A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I think so many of the Elites are making money at taxpayer expense and with the benefit of anti-free market legislation (and not due to free market entrepreneurial efforts) that it is in the public interest to publish lists of all politicians, public serpents, union bosses and other assorted rent seekers who are in receipt of monies in any form from Big Green.
Add to that list those who are gaining or have gained benefits from the corrupt pharmaceutical industry. We are already being warned to prepare for further pandemics and there is sure to be a new “vaccine” ready for each man-made virus that appears.
David the tippiing point for this scam was the PUP party’s thwarting of the Abbott mandate by “protecting” the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government’s Renewable Energy Target after Clive Palmer formed an association with Al Gore.
It was under that “protection” that the scam became Too Big To Fail, as investment subsidised by that scheme flowed to windmills and solar farms’.
It seems that the main page for reporting covid cases in Vicdanistan is no longer reporting the vaccination status of hospitalisations like they used to.
There was always much gloating that only the “filthy unvaxxed” got sick and went to hospital and died but is this no longer a reportable statistic?
Messaging changes but goal stays the same. Get everyone vaxed. Even though the vax is almost useless and harms are ignored.
Numbers of new infections in Vic and NSW stay steady, despite very high vaccination numbers. The cases in hospital gradually decreasing
Possibly this is explained by increasing infections of younger people.
Mean time a headline in the Weekend Australian read; “Generation No Jab Delaying Freedom For Us All”.
Thw writer has a distorted understanding of Freedom!
“The writer has a distorted understanding of Freedom!”.
That may be so, but he does seem to know how to promote intergenerational envy: we baby boomers had it sooo easy.
Baby Boomers had it good due to Labor being kept out of office for 23 years. During that time, jobs were easily found, and a family could buy a house on one income as I did. The second of December 1972 was the start of the destruction of Australia by Whitlam’s communists and LINO’s like Malcolm Fraser. Hawke and Keating slowed down the rot but Rudd and Gillard completed Whitlam’s work. Unfortunately Morrison is Malcolm Turnbull mark 2.
True to a point but we had to work hard:
there was no free uni education, no “living allowance” like for the millions of jobless youth who were channelled into University to reduce the unemployment figures, no gap year, no end of school gatherings at surfers paradise and no overseas travel until you had worked to save the money.
And thank you Keating? I do strongly remember paying interest of 17% on our home loan.
We had it easy only in the sense that it was a bit more predictable: currently youngsters are facing a confusing nightmare and that’s not fair to them.
17% housing loan was the peak, but still serviceable on a single income. As interest rates have fallen incessantly since that time, the amount of debt has risen exponentially across all levels of society and across the world. We have reached the point that the young are financially exposed to even the tiniest of interest rate increases (education and especially housing costs).
That’s true, but look what we bought, very basic 3 bed, 1 bath home. No luxury kitchens, no paving, no air-conditioning , a carport if you were lucky, no driveway, no paint on the plastered walls, no floor coverings. Some people lived with painted concrete floors for years until they could afford carpet. We added these finishing touches bit by bit as we could afford them. New houses today are enormous and positively luxurious.
Chris forgot the using sheets as curtains till you could afford blinds ect…
LOL those were the days
Chris, amen to that. Only one of the three bedrooms in my first home had a GPO.
Another issue was that banks were resolute that you needed 20% deposit with a savings history, ie Dad couldn’t stump up the money. And today, if you have a decent job you can buy any white or brown good on your CC and pay it off in full when due. In the ’60s a TV cost 10 wks of a tradesman’s pay and the finance was 10% flat ie 20% reducing. Washers and fridges similarly expensive. No smashed avocado and latte or Europe trip “before I settle down”.
An awful lot of people could never get out of debt long enough to start to save a deposit on a home, no matter how CHEAP [according to kids today] the house. I was raised as a boy in a “miners’ cottage” [euphemism for hovel that had been broken down and carried on a bullock cart from Charters Towers when the gold rush ended]. But it was cheap. Reckon any millennials would buy that house today, it is still there?
As an aside that house was barely above high water, spring tides would enter the back yard. I suspect that the cinders Dad filled the yard with STILL keep it dry today, 70 years later.
Yes, 17% was high but the current record low interest rates likely harbour much pain in the coming years, I reckon.
Anyone buying into the current house price frenzy (bubble?) without taking a conservative view of future interest rates may well have to liquidate.
They were above 10% pretty much from 1980-1996. One thing that helped was that many people who bought in the 1960-70’s had a lot of wages growth that enabled them to pay down the interest and the principle pretty quickly.
Bought my first house in 1972 and wage growth was nothing special.
In my case the big difference was that I had a fixed interest rate on my mortgage which was common at the time.
Not long after we bought (built) that house, the emergence of Building Societies meant that many people were able to invest their savings at a substantially higher rate than either bank interest or in my case, my mortgage interest rate.
At the end, I think we were getting ~10% on savings and paying ~2.2% on the mortgage.
As a result, we were, as you say, able top pay the house off in pretty quick time.
From a financial perspective, we should have never paid it off given the interest differential, but the peace of mind aspect was worth it.
It was the same here in the UK in the 1970s.
We bought a very basic house which took over half my salary to pay the mortgage and fitted it out bit by bit with second hand cooker etc.
What the young don’t seem to appreciate when criticising the boomers is that they have had the advantage of what would have seemed a wealthy lifestyle to us.
I.phones, x-boxes, driven to school, weekend jaunts to the continent, constant hot water for showers, fitted kitchens etc are all taken for granted and paid for by the boomers.
I know high house prices are driven by the current low mortgage rates, and wonder what will happen when interest rates rise, but also wonder what proportion of salaries are taken by mortgages, without the modern ‘luxuries’ that are deemed so essential by modern youth.
Another difference from the 70s is that many more women work thus in many cases doubling the household income.
It is up to the young to get their priorities right. As my agricultural economic lecturer said, you can’t accumulate capital and spend it at the same time.
The Morrison relentless negativity does not stand up to close scrutiny, there are many examples of why he is not a Turnbull Mark 2 or even supporter, and definitely not a leftist LINO.
A repeat of what was done to drag PM Abbott down, beginning from when he was Opposition Leader 2009-2013 and afterwards 2013-2015.
Unfortunately the mostly left leaning media makes a lot of stories up (fake news), they report selectively from statements made and too often fail to name their sources.
I assume that the three down votes were among the ignorant people who quickly accepted the negativity and smearing copped by Tony Abbott?
And today so many people would like him to be Prime Minister again.
It is now 8 Dennis. It is these people who give us labor governments, they toss out the good because it isn’t perfect. Ever hear of a leftist voting lib “as a protest”? I haven’t either.
“Australia led a solid bloc of countries with Japan, Korea, India, Brazil, China and Indonesia to delete extreme pledges from the final communique (COP26), including a timeline on zero coal, signing up to a methane pledge and ceasing fossil fuels.”
“Even net-zero by 2050 was removed in the end to be in favour of net-zero ‘by or around mid-century’.”
“But in the end, Australia’s presence was slammed by the climate-Antoinettes, representatives from Hollywood, art galleries, climate renewable energy and environmental groups.”
Daily Telegraph – Vikki Campion on COP 26 Glasgow
“Even net-zero by 2050 was removed in the end to be in favour of net-zero ‘by or around mid-century’.”
Makes sense?
I understand that the meaning relates to not being prepared to sign an agreement (see Paris Agreement signed April 2016 for an emissions reduction target timing by 2030) on net zero emissions.
Our Prime Minister has repeated several times publicly that Australia has an “aspirational goal” for net zero emissions but subject to new technology being developed to achieve it, if possible. This was made clear earlier when the PM was a guest at the G7 Meeting in Europe and at that time afterwards when he was discussing a Free Trade Agreement with the UK when he refused to accept net zero emissions being included in the terms and conditions as requested by the UK PM.
So, “by or around mid-century” is a suitably vague uncommitted goal post.
They are also all voluntary, yet we march on regardless.
Morrison is a do nothing dog.
The zero coal, is not a 2050 target, its the 2030 target, yet your beloved ruler keeps playing it as a 2050 target.
P.S, The Morrison sub deal for nuclear. The French don’t make diesel submarines, they make nuclear and had to redesign/remove the reactors and install diesel/batteries. Morrison was part of the government that voted for diesel, pumping water uphill. The uphill water con is 300% over budget and it has only just begun.
Swimming pools and car parks, the billion dollar donation to the renewable energy fund the day after he won election, what was that about.
He has done nothing wrong, because he has done nothing, except haemorrhage other peoples money.
Net zero emissions was a discussion point at the late 2015 IPCC Paris Conference at which many member nations agreed to reduce emissions by 2030, not mention of “zero coal” in the Agreement signed in New York in April 2016 on emissions targets for 2030.
Net zero emissions was a future mission statement discussed at the Paris Conference and 2050 was the recommended target year.
At the 2021 Glasgow Conference Australia and others were not prepared to agree to net zero emissions, Australia made it clear that the agreed 2030 emissions target was the focus as per the Agreement signed in 2016, and pointed out that the target was on track to be achieved.
You need to research your claims because you obviously do not understand the history, timeline or the politics involved. For example, PM Abbott said that in his opinion the IPCC climate modelling is “crap”, but the leftists claimed he said climate change is crap, but he did not, we all know the climate (zones) change over time, Earth Cycles. Christopher Monckton warned that PM Abbott and the Canadian and New Zealand leaders were being targeted for removal by the globalist forces, and all three were soon replaced, unwanted sceptics. That’s the politics.
Snowy 2 pumped storage hydro was a Turnbull Government commitment including buying State Government shares in Snowy Mountains Hydro and you are right, the estimated cost has increased considerably. But that was another part of the transition to renewables political agenda which is based on Kyoto and Paris Agreements to lower emissions. I am not supporting this just providing the information.
The Australian Government has not contributed directly to the UN Fund, instead the allocated funding was reserved for Pacific Island Region nations as foreign aid marked for climate related projects, but more importantly used for other political purposes being to make it more difficult for China to gain favour in the Region. In other words defence purposes and similar reasons and objectives. That’s what it was about and still is, a new contribution was announced at or after COP26. I understand that the UN wants trillions of dollars pledged by member nations for the UN to distribute, like the US President is still trying to get approved after being rejected, thankfully a majority of US politicians are unwilling to fund the “New Green Deal” based UN donation.
Add the globalism politics of many dimensions and the lobbying by “crony capitalist” bankers and businesses and try to appreciate the minefield our Federal Government is facing, and add to it the woke State Governments and Local Government influences and demands.
Wow research, just googled zero coal by 2030, got sick of the 2030 numbers.
Morrison is our modern day Judas, he washes his hands and leaves it to the stake holders. Morrison was in government when the SH2 and sub scam arose.
Morrison claimed, dumping the French Diesel Subs only cost us $400 million, Because we don’t want Nuclear sub builders, building Nuclear subs.
The USA is going on its own green new deal, Brandon has stated he will sink Trillions into it.
PM Abbott with an Ex, how did that work out for him, got him an Ex?
What about the Pools and car parks. Ooh yeah the $444 million he was going to recover from the Barrier reef foundation money laundering scam.
What ever happened with the missing fire money.
Morrison is a Dog and a pissy little dog at that. He will stick a knife in your back and tell you to wriggle. You can’t polish that one.
Too subtle for you MP?
Politics is the art of the smudge.
Australia already has less than net zero CO2 harmless gas emissions. Vic Forbes has already proved this many times over. Scomo and Barnaby need a scientific update quick smart. Get the CSIRO onto the case………Errrrrrrrrrrrrr maybe not.
Maybe if Australian voters were aware and astute they would select candidates for election very carefully and eliminate the Greens, Labor left, Liberal left, National left and candidates masquerading as Independents funded and supported by the local bankers and businesses with investments in renewable energy, electric vehicles transition and even plotting for a new carbon tax-emissions trading (wealth creation) scheme based on climate hoax.
There are patriotic conservative or slightly left or right of centre politicians and new candidates standing for election we should vote for because the left are the problem, they were for PM Abbott and they are for PM Morrison and like minded MPs.
I suggest reading Peter Ridd’s comments posted shortly after he lost his court case. He correctly states (imo) that his generation (Baby Boomers) have a lot to answer for.
The Boomers, 55-75yo give or take, are at the height of their powers, directing Covid policy, which is based on fear and selfishness. Even my Year 7/8 high school children say there are clear differences in behaviour between their younger and older teachers… seniors openly talk about the need for students to be vaccinated (“discuss it with your parents”) and one even instructed my son and his friends to stop playing handball (fully masked and socially distancing on a hot sunny day) because they could spread covid via the handball.
It is also my opinion that CAGW lunacy will peak and wane with the retirement and passing of this generation. Like Peter Ridd, I have faith in our younger generations.
Australia is governed by a prime minister, CHOs and state leaders who are all Gen X
“The Boomers, 55-75yo give or take, are at the height of their powers, directing Covid policy, . . . .”
Mate , you’re dreaming .
But Greta loves you .
Rowingboat. Have you got both oars in the water? 😉
Sure there’s a handfull of grey haired heads in the crowds at climate rallies but the people at Extinction Rebellion events are overwhelmingly younger than Boomers. As are the school teachers pushing the agenda on the kids.
Surveys regularly show the older the age group the less concern with climate change.
Climate change alarmism had its origins as a political tool by the motivated left. Which were a combination of “boomers” and the “silent generation”, but only a minority of those.
Strop, I hear you but who’s been writing/driving education policy, the originators of climate change alarmism? It’s not the teachers and certainly not the kids. Greta is just a pawn.
Two of my children have recently started public high school and both have had young science teachers (20’s, early 30’s) who challenged the AGW curriculum. One actually said to the class “what I’m about to teach you isn’t necessarily my personal view”. The class understood the message. The other teacher encouraged debate and it was clear, according to my daughter, that he’s a sceptic.
We have friends in their 50s whose children attend these rallies you mention, but they are following their parents ideology. It’s the parents driving it, making a lot of noise and posting on Facebook. Nonetheless I think there are seeds of rebellion in our youngsters, which will grow as the mathematical realities that Tony speaks of become evident.
Sure, there are cases like the examples you mention. I’m not saying 100% of young teachers are into pushing AGW and I’m not saying 100% of boomers aren’t.
I think your examples are the exception rather than the rule.
Ever since the United Nations was established shortly after WW2 the rot has been setting in, that organisation was infiltrated by leftists who have been able to gain control.
Australian Labor Attorney General Evatt (a Communist Faction member) gave his UN Comrades the plan to sign treaties and agreements with member nations that could be and have been used to get around constitutional laws using legislation and regulations to implement UN agendas, like the 1975 Lima Protocol or Agreement that member nations would effectively handover manufacturing industry to developing nations over time, like Agenda 21 that stooped new dams, locked away minerals and energy, cut back commercial fishing, stopped logging and more via UN registered National Parks land and marine based. Like the emissions reduction target agreements of Kyoto and Paris that have caused rising electricity prices and other economic vandalism.
And as Peter Ride pointed out the people mostly sat back and ignored what was happening, even when it has been pointed out very few seemed to be interested let alone worried about it.
Interesting outlines.
height of their powers eh? yes indeedy , very employable those over 55s. I think the reins were passed while you were hibernating
seems to be a gap in your time space continuum I think
My turn to be picky. That was the industrial boom with the 4 stroke piston engine, epitomised by the RR Merlin engine and the Yank V8, being the pinnacle of achievement. Nothing made of steel didn’t change dramatically in this time.
Your tech boom was at a snails pace with the cavity magnetron and waveguide theory the only giant step ’till the transistor started the next change, but it was decades between fertilisation and maturity.
Bugger off Peter Ridd.
The boomers are the greatest generation after that of their uncles who never returned. The fathers [and mothers] and the boomers rebuilt the world after the most devastating conflict imaginable and did it so well that we have a couple of generations who have never had callouses on their hands and see micro-aggressions all around them.
Today it is too risky to patch a pot hole in the road without a hundred witches hats and team of guys with stop/go signs.
Boomers built the Snowy, what has Ridd’s generation built?
The “boomer” generation was born between 1946 and 1964.
The Snowy Mountains Scheme was started in 1949 when the first of the boomers were 3 years old. It was finished in 1972 when the early boomers were 26 and the late boomers were 8 years old.
So, yeah some boomers probably worked the Snowy, and a lot of immigrants were brought in from outside Australia to work on it, mostly older than boomers. To say the boomers actually built it is highly doubtful.
Ridd was born in 1960, making him also a boomer, albeit a lagging boomer. Gen X followed and were of course the ones who built the very successful Australian software industry, which had an unfair advantage … both government and the unions couldn’t figure out how to get involved in the software industry and that’s why it flourished.
Gen X were also the ones who moved up through the boomers’ shadow, learning how to deal with things themselves, without having it handed to them. Whitlam gave the boomers free education … but when Gen X came along that ladder was yanked up and it was HECS debt and paid-for education. Gen X got the “recession we had to have” early in their careers when firms would keep older workers and flush out anyone new, by the “last in first out” basis. Then they got the GFC at the time they should have been starting families, so many didn’t start families. Now the boomers have mostly retired, they demand low tax (for themselves in retirement) and free healthcare. Gen X are paying for it with high marginal tax rates people who are not retired but at the stage in their career where they have high earning potential (unless they were able to retire early).
Gen Y (Millennial if you like) are paying off their mortgages and they are OK for the time being, but just wait until those interest rates go up … they will be next to pay.
Mind you, COVID has achieved the greatest inter-generational theft in all of history when the young are sacrificed for a few more years added to the lives of the old. It makes what Whitlam and Keating did pale in comparison.
You have heard of the “stupid grandson” theory?
1900 to 1950 was a huge tech boom, with the good and the bad that comes with that, but almost every recent invention that changed the world came from that period. Then 1950 to 2000 was consolidation, building and refining what was discovered. 2000 and onwards have been a downward spiral of nutty ideas that don’t work.
Roughly what age does someone typically reach the peak of their career and power? Approx age 50, right? Well year 2000 was when the early boomers reached their peak, and around 2015 was when the late boomers reached their peak … give or take a year if you want to argue the details.
The torch has now been handed to Gen X but the momentum has not turned around, although at least the word has got out there that things do need to change. Where it goes is anyone’s guess. I think the best of Gen X will get the heck out of the way, and retire early … most of the preppers seem to be Gen X, and Gen Y not boomers.
Peter Ridd is only 60, a late boomer.
To tel #
Point taken, it wasn’t the boomers, it was their fathers.
What does that change?
Here I thought I was a boomer but I am too old! Well I spent the 60’s in college so we were the activists, not the boomers.
Hawke and Keating did not slow any rot. The Hawke government deliberately promoted the crash of 1987.
Every prudent businessman knew that what they were doing must lead to a crash, and still Hawke promoted it vigourously.
The Marxists believed that the crash would mark the end of capitalism, and on the scorched earth they could build their new Nirvana. Which as far as I could tell was the model the USSR had thrown out after spending a whole lifetime trying to make it work.
But they were outsmarted. The people on top of the pile could still remember the 1930s. There’s not much fun on top if the pile is flat. So they took losses sufficient to prevent the pile from collapsing, leaving them still on top and the Marxists still on the outer.
Having failed to gain control in 1987 the Marxists switched to running up public debt. Public debt must be funded by private capital. Public debt is future private capital already removed from private management.
When public debt exceeds the capacity of private capital to service it, private capital will become irrelevant. Or so believes a bookworm Marxist. That is what we are facing.
Just as we were with the 17% )20% on the farm) interest, We had a very pleasant 3,500 acres and some people used to come and camp and do a bit of shooting. Two young brothers with girl friends came. Later they came again, one couple married, they had three kids. Years later the other brother came, same girlfriend no kids, I asked: “How are Kevin and Ros getting on?” Ah, they split up. They bought a house in a new subdivision at Minchinbury. Of fourteen young couples who bought there at the same time eleven split up.
That was the Marxist plan. Destroy the family unit.
what exactly do you want? They have been reporting about every 2-3 days and the numbers have not changed for a month or more 4-7% fully vaccinated in ICU about 15% in hospital. What is not known is the demographics of these vaccinated people. I’d bet they are elderly or immunocompromised.
Percentages will go up with waning resistance but total numbers will go down due to population coverage.
The same as covid deaths, last year, plus the rapid decline in efficacy of the vax.
So what is your problem with the data?
No problem, same data for 20 months. Just adding the decline in efficacy of the vax as a contributor.
A 6 month booster is not going to cut it as the efficacy is almost zero. 3 month is required to keep it above 50%, but it only got to 97% efficacy after 2 doses 1 month apart, so I would suggest monthly is required. Would you do this please, for my safety!
Looking forward to the new, no warranty vax administration centres in every shopping centre, defib on every wall.
Some learned people have taken to torturing language here.
In my admittedly old lexicon, efficacy is an absolute term, but I see doctors and professors using it in a comparative sense, meaning comparative effectiveness.
Saves a bit of ink, I suppose..
Efficacy is the ability to perform a task to a satisfactory or expected degree.
you can both be right.
I torture language everywhere, its what I do.
Did it even get to that?
Pfizer claim that there Covid-19 mRNA injection has a vaccine effectiveness of 95%. They were able to claim this because of the following –
During the ongoing clinical trial, 43,661 subjects were split evenly between the placebo and vaccine groups (about 21,830 subjects per group).
In the placebo group — the group that didn’t have the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine — 162 became infected with the coronavirus and showed symptoms.
Whilst in the vaccine group — the group that got the real vaccine — that number was only 8.
Therefore the percentage of placebo group who became infected equated to 0.74% (162 / 21830 x 100 = 0.74).
Whilst 0.04% of the vaccinate group became infected (8 / 21830 x 100 = 0.04)
In order to calculate the efficacy of their Covid-19 mRNA injection, Pfizer then performed the following calculation –
They first subtracted the percentage of infections in the vaccinated group from the percentage of infections in the placebo group.
0.74% – 0.04% = 0.7%
Then they divided that total by the percentage of infections in the placebo group, which equated to 95%.
0.7 / 0.74 = 95%.”
It gets worse!
“The new UK Health Security Agency report proves without a shadow of a doubt that the Covid-19 vaccines do not work, and actually make the recipients worse… by week.”
Even The Age reports that the official ICU figures might not be accurate.
The whole Covid thing is heavily politically stage managed.
Case in point, go back 6 months and youd have the victorian Il Dolce running around with his hair on fire over 2 cases and lecturing everyone on the benefits of benevolent house arrest to avert an artificial “crisis”.
Now with the majority of the population coerced into taking a drug that is effectively useless, they are happy to rack and stack the infected 20 deep without a care in the world.
Ive called BS on covid right from the start, this just proves it.
“Looking forward to the new, no warranty vax administration centres in every shopping centre, defib on every wall.”
You forgot about the body bags under the counter MP.
Here in Canada, if the vax status of a hospitalization or death is not publicized, then you can be sure the individual was vaxed.
They seem to include it here. (at least every few days)
Seems like vaccination helps reduce hospitalisation given less that 20% of the Vic population isn’t fully vaccinated but they make up over 80% of hospitalisations and 95% of those in ICU.
That is how it seems. Do we believe them?
I find it hard to understand how the virus keeps spreading with >80% of the population now fully vaccinated.
It appears that once you get to 50% population double tapped, the virus at that point appears to have a form of critical mass that guarantees ongoing sustained community infection, mostly from vaccinated individuals.
It appears this is by design, as without a viral boogey man, the puppets we laughably call a gumint, couldnt use thier health orders to great effect….
Exactly Peter C.
If the vaccines work, why do fully vaccinated people still need to wear masks?
And if the masks work, why do we need to be vaccinated?
Not defending it at all but there is a concept of layered security. Relying on individual silver bullets is most often not a good plan.
Because vaccinated people can spread the virus and catch the virus. They’re just a lot less likely to require hospitalisation.
In the UK in the last two months 81.8% of covid deaths are vaccinated. That is close to the percentage of the population tht are vaccinated, so basically you have as much chance of dying of covid in the UK if you are vaccinated as you are if you are unvaccinated.
Be careful. The two groups are not equivalent. The highest risk people are far more likely to get vaxxed. It’s not an apples to apples comparison.
Better studies use matched controls or try to adjust for age at least…
TedM, can you please share the source of that stat?
I’ve seen similar claims based on the hospital data which is simply people dying who have tested positive to covid in the 21 days prior to death. But the cause of death isn’t stated as covid. It’s simply a death with a recent positive test being interpreted as a covid death.
Both (covid) vaccinated and unvaccinated people have one thing in common.
Neither are fully vaccinated.
Hence my use of the term injected.
Me too. I refer to “the injection” not vaccination or the playful-sounding “jab”.
comment FG.
Don’t know how that turned out, I actually wrote “fair comment FG.
If you don’t click on the dialogue box first, everything you type before the first “space” is replaced by the Bold command.
Hence my use of the word ‘shot’.
We then have the expansion to ‘shot duck’ as hypothesized for those recipients of the spike protein however it may be cultivated or administered.
Thank you, David & Broadie –
JAB: Jacinda Ardern’s Bullsh!t
SHOT: Socialist Hierarchy Of Tyranny
Transparent: Mum or Dad is confused
COVID: Certificate Of Vaccination Identifiction
The ‘new variant’ pandemic for 2022: Vaccinitis!
We have been warned…
Quote of the day David.
Can’t disagree with that.
CDC Emails: Our Definition of Vaccine is “Problematic”
CDC: Problematic Vaccine? No, Problematic Definition of Vaccine.
The CDC caused an uproar in early September 2021, after it changed its definitions of “vaccination” and “vaccine.” For years, the CDC had set definitions for vaccination/vaccine that discussed immunity. This all changed on September 1, 2021.
The prior CDC Definitions of Vaccine and Vaccination (August 26, 2021):
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
The CDC Definitions of Vaccine and Vaccination since September 1, 2021:
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
People noticed. Representative Thomas Massie was among the first to discuss the change, noting the definition went from “immunity” to “protection”.
There you have it. Affirmative action for the multinational corporations. Why have them improve their vaccines when you can just change the definition of vaccine to fit their ineffective vaccines?
Excellent short talk about vaccine efficacy, or not, by physician Scott Youngblood.
Thanks David, very good and to the point. To give a couple of specific mentions at 5:35 he says “To this day there are no FDA approved Covid vaccines that are actually available in the United States.” And at at 7:13, “the bottom line is that this issue is really complicated. The decision for Covid vaccination should be left up to the patient in consultation with their doctor. There is no medical or scientific justification for Covid vaccine mandates by a Government or employers.” ToM
The current COVID “vaccines” on offer rapidly lose their efficacy plus they were only designed for the original WuFlu, not Delta. So, a third injection, a so-called booster, is required six months after the second vaccination injection.
But why would it end there? Surely such boosters will be required every six months (or less) indefinitely.
And the vaccines themselves have an unreasonably high rate of complications or death. How does the danger accumulate for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th injections etc.?
How does the endless productiom and challenge of possibly toxic spike proteins continually delivered into the body work out long term?
(“Fact checkers” claim spike proteins are not toxic so I assume they probably are.)
There was some talk about reformulating the doses to make them better suited to delta but that seems to have morphed into mix and match is fine.
Your question about accumulating danger with each injection is a good one. The powers that be are only just coming around to investigating why “a small number” of sportsmen and other young and healthy people are dropping dead from injection induced heart problems. It will be a while before they figure out how to spin that away.
And when fact checkers claim that spike proteins are not “toxic” they mean not “toxic in the conventional poisons sense”. It’s all word salad with those guys. It’s just what they do.
Even if it does not accumulate, each shot or booster increases your chance of an adverse reaction by 100% from the first.
As someone not as switched on to the intricacies at the molecular level for COVD-19, I would look at what is happening, if anything, with the ACE receptor sites both with the virus and the vaccines. These receptors are important to the cardiovascular system. Could it be they are being knocked over and out, or redistributed, or one type becoming paramount and hyperactive in the myocardium.
At least it seems a logical place to start when trying to find the cause for the myocarditis or sudden death. Is there anything to see with those taking ACE receptor blockers, or something that changes with those taking the ACE inhibitors when subject to the virus or the vaccine? These are currently a major favourite antihypertension therapy ie used by many especially middle aged and elderly people.
Good link to that
As regards “boosters”, the governor of California has not been seen or heard of since his booster.
Some of many spike protein toxicity papers from my collection.
This one tested only for lung tissue damage.
Rapid ReportThe Pathophysiology of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Spike Protein Induces Alveolar Inflammation and Acute Lung Injury
And this one for heart damage
SARS-CoV-2 direct cardiac damage through spike-mediated cardiomyocyte fusion
We conclude that SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein, efficiently primed, activated and strategically poised during biosynthesis, can exploit the CM’s inherent membranous connectivities to drive heart damage directly . . .
And yet more heart damage.
Covid-19 spike protein binds to and changes cells in the heart
. . . found that the spike protein binds to cells called pericytes which line the small vessels of the heart. This binding triggers a cascade of changes which disrupt normal cell function, and lead to the release of chemicals that cause inflammation. This happened even when the protein was no-longer attached to the virus.
See? “Safe and effective” ©.
Safe as long as you don’t take it, and effective as people are dropping like flies, the manufacturers are raking in $millions and they’re guaranteed immunity from prosecution. Deal of the century!
The injection disables immune receptors to cancer and thus mnra marched right through the front door, happy times ahead folks..
Read two papers. Mm.
Badly! See my comment above and the link to in vitro research suggesting the mechanism of DNA repair is impaired.
Imagine mucking around with whatever the mechanism that governs this may do to your body!
Might explain why your relatives and mates enjoying regression in a previously treated cancer are now either dead or in a diabolical health situation. Or, to end on a positive note, those on death’s door with lumps and bumps all through them now able to sit down to a ciggy, the pokies and a schnitzel again after a ‘Clot Shot’.
Its rather a telling point that “fact checking” is needed about the lethality of a component of a globally used vaccine. Its amazing that its even a talking point and testament to the unknown nature of whar we have embarked on.
, Apparently David, the 3rd or booster shot MUST be Pfizer. I wonder why this will be the only option, specially if an individual has already recieved alternative manufacturers products. The “mix and match” narrative for best results doen’t seem to cut the mustard.
Which is why I will sit at home if I have to while waiting for the Novavax product (or similar).
How does the danger accumulate for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th injections etc.?
This link is getting old, but the 2nd shot is much more likely to give you myocarditis than the first, possibly up to a factor of 10:
Sorry to announce the $1 million Aussie vaccine lottery has been won, but fear not, if you’re of an acute gambling disposition the real-life vax lottery is still in full swing and you can keep taking boosters for the rest of your — shortened — “natural” life. Russian roulette with a needle. And good luck with that.
May every jab be good for you . . . until your final one isn’t.
Over 17,000 boosters were administered last week to the fully vaccinated before the official booster program even commences on Nov 9th. If they get a wriggle on they might be able to squeeze in a 4th booster before Christmas and a 5th to celebrate New Year. Why not a Pfizer booster gift certificate to fill those Christmas stockings for the kiddies? Redeemable in any Bunnings carpark — the obvious place of choice for any medical procedure.
How long before the “fully vaccinated” wake up to the fact that they are not, have never been, and can never be fully vaccinated?
And the hospitals just keep filling up with inexplicable cases. What could it be? If only there were some common factor staring us in the face. It’s a head-scratcher. I blame global warming, just like that BC doctor.
The concerning corollary is that while ever the cases are being characterised as unrelated and “cause unknown”, they are not being recorded as vaccine injuries in the official data, no matter how vaccine-related they might be.
I wonder how many recipients of the “vaccine” have been falsely lead to believe that:
A) The substance they had injected was properly tested and was safe?
B) The substance they had injected was going to protect them?
Yes, uninformed consent, mis-informed consent and informed non-consent seem to be the case for most vaxxees.
I would also add the issue of production oversight and quality control.
Blanket liability immunity would ah … ‘neutralize’ production safety standards.
Add production volume pressure.
What could go wrong?
We can look to the historical safety record of Big Pharma for reassurance.
Lead: led.
Read: red.
Why this no work proper! 🙂
Cause unknown would be an interesting statistic.
beowulf, your post is brilliantly funny, albeit in such a tragic way. I hope you are a writer, or a comedian, or comedy writer. I would love to see more.
“May every jab be good for you . . . until your final one isn’t.”
I humbly offer the following from President Snow:
“May the jabs be ever in your favor.”
This is interesting. There are now two anti virials to treat covid, for the at risk people. Those people whose immune response is inadequate/not functioning. Hopefully this will stop the madness of forced vaccinations every 6 months.
The vaccines work and continue to work for non Vit D deficient people. The elderly and at the risk people are all severely Vit D deficient which explains why the vaccine protection fails for their bodies after 6 months. The covid anti viral works independent of the person’s immune response which does not work because their are severely Vit deficient.
The at risk people (dark skin people, people who are obese, have type 2 diabetes (caused by the Vit D deficiency) or who are pregnant and hence more Vit D deficient as Vit D deficiency. As Vit D deficiency is mass dependent and pregnant women share their Vit D with their baby), who are all severely Vit D deficient, do not produce an adequate immune response to covid.
“Covid: Pfizer says antiviral pill 89% effective in high-risk cases”
Regeneron reports COVID-19 antibody cocktail reduced infection risk by 82% for 8 months
WHO recommends use of Regeneron’s Covid-19 antibody drug cocktail, 27 Sep 2021
The development is based on a British trial in 9,000 subjects, in which the antibody cocktail lowered mortality in hospitalised patients.
REGN-COV2 is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies (REGN10933 and REGN10987) and was designed specifically to block infectivity of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
To develop REGN-COV2, Regeneron scientists evaluated thousands of fully-human antibodies produced by the company’s VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically modified to have a human immune system, as well as antibodies identified from humans who have recovered from COVID-19. The two potent, virus-neutralizing antibodies that form REGN-COV2 bind non-competitively to the critical receptor binding domain of the virus’s spike protein, which diminishes the ability of mutant viruses to escape treatment and protects against spike variants that have arisen in the human population, as detailed in Science. Preclinical studies have shown that REGN-COV2 reduced the amount of virus and associated damage in the lungs of non-human primates.
Thank you William, it is always welcome to receive news of potential replacements for the unacceptable current injections.
However, without being a naysayer, I do have to say that monoclonal antibody drugs have problems of their own.
La Nina to peak in December or January.
Personally I would say March. Looking at sub surface temperature and the Humboldt readings. Of course SST near OZ and wind advection from mid Pacific need looking at. Coupling. At least people like us can look at information and make our determinations.
I have money on La Nina conditions to continue well into next year and replaced by neutral.
Normally the ENSO autocorrect would create a strong El Nino, but with a quiet sun and PDO going negative it seems unlikely.
Carbon (sic).
Is there nothing it can’t do … that only a tax can stop?
Had the misfortune of hearing the BBC’s Irish climate fanatic, Matt McGrath, warbling on the radio today about ‘cutting carbon’.
Does one need a diamond to cut a lump of coal?
Maybe I shouldn’t listen to the radio anymore.
I am sick of hearing that covid “vaccination” is voluntary in Australia.
It might be true that storm troopers aren’t yet rounding people up in the middle of the night and taking them to camps like Vicdanistan’s Orwellian-sounding “Centre for National Resilience”.
But it is true that if you want to work, trade, have haircuts, go to movies, travel, go to restaurants etc., in other words participate in normal day to day life, then you must be in receipt of a state mandated compulsory injection. (Depends on state.)
Since the injection is in practice compulsory, it is in violation of the Nuremberg Code which states all medical treatment must be voluntarily with only rare exceptions.
I paid a visit to Drumming Golf yesterday. While I am required to show proof of injections to play outdoors on a real golf course, there is no such requirement to play on their indoor simulated golf course.
The shutting down of golf courses has never made any sense to me.
More to do with the 19th hole I suspect
Yes. Prior to the great re-unification quite a few if not most country courses required injections for the clubhouse but not for the course. After the great re-unification the golf association has mandated injections even for the courses.
This too shall pass.
A friend who had to get the jabs to keep their job crossed out the word ‘voluntary’ and put ‘coerced to keep job.’
The chemist became very agitated and rather loud in front of other customers and yelled that the person would not be given their second jab.
Friend said to chemist that it was true, and that they had done the same on their first jab consent form, and no one noticed at his shop.
The bullying to sign consent was disconcerting.
I congratulated them.
Reading the fine print before signing. Your friend’s blood is worth bottling.
A young man I know had a similar experience that resulted in a conundrum for the injecting pharmacist.
Chap had to be vaccinated to keep job,
Refused to sign “voluntary consent” form.
Pharmacist threatened to refuse injection.
Man suggested legal action against pharmacist for refusing state mandated directive.
Much head scratching by all staff in pharmacy,
This man, ( I’m proud of him for many reasons ) certainly made his point. The authorities might win in the long run but they will have to fight every inch of the way.
He also recorded the whole fiasco on his phone just in case.
Demand to be given immediate possession of the syringe and vial from which the administered “Product”was drawn and administered.Also demand to be present when the dose is being prepared.May be very important evidence in the event of a compensation or criminal court claim?
You are dead right David. I am a teacher in a secondary school in WA, and I have just sent this to my boss
Dear (Principal)
I just read your email, resulting from the Premier’s announcement today.
It saddens me greatly to have to inform you that under no circumstances will I participate in what is essentially a global health experiment.
You are probably well aware that in my 14 years at (school), I have taken zero sick days. In fact, in my entire 51 year career, I have taken 6 sick days, 5 of which were injury and one of which was food poisoning.
I am not one of the perjoratively described “anti-vaxxers”. In fact, a few years ago, my daughter asked me to take the whooping cough vaccine prior to the birth of her first child. I acceded to this, even though I was fit and healthy and had never been within a bull’s roar of whooping cough. But the whooping cough vaccine was not experimental, and had gone through all the checks and balances that vaccines, prior to these COVID vaccines, had to face. I have never had the flu’ vaccine, and I have never had the flu’.
I have always been very careful about what I let into my body. I don’t drink alcohol. I eat a plant based diet and rarely eat cooked food. I avoid fast foods at all costs. I don’t drink coffee, although I don’t mind a cup of tea. I avoid processed foods. Also, I keep myself reasonably fit, starting off most days of the year with a 2 hour, fairly high intensity, physical workout. I sleep pretty well, and I don’t get too stressed about anything at all. Many say I am lucky, and maybe I am, but a lot of it has to do with the choices I have made with respect to my health.
The COVID virus, in the main, afflicts people with health issues. Many of these issues are self-inflicted, such as smoking induced illness, consuming foods too high in fats and sugars, poor exercise, getting overweight, leading to Type 2 diabetes, drinking too much alcohol, and so on.
So along comes a premier who thinks that everyone has the same health base, and starts making rules about how I should be managing my health. The lunacy of it all is that the protected are demanding that the unprotected partake of the protection that the protected have used, because the protection that the protected have used isn’t protecting them from either the protected or the unprotected. It’s like something out of a Monty Python movie.
As you well know, I love teaching at (school) and I think I bring a lot of energy and expertise to the school. I tell everyone that I meet out there that teaching at (school) is like dying and going to heaven. I also tell people who grizzle about working at (school) to go and try somewhere else and maybe then they would appreciate how good it is.
I am not blaming you, or the (school) board, for any of this. I have been watching it coming for quite some time. Equally, I can see in 6 months or a year, the Premier will wake up to the stupidity of what he is imposing, and quietly let these rules abate.
So, I don’t want to actually resign, but I do have about half a year’s long service leave up my sleeve. Maybe at the end of this year, I can take this leave until June next year. Should the rules still be in place, then I can either resign or go on some further extended leave. But I know you have a school to run, and you need to get good maths teachers who want to stay there.
I am more than happy to come and talk to you about this, although I imagine I am not the only person with these concerns, so you might be fairly busy.
Kind regards
Geez, I hope you aren’t a persuasive writing teacher.
They probably care even less than I do what you hope
Geez, I hope you aren’t an empathetic person.
not to anti vaxxers who think they are superhuman
I am not an antixaxxer, I am pro-choice.
I do not think I am superhuman, just a human.
I have not asked you to sacrifice anything on my behalf, are you insisting I sacrifice on your behalf. I have always held you in high regard, I always thought you where above this.
I am not asking you to do anything for me, I want you all to carry on, pretend I am not here, as normal. I am not afraid of your virus.
Way to many dinners with Greggo.
It’s not all about you. Unless you are using Surftilidie as a pseudonym.
You called me antivaxxer, I dispute that claim. Otherwise direct your insults at the individual you are replying to, not the broader readership.
I did?
Anti vaxxers, Plural. You called us, I am replying for me only.
Lets not play this game, we both know what you meant.
False premise and you know it.
Only if you accept his definition. I don’t.
Gee Aye, They explained they’re not an anti-vaxxer, but do object to being a lab rat. There’s a big difference between being broadly anti-vaccination or simply having a concern with a particular vaccine.
I refuse to be treated by a particular doctor but I am happy to take treatment from other doctors I have confidence in. So I would say I’m not anti-doctor but it seems you wouldn’t accept that and would want to classify me as anti-doctor.
Whose the anti-vaxxer? No one in this discussion.
Strop… they claimed they were an AV but then demonstrated that they were.
MP the plural was correct use of English as I did confine my comment to him if others are like him.
Actually, they (Surftilidie) claimed they were not AV and then demonstrated they were not AV.
Refusing one vaccination does not make a person anti-vaccination when they accept other vaccinations. It simply makes them thoughtful.
GA, why are you here? Been kicked off other sites?
You don’t like us, not even the host who does this blog on her own. You post a lot, I hope you buy your fair share [that’s the leftist buzz word isn’t it?] of chocolates.
It’s a troll. Don’t feed it.
If GA deals with people “in person” the same way they deal with people here, then I suspect very few people would voluntarily interact with them.
Of course, my opinion is as worthless as anyone else’s on here…
So true
You a better person than me, Surftilidie. I would be LIVID that the choice of our government and public service honchos has been to exclude an exceptionally healthy person from the education system.
It is even worse because you are obviously a very good teacher (because you love it – always a good indicator) – an enormous asset to any school today.
The kids are poorer for the loss of you in the school.
“The kids are poorer for the loss of you in the school.”
here, here
There’s cases where people have been ripped off and lost access to accumulated leave so you might consider taking that a little bit before the mandate comes in.
Remember, this is nothing to do with health, and you are dealing with very vindictive bullies … they have no intention of playing fair.
Come on Ozzies, get your act together. All of this bickering about covid and vaccines and efficacy and hospitalizations, you’ll never achieve social credit utopia with that attitude.
“have haircuts,”
Growing a really good mullet ! 🙂
Quote from Nineteen Eighty Four movie (new version).
“You’re a thought criminal.”
Five seconds.
We’re getting more a more used to hearing that from the Left.
Oh what a shock!
Jabs Forever: UK May Change Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ to Mean Three Shots . . .
Didn’t see that one coming. So it’s back to square one for millions. At the stroke of a pen you go from being a person to being an un-person with your natural born rights violated by some politicians and their bureaucrat medical cronies.
In Israel, if you haven’t had a third injection six months after the second you are regarded as unvaxxed.
Vaccination Rates in Israel may Plummet!
Apparently the infection rate is on the rise in the UK. My son in London tells me he’s back to four days working from home again. My daughter in Oxford tells me she still hasn’t been permitted to work on site in her lab yet.
But on the subject of rights, the ones with the big sticks will always give you the freedoms they think you deserve. Governments and big business are no longer afraid of the citizenry. That needs to change.
This was always the game….
“Australians ‘will need Covid vaccine booster shots every six to 12 months for years to prevent the pandemic from taking hold again’
And I don’t believe the 6 to 12 months bit either OS. It will be 3 or 4 monthly before they know it, until all those toxins catch up with them.
From Malcom Roberts on Facebook:
Greg Hunt put this photo of himself on Instagram.
On his bookshelf is the book ‘COVID19- The Great Reset’ by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.
Some other things we should know about Greg Hunt:
* He was Director of Strategy at the World Economic Forum in Geneva from 2000 to 2001.
* He assisted Malcolm Turnbull in secretly introducing a carbon tax in 2016 that is still in place today even though Liberal voters rejected the premise.
* He is campaigning against medical cannabis and nicotine vaping – who benefits?
* He attended Melbourne Law School where he won a prize for a final-year thesis he co-authored, titled A Tax to Make the Polluter Pay.
UPDATE * He has confirmed he “killed” the idea of a review into the Bureau of Meteorology over claims it was exaggerating estimates of global warming.
Our democracy has been hijacked.
Since everyone on this blog knows how to recognise Marxism, I assume they all have a copy of Das Kapital on their shelves.
I’ve had dinner with Greggo a few times if you want to add that to your list.
Dinner with Greg, Jane and Julia. I take it the salmon mousse was not on the menu?
No as the food would have been humble pie for Hunt, humble pie for Jane and Welsh Rarebit for Gizzared…………………
I meant Bishop, Chancellor of the ANU, member of the WEF, as is Greg and Jane Halton.
MP, salmon mousse?
Now you’re just descending into hyperbowl. 😉
“knows how to recognise Marxism”
Yep.. read your posts !
“I’ve had dinner with Greggo a few times if you want to add that to your list.”</
Explains a few things.
The “carbon tax” referred to is a fossil fuel levy or tax targeting coal and coal fired power stations to support the transition to wind and solar so called renewables, the legislation was passed in Parliament.
It is open ended so could be extended to other fossil fuel applications such as motor vehicles, as an incentive to transition to EV for example.
And it was the Turnbull Government responsible for this “carbon tax” by stealth.
Spell check for yaa Keith.
You got a H in there and a funny line thing at the end of the C
Don’t draw attention to it.
He’s a despicable user.
Thanks for that collage of information; I’ve been giving Mister Hunt the benefit of the doubt for far too long eh. I was blindsided by his initial advocacy for ivermectin but the scales have fallen from my eyes.
I have heard that he did but not that he (Greg Hunt) had confirmed it. Can you provide a reference?
It appears that Finland, unlike a certain country that will remain nameless, is fortunate enough to have some politicians who put their nation’s interests first, rather than their own short-term self-interest:
Finland Might Have Solved Nuclear Power’s Biggest Problem
And after watching the above video, this video on emerging nuclear technology popped up in the recommended list.
Australia already has a similar project site identified and approved, ready to go, in Kimba, SA.
But of course it has been delayed over 6 years by the NIMBY brigade who seem to believe their children will mutate into Martians !
Vaccine trial whistle blower
649,843 views7 Nov 2021
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial,
Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company…
Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial,
raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight
This was the original paper…
Autumn 2020
Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla
As I’ve said before, we are operating at the speed of science
Ventavia Research Group
Researchers were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas
A regional director, Brook Jackson has told The BMJ that the company
falsified data
unblinded patients
employed inadequately trained vaccinators
was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial
Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were informed
Ventavia fired her later the same day.
The BMJ has been provided with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.
She repeatedly informed her superiors
poor laboratory management
patient safety concerns
data integrity issues
that drug assignment confirmation printouts were being left in participants’ charts, accessible to blinded personnel (later corrected)
company wasn’t able to quantify the types and number of errors they were finding when examining the trial paperwork for quality control
ICON, the contract research organisation…
ICON then highlighted over 100 outstanding queries older than three days
Worries over FDA inspection
Concerns raised
Participants placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff
Lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events
Protocol deviations not being reported
Vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures
Mislabelled laboratory specimens
Targeting of Ventavia staff for reporting these types of problems.
FDA advisory committee meeting held on 10 December 2020
Problems at Ventavia not mentioned
The next day the FDA issued the authorisation of the vaccine
In August this year, after full FDA approval of Pfizer’s vaccine
FDA published that 9 of the trials 153 sites were inspected (I find this a bit troubling if this is true)
FDA, full trial swabs were not taken from 477 people with suspected cases of symptomatic covid-19
Other employees’ accounts
everything that you complained about was spot on
Two former Ventavia employees spoke to The BMJ anonymously for fear of reprisal and loss of job prospects in the tightly knit research community
I don’t think it was good clean data
It’s a crazy mess
Pfizer has hired Ventavia as a research subcontractor on four other vaccine clinical trials
covid-19 vaccine in children and young adults
pregnant women
a booster dose
an RSV vaccine trial
NCT04816643, NCT04754594, NCT04955626, NCT05035212).
“This feeds out into the whole issue of trust. We should have perfect integrity all the way through, so we can completely trust the clinical data we are given. But, just let us say, this could put questions in people’s mind.”
This is an example on how it is reported in a general newspaper in Western Europe:
“Pfizergate, the new excuse of the antivaxers:
Since an article appeared in the British Medical Journal last week about a number of problems in the phase 3 study of the Pfizer vaccine, antivaxers have been shot into a cramp. What they call ‘Pfizergate’ is for them the new proof that there is a lot wrong with the vaccines. “By putting a gate behind something, it seems like there’s a big problem.” “
See the button “Preview” just below the text entry box?
Yes, very worrying. I decided not to try the vaccine when it became apparent that there was no systematic monitoring set up. Then when Pfizer when and vaccinated their control group, it was apparent that all long term side effects were to be buried.
Droughty conditions more prevalent and severe in Europe during LIA.
Sea Level ..What is it ?
Some of you may be aware, but for those of you who thought that the “sea level” was an easy concept, it may surprise you to know that it is yet another theoretical concept derived from a complex calculation
Did you realise that the actual nominal sea level is as much as 80+ mtrs different in some parts of the oceans ?
Here is an interesting short taster video to give you an idea
Good one! Just adds another difficulty to predicting sea level rise.
Exactly Brenda, !..
..but also it gives plenty of opportunity for manipulation of the data going forward to suggest any change you wish to show !
Personally, i will stick with the records from Sydney Harbour tidal gauge. (1.3mm/yr)
Oops !..that should be 0.65mm/yr …
1.7mm/yr at Freo… Also a tide gauge that’s been there a very long time.
Watched a lecture on sea level by Willie Soon ages ago.
He said the satellites are calibrated via the tide gauges.
Surely there is no way satellites, tearing around over our oceans over 1300 kms up, trying to measure SLR across a vast range of wave activity, can ever be accurate to fractions of mm.
My thoughts too Chad. After looking at the video, just using tide gauges, perhaps with GPS height measurements, seems to make a lot of sense.
John L Daly knew and had some great stories about sea level and even set them in beautiful scenery and with interesting history.
My Dad thought of the oceans as great big buckets with the tides and currents sloshing around.
Cool video!
“As strong as cough medicine”
“NBA Mandates All Previously Vaccinated Players Must Get More Vaccinated With Mandatory Boosters
November 8, 2021 | Sundance | 163 Comments”
From memory a transcript of Christine Anderson’s (German MP) anti elite/Govt mandate speech was provided a few topics ago. Thought some may like to see her deliver that speech.
… says an elitist who flew a fossil fuelled private jet to blah blah blah on …
41.14: “I can afford to give up a lot of my current lifestyle to benefit the planet because I’ll still have a lot left over.”
Prepare for the worst apocalypse ever because Obama the hypocrite ain’t giving up nothing.
What would Hunter S Thompson have said?
Very good 8 min video raising multiple issues about COVID “vaccines” by an internal medicine physician plus also an academic. Note, for critical thinkers only.
Bit of a look at the vax safety trials and who sponsored/paid for them.
Guys & Gals, don’t dismiss Polly. Her research is incredible.
Note to self: Make the move away from UT who dropped her off my reading list ages ago. I forgot she existed.
From the horse’s mouth…
I’d triple face-palm if it was possible.
Now match that with what I said many weeks ago about xmas 2021 hospital over-runs of the vaxxed and then match again against data worldwide showing just that scenario building very noticeably right now and what do we deduce?
That covid vaxxes are safe & effective? No.
Necessary at all? No.
Proven to be injurious? Yes.
An out-of-control vaxxed “pandemic” building at frightening speed? Yes.
The damage is now done. Our “elected public servants” have lied again and betrayed us for their personal short term gain.
I say “short term” because at this stage the informed ones know what’s coming up.
With survival bunker and remote property sales for the rich going into serious overdrive, they know what’s coming up too.
2022 – the year from hell itself.
its been edited as she actually really says unvaccinated John
fake news mate
In 1981 there was a film called “Early Warning” about political fascism and orchestrated events to further their power and control.
Definitely a sleeper but unbelievably accurate in 2020/2021(/2022).
A brief (3 min) clip:
You can watch the entire film on Youtube.
“Safe and effective”
“Breaking News: Inside Source Reports Governor Newsom Injured”
If Newsom hasn’t been seen, literally, since his booster shot then the adverse reaction happened quickly.
Listening to John Campbell discussing how not “aspirating” the injection can mean an accidental IV not IM shot, this is prolly what happened. Even if you insist on correct protocol most likely you will be ignored. “It has not been recommended” is the likely reply. I would prefer it in the buttocks anyway, few blood vessels there.
Prefer the “Mexican heart shot”?
I am sure the whole country is about to get it between the buttocks.
Sounds like a propaganda counter to
“Not Big Bird! ‘Sesame Street’ Turned into Gov’t Vaccine Propaganda | Direct Message | Rubin Report – YouTube”
The Claytons mandates.
It looks like my time as a rebel pureblood is ending. I am told that mid next month I will be under virtual house arrest without the shot. I really don’t want it. Power drunk pollies who can’t read for themselves are a curse on mankind.
I just rang my chemist to ask if they aspirate before injecting and she had no idea what I was talking about, said I should see my doctor. Ya reckon he would know about it? No way.
Aspiration before injection of vaccines or toxoids (i.e., pulling back on the syringe plunger after needle insertion but before injection) is not necessary because no large blood vessels are present at the recommended injection sites, and a process that includes aspiration might be more painful for infants
pasted from somewhere
How is it possible to know for sure that there are no blood vessels at the injection site?
Plus, there is individual variation in vasculature.
That’s the whole point of aspirating.
For some reason, aspirating is no longer taught as being the proper way to give intramuscular injections as it once was, back in the day.
Dr John Campbell has discussed this and also published a few followup videos with subscriber experiences.
He suggests that many of the adverse covid vaccine side effects, such as death, are due to inadvertant intravenous injection.
Video: Inadvertant intravenous injections.
HOw? physiology is a very old science.
So you are saying there is no possibility of any vasculature at the injection site, assuming it is chosen correctly, there is no individual variation, and despite the fact that aspiration was once taught as standard procedure for IM injections?
Despite standard physiology, there are still individual variations.
It’s all “settled science” then? No extra checks needed?
Muscle is of course full of blood vessels else how could athletes perform so well? Indeed, the whole point of physical fitness is to improve blood flow through the muscles … which is what gives the person who trains regularly an advantage over the couch potato who doesn’t train.
Now what I find interesting is that I’ve been reading that doctors have recently started recommending absolutely no exercise for a while after taking one of these mRNA shots, which might be (I’m guessing) related to blood-flow through the muscle tissue.
Here a data point: was talking to a young guy in the street and he was saying he got the shots not because he wanted to but because of pressure from the government, they were threatening to shut down their family business unless all of them were compliant. He wasn’t happy about it, but he’s lived in the Middle East before he came to Australia so I suppose he has seen worse. He said he had a reaction, where his leg started hurting, to the point where for several days he couldn’t sleep and was taking pain killers. Anyhow, it’s not 100% as good as new, but seems to be on the mend … he’s mid 20’s just got married recently, good luck to him, hope it all sorts out. The doctors were no use at all, wanted to call it food poisoning believe it or not.
Now it’s not that I spend my time checking out the boy next door, but I’ve known this guy since he was a kid, and he’s pretty active and quite decently buff. You might say he works out regularly and it shows. Out of curiosity I asked if he did any exercise the day after he got the injection and he says, yeah he was out all day running around … and then it started hurting that evening when he got home and relaxed.
Well isn’t that interesting … lot of blood-flow through a fit young man like that. Wonder if there’s any relation?
Who seems to be getting hit hard with vaccine injuries lately? Sports guys mostly … soccer players and footballers … wonder if they were given instructions to rest up and do no exercise after getting the shot? Probably they were told there’s nothing to worry about, safe and effective, right?
Gee Aye,
Please go back to your previous persona. The problem with the supercilious one you’ve been trying out recently is that it’s so cringeworthy when you’re wrong. In this case you’re wrong on two counts: 1. the “science” in question is anatomy; 2. (As David Maddison says) people’s anatomies vary.
“physiology is a very old science.”
And, no doubt, has text type illustrations of where everything is supposed to be?
Like in gliding the “How to fly thermals for height gain” seem to always have nicely circular thermals that are rising vertically.
Which you learn smartly is usually not the case in the real air
Mathematics is a very old science, I suppose since there’s nothing new to be discovered we should fire all the mathematicians and send them off to work on real jobs.
granted the upper arm is muscle devoid of venous conduits.
The reason the injection is supposed to be given two fingers width down from top of arm is to ensure the injection doesn’t go near blood vessels and important nerves …. I’ve given many IM injections in the upper arm without any blood involved ….. IM injection could be given in mid-thigh too …
GA, I’m not an infant, I’m a big boy now.
I went to the Qld Health hub where they accommodated me. It was an experienced RN who had no objection to aspiration and I can assure you it added nothing unpleasant to the experience.
Pasted from Dr. Who ?? 😀
Trouble is the aim of the injector is not always perfect. 50 years ago a nurse in Belfast injected penicillin into my butt. She managed to get it into the joint capsule. I nearly fainted from the acute pain and have lived with a dicky hip ever since.
Like most Leftist Elites, Obama is intolerant of mixing with the masses on commercial jet services and prefers to fly by private jet.
He appears not to own his own jet yet, so goes by a luxury private jet service.
Inside Barack Obama’s Super Luxurious And Exclusive Private Jet
By Benjamin Muriuki For Citizen Digital Published on: July 15, 2018 08:55 (EAT)
See link for rest.
OMG nailed it. I can’t think of any rightist ex presidents using a private jet.
The point is about classic Leftist hypocrisy.
If the Left didn’t have double standards, they’d have none at all.
Great point. You’ve convinced me.
I can’t think of any rightist ex -presidents .
Your turn now.
Left, right wing. Plane, bird or party, you need them both working in unison for it to fly to the same objectives.
I can’t think of any rightist ex -presidents .
Ypur turn now.
If you’re thinking of Trump IIRC he had it before becoming President
Yes look squirrel!! because that sooo makes a difference to the original point
Tony Heller on the purpose of propaganda.
Looks like the big stick is out in Plukkaduck land, get jabbed or lose your privileges.
Indeed, in the next 6 or so months as the “vaccine” side effects cause many more deaths I will amuse myself playing guitar, keyboard and drums. I am retired so I can sit out the intervening period without too much trouble.
I can shop online for everything I want.
I feel sorry for people who have been forced to have the vaccine against their will. Let’s hope some of the people mandating the vaccine are held to account in the future.
This medical experiment will not end well.
Same here. Happily retired and out and about walking every day when its not raining. Not vaccinated with any experimental emergency approved “drugs” and never will be. Never……………………..
Online shopping is compliance with an integral component of the great reset,introduction of a cashless society.Keep using cash as often as possible Please!
For us friends of animals.
Yes. Refusing access to hospital services. That idea is not going to age well.
No doubt advised by that pinacle of high science Qld Health?
Gotta laugh.
I guess he doesn’t want to be a “superhero”…
Thought for the day:
If the vaxxes are safe & effective then why did all the members of congress get Ivermectin instead?
“why did all the members of congress get Ivermectin instead”
Got a reference on that?
It was some members and their families, a significantly minor proportion of the legislators.
Apparently it was Pierre Kory making the claim:
00 June 2018
‘Can the University of Chicago solve the campus free speech crisis?’
This could be interesting:
Academic Freedom Research Network
Academics For Academic Freedom (AFAF) has established a link with the Vinson Centre at the University of Buckingham to further our aim of undertaking a variety of national and international research projects.
The Academic Freedom Research Network (AFRN) is an independent entity separate from both the University of Buckingham and the campaigning work of AFAF. We currently have several research projects under development including an international survey of the state of academic freedom in liberal democracies that will include filmed hearings in several countries. The organisation of conferences and seminars at which findings from our research, and that of others, can be discussed are a core element of our research remit.
AFAF is happy to support and collaborate with research projects and we welcome any proposals for research projects on free speech and academic freedom in universities.
This is really important:
Building a “Robust Free Expression Culture on Campus”
OCT 22, 2021 Shannon Watkins
Many college campuses aren’t as hospitable to open inquiry and free expression as they should be.
However, there is reason for hope.
Numerous individuals and organizations across the country have dedicated themselves to the task of helping policymakers, administrators, faculty, and students understand the value of civil dialogue and disagreement.
One of those organizations is the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) in Washington DC, which has its own Campus Free Expression Project. The project is headed by Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill, who works to promote a campus culture that is “diverse, inclusive, and open to robust intellectual exchange.” Before coming to BPC, Pfeffer Merrill was the executive director of the Fund for Academic Renewal, which is a program of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA). She has also previously been a faculty member at St. John’s College and the College of William & Mary.
The Martin Center recently spoke with Pfeffer Merrill to learn more about BPC’s work to improve dialogue on college campuses. This transcription has been edited for clarity and length.
They should send a note to the JCU and cc to all our other universities.
get ready, ozzzz: a real video
A different take on the four non blondes, what’s going on.
Different clip to the original, what is going on.
Someone elsewhere wrote that the reliable coal and gas electricity producers will love carbon (sic) capture and storage as it requires very large amounts of on-demand reliable energy to separate the CO2, compress, liquefy and pump it deep underground at high pressure.
It’s hilarious, in a sick kind of way….
Ozone hole worth a second look.
‘President Brandon sweeps US as a coded vote against Biden.
‘In fewer than six weeks, a derisively tongue-in-cheek chant has taken over the US, from sports stadiums to the halls of congress.’ (Oz)
“The “Newsom” effect? Maybe! It should be coined every time a vax proponent gets injured from the vaccine.
Well, at least we know he didn’t take a placebo.”
Saw that on a couple of sites. He’s like the idiot NSW minister having a Bells Palsy attack doing a live broadcast with one eye and half his face drooping post-vaccination.
Guillain-Barré can be nasty, even requiring life support, and take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to resolve, not necessarily fully either — some are left disabled. Rogue antibodies attack the myelin sheath around the nerves.
I would call that justice. Zero sympathy after what he is inflicting upon his people.
Judging by his actions as governor, I think we can safely say that there’s no risk of Newsom suffering any brain damage.
Seriously though, I wouldn’t wish these side affects on anyone.
Can’t be; the Vaxxines have been thoroughly tested and certified.
He must have fallen down some stairs.
All his office is doing is issuing denials, saying he’s fine, working hard, and only missed FLOP26 because he was otherwise engaged (he is a vociferous supporter of forcing other people to take climate action).
And yet, despite all the speculation, he hasn’t even bothered to record a 60sec video message to douse those ‘rumours’.
It’s OK folks! He’s fine. It turns out he only missed the biggest climate conference in the world because he was “trick or treating”.
I’m surprised no one has posted this little gem, Nancy’s latest. WHAT A SHOCKER. Beyond laughter and scorn, this is just sad. This and Fartin’ Joe and the Kackler are the best America has to offer up as leaders? Makes me feel almost 20% lucky to have Morrison, and I wouldn’t normally rate him that highly.
Watch the video. You can still loath everything she stands for, but you have to feel sorry for the person inside.
It seems like she is drunk or drugged plus with a cognitive impairment on top of that.
Maybe she is just not the right amount of drunk in this video, either too much, or not enough. Controlling ones “medication” can be hard when you’re not much more than an animated skeleton.
…an animated skeleton who has somehow become very very rich after years of public service income… but we aren’t allowed to question that, are we?
It was the same here in the UK in the 1970s.
We bought a very basic house which took over half my salary to pay the mortgage and fitted it out bit by bit with second hand cooker etc.
What the young don’t seem to appreciate when criticising the boomers is that they have had the advantage of what would have seemed a wealthy lifestyle to us.
I.phones, x-boxes, driven to school, weekend jaunts to the continent, constant hot water for showers, fitted kitchens etc are all taken for granted and paid for by the boomers.
I know high house prices are driven by the current low mortgage rates, and wonder what will happen when interest rates rise, but also wonder what proportion of salaries are taken by mortgages, without the modern ‘luxuries’ that are deemed so essential by modern youth.
Another difference from the 70s is that many more women work thus in many cases doubling the household income.
It is up to the young to get their priorities right. As my agricultural economic lecturer said, you can’t accumulate capital and spend it at the same time.
Eight doctors’ interesting and informative discussion. Speakers include Dr. Robert Malone (architect of mRNA technology) and Dr. Pierre Kory (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance).
Topics include:
the current vaccination strategy
alternate and early treatments
spike proteins and vaccine injuries
booster shots and the Delta variant
vaccinating children
increased hospitalisations
Big Pharma
A vaguely amusing Steven Crowder video about climate change (about 90mins). Admittedly, I haven’t watched it all yet.
As usual, YouTube insists on trying to educate me about things it thinks are dangerous. Under the video it says:
“…Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels…”
I think this message varies from country to country, but that’s what I get under anything “climate change” related here in France.
So ice ages are not climate change?
according to the UN… no…
I just submitted an article to CFACT on a wee fact that might destabilize the alarmism. According to IEA the commitments made to date are (if kept) enough to keep the temp at 1.8 degrees. This is well within the Paris target so no one has to do anything more! The planet has been saved. The alarmists should be celebrating, not demonstrating. Much fun this.
“Pfizermectin vs Ivermectin: Pf-1-Mode vs. Iver-several Modes”
“Here’s 2 rather great news videos from Dr. John Campbell. The first one comes after the second one (which it references) but IMHO is important enough to watch first (just in case EwTube decides it has too much actual science and evidence in it and so must be banned with all the other Banned Truths…)”
More at
“Postcards from Germany”
“WSJ- Germany Hits Record Covid-19 Tally as Pandemic Rebounds Across Europe”
More at
“It’s always interesting, to see in which contexts experts choose to acknowledge seasonality. Generally, they studiously ignore regional and seasonal effects; here, however, to save the vaccines, winter is allowed to explain the rise in infections. Could this all be down to Delta, Welt wants to know? Falk plainly has no idea:”
Read all about it!
“Science Publisher Retracts 44 Papers for Being Utter Nonsense”
“COP26 Climate Politics: Contraction And Convergence”
“Well, so much for “economical” electric vehicles…”
“Deadhead” miles and the commercial cost of charging when you get there aren’t the whole story.
Assuming a supercharger that can get you going in 20 mins a family of 4 would spend an extra $20 in the Star Shop.
2 of my favorites together in a podcast/video – Chris Martenson interviews Dave Collum
Both are first rate thinkers – open minded and examine the raw facts rather than accept the analysis presented by media, government agencies, influencers, corporate spokesmen…
This is one I was waiting to take place since Dave Collum’s yearly review gets published on Chris Martenson’s site (Peak Prosperity)
China is sinking into the mire.
As of Dec 1 32 nations will remove them from the list of preferential tariff nations. They will have to play by the same rules as everyone else.
Japan is rewarding companies to move out of China. There is no demand that they return to Japan, anywhere they choose is OK.
Sth Korean ship builder Samsung is closing their yards.
Not only RE developers are going broke, companies in many industries are doing so.
NSW Customer Service Minister, Victor Dominello, developed Bell’s Palsy back in August after being vaccinated
Does anyone have an update of his condition?
Of course, helpful fact checkers denied that the vaccine could possibly be the cause without providing any evidence for this conclusion
So now the French health authority has joined with the Scandinavians in advising against the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for under 30s
Yet our TGA has it approved for kids 12 and up. Good job!
They didn’t read that – you’re not supposed to either
Moderna didn’t do that Cali clown, Gavin Newsom any good either.
“Wisconsin Election Commission Committed Slam Dunk Felony, per Sheriff”
“Debunking Climate Change Myths: 50 Years of FAILED ‘Expert’ Predictions! | Louder with Crowder”
“Pfizer is Pfreaking Out!”
“A Little Bit Of Sanity Coming From The Media”
From links
“STUDIN: Ontario’s medical officers of health must resign
They now come bearing pediatric vaccination as their great gift to the children they have ignored and instrumentalized”
“Pfizer’s Covid jab trial researchers in Texas ‘skewed data, didn’t follow-up with patients who had side effects and failed to test people with symptoms’, BMJ investigation claims”
“Safe And Effective ®” – “Passports to nowhere”
“One thing is for sure: The science is uncertain on this. So, government should not be using a heavy hand to impose mandates claiming to make workplaces safer.
“Pfizer Can’t Meme”
“So WAS It Fraud?”
Denmark halted use of AZ last April
Already last April there were concerns over safety as Denmark halted the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after a number of recipients had developed “a rare” but serious blood-clotting disorder. The authorities opted to use Pfizer and Moderna instead, deeming them safe.
Scandinavia then pauses Moderna
But then by early October, Denmark also decided that Moderna was also no longer safe enough for use and, along with Sweden, paused its use for all young adults and children after studies uncovered cardiovascular side effects, as reported by Reuters.
Finland, Iceland, France follow
Finland then followed and paused the use of the Moderna for younger males, again because of cardiovascular issues, foremost myocarditis. Even though it was clear the cardiovascular side effects were occurring in many countries, the media and authorities still continued to call them “rare”.
Due to mistakes, a study of Ivermectin has been retracted.”
““Seasonal expression, not vaccine prevalence is the driver of covid” ”
Link at
Cartoon caption from an email –
“What is the difference between a drug cartel and the government?
A drug cartel doesn’t force you to take their drugs”
Yowza Yowza Yowza. I’m over 60, diabetic, have had 2 AZ vaccinations, and I don’t give a rat’s rectum about any possible “blood clotting” problems. If it happens, que sera sera