limit) is a max capture of 60% of energy in moving air; commercial turbines achieve 45%.
33. No digital-like 10x gains exist for batteries: maximum theoretical energy in a pound of oil is 1,500% greater than max theoretical energy in the best pound of battery chemicals.
34. About 60 pounds of batteries are needed to store the energy equivalent of one pound of hydrocarbons.
35. At least 100 pounds of materials are mined, moved and processed for every pound of battery fabricated.
36. Storing the energy equivalent of one barrel of oil, which weighs 300 pounds, requires 20,000 pounds of Tesla batteries ($200,000 worth).
37. Carrying the energy equivalent of the aviation fuel used by an aircraft flying to Asia would require $60 million worth of Tesla-type batteries weighing five times more than that aircraft.
38. It takes the energy-equivalent of 100 barrels of oil to fabricate a quantity of batteries that can store the energy equivalent of a single barrel of oil.
39. A battery-centric grid and car world means mining gigatons more of the earth to access lithium, copper, nickel, graphite, rare earths, cobalt, etc.—and using millions of tons of oil and coal both in mining and to fabricate metals and concrete.
40. China dominates global battery production with its grid 70% coal-fueled: EVs using Chinese batteries will create more carbon-dioxide than saved by replacing oil-burning engines.
41. One would no more use helicopters for regular trans-Atlantic travel—doable with elaborately expensive logistics—than employ a nuclear reactor to power a train or photovoltaic systems to power a nation.”
Mark P. Mills is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a McCormick School of Engineering Faculty Fellow at Northwestern University, and author of Work in the Age of Robots, published by Encounter Books.
Super list! However the schedules for cutting fossil fuel use are much tighter than listed. Biden proposes a 50% reduction in 2030, with 80% less in electric power generation, while switching to EVs in the process. The EU and U.K. propose roughly the same trajectory.
This is engineering nonsense. We could not even site and build the necessary factories and mines in just 8 years, much less the wind, solar and battery equipment needed to be made. Nor can we afford it.
Since it cannot be done it will not be done, so there is no reason to fear it. Just how this green mania will hit that immovable wall of reality is the interesting question? The big need is to make it an election issue as the costs and failures mount up, as they surely will do. Wait then act.
That means the real goal is not to replace current and future supply with RE, but to reduce demand to match RE supply.
Exactly right. There is no intention to allow the West to continue with its current “energy footprint” per head of population.
This policy agreement was the quid pro quo in the deal which sees China and India massively increase their total energy footprint with a modest rise in footprint / person .
Of course it never had anything to do with climate , needless to say.
“Since it cannot be done it will not be done, so there is no reason to fear it.”
I always enjoy your optimism David. God knows I/we need it right now.
My fear is what all the AOC’s and Greta Thunbergs will do when they still believe the end of the world is at hand but realize nothing will be done. Will they open their eyes or will they demand a true world-wide dictatorship that makes what’s happening now look like a friendly picnic.
I do not think of it as optimism, more like strategic analysis.
The can have a dictatorship but that doesnt change reality. Right now dictator Biden is doing all he can to wreck US energy independence and simultaneously yelling at his energy dept to get gas prices down. He commandeth and so it shall not be until the market sorts it out.
Biden is not a dictator, just a Democrat. Our system is specifically designed to prevent dictators. He is not even an MP much less PM. The Party we disagree with is in power so doing disagreeable things. Looks like that may end next year.
Well Democrats seem to have a real problem with freedom.
They want to dictate what type of car you can buy and drive.
They want to dictate who will be the winners and losers in the economy.
They want to dictate what vaccine you can and cannot inject into your arm.
They want to dictate how you deal with and treat illness
They want to dictate how your kids are indoctrinated.
They want to dictate what science is and what science says.
They want to dictate want you can and cannot say or write.
They want to dictate what information and what misinformation you allowed access to.
They just want to dictate!
“They just want to dictate!”
And then;
mock, control, destroy and incarcerate:
Evil Incarnate.
Hi David,
Might I suggest that you slap a copyright on “that immovable wall of reality” quote before someone steals it!
Completely agree with your assessment.
It really is well beyond the time that these policymaking fools were faced with the fact that the mining and processing of all the materials required to implement the garnering of the “renewable” energy will forever result in upfront CO2 emissions way in excess of any that might subsequently be avoided.
It is also high time that policymakers were made to face the unpalatable fact that stealing the energy that drives natural systems on planet earth can never be regarded as using it as “renewable” energy.
Paul Miskelly
This statement does not worry me, because it will be borne out when those in political power actually find out the truth, and then they will be squirming like fish on the beach trying to find someone to blame.
I can’t wait to see how they’re going to explain it, and how, for the rest of their lives, people will ridicule them mercilessly, ALL OF THEM.
They make these mindless promises without even getting their ‘gophers’ to check it for them, so they don’t look so foolish.
The point now is that everyone has been sucked in, and when the truth does come out, there’s going to be a lot of very angry people.
Those renewable power promises will be the first ones that come home to haunt them, no matter what political persuasion they are, because they just CANNOT take away the electrical power we all have now, just based on the false belief that renewables can deliver what is needed, when they so patently cannot.
When I started all this back in 2008, it was a long way off. Now, it’s closer than we even imagine, and very soon, those ephemeral renewable promises will come home to roost.
No one will be immune from that fallout. Journalism will be the second major casualty, because they tell us so often that they pride themselves on checking everything.
I hope you are right Tony, but if history is any guide then reality will dawn and they will stop talking about certain topics (notice how little we hear of 100% “renewable” atm?) and shift focus with some LOOK SQUIRRELS!! and the caravan will move on. Its not like they havent had practice , there are 50 years of failed doomsday predictions and yet the likes of Flannery, Gore, Mann, Schmidt, Prince Wingnut, Erlich and co and all their MSM and political enablers have all skated without consequences.
“…without consequences”.
Where is the weakest link in that chain?
The conspiaracy theorist in me asks was the Callide breakdown sabotage? The way the system is geared retailers’ business plans depend on high prices. There is a huge conflict of interest where a supplier owns both ‘renewable” and potentially cheap coal fired generation. That is why the moment a coal station is closed demolition commences, so that it can never be reopened.
I have only yet glanced at the report on Callide, but at the beginning it seems to say that the generator motored for 33 minutes before things blew up, and that during that 33 minutes at least one red flag was raised from the network.
That should be enough to warrant a criminal investigation. I haven’t yet read far enough to see if there is any link between the malfunction and “renewable” supplies, but I think the malfunction occurred at a time you would expect solar supply to be peaking.
Yallourn developed a fire in a coal bunker conveyor which reduced output for some hours yesterday; Challenger O-rings has nothing to do with it.
From the little I have heard about it, the generator tripped off line allowing the turbine to overspeed and explode, now that sort of thing just doesn’t happen unless it has had some ‘help’.
For that to happen, the governor would have failed, then the built in safety overspeed trips also failed.
Not likely.
Are you suggesting dastardly deeds Ronin? Callide 4 oversped and exploded too.
Note to self: Read ALL the replies first. You were referencing Callide.
I appreciate your optimism, because I could do with a bit of it at the moment. But I fear they plan demand reduction. This can be achieved quite quickly within their time frame by drastically reducing the population of the west. I do not believe that elections in the west have been working for a very long time so I cant see how our votes mean anything other than something to hoodwink and quiet us down with. I hope you are right and I am wrong.
One of my few hopes is that they planned a bit out, and that the electricity grid with fail and become unreliable before they can get their transhuman total digital survelance and control of every facet of lives functional. AI needs power and if we run out of it AI might die a bit quicker than we do.
These are cogent arguments.
Climate alarmism and Net Zero energy are damn near silly and easy to refute.
But our adversaries are not interested in facts.
There are not concerned about reliable energy.
They are not worried about public health.
We are facing the greatest hysterical religious movement witnessed since ancient times.
It is a multi-headed monster.
Many are true believers.
Many only see the true believers as pawns.
And the true believers are on the verge of doing what true believers do while their masters watch in detached safety and pretend to disapprove.
The leaders of the attack lie protected in Academia and government.
The great science enlightenment movement of the last few centuries is in grave danger.
I’m not sure what to to do.
I feel debate is pointless and our only choice is to stand up to them, call them what they are and force them to take our ground and defend their religion.
One does not choose the hill to die on, ya just get chased to it.
My Country
The Weather
The love of field and coppice,
Of green and shaded lanes.
Of ordered woods and gardens
Is running in your veins,
Strong love of grey-blue distance
Brown streams and soft dim skies
I know but cannot share it,
My love is otherwise.
I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!
A stark white ring-barked forest
All tragic to the moon,
The sapphire-misted mountains,
The hot gold hush of noon.
Green tangle of the brushes,
Where lithe lianas coil,
And orchids deck the tree-tops
And ferns the warm dark soil.
Core of my heart, my country!
Her pitiless blue sky,
When sick at heart, around us,
We see the cattle die –
But then the grey clouds gather,
And we can bless again
The drumming of an army,
The steady, soaking rain.
Core of my heart, my country!
Land of the Rainbow Gold,
For flood and fire and famine,
She pays us back threefold –
Over the thirsty paddocks,
Watch, after many days,
The filmy veil of greenness
That thickens as we gaze.
An opal-hearted country,
A wilful, lavish land –
All you who have not loved her,
You will not understand –
Though earth holds many splendours,
Wherever I may die,
I know to what brown country
My homing thoughts will fly.
Yes it is a hysterical religious movement on the part of the true believers , who will , as always , be the victims.
The useful idiots , who are another category altogether , are divided into believers and scalpers, the latter knowing that it’s B.S. but seeking to advantage themselves.
And then there are the overlords , who are directing the whole operation , purely from greed and a lust for power.
Well put John.
Jonestown revisiting!
#19 in the list. $200 to store the electrical equivalent of 1 bbl of oil.
BOE = Approximately 6.1 GJ (5.8 million Btu), equivalent to 1700 kWh.
Batteries cost about $USD 137 / kwh but that is just for the cells, not including the inverter and grid tie costs. Probably total cost is over $500/kw.
But, let’s keep the $200/kw cost for illustration:
So the cost to store 1 bbl of oil is 1,700 x 200 = $340,000. Might be as much as $850,000 per barrel of oil, fully burdened.
Ok. Hornsdale AU battery project:
“While it was built by Tesla the Power Reserve is owned by the French renewable energy company Neoen4, which owns the Hornsdale wind farm it’s next to. According to them it cost 56 million Euros. At today’s exchange rate that’s $89 million Australian. That comes to $690 per kilowatt-hour of storage, which is ridiculously expensive considering at the time the Tesla Powerwall 2 was selling for just $642 per kilowatt-hour.”
So if the Tesla PowerWall-2 is the least cost supplier, at $642 / kWh, then 1 bbl of oil at 1.7 MWh is AUD 1.09 Million / bbl of oil equivalent. Or, if you want to be snarky, for a thermal conversion efficiency of 40% in a steam plant, it is “only” AUD 436,000 / MWh to store ONE bbl of oil equivalent.
Liquid hydrocarbons are THE most efficient way to store energy. Period. QED. Everything else is nonsense.
Actually Lance,
In terms of elements ability/efficiency to store energy liquid hydrocarbons are not even close!
When you start talking about energy density the answers suddenly appear obvious! These are all in MJ/kg from 1 reference I found.
Uranium: 80 million
Thorium: 79 million
Plutonium: 2 Million
Hydrogen: 142 (@700 bar – does that pressure give you some idea what Scomo and Twiggy are wacking up the wrong tree about??)
Methane: 55.6
Diesel/petrol/LPG: 46 – 48
Ethanol: 26
Coal: 26-34
Methanol: 20
Wood: 15
Lithium Battery: 1.8
Lithium-ion re-chargeable: 0.3-0.8 – these numbers clearly tell why batteries will never cut the mustard.
Lead-acid car battery: 0.17
PS wind and solar don’t get a mention because they have no energy density.
Lance, ..i seem to recall we have had this discussion before ?
You do not need to estimate battery costs, Tesla have openly posted the costs for their “Megapacks” .. (3.1 MWh units) as installed ( and burned !) inVictoria…
Depending on the order volume they cost US$1.0 mill per MWh… (us$1000/kWh)
That does include inverters, BMS, etc ,..ready to “plug and play”.
BUT. That is a capital cost for hardware, and i do not think that the $0.50 per barrel was a capital cost figure ?
Oops !.. that should be us$1.0mil per UNIT , and us$350 per kWh .
That $ 0.50 storage cost estimate was not made by me. See #1, item 19.
That’s not the point.
The point is that liquid hydrocarbons, (absent the allusion to nuclear fuels which wasn’t part of the discussion above at #1) are very efficient at storing energy, far more efficient than batteries, H2, etc. In fact, the only useful purpose of solar/wind is conversion of H2O and N2 to ammonia or H2 feed stocks for hydrocarbon liquid synfuels via water gas reactions.
If you’d like to take things to their extremes, Th offers 34,000 years of energy independence in a closed cycle. Since Fusion is always, only, 30 years away, that gives them 1,000 cyclic tri-decadal attempts at doing what was promised as “certain” 50 years ago.
Let’s just say that critical materials for wind, solar, and BS ideas, will run out far sooner than coal, oil, gas, nuclear, will deplete. Quite more likely that social stability, food, and world peace will end before wind/solar/ unicorn farts will change any relevant thing.
Society as we know it will collapse in less than 5 years if the current idiots think their wishful thinking transcends reality.
Would be interesting to see a like examination of the feasibility of the required natural resources required to convert the ICE transport fleet to EVs.
“14. To make enough batteries to store two-day’s worth of U.S. electricity demand would require 1,000 years of production by the Gigafactory (world’s biggest battery factory).”
Simple, all we have to do is build 1,000 Gigafactories and make the wind blow for 363 of 365 days a year. Problem solved! Well, except for leap years, but that’s only 1 day of blackouts every 4 years.
If you are CO2 demoniser then this is a daunting list.
If you are realist then it highlights the challenge of eventually weaning off fossil fuel. And it is sad that so many resources are being turned to junk attached to what were reliable electrical grids.
“ A 100x growth in the number of electric vehicles to 400 million on the roads by 2040 would displace 5% of global oil demand”
What a wonderful statement. They are all “think about that statements”
Just bookmarked this entire list.
Nice to see Dan on the run yesterday. You can run but you can’t hide. LGB
Do you want him beaten up?
By Stairs?
Three flights this time.
At least 3 flights yep .
This is what Victoria has descended to :
So much for patient confidentiality .
No warrant .
Time to fill some syringes with kero and hunt those communists down and give them a dose of their own medicine .
Just wait until he gets his dictator laws passed .
Surely a little backhander wouldn’t hurt now.
‘Do you want him beaten up?’ Happy to oblige, particularly after watching his minions beating and pepper spraying old ladies. What a collection of string-puppet morons.
So you admit that he was running and hiding from a potentially violent situation. I’m sure you know heaps of middle aged men out there who would be delighted to take on a mob.
Reap as ye sow.
That’s what is required to get things moving in the right direction, yes.
Why are the Covid cases not coming down?
Numbers of daily new cases recorded in NSW, Vic and ACT have remained steady for 3 weeks, despite rising vaccination rates.
Mean time the numbers of vaccinated cases in hospitals and ICUS are no longer published.
And our hospitals are apparently filling up and overflowing with Non Covid Cases.
Something is going wrong.
They peaked in the ACT about a month ago at ~35/day during lockdown. They are now under 20/day with people freely mixing.
The data
The numbers of new Covid cases in the ACT have remained steady since 25 Oct.
correct. It is an excellent outcome for an open territory.
But dismal for an almost universally “vaccinated” adult population
Why? What endemic equilibrium rate did you expect? based on what assumptions?
Actually I did not expect endemic equilibrium. People have discussed R values. If the R value falls below 1 the disease is supposed to quickly fade away. No one said that the R value would stabilise at 1 exactly.
R<1 is misleading though as the landscape for R is not uniform. Additionally the ACT is not a closed jurisdiction so it is affected by the movement of people across borders.
Another datum to add is that there are zero in hospital.
95% double vaxxed?
That is a remarkable compliance to ‘following government advice’!
When you owe the government for everything there’s not much option.
Kalm Keith
November 11, 2021 at 11:36 am
When you owe the government for everything there’s not much option.
correct, next on the menu is this:
Calls for anti-vaxxers to be stripped of Medicare
It follows advice from the health advisers. They are well regarded in Australia and have clearly been on the ball in steering Australia through the stages of Covid. I was a little surprised by the success of getting recent immigrants on-board with vaccinations.
Australia has lost 1,862 souls with or of Covid to date out of population around 24M. There are not many countries working through it as well as Australia.
Most Australians recognise the successful strategies and comply with public health requirements. The VAST majority respect the public health system and have done what they could to reduce the burden on it.
“health advisers. They are well regarded in Australia ”
Maybe before this event that might have been true but not now.
The acceptance of the “lockdown” treatment by these people shows that they have been politicised: the lockdown mentality has near on destroyed Australian society.
When the Australian Medical Society gives the required attention to the bigger problems I’ll applaud them.
Why don’t they start with the bigger killer, Diabetes.
Diabetes kills and incapacitates huge numbers but is ignored by the AMA, why?
I’d say when you have dug yourself into a hole you should stop digging. Too late.
oh? What did I state incorrectly?
oh well. We disagree. Who would have thought?
To disagree you have to have a topic under discussion.
Tyranny is upon us, no one see’s and no one cares.
That was a reply to Brenda at #6.
But while I’m here, I will put this up again.
What is going on, 5 mins of WTF
march into Tyranny started long time ago with Universal suffrage, democratic faith, taxes above 5%, fiat money, central banking, war war 1
Peter, They still show the vacs status of hospitalisation in Vic.
Covid vaccinations do not necessarily stop the spread of covid. There is some suggestion that vaccination reduces the infectious period which may help reduce the spread a little.
Vaccinated people can still catch the virus and spread the virus. The benefit of vaccination is mostly that it reduces the chance of needing hospitalisation.
Covid hospitalisations appear to be falling in Vic and NSW. If the number of cases is steady, as you say it is, then perhaps vaccination is working at doing that.
I don’t think anyone of any credibility has been seriously claiming that vaccinated people can’t catch or spread the virus.
Case numbers won’t be the alarm for concern. Hospitalisations will be.
“The benefit of vaccination is mostly that it reduces the chance of needing hospitalisation.”
The actual benefit of the vaccination is the reward of the vaccine passport. The passport allows you to request permission from the government to shop or take your wife to dinner. The passport is the first step to social credit.
Not sure that allowing my wife to shop or go out to dinner is a benefit. $$$$$$$$ 😉
Thanks for the update!
They released that after I made my comment.
Now there is a conundrum!
On 9 Nov the number in hospital was 579 of which 23% were fully vaccinated.
On 11 Nov the number in hospital was 457 of which 23% were fully vaccinated.
The hospital numbers are reducing, which is very welcome, but the reduduction has been in the unvaccinated, just as much as the vaccinated!
In fact the reduction has pretty much only been in the unvaccinated. For the last couple of weeks the number of vaccinated people in hospital has pretty much been between 103-108 with a momentary spike of 133 a couple of days ago then back to that range of the last two weeks. While the unvaccinated/single jab in hospital has dropped steadily from 634 to 351.
The percentages don’t really tell the story so obviously.
And the fully vaxxed component will only go up….I watch whats happening with a mix of desperation and “I told you so” …. to be fair though the gumint did run a brutal and scary campaign and abuse the publics goodwill thoroughly, but in fairness they deserve a fair trail in another Nuremberg….you have to be fair about such things.
The fully vaxxed portion will go up because the nearer you get to 100% vaxxed it means you’ve basically only got vaccinated people to count.
I agree Strop.
But we were promised that the vaccine protects people from severe disease and hospitalization. Hence as the vacciation rate moves closer to 100% the numbers in hospital should drop to near zero. Not happening.
Which is why they are zero in the Canberra.
Also it is not correct that protection is 100% or uniform across different people.
should have included this
G’day PeterC,
Would those “non-COVID cases” which are filling up the hospitals be the same as those with a variety of normal-sounding names which seem to occur at similar times after the jab, do you think? After the virus has gone.
Dave B
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has blamed people spreading “misinformation” on Covid-19 vaccines for the loss of “millions of lives,” and declared that things can only go “back to normal” once they take the jab.
“They’re criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives.”
Having shifted the blame, he then retired to his bullion vault to count his money after washing the blood off it.
Antarctica continues to set record cold temps since April 2021.
And no warming over the last 70 years according to the recent Zhu study.
See Willis Eschenbach’s recent “where’s the climate emergency” study and links.
Sorry that 2020 Antarctic study was from NATURE and was Singh et al not Zhu study.
But still no Antarctic warming since 1950.
That’s no surprise really, after all global warming causes global cooling, remember?
Yesterday a fine member of the medical profession had his surgery raided and patients records taken away. Dr Mark Hobart in Victoria is under suspicion for giving vaccine exemptions according to news items. He was also one of a handful of doctors prepared to prescribe Ivermectin before it was banned.
The tyranny of the Andrews govt was on full display!
Morgan C Jonas was there doing a live stream and it can be viewed here
I am so angry at this that I wrote to Morrison again. How has our country come to this? Are patient files no longer confidential? Very upsetting for the doctor, he is not allowed to see patients so effectively he has no job.
A colleague has set up a gofundme page to help fight for this man.
She says
A week ago, Mark’s practice was closed down because he refused to hand over confidential patient files to government officials. Today his surgery was raided by 7 of the same ‘officials’ who went through his files and took what they wanted.
He was advised that under current State of Emergency laws the government has the right to take patient files with no stated reason and that there is no patient privacy recognised.
he way he has been treated is outrageous!
looks like he has had a warrant against him regarding possible criminal activity.
Well, just about everything is “criminal” in a dictatorship.
Except what the Diktator him/herself does, of course … … …
That was the whole point of declaring “emergencies” for both climate and pandemic, surely? So that normal rights and freedoms can be suspended arbitrarily?
When before have people of democracies been forced under pain of cancellation from social life, to take medications that have shortcut the normal efficacy proving protocols. Death and major side effects for some are tolerated and ignored in that compulsion.
Worse for some is having those severe reactions. For them/us, there is no knowing if the next reaction will be terminal. This is totally irrelevant to whoever is controlling the mandation for being able to show full herd coverage, and will come with demands for boosters. How far we have slid in the mire when governing authorities completely ignore dangers to individuals who are demanded to be,literally, sacrificial lambs to the slaughter as they only act for the herd. This vision in Australia – and elsewhere – is shattering of the myth that Australian and American governance is of high moral standarding. We have Premiers, doctors and bureaucrats that put our nation to shame. The Hippocratic oath is dead.
For some, this will be a death sentence. Doctors in practice would never aim to inject a patient who has anaphylactic reactions to Penicillin, with Penicillin. We must remember in future, this is the difference between being suable and having indemnity as given to these vaccines. Reminds one of Hitler’s Germany and shows our polity is little better.
There has to be an awareness made for all those happily jabbing away that some people they jab, known by the system to have had problems with both past injections of vaccine, could drop dead a day or to later from them giving that jab. How will they handle that minor problem on their conscience? Hide in the comfort of the mob that don’t even consider it a relevance?
Alas Gee Aye, readiness to obey informs your every thought.
The live stream from Mark C Jonas that you referenced requires the viewer to log into Facebook.
An alternative site is here;
The authorised officers do not seem to have identified themselves nor given a warrant or other form of authority. Maybe Dr Hobart should have called the Police.
The person who took this evidence on camera deserves praise and thanks for his courageous action in documenting the event.
If some creeps did that to my doctor and took my personal file I would be very unhappy.
Scott Morrison where are you; this is a milestone in the history of Australia;
Do Something; arrest the people who didn’t this and the person who authorised it!
Fix This Now!
Let’s Go ScoMo.
This can also be viewed on Rumble. I understand that Channel 7 reported on the story last night.
This is probably also meant as a warning to other doctors who believe 1) that there are proven treatments for Covid & say so 2) that anyone who grants exemptions for people with co-morbidities or allergies to previous injections
If this is not a forewarning of the rapid decline of the right of GPs to practice as they were taught, & vulnerability of the private status of patients’ records – I don’t know what is!
So, all the warnings of that courageous writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, were in vain? Because, folks, THIS IS HOW AUTOCRACY STARTS>
The government is taking control over the medical profession including their right to practice medicine as they see fit according to their professional training.
They are making sure doctors comply with a political agenda and that only specifically approved treatments can be given, not other treatments according to their training.
The government is also violating the Nuremberg Code by imposing what is effectively a compulsory medical procedure.
Doctors have a dilemma. They either exempt patients from a compulsory medical procedure in violation of Nuremberg or they force them to receive a compulsory medical procedure in violation of international law (Nuremberg) and which is experimental and possibly dangerous.
All dictatorships take control of the medical profession. The National Socialists did it. The International Socialists did it. Australia is doing it.
I would have thought that the medical records are the patient’s property and the doctor is only the keeper of the records until such time as the patient wishes to relocate them. Therefore the request to obtain the records should be made to the patient and not the doctor.
So where in this process did the patient have the choice or opportunity to protect their personal health info?
The fundraiser is transferring funds to a new site. Try this one
In the video, after the Authorised Officers have departed, the doctor states that the officers have not given a reason for the seizure of documents.
According to the Act the officers must issue a receipt for seized items and state the reason on the receipt.
The Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 states:
Rule of law is not working in Australia any more.
a success-cult-led society and its methods
The tromethamine is just a buffer used in lots of injectable preparations and for cells – ie, a tris buffer.
This vid is 20 mins long and is about the USA green push against the farmers.
Wonder if Bill Gates land is amongst the farms.
This is the ice age farmer.
From NYT
America Isn’t Ready for the Electric-Vehicle Revolution
EV when pricing is comparable to equivalent ICEV makes sense mostly for short driving trips in cities, suburbs and larger country cities and towns, although for country people long distance driving is often a factor at least several times a year. And real world range is barely acceptable unless one of the most expensive EV models is purchased that has larger battery capacity priced into the retail price.
Therefore providing recharging facilities should concentrate on those higher population areas. And on the basis of reducing exhaust emissions for health reasons.
Even for short urban city driving if you don’t have parking but have to park on the street and don’t have convenient charging available ie you live in an old apartment building then as far as I’m concerned they still don’t make sense.
We are headed into a period where there will be few EVs available and even fewer ICEs which are being cut from production in anticipation of EVs
Ev running costs will go through the roof when they start putting road tax on usage and electricity prices rise.
EV prices will rise because of the intense demand for batteries which will be in short supply. In colder climates, a deep freeze will produce huge range anxiety. Imagine driving an EV in -15 C in white out condition. Traction control will be the least of your problems
“Imagine driving an EV in -15 C in white out condition” most Australians couldnt imagine driving in those conditions is like. Beyond the experience of most 🙂
2 of my favorites together in a podcast/video – Chris Martenson interviews Dave Collum
Both are first rate thinkers – open minded and examine the raw facts rather than accept the analysis presented by media, government agencies, influencers, corporate spokesmen…
This is one I have been waiting to take place since Dave Collum’s yearly review gets published on Chris Martenson’s site (Peak Prosperity)
Wild winds, snow: No reprieve in wet week ahead
Warm summer weather is still at least another week away with Victoria to be lashed by rain and potentially damaging winds.
Victorians can expect to shiver through mid November with little reprieve expected over the coming week, with heavy rains and snowfall on the radar for the state over the weekend.
The state is bracing for severe winds and up to 100mm of rain across eastern Victoria as temperatures sit in the mid teens on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The cold front will see between 50 and 80mm of rainfall in eastern Victoria, while 15-40mmm is expected to fall across south western and central parts of the state.
Well, a 100 metres of rain fell ovenight in Alice Springs (ABC the well known mistake) so there can’t be that much moisture left.
wow. That will breach all the watersheds for some distance. Katherine and Uluru are under threat of being washed away.
’15-40mmm’ – is that a new and improved catastrophic means of measurement? Man Made Metres or Mullumbimby Madness Miles? Looks like they’ll be sailing and water-skiing on Lake Eyre by Christmas. Drought? What drought!
100 metres of rain! WOW !! 😉
That exceeds the highest previous daily rainfall of 1.8m by an extraordinary margin. The sea level will decline.
Somehow I think 100m is wrong. It would be impossible to get that amount of water into the atmosphere over one location in a day.
The ABC wrong??
How dare you!
In the longer history, the whole area was formed by much larger floods
note, I am assuming recent rainfall even was 100mm, not 100m) 😉
Rain in November ! I can’t imagine too many cockies bitching about that .
Sounds pretty good to me.
Lets hope they have their harvest in the shed or its still got some growing to do
Barley shot; wheat downgrade. Such is..
We’ll all be ruined, said Hanrahan, before the year is out ….
“Barley shot; wheat downgrade. ”
Can that be true in the first week of summer ; even allowing for winter sowing , that still seems like very early ripening to me?
Still , I suppose that a crop can still be flattened at early boot stage.
And there’s probably a lot more grain farmers than there are cockies.
But right now in the Sth. West of NZ’s North Island , I could use a couple of inches of rain with some more in a fortnight or so .
Fat chance with a developing la Nina, although sometimes an errant ex-tropical depression does wander down the west coast.
November is harvest time in OZ.
A great interview with a journalist about how the media values the message even over ratings – if you thought the MSM was bad, the reality is that its probably worse.
Very good discussion.
So why is it that a public demonstration by 500 registered nurses back on the 2nd of November, right outside the Channel 9 HQ, only gets minor “sports” coverage on the issue of one of the nurses being an AFLW player?
No suppression by the MSM at all, eh? Literally “nothing to see”
On Dani Varnhagen’s stance,
Why would a young woman sacrifice 2 well paying careers?
How is a nurse, who sees the direct results of vaccination side-effects “falling to minsinformation”?
On a semi- related note, an unnamed individual of the Carlton AFLW organisation, who was fully vaccinated, returned a positive test outside the club on Tuesday afternoon.
There was a typo. “falling to misinformation” should read “not falling to misinformation”.
Just imagine people thinking for themselves. We can’t have that can we?
No, the the “falling to misinformation” is what the MSM is painting and what I am questioning, rhetorically.
Yes. I was pointing out the “typo” in the picture the MSM is painting.
That’s no mistake in terms of intent.
Nope. None at all.
G’day Analitik,
I feel sorry for this guy, but you might enjoy the irony:
The “case” is a double jabbed Uber drive, infectious for the past three days…
Dave B
There’s going to be more and more of this – see comment #48 for a recent outbreak in Germany.
I also expect athletes/sportspeople to start mysteriously suffering from heart attacks like in Europe. This should start around mid January given the mass uptake of vaccination here vs Europe.
More enticement to get the Fauci Ouchie.
I’m still waiting for the ‘case of French champagne’ offer so I’ll pass.
So…with hospitalisations climbing supposedly unexpectedly worldwide, who can provide stats on UNvaxxed contributions to these numbers? Let me guess…
Ozone treatments reverse blood cell clumping.
Medical ozone treatments have had a history of quackery but maybe this time they’ve got something.
Nice marketing idea but IMO either way you’re screwed.
30 mins? That leaves a lot of time for the vaccination.
Only quackery according to MSM and the usual truth deniers. Ozone is not profitable for the powers that be.
‘Systemic ozone therapy has several positive effects, such as control of inflammation, stimulation of immunity, low antiviral activity and protection from acute coronary syndromes and ischaemia reperfusion damage. This therapy could be a new method of immune therapy, so its use in combination with other antiviral drugs in COVID-19-positive patients may be justified, helpful and synergic. Ozone therapy carries no known adverse or toxic effects when performed properly.’
Update: it’s jumped from 79 to 91 and now to 122.
What justification is there for the shot now?
The same there ever was.
Do Antiviral Pills Negate The Need For Vaccine Mandates?
COVID-19 treatment pills destroy any vestige of logic or justification for the new mandates.
No matter how someone contracts the virus, these pills prevent serious illness — hospitalization and death. With double lines of defense against the coronavirus — vaccination, and, now, these new antiviral treatment pills — mandates have become unnecessary.
On Saturday, the Fifth U.S. Court of Appeals issued an emergency stay of the Biden business mandate, saying it raises “grave statutory and constitutional issues.”
Quite apart for the legal issues, the mandates ignore science and logic.
The logic of a vaccine mandate has always been weak and self-contradictory insofar as their implied purpose of protecting vaccinated people from unvaccinated people. If vaccines are effective (95% effective in Pfizer’s case), then, vaccinated people face little risk from unvaccinated people.
If the vaccines are ineffective, then why should anyone get them?
Where do I go to get the test to see whether I am naturally immune?
So-called ‘Article Six’ of the COP-666 monetary rule book states two-thirds of NZ’s ‘carbon reductions’ have to be ‘purchased offshore’ on the ‘carbon market’. When green financiers talk about a ‘sustainable future’, methinks they are talking about themselves and their fellow gravy-train travellers.
Minister for CCC, James ‘the green’ Shaw – who lives at home with his two mothers and his wife – presented an I.O.U. for $1,200,000,000 ($1.2 billion) from Princess Jacindarella to the UN banksters at Glasgow this week, allegedly on our behalf to ‘heal the planet’ from colonialism [sic]. Therefore AT LEAST $800 million of NZ funny money is being thrown onto the roulette wheel of fortune for self-anointed fat cats to play with. Who knows, they may ask for more, and more…
I cant help but wonder why NZ re-elected princess Jacindarella. What happened there?
Just reminding everyone, that today is “Remembrance Day”. In case you have forgotten. I’m on my way to help prepare for our local service.
Been there.
No, didn’t forget. We had our service at The Cenotaph in Marysville, with a beautiful sunny day (but cold wind).
the Aussie Cossack raised the red ensign on his WW1 memorial today to signify the importance of armistice day
why did a member of the public have to do it?
lest we forget
Three More Months and We Should Know
Peter Smith
Warning to the vaccinated of nervous disposition: Best to read no more and avoid learning about the latest UK death stats.
The UK Health Security Agency has replaced in name Public Health England in issuing ‘COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reports. The latest is for week 44, issued this month. Among other things, these reports list cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status. Interesting, I think, as an insight into the results likely here when the maturity of our vaccination rollout is about equal to the UK’s. I roughly calculate this to be in three months’ time, plus or minus.
Over weeks 40 to 43 (roughly October) 6,147 people of the age range 50 to 80+ were admitted to hospital. Of these, 4,805 (78%) were fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to testing positive. Of the 2,972 deaths in the same period, 81% were fully vaccinated.
When, I wonder, will a second, third booster, ad infinitum, be all, in their turn, “wonderful things“? Surely at some point someone, somewhere that matters, has to call a stop to the madness. Unless that happens, my grandchildren now aged one to nine years (and your children or grandchildren of similar ages, if you have them; none facing material risk from the virus) will soon be forced into being vaccinated with, effectively, experimental vaccines.
You don’t think coercion will apply? Think again. Little unvaxxed Gillian and Johnny will be segregated at school, forced to wear masks all day. Alluding to yellow stars is a stretch, but it rings a bell. The virus has let loose a more virulent affliction; fascists in government and, regrettably, in our midst.
Look at Perrottet. First order of business as Premier: ordering an extension of the time law-abiding but unvaccinated citizens are excluded from participating in social activities. Second order: allowing the (masked) vaccinated to sing in church, but prohibiting the unvaccinated. Petty? Yes, but isn’t that like fascists the world over. Sausage rations cut for you, citizen or comrade, unless you toe the party line. Fewer social credits.
The push for boosters is to blur the information since they know that uptake won’t be as high as getting “fully vaccinated”. Then the PTB and the MSM can continue to blame “anti-vaxers” for the continue CoViD cases.
The vaccination story in the UK shows a successful result. Hospitalisations are now down to 8,000 compared with the pre-vaccination peak of 38,000. Almost 5-fold reduction. That frees the hospitals to do the work they were established to do.
Vaccinations have made a dramatic improvement in outcomes. The death rate has plunged by a factor of 6:
And that same reduction is reflected in the death rates of vaccinated to unvaccinated. Those unvaccinated are 6 times more likely to die according to the latest data per table 4(b) on page 16:
Survival rate with vaccination in the plus 80 age group is down to a factor of 2.4 but that is significant when it comes to freeing hospital beds.
The public health benefits of vaccination are enormous. In Australia, hospitalisations peaked at 1468 on 19 September. It is now down to 703 and mobility is not far off pre-Covid level.
There certainly seems to be a positive change in numbers of hospitalised people, Rick. The problems will come as Christmas arrives and a lot of the vaccinations start losing effectiveness. And we don’t know if the vaccinations/boosters will work against any new variants that will come by. So it’s fun while it lasts, but the public are so happy to get out of the strangle hold the governments, NOT THE VIRUS, have put on us that we don’t seem to care. Btw, it’s chilling that the primary “public health” issue for some governments is the need to “protect the hospital system” not the vulnerable.
Time for another data-rich roundup, focusing on the usual suspects—energy, economics, and wokism.
• Let’s start with the Bumbling Biden Brigade:
INFLATION SPIKES “UNEXPECTEDLY” – the Biden Bummer Beyond Belief plan.
Thomas Sowell, Jordan Peterson, and Michael Schellenberger, united against the apocalypse.
UN Fires Whistleblower — Who Says Communist China Is in Charge at the World Body
The decision of the United Nations to fire a whistleblower at the Human Rights Commission is a shocking development that raises an increasingly serious question for President Biden and other Free World leaders — has Communist China taken over the World Body that, at least ostensibly, was founded on America’s ideals of liberty?
According to the whistleblower, Emma Reilly, who was let go by the UN today, even Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, tacitly admitted to her that those in charge of things in Beijing are the real bosses of the world body, not him. Nor was the Biden administration any help as this crisis came to a head.
“Fundamentally, the entire story is about breaking the UN rules for China,” Ms. Reilly told me after being informed that her job with the UN Human Rights Council was terminated. Today’s sacking caps a sordid tale that started when Ms. Reilly, an Irish human rights lawyer, alerted her bosses that UN officials had handed over to the Communist regime in Beijing names of Chinese dissidents planning to attend a session at Geneva.
The dissidents were summarily imprisoned and tortured.
Faux Science Dictates CDC’s COVID Directives
First authorized by Congress to accept outside “donations” in 1983, the CDC Foundation was formally created in 1995 to “mobilize philanthropic partners and private-sector resources to support CDC’s critical health protection mission.” In other words, the CDC has been in collaboration with the private sector of individuals, philanthropies, and corporations to address public health challenges despite flagrant conflicts of interest. The foundation’s donor list reads like a who’s who in the world of Big Pharma, Fortune 500, and advanced bioscience research and technology.
The foundation’s statutory authority includes accepting gifts of real property and proceeds from wills and trusts as the CDC cashed in the “gifts” to launch over a thousand projects, with $740M raised as of 2017.
As identified by RFK, Jr, the CDC became little more than a “vaccine company” with “ownership of 56 vaccine patents as it buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which represents over 40% of its total budget.”
The American Academy of Pediatrics is also on the take, with approximately $25M in contributions from the pharmaceutical vaccine industry.
Biden administration’s renewed attack on American children when the FDA’s vaccine advisory panel asked “whether the benefits” of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine “outweigh its risks in the use of children five to eleven years.” There were seventeen votes of approval with one abstention.
Most alarming were comments by Dr. Eric Ruben, member of the panel and editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, who said, “We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is (to children) until we start giving it. … That’s just the way it goes.” In other words, American children are expendable as lab specimens in an untested, unproven program in the name of speculative scientific experiments.
SBS headline – Scott Morrison warned against relying on ‘unproven’ carbon capture and storage technology
While I would argue that carbon capture and storage has actually been proven to be prohibitively expensive (and completely unnecessary), how about warning him against ‘unproven’ renewable power generation?
The State Governments are pushing renewables, the Federal Government has no preference and during 2018 or 2019 legislated to end wind and solar business subsidies by 2030 which has already slowed the applications for new installations and obviously because by the time each was ready for operation there would not be many years remaining to collect subsidies.
The Federal Government has also been looking for private sector investment into gas fired generators, from memory for NSW, QLD and VIC to boost reliable supply and they have an inquiry running examining nuclear modular generators.
The AEMO is a cooperative organisation of governments and others, planning approval for whatever new generators are considered is a State responsibility and roadblock point.
The RET has had a 2030 expiry date since it was introduced in 2001. Rudd upped the target in 2009 and Abbott scaled it back in 2015 but the 2030 date has not changed. Electricity Bill (shorten) was planning to extend the target once elected but that did not go well for him.
The federal Small Scale scheme has had a declining subsidy since 2015 as the deeming period is reducing. It completely phases out by 2030. Victoria has an additional bonus scheme.
LGCs are currently valued at $41/MWh. The declining price of LGCs is actually forcing wind and grid solar to voluntarily curtail supply. Hence there is less intermittent energy going into the system because it will not stay connected unless the price is higher than minus $41/MWh. That has set a floor under the LGC price. Wind generators were severely curtailed yesterday in SA (dotted orange line is the lost potential production):
Not as much today – the sun is not as bright. Yesterday, the wholesale price was negative from 0845 till 1800. Minimum demand at 1240 was 310MW.
The Role Of Critical Minerals In The Clean Energy Transition
EVs us 50 times more critical minerals than ICE vehicles.
Onshore Wind uses 8 times more critical minerals than natural gas generation.
Etc. Good read and reference.
I really wonder if there are enough critical minerals at any price.
There are not enough. But extractive businesses will become very large and lucrative trying to satisfy this demand to make useless junk.
The gravy train can continue until the world realises that USA debt is worthless. It costs nothing for the USA to create the global currency. US can have untethered climate ambition backed by limitless supply of USD. However the real constraints will underpin inflation. Look at the way metal prices are going. Copper is a key metal for electrification:
Look at a 25 year trend. Price now surpasses the 2011 peak.
Lithium is spectacular:
USD has inflated 6-fold relative to lithium. (CNY to USD exchange has changed very little since 2017 so divide CNY by 7 to get USD) One USD will now buy 35g of lithium carbonate or 6.6g of lithium.
Any material used in the automobile industry will have high demand.
Big American plans to electrify the transportation industry. Trudeau is off to Washington next week for the 3 amigos summit. U.S. moving auto production to the states for strategic/opportunistic reasons
We cannot even get our act together to extract Ontario minersls, essential to battery production. The EV revolution will produce a massive shortage of new vehicles. Nobody will be making ICE. Nobody can make many EVs because of battery shortage.
The Americans are playing politics blocking Canadian pipelines and moving auto production to the states. Guess they don’t need Canadian cobalt, copper, manganese, etc … Guess we won’t be building roads or rails to those yet to be built indigeous controlled mines
The whole situation is absurd
This number is nonsense. It is based on a MW of wind being the same as a MW of gas. At best, the MW of wind will only ever produce at 30% of its rated capacity. Even worse, to make it useful it needs to be connected to storage that will at least double the materials used and reduce the utilisation to 20% at best. The value of 8X is at least an order of magnitude low. My estimate is that wind is around 100X more materials intensive on a dispatchable energy per kg than gas. Even over its life, the gas generator will consume less mass in fuel than the mass that goes into the wind turbine up front.
Incomplete pictures as portrayed in the link give some hope of so-called “renewables” being sustainable. They are not sustainable and are unlikely to be sustainable.
The one good thing about COP26 is that it tends to reveal both the evil people and the stupid people although it’s not always obvious which is which…
It’s bad enough having to deal with the insanity of windmills, solar “farms”, big batteries and badly conceived hydro batteries (SH2).
Now we have to deal with hydrogen fuel which will require even more windmills or solar farms if done according to Forrest’s plan or carbon (sic) capture and storage if made from coal as in Vicdanistan. Not to mention extremely expensive technology and safety issues if hydrogen is used as a general transport fuel.
And then we have the insanity of diesel powered EV chargers in the out back. And an unstable electricity grid which is unlikely to be able to support a large number of cars all charging at once.
I back hydrogen as a safer fuel than lithium batteries. There are other battery technologies emerging that would be safer in stationary applications but transport requires high energy density and that makes those batteries inherently high risk. I have seen aluminium bar vaporised where it made contact with a battery terminal on a 100Ah lithium cell. A truck transporting lithium batteries caused a spectacular fire in Sydney two weeks ago:
A feature of hydrogen is that it dissipates quickly when released unless inside a sealed space. It has wide explosive range but it does not hang around in vented spaces for long. Large steam turbines commonly use hydrogen for cooling and there are a few industrial processes that require hydrogen. Such uses are not particularly damage prone but losses are not unknown.
Bob Carr says ‘stupid’ anti-vaxxers should be stripped of MEDICARE – and pay for Covid treatment from their own pocket.
Mr Carr wrote: ‘Follow Singapore and legislate no medical or hospital expenses to be reimbursed to people who are not vaccinated without medical justification and then contract Covid. You ignored warnings and got the disease. You pay for your wilful stupidity, not the rest of us.’
And what about the gullible who take the jab and end up with a stroke or in a wheelchair with some permanently disabling autoimmune disease that requires a lifetime of high-support Bob? They ignored the warnings too. Sounds like Bob needs to read more widely.
He’s just another example of his kind.
On another planet and in Bob Carr’s other dream;
Bob Carr says ‘stupid’ work avoiders should be stripped of Social Security cash – and pay for entertainment food and clothing from their own pocket.
Mr Carr dreamt: ‘Follow China and Russia and legislate no Social Security Cash for people who are not prepared to work. You ignored warnings and got no comeback. You pay for your wilful stupidity, not the rest of us.’
Well I think babies that are born looking like Bob Carr( heaven forbid) should be taken out and be claimed by nature. Bit l8ke Spartans.
And as a followup he tweeted:
“A pig-headed view that one has the perfect right to be unvaccinated without medical justification is a violation (potentially fatal) of the rights of others to life and health,” he said.
“This should be enforced as we enforce smoke-free work environments or no driving while drunk.”
Perhaps he could explain how the right to remain unvaccinated infringes the rights of the vaccinated.
Perhaps there has been a new right “created ” purely for the vaccinated.
Did I miss something.?
“Did I miss something.?”
Seems to depend on whether you are using the CDC definition of a vaccine pre-2015 or the current one
“…without medical justification…..” he is certainly commenting from his own reality. Never understood why Carr has any credibility at all.
Driving while drunk can and does endanger ones self, and other people. Being exposed to “passive smoking” is also not good for ones health. Not being vaccinated only appears to endanger ones self, if most other people are vaccinated, at least this is my understanding of how vaccinations used to work, before they became political weapons.
No one ever told me that if I didn’t get a tetanus booster, Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Yellow fever, etc vaccines, and take preventative medicines for malaria, that I would be endangering the health of anyone but myself. Needless to say, the only one of these vaccines or treatments that I didn’t keep up to date, was the Malaria medication, because I would have been on Doxycycline permanently for at least a year, and I was not willing to take this for such a long time, and mosquitos, let alone Malaria carrying species, were just not common where I was working. Risky? yes, but that’s the choice I, and a lot of colleagues made.
At the age of 69 years this month, I have already paid shed loads of Income/Capital Gains Tax, Medicare Levy, Sales Taxes, Stamp Duties, Other Levies, Surcharges, and GST (continuing on). My Immune System is “top notch” and I have not had to avail myself of very many Medical/Hospital Services over those years of paying taxes, etc. Not only that, but I had Private Health Insurance for many years (not now though). I have just performed an Actuarial Calculation of my situation and this concludes that I am well in credit at the moment. So, if some dipstick ex-Pollie or current Pollie wants to refuse me medical services, should I get this flu like virus today (which I very much doubt), then as I will never take an experimental emergency approved drug, I will require a considerable refund of my previous contributions.
One reason for various state governments making high vaccination thresholds required before certain freedoms are granted is that by setting the threshold to 80, 90 or 95% or even higher, the unvaxxed will become an insignificant minority group that no one will care about.
We already have legal discrimination against the unvaxxed and more and more the unvaxxed are being used as scapegoats for all manner of ills.
We even have the Left promoting the denial of medical treatment for the unvaxxed.
All of the above is not withstanding the fact that people have natural rights and freedoms that governments shouldn’t be able to take away (but do in fledgling dictatorships such as Australia).
The left wing green/labor government does not allow discrimination based on vaxxination status. The NSW Lib/Nat government mandates it.
*ACT green/Labor
Look stupid.
I couldn’t believe it either, but this really is Dan’s Man;
“Covid-19 Commander Jeroen Weimar”.
Ju vill do exactly as you are told.
I view the whole QR code process as an impost. I cannot see that it will persist well into next year. I think every state in Australia has its own system so anyone moving interstate will need to upload the state app or flash their Covid passport and sign in – what an unwarranted impost.
The ability to effectively contact trace more than a hundred cases per day is limited. I know a teacher who has been advised by the tracing service that she should isolate 10 days after she learnt that someone in her classroom had tested positive and the whole class was sent home for 14 days.
The only people who should be particularly concerned about Covid are the unvaccinated. That is now not many in ACT, NSW and Victoria.
Unless a different variant arrives that is resistant to current antibodies which could begin with any flight, or until around March April as efficacy declines, Vit D falls, and cold weather returns.
Vaccination rates in Victoria and New South Wales are now high enough to produce the selection pressure for resistant strains to evolve locally.
You’re not suggesting that the QR code will simply disappear, right? If anything, the QR code requirement will be expanded.
It’s pretty much died out as a habit by people around where I shop. I can’t see it being useful anymore.
yep. It will go but the dictatorship alarmists will keep it alive as an idea
Call it a dictatorship, technocracy, one world government, billionaire boys club, whatever.
Because the people that make the stuff, advertise the stuff, sell the stuff and tell us we need more stuff. Care that we are using to much stuff. Got it.
This is a relatively concise review of the annual water cycle with what will be a surprising conclusion for most and an observation that no climate model predicts:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhElb8Vt4o0QXTBtL
Thanks Rick
A recent interview with Dr Robert Malone. He covers the vaccine limitations, regulatory bypass for authorisation, suppression of early treatments, why children should not be vaccinated and general increasing authoritarianism by the left.
very informative, thankyou for posting
I will not fly with any Airline where the Pilots have been vaccinated with these experimental emergency approved drugs considering the side effect of a Pilot having an adverse medical episode/reaction and even death at 30,000 feet above sea level. I don’t mind travelling by Bus or Train where the Driver has been vaccinated as at least the vehicle is already on terra firma…………
People are kidding themselves if they don’t think Australia is heading toward a dictatorship.
The twin issues of supposed anthropogenic global warming and covid have given the Left a dream run to impose all the dictatorial controls they have always wanted.
The politicians have to convince the electorate first and the people aren’t silly, Covid has nothing to do with climate change.
There are enough people who are stupid enough to have elected Dictator Dan Andrews twice. I have little doubt they will be capable of voting for him a third time.
Dan has upset the unions that primarily fund his campaign and his other source of funding through red T-shirts is under close scrutiny. The new pandemic laws are upsetting the big end of town now.
If there was a viable alternative then they could win the next government.
El Gordo the politicians have ridden rough-shod over the population for over 18 months now without the slightest fear of voter backlash. If Andrews’ new Bill gets passed he won’t need to call another election, just declare a continuous state of pandemic and Victoria is his plaything forever.
The two issues don’t need to be connected. They run independently but in tandem. Individually both are excuses for suppression of freedoms and drastic imposts on our traditional way of life; combined they are the excuse for and a recipe for suppression of those freedoms on a scale we cannot yet conceive.
Australia is a failed democracy?
Yes. Failed.
The problem for the disenfranchised is that the majors are on the same plate, which leaves us with little choice. So we’ll have to organise a new party.
Australia is a failed ‘Socialist Experiment’. If Socialism was going to work anywhere Australia was the place.
Time to re-badge the ‘Reset’. Aussies are going have to let go the addiction to electronic devices, go outside and introduce themselves to their neighbours.
Bit embarrassing but ‘like so real’.
Beyond utter tripe. The election date is already locked in.
The reason the lockdowns were sustained in Victorias is that more than 80% of the population agreed with them. That is the essence of democracy – the will of the people. However those people have long memories and the chist shovelling that went on over the failure of the hotel quarantine in 2020 is a lasting blight on his credibility. He has also upset his main source of campaign funding – the trade unions. Dan is losing his gloss.
Victoria currently have 92.5% of the adult population vaccinated – some may have been coerced so that will cause an election backlash but the vast majority willingly took the vaccine for the sake of public health. That indicates the strong community spirit and the popularity of Covid controls.
If Australians only did what beowulf wanted then it would be beowulf’s dictatorship and not the will of the people.
“Beyond utter tripe. The election date is already locked in.”
Easy! Just declare another “emerging emergency”
Quite naïve over confidence in “rules” given everything else that has been swept aside or ignored.
Since when is NOT wanting a dictatorship to be imposed on us the equivalent of me wanting to impose a dictatorship? Your twisted logic is both astounding and disturbing.
And the prospect of an Andrews autocracy is all in my fevered imagination is it Rick?
Here is the Bill in question:
It only requires the Upper House to vote it into existence. It is the most draconian piece of legislation you could imagine.
And here is the Victorian Bar Association’s response to the Bill they were not given advance notice of:
Some salient points from the Bar Association:
• The Bar has grave concerns about the Bill’s content
• “The overriding concern is that the Bill confers on the Health Minister what is, in a practical sense, an effectively unlimited power to rule the State by decree, for an effectively indefinite period, and without effective judicial or parliamentary oversight”
• The Minister’s power is extremely broad and available whenever a pandemic declaration by the Premier is in force
• The content of the Minister’s Orders is effectively unlimited
• Cases brought against issues under that broad power are unlikely to be challengeable in the Supreme Court
• “The Bill expressly allows the Minister’s Orders to discriminate on the basis of an attribute within the meaning of the Equal Opportunity Act . . . including among many others, political beliefs . . .”
“The Bill confers powers that can be appropriately described as draconian in authorising virtually unlimited interference with the liberties of Victorian citizens.”
$90,000 fine / 2 years jail for individuals; $450,000 for businesses found to have committed an aggravated offence against Dan’s “Public Health Orders”.
Yeah that sounds like democracy in action.
Some interesting details on the attendees at the COP. An extract:
A quick scan reveals the Congo with 373 delegates, Ghana with 337, Sudan 236, Uganda 219, another entity called Congo 170 (that’s 543 all-up), Ivory Coast 169 (the same number as from the US), Malawi 138, Togo 128 and Gabon 125.
we arent supposed to notice.
From ‘Jack the Insiders’ column in The Australian today:
“Singapore’s Health Ministry has announced that its citizens who choose not to be vaccinated will be sent the bill if they end up in hospital with Covid-19.
Like Australia, Singapore has a publicly funded universal health care system.”
Australia should follow suit immediately!
You must be kidding. Where does this dumb logic stop. If you are speeding and you have an accident then you should have to pay the hospital bill, because you were told not to speed and you didnt take the advice?
Every time I see this type of dumb logic I just wonder how you would feel if it was something you didnt think was in your best interest. I bet the people that push this type of logic would scream long and loud if the logic was applied to them. Try putting the brain into gear and place yourself in the position of the person you are trying to punish and see how you would like it. A great phrase is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
Exactly Tim, those that eat fast food should bear the cost for their ill health.
When you believe the MSM and governments, when you believe the most corrupt industry’s in history has a business model that is to make you healthy, you get Ken.
From Used Carr, what a douche bag.
Paul seems quite lucid.
‘Ex-Labour Party leader takes Canberra to task for provoking Beijing, saying nuclear subs it will acquire in deal with US and Britain will be outdated quickly.
‘Keating, an advocate of firmer Asia Pacific ties, also defends Beijing’s wolf warrior diplomacy and urges Australia to stay out of US-China Taiwan conflict. (SCMP)
And yet Keating never complained that the French diesel subs were going to be quickly outdated?
And Keating, like most Leftists hates Western Civilisation and promotes Chi-comm supremacy.
And follow the money trail. Is he still involved in this or what other ventures does he currently have?
After five years’ work, Mr Keating has launched a joint venture with Macquarie Bank to provide mortgage services and conveyancing in the Shanghai residential property market, with financing obtained from China Construction Bank.
Mr Keating and Macquarie Bank have been hard at work on the proposal for five years. In China, real estate agents organise the bank loan applications and also do the conveyancing work – the two functions that the Keating joint venture, Macquarie Securitisation Shanghai Co, plans to take up.
Keating doesn’t hate Western civilisation, he has a fine collection of French Empire clocks. He is correct in thinking we shouldn’t go to war over Taiwan.
The UN recognised mainland China’s domain over Taiwan half a century ago. It would be absurd for the USA to go back on that recognition now despite Biden’s rhetoric.
The concern will be when disputes fester between China nd Japan. USA still has a security agreement with Japan that carries obligation for support during any armed aggression toward Japan.
With Joe at the helm we should quit the US Alliance.
Joe is not at the helm, he’s like a child on a driverless train, looking out the front window, pretending to be in charge, and playing with the fake controls, while all the decisions and control is done by other people and processes.
“Taiwan is not a vital Australian interest,” he said. “We have no alliance with Taipei. There is no piece of paper sitting in Canberra which has an alliance with Taipei.”
“He urged Australia not to be drawn into a military engagement over Taiwan, “US-sponsored or otherwise”, and said Taiwan was “fundamentally a civil matter” for China. He also referred to Taiwan as China’s “front doorstep”. (Guardian)
el g
O/T but for your “winds that wander”file
“Alaska student’s research upends understanding of upper atmospheric wind”
Thanks Ian.
Au contraire, why then is it virtually impossible to book a spot with any manufacturer to have a sub built within 50 years if it is outdated technology? AUKUS says little more than “We’ll see if we can find someone to build them for you, we’ll share technology with whoever can do the job”. My [admittedly limited] knowledge is that the Japanese were the only tenderer who had an open slot but if you think about it for a few seconds, a Japanese sub’s area of proposed operations would be a tiny fraction of the RAN’s potential theatre of operations.
And let’s put to bed AGAIN the concept of drone subs. The only way to communicate with submerged subs is VLF/ULF radio. The deeper the sub the lower the necessary frequency. The lower the freq. the less bandwidth which drops to character/min. But subs can only receive such low freqs, the transmitters are too bulky to be on a boat.
In the absence of short term supply we refurbish the Collins class. They are actually a pretty good boat and while they can satisfy two basic requirements: They can submerge and are quiet, they are fit for purpose.
Note: Chinese subs are notoriously noisy.
From New Catallaxy Blog Comments
The CDC caused an uproar in early September 2021, after it changed its definitions of “vaccination” and “vaccine.”
Open admission:
The president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division told international “experts” during a globalist health conference that the mRNA COVID-19 shots are indeed “cell and gene therapy” marketed as “vaccines” to be palatable to the public.
Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, made these comments at this year’s World Health Summit, which took place in Berlin from October 24-26 and hosted 6,000 people from 120 countries. Oelrich told his fellow international “experts” from academia, politics, and the private sector that the novel mRNA COVID “vaccines” are actually “cell and gene therapy” that would have otherwise been rejected by the public if not for a “pandemic” and favorable marketing.
been some strident put downs here when some have called the injections gene therapy; bit awkward.
Is there any evidence that bats can catch/transmit Covid 19?
All I’ve been able to come across are people saying it’s theoretically possible because of the receptors for the virus.
I would have thought that bat populations around the world would have been adversely affected, as well as human -> bat -> human infections, especially in countries where bats and humans live in cities close proximity. Can’t find anything of bats being infected with the virus outside of China or bat to human transmission outside of China, that is accepting Chinese assertions at face value.
Movies …
Bats are bad.
Dracula turns into a bat.
Bats drink your blood.
The great coronal V came from bats, like Dracula.
Not from the adjacent coronal V lab that was experimenting how to make weird Vs capable of infecting humans … with weapons potential, paid for by American taxpayer money, with a convenient side benefit of making trillions for international Big Pharma … for for humanity and science.
How dare you.
Stop asking fundamental questions.
Science is not about questioning Science.
Support THE CONSENSUS or you may never work or eat again.
Bats spread Hendra virus which kills horses, trainers and vets.
AND destroy the ambiance of Charters Towers. Loathsome creatures.
I’m a live and let live kinda guy, I’m even in a battle of wits with a scrub turkey, offering him my big back yard with plenty of leaf litter if he were to abandon his mound in the front yard. The bar steward drags me down to his level and beats me with experience.
You have never seen single mindedness until you have seen a mature male scrub turkey [gobbler?] in early summer.
Only unbatcinated bats can catch or transmit the Wuflu.
Its a pandemic of the unbatcinated.
First the Nordic countries, then France and now Germany bans Moderna’s SpikeVax for under 30’s.
And still our TGA has it slated for kids 12 & up
“Passport To Nowhere: The Year In Review”
“In November of last year we could gather with the unvaccinated in a restaurant, but not in a home.
In November of this year we can gather with the unvaccinated in a home, but not in a restaurant.
This concludes your Saskatchewan Wu-Flu Year In Review.”
Sold as progress?
“Singapore Axes Free ‘Universal’ Coronavirus Healthcare for Unvaccinated by Choice”
Another vaccination fail – Denmark sees Covid cases surge 2 months after mass vaccination was thought to allow the disease to be controlled.
Leftists (e.g. Bob Carr) are starting to call for the non-vaxxed (for covid) to be denied medical treatment.
It has always been a principle of medical care that everyone non-judgementally gets access to treatment so even smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, the obese, the elderly, the disabled, motorcycle and bicycle riders and others who do dangerous things get equal treatment.
A two state treatment regime has very dangerous implications. In Vicdanistan Andrews is already building a camp called the Orwellian-named “Centre for National Resilience”.
It is not going to end well.
Feel like your opinions and views are constantly being changed ?
Perhaps when reflecting on years past, you wonder what made you change your views?
Did you do it consciously ?
Or have you subconsciously adopted accepted thinking of a group without even noticing or having spent the time to think it through consciously?
Perhaps you’ve been a victim of the worldwide nudge unit – (oy! stop shoving at the back). Maybe you’ve adopted a worldview you never would have expected just a few years ago – based on little or no actual evidence, just a feeling and copying those you see on the media you watch..
Dr Scot A Youngblood MD Speaking To The San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting 2nd November
He uses the results from Pfizer’s own trial to show that their vaccine has no effect on overall mortality with the Alpha variant and is almost certain to be a net harm with the Delta variant.
A very quick presentation with a lot of information packed into it
Applying brakes on ‘Warp Speed’ COVID-19 vaccinations for children
The long-term side effects are unknown
As physician-researchers who have pioneered the invention of vaccines and other experimental drugs for over 30 years (against cancer), we feel compelled to highlight the need for caution and honest public debate about potential long-term consequences of the available COVID-19 vaccines. Operation Warp Speed successfully enabled rapid deployment of vaccines under emergency use authorization, but we believe there are urgent reasons to apply the brakes on mass vaccine mandates for children.
Disturbing short-term complications from COVID-19 vaccines in adults, including myocarditis, blood clots in the brain, and neurological disorders, warrant us to pause. But we must be transparent that the real threat to children is the unknown long-term complications.
The challenge for researchers to identify new COVID-19 viral target proteins and then to adapt existing manufacturing platforms already shown to be safe for vaccines against other pathogens is already a daunting endeavor. However, using a new, rapid, but previously untested manufacturing technology (mRNA or DNA) introduced a second variable. Herein lies the problem that every science student is taught to avoid: changing two variables simultaneously in a single experiment. This violates the classic scientific method. In this case, the vaccines generated were comprised of active (COVID-19 viral sequences) and inactive components (manufacturing ingredients, including any impurities), neither of which had a prior favorable safety track record in healthy adults or children.
But how likely is the risk of an epidemic of long-term medical complications worse than the pandemic itself, say five years from now?
RNA-based vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) could trigger any number of autoimmune diseases, which can take years to manifest. This is because the resulting combination of viral and normal self-proteins expressed by any cell, which takes up mRNA, creates a brand-new target on normal cells, which the immune system potentially recognizes as foreign and attacks.
mRNA also activates danger sensors in the primal immune system, which in turn indirectly promotes the release of pro-inflammation factors, specifically interferons, which have been associated with autoimmunity. This issue is underscored by a clinical trial of an mRNA lung cancer vaccine in 2019, in which blood tests revealed elevated indicators for autoimmunity concerns in 20% of patients.
Truthfully, even full FDA approval cannot guarantee safety. We are not opposed to vaccination for vulnerable subgroups. But for most children, who rarely become seriously ill from COVID-19, particularly those with immunity from prior infection, forging ahead with currently available vaccines makes minimal sense without longitudinal data to review.
A recent scientific study of risk-benefit analysis in children showed conservatively that there is five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs. those attributable to contracting COVID-19 among the elderly.
What’s the alternative? It is essential to underscore that there are various treatments on the horizon. Alternative COVID-19 vaccines based on protein or inactivated viruses, using traditionally safe technologies rather than mRNA or DNA, are already completing clinical trials and could be deployed soon.
Similarly, monoclonal antibodies, a technology with a 20+ year safety record, are being developed as a shot to prevent COVID-19 infection and are already available through trials. Finally, several early intervention treatments (including antiviral pills related to Tamiflu) are also completing trials, first in adults, then in children. So there is a robust pipeline of emerging tools against this pandemic.
Larry W. Kwak, MD, Ph.D. was named to the TIME100 for his contributions to the science of cancer vaccines and is a former advisor to FDA; Steven T. Rosen, MD is Director of a U.S. National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and a pioneer in the development of monoclonal antibody and precision drugs for cancer; Idit Shachar, Ph.D. served as a department chair at one of the world’s leading scientific research institutes in Israel and has been awarded several patents for treatment of autoimmunity and cancer
What we need is more deaths, suffering, and angry people, to change the paradigm. Without suffering and angry/unhappy people, there will be no change. We need to get some help from the silent majority. Same prerequisite to find a ‘solution’ for CAGW and means to end the forced green scams.
Covid is the big deep lie we have been waiting for.
Mandatary vaccination was accepted by the public… because the silent majority assumed the vaccines were/are safe and that the vaccines provided long term protection. And we assumed our governments controlled the medical industry and we assumed what we were told about covid was the truth.
The fact that the Health Care services/Medical Journals/Governments/Media in every Western country, hid covid curing medicines, like Ivermectin and the Vit D deficiency, is evidence that our medical system is fixed and corrupt. The Vit D deficiency is pathetic. It is a miracle wrapped up in evil.
The public will not accept mandatary vaccines every six months if there are side effects and if there are better alternatives. The vaccine protect is going to start failing for the severely Vit D deficient people (25% to 40% of the population depending on time of year. Quit amazing as people are not aware that sunlight without UVD does not make Vit D. UVB is blocked by ozone, so high latitude regions maybe sunny and warm and the people are still Vit D deficient.
Logically the vaccine side effects, for at risk people, are going to get worse for repeat vaccinations. The at risk people are severely Vit D deficient. Vit D deficient people’s cells do not function correctly, because the cells need the missing Vit D, magnesium, zinc, and so on.
Lying to the public and hiding life saving covid prophylactics like Vit D supplements, Ivermectin, worked, until the public finds out.
Forcing people to vaccinate when the safer/no brainer/scientific alternative is to take Vit D, Zinc, and Magnesium, and Calcium supplements to correct our cells deficiency.
Half of the minerals in the agriculture soils have been lost to the ocean. Plants absorb the minerals, in the soil, we eat the plants and our waste goes to the oceans. Overtime there must be and was a loss of the minerals in the agriculture soils of the world. The Vit D deficiency started when we put on clothes and lived in houses. The first massive outbreak of Vit D deficiency was in Victorian England. That deficiency has hidden by German chemical/pharmaceutical companies’ campaigns to scare people about Vit D and to ensure food in the EU was not supplement with Vit D.
We are deficient and that means our cells/bodies do not function correctly/protect our bodies because of the deficiencies.
Do Antiviral Pills Negate The Need For Vaccine Mandates
Some progress :
Almost no support from Australian governments but plenty of support from Australians .
Here is their website :
But it doesn’t seem to have been updated for a while ( more up to date info on the gofundme page )
Dr John Campbell on data integrity in Pfizer trials .
Whistleblower paper :
Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
The mRNA death jabs should have been banned 6 months ago !
This may explain a few things :
the same few people ultimately own or control almost everything including almost all main stream media , big pharma and anything else that matters .
Explains why MSM is so keen to look after interests of big pharma
Re Petrovsky’s Gofundme exercise- he has raised over $450,000 which has allowed him to fund the approval costs to TGA. Fantastic!
However, I understand that once approval is granted, apparently a Stage 4 trial is further required which, like all trials, is very very costly – in the region of $1 million. So further funding is required unless the government comes to the rescue – which, given their record – is doubtful.
I am really hoping this proceeds for him. My only concern is the manufacturing centre of the vaccine – being Iran. What controls do they have over the factory process? Given the problems early on with Novavax, & of course the recent revelations re contamination in Pfizer process, it still is a concern for me.
After a choir concert in Freigericht (Main-Kinzig), Germany, where only fully vaccinated and those who could prove previous infection could attend, at least 35 people have tested positive for CoVid.,corona-hessen-ticker-358.html#a419653f-592b-46dd-b3b2-d0567f707e57
This NH winter should see a Cold Air Outbreak (CAO) across the continental US.
Taiwan halts 2nd-dose BioNTech vaccinations for ages 12-17 amid concerns of myocarditis
And yet our TGA has this approved for kids, along with the even more statistically suspect Moderna SpikeVax
And Taiwan is the country where the vaccination deaths outnumber those from CoVid, itself.
In breaking news:
Brace yourselves!
Jetstream update:
A Highly linear ‘standing’ and structurally=locked jetstream structure from the central Atlantic over the ME and Asia on into the Pacific has reappeared.
Deep and swollen jet flows in both hemispheres are present once more, and it is again not possible to tell which is the cold hemisphere, because both have an more excited but more linear latitudinal flow appearance.
>410 km/h jets have periodically reappeared the past month.
The novel eastern Pacific “Equatorial jetstream” has also reappeared in the upper troposphere in the past couple of weeks.
Large pools of sinking 0% relative-humidity air, falling out of the lower stratosphere have again increase below 5,000 ft, especially in the southern hemisphere at present.
Most of the same features that were present in the northern winter of 2019 to 2020 are back, in both hemispheres, maybe 6 weeks earlier this time, compared to Nov 2019.
Expect a further increases in weather variability for as long as the accelerated jet flow activity and standing pattern persists.
This time we have La Nina forming into our summer, so that trend should become accentuated by ramped-up Jetstream’s depth and total energy bringing more wind energy down to the surface level, thus more cooling, more rain, more snow and more high ocean waves, with deeper lows and stronger highs (which is what actually drives the jets faster, when the ultra low rh air sinks to ground level, in larger volumes per unit time).
It’s pretty much a given that the met agencies will universally ignore the very obvious and inexplicable changes occurring with this, so don;t expect to read about it in context, they will only yap about weather extremes and blame humans.
They will comprehensively ignore the standing locked jet patterns for months, and the linear circum-global linear jet over Asia and the standing in-falling of 0% rh stratospheric air to ground level in the lows and highs. And they will especially totally fail to mention 400 to 440 km per hour jets that are up to 25% stronger than prior record maximum speeds. They will also completely fail to notice that the southern jets will become almost double the speed they should be during the southern Summer.
It poses too many hard questions so must be dishonorably ignored in favor of self-preservation.
Basslink Enters Voluntary Administration
Companies in the Basslink group (Basslink) have entered voluntary administration, with the directors of those companies appointing EY representatives Adam Nikitins, Stewart McCallum and Colby O’Brien as voluntary administrators.
Basslink owns and operates an HVDC interconnector connecting Tasmania to the national electricity market. The interconnector enhances security of supply on both sides of Bass Strait; assists in protecting Tasmania against the risk of drought-constrained energy shortages while providing Victoria and southern states with secure renewable energy during times of peak demand. The Basslink Interconnector is one of the world’s longest submarine power cables and amongst the best performing HVDC Interconnectors globally, when benchmarked against other systems by CIGRE.
More at
Wow, and they expect to build a second one to SA? Who’s going to finance that?
And almost certainly;
” No company Directors were injured in this voluntary act”.
Queensland AMA president, Chris Perry wants to make thing miserable for the unvaccinated (for CoVid) for the rest of their lives in a Channel 9 morning TV interview
The funny thing is this story is no longer available on the Channel 9 site although you can see a reference to it under the “Australia breaking news today, live coronavirus updates …” heading if you search for “Queensland Chris Perry” on the site
So the Nordic countries, then France and now Germany has banned Moderna’s SpikeVax for under 30’s.
What is the response of our TGA? Repeal the existing authorization for 12+ kids? No! Let’s allow Moderna to test it with even younger kids!
First Fleet surgeon John White noted as they sailed past Van Dieman’s Land: ‘We were surprised to see, at this season of the year, some small patches of snow’.
Chiefio looks at being “anti-nuclear”
“At it’s core, just about ever energy source we have is nuclear. Just by different paths. I like pointing this out to the folks who are “against nuclear power”:
Solar: Fusion nuclear power from the sun.
Wind: Indirect heating makes wind via Solar via fusion nuclear power from the sun.
Hydro: Indirect Solar via evaporation from solar heat from fusion nuclear power from the sun.
Nuclear Power Plants: Fission of heavy isotopes made in supernova fusion events that got deposited on Earth during our creation.
Fossil Fuels: Indirect Solar via plants absorbing light from fusion nuclear power from the sun, then stored as organic compounds over geologic time. (Coal, oil, natural gas, tar sands, etc.) Even if the abiotic thesis holds, that energy for the conversion comes from geologic heat from nuclear (see below).
Biomass: Same as Fossil Fuels but without the geologic time.
GeoThermal: Indirect heat from nuclear decay (fission) of isotopes in the dirt / core.
For any a bit slow on the reality of Electricity, I like to point out: Electricity is NOT a source of energy. It is a carrier of power. We create electricity using one of the primary fuels above. Even things like human powered piezoelectric generators are just biomass via our digestion and hyper-inefficient work function…
Honorable Mention for GeoThermal from gravity kinetic energy from infall of junk in the formation of the planet. This dissipated long ago (4.5 Billion years is a long time) and it WAS a source of energy so some theoretical small amount of it remains. But how did that “stuff” get made and scattered about in space in the first place to do the “infalling”? Nuclear Fusion in the Nova or Supernova that blew up in the process of making it and gave it the position to be gravity driven…
To be “against nuclear power” is to be against all life and all forms of energy. More precision is needed when someone says that. They ought to say something like “I am against light water reactors doing U or Pu fission”… but they won’t as they do not understand the universe.”
“Mischief is important” as a thread title at SDA says
“Raheem is a (hilarious) cheeky bastard…”
“At this point, I’d use “Vaccine Mandate” and “No Ivermectin / No HCQ approval” as strong indicators of “Corrupted and owned by Chinese Money & Big Pharma”. Occam’s Razor and all that…”