A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Who’s on first?
You are GA!
I am what?
No, Who is on first.
Are you talking Abbott and Costello?
What is on second, right? A great play on words, that.
I don’t know.
Third Base.
No, you’re Who.
First what?
Try this, Nigel, if you’ve never seen it:
This guy is
And a more contemporary take on it.
Who is the new leader of China
The wheels are coming off the COVID-19 bus. It sort of makes sense our leaders are now climbing back on board the CAGW bus.
Board member of large German insurance company blows the whistle on COVID vaccines
So they failed in their bid to use covid19 to create an orwellian dystopia of continual lockdowns and removing fundamental freedoms? Either that or they changed their plan as the virus changed. I wonder which is true?
We’re all on the edge of our seats waiting to hear your wisdom. My wager is placed. Go ahead, make me wealthy.
“Waiting “ wish we could edit.
The answer is neither of course. I proposed a false dichotomy. The first suggestion is ridiculous and the second assumes competent governance.
How much did you win?
After reading your comments for over a year, I must say you are quite good at proposing false dichotomies. My winnings are going to one of my favorite organizations, The National Rifle Association. Thank you.
Don’t feed the trolls.
Were you in on the syndicate FG?
‘I wonder which is true?’
The latter.
Another pandemic will be invented. Soon. Or there will be more “Climate Change.”
We have only twenty five active volcanoes at present around the globe but none of them seem to be hugely active. We need some Tamboras — highly explosive. There was about eight biggies in the last Dalton Minimum. Heh: Tambora was one of them. This one is going to have to get its Glad Rags on and become explosive.
There’s got to be real cooling. We’re now in the third year of it and it will soon start lagging on the volcanic front if things don’t start exploding soon.
It’s the big eruptions which push out the ash clouds which do the real cooling.
“I wonder which is true?”
Perhaps they now see political gain to be made by pretending that the science has changed but in reality they are simply adopting what the non-woke world has been seeing for months about Covid?
If “the science has changed”, then an awful lot of people I know have been prescient. Or is it just a coincidence that the “change” reflects what we’ve been saying?
These are the same people who, when the world fails to overheat or blow away or freeze or whatever the change du jour happens to be, they’re going to declare that we’ve been saved only because they’ve successfully stopped it.
No, they failed in their bid to use the Fauci Flu to introduce the “Great Reset”, so longed for by Klaus and his Kronies.
The plan was never for “endless lockdowns”, but it was for endless “boosters”. Shots so expensive that only big government could provide them to citizens suitably compliant for a virus only government controlled testing could detect.
Regular testing, regular shots and regular bending the knee to keep your digital passport green and avoid the camps.
The petty Tyrant Tradueu has blown it big time. His flappy-hands reversal is to little, too late. He has revealed the plan of the Vaccine Passports nations, and in doing so, destroyed trust in their banking systems.
Canadian banks offered waiver of liability, actually moved to freeze accounts and steal money. But here’s the thing: a lot of money in Canadian banks is foriegn. Millions of Americans have their money in Canadian banks that merged with or took over smaller American banks. Foriegn entities such as film production companies get end user certificates to buy hundreds of millions in Canadian dollars to pay local workers. Money normally held in the Canadian banking system. That money is all now fleeing Canada.
Tyrant Trudeau has opened the world’s eyes. The whole world now knows their money is not safe in any vaccine passport nation, nor any nation with WEF “young global leaders” players in any position of power or influence.
(To be fair, Sparkle Socks didn’t destroy the “Great Reset” on his own. But he crashed a full petrol tanker into the smoldering fire, when other players were trying to tamp it down until they could regroup.)
Thank goodness the conspiracy is still alive. If it weren’t what would folks here have to write about?
Please point out the “conspiracy theory”.
Seriously, Klaus has been yammering on about leaveraging a global crisis to engineer a “Great reset” (his words) for years. That’s no theory, that’s fact.
Endless boosters? That’s just the scientific reality of attempting mass inoculation with a non-sterilizing “vaccine” that only trains the immune system against the part of the virus where it preferentially mutates. Pfizer is on record claiming that they could offer a strain specific booster for each new variant in just 90 days (their words).
And digital passports? For goodness sake! Australia’s federally coordinated system was in development before we even had shots to jab people with. Seriously, we were testing the passport information Infrastructure before we had jabbed a single Australian.
I’ve only offered up one “conspiracy
if you say so.
I do say so.
Remember, I was the first to claim that the net effect of radiative gases in our atmosphere was to cool the surface of our ocean planet by 26C not warm it by 33C. I own that claim. No amount of gaslighting or call to authoritiy arguments has ever made me change that claim. 7 billion humans could claim I am wrong, but empirical experiment proves me right. Unpopular. But right.
My comment above was cut short. I was admitting to one “conspiracy theory”, the claim that Elon Musk was the most likely to blame for Omicron crushing the crazed plans of the WEF.
There is every chance that I am incorrect about the creator of Omicron and the destruction of the WEF plans. But there is zero chance I am wrong about Omicron being the product of a human agency. Zero.
Gaslighting? Call to authoritiy arguments? Telling me I don’t conform to “accepted” opinion? Those tactics only work against those who would rather be accepted than right.
You know, the thing I’ve learned about being unpopular but right, is the “unpopular” bit is passing. In the age of the Internet, wrong is forever. There are no “nobel lies”, and truth is not subjective.
Meanwhile in Austria
they’ve brought out the war drums 
Cue the ‘Lord of the Rings’ music 
Interesting graph here:
Guess which two countries have the highest vaccine doses per person as purchase commitments?
See a pattern here….?
Did Oz and Trudeauistan get a discount for buying bulk?
What is the alleged rational for buying 10 and 11 doses out?
My dreams make more sense than this stuff.
Trudeau ordered the RNA vaccines as he assumed that Canadians and the world would still be facing the Delta covid line. If Omicron had not stopped the Delta paradigm/epidemic, there would be future waves of Delta and Delta prodigy covid epidemics.
The RNA vaccines only provide 6 months protection, so Trudeau’s idea was the Canadian population would be given RNA boosters every six months. Trudeau also paid Pfizer to build a RNA vaccine manufacturing plant in Canada. Trudeau thought that there would also be a need for RNA vaccines for the poorer countries. That is no longer true because of everyone in the world will be exposed to the Omicron that is 1/10 as deadly as the Delta variation and because people are gradually finding out the that the RNA vaccines are not safe or effective. Exposure to Omicron unlike the RNA vaccines provides long term immunity to covid.
It is interesting that the Moderna share price has plunged as many have figured out that Omicron has made the RNA covid vaccines obsolete and are hence taking profits. As Bill Gates stated suddenly the world does not want covid vaccines. There is a surplus of first release RNA covid vaccines.
Omicron stopped the deadly Delta covid variation and it appears it was designed (By secret super heroes, I believe there will be more good surprises) to be as safe, as possible. Omicron thankfully, is not causing the complex immune system problems in a small group of children, that Delta was causing. In the US there were 5 million recorded covid infections in children and this resulted in 6800 children (roughly 2000 Black, 2000 Hispanic 1800 white and a small number of Asians) that had complex biological problems that appeared 2 to 6 weeks after getting infected with first release covid (Delta line).
The CDC is hiding the data that shows the first release RNA vaccines are not effective against Omicron and that Omicron is not causing the complex problems in children. As Omicron replaced Delta the number of children effected by the complex biological problems dropped to zero at which time the CDC stopped providing this data. The complex biological problems caused by the covid Delta line, in a small number of children in the US, was the excuse to force vaccination of children with first release covid vaccines.
It appears that first release covid has designed using a world genetic record which enabled the designers to target groups of people to maximize fear and with minimum impact on the local population.
subverting the West: Klaus Schwab and his networks
Excerpt: We are so proud of Trudeau .. over half of the cabinet are our Young Global Leaders”
The World Economic Forum is little more than a tawdry cult, not much different than the Heavens Gate or Branch Davidians. And many of our national leaders are members.
I wouldnt trust a word from anyone who took the WEF Young Global Leaders indoctrination program. They’re thinking has been fundamentally altered.
Except Victor Orban.
WEF is bad, bad, bad, but it’s isn’t a magical hypnotic pill.
Something to note: the climate cronies still chose to meet in Glasgow, with the obscene display of private jets. “Vaccine” travel restrictions were even waived for the faithful.
But the WEF Davos “elite” decided to do a virtual shindig this year. They are not afraid of the virus, but they are now afraid of gathering in one physical location.
They are not afraid of those they consider “sheeple”. They believe taking a temporary step back on mandates passports and boosters will put the sheeple back to sleep. (I believe they are wrong about this. The botched attempt at the “Great Reset” has caused a great awakening that is gaining momentum beyond the power of the Establishment Misleadia and the Big Tech Neo-Orwellians to stop.)
No, the Dovos “elite” now fear for their physical wellbeing. A nation? A corporation? An individual? I don’t know. But the Davos “elite” know that they have done great harm in rushing their plans. Plans that were doomed to failure even if implemented on the original 2025 timeline. (When parasites take control of the host, they destroy themselves and the host.)
Who should the Davos “elite” fear? Certainly nations like India, China, Russia, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and South Africa. But what about a corporation with more tonnage with de-orbit engines circling the planet at 7.9 Km/s than any “superpower” nation? At that speed, just a couple of tonnes could make an entire Swiss ski resort disappear …
Konrad, nor am I suggesting that the WEF does not have a dark influence.
…Just that it has limits.
A new Industry is now taking off in the U.K.
Handy little earner for crooks, fair bit of copper in them.
With so many houses in the U.K. without off-street parking (London in particular comes to mind),how are people possibly going to charge their cars every night. There are even untold thousands of them that can’t even always get a park in front of their own houses. People will be tripping over power cables as they walk down the street at night. This looks like another Leftie shambles on the horizon.
The power of wishful thinking. Details like reality are just negative vibes man.
They don’t want you to have your own car, silly.
There also seems to be a lack of thought as to whether the local electricity substations have sufficient capacity to cope with the current required to recharge all the EVs, apart from generating the electricity in the first place.
Much of the charging will take place at night after the 6 to 8pm surge when people get back from work, yet there is talk made about using EV car batteries as a backup when un-renewables don’t provide.
Oh well, the boss won’t be too pleased when I tell him that I can’t get to work this morning because the car’s battery is flat.
Meanwhile, IIUC it is recommended that lithium batteries are kept at between 20 and 80 percent of charge for optimum life, what is the effect of repeated charging and discharging outside of your control going to have on the life of the battery?
So much seems to be no more than wishful thinking, as with much else in regards to our energy supply.
“Lack of thought”. Precisely.
This has been the foundation of the entire lithium battery EV folly. The lithium based “charge at home” EV was “low hanging fruit”. So long as early adopting virtue-signallers were few and government subsidies high, the problems could be easily hidden from those who didn’t want to see.
But the reality is the power grid cannot cope with even just 10% of petrol vehicles being replaced by lithium EVs. And at the last federal election, the Labor/Green coalition was proposing that half of new car sales would be Lithium EVs. That would require just Australia consuming 40% of global lithium production each year. Lack of thought.
On lithium battery life, while I am totally opposed to lithium EVs, I will give Tesla some credit. They beat the competition, and they did it by thermal management. Tesla cars have a liquid thermal loop flowing through their batteries and radiators bigger than most ICE cars. Batteries are warmed and cooled to maximize safe charge/discharge rates and battery life.
I was fortunate enough to be given a full covers off examination of the tech by the head of mechanical of Tesla Australia after he had just arrived back from winning an EV rally in Europe. And an exhilarating demo drive around St. Leonards industrial area in Sydney. Acceleration like a Lotus and 90 amp regenerative breaking that made your collar bones thankfully for the full racing harness.
But regardless of Tesla’s superiority over other makers, the lithium EV remains an engineering and economic dead end. (And no, this is not just a “petrol head” criticism. I don’t own a car. I’m actually in final power systems integration of my solar powered kayak.)
Interesting is that according to that link, a cable costs up yo 700 pounds ($1400). Meanwhile…
A jerry can (25 litres) in the boot costs about $25 to allow you about the same range as a fully-charge EV battery. You fill it in about 2-3 minutes vs several hours for the battery. Then you can go anywhere and not worry about an “empty tank”: up to 500 ks and more from the nearest petrol station. With the $1400 cable in the boot, an empty tank is the end, even if you are only 500 metres. from a charging point.
Can someone who’s recently bought one of these total failures (EVs: not just a cable) explain how such idiocy makes financial, or “driving pleasure” sense? Please!
BTW: I do hope no-one on Jo’s blog has paid a hundred grand or more for one of those EV lemons now ablaze in the Atlantic aboard that flaming freighter!
And if you are carrying it in Rheem Australian made 20l petrol container across the Simpson Desert end Nov 99, you fill them with Dunlop SA MilSpec foam and are able to get 65l into 3 containers at Birdsville – at 35l / 100km over hot dunes emptied quickly and used 205l out of 210l via qaa line, French line to Oodnadatta – Dalhousie was closed for summer – Ant Anstead on tv series Alfa Romeo 158 racing car build used same approach 2020, cut up MilSpec foam into his fuel tank for 158
If you steal enough of them, we can stop global warming!
Imagine these words appearing at their ABC…
“Corbevax is a protein subunit vaccine, a tried and tested method that stimulates an immune response by directly delivering bits of the virus the vaccine is designed to protect against.”
Yes it is true. The official line is now that protein subunit vaccines use a tried and tested method.
And I am old enough to remember when mRNA injections were “safe and effective”.
not to be confused with a Corby-vax where, once injected, you become an incompetent dug smuggler, or an unwitting drug mule.
or a Corbin-vax where, once injected, you become an anti-semite and draw a nice wage as an MP while depriving genuinely needy people of public housing.
For those confused by FG’s comment. Here is where the ABC made this statement
How did Their ABC let that one slip through?
They let the news slip through. They are weird like that.
In this interview with Christine Stabel Benn talks about the indirect effects of vaccines, both live attenuated and protein subunit. The effects of live childhood vaccines is highly positive, while protein subunit vaccines have, if anything, negative effects on overall health.
Just a few data points. I for one am very surprised that a highly infectious virus can produce such stable day to day numbers. Something doesn’t tally.
Agree it is interesting. A few things have changed.
Here is some speculation. One is that when numbers were lower case outbreaks were episodic so causing fluctuation. PCR testing rates are much lower now and there is no stress on that system. If the % of “cases” is more or less stable then test outcomes will reflect this.
RAT testing is new to this system and has an unknown influence.
Final speculation is that cases have indeed plateaued and we are looking at entering phase of endemic infections.
It would be interesting to apply the Newcomb–Benford law as a statistical test to see if the numbers are fabricated or not.
Hospitalisations are down and in a downward trend. There’d be a lag in the hispitalisation data matching the daily case data. But hospitalisations could be used to verify case data unless the new cases are not a consistent mix of vulnerable and healthy people.
Hospitalisations would be a reliable capture of data. Daily cases less reliable because people might not be bothered getting PCR tested and if using RAT not report their positive result.
Haha! Why would you report your positive RAT test to Govt… Nothing good ever comes form announcing yourself to Govt, the less they know about you the better!
I have also wondered about the fairly constant rate of infection in NSW, so obviously the Ro or whatever they call the number of people you infect is only about one per day. Personal reports in town here show some members of a family don’t get infected from other members for up to two weeks, something I haven’t seen discussed anywhere.
Gosh, he’s nice:
A good article, though too long to finish reading now.
He is so good!
Why VAERS and Yellow Card stats for vaccine damage are useless-
“I have filled in yellow cards three times, and several hours of work followed each one. As directed, I searched though patient notes for all previous drugs prescribed, the patient’s medical conditions, a review of the consultations and on, and on. Back and forth from the pharmaceutical company the questions went. Until the will to live was very nearly lost.
If you wanted to devise a system to ensure that adverse effects were under-reported, you could not devise anything better. Yes, doctor, please do report adverse effects to us. The result will be endless hours of work, with no attempt to report back that what you did had the slightest effect, on anything. Thank you for your continued and future co-operation. And yet this, ladies and gentlemen, is the system we have in place to monitor and review all drug and vaccine-related adverse effects.
Which becomes even more worrying because, as mentioned before a couple of times so far, nothing else of much use is going to come out of the clinical trials. With the Pfizer BioNTech trial, crossover occurred in Oct 2020. By crossover I mean the point at which they started giving the vaccine to those in the placebo group as well. End of randomisation, end of useful data. End of … well of anything of any use.”
..and why this fully-scienced accepted, fact-checked statement is rubbish- “(For young men).. It could indeed be worse to allow them to catch COVID19, where the risk of myocarditis is even higher than with vaccination.”
Because the data for vaccine damage is taken over 7days, anything else is not the vaccine’s fault, but the data for Covid myocarditis is spread out to 90days, or even 140days later!
Yes, its long, there is more! but he is great to read!
However, the insurance companies are starting to release the real data on vaccine side effects. After the leak from the US comes one from Germany.
My latest on how and why electric power hide the truth about the “transition” to wind and solar.
Green gold!
You do know, David, that a layer of gold sufficiently thin appears green? I’ve sputtered very thin gold layers on targets to ground the surface/space charge in an electron microscope — it’s green.
“The IRP does specifically say that importing electricity from other power producers is not a viable way to make intermittent solar power reliable. ”
Yes, I’ve wondered about that here in OZ, will the State exporting the power to some other State with unreliables decide to evenly cut power to their own people as well as the customer’s, or say “hell, our people are more important, you guys get no power..”?
This should be fun!
David, I see that you are now engaged in a conversation on the Bacon’s Rebellion blog with Virginia’s advocates of wind and solar — one of whom is Jim Bacon, the blog owner.
I’ve been following that blog for roughly a decade. Jim Bacon spends a lot of time covering energy issues in Virginia, something which peeked my interest when I was supporting cost estimating and project planning for nuclear projects in the US Southeast a decade ago.
This is what I would add to the conversation, if you would like to do so:
America’s carbon emissions are roughly 17% of world emissions. A fundamental issue climate activists must address is how to convince China, India, and the developing nations that they should abandon fossil fuels and should instead rely on wind, solar, and nuclear for their long term energy needs.
The argument is being made that America’s leadership in quickly reducing our own carbon emissions is a prerequisite for convincing China and India to reduce theirs.
The problem with that argument is that a credible plan must be presented by the Biden Administration which demonstrates that America can in fact meet its stated GHG reduction targets — net zero in the power generation sector by 2035 and net zero for the American economy as a whole by 2050.
Here are just a few of the things a credible plan must contain:
– A hard numbers estimate for what portion of Net Zero must be achieved through renewable energy development and what portion must be achieved through the imposition of strict energy conservation measures.
– A detailed, hard numbers estimate for the renewable energy resources America will be producing and consuming in 2035, identified and quantified as hard target objectives.
– A revised set of grid reliability planning objectives which is consistent with the realities of wind and solar’s intermittency.
– The numbers of wind turbines required, their nameplate capacities, their proposed locations, and their estimated capacity factors in the locations where these wind turbines are to be sited.
– The numbers of grid-scale solar farms required, their nameplate capacities, their proposed locations, and their estimated capacity factors in the locations where these solar farms are to be sited.
– The numbers of roof-top and close-proximity ground-located solar systems required, their nameplate capacities, their technical configurations, and their proposed distribution among business and residential structures.
– The numbers of grid-scale backup energy facilities required (i.e., battery farms, hydro storage reservoirs, deadweight mass potential energy storage, etc.), their nominal capacities, their proposed locations, their technical configurations, and their estimated capacity factors.
– The numbers of smaller power generation backup systems likely to be required for individual cities and towns, and for large energy consuming industries.
– An inventory of the specific lands and coastal waters targeted for wind and solar development, including those lands needed for a greatly expanded energy transmission infrastructure.
– A credible policy and means for overcoming resistance to the administration’s Net Zero initiatives, means which may include abandoning parts or all of NEPA and reversing the decisions of government-charted local and state planning authorities which are adverse to the fast deployment of wind and solar facilities.
We have seen nothing so far from the Biden Administration which even remotely resembles a credible plan for achieving net zero in the power generation sector by 2035 and net zero for the American economy as a whole by 2050.
Once again, the argument is being made that America’s leadership in quickly reducing our own carbon emissions is a prerequisite for convincing China and India to reduce theirs. But as long as no credible plan exists for achieving Biden’s GHG reduction targets, why would China, India, or any other developing nation take America’s professed commitment to climate action leadership seriously?
Isn’t it time for climate activists to start asking themselves this question: Are you being taken for a ride by Joe Biden and all the other big names and big organizations who refuse to acknowledge what has to be done to quickly reduce our GHG emissions?
Here in US a trucker convoy is allegedly headed for DC to clog the Beltway.
Many commentators here say “what do these uninformed and uneducated Deplorables want?”
“The mandates are already going away.”
The inside the Beltway types just don’t get it.
They have no clue that the class war is upon them.
They think it’s about ‘issues’ and ‘policy’.
‘Policy’ required us to ruin your life.
Why are you complaining citizen?
Deliver my Amazon with a mask while I’m Super Bowl parting without one.
These people are dangerously dumb.
Newsmax and The Epoch Times are embedded in the convoy (s).
Another look
“Russia, the Ukraine, and US interests – the reality”
Chiefio’s take on that
By the end of 1868, more than 95% of the inhabitants of Chicago had been vaccinated. After the Great Fire of 1871 … strict vaccine laws were passed, and vaccination was made a condition of receiving relief supplies. Chicago was then hit with a devastating smallpox epidemic in 1872 where over 2,000 persons contracted smallpox, with over 25% dying, and the fatality rate among children under 5 being the highest ever recorded.
All sound familiar?
Disease cycles repeat just like everything else. You CAN tell the future by knowing human nature the interaction of world events and the significance of (cough..) trends.
So, what will happen next?
(That’s rhetorical because by this stage the informed ones among us know)
Can you be vaccinated against burns?
Via Martin Armstrong.
China has already warned that the West better knock off the BS. The Ukraine Crisis is all about the refusal to allow the people to vote on their separation. This is going to be a rising issue in many countries going forward and even in the USA no less separatist movements in Canada and throughout Europe. This stupidity of imposing sanctions when Biden slapped Putin in the face denying all requests and not pushing Ukraine to allow simply to let the Minsk Agreement unfold dropping the nonsense that Russia must withdraw all aid before a vote, just invites this entire crisis. I cannot imagine that these world leaders are that stupid and thus I can only conclude this is intentional. There is no diplomatic solution when you reject everything the other side requests.
Putin has already banned the export of ammonium nitrate (AN) from Feb. 2 to April 1, which is the first shot across the heads of world leaders. Putin is guaranteeing affordable supplies for domestic farmers following the spike in global fertilizer prices and a crisis created by COVID that materialized in a drastic shortage. This seems to be playing into both our famine models as well as the rise in commodity inflation into 2024.
For those who are unaware, Ammonia gas is a key material enabling AN production. Prices have soared more than fivefold since October 2020 thanks to COVID. Add to this, we have rising costs for natural gas, which is also a key input required in AN production. The Climate Change morons have no idea how energy is intertwined into every aspect of our daily lives. The rise in natural gas has thus contributed to the rise in AN prices. Those higher prices have forced farmers to reconsider their nitrogen fertilizer usage, favoring legumes such as soybeans, which require less nitrogen fertilizer than corn and wheat. Ammonium nitrate is therefore a critical component along with natural gas in creating nitrogen fertilizer, with the other main source of nitrogen is derived from urea.
Demand has arisen thanks to COVID for ammonium nitrate from both agricultural producers and industrial businesses. Russia represents around two-thirds of the world’s annual 20 million mt ammonium nitrate production, most of which is used in fertilizers to improve yields for crops such as corn, cotton, and wheat. This will even send bread prices higher. I just went to my favorite Mexican restaurant. Now the chips are in shortage and where it use to be endless supplies, not it is just one serving due to the shortage.
The broad channel resistance technically stands at 855 and the market has reached 854 this year. A closing above 900 at year-end ensures we will see Wheat rise sharply into 2023. Look at our volatility models from 2022 into 2026. While we may have an initial 7 year high in 2023, we may be looking at a real prolonged crisis ahead. The polls are already out showing that over half of all Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of Ukraine. In this case, politicians may take this as they need to become more aggressive militarily and this is NOT a war we can win.
So…looming food price hikes and financial trauma for the masses.
Who could have seen that coming?
A leads to B which leads to C which takes you all the way back to A.
Reality in a nutshell.
The predominant method of producing ammonia is steam reforming of natural gas to produce the hydrogen. The water and nitrogen are ubiquitous. So natural gas is the source material. This is usually then fed directly to nitric acid and ammonia nitrate plants at the same location. This avoids the need to store large volumes of ammonia for ammonium nitrate production. However it is not unusual for the ammonium to be produced for shipment to other locations.
Natural gas is the key ingredient at least until Twigger gets his stored sunlight plants in operation.
AN has one other cool use.
For further details, contact the IRA, c/o Gerry Adams.
Cool is, you can use it as cooling gas in industrial equipement and size. Or for ice rinks, icehockey etc

So Russia and China allow their people to vote?………LOL…….As Josef Stalin once said, “Tt is not who votes but who counts the votes that wins”………………..
“Tt is not who votes but who counts the votes that wins”
Hang on, it was Biden who said that!
I’ve been to Russia many times. Putin is actually very popular. No need to rig the ballot.
Dr. Malone On CDC Lies; Live From The Trucker’s Convoy in Barstow
CDC supressing information is scientific fraud: Dr Malone
l think its called tipping point
its all coming out
thankyou for posting
Breaking News -Trudeau Revokes the Emergency Act just Two days after he declared it.
so I guess the beatings, the hunting down of miscreants and the move to make these powers permanent were and bit overdone? or maybe just premature?
cue the “Canada is open for business” adverts.
no its not over,
the police chief has said that even though the blockade is finished the police will be hunting down the protesters and anyone involved
Great. And hopefully prosecuting them for breaking which law exactly? This is all police state intimidation ordered by a Prime Minister who has not had to answer to parliament for two years. Like Victoria. Wuhan Flu has been a great gift to the dictators of the world and emergency powers their ticket to absolute and eternal power. Their problem is not controlling the police, the army or the courts. And their own members in parliament.
My point is that the judges who hear these cases will have a field day questioning the abuse of power and leaving Trudeau and friends open to law suits for compensation, false arrest, violence. It’s not a great defence to say that your employer told you to break the law. And while the truckers may get parking fines, seizing their bank accounts and assaulting them in any way is illegal.
And the declaration of a state of Emergency came surely with very strict conditions. Declaring it when the blockade was over is likely illegal in itself. Judges will love that. What penalties are there for lying to parliament and exceeding his authority? Again it gets down to a vote of no confidence but the world condemnation and the condemnation by the majority of citizens of Canada may be enough.
After all, even the Communist Party of Canada complained about due process, illegal action and an attack on a peaceful demonstration.
Trudeau is only Prime Minster and answerable to the parliament to validate his actions. And they were not validated. And if we recalled the emergency declaration because it would not pass the parliament and was obviously unnecessary at the time, then it was illegal.
And all actions under the declaration de facto illegal as well. Things like seizing bank accounts. Financially damage. Reputational damage. And any injuries in now unlawful police action and any actions ordered and authorized under those powers. Trudeua is now personally and criminally liable. As it should be.
Jo asked a question yesterday, what is the point of the Senate as the are chosen by the PM. Here’s the answer..
“According to reports, Trudeau did not have enough support to uphold his use of the Emergencies Act in the Senate, which was set to vote on the matter tonight. So, apparently, in order to save himself the embarrassment, Trudeau caved in and announced he was revoking the act.
Even one of Trudeau’s hand-picked Senators, Pierre Dalphond, turned on him earlier today, saying he would not vote for the act over concerns about how Trudeau was abusing his near-limitless powers to violate citizen’s charter rights.”
So they were not all hand picked by Trudeau and what’s left of democracy forced him to back down. Daniel Andrews had much the same experience in Victoria’s upper house. It’s belated good news, but good news.
Thanks TdeF.
So a vestige of Democracy still works.
Err, no Jo. Not democracy.
The right move to demonstrate that democracy was still working in Canada, would have been to put the emergency powers to the Senate and have the public see them rejected and their faith in “the system” restored.
Sparkle Socks has responded to instructions from people who did not trust the senate. Canadian banks and global financial players.
Think of that scene in “The Empire Strikes Back”: “Admiral Ozzal, you brought the fleet out of hyperspace too soon … you have failed me for the last time!”
If it were just an internal matter with the Canadian banks, the Kabuki Theater of Senate rejection would have played out. The evidence indicates that the blackface blunder’s external masters were displeased.
Backing down because he knew he would lose a vote is still democracy working. At least to the extent there are some checks along the way and the power is not wielded by one person.
Vaccine-Induced Mortality, Part 9: Health Insurer Confirmation
Germany’s largest health insurance company, BKK, just came out with an alarming estimate that the experimental quasi-vaccines killed 31,000 people there.
Roll up, roll up, roll up. Get your safe and effective vaccines here, there and everywhere. Smaller doses for the kiddies.
Free icecream with every dose and your life destroyed if you refuse.
(and destroyed in the near future if you agree anyway).
By the end of 1868, more than 95% of the inhabitants of Chicago had been vaccinated – bogus fact, smallpox was the first widely produced vaccine and it was after 1870, and no, there was no requirement to be vaccinated to receive relief.
I would dump that site John, it is total BS
Are you suggesting that BKK DID NOT make that statement? They did.
I read the German source, they did, right, and in one of the newspaper the text of the letter was copied.
The letter text translated:
German source
He likes it for reasons other than its veracity.
Are you sure?
From your reference:
“For the first 80–90 years after Jenner’s discovery of vaccination in 1796, the main strategy used to disseminate and maintain the smallpox vaccine was arm-to-arm vaccination, also known as Jennerian or humanized vaccination.”
The book ‘Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History’ is supposed to be arriving today. I’ll give you the references.
Think vaccines work?
Explain this.
No surprise Scotland stopped releasing data.
Not that it matters now. The damage is done and the (cough..) trend will continue unabated worldwide.
The more solar you buy/install, the richer China becomes. 70-80% of supply.
Daily Mail:
‘Often disparagingly referred to as a ‘horse dewormer’, the drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human use to treat parasite-related conditions, but is not believed to have antiviral properties.
Merck, which also developed ivermectin, has introduced molnupiravir, a pill for a person to take upon Covid infection to limit their likelihood of requiring hospitalization or dying from the virus.
There are some fears that the way the drug functions can incidentally super-charge the mutation of new Covid variants(?), though, and some physicians have been hesitant to use it.’
‘But authorities have repeatedly warned against using the drug to treat Covid.
It is very dangerous to take large doses of ivermectin and there is insufficient evidence to validate its safe and effective use for Covid-19,” the TGA has said.’
– But it is safe to use Paxlovid…..? :
see ‘Pfizer Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2021 Results’
Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir [PF-07321332] tablets and ritonavir tablets)
Clinical and Research Development
– But it is safe to use Molnupiravir…..? :
see ‘Merck Announces Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2021 Financial Results’
Warnings and Precautions:
There are limited clinical data available for molnupiravir. Serious and unexpected adverse events may occur that have not been previously reported with molnupiravir use. (So why was/is it not ok to question the lack of long term safety data of the mRNA vaccines?…)
Males of Reproductive Potential
Nonclinical studies to fully assess the potential for molnupiravir to affect offspring of treated males have not been completed.
Advise sexually active individuals with partners of childbearing potential to use a reliable method of contraception correctly and consistently during treatment and for at least 3 months after last dose of molnupiravir. The risk beyond three months after the last dose of molnupiravir is unknown.
An early report showed the Merck drug cut the risk of hospitalization and death to 50% in patients who had mild-to-moderate disease, but a final analysis of the trial reported on in November, before the FDA authorization, showed a reduction in that benefit to 30%. Meanwhile Pfizer reported that its pill (combined with a low dose of ritonavir, an HIV drug) showed 89% efficacy in preventing hospitalization and death in the high-risk patients it studied.
Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day
Double-blind study shows ivermectin reduces disease’s duration and infectiousness / FDA and WHO caution against its use
Published: AUGUST 2, 2021
Prof. Eli Schwartz, founder of the Center for Travel Medicine and Tropical Disease at Sheba, conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial from May 15, 2020, through the end of January 2021 to evaluate the effectiveness of ivermectin in reducing viral shedding among non hospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.
Moreover, in the last decade, several clinical studies have started to show its antiviral activity against viruses ranging from HIV and the flu to Zika and West Nile.
“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
But Merck has not launched any studies of its own on ivermectin.
“You would think Merck would be happy to hear that ivermectin might be helpful to corona patients and try to study it, but they are most loudly declaring the drug should not be used,” Schwartz said. “A billion people took it. They gave it to them. It’s a real shame.”
Published: 15 February 2017 :
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
Andy Crump
The Journal of Antibiotics
‘Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan.
Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
Essentially, a unique, multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug of the past and present may yet become an even more exceptional drug of the future.’
Dr John Campbell
Mr Bill Gates and Australia Feb 21, 2022
Natural immunity discussed by Mr. Bill Gates
“Sadly the virus itself
particularly the variant called Omicron
is a type of vaccine, creates both B cell and T cell immunity
and it’s done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines.
Serosurvey in African countries, 80% positive
Chance of severe disease, dramatically reduced because of that infection exposure.
We didn’t do a great job on therapeutics”
Merck was offered facilities and subjects in Japan to test IVM. No interest. I’m wondering if the tweet with an item showing the Queen was given IVM is still up?
No; and there were apologies all round. It was all a misunderstanding…..hmmm.
The thing with COVID Omicron is that it is so mild , you actually don’t need to even take early anti-virals. Well, for most healthy people at least. Had it 2 weeks ago, RAT confirmed with 7 days in Iso at home. I had a sore throat for about 1/2 day and a couple of nights of slightly elevated body temp and then a slight cough. That’s it. I lessened the symptoms by doing a number of things. Firstly gargled with a good Listerine and iodine throat gargle. Also used an anti-viral nasal spray. (highlighted by our own Jo Nova !!) Took a couple of panadols to help with the sore throat. I did have some i………n on hand, but chose not to use it. Long COVID- what the hell is that? At worst a bit of a “gloopy” type throat, where you feel like you need to clear it by either swallowing or slight cough.
A Quarter of U.S. Servicemembers and 75% of Defense Contractors Defy COVID Vaccine Mandate
Nearly a quarter of United States military personnel and 75 percent of Department of Defense contractors are defying President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for all service members, civilian Pentagon workers, and defense contractors, a workforce in excess of 740,000 people.
The revelation was included in a Department of Defense COVID-19 Vaccine Operations Update slide deck. The report was current as of January 10.
Meanwhile in South Australia they’re running a bit short of police.

The law of unintended consequence strikes again
Frankly, after the video out of Canada, I’m no longer seeing “running short of police” as a huge problem …
..and now for something completely different.
The confessions of a Pornhub moderator
No surprises there
Plenty of surprises. It was a fascinating read.
But it didn’t answer the question I really wanted to know: how do sites like pornhub really make their money?
They don’t charge people to upload or view “content”. The uptake of “premium” subscription channels is undermined by the firehose of new free material. The navigation and search pages may be loaded with click-bait ads, but visitors are necessarily going to have a narrow focus on immediately available content, not glossy promises of more for money.
Although the author doesn’t explain, I suspect a version of the bubble. Traffic volume is being used to sell a ponzi investment scheme, while actual ad revenue and premium content sales are being ignored.
Tube sites hosting user uploaded “amateur” content were successful against traditional “adult content studios”, but the reason for this success runs counter to attempts to monetize traffic so generated.
NH jet stream gets a run in the MSM.
Tucker: These are the realities that actually matter
Based upon reliable sources, Trudeau has been forced to abandon his Emergency Act as a staggering amount of money has fled Canadian banks. Canadians have moved accounts to the United States by the tens of thousands following Trudeau’s freezing bank accounts without a court order which has even included credit cards. Canadians began withdrawing all of their money from their bank accounts with most turning to cash, others to gold, and some to BitCoin. The demand for US dollars more than tripled in the past week.
The sheer amount of money withdrawals from Canadian banks was massive. There appears to have been a 500% increase just in the previous 24 hours. This is the problem with politicians. They are simply UNQUALIFIED to make such decisions. They have no idea that freezing accounts will undermine the confidence in the banking system
The law of unintended consequence pt 2…
Totally predictable in reality.
The trend defines the reality.
Mass cash flows out says “NO CONFIDENCE”.
That may explain my post #26. I was thinking Ukraine.
If they have gone into PMs they will likely stay there. Once lost, trust in banks will take years to be regained, if ever.
How could Trudeau think this could end well?
How odd that a leader can get away with such a disaster but if an ordinary person caused the same sort of bank run they would immediately be arrested and charged with various crimes. Goes to show it’s one law for leaders and another for the rest of us.
Interesting that Klaus’s star child may have scrooed the pooch.
Royally scrood the pooch. Has that spoilt brat, illegitimate child, blown Klaus’s cover?
Control over POG is essential to the NWO, they must maintain the veneer of normality while putting the limpets onto the hull of USS America. An out of control gold price raises the alarms.
But I’ve been round for a few rodeos and the next couple of hours will tell, when US markets open.
A massive smack down of POG will be attempted. But nothing can stop a bank run. Ya pays ya money and ya takes ya chances.
In this particular interaction, I believe said “pooch” had the upper paw. Knot a situation easily reversed.
For any silver bugs out there, it has run 3% today or 80c/oz or 27c/1966 round 50 c coin, my favourite collectable.
Problem with silver is it’s too heavy (too bulky).
If you have $A120,000, you can buy about 100Kg of silver. Or 1.3Kg of Gold. The simple logistics of getting the physical metals and then stashing them are clearly all in Gold’s favour.
Get the Kilo bars, and also a good number of small ingots.
OTOH the Au/Ag ratio is historically high, currently 78:1. Should that ratio halve then there is twice the gain in Ag than Au.
Yes, it’s looking interesting. Would not rule out another dump in silver to flush out the remaining weak longs, with gold to correct a little thus making the ratio even higher. Then it’s to the moon for both gold and silver. The trigger might be when US bond yields invert (2yr-10yr+ spread). Governments can’t control longer term interest rates, only short term, such as treasury notes. When people en mass lose confidence big time in the US dollar, watch out.
The problem with both is that in a time of need they are very hard to trade unless you are shaving off bits to buy your food. It might come to that and a market for silver slithers develops but I can’t see that happening soon. Same with crypto. You’d probably do better with a sack of potatoes or a chicken to trade.
I see your point but “clipping” silver is not worth the effort.
Clipping gold was a real problem before international banking though. The heavy penalties for “Defacing The Coin Of The Realm” had nothing to do with national pride or such, it was to discourage clipping.
Today no nation gives a rats if you melt down coins for the metal or beat a penny into a pendant.
You can buy all kinds of shapes, sizes and weights of gold and silver. You could get quite transactional if you really wanted to. Depends what you really have it for. A store of value for better times, trading in bad times or to buy potatoes. People have all kinds of reasons to hold.
I have quite a few of the round 50 cent coins that I want to unload H.
I am now retired, no longer have a No Sale key on my cash register.
Has Her Maj just been rumbled using the dreaded horse paste?
Is the royal cat out of the bag?
Pause at 0:19
This now up to 2.2M views on twaddle.
[I havent been able to watch it. But Nine has said it was an editing error.. It is funny. Was the packet in her room or just a drop in careless shot? I suspect the latter – Jo]
I’ve made a few posts on this, here and elsewhere, but the link is tenuous. I chased it a couple of days ago.
If she was given IVM while it is withheld from NHS patients, there should be an RC.
Get well soon ERII.
They just dropped in file footage of a pill package. The doctor being interviewed has been apologised to as he was not talking about that particular drug
I put this up on the bank thread, but it’s worth repeating. JP provides narrative scripts, so liberals don’t go into rages when having conversations. Tempted to forward to certain people!
Referenced by a trusted source.
Clive Palmer is in hospital with COVID-19, Omicron variant according to reports, he is not vaccinated and has various medical problems apart from the virus.
Surely he has “protected” himself with anti-viral drugs, and therefore, why is he in hospital care?
How would Clive have protected himself with anti-viral drugs (for covid) because the Government made them illegal?
I wish him a speedy recovery despite the drugs approved in Australia to treat covid are mostly ineffective or harmful.
He tried to get the safe anti-virals approved and sadly they were instead banned.
Maybe he could get flown to the US in his private jet to get treated by the various doctors there who are actually allowed to practice medicine and use the safe anti-virals.
Note to overseas readers: the unvaccinated aren’t allowed to leave Australia on commercial transport, it is a form of punishment. (I am not 100% sure about leaving on private jet either.)
In 2020 it was reported that he did import about a million doses of HCQ into Australia. Not sure it was ever confirmed. But, if he’s in hospital, no hope of ever getting treated with early anti- virals in Australia. The only thing which I know for sure is that certain immunocompromised groups can access monoclonal antibodies. But that was before Omicron and so I dont know if they have updated the brew to be Omicron active. The older version was more Delta active.
You’re way short of the mark.
A comment of mine from months ago:
A batch of 1,118kgs of hydroxychloroquine sulphate, the equivalent of about 5m doses, arrived in Melbourne Airport on 14th August last year, where it was left in a warehouse until was sent for destruction in April 2021 following a standoff between the billionaire and the Therapeutic Goods Administration over who should have to deal with it.
A spokesperson said the government had not used any of Palmer’s previous donations, which means 22m doses are still sitting somewhere rotting in the national medical stockpile.
OMG- I did not know that!! Thanks. The TGA destroyed perfectly good HCQ. what an act of vandalism. They could have at least donated it to some African countries for malaria prevention. Or kept some and handed it to lupus sufferers for free.
i could have sworn, when he addressed the freedom rally in Brisbane, he said he was vaccinated. Maybe I misheard?
G’day Dennis,
The words I’m hearing are that he tested negative a day or so back, but he’s now got “covid-like” symptoms. Another story is saying he’s suffered from from respiratory problems from an early age.
Do you have any evidence that he actually has Covid?
Dave B
Here’s the ABC story, supportive of my version above.
Dave B
Global warming has not influenced precipitation during the UK winter.
In Australia, being one of the most extreme Nanny States in the world, vaping with nicotine is banned.
I neither smoke, nor vape, but it seems that nicotine vaping is a much less harmful substitute for smoking.
So why is nicotine vaping banned when the Government claims to want people to stop smoking?
One can only conclude that the Government which has also imposed some of the highest tobacco taxes in the world, supposedly to discourage people from smoking, wants people to remain addicted to smoking so they don’t lose the revenue.
In other words, the Australian Government is acting as a drug pusher.
A conspiratorial crank,
Having funds in a Canadian bank,
Was beaten most cruel,
For buying some fuel,
To help fill a truck driver’s tank.
Problem with silver is it’s too heavy (too bulky).
If you have $A120,000, you can buy about 100Kg of silver. Or 1.3Kg of Gold. The simple logistics of getting the physical metals and then stashing them are clearly all in Gold’s favour.
Get the Kilo bars, and also a good number of small ingots.
Gold is better than Bitcoin.
1kg gold bars are fine for a SMSF, but they’re hard to liquidate in a hurry. Smaller bars or coins can be sold in smaller lots, which has advantages.
Small pieces are especially useful as ‘prepper money’ for the zombie apocalypse, when gold could reach $20K/oz or more – who knows. If you want to barter for fuel or food, a 1kg bar is pretty useless in such a scenario, representing $700K in one transaction. You would attract attention, that’s for sure. I favour <1oz gold pieces or silver for such purposes – nice and divisible, also tradeable with neighbours and small local businesses.
Here in the US, the new prepper currency is 5.56 ammunition. Three for a loaf of bread? Everybody will accept them.
That’s why I like the ’66 50c coin. It has a melt value of $11.50 and an ebay price around $15 – 18. Everybody knows it and it is too low value to counterfeit so perfect for day to day barter.
If you want gold sewn into your coat seams to pay a border guard, sovereigns are the go. And you may not need many to buy a replacement for car that was just blown up. There are millions in circulation so common dates have little premium. 1 oz mint coins have far too much premium to be useful but they are pretty.
If the melt value is currently $11.50 and the purchase price is $15-$18, what would their barter value be, assuming present prices.
You are asking the wrong guy. Like everyone else living today I have no REAL idea how barter works. I have hundreds of them, in times of stress it hardly matters if I get a premium or a discount as long as we survive. Nor do I have any idea how much it would take to bribe border guards, prolly impossible in an international airport. Many escaped 80 years ago at the price of some gold though.
I’m just covering bases.
My PM investments made over years with “spare cash” [Au was A$700 when I started buying] will pay for my Lady’s full care when I can no longer cope. The best investment I’ve made.
TC to impact Darwin.
Clown show in Victoria continues. Daniel Andrews has decided to light up Melbourne buildings in Ukraine blue and yellow. Now, I don’t care on which side of the international political fence you sit, but it’s not the point of state politics to be taking sides on international affairs. What happens when China invades Taiwan – will he do the same in blue and red. I doubt it.
Another covid domino down
The last domino Australia? (NZ is like Medieval Japan, and will resist outside world reality til the end.)
Even Justin seems to be scrambling for the lifeboats.
Boris is waving.
Will I able to get a discount on surplus vaccines?
“A trucker has to be able to earn a living”(my bolding)
See Canadian doctor and Trump adviser inspire U.S. truckers launching protest:
All the self-hating, vaxx-pushing, lockdown-loving, BLM-supporting, gender-equality pushing, “global-warming” warning, green-energy encouraging Western leaders I despise are unanimous in their support for the government of Ukraine, which make me inclined to support Vlad.
Imagine you were Vlad – would you be keen to see the current self-hating, drug-addled, self-destructive, anti-Christian West spreading its tentacles into Russia, which still has a huge Church-going Christian population?
The current West (unlike the old West we fought to preserve in WWII) hates itself, and wants to destroy itself by forming a global Communist system where citizens will become mere machine-controlled cyphers. Russia might be the very last part of Western civilization that wants to survive.
Interesting argument you make Mark and certainly made me think .
Vova, the world’s wealthiest man.
Hmmm! The voting thumbs doesn’t seem to be working on this one
‘Ukraine’s military says it has shot down Russian aircraft.
‘The military says five Russian planes and one Russian helicopter have been shot down in the Luhansk region. Russia has almost immediately denied these reports, according to Russian news agency RIA.’ (ABC)
As with CAGW the first casualty in war is also the truth , but Ukraine were given stinger missiles and Javelin missiles so anything is possible . I’m sure Putin was counting on Ukraine rolling over without a fight but from what I’ve seen this might not be the case this time .
The Ukrainian mafia won’t give up their control of the Donets Basin coal and gas concessions without a fight.
US has been providing helpers to Ukraine for some time.
You know, special helpers.
See movie, ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’.
I wonder if there are Russian special helpers in Canada?
Re Peter at #18, and references to smallpox vax being unavailable before 1872.
Ok, Massachusetts 1855 demanded all children over 2 be vaxxed, no child to school without vax, town councils were to enforce the vaccination of all inhabitants, and require revax if they thought necessary, all manufacturing employees, all inhabitants of poor houses, lunatic asylums, jails, any institution supported even partly by the state were to be given free vax. Boston was pushing compulsory house to house vaccination in 1856.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, suppl. no. 4 February 1909 pp50-51
Vaccination was made compulsory in England in 1853, and made tougher in 1867, because people were losing trust in the authorities, and vaccines.
The book is ‘Dissolving Illusions.’
Here is a shocking, biased anti-Trump interview by Australian 60 Mins. This was with Kari Lake, Republican governor candidate for Arizona and a shockingly cringeworthy reporter from Australian Sixty Minutes. She handles herself superbly against an extremely hostile and biased “journalist”.
What you might describe as an Oz smart arse Yanked?
I have watched this “interview” previously. I seriously don’t know how she kept her cool faced with such arrogant inanity.
It’s painful to watch, but this video is important. This is the Establishment Misleadia on parade. Full blown TDS and the sneering arrogance of a cretin believing their opinions are worth more than the person they are interviewing.
I don’t know the name of this 60 Minutes employee, but I applaud his efforts in exposing the Establishment Misleadia as a pustulent boil on the arse of humanity.
“Whistleblower lawsuit alleges that Pfizer’s vaccine trial was fraudulent.
Federal court unsealed the lawsuit only a few days ago. It was filed a year ago.
Court filing here:
Allegations include falsification of clinical trial documents.”
February 24, 2022 12:29 am @
Another from there
“German Insurer Warns: “More Vaccine Side Effects Than Previously Known”
FTA – “The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be ethically wrong not to talk about it.”
FYI – Might go with this
JHC on that Rumble!!!
Is the Government in Vicdanistan ever going to stop punishing the unvaxxed? It is still illegal for them to get haircuts, attend beauty parlours or attend public events or eating establishments.
yep, and l will be missing my daughters wedding because of this
That’s so cruel of Andrews. The pandemic is essentially over and yet they continue to punish the unvaxxed and there is no suggestion that the restrictions will ever be removed.
I am sure Andrews is a psychopath along with most of his goons.
What’s so shocking about all this is the large numbers of people both as “leaders” and followers/Sheeple who are enjoying watching the unvaxxed suffer.
He definitely has serious issues and is not someone I would to to for any kind of leadership or advice.
David – I have a faint suspicion that the unvaxxed are going to get the last laugh.
How are we unvaxxed suffering?
I still go where I always go, do as I always have done, don’t mask, don’t do squat. I have broken no laws in two years. I do have a lawful exception though, I don’t do stupid!
Pubs are going broke, with a 50% drop in trade, but that’s their choice.
Local bakery has gone covid cop, never said or refused service to me but they have to others and word got about and most now go elsewhere including me, they have laid off 50% of their staff and are going out the door in a hurry, their choice.
Appears to me the only ones effected are the vaxxed, their choice.
To be honest, I stopped going to pubs even before the pandemic hit.
I will admit that perhaps I was already going a little too often at times, but also the world simply changed … you used to bump into new and interesting people at the pub, but everyone moved online … and I got older
And golfers. Don’t forget Victorian golfers who have to travel to NSW to play legally.
Funny how the Murray River isn’t quite as impressive as I remember it from my days living near Mildura.
This chap takes 10 minutes to say that, on balance, climate models are mostly good. “trust the science!!”
For some context, he recommends reading “Merchants of Doubt”, and seems to believe that fossil fuel industry is funding dirty climate deniers like us.
Here you go, Jo…
“More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began
“Fresh suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a lab emerged today after scientists found genetic material owned by Moderna in the virus’s spike protein.
“They identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a gene patented by the vaccine maker three years before the pandemic.
“It was discovered in SARS-CoV-2’s unique furin cleavage site, the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other coronaviruses.
“The structure has been one of the focal points of debate about the virus’s origin, with some scientists claiming it could not have been acquired naturally.
“The Pandemic over”….
Ummmmm ?
Did ya know that a total of 5025 Australians have died from this COVID pandemic.
But up to the first of December 2021 just 1968 Australians had died from COVID.
Since the pandemic started in Feb. 2020.
And since the first of December 2021, 3057 Australians have died
In just under 3 months with this supposedly meek & mild Omicron wave.
Those deaths happened because most of our governments ( state & Commonwealth )
Opened the borders & allowed Covid infected people into Australia.
Our governments are responsible for this COVID Cull of our fellow Australians.
For me that’s a MORAL issue !
They adopted a policy which kills Australians.
What utter bloody bastards !
And guess what !
Our mass media are not interested in these deaths
Or why & how they died.
Link :
Yes but most of us know that those deaths are “with the virus” and not necessarily caused by the virus. The there are the reported deaths due to the vaccines, and then the unreported ones that are almost certainly much higher. The whole reporting of deaths due to either the virus or the vaccines is bogus and can’t be trusted.
You have an opinion.
it is your right of course to have an opinion no matter how bizarre.
Even when you completely ignore basic facts.
Meanwhile medically trained staff here in Australia
Have been compiling this data since the pandemic began.
And making it available for us all to see.
And the data shows clearly Omicron Kills !
And in 3 months has killed far more Australians
Than in the previous 20 months.
The pandemic is NOT over !
It is taking down those vaccinated as well as those who are unvaccinated.
it is hospitalising & killing
Especially those who are elderly.
The Pandemic is NOT over !
It’s just being ignored
‘Wished away’ by those with vested interests in not having closed borders.
And in this they are supported by the mass media.
But the Australian people are not so easily bamboozled.
The Bega by-election – a supposedly safer as House Liberal seat,
Showed a massive swing against
The ‘Parot’ premier of NSW
With his Let it rip open borders strategy.
Labor won that seat for the first time ever !
And in a few weeks here in South Australia,
We’ll see Premier Stevo Marshall
Who’s presided over the deaths
Of 172 people from Covid since December 1st
Get the boot courtesy of the the South Australian people’s anger !
And in May, there’s Morrison facing his own electoral oblivion.
Evidence : Go look at the opinion polls
Taken in Australia in the past 3-4 months.
Meaningless statement if you can’t say WHO it kills. AFAIK triple jabbed have no advantage.
Using your logic, we can say cars kill so let’s ban cars and inject a special mRNA vaccine to everyone to reduce their tendencies to drive a car by genetic engineering. The fact of the matter is the best way to deal with a pandemic is to allow people to develop natural immunity. Alternative treatments have been shown to minimise the death rate due to the virus, and they can be made available to the whole population very quickly and easily as distinct from vaccines. Traditional vaccines, such whole of virus types also can help but they take years of development to make sure they are safe and effective.
People die Bill, tens of thousands every year. Can you point to any excess mortality? If yes how is it trending?
There are none so blind to facts as those blinded by spurious ideology !
There is one striking bit of evidence about this continuing pandemic.
Western Australia ( where coincidentally Jo lives ) has not opened it’s borders yet.
And invited the Covid virus to take up house there among it’s people.
And that shows up in the WA Covid death statistics
Just 10 ( TEN ) West Australians have died from Covid in the whole 2 year pandemic.
Link ;
In the same period here in South Australia 171 South Australians have died from Covid.
And well over 3000 across All of Australia have died since the 1st of December.
All cause mortality is the only solid measure of whether there was a pandemic or not. Data for Canada and the US indicate there was no pandemic.
Probably old news but how does this not add further suspicion to the prior planning, manufacture and release of the covid virus.
[Yeah. Nah. Let not do mind-reading of Gates. – Jo]
It appears all-out war has begun in Ukraine
Do you reckon he’ll stop at Dnipro? Just take the Russian-speaking areas back, so the whole South.
Although two gas pipelines go to Europe through the North.
Putin is acting out of fear, mostly unsubstantiated. For example, he dislikes the growing nationalists in Ukraine who are followers of the swastika (you know what I mean). One can’t say for sure what he will do next. This operation by Putin to attack Ukraine could have happened years ago but wasn’t a suitable time. Now it is given the weakening West, in particular the pathetic US leader Biden.
The Left are grossly misrepresenting what Trump said about Ukraine and are falsely saying he said the opposite of what he really said.
Ben Shapiro explains:
At least one state in the US has some common sense and decency. We need the same laws to be passed here in Australia.
I’ve got good news and more good news and you’ll love it…
In contrast, in Australia’s Vicdanistan, it is a crime for a professional to suggest to a person that they may indeed be of the biological gender they were born as.
Is it any wonder why the West is in decay? If the US breaks apart I might even look to relocating to say Texas or some other state that is safe from the debauched progressives in the West. I wish I could see a state here that would suitable but for now I don’t see it being possible thanks partly to the lack of interest by the vast majority of the voters.
Greg Hunt said 60% of counted covid deaths were people already in palliative care.
The Guardian actually states :
“Hunt addressed a growing number of deaths in aged care, with 473 Covid-related aged-care deaths recorded in January alone. ..“The latest advice that I have is that approximately 60% of those that have agonisingly passed have been in palliative care,”
Ummmmmmm ?
60% of 473 in aged care in January = 294 deaths.
But 3057 Australians have died in THREE months…
So roughly 800 have died in palliative care over the past three months….
And there are another 2200 . + other deaths from COVID !
People in end of life care are dying, back under your bed Bill.
At a presser on Jan the 4th, Scotty from the trading post stated, 50% of all covid admissions, ICU and deaths were from other causes.
NSW gruberment stated, if you were admitted for another reason and had tested positive and recovered 28 days previously, you were a covid admission, even if you are admitted with a bullet in your head, if you died of said hole, covid death.
Government and MSM, your only true source of truth.
Why is it that people now say ‘passed’ when what they actually mean is ‘died’?
“Why is it that people now say ‘passed’ when what they actually mean is ‘died’?”
Oh Annie, the use (or abuse )of what is really a beautiful language.
Why do people say “bathroom” when they mean toilet.
Some how, some one, some where, seems to think that these sutle changes make the meaning less painful when in fact the end result is exactly the same.
Why do I say that I “sleep poorly” when I should say “insomnia”
Why do govenments say “inclusive” when they mean “Divisive”
The list is endless even without getting into the controversial stuff.
Oh and of course the use of the synonym ALWAYS allows wriggle room so the speaker can blame the listener for “getting it wrong”
I used to like the funeral insurance advert that danced around the fact it was about dying. The used most of the available euphemisms.
I have often wondered whether other languages are as prone to euphemisms as English.
And whether I am doing the right thing to correct the speech of my thoroughly international daughter when she talks about going to the bathroom. I say that toilet is the best word but loo, dunny, bog and similar are acceptable alternatives.
The good news is that now she is back in Australia her acquired Oxford accent is fading.
Jordan Peterson talks about how we are being manipulated and brainwashed.
He is talking about Canada but he could equally be talking about Australia.
Under 2.5 mins.
Now why am I not feeling manipulated and brainwashed?
Oh, that’s right! I’m unjabbed and loving it!
Here’s the S3RL happy hardcore dance remix of how I am feeling:
And Rex Murphy in full flight
Quite a character is Rex. Worth listening to mostly.
“Putin’s Predictabilities”
Load of bull … and that particular talking point flip flops between reclaiming what the Soviet Union had and reconstructing the even older Tsarist Russian Empire. There are zero examples of the Russian Fedaration being bent on expansionism, here’s the typical list:
* Crimea was about Sevastopol which has been a Russian naval base since Catherine the Great, and they were preserving what they already had.
* In Georgia the Russians prevented the looting of South Ossetia, and they pulled out of Georgia fairly promptly once South Ossetia was secure.
* Syria was about keeping Assad in power … and sure there’s reasons to dislike Assad but Russia had treaties to support Syria in times of need (signed by Assad’s father) and they were defending the Tartus naval base … again retaining what they already had.
* Regarding China, the Russians have maintained a stable border, and worked towards mutual trade, gas pipelines, and some degree of mutual defence.
Who writes this garbage?
Putin tried hard to negotiate, by whatever means, with every US administration. He offered photo-ops for Obama, knowing that Obama was mostly about the image … he offered bribes to the Clintons, knowing that’s what they respond to, and he would have negotiated with Trump, except that Trump was entangled in the lies of the Steele Dossier and after that with the Fauci Flu, leaving Trump unable to negotiate with Russia. Putin would be happy to negotiate with Biden, if there was anything behind Biden’s eyes to reach out to.
Politicians are prone to rushing through unpopular legislation at times like these, while everyone is looking at Russia.
Watch out!
You are right but it started a long time ago. The Russian bear is rising again to fill a vacuum left by the West decaying under the rabble of misfit leaders supported by two vast and opposing crowds of public opinion that collectively have the intelligence not far above that of a rock.
The Left must be ecstatic now.
-Canada has become a dictatorship.
-Russia has invaded Ukraine.
-China will probably soon invade Tawain.
-Iran will probably soon have a nuclear weapon.
-Biden’s puppeteers are actively destroying the US.
All their fantasies coming true at once.
Concerning Taiwan: A no fly zone at the first sign of a Communist invasion should be declared. Air superiority is the first thing that must be established for either offensive or defensive operations in modern warfare. Just the threat of a no fly zone being enforced can be a deterrent, but it is also a bold move. It removes ambiguity of ones position in the conflict, but it freezes further aggression without further escalation to an all out air war by the aggressor. The feckless leadership now installed in western nations will probably not want to go there. They will likely seek to obtain UN authorization (Which is why in the case of the Ukraine Russia did not want Ukraine to come under NATO air protection and why they waited until they had control of UN Security Council agenda this week to make the move).
If western leaders are serious about protecting Taiwan they should start saying the words “no fly zone” in public in the context of Western Pacific stability. China’s reaction to such talk would be a good gauge of their intentions.
Yes David but remember the song about not wishing too hard because you might just get what you wish for and find out that you didn’t really want it at all.
I am confident that after the madness people will come to their senses one at a time. The trick is not to suffer too much damage in the meantime.
Interesting new treatment for glioblastoma.
“A study recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation describes a new and effective therapy to treat glioblastoma: the concomitant use of ADI-PEG20 together with focal brain radiotherapy. This double treatment completely eliminated the tumor in the animal models used in the study. ”
Biden meets with G7. Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States
Now which of these were at war with Russia in the last 200 years. All of them except Canada? The United States in Afghanistan when the US armed Osama Bin Laden and friends, causing massive loss of life in the Russian Military. There are sad monuments in every Russian town to the loss of life.
Think of the 1812 overture and Napoleon’s Grand Arme. The unprovoked invasion of Russia, Ukraine specifically by France and Britain in 1855? WW1 and WW2. The loss of 20 million people to a German/Rumanian/Hungarian army bent on annihilation, not conquest.
Now the EU, G7 will decide on punishment of Russia, despite having utterly ignored the 8 year civil war in the Donbass and the fact that while they have all been pulling profits out of Ukraine, Ukraine and tiny neighbour Moldova remain the two poorest countries in Europe and Ukraine government a violent criminal government. While Biden and Merkel and the elites of Europe and Biden stripped Ukrainians of their wealth. Biden boasted about it and it was his private domain under Obama.
It looks like Russia has really had enough of European and American provocation. And the precision strikes are military and surgical. The only way there are not thousands dead is that the Russians told them to get out. So far there have not been mass casualties. Many Ukranians will be relieved because quality of life in Russia is so much higher, especially pensions.
After 8 long years at war and under siege, the relief in the Donbass will be incredible, but in the Western press it is always the evil Russians. Never China.
Our press are not even trying to balance this story. For Biden, it’s pure distraction politics. And the Germans have a cheek. They were last rulers of Ukraine in 1941-43 and slaughtering the inhabitants, even stealing the topsoil in train loads and not particularly concerned about public opinion. And while Russians are poor, the Ukranians are destitute and the country is running wild with tuberculosis. Who cares?
Starts off a bit like the joke about the three people walking into a bar.
Scotty from marketing has hit them were it hurts, no more Aussie steaks on the BBQ for you Ruskies, keep your Billon dollars as punishment.
That’s got to hurt em?
The man is an idiot.
Send a message to Putin, tell him to stop invading Ukraine
Sending demands over a year ago to stop the vaccine mandates and the like to our own leaders achieved nothing and you expect Putin to listen to us? ROTFL. Then again there is no harm in trying. Good luck!
As per the closing words of Gone With the Wind, frankly my dear I don’t give a damn.
Some concerned citizens, who had loved ones die shortly after getting vaccinated, have insisted that an autopsy be done to find out biologically why the people died.
The first autopsies did not find the cause. The removed organs were studied by a specialists. That analysis determined that the first release RNA vaccines are causing immune system problems in the body which causes organ failure/damage with the highest number of organ problems occurring in the heart, then the lung, and then other organs.
“A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:
1) inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endotheliitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, 2) dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen; 3) the extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes; 4) a massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
Lymphocytic infiltration occasionally occurred in combination with intense lymphocytic activation and follicle formation. Where these were present, they were usually accompanied by tissue destruction.
“If the autopsy findings are confirmed by other pathologists with additional samples, and if they are combined with the findings of Dr. Hoffe (>60% inoculant recipients have elevated D-dimer tests and evidence of clotting) and Dr. Cole (increase in cancers after inoculation, including twenty-fold increase in uterine cancer), we are seeing a disaster of unimaginable proportions. The conclusion (if supported by further data) is that essentially EVERY inoculant recipient suffers damage, with more damage after each shot. Given the seriousness of the types of damage (autoimmune diseases, cancer, re-emergent dormant infections, clotting/strokes, cardiac damage, etc.), these effects will translate into lifespan reduction, which should be counted as deaths from the inoculations.”
This is video that discusses the finding.
The thing is it’s a very complex issue and there are many dimensions to explaining why Putin is acting the way he is with Ukraine. It’s not just politically and militarily motivated. None of them make Putin’s move into Ukraine completely right or wrong. It’s just the way the cookie crumbles given the circumstances and events of the past 100 years or so. One thing led to another. The same thing can be said about some of the moves that the US has made by invading other nations, the classic being Vietnam. The difference here though is Putin is committed as well as strong so he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, whatever that may be. However, it’s not guaranteed. He might be forcibly replaced by certain elements in Russia who are now disliking him more and more. Perhaps what Russia needs is a truckers protest but of course that won’t go down well, and would make what happened to the Canadian truckers look like a festival. There are already protesters in Moscow who are demanding “no to war”….
People of Russia saying “NO to War” on streets of Moscow
Russians typically prefer a strong leader … this is the type of cartoon they have a chuckle at.
I know … it’s such dreadful fauxphobia … but the Russians are fairly pragmatic when it comes to military things.
So were the West but things have changed as the West has been in decline for decades. It takes a sort of massive decline to wake people up. Russia had there’s. We are yet to have ours. It will be very nasty but sadly it’s necessary.
A CNN spectacular
Latest Chiefio on Ukraine
Chiefio now has an open thread for news
“Trudeau has inadvertently performed a great service, but at a cost to some brave Canadian patriots, who were beaten, had their property seized and some lost their jobs. Their persecution will continue as the evil, leftist Canadians, full of self-righteous anger will continue to harass them.”
More there leading to this conclusion
“Even better, every big liberal voice of reason (across the Western nations), protector of our rights, were quiet as a church mouse. Dictatorship is fine!
Now, we can rhetorically beat every single Democrat and Liberal as just another Trudeau.
“List of corporations involved with WEF: its long.
Will be difficult to avoid doing business with them in some form.”
From comments at
Yes indeed. Appalling, some rather ‘close to home’ you might say.
“Are Canadians Banks About to be Massively Sued?”
This comment that was posted needs to be taken seriously if we can’t go the other way and have our leaders charged with crimes against humanity. At least they will tied up in civil law courts for a very long time and so can’t be in politics any more. I’d be happy with that.
“The Ukraine war: “The mistakes that have been committed in foreign policy are not, as a rule, apparent to the public until a generation afterwards” ”
The Institute of Public Affairs (with Peter Ridd’s involvement) has launched a web site “Real Science”
And an associated program Reef Rebels
Imagine the possible subthreads:
It boggles the mind.
Tony Heller has annexed a couple that would fit
“White House Defines Strategic Success Against Russia As the Value of Their Story, Who Is More Attractive to the World
February 24, 2022 | Sundance | 161 Comments
THIS video from the White House briefing today, you absolutely must watch to gain a fulsome understanding of how the modern political left views the world of geopolitical contests in 2022.”
No doubt to be decided by Dominion voting machines?
Progress !!
“COVID-19 clearly involves a threat to the continuity of Police and NZDF services. That is because the Omicron variant in particular is so transmissible. But that threat exists for both vaccinated and unvaccinated staff. I am not satisfied that the order makes a material difference, including because of the expert evidence before the court on the effects of vaccination on COVID-19 including the Delta and Omicron variants.
“I should make it clear what this case is not about. The order being set aside in the present case was not implemented for the purposes of limiting the spread of COVID-19. Health advice was that such a further mandate was not needed for this purpose. Neither should the court’s conclusion be understood to question the effectiveness and importance of vaccination. The evidence shows that vaccination significantly improves the prospects of avoiding serious illness and death, even with the Omicron variant. It confirms the importance of a booster dose given the waning effect of the first two doses of the vaccine.
“But the Order made in the present case is nevertheless unlawful and is set aside.”
Might be more coming
“CDC Expected to Drop Mask Guidance That Nobody Pays Attention To
February 24, 2022 | Sundance | 164 Comments
According to the Associated Press, the CDC is likely to strongly loosen their mask guidance tomorrow, dropping the recommendation that masks should be worn indoors. That said, I’m not sure how many places even have a mask wearing policy any longer.”
“Biden: “Get me Putin on the secure line we are going to straighten this out now!!
Putin: Hello Joe what’s up?
Biden: You better get your forces out of Ukraine or I’ll get really angry and apply more sanctions!
Putin: Joe, I’m so glad you called. There is something that has been on my mind?
Biden: What’s that?
Putin: Well you know Joe Alaska is historically part of Russia.
Biden hangs up.”
Putin: Joe, I’m so glad you called. There is something that has been on my mind?
Biden: What’s that?
Putin: Well you know those millions your family has been pulling out of Ukraine. That’s gonna stop and I’m sorry to say the Ukraine prosecutor you had fired survived our initial bombing and so did the case documents.
Biden hangs up.
If “green energy” is claimed to be cheaper than coal or gas fired energy, why am I asked to pay extra for choosing green energy in my electricity plan?
“Russell Brand rips apart the Lieberal Dictators.”
“Tyranny ”
“Tucker: How will this conflict affect you?”
When rain is not rain.
Chanel 7 weather guru.
Russia is one of Europe’s great powers and is well defended by geology at all its borders except in Europe, where it is open to the west. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Russia suffered three catastrophic invasions across its western borders, by Napoleon and twice by Germany. It needs a buffer state.
During the USSR era that buffer state was Poland (as before 1914). Ukraine was run from Moscow and was all but part of Russia – although Ukraine remembers with bitterness a famine in which millions starved due to Moscow’s collectivisation policies in1932/3, known as the Holodomor.
Since the Soviet Union collapsed, Poland was granted NATO membership. That was the correct decision: Poland suffered under the Soviets, struggled bravely against them with Solidarity in the 1980s, and is Catholic; the cultural border with eastern Orthodox churches largely coincides with the Poland/Ukraine border. So Ukraine (and, to its north, Belarus) has to be the buffer state which Russia ought to have. By “ought” I mean that if Russia does not have a buffer state then it will be likely to do whatever it takes to get one, and such action is destabilising on the wider scale.
Ukraine’s capital is Kiev, and the first Russian state was centred on it and was called Kievan Rus, in the 10th century. If you have heard the historic title “Tsar of all the Russias”, the plural refers to Ukraine (Kievan Rus), BelaRus (Moscow’s best ally today), and Russia itself.
Putin makes much of Kievan Rus as a justification for unified political rule of Ukraine and Russia – too much, after the Holodomor and the fact that Ukraine has diverged from Russia in language over the centuries. But I don’t think he is aiming to be a new Tsar with this invasion. For now, at least, his ambition is to ensure that Ukraine is his buffer state. It is not adequately grasped by most Westerners that in the last 10 years Ukraine was being enticed into the West’s orbit. Putin is seeking to reverse that. Let’s look in more detail.
In late 2013 Ukraine was ready to sign a pact with the EU which it was offering. Ukraine’s fairly pro-Russian but democratically elected president refused to sign it. In three months of street protests and riots (the “Maidan Revolution”) the government was overthrown and a more pro-Western government installed. The USA was heavily involved in behind-the scenes manipulation; a phone call between a senior State Department official called Victoria Nuland (whose father was Ukrainian Jewish) and the US Ambassador to Ukraine was recorded in which the discussion centred on who should be the next Ukrainian president and how to get him in – this can be heard online and their choice duly came to power. (US influence continued, to the extent that Joe Biden later boasted that when he was US Vice-President he had got Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin sacked.) Notice that a Ukrainian government which wanted to join NATO, plus NATO’s refusal to rule it out, would have meant NATO missiles virtually in the heart of Russia. Putin reacted in 2014 by launching the Donbas war in the two easternmost oblasts (provinces) of Ukraine, fomented by the large number of Russians there. This war has continued – off and on – ever since.
Why has Putin escalated now? In large part because he now has the money – because unnecessary Western green energy policies have hugely raised the price paid to Russia for its gas, and Russia has a captive market for that gas.
I believe that Putin will enact comprehensive regime change in Kiev to install a pro-Russian administration, will possibly annexe Ukraine’s two easternmost provinces – and will then get out, because occupation would be endlessly resisted at low level and would become a continuing drain on Russian blood that would make him unpopular with his own people.
This analysis does not depend on Putin’s words about Russo-Ukrainian unity or his words against the West, and does not examine the morality of any party. I am motivated by realpolitik – the need to accept a buffer state for Russia – and by the West’s actions in Ukraine in the last 10 years.
One further complicating factor in recent history should be added. In 1994 the West – specifically the USA and UK – got Ukraine to dispose of the nuclear weapons it had inherited when the USSR collapsed, by guaranteeing its borders. This is known as the Budapest Memorandum. I’m not sure what else we could have done than make that agreement to get rid of nukes, or break it today, but it leaves a bad taste.