Cancel Culture only works if people let it
Harry’s Razors capitulated a year ago and pulled advertising from the DailyWire, and then attacked them and their audience. But Jeremy Boreing, CEO of DailyWire, didn’t apologize, and didn’t change his views; instead he set up his own razor company and is launching it now with 100%-testosterone advertising. Make sure you watch this video.
On so many scientific topics we need no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners punchy messages:
When CEOs cave in to the bullies, there must be a cost.
Corporate America wants it both ways — they want conservatives to buy their goods and services — but they also want to virtue signal to the woke mob and their 23-year-old employees by publicly repudiating those same conservative customers.
Make no mistake, they know our politics before they advertise with us. That’s why they advertise with us! We reach a large audience that they want to sell to.
…at the first sign of trouble from the mob — in the case of Harry’s Razors, it was a Twitter account with two — yes, two — followers attacking them — they not only pull their sponsorships, but publicly attack us and that very audience they paid to reach.
Well, I’m tired of losing. I want to win. I want to create culture. And I want to have a freaking good time doing it, because losing… Losing sucks.
That’s why, today, The Daily Wire is launching Jeremy’s Razors, a direct competitor to Harry’s where people with inexcusable values like mine can get a great razor without giving their money to people who clearly hate them.
The Left is happy to bifurcate the culture, ripping it in two. They’re convinced there will be no economic consequences for this because, as I said, you need their products.
So, to win, we have to rip the economy in two. We have to give conservatives their own companies and their own products to buy. We have to build market alternatives that, in success, will force the Left to take real losses if they don’t compete directly for our business.
The Daily Wire is doing just that. Jeremy’s Razors is doing just that.
And may the strongest culture win.
Cancel culture is dominant in science today, extinguishing debate, ideas and entire careers. It’s time to get organised.
9.8 out of 10 based on 96 ratings
Make people buy his razors in rubles…
Well done Daily Wire.
/I do love the lead up to April 1st
I have been expecting Trump to do something like this.
On a scale to belittle Twitter and facebook.
He has the resources to do it.
PS- it does not exist. it is just the mind explosion of a nobody
Are you expecting, a world of sugar and spice, and everything nice, if you express unbridled hatred of half the world?
The Leftwing brain amazes me. They get hooked on a simple fix to create a utopia, and quickly want to harass others who don’t join in.
At which you are pre-eminent.
At least you recognise he would go out with a bang rather than the flash in the pan that would follow the explosion of some rightist non-entity.
On the off-chance you’re not familiar with the expression “flash in the pan” it is a saying that was applied to a flintlock musket if the gunpowder in the musket’s firing pan ignited but the bullet failed to fire.
Mumble bumble, boil and grumble.
Yet another meaningless “smarm” fires a blank.
You can get the razor set for US$59.99 in its own durable, socialism-resistant bag, made for people who want to use things made by people who don’t hate them. Razors can also be bought separately. https://www.jeremysrazors.com/
My brother’s ex was born April 1st. It sure fit her.
Leftists everywhere will be “triggered” and will go into meltdown over this.
Fancy openly stating that their are “only” two genders!
When are woke companies going to learn “get woke, go broke”? Normal, rational people simply don’t think how the loony Left, which is increasingly the same as the mainstream Left, want you to “think”.
*there not their.
Well, there you go. Pronoun confusion. 😉
They’re they’re, no confusion. Lol.
There there; don’t worry about little things.
Dare deer, don’t be a conformist.
Last I checked, there were only three genders: feminine, masculine, and neuter. Sex is way more confusing.
And then there’s “pol” in the old USSR. One of my friends, in attempting to escape from the Soviet Union (which attempt was successful, I am happy to say), played “just in from the country – don’t understand” and asked for clarification on why they wanted to know what kind of floor she had and how to describe her floor.
Of course, she also left all of her baggage and her purse at the airport to throw off any pursuit, and all of her family and friends who remained in the Soviet Union had to denounce her as “crazy” – because the old Soviet Union was so great, no one in their right mind would want to leave it.
There is a Russian joke from the USSR era.
Brezhnev and Gromyko (foreign minister) are talking, and Gromyko asks Brezhnev why he does not just open the borders and let whoever wants to leave, leave.
Brezhnev says, “Because there will only be the two of us left.”
Gromyko is puzzled and asks “Oh, You and who else?”
I will not go near Gillette who went woke some years. My skin reacts to dry electric razors so have been using multi blade razors from anyone but Gillette. Have not seen Harrys but will avoid them also.
Once Gillete erupted I started using old school double edged safety razors again.
A local company in Oz called Mens Biz does a nice business supplying these and all the associated stuff the well groomed gentleman (like our male contributors) might desire. https://mensbiz.com.au/collections/safety-razors
Gillette never again! I now use Schick razors and King of Shaves shaving oil. The shaving oil is just so good and the blades seem to last forever.
Is that why beards are now so popular with men? Or did they just find some photos of their great grand fathers?
Here is a list of woke Hollyweird movie disasters.
The text reads:
David some of the earlier versions of a few of those movies were very popular, but later the Woke, lefty versions would make you puke.
But I just want to see the market place have the final say and so we must somehow isolate their Woke lunacy and see if they can survive the increased exposure and scrutiny.
Jo is also correct about their so called “Science debates” and the puzzle is how this fra-dulent nonsense has lasted so long.
I do the shopping these days and I try to avoid the culture creatures. Cadbury’s went when they went AL Hal or whatever and I took great delight in dumping Gillette. Schick and Nivea are a good mix. Then it was Liddell’s Lactose Free when they caved to some quarter caste “indigene” over Coon cheese. Norco and Bega get my shopping dollar. I know there must be more that I have missed but I do my bit to make the woke poorer. It is a pity I cannot withdraw my contribution to the ABC, BoM and CSIRO as well.
Lawrie, Australia needs a list. Which products are Australian and stand for Australian values like free speech?
Hell, where do I get one? Ever since Gillette went woke switched to Schlick. Never seen such a good reason to make another switch.
A piece of broken mirror, a cake of Sunlight soap (good for brushing teeth) and a very sharp knife. That’s the man.
Being a real man you presumably use the sharp knife to show your reflection and shave with the broken mirror? Is the soap clenched between your teeth to prevent you screaming ?
Reductio ad absurdum: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/censorship-as-absurdism
“Nil Illigitmi Carborundum” – Don’t let the Basturds grind you down…….How many genders are there in the Animal Kingdom? Two I do believe when I last looked…………………..
Mostly two, but there are exceptions.
Would you believe the same applies in the Plant Kingdom?
Approaches like Jeremy’s Razors might appear fine but it’s too little too late. The evil in the world has already spread far and wide. They are already about to knock down our doors and invade our very homes to complete the establishment of their NWO, be it the Western kind, the Russian kind, the Chinese kind, or some combination of all three. Yes, some companies will go broke for their wokeness but does anyone seriously believe the globalists are worried about that? Get real! People will not be woken up to the reality of the evil that’s trying to smother us from all directions simply by buying Jeremy’s Razors and the like. It might be the start but the finish line is way too far away and the globalists are way ahead of us. It’s goes much deeper than that.
“Approaches like Jeremy’s Razors might appear fine but it’s too little too late. ”
They’re actually just Boreing
Like you were forced to watch or even comment.
“Like you were forced to watch or even comment.”
Who asked you? Or were you specially invited?
Yarpos didn’t get the Boreing reference
He read Ian’s comment.. yes, we got that it was boring. !
PeterS, “Approaches like Jeremy’s Razors might appear fine but it’s too little too late.”
We can always rely on you to surrender now, surrender later, surrender, surrender. But we are very bored of it.
Jeremy is doing something and all the conservatives who whinge but do nothing are helping the parasites.
The Democrats thank you for reliably turning up in a predictable attempt to squash any motivation on the Right to get organised and fight back.
The only thing that stands between good people winning this culture war are good people who give up without a fight.
I think Yarpos was perfectly aware of the use of boreing. I’m half asleep atm and didn’t miss it.
Yes better to lie down and let the Ians of the world lord it over you.
Changes of directions often start with small movements and successes accumulate. Incrementalism is what got us into this mess , it may also be used as a force for good.
I don’t need to lie down as I know our only hope is from above.
Perhaps God sent me to tell you to do something other than pour cynical gloom over everyone and everything that fights for your freedom?
We each have to play our part, even if seemingly slight. I think God might be more inclined to help those who make an effort, even if apparently hopeless.
Now is not the time to panic! Hang on for another six weeks.
Don’t tell me… the children in the tunnels will be freed and a former president reinstalled?
An Australian Government attempt at that?
“Australian Govt Set to Launch New Tourist Ad Campaign – Come to the New Australia, We Won’t Beat You, Shoot You or Lock You Up Anymore, Promise
March 23, 2022 | Sundance | 362 Comments”
Good find!
Suggested lines further down
We can only imagine the new two-year ad campaign:
“Come to the New Australia, We Won’t Shoot Now – Swear”. Or…
“We Only Club the Locals, Mate.”
“The Aussie Courts are Open Again, and This Time We Mean It, Tennis.”
“Come Back, Come Vaxxed, or Not – Who Cares?”
“We’re not as Roo’d as you might think”
“Camping’s Great, Come Visit Our New Facilities”
“See, You Really Can Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny” ”
They might have some trouble doing a “Jeremy’s Razors”
How about:
“The ar*e end of the world has really missed YOU. Welcome back you NWO wipes. Bring your cash and make a splash”
And the NZ version:
“The ar*e end of the world has really missed YOU. Welcome back you NWO wipes. Bring your cush and make a splush”
Does that apply to Victoria as well? Pregnant women in their homes are likely targets and pregnant tourists in the same state should not feel safe.
“Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium all believe deplatforming me (and others who share my beliefs that early treatments work and the vaccines are dangerous) is a service to their community.” https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-final-word-from-twitter-on-my
Of numerous woke violations against common decency by the woke/Left the Gillette ad was attempting to normalise and triviliase an extremely serious condition of gender dysphporia of which I believe there are very few genuine cases.
The rest of those cases are becoming “trans” to be trendy and woke, or because they are insecure and want to gain acceptance among the woke, or due to undiagnosed mental illness or because of trendy woke parents imposing this on their children.
I’m not even sure a lot of the people who engage in mutilating and sterilising “gender reassignment” hormonal and surgical alterations are fully aware of the consequences or the obvious fact (for most of us) thst it is biologically impossible to alter gender. I even heard of a M to F trans who was shocked when told they would not be able to get pregnant.
The Gilette ad just encouraged the propogation of ignorance, child abuse if the girl was under 18 and basically cruel savagery.
You may ask quite reasonably, then what about psychological or psychiatric therapy to establish if the person has a rare case of gender dysphoria or to encourage the person they may in fact be of their born gender? Well, you can’t because in the more woke dictatorships such as Vicdanistan in Australia such therapy has been made illegal.
What about the deliberate attempts by doctors and others to allow people to die for not giving them ivermectin? No amount of Jeremy’s Razors will stop that genocide.
Yes, yet more casualties/deaths of the woke madness.
The last big screen movie I saw was that woke “Elizabeth” thing; and I nearly threw up.
Haven’t watched anything since anywhere.
Did anyone say it would? Is it even the same topic? can battles not be fought in many fronts? jeez
The war can only be won on one front. It’s between good and evil.
The misinformation wrt the LGBQTIR thing ranks alongside CAGW and Covid19.
Kalm Keith
November 26, 2021
The “regret” is a real issue when Medicos specialising in gender reallocation were relying on information given them in times past.
Obviously many active doctors ; surgeons and psychiatrists didn’t assimilate the latest understanding of the matter.
The revelations of the last twenty years or so have shown that it just isn’t that simple and that strangely, the only thing that the recent LGBQITR movement got right was the rainbow symbol.
Sometimes it’s best to just go with what you’ve got and accept that you can’t be 100% sure where you are on the rainbow.
Kalm Keith
November 26, 2021 at 11:21 am
Hi Bozo
Even in regular males and females there is rarely a 100% male or female. Apparently being fully male or fem is not a pleasant experience.
When things go wrong during pregnancy there are two extreme possibilities;
Person has;
1. Male brain in female body, or
2. Female brain in male body.
Try working out the complexities of attraction in that set up.
To be honest I should say that the rainbow is more of an imperfect description because the transitions that need to occur during pregnancy can be interrupted at any time. X rays have shown organ growth being interrupted by events during pregnancy.
Complex is an understatement.
You are all such a pathetic lot for falling for that commercial trick. Grow a beard and stand up to be countered at the ballot box. Stop treating what’s happening to the world like some joke or parlour game.
Beards are for hippies, maaan.
My great grandfather would have considered those “fighting words”
“…falling for that commercial trick”
I guess more people will stand up when they see their pillow use by date has expired.
Gee, I’m inspired
HOw should I do this beard thing?
“HOw should I do this beard thing?”
Change gender.. again. ! Maybe you will find one that fits you.
My daughter lives in the US and I discovered Harry’s razors in the local CVS during a visit, and I have basically used them ever since; its a very good product. I restock when I visit my daughter, and if I run short she buys them for me and mails them home. I had no idea of the political views of those who own and run Harrys, and I bought from them because of the excellence of the product alone. Harrys has introduced politics into the business of selling razors, and in consequence I have to consider Harrys’ politics when making purchase decisions; so as of today, no more Harrys’ razors for me. I just hope Jeremys’ Razors product is as good, but even if it isn’t, I am done with Harrys.
If a company wants to introduce politics into promoting their product and I don’t agree with their politics then they cannot expect me to buy their product. Simple. I think many openly anti Trump companies found out that 50%+ of the American population feel the same.
The madness even extends to US Supreme Court justice nominees.
Here, at a confirmation hearing, a justice nominee of the Biden regime is incapable of defining what a woman is.
One minute video: https://youtu.be/BWtGzJxiONU
That Jeremy’s video is very funny and shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but another less elitist version should also do the trick.
Some Conservatives would likely cringe at this “in your face” confrontational example and I’m sure many would also like to see a more conservative approach.
There must be other clever ways to hit the Woke idiots hard and to send them to a well deserved retirement ASAP.
BTW here’s Sam Kekovich’s more recent version (2017) of his popular “eat lamb” Ads ( plus Australia day) and I think it’s clever but very messy and not entirely historically accurate. But the inclusion of nearly everyone is okay,but to make this today you’d further need to include many more groups and even more genders to keep the Woke loonies happy.
“The Left is happy to bifurcate the culture, ripping it in two”…..”So, to win, we have to rip the economy in two. We have to give conservatives their own companies and their own products to buy”. I suppose that’s my fear with a lot of present day issues- we’re all retreating into our silos or echo chambers and not listening to alternate views. That’s what has happened to a large extent with science. Once we had skepticism, now we have consensus which is a ridiculous outcome.
Ross, don’t see it as retreating into our silo’s, see it as us competing rather than accepting the stupid rules of the leftist-political playing field.
It’s daft to turn shaver companies into political outlets, but the Left have done that. If we buy from companies that caved in and offered themselves for free as leftist political advertising, then we support the collectivists. We help their agenda.
On the other hand, if we punish the weak CEOs who allow their companies to be turned into advertising machines against our interests, the CEO’s might find a backbone, or companies might sack weak CEOs.
Who works for those numbness? Seriously, money is too expensive to be earned that way.
I often ask what individuals can do to make a difference. Good on this fellow for trying something new and different. Mike Lindell has done somthing along the same lines with his pillow company in the USA.
The old adage which seems to apply is that people go mad in droves but only regain their sanity one at a time.
And now back to the main game of something which can make a difference in the battle against fake science. Jo and most of her contributors here are doing their bit. Apart from throwing sand in the wheels of big government and big corporate as often as I can my contribution is to promote sense and reason wherever I go.
It’s amusing but demonstrates the point that we really do need a separate society for “normal” people and to leave the loony left to suffer in their own closed universe. It will be interesting to see where this leads. Will the conservatives need to establish separate “safe” homelands within the boundaries of their existing country by drawing a line down the middle, or can co-existence be achieved ?.
I do like a good tilt at a windmill.
You’ve never ridden a horse so dream on.
“You’ve never ridden a horse so dream on.”
You seem very certain. How can you know that?
That is when the blades fall off a windfarm occupant?
You couldn’t – the bloody things are way too high these days.
Two things. I wrote windmill and not wind turbines. Second, have you seen the size of the mills from Cervantes time?
Yep, the indignity of using a step is just another burden of getting older.
“I do like a good tilt at a windmill.”
You always tilt way too far left, though… going around in ever diminishing circles.
This morning in the rush to (rightly) praise the career of Ashley Barty I heard a famous tennis player snidely refer to the fact that this number one player does not mention religion. Clearly it was in reference to Margaret Court, Australia’s unsurpassed woman tennis player who is a classic victim of the Cancel Culture.
“Clearly it was in reference to Margaret Court, Australia’s unsurpassed woman tennis player who is a classic victim of the Cancel Culture.”
Margaret Court is no-one’s victim. Just as she was an unsurpassed female tennis player she is her own woman proudly declaiming her beliefs and standing up for her values
I’ll message you when this blog posts something where “they” are not victims.
That’s amusing !!!
In the land of the left, everyone except a conservative white heterosexual male is a victim. More amusingly, when it comes to women, you can no longer provide a definition. I’m still laughing after seeing that hopeless “diversity pick” supreme court judge stumble and then illogically conclude “I’m not a botanist”. Do you really want to be linked with that side, including with a president who now believes we was an “18 wheeler” truck driver ?.
Leftists specialise in victim-pretence.
Or is it self-victimisation.
So hard to tell the difference.
IIRC you’ve had words like that on phrasing like “They being the problem” too
You are right about that, Ian. A magnificent tennis player & magnificent human being .
I have done some brand switching on quite a few things in recent years. I was a huge MLB fan. Now its collage baseball if I want to take in a game. No more buying ball caps or jerseys and giving free advertising. Removing logos on some items I can’t switch now.
I’m sure collage baseball was a typo or worse still, an automatic “correction” by the program you’re using ” but “collage baseball” brings visions of the pitcher hurling bunches of paper flowers to the batter.
“collage baseball” is how gender-undefined woke leftists play the game.
They picture themselves playing the game.
It makes them feeel good.
“When CEO’s cave in to the bullies” CEOs is plural, not possessive. No apostrophe!
You are right Dave. Fixed. Thank you.
[…] Cancelling Cancel Culture: when being Anti-Woke IS not a secret but a Selling Point […]
The silent (or is that silenced) majority know that wokeness/cancel culture is being used to remove freedom of speech. It is our DUTY to cause financial pain and ruin to those that pander to lunacy that enables basic human rights to be violated.
These businesses need to be destroyed, which means we all need to identify the patriots and send them our business. The numbers of people (or is that dung beetles) that believe all the woke rubbish is small, but they have the propaganda press (mainstream media) and politicians behind them. It is a Wizard of Oz effect- lots of loud noise and hot air to give the illusion that insanity is the new normal.
The woke politicians that pander to fads of the day such as net zero need to become as bankrupted as woke businesses. If they want to undermine society, then they must be relegated to the dustbin of political history. What could be a more major policy to vote on than destruction of the nation? National interest and security of Sovereignty should be the most essential policy, but is not ever mentioned. It is bad enough that the corrupt and treasonous politicians in Australia have made it mandatory to preference their parties of treason.
And to think I skipped over that because I don’t care about razors. (I haven’t shaved in nearly 50 years (except for that one time the lab accident made it necessary) so razors don’t interest me.)
Better late than never. It’s hilarious!
Thanks, Jo.