A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Are Aussie taxpayers aware of this ?
Bizarre and Post Orwellian.
I don’t think your government, nor mine, cares what citizens think.
Seems a trend around the world.
I also doubt they care about your health.
There seems evidence they are acting against our health.
Thank You RossP for that information.
For some time I have been wondering why the TV programmes were boring, long-winded accounts of each day’s COVID statistics. I had assumed that it was the commercial TV companies that were corrupt in failing to give any useful information to counter the viral infection other than having a jab of the fake vaccine. Now I see that it is the Federal Cabinet that is corrupt.
As a former member and office bearer in the Liberal Party, I cannot find adequate expression for my disgust at the actions of the Government in promoting the fake pandemic and fake vaccination. I had thought that it may be the Minister for Health, as a member of the World Economic Forum, that was trying to bring the Nation under the control of the anticipated One World Government were “we will own nothing and be happy”. However it now looks as though it is the whole Cabinet. I am definitely Not Happy.
Look for all cause death inflation this year – the CEO of the insurance company, OneAmerica, stated that there was a 40% increase in deaths in the 18 – 64 year old age category during the 2nd half of last year and this increase was not due to Covid deaths. He stated that a 10% increase is a 3 sigma event (once every 200 years) making the 40% increase a 12 sigma event – check how improbably that is, statistically (Table of numerical values –
Gee, I wonder what happened last year?…
Here is the mainstream source article where he also states that disability claims have greatly increased during this same period.
Also from the above article, hospitals in Indiana are seeing the same things as the insurers.
What evidence is given to support the claim that the increase is NOT due to Covid? Before sharing this info, I want to be sure I’m on solid ground.
So you propose that the Indiana (and other state) hospitals are now not listing deaths as being due CoViD when PCR tests indicate a SARS-CoV-2 infection? Even though the hospitals have a financial incentive to report as many deaths as being due to CoVid as possible? And the same for ICU cases?
I would like to understand what the basis for the claim is before I repeat it.
“Trust, but verify.”
People are dying, but not the ones you think for the reasons you think
While the mainstream media, at least in 2020, tracked deaths with the fanaticism of an insurance company, they’ve always lacked accuracy. That’s why it matters when a major American insurance company, which is in the business of accurate data about deaths, announces that Americans in the 18–64 age bracket are dying in unprecedented numbers. The same data suggest that these aren’t COVID deaths, which makes them much more sinister.
OneAmerica is a major insurance company located in Indianapolis with annual revenue of around $2 billion and total assets of around $74 billion. This is not a fly-by-night internet “insurance” company. OneAmerica is the real deal, selling both individual and group life insurance, and it has data and actuarial tables that go back 145 years. It’s also a progressive company that boasts about “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” right on its home page. In other words, it’s not some “scary” right-wing reactionary firm.
During a news conference last week, OneAmerica’s CEO, Scott Davison, had a startling announcement — working-age Americans are dying in unprecedented numbers:
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
And here are the death data you’ve all expected to see:
The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.
So you think the hospitals are lying to the insurance company CEO or that the CEO is lying?
Please state where you feel there is most likely to be someone going so far against the narrative.
Note that the CEO is VERY pro vaccination and intends to mandate it for his staff.
Also note that the statement about increases in disabilities is by another unconnected person at a different event – a doctor in this case at a state government news conference.
Please be specific with your scepticism over the sceiptical interpretation. Otherwise we could debate whether those listed as unvaccinated were actually vaccinated or that the vaccines given were placebo or that the hospitals were euthanising patients.
Sorry, that should have been “increases in hospitalizations“, not “increases in disabilities” that was stated by the Indiana CMO
you could just read the article
he does say that the majority of deaths claims are not listed as Covid
Steve Bannon asked the same question of RW Malone during their short interview.
Start watching around 38 min explanation occurs around 43 min mark.
Bannon said he is doing a deep dive on Indiana death rates over next couple of days so keep your eye out.
Analitik, the first link is not working for me?
But I found a number of alternates running the same information.
Jo, David might find an
interesting!! (since the universe is only 1.4e13 years old)
Thanks A,
Have any other insurance companies made a similar discovery? Especially any Australian ones?
Seems to me that they’d be incompetent if they haven’t, and in breach of corporate and Stock Exchange law if they have, but haven’t announced it, as it would amount to a huge exposure to their bottom lines potentially.
Dave B
Dr Robert Malone interview on the Joe Rogan podcast. Very very very interesting.
Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist. His work has focused on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research.
Unfortunately his “mass formation psychosis” comment has become the focus of the interview in a number of publications. Seemingly to either distract from the real messages in the interview or to try to discredit his information.
The interview was deleted from YouTube plus Dr Malone was permanently banned from Twitter for asking questions about the poorly tested vaccine based on technology of which he was the main inventor.
If you cant get the interview on googletube here it is on uncensored media.
Transcript of Joe Rogan Interviewing Dr. Robert Malone
January 3, 2022 – Sundance – 151 Comments
The consequences of a viral interview between Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone continue to reverberate. Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have all removed the interview from their platforms and banned the content sharing. Obviously, the content of the interview has been deemed subversive to the interests of U.S. government officials and Big Tech.
However, that said, Texas republican congressman Troy Nehls (TX-CD22) has placed the transcript of the interview into the public record.
The transcript is available on Nehls’ website HERE, also available in pdf download/upload format HERE, and we have copied it to a sharable pdf format HERE and embed below.
The entire transcript of the 3-hour interview is 43 pages.
Hope you find this useful as a resource. The rebellion continues….
Malone refers to this presentation.
I look forward to a forensic study by both sides.
Could Pfizer really be so shoddy in the trials?
Thanks. He also referred to this video by the Canadian Care Alliance Group.
Could Pfizer really be so shoddy in the trials?
Yes – they have plenty of form
Well, in 2009, Pfizer paid USD 2.3 Billion for fraud.
“The civil settlement also resolves allegations that Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs.”
The Pfizer vaccine test was not a shoddy test. There are shoddy cars.
The Pfizer vaccine test, hide the vaccine adverse side effects, by not checking for biomarkers of changes in the blood samples taken from the test subjects before and after vaccination. Standard Biomarkers have been found by researchers in the lsat 10 years, that would have if biomarker tests were done, have quantified how much inflammation is caused by the vaccine. As soon as inflammation was discovered there should have been high resolution MRs to look for heart damage and more detailed tests.
Also the vaccine tests should have checked vaccine effectiveness with people who have standard (in the US) comorbidities like type 2 diabetes, severe Vit D deficiency, and obesity.
Pfizer did not use modern advance science for the vaccine tests and the FDA allowed the that, because biomarker change study would have shown the vaccines cause biochemical damage to some people. What percentage, how much damage. Those question were should have been answered.
The FDA allow Pfizer to not use modern science. Why? Why hide Ivermectin? Congress needs to investigate and make changes. The FDA and CDA are controlled by the Medical industry.
With Covid cases going through the roof, Australians are often asked to look at the rate of hospitalisation and deaths as a true indicator of the disease’s impact on their respective states and territories.
However, it has been revealed hundreds of patients counted in the Covid hospitalisation tally in NSW — the worst-hit state in the present outbreak — were not taken to hospital because of the virus at all.
The state’s health minister has revealed many of those listed as having being “hospitalised” for the virus are simply testing positive in routine checks after being admitted for broken bones, labour pains or even mental health issues.
The state’s health minister has revealed many of those listed as having being “hospitalised” for the virus are simply testing positive in routine checks after being admitted for broken bones, labour pains or even mental health issues.
As of Sunday morning, there were 1066 people with Covid in hospital in NSW, with 83 in ICU.
Minister Brad Hazzard admitted over two days during the week, up to half of those cases were in hospital for something else entirely — raising questions about how hospitalisation figures are reported.
“A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission,” Hazzard said.
“Heart attacks, births, falls, none of that stops just because there is Covid. They come into hospital, they have a swab taken and it confirms Covid.
“This shows us it’s out in the community, but we aren’t necessarily seeing that as the primary reason for all of the admissions.”
It is quite fascinating why they (including the PM) are finally confessing what most of us knew – that most of the hospitalisations were found to be WITH Covid, not because of Covid.
This confession was seen as early as about a month ago when McGowan accidentally let slip that an unexplained rise in hospital admissions was occurring throughout Australian capital cities. The stupid mainstream media, of course, were totally uninterested. Yet this is of ENORMOUS significance because, not only does it caste doubt on the efficacy of the dire pronouncements on Covid figures, but it raises questions of the growing number of vaccination injuries.
I suspect that the authorities were so obsessed with enforcing vaccinations, that they were prepared to knowingly deceive the public about the real numbers of Covid hospitalisations.
This is a the case since vaccinations were widespread. You will find the majority of vaccinated cases are “with” covid. The majority of unvaccinated cases are “due” to covid.
This is an obersvation that I passed on a few days ago based on my sons comment in the current hospitalisations compared to those in 2020..
Our TGA website has 2272 deaths so far from covid19 where 87% having one or more serious underlying health issues. Average age of 84.
Our TGA DAEN database has 700+ death’s associated with covid19 vaccines, where 6% had one or more serious underlying health issues.
Our TGA DAEN database has 95,000 + adverse vaccine events where tens of thousands have serious neurological disorders and many thousands having pericarditis, my nephew has pericarditis from one Pfizer injection.
If anybody can do the maths?
Please do. Check for updated figures.
“Average age of 84.”
Isn’t that few years higher the average life expectancy in Oz?
83 for males at birth. Up from 73 fifty years ago.
If everybody caught CV19 and 1% died, that 83 would be reduced by 300 days, one twelfth of the gain over the last fifty years.
Sad, but, if you are in the 1%.
I suspect that a key driver of those gains is Warfarin. What would the Ivermectin knockers say if somebody drew their attention to that?
If they wanted to be totally honest they would also be reporting on those hospitalised “with covid inoculation”.
My latest close contact experience involves a young woman trying to get ahead and holding down 2 jobs. One job (her 1 day a week extra money one) invoked the inoculation mandate so she took her first. That night she was sick as a dog and her parents took her to hospital the next morning and she was admitted and held for observation. They put her in a covid ward!!! So from reporting point of view she will be recorded as a covid patient but in fact she is a serious adverse reaction to the covid inoculation not the disease.
The real tragedy of this one is that in order to get the extra cash she was “forced” to inoculate for the 1 day a week job. She is now (as of today Tuesday) off work from her main job using up sick leave and if she remains sick come Saturday and can’t attend her 1 day a week casual shift then no sick leave there. One step forward two steps back.
Does that also logically mean that hospitals are now covid hot zones and people are catching covid there?
They always have been once they have a single Covid case in the community. Segregation is near impossible once infected people start presenting. Staff have to be meticulous with PPE. Every hospitalisation requires assessment for Covid – that takes time. If you are at an emergency ward you can now expect to be amongst people carrying covid. If you are in a testing queue you can expect about every 4th person to be infected.
It is getting more difficult for Australians to avoid contracting covid. Those vaccinated have very low risk of hospitalisation due to covid – it is under other risks of hospitalisation like road trauma or falling from a ladder. Not clear yet on how unvaccinated will fare with omicron but South Africa indicates it should not be anywhere near as severe as previous strains.
Same in the UK.
One Third of recent UK “COVID” hospitalizations are not for COVID at all.
A call to end the mania for mass PCR testing, quite apart from the fact that the PCR test is now non grata with the CDC in any case, and was deemed so back in July — but is still relentlessly pushed in Oz mass-testing facilities:
Stop this OCD level testing strategy.
• stop testing the asymptomatic altogether
• dial down the amplification on PCR to 30Ct at a max and probably something more like 26
• stop obsessively testing healthy children
• stop encouraging people to test themselves over and over and to demand the same from their friends and family
Sending out rapid tests to everyone is not good public health policy, it’s epidemiological derangement.
. . . “a virus so dangerous that you need to test for it to tell it apart from the common cold” is a laughable pretext for hijacking half the planet.
Moreover, when those hospital patients were screened, the PCR cycle threshold is set at the standard level for community screening in the state (a run of 45 PCR cycles with a cut-off criterion at 40 cycles). Which implies a very high rate of false positives.
So there’s a good chance (say 90%) a person admitted to hospital for a non-Covid related condition and who tests positive for the routine screening test is in fact a false positive.
In July 2020 Tony Fauci stated:-
The situation is further complicated by the fact that those who have been infected with the omicron variant tend to shed virus in vastly greater amounts than other variants even when no longer infectious (ie high concentration of degraded virions in exhaled air) so that even casual contacts can be exposed to enough viral fragments to give a “true”-positive PCR test result.
G’day D M,
This story contains the latest, large numbers for NSW and is more comprehensive than usual. This part in particular caught my attention:
” NSW Health has revealed 72 per cent of COVID positive patients admitted to ICU since December 16 were infected with the Delta variant of the virus, not the Omicron strain. ”
Two deaths, both double vaxxed.
Dave B
The turnaround for genetic sequencing is 3 to 4 weeks, so those numbers must be guestimates.
Genomic sequencing of the virus is being done as soon as it is isolated in Australia. The actually sequencing can take as little as 3 hours. It took the lab in California 5 yours to determine a traveller from South Africa was infected with the omicron variant.
Do NOT rely on Auto-Pilot
TERRIFYING Close Call: Emirates 777 Nearly Crashes on Takeoff in Dubai 203,439 views 31 Dec 2021
Will brush up my flying 777 on Flight Simulator
Whoops. Glad our son has years of hands on…
On many different types and sizes.
Knowledgeable passengers who know what a normal take off sight picture looks like would have been terrified.
I certainly would have been, with the speed shown and running out of runway.
Qantas pilots making errors after long periods without flying
Qantas is finding that pilots who have not flown for long periods due to the COVID-19 pandemic are making errors such as commencing take-off with the park brake on, and need more time for routine procedures.
The problems are outlined in an internal Qantas memo obtained by the Herald and The Age, and underscore the challenges facing airlines worldwide as out-of-practice pilots return to full duties after being stood down.
In the memo, the heads of Qantas’ fleet operations say the two-year disruption from the pandemic had “created a situation where expert pilots have lost recency and experienced a subsequent reduction in cognitive capacity”.
“Combined with reduced flying across the network, we recognise a flow on effect for flight crew’s focus and familiarity with the operation,” they said.
“Routine items that used to be completed with a minimum of effort now occupy more time and divert attention away from flying the aircraft.”
The airline’s flight operations team monitors trends and looks for systemic or repeat events, which they said was “especially important during the disrupted period of operations we have experienced over the last 19 months”.
A summary of recent trends from Qantas pilot reports identified “errors” while planes were on the ground such as “commencing take-off with park brake set” and “misidentification of altitude as airspeed”.
The memo cited on-ground “threats” such as switches on the cockpit panels being in incorrect positions and “exterior inspection events”.
Last June, pilots of a Qantas 787 were unable to retract the plane’s landing gear shortly after taking off from Sydney because two gear pins had not been removed before departure.
Problems encountered while planes were in the air included “preflight switching errors that then led to larger in-flight issues”.
It also highlighted instances of “continued unstable approaches” and “crew looking back at the event and not realising that they were overloaded or had lost situational awareness”.
Mr Quinn said the long periods that pilots were stood down meant when they returned, they had to think twice about what they were doing because of the loss of recency.
Recency is an aviation industry term that refers to pilots reaching a certain number of requirements such as take-offs and landings to be able to fly passenger services.
Similarly, Mr Quinn said he had noticed that his own driving skills were rusty after not being regularly behind the wheel of his car for 18 months during the pandemic.
“We are all people, and we all make mistakes, but the most important thing is how to manage them before they turn bad,” he said.
And… we’re those pilots “vaccinated” or not?? Brain fog??
From Friends of Science
The Cost of Net Zero Electrification of the U.S.A.
Many governments have made promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels with solar and wind generated electricity and to electrify the economy. An influential report by Thomas Tanton estimates a capital cost of US$36.4 trillion for the U.S.A. economy. This study identifies several errors in the Tanton report and provides new capital cost estimates using 2019 and 2020 hourly electricity generation data rather than using annual average conditions as was done in the Tanton report. This study finds that the battery costs for replacing all current fossil fuel fired electricity with wind and solar generated electricity, using 2020 electricity data, is 109 times that estimated by the Tanton report. The total capital cost of electrification is herein estimated, using 2020 data, at US$433 trillion, or 20 times the U.S.A. 2019 gross domestic product. Overbuilding the solar plus wind capacity by 21% reduces overall costs by 18% by reducing battery storage costs. Allowing fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage to provide 50% of the electricity demand dramatically reduces the total costs from US$433 trillion to US$24 trillion, which is a reduction of 94.6%. Battery storage costs are highly dependent on the year’s weather and the seasonal shape of electricity demand.
Myopic politicians are wilfully blind to the truth about green energy
In June 2011, 18 months before going off to serve Her Majesty in another capacity, former energy and climate change secretary Chris Huhne made a remarkable speech in which he asserted that the Government’s green policies, far from costing households, would actually save us money. “Green growth,” he said, can protect the economy by “reducing our exposure to price shocks”. Moreover, the cost of low carbon policies up to 2020 would amount to “just one per cent on the average household energy bill” – and even that assumed that we could always buy oil at “last year’s cheap rate of $80 a barrel”. If, as he expected, oil prices stayed high and gas prices rose to meet them “then our consumers will be winning hands down from our energy policy”.
To be fair to Huhne, he was not the only minister to hold this conceit. It has been a received wisdom among many in government, opposition and in the great green blob that switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy would make us better off. How laughable that claim seems now.
We have had the green energy revolution which Huhne advocated. Last year the Government claimed that for the first time more of our electricity was generated by renewables than by fossil fuels (although only if you count as “renewable” the filthy practice of burning wood chips to generate electricity – an industry which Huhne himself went off to promote post-prison). Coal-fired power stations which in 2011 were still generating 31 percent of our power are now down to 2.1 percent, and will be gone for good by 2024.
But where is the green dividend? Adjusted for inflation, average household electricity bills rose by 19 percent between 2011 and 2020 – from £451 to £571 per year at 2010 prices. But that is just for starters. Far from being protected against price shocks in global energy markets, consumers are looking at their bills possibly doubling in April when the Government’s price cap is revised upwards.
As for the claim that green polices would only add one percent to our energy bills, Ofgem calculates that 25 percent of our electricity bills are now made up of social and environmental levies – ie subsidies for green energy as well as insulation schemes for low income households. We pay a further 2.5 percent on our gas bills.
Move to renewables is fuelling a growing global energy crisis
Judith Sloan
The reality was there were significant geopolitical and economic shifts occurring across the world that were under-reported and under-analysed here. Among these was the emerging energy crisis affecting European countries, Britain and parts of the US.
Just as the Australian government signed on to net-zero emissions in 2050, serious problems arising from countries’ past decarbonisation attempts began to emerge. These problems include a lack of adequate supply and rapidly rising prices. Electricity prices in Europe reached their highest level last year.
Consider Germany. The impact of the bizarre decision taken by chancellor Angela Merkel to phase out nuclear power there is becoming apparent. This year, the entire fleet of nuclear power plants, some relatively new, will be shut down. As a consequence, Germany is more dependent than ever on gas to power its electricity grid, and most of this gas is sourced from Russia. Wind-generated electricity has proven to be problematic with an extended wind drought in Germany and other parts of Europe.
There is also the issue of the difficulties and time needed to bring new supplies of energy, including natural gas, to market. With private finance wary of funding any fossil fuel-related activities, the normal responsiveness of supply to higher prices is significantly attenuated. In other words, this energy crisis is not necessarily self-correcting.
A second theme relates to nuclear power. While most countries have not taken the German option to phase out nuclear power altogether, others with nuclear electricity generation capacity have deliberately cut output or prevaricated.
From Australia’s perspective, we appear to have emerged relatively unscathed from these developments. Indeed, the strong demand for energy-related commodities, including LNG and coal, have generated benefits for the country. And domestic electricity prices have been falling.
But there are lessons we should learn. Without reliable backup, transitions towards electricity generation based on renewable energy is fraught. We also should expect gas prices to rise in line with international trends, creating problems for some energy-intensive activities.
EU drafts plan to label gas and nuclear investments as green
Jan 1 (Reuters) – The European Union has drawn up plans to label some natural gas and nuclear energy projects as “green” investments after a year-long battle between governments over which investments are truly climate-friendly.
The European Commission is expected to propose rules in January deciding whether gas and nuclear projects will be included in the EU “sustainable finance taxonomy”.
This is a list of economic activities and the environmental criteria they must meet to be labelled as green investments.
By restricting the “green” label to truly climate-friendly projects, the system aims to make those investments more attractive to private capital, and stop “greenwashing”, where companies or investors overstate their eco-friendly credentials.
Brussels has also made moves to apply the system to some EU funding, meaning the rules could decide which projects are eligible for certain public finance.
A draft of the Commission’s proposal, seen by Reuters, would label nuclear power plant investments as green if the project has a plan, funds and a site to safely dispose of radioactive waste. To be deemed green, new nuclear plants must receive construction permits before 2045.
Investments in natural gas power plants would also be deemed green if they produce emissions below 270g of CO2 equivalent per kilowatt hour (kWh), replace a more polluting fossil fuel plant, receive a construction permit by Dec. 31 2030 and plan to switch to low-carbon gases by the end of 2035.
Gas and nuclear power generation would be labelled green on the grounds that they are “transitional” activities – defined as those that are not fully sustainable, but which have emissions below industry average and do not lock in polluting assets.
Maybe Dan needs to know that, housing developments in Victoria are already being developed without gas services available …eg in Beaufort, Vic …..this maybe not news for some…
This is the only reasonable way to do calculations. I made recommendations to use time based data rather than running averages in my submission to the first AEMO Integrated System Plan:—aemo_isp_submission.pdf?la=en
I used time based data to scope the solar system required to replace the NEM in my submission to the Finkel enquiry.
I was aghast at how inept the Finkel enquiry actually turned out when released. That is the reason I targeted the Jacob’s report in my submission on the ISP.
AEMO are now using time run modelling and getting some realistic results. It is why you see the change toward paying dispatchable generators a capacity charge to ensure they remain viable. So there are subsidies to make intermittent economically viable and now subsidies to make dispatchable plant economically viable in the face of reduced production.
The diversity fairy is all-but dead in Australia.
If Deakin University’s Prof Catherine Bennett is correct about the situation in NSW then where 25 percent of hospitalised delta patients are in ICU the omicron variant would have about 5 per cent of hospitalised cases in ICU.
Accordingly, I would expect that though only 28 per cent of ICU cases were infected with the Omicron variant, Omicron patients were likely to be 86 per cent of hospitalised COVID positive patients.
Sorry, my above comment was intended as a response to David-of-Cooyal-in-Oz at #4.4.
Another 82 deaths today.*
Thousands hospitalised – many with long-term health problems as a result (organ damage, type II diabetes, blood pressure, breathing difficulties….).
When will people take the health advice seriously? When will Government take meaningful action on this pandemic?
If you don’t support strong Government action, mandates and curbs on “freedoms” to save lives then you only care about the economy and want vulnerable people to die! You think that you know better than the experts? Think again!
*Estimate based on the AIHW figure of 30,000 obesity-related deaths per year in Australia. The total disease burden (impact of deaths, hospitalisations, surgery, employment loss, carer requirements, etc) of obesity eclipses that of COVID-19 dozens of times over.
The next time some clown tells you to “listen to the health advice” – ask them what their BMI is.
David, you are right to draw attention to the too high numbers of self-inflicted health problems due to poor life style choices and poor diets.
However, I will wager that the sudden unusual surge of various health conditions s had been triggered by something else. And that “something else” may well prove to be the rogue spike protein in the genetic encoded vaccines.
Time will tell. But the government will resist it for as long as they are able.
I believe dementia is a greater burden on health care. You do not see many old, fat people. Fat people usually die relatively young and quite quickly.
Dementia in an otherwise healthy body is more than a health risk to the individual. Restraining an 80 yo man in good physical shape but short on coherent marbles is a high risk activity for those involved. Those with dementia can survive for years in the health care system. This link is from Canada but Australia has the same issue of “bed blockers”:
I lost two Uncles in 2020 to demetia. One was diagnosed 10 years ago and was institutionalised more than 5 years before he eventually passed. He was a danger to my much lighter weight Auntie. Both uncles died at 87yo. I lost a brother-in-law to obesity related diseases when he was 65yo.
Anyone contemplating making into old age should manage their weight.
Paul Joseph Watson’s latest video on the dangerous “body positivity movement” where people are actually proud of becoming more dangerously morbidly obese.
It is also a major comorbidity for the worst covid outcomes but I don’t see any government advertising encouraging people to be less obese, unlike wearing masks or anti-social distancing.
And there is no excuse to be morbidly obese. Weight loss is relatively easily achievable on a keto or low carb diet.
As a humble former Medico, I need help in working out “VE” (Vaccine Efficiency)
You see, on 3/1/2021 there were 0% Vaccinated, and 21 cases.
on 3/1/2022 there were 90.5% fully Vaccinated and 37329 cases.
So a special challenge to Viewers to calculate the Vaccine efficiency.
Please show working.
Bonus marks for those that can explain why Canberra can’t get the last 0.5% “Fully Vaccinated”
I came up with 9.5%
Ok I will give you a clue… The answer is a BIG negative number…
That was for
on 3/1/2022 there were 90.5%
can’t get the last 0.5%
Unless for reasons I cannot understand, the target was 91%?
You gave the answer to the percentage of un/under vaccinated.
The question is ” What is the efficacy of the Vaccine”
I started to work it out earlier but had to go out. Will look at it again later.
Started with no VaXXines in 2020.
Eliminated that group from 2021.
Then intended looking at the efficacy of the VaXX on all those Vaxxed for 2021.
Later. 🙂
Lost me.
What does the 0.5% represent?
I’m just going for the bonus points.
Crack #2
Bonus marks for those that can explain why Canberra can’t get the last 0.5% “Fully Vaccinated”
They read this Blog!
No, more likely the anti-vaxxers are right wing Christians.
I am not Christian, I am not any wing, I am not an anti vaxxer, I am prochoice.
I am un-vaxxinated as is my choice and my right
You don’t live in Canberra.
At last.
This is a rough comparison because the data is rough. No account has been made of the growth of the Virus’s presence with time.
In the year 2020 there were 21 cases.
Assuming that the first three months had no Cv19, then a full year tally would be 28 cases.
ie. 2020 produced at the rate of 28 cases from the unvaxxed population.
For 2021 I’m going to wrongly assume that the full 90% were VaXXed from the start.
There were 37,329 cases but if the unVaXXed population in 2020 gives 28 cases then one tenth of that would have given 2.8 cases.
So, the number of cases linked to the vaxxed is only 37,326.2
Now, since only 90% were vaxxed, the full population cases would have been 37,326.2/ 0.9 or 41,473.6.
The ratio of 2021/2020 cases for Vaxxed/Unvaxxed is therefore: 41,473.6/28 giving a percentage of 148,119.8 %
The efficacy of the VaXXine is therefore , Minus 148,119.8%
To be generous we could roughly adjust for extra prevalence in the second year and assume linear growth from the start of 2020.
This might reduce the Efficaciousness to only Minus 74,000 %
New boosters available tomorrow.
A more sophisticated assessment using “exponential growth” to differentiate between the two years might show the VaXXines in a better light but then we might have to consider data on VaXXine damage and that would not be good.
“Bonus marks for those that can explain why Canberra can’t get the last 0.5% “Fully Vaccinated””
Maybe it means 0.5% of the population in canberra have functional brains?
Or they are wearing toetags somewhere dark and chilly…
That “0.5%” group were found to have high blood saline levels prior to VaXXination so could not be VaXXed.
Nice to hear from a former medico on these issues.
I understand why currently employed doctors are loathe to risk their jobs & careers by dissenting from the AMA & government narrative. But why havnt the rest of you guys come out with some educated opinions?
AHPRA suspended me a year ago for punching a thief.
I have a good 10-15 years short of retirement.
Never been more content to not give people dangerous
FauXinnes ; concentrating on my IVM n=1 prophylaxis trial
which has run fro 18 months now…
The employed ones are the ones that are competent to do the job.
Calculate “Vaccine Efficiency” please.
I have given you case numbers, and population Vaccination percentages at two points in time.
A “Safe and effective” vaccine would result in a Decrease in case numbers, not the
daily expansion of the ordinates of the cases/time graphs used to frighten people.
Make your point rather than making pointless demands.
Start your own blog if you want to moderate.
He was addressing me and I was responding to his request. Nothing to do with moderating.
1. Total population size is an estimate but number vaccinated is observed.
2. Some people will die from reactions so don’t get it.
3. Some people choose to not get it (I know of 3).
4. there is a lag for the 12-15s as some have only just turned 12.
5. 0.5% is actually wrong. It is higher owing to the 5-12 cohort recently included.
6. You are making up a false dilemma.
Most interesting aspect of these kill-shots is that the Comm Govt admits their lethality to be a serious issue…and that they continue to push the kill-shots AND to accept that they are to blame. This is weird as F!
Here’s the “Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs” website…
It’s wild that they accept responsibility for the manufacturers products, while simultaneously demanding the citizenry line up for further dangerous injections.
Why would any decent person; let’s say a GP, or a virologist, or an epidemiologist or micro-biologist be a willing partner in these shennanigans?
6 ! answers Gee, and I reckon answer 2. wins the bonus marks
but what is the VE?
Why TF should there be one answer to a population question? The VE, as you well know is a summed average of variable indidual responses to the vacc which in turn varies over time. I have no idea of the number in any particular population, and neither do you.
btw, #1 accounts for almost as much error as the observed whereas #2 is pretty much known with a good precision. So no, not mostly 2, which is a real but tiny contributor but the error in 1 swamps it.
Is he saying total population size could be orders of magnitude off?
I assume a fixed population of 25.71 million, that vaccine efficiency measures vaccination success in preventing infection, and that the degree of herd immunity is directly related to risk of infection.
Risk of infection 3/1/2021 = 21/25,710,000 = 0.81 E-05 percent
Risk of infection 3/1/2020 =37,329/25,710,000 = 0.145 percent
Absolute risk increase due to increased proportion of population vaccinated = 0.145 percent
Effectiveness of vaccination = – 0.901 * 0.145 percent = -0.131 percent.
Oh! Surely, that can’t be correct.
I believe the problem lies in one of my assumptions.
Yes, I assumed that vaccine efficiency measures success rate when it really must be more like vaccine effectiveness- a measure of success in manipulating infection statistics.
bingo. Correct to 3 decimal places.
(although you seem to have missed out on confidence intervals, SEs, sources, common sense, science etc)
Thankyou Leo- and remember that is just one day… so negative vaccine efficacy is going to escalate. I notice you did not deduct the unvaccinated ( who by definition are at 0 VE) so the denominator is 19,782,523 vaccinated of 25,693,059 population.
so 21/25693059 8.173 e-7 i.e. less than 1 in a million
90.5% fauxinated.
37329/25693059= 0.001452 or 1 in 688
Even allowing for 9.5% to have 0 VE it is safe to say a product that can take a daily prevalence of less than 1 in a million to 1 in 688 per day does not strike me as very efficacious. And always, look at what the real actuaries
are paying out e.g. Swiss RE for excess mortality of 40% in working age people death benefits (all cause) given the ‘ Vid is #43 cause of death!
I would have just said it does two tenths of stuff all.
Very high vaccination rate in Ireland, they were already running though about 5000 new infections per day with the Delta variant, and now they have achieved all time highs past 20,000 new infections per day with Omicron. If that doesn’t make it obvious that vaccines are ineffective then I don’t know what would.
Fortunately deaths are not so bad this time around, as compared with Christmas 2020 and January 2021. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and say vaccines reduced the deaths … they sold it as “vaccines make free” in as much as somehow it’s supposed to protect other people.
This is right out of Joe Biden’s recent speech:
And this nonsense came after he already said that vaccinated people do get infected, they do pass it on, and when they say “effective” all they really mean by that is reducing the risk to the individual (from covid, but of course there’s a counterbalance risk from the vaccine itself).
Right in the middle of his speech he literally changes his story on what the heck these things do … it’s a doublethink freakshow.
The vaccination program in Uruguay was hailed as a success after they hit 80% of the population vaccinated. What it got them was about 4 months without an outbreak, and in the past few weeks the number of new infections per day has multiplied by tenfold.
Singapore (also high vaccination) just starting another uptick. South Korea (highly vaccinated) has been going through their largest outbreak of infections even before Omicron. Canada has kicked off their largest wave of infections by far, mostly Omicron.
Blind Freddy could see that the vaccines are ineffective at stopping the spread … which is what we were told they would do.
Where is the data from?
WA has 48 active cases in a population of 2.6M. The vaccines are highly effective there.
Yes its the vaccines, some would say isolating yourself from the world would do that, but certainly its the vaccines.
We all know that border controls are ineffective so it has to be the vaccines – agreed.
Yes; it’s greed.
They have a xenophobic premier who is pursuing a zero covid policy. Wait till omicron takes off. It will be quite interesting.
If government has bestowed tax benefits on the major media, I wonder if those benefits might be extended to individuals willing to produce contorted on-line counters to the government narrative?
It would only be fair.
In my calculation, still waiting for a bit more energy, I assumed that the population was constant for both years.
Correct on population modelling; whereas had our pandemic been veridical one would project with decreasing population.
What was the vaccination status in percentage terms of the 37329 cases?
California’s Sierra Nevada Sets All-Time December Snow Record
Despite claims of drought, they have smashed the previous record of 179″ of snow in December set in 1970!
This is the announcement from the Sierra Snow Lab on January 1st:
One last inch fell over the last 24 hours (prior to 4pm yesterday). The record for our snowiest December on record at the lab is now 214″ (544 cm).
I have a list of The Coming Ice Age predictions from the 1970’s that they might recycle to scare people.
The problem is that it might make people think about heating and how to make sure they can keep themselves warm esp. as (some) governments are bent on reducing the reliability of the electricity supply. I doubt that any sensible people will decide to increase their solar panels or dependence on electric vehicles nor try to reduce their CO2 output.
Recently I commented on the role of T-cells and B-cells in fighting infection. This, as per usual, elicited sarcastic responses. Quoting from an article I wrote
“The results also reveal that existing CD8+ T-cell responses from a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, and most likely vaccination, will recognize the Omicron VOC and should provide significant protection against COVID-19.”
The response this was
Now why would they include that statement “and most likely vaccination” ?
…. when they didn’t actually have any data about the vaccinations?
Its purely not “sciency”… more like “climate sciency”
Two points.
First. The commenter clearly does not appreciate that the authors’ use of the phrase “and most likely vaccination” clearly indicates this is based on preliminary findings. Such cautionary language is frequently used by scientists, a fact, I assume, with which the commenter is not familiar.
Secondly and much more significantly, this artic le was published yesterday (Monday JAn 3 2022) in the Guardian
“Human bodies have a second line of defence against Covid that offers hope in the global fight against the Omicron variant, Australian researchers say.
University of Melbourne research, done in conjunction with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has found T-cells should be able to tackle the virus. (NB the researchers are being suitably cautious).
Omicron has a higher number of mutations than other variants, which means it can sometimes slip past the antibodies produced by vaccination or infection. But if it does enter the body, the T-cells – white blood cells that originate in the marrow – will attack.
Co-leader of the research, the University of Melbourne’s Matthew McKay, said while it was a preliminary study, it was “positive news”.
“Even if Omicron, or some other variant for that matter, can potentially escape antibodies, a robust T-cell response can still be expected to offer protection and help to prevent significant illness,” he said.
“These results overall would suggest that broad escape from T-cells is very unlikely.
“Based on our data, we anticipate that T-cell responses elicited by vaccines and boosters, for example, will continue to help protect against Omicron, as observed for other variants. We believe this presents some positive news in the global fight against Omicron.”
As is apparent, at least apparent to scientists, is the authors’ use of cautious language as they are making it plain their comments are preliminary based on their research to date.
Hopefully this article in the Guardian which is directed at the general community, will help those commenters here to understand why the use of cautious language when reporting preliminary results is entirely appropriate.
A very sanguine point of view, Ian, re the propensity of our great fighters, the T cells, to combat Omicron. It seems to this humble scribe that the gene editing involved in the new vaxx may conversely have made the job of our killer cells more confusing and difficult.
Who knows? But the opinion of world renown Immunologist Geert VanDen Bossche is worth reading. He is very very concerned.
Yeah, ‘cos the T cells were so effective vs Delta. Every statement by the University of Melbourne researchers is speculation, unproven in vitro let alone in vivo. If the PCR tests can’t detect the spike protein for Omicron infections, the immune response is very unlikely to, either, and Original Antigenic Sin is much more likely, making vaccinations misdirect the initial immune response.
The vaccine believers are grasping at straws to justify continuing vaccinations – as are you for using The Guardian as a source.
One of the conditions for the good T-cells work is that the person in question is a healed one. These T-cells remember the enemy resp. parts of it.
That’s why healed people have a longer immunity to COV-19, up at least to a year than vaccinated.
“should be able to”… “would suggest that”… “we anticipate”
“and most likely vaccination”… ie maybe, perhaps….. or not….
Is this “science”.. really…
Point is that they have absolutely no data on the effect of the vaccinations on T-cells,
… (tests were only on natural immunity of 30 people).
… and are just making scientifically un-supportable statements.
Some people may find that persuasive 😉
It should also be noted that you put that study up as an argument against the data based science in the following link…
The study you linked to contained absolutely no data or science against the negative vaccine efficacy against the Omicron variant.
ie it was irrelevant.
Suggests you read the comments about the article you set so much store by.
The Danish article that figures so prominently in the notrickszone piece did not did not conclude that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines harm the immune system nor did the authors conclude that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are completely ineffective against the Omicron variant. However, many on social media have misinterpreted vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates published in one table within the research.
Perhaps you should stop getting your information from social media sources. Do you understand what VE results mean? Do you also understand this comment from a co-author of the dasnsh article
“The aims of the study were to “determine whether there was any evidence of vaccine protection against Omicron infection after a primary vaccination series and booster vaccine” and to “investigate evidence of waning vaccine effectiveness over time,” Dr Hansen, Assistant Professor of medical statistics and epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and co-author of the preprint study, told Reuters in an email.
“Our study provides evidence of protection against infection with the Omicron variant after completion of a primary vaccination series with the BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccines in the first months after primary vaccination. However, the VE is significantly lower than that against Delta infection and declines rapidly over just a few months. The VE is re-established upon revaccination with the BNT162b2 vaccine,” he said.
Other articles you may not wish to read are
Effectiveness of BNT162b2 Vaccine against Omicron Variant in South Africa
Covid-19: Do vaccines work against omicron—and other questions answered
Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 caused by Omicron and Delta SARS-CoV-2 variants in England
You referred to UK data but didn’t link it
“The UK government COVID data compiled between 27 November and 17 December show a similarly disappointing pattern in an analysis of 68,489 Omicron cases.”
Vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) effectiveness against Omicron hovers around 40-60% during 5-9 weeks after the second dose, but then effectiveness rapidly declines to 0% and below (-5% to -15%) by weeks 20-24.
Oh dear…
And from the conclusion of your last link
“The study results show that two-dose courses of BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1 vaccines offer limited or no protection towards symptomatic cases of Omicron compared to Delta cases.”
You really should read what you post. ! 😉
And think..
If the vaccines are effective against the Omicron variant, why, with such high double jab rates, ..
… are the covid scare-mongers still in utter panic mode about it, and calling for more and more boosters ?
thanks Ian. In short, that research drew a long bow. And they showed it with the confidence intervals – early confusing data for omicron has huge CIs and well studied data for delta the CIs are tight.
The “confusing” part is critical, as delta presented quite differently using early data than it does now, due to the huge number of unknowns that have since been resolved with more research.
This is just a data-free propaganda attempt by the Guardian to prop up the failing experimental shots.
The real world data from Germany shows over 95% of new infections are among the jabbed at a time when only 70% of German adults are “fully vaccinated”.
This negative efficacy is being seen in many other countries as well. And this is not just about Omicron. In the UK there was an emerging negative efficacy signal for the over 30 age group for Delta as well.
It’s over for the jabs. Omicron is not making the unjabbed any sicker than the jabbed, but it is increasing the infection risk for the jabbed. Add in the excessive number of adverse reactions and continuing mandates and passports while blocking the therapeutics is beyond criminal.
“It’s over for the jabs.”
Konrad, as I have said before, the jabs will continue as before, despite them being medically ridiculous.
Today the W.A. Government has introduced vaxx passports for all clubs, pubs, discos, sports and music festivals.
You will need proof of the double tap to get in.
And within a few months you will need proof of the first booster, the first in a long line of boosters.
Miss the next booster and you are nothing but a filthy anti-vaxxer and will lose your passport.
Don’t forget, the Federal government has ordered enough shots for give 10 to every man, woman and child in the nation.
Does the W.A. Government care that this passport makes ZERO sense medically – not in the least.
The total failure of the “vaccines” in medical terms will prove no obstacle to the passport system.
“This negative efficacy is being seen in many other countries as well. And this is not just about Omicron. In the UK there was an emerging negative efficacy signal for the over 30 age group for Delta as well”
You don’t seem to understand the difference between efficacy and effectiveness
Efficacy is the measure of how well a vaccine works in clinical trials on two groups of people: those who receive the vaccine and those who receive a placebo. The vaccine’s efficacy by comparing how many cases of the illness occur in each group. Effectiveness describes how well a vaccine performs in the real world. It is calculated the same way, by comparing illness among vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
“This is just a data-free propaganda attempt by the Guardian to prop up the failing experimental shots.”
That statement is incorrect.
Initial data reinforces that a third dose would help boost immune response and protection against omicron, with estimates of 70%-75% effectiveness.
Data shows that the vaccines have negative effectiveness against omicron.
If the vaccines were effective, they wouldn’t need to call for 3rd and 4th doses.
Just keep pumping that “stuff” in…
… its good for you, don’t ya know. ! 😉
Last month Ken Stewart found more problems with our BOM temp data and I hope any data analysts could check this out.
Jo, David anyone?
Covid cases will soar with the rapid spread of the Omicron variant as it punches through vaccinations but hospitalisations from Covid will not surge. The self contradictory argument that South Africa avoided an Omicron indiced surge in hospitalisations because of previous infections has now been deep-sixed with a letter to the NEJM from South African researchers which shows that 88% of the detected Covid cases in October/September and 83% in November/December were with those previously uninfected.
See table 3 on pages 11-12
More by Alex Berenson on this
Omicron? Bring it on!
It’s a year since Jeremy Clarkson’s famous Tweet, which remarkably was not censored.
A classic. Clarkson is one of the few non-Marxists in the journalism industry and the BBC.
( There’s a slope on that bridge).
This is a heavy duty claim, if true:
“The vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature.
“Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies [the most abundant type of antibody found in all body fluids] and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes [which protect the body against cancerous cells and cells that have become infected by pathogens]. That may occur in any organ.
This claim IS true, simply because that’s EXACTLY how the “clot-shots” work, and the perfectly NORMAL response your immune has to its effects..
To what degree you get an adverse vaccine event, depends entirely on how much of the vaccine leaks out of the Deltoid muscle (G*d help you if the shot hits a vein, see an earlier article on needle aspiration etc) and progresses to other organs..
And THEN, we get Original Antigenic Sin as an awesome cherry on the top ( for everyone who gets vaxed)
Australia’s latest safe treatment for corona.{sarc}
Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced Australia has secured 45,000 additional doses of Sotrovimab which he described as one of the “world’s leading treatments” for Coronavirus.
Sotrovimab is an experimental medicine being studied for use in treating conditions caused by coronavirus. It is not yet known if sotrovimab is a safe and effective treatment for any condition.
Outcomes in COVID-19 sotrovimab studies
Sotrovimab for COVID-19 Jan 3, 2022
Total of 2 Studies 1,417 Patients
vs Ivermectin
Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies. 138 studies, 90 peer reviewed, 73 with results comparing treatment and control groups. FLCCC provides treatment recommendations. Recently added: Shimizu Mustafa Jamir Kerr Behl. Ivermectin has been officially adopted for early treatment in all or part of 23 countries (39 including non-government medical organizations).
Same problem as Pfizer and Merck’s new “wonder pills”. Why would you use expensive junk rushed through testing by companies with appalling bioethics records, when Ivermectin is better, cheaper and has had decades of safe use.
These new drugs have little appeal to informed citizens. Their only marketing strategy is that they are “new”. This appeals to the politicians and media who are on record claiming that “vaccines” were the only answer and therapeutics won’t work. Now that the experimental shots are proving worse than useless, they can excuse their pivot to therapeutics by claiming “But these drugs are NEW! We didn’t know about them when we were trashing therapeutics and vilifying any who used them!”
It’s actually a great marketing strategy for the drug companies. The politicians and media won’t give a rat’s about low efficacy, high cost or side effects. All they care is that the drugs seem to help some people, but above all, they can claim they are “NEW!!”.
The Truths We Dared Not Speak in 2021
At the end of this terrible year, we are left only with ironies.
– Collusion, RIP
No one wishes to speak of the “dossier” anymore. Everyone knows why: it was never a dossier. It was always a mishmash concoction of half-baked fantasies and outright lies, sloppily thrown together by the grifter and has-been ex-British spy and Trump hater, Christopher Steele—all in the pay of Hillary Clinton, the original architect of the collusion hoax.
The FBI—that in part used their paid informant Steele’s lies to birth FISA warrants—now disowns it. The entire 22-month, $40-million Mueller charade ended up in tragicomic style with Robert Mueller under oath denying he knew much of anything about either the purveyor of the dossier, Fusion GPS, or the dossier itself.
James Comey when asked about it and the investigations it spawned, on 245 occasions under oath claimed he lost his memory or had no knowledge of it.
The Russian collusion hoax will go down in history as one of the most shameful examples of Washington, D.C. mass hysteria, and of a concentrated effort to destroy an elected president, in modern American political history.
In the end, we always come back to where we started: Hillary Clinton.
– When the Musical Chairs Music Stops
When the interest rate hikes invariably come—the longer we wait, the worse will be the reckoning—we will again know the stagflation of the 1970s and 1980s.
The only calculus the Democrats weigh is whether they can print their way to a semblance of normality through 2022, in hopes the helium-over-inflated economy blows up only after the elections.
Who knows, maybe then they can blame Joe Biden in 2023 for empowering them to wreck the economy and losing the Congress, as a way of arguing his clear cognitive decline suddenly warrants resignation.
– Spiraling Crimes without Criminals
– Biden, A Robust 95?
Everyone knows that Biden may be chronologically 78, but mentally and physically he is at best 95 or more. People sense that he is failing at a geometric rate that makes his ability to last even another year “problematic.”
– The Virus is Dead, But the Virus Will Never Die!
In Biden’s logic, nature and Trump had stopped COVID-19, but he would credit his own inaction and 90-day miracle leadership from Washington.
Now Biden is a sanctimonious, Oedipus-like figure, the deliverer who cannot stop the plague that in an eerie way exposes his existential flaws.
So, Delta and then Omicron arrived. Breakthrough cases accompanied both. Suddenly Biden was calling for the states to step up, given “there is no federal solution” to the crisis. He meant that vaccinations do not guarantee immunity from COVID infections anymore.
In the end, Americans are in 2022 where they were at the beginning of the virus in March 2020: China has successfully hidden the origins of the COVID.
The WHO cannot be trusted.
The CDC, NIH, and NIAID are incompetent and politically weaponized.
The pharmaceutical industries see relief only in more multi-billion-dollar booster rollouts and $700-a-pill remedies.
Dr. “I am the science” Fauci in cyclical fashion is on TV all day.
– The Year’s Ironies
“Dr. “I am the science” Fauci in cyclical fashion is on TV all day.
He claims on Tuesday that what he said on Monday needed updating, with the intention of saying on Wednesday that his correction on Tuesday was also wrong, while he awaits more bookings for Thursday’s clarifications—all the while damning the ignorant mob who disseminates supposedly false information.”
“Dr. “I am the science” Fauci in cyclical fashion is on TV all day.
“We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu…uh..Chinese Scientists”
Do NOT believe a word of the following “Atlantic” garbage article but I am posting this as a reference for 1) an example of anti-science propaganda 2) an example of how the Left will stop at nothing to destroy the reputation of someone they disagree with (because we all know they can’t handle alternative opinions, and 3) this is the “hit piece” Dr Malone discussed in the interview with Joe Rogan which was censored on YouTube and also associated with his permanent banning/unpersoning from Twitter.
Interview with Dr Malone:
It’s 2022 and we all know what that means, so time to ramp up the info with every post.
Virus panic in Israel – Covid and flu merge to form horror infection dubbed Flurona.
Hey! The flu is back 😊
A health worker has lifted the lid after a mysterious brain illness began striking down young people in the Canadian province of New Brunswick.
New Brunswick? One of those outliers so worth keeping an eye on.
..and to finish, a few historical ads for the ladies. Laughable today of course.
The prediction that we would see another infections wave 3-4 months after the most recent booster being rolled out, appears to be have proven true:
Israel started the booster roll out mid August, now 3-4 montsh later we see the case graph going up , as expected.
I notice they are calling vaccine leakage cases “flu-rona”….I guess “(M)Oronicron” was already taken….
Brain illness? V** induced brain injury, more like. This thing appears to trash people internally, until organs fail…..
..and to finish, a few historical ads for the ladies. Laughable today of course.
In Australia – Have a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down
Back to Xi’an China.
According to Radio Free Asia, there are actually two different outbreaks in the city of Xi’an right now:
Authorities in the northern Chinese city of Xi’an have placed the city of 13 million under lockdown, amid a sharp rise in the number of COVID-19 cases and fears over a recent outbreak of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, local residents told RFA.
So we could be talking Ebola or Marburg or comparables…
I’ll be keeping an informed eye on this.
China has reported just over 100,000 total cases in the last two years, with the latest outbreak 200 cases per day. UK is currently reporting over 100,000 cases per day.
Here’s an article theu forgot to delete or rewrite…
This was published 18 years ago
Farce mask: it’s safe for only 20 minutes
April 27, 2003 — 10.00am
Retailers who cash in on community fears about SARS by exaggerating the health benefits of surgical masks could face fines of up to $110,000.
NSW Fair Trading Minister Reba Meagher yesterday warned that distributors and traders could be prosecuted if it was suggested the masks offered unrealistic levels of protection from the disease.
“I’m sure everyone would agree that it is un-Australian to profiteer from people’s fears and anxieties,” Ms Meagher said.
“There appears to be some debate about whether surgical masks are able to minimise the effects of SARS.”
Ms Meagher said her department would investigate any complaints about false mask claims which concerned the public.
“Penalties can range from fines of up to $22,000 for an individual or $110,000 for a corporation,” she said.
Health authorities have warned that surgical masks may not be an effective protection against the virus.
“Those masks are only effective so long as they are dry,” said Professor Yvonne Cossart of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney.
“As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”
Professor Cossart said that could take as little as 15 or 20 minutes, after which the mask would need to be changed. But those warnings haven’t stopped people snapping up the masks, with retailers reporting they are having trouble keeping up with demand.
The work before the Ministry of Truth is never done. Winston Smith is sorely missed.
How bad is my batch?
Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines
In Australia, how can the experimental subjects find out what batch numbers were injected into them?
Refuse to accept the “Vaccine” unless the syringe and all the details of the substance injected leaves WITH you.
Seems some production process problems exist. That’s comforting.
If they have total forever blanket liability immunity, why waste $ on quality control?
The researchers found that while there were seven additional myocarditis events per million in the 28 days following COVID-19 infection (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 2, 11), there were 14 following an AstraZeneca second dose (CI: 8,17), 12 following a Pfizer second dose (CI: 1,7), 101 following a Moderna second dose (CI: 95,104), and 13 following a Pfizer third dose (CI: 7,15). These findings are depicted above. Most of these figures represent a doubling of the risk compared with infection. However, the Moderna second dose figure is a massive 14.4 times greater. The Moderna vaccine uses a similar mRNA technology to the Pfizer vaccine, but delivers a dose three times as large, which may partly explain the difference.
For females and for males over 40 the study found greater risk of myocarditis following infection than following vaccination. However, some have criticised the study for under-counting Covid infections by using positive tests rather than antibody surveys, which means the risk following infection may be exaggerated. Another criticism was the use of only two age bands – above and below 40 years – which may conceal elevated risks for younger age groups.
Actually, by just using real world events and logic, we can see that the risk of cardiac damage from the experimental shots is far higher than that.
The obvious data is over 300 top athletes collapsing on the field or in training with heat problems in just 12 months. Over 200 now dead. One thing in common: they all took the experimental jabs.
Now logic: how many of those would have been training let alone playing if they had been clinically diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis following the shots? That would be none. So that means a significant amount of people are getting cardiac injuries from the jabs, without ever being clinically diagnosed.
Now, what’s going to happen to the jabbed 5 year old’s when they get into high school sports when their bodies are rapidly growing, yet the undetected necrotic tissue and scarring remains in their heart muscles?
Note all those claims of “it’s just mild myocarditis”. Mild? Sure, you can treat the inflammation around the necrotic tissue, but the scarring is permanent. Permanent scarring of growing hearts, just to secure the power of the current “elite”?
Those current “elite” who fueled and sought to exploit this mass formation psychosis need to lose all political and financial power. Freedom and democracy now depend upon their downfall.
Sorry JCII. Didn’t see your comment when I posted at #28.
Thanks for finding and posting, very interesting.
How to get back to the halcyon days before testing: Stop testing, then the fear goes away and people have colds just like before.
Would like to draw peoples attentionto appendix “E” on P28 on following “NSW Covid Surveillance Report, Epidemiological week 49, ending 11 December 2021” :
Week ending
Fully vaxxed Partial vaxxed No Eff. Dose Under Inv. Kids (0-11) Total
20 Nov 2021 442 (30.7%) 66 (4.6%) 330 (22.9%) 113 (7.9%) 488 (33.9%) 1,439 (100%)
27 Nov 2021 638 (41.3%) 42 (2.7%) 295 (19.1%) 148 (9.6%) 420 (27.2%) 1,543 (100%)
04 Dec 2021 741 (41.9%) 38 (2.1%) 339 (19.2%) 171 (9.7%) 481 (27.2%) 1,770 (100%)
11 Dec 2021 1,418 (49.8%) 48 (1.7%) 426 (15.0%) 384 (13.5%) 570 (20.0%) 2,846 (100%)
Note the fully vaxxed percantage of 49.8%
Then add partially vaxxed 1.7%
Then if you be generous and split “no effective dose” 50/50 as <21 days after first shot and Not Vaxxed you get approx 7.5%
So added together, 59.0% of cases in 11 Dec week are vaxxed of some description, with the bulk being fully vaxxed.
“No effective Dose” means :
“Cases reported as no effective dose:
• received their first dose of a two-dose vaccination course less than 21 days prior to known exposure to
“COVID-19 or arrival in Australia, or
• have not received any vaccine dose.
“Using the phrase “no effective dose” indicates that an insufficient period of time has elapsed to allow for maximal
“immune response provided by the vaccine. It does not indicate that vaccines are ineffective
Kids under 12 (20%) are effectively irrelevant ( they SHOULD be unvaxxed, for multiple reasons) they’re kept in to bolster the unvax %.
So, to use your numbers [59/80], we have ~ 74% of cases are vaccinated, in that part of the population that is actually of interest.
And of the remaining 26%, how many are immunocompromised, and CANNOT get a vax??
Latest uncensored news from China including a possible outbreak of haemorrhagic fever.
Uncensored out of China. They quote their sources are Chinese media!
Propaganda does not require censorship.
So the media is awash with “Hospitals on the edge” articles. Death warnings, full fear. And this is with 93.5% vaccinated.
Just think about that for a second.
Just think about that for a second.
Those on this blog think about it all the time. But the majority out there obviously do not. Sadly.
Meanwhile a farmer I know, 60 odd years, fine health, double vaxxed of course – farmers like their vaccines – heart attack. Coincidence? Who knows. What we do know though is there will be no investigation into it. Nor by the victim mind you.
Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.
Deals with Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen — no AZ unfortunately — plus has links to such things as “Bad Batches of the Month” in XLSX files etc. Links to drill-downs of the data.
Other resources there including this video of a US doctor discussing her enlightening VAERS experience during the drive for universal injection:
Make of it what you will.
Interesting correspondence between the FAA and complainants — including Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Ryan Cole, Robert Kennedy Jr. and two senior US military aviation medicos — regarding the illegality of the FAA teaming up with the airlines to allow commercial pilots to fly when vaxxed with a non-approved medication in violation of the FAA’s own safety regulations.
Which leads us to this whistle-blower pilot:
Pilot Greg Pearson shared his shocking story of rapid onset atrial fibrillation after being injected with the experimental Covid “vaccine”.
Pearson reveals that his story is more common than leaders are telling us. As a result, many people are questioning whether vaccinated pilots are a flight risk.
The day Pearson received the injection, he felt completely healthy.
However, he woke up in the middle of the night because his “heart was pounding out of my chest.” The pilot went immediately to the emergency room, and they quickly determined that he was in atrial fibrillation, which is a major cause of stroke.
“I could have stroked out at 100 feet while trying to land an airplane” . . . “I could have just pushed down on that stick before the person next to me could do anything.”
“You never know when the genie is gonna come out of the bottle and smack you down.”
He added that many pilots do not dare to speak out. They fear reprisals:
“there are a number of pilots out there who are fearful to come forward and speak. They are fearful of retribution. There are guys that are going to work with crushing pains in their chests and their heads. They’re scared that they’re going to lose their careers, because they’re 25 years old.”
I have a private pilots license.
I will not risk flying commercial again until commercial carriers guarantee that one of two flight crew is unjabbed.
(From the backdowns on “mandates” in the US industry, I suspect this is what airline management have already done. The protests weren’t self interested complains by pilots, but protests over passenger safety. They know.)
The northern-hemisphere is about to finish the creation of a single belt of zonal winds, straddling the Tropic of Cancer, during mid January 2022.
Strong North Atlantic meridional jet return-flow effects will finally begin to appear during mid-Jan (rather than just the flow from north Atlantic Highs over the Uk and Western Europe so far). Their speed (already over 200 knots) will probably ramp-up, and max-out in mid to late February again. Remains to be seen if they reach the incredible 445 km/h reached in Feb 2020.
The southern-hemisphere is being affected even more than the northern-hemisphere, it just appears less dramatic, and more ‘normal’, compared to the totally abnormal northern zonal jet pattern that is.
These southern jets becoming apparently locked into a ‘permanent’ winter speed-range, might help explain recent record cold temps extremes in Antarctica last Winter. And why, right now, in the middle of the day in Summer, the lowest minimums are still -39C on ECM. The top of the icesheet is almost at the elevation of the tropopause at that latitude. There is no possibility of that melting for several million more years.
All this confusion causing our weather but tropical oceans are still limiting surface temperature to 30C and sea ice still forming at -2C:
As they have done for the last 40 million years since the atmospheric mass reached its current level.
Now tell me how the “greenhouse effect” is relevant to Earth’s energy balance or global climate?
That must be one of the most ridiculous replies I’ve ever read.
Evergrande’s woes multiply. They have to demolish $1.2B of completed apartments.
And Turkey is suffering >100% inflation.
Turkey’s exports last year exceeded expectations by a large margin and word is that Erdogan is off to Saudi Arabia in a few days to gain financial support. Inflation is high but not 100%.
‘The annual consumer inflation rate rose to 36.08% last month, the highest since September 2002 and up sharply from 21.31% in November. The figure far exceeded the 27.36% median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of 19 analysts.’ (Aljazeera)
‘The annual consumer inflation rate rose to 36.08% last month,
What month? It matters.
Found it:
The Institute said on Monday that the country’s consumer prices raised by 13.58 month-on-month in December 2021, Xinhua news agency reported.
That’s an annualised rate of 160% It’s all in the curve.
Okay, it sounds like hyperinflation.
460% (1.1358^12)
So we have a banker who knows how to compound interest. 😀
But stakeholders must feel that “someone” will bail them out a la Greece/Argentina. But there are too many begging bowls this time and there is no Plan B on energy. We are about to find out what a little energy poverty feels like.
Shut down coal and discover what real energy poverty feels like.
Sri Lanka goes down the gurgler and may default if China, India or IMF fail to support them.
Sri Lanka reversed its ban on fertiliser and pesticide imports in November and given up any idea of being the first organic only food producer – probably a bit late though.
Worst still, who was advising them that they could feed themselves without a knowledgable transition to organic food production. It seems to be the same people who are preventing fossil fuel exploration without any clue on alternate energy sources.
The reality, the pandemic has been a blow and they could no longer afford to import fertiliser. They may have dressed it up in green clothes, but they were already on their knees.
India said- no support from us for putting a Chinese base next door.
Cast you mind back to that brutal civil war, the Tamil minority cut off the heads of Singhalese and stick them on posts in the city, along with other atrocities not worth mentioning. So the government forces became just as brutal.
It went on for a decade and after it was over the government did its best to return to normality, but by then you could smell the stench of corruption. Beijing was unwilling to build the port, reckoned it was a waste of money, but after much cajoling they went ahead anyway. Only 32 ships docked there last year.
If India and IMF won’t help, then only Beijing can save them from bankruptcy. What do you think will happen?
Those things are bad enough. But the government made it worse with socialistic policies.
Decisions have consequences.
The Chinese regime may realize Sri Lanka has next to nothing to sell and little to give.
Yes, if no bailout then bankruptcy.
Australian iron ore to take a hit.
‘On the Shanghai Futures Exchange, steel rebar, mainly used for construction projects, traded at 4,554 Chinese yuan per tonne on Dec. 22 — 28.1% lower than its historic high on May 12. China accounts for 55.9% of global steel demand, and property development consumes nearly 40% of that demand, making the sector one of the largest buyers of steel in the world.’ (Spglobal)
Climate ambition is not going too well to stoke wind turbine production. Does not bode well for Australian construction commodities.
It appears that Boris and Biden are not bringing much of the world along on the Net Zero pilgrimage.
The good news for Australia is that fossil fuel prices will remain strong at least until there is more investment in fossil fuel production.
He who loses least wins. Provided we don’t allow Albo into Gov. House we’ll muddle through in spite of, not because of, our government.
I’ll swap you my Zim $ 1 bil [framed] note.
You mean my million turkish lira banknote is not the great asset I once thought it was? bugga
trade it in for a Zimbabwe 10billion dollar note. Probably in good condition as the issue was discontinued shortly owing to runaway inflation.
So the people who bought homes in these “about to be demolished” buildings get their money back ?? A lot of those people saved for years for the apartments for themselves or their children. And if you’re single in China, no house then no marriage for you.
Beijing embraced capitalism and this is the end result. A lot of people around the world were put out of pocket by the GFC, pathetic.
DTM to Dakar: the story behind Audi’s rally raider
Having quit the DTM and Formula E, Audi had many spare engineers and proven parts lying around. Enter the RS Q E-tron
Picture the scene at Audi head office. The company is no longer racing in the DTM and has withdrawn from Formula E. Both announcements meant there were presumably a lot of race engineers standing idly around wondering what to do with all the make-things-go-faster stuff.
Then someone hit on a bright idea: why not put it all into a Dakar Rally car? So here it is: the Audi RS Q E-tron, possibly the world’s most recycled racing car. Talk about being on-message with the climate agenda.
The RS Q E-tron is also, as you would expect from a German manufacturer, one hell of a statement of intent. Although its road car implications aren’t clear at the moment (or at least aren’t being spoken about officially), it is apparent that, with the investment and technology being packed within its tubular spaceframe, Audi would be mad not to use it for a wider ultimate purpose.
SBS On Demand Dakar 2022
All the action from the 44th edition of the Dakar Rally – exclusive and free via SBS On Demand
….so what happens when you run 7 million lateral flow tests in five days? And are you ready for the “new wave” of “cases” it will likely produce?
New plans, announced before Christmas, will require every secondary school pupil in the UK to take an on-site Covid test when school resumes after the Christmas break.
The government plans, allegedly to “monitor” Covid infection in students, go on to suggest that every child should receive a follow-up test 3-4 days later.
The tests being used are lateral flow tests, which have repeatedly been shown to be completely unreliable, and can test positive using apple juice or coca-cola.
There are roughly 3.5 million school pupils aged 11-16 in the UK and they plan to test them all twice.
If just 2% of them “test positive” just once, the media will scream about 140,000 new “cases” of Covid in children.
Further, the “recommendations” suggest children should then continue to be tested twice a week, every week, or “more frequently if asked to do so”:
Secondary, college and university students and education staff and early years staff should then continue to test themselves twice a week, and more frequently if they are specifically asked to do so, such as in the event of an outbreak.
At least 7 million lateral flow tests per week, every week.
It’s not hard to see where it goes from there, with the headlines blaring that lack of social distancing over the holidays gave rise to a “fourth wave” (or would it be fifth? I’ve lost count).
I would start preparing for a new lockdown, if I were you.
Up to now, I saw testing as simply the fuel used to keep the scare fire going, and so implored everybody I know NOT to get tested.
Now I want EVERYBODY to test positive, so that the low numbers of hospitalised cases will be exposed as no worse than the ‘flu.
given the accuracy and efficacy of the tests, that’s quite possible.
My hypothesis was that approax 3-4 months after a population gets to 50% fully vaxxed, its the point at which disease break-out from the vax creates a self sustaining supply ( reservoir? ) of disease in the community.
When a new booster comes along, it “resets” the outbreak clock, and approx 3-4 months later we see (M)Orinicron or whatever the next name is in the greek aplhabet.
Australia hit 50% vaxxed in 01/09/2021, then next outbreak around 01/01/2022 – right on schedule.
UK hit 50% vaxxed in 01/05/2021, then next outbreak around 01/09/2021. Boosters started in 15/09/2021, outbreak due 15/01/2022 – right on schedule.
Israel hit 50% vaxxed in 25/02/2021, then next outbreak around 25/06/2021. Boosters started 15/08/2021, next outbreak due 15/01/2022 – right on schedule.
So there is a man-made pattern there if you look for it.
As the time between boosters drops, it will be like watching a jet engine wind over and then…..pressure…..fuel….full burn……
Constant outbreak, constant lock down.
But one thing is that many people have woken up, so this presents and issue as the bodies literally start to pile up – what now – a nasty bug v2.0 or a war to hide/remove the evidence?
Time will tell.
As I took a pleasant walk this AM in the snow that people born in this century can not know, it occurred to me that modern medicine has evolved into a disease fishing industry.
It is difficult to get assistance for a complaint without first being thoroughly fished for the most lucrative catch.
I realize that this overfishing may be justified, but somehow I doubt the research that would challenge the fishing paradigm will be funded.
In fact we are witnessing simple solutions and the aid and abetting of the organism’s natural defenses under attack, not only by the fishing industry, but also the industry’s government employees.
Those that resist the continuous multiple ingestion and injection of for profit chemical products and refusing to be fished, are literally being made criminals by those very employees.
I am one of the less profitable fish.
But I am happy for those those that are fortunate enough to have been helped by the system that can perform miracles if one finds the right path through the maze.
A recently published study suggests that nearly every COVID vaccine recipient who died within seven days to six months after inoculation likely died because of vaccine-induced autoimmune damage.
A paper entitled “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination” was published by Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and Arne Burkhardt, M.D., both Germany-based and widely published scientists in their fields.
The continent sized group psyche asteroid headed for us, launched by the truly diseased brains of the government/media/medical/tech multi-headed hydra Godzilla …
is the fact that most people, particularly the well educated, will not be able to handle the fact that they’ve been had.
Possibly mortally medically damaged.
Voluntarily. Waving the flag.
Contorted psychosis will be marshalled to deny the crimes, as illustrated above.
Those that noticed the naked emperor will face a period of grave danger. (Weren’t most children’s fables sanitized in recent generations diluting their intended effectiveness … like the rest of the educational system.)
At least Robert Malone can afford private security.
Praying that I am just an old crank and wrong.
Mod … possibly proving my assertion.
This Mysterious Fire in Australia Has Been Burning For at Least 6,000 Years
In a national park a four-hour drive north of Sydney in Australia, a fire is smoldering out of control – and it’s been doing so for at least 6,000 years.
Known as ‘Burning Mountain’, the mysterious underground blaze is the oldest known fire on the planet. And some scientists estimate it may be far more ancient than we currently think.
Located under Mount Wingen in the state of New South Wales (Wingen means ‘fire’ in the language of the local Wanaruah people, the traditional custodians of the land), this underground smolder is a coal seam fire – one of thousands burning at any one time around the globe.
Once ignited, these subterranean fires are almost impossible to put out. Slowly but intensely, they travel through the coal seam, a layer of coal that naturally occurs beneath Earth’s surface.
The fire at Mount Wingen is currently burning around 30 meters underground, and moving south at a speed of around 1 meter (3.2 ft) per year.
Who started the fire?
Interestingly, no one’s sure what first ignited it.
The first documented European sighting was in 1828, when a local farmhand declared he’d discovered a volcano in the Mount Wingen region.
Only a year later in 1829, geologist Reverend CPN Wilton concluded the alleged volcano was actually a coal seam fire. Measurements have since shown that the path of the fire covers around 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) – suggesting it’s been alight for at least 6,000 years. But other than that, hardly any official research has been done on the area.
If there are enough sunny and hot days in a row – something that we’ll see more of with climate change – the surface of the coal heats up and gets hot enough to heat up the next piece in the seam, eventually sparking ignition.
. . . larger coal fires can be a serious health and safety hazard that have become far more common in recent years.
Not only could they become more common due to climate change, they could also be contributing to the plight of our planet.
What a load of cocky-poo from the article by one Fiona Macdonald:
An award-winning science journalist with 15 years of experience, she has worked at Cosmos magazine and Madison magazine, and reported for Popular Science, Vogue, GQ, ABC Science, the Sydney Morning Herald, Marie Claire, and Australian Geographic.
Have driven past Burning Mountain many times (it is just off the New England Highway north of Scone), but haven’t been in for a look since 1974.
Thing is, that apart from the big El Nino effect in 2018-2019,
… there has been no warming in December in Australia in the whole UAH data
Interesting. Does the BOM say the same?
Mutually Assured Deterrent (MAD) set in stone.
‘Leaders of the five nuclear weapon states reaffirmed on Monday that none of their nuclear weapons are targeted at each other or at any other state, emphasizing that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.
‘In a joint statement issued by China, France, Russia, Britain and the United States-the first of its kind-the leaders said that they consider the avoidance of war between nuclear weapon states and the reduction of strategic risks as their foremost responsibility.’ (China Daily)
In spite of MAD I’m concerned that Jinping would consider 200 million Americans dead V 200 million Chinese to be a victory. I don’t trust them.
Depends which 200 million Chinese
The usual victims.
If they are only lightly baked there might be a fire sale on human organs. Every cloud has a silver lining.*
* I hope I don’t need a :Sarc: tag.
There are no winners, your comment is truly appalling and I strongly suggest you give up the demon drink.
Thought it was mutually assured destruction
It is but……..
Yeah, it was destruction, poetic licence.
I&I/TIPP Poll: Media Trust Took A Serious Beating In 2021
For the big media that dominate America’s cultural and political life, 2021 was a dismal year when it comes to public trust. The prospects for 2022 are little better, as both the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, midterm elections and a growing problem with inflation loom. Year-end data from the I&I/TIPP Poll show little public optimism that the media will do a better job this year.
The data for the I&I/TIPP Poll Media Indexes stem from a survey of 1,301 adults, conducted online from Dec. 1-4 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner. The poll’s margin of error is +/-2.8 percentage points.
I&I/TIPP has tracked public opinion on the media since March of 2021. For simplicity’s sake, percentages have been converted to an index ranging from zero to 100, which makes for easy comparisons over time. Anything above 50 shows trust, below that, a lack of trust. 50 is neutral.
The year-end 2021 numbers tell a clear tale: The public became profoundly disappointed with the media’s performance during 2021.
For example, the I&I/TIPP Traditional Media Trust Index has fallen 15% since its inception last March. That, despite a rebound of 4.5 points, or 11.6%, to 43.3 in December off the record low of 38.8 set in November. This index is made up of major media, such as the Washington Post, New York Times, NPR, CBS News, and so on.
Here we go again….
French scientists discover new mutant Covid variant which could be more resistant to vaccines
Alarm bells are ringing after a new Covid variant was detected in France, with a renowned health expert pointing out a “worrying” sign.
Alexis Carey
January 4, 2022 – 2:05PM
The medical world is on alert yet again after a new mutant Covid-19 variant emerged in France recently.
The new strain, dubbed “variant IHU” or B. 1.640.2, was first detected in the nation last month, but is now making international headlines after catching the attention of global experts.
At least 12 cases were confirmed near the Marseilles area, and it is understood that many of those patients were hospitalised with the illness.
Variant IHU, which is believed to be linked with travel to the African nation of Cameroon, has 46 mutations which experts fear could mean it is more resistant to existing vaccines.
However, on a more positive note, the new strain does not appear to be spreading rapidly
The variant was discovered by researchers from the The Méditerranée Infection University Hospital Institute (IHU), but is not yet under investigation by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
There is also no concrete evidence it has spread past the French border, although there are unconfirmed claims it may have already entered the UK.
Report of a total lockdown in Xiangyang China. The report is on War Room listen here from 35 minutes in.
Also on the same link 40% increase in death rate in Indiana, reported by Insurance company. Listen from the beginning.
In Australia alone, YouTube removed
75 per cent of video ads posted by the
pro freedom United Australia party.
One of the great myths peddled
by governments and corporate media
is that the material being censored is
‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’
– online tittle-tattle from ‘conspiracy
theorists’, the uneducated and the
uninformed. Yet many of the world’s
leading doctors and scientists are
among the victims.
Coming soon everywhere unless stopped.
It’s common (virtually inevitable) to draw comparisons between modern human right violations and experimentation to the nazi era but how many people know of Japan’s Unit 731 from WW2?
The unit the Japanese government flatly denied ever existed for decades after WW2 ended but finally admitted it.
Would the government ever lie to you?😈
For those unfamiliar and who can stomach it you can learn more here:
P.S. it’s a LOT shorter than the list of US government crimes and public experiments believe me!
The knights of Bushido : a history of Japanese war crimes during World War II
by Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley Russell, Baron, 1895-1981
From Mukden to Pearl Harbour — The China incident — The general treatment of prisoners of war — The murder of captured aircrews — Life and death on the Burma-Siam Railway — The massacre and murder of prisoners of war — The prison hulks — The death marches — The prison camps — The civilian internment camps — War crimes on the high seas — Cannibalism, vivisection and mutilation — Atrocities against the civilian population under Japanese occupation — The Kempei Tai — Retribution
The war crimes trials at Nuremberg and Tokyo meted out the Allies’ official justice; Lord Russell of Liverpool’s sensational bestselling books on the Axis’ war crimes decided the public’s opinion. The Knights of Bushido, Russell’s shocking account of Japanese brutality in the Pacific in World War II, describes how the noble founding principles of the Empire of Japan were perverted by the military into a systematic campaign of torture, murder, starvation, rape, and destruction. Notorious incidents like the Nanking Massacre and the Bataan Death March emerge as merely part of a pattern of human rights abuses. Undoubtedly formidable soldiers, the Japanese were terrible conquerors. Their conduct in the Pacific is a harrowing example of the doctrine of mutual destruction carried to the extreme, and begs the question of what is acceptable–and unacceptable–in total war
ABC Wide Bay covid report 30th Dec 21,
apparently you can be an in hospital statistic from home in their virtual hospital LOL
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service reports that at 6am this morning, December 30, they are caring for 217 positive COVID-19 patients across the Wide Bay. This included one patient at Bundaberg Hospital and 216 in our virtual ward.
A virtual ward means the patient is isolating at home and Queensland Health is monitoring their wellbeing.
haha. That is a good one. Nice to be in a virtual ward. Makes you feel secure.
A couple of hours ago in Afdanistan I saw a mobile roadside sign that announced “COVID TESTING SUSPENDED”. Location, Nepean Highway, Brighton (Melbournistan).
Wow I wonder if Cinty Allan made that decree. Cinty is my local MP. It seems
a little odd the Andrews and Merlino are no on deck to witness their ship sinking.
Mogadishu by the Yarra is Cinty’s preferred residence. Of course she blamed the
testing fiasco on the Feds. Strike patella tendon-> Knee extends.
So Ive heard from two people I know today who have officially got covid, both vaccinated, and they got really sick. Neither question possibilities such as the vaccine’s ineffectiveness, they conclude immediately they’d be dead if not vaccinated. They may be right but not a lot of analysis going on there.
Both city types with kids late teenagers early 20s all around them. Inevitable.
just wondering how the average citizen could analyse that situation meaningfullyr
Glass half full or empty. I’d expect a vaccine to stop me getting really sick. So Id at least question why I did get so sick. They didn’t.
A couple of threads back, I asked the computer to define vaccine …
it answered , “a treatment to provide immunity”.
I guess it’s a different immunity than the immunity granted to Pharma.
Apologies to Captain Kirk.
Anyone know what % hospital covid numbers are vaccinated ? They don’t talk about that much in recent times. At one stage they were always telling you how many unvaccinated were dead.
Glass half full or empty.
Are the remaining few purebloods NOT falling ill because, like me, they are too clapped out for risky behaviour like unprotected sex. 😳
But seriously – Is the self selected “control” non-typical by being free of, or able to resist, pressure and well-read on the topic? I suspect us controls are disproportionately old but generally healthy.
I need a little help understanding what is going on in Israel.
According to one graph, 61% of covid cases are “boosted”, while vaccinated and unvaccinated are less than 20%. Plus they are looking at a 4th “booster”.
But earlier last year, Ivermectin was proving to be a success.
What happened? I cannot believe Israel would cease a proven path and go with just the vaccine. Is this just about money or something else.?
Some info here.
Where have you seen that Israel promoted early any treatment and prophylaxis for Covid, let alone ivermectin, rather than pursue vaccination?
Vaccines are great, especially after a third booster 🙂
I’m re-posting this as it got moderated this morning.
Fauci and Co are still at it!!!!!
The Biden administration never learns. The United States is still funding risky coronavirus research [in China], a new report shows.
Research at the Wuhan lab is being sponsored by U.S. taxpayers via USAID and disgraced non-profit agency EcoHealth Alliance, which was used as a funnel for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), as well as the Pentagon, to go around the law and back “risky” coronavirus research.
The research was not “gain-of-function” but rather the gathering of contagious coronavirus in rodents that were found to be transmissible to humans. The research paper was published in the Journal of Virology in November 2021.
“The new paper, which counts researchers from seven Chinese state-run scientific institutions including one person affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, is authored by three EcoHealth Alliance Researchers including President Peter Daszak,” the story notes. “The National Pulse has previously revealed Daszak’s extensive relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, prompting his removal from the Lancet’s COVID-19 commission due to conflicts of interest.”
There’s that name Daszac again.
A Novel Potentially Recombinant Rodent Coronavirus with a Polybasic Cleavage Site in the Spike Protein
The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has reignited global interest in animal coronaviruses and their potential for human transmission. While bats are thought to be the wildlife reservoir of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, the widespread human coronavirus OC43 is thought to have originated in rodents. Here, we sampled 297 rodents and shrews, representing eight species, from three municipalities of southern China. We report coronavirus prevalences of 23.3% and 0.7% in Guangzhou and Guilin, respectively, with samples from urban areas having significantly higher coronavirus prevalences than those from rural areas. We obtained three coronavirus genome sequences from Rattus norvegicus, including a Betacoronavirus (rat coronavirus [RCoV] GCCDC3), an Alphacoronavirus (RCoV-GCCDC5), and a novel Betacoronavirus (RCoV-GCCDC4). Recombination analysis suggests that there was a potential recombination event involving RCoV-GCCDC4, murine hepatitis virus (MHV), and Longquan Rl rat coronavirus (LRLV). Furthermore, we uncovered a polybasic cleavage site, RARR, in the spike (S) protein of RCoV-GCCDC4, which is dominant in RCoV. These findings provide further information on the potential for interspecies transmission of coronaviruses and demonstrate the value of a One Health approach to virus discovery.
So, a novel murine hepatitis/coronavirus and a new cleavage site in the spike protein were found, for what purpose exactly?? Instant red flag.
As a follow on to the article I posted in comment #2, here is an article on American Thinker noting how several life insurance companies have reported significantly higher than expected payouts for the 3rd quarter last year.
The truth is ultimately revealed in insurance payouts and the corresponding actuarial analysis.
Robert Malone on that
My apologies to everyone. Analitik is correct. Israel never promoted Ivermectin as a treatment. It was their research that was showing positive results.
Sorry for any confusion..
New patent-free COVID vaccine developed as “gift to the world”
Any bets there will be no sponsors to western drug approval agencies?
The USA records 1 million cases in a day, 3 of those are my 2 daughters and I. Testing is scheduled on line, and avoids this queues seen in Australia. There are multiple testing sites, and it is free for Americans, I had to pay 120 usd. Positive results mean 5 days isolation, then if you have now symptoms you can resume normal, albeit masked, life
I haven’t seen queues in Australia, but I saw them in New York and Virginia.
Pennsylvania for me, and as for the Aussie queues, I’m just reading the news feeds
George… I assume you haven’t seen most of the queues in most of the countries in the world so I wonder what point you were trying to make?
btw I’ve seen queues if seeing them is some sort of thing that needs to be achieved for some reason.
Blah Blah Blah
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes found guilty of conspiracy and fraud at blood testing startup.
Interesting that this barely makes the news. They mentioned last night that Murdoch was ripped off $125 M. They showed a clip of Biden, when VP, visiting the business and spruiking it. But not once was his name, that it was the current US President or that he was VP at the time ever mentioned.
If it were Trump, there wouldn’t have been anything else talked about.
The stats of most concern are that there are 15 million active cases now, and 10 million on Feb 3. The daily deaths are just under 2k and were a touch over 4 k on Feb 3.
Neglecting that the latest wave would be less deadly, the “vaccines” don’t seem to hinder transmission and reduced death rates by a third. The Spanish flu was no more deadly than the normal flu by the fourth wave.
Japan’s cases had dropped by over a factor of 200 since the Olympics. It’s up to just under 4k active cases and 1-2 deaths a day.
“Narrative, shifting: Experts talk vaccinations and the myth of ‘zero COVID’ ”
Is the UK’s new COVID Travel Pass the Start of Total Surveillance?
oooh scary.
So if masks work, distancing works, lockdowns work, vaxxes work AND all of the above are in play then how do you explain the CDC’s announcement that 95% of cases are Omicron???
Thoughts for the day:
It’s easy to be wrong – and persist in being wrong – when the costs of being wrong is born by others. Thomas Sowell
Give advice; if people don’t listen let adversity teach them. Ethiopian proverb
I guess there will be a planetary wailing and gnashing of teeth this year…
will there? The moon and mercury were in conjunction last night, though I heard no gnashing.
Ah yes, there is a good chance that Albanese will become PM this year. Something to do with Jupiter in his first house and Scotty is on the wane.
If it becomes PM Albanese, blame the lukewarm liberals tossing out the good because it isn’t perfect.
They could make me spit!
Omicron evolved in African countries to a mild flu due to natural immunity.
Low vaccination
High usage of ivermectin.
It might mutate in triple vaccinated and re-emerge deadlier.
I urge all vaccine free to wear a n9 mask around those people indoors, if your fearful.
For Plain Jane.
A couple of days ago you asked about land titles, here’s NSW.
Next steps
We will continue working with stakeholders to ensure the cancellation of CTs and the transition to 100% eConveyancing is seamless. (Stakeholder capitalism)
Key changes from 11 October 2021
Certificates of title
Existing CTs were cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs cannot be required to be produced to have a dealing or plan lodged for registration.
Similarly, Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions, such as banks, will no longer be issued with CoRD, which is the electronic equivalent of a CT.
The Torrens Title Register has always been and will continue to be the single source of truth as to the ownership of a person’s home. The Torrens Title Register is securely stored and backed up by both NSW Land Registry Services and the Office of the Registrar General.
I insist on CTs. However when I sold my Paris appartement that was fully electronic. The notaire handled everything electronically including the signing. As I had a mortgage the bank had the CT. I’m guessing that NSW is operating a similar system. However a CT is very important. Even if it’s just as a back up. It goes into the house safe and can always be referred to there. Electronic data can be easily lost. When I have bought property here in WA (recently) I have always insisted on the CT despite the way the system operates.
Speaking of “insurance”.
The EU is poised to called natural gas and nuclear “green”, opening the way for “green” funding of gas and nuclear.
I can only imagine the conniptions from the likes of greta the grate and her comrades. 🙂
More disingenuous stuff from the TGA. Even trails racism. As for creating shortages, just as with the masks, that shows how little these people know of how industry operates. For this stuff sufficient new supplies could be manufactured in two days, for masks only two weeks.
And what is the first thing you notice about this committee?
Similarly, Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions, such as banks, will no longer be issued with CoRD, which is the electronic equivalent of a CT. So not even the banks will have them. All CT’s are held by three private corporations trading on the stock exchange,
What the solicitor did NOT tell him is that “The Computers” are ALL privately owned computers held by one of three (3) Public Companies in Australia, known as Electronic Lodgement Network Operators (ELNO’s). Who will have the complete database of who owns property in Australia, they are as follows:
Property Exchange Australia Ltd. If you go to Statement Financial Position, Assets. Cash and cash equivalents 6 402,451,929. Wonder what assets they have worth that amount?
Purcell Partners Pty Ltd.
Sympli Australia Pty Ltd.
In all instances of property ownership, an Information Notice will issue.
Details that will be on an Information Notice include the folio identifier, the dealing(s) that were registered including their registration number(s), the subscriber’s reference and the date of registration.
You will get an Information notice instead of title, so you should be happy with that
As an Information Notice is not a definitive statement of the state of the Register, a title search of the Register (which can be obtained on payment of a fee) will be necessary to provide the most accurate and up to date title information regarding the property.
I am sure its in our best interest.
Reply to Kim, #62.1
To forge or alter a PAPER CT requires a degree of expertise. To forge or alter an ELECTRONIC document only requires the use of an extended index finger!!!!!!
EU change on electricity generation ….
“Opinion: Climate finance could be the next bubble to burst”
Marine heatwave off NSW not seen since the 1950s, clearly a global cooling signal.
‘A marine heatwave is lifting ocean temperatures off the coast of New South Wales to levels not seen in decades as the state is pummelled by severe storms.
‘The marine temperatures appear to be reaching levels not seen in nearly 80 years, with satellite data showing ocean surfaces three degrees Celcius above normal.
‘Professor Moninya Roughan said ocean temperatures at a site five kilometres from Port Hacking, Sydney, are approaching an all-time high for January.’ (9News)
Here is more on the marine heatwave in the Tasman.
It’s almost nothing, a patch of 25C water. This is a (weak) La Nina. What really amuses me is the presumption we had comparable or accurate area sea surface data, 80 years ago … lol … er, no.
SST” alt=”SST-2022-01-05
Sat image
For the hydrogen enthusiasts
And the comments which have a lot of practical experience
For the real enthusiasts start at
January 4, 2022 10:00 pm ”
in comments and work back through various other experiences
Global thermal coal supply plummets as Indonesia suspends exports
ABC Rural / By Tom Major
5 hours ago
A shock decision by the Indonesian government to suspend some thermal coal exports to guarantee domestic supply could have a flow-on effect for Australian miners locked out of the Chinese market.
Key points:
The Indonesian government has suspended some thermal coal exports for the month of January
Flow-on effects are expected for Australian miners locked out of the Chinese market
China may reassess its relationship with Australia as a result of the export ban
Indonesia is the world’s largest exporter of the commodity, trading as much as 40 per cent of the world’s thermal coal freight and sending 400 million tonnes in 2020.
But laws require mine operators to prioritise the state-owned domestic power generator at below-market prices of around $US70 per tonne, well below the Newcastle coal futures for January which soared to a 10-week high of $174.
Indonesia has banned exports for January, disrupting as much as 30 million tonnes of coal, citing low supply levels at power stations it claims could lead to blackouts.
The flow-on effects are most likely to be felt in the archipelago nation’s main trading partners of China, India, Japan, and South Korea.
How interesting … did the Indo exporters export way too much to meet demand, and make a fast-buck, and left the domestic market short as a result? Looks like they did! Current prices are still high too. Probably trying to get a drop on African suppliers to China.
Recently I did a bit of study on whether China could source iron ore from Guiana. Compared with Australia the costs were awful. They have the choice of paying a half mill for the Suez* or steam around the Cape. Why would it be different for coal? But I don’t know where the coal mines are.
* Guestimate. Happy for better info.
Yes, continuing to paint themselves into a corner in the most a-diplomatic kinds of ways. Total dill and economic-grenade Xi Jinping has turned out to be for them. Those crazy coal prices will just jump higher now. As far as I could determine, the 10-year price average in Dec is ~$46, so this is about 3.5 times higher already.
Really brings Australia to its knees … not … a hard lesson in the in-practice geopolitical ‘power’ balance.
Story source:
It’s going to be a cold Jan in China.
Suspect they end up with enormous (unreported) numbers of dead due to it. Xi Jinping can hold a parade to bolster morale in May? Providing there’s enough electricity of course.
Is this for real? Sounds like fake news or stupid on steroids.
World’s Biggest Coal Port Transitions To Wind Energy
Its fashionable to cut those contracts to pretend you are “100% renewable” while sitting in a primarily coal and gas driven grid, just look at the ACT.
In other news global warming strands hundreds on the I95, the major north/south corridor on the US east coast.
No such thing as ” renewable energy” (except for possibly wood and water). The NEW CAPITALISM is to make people think that solar panels/wind turbines/ giant lithium batteries are the saviour of the world. What a big fat joke!!!