A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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New report finds Sydney’s green future is in 65 storey high rises
The Australian dream of a house on a quarter acre block is dead and the future for affordable, environmentally sustainable living is in 65-storey high rise towers.
A new report called Standing Tall has identified the sweet spot in high rise living that will bring down the cost of homes while also improving the city’s green footprint.
“We need to stop building urban sprawl and start building up instead of wide and flat,” urban studies expert Dr Sebastian Pfautsch from Western Sydney University said.
“And when we build up we need to make sure the areas outside are kept green and open with parks and recreational space that are good for cooling.”
The new report by The Urban Taskforce compared houses, town houses, low-rise and high-rise apartment blocks to find the most cost and energy efficient. It found that high-rise towers between 38 and 65 storeys performed best.
“Who knew: High rise construction is the most sustainable solution for the housing of our growing population,” Urban Taskforce chief executive Tom Forrest said.
“There has been concern expressed about urban sprawl for many years – but now the results are in. High rise, 65 storey, residential buildings deliver the most sustainable solution,” Mr Forrest said.
The report found that the overall footprint of a high rise compared with the same number of houses was smaller and also took less energy and materials to build.
Over a 20 year period it found that tall buildings over 65-storeys were not environmentally sound because they used too much energy to power the lifts.
From the Comments
Joseph 1 hour ago
We freed the chickens and put the humans in a box instead. So sad.
And everyone will travel in their self-driving electric vehicles (we used to call them “lifts”).
Travel? Not allowed.
And when the wind doesn’t blow, what then?
How many steps to the 65th level?
No car ownership allowed, and travel will need to be authorised, unless you’re “important”, of course…
Mega cities as they’re called in scifi films and no doubt the realities of such “living” will be the same as that portrayed in the films too.
All populated by the purebloods as the mudbloods were wiped out back in the 2020’s virus wars..someone should make that a film!
“There has been concern expressed about urban sprawl for many years – but now the results are in. High rise, 65 storey, residential buildings deliver the most sustainable solution,” Mr Forrest said.
The report found that the overall footprint of a high rise compared with the same number of houses was smaller and also took less energy and materials to build.”
Ah that lovely word “sustainable” but what does it actually mean. Remember why 1/4 acre blocks were recommended? Well in different words, 1/4 acre blocks were deemed the best way families could grow up in a healthy environment. Space for kids to play, build homes that had adequate natural light, fresh air, a vegie patch, avoid the likelyhood of cramped living conditions being conducive to the spead of disease, allow people to develope a sense of pride in their own dwelling and move people away from the crowded cities.
Certainly the way forward all those years ago.
The wheel turns and now we want people crowded into ghettos, much easier to control that way, dress it up as sustainability and volia the planet will be saved
Urban Taskforce chief executive Tom Forrest – surely they’re taking the proverbial. Is there a term for such hilarious, coincidental tomfoolery, including:
Butchard, M – Medical Officer of Health, SDHB
Dove, J – Church Leaders Group (NZ)
Hoggard, A – Farmers Federation NZ
Hope, K – Business NZ CEO
Mahuta, N – Minister(ess) of Foreign Affairs
There used to be a Mr Trout in charge of some fishing outfit too, years ago, but I can’t find him anywhere on-line… the one that got away? Ka-dunk!
Col. Boomer, artillery
There are a couple of award winning 15-20 story high-risers near Central Station in Sydney. One of them is covered in creepers and vines. Looks lovely. Unfortunately they have a huge rat problem. Yeah, didn’t think of that.
Anyone foreseeing it would have been shunned as a contrarian.
” … they have a huge rat problem …”
Lots of rats, or just a few huge ones?
Eat the rats
Problem solved.
Better than the alternative.
Urban sprawl? It used to be called “home ownership”. But I am not sure that dwelling on buffoonery like this is useful. We may be encouraging it.
Here is a dab of reality:
Energy anguish just may be the turning point we have been striving for.
When the Wind Doesn’t Blow
The political push to transform our electrical grid into reliance on “renewable” wind and solar energy keeps running into the laws of physics. The laws of physics are going to win, but the economic carnage in the meantime will be terrible.
My colleague Isaac Orr documents, not for the first time, the futility of wind energy when the weather gets cold:
It is a well-understood phenomenon that wind generation in the Midwest essentially disappears when the mercury dips below -22° F. Electricity generation from wind turbines drops under these circumstances because wind turbines are programmed to automatically shut off when the temperatures get this cold to prevent them from breaking.
Ironically, wind turbines are actually net consumers of power during these periods because they have electric heaters installed in the gearboxes to keep the oil inside the wind turbines from freezing.
Isaac provides this chart from the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, which runs the electric grid for most of the Midwest:
The basic point here is that wind energy shows up only sporadically and unpredictably, and tends to disappear when it is needed the most.
(Obama’s DOE Secretary Chu from 2011)
“Before maybe the end of this decade, I see wind and solar being cost-competitive without subsidy with new fossil fuel,” Chu told an event at the Pew Charitable Trusts.
Obama’s DOE Secretary Steven Chu has a ten-year anniversary of a statement that is now falsified.
“Clean sources of energy such as wind and solar will be no more expensive than oil and gas projects by the end of the decade”, US Energy Secretary Steven Chu said.
Wind energy, never competitive with fossil fuels, remains uncompetitive as demonstrated by the desperate attempt by the Biden Administration in BBB (Build Back Better) to extend the Production Tax Credit for a 14th time. Yes, what began in 1992 for wind’s PTC was extended in 1999… 2002 … 2004 … 2005 … 2006 … 2008 … 2009 … 2012 … 2014 … 2015 … 2016 … 2019 … 2021.
It’s time to pull the plug and let the market decide between energies. The government–the taxpayers–should be neutral.
There is a certain nonsense about any comment suggesting wind and solar can be cost competitive with fossil fuels. It’s not even comparing apples with oranges. It’s like perhaps comparing apples with giraffes.
One provides power only under extremely limited conditions requiring wind and sun, the other provides energy 24/7. They have been spending gazillions over at least the last decade and still not solved the renewables storage problem. Now and for the foreseeable future renewables will need baseload backup. But base load backup can do without renewables. If A is cost of baseload and B is cost of renewables A + B can NEVER be cheaper than A alone.
Until ( if ever) renewables deliver 24/7 by themselves cost comparisons are meaningless.
Its like comparing a pack horse with a wombat. The little buggers can carry quite a load, when they feel like it.
Speaking of Chu, remember this?
$9 to 10$ per gallon gasoline so that green energy can compete was the goal then, and it still is. Only with Biden inflation it will be even more. Remember this every time you burn a $100 bill just to go to work to make a $100. This is what is going on. Every little increase in fossil fuel prices has a domino effect causing more inflation and every increase in fossil fuel prices stifles economic growth. It is grinding the elderly and the poor into dust.
Well done David+Wojick
Russia better not invade Ukraine
Haha . . what they used to call “home ownership” is now boomers “hoarding” real estate so that millennials can’t get into the housing market.
Those high rises are brilliant during a pandemic … and haven’t the alarmists recently said we’ll have more of them due to climate change?🤔
You know, the same height as a wind tower to the tip of the blade.
Wasn’t there an overseas apartment design that was going to feature a tall vertical wind turbine, located between twin towers?
So to ensure the city’s green footprint, each 65-level apartment block would need to acquire an adjacent outside area to serve as recreation space for about 200 households and additional lesser space for more general-access park recreation. Matching the existing ratios for inner city residential areas suggests the notional 65-level block would need to acquire about a hectare in addition to the construction footprint, or the equivalent of about 20 single unit residential house blocks.
Who would pay for that?
I’m on the 65th floor & the power is off tonight.. All my groceries are here with me..
Use the lifts to go down and get some groceries. Lol
Hope you don’t have a fire in a high rise.
Maybe he is in the lift and thats the problem
I hope this article is a fantasy. How humans like to live has been researched for thousands of years. It’s why developers are interested in the layout plans of ancient cities in order to build “sustainable communities”. We like buildings no more than 3 /4 storeys high, we like a fifteen minute walk, we walk at 5 kilometers per hour and that figure is universal, and a half hour drive to work – not 40 minutes -half an hour. When people live further than half hour from major cities, road speed increases. These new mega city buildings, with shops, swimming pools, roof top gardens along with chooks and bee hives gyms, indoor tennis, yoga etc. have a novelty factor which quickly wears off and the inhabitants either leave or become very restless. Not the sort of neighbour you want to share a lift with.
Great, until the power fails, no lifts, no air-conditioning…wonderful for humans…not. We need to give space, good food, etc to our pets and livestock, but to our fellow humans? They don’t matter. How very nice.
Yes, but we need to make sure that these buildings are built to last. Far too many Apartment Blocks in Sydney that have been built in the 2000s are poorly constructed with many building defects. Built on the cheap by Property Developers…………….
yes and to make the apartments into pods provides even better figures
And high-density living will make it easier for governments to scan our implants – which would be in our best interests, of course!
OR, by ending mass immigration, governments could stop governing for themselves, their mates and their donors and instead govern for the people.
Just out of interest, about 80% of Singaporians live in government (HDB) flats. That’s probably why the young (they seem to marry late) eat out a lot. But good food is cheap there.
Seem to be plenty of parks and street crime is almost non existent.
Walk around Singapore for a while at night in more residential areas, and you’ll see a hell of a lot of people sitting in their cars (with, or without other people) with the air-conditioning on, rather than in their apartments. Not exactly sure why, but I think it’s about the only way to get some privacy.
Sounds like a commie block from the 70s. Breshniskis I think they were called. I rented an apartment in one several years ago. It was nice enough for a week.
New Victorian Government testing Regime – A new 1 minute self diagnostic process
Does it involve Vaseline?
I read it now. Makes perfect sense. Vaseline not needed but wouldn’t hurt.
Please Scissor, not Vaseline, an awful derivative of the petrochemical industry. All good naturalist prefer wool fat, (lanolin ) naturally occurring, completely sustainable, none polluting and all round good thing. Oh wait! Comes from sheep, damn hard hooved animals introduced by white people that eat native vegetation. Bugga, better move to hydrogenated vegetable oils, naturally occurring ( but not in combination ) cheap to produce, sustainable. Bugga, needs broad acre farming, destroys native vegetation probably causes erosion. Oh dear, it’s only 10.30 am but better have a rum to stop my head from exploding.
Memories of 63 driving out to Bourke for weekend with mates to friends sheep station on Louth-Tilpa Road to go Roo shooting and sleeping in big shearing shed with beautiful smell of lanolin from the floorboards (road from Nyngan to Bourke was still dirt) and similar memories from 50s at relations Merino sheep spread outside Cootamundra being in the shearing sheds during shearing season, helping wool classers then putting classed wool into requisite bales and helping stencil bales when full – again smell of Lanlolin ingrained in the floor was one of the memories
Yes, there’s always time for lube.
a subtype of the Rat test- the RATs arse
Kevin Rudd once claimed, concerning a certain deal, that we had been rat-f..ked by the Chinese.
And now the entire nation has been RAT-f..ked by them.
Covid commentators quick to predict doom and gloom
The pandemic has given voice to a number of commentators who determinedly seek out and latch on to the worst case scenarios, writes Joe Hildebrand.
When I worked in the NSW press gallery many years ago, there was a curmudgeonly veteran journo whom one might safely describe as a glass-half-empty kind of guy.
Let’s call him Dave.
During that time a certain lottery had jackpotted to $100 million and a television ad on high rotation was tantalising viewers with the prospect of a literal “truckload of cash” which would arrive on the lucky winner’s doorstep.
“Do you reckon that truckload of cash would make Dave happy?” a cameraman mused as we milled around waiting for something.
“Nah,” said another. “He’d just say ‘Now where in the hell am I supposed to park that?’”
But today the same indefatigably miserable prism seems to have infected vast swathes of the Covid commentariat — indeed, a lesser wit might say it is the only thing more endemic than Covid itself.
And even as recently as a few months ago the normally sober and sensible NSW government was producing modelling that predicted even under lockdown, Delta cases would overwhelm the hospital system and intensive care units.
In fact only a fraction of these hospitalisations and ICU presentations were ever realised, far lower than even the best case scenarios the modelling allowed for.
These are the bookends of the fear factory’s catalogue of woe. You would think that the public might grow cynical of such projections or that the prognosticators might question their methodology or at least temper their alarmism.
But even in the midst of the final stage of the pandemic, the long-awaited swan song in which we finally learn to live with Covid-19 and put the “end” into endemic, the catastrophists are still holding court.
And all of this in a population that is more than 90 per cent vaccinated and amid a strain that is by every available shred of evidence only a fraction as harmful as those that preceded it.
It would be tempting just to write this off as being as laughable as Dave and his truckload of cash but the problem is such silly fearmongering has serious effects, from people losing their livelihoods and businesses going under to the soul-destroying impact on people’s mental health.
And most especially — you guessed it — impact on the kids.
“With the calculations we‘ve done on burdens of disease arising from the pandemic, mental health overshadows the virus itself in its health impacts.”
In other words, the catastrophists are not just wrong, they are dangerous. They are hurting people more than the virus itself.
Over the coming days and weeks we will see just how wrong they are. Sadly the extent of the harm may not be fully realised for years and decades to come — if it is ever fully realised at all.
This will take the shape of kids falling out of the school system and workers falling out of employment but it is a shape defined by their absence, a shape of dark matter.
Such victims are literally invisible.
Sorry OO I’ve doubled up and written about this at No. 11 below, but I’ve also included another article from the same paper. ToM
Very Interesting:
Comment from Wes George sought.
Delay may be due to Wes studying with care Joe’s thread on growing tropical islands.
Most interesting is the fact that the research grants have been made in order to develop an INJECTABLE formulation.
Now why would you do that when a perfectly efficacious oral formulation is available?
Tell me how this works – 100% vaxxed, 100% isolation, 67% of people testing positive.
Those damnned un-vaxxed again…oh , wait…..doh!!
Kind of shoots the whole BS of “pandemic of the unvaxxed” down in flames.
About time….the perfect proof.
“A Belgian scientific research station in Antarctica is dealing with an outbreak of Covid-19, despite workers being fully vaccinated and based in one of the world’s remotest regions.
“Since 14 December, two thirds of the 25 workers at the Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the virus.
O”fficials say cases remain mild so far.
“”The situation isn’t dramatic,” Joseph Cheek, a project manager for the International Polar Foundation, told the BBC.
Its the Penguins
Study Finds Supreme Court Has Now Shared More COVID Misinformation Than Your Crazy Facebook Aunt
January 9th, 2022 –
Worse than the US Supreme Court Covid misinformation is the suppression of government reports which could have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.
“Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloroquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).
“So, according to Murphy, the US government identified ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and interferon as curatives for COVID-19 in April and May of 2020, yet pharmacists are still not filling prescriptions for them in January 2022? Why? Who made the decision to essentially sentence over 800,000 Americans to death?”
Novak Djokovic court hearing analysis: Critical details in judge’s decision
Novak Djokovic didn’t technically win his visa case – he instead forced an absolute capitulation.
Justin Quill
Novak Djokovic forced another absolute capitulation on Monday.
This time it wasn’t a lowly ranked tennis player he beat 6-0, 6-0. It was the Australian government.
The Minister for Home Affairs consented to the Federal Circuit Court making orders quashing the decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa. They also agreed to pay Djokovic’s costs.
To be more accurate, the government agreed to you and me – as taxpayers – paying Djokovic’s costs.
Djokovic didn’t technically win his case – he just forced the government to throw in the towel in a dramatic retreat. In some ways, forcing your opponent to yield to you and surrender is better than a win. Djokovic almost always wins on court, and now he’s winning in court.
In doing so, Djokovic has – for another year – ensured the world’s eyes are watching Melbourne, Australia in January. But this year it’s for all the wrong reasons.
Rather than making Australia look like a place you’d like to visit and a place that knows how to put on a show and a sporting event, we look like a pack of idiots who couldn’t run a meat raffle in an RSL.
Point the finger wherever you like – Djokovic himself, the federal government, the Victorian government or Tennis Australia – it doesn’t matter. The fact is, today Australia is an international laughing stock.
I did notice on one news report that Victoria’s deputy, deputy premier managed to say that the whole fiasco had noithing to do with the Victorian government but rather was an issue between Tennis Aust. and the federal Government. She even claimed that the gov hadn’t seen all the correspondance. Once again proving that the government of Victoriastan is either 1/ completely incompetent or 2/ Knowingly misleading .
Like the latest non stick coating, everything just slides off all and every Victorian minister of the crown, no blame accepted, no responsibility taken for the jobs that these people are hansomely paid from the public purse to do. Shamefull.
I’ll go with you no 1 preference. Vic govt completely incompetent from the very start of COVID. A pseudo health dept totally unsuited to its public responsibilities.
As most readers will agree, most of our politicians are incapable of making rational decisions** so the Public Service has decided to appoint themselves as rulers; hence the claim that even after he won, they claimed that they could still cancel his visa anyway. Nothing has been heard further as Morrison may have realised that there is a Federal election coming and told the bureaucrats where to put their idea.
**Many of them would be at their best debating with an electricity pole.
Mind you, our pollies would be ahead of those in the UK by about the same margin as our cricketers.
Nah, even stevens…
“…the Public Service has decided to appoint themselves as rulers; hence the claim that even after he won, they claimed that they could still cancel his visa anyway.”
Alas, they have been doing this for ages – a friend went to court to fight a traffic infringement (long story!) and won. Judge dismissed the case with no conviction. No fine, but the judge said he was unable to direct the RMS to remove the point penalty. Truly a WTF moment – even when you win in court, they can still penalise you and ignore a court of law judgment that you didn’t do anything wrong.
I went to renew my registration to find that I could not as I had lost my licence for not paying a traffic fine. WTH??
After 3 days of phone calls, I found out that 6/12 ago I had supposedly run a red in North Sydney on the same day and hour that I was photographed sitting on Conical Mountain(then 4 days from the nearest road) in Tasmania and I had the car keys in my pack.
So, no licence, no car and my wife had to drive me to work and after work chauffeur me for my calls.
I found out that when I changed my address on my licence. my insurance and my registration, that while 2 & 3 ‘took” 1 did not and as a result, the other two also reverted to then old address. I visited the address and the new owners, and they laughed and said: “you are a wanted man”.
So, I had a perfect case of bureaucratic incompetence and stupidity. But the court had already found me guilty and (IIRC) tripled the fine, case closed.
I rang the fine bureaucracy…no answer to a pleb. I tracked them down and knocked on the door. No admission as I was not staff. there was NOTHING I could do but bite the bullet and pay up.
I can continue, (near 3 million kms driven) about some of the traffic “infringements I have been fined on as they are almost unbelievable and well as proof of Highway Patrol quotas and dishonesty and I wonder when the test for fatigue will enter the game to help fill up the vaults further.
Got similar but it was a fine for parking across a driveway in Melbourne, my fourbie hasn’t been to Melbourne with the current rego so I asked for a vehicle description from where the fine was issued and they admitted they didn’t have a description just a rego number so cancelled the fine .
I cannot resist posting this: after a weekend at Barrington Tops with ~ 75 cm snow I drove back home at well past midnight. At Dungog it was freezing with the NW wind really blowing I noticed a hitchhiker on the road. So, I stopped and offered a lift. She hopped in. She was a uni student who had waited for a train that never came and gave up and tried to find a lift. She was frozen and exhausted, and I did not push the conversation as she grabbed the back seat blanket and snuggled under it. She fell asleep almost immediately.
I crossed the Hexham bridge and, on the highway, sat on 75k in the 80 zone. A car came up behind me with driving lights and high beam blinding me. I pushed up the mirror but the lights destroyed my night vision. As he was right up my **** I changed lanes and moved into the inner lane (75 to 85kph as I always accelerate when lane changing as you never know what someone else will do). The idiot follows me over into the inner lane. WTH??
So, I move back to the outer lane so that he can pass me and the ******* follows me over(95kph).
Convinced that I had baulked him I move back to the inner lane (105kph) and he follows me again.
Enough was enough! So I move back to the outer lane 115kph and he follows me again. So. I put my blinker on to pull up and let him pass. As I slowed down, so did he, but he added his police flashing lights to the high beam/driving lights. It was a HP car. I was furious and went back and gave them a mouthful. They laughed then said: “keep it up and you will be arrested “. So I choked and took the ticket (several hundred dollars, 4 licence points lost for >30K over the speed limit) while they both sniggered.
During this episode I had given the girl a running commentary replete with “language” but she never responded as I was certain that she was asleep. But when they drove past, she sat up and I saw two shocked white faces as they did so. They were convinced that they were in for it. But she never saw anything nor heard my comments about their little tricks, their upbringing, their parental wedlock, their sexual inclinations etc. So, I never bothered to collect her full name and address and dropped her off at Broadmeadow station.
Now, these same ******** (HWP and bureaucracy) can now take my gun licence by the same little tricks.
integrity and bureaucracy are not compatible words.
Such stories are common in WA especially among sports car drivers.
A common trick is for them in a plain vehicle to pull alongside at a stop sign or traffic lights.
One learns to resist provocation.
If Novak had really contracted Wuhan Flu previously, the underlying lie is that successfully defeating the real virus is less important than having being injected with a manufactured inoculation designed to (hopefully) increase your immunity to such a virus? And the second is that as a survivor, you are more likely to spread the virus than someone who has not had one of a number of different inoculations? Really? This is utterly absurd non science brought to you by the people making billions from inoculations. No one is less dangerous than a survivor.
And given that vast numbers of Australians are now going to get the virus, as recommended by Scott Morrison, why aren’t we being given free access or in some cases any access to all the known prophylactics and proven treatments known to minimize damage and prevent death?
Or even public advice on how to treat yourself, not an overloaded emergency department. Is isolation the only advice? And I doubt the local GP even wants to see you especially if you have the live virus. Nor the local pharmacist.
But the real money is in mass, repeated, endless immunization, not treatments or advice or even survival. For that most Australians are being left to fend for themselves. Best wishes from our PM, but it’s your problem now. Get the inoculation. Often. And pray.
Where can you buy Invermectin? Nowhere. It has been banned by the pharmacists and friends who now presume to speak for all the doctors and immunologists of the world. Vitamin D? What is recommended? Which is best? Or is it just a Bex, a cup of tea and good lie down?
Agree, TdeF.
Like all others, I’ll contract a milder COVID19 variant this month and will recover into Feb. But because there will be no testing to prove I already contracted it and have antibodies, I’ll have to then also make an appointment to get a booster, wait to get the shot, then wait 3 more weeks after that for it to take effect, then another QLD 30-days Cat-1 patient waiting-period to see a neurosurgical surgical team to schedule a biopsy (which is serious surgery due to the location, with risk of becoming a paraplegic) so that I can then go into a hospital. Then potentially the same process again, to get the actual surgical excision and any radiology done. This will take 6 to 9 months now, instead of 6 to 8 weeks.
And for this entire period, since late November, I can’t exercise or move around much due to pain, and the risk of it getting very much worse at any moment, so my strength and heath will decline, and I will become prone to more serious (and very expensive to treat) associated chronic issues developing.
For what? A variant where the QLD govt recommends self-treatment, at home, with paracetamol? It’s crazy. If everyone is about to get Omicron, then the booster requirement needs to be reviewed and removed as they get it, and it becomes endemic. I can confirm that the wards in my hospital have a good supply of paracetamol. the fact is the virus is about to go through all wards, and all nursing care homes in QLD. After that wave has gone through (and it will take out the very ill and very weak), it’s time to withdraw the booster requirements completely, plus the initial immunisations too. There’s no point from there, what damage was going to occur, has then happened, time to move on.
If Omicron is spreading as fast as reported, there is no point to using any more vaccines or booster shots, from the end of January, because those take 3 weeks to build antibodies, and by then you’re in the 4th week of Feb, Omicron has been through the population, and it’s now endemic.
So my conclusion is, administering vaccines and boosters is going to defunct after Jan 31st, 2022, and all health restrictions (except this in hospitals) have to be 100% gone from all public and commercial life after Feb 28th, 2022.
There will be no rationale to spend more dollars on mass vaccination and boosters. That’s not to say a corona-virus shot won’t be promoted for the aged and exposed each year, just like with the annual flu shots. But clearly the danger is very low from Omicron, if most cases just need a painkiller and a box of tissues. Crisis averted by the milder strain.
All gov focus, and our focus, has to be on limiting and also unwinding further useless disruption from about the beginning of February. To do anything else would simply do unnecessary health, social, business and finance harm, while doing no good at all.
One last point, QLD has >9,500 known cases today, but zero declared super-spreading sites, or hot spots? They just completely disappeared with a change in information inclusion policy on the QLD Health website.
Which is fine, zero travel restrictions …. but we still need a booster shot? … and a mask? Lots of people are not wearing them, and nothing is happening to them, no blow-back from authorities for it.
Correction: QLD health just said the known cases went up from 9,500 new cases yesterday, to 21,000 known new cases today.
Pretty much proves that if you take a booster on Jan 31st, you’ll catch covid before it takes effect, then the boosters are redundant.
I asked yesterday….
With each new strain / variant of say Influenza, a new vax mix is prepared and injected into those wanting it. With this SARS-CoV2 “virus”, each new strain / variant gets the same mix in a third, fourth, fifth, sixth shot.
Is it even possible for this approach to be successful?
Talking to a relative in Melbourne today, she was sayng she was resigned to getting the latest version of WuFlu , but wasnt worried in the slightest, as she knows its just a cold.
The pain in the situation was that the govt treating what is effectively just a cold, like Ebola.
The unseen other victims in this is the well meaning medical staff – jabbed and walking dead, but also exhausted by having to run through heavy protocols for a lightweight problem…..
Makes me suspicious that the approach may be to wear people down, then drop something nasty bug wise on them….
wish it was so easy to pick which variant you get
All the tennis players currently participating in the professional tennis tournament have been fully vaccinated. Nikoloz Basilashvili, the world number 22 was however seen leaving the court and abandoning his match while clutching his chest with respiratory difficulties in an ATP match. He told his team that “every shot I’m out of breath”.
Dalila Jakupovic, who was forced to retire from her match after having dropped to the ground, told news outlet The Western Australian: “I was really scared that I would collapse. That’s why I went onto the floor because I couldn’t walk anymore. I don’t have asthma and never had breathing problems. I actually like heat. The physio came again and I thought it would be better. But the points were a bit longer and I just couldn’t breathe anymore and I just fell on the floor.”
Nick Kyrgios, the world’ number 93 player suffered breathing difficulties in the morning and pulled out of the match six hours before he was meant to play.
Bernard Tomic also had to take medical time out after complaining of breathing difficulties during the early stages of the second set, but he managed to soldier on. “No air is going in. I’m getting tired so easy.”
The panicked organizers of the Australian Open now blame the poor “air quality” which appears to be targeting only some players. Melbourne’s air quality is ranked as “good” by international standards.
Nothing to see here. Look, a squirrel!
Hang on…the squirrel is having a coronary…..
Dokovic wins by default?
Will it be default of the broadcasters ?
😉 😉
Novak should be allowed to play. Otherwise it half-ruins the tournament.
The tournament is supposed to be a showcase for the best players in the world … not the best VACCINATED tennis players.
Without him, I’ll be unlikely to watch any of it (yeah I’m a key demographic, obviously 🙂 ) … and whoever wins the trophy this time, will have to have an asterisk after his name, to signify that he’s only the “Champion of the Vaccinated” — bit of a spoiler for the recipient.
Any namby pambies can give Djokovic a wide berth if they’re worried. Maybe hide out in one of those Coober Pedy underground houses … with a bulldozer parked on top.
Thing is, not being vaccinated gives him a distinct advantage.
Heart still ok, Lungs working ok.. etc etc
Other double jabbed players seem to be struggling !
Wait for.. handicap demanded by jabbed on the non-jabbed.
More from Justin who writes:
Taking the temperature of the bench on Monday told me his Honour was red hot in favour of finding for Djokovic. Not only did his Honour seem to think the process was unreasonable – as the government agreed to his Honour including in the court orders made by consent – but his Honour appears to have had a tentative view in favour of Djokovic on a far more important point. Earlier in the hearing – when the live feed was not active – his Honour said he found it difficult to understand how Djokovic’s medical exemption – based on his December positive test and signed by a professor of immunology, a physician with expertise in disease and endorsed by a state government independent panel – was rejected by Border Force. A finding by his Honour that Djokovic was medically exempt would have tied the government’s hands in future.
Michael Smith News
More from Justin who writes:
Taking the temperature of the bench on Monday told me his Honour was red hot in favour of finding for Djokovic. Not only did his Honour seem to think the process was unreasonable – as the government agreed to his Honour including in the court orders made by consent – but his Honour appears to have had a tentative view in favour of Djokovic on a far more important point. Earlier in the hearing – when the live feed was not active – his Honour said he found it difficult to understand how Djokovic’s medical exemption – based on his December positive test and signed by a professor of immunology, a physician with expertise in disease and endorsed by a state government independent panel – was rejected by Border Force. A finding by his Honour that Djokovic was medically exempt would have tied the government’s hands in future.
I don’t believe the Djokovic saga is over yet.
The Minister still has the power to veto the court decision and chuck No-Vaxx out of the country.
If the Government, seeing an election approaching, believes that there are more votes in expelling him, he will be expelled.
As we know, the purpose of the visa has NOTHING to do with a medical issue, it has to do with a conformity issue.
They don’t care if he is a “risk” to health, but whether or not he is a risk to authority.
Yes, and if a celebrity athlete can get around Immigration rules, in this example the now worldwide vaccination certificate requirement for foreigners and citizens arriving from another country that sets a precedent for others to argue why they should also be exempted.
Immigration lawyers pounce on any loophole they can detect.
You appear to not accept the view that sports-persons are among those who have been co-opted to The Cause ; so sports celebrities are accommodated, and indeed celebrated , for their comformity.
Djokovic has clearly conformed by virtue of having applied for exemption. He is not” getting around” any immigration rules ; there are always exemptions provided for in the rules. It is not a loophole.
“Australian Open tournament director Craig Tiley has revealed that tennis players and staff made 26 medical exemption applications but only “a handful” were granted.”
Chasing an exemption is NOT the preferred way of conforming to the health orders, as thousands of ordinary folks discover daily.
True (Government approved) conformity lies in taking the shots, and boosters ad infinitum.
DAN WOOTTON: Djokovic is the whipping boy for angry Australians who realise their two-year obsession with zero-Covid has done their country more harm than good but still can’t bring themselves to admit it
The shameful and scandalous Novak Djokovic court case was, like so many other pandemic-era made-for-media events, pure Covid theatre.
While the Serb has now become an international symbol for fighting against coronavirus tyranny, the unsavoury saga shows just how far usually freedom-loving Australia has fallen down the rabbit hole of virus-inspired authoritarianism over the past two years.
The vicious attitude from local politicians and most Aussies shows the real dangers of a Zero Covid policy.
As I’ve been warning since 2020, it makes society nasty and inward looking – millions of paranoid residents now suspiciously regard international arrivals, even those with Australian passports – even sometimes their own relatives – as plague rats, determined to spread ‘deadly’ Covid Down Under.
Vaccination mandates have been accepted by most of the Australian media and politicians as an unquestionable necessity, with those who choose to remain unjabbed worthy of being alienated from society and individually shamed.
The growing outrage from honest Aussies fighting for liberty and freedom has been largely censored by the mainstream media, with massive protests given short shrift and anyone who dares lift their head above the parapet dismissed as an irresponsible anti-vaxxer.
Two years of such draconian policies has made Aussies angry.
Locking Djokovic up in a refugee quarantine hotel and doing whatever necessary to make it look like he was being handed tough treatment became a political necessity for Morrison.
But the entire farce shames the PM, opposition politicians and the Aussie authorities who blindly went along with it all.
It is going to take at least a decade to roll back the psychological damage of authoritarian Australia in the Covid-19 era.
Over the past two years untold human injustices have been propagated by state governments in order to pursue the completely futile fantasy of maintaining Zero Covid.
Melbourne locals – who faced the world’s longest lockdown – are now said to be planning to boo Djokovic throughout the Australian Open.
And that’s the tragedy of what this scandal tells us about post-coronavirus Australia and why Zero Covid policies should be seen by history as inhumane.
Despite his appalling treatment, Djokovic broke his silence following the ruling to say: ‘I’m pleased and grateful that the Judge overturned my visa cancellation. Despite all that has happened, I want to stay and try to compete.
‘I remain focused on that. I flew here to play at one of the most important events we have in front of the amazing fans. For now I cannot say more but thank you all for standing with me and encouraging me to stay strong.’
I’ve never wanted someone to win a tennis tournament so badly.
Seems they found an irregularity on his visa application about not travelling within 14 days of his journey and they may now claim he lied on his application.
Well there you go…#4 about to hit.
Pfizer CEO announces Omicron jab ready in March.
#5 for Flurona?
#6 for Cypress Delta-Omicron?
#7 to actually wake people up? there anybody there?
There is? Good! Now we start your ADE/immune system maintenance shot regime to keep you alive.
Line up for #1. Boosters first Monday of every month. Payments deducted from your bank account automatically.
No thanks. I’ll take my chances with my ruthlessly efficient immune system.
But we have enough jabs in stock for every person to get 8 jabs (with more to come).
Line up Aussies and come on.
Interesting that they are producing hundreds of millions of doses x3, x4, x?.
In a few months.
I guess besides immunity from liability, Pharma is immune from supply chain and staffing issues.
And no doubt in spite of production output pressures, quality control is not compromised.
After all, they have reputations that precede them.
Graeme, I doubt that’s what they’re for. Do a search on diplomatic commitments made during regional QUAD talks and alliance talks last year, and you’ll quickly notice that Australia made a vast commitment to supply the region with large numbers of COV19 vaccines that Australia then didn’t have, and not even enough for Australians. i.e. Canberra was committing to place a MASSIVE order for COVID19 vaccine shots. This will be those orders coming to fruition.
Now this is all true mate, but just note how many down-votes telling the truth attracts in here, from all the hate-filled right-wing anti-vax nutjobs.
Total ordered 204.8 million doses plus 51 million more when Novavax is approved.
In November 2020, the Australian Government agreed to buy 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Read the Minister for Health’s November 2020 statement on the Pfizer vaccine agreement.
In February 2021, Australia ordered an extra 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Read the Minister for Health’s February 2021 statement.
In April 2021, the Australian Government ordered a further 20 million doses of Pfizer vaccines. Read the Prime Minister’s press conference.
In July 2021, the Australian Government announced the purchase of 85 million more doses. These were planned to be booster doses, ensuring Australia’s supply of mRNA vaccines in 2022 and 2023. Read the Prime Minister’s media release about booster doses.
In August 2021, the Australian Government bought 1 million doses from the Republic of Poland. Read the Prime Minister’s media release about the agreement with Poland.
We have a contract for 25 million doses:
10 million doses of the current formulation, available in late 2021
15 million doses of variant-specific versions to address longer-term immunity and viral variants, available in the first half of 2022.
We have secured 53.8 million doses of this vaccine:
3.8 million doses imported from overseas, which arrived on 28 February 2021.
50 million doses manufactured in Australia.
If the TGA approves this vaccine for use in Australia, we expect 51 million doses will be available in late 2021. This is enough doses to cover Australia’s whole population.
Planed for boosters in 2023, purchased in July 2021 4 months after the first needle went straight into the vein, two needles and one booster never entered their minds.
But were these injections, for the original Wuhan strain? Will they have to be dumped, and the latest injections paid for?>
And after clot shot #8, the protocol is:
#9 Heart transplant.
#10 Lung transplant.
#11 Care home.
CNN – the fake news outlet with fewer viewers than a Biden rally and who’s staff is not allowed within 100m of a school, speaks!
Well what can I say but “Yep” and “yep”.
Ignore the media BS and enjoy life.
Mistakes? What mistakes? The characteristics you don’t like perhaps.
“but it’s for your own good and for society. Comply!”
Does everyone now see the sequence of events and the future?
Eugenics v2.
Trust the c0rrupt to “fix” my genes? Just tell them to stick it up you know what. Sorry, but anyone who falls for that “remedial action” ought to be segregated to protect the rest of the population from harm.
Any person would be grateful to have mistakes in its DNA corrected, after all it’s the people’s DNA and one is obliged to improve the quality of the herd but the eighty-three second clip hasn’t begun to convince me this chap’s people should have the corrigending job on behalf of all mankind; anyway whatever happened to the verity of diversity our woke brethren live by?
One-at-time or all-in-one-go?
I expect he means only those “genetic mistakes” which may lead to disease or unwanted characteristics (gender etc) and not those which defined our species.
Will it be mandatory?
UK Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, appeals to authority (“vaccine experts”) as the justification for vaccinating all medical staff when confronted with a compelling case for exemptions.
The doctor, Consultant Anaesthetist Steven James, has already recovered from CoViD + points out how the vaccines are NOT preventing tranmission of the Delta variant, let alone Omicron, amongst the fully vaccinated and even the boosted unless boosters are received monthly.
Everyone on this blog should be a subscriber to Robert Malone’s sub stack feed.– send an email to that and he will give you daily accurate updates on all things COVID.
At least Tucker’s trying to peel back this scab:
Jan 6 at the Capitol: was Ray Epps an Agent Provocateur, working for the FBI?
And the guy on the scaffolding tower, using a megaphone … was he one too?
How many others were in that crowd?
Is using agents provocateur part of accepted procedure at the FBI?
How do they square that with rules against entrapment?
I was as surprised as anyone when events that day got out of hand. I think the vast majority of the crowd were surprised too … but I bet up on the seventh floor at the J Edgar Hoover building, they weren’t surprised … you could say they cooked it up!
Christopher Wray and Ray Epps: are they brothers-in-arms? … like siamese twins — two bodies sharing one brain (undersized) — made feverish by TDS.
Sorry FBI, if you have infiltrators in the crowd, directing law-abiding citizens into breaking the law, you should be on trial too.
Meet Ray Epps, the Provocateur in the 6 Jan 20 “insurrection”.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Wow, a ton of detail there.
Two surprising articles in today’s Telegraph. Sorry, can’t include link for paywall. One by Joe Hildebrand entitled “Dawn of the Doomer”, the lead-in paragraph saying “The coronovirus pandemic has given voice to a number of commentators who determinedly seek out and latch on to worst case scenarios, no matter what”. The whole article continues in that vein. He is particularly focussing on the impact on children, and fortunately includes a quote from Patrick McGorry, Melbourne University Professor of Youth Mental Health, who says “The media and the medical experts need to be a little bit more responsible and unified in their approach. There’s a mass effect. If the messaging, as in war time and in other national crises, is not carefully managed and responsibly handled by the experts as well as the media there there are consequences to that. With the calculations we’ve done on burdens of disease arising from the pandemic, mental health overshadows the virus itself in its health impacts”.
And the other article, by Gary Grohmann, a consultant virologist, and Robert Booy, an infectious disease expert and consultant paediatrician is titled “Mandates are a mistake”. While they do say that “It is especially important that we encourage all vulnerable people to get a booster” overall it’s good to see the MSM including some common sense articles.
This entire “we is all gonna die” theatre has been disgraceful right from the get-go….and transparently BS……which is probably why it’s taken two years of ever more coercive crap to get some large percentage of the population to bow down to the shysters in command.
When the head scare-monger from Queen’s College tells us “You are all gonna die” but is then caught flitting across London to nail his married squeeze, even the dullest dullard is aware that “We are all NOT gonna die”
And that’s where we arrive at the effects of BS on the young and naive and inexperienced youth. We hardened veterans of battles against leftist BS campaigns are not quaking in our boots since we all know a paper tiger when we see one…..
But the Yoof? And the feeble-minded? And the sheila named Ozzie of The Year last time around? Yeah, these very low IQ / high emotion types fall for it H,L and Sinker. They are terrified!
That’s probably why PT Barnum was proud to tell us that the one who came down in the last shower was also the one born every minute. Suckers for BS right from the get-go….as PT, snd Prof McGorry noted (after 40 years in the mental-affliction industry)youth is but another form of illness!
Moreover, the majority of the population is not likely to be infected if the previous history of the “pandemic” is a guide.
How frequently of late I hear from radio commentators or read in newspaper opp-eds that “we’re all going to get omicron in the weeks to come”.
More likely is a series of outbreaks that trend toward infecting a proportion of the population, probably less than 20%.
North Atlantic Oscillation reflects what is happening on the ground, Britain is enjoying mild weather for this time of year.
It’s the same effect from the NH zonal-jet as in Jan, Feb, March, 2020.
Remember the famous sustained warm-anom over Siberia after mid-winter in early 2020? Well, it’s beginning to look that way again. And I expected this, it’s the same mechanism in place. The zonal jet is pushing warm tropical central Atlantic air into SW Europe, and it then continues on into Russia, and on into Siberia.
Forecast Warm Anomalies:
Zonal Jet – yes, nothing has changed, the planet has been taken over by a global zonal jet flow pattern.
It’s re-developing a similar warm-anom pattern to Feb 2020, in similar areas to last time. Don’t be surprised if it becomes more sustained, while snow greatly increases anyway. Just because it’s a ‘warm’-anom, in Siberia, or Scandinavia, don’t go imagining it’s actually warm, it’s still lethally cold there.
But you can bet Euro media will spin it that Siberia has a Spring during Winter.
In Europe they have a name for the event, they call them Gypsy summers.
Its not an Indian Summer.
Europe have Gypsies.
Only the Bulgarians call the phenomenon a ‘Gypsy summer.’
I first heard the term used by a Serbian while working in Romania.
Another NZ doctor derigistered (cancelled / disappeared) for offering non-approved advice and handing out Jabberwocky exemptions.
From an RNZ/Stuff collaboration [partly funded by the Google News Initiative – WARNING! WARNING!] and I quote: “dissident doctors… hijack… confidence [in] Pfizer… by spreading misinformation… disinformation… conspiracy theories… from the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring [CARM, a NZ govt outfit]”.
Sooooo… repeating stats from a government department is now a crime? Is now hijacking confidence in Pf!zzer’s dubious reputation? Dear Stalin! Think I’ll try it myself… From CARM NZ’s own website, from their last update in December 2021: of the 127 deaths reported after whack-sination
55 “unlikely related to” the shot
57 “insufficient information”
14 “still under investigation”
01 “likely due to” the shot.
Oops, I’ll be back in a minute, there’s someone knocking on the door…
CARM is like the Yellow Card reporting system in the UK, and VAERS in America.
The under-reporting is likely to be just as massive. When I looked in a few times, there was always one case there, I think the same case, noted as “referred to a coroner”, which never seemed to get resolved.
It obviously takes weeks and weeks to find an excuse not to blame the vaccine …
Reports of my death are exaggerated but I DID have a serious adverse reaction. ER didn’t ask my vaccine status so clearly my reaction could not have been linked to the jab a month before.
Stalin like comments from government is really a very accurate way to suggest that governments just spew any sort of crap they like.
Uncle Joe or alternatively the “Russian Bear”, depending on which part of WW2 the propaganda statements were issued, was a fraud from start to finish.
Not Russian, born in Georgia. Real name Loseb Jughashvill. Called himself “Stalin” from the Russian word for steel. (Stal) Some suggestions that the full “Stalin” means man of steel.
An old Ukrainian bloke I once new claimed Russians believed that a “strong name ” meant a strong and moral person. He always laughed when telling me about the old days in his home country. Steel at least has some integrity, Stalin of course, had none.
“Pfizer CEO Now Admits Two Dose Vaccine Offers No Protection Against Infection or Severe Disease, Third Dose May Reduce Hospitalization
January 10, 2022 | Sundance | 32 Comments
In an ordinary time, this admission from the CEO of Pfizer would end all the COVID-19 rules, regulations and vaccination passport efforts. Alas, we are not in ordinary times.”
More at
If double vaxxinated people give blood are their spike proteins delivered intact to the recipient?
Or, paraphrasing, is our blood supply safe?
Interesting question.
I’ve been wondering about this for some time. Apparently the Red Cross are happy to take the jabbed, so presumably if you get a transfusion these days, it is more than likely from a vaccinated person…so does that come complete with the micro clots and everything else you really don’t want.
Great outcome…we saved you after you car accident with a transfusion, but you may develop
other problems over time…
There are methods for destroying the spike protein.
Large scale trials still have no sponsors.
G’day Lucky,
I take that to mean that such blood, already in the bank, is contaminated, and without a proven purification process?
Dave B
Guessing, the spike protein is known to travel, the blood stream could be the highway. How long do they last? In the body they re-generate themselves. Is the necessary food and energy in the blood? If so then there is now a major impediment to safe large scale blood transfusion.
The common method for destroying spike proteins is ingesting ivermectin, but can that be adapted to blood storage? I am out of my depth, obviously.
Some updates scheduled for last Saturday but delayed.
Oh but they said it was just Omicron
China is Spraying Chemicals Onto Their Streets and Then Using a Flamethrower to Stop the Newest Virus in the Country from Spreading
It goes a lot deeper than just paying hospitals to write people up with covid and paying them to use ventilators.
Rule massively financially incentivizing hospitals to poison and kill Covid patients found.
Major Study: Heart Disease Risk In Young Males 14x Times Higher After Jab
5th Jan – Just in – the CDC is changing its language to call people “up to date” instead of “fully vaccinated” and the rollout is in days
Turkey starts offering 5th dose of booster shots
Individuals who received two doses of the Chinese Sinovac and two doses of the BioNTech vaccine at least three months ago will be able to get an appointment for the fifth dose.
(We told you it would never end didn’t we and you called up conspiracy theorists…)
Official government data from Germany suggests covid fully vaccinated people will develop AIDS
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) put out the data, which shows that the fully vaccinated now have, on average, an 87.7 percent lower immune response to the new Omicron (Moronic) variant than the unvaccinated.
“This means that the average German is down to the last 12.3 percent of his or her immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers,” reports the Daily Exposé.
Boris Johnson: 90% of Patients in ICU Are Double-Vaxxed
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reported that the overwhelming majority of people who are in the ICU with COVID are already double-vaxxed. Johnson was trying to use this stat as a public plea to those who have not yet received their booster vaccine, but all he accomplished was further showcasing the ineffectiveness of the vaccine.
BREAKING: mMRNA Pioneer Dr. Malone Organizes Huge DC protest Against COVID Vaccine Mandates…Will Coincide With Massive Worldwide Rally For Freedom
Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries
The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makers. They indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the “key to gain back our freedoms.” The effect of vaccines on total cases per million and its low positive association with total vaccinations per hundred signifies a limited impact of vaccines on lowering COVID-19 associated cases.
This is available as a PDF which you can download free here:
Nope, won’t download from that site!
Download tested and works fine.
I am sure it works fine, what else comes attached with the download?
Nobody downloads a virus, they down load a file with the virus attached.
I am cautious.
I would like to return to the topic of the rapid greening of the planet from the last post.
It is obvious (NASA, CSIRO, even the Guardian) that the world is rapidly Greening. More trees.
About 10-15% more, the same as the increase in CO2 in the same time. The rapid greening of the Pacific ocean
after the NSW bushfires tells you the same thing. Immediate great response to more CO2.
However we have been told that planting trees reduces CO2 in the nett zero argument.
But CO2 is going up steadily and the biosphere is getting directly proportionally bigger
Wasn’t CO2 supposed to go down 15% if the tree/plant population went up 15%?
Without being a scientist you have to conclude that CO2 as plant food means more trees, plants.
This is a massive difference of 30% between what we are told was likely and what has actually happened?
So why isn’t atmospheric CO2 going down with consumption, the weight of trees going up dramatically by 15% and having no effect at all on CO2 levels? Nothing has any visible effect on the graph of CO2. The biggest effect, the cycles are clearly annual but are they trees and plants or just hotter and colder ocean surface? You cannot see any human activity on this graph but humans are supposed to be in control?
The only explanation for a Greening planet without dropping CO2 is that the entire biosphere CO2 is irrelevant.
And the biosphere is responsible for 96% of all CO2 ’emissions’ and human emissions only 4%.
How can the 4% be significant when the entire 96% cannot alter CO2 levels?
Or are trees, bushes, grasses and phytoplankton now carbon neutral too? Clever things. A 50 ton tree from the air and the air loses nothing?
Man made CO2 dominance, nett zero, carbon neutrality are so obviously wrong. Additional CO2 is coming from the deep ocean which contains 98% of all CO2. Warm the ocean surface and CO2 comes out from the surface, replaced by the depths. Simples. End of story.
Meanshile we are being taxed massively to subsidize electric cars and build more windmills and install more solar panels? And the owners demand more subsidies, more of our money. To ‘save the planet’. Solar panels are Daylight Robbery.
CO2 isn’t even needed to explain the greening.
i.e. a natural warming cycle occurs, this enhances evaporation, which produces increases in humidity recharge, water vapour is by far the dominant GHG on Earth, this produces more precipitation, and therefore plant growth seasons are extended, and you get a greener planet.
At no point do you need an increase in CO2 to get this though, so the CO2 ‘contribution’ fraction may be small to irrelevant in the net process anyway.
Humans are along for the ride, and always have been, subject to the planet’s good-graces.
The stupid greenies and politician’s egomania just can’t accept their total and utter lack of significance, outside their own mental noises.
Interesting hypothesis.
Basically there are only three things needed for the organic capture of sunlight and growth of plants, sunlight, water and CO2. Plants are made from carbon dioxide and so is all life on earth. Genetically humans share 60% of the genes of carrots, which is fascinating. We are not only made from plants, but closely related.
And the evolution of plants turned this from a carbon dioxide water planet into a liveable planet. Plants had no choice. If they wanted O2 they had to find a way to capture sunlight energy and so made their own O2. The first chlorophyll was likely a version of Vitamin A. And we now have 22% oxygen, a very reactive gas, which is not normal so it has to be made continually. And most life requires oxygen power and gets all energy from the combustion of carbon.
My point is that all growth has limits and limits to sunlight and water and CO2 limit vegetation. Evolution would take everything to its limit. Hungry plants. So vegetation will expand and mutate and expand to consume all of these, limited then by all three, likely simultaneously. Vegetation is very different in different areas. So yes, increasing water would increase vegetation in some areas. Agreed.
However while water might have been in short supply in deserts, the world of cacti and acacia, that’s not true for the subject of the previous post, lush mangrove forests. Their feet are in endless water with tropical sunshine and very salt tolerant. That indicates the only change they have experienced is in CO2 concentration. And clouds would reduce sunshine and rainfall is clearly irrelevant in this case. In desert areas, it is likely both rainfall and CO2. In coastal mangrove forests, only CO2.
As for our near relative, plants, I would like to point out that I am in fact a second degree vegetarian. I only eat animals which do not eat other animals. With the exception of fish which almost all only eat other fish.
It must be hard shopping if lions and tigers aren’t on the list. 😀
Breaking: After once claiming his shots are “100% effective,” Pfizer CEO now says 2 COVID shots “offers very limited protection, if any,” against COVID-19.
During a round of interviews on Monday, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla unleashed several truth bombs on an unsuspecting corporate press audience, seemingly sowing doubt into the idea that his own COVID shots are “effective,” unless the individual has had at least 3 doses.
Bit of humour for today. We’ve all seen those VERY near miss car/pedestrian videos, but this one takes the cake. Enjoy!
The white car with the other on top, dutifully stopped for traffic light
Dutiful and car full.
Nothing to see here…
COVID-19 vaccine lengthens menstrual cycle, no indication of danger – study
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: JANUARY 9, 2022 17:33 Updated: JANUARY 9, 2022 18:26
Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine lengthens the menstrual cycle – not bleeding – by less than a day, though it seems to be temporary, is considered a normal variation and is not dangerous.
Being vaccinated against COVID-19 seems to have affected the human menstrual cycle, with the cycle length increasing by nearly one day compared to those unvaccinated against the virus, a new study has found.
The findings come from a study funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.
While there has been extensive research on the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on fertility, its effects on the menstrual cycle were far less studied, despite extensive reports from people of unusual menstrual cycles post vaccination. Despite this, other studies concluded that no changes indicated were dangerous.
In order to understand how the vaccine impacted the menstrual cycle, the participants used the fertility tracking app, Natural Cycles. The data taken from those who received the vaccine – mostly the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines – covered three back-to-back cycles before getting vaccinated and three more consecutive ones, including when the vaccination took place. Data from unvaccinated participants covered six consecutive cycles.
There are a lot of people who believe there is a “greenhouse effect”. It can mean whatever people want it to be. They have difficulty describing it. What I know for certain is that it plays no role in Earth’s energy balance.
There are a number of sea surface temperature data sets. My favourite is the NDIS optimally interpolated. This is the temperature it give for the Arctic Ocean above 80N:
It shows an annual temperature swing from about -1.8C up to -0.4C. Not much
The next chart show the outgoing long wave radiation for the same region:
It has range of 150W/sq.m up to 240W/sq.m. Quite large variation given the tiny temperature change.
In terms of emissivity for the temperature and the OLR, the emissivity for this Arctic polar region varies from 0.74 down to 0.52. Open water emissivity has been measured as 0.92. Believing that greenhouse gases are contributing to keeping earth warm, they are doing a fantastic job in the Arctic. A wiser observer might conclude that keeping the water surface warm has more to do with the ice sitting on it rather than the atmosphere above the ice.
Point here is that sea ice is keeping, on average, 3.3% of the global water 47C warmer than the sea ice that is actually radiating. Alternatively 18% of earths surface that is covered in sea ice is retaining 81W/sq.m or almost 3/sq.m averaged across the globe.
If sun was to go tomorrow, it would take 10,000years for ice to reach 1000m thick on earths oceans. Ice is a good insulator.
Was Omicron another lab leak? There is a paper showing the great affinity for house mice ACE2 receptors with the Omicron variant. The selection pressure of the zoonotic transfer also helps explain the rapid accumulation of mutations in the Omicron variant.
Dr Jessica Rose has a nice layman’s article about it on her substack along with a nice explanation of non-synonymous mutations causing changes in the behaviour of virus through altering the coded proteins.
The really interesting point is this September 2020 article on CoViD-19 spreading into animal populations. In the section discussing house mice, the authors state
So there you have it – the indications for both reduced pathogenicity AND immune escape (since the antibodies expressed in response to the gene therapy vaccines are by their very nature monoclonal). The REALLY good thing with the Omicron variant is that rather than primarily adapting to mouse lung tissue, the viral swarm faced earlier selection pressure in the nasal passages of the mice and adapted for this host environment.
This is something that eventually would have happened in a human population (without artificial selection pressure against the spike) but was sped up though the pressure of the zoonotic transfer (getting a foot hold in the new host) both to the mice and then back into humans. Incidentally, this also provides indirect evidence AGAINST the case for original zoonotic transfer of SARS-CoV-2 into humans since the affinity was not heavily weighted towards infecting nasal passages rather than lungs.
So nature or nurture?
One thought was it was the “White Hat” scientists releasing a pre-emptive strike, to counter the WuFlu.
DJo–DJo was a man who thought he was tennis ace,
But he knew it couldn’t last,
DJo–DJo left his home in hard street, Monaco,
For some of Melby Park.
Get Back, Get Back,
Hark Back to where you once were wronged!
Tweeted Piers Morgan thought he was a no-vaxx man,
And another from our Dan,
All the guys around him said “You’ve got it coming”,
But he milks it while he can.
Get Back, Get Back,
Hard Luck you can’t be wronged!
NSW Parliament secures stockpile of free Rapid Antigen Tests for MPs and staff
While healthcare workers, truck drivers and supermarket staff are forced to run their own rat race to purchase rapid antigen tests, NSW Parliament has secured its own free stockpile.
Politicians are getting rapid antigen tests delivered to their electorate offices for free, while essential workers have been forced to search high and low for the crucial swabs.
While healthcare workers, truck drivers and supermarket staff are forced to run their own rat race to purchase RATs, NSW Parliament has secured its own stockpile for members and staff.
Almost 2,000 RATs are set to be sent out to MPs electorate offices around the state, and members and staff required to work from Parliament House will be able to get one RAT each week.
In a Monday email to the parliamentary workforce — including MPs — the Department of Parliamentary Services said a “small supply of RAT kits” had been procured as a safety measure for members and staff working in the building or in electorate offices.
Politicians are getting rapid antigen tests delivered to their electorate offices for free, while essential workers have been forced to search high and low for the crucial swabs.
While healthcare workers, truck drivers and supermarket staff are forced to run their own rat race to purchase RATs, NSW Parliament has secured its own stockpile for members and staff.
Almost 2,000 RATs are set to be sent out to MPs electorate offices around the state, and members and staff required to work from Parliament House will be able to get one RAT each week.
In a Monday email to the parliamentary workforce — including MPs — the Department of Parliamentary Services said a “small supply of RAT kits” had been procured as a safety measure for members and staff working in the building or in electorate offices.
“For Electorate Offices, a limited supply of tests (20 RAT kits) will be sent out to each of the 98 electorate offices for use by members and staff, starting from tomorrow morning,” MPs were told.
In a follow up email on Tuesday, the Department of Parliamentary Services said the 20 free RATs would be sent by express post to regional offices and most city offices by Wednesday.
Last Friday was a “supreme” example of a superpower in decline
By the late 7th century BC, ancient Greek civilization had already reached a critical breaking point.
This was still in the ‘archaic period’ of Ancient Greece, centuries before the classical ‘Golden Age’ and famous historical figures like Socrates, Herodotus, Archimedes, and Pericles.
Yet at this early stage in Greek history, Athens was on the verge of destroying itself.
A few bad harvests had brought the city-state to the brink of civil war. The working class was heavily indebted and going without food. The wealthy were battling against rising crime rates and threats to their properties.
Athens was literally lawless at the time; most disputes were settled through violent retaliation, resulting in endless sworn blood feuds between opposing families, and peasants were routinely pressed into slavery.
So in the year 620 BC, the people of Athens commissioned a legal scholar named Draco to codify a system of laws in an effort to make peace and restore order to Athens.
Draco’s code was, in a word, harsh. It was actually legendary for its cruelty, giving rise to the modern term draconian, meaning ‘overly severe’. And the new set of laws did virtually nothing to solve the social problems in Athens.
One of the big problems in Draco’s code was that the elites remained in full control of the courts. So essentially a small minority of Athenian citizens had the power to interpret the laws in their own interests, and change the rules whenever they wanted.
The ancient historian Plutarch wrote of this period that the conflict “between rich and poor had reached its height so that [Athens] seemed to be in a truly dangerous condition, and no other means for freeing it from disturbances seemed possible but a despotic power.”
And that’s exactly what they did.
In 594 BC, Athenians tried to restore order for a second time by appointing a well-known local citizen named Solon to be their dictator.
This was not an uncommon practice among ancient civilizations, which often resorted to appointing dictators during times of crisis.
Solon was tasked with ending the class war and bringing peace to Athens. And one of his first acts was to declare full amnesty for anyone who had been jailed, enslaved, or suffered persecution under Draconian rule.
He then set out to rewrite the entire legal code. And, unlike Draco, Solon ensured that the law would apply equally to everyone, without distinction of wealth, class, or even political position.
Solon’s extensive reforms succeeded. And when asked, years later, what had turned Athens into such an orderly and well functioning city-state, Solon replied, “the people obey the rulers, and the rulers obey the law.”
This principle, known as ‘Rule of Law’ has become one of the most important common characteristics of major superpowers throughout history– ancient Greece, Rome, the British Empire, the Dutch Republic, etc.
Dominant superpowers typically have a strong Rule of Law. And conversely a weakening Rule of Law is a major indicator of a superpower in decline.
I’ve written about this extensively over the years, because the Rule of Law is rapidly eroding in the United States. And it is a major indicator of America’s decline.
“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Winston S. Churchill
The Elites always treat themselves well in dictatorships at the expense of the people.
In Vicdanistan the human rights of the unvaccinated continue to be denied, e.g. no work, no restaurants, no public events, no hairdressers or beauty salons.
No one in power seems to care. In fact they relish the discrimination against this minority group. But the unvaxxed are needed as a control group to test the efficacy of the vaccine experiment.
65 stories of caged chooks, the only difference is you are allowed out now and then to have a scratch in the park.
According to Dr Meryl Nas, world leaders from many countries for many years have been trained how to respond to a pandemic, which involved control of the media, medications, etc.. These “table top exercises” have been practised many times along the same “play book”. The training exercises allowed them to refine the way the truth is distorted to cover up the fact the vaccines are extremely dangerous and don’t work but the leaders involved don’t care and turned a blind eye. She says the reason is unclear but we can surmise what that is.
Dr. Meryl Nass – Biological Warfare in History and Government Lies
Paul Schreyer’s lecture on pandemic simulations carried out by first the US and then internationally is a frightening listen. While we have been told that the WHO and various governments had “quarantine the sick” policies, all parties including the WHO participated in pandemic simulations that involved abrogation of the rule of law, resorting to government by degree – as we have seen happen.
Covid “vaccine” boosters were meant to be six monthly, now they are three monthly and still close to useless.
Will they become monthly?
The Australian Government already has orders for enough injections for nearly ten for every Australian aged zero plus (i.e. two preliminary injections and eight boosters).
Where will it end?
Australia is working on a “solution”. Eventually it is claimed we will produce enough to vaccinate every man, woman and child at least 4 times a year for any virus. This is total madness.
Covid – we need a cure!
Here’s a cure worth trying. How wonderful it would be if we all decided to get rid of all the politicians before they make 1984 a complete reality. The people have the power to do so but sadly the people don’t have sufficient awareness of how urgent it must be done before it’s too late.
Now They Tell Us!
The CDC and other government agencies grossly overhyped the covid epidemic. Many suspect that this was done intentionally, in order to drive President Trump from office. The best argument against this hypothesis is that foreign government agencies were nearly as panic-stricken as our own.
The Minnesota Department of Health maintains an extraordinary volume of records relating to every death that occurs within the jurisdiction. These data include not only the entire contents of the death certificate, but information as to who found the body, the address and phone number of the funeral parlor, and much more–a spread sheet with over 250 fields in total. I bought the complete MDH mortality records for 2020 and the first half of 2021, had one of my staff members slim the spread sheet down to the relevant fields, and printed all the records where the death certificate included the words “covid,” “sars-2,” etc. I then spent some time reviewing these thousands of records.
If you follow this simple procedure, you immediately realize two things: 1) most “covid deaths” involve people who have already lived longer than the average life expectancy in our state, and 2) when you look at the various maladies listed on the death certificates, in a large majority of cases covid was the least of the decedent’s problems. In many if not most instances, it seems a marvel that the person was still living so as to catch the coronavirus.
Maybe this is because the facts have become blindingly obvious, or maybe it is because we now have a Democratic administration that CDC wants to protect. In any event, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is backtracking:
Do tell! This is what many of us have been saying for a long time. But consider the fact that Walensky acknowledges: more than 75% had not just one comorbidity, but four or more. That is consistent with my own review of death certificates.
As one doctor said early in the epidemic, the people who are dying with covid are those who had one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel.
Similarly, the CDC now acknowledges that vaccination will not protect you from getting, or spreading, the coronavirus:
Why are media dialling back on the Covid hysteria? Is it because the “pandemic” is really over? Or is it an important part of the gaslighting process?
The past few days, even weeks, have seen a definite alteration in the media’s attitude to the Covid “pandemic”.
A few days ago Dr Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, went on Good Morning America to discuss the “Omicron” wave, and ended up pointing out that most “omicron deaths” have multiple co-morbidities.
In another interview, with Fox News, Dr Walenksy said the CDC was going to publish data on how many people had died of Covid, and how many died with it.
This begs a series of important questions.
1. Why is the director of the CDC (seemingly) engaging with these Covid skeptic arguments after two years of pretending they don’t exist?
2. Why would Sky News air, and then tweet out, the video clip of a doctor challenging the health secretary?
3. Why is the Guardian running headlines like “End mass jabs and live with Covid, says ex-head of vaccine taskforce” and quoting medical personnel who say we need to “treat Covid like the flu”?
4. Why are new studies being promoted that claim T cells from ordinary colds can “protect you from Covid”?
There’s no denying the messaging, the deceleration of the narrative. There’s a new thread being woven into the story: “living with Covid”.
For over a month that has been a popular buzz phrase all over the Western press.
When they say “living with Covid”, what do they really mean?
“Living with Covid” does not have to mean reversing every protective measure. If better ventilation and face masks reduce the impact of winter respiratory illnesses, that is a positive, even if the NHS is no longer under imminent threat of being overwhelmed. We will also need to remain vigilant about the threat from new variants, which could still cause big setbacks. There is no guarantee that another variant, more infectious and more virulent than Omicron, could emerge in the future. Scientists say that supporting global vaccination efforts will be crucial to securing the path to normality.
Meanwhile, “experts” are warning that even once Covid is endemic we should prepare for “surges” every three or four months.
It seems “living with the virus” means maintaining the status quo, loosening a few restrictions, but leaving the path clear for new waves of fear porn should the need arise.
When we switch from “pandemic” to “endemic”, we won’t be getting our rights back, the vaccine passes and surveillance and the culture of paranoia and fear will remain, but people will be so relieved at the pause in the campaign of fear and propaganda they will stop resisting.
Remnant of TC Tiffany is rapidly re-organising.
BOM’s track map is already out of date as the visible core on IR, is already well south of their plotted location.
I’m going to trust the cyclone’s recent 24-hour movements to be the trend to watch, but as it builds altitude it will become subject to pressure patterns higher-up. I’m just not sure BOM has the data-density in the area to know what the pressure setup is, given they produced poor mid to upper-level shear forecasting, so far. Which means their track map is suspect.
Area interpolation is no substitute for having real sensors flying around, and also through the area, and aircraft with sensors and an A-DSB transponder to relay it via ATC to BOM, tend to avoid areas of explosive weather developments.
BTW, on my IR loop, the current visible ‘eye’ or clear-sky centre-of-rotation, has been drifting towards Mornington Island, so the actual movement seen currently (at this early stage) is almost 90-deg different to what BOM had forecast. The movement isn’t slow either, it seems to have a lower-pressure trough SSW of it that the Low’s core wants to move closer to, before the top of the storm gets rebuilt, and the steering influence changes.
The centre of rotation is now due west of Kowanyama, also headed due west now. Or about 80 km further south than the centre-track BOM predicted. It’s immediately moved to the southern limit of BOMs probability map, but is now moving westwards. On that track it will cross land in just ~370 km from where it is now. At that forward speed I don’t think it can get organised again, it should remain a tropical storm with increasing land interactions as it goes west, to keep it weak. But it will have gobs of rain in it on land. The convection is good, rain-banding is redeveloping, but the organisation is poor above it.
They are forecasting, you are hind casting.
Their forecast was wrong, idiot.
Yeah O wise one, if only they had your abilities of hind casting and chest beating in advance.
They were very accurate, considering its a cyclone.
It was a tropical Low, dumb ass.
You linked to
Tropical Cyclone Tiffany
See they are not supposed to name them cyclones until they turn into a cyclone.
Aah details Nostradamus.
I am running a course on this, can I book you in. You need help!
It occurs to me from the Ivermectin blog that the use of this drug and probably other therapeutic agents may be a more effective, more economical way of handling continuing COVID-19 mutations than endless, repeating use of ‘boosters’ that the virus seems to keep walking over.
If one is looking mainly at saving healthcare systems from becoming inundated repeatedly with COVID patients, to the extent that elective surgery has to be stopped and, presumably, beds for medical emergency patients with other illnesses as well as trauma patients become limited, let alone ICU’s becoming rationed, then the use of therapeutics, either prophylactically or early on in COVID infection, become an essential tool for rational medical treatment.
The longer the current method of attacking COVID-19 by frequently repeated dosing with what are really just therapeutic agents hiding behind the name ‘vaccination’ is looking like a very ugly abuse of the normal medical
processes for purely political purposes. When has any other medical epidemic been so treated by what is effectively a political block on the use of any other applicable medications that could be thrown at the disease.
How do the politicians get away with running fear campaigns over a disease but limit the use of cheaper and possibly just as effective medications as their ‘vaccines’, or at least effective complementary medications that could salvage any concerns over the survival of the Health systems around the world? What inane contract with the big drug companies have politicians around the world signed up to that limits the treatment of an epidemic to simply whatever those companies decide to produce – at huge cost? Did those companies agree to produce drugs/vaccines that would act as vaccines by the definition of what is an effective vaccine?
In my opinion, for what it’s worth, the current ‘permitted’ drugs being utilised as ‘vaccines’ simply don’t make the definition. Furthermore, what is in those agreements that seems to prevent the usual scrutiny of major side effects where our PM comes out one day and casually can get away with stating the Federal government will compensate patients injured by the ‘vaccines’ without actually commenting on just what injuries he is aware of as a result of these almost mandated, in practice, administered drugs? It is one thing to say there is a list of side effects published by a government agency when most people would never even remember to look it up – and one knows how people can be stampeded by any list of side effects that come with any drug they routinely take.
On Fox this morning a US cardiologist was already bemoaning the number of children rolling up with myocarditis, after ‘vaccination’, to his hospital. It’s one thing to say such injuries can be seen more frequently as an effect of COVID-19, but that avoids having to face the argument that, with effective therapeutics, especially in an age group where COVID seems to be mild, one can avoid such problems by avoiding the vaccinations and simple using the therapeutics that already exist. Furthermore, the cardiologist made the point that the body reaction to repeated doses of the vaccines per se becomes more potent with each dose. This is of personal interest because I have had cardiovascular reactions to each of two doses.
There seems to be increasing pressure on politicians, from people around the world, to explain their absurd negation of the use of therapeutics which appear to be as efficient in handling the disease when given appropriately, lifesaving and a lot cheaper, versus the ‘vaccines’. It’s about time the politicians and Health Departments were put on the spot and intensively queried as to what they have signed up, why they withold appropriate medications and where are the papers that are the grounds for their actions.
From what I’ve witnessed of the Australian population, Ivermectine even as a placebo would work on 90% of the population.
Chinese Itzik Comes to Haifa
Beijing’s courtship of Israel has been canny and effective
Last week I drove up to Haifa to see with my own eyes a sight that, for most Israelis, has yet to sink in: the country’s brand new port, our third, which is beautiful, automated, efficient, and operated by the same Chinese company that runs the megaport at Shanghai. The first full container ship dropped anchor the day after my visit. Chinese characters adorn the soaring ship-to-shore cranes, freshly painted red and white; Israeli workers man joysticks opposite computer arrays running Chinese software; and in the managerial offices sit Chinese executives. To get to the port, I paid a toll and drove through the Carmel Tunnels, which were dug a few years ago by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. At a gas station on the way I bought a pineapple yogurt made by the iconic dairy-products giant Tnuva, founded as a cooperative by Labor Zionists and now controlled by Bright Food—263 Huashan Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai. China was far, far away, until suddenly it was right here.
The most prominent face of China in Israel belongs to a guy named Itzik. His real name is Xi Xiaoqi, and he’s a 35-year-old resident of Beijing, but here he’s known as Itzik ha-Sini, or “Chinese Itzik.” He gets recognized on the street. He stars in hundreds of internet videos about life in Israel from a Chinese perspective, and about life in China made accessible for Israelis. Some of these appear on his own YouTube channel, but sometimes he appears on Israeli outlets like Channel 12 or KAN 11, the public broadcaster, where journalists are delighted to have a Chinese figure—the first—who speaks perfect, slangy Hebrew and has an acute grasp of the Israeli audience. He’s impossible not to like.
A good introduction to the Itzik genre is the video where he lists his top 10 reasons for loving Israel
I caught Itzik on Zoom from Beijing. He was born in the city of Jiangyin, he said, son of a traffic cop and a real estate agent. He’d never met a J@w or heard a word of Hebrew before arriving at university at age 18. The school offered Japanese, Nepali, Dutch, and a few other languages, but his grandfather told him that J@ws were smart—people of the book. Everyone thinks this in China, he said. If his years communicating with real J#ws in Israel has disabused him of this notion, he was too polite to say so. During his Hebrew studies, first in Beijing with an Israeli teacher and then at Tel Aviv University, he adopted his Hebrew name, a diminutive of Yitzhak, or Isaac.
Americans increasingly see China as an adversary, but Israelis don’t. When the Pew Research Center carried out a survey on global attitudes in 2019, two-thirds of Israelis said their view of China was “favorable,” and just a quarter said the opposite. This was close to a mirror image of the American public, where it was 60% unfavorable and just 26% positive. Unlike Americans, Australians, and Canadians, Israelis haven’t yet seen China’s teeth.
[snip. Length]
Novak Djokovic’s fight to stay in Australia is not over yet.
Even though a judge ordered he be released from his political imprisonment, the Home Affairs Minister can exercise his personal discretion to cancel his visa and deport him.
It remains to be seen what will happen.
Can you imagine this happening in a proper country?
What’s a “proper country” now?
Most of the former first world democracies have signed up for the WEF vaccine passports plan.
If you want an industrial first world democracy that doesn’t have jab mandates or passports, let alone allows the use of the proven therapeutics, There are almost none to choose from.
Japan comes to mind. Maybe Sweden. The rest have descended shrieking pseudo-scientific psychosis just like Australia.
I think you are forgetting Conrad, that no one knew how dangerous COVID-19 would be, or rather, was not. All we had was a strong suspicion it’s a novel disease from a Chinese virus warfare research centre, and Xi Jinping had clearly, knowingly, spread it around the planet as much as possible.
Even so, the damage to Australia has been very minimal, small business, family businesses were hit very hard, many adapted and kept going in other ways, but small business will also recover as quickly as demand does. There’s money to be made and people are screaming out for more employees.
Plus, we all now see China and its ruthless, vicious one Party state much more clearly, and its leader for the vile, disgusting utter piece of scum that he is. This was a good thing too.
Plus, at the average growth rate, since the GFC, from the current economic scale, the Australian economy will produce about $82 trillion dollars AUD by the end of 2050. There is no financial damage which can not be repaired. Our economy weathered it very well. Our major industries still operate. We lost our major international trading partner and it didn’t even really matter much. But it hurt the China bully a lot, they have very little electricity now, and a large chunk of their economy was forced to close down.
Our international relationships otherwise dramatically improved with the countries and government organisations that matter to us, and we respect. Very few people died, very few got sick, the hospitals are in good order, society will resume its usual activities, some variation, but not much.
Mostly it’s just a lot of noisy BS that has been issuing from the typical malcontented fringe. Making hysterical claims for no good reason, i.e. the same people who would be doing that, anyway, covid, or no covid. Plus a bunch of entitled rich-people hand-waving constantly, and a horrible media class, and the bunch of dreadful former politicians, making constant ego-driven stupid noise, and active politicians ignoring their job descriptions too much.
Overall, it went very well, and has almost run its course.
In the end, the early actions taken were all perfectly correct, if it had been for a much more serious virus, but thankfully it was not. We’ll learn a lot, we’ll do better next time. But we have very little to regret or feel was done poorly. Pity about the tennis … western ‘problems’ …
What I can tell you is the actions taken meant that I lived a fairly normal and routine life, through most of it, it really hasn’t been a big deal.
The main western-problems were created by political idiots and anarchistic society-hating activists, constantly talking crap, to incite and stir-up people, with endless false claims. But that was occurring before COVID-19, and was even worse.
What I have learned in the past 2 years is there are people in here who only want to discuss Science, Climate, Weather, Engineering, related issues, and there is another cohort who don’t want that ever again, they only want a political discussion to occur and do their best to make sure they get it.
I also came to realise that even in STEM oriented communities online, there is a good proportion of utterly paranoid noisy hysterics and total loons. But then again, when I walk down the street I see a sprinkling of them around too, so why be surprised that they proliferate online.
The other thing I have learned is that the more time I spend online, the less I want to put up with politically-polarised individuals of any flavour, gender or age. Any one of them is just as pitilessly dreary and predictable as their equally rabid, boring counterpart.
As for the rest of the world, who cares who thinks they did better, good luck to them, I hope they did. But they probably didn’t.
Everything needs to improve, but when has that ever been different?
Anyway, sorry if there are typos in that, my eyes don’t focus today.
Hang on, I’m the scum of scum!
I am not related and have never been associated with Chairman Xi.
Xi is not my father.
The rest of the Rant
Well, you certainly are, but there’s more than one. Don’t let it do to your head.
Not making much sense squinty.
After 18 months, we knew, you did not.
I will not share my title, or even half my title.
“Plus, we all now see China and its ruthless, vicious one Party state much more clearly, and its leader for the vile, disgusting utter piece of scum that he is. This was a good thing too.”
Nothing scientific about your politics though.. I thought you were writing about America and had a typo.
Don’t forget the Yanks were the leaders in starting serious genetic bioweapons, they trained the Chinese researchers and paid to build that lab in Wuhan. They had their leaks in Fort Detrick too, and were in no hurry to tell anyone about it. Since 2019 all they’ve done is force their vaccines on the rest of the world to make America great again, and done all they can to muddy the waters on Covid research that doesn’t match their narrative.
You may not like the Chinese, but its a choice between a pot and a kettle for blackness and there is nothing to recommend America. China may not be the whitest country, but I don’t see any better.
Oh, I see, you’re in the nile about the nature of Xi Jinping? Well, that’s your problem, you’ll have to deal with it on your own. I’m also not the slightest bit interested in your shallow moral-relativism, to justify the behaviour of your best buddy in the CCP.
“small business will also recover as quickly as demand does”
Small businesses as a segment of the economy may recover but small business persons may not.
Lucky you, that you can have such a detached point of view.
Many small business owners, like myself, start with limited resources, and starting from zero is often a once in a lifetime thing.
“Overall, it went very well, and has almost run its course.”
Really, again for you maybe.
Your extended comment may belie a difficult to accept fear, that Australia may never be the same.
From outside Oz appears to be the proving ground for NWO totalitarianism.
When does Dan give up his ’emergency’ powers?
It is easy for those that are undamaged and comfortable with the system to ignore what is happening.
Also, enjoy pretending that ‘Science’ as an institution has not become utterly politicized.
Read the E.A. Poe’s “Mask of the the Red Death”, there is another blog in the castle you can retreat to and pretend nothing is happening.
I suppose you feel injured, I just don’t. I accept what occurs when nothing I do will or can change it. I don’t have a martyr complex either, or feel a need to try and save anyone. But I do help people in need, and look out for others all the time, I just have no time for people gripping for no good or useful reasons. As for small business, I’ve been there and done that, you can teach me nothing about that experience. And in fact it was a terrific experience, loved it. What you read as detachment is your personal interpretation, not how I am. And yeah, it’s basically over, it has run its course. The second anniversary of the initial lockdown will be on about March 28th, and by then it will be history for me, I will not be the slightest bit interested in any more news or political blah-blah about covid-19.
“And yeah, it’s basically over, it has run its course. The second anniversary of the initial lockdown will be on about March 28th, and by then it will be history for me,”
Does this mean you will resist further lockdowns and boosters?
Has your government declared March 28th Victory Over Covid Day?
Good that your business experience was prior to covid.
“or feel a need to try and save anyone”
Well, you would have my vote.
Undamaged, financially maybe for the short term. Physically, he’s on his last legs.
Though I do feel he is finally going to get one prediction right, “March 28th, and by then it will be history for me”, first time for everything.
Bi Cycles, you know you don’t have to wait the 4 months to your booster, you can get it now, bring your schedule closer.
Its only wafer thin. That’s a link squinty.
Why would I? They’ve proven effective at reducing the level of illness and hospitalisation, you thoroughly silly person.
All I’m saying is they will become redundant for me and others, if we catch a mild Omicron COVID-19 variant instead and develop natural antibodies, and a more effective natural immune response. That’s the only “resistance” I’m interested in. You can keep your anti-vax agenda baloney, and the mentally deranged anti-phama conspiracy-theories, and associated hate-fest and misinformation. I want no part of either, and I never will.
Djokovic should have his visa cancelled and deported and be banned from Australia for good.
He has dared utter HERECY against Vaxianity, peace be upon Booster. He has not been baptised In Pfizer nor Astrazeneca nor Moderna but instead blasphemes against the mRNA spirit appealing to “natural immunity” gnosticism. . We must purge such evil from purge midst. AMENICRON!
“Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids”, Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents On COVID-19 Shots
Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who has contributed significantly to the technology of mRNA vaccines, issued a strong caution for those who seek to have their children vaccinated against COVID-19.
“Think twice before you vaccinate your kids. Because if something bad happens, you can’t go back and say, ‘whoops, I want a do-over,’” Malone told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program in an interview, Part 1 of which premiered on Sunday.
He also said, “It is clear that parents should think twice about vaccinating their child,” adding that serious adverse events can occur and can be “so severe that it puts your child in the hospital.”
Malone noted that with regard to myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, “there’s a good chance that if your child takes the vaccine, they won’t be damaged, they won’t show clinical symptoms—[but] they may have subclinical damage.”
“But the question is, do you want to take that chance with your child? Because if you draw the short straw and your child was damaged, most of these things, if not all of them, are irreversible. There is no way to fix it,” he said.
“And I get these emails all the time: ‘Doctor, doctor, what can we do? This has happened.’ And that once it’s happened, there’s … you can’t go back you can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.”
He pointed to information compiled on his website, which includes a list of peer-reviewed studies related to COVID-19 vaccine adverse events in children, the main one being myocarditis. The website also includes a collection of adverse events reports as well as death reports in the pediatric community, submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
“They’re there as links to the VAERS database, and if you click on them, you can see the actual VAERS report that was filed by a physician saying this is what happened,” Malone said. “And you can make your own decision about whether or not you think that that’s vaccine-related. So all of those data are there.”
Cheap Rona startup kit with Vitamins C & D, Zn and quercetin. At that price it is cheap enough to gift to that stubborn friend. [YOU already have yours. lol]
Yes, all items are already part of my kit. I also have curcummin, but that’s only in case of actual infection.
But the kit is a good idea. You can gift it to covid cultists when they start to realize the fourth shot won’t work any better than the third 😉
Additional items in the event of actual infection; curcumin, melatonin, bisolvon, aspirin.
Curcumin is EVERY DAY for me.
Second only to nuclear holocaust, being blindsided would be a provocative act of unmentionable horror.
‘Thousands of feet under the ocean lies a global network of internet cables responsible for carrying 97 per cent of international communications.
‘In a digital age, these physical cables, sheathed in steel and plastic, are central to how we function. If they were to be disabled, it would not just prevent us accessing the web on our phones and laptops — it would disrupt everything from agriculture and healthcare to military logistics and financial transactions, instantly plunging the world into a new depression.
‘According to experts, this doomsday scenario ranks alongside nuclear war as an existential threat to our way of life.’ (UK Mail)
The cables are shielded against radiation etc. How would they be disrupted (apart from direct physical attack).?
Vax flaps mandatory soon?
You can laugh, but some of the jab cultists actually went and got small bandaid tattoos to signal their “virtue”. That type would happily wear a vaxx flap as a symbol of their compliance.
By Miranda Devine -January 9, 2022
Australian conservative journalist speaks at Restoration Weekend.
In this recent talk, Australian conservative journalist exposes the corrupt dealings surrounding Joe Biden that was kept hidden from the public. She also addresses the exploitation of Hunter Biden and the extent of activist media coverup — from killing important news stories to censorship. Don’t miss this engaging presentation, held at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2021 Restoration Weekend on Nov. 11th-14th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida.
A transcript follows.
And then the coup de grace came out: It was a letter that John Brennan orchestrated and that he had one of his proxies give to politico, and this letter was signed by 50 former high-flying, important officials in the intelligence and defense communities.
People like James Clapper, like Leon Panetta, like Michael Hayden. Fifty of them had used their authority and the prestige of their former offices to declare that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. You’ve heard that story before. And John Brennan, of course, who’s been at the center of every dirty trick against Donald Trump, was instrumental in getting this letter out.
And that letter served to completely kill our story. Nobody would touch it. It was Russian disinformation. Adam Schiff, James Clapper, John Brennan fanned out across the media and they told this story. They said the intelligence community had found that the laptop was Russian disinformation. It was Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin’s last-ditch attempt to install their agent, Donald Trump.
So this was a very successful and coordinated censorship operation. It was effective because it shut down our story, and we know that if that story had been allowed to get to the American people, it would have potentially, from a poll done by Media Research Center, changed the course of the election, because they polled Biden voters and found that 50% of them had never heard of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
They knew nothing about the corruption it contained. And they knew nothing about the investigations that the Department of Justice had opened up into Hunter Biden and his uncle, Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, over tax evasion, money laundering and various alleged violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. So they knew nothing about that.
And what the poll found was that if 10% of them would have changed their vote, if they had known, and in battleground states, we know that Joe Biden only won the election by 45,000 votes spread across a number of battleground states. So that small percentage, the 10% of the 50% of Biden voters who didn’t know about the laptop and would have changed their vote, could have changed the course of the election. So it was a very effective and successful censorship operation.
Now, I’ve spent more time than is healthy delving into the innards of Joe — of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and I can tell you, it’s dangerous to Joe Biden for two reasons. It is about Joe Biden; it’s not really about Hunter Biden. He’s just the vessel. First, the book — the laptop exposes Joe Biden as a liar and a terrible father. I mean, what father would put his drug-addicted son in front of gushing torrents of unaccountable cash?
But the second important reason why the laptop was so dangerous to Joe Biden is because it shows the extent of his influence-peddling scheme overseas. It began, of course, the way he made money and enriched himself and his family, in Delaware more than four decades ago.
But when he became Vice President and Barack Obama appointed him point man for China, Joe Biden then internationalized this influence-peddling scheme and the result is that America’s national security has been compromised.
So this person is the President’s must trusted advisor. I mean, currently. He’s in and out of the White House. He’s in and out of the long weekend White House in Delaware. Biden, just on Wednesday, Joe Biden, the President, he gave a eulogy in Delaware, and he said that he took Hunter’s advice before doing a climate deal with China.
He said Hunter advised him to use empathy when figuring out how to negotiate these deals with China to — Joe Biden explained to the congregation what empathy means, putting yourself in another person’s shoe, seeing things from their perspective, and that was Hunter Biden told his father. He said, see it from China’s perspective.
And of course he did, because Hunter Biden is still a business partner. He’s in business with the Chinese government. We have annual reports and board meetings and other papers and documents on the laptop. He holds, still holds, 10% of a Chinese investment fund called BHR, which, among other things, partnered with the Chinese military to buy a Michigan automotive firm which had, basically, secrets.
It had — what’s it called, anti-vibration technology, which is used by stealth fighters in the U.S. military. So that was bought and taken to China. BHR, this company that Biden owns 10% of, has shares in Chinese firms which have been sanctioned by the United States for trying to steal American secrets and technology.
So what the laptop tells us is that Joe Biden not only knew about what Hunter was up to, but he was intimately involved in his family’s influence-peddling operation around the world. He orchestrated it and he benefited from it.
He had to be the bag man, the money man, the earner for the golden child, which was his older brother, Beau, who, sadly, has died. But that was Joe’s plan, that Beau was going to become president and — after Joe, of course, and it was going to be this Biden dynasty that was going to rival the Kennedys, that Joe Biden had been — just admired and had modeled himself on since he was a child.
And to Chinese eyes, Joe Biden arriving with his son on Air Force Two was very normal, because this is the way that business is done. Corruption is done among the elites, the so-called Red Families in China, through their children, their family members, who are called princelings. And so they recognized Hunter for what he was: a princeling. When he walked off Air Force Two with his father, they understood that this was American power come to do business.
And then lastly, this point is a bit of a horror movie point, and I apologize for it, but Hunter Biden has serious political ambitions. He’s discussed it seriously with people who are closest to him. His ex-wife laughed in his face and he was very resentful that she would think it was an idiotic idea.
I’ve spoken to someone to whom — who’s involved in the laptop, but to whom Hunter, off the record, to whom Hunter has confided a lot of his innermost thoughts, and he definitely — this person thinks that Hunter could become president. Wants to become president, and could.
Long but intersing read
Stories like that make me wonder. What do the corrupt truly seek? Money? Power?
Or has the motivation flipped from greed to fear? Because the miscreants must know that sooner or later the whole house of cards must collapse. And that is something which would keep the guilty awake at night.
The elite, the crème de la crème, want the same power Roman Emperors had, but then “the world” didn’t extend far out of sight of the Mediterranean. They are not daunted by the fact that the world is now a hundred thousand times bigger.
There are alliances and sects among these elites and they are not all singing from the same hymn sheet but they’ll sort out the pecking order later. In the meantime lawlessness among the rabble ensures they forever remain “rabble”. There can be no Spartacus thus Trump had to be destroyed.
The real enemy of the elite is the middle class, some are uppity and know how to bleed millions from the uber rich. The middle class is both a threat and a source of billions if they can be plundered. It is no concern of theirs if the criminals are attacking them at the same time, it is to be applauded in stead.
I read earlier today that Hunter B was in Kazakhstan a few weeks back, just before the riots broke out… Same as he was holding his suitcase open in Ukraine a while back. He gets around all right-
Just to say Ozzie, that it’s not the responsibility of me, nor anyone else, but the constitutionally lawful investigators, the lawyers, a prosecutor, and a Judge and Jury, to know all that sort of stuff. Anyone else but a political obsessive would ever care to know about it. You could put that laptop right in front of me and say “There, it’s all yours, you see? There it is!”, and I’d say thank you, and take it home, and reformat the drive, reinstall the operating system, and think you were are a great bloke for giving me the laptop.
I will never accept that the onus is on me, to know any of this stuff, it isn’t. I am not required to know it, I gain nothing from it, it is completely useless to me and the people I care about. Likewise, I am not responsible for knowing the details of every other bit of political sleaze there ever was, especially if it’s from another country, why would I care?
So I’m not sure where the author got the notion that anyone else on the planet anywhere should give a damn about the sordid detail of a purported outright political corruption scandal? It might make a good firelighter, if it were printed.
And right now there’s someone is reading that, with a burning fury, and an irresistible urge to scream at 138 dB at me, with a 27,000watt PA system, the key detail of all the brazen acts of villainy, that I should know and care about, and the relevant sources ‘n all. But I don’t care, and I don’t want to get uptight about it, like that author wants me too.
There is nothing more tedious this side of eternity than raw sanctimonious political passion.
Rock a bye baby, on the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.
Jo, not sure if you saw this.
Professor Michael Gore AO passes away
Oh No! Not the marvellous witty wonderful Mike Gore? Aww. Shucks. I did not know. And we lost the wise fabulous Christopher Bryant last year too. 🙁
Mike made a big difference to my life. So many great memories. So many fantastic opportunities. What a loss!
Thanks for letting me know. Now I am sad.
Email coming your way Glenn…
British warships deployed to the South Atlantic after Argentina’s invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982 were armed with dozens of nuclear depth charges. Prince Andrew served on HMS Invincible, which carried 12 nuclear weapons.
Their presence led to a heated row between the MoD and the Foreign Office.
The revelation is contained in a new file released to the National Archives. Marked “Top Secret Atomic”, it shows that the presence of the nuclear weapons caused panic among officials in London when they realised the damage, both physical and political, they could have caused.
Speaking of war, it looks like Russia and US are on the verge of one. Let’s hope they continue their talks to defuse the issue. The fault lies with the US who want to expand NATO across more of the Russian border. I don’t blame Russia for getting angry. Putin clearly stated if the US does expand more towards Russia they will do whatever is necessary to keep them out of the bordering nations that are not occupied by NATO.
CDC Director Walensky Struggles to Cover Sotomayor’s Lies
More unintended consequences of the COVID-19 vaccination scam:
Vaccine Jockeys
Being injected with the “vaccine” on numerous occasions will at least help provide some valuable data toward the effect of multiple boosters as is planned for the general population.
I wonder what the record number of vaxxes is for one of these “vaccine jockeys”? And being a vaccine jockey might not work in Australia with its strict photo ID and other requirements for ID.
NY Reality
Project Veritas claim to have Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath
I await the court cases for defamation by Fauci et al.
I should have added
Given he has not been arrested by now, that’s proof enough to show he never will be because we have so many other evil minded people in government and the judicial system. It will be a long time if at all before he is arrested and charged accordingly. I wish I could be proven wrong and we see him arrested very soon, like today already!
“The epidemic of the vaccinated”
“Biden’s claim that this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed took a big hit this weekend”
” Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!” ”
More background
“Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
January 10, 2022 | Sundance | 216 Comments
Project Veritas has obtained military documents hidden on a classified system [HERE – and HERE – and HERE] showing how EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses.”
from the article …
“2014 thru 2020 the Pentagon continued funding research in Wuhan, China”
Diplomacy is developing bio weapons together.
Common enemy perhaps?
Half of us are quite deplorable.
‘Pentagon’ of course is a nebulous concept. Makes me think of the Python skit where the Judean Defense League runs into the Defense League of Judea.
And two car funeral jokes.
I once had a parking pass.
However, it is of course possible to organize two car funerals successfully if enough money is thrown in all directions.
It’s just the tip of the iceberg according to the following update. According to the update it’s starting to look like a silent coup has been successfully carried out making what happened to Trump at the US elections pale into insignificance. If true this could propel the US into a civil war later this year once more people figure it out.
“Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL (VIDEO)
It should also have expressed concern about the inadequate protections for the elderly, who accounted for the overwhelming majority of worst outcomes from infection, and whose death rates provided the impetus for emergency approvals of inadequately tested experimental vaccines.
Sorry, my comment was intended as a reply to Analitik at 6:22 pm (#47.1)
Covid Virus Isolated?
The question is raised again and again that the Covid Virus has not been isolated.
It is generally forcefully answered that is has been fully sequenced.
Can anyone give an actual reference for that?
Is that the same as isolated? Can it be sequenced but not cultured?
Here ya go. You can order some to play with in your BSL3 lab
Thanks Analitik.
That explains a lot.
I read that the sequencing was done by reading parts of the genome in various labs and fitting it into areas that were common with other corona viruses using computer programs. The CDC have said they don’t have samples of it available, but I’m not sure if that means it hasn’t been cultured. Its hard to imagine why not if it hasn’t, how would they know what to use in the PCR test if they couldn’t match it to the target.
The similar argument applies to Koch’s Postulate, that is it was never isolated and used to reinfect someone else and re-isolated.
I figure it came from a lab, so they already knew all about it.
The Dougherty institute did an “in house” Sanger sequence however that is not a proper process to isolate.
Look it up.
Well given some countries like Russia and China are using COVID-19 whole virus vaccines that are developed from the virus itself then I would think that yes the virus has been isolated. Whole virus vaccines use a weakened (attenuated) or deactivated form of the pathogen that causes a disease to trigger protective immunity to it. There are two types of whole virus vaccines. Live attenuated vaccines use a weakened form of the virus, which can still grow and replicate, but does not cause illness. Inactivated vaccines contain viruses whose genetic material has been destroyed by heat, chemicals or radiation so they cannot infect cells and replicate, but can still trigger an immune response.
Of course the assumption is that whole virus vaccines are real and not fake. Good luck trying to prove it one way or the other. Some would say trust the experts. Hahahaha!
Julian Gillespie is a retired lawyer and former barrister who has come out of retirement to fight a new legal battle, aiming to put an immediate stop to the vaccines in Australia which could be a real game-changer. He explains why in this interview.
Julian also explains to us how our government is lying about the number of deaths in our country (both from COVID-19 and vaccines), the shadow body really calling the shots behind the rollout, discoveries about how many injuries we are really seeing in Australia and around the world, and more.
The case is due to start next week.
I wish him lots of luck. He’ll be up against an evil force that’s still spreading across government and the judicial system.
Julian Gillespie – AVN Judicial Review to Stop Vaccines in Australia
Warmist nutters are promoting “biochar” which is the politically correct name for charcoal. The idea is to grow things, then pyrolyse them in the normal manner of making charcoal. This is a stable form of carbon which is alleged to pull “carbon” from the atmosphere to sequester indefinitely. A bit like artificial coal.
I presume the process to pyrolyse the plants requires some sort of energy, and of course since it’s being promoted by green nutters, the energy will have to be from unreliable renewable sources.
No problem! Concentrated sunlight in an inert atmosphere. Good for several grams of carbon per hour!
Covid Pitch Meeting
Views from outside
“Delingpole: Djokovic Has Exposed Australia as World’s Biggest Joke”
“Farage: Djokovic has Won the First ‘Big Victory’ Against Coronavirus State”
Old Ozzie linked to an article about the CDC admitting that 75% of Americans who died from (with?) Covid-19 had at least 4 comorbidities. Well here is the CDC study that led to that admission. The study was designed to show how protective the vaccines are but the data shows just how deadly Covid isn’t.
Even at its earliest, most deadly strain with no early treatment and largely ineffectual hospital support, SARS-CoV-2 was never much of a threat to the general population.
If this is all true then certain leading people MUST go to prison for life. This could turn out to be as bad as what the Naz1s did when they experimented on humans.
OBGYN Whistleblowers: Dr Northrup & Dr Thorp On The Devastating Impact Of The Experimental Shots
They are now stepping it up to prevent people using alternative treatments that have been shown to save lives. If this is not pure evil then nothing is.
Shipments Containing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Seized by Customs Officials in Chicago
How do you shift the front line of the war to the last remaining bastions of Small Business?
Publicize that the PCR test is the only test that can be used to cross the border. (Pharmacies decide not to carry a large stock of the rapid antigen test which is freely available at the Supermarket)
By edict, state you can now use the Rapid Antigen Test.
Announce that these will be free for the ‘eligible’ from the Local Pharmacy.
May as well have announced ‘Free Beer’ after the 6 O’clock Swill and then shut of the taps.
The trust and independence of the Local Pharmacy, one of the last remaining Professions you can walk into without an appointment is destroyed at the counter.
The new battle line for freedom.
Proposition: That
PCR tests are stopped in favor of RAT as the former are all now made by Chinese ownership companies, the latter are made by Gates/Fauci ownership companies.
The pharmacies decision being opposite to the national supermarket chains helps to wipe out small business and speed up the ‘reset’.
“Oh darn, there goes Veritas again releasing well…… not just a smoking gun, but a rank indictment of both actors abroad (including China) and right here in the United States.”
More at
Mentions IVM and HCQ too
“Yale University officials continue to insist that its student handbook trumps state and local laws.
“The Ivy League university has banned students from eating at legally operating restaurants off-campus.
““Students may not visit New Haven businesses or eat at local restaurants (even outdoors) except for curbside pickup,” the Yale Daily News wrote in a Facebook post Monday. The campus newspaper summarized an email from the administration that laid out the spring semester plans.
Conditioning students for the “new normal”? ( i.e. appears to be like living in a prison…)
“Students at the University of Pennsylvania fare no better than their Syracuse peers.
““Students who are diagnosed with COVID-19, including those who are fully vaccinated, are required to isolate for at least 10 days,” The Daily Pennsylvanian reported. “With classes primarily being conducted in person this semester, students reported varying degrees of accommodation and a lack of clarity from professors about what accommodations or extensions they were entitled to.”
“The paper said some students described the conditions as “demotivating” and “depressing.”
“The situation is no better at Loyola University Chicago.
“The campus paper reported:
“The response to a positive test by a COVID-19 Care Coordinator is prompt. In about half an hour, the student receives and communicates their results, packs a bag to move and walks to St. Louis Hall…their home for at least the next ten days. If symptoms last longer than 10 days, then the official policy is to be released 24 hours after the end of the student’s fever as long as other symptoms are improving.
“Students described it as “chaotic” and disorganized. The daily food drop occurs around 1 pm, meaning students who are admitted after that time are left without food. Others were left without clean linens.
EMA and WHO skeptical about repeated booster shots: “Not a sustainable or viable strategy”
“The European Medicines Agency EMA and the World Health Organization WHO are skeptical about the repeated administration of booster shots every three or four months. “That would not be a sustainable long-term strategy,” said Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccination strategy at the EMA.
Source : BELGA
While the first booster campaign is being rolled out in Europe, older people in countries such as Israel and Chile are now receiving a fourth shot with a vaccine against the corona virus. With the rise of the omikron variant, the debate about an extra booster is gaining momentum. For the time being, the EMA has refrained from making a recommendation. “We have not yet seen any data that supports this approach. While an additional booster could be considered as part of an emergency plan, repeated vaccination at short intervals would not be a sustainable long-term strategy,” Cavaleri said. For the most vulnerable, especially those with reduced immunity, it may be a different story, he added.
The EMA fears not only that repeated boosters could “overload” the immune system, but also that the population will grow tired of vaccinating. Therefore, a long-term strategy must be considered. For example, in a scenario where the pandemic evolves into an endemism, one could consider a shot at the beginning of the winter season, according to the head of vaccination strategy.
Cavaleri considers it possible that the rapid spread of the omikron variant could lead to an endemic situation. The highly contagious variant could act as “a natural booster,” with many people building natural resistance, he argued.
In the meantime, however, the world is still in a pandemic and the latest data suggests that boosted people are better protected against serious illness than those who have only received the basic vaccination, according to the EMA. UK data, for example, would show that protection against hospitalization increases again to 90 percent after the third shot.
The EMA has also not yet made a decision on a booster dose for minors. The agency is currently evaluating an application from Pfizer-BioNTech for 16- and 17-year-olds, and Cavaleri expects the vaccine maker to apply for 12 to 15-year-olds soon as well.
WHO: “Not a viable strategy”
The World Health Organization WHO also finds repeated booster vaccines not a viable strategy. “A vaccination strategy based on repeated boosters of the first vaccines has little chance of being suitable or viable,” said a WHO expert group overseeing vaccines against the coronavirus.
Vaccines should also be developed that better prevent the spread of the virus. More specifically, the experts believe that vaccines are needed and should be developed “with a high impact in terms of spreading and avoiding infection, in addition to preventing serious illness and death”. They should also elicit a powerful immune system response, thus reducing the need for repeat booster shots. Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech expect to have their modified vaccine ready in March.(?) Moderna is aiming for the fall with its omikron vaccine.(???????)
In anticipation of such vaccines, the experts suggest “perhaps updating the composition of current vaccines to ensure they continue to provide WHO-recommended levels of protection against infection and disease,” including against variants such as omikron.
The experts also point out that it is not yet clear whether the lower severity of omikron is due to the variant’s intrinsic characteristics, or to the fact that large parts of the population are already partially immune due to the vaccine or a previous infection. Meanwhile, omikron is spreading at an unprecedented rate.”
If the WHO does not recommend vaccination of children &is doubtful about the value of boosters, why does the Aussie woman rep of WHO promote both?
Experts who deny the existence of innate immunity which varies across the population and which explains both the high airway virus load threshold for infection and the WHO (inflated) estimate that after more than 2 years of extensive global pandemic less than 4% of the global population have been infected.
Fake experts.
Ivermectin ‘Works Throughout All Phases’ Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents
Update (1505ET): As more and more information pours out of the Project Veritas leaked military documents, there appears to be a damning section in support of Ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment.
“Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response.”
Will DARPA confirm or deny?
See the documents below:
Authored by Sundance via The Last Refuge,
Project Veritas has obtained military documents hidden on a classified system [HERE – and HERE – and HERE] showing how EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses.
The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violated the gain of function research moratorium. However, according to the documents, NIAID, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.
Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath
. Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium.
. The main report regarding the EcoHealth Alliance proposal leaked on the internet a couple of months ago, it has remained unverified until now. Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
. “The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research,” a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, “It doesn’t sound normal to me,” when asked about the way the documents were buried.
Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
January 10, 2022 | Sundance | 539 Comments
Project Veritas has obtained military documents hidden on a classified system [HERE – and HERE – and HERE] showing how EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses.
The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violated the gain of function research moratorium. However, according to the documents, NIAID, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.
(UPDATE, 4:45 AM EST, 1/11/2022: Maj. Joseph Murphy’s report has been posted in its entirety by Project Veritas and can be read at this link.) – 24 page PDF
As we previously reported, on Monday night Project Veritas released a new report announcing that they’d obtained US military documents proving that Dr. Anthony Fauci had lied to Congress and, more specifically, “never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this.”
One document, an August 13, 2021 report on Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) letterhead from the Commandant of the Marine Corps Fellow, DARPA to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense carries the subject line: “SARS CoV-2 Origins Investigation With US Government Program Undisclosed Document Analysis.” The analysis reports that the 2018 EcoHealth Alliance coronavirus research proposal that DARPA rejected because it was too risky and likely violated the gain of function research ban was then funded by NIH/NIAID and carried out, and that SARS-CoV-2 – a/k/a COVID-19 – resulted from that research and escaped in August 2019.
The more explosive parts of the report were not narrated by O’Keefe, but were in the screenshots shown. While only one full page was shown in the Project Veritas video, screenshots from other portions of the report were shown as well.
The contents of the proposed program are extremely detailed. Peter Daszak lays out step-by-step what the organization intends to do by phase and by location. The primary scientists involved, their roles, and their institutions are indicated. The funding plan for the WIV work is its own document. The reasons why nonpharmaceutical interventions like masks and medical countermeasures like the mRNA vaccines do not work well can be extrapolated from the details. The reasons why the early treatment protocols work as curatives are apparent.
SARS-CoV-2’s form as it emerged is likely as a precursor, deliberately virulent, humanized recombinant SARSr-CoV that was to be reverse engineered into a live attenuated SARSr-CoV bat vaccine. Its nature can be determined from analysis of its genome with the context provided by the EcoHealth Alliance proposal. Joining this analysis with US intelligence collections on Wuhan will aid this determination.
The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm. The closer it is to the final live attenuated vaccine form, the more likely that it has been deattenuating since initial escape in August 2019.
And this affects the efficacy of mRNA vaccines, as Murphy’s report states:
The gene-encoded, or “mRNA,” vaccines work poorly because they are synthetic replications of the already-synthetic SARSr-CoV-WIV synthetic spike proteins and possess no other epitopes. The mRNA instructs the cells to produce synthetic copies of the SARSr-CoV-WIV synthetic spike protein directly into the bloodstream, wherein they spread and produce the same ACE2 immune storm that the recombinant vaccine does. Many doctors in the country have identified that the symptoms of vaccine reactions mirror the symptoms of the disease, which corroborates with the similar synthetic nature and function of the respective spike proteins.
The vaccine recipient has no defense against the bloodstream entry, but their nose protects them from the recombinant spike protein quasispecies during “natural infection” (better termed as aerosolized inoculation).
Regarding ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, the much-maligned treatments for COVID-19:
Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloroquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).
So, according to Murphy, the US government identified ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and interferon as curatives for COVID-19 in April and May of 2020, yet pharmacists are still not filling prescriptions for them in January 2022? Why? Who made the decision to essentially sentence over 800,000 Americans to death?
India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part V: The Secret Revealed
by Justus R. Hope, MD Sep 27, 2021 Updated Dec 2, 2021
By September 12, 2021, Livemint reported that 34 districts were declared COVID-free or had no active cases. Only 14 new cases were recorded in the entire state of Uttar Pradesh.
Dr. John Campbell broke India’s Ivermectin Blackout wide open on YouTube by revealing the formula of the secret sauce, much to the dismay of Big Pharma, the WHO, and the CDC. Readers will want to watch this before it is taken down. See mark 2:22.
Each home kit contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter. See mark 2:33.
Campbell reports that the exciting things in the kit that grabbed his attention were: Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin, and secondary antibiotic treatment. “Interesting, that’s what the government decided to give.” See mark 3:40
John Campbell has reviewed repurposed drugs for COVID before. He has interviewed both Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Pierre Kory. Repurposed drugs hold the potential for benefitting many conditions, not the least of which include viruses and cancers.
Dr. Campbell noted that there had been no recent cases in 59 Uttar Pradesh districts. In addition, out of 191,446 tests completed in the previous 24 hours, only 33 samples were positive for a test positivity rate of only 0.01%. Dr. Campbell called this low number “staggering.” See mark 5:05.
By September, cases had fallen dramatically. Out of the entire state of 200 million plus inhabitants, only 187 active cases were left compared to the peak in April of 310,783 cases. See mark 5:41.
Above referenced by Why early COVID treatment matters
It was difficult to find the actual drugs and official dose levels in India’s COVID kit, but this information was located in The Desert Review.
If interested in the long-term death trends, you can follow India and three more countries during 2021 and 2022 to date here. (It will continue to update daily.) Notice that Sweden’s low death trend is rising again. Sweden is noted for avoiding most of the mask and severe lockdowns, and the Swedes were early to achieve natural (herd) immunity, by the end of June 2021. However, Sweden belatedly jumped on the vax bandwagon for unknown reasons, and its rate as of Jan. 5 was 72.9% fully vaccinated. This rate easily surpassed the U.S., the U.K., and India.
With its recent (although slight) increase in deaths, I am starting to wonder if Sweden’s high vax rate could be the undoing of its previous success in taming COVID. Time will tell. That leaves India as the only country in this sample group consistently maintaining near-zero daily deaths. For India, the early treatment protocols have been a remarkable success despite the country’s minimal vaccination rate. Shouldn’t we be paying attention to India’s success?
Dr. Campbell attributes their success to many factors, including early detection and early treatment with kits costing a mere $ 2.65 per person. See mark 6:20.
Notice that Dr. Campbell does not mention a single person who had any toxicity from those ten 12 mg pills of Ivermectin – in the entire state of over 200 million. Not one poisoning was reported. No Indian poison control articles or telephone calls were reported. Out of millions of distributed medicine kits, each containing 120 mg of Ivermectin, not one person in Uttar Pradesh was reported to have had a problem with the drug.
Notice that Dr. Campbell at no time criticizes the medicine kit as “fringe” or ineffective. After all, it would be improper to accuse a WHO-sponsored program such as the Uttar Pradesh test and treat – coordinated by WHO – of being “fringe.”
And used by the NSW Haelth Department when Hospitalised
And notice that a government can purchase over one thousand home treatment Ivermectin containing kits for the price of one course of Remdesivir. Remdesivir runs $3,100, and it is an impractical drug as it must be given late in the disease during hospitalization. Moreover, it is a drug that does not save lives.
On the other hand, the Ivermectin kits are highly correlated with eliminating COVID-19 in Uttar Pradesh. Indeed with less than 11% of their population fully vaccinated, the Uttar Pradesh model of test and treat is superior not only to Kerala, with a much higher percent vaccinated. Uttar Pradesh beats the UK, the US, and nearly everywhere else in the world in terms of the lowest active COVID cases.
OK this is quite a response – “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL (VIDEO)
On Tuesday morning Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, and Dr. Naomi Wolf, a former Clinton adviser and democracy activist, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to respond to the Project Veritas bombshell.
Dr. Malone called it “bigger than the Pentagon Papers.”
Dr. Wolf called it “manslaughter of millions of people coordinated at the highest levels.”
Naomi Wolf: The fact that Dr. Fauci grossly perjured himself is hugely apparant. It is the least of the crimes if indeed these are verified documents… I can’t overstate this, this is a premeditated kind of manslaughter of millions of people coordinated at the highest levels according to these documents. Treatments that would have saved lives were intentionally or reportedly intentionally suppressed.
They Know What’s Coming, White House Prepares for Terrible December Inflation Data with Prepared Script
The snowball effect of cumulative inflation is going to be on display tomorrow when the BLS inflation data from December is released. We have previously discussed the unavoidable price increases as noted within the November data Here, and within the producer price data Here.
While the data being released tomorrow is backward looking, we are in the eye of the inflation storm right now. The consumer prices at end of January and through February are all reflecting new purchase order prices and contract prices to wholesalers, buyers and retailers. As a result, the December reports will be the precursor to what will be much more damaging data in Feb and March.
White House spokesperson Jen Psaki began trying to get ahead of the consumer price release with a short briefing to the traveling press pool earlier today. A short audio-only soundbite reflects the political problem the White House knows they will soon be dealing with. LISTEN:
Extremely significant information about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 (if accurate):
Please make sure that Jo sees this link.
There is much in this memo that we already know, some of which has been used by Rand Paul to challenge Fauci. Much of it eg the involvement of Ecoalliance etc has been conclusively verified.
However, the remarks re Ivermectin & Hydroxy do not ring true. Can’t see how the efficacy of theses drugs could have been known or tested at that early stage.
Yes but it’s a leak which (if true) establishes from within what had mainly been deduced from without.
Let’s see if interferon is even better against Covid-19 than ivermectin.
A day late and a dollar short as the Yanks say.
Actually 2 years late.
HCQ was used to treat SARS-CoV-1 (2002-2004). The Caly paper on ivermectin was apparently in preprint circulation online for 3 months before the full article was published in June 2020.
New England to get clobbered by Arctic chill.
I was in Boston February 1978 for Contract negotiations
Remembering the 1978 Blizzard
In Connecticut they called it ‘Storm Larry.’ But to anyone old enough to remember, the words ‘1978 blizzard’ conjure up some very snowy memories.
The 1978 blizzard started with snow during the morning of February 6. It didn’t stop for 33 hours, dumping two feet of snow on New England. Sometimes it fell as fast as four inches an hour. Parts of Boston’s South Shore and Woonsocket, R.I., got hit with the most: 54 inches.
Two feet of snow had already fallen in previous storms, causing the collapse of the Hartford Civic Center the month before.
Just asked by a builder who did some work for almost a year ago if we were vaccinated yet as he knew we were opposed to the vaccines. We just laughed (our usual response). & replied “Of
Sorry unfinished post……..”of course not”. He just laughed as he expected that answer.
So many unvaccinated are reporting the ridicule they encounter.
Give him a year and see if he is still as smug, being “fully protected.”
I hope he is still OK in a year. I object to the jab, not those who have had them.
The Exit Polls
Interesting 21 Page analysis
Rasmussen has polled a re-run of the 2020 election, with startling results:
A new Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the election were held today, just 40% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote to reelect Biden, while 46% would vote for Trump. Another 10% would choose some other candidate in a Biden-Trump rematch.
<em>Among voters not affiliated with either major party…Trump would win by a 16-point margin, with 45% to Biden’s 29% of the vote.
The Democrats have bet the farm on a hate-Trump message, which seems like a dubious strategy even if the ex-president were as unpopular as they apparently think. But with poll numbers like these, the Trump-obsession strategy starts to look suicidal.
Talk of a REMATCH! Wouldn’t a Clinton V Trump be the fight of the century?
Dick Morris says to check Hillary’s pulse, if she has one she will run.
“That Escalated Quickly – Victoria, Australia Announces Vaccinated Workers Must Get Booster Shot in 30 Days or Will be Fired
January 11, 2022 | sundance | 113 Comments
The shifting sands of COVID vaccination mandates are happening stunningly fast. During a press conference today the state health officials in Victoria, Australia, announced that vaccinated workers have 30 days to take their mandatory booster shots, or they will lose their jobs.”
More at
If people comply again, this will never end.
Welcome aboard the Vaxx-train.
Your Covid Safe pass is only valid if you keep getting boosted.
And with an order for 10 boosters for every man woman and child in the nation, until we can start manufacturing our own boosters, the Vaxx-train will keepmon rolling.
People seem absolutely desperate to find a test so they can see if they have a common-or-garden head cold or the dreaded Omicron.
And here’s why it’s so important to know which it is.
If the test shows you have an ordinary head cold, you will need to go home, cook up some chicken soup, and get a few days rest.
But, on the other hand, if the test comes back as positive for Omicron, you will need to go home, cook up some chicken soup and get a few days rest.
So no wonder there is a panic to see which one you have.
And to justify vilifying carbon dioxide and banning coal and oil and gas and even burning twigs, the TIMES as reported in the Australian Newspaper today are still banging about man made “Global Warming”. The coal which has lifted the entire world out of unimaginable poverty is the villain.
“The past seven years were the seven hottest on record globally “by a clear margin”, according to the EU’s climate-monitoring service.
Last year was the fifth warmest, with an average global temperature 1.1C to 1.2C above the period from 1850 to 1900. The Copernicus Climate Change Service confirmed that 2021 had joined the run of warm years despite the cooling effect of La Nina weather phenomenon.”
Which is sheer deceit. What they didn’t say is that it is actually warming, but that it’s warmer than 1850 , 170 years ago. If the last seven years were the hottest on record, they are all the same. But in the world of the profiteers of doom who make their living from this stuff, the little ice age which ended in 1870 did not exist. And allegedly we can thank the industrial revolution. But if you do not know how the Little Ice age came about, how do you know what ended it?
Roy Spencer’s graph shows this little area of slightly higher temperatures, but a quick look at winter 2021 shows the temperature was -0.005C below the line and that it was identical to the winter of 1980 to within 0.0025C. That’s not warming folks! And where’s this ‘by a clear margin’. Bollocks. A sort of cattle.
Could someone tell the TIMES that it’s always warmer after an ice age. Not someone’s fault.
And how do you like this throwaway line “despite the cooling effect of La Nina weather phenomenon”. So man made Global Warming is real and scary but the unpredictable La Nina is bigger and not in control of our climates, except when it is. And when your infallible atmospheric models utterly fail. For Climatebaggers, it’s like the “Get Out Of Jail Free card” in Monopoly.
In France a court rules that taking the vaxx voids an insurance policy:
“In France, a life insurance company will not make a payout of several million euros following the vaccination death of a wealthy grandfather and former businessman from Versailles. The policy worth several million euros, which was meant to benefit his children and grandchildren, will not be reimbursed.
The court accepted the insurer’s qualification considering, in legal terms, the decedent’s participation in the Phase 3 experimentation of a vaccine whose proven harmlessness is non-existent, and in light of the listed side effects, including death, was a voluntary fatal risk not covered by the contract and is legally entered as a suicide.”
But but but … the vaxx is safe and efficient.
Unfortunately without any confirmation.
“Unfortunately without any confirmation.”
Yea but wouldn’t it be cute if insurers blew this scam outta the water? They will know before our Health Ministers.
Sounds good.
Dissection of a paper
“William M Briggs
Jan 11
Many people have asked me to look at this paper: “Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries””
I wonder how many who are tested positive are due to the common cold. Here is one person who says he was given a report stating he had the HCoV-229E, which is associated with a range of respiratory symptoms, from the common cold to high-morbidity outcomes such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis. He had mild symptoms and so was very likely just the common cold.
Coronavirus 229E?
Thanks Peter S,
I’d heard a rumour along those lines, but not seen any evidence before.
I’ve only been tested once and glad to hear it was negative. Hay fever symptoms I’d have normally ignored, but no paperwork offered or sought. What happens here in Oz for a “positive case”?
(Annie, his link is to a short clip, 1 min 18 secs, and well worth a watch.. Language alert.)
Dave B
Climate science
“NASA’s Gavin Schmidt Replaced by Dr. Katherine Calvin”
Or maybe not – in comments
“Tom Harris
January 11, 2022 11:09 pm
Look at the topic of her PhD thesis: “Participation in international environmental agreements : a game-theoretic study” in 2008.[3]
Lots of game playing ahead, I forecast.”
“The Conversation: Moratorium on Climate Research until Governments Take Action”
And the comments
And a Bee field day
A well posed question
“Mischief Is Important”
Yet more vaccine insanity from California – nurses who test positive for CoViD but are asymptomatic are now allowed to keep working due to the staffing shortage caused by mandates.
Meanwhile, unvaccinated but uninfected nurses are still banned from working according to the state’s regulations..
The WHO has given up on the gene therapy spike protein vaccines for CoViD
So the WHO recognise that the gene therapy spike protein vaccines have narrow protective profile, weak overall protection, poor or non-existent capability for reducing transmission and are short term for any resulting efficacy.
Are the WHO spreading misinformation?
And in case you think The Guardian is a right wing, white supremacist, anti-vaxxer publication, here is the source statement by the WHO
Interestingly, they are asking the vaccine manufacturers/developer for detailed information on the action and efficacy of their products. I wonder it the WHO will have more success with this request than all the others who have sought this data?
h/t Alex Berenson on his excellent substack
Here’s one of the reasons why the gene therapy spike protein vaccines for CoViD have never been particularly effective.
Remember Jo’s article from ages ago about the SARS-CoV-2 virus making some cells send out offshoots to spear neighboring cells to infect them? When this happens, the virions are never out in the bloodstream where the antibodies produced by the “vaccines” are.
That last sentence suggest some form of ADE was observed