A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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That will take a double bag of popcorn!! 🙂
MSM will pass it off as “move along, nothing to see here folks” and big tech will put any reference to it into “fact checking” limbo.
But I hope enough people see it.
We’ve got this new doco on the corrupt election, the Canadian convoy, fans calling out “Let’s Go Brandon”, floods in areas where climate modelling promise no rain would ever fall again etc. Reminds me of someone trying to plug a leaking dam wall but leaks keep springing out quicker than he can plug them.
Deano: Taking that further, the leaks keep coming while the gov’t folks sent to help pee on your shoes, and the press doesn’t notice at first; when forced, the press reports that your shoes are definitely dry (they have letters signed by many scientists who sing the same tune); then, finally, the moisture on your shoes is the “new dry”, brought on by AGW.
Thank you Jo for highlighting that short video I posted earlier. It needs to be spread far and wide so that when the full 2000mules video comes out a lot of people see it and wake up to what actually happened at the 2020 US elections.
O M G !!
Those of us who took the Red Pill, anytime in the last 12 years ** (see below), had a “feeling in the waters” that the election STUNK!
Hopefully this (along with geriatric-nurse/First lady Jill’s escorting our ‘fearful leader’ from the podium the other day) will signal the beginning of the end of this morally/financially-bankrupt regime.
Keep up the great work.
Warm regards, reformed warmist of Logan
** Ever since Obama’s first mid-terms in 2010 when the words climate change were not mentioned by possibly American citizen Barry for well over two years!!
As so far all the court cases and all the audits have failed to show any malpractice/voter fraud in the election, why is it still of any interest?
Ha ha. Nice one centurion.
Be a better troll!
How about getting off your backside and looking at the findings of the various audits and court findings. Just calling me a troll instead of seeing if my comment is substantiated, suggests you lack the initiative and/or knowledge to discover the truth for yourself
Forrest has a shortcut key that pastes that sentence. It saves time.
And effort. And thought.
all correlated
C=97 pussent certainty.
No Ian. I said be a better troll. That was worse.
Claims that Russia influenced the 2016 election were taken seriously based on the number of retweets of tweets, most promoting Sanders, not Trump. It came out to an average of 3 retweets per tweet and probably done by people within the group themselves. If anything, it’s evidence of lacking any effectiveness and dwarfed by the number of tweets sent out by Democrats.
You, and the MSM, try to pretend that the courts would find in favour of a complaint even if there is some basis to a complaint when the truth is that it needs to be extremely compelling.
The bias beyond a sad joke.
Ian see 5 below – We Need More Suave Conservatives Who Can And Will Call Out Corrupt Media’s B.S.
The corporate press needs to be held accountable for its lack of transparency and integrity and conservative politicians should do just that.
Let’s just say that you have been defrauded of all of your life savings.
You know who did it, and how they did it. That person is, however, a very powerful man with high level political connections. The Fraud Squad refuses to take on your case.
The bank just wants to sweep it under the rug and move on.
A year later would you still find the loss of your life savings of any interest?
[Edited for clarity. – LVA]
How about this:
Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System ‘Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’
by The Standard | Jan 27, 2021 | Jay Greenberg
And how about this
But Elsenheimer ruled that a statewide post-election audit conducted by Michigan’s secretary of state’s office that concluded in March — which found the election had been conducted fairly and accurately — was sufficient to satisfy a state law that allows voters to request audits.
Elsenheimer is among more than 90 state and federal judges who have dismissed challenges to the election results filed by Trump or his allies around the country since Election Day.
or is it just lies pushed out by the anti-republican MSM?
…or is it just lies pushed out by the anti-republican MSM?
Good point, if it is in the Washington Post, it could very well be a lie. They are very good at it.
As you seem to subscribe to conspiracy theories you’re clearly of the right.
Do you really believe the WP would lie about something that is so easily checked by going to the source?
Get real. If any paper did do that it would be sued out or existence.
Ian. Good one.
Now, all those Democrats and ALP and British Labour (etc etc) types who assured us that Trump was in cahoots with the Russkies for three long years are “of the right”?
And all those who claim that anyone not caring to be injected with KNOWN kill-shots (see DEDICATED Commonwealth payment for Covid19 vaccine deaths and funerals) are in cahoots with racists, white supremacists and misogynists are “of the right”?
You appear to have become seriously affected by the clot-shots (vascular dementia almost certain). Played Russian roulette but didn’t dodge the bullet. Sad.
[PS: FYI everyone – hyperbolic phrases will trip the filter and slow comments down. As tyrannical as the situation is, accurate English is more persuasive to silent fence-sitters, and better for our own heads. – J]
Left right left right, atteeeeenshun.
Now try standing on your centre leg.
Don’t move.
“Now try standing on your centre leg.”
Sounds as if[SNIP trash]ED
Good point, if it is in the Washington Post, it could very well be a lie. ”
Are you for real? Any newspaper that knowingly lied about a comment that could easily be checked would are sued out of existence
Not when their attorneys are Russian.
So because of that they wouldn’t be sued? How does that work?
Sorry GA, I don’t speak Russian.
“Are you for real? Any newspaper that knowingly lied about a comment that could easily be checked would are sued out of existence”
are you for real Ian?
why the hell would you say something like the above when it is a well truly a known fact that the Washington Post has been paid off by Chinese propaganda outlets
try and keep up mate, Please
The problem we face with the likes of Ian and GI is that they spend a lot of effort pretending not to know things.
“why the hell would you say something like the above when it is a well truly a known fact that the Washington Post has been paid off by Chinese propaganda outlets”
I can’t see the relevance of your comment.
Many newspapers all over the world, including The Age ,the SMH and the Australian Financial Review, receive cash from China in payment for including the China Watch insert every month or so.
But I can’t see why that should stop anyone suing a newspaper for defamation as that is an entirely different matter.
You appear to know nothing about U.S. libel law as it applies to the press.
499 Arizonans Claim Stores as Legal Residences: 110 Voted in 2020, Study Finds
A study released on Jan. 31 by the nonpartisan Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has revealed many irregularities on Arizona’s voter rolls.
Records examined in Maricopa County found that 354 registered voters had claimed storefront addresses as their legal residence. Yuma County was next with 133, followed by a smattering of instances in four other counties, for a total of 499. Of that figure, 110 of them voted in the 2020 General Election.
Though seemingly small, such statistics can be significant. On Election Day (Nov. 3, 2020), 30 state legislative elections across the United States were decided by 100 votes or fewer. In one race in New Hampshire, the margin of victory was four votes.
The PILF report states that 15 million mail ballots were unaccounted for nationwide. Maricopa County led the country with 110,000 undeliverable ballots. The study cited statistics from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, which showed that Maricopa County ranked 29th in the nation with 229,000 ballots marked “status unknown.”
PILF’s study also discovered that 31,641 people who moved out of Arizona were able to register to vote in their new home state without being removed from Arizona’s voter rolls. It’s unclear how this could happen, since Arizona, like other states, has access to the National Change of Address link and is part of the Electronic Registration Information Center, an interstate cooperative that tracks voters across the country.
The study also revealed that 863 Arizonans were found to be registered to vote twice under variations of their names.
“Recent history has shown how seemingly silly errors in the voter roll can fuel election misinformation and heighten public stress amid a close outcome,” PILF President J. Christian Adams said. “Arizona election officials still have some time on their side to prepare voter rolls for the midterm.”
The organization’s mission statement reads in part that “the foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections.”
Erika Flores, a spokeswoman for the Maricopa County Elections Department, told The Epoch Times: “Elections staff spent thousands of hours in 2021 responding to rumors, lies, and innuendo related to the 2020 election. We have publicly available information … showing the integrity of our workers and the effective checks and balances that ensure free, fair, and accurate elections. We stand by those facts.”
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, couldn’t be reached for comment.
States Have the Power to Restore Faith in Our Electoral System – Will They Use It?
The faith, trust, and confidence in our election process has been in steep decline for decades. Concerns over hanging chads and dimpled ballots from 2000’s presidential election may now have been replaced with questions about photo ID and drop boxes – but the overall result is the same: The American people simply don’t trust the outcome of elections.
In fact, recent polls show only 57% of voters believe Joe Biden was legitimately elected in 2020. Similarly, just 61% of Americans believe Trump legitimately won in 2016.
Currently, there are 40 state legislatures in session, with more convening in the coming days, and the United States Constitution has given each one the right and responsibility to decide the manner in which they will conduct elections in their states.
The radical left recently attempted to strip away that right with a law that would give the federal government control over your local elections. It failed in Congress in large part because the left tried to make you believe the lie that the same federal government that botched the Afghanistan withdrawal leaving Americans behind, that loses more than $60 billion a year in Medicare fraud, and that could not stop hackers from stealing $100 billion from COVID relief funds could somehow run your state elections.
Additionally, the bill was basically a blank check to cheat. It banned photo ID requirements to vote, prevented states from cleaning up their voter rolls, and forced states to provide drop boxes for absentee ballots with no security protocols, just to name a few.
With their constitutional obligation still intact, it’s now up to the men and women of the state legislatures to analyze laws against meaningful election integrity policies that protect every single legally cast ballot and every single legal voter.
But election integrity measures are, and new polling data from Rasmussen shows just how popular:
– 85% of Americans support requiring photo ID to vote.
– 82% of Americans support ballots being returned to election officials by Election Day.
– 88% of Americans support cleaning up bad voter rolls.
– 81% of Americans support all voting machines being made in America.
As a political matter, it’s a no-brainer. From a policy standpoint, we simply cannot allow a vocal minority of people to force us into bad policy.
The American people in vast majorities are demanding an electoral system that makes it easy to vote but hard to cheat – and the good news is, many state leaders are taking notice.
Ian, when the perpetrators audit themselves it’s hard to take the results of the audits seriously.
“But Elsenheimer ruled that a statewide post-election audit conducted by Michigan’s secretary of state’s office that concluded in March — which found the election had been conducted fairly and accurately — was sufficient to satisfy a state law that allows voters to request audits.”
Jo, many others (and me) told you about this right after 1/6/2020
So, all I can say is “No SH!\t Sherlock.”
And you do think the Deep State is gonna stop now?
In your fever dreams.
So far no evidence has been presented to a court. Plaintiffs have been told they have no standing for various reasons.
It is clear the Justices would prefer croocked elections than to cause a civil war.
Hanrahan, this is the very thing that could cause a civil war. Those that would revolt if the election were overturned are the fringe 10%. If facts are presented, and the rule of law is shown to be enforce, there would be no need for civil war. Only when the system is shown to be corrupt in all three branches of government is there a need. No one wants a civil war if the system is shown to be working as designed.
What court cases? They were all thrown out with “no standing” as the reason because no judge wanted to preside over such a case due to fear of the threats and intimidation they would face for letting the evidence come out in a trial.
Ian, I would suggest you get a subscription to “The Epoch Times”, there you will learn that several states and counties have found serious flaws and corruptions of their voting systems, which they are now trying to fix. One state had 20,000 dead people vote. I recommend watching ‘Roman from The Epoch Times’, a law graduate who loves facts, figures and Court documents.
“Now’s The Time. This Is Called Prevention.” – Arizona State Senate Appropriations Passes SB 1120 Ballot Fraud Countermeasures; Paper; Ink. (VIDEO)
“Ian, I would suggest you get a subscription to “The Epoch Times”,
You cannot be serious. Why in God’s name would I subscribe to a far right rag that “spreads conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation and false claims of election fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election. In 2020, The New York Times called it a “global-scale misinformation machine”.
As for “One state had 20,000 dead people vote.”
That state was Pennsylvania and a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office said: “The court found no deficiency in how Pennsylvania maintains its voter rolls. There is currently no proof provided that any deceased person has voted in the 2020 election.”
Perhaps you should consider unsubscribing to the Epoch Times
“Ian, I would suggest you get a subscription to “The Epoch Times”,
Why would I subscribe to a far right paper that “spreads conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation and false claims of election fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election. In 2020, The New York Times called it a “global-scale misinformation machine”.
As for “One state had 20,000 dead people vote.”
That state was Pennsylvania and a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office said: “The court found no deficiency in how Pennsylvania maintains its voter rolls. There is currently no proof provided that any deceased person has voted in the 2020 election.”
Perhaps you should consider unsubscribing to the Epoch Times
Ian, when the perpetrators audit themselves, it’s hard to take the results of the audit seriously.
“As for “One state had 20,000 dead people vote.”
That state was Pennsylvania and a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office said: “The court found no deficiency in how Pennsylvania maintains its voter rolls. There is currently no proof provided that any deceased person has voted in the 2020 election.”
Because of your your exact words “so far”.
Surely new information is of interest.
If Joe Biden came out tomorrow and admitted the Democrats systemically rorted the election would you say “oh, but so far the cases haven’t proven that so why is this of interest?”
Instead of “why is it still of any interest?”, you could have said, “Wow. This looks so dodgy. I hope they catch and gaol these Republicans shown in this video cheating for Trump”. Would have given you more credibility than “why is it still of interest?”.
“As so far all the court cases and all the audits have failed to show any malpractice/voter fraud in the election, why is it still of any interest?”
this is not true, most of the court cases were not looked at as being in the wrong jurisdiction ect…, there was malpractice/voter fraud in the election shown in CCTV video but it was deemed not enough to have made a difference to the final counting
my eyes are still in my head and the proof that l saw was enough for me to decide that the election was a complete fraud
there is also the Times article that shows the cabal gloating on how they fortified the election
as George Calin said “its a big club and you aint in it” and neither was Trump
its funny how so many conspiracy theory’s are now known as the truth of the matter
Trump was in it
Just not in the Neo Liberal faction that now dominates
The Elite are not all in lockstep
The history of corruption is full of cases where reports, audits, investigations, court trials fail to find anything for many years simply because that’s how corruption works: The system meant to prevent it is always a prime target. That’s why drug rings target customs officials, police, judges etc. The people behind the 2020 election fraud were clumsy, but still co-opted the key people needed to pull it off. And notice those key players went very quiet immediately after the result. Embarrassed and worried I expect.
We Need More Suave Conservatives Who Can And Will Call Out Corrupt Media’s B.S.
The corporate press needs to be held accountable for its lack of transparency and integrity and conservative politicians should do just that.
When an ABC reporter asked Kari Lake, a Republican running for governor in Arizona, if she believed that Joe Biden is the president of the United States, the Republican knew just what to say.
“Well, he’s obviously sitting in the White House,” she responded calmly before asking the reporter, “Do you think he’s the president?”
The female reporter had no comment but that didn’t stop Lake from politely yet firmly asking whether she and ABC News thought the 2020 election was fair.
“The problem is that the American people don’t have all the answers because the media is part of the problem,” Lake said. “Media is not reporting it. Media has never reported our forensic audit fairly. They’re not reporting what’s happening in Georgia. They’re not reporting on these ballot traffickers that are being paid to drop off ballots. Media is doing a huge disservice to this country and the people aren’t getting the full story.”
Lake noted that this isn’t an isolated problem, it’s an orchestrated one.
“ABC News, CNN, MSNBC, spent more than three years lying to the American people saying that Russia colluded with Donald J. Trump to steal an election in 2016. And they knew that was false. They knew they were peddling lies and they did nothing to stop it. It was a complete hoax and it was a lie. And now they’re doing the opposite,” she said. “We have evidence of corruption in our election and they refuse to cover it. They refuse to be honest with the people of this country. It is disgusting what the media has done. And I think their days are numbered when it comes to surviving all of this. A business — when you’re lying to the people and you’re in media, it’s a bad business model.”
Lake called out the corporate media for what they are: p@rverted, prejudiced leftists who don’t care about Americans. As history shows, the corrupt press exists to serve Democrats, coastal elites, and their agendas. They are propagandists who aren’t afraid to lie through their teeth to get to the top.
“When You’re Lying to the People and You’re the Media, It’s a Bad Business Model” — MUST SEE: AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS ABC Rookie Reporter in Attempted Hit Job (VIDEO)
Kari Lake for AZ Governor
WATCH: The Media just won’t learn their lesson. They continue to try and stump me, but I know their game better than they do.
I did an interview with
… will they include this portion of it in their piece? Why won’t they just do their job and report the truth?
Kari Lake is acting like a seasoned professional. Taping the interview herself is something most weak-kneed Republican losers would never think of.
President Trump: Why Isn’t Unselect Committee Investigating the Massive Ballot Harvesting Operation that Has Just Been Irrefutably Reported?
President Donald Trump released a second statement this morning on the massive ballot harvesting operation caught on video in battleground states.
“Why isn’t the Unselect Committee investigating the massive ballot harvesting operation that has just been irrefutably reported, on tape, in Georgia and other Swing States? Game changer, among many other game changers!”
Earlier this week filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza released the movie trailer to “2000 Mules” — an explosive documentary exposing thousands of ballot traffickers who stole the 2020 election for Joe Biden.
Using commercially available geo-tracking cell phone data, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.
Dinesh D’Souza narrates the clip from his upcoming movie “2,000 Mules.”
The trailer now has 1.3 million views — the word is getting out.
Has it ever occurred to you that Trump is a liar and a bully boy? There have a number of audits in the US none of which have found evidence of fraud. The links below substantiate that claim,
A long-awaited report on the 2020 election from a GOP-controlled Michigan Senate committee recommended that Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel consider investigating individuals who pushed false claims “to raise money or publicity for their own ends.”
The suggestion was among the most striking details of the Senate Oversight Committee’s recap of a months-long examination of the presidential election. The report’s main author stated Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, saying he found “no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud,” contradicting months of assertions from some members of his own party, including former President Donald Trump.
After six months, the results of an election audit in Arizona are in: President Joe Biden won the state’s largest county, and now-former President Donald Trump received fewer votes than were originally counted.
The Republican-backed election investigation comes after Wisconsin has completed a series of routine state election audits and a presidential recount in the state’s two largest counties, as well as an audit from the Legislature’s nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau. None of those reviews have uncovered widespread fraud or wrongdoing. There have also been numerous Republican-backed lawsuits in the state, all of which have failed to result in findings of wrongdoing by election officials or voters.
If Nevada GOP officials were willing to listen, they would hear former lifelong Republican and two-term Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods explain how the rampant political cowardice that accompanied Trump’s rise drove him from the party and today threatens its very existence.
“The problem is for all of my life in the Republican Party there has been a fringe element that was just completely whacky, but you could pretty much ignore them or push them to the side because they were small in numbers and nonsensical,” Woods said. “They are now clearly in charge, not just in Arizona but across the country. And that’s a big problem. They’re fact-free and that makes it very difficult to reason with them. I don’t know that it’s possible. Like I said I think first you’re going to have to just defeat them.”
The chair of Fulton County Election Board in Pennsylvania, responding to questions from Democrats at the hearing, repeatedly testified that the audit had found nothing wrong with the election. “Nothing was found,” he told senators. Trump overwhelmingly won Fulton County, but despite the fact that the county’s audit did not find any fraud, it has served as inspiration for Trump supporters in states across the country seeking to reexamine the election.
And how did they audit postal votes, which is what is being alleged? Or ballot harvesting? Or even ballot stuffing after hours? I read of cases where the total vote substantially exceeded the population, but you say no fraud was found? As for Republicans finding no fraud, there are a lot of Republicans in name only. It’s not a black and white world.
We are also in a world where the entire US media denied the origins of the Wuhan virus. And Australia has been economically punished severely for even asking the question. And now they are saying they lied to avoid a confrontation. And Dr Fauci not only knew all about it, he funded it and deviously. How many hundreds of thousands of lives did his games cost? And the President Tedros Adhonom of WHO, the former revolutionary and friend of President Xi, the first non medical president of WHO who stated unequivocally that the virus was NOT infectious, human to human. Another lie from the top, responsible for millions of deaths.
Is it not possible that many know the truth about the election but lie to avoid the absolute disaster if it was admitted the election was really stolen, just as the Democrats alleged for four years for the defeat of the unbeatable Hillary Clinton. For many, the ends fully justify the means. And when all of the richest internet multi billionaries and their companies and most of the media are backing the Democrats with mountains of cash and ‘fact checking’, suppressing the truth is a major activity.
The fact is that anyone who publishes the truth is pilloried, as just happened with CNN and Radar Online which revealed the truth.
Of course the election was stolen. The question is what to do about it, if anything. And putting a malleable geriatric in charge of America will certainly backfire on the Democrats. They cannot keep him on holidays forever, but live in fear of a repeat of his order to evacuate Afghanistan instantly. And it was a day before they could get him to order the troops back. And no one says a thing.
We are also in a world where the entire US media denied the origins of the Wuhan virus.
Fauci Knew About Virus Lab Origin From Secret Teleconference, Pushed Alternate Narrative: Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke
Dr. Anthony Fauci was told in a secret teleconference that the CCP virus had very likely leaked from a laboratory in China, yet still pushed the alternate narrative that it had originated naturally, new evidence allegedly shows.
Redacted emails that were recently made public suggest that Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), initiated efforts to cover up evidence pointing to a laboratory leak as the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.
Evidence suggests that Fauci also actively shaped a highly influential academic paper first published on Feb. 16, 2020, before later being printed in the prominent science journal Nature which excluded such a possibility.
The article, titled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” was co-authored by five virologists, four of whom joined Fauci in a Feb. 1, 2020, teleconference.
During the phone call, at least three authors of the paper said they were 60 to 80 percent sure that the CCP virus had originated from a laboratory, something that they also reiterated in emails following the call.
At the time, public reports also emerged of a potential link between the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and the CCP virus outbreak, yet these reports were dismissed by Fauci and other medical professionals as conspiracy theories.
This includes Peter Daszak, founder of EcoHealth Alliance, the nonprofit that funneled United States grant money to scientists in Wuhan and the other authors, who published a statement that read, “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”
“but you say no fraud was found?”
No TdeF. Get your factsright.
I don’t ay no fraud was found but those that conducted the audits did and they are far more knowledgeable about the audits than either you or I or anyone else commenting here
Seriously Ian. Face facts. You are just no good at weasel words. Be a better troll.
“Seriously Ian. Face facts. You are just no good at weasel words. Be a better troll”
Gee Aye mentioned “be a better troll” was a phrase you often paste. But you don’t want to overwork your neuron do you?
As for weasel words, you obviously haven’t the faintest idea what they are. But you are quite correct I certainly am no good whatsoever at weasel words.
The words I used were not my words but were taken directly from the reports I linked to in my comment and were the words of those who were involved the auditing processes.
“Seriously Ian. Face facts. You are just no good at weasel words. Be a better troll”
Gee Aye mentioned “be a better troll” was a phrase you often paste. But you don’t want to overwork your neuron do you?
As for weasel words, you obviously haven’t the faintest idea what they are. But you are quite correct I certainly am no good whatsoever at weasel words.
The words I used were not my words but were taken directly from the reports I linked to in my comment and were the words of those who were involved the auditing processes.
A bit of advice don’t use words or phrases you don’t understand it makes you look very silly
Ian,the facts showed clearly that there was massive fraud. If all favoured Trump there were at least 7 times the supposed winning margin.
The question has to be,”Why was it overlooked?”
The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) is nonpartisan, so it looks like you are the liar. It found sufficient wrongly counted ballots to be larger than the margin of victory, mostly because they were mail-in ballots with insufficient witness information (which by law should not have been counted) and more than 45,000 of the newly registered voters gave details that did not match their driver’s licenses.
There’s an archive of the summary here, if there’s any detail you want to check.
As a resident of AZ (fled the Fascist Cabal of CA about 6 years ago)…
With all the illegal aliens in the South of my state, she’d probably will get elected. (not that our current Gov is any better in practice). Cuz voter ID is racist, don’tcha know…
At least we have an AG that doesn’t play that game.
We now may have an unequivocal context for Joe Biden’s statement in October 2020 that his campaign had assembled “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization” in American history.
And the video of Joe Biden admitting that.
There will come a time when he is deemed to be unfit to govern under the 25th amendment. Possibly this year. Then the question is whether Kamala Harris can be sidelined, somehow as President Harris scares even the extreme left. She would invade Russia.
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution states that if, for whatever reason, the vice president and a majority of sitting Cabinet secretaries decide that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” they can simply put that down in writing and send it to two people — the speaker of the House and the Senate’s president pro tempore.
Then the vice president would immediately become “acting president,” and take over all the president’s powers.
The vice president and any eight Cabinet officers can decide to knock the president out of power at any time.
Hillary finally sees light at the end of the presidential tunnel but its an oncoming train.
My crystal ball says Biden, Harris and Hillary all gone in one fell swoop.
I wonder, since he has all their mobile phone numbers, whether he will sms this trailer to them directly. Just think how many would scramble to cut a deal if they received this preview. Woohoo, bring it on.
Erin Clement’s audit team has become a canvas/audit team as traitors have destroyed evidence. Doors are knocked on (if the reidence exists as they often don’t) and frequently there are less people living in the property than voted, the wrong people live there, vote harvesting is prevalent particlarly with the elderly. There s no good evidence??? MSM are liars.
The evidence is overwhelming and over a thousand sworn statements cannot be dismissed.
Who could accept windows being covered to hide counting? Plumbing sends people home and counting is supposed to stop but the traitors had not realized the cctv was recording their cheating.
Truck drivers with loads of ballots taken across state borders. The many authors of the statements appeared on a documentary that was removed. January 6 has hours of video that are secret. Why was Pelosi’s laptop taken. I think it proved who was organizing Jan 6 and it was planned to be removed. She knew Arizona was going to be queried and the distraction worked even frightening innocent unsuspecting Republicans.
This is modern warfare and far more dangerous than bombs, guns and more modern WW2 type weapons.
My question is this : why didn’t the republicans beat them at their own game ? Two can play that game….The next round will be interesting.
A start
“Fraud” is the wrong word for the problem in the U.S. — at least from an Australian perspective. In America, voting is optional. So a citizen can choose not to register, or if registered, not vote. “Fraud” and all the fuss over voter rights and voter ID and so on is based on the false notion that an unauthorized person obtains the citizen’s ballot. That’s not what happens, in general. Instead, the person of evil intent registers a citizen who would not, on his own, have registered. It’s legal to “help” do so, not fraud. But the candidate or party who “helps” the most has an advantage. Later, persons of evil intent request ballots for those who would not, otherwise, have made that request. Again, not illegal. But candidates or parties working this process (over candidates or parties promoting their policies, priorities, or governing philosophy) wind up with more blank ballots out there than those who don’t. Finally, there are “harvesters” who show up at nursing homes, union halls, college campuses, and other crowded venues, and offer to “help” or “educate” voters. THIS is illegal, mostly. But it’s very hard to enforce. And after all the voter being assisted could have refused, right? Not fraud … So assuming that the helper doesn’t actually mark the ballot in a fashion other than the voter intended, that helper still has inside knowledge of how those he “assisted” tended to vote. So he has a choice. Turn in the dozen or so nursing home/union/campus votes collected — if they voted the correct way — or turn them in late, or in the wrong place, or never. The voter can’t tell. The law in most locations says only postal mail should handle the ballots. The law also says only the voter should see the marked ballot. But, again, it’s very VERY hard to protect the concept of the secret ballot in every setting.
As I understand it, Australia requires every citizen to vote. And somehow prove they did so. The kind of “withheld” ballots I describe above are less likely in that case.
You’re not required to ‘vote’ in Australian. You are however required to have your name marked off the roll, usually by attending a polling booth in person. There is a fine for not doing so, without a reasonable excuse.
“…Finally, there are “harvesters” who show up at nursing homes, union halls, college campuses, and other crowded venues, and offer to “help” or “educate” voters. THIS is illegal, mostly. But it’s very hard to enforce. And after all the voter being assisted could have refused, right? Not fraud … So assuming that the helper doesn’t actually mark the ballot in a fashion other than the voter intended, that helper still has inside knowledge of how those he “assisted” tended to vote. So he has a choice. Turn in the dozen or so nursing home/union/campus votes collected — if they voted the correct way — or turn them in late, or in the wrong place, or never.”
There were piles of Trump marked ballots found in trash bins. I guess they voted the wrong way. There were also ballots marked for Biden and no one else.
Binny’s right, our ballot papers are not identifiable. You can get your name ticked off, go into the booth with the ballot paper and draw funny faces all over it if you wish and no one knows its you. This is called an ‘informal vote’ and is obviously not counted.
This is not true. There was one electorate where people drew potatoes on their ballot.
Mr. Aye: The drawings were of Mr. Potato Head, and were counted as votes for Biden. Guess I would have counted those as Biden votes myself.
It’s rare to see insubstantial nonsense so well produced
You mean so well documented! Don’t believe what you see on video. Trust your own intelligence and bias.
The video shows stuff with a voice over telling you what to think. I well remember the voice over from the “suitcase” misinformation.
I read this comment late last night and considered a proper response. And I just couldn’t come up with a good response that would be meaningful to someone that has no self awareness.
from the depths of the internet
and this from 2012 (!)
D’Souza was selected for persecution by Obama’s goons for minor technical breaches of campaign finance laws. These breaches were and are common for all parties including Dems to commit and were never prosecuted in the past as they were trivial and of a technical nature.
So corruption is OK if a goon prosecutes you?
Mr. Aye: The USA was founded by people who understood that a “goon prosecutor” is far more harmful than an individual corrupt act. You may be from some nation that never laid such a founding principle, so you may not get just how much of a tell this comment is on you.
It’s funny that you’re immediately assuming this is evidence of Democrat cheating and therefore are keen to discredit the producer. The promo video makes no claim as to who the votes were for.
Could it be that you think the huge vote tally Biden received was by rorting and therefore any evidence of rorting must be discredited. Even if it shows flaws in the system and probable rorting that could have benefited either party?
The video just makes claims and nowhere in the OP was there a hint of scepticism. It was just dished out to you all and you all found it sustaining. Sceptic is just another projection for some people
It could be rubbish and it could be genuine that tracking and video evidence shows multiple drop offs by individuals. The OP didn’t make any claims and was alerting the blog readers to an upcoming film that is likely of interest to many readers on a topic that was popular here.
Again, neither the video or the OP claimed which party was favoured by the seemingly unusual vote drop behaviour. But you and Ian are immediately defensive, rather than taking a position of interest from an an aspect that election rorting is open to both parties.
I suspect it’s because you both have a hunch on which side is likely to have rorted if there was rorting.
Anyway , I’m more sceptical than you.
So there!
Take that!
AND . . . my Dad’s bigger than your Dad.
Your prime minister throws like a girl. Ner ner na ner ner.
Dinesh D’Souza donated $5,000 to assist Wendy Long, a personal friend, in her campaign for the 2012 NY Senate campaign. He asked 3 friends to donate to her campaign as well. He was a constant critic of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. That was his downfall.
“The Justice Department that would imprison Mr. D’Souza for two years for giving unfair advantage to a friend’s political campaign declined to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for threatening white voters with nightsticks at a Philadelphia polling place in 2008….Mr. Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was itself fined $375,000 in 2013 for failing to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and missing deadlines for refunding millions in excess contributions. No one was threatened with prison for that. (That was different, of course.)”
“Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — the radical New York socialist and media darling — is the latest poster child for illicit activity and sheer hypocrisy. First, she illegally funneled thousands of dollars in official campaign funds through “Brand New Congress PAC” and “Brand New Congress LLC” to her boyfriend, Riley Roberts. Then, Ocasio-Cortez improperly converted House resources to her non-official, personal use by obtaining an official email address for Roberts.”
“In 2016, Hillary Clinton presided over an $84 million money laundering scheme that involved the Democratic National Committee, dozens of state Democratic parties, and hundreds of liberal mega-donors — all of whom conspired to funnel excessive six-figure donations to Clinton’s campaign.”
Dinesh is rather philosophical about his time in prison. Seems he made valuable contacts.
He probably found out quite a lot about how the Democrats operate while he was in there. !
Ya know, olde Gene, that I never even bother to read your comment any longer.
You are just the massive turd in any punchbowl.
I cringe at the thought, that if I ever make it to your fair country, even the mere thought of having to meet you would give me the willies.
As a guy with a Masters Degree in Abnormal Psych though, I’d bet you’ld be a treasure trove to plumb the depth on.
Yeh, you make a strong personalized example of Ad-Hom.
Though I don’t know how you made it through the AU world of censorship.
“It’s normal in elections for one person to make 53 trips to 20 drop boxes…”
In a system in which ballot harvesting has been approved, it IS normal for that to occur.
And, no court findings of fraud? That’s because all of the election-law changes were written and passed in such a way that made it impossible to prove fraud because all controls over who could place a ballot into that box were removed.
Once a ballot gets into the ballot box, there is no way to trace that ballot back to a voter. The new election laws were designed to make it much easier to get those ballots into those boxes. The crime, such as it were, was accomplished in the law changes. Once those changes were accomplished, there was absolutely no way to audit an election. They could just sit back and laugh.
Why do you think that Biden’s new bill “reforming” elections was and is so important to Dems? It takes control of those election laws away from the states, and places it into the hands of the Democrat-controlled deep-state bureaucrats in Washington. Once that is accomplished, NO election will ever be auditable.
I would like us to go back to paper ballots, advance registration, and maybe even Iraqui-style purple ink on our thumb after we vote. I’m betting the number of winning Democrats would drastically decrease.
And that would be a good thing.
Elections were designed to ‘Prove’ the winner couldn’t possibly have cheated. If the loser has an even vaguely plausible call on saying the winner cheated. You have a very dangerous failure of the system.
We have compulsory voting and pencil/paper ballots in Australia. Once, I thought that was archaic. But the more I learn about the US election system the more I think our system , with its minimal fraud possibilities, is actually pretty good.
When I say compulsory voting – you are only obliged to have your name crossed off the electoral roll as your intention to vote.
There was a council election I was required to vote in. Had no idea about any candidate and it would have been irresponsible for me to cast a vote. But, due to the law and as you say, I was required to make them think I voted by attending and having my name crossed off.
Well at least in the US we don’t have ‘Resilience Camps’… that I know of … yet.
Plus all our elite leftists are always going on about moving to Australia, which might be a clue.
If they show up, don’t tell them about the poisonous critters.
In all seriousness, both our countries seem to have succumbed to a global elite cabal, who keep their organizational structure obscured, which I guess is a totally cabal thing to do.
Do Dan and Justin have more than just a spiritual connection?
Was Dan’s mom ever in Cuba?
From up here, Dan and that Gunner fellow appear to be actual clones.
Good comment. I made a related comment down in #30 that discusses the election changes made in 2020 relative to the old time-honored ways of “stuffing” ballot boxes.
Oh, that’s not evidence. Come on Man!
Interesting to note that the same commenters who support the anti-freedom of vaccine mandates…
.. and scoff at real Australians protesting against those mandates…
… are the same ones that support and condone voter fraud.
Mr. t: Sure helps spotting them. I wonder what common thread drives these folks to push the jab on others, and at the same time refuse to see evidence of vote manufacturing.
Ballot boxes in the street, like garbage bins, not scrutinised by officials.
Have you noticed how Leftists are especially vicious in their attacks on non-white conservatives?
In this case it is Dinesh D’Souza, originally from India but there is also the vicious treatment by the Left of African-Americans like Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, Sheriff David Clarke Jr, etc.
Just as the Democrats once fought to keep slavery, they now fight to keep non-white people “in their place” as welfare slaves. Why else do you think all Democrat-run cities in the US have so much black poverty which never improves while the Dems rule?
there is no viciousness in pointing something out that actually happened. Truly amazing that you all watch this mush vision with total credulity.
That’s pure trolling. A personal assault without argument.
On the other hand pointing out D’souza’s conviction for finance fraud as some sort of proof that his documentary is a fabrication is not a legitimate argument. The documentary ought to succeed or fail on its own.
I should have specified this was campaign finance fraud; two counts of $10,000 each.
“you all watch this mush vision with total credulity.”
You’re free to believe any sort of nonsense that you like . . . . clearly you do.
What ended slavery was the British Industrial revolution. Slaves were no longer needed. Slavery was endemic throughout human history across the world and then the factory and even the clerical workers in the second half of the 19th century in England were the new slaves. No wages, just board and gruel, 10 hours a day, six days a week. Real slavery was always colour blind. And the reasons black workers fired in the South could not find jobs was that the destitute Irish would work harder for less. Slavery is not only colour blind, it is relative.
Consider that in the US today, the Black community which is 13% of the US population, the children of former slaves would rank as the 16th richest country in the world. BLM is fake in America, an excuse for black people not to improve themselves and like free abortion, a real attack on the black inner city where all the riot damage was concentrated, the gun deaths are greatest and where it is not safe on the streets. It’s not someone else’s fault. AntiFA is facsism. BLM is racism. CRT is an excuse for failure. These are fake flag movements, the opposite of what they seem.
And the burning question for the Democrats is that this time next year, the only office and committee the Democrats will control will be the Presidency. And impeachment looms, of course, except this time the grounds are endless and the evidence is #1 on the Times Best Seller list.
The Democrats were able to congeal from the party of actual slavery to “anti racism” without any liability for the past (same legal entity)
so what makes you think they won’t weasel out of Coronatarianism without any repercussions??
Nothing will happen as Conservatism Inc is weak
Slavery continues all over the globe, China and India are world leaders
And the far-left want everyone to be that way.. Slaves to elite totalitarians.
Vaccine passports, climate passports, social virtue passports….. all being considered.
If you don’t say the right thing on the twitterverse/farcebook.. you get un-personed.
The far-left willingly accept these overlords and their agenda.
Why so long to be seen ?
Nevertheless if only half true it’s a bombshell.
American democracy should hang it’s head . .
This was know almost from the start. It just was taken seriously. Now the new evidence is so strong there can be no doubt the election was stolen. Then again there will be some even here as exhibited by their comments that refuse to accept the truth for whatever reason.
Voting in person with ID is the way to go, with limited postal vote by request only. Otherwise large scale postal votes can be a problem as seemingly experienced here in Melbourne. Herald Sun article today about election issues at one of our wokest council’s.
Agreed on voter ID. After all if it is good enough to be compelled to show ID and injection status to enter a a business it is reasonable to do the same at voting time.
Wasn’t there someone that installed a voting machine in their cafe, thus negating the need for customers to show vaccine passports ?
Many people in the U.S. 2020 election arrived at the polls only to find their vote had already been cast. Goes on in Australia too. And involves mail-in ballots. Imagine that! I have no idea if the complaints they made ever received proper attention.
Facebook censored all discussion of possible election fraud and continues to do so.
Now the following happens.
Get woke, go broke!
Well deserved! Couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke..
When they alienate a fair proportion of their users..
… what did they expect would happen !
Even if it was a free and fair election, which is a statistical impossibility, everything they have done since is corrupt, tyrannical and lacks any mandate whatsoever.
Those who wish to waste their time and effort arguing with Ian may do so. I have more important things to do than argue with supporters of the most shabby Democrats seen in a century.
I definitely agree that there is no point engaging the likes of Ian and GI.
I simply offer them a few words of encouragement to be better at what they do and find a more suitable venue. And if contributors find them irrational and idiotic spare a thought that they have to live with themselves all day every day. They live their own punishment.
I find it amusing that you comment “I definitely agree that there is no point engaging the likes of Ian and GI”
I’m quite sure you do as when you do you look a complete and utter clown. In an earlier comment you wrote:
“Seriously Ian. Face facts. You are just no good at weasel words.”
The definition of weasel words you muppet is “words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading.”
So thank you for the compliment that I’m no good at them although I realise you did not intend it as a compliment but because you had no idea what weasel words are.
As you’re obviously not too au fait with English I’m not surprised you do not want to engage with those that are as it makes you look irrational and idiotic.
Only one person here looking irrational and idiotic.
… and its not Forrest.
Ian, see above.
Forrest, with all the mirrors he must have around his place, to admire himself in…
… you would think he might have at least a tiny amount of intraspection.
The American voting system that elected Slow Biden is completely legit and incorruptible.
That’s what the Dems told us. That’s why they’re trying to bring in legislation to fix it.
My head hurts.
Cartoon caption (no link in the email)
“The US bobsled team have renamed their sled “Biden” because nothing has taken America downhill faster”.
Here’s the link to the pic
And Russel does some telling re the “Get Joe Rogan” crusade
“Russell Brand on the tempest around Rogan. ”
It appears the UK is once again a world leading exporter
Exporting the Tower Hamlets voting tabulation methodology to the USA
Left a comment on Thursday Open Thread, comment number fifty-eight, about Rigged by Mollie Hemingway.
I figured that the vegetable, a.k.a. ‘Gee Aye’, might respond, but there was nothing of substance in his/hers/its comment on the Open Thread.
Refute the evidence in Ms. Hemingway’s dissertation, and the video link at 7.1 above (Marvin), or stop embarrassing yourselves. Your mindless thrashings about ‘court cases’ is fully discussed in the book. Try reading it.
Then comment.
It is instructive to note that all the “sources” spruiking the line that the election was the “fairest in history” are the same scum that spent more than 4 years telling proven lies about Trump !
Their credibility is zero.
What I don’t get is why the statistically unlikely result that Trump held leads of up to 15% in all of the key states at the close of polls but gained less than a few % of the “magically” appearing votes after that.
That is statistically improbable and shouts probable fraud !
I’m reserving my judgement as to whether The stolen election was actually a good thing or not. Don’t get me wrong Trump running America was great and he did heaps of good things but if he would’ve won the election we would never have known how absolutely hopeless and disastrous the Democrats are. If they manage to retain power in the upcoming midterms that would be not so good but if the Republicans and Trump supported candidates gain a foothold as expected things can improve rapidly. The US is critical to what happens in the rest of the world and things would hopefully improve in here and Europe as well. When one false narrative is eroded it’s a little like a house of cards and people will start to realise that the tin foil hat nutty conspiratorial nutty climate change deniers are not so nutty any more and if they’ve lied about the election what else have they lied about. But this time when in power the Republicans must fully drain the swamp or you’ll never fully get rid of the swamp rats.
In the U.S. there is almost some amount of fraud in every election, especially in the very opaque regions run by machines. I am sure there are some Republican machines in places, but most urban areas are run by Democratic party machines and have been for more than half a century and in places since the U.S. Civil War. You can find local stories about convictions in some states and cities after every election — 2018 even. But somehow we are supposed to believe that 2020 suddenly had no such problems.
Big time voting fraud occurred traditionally in several ways. For example in one Houston election, fradsters opened ballot boxes and double marked Republican ballots to have them invalidated. But often it occurred in the following way. A precinct captain will work pretty diligently to keep tabs on people in the precinct who rarely or never vote. Absentee ballot are ordered and filled out for these people — doesn’t matter if the precinct captain or some lieutenant “helps” this person mark the ballot (four legged voting was perfected in Chicago), or just does it for them without their knowledge. In the 1982 Illinois gubenatorial election the losing Democratic candidate (Adlai Stevenson III) complained and the resulting investigation revealed that the Democrats had produced 100,000 fraudulent votes in this manner in Chicago alone. After this fiasco Illinois tightened up the rules and requirements regarding absentee voting. Elections cleaned up for a time.
However, COVID hysteria eliminated these safeguards in 2020, and the legal drop boxes (the Zuckerberg boxes broke the law in some states, but who knows if anything will ever be done about it) and mail-in ballots provided a means to bring these old corrupt practices back into vogue.
Problematic voting has spread from being a local problem to a national one. People are trying to get it under control again and the Democrats, predictably, are fighting against tightening up the rules again in every possible way. In fact Democrats have offered new laws that would make complaining about an election a gross misdemeanor in Washington state — a place where elections often hinge on finding boxes of ballots in the trunk of a car.
Add in the technology and Big Tech’s censorship and propaganda efforts, as well as CCP interests, which didn’t exist that much previously and we see problems which were historically local and isolated become pervasive. A lot of these things historically have been in North East urban slums and of course in Michael Borodin’s, Saul Alinsky’s, and Obama’s City of Chicago. But now we see it spreading into the modern suburban new south, flipping key districts and states.
It had never occurred on such scale. So a man who could not gather a crowd in three figures collected 80 million votes? In the words of the Zhou himself: “Come on man!”
When they realized that the needed to manufacture millions of addition fake votes to overcome Trump’s massive new mandate, which he was receiving before they stopped counting in the key states, they realized that they were outnumbered. They are the real “fringe minority,” a realization the Canadian Left is now faced with too. Else why the efforts to change the demographics of the nation?
[…] 2000 Mules: It’s normal in elections for one person to make 53 trips to 20 drop boxes… […]