A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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In an earlier thread I argued that the mortality from the Covid shots could be as high as 1 in 111 if we take seriously the VAERS underreporting of 100:1. Now I have come across a bio statistician who has spent a lot of time an reflection,using official numbers, to calculate the death rate.
He lands on between 200 and 500 pr million pr shot. That means a worst case scenario for first year death is 1 in 1000. How many will die in the second year and beyond?
How much quality of life will be lost to all the serious disabilities?
Any country with less than 1000 pr million Covid deaths would be better off not vaccinating. The world average is now at 680 pr million.
An additional dimension is the reported increase in miscarriages and still births which could potentially impact birth rates. Taken together we could be facing a demographic crunch.
Both outcomes are tragedies.
Then add to that long term deaths from heart conditions, cancers and neurological conditions brought on by the gene therapy spike protein vaccines.
The control group may well end up being the biblical meek
They inherit the world.
But the meek don’t want it!
There is a school of thought that a reduction in the world’s population is a good thing. There is already a significant depopulation occurring at the moment in most countries outside sub-Saharan Africa as the post war baby boomers reach their use by date and young women are distracted by careers during the period of their greatest fertility.
The question is who decides who lives and who dies in such a genocidal scheme as the deaths and maiming we are now experiencing.
The same mob who decides to grow a population of young men in war ravaged refugee camps and dump them into Nations with proud traditions of democracy and freedom. That is WHO!
This is the tragedy, the accumulation of power, and we know from history this will not end well.
What utter tripe.
19M Australians have been fully vaccinated against Covid. To August 31, there were 4,791 excess deaths in Australia. Increased mortality by cause were related to cancer, dementia and diabetes. Deaths from heart disease were down by 914. Deaths from cerebrovascular cause were down 497:
It could be concluded from the Australian evidence that the vaccinations have reduced the incidence of heart attacks and strokes.
Maybe Aussies are just a robust mob.
The Australian stats proves the points from the post. 4971 were excess deaths up until August 2021. At that time 15,175,199 vaccine doses had been distributed. This gives an excess death rate possibly linked to the vaccine of 315 pr injection. That would give 630 for double vaccinated, in the middle of the range calculated by Matthew Crawford. Thanks for proving my point rickwill!
Not bad.
But 15,175,199 vaccine doses divided by 4971 excess deaths equals 1 death per 3053 injections. Still very high if all the excess deaths are due to the vaccines.
It is 315 pr million, just a different way of stating risk.
We are batting zero from thirty reports submitted regarding significant reactions in the group we know. Generally they do not even link their clots, shingles, heart attack, missed periods etc to the ‘clot shot’. In fact the doctor tells them the injury could happen to anybody. In one case a doctor has admitted under duress to a long term patient with clots in both legs and lungs they may have been from the vaccine. My experience is therefore of significant under reporting.
Contrast this to covid19 where we have not seen or even heard from ICU staff of a covid patient with significant symptoms. Zero in our community and yet we are fed the mantra that it is really bad, you should see the lungs.
Now my friend RickWill, contrast that to the deligently prepared and maintained by a volunteer (Ken Tsang). Covid data site
Ken is meticulous in confirming deaths using media releases (Apologies these links have since dissappeared). In fact Ken’s data has become a little moth eaten though his twitter does provide helpful links to where you can get the ‘JAB’.
So RICKWIll, over reporting/ under reporting? How about we just call it a complete lack of reporting by the Authorities that are engaged to keep Australians informed at every level.
PS: How did the Autopsy or whatever go on Adriana Midori Takara (Ken has her as a Covid Death though The Spectator reported her as having finally been able to get the JAB before her admission with a heart attack) or the other young bloke who died at home in isolation?
There is also the issue of insurance. Because the CoViD vaccines are experimental, adverse reactions are not covered by life and trauma insurance policies.
This means that even if someone with such a policy suspects an adverse reaction (with death being the most adverse), there is a huge incentive for many to not pursue an adverse event to not void the policy so that the payout for trauma or death is made.
Vaccine adverse events reports in Australia have gone through the roof in 2020 not just in outright numbers but also when measured per dose. Also deaths reported is up by a similar degree.
Under counting would be consistent in all years as all vaccines are assumed to be safe by the public with this assumption being hammered especially hard by the health authorities for the Covid vaccines.
Deaths in Germany are up vs last year since vaccination rates ramped up in June, mostly non-Covid .
From there government statistics department:
h/t Alex Berenson
At least someone in New Zealand understands that Covid vaccinations have severe side effects.
“Document released by Pfizer apparently as a result of a Freedom Of Information court order in the USA reveals a vast array of previously unknown vaccine adverse effects compiled from official sources around the world.”
This seems at odds with the previous thread:
“Pfizer vax data is so good, FDA wants to hide it til 2096!“
It was about slowly releasing data.
from the Pfizer data sheet:
The vaccine has been shown to prevent COVID-19.
The duration of protection against COVID-19 is currently unknown.”
hmm seems to be outright fraud as the “vaccine” has been proven to not prevent COVID-19 contraction or spread.
So Oz and NZ do little independent vetting of vax data?
TDA does not require vax producers to show their work and just assumes US FDA did due diligence?
Not depending on US courts to enforce transparency?
I may missing something.
Pfizer seems to be the subject of most of these questions
Has TGA approved Pfizer?
I am told by my progressive friends here in America that Australia and NZ are the shining examples of modern enlightened governance, so certainly TGA is in possession of pertinent manufacturers development data to insure save distribution to the public.
to ensure safe distribution
TGA not TDA … not enough coffee
Queensland Health have stepped into the breach to follow up the adverse events.
Lucky the deaths and maiming of children and young people aren’t as serious as the situation facing 80 & 90 year olds who may catch a cold and aggravate an underlying health condition.
Lucky the deaths and maiming of children and young people aren’t as serious as the situation facing 80 & 90 year olds who may catch a cold and aggravate an underlying health condition
When a culture is content to sacrifice the health and well-being of its youngest and most productive members to (possibly) extend the end-of-life experience of its oldest and illest members, that culture has turned rancid and well-deserves its approaching demise.
Yes. Whatever happened to the phrase “think of the children”?
I posted the link to Facebook. Within 30 minutes FB had “fact checked” it, insinuated it was misleading and opined that thousands of deaths had not resulted from the trial ie saying the article was dishonest.
It’s very spooky that FB is taking this sort of interest in promoting the official narrative. For context I posted the link sometime before 4am AEST, well before anyone in my social circle would be awake to see the post.
In court, Facebook have taken the position that their fact checking is merely an expression of opinion in their defense against a defamation lawsuit. This should put them in the category of being a publisher so Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act should be applicable to every post that they allow.
Emphasising Analitik’s comment
Take that with a large dose of this
“BOMBSHELL: In court filing, Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion”
What are the new risks of vaccination?
Anyone reading the new Pfizer adverse event report compilation will be staggered. The sheer density of the technical medical terms and disease names are nevertheless broken down into recognisable and serious categories of illness—kidney failure, stroke, cardiac events, pregnancy complications, inflammation, neurological disease, autoimmune failure, paralysis, liver failure, blood disorders, skin disease, musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, respiratory disease, DVT, blood clots, vascular disease, haemorrhage, loss of sight, Bell’s palsy, and epilepsy.
How has this affected New Zealand?
Whilst even the official Medsafe record of adverse effects and the unofficial lists show that the immediate risks of covid vaccination could be as much as 50 – 300 times greater than even the most risky of previous traditional vaccines (such as the smallpox jab), and whilst the long term effects are unknown, 90% of eligible New Zealanders have gone ahead with vaccination having accepted the assurances of safety and efficacy from the government, or having been forced to get vaccinated under threat of loss of employment and freedom of movement. Feeling the fear of covid that has been generated by reports in the international and local media, most people completing vaccination heaved a great sigh of relief—that is one huge worry off my mind, now I can get on with my life.
Those finding that no immediate insurmountable reaction had surfaced (the majority) understandably agreed with the government: “What is all the fuss about? Why shouldn’t everyone do this, or be made to do this? It is a social good that will protect everyone”
BUT there is a huge iceberg in the path of the good ship New Zealand hidden under the waves of relief. Thousands are quietly suffering debilitating illness, unacknowledged and in some cases untreated by their doctors. For those who survived vaccination without immediate injury this was not a problem because they didn’t know about it apart from one or two complaints from friends that might just be random coincidences.
Thanks for sharing the article, well explainung a lot.
Even the left cannot help mocking gay black actor Jussie Smollet after his guitly verdict on the now proven fake MAGA racist beating by his gay Nigerian friends. Two comments were “I hope he doesn’t beat himself up over this” and “the first American to scam Nigerians”.
And Joe Biden shows why an 80 year old geriatric should not be President when he ends his eulogy for Bob Dole with the heart felt words “End of message”.
I guess you can say that it did not further his acting career and about negated his chance as a director?
E O M ?
Let’s Go End Of Message!
As Travis T J wrote yesterday, we’re living in a cartoon (though I prefer old-school humorous satirical wit to this sadistic 21st-century globocop ‘authorised’ version).
“Dont beat yourself up over this”. Hilarious. Couldnt help but laugh when I read that.
There was a joke about Leonid Brezhnev and the Moscow Olympics of 1980.
Leonid started his speech with “Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh”.
Thank goodness the Omicron version turned up, else all those millions of vaccine booster doses ordered by the UK government 7 months ago would have been a waste.
Also its a perfect distraction for the Ghislaine Maxwell trial currently underway in the USA, some interesting outcomes so far,
From comments,
Bill Gates mother real name is Mary Maxwell, Chairwomen of United Way. She is from a wealthy banking family, her father was a wealthy banker and her grand father was elite president of National city Bank of Seattle and director of Seattle branch of Federal Reserve.
Mary Maxwell cousin/sister of Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell.
So Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Gates are cousin.
Powerful Elites Working Together since a long time.
Robert Maxwell British media proprietor, former member of Parliament, suspected spy, and fraudster.
William Gates, well known elite, founded big law firm Preston & Ellis with multiple offices in USA & China. Also was board member of Planned Parenthood.
Wonder why Bill Gates was friends and business partner with Jeffrey Epstein.
It’s all a big family club and we ain’t in it.
Ian Robert Maxwell was a British media proprietor, former member of Parliament, suspected spy, and fraudster. Earlier, he had escaped Nazi occupation and joined Czechoslovak Army in exile during the Second World War. He also became a decorated war hero.
BORN: Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch, June 10, 1923, Slatinské Doly, Czechoslovakia (now Solotvyno, Ukraine)
He changed his name around 1944.
I suspect that he wasn’t related to the mother of Bill Gates.
That’s the same position our government is taking as well.
Meanwhile, back in Africa . . .
A group of seven Germans between the ages of 25 and 39 were infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in South Africa, even though all of them were fully vaccinated and had received the oft-lauded booster shots from BioNTech, Astrazeneca, and Moderna.
“The booster vaccinations were at least a month ago, but no more than two months ago.”
“We’re seeing a lot of breakthrough infections right now,” said Wolfgang Preiser, a member of the research consortium that discovered the variant.
“What we did not know is that even a booster vaccination with Biontech / Pfizer does not prevent this. These infections are the first breakthrough infections reported with the Omicron variant in people who have already received their booster vaccinations.”
Hang on, that’s not what Pfizer just said:
On Wednesday, Pfizer-BioNTech reported that initial results from studies examining how well their vaccine protects against a new coronavirus variant found that a booster shot — on top of a two-dose vaccine regimen — neutralizes Omicron in lab studies.
“According to the companies’ preliminary data, a third dose provides a similar level of neutralizing antibodies to Omicron as is observed after two doses against wild-type and other variants that emerged before Omicron,” they said in a press release.
Someone’s playing fast and loose with the truth again.
Looks like they’re gonna need a bigger booster or a bigger lie.
Yes, but are you “fully, fully, fully vaccinated?”
“Certainly, when you want to talk about what optimal protection is, I don’t think anybody would argue that optimal protection is going to be with a third shot,” Fauci said on CNN on Wednesday.
Here’s a tidbit from the purported contract between Pfizer and the Albanian government:
( it was leaked online, I won’t post the link ‘cos it’s http: not https: . . . you can probably find it by a simple search . . . do the world a favor and don’t use Goolag, try “the Duck” or an alternative )
Very likely, this clause is in the agreement your govt signed with Pfizer, so that the Jabbing Frenzy could begin in your country. How quickly we went from “protect the vulnerable” to “we must jab everyone”.
The statement that studies will “continue”, is tacit acknowledgement that in normal times, long-term data is needed before releasing their concoction, and that they haven’t had an ideal amount of time to do that.
How come Pfizer haven’t released any update on their supposedly ongoing study?
What do they know now, a year later, that they didn’t know back in December 2020, about long-term safety. They said the original participants in their Phase 3 trial, would be monitored for a further two years (that is until Dec 2022) — don’t they have a moral obligation to pass on updated results to the purchasing governments? . . . Don’t those governments have a moral obligation to their citizens, to demand those results?
Isn’t that what we need for INFORMED CONSENT?
(PS anyone know what the last bit means — shall not be serialized? )
80 left me no better informed really; at nanoscale it’s probably too hard anyway.
No Serp, its just what you’d expect- Each vial has a unique code attached that gets added to every step along its way to its use. At the endpoint, consumer purchase or stuck in your arm, you should be able to track that vial back through its transport & storage to a particular factory & batch.
Pfizer wiped all of that, you get an unknown vial of unknown stuff that might have had anything done to it, unless they decide otherwise.
Sterilising by autoclaving or chemical treatment is not a good idea
Fox News still has some good content. Here’s a series of very clever cartoons that address the hypocrisy and bias of some Democrat politicians, RINOs, leftist media and never-Trumpers. To appreciate the message in some of them you will need to have followed US politics fairly closely. There are some absolute gems in there.
EPA proposes to hammer oil and natural gas with crazy new climate rules
By David Wojick
The beginning: “EPA has posted a massive proposed rule making targeting the oil and natural gas industry, calling it a “climate review”. The full title is “Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review”
The URL for commenting is here:
EPA has included a lot of tricky stuff in how the proposal is made. First, this is what is called a “holiday rule making” which EPA is famous for. The comment period is just 60 days long and it spans the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays. Second, most major proposals consist of just a few documents. Typically just the proposal itself plus a technical support document or two. In this case there are a whopping 184 different documents, with no time to read them all.”
Lots more in the article.
Please share this article, with more analysis to follow. Heck of a time to attack our energy system.
The worst thing to come out of COP26 was a 100+ country agreement to cut harmless methane emissions 30% by 2030. I imagine most of the people commenting here are in signing countries, maybe all of you, but I have not seen said list.
I discuss the 100+ country methane cut agreement here:
Dubbo in Central Western NSW trials the latest driverless vehicle.
This ute is supposed to be able to avoid roos. Good luck with that, and there goes a pig flying backwards. Not even roos can predict what roos will do next. The movements of a dumb bouncing animal are rather harder to predict than those of your standard dumb running animal like a deer.
The Smart Ute project is a driverless Ford Ranger which has spent the past few months at the Cudal Testing Facility near Orange, where developers had been busy perfecting its automated systems, which include the ability to detect obstacles such as kangaroos.
The Smart Ute uses drive-by-wire technology fitted with radars and cameras to collect data to allow it to drive mapped distances on the road.
No other country has to deal with the unpredictability of roos hopping in front of cars, so once the automated features are safely tested in 2022, the project will investigate opportunities for introducing kangaroo detection to the vehicle.
But does it detect Yowies? Those ba$terds are everywhere on the roads since the rain.
Thankfully they only come out at night.
“How the War on Fossil Fuels Will Kill People… Urea Edition”
A slight hint that El Nino may return in late 2022.
Here’s a very entertaining and interesting video of Mark Steyn, Ross McKitrick, Steve McIntyre and Anthony Watts a couple of years ago on board a cruise ship on Glacier Bay in Canada.
These blokes are very sane, very interesting and very intelligent and they cover a lot of the history + data etc about the Hockey stick and the so called consensus.
Definitely worth 1.5 hours of your time and Mark Steyn is a very funny bloke indeed.
Am i alone in thinking that the real crisis facing the world is not Covid, AGW, China , Russia, etc etc,…….but the people themselves. ?
It is very apparent, despite suggestions otherwise, that the World Population is Headed for a crisis.
Even conservative estimates put the population at 10-12 bn by the end of this century, and that could easily be more….practically double present population.
Currently the population increases by a NET 83 m every year…that is more than 3 time the population of Australia !…
Already there are massive food shortages in many parts of the world , which Maybe is Natures way of controlling population, but, if so, it is not very effective, and is inhumane.
There needs to be some serious thought put to this.
Most famines in the world today come about through arm conflict, people which we cannot reach because of the fighting.
There is enough food in the world to feed everyone and the potential to feed even more because of agricultural improvements on a greening planet.
When societies develop a middle class the population usually drops, Malthusian theory is flawed.
Ta, damned autocorrect.
As Henry George put it (back in the 1800’s so I’ve paraphrased slightly)
Hawks and Humans eat chickens. The more Hawks the less chickens. The more humans the more chickens.
Chad I think you’re wrong and the ONE thing that the the UN has been accurate about is the rate of population increase.
Dr Rosling was the global expert on future population estimates and he had a number of videos explaining the future numbers.
The rate of increase has been declining for about 50 years and most estimates today doubt that population by 2100 could exceed 10 billion.
Girls are better educated today, even in Muslim countries and Rosling’s team worked hard to help the developing countries to better understand their choices.
Today Africa (53 countries) is the real outlier and pop increased from 363 million in 1970 to 1370 today and higher life expectancy from 46 then to 63 now.
But they have a very young pop ( about 19 years average) and this will take longer for them to lower that rate of increase.
But check it out on you tube etc for yourself.
Loooonng gone Chad!! Look around you, “kids” of 30 living at home with their parents, marriages a thing of the past, homosexuality encouraged right down to primary school, articles about not having sex for months on end being quite normal, people in their 20s just not interested…
..and we will sabotage the fast-breeding third world by the same chemicals! Hormone mimics in the plastics that get right through the food chain, pesticides and herbicides in the crops, hormones in the meat, fluoride in their water, banning or reducing meat consumption and all the wonderful EMF wavelengths we flood ourselves with that upset our bodies.
I’d bet on fewer people in the world in 2100.
298 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 170 Dead, After COVID Shot
Boring I know, but the updated list of dead and injured vaccinated athletes continues to grow, the numbers climbing steeply after May this year. Nothing to see here. Move along. These are not the droids we’re looking for.
Just in, but could be many things at this stage, will have to wait for news.
“Manchester United defender Victor Lindelof left the pitch clutching his chest after being forced off during Saturday’s Premier League meeting with Norwich City. With 20 minutes to go of the match, the Sweden international went down with no other players in close proximity.”
Thanks for this link – the page has updated to 303 since your post so it’s very useful in getting a feel for how this is progressing.
The 2nd last report ATM – #302 – on AFL footballer, Jake Lever, collapsing is something I haven’t come across elsewhere (no great surprise)
All-cause mortality in Germany is rapidly rising
During the second half of November Germany – the largest country in Europe – had a death rate almost 25% above normal, compared to 17% above normal in the first half of the month.
These extra deaths are mostly NOT from Covid.
For all of November, Germany reported almost 15,000 extra deaths. Excess deaths were almost normal in the spring and early summer; they have sharply risen since then.
Germany’s mass vaccination campaign for most adults began late. On May 1, only 8 percent of German adults were fully vaccinated. On September 1, 61 percent were.
Is anyone even going to start asking questions, or are the public health authorities just too scared of what the answers might be?
Euromomo shows excess deaths within normal ranges
From EuroMOMO excess mortality stats (which I freely admit I had never heard of until you referenced it):
In Week 2021/46 for the graph of all Germany, the z-score is given as 6.86 which from the map further above it on their site is rated as “moderate excess” mortality, and which exceeds their “substantial increase” cut-off line on the graph, considerably outside their “normal range”. The latest figure has dropped slightly to 4.64 in Week 48, which is still above their “substantial increase” line and well beyond normal.
Since roughly Week 13 of this year there has been — given usual ups and downs — a visual upward trend in excess mortality, which has steepened since about Week 40.
Interestingly, Berlin and Hesse are both flat-lining around normal, as you noted.
I have nothing remotely like the necessary statistical skill to interpret all of that, but it seems to back up Berenson’s statement about a substantial increase in excess mortality. He is using figures from some other source.
It’s interesting to look at the age breakups for excess mortality over the past 3 years. In the 0-14, 15-44 and 45-64 age groups, excess mortality is far higher this year than 2020.
The cumulative excess mortality is misleading because of the huge number of deaths in the 65+ age groups in 2020 due to lack of effective CoViD treatments provided by most countries after HCQ was tarred and feathered by the faulty studies.
Actually, even the 65-74 age group shows higher excess mortality than 2020 showing just how skewed CoViD is toward killing the aged (& infirm)
German Schoolchildren Subjected to ‘Ritual Humiliation’ Over Their Vaccine Status
‘The ritual humiliation of children [in Germany] who are asked to go to the front of the class and state their vaccination status daily, those who are vaccinated are applauded.’
“Those who are vaccinated are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they’re not,” he added, noting that such treatment “should raise an alarm bell” for people who are in favor of mandatory vaccines.
Story also described how authorities in Germany are rolling out wristbands for people to go shopping, with those who haven’t properly complied by getting jabbed and following other rules being banned from being able to go shopping “across a multitude of stores.”
The journalist also related a story that is “more reminiscent of 1930’s Germany,” namely how coffee shops in Berlin started giving out coffees for free in support of the unvaccinated, only to have corporate media outlets launch a demonization campaign against them.
As we explain in the video below, Germany appears to have completely forgotten its authoritarian past and is now pursuing discriminatory policies that wouldn’t have looked out of place during early days of the Third Re*ch.
Na that can’t be right. History never repeats, I tell myself before I go to sleep.
So, the Roo Constables are showing up to peoples homes and asking “why did you attend this protest?”.
I mean, how would you know if you don’t ask?
(Kidding aside, chilling. I feel for you guys.)
High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). 12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type [[1]]. In Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated (“breakthrough infections”) is reported weekly since 21. July 2021 and was 16.9% at that time among patients of 60 years and older [[2]]. This proportion is increasing week by week and was 58.9% on 27. October 2021 (Figure 1) providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission.
“Mouse Squeaks at Lion”
The Ethical Sceptic argues in great detail and greater length that the Wuhan lab leak occurred in early 2018, and the sudden appearance of Omicron really bolsters that assertion. Well worth a look and think about.
His analysis really underscores how badly our governments have addressed the whole pandemic, and is probably worthy of an entire Jo post in itself.
I would guess that Drs Marshsll and Warren would say consensus can be dangerously wide of the mark when it comes to common stomach disorders and it often requires a brave, dedicated and committed mind to get ignorance out into the open and science back on the straight and narrow.
Wyss W.-S. Yim 2021 Impact of a volcanic eruption in Mexico on Hong Kong rainfall. Imperial Engineer Autumn 2021
So climate change causes volcanic activity.
Chad has a point wrt population trends. However, this is just another hypothesis based on flawed data. Look at China and India, where it is expected that the population will explode this century. This may not be so, if we take into consideration what happens when people achieve basic needs, such as clean water and electricity, powered by coal stations. I am an advocate of Abraham Maslow’s theory of “Heirachy of Needs”. When people achieve the basics for survival, they will limit reproduction.
China actually has an upcoming issue with falling population as fewer young people are getting married, along with the long term issue of far more men than women, brought about by the one child policy that was in place for so long.
It will be interesting to confirm Omicron will replace Delta and to determine if Omicron is significantly less dangerous than the Delta variation.
The UK is leading the world in Omicron cases. UK daily new covid cases have been steady at or above 50k/day.
The UK health services prediction is that by the end of December, 50% of the UK covid cases will be Omicron.
The UK Health Security Agency said Wednesday that omicron is displaying a significant growth advantage over the delta variant, “meaning that it is likely to outcompete delta in the U.K. and become the dominant variant.”
This assessment is based on analysis of U.K. data … …. (the chance of each case infecting another individual) and increased growth rates compared to delta, the UKHSA said.
“If the growth rate and doubling time continue at the rate we have seen in the last 2 weeks, we expect to see at least 50% of coronavirus cases to be caused by omicron variant in the next 2 to 4 weeks,”
The African experience thus far.
Cases of COVID-19 appear to be tapering off after reaching a peak in South Africa, where the new variant dubbed Omicron was first discovered, according to a new report.
“Gauteng province has seen a meteoric rise infections since mid-November, when the first cases of the highly-evolved strain started appearing — jumping from 58 to 11,703 as of yesterday,” The Daily Mail reported. But the U.K. paper said data suggests the spread may have already peaked, which a British expert hailed as “tentative good news.”
Professor Christina Pagel, a mathematician at University College London who has been following the outbreak, said infections had been rising by about 25% a day since November 15, but “over the last four days have dipped below this trend, suggesting cases may be rounding off their previous exponential rise,” the Mail said.
The Mail also said an analysis of hospitalizations in South Africa suggests Omicron is causing less severe symptoms than previous variants and the original virus. “The variant has caused 60 percent fewer hospitalized patients going to intensive care in Gauteng compared to Delta,” said the paper.
Even the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted on Thursday that “the number of [hospital] admissions is very low” in South Africa compared with the Delta wave, even though the number of infections has been higher than with the previous strain.
And early data showed that Omicron may not be as bad as the original COVID-19, or the variant Delta. “Researchers at a major hospital complex in Pretoria reported that their patients with the coronavirus are much less sick than those they have treated before, and that other hospitals are seeing the same trends,” The New York Times reported. “In fact, they said, most of their infected patients were admitted for other reasons and have no Covid symptoms.”
Sounds scary.
Omicron is replacing Delta in South Africa. There has been a surge in covid cases in South Africa to 20k/day and Omicron makes up 70% of the new cases.
The good news is the larger number of Omicron cases provides statistics to quantify the difference in patient symptoms and deaths Delta vs Omicron.
“Only about 30% of those hospitalized with COVID-19 in recent weeks have been seriously ill, less than half the rate as during the first weeks of previous pandemic waves.
— Average hospital stays for COVID-19 have been shorter this time – about 2.8 days compared to eight days.
— Just 3% of patients hospitalized recently with COVID-19 have died, versus about 20% in the country’s earlier outbreaks.”
“But the number of cases is climbing. South Africa confirmed 22,400 new cases on Thursday and 19,000 on Friday, up from about 200 per day a few weeks ago. The new surge has infected 90,000 people in the past month, Minister of Health Joe Phaahla said Friday.
“Omicron has driven the resurgence,” Phaahla said, citing studies that say 70% of the new cases nationwide are from omicron.
The coronavirus reproduction rate in the current wave – indicating the number of people likely to be infected by one person — is 2.5, the highest that South Africa has recorded during the pandemic, he said.”
The WHO has not recorded a single death from the Omicron variant and in the 22 USA states with “cases”, there has only been a single hospitalization.
Only those urging “an abundance of caution” do not recognize this variant as being the infectious, mild variant that we have been waiting for. The immune escape from the gene therapy spike protein vaccines is a bonus
“Fauci, Gates, and the Biosecurity State As Told by RFK Jr.”
I meant to quote from that before, but maybe I never got around to it:
But, like a powerful magnifying glass or zoom lens, if it’s powerful enough to find a needle in a haystack it’s powerful enough to make mountains out of molehills.
The 2021 phrase of the year was “gold standard”. Fool’s gold and nothing standard about it.
Besides, if the gold standard is so good why aren’t we using gold as our monetary standard?”
That in reply to
Rights vs Responsibility
“What is missing from the idea “rights” is a verb. An action. In other words, these ephemeral things are just supposed to float about being self evident and universally acknowledged. Well, nothing actually works like that. Nothing happens like that. Ever. No matter how much you expound them, write them down, categorise them or enshrine them.
Or to be clearer, what rights lack is someone who has to do something about it. Like responsibilities have.”
It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID shot.
Willis E takes a look at the latest “cooking”
“And as a result, when you start out by programming “artificial intelligence” with a profound misunderstanding of science, as John Cook and his workmates are doing, you’ll end up with artificial stupidity every time.”
“Tested and safe” they said
A preprint of a study showing how the SARS-CoV-2 virus has an affinity for infecting fatty (adipose) tissue leading to higher levels of inflammation hence greater severity in the overweight/obese.
“Neil Oliver Says Enough is Enough – The U.K. Elite Created COVID Propaganda and Fear While they Danced and Partied at Christmas
December 11, 2021 | Sundance | 114 Comments”
“Looking forward, Oliver implies a resounding “f**k you” for Christmas 2021 as everyone should enjoy this holiday in the traditional spirit of the season, while dispatching the insufferable fear the elites attempt again. Stay with it, because these words get better as Mr. Oliver piles on the common sense, and cuts through the lies. WATCH:”
Remember when Bob Brown campaigned against “wind farms” destroying the natural environment?
Look what happened in Queensland, and believe it or not ABC reporting …
Just green NIMBYs having to face the local consequences of their obsessions.
Pity this post will get lost as the weekend unthreaded gets swamped by other items that get pushed out over the top of it. Might be worth repeating