A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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In all the current panic about Omicron, Defending The Republic, initiated by lawyer Sidney Powell in the US, has put out an an excellent “shareable” video called “Doctors Orders”.
Defending The Republic has produced a documentary, Doctors Orders, on Covid-CCP issues. We have talked to honest, ethical doctors, scientists, patients and pharmacists who have gone back with us to the beginning of Covid hysteria.
They explain, with personal stories, how our medical system has failed us and continues to fail us – not to mention the failure of almost all media and the government.
This documentary is eye-opening. It’s encouraging. It’s hopeful.
There are simple, proven and inexpensive cures for Covid-CCP. It is immensely treatable. But the truth is:
It is up to you to understand the science and advocate for yourself and your loved ones. You can NOT depend on your doctors to help you.
You will learn in this documentary the real science and how to protect your health. Many of our freedoms in America depend on you studying this information and acting on it.
Ultimately, we must educate ourselves and take responsibility for doing all we can to stay healthy, take vitamins, exercise, stay informed, and stand up for our rights.
With borders opening this will be an issue esppecially in the west.
Given the incomparable ineptness of Sidney Powell’s disastrous and laughable attempts to prove Trump won the election, I wouldn’t believe her if she said the sun rose in the East. Surely you remember her ludicrous “Kraken” predictions that were laughed out of court.
This recent article gives the latest on the hopeless Powell
” Pro-Trump lawyers who threatened to ‘release the kraken’ to destroy Joe Biden’s claim on the White House have been ordered to pay $175,000 by a court. Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and seven other lawyers filed lawsuits alleging Michigan’s 2020 election results were a sham.
US District Judge Linda Parker on Thursday ordered them to pay Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and secretary of state Jocelyn Benson $21,964.75 for their legal expenses, and another $153,285 to reimburse they city of Detroit.
in a blistering 110-page ruling in August, the judge laid bare her fury at her colleagues.
‘Despite the haze of confusion, commotion and chaos counsel intentionally attempted to create by filing this lawsuit, one thing is perfectly clear: Plaintiffs´ attorneys have scorned their oath, flouted the rules, and attempted to undermine the integrity of the judiciary along the way,’ Parker wrote.
‘Sanctions are required to deter the filing of future frivolous lawsuits designed primarily to spread the narrative that our election processes are rigged and our democratic institutions cannot be trusted.”
It’s been obvious previously that you won’t believe a fact.
“It’s been obvious previously that you won’t believe a fact.”
Depends on whose facts they are. I wouldn’t believe a thing Sidney Powell said and the judges and Justices do not either.
As for facts presented here, with exception of those from Jo and one or two commenters, I nearly always check out their veracity and validity before accepting them as on too many occasions I have found they are neither. Especially the so called facts from the far right publications that, judging by the frequency with which the are cited, many commenters here seem to rely on as their major source of news
As for the statement “I wouldn’t believe them if they said the sun rises in the East” you are obviously unaware of the way in which that well known fact is used to express one’s opinion of a person’s truthfulness.
Just having a bit of fun.
“Especially the so called facts from the far right publications that”
Which publications are they Ian?
“Depends on whose facts they are”
How mind numbingly closed mibded. A fact is a fact, who you personally perceive to “own” is farcicially irrelevant.
Isn’t that Joe Biden’s dresser?
Relevance to the video?
“Relevance to the video?”
Only the fact that as Sidney Powell is known to be economical with the truth it tends to taint anything with which she is even remotely associated.
“Only the fact that as Sidney Powell is known to be economical with the truth” Documentation please Ian.
And repeating someone else’s lie doesn’t qualify.
No, She just says things the far-left and the MSM have a different “opinion” on or don’t like..
Far-left and MSM don’t deal in “facts”
FaceBook has admitted as such.
Ian, surely a judge should be dispassionate in dispensing justice, and not lay bare her fury.
But then I believed that justice is blind, silly me.
When one gets furious it generally indicates a loss of calm judgement.
“justice is blind”
“Ian, surely a judge should be dispassionate in dispensing justice, and not lay bare her fury.”
You’re quite correct but remember that statement was made by a journalist and journalists often use hyperbole to enhance their article. In this case it almost certainly is hyperbole as to “express her fury”
would be a significant error of which I am sure she would be aware. However why not contact the writer of the piece to get his opinion?
Then why trust a journalist who doesn’t report properly?
They will never find the Kraken, I hid it under a rock with the global warming.
Maybe an article about Judge Linda Parker might shed some light on how this Judge treats justice …..
Ms Jacinda ‘banana republic’ Ardern’s erroneously titled Medsafe [sic] today OKd 5-11 year old New Zealand children to be shot… twice.
It has to go through the ‘cabinet’ first [where I’m sure there’s no envelopes stuffed full of Christmas ‘bonuses’ just lying around, to be sure, to be sure] and if passed, will be enacted – rolled out – next month.
Xi’s comin’ for the kids… but hey, sleepy Hobbitses are on holiday, they’ve got their ‘papers in order’ and a ‘passport’ to travel within their own country – ‘freedom’ they call it – plus it’s the week before Christmas so let’s just be kind and forget about all those c0n$p!r@cY theories and VAERS numbers and doctors and nurses yelling “Whoah there Nelly!”
No sense of foreboding in evidence as Jacinda propels her population into probable perdition; some time in the coming decade hindsight will kick in, maybe.
This should help with feeling confident with double ta**ing kids…ugh….
“Big League Politics
“Public Health Expert Says ‘Stop Calling This a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ After All-Vaxxed Wedding Becomes Super-Spreader Event
“Shane Trejo
“Dec 14, 2021
“A public health expert at Michigan State University is pleading with medical professionals to “stop calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated” after catching the omicron variant of COVID-19 at a wedding where vaccinations were strictly enforced.
“Debra Furr-Holden, 47, an epidemiologist who is the associate Dean of Public Health Integration at Michigan State University, caught COVID-19 after attending a wedding with over 100 people in Milwaukee, Wisc. She and several others caught COVID despite everyone at the wedding receiving vaccinations.
I have a little question for all the virologist, micro biologists, epidemiologists etc on this blog….
Since the virus is spread through breath / breathing (the viral load in that being sufficient to cause transmission), how come the test swab cannot be simply breathed upon and THEN amplified a few billion times via the PCR test to find some of that load?
Anyone know the rationale?
BTW: I’m aware the virus is said to replicate up the back of the nose/throat but the spread is supposed to be caused by what’s going on up front, isn’t it?
Umm Umm…………science?
The cycle number would need to be massive for the level of virions captured with a breath test. It’s almost certain that with the number of cycles required, all sorts of junk would get amplified and the noise level would either cause many more false results.
China uses anal swabs to get a more accurate assessment of the variety of sub variants in their outbreaks.
Maybe lots of cycles needed, but maybe more chance of catching live virus rather than the remains of virus chewed up by our defences.
Ah yes, that odd paper I read a couple of days ago explained very carefully that it is a fecal-spread virus more than oral. You can trace its spread though a city’s sewerage pumping system as virus particles get airborne and spread. That’s why large buildings are such super-spreader zones with their bathroom ventilation systems all joined up.
So anal swabs make sense, but the number of volunteers to take them would drop I’m sure!
What an odd question.
Is the truth finally starting to emerge?
Fauci discusses the possibility that the vaccines are making people more likely to infected.
I heard their making a new batman movie, starring Dr fauci
Or was it a Dracula movie?
“Der Golem”?
Today’s news
19 out of 40 windturbines at stockyard wind farm ere found to have defects including cracking in the blades
Made in China of coutse
Not only are wind power generation useless, the farms are unlikely to reach their design life and will have to be decommissioned early
Now our NSW treasurer (ex Minister for energy and environment) wants to close all coal powered power stations and bet the farm on windmills and solar
We are now heading for the new Dark Ages at a rapid rate as well see our civilisation collapsing around us
The irony of it all is that it is totally self inflicted
If they do close just a few coal powered generators the public reaction to the lack of juice will be swift and strong. Civilization is in no danger.
This is one of my few hopes of stalling the NWO Great Global Reset transhuman digital control horror story we seem to be about to live in. It relies on electricity and if just one more power station goes down the SE Aus grid is going to be unstable. Digital control of the population is only as good as the electrons it relies on. One of the scarey concepts is that “they” have just enough power stations for the number of people “they” intend to still be alive at the end of their Agenda 2030.
“The irony of it all is that it is totally Politically and Elite inflicted”.
And as for the defects, what’s new?
The amount of dysfunctional junk that China has dumped on us is extraordinary.
One of the biggest businesses in Australia is in the removal and replacement of “faulty” Chinese products such as; household water heating and storage units which stipulate the use of reverse refrigerator technology to extract the “free” heat from surrounding air. Then there’s the compulsory roof water storage units; to save building dams.
All linked to scientific concepts to sell, but in engineering reality they are false.
The real irony is that to get to their renewable “Heaven” (Nirvana?) they will need vast amounts of storage. That means pumped storage so we will get the necessary dams (once there are one too many blackouts).
Batteries cannot do it unless the cost drops by about a factor of 100 and despite the ignoramuses (SPELL CHECK please NOTE I prefer ignoramouses as it indicates those with tiny brains) that won’t happen within a decade or more.
The mirage of hydrogen won’t happen as on previous times, it sounds good until you start trying to get a practical way forward (avoiding National bankruptcy).
In any case going for renewable + gas is precisely the policy of Germany and the UK, both of whom are struggling to keep the lights on with their remaining coal-fired and nuclear plants running flat out.
Reminds me: Has anyone seen headlines recently from Europe about the advantages of getting rid of carbon (sic)?
Not ignoramice?
Annie tried @
Umm. It’s definitely tempting and I like it 😀 … but no.
Fowlers Modern English Usage Revised 3rd edition also denies ignorami and is explicit the plural is ignoramuses.
Pumped hydro does not work, it requires 30% more power to pump that water back up hill, where the hell is that coming from.
More circular logic.
As for cost look at Turnbulls $2 billion SH2, now at $10 billion and not a watt of power produced. Batteries cost less then pumped hydro and you still have to fill Them up, from what.
Coal works, Co2 is not a problem, there is no happy middle ground, you cannot fix a problem that does not exist. 30 years you have all fought the “cause” yet they have not missed a step and have broken into a sprint.
You cannot make more from less, end of debate.
SH2 is Turnbull’s ‘no-brainer’, by which he amply demonstrated the lack of a brain.
And the water evaporates after a while. So does not work at all in a drought year, you end up with a small salty puddle!
Also KK yesterday evening they were talking on TV about the number of children’s toys that have been withdrawn from sale because of risks to the kids, from batteries (lithium coin cells) to small buttons.
It does give me hope that if the Chinese were ever to attack us, most of their equipment will have failed or broken before they actually arrive here.
We hope.
They dont have to attack us. They already own the whole place, and particularly the politicians. Australia is strickly name only – probably has been for over a decade.I used to work in a legal firm that took cases for refugees. You know a country is nut totalitarian when it wont let people out and Australia wont now, unless they are jabbed, and since people leaving arent Australias problem any more, then shows this place is a totalitarian nuthouse. The type of restrictions we have here feel like the sort of things our Chinese refugee clients had to put up with. I am not sure who is pulling the strings on our politician puppets, but I would not be surprised if it was the Chinese. The elites obviously have the planet carved up according to their factions and control centres. If anyone has any ideas who they are I would like to hear.
No, they don’t have to attack us, just release a bioweapon. Ohhh.
They save the junk for the west
Their building crisis might give you hope
Their Sk’s used to be pretty effective & reliable; don’t know what they use now.
Is this all deliberate sabotage, or is just just further proof that the quality you get from China at $2 shops is the same all the way through Chinese manufacturing.
I suspect it’s the latter, which is why I refer to my dear departed dad’s ex-Army .303 rifle…as a Chinese-tank destroyer.
Anyone here think the Chinese weapons and systems will not crack and disintegrate in actual combat with a developed nation’s military?
Yes I don’t
Commercial and Milspec are different worlds.
If you think they cant rain down a hypersonic missile on you because you bought a crap lawnmower in the 90s you might be living a delusion.
Of course they won’t. The Chinese can do quality engineering. Supplying the West with sub-standard garbage is just part of their game plan, increases their profit and ensures continuing demand. We’re the mugs, unless we stop buying. When I was a kid ‘Made in Hong Kong/Taiwan’ was almost a joke, but it meant cheap value, not cheap rubbish. ‘Made in China’ is a joke on us.
A warning to anyone doing fencing. Those US made Crescent fencing pliers that have looked after us for years are now coming from Taiwan. And Taiwan didn’t get the inside on the steel recipe and treatment.
My first pair didn’t actually get to build more than about 50 m of repair before the cutters had rolled over, and on the same wire that my last original pair has been digesting for years.
I was hoping that Trump might have persuaded a return to US production – but – –
Not good, I have had pretty good service from Teng Tools out of Taiwan
“ex-Army .303 rifle…as a Chinese-tank destroyer”, not confident the current 5.56 would warrant that description though.
Tough call.. It takes the ‘rest of the world’ to build the International Space Station, yet China is building its own because the Yanks blocked them using the ISS. Those are the same Yanks who were begging Russia to take them up when the Shuttles retired and before they were saved by Musk.
I have heard both that the Chinese make plenty of really high-quality stuff, but we only import the cheap rubbish, and that China only copies and never innovates. Mind you, the Japanese started out like that after WW2, and it took until the 1970s before they started original ideas. Imagine, a motorbike that dosn’t leak oil?? How very odd…
Add this.
I was around gliding here in Oz up to the 1990’s, by which time fibreglass and later reinforce aircraft were around. At that time Oz was a very small part of the world wide market but ran up sailplane hours at the fastest rate in the world.
So we were the first to record the problem of gel coat cracking. And to find that the cracks that started in the gel coat (and made your new glider look unsightly) went through into the underlying matrix and likely the spar structure.
One story has it that a local owner buttonholed the German manufacturer’s representative who had come out to look at the problem. When things got tense the rep resorted to not understanding English. Neglecting that the owner was of German origin. Rumour hath it that the thunder and lightening that followed was most impressive.
That reminds me that we used to have some repair work to do on cracks in the GRP hulls of our sailing dinghies in Cyprus. The original hulls were hot-moulded wood laminates but later iterations were grp. I much preferred the wooden boats (Albacores…designed by Uffa Fox, as were the Fireflies). Those were the days.
There are three materials used for gliders – wood, metal and reinforced plastic
The trades that work on same are termites, tin bashers and tupperware
The termite’s view – if God had intended fibreglass gliders he would have made fibreglass trees
Something is very wrong if a crack can propagate through the resin matrix like that. It sounds more likely that the spars were under engineered so the amount of flexing cracked the gel coat and also the glass fibres in the matrix which led to further flexing before the resin in the structure began to fail.
The spars in the fibreglass ones wee actually over-built. If made strong enough the wings weren’t rigid enough so they had to add more.
The assumption had been that the cracks would not spread out of the gel coat – it sure got attention at the time. Owners were not happy at having to have their new gliders re-gel coated within a few years either.
IIRC again – at the time there were two brands of gel coat used in Germany. They allowed one set of product out of the moulds per day. It was found that, by “hotrodding the chemistry” of one, that could be upped to two sets a day. And that was the gel coat that cracked.
Here is a paper on the RMIT test program
Fatigue Testing of Full-Scale All-Composite Aircraft Wings
N. Mileshkin, M. L. Scott, L. A. Wood and D. R. Collyer
SAE Transactions
Vol. 96, Section 6: AEROSPACE (1987), pp. 1903-1908 (6 pages)
Published By: SAE International
speaking of NSW power generation, I saw that Wallerawang Power Station has met its maker. its amazing how some buildings and facilities can sit untouched and derelict for years, but coal fired power stations all disappear relatively fast.
From friends of Science
Reassessment of the homogenization of daily maximum temperatures in the Netherlands since 1901
The Royal Dutch Meteorological Office (KNMI) homogenizes the daily temperature records for the Netherlands from 1901 to 1950 that results in a very sharp decrease of the number of days with high temperatures greater than or equal to 30 °C, from 160 to 76 days. The homogenization process cools the past thereby increasing the apparent warming trend. There are five long-term active meteorological stations in the Netherlands with temperature records from the beginning of the twentieth century up to present. All stations have had location and/or screen type changes. Homogenization of temperature data sets is generally needed to account for changes in observation condition. The homogenization method for the De Bilt station uses a reference station and a 56-month reference period. This study shows that the amount of past cooling depends strongly on the choice of the reference station and the length of the reference period. The authors created 116 different variants of the homogenization. They found that the homogenization parameters used by KNMI result in a very sharp decrease of warm days before 1950, which is not replicated by the majority of the 116 variants. After homogenization, De Bilt appears to be an outlier compared to the other meteorological stations.
Here is the original GISS data from De Bilt before the adjustments around 2010.
Here it is today. However you may notice the very light yellow unadjusted graph in the background. It used to be easier to see but your comments above explain why they have ‘erased’ the unadjusted graph.
Thanks, but I’m not detecting a difference between the two links you have shared and not seeing the unadjusted graph.
me too
Whoops. Sorry. This is the other link.
I can’t help but feel the very light yellow unadjusted line is put in the legend just as a prank to have me do all sorts of silly screen adjustments and tilts and putting my face within mm of the screen or standing a few metres back to try and see it. 🙂
Just a fraction easier to see what they’ve done to Darwin. They began to adjust temps after the ‘plateauing’ of temps around 2006-2009. Had to keep their memes alive.
Same here.
From Julius Reuchel . com
The Lies Exposed by the Numbers: Fear, Misdirection, & Institutional Deaths (An Investigative Report)
On April 30th, 2021, Canada published a weekly COVID-19 epidemiology report that included a simple breakdown of cases and deaths linked to outbreaks, organized according to the location of the source of infection. Beneath the unassuming superficial appearance of this data set lies the incriminating key to exposing (and prosecuting) a jaw dropping series of scandals.
Once the data is put into context, clear proof emerges that gross negligence on the part of government policymakers directly led to the preventable deaths of thousands, most especially among the most vulnerable that the government claims to be trying to protect. The data also makes it crystal clear why “two weeks to flatten the curve” turned into a never-ending 15-month nightmare and why lockdowns as a strategy were a misbegotten fantasy that was doomed from the start.
Continued at
Harry Truman
Yet the federal government in Australia wants to increase immigration to 400,000 per annum
No housing, no increase in infrastructure, reduced and unreliable electricity, no fuel security, now having food supply chain issues
WTF, talk about right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing
We now have a totally divisive and clueless Governments at state and federal levels
Just a descent into chaos
Just the right climate for tyrannical rule
Admittedly it doesn’t look good, the unity ticket on so many issues means our democracy is not working.
What we need is an outstanding individual, intelligent, attractive and with charismatic qualities, who can disarm every critic with wit. Loved and admired by the masses, this person would emerge through the Senate.
Like Scotty from marketing, I believe in miracles.
Nor does the right hand does not know what the right hand is doing and the left hand also does not know what the left hand is doing either.
I thought the immigration figure was 160,000. When and who decided it should be 400,000?
400 000 was the figure pre covid
The government has agreed to 160 000 for next 2 years but still want a big Australia to increase government income and gross GDP nos, but individual GDP is falling particularly if you haven’t shared in the property and share bubble brought about by zero interest rates
The whole edifice is set up for an implosion. You can’t have real growth based on ever increasing debt .
The permanent immigration cap was set at 160,000 in early 2019 for a period of four years, down from 190,000.
I think it is the NSW Govt suggesting 400k be the number, not the Fed Govt. Although Fed Govt said the current figure needs further consideration.
I strongly support immigration but only when migrants are selected who have work related skills and work ethic to contribute where their skills are needed here. And that should include settling in country areas where skilled labour is in short supply and towns could do better with the additional population and local economy stimulus.
The not so long term plan will create cities of one million or more people over the next few decades, one of the reasons for discussions and planning for fast rail transport that could, for example, allow people to work in Sydney and live in, say Goulburn NSW.
I agree that forcing the population up in the Sydney Basin is a ridiculous plan, and even growing the population before public services and infrastructure can cope.
The present NSW Coalition Government took over after 16 years of Labor Government and during that time release of government owned public lands for development was restricted to not much. The result was demand for housing exceeding supply and prices for real estate climbing to unaffordable for most people levels, Since the Coalition formed Government land releases have been many and redevelopment has already supplied hundreds of thousands of new dwellings and new housing estates. There is a severe shortage of trades people, builders struggle to employ the skilled people they need. Wages are climbing for experienced trades people who now earn more than many lawyers and other professions.
The government theory is that the more people there are (consumers) the bigger the economy and tax revenue becomes, which is no doubt true but depends on having working people not welfare recipients. Welfare recipients spend taxpayer provided monies and stimulate the economy but they are not earning new money to spend and paying real taxes accordingly. Like public servants pay taxes but they are paid from private sector tax revenue so they are not contributing real revenue.
I think the figure is 80% of all immigrants will never work and 100% will be on some sort of government slops program. Hope they are lubricating the money pressers, can’t afford any downtime.
There’s plenty of room and facilities, you just cant have the life you once had, which wasnt that great anyway. Ask anyone who has escaped Sin City.
Hahaha, I’ve never heard that before. As funny as it is, am I right in doubting that Truman said that?
Stossel on his suit against Facebook:
Their fact checks are not facts.
Go John!
I reckon that as soon as Sydney feels the pain, the politicians will feel the pain.
I expect that not many people have actually calculated the mass of water in the atmosphere. It is usually stated as total precipitable water (TPW) and given in column cm or mm. Atmospheric water averages around 22mm over the entire surface for a year cycle. The range is from say 17mm to 25mm.
If you do the simple maths based on a surface area of 5.1E14sq.m you arrive at volume of 11E12cu.m. Or could be stated as 11Tt.
It has been well estimated that the atmosphere turns over 522Tt each year. That puts the residence time of water in the atmosphere at a little more than a week.
It has been shown that water in the atmosphere is both a cooling and warming agent. For the nine months from January to September it acts to cool the globe by increased cloud cover. For the three months October to December it warms the globe by reducing cloud cover. The reason for the latter is that the peak sunlight moves south of the Equator after the boreal autumnal equinox resulting in gradual cooling of the large land masses in the northern hemisphere while the southern land masses are only beginning to warm, causing ocean heat, in the form of latent heat of water evaporation, to advect from ocean to land – water is evaporated from oceans and condenses over land; warming the land as it condenses to reduce the radiative loss from land surface. The maximum transfer of water from ocean to land occurs in December.
During December, the entire mass of water in the atmosphere is transported from oceans to land resulting in global average rainfall on land of typically 66mm for the month. Northern Australia is one of the locations that experiences high rainfall in December and January.
In the current era, January is the month when the insolation over oceans peaks. Not unexpectedly, that is also the month of maximum heat uptake of the oceans. However January is the month when the ocean surface temperature is at its minimum. In fact, the ocean surface temperature is strongly INVERSELY correlated to the insolation and absorbed radiation.
The observed warming of the oceans is the result of the water cycle, ocean to land transfer, slowing down. It has nothing to do with any delicate radiation imbalance. It is the result of orbital precession whereby perihelion is gradually moving toward the boreal summer solstice having coincided with the austral summer solstice for the last time in 1585.
It is impossible to get heat transfer from the surface of a tropical ocean to depths below 500m against the constant upwelling due to surface evaporation. Over the tropics, the upwelling at 1000m has been observed at 7mm per day. The high evaporation zones like the Nino 3 region have much higher evaporation rates near the surface. No climate model has this detail correct. The models incorporate the physically impossible of surface radiation heating to depths of 2000m.
At the Last Glacial Maximum the Western Pacific Warm Pool was 3C degrees cooler than present and the WPWP sea surface temperatures increased ahead of deglaciation in the NH.
Could a large submarine vent be responsible?
Glaciation is the result of water being stored on land. In the present era, there is vey little water stored on land. Australia is the only continent that varies markedly year-to-year.
During the peak accumulation phase of glaciation, the entire sea surface can fall by 7mm a year every year for a 1000 years. That is significant net evaporation over the entire ocean but would be even greater in the tropics. So upwelling during glaciation increases and the ocean surface temperature reduces in concert. All the land masses around the North Atlantic and the Himalayas store water.
In the present era, the annual difference in radiative heat input to ocean and land systems is at its maximum such that there is a large differential in December but very little difference in May, June and July. As the precession cycle moves on, December remains the largest differential but May, June and July has increasing differential resulting in less annual variation until perihelion coincides with the boreal summer solstice. The differential for those three months then start reducing again and the water cycle, particularly in the North Atlantic, slows down again causing the ocean temperature to increase.
Fundamentally, the ocean surface temperature follows the heat transfer ocean to land but inversely. The more heat transfer, the cooler the ocean surface. Oceans are cold places on average so speeding up the net evaporation (ocean to land transfer) circulates the cool high latitude water faster toward the low latitudes in the 500m to 1000m channel. This will always be the case unless the high latitudes lose all the sea ice year round, which has occurred in the history of the globe.
I believe ice reflectivity changes are the most significant factor in Earth recovering from glaciation in the present era. A glaciation cycle now spans multiple precession cycles. There can be some loss of ice caused by the precession cycle once glaciation starts but it does not usually result in full recovery.
Coming to grips with the drivers of the water cycle are key to understanding the climate trends. That gets down to the drivers of evaporation and advection of moisture to land. We observe it every day but quantifying it and forecasting how it will evolve is more challenging.
‘I believe ice reflectivity changes are the most significant factor in Earth recovering from glaciation in the present era.’
Strongly disagree, Meltwater Pulse 1A wasn’t caused by reflectivity.
At the LGM it appears ENSO variability was reduced, but still operating.
You might be interested in this paper, which I find much to my liking, covers all bases.
WPWP stalls La Nina cool waters and presumably stops it flowing into the Indian Ocean.,-0.36,1057/loc=150.943,-2.401
And there is a significant corallary. CO2 is highly soluble in water.
Rain drops carry a lot of gas back into the ocean and a turnover time of two weeks? It’s the principle of acid rain which the Greens hate, whether SO2 as sulphuric or NO2 as nitric.
But still the IPCC says that on average it takes 80 years for even half CO2 to reenter the water. That’s outrageous.
CO2 and O2 exchange rapidly between the water and ocean and the amount of CO2 in the air is set by simple chemical equilibrium, not inputs. Fish breathe. And there is no O2 in stagnant water. Rain and wind and drops and droplets are the exchange mechanism across the world and there is 50x as much CO2 in the ocean as in the air. But still they argue CO2 levels are man made. Incredible.
However once the IPCC recognizes the rapid turnover of CO2, they have to admit there is no way CO2 levels are man made. And that would be the end of the whole made up story.
And that’s the core problem. CO2 is in equilibrium, up and down each year with ocean surface temperature. Otherwise slightly up each year with slightly rising surface temperatures.
So now everyone wants to control CO2 levels? That’s impossible!
They don’t get very much correct – if at all.
“Covid is wearing off. Release the new virus!”
Dr Evil strikes again.
Let me guess. On par with Smallpox this time around?
Field testing…..
And released at 10 airports in the USA like Herr G**es predicted?
I see us unvaxxed are free to go shopping again in Victoriastan, did the science change ?
I had a great day shopping yesterday.
WUV on the move at last.
Winters coming.
Same as last year, but more restrictive. Northern Hemisphere shows the way as it did last year.
We are being played.
White Un Vaxxinated.
Nobody and I mean nobody, could figure that out.
I am just saying, it ain’t over.
No it just moved to Queensland
Too late for the vaxxed masses to think now..
Panic is starting to set in as people are waking up to the apparent push by govts the world over ( including in Oz ) for totalitarianism.
When a major rag runs an op-ed along the lines of “No, we arent like nazi Germany” you know the conversation amongst normal people involved applying ” if it walks like a n*zi duck….”
So people appear to now acklowledging the anti-human agenda that appears to be in play. Good. People are rapidly waking up and are starting to reject the narrative.
Prediction – either a new lockdown based on yet another “outbreak”, or, a military conflict as a distraction. I mentioned that based on the 4 month rule that we should be due for a big upswing in cases from leaky vax in January. Get your beer and supplies in, it cod be another lockdown coming….
Amazing isn’t it, that the propaganda of “they’re dirty, disease carrying immoral people not deserving of human rights” (sound familiar) can be regurgitated at the same time that the E.U. wants to scrap the Nuremberg Code. Yep, if it quacks…
The only reason you scrap the Nuremberg code, is if youre going to violate it….
Or, you have already broken all the rules and your neck maybe on the line.
In Europe the current vilification of the unvaccinated has obvious parallels with 1930s Germany.
The jackboots of the Left are being dusted off, and I expect soon we’ll witness a Krystallnacht of the unvaccinated. It’s only a matter of time. Just watch.
For Australians who have not been listening and/or rely on the left leaning media that hides the good news more often than not, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet have been pushing for freedom from State Government Emergency Powers based lockdowns and other restrictions for months and since his appointment so has the NSW Liberal-National Coalition Government Premier Perrottet who is leading the other States back to reality.
the PM deals with covid the same way he does with net zero, BS because he thinks he can get away with it. the wry smile while saying that it is up to companies to choose whether they want to mandate vaccines etc knowing that the states will enforce vaccine mandated entry into pubs, clubs etc. then he turns around and refuses to back the bill to prevent it. no, he is just lying through his teeth when he says he is pushing for freedom because he thinks he is protected.
any steps towards freedom taken now will be short lived as the ‘take a mile give an inch’ game cannot possibly be over yet.
Re “Prediction – either a new lockdown based on yet another “outbreak” ”
Given how most of the rest of the world has gone from cheering their achievement of 80 % -ish vaccinated to more OMG lockdowns, masks etc I’ve been waiting for the same to bob up in Oz.
My punt was for early next year
Dear Miss Nova
These may be of interest:
UK covid cases and deaths as reported to Worldometers to Wednesday 15 December:
ONS all-cause mortality figures for England and Wales to week 48 (ending Friday 3 December, released Tuesday 14 December); excess mortality by age group 2020-21:
A further 7 graphs of the ONS data are available.
Might be of interest if you said why
People have forgotten what totalitarianism looks like.
The spiritual child of the N**i party appears to be the CCP, but govts around the world seem to also be competing to see who can emulate it fastest…..
That applies to Oz, too….
Walks like a duck….
A solid dose of history is needed in Germany as the cycle repeats…
Beast from the East to descend upon Europe.
Why am I not surprised – it’s winter! But here in Cindy’s Shire it’s supposed to be summer – OK next Wed 22nd is the solstice – yet today it’s SNOWING in Fiordland and around Mt Cook with more tomorrow and another cool blast Monday. Who can I send my tithes and indulgences to for a little ol’ fashion sunshine and warmth coz this climate change thingy is making things cold.
There is a chance that it’ll get warmer when that blocking high in the Bight moves across.
The Russians have a nicely integrated business there, sending them the cold and then sending them the gas (if they want it)
And the state of play in Australia?
Given who controls and benefits from all the legal gambling in ths county, i somehow doubt you will hear a peep from any of teh political players.
Climate change is having a disastrous effect on the native animals in my area. With the lack of any heat so far this summer the generally numerous echidnas that wander round are conspicuous by their absence. These charming little waddlers normally appear September , October where I live ,but to date , not a single sighting. It must be climate change I tells ya. That bloody cold that the “hibernators” must have decided to sleep on till the temperature increases.
And the tomatoes are very late. The BOM would have you believe that’s a consequence of man made Global Warming. How can 1500+ Public Servants specialising in meteorology get the temperature wrong? It’s all about supporting the IPCC, the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations and international career prospects. Damn the facts.
Chiefio has been there
“GISTemp – dumber than a tomato”
BoM’s summer forecast is that south east Australia will remain relatively cool and wet, while the rest of Australia bakes.
Pleased to report that the Mosquito population in my district is almost zero at present, most unusual.
Not here Denis in Northern Moreton Bay. The midges are in plague proportions.
Plenty of them around here Sambar , Correllas seem to be hanging around for a lot longer though . Usually we are just a few day stop for them as they migrate north just before the warm weather starts and south before the rains of autumn start .
We’ve seen a couple of echidnas Sambar.
What about the cockies Annie, very few around so far, normally around in the hundreds by now. If I can keep the netting on the apple trees it will be a bumper crop this year.
Cockies are eating the windows and reducing trees to shrubs around here .
They are absolutely my number one pet hate. They are wizards at finding the way into fruit tree netting and ruining an entire crop of apples, apricots, quinces etc. Apparently back in the day they were trapped and canned then sent to the old country under the name of “Australian Snipe”. So many around, and not limited to Australia, but of course all things native must be protected at all costs
They’re all at our place Sambar. Two days ago they were circling my small orchard I planted c. 23 years ago. I stayed out for a while and they made off, leaving a scout or two until they realised I was staying out. In the days before that they were alk over our paddocks, especially the one that had just been mown for hay. They are also in huge numbers up near Molesworth.
Our apples are getting to a size that will have the cockies making a ghastly racket much too early in the day for this night owl!
We are cooler than usual (and moister) but our resident under the house echidna clan is still active. And also in the wild so they’re “not extinct due to global warming” as yet.
Got pinged by mods for going off topic in the ‘Blockbuster paper’ thread so continuing a reply to William Astley here:
Continuing from #50.1.1:
>”I was doing strenuous physical work seasonally resulting in weight loss (another factor – see following comment)”
From the website referred to in previous comment (link below):
Stress & Magnesium Loss
One of the main reasons why magnesium deficiency is prevalent is that our exposure to environmental stress is greater now than ever before. In this page shows you:
1.How the human body loses magnesium via all forms of stress.
2.What exactly qualifies as magnesium-draining stress?
3.Why magnesium deficiency is so common now.
4.The main sources of magnesium-draining stress to avoid.
5.Two free apps that help you optimize your modern environments to mitigate magnesium depletion.
# # #
4. The main sources of magnesium-draining stress to avoid:
All of the following are sources of stress that deplete magnesium from the human body:
airborne pollution
synthetic diet (GMOs, inorganic fertilizers from non-organic produce)
processed food and poor food combinations
psychological and emotional stress
prolonged exposure to blue/artificial light from digital technology screens *1
synthetic contaminants from household products
daily ingestion of high amounts of fluoride from tap and bottled water
plastic toxins that leach into water from water bottles and juice boxes
intense exercise while in a magnesium-deficient state
WIFI and electromagnetic radiation *2
Magnesium Stress
The following SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) website corroborates the weight loss factor above:
Table 1. Factors that influence the level of sex hormone-binding globulin in blood
Table format is Increase SHBG vs Decrease SHBG and is specific to both male and female, androgens and estrogens.
Note that again, counterintuitively, obesity decreases SHBG.
Magnesium cream is a good way to increase Mg dose, or Epsom salt in a hot bath. Magnesium chloride in pool and spa water may help too.
Jo >”Magnesium cream is a good way to increase Mg dose”
That seems to be a good option for me (prone to bowel inflammation) because it bypasses the digestion system. I thought the jury was still out on topical application but I’m rethinking it – thanks.
I tend to err on the side of caution i.e. less rather than more, especially re calcium as Geoff Sherrington warned in the ‘Blockbuster paper’ thread linked above. But the magnesium issues now lead me to look beyond my preferred amino acid complexes to the full range:
The 4 categories of supplements (topical, mineral salts, & acid complexes):
>”or Epsom salt in a hot bath”
Yes as above. Worked for me recovering from very strenuous seasonal packhouse work but I’m out of that now. Still an option though.
I often get particularly leg cramps after physical work.
From some knowledge of animal nutrition I have my “quick and dirty” recipe.
About 4 teaspoons of epsom salts and 1 teaspoon of sugar. I make it in bulk and mix well.
At the onset of cramps about half a teaspoon in not a lot of water. And hold that and swill it around in the mouth for a while till the cramp eases before swallowing.
The literature will tell you that Mg uptake from epsom salts via the digestive system is slow but seems by mouth it is quicker.
My 2 cent finding. YMMV.
Vit B12, a strong antioxidant, is also better absorbed via mouth than stomach. Buy it as a lozenge and suck.
NEVER destroy your oral biome with Listerene™. once you destroy it your breath will smell and you will need more Listerene™ before you can kiss your Lady*.
* Pre covid Lady. 🙂 Behave yourselves now.
>”NEVER destroy your oral biome with Listerene™”
From Nitrate to Nitric Oxide: The Role of Salivary Glands and Oral Bacteria
So don’t spit, ya hear?
I added the Nitrate to Nitric Oxide paper because NO has only relatively recently been discovered to be so important (and a Nobel Prize going to the researchers).
Also a covid factor:
Nitric Oxide, the Miracle Behind Viagra, Could Work for COVID-19
“May” being the operative word here.
Ian >”I often get particularly leg cramps after physical work”
Same except it was from standing for hours but not using the full range of leg muscles. I’ve done far more active work using most of the muscle range and no cramp.
For me, the onset of cramp was after an hour or so in a warm bed which had me clambering out to stretch some of the most wicked cramps you can imagine.
This type not to be confused with heat cramps or electrolyte loss but heat definitely brought it on.
“Vitamin I” cream coming up?
John Campbell has put out a video describing the need for taking vit k2 while taking large doses of vit D. It is to ensure that calcium ends up in your bones and not your arteries!…which could be important if one is taking larger doses, it seems.
Vitamin K2 works synergistically with vitamin D, and both act as co-enzymes. One important role they have is to manage calcium metabolism and assimilation – getting calcium absorbed from the diet and into the bones, and working with proteins to prevent calcium from going into tissues. Vitamin K2 is important for directing calcium to the bone; without vitamin K2 it is thought that excess calcium gets deposited in plaque buildup in the arteries.
Brenda >”Vitamin K2 works synergistically with vitamin D, and both act as co-enzymes”
This relates to #18 upthread and others have pointed out critical synergies within vitamins and minerals. Geoff Sherrington especially warning re calcium as you have. William Astley made two other excellent replies (follow the comment link at #18 upthread).
So important not to introduce counterproductive imbalances with supplementation.
Thx Brenda,
Yes, Dr Campbell is a fount of information, he wants to help people to have some responsibility in maintaining their own health, I bought my Vit K2 early this week. (His way of instruction is how education should work, seeking students’ eventual autonomy, not fostering a victim mentality through ignorance, keeping us passive recipients manipulated by them… “We will tell you what to think and do.” beththeserf.
From reading it seems you should be careful with K2 if you are on blood thinners .
Just watching the new Queensland Health minister and was wondering if anyone has seen her and Squiggy from the Laverne and Shirley show in the same room ?
So why are masks needed on planes in Oz?
Its all starting to fall apart under proper scrutiny.
“Two major airline CEOs question the need for masks on planes
“New York(CNN Business)The CEOs of two of the nation’s major airlines say they don’t think wearing masks on planes does much to help limit exposure to Covid.
“The comments from American Airlines (AAL) CEO Doug Parker — the nation’s largest carrier — and Southwest (LUV) CEO Gary Kelly came during a hearing about the financial support that airlines received from the federal government in 2020 and 2021. But the topic of masks arose via a question from Sen. Roger Wicker, the ranking Republican on the Senate committee holding the hearing.
“”I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting,” said Kelly.
“Both Kelly and Parker, who each have announced plans to retire as CEOs in the coming months, mentioned that high-grade HEPA air filters on planes capture virtually all airborne contamination and air quality is helped by how frequently cabin air is exchanged with fresh air from outside the cabin.
“”I concur. An aircraft is the safest place you can be,” said Parker. “It’s true of all of our aircraft — they all have the same HEPA filters and air flow.“
Important information from The Australian today – Get ready to be spoiled for choice
“In 2022 a plethora of new cars powered by electricity will headline a French of four wheeled action in 2022 as EV market charges forward”.
And then – “While electric cars currently make up only a little over 1 per cent of the Australian new car market there are dozens more due to hit our roads next year.”
Porsche and Audi sharing the same platform, no price for Audi e-tron yet but the Porsche Taycan will be A$156,300
At the lowest retail price level a new MG ZS EV for only A$41,990 and it is the most affordable electric car on the Australian market at present. The ICEV version is A$24,990.
But acceleration is fantastic, but no mention of traffic rules and police exemptions for driving an EV over traffic limits.
To cap it off another article directly below – Driving down costs: tax changes can position us on the road to net zero
Bottom line is that even with subsidies an EV total cost of ownership leaves a petrol fuelled car owner better off financially. Therefore, according to the story, governments must provide more incentives to make EV more attractive to buyers.
What happened to “capitalism”, free enterprise and free markets, consumers deciding winners and losers on merit, no taxpayer subsidies to assist higher income earners and company buyers to drive what most Australians cannot afford to buy?
Love to see how all these new electric car owners will charge them overnight in inner city suburbs where all cars are parked on the street due to terraces without garages. Lots of electric cords?
Imagine the chaos at Tamworth Country Music Festival, the Goldfield Ashes, Julia Creek Dirt’n Dust Festival, Birdsville Races and every “once a year” event that swells [multiplies?] these small town populations. They simply couldn’t charge 100 EVs over the weekend.
And you can’t detour off the highway to take the “road less travelled”. The death of Small Town Australia will accelerate.
Vicki….especially after the local wags go around and unplug them all !!
Um….why bother?
“Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials
“Among the first 43 confirmed cases in the United States between December 1st and 7th, over half were between the ages of 18 and 39 and about one third reported international travel before they were diagnosed.
“Nearly 80 percent — or 34 individuals — were fully vaccinated. And about a third of them — or 14 of those 34 individuals — received an additional booster dose, though some who had a booster had just recently received it.
December 16, 2021 at 7:37 am · Reply
The left’s resistance to Ivermectin is shameful
Ivermectin is a drug so beneficial to humankind that its inventor won the Nobel Prize. It’s so safe that the CDC recommends that most refugees entering the U.S. from countries with common parasitical infections be given it prophylactically. Medical trials and empirical experiments strongly indicate that, when it’s given early after a COVID diagnosis, people quickly recover. However, Democrats, in healthcare, the media, and government, are determined to ensure that no Americans have access to it.
One of the main barriers to Ivermectin is that hospitals refuse to give it to patients, preferring to see them die rather than take a commonly used, safe, Nobel-prize winning drug that could save their lives. In November, in Florida, a woman died after her husband tried, but failed, to get her doctors to treat her with the drug.
Just the other day, in Pennsylvania, a woman finally got a court order that her husband be treated with the drug but, by then, he’d been in the hospital for three weeks in a medically-induced coma, and it was too late. (I did mention, didn’t I, that the drug is best given as soon as possible after infection?)
There was a different outcome in Illinois. A man desperately ill with COVID had a miraculous recovery after a court ordered the hospital he was in to give him Ivermectin.
Given those facts, one suspects that the reason hospitals fight Ivermectin tooth and nail is that they don’t want a cure. COVID patients are profit centers in an economically unstable world. It’s obviously better to have them in the ICU for three weeks, even if they subsequently die, than to send them home in good health after a short stay. Pardon my cynicism, but logic drives me in this direction.
If you can’t read the small print, the justification for seizing the Ivermectin is that “the article has been determined to lack adequate directions for use.” Uh-huh. And how did the FDA and the Post Office know what directions were in a sealed package?
Our government is doing nothing to stop a veritable flood of deadly, illegal drugs from flowing across our illegally open southern border, but the FDA and the USPS have the investigative and police skills to stop people from getting a Nobel-prize winning, safe, effective, miracle drug.
This whole thing is just wrong.
The medical/industrial complex makes money out of sickness, not health.
As already reported a week ago ..
the hospital is paid by the CARES Act to only give Remdesivir and never Ivermectin.
They are financially penalized for departing from government protocol, but financially rewarded for killing the patient. Trump signed off on this.
Economic illiteracy costs lives … incentives do matter.
South Africa Omicron
Look at it this way. Viruses behave like a protection racket. Humanity and the common cold virus have a working relationship. A cold virus comes along, does its virus thing and then moves on. Now some idiot somewhere creates a chimera virus and as far as the cold virus is concerned this is gang warfare. In ecological terms humanity is saturated with the common cold virus and given the vast range of cold virus ecotypes the possibility of a back-cross with a benign cold virus was inevitable.
Game over.
#1747 – Dr. Peter A. McCullough The Joe Rogan Experience Spotify
Rumble version via SDA
And, for something from the other side try the link here
“And Now For Something Completely Different” If you’re interested in hearing the polar opposite of the Joe Rogan/Peter McCullough podcast Sam Harris has a new three hour discussion with Nicholas Christakis.”
But, as a warning, maybe read the comments there first
Cities Will Set Murder Records Because of ‘Soros Effect’
It’s no secret that Soros, with an estimated net worth of $8.6 billion, has been financing a multitude of progressive-left politicians and causes for years. It’s also no secret that electing radical, criminal-friendly district attorneys is at the top of his list of priorities. Soros-backed DAs in major U.S. cities have instituted brazenly lax enforcement policies that have helped unleash an unprecedented wave of crime across urban America.
Waukesha is the latest and most harrowing example of how the not-so-invisible hand of George Soros is fundamentally redefining law enforcement across America, to the detriment of everyone, except criminals.
Last week it was reported that 12 major U.S. cities have already posted record-setting murder rates in 2021. WABC-Radio has identified three additional metropolises — Chicago, Milwaukee, and Jackson, Miss. — that have also set murder records this year, all with Soros-backed DAs.
This follows an analysis by WABC-Radio of 13 U.S. cities with Soros-backed district attorneys. The investigation focused on homicide statistics, since, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “As a readily measurable indicator, homicide is both a reasonable proxy for violent crime and a robust indicator of levels of violence within States.”
It’s important to understand, first, why Soros chose the office of district attorney as his vehicle for social change. The traditional means of effectuating such change within the American system is through the legislative process. But Soros, the man who brought the Bank of England to its knees in 1992 when he famously shorted the British pound – and made $1 billion in the process – knows how to identify and exploit his prey’s point of greatest vulnerability. In this case, his prey is America’s criminal-justice system. The legislative process is messy, expensive, and uncertain, so Soros reasoned that he could use his overwhelming financial resources more effectively to elect hand-picked district attorneys who share his extreme views. Once in office, these officials could apply the power of selective enforcement to the law, deciding who gets charged and what constitutes criminal behavior
A very useful summary of the background to the U.S. collapse.
Most of them would probably be happy to just get a job that would otherwise have been out of reach. Searching assets and tax records wouldn’t show much.
It’s the flunkies who work for Soro behind the scenes who might be most vulnerable to scrutiny, but, of course Soro himself needs heavy auditing.
A difficult problem to rectify.
It has been a real pleasure listening to Jordan Peterson on Podcast. It helps when walking the dogs as they are not great conversationalists. You inherit dogs from your children.
Anyway in a discussion related to Israel, he was talking about the idea that everything in the Middle East is blamed on European or American Imperialism. Which is odd because Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt are a lot older than the United States or any countries in Europe and they have been at war for the last few thousand years. Even Italy did not exist until 1865.
But the way you can tell propaganda from education is that in propaganda there is only one explanation for everything. Like the ‘Male Patriachy’.
And I realised the story of man made Carbon Dioxide is identical. It is the explanation for every storm, every flood, every drought, even volcanoes and earthquakes and wars and bushfires in Australia. In a complex multivariate system of human existence or climate, there is only one explanation and it is universal and dominant. Joe Biden blamed the killer tornadoes this week on Climate Change. Why?
Except when rising but tiny Carbon Dioxide cannot explain a record cold year (like last year in Antarctica, the coldest on record) or Tornadoes or the lack of hurricanes, that has another explanation like El Nino or the Indian Dipole or a sun cycle. But we are told forcefully and endlessly that a tiny 50% increase in tiny CO2 over 150 years is the complete and only explanation for all climates. And it will devastate the planet. Soonish.
And if it does not fit the facts like a greening planet and record harvests, that is a temporary unpredictable thing . Underneath it all the many factors which affect the weather which becomes the climate over time, only Carbon Dioxide matters.
And it’s your fault. And the Chinese are exempt. As are all totalitarian countries or military dictatorships, which is 75% of all countries.
This is propaganda. Like everything else out of the EU/UN/IPCC/Universities/BOM/CSIRO/ABC. Only CO2 matters. And it’s your fault. Pay up. And drive electric cars and eat kale and get innoculated. Or else.
The government of Tuvalu is very worried about Climate Change and produced this viral video for COP26 in Glagow. So much like John Cleese at a desk in the water. Like so much Monty Python, prescient parody. And for those who are interested, the population of Tuvalu is 11,792.
And this week we were saturated with the story that someone/people/scientists says those who regularly ate smashed avocado typically had a lower BMI. Amazing. So obviously the avocado alone is the sole explanation. Not the Avocado marketing board.
Quote: Book – The Electronic Whorehouse written by journalist Paul Sheehan.
“I think we are dealing with an octopus … Advertising as news. It’s very skilfully done. The methods of seducing the media, the ingenuity of the spin has reached a point where we, as a general public, have never been lied to by such sophisticated means as now.”
It is also known that regular smashed avocado eaters have lower home ownership percentages.
So the proper oder of things is to save for your house, buy it and THEN worry about your BMI.
Given the cost of smashed Avocado, it is not surprising. You would think low cost cereal might have been better value but the Avocado marketing board cannot be questioned. And what’s wrong with smashing pumpkins?
Most here know about the New Zealand university ongoing monitoring of sea level at various Pacific Islands and that there has been no evidence to support that claim.
I remember another stunt photo opportunity when a Pacific Island leader stood on a beach, palm trees flattened and other obvious storm damage around him complaining that climate change was impacting, no acknowledgement of the recent cyclone weather conditions.
The problem is that the UN has promised financial support, using developed nations’ donations to the UN of course, and noting that during 2019 PM Morrison refused to cooperate and said that the Government he leads will not donate to UN “green funds”. But based on foreign aid to neighbouring countries Australia did pay Pacific Islands money directly, which was of course more about Foreign Affairs & Trade with consideration to counter the push from China to gain influence in the Pacific Region that is still underway.
Most Pacific Islands are poor countries so we cannot really complain when they take an opportunity to obtain aid monies.
On their ABC this arvo was an interview by the newsreader (propaganda reader) and Robin Williams their ABC comedian and science guru .
Apparently there is a shortage of females taking up geology because as we all know geology is oil and no one wants to be in that field although Williams says it’s more than oil it’s also about finding out why the ice at the poles are melting .
Then he went one better claiming the Germans in WW2 used certain frequencies to knock American rockets out of the sky !
Robyn Williams! He was the one who really agreed with 1 metre per year sea level rise. By now Sydney Harbour Bridge should be under water. I hope he was better as a Tom Jones impersonator than physicist. In real physics, facts matter.
“hen he went one better claiming the Germans in WW2 used certain frequencies to knock American rockets out of the sky !”
IIRC the only rockets the WW2 allies had performed over a VERY short distance from the motivating Typhoon or equivalent and the target – with minimal chance for such interference.
Do you deny the science ? Heh heh .
r r (@ # in case)
Find yourself a copy of R.V. Jones “Most secret war”
And read about the German reported ability of the UK to mark the path of their bombers with red lights on the ground
And the supposed ability of the IFF in bombers to scramble German searchlights
Among other things – a good read IMO
Maybe it ought to be suggested to one R. Williams?
Also, Tuvalu has been growing due to sediments – even “our” ABC supports this
🙂 🙂
Omicron v. Delta
Based on results from a new HK University study. Sorry, I have been unable to find a link to the original paper.
The ‘super mutant’ Omicron strain of Covid-19 can multiply 70 times faster in the human bronchus than the Delta variant or the original coronavirus, but it results in less severe symptoms, a new study has found.
. . . found that the newest variant of concern replicated less efficiently — more than 10 times lower — in the human lung tissue than the original strain which may signal “lower severity of disease.”
The study, which suggests that omicron jumps faster from one person to another but doesn’t damage lung tissues as much as its predecessor strains did . . .
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) has revealed that Omicron, the latest COVID-19 variant, can significantly reduce the virus neutralisation ability of Pfizer BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine by 32 folds [sic] or more.
So that means it is time for Omicrom parties so we can all catch it, and the pandemic that causes less deaths than the usual flu season is way over (or never was). Omicrom takes over from delta, few get sick, even less die. In theory we can now forget it and get on with life again. But as the pandemic took decades in the planning and is to bring in central bank digital currency and control of humans, we know it wont stop. Nothing has been reasonable or logical from the beginning, and it isnt like the UN and WEF et al arent even telling us everything they are doing. I remember, and personally suffered, when our local council brought in Agenda 21 policy after the Rio earth summit in 1993. I dont know how this dystopian nightmare can be stopped, lets hope it can or else life wont be worth living. I think that is what they hope as well. If there are people out there that still believe the MSM message I wonder why. The supposed conspiracy theory stuff has been official policy on UN WEF WHO etc websites for decades. The gain of function research has been in public record in scientific papers the whole time and still is including the grant numbers and who funds it all. Nothing is kept from those who can read and use google. One of the few wonders is how anyone can think that a spike protein that has a US patent number from way back, 1999 or 2002 or something, could have made it into a wild population of bats somewhere in a natural way to get out naturally.
There is so much fog out there. Let’s pick carefully. Covid has killed far more than the “estimated” influenza burden. In many countries 0.3- 0.4% of the population has already died. There is so much to protest about — like mandates and digitalID’s for sure, let’s not lose sight of those.
Too soon to call those Omicron parties yet.
RT, Russia Today, Russia = Communist, Communist = Propaganda. No link = hear say.
Chinese = See above.
Boston Globe = subscription.
Chiefio’s news watching (and it is multi channel) for the US concluded that RT will have a pro Russia bias on things Russia but provides a better general news coverage than what he gets handed in the US. He keeps a similar watch on a couple of other out of US sources to get a balance – I don’t remember those
Who is cheifio, I looked and found nothing, looked at some of his/her work could not find the RT bit.
A blogger with an opinion, shrug.
The CIA first spread propaganda to the American people via off shore media. History repeats/never stopped or maybe they are just your run of the mill communists doing what communists do?
Chiefio (E.M.Smith) has plenty of interest in his blog; look back in the archives and there is pretty much something for everyone, some articles are very technical (re. computers ‘n stuff), some serious about politics and others less serious. I just type in ‘chiefio’ on DDG.
Lots of Chinese face planting on tictok, did not buy that either.
I prefer to just believe my own lying eye’s and try and do what I can to reverse our current situation.
I can’t change the weather, I can’t stop scientists or politicians from lying, I plan on just being one more trying to get many more to stand up for their rights. That’s it, this is pretty much all I care about now.
Didn’t read 17.1.1 did you?
Nope, and still nope.
I have no interest in gistemp, no matter the source.
Looks legit to me. The researchers are from the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong but that doesn’t make it automatically propaganda.
China automatically makes it propaganda. (china daily)
They isolated, purified and cultured it on human lung tissue. The original CDC isolate for CoV-2 could not be cultured on human lung tissue, only monkey.
Amazing progress in a week.
Loving the science that fits my bias.
Robert Malone ( sorry hav t got the link at hand) has speculated today that, on the basis of the HK study, he thinks that Omicron probably affects the upper respiratory system – the bronchus – & not the deep lung tissue. This would be great news as it would explain the less serious effects.
He does explain the process – but it above my pay level!
So in simple terms for an airborne virus it is easier to enter and leave the bronchial tubes than the lung alveoli.
So there is an ecological advantage for a replicating virus to infect the first tissue it encounters.
Killing your host is not good evolutionary practice is it?
I guess that’s why ebola hasn’t wiped us out.
…and Idiocracy (the film) moves a step closer.
Perhaps the afflicted can get jobs in government or as health experts…
Unbelievable actually. In the old days an IQ of 70 was automatic entitlement to the [then] Disability Pension.
It has been variously described but the ‘Nam effort to bring the low IQ into the military to “advance” their competency is most accurately described as McNamara’s Morons. In uniform they were a danger to themselves and all around them. The story is that one standing guard called “Halt! who goes there?” and before waiting for an answer shot his Officer. What IQ did they have?
From wiki “project 100,000”: At various times in its history, the United States military has recruited people who measured below specific mental and medical standards. Those who scored in certain lower percentiles of mental aptitude tests were admitted into service during World War II, though this experience eventually led to a legal floor of IQ 80 to enlist.
So, according to this moron 672 children from Rhode Island with an IQ of 78 are below military recruitments.
“New Pfizer pill uses the same mechanism as ivermectin..”
The post links to an article on the official company website.
What do you think Jo?
I think Pfizer is evil, but action against that particular protease was always obvious.
It’s is one of Ivermectins 20 potential mechanisms, but also a common antiviral target point.
The crime is in getting ivm suppressed. Focus on that.
Not a part of my lexicon until recently. Now I find myself shouting it at so many faces on TV and videos.
Hi Jo Re Ivermectin, it is now only one of a number of drugs in its class. Being a sheep farmer I use a number of them. Ivermectin is not often used as sheep drench so much, but is available. Abamectin is used more. The other one I would like to ask if you know about is Moxidectin. It is not as safe and has a narrower range of dose before it can cause overdose. I think ? it is more fat soluble?? And persists longer in the body. It can kill parasites that Ivermectin cant, including encysted ones. The pharma companies would know all about but obviously have not been telling for decades. Just thinking, Moxidectin has properties Ivermectin does not, and may or may not increase what it can treat? Any knowledge?
I have cattle & use drenches for parasites. I normally use Ausmectin which is formulated with Ivermectin as essential base. This year could not initially get Ausmectin & purchased Noramectin (think that is spelling without checking!). But it also is based on Ivermectin. My suspicion is that anything ending in “mectin” may well be Ivermectin. Just check the contents.
The class of compounds is called avermectins.
Vicki >”My suspicion is that anything ending in “mectin” may well be Ivermectin”
Way more than that:
Ivermectin – Trade Names
I count 124. But no Ausmectin or Noramectin.
It is their version of Ivomec sheep drench so a trade name, not a new mectin. Similar for the other one
There are a few in the mectin group, moxidectin. The rep told me, resistant to one resistant to all.
Try an online Rural store (farmsonline) for Ausmectine, Though I only bought once from them due to my local bloke had nil stock, only a couple of bucks cheaper, they employ no locals. My local bloke has 12 great staff, all locals.
If you try now you’ll likely find that you can’t get IVM animal product
It still shows up on some suppliers sites (seems mostly in Vic) but is out of stock
The latest “Fauci Says”
Health Warning!!!!!!
Be very sure to advocate for your relatives coming back across the border.
Two pieces of information ‘heresay’.
1. A 21 year old was removed from his mother’s business by 3 protectively clad officials and the Police. The lad was a vaccinated individual recently returned from Victoria. He had evidently and without having any knowledge of the result been tested positive for Omicron. No symptoms.
2. Nurse from local Hospital says there are four young people in the Hospital who have come from down south. They arrived without symptoms having tested positive for Covid and are now very sick.
My question is why are these vaccinated people becoming sick after arriving at the Hospital?
(A) Are they being treated with Remdesivir?
(B) Are they they receiving a second vaccine shortly before travelling here?
(C) Is Omicron a very serious illness for the young and healthy?
If it is (A) and as a general advice, you must advocate for your friends and family within our health system. These medications have serious side effects and I wonder why they are used on otherwise healthy individuals who have only suffered from a negative PCR test.
(D) Nothing happened. You wrote it. Hearsay.
NOT Saturday night at the movies.
To keep movies on line they are listed as “A great John Wayne” movie or similar without the movie name. I just watched a 2 hr non-epic where Wayne couldn’t find hands to drive his heard to market so he hired teenagers from school to do the drive.
I still have no idea what it was called. Anyone know it?
“The Cowboys”
Makes sense, thanks.
Joe Rogan interviewed Dr Peter McCullough for 2hr45, and because it’s Joe Rogan there could be quite a kerfuffle? I’m half way through, and it’s been a while since listening to the good Dr, as he is interviewed so much. But it is good stuff. It’s good to be reminded again on the possible efficacy of nasal spraying and gargling, using even a few drops of iodine, or even bleach, in water! Nothing swallowed, but especially the nasal passages need to be sluiced, after having been around a crowd. Way more useful than masks.
Omicron has displaced Delta in South Africa. 98% of the covid cases in South Africa are now the Omicron variation.
This is a link to John Campbell’s latest video which discusses the change in Omicron cases in different countries.
The latest nextstrain number 88% for 12-06. If the current number is 98%, and the most recent peak is around 37,000 cases (worldometer), that would put the non-omicron cases at a (calculated) around 740 cases. Close to the pre-covid recent trough.
Do we have generators offline in Queensland? We seem to be importing power from NSW on a regular basis. The summer aircon peak is nearly upon us. Vic and NSW will have no spare power to export. Are we looking at blackouts?
There are large population concentrations on the NSW , Qld border.
It is quite regular for electricity supply to flow either direction as the cheapest source is used.
It is a fair distance from the main NSW power stations to SE Queensland and northern NSW, so the most often flow is from the closer Qld power stations into northern NSW.
Occasionally it does flow the other way for various reasons.
South east NSW is going to remain cool this summer, according to BoM, so we shouldn’t expect blackouts.
Warm North Atlantic waters caused the LIA to gain strength.
Found this graph in comments, can we conclude the pattern is solar forcing.
“European Environmentalists Have New Plan For Cargo Ships Based on Paris Climate Agreement Compliance
December 16, 2021 | Sundance | 422 Comments
Folks, this story is not from The Onion or any version of sarcastic media. This is very real.” More at
Covid is blooming in Australia
The recent US tornado destruction was not caused by global warming.
Joe Biden reckons it is.
“All I know is that the intensity of the weather across the board has some impacts as a consequence of the warming of the planet and climate change,” Biden said. “The fact is that we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming. Everything. And obviously it has some impact here.”
“The University of Guelph: Where “Inclusive” Means Elitist and Exclusive”
The University of Guelph: Where “Inclusive” Means Elitist and Exclusive
While El Gordo makes some good points on AGW, it is prudent to be careful about any sort of prediction, particularly WRT solar activity. While we all know that the SUN is the primary driver of Earth’s climate (and not Joe Biden), we should not put all our eggs in the Sun’s basket. Other factors such as ocean currents (IE:ENSO etc) must be considered, in order to get a true account of what is going on within the current Modern Warming Period (MWP).