Austria says only the rich can go unvaccinated for £12,000 a year

Pause for a moment to notice what’s going on in Austria. Next year, if Austrians decide to hold off on getting an experimental vaccine it will cost £1,000 a month or £12,000 a year. The charge even applies to children as young as 14. For a family of four with high-school age children, we’re talking about an extraordinary £50,000 a year ($100,000 Australian pa). If people can’t or won’t pay, the penalty is up to one year in prison.

People with private jets will be fine of course, it’s just a weekends worth of fuel. They’ll be able to choose their doctors, their treatment and keep their jobs, or  maybe fly to Iran and get a good Australian vax instead?

As many as a third of the Austrian population is still not vaccinated. They are currently locked down while vaccinated people have been released from lockdown. In House arrest?

It’s an extraordinary, panicked, totalitarian move.

At what point do thousands of Austrians flee their homeland as political refugees seeking asylum from medical experiments?

Or perhaps that’s a feature — getting rid of those pesky independent voters?

Austrians aged 14 and over who refuse Covid vaccines will be fined £1,000 per month as Vienna rolls out a jab mandate to last until 2024

Daily Mail

Austrians aged 14 and over who refuse Covid-19 vaccinations will be fined £1,000 per month as Vienna rolls out a jab mandate to last until 2024.

The country’s conservative-led government on Thursday announced the details of its plan to make coronavirus vaccines compulsory, as the country prepares to to end its lockdown on Sunday, that was announced last month.

Roughly 68 percent of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the lowest rates in western Europe. Many Austrians are sceptical about vaccines, a view encouraged by the far-right Freedom Party, the third biggest in parliament.

Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein says this is not about punishment.

‘I say very clearly that we don’t want to punish the people who aren’t vaccinated. We want to bring them along, we want to convince them of this vaccination and we want them to show solidarity with everyone so that we can regain our freedom.’

It will start in 2022. The two opposition parties support it

Alexander Tschugguel says Austria is turning into a police state:

If you can’t see these videos in Firefox, try another browser.

If this doesn’t get millions out into the streets to protest, what will?

This was December 3 in the streets:

Help #Austria


9.8 out of 10 based on 60 ratings

138 comments to Austria says only the rich can go unvaccinated for £12,000 a year

  • #

    So they plan to force an injection, which does not work, on the entire population. This is madness but Austria did supply the World with a certain totalitarian politician in the early 20th century.


  • #

    It won’t be long before they lock down those who are skeptical that the IPCC has more scientific legitimacy than the scientific method and/or charge us for the right to dispute obviously fake science.


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      Rupert Ashford

      A-ha, now you’re talking!! The senile lunatic in the White House already making noises about “Climate Change” being a public health disaster. Guess what Dan’s law will be enacted for next…


  • #

    What’s happening in Austria isn’t far from what’s been happening in Australia…. The mood of a lot of the vaccinated in Victoria is in lockstep with Dans drive to a totalitarian state ….our understanding of our common humanity is extremely fragile….


    • #

      Agree. Sadly there are too many who are too stupid to realise it and will no doubt still vote 1 for their favourite major party at the next state and federal elections. Stupid is as stupid does.


    • #
      robert rosicka

      Gerry I notice WA has announced you can come in from overseas unvaxxed but you will have to quarantine at a facility of there choice for 14 days , but if you want to travel from another state in Oz to WA and are unvaxxed you will be denied entry . Of course this is all because of the science !


      • #

        Robert, and to think that there is a science called “political science”.

        I have always been confused about how politics can be scientific.

        Can anyone explain?


      • #
        Mantaray Yunupingu

        robert. An interesting aspect of the Qld “reopening” is the dual claim that the vaxed are being protected, and the unvaxed as well, since they are far more likely to be harmed by Covid19. This latter is thrown up by many when the sham that the vaxed face “danger” from the unvaxed is debunked….

        OK, so an unvaxed RESIDENT goes back to Qld and is stopped. He/she then says “I’ll do the 14 days, and pay the $3000”. Then, a few days after that finishes, the unvaxed resident who is now back in Qld picks SARS-CoV2 up from one of the vaxed and we’re back to where we would have been if no Quarantine had taken place.

        Just BS from start to finish.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        Pretty sure if you’re rich you can get around anything much like Austria .


    • #
      David Maddison

      In Vicdanistan there is a already strong discrimination against the unvaxxed and this is utterly ignored by the lamestream media.

      The unvaxxed are not allowed to work, trade, visit public venues such as restaurants or sports stadia etc..

      If you are unvaxxed you can’t even legally get a haircut.

      The unvaxxed are only allowed to attend food stores such as supermarkets, buy fuel and buy medicine (But not work at such places). Even attending a doctor or hospital is problematic although still doable (for now).

      The silence about the plight of the unvaxxed is deafening.

      The discrinatory arrangements against the unvaxxed are permanent.


      • #

        It’s bad in principle, but of late I’ve kinda lost the desire to be in places where too many vaxed are gathered.

        Like visiting Ukraine in May 1986 and being told that everyone in a certain venue had been at Chernobyl during the meltdown. As a pure-blood I don’t think I should get too close to the contaminated if i can avoid it!

        BTW: Up until the 17th in Qld you have had to guess whether the others in a pub were vaxed or not (simple test: what’s 1×1? and if they get it wrong….usually answer “2”…..they are vaxed). From Friday we’ll know for sure without needing to uncover the brain-clot damage!


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        Appalling, and nothing at all to do with reasoned action; it’s just control and manipulation.


        • #
          Mantaray Yunupingu

          The intention is to disappear the “control group” which will display….is already displaying…a stunning lack of organ failure and sudden death, vs the mass-dying now underway with the injected. Pfizer and co famously did this with the control groups in their slap-dash trials of the gene-interventions, did they not?

          On a personal note: was talking to an older lady I only see about once a year or two who got her second shot of AZ in July and is now being rushed to get a Pfizer booster BY HER GP. The old dear is all for it, as she “feels very unwell lately. Always puffing and wheezing and feeling dizzy”. Sure she’s old, but I reckon she won’t see 2022, with the third shot at the end of this week..


  • #
    Graham Richards

    This is blatant blackmail. It’s typical of Socialist politicians following Socialist ideology.
    When will people learn & be sceptical if not fearful of Socialist politicians.

    Give the Australian Labor party half a chance & they’ll happily head down the same ideological path as well.

    I would seriously warn the regional electorates, the mining & agricultural sectors of Labor treachery when it comes to Labor’s agenda on climate change. Mining & agriculture are top of their hit list!!


    • #

      This appears to be a religious war , the fight to save “gaia” from those deemed her “enemies”.

      There appears to be a highly organized group behind this.


      • #

        Agree. There are also a lot of people in power who are normally good but are sitting on the sidelines saying and doing absolutely nothing to expose the scams. It can only end badly as the evil in the world keeps growing unabated by the bad people who are so sinister that if they were ever exposed for what and who they really are, most people would be shocked with many refusing to believe it. A common misconception is that evil people are not clever. They are very clever indeed and that’s the main reason why they get their way so easily.


    • #

      “It’s typical of Socialist politicians following Socialist ideology.” Except the Austrians have a conservative-led government. Poor Austrians have no party to turn to. It really just shows the disconnect between the government and the people. Governments no longer listen to their electorates. They are captured by global forces.


    • #

      Where have you been? In matters not which major party is in power, state or federal. They are both on a unity ticket for the COVID-19 vaccination scam AND the CAGW scam.


    • #
      Travis T. Jones

      Each way Albo has been parroting the “build back better” meme in the last few days.

      Morrison gave a speech last night, playing ‘good cop-bad cop’ and calling out bad cop Albo and the ‘build back better’ meme.

      But we all know ScoMo is onboard with his belief in the global warming apocalypse scam … I see what you did there, ScoMo.


  • #

    It gets worse. According to Fauci families ought to check on each other for the vaccination status before meeting at Christmas. Dividing families has been a favourite tactic by the left. It really is past the time for people to start thinking for themselves and ignore ALL of the advice of the likes of Fauci and our own politicians. Passive resistance could have been the best way to put a stop to all this madness but it’s too late now. Too many are already too far gone and taken aboard the scam, hook, line and sinker. Oh well, the next phase is civil unrest. It’s very likely inevitable.


    • #

      Right, imagine 3 million Austrians calling their bluff – not paying any fines and saying, “we’ll all take gaol time thanks”


      • #

        Will never happen. As I stated they are too far gone. Many also actually believe in the vaccination nonsense. Time will tell if their conviction is strong enough to keep taking the booster shots for several years.


      • #

        The best and only way to handle it if the morons in charge here decide to do likewise.


  • #
    Mark Kaiser

    So Austria just came out of a Sept 2021 election, which means the citizens have 5ish years before being able to vote out these parties/coalitions.

    1)That’s a long time for the govt. to consolidate their power.


    2) There’s a 30% base against CoVid vaccines etc. So the question is, how many of the 70% vaccinated did so reluctantly and will refuse the booster?

    From an economic standpoint you can’t remove/fine 30% of your population without total economic collapse. As well this could all be moot in 2 months when Omicron does its thing.

    I’m betting on 2).


    • #

      Governments are hooked on their power trips and they will stop at nothing to consolidate and increase their power. So, it matters very little as to how many will refuse to take their booster shots. The more resistance there is the more the governments will consolidate and increase their powers. In fact they probably look forward to the resistance to give them the excuses they need to become more tyrannical. It’s a vicious circle, one that will inevitably get out of control and all bets are off.


      • #
        Mark Kaiser

        Good points Peter, although I think we are seeing this more the same way than opposite. Your last sentence: “It’s a vicious circle, one that will inevitably get out of control and all bets are off.”, is why I’m saying 2)

        The pushback will certainly come from ways other than boosters no doubt, but that is a very easy way for people to fight back.

        I have been put on administrative leave for refusing to get vaccinated. I only represent 3-4% of my employment group. What shocked me was that the overwhelming majority of my co-workers support and respect me. There are always those that need to go first. They tend to get crushed by authority. It’s when the second wave of dissent hits (if enough) that things change. I/we can only hope.


        • #

          Yes, the vicious circle is in play at the moment and will remain in play for as long as the despots are in full control. Voters keep handing them majority rule so there is no end in sight. At some point though the people will have enough and rise up. That’s some ways away. It could so easily be stopped if people used their brains and stopped voting for the despots ahead of the minor parties that stand against tyranny. It’s a simple decision to make yet most people don’t see it that way. Perhaps as some say most people like to be told what to think and do as they are too lazy to do it for themselves, so they don’t mind living under a dictatorship as long as they get their toys to play with (along the way to the sacrificial alter). Very sad if true.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          You’ve made a difficult choice there Mark, but under the constant stream of reports about adverse VaXXine reactions, it’s justified.
          In my limited covid cramped social circle there are seven people whose adverse VaXX reactions ranged from life threatening to just an uncomfortable twenty four hours in bed.
          The longer term, postponed damage is also a significant thing to face.
          We live in difficult times.


          • #
            Mark Kaiser

            Thank you for the support Keith. Initially my refusal was all based on medical information (still is, especially the Swedish study that Jo posted a few weeks back). I was fortunate enough to work from home and was taking a “wait and see” approach. But once the vaccine mandate came in I realized it’s much more than that now.


          • #

            how many adverse reactions were actually recorded Keith?

            l have heard of quite a few including hospitalisations but not one has been recorded


            • #
              Kalm Keith

              I doubt that any of them have been recorded.
              As mentioned before, the worst case was appalling but whether it was noted?


  • #

    To quote “1984” :

    “Slavery is freedom,
    ignorance is strength”

    It all ends in camps …..history shows us this…thats the logical next step.


  • #

    Meanwhile, Prime Minister Morrison calls Australians sheep.


  • #

    We are together on this, it’s your choice. Vaccine shots or up to a year in prison. The choice is all yours and democracy is alive and well – NOT.


    • #

      LNP and ALP have most certainly been in it together on both the vaccination scam and the CAGW scam for the past couple of years. If voters keep voting for them then it means they too are in it together. That leaves a small percentage of voters who refuse to be “in it together” by wisely refusing to vote 1 for either major party. Anyone disagree?


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Mike, a little ditty I penned yesterday – apologies to Willy Shakespeare:

      To ‘V’ or not to ‘V’,
      That is not a question,
      That is not a choice,
      That is f@sc!sm,
      Giving medicine by force.

      One [goose-] step at a time…


  • #

    It has already started here. Come Friday, I am banned from seeing my 92 year old Mother in aged care.

    Only the double vaxxed and preferably boosted will be allowed entry…and they have to wear a mask ( If the vaccines work, why the mask ? ). I have no idea how long this inhumane treatment will last, but as my Mum has Alzheimer’s, the enforced separation will only do her immeasurable harm.

    The constitution and the Nuremberg code seem to have been totally ignored by our political masters and not one whimper of complaint from a human rights lawyer.

    I’m guessing there are about 3 million or so unvaxxed in this Country, and that number may increase as people refuse the boosters. We have to stay strong and tell the politicians where they can stuff their ” vaccines “. I doubt they will be able to build enough Camps for all of us.


    • #

      There is only one sure way to tell the politicians where they can stuff the vaccines. Place ALP, Greens, Libs and Nats at the bottom of the list of choices at the next elections. If enough people do that then they will get the message. Otherwise, their hunger for more tyrannical power will reach levels we will regret not taking the opportunity to stop them at the ballot box. We still have the right to vote. Use it wisely or forget it and go back to sleep.


      • #

        If the electorate only voted for independents, it would be a dog’s breakfast. I propose we all vote for the Nats and they would become government.


        • #

          To be quite honest we need a dogs breakfast to remind those present politicians of their public responsibilities. Bring it on! But, as per “Yes minister”, it’s not the politicians that are the problem. It’s the faceless public service, bureaucrats and advisors that have the influence. The Nats are just as useless as the rest of them, vote UAP, PHON or a real Independent.


          • #

            I will have a dogs breakfast in preference to the crud we are being fed now.
            Nats? they are all in this together.


            • #

              Exactly. Same in NZ ; a vote for National is a vote for more of the same , delivered with more effectiveness.
              The only way out here is for the opposition to be larger than the govt., so that parliament can make the laws ; not some tyrannical majority.


        • #

          How would you know we would have a dog’s breakfast if we don’t at least try to turn things around by depriving the despots the power to continue their evil path? You must like what they are doing as you keep defending them while denigrating any minor party that disagrees with the despots and you.


        • #

          “and they would become tyrants”.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      What an appalling situation.
      Given the circumstances, if I was in the same situation, I’d probably consider bringing my mother home.


      • #

        Good solution. I most certainly would. I would hope the reverse would apply and I would be brought home if I were in the same situation.


      • #

        I’ve thought about that long and hard, but as it is only me looking after her with no other help, I’d simply be placing her in a less safe environment. I’ve discussed it with my now retired Doctor ( Old School and worth listening to ) and he advised that I would soon run out of steam.

        Removing her from care means you lose your place and go to the end of the Que.

        The aged care home has no choice…Queensland Health and the Morons in our Labor Government are the problem.

        It is not a nice place to be…I get to have my last lunch with Mum on Thursday. I have had to ask permission, in writing, to have her home for lunch on Christmas Day…still waiting for an answer.

        I will never forget or forgive what these bastards in power are doing to society.


        • #

          Forget?! Don’t run away with the idea there is going to be an end to this tyranny.


        • #

          I am still seething that my son (unvaxxed) was not able to see his grandmother when she was dying. I was stuck up in QLD and the rapid deterioration meant I was not able to travel. The disgusting policy that stopped him from seeing her is inhumane and evil.

          But it seems that evil and inhumanity is the face of the “be kind” movement that seems to have sprung up. We can only “be kind” to the politically correct. The unvaxxed are animals and thus we can treat them as dogs with impunity.

          When people look back on this period when the histories are written it will be with disgust and amazement that junk or non science took over and we allowed utterly evil bureaucrats and politicians a free hand to do what they wanted, to our detriment


    • #

      “SHOCKING: In the wake of Austria’s drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code.”

      • Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, did not say the Nuremberg Code should be disregarded and did not mention the treaty in a Dec. 1, 2021, press conference.

      • Von der Leyen called for a discussion about mandatory COVID-19 vaccination within the European Union, as a way to increase vaccination rates.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        Yes, the fact checkers deny that she said that.

        What seems to be factual though, is that her comments, tone and manner probably gave the strong impression that she would ignore and bypass that code.


      • #
        Mantaray Yunupingu

        Sorry Krishna but sophistry doesn’t cut it…

        By calling for MANDATORY Vaccinations, the element of consent is removed, let alone that of informed consent. This means this sheila is indeed calling for the FIRST and guiding, principle of the N Code to be discarded which equals disregarding it.

        BTW: Who were the fact-checkers? Reauters maybe: you know, that news behemoth where the CEO is also a member of the Pfizer board, and of the World Economic Forum? Do YOU ever check the checkers?


      • #

        Fact checkers, “protected opinion”. From your link, (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)


      • #

        They know what is coming.


    • #

      Check this one out ; this is our local regional council responsible for environmental data .



      • #

        I can’t access that site.

        COVID Orange

        Archives Central is now open to vaccinated persons.
        If you are unvaccinated please call to discuss access to our resources.

        Web accessibility is about inclusion — making sure everyone, including people with disabilities and those using assistive technologies, can access information and services.

        Archives Central strives to make its website as accessible as possible to people of all abilities.

        What can you say!


  • #

    Austria is a perfect illustration of where this ends. Will Australia pay attention? Probably not – OS reactions are rarely reported in mainstream media here.

    And yet, only 68 % fully vaccinated in Austria. I am astounded as I thought only a very small per cent holding out. Not so.


  • #

    I am reminded of what happened to the von Trapp family in the sound of music.


  • #

    “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” Lord Acton 1887.
    It seems that governments everywhere, conservative or socialist, have seen the possibilities of emergency powers, and have decided that domination beats democracy.
    In Victoria, December 15 is the day when new pandemic-specific legislation gives Dictator Dan the power to declare health emergencies and impose new rules, including vaccine mandates and mask rules, without parliament consent.


  • #

    As Katie Hopkins so eloquently puts it here being true to yourself can be tiring but it makes you tougher and shows you are not telling lies to yourself. In other words, you can keep telling lies to yourself for as long as you like but the stark reality is that as long as voters keep giving majority rule to either LNP or ALP at all levels of government, they will keep becoming more and more tyrannical. If that’s what you prefer then that’s your choice. My choice is not to give them my vote ahead of minor parties who stand apart from such despots as the LNP and ALP+Greens, and instead stand for more freedoms not more tyranny. It’s a very simple decision to make. Sadly, not many see it that way and as a result will very likely end up relinquishing all their freedoms to a tyrannical dictatorship albeit unwillingly. The irony o fit all is that it doesn’t take much muscle power to vote on the ballot way. However, it does give one more strength in another way; strength in the mind knowing that one is not being fooled by officialdom, MSM and the like. I’m the type that calls a spade a spade. So, anyone who votes ALP, LNP or Greens ahead of the right kind of minor parties in the current climate (pun intended) is a fool.


  • #
    Mark Kaiser

    Government irony at it’s best:
    “How do we stop Omicron from spreading? I know, let’s give them boosters, a million a day till the end of the year!”

    Tens of thousands of people standing really close together for hours and hours.
    <a href=";

    (Scroll down about a third of the way to see all the lineups.)

    “Honestly! It seemed like a good idea at the time!”


    • #

      Omigod, Britain has recorded it’s FIRST omicron death, for gods sake, what has got into the Brits, why would you stand in a queue out in the freezing cold for a useless booster, madness.


  • #

    This should have been a Babylon Bee article…

    Wolfgang Mueckstein, this is not how you convince people!


  • #
    Antoine D'Arche

    Protests alone will no longer effect change in Austria.
    Governments all over the world seem to have lost sight of the “thin blue line”.
    I think they will soon be reminded…..


  • #
    David Maddison

    It’s not going to be allowed to end so long as the Left or those that follow the Left’s policies such as the conservative-in-name-only government of Austria are in power.

    The dictatorship of various levels of lockdown and control will become a permanent arrangement.

    Other Governments will follow, especially Governments like Australia’s, all of of whom seek to impose more power and control and are committed to the globalist agenda.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The last time the Austrians gave the world an evil dictator, the world went to war to remove him.

    Things have changed now.

    This time the world will embrace the dictatorship.


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    In most western ‘democracies’ these days we have what are essentially beureaucratic governments, i.e. leadership by organisations that are focused on processes, rules and the endless expansion of departments.

    This means that principles matter less than ‘order’, outcomes less than process. It means that the main output of government is more and more rules, more forms, more layers of management and more fussing about minute deviation from the approved procedures. It also leads to governments that are so hindered by their own rules and multiple layers of committees that it is hard to get anything meaningful done, unless of course a rule has been broken – then the hive turns all of its energy into enforcing compliance.

    I have seen the same thing happen to businesses during my working life. Once-efficient, nimble and creative companies become dull behemoths, with way too much inward-looking admin that turns workers into drones. With the creation of every new department comes more rules to follow, more unproductive meetings to attend and more restrictions placed on HOW you do your job. I find Human Resources and Legal to be the most stifling.

    With this comes intolerance, too. Where in the past mistakes were seen as an unavoidable side-effect of creativity and risk was part of life, bureaucratic management simply does not tolerate it. Control is EVERYTHING.

    It also leads to inefficiency through in-fighting, as the heads of the various departments fight for supremacy, each wanting to be top dog and have more control than the others.

    This is what I see more and more with our governments and, just like its parallel in business, it leads to mystifying decisions that appear, to outsiders, as pointless, irrational or downright stupid. But it all makes perfect sense to the bureaucrats.


    • #

      Yep, and they all work on the precautionary principle rather than any form of actual risk management. If there’s a slightest chance of risk there will be a policy to address it. Usually drawn up by the most risk adverse workers in the company – the legal division.


      • #

        Yet capitalism is about the rewarding of risk-takers, and the company will have grown early on by doing just that.

        It will eventually die, and liberate its employees to join companies with some vigour.


    • #

      Excellent post, Steve.

      You are absolutely right. Today, it is all about “process”. For some reason, pollies have allowed their bureaucrats and their dominions to determine policy (on “advice”, of course). I believe it is the source of the many policy debacles of modern political life.

      Yet voters keep turning up at the polls believing that the people and policies they elect will apply the platforms they advocated.


  • #
    Brenda Spence

    Just heard on the news that the Federal and Victorian governments have signed a deal with Moderna to manufacture mRNA stuff here in Australia, 100 million doses! The jab is not going away anytime soon. Along with 280 million fizzer ordered, what are they thinking?

    They will not give up in Australia until we are all jabbed multiple time. What means are they going to use here? Fines like those in Austria would be a killer.

    What about covax19? Giving it to Moderna??? The govenment is useless.



  • #

    Rise up, Austrians! You can make your country ungovernable by entirely peaceable means if you organise. The manual is Gene Sharp’s “From dictatorship to democracy” and is readily readable for free online. Download it, read it, pass it on. This work was distilled as a how-to manual from the tactics of peaceable civil disorder movements that achieved their objects.


  • #


    Never mind the Edelweiss: This is the return of the postcard artist et al.


  • #

    How is a 14 year old to find 1,000 quid a month?


  • #

    Have I got this right?
    If you are unjabbed you cannot meet with friends except in a food and grocery store?
    It is a very intelligent virus!


  • #

    Watching early morning (Australian time) European News (DW, France, BBC and All Jazzed Up), it is claimed that one person in the UK has died WITH Omicron, and that the South African President has contracted Covid despite being fully vaccinated (or more accurately) jabbed.


  • #
    Geoff Sherrington

    The omicron variant of Covid 19 will rapidly displace the main delta variant.
    This replacement will happen in a few days after omicron gets a start. It might have started already.
    The doubling time for omicron spread in a community is about 2 days.
    Omicron likely started in South Africa, where there are now enough cases to generalise.
    But, South Africa is not the same as Australia. In South Africa, immunity is largely from a history of virus diseases. In Australia, immunity is largely from vaccinations.
    On present data (14 Dec) omicron infects people irrespective of their vaccination history.
    On present data, omicron is rather less serious an illness than delta is/was.
    The big question is, how much less severe? If half as serious, Australia has a bleak future. If a tenth as severe, our hospitals will be tested. If trivial in most cases by far, there can be a positive benefit because of herd immunity. We shall know in a few weeks from now.
    It follows that emphasis on vaccinations is now not required, because omicron will infect essentially all Australians, irrespective of vaccination history.
    Vaccines might give some added protection from severe illness from omicron, but this is not yet certain. Time between vaccination and illness might need to be a month or two before the vaccine loses efficacy. This applies to double vaxed, boosted people.
    As to whether children should be, need to be or must be vaccinated, the question is being asked too early. In a couple of weeks, that should become clearer.
    It is plausible that the best approach for omicron will be to allow people to be infected to acquire national herd immunity faster, consistent with hospitals being able to cope with the smaller number of serious cases.
    Please read political announcements with these factors in mind. They might be designed to follow a political plan and not the best medical science path.
    Geoff S


    • #

      the current “vaccines” do not actually give any attenuation of hospitalisation and deaths. This is only shown because of the way that the reporting is done. The UK Health Security Agency reports actually have a 2 week delay after vaxxing built in when reporting deaths. So one can be double jabbed, have a booster and then pass from covid in that intervening 2 weeks and be registered as an unvaxxed death!!!! Yes its true.

      Prof Fenton of Queen Mary University has done a lot of analysis here and basically shows this is one big sleight of hand where in reality there is little attenuation at all from the vaxxes related to deaths. And with Omicron it will be doubly so (even though it appears as if there are few deaths anyway)

      And we have not even considered the grossly under reported vaxx related deaths and permanent disabling occurring. Add them in, particularly if we want to turn people into pin cushions with boosters, and the vaxxing just makes a whole lot of people at no risk from covid sicker and die. The sooner we realise this and cease the mad jabbing the better.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Quote for the day:

    “Giving facts to the ignorant is like giving medicine to the dead…”

    (Probably derived from a similar quote from Thomas Paine, The American Crisis.)


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    Complete jerks in the press simply cannot understand what is happening here in Austria and will appear here.

    The West is no longer democratic but a collection of totalitarian despots. Here in QLD we have an arrogant idiot of a Premier who follows no science. A pastor at my church shared with me that his wife, who works in QLD Health actually heard our Premier saying that she knows that the unvaxxed present no risk but she needs to get her vaxx numbers up. So, happy to destroy livelihoods and our society to “get the numbers”. This is who is running the show…

    No logic, no health and no longer any semblance of a democracy.


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    There is a Protest in Brisbane on Saturday 18th at 3pm at Musgrave Park on the south side of the City.

    Any who can make it need to put aside other commitments and attend.

    All are impacted as the vaxxed will shortly be declared unvaxxed when the don’t take their completely useless booster.


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      They are Australian wide, every city and some towns. It is a must, even if on holiday show up at the nearest one.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I am keen to attend any protests within travelling distance, but I’m finding it hard to get advance notice. Where did you get this information?


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        I do what is called astandinthepark every Sunday, its spread through social media which I don’t do but some there do, and I ask at the rallies, when is the next.
        If you do social media, the mentioned group is on face book and Telegram, they have not updated their web page since July.

        It is put up by POB and others on this site, when it is known, stay tuned and welcome aboard.


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    Craig L

    Just for the record, I am pretty sure that an unvaxxed person in regional NSW has been under a punitive locked down since August. I may have missed it being lifted but that is certainly what John Barilaro proudly announced back way back then and this was re-stated by the Toole shortly after Bruz quit. Gets lifted tomorrow the 15th. We’re not too far behind in the authoritarian madness stakes.


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    Well….we know who came from Austria! Guess they’re continuing his fascistic ideals.


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    So this never ends?
    It’s expected the facility will produce up to 25 million doses each year from 2024, with the ability to scale up to 100 million doses per year to combat future pandemics.
    The latest figures come as Victoria will become home to a mRNA vaccine manufacturing factory under a state government deal with the federal government and Moderna.


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      ..and just as they finally got it into production, billions over budget, years over time and still arguing about the colour of the wall paint…

      The world decided RNA vaccines were the Devil’s plaything and didn’t work, so they were banned everywhere.

      Never be late to a pyramid scheme!


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    […] Austria says only the rich can go unvaccinated for £12,000 a year […]
