Climate-vandals are coming to let down your SUV tyres — if only they had evidence to persuade you instead

Tyre Extinguishers are vandals who skulk around at night and poke lentils in tyre valves to flatten tyres of evil SUV’s. It’s a new fashion in “climate activism” and it makes sense in a narcissistic pagan-religion kind of way. Those who do it are convinced they are smarter than everyone else, and their latest “plan” is to show you what nice, caring people they are by wasting your time and generally being thoughtless badgering bullies.

Naturally the cowards are anonymous, though they have a twitter account @T_Extinguishers.

Imagine the stress on the disabled, the sick, the missed medical appointments, children late for critical final year exams, and doctors who can’t get to work. Then there’s the damaged tyres that need replacing.


‘We will make it impossible to own an SUV in the world’s urban areas’

Eco-nuts used lentils to let down the tyres of Chelsea tractors because ‘air pollution is RACIST’

Tom Rawstorne for the DailyMail

And so it was that on Monday night a new front on the eco-war opened as a group calling themselves the Tyre Extinguishers launched a co-ordinated effort to deflate the tyres of as many SUVs as they could.

Seemingly unconcerned that their actions might stop a doctor or nurse getting to work or the danger that an unnoticed flat tyre might pose to the driver and other road users, the activists warn that this is just the start of it.

‘We are prepared to risk our life and liberty to protect people from climate change, air pollution and unnecessary death on our roads,’ a spokesperson told the Daily Mail. ‘We will make it impossible to own an SUV in the world’s urban areas.’

Precisely who is behind the new shadowy group, which claims to be leaderless, remains unclear.

But their decision to take direct action that affects the lives of ordinary members of the public mimics the tactics of Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Insulate Britain, whose protests have gridlocked cities and roads in recent years.

The Useful Idiots are helping Big Bankers and the WEF — make sure you tell them “Klaus Schwab thanks you”.

Climate activists have already let down the tyres of a Hybrid Petrol-Electric SUV. I bet that green driver was understanding. And that’s the funny thing about this protest, if they target the most expensive flashy SUV’s in wealthy suburbs, they’ll be harrassing a lot of Green voters.

Smug. The note they put on targeted cars:

Tyre Extinguishers flatten tyres


Don’t forget to buy some anti-theft valve locks now before they sell out.  It will slow them down.

h.t To Tom Nelson and Willie Soon.

9.9 out of 10 based on 85 ratings

212 comments to Climate-vandals are coming to let down your SUV tyres — if only they had evidence to persuade you instead

  • #
    Kalm Keith

    This story leaves me deflated.

    We now live in a world without moral leadership and as we are seeing more frequently the vast bulk of citizens absolutely need that for their survival.


    • #

      We now live in a world without moral leadership

      Nihilistic Culture, Nihilistic leadership.


      • #

        “This story leaves me deflated”.

        Yes, it does. But they do have a case. And it will prevail even without them.

        Forty and a half years ago we landed from “The Bush” into Sydney with a very ill kid, not quite four years old. My prognosis was that he would die within about three days.

        They told us he had cancer, and with a major operation gave him back to us for a year and a half. For a couple of weeks after the operation we hardly left his bedside, but as his condition improved I went for a walk to see what I could see.

        And what did this farmer see in the city? I saw an endless procession of thirty hundredweights of tin carting one person. It would be difficult to devise a less efficient means of moving people.

        In the forty years since that tonne and a half grew to 1.8 tonnes, then split to 1.3 tonnes (Corolla size) and 2+ tonnes, the SUVs that really annoy them.

        I don’t expect to ever in my time see a return to cheap???? petrol. With expensive petrol a lot of city people will want to drive sub 500kg cars. Especially if they go electric.

        Authorities will then make it safer for these little cars by restricting heavier transport.


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          Geoffrey Williams

          ‘But they do have a case’ rubbish that is quite wrong-they don’t have a case !!
          Taking the law into your own hands is a recipe for disaster . .


          • #

            But Ted1, the larger the vehicle the greater the surviveability in a crash. By reducing the size of SUVs you reduce the safety of the occupants.

            From what I’ve seen of our current self-loathing Leftist governments, that alone would motivate them to reduce the size of vehicles.


            • #

              “The larger the vehicle the greater the surviveability in a crash. By reducing the size of SUVs you reduce the safety of the occupants.”

              Maybe you are reducing the safety of the SUV occupants but you are increasing the safety of the occupants of any non-SUV vehicle involved in a crash with a SUV.


            • #

              No more 5 star ANCAP rating!


        • #

          Motor vehicles, even small cars, are getting heavier with each model.
          The extra weight is to handle the ever-increasing safety rules that the bureaucracy requires.


          • #

            “The extra weight is to handle the ever-increasing safety rules that the bureaucracy requires.”

            Anything that minimises road injuries and deaths whether required by the bureaucracy or not is worthwhile


        • #

          How many single driver cars and vans might it take to fully support all aspects of the healthcare of a child needing serious intervention for cancer ? And all aspects of your transport into city and home again safely.
          How would you feel if there was no chance from day one on arrival, because the tyres of the aneasthetist and surgeon had been slashed, the MRI and CT scans could not be done and there is a backlog – because the van with urgently needed parts and expert technician had its tyres slashed ?
          The inefficiencies of clogged up motorways are a different issue (in many cases either very poor and short sighted design, or a deliberate reduction in provision in order to cause jams and force people out of cars, or both).


    • #

      Yep, the morality of leftism has slumped to all time low.
      How much further is it possible for them to sink into their fetid ooze. !


      • #
        David Maddison

        How much further is it possible for them to sink into their fetid ooze. !

        Careful, they see statements like that as a challenge.


        • #

          “Careful, they see statements like that as a challenge.”

          Don’t fool yourself. Far from being a challenge, statements like that are dismissed as being the work of a deranged rightist mind sunk in the foetid ooze of smugness and complacency.

          On the other hand statements like that reveal the understandable nervousness, especially after the SA result, of the rabid right as it sees the rejection of its outdated and corrupt values by an ever increasing number of Australian voters.


          • #

            Please elucidate. Just what exactly was “right” about the Marshall government? I suspect you know next to nothing about the background to that question.


            • #

              ‘I suspect you know next to nothing about the background to that question.’

              Your suspicion is nearly correct. “I don’t know next to nothing” I know nothing at all about the Marshall government as I don’t live in SA. However I do know is that it was rejected by those that do. At the moment four of the five mainland states have Labor governments which shows the Right currently is not very popular

              As for elucidating ‘exactly what was right about the Marshall you have misunderstood what I did write which was
              “On the other hand statements like that reveal the understandable nervousness, especially after the SA result, of the rabid right as it sees the rejection of its outdated and corrupt values by an ever increasing number of Australian voters.”

              That is not making a statement about the previous SA government per se but about the ever increasing number of Australian voters who reject right wing politics.


          • #

            Ian. What corrupt values are you referring to?

            Do you think that anyone on the “right” is corrupt? I know you said the values are corrupt and you may try to argue that it doesn’t necessarily mean the individual is. But if someone’s values are corrupt then that pretty well says that individual is corrupt.

            Unless you’re applying “left” logic which is to do corrupt things because you believe you have a righteous end goal. So corruption by the individual does not mean that individual is corrupt.


          • #

            This might have something to do with the rejection of the Marshall government, who abrogated all responsibility to covid bureaucrats.



      • #

        I don’t know, deflating a few tires is better than lighting forest and wild fires, as they have been doing for several years now.


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    Andreas Malm promoted this kind of direct action in his book “How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire”.

    The German translation has been sympathetically reviewed on public radio:


    • #
      David Maddison

      How much further is it possible for them to sink into their fetid ooze. !

      Careful, they see statements like that as a challenge.


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    Honk R Smith

    It will be only the white yuppie urban neighborhoods. Lots of urban neighborhoods are barely safe to walk in.
    They’ll be vandalizing their parent’s neighbors if they want to stay out of the ER.

    [If people wanted to sabotage this blog what better way than to quote trash like Galts threat to shoot them full of holes for vandalism, and use it to say we are violent right wing extremists who like the idea of killing people for no good reason. I’m just asking — and thanks for your help — in removing death threats as a top priority. He was almost certainly joking, but it’s not worth leaving it there to be misinterpreted. Please report death threats to ASAP, or reply “this is inappropriate, moderators” and the moderators will see that. Thank you! If he had said ” we are armed” and stopped at that, it would be fine. Using the gun to catch people trespassing and vandalizing things and getting them arrested would be appropriate. – Jo]


  • #

    They will eventually make it impossible to own lentils in an urban area.


  • #

    Notice that Tony Heller explains how hate groups have justified their violence and thuggery on mainstream science from universities.
    How Hate Groups Operate
    The reality today is the MSM, Western governments, Universities, mainstream science are all in it together acting like thugs spreading lies and propaganda. The fact that so many still believe their rhetoric on climate change, COVID-19, wars and rumours of war, many to the point of begging for nuclear war is a sign the people by and large have been dumbed down too far and are lost. The SA results is more evidence of that given there was no large swing against both major parties, and I wait for the federal election to be the final proof.


    • #

      Your an optimist if you think the federal election will be the final proof. Labor will push us to full totalitarian; Conroy let the cat out of the bag over a decade ago when he advocated internet censorship.


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      • #

        I was an optimist many years ago until I became a realist. No, I don’t expect a big enough swing against the two majors. I expect one or the other to win outright and continue the push to a NWO. The funny thing about it is the LNP is backing the US version of a NWO while the ALP+Greens is backing the CCP version, which will be aided by Russia. The two are now colliding and there will only be one winner, not that it will make much difference. The question is which one? Time will tell. I’m just waiting for our last chance to prove me wrong by the voters waking up and forcing enough well meaning minor parties to hold the balance of power in both houses and put a stop to the madness. I don’t expect to be proven wrong, but I would love to be wrong. Not long to go.


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    another ian

    A fitting penalty for anyone caught in the act – reinflate it with a hand pump?

    A Landcruiser tyre was about 800 strokes with the Rega “Dedeze” pump that we had.


    • #

      That would be a suitable punishment. It’s analogous to what they sometimes do to those who carried out graffiti; they are forced to clean their own work although it doesn’t happen often enough as they escape detection.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Good idea Ian but:

      1) Good luck trying to find a judge willing to impose such a punishment, or indeed ANY punishment.

      2) The typical Leftist is incapable of physical labour.


      • #

        We are of course talking hypothetically. In the real world of today you are right; good luck finding a judge who would do the right thing. Most if not all are bought over to the cabal.


      • #

        The typical Leftist is incapable of physical labour.

        The evidence does not support your claim
        Overall, jobs within the larger categories of Labourers, Machinery Operators and Drivers, Technicians and Trades Workers, and Community and Personal Service Workers are more likely than average to vote Labor, while Clerical and Administrative Workers and Managers are more likely to vote Liberal and those classified as Professionals are over 50% more likely to vote Greens.

        As is apparent those voting Labor are in jobs requiring physical labour


        • #

          DM believes some weird stuff. He will define leftists as people who don’t do physical labour and that those Labor voters you mentioned are not real leftists.

          Leftist can mean whatever you want.


          • #
            Stuart Hamish

            Can you think of a leftist who insists rain downpours and floods are ‘the same thing “? That’s some ‘weird stuff ” I must disagree with David though ‘Gee Aye’ The histories of Socialist regimes are littered with broken lives and corpses of leftists worked to death on collectivized farms and forced labor camps by their fellow leftists


        • #

          It’s shifted. Tradies in unions were “leftists” in the 80’s. Now they’re centrists because the Labor party has swung further left.


          • #

            “Tradies in unions were “leftists” in the 80’s. Now they’re centrists because the Labor party has swung further left.”

            Not really Strop. It’s not the Labor Party moving left but the tradies, who now run their own businesses, moving right.


            • #
              Stuart Hamish

              The Australian Labor Party has lurched left for over a decade .No astute observer of politics
              denies this and a rudimentary perusal of Labor policies confirms it …Did you watch the tradie and laborer riot outside the Melbourne CFMMEU office last year ?..McManus Shorten and Setka had to smear the angry tradies as ‘far right’ infiltrators rather than face up to themselves .The Trades Hall affiliated Victoria Police came to Setkas rescue of course to punish the populist revolt…..I wonder if there were any sweeteners or was it just a sense of totalitarian solidarity


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      robert rosicka

      My fourby gas guzzler has an on board compressor so minor inconvenience, but if the wrong person caught one of them in the act it might be a painful experience.


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    Under the current climate, that owner would be arrested and the young climate change liar would be praised by the MSM as a hero.


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      Alexy Scherbakoff

      It will be ok if you pin a note on them saying: ‘I know you’ll be angry but don’t take it personally, it’s not you, it’s your attitude.’


  • #

    I wonder where politician, climate activist and SUV driver, Zali Stegall stands on this issue? Or all those virtue signalling, SUV driving, Greens supporting doctor’s wives?
    I reckon in the affluent suburbs of urban Australia, this could be a massive own goal.


    • #

      They have “own goals” all the time but it doesn’t stop the left and the non/neo-conservatives (they are all in it together now) spreading lies about climate change and other even more serious matters.


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      Harves I was thinking the same thing about Zali Stegall and her monster truck! I am a few blocks away from being able to vote her out but if this spreads to where I live, at least half the cars would be stranded – and another 10% or so would be dead if there was a power outage.

      That said, do these simpletons give any thought to the fact that ruining tyres calls for their replacement so their actions will cause more CO2 to be generated with the production of new tyres and roadside assistance callouts to replace the tyres (assuming they deflate more than one tyre on each car).


      • #

        William, you must realise these simpletons don’t have the ability to think they only emote, not a good way of living.


  • #

    While natural selection springs to mind for such behavior we can’t rule out this occurring by proxy through seed dispersal.

    Lentils not naturally designed for airborne dispersal may have evolved to trick other vegetation into carrying them large distances, although this vegetation has the ability to spread the lentils far and wide using hot wind its placement of the lentil is undesirable for growth sowing seeds of doubt for its usefulness to lentils and nature in general.


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    Robert Swan

    From the note:

    driving around urban areas in your massive vehicle has huge consequences for others

    Suburban electric trains, supposedly less polluting than cars, can accommodate about 120 passengers in a 120 tonne carriage, and of course they rely on burning coal to run them. So if your carriage is chock-a-block full, it is a bit greener than a single-occupant Corolla (say). If it’s only half-full it’s like a single occupant SUV. Two people in a Corolla or three in an SUV is going to be more energy efficient than the most packed of suburban trains. The case for trains is congestion, not efficiency.

    So when are they going to start letting down the tyres on trains?


    • #

      can accommodate about 120 passengers in a 120 tonne carriage

      This is stretching reality. Modern Sydney A-set trains can seat 896 passengers and weigh 407 tonne complete:
      They can carry many more than 896 counting standing passengers. Also all modern trains have regenerative braking and are rarely constrained by other trains.


      • #

        “Also all modern trains have regenerative braking and are rarely constrained by other trains.”

        All modern trains run on 25kv power and although they have regenerative braking, the power is not fed back into the grid, it is turned into heat in a resistor bank on board the train.


      • #
        Robert Swan

        Yes Rick, my figures were from well aged memories (20 years or so) based on Sydney’s Tangara carriages. They’re still running I believe, as are older heavier ones doing the inter-urban runs. Glad to hear they’ve upped the efficiency with the newer sets.

        And yes, while you can certainly fit a lot of passengers standing up in rush hour, you’d have to agree that in off-peak times there are plenty of carriages at 10% or less of capacity.

        Thanks Ronin for confirming something I suspected from these weasel words from Transport NSW:

        Our newer trains are equipped with regenerative braking capability, whereby the traction motors act as generators when braking to save electricity.

        “Equipped with the capability” sounded fishy to me.


        • #
          David Maddison

          There is a discussion at the following link about regenerative braking on Sydney trains.

          It seems to be a special mode thst has to be selected and I doubt it is selected very often, if at all.

          Its only purpose is for virtue signaling so the weasel words you quote from Sydney Transport can be stated, Robert.


      • #

        can accommodate about 120 passengers in a 120 tonne carriage

        This is stretching reality. Modern Sydney A-set trains can seat 896 passengers and weigh 407 tonnes … counting standing passengers

        Probably 896 passengers and 407 tonnes throttles back to 120 passengers and 120 tonnes when you take into account antisocial distancing.


    • #

      Two people in a Corolla or three in an SUV is going to be more energy efficient than the most packed of suburban trains.

      Typical electric train networks achieve energy consumption of 0.1kWh/passenger km.
      A Corolla requires 0.7kWh/km in terms of fuel consumption. They are not permitted to carry 7 people and mostly carry one person on commutes. A hybrid corolla loaded with 3 people would be close to matching a train on energy efficiency. The energy consumption of the train does not account for the power station conversion losses but most electricity is fuelled by unrefined fuels and the electricity is easily distributed at low cost. Gasoline is a highly refined fuel and requires numerous handling stages to end up in the tank of a Corolla. Ultimately cost/passenger km is the best comparison.

      Ultimately it gets down to cost/passenger km. According to RACV a Corolla hybrid costs AUD0.53/km if operated for 15,000km/yr over 5 years. The England portion of the UK rail network costs GDP0.24/passenger km. That includes 15.7p recovered from fares and 8.5p subsidy from government. If you carry more than one person in the Corolla hybrid most of the time, it will be a lower cost option overall. RACV puts the MG3 Core as the lowest cost in Australia at AUD0.41/km.

      The choice of train over private transport is usually based on travel time. When I worked in Sydney years ago company cars we common and free corporate parking provided. Some people chose a train because it was always faster than driving for them.

      In Melbourne, when Citilink went in, more people started to use private transport because road travel times dropped. Then the freeways got jammed up and more people chose train over private transport.

      One of my sons has a Toyota CHR hybrid and is not much bothered by rising fuel costs. Hybrids are now a sensible choice and Toyota have been making them for a long time.


      • #
        Robert Swan

        We’re in danger of getting into the weeds here Rick.

        I was talking simple energy requirements where 120 people in a 120T vehicle is just a scaled up equivalent of 1 person in a 1T vehicle. I have to admit that that’s not what matters to our ratbag attacking the SUV with a lentil. I’d say you’re not on a winner there either, talking about ongoing cost efficiency. If he is serious about the climate change guff, he’ll care about CO2 emitted. I suspect the trains, despite their low friction advantage, won’t fare much better than the SUV on that score by the time you account for generation inefficiencies and transmission/transformer losses.

        Thanks for the link to the rail system benchmarking. Interesting to scan through, though I’m puzzled why they (somewhat) anonymised the comparison networks (“Railway K”, etc.). Not above the age of consent? I’d also like to know how they define/determine values like “passenger km”. A nice overall number which might be subject to the same sorts of vagaries as global mean surface temperature.


  • #

    There are secure locking valve caps available online, some use an Allen key to release a grub screw, others have a ‘key’ that fits over the cap to grip it otherwise the cap just rotates without undoing.

    This is just petty, childish activism and shows they are losing the war.


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    David Maddison

    The Left are just showing their true colours.

    It’s only a matter before they start killing people they deem are a “threat” to the planet.

    Of course, they are already indirectly killing people through energy poverty and other means such as getting banned possible covid treatments.

    Marxism requires force and violence. As Stephen Hicks wrote:

    It follows that for Marxism the democratic process is a pointless sham. Democracy presupposes the effectiveness of reason — that individuals can observe, think, and judge for themselves, that they can learn from experience, be open to argument, and change their minds. Marxism, however, rules that out on epistemological principle: knowledge is conditioning, not rational judgment.

    In final consequence, it follows that when differently-conditioned individuals meet, the conflict can be resolved only by force. Socialists cannot argue capitalists into socialism. They cannot objectively present reasons or appeal to reason. They can only take over by violence and remove their social enemies.


    • #

      Bloomberg Has Inflation Advice for Proles Making Less Than $300k a Year – Shut Up, Eat Lentils, Ride the Bus and Kill Your Pets

      You might wonder what the ruling class thinks of how inflation is hitting middle America. For insight into their perspective, Bloomberg News just published some suggestions for all the unwashed masses – as defined as those who don’t earn $300,000 per year.

      The advice includes, shut up about the price of food, and eat lentils instead of meat. Quit bitching about gasoline prices, and just ride the bus, and the coup de grâce, “If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs.”

      Yeah, they said that. Us pesky proles and our pets are just mucking up the planet for the rest of them.

      The ‘inflation sucks, but that’s your issue, not ours’ article is authored by Teresa Ghilarducci. According to her self-described bio, she “is the Schwartz Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research. She’s the co-author of “Rescuing Retirement” and a member of the board of directors of the Economic Policy Institute.”

      So, the think-tank economists who shape policy have a solution for all the complaining scrubs earning less than $300,000/yr who are now dealing with the inflation that leftist policy has created. The elitist arrogance, in the “no one said this would be fun” approach, is quite remarkable. However, it does show the snob-set no longer feel the need to filter their elitism.

      The class gap has always existed, and whenever leftist policies are in place, that gap gets wider every second.


      • #

        “New School for Social Research” … did they intend to write “Newthink School for Socialist Research”?

        It’s easy to figure out who is a serious researcher, because inflation comes from money printing and whoever gets first dibs on the money is given an advantage as compared to the guy who only sees inflation in the form of “trickle-down” price rises and sees the money long after it’s been circulating.


  • #

    So, being marxist, these thugs understand violence. So they can see the inevitability of a minority proding the bear. Eventually the conservative bear is going to resort to violence rather than polite discourse.


  • #

    You have to wonder at their lack of science, data and recent history of human life expectancy etc.
    There’s no debate that we’re living in the very best of times and yet these cretins BELIEVE we face an EXISTENTIAL THREAT.
    But then again this message also comes from the Biden loony, BoJo and so many of the so called scientists plus govts, many pollies and so much of the MSM.
    The world’s gone barking mad and no leadership to wake people up to the facts.
    China and Russia etc will be pleased.


    • #

      I know that some members of the Coalition know that man made climate change is a crock but the “leadership” ensure they get nowhere near a microphone. Banished to the backbench like Matt Canavan or horribly compromised by a top job like Angus Taylor. It is the pandering to the ignorant that will destroy the Liberal party and Australia. Remember Rudd spent millions advertising the dangers of CARBON in the atmosphere with TV ads showing black balloons floating around? Morrison should spend millions telling the truth about CO2. The left would go crazy but that would be fun to watch.


      • #

        I have little doubt the same can be said about the ALP. There are some members there who also believe the hysteria over man-made climate change is a pack of lies but are told to be silent or else.

        In this age of widespread disinformation by all quarters (Universities, MSM, governments, doctors, scientists, etc.) one wonders is there really any hope of truth ever coming out so that the people can be properly informed to make the right decision. It’s becoming harder and harder for most people to see and hear the truth because not many do their own research as I do. It does take a lot of time and effort but I love the truth so much I do spend the time and effort gladly. It’s why I have come to the conclusion some time ago that a vote for either major party is a total wast of time.


  • #

    Btw, I’m not against reducing the number of SUVs in urban traffic. Nothing to do with emissions – but simply because they make roads more dangerous for other drivers. On a road packed with SUVs, you can no longer see 3 or 4 cars ahead so less opportunity to take early action to prevent accidents. The damage these unnecessarily large vehicles can do to regular cars is also a concern.


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    David Maddison

    Notice how these Leftists don’t do anything about their comrades who fly private jets to climate conferences?

    They are “useful idiots” indeed.


    • #

      Such useful idiots are too afraid to deflate a jet tyre – they would be seen to easily and get caught in the act. That’s part of their character – they are cowards.


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    Clem Cadiddlehopper

    Just think of what could happen if we were to respond in a similar fashion. A couple of hundred people head to the nearest National park with our chainsaws perhaps. Nothing like a good old bit of civil disobedience as the greens like to tell us. They might find out what its like being on the receiving end of it for a change.


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      Find out where they live and egg their house with cage eggs.


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      David Maddison

      I spend a lot of time in national parks plus voluntarily pull weeds I see and remove rubbish and I am yet to encounter a “green” in the bush.

      Like most Leftists, they just don’t believe in volunteer work or charity because they see that as a role of government. You wouldn’t want to tear them away from their feminising soy latte drinks (feminising for males due to phytoestrogens).


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    Would a ‘love tap’ with a tyre iron be appropriate.


  • #

    The best thing about Jo’s site is the freedom to state your case. Can’t do that even at the Australian these days. As for the little ignorant creeps letting down tires I think our friend from Montana has the cure. Well we are not allowed to shoot them but a really sore finger or fingers might leave a lasting impression.


    • #

      There are restrictions applied here too. In some cases even more strict than other similar sites, believe it or not. I know from personal experience. Others will attest to that.


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    I wonder what the luvvies think they will gain from having a liebor govt, more free stuff perhaps, who pays for that.


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      It’s not so much the luvvies but the sleepers. Most people believe that after voting out the incumbent government the rot will stop under a government lead by the other major party. That’s a fool’s paradise.


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      Gary S

      Yes, they need to realise that free stuff is the most expensive stuff they will ever receive.


  • #
    John in Oz

    WIth apologies to the original by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

    First they came for the SUVs, and I did not speak out—
    Because I did not own a SUV.

    Then they came for the utes, and I did not speak out—
    Because I did not own a ute.

    Then they came for the hydrids, and I did not speak out—
    Because I did not own a hybrid.

    Then they came for my EV—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Perhaps a movement to disable everything owned by these idiots could be justified as this would protect the lives, property and livlihoods of those being targetted by the tyre deflaters, using their own argument against them


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    David Maddison

    Not that any Leftist would care but their letting down tyres could have deadly consequences if a person doesn’t notice a flat or partially deflated tyre and drives off, especially onto a freeway and then crashes due to loss of control due to the flat tyre.


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    Yet the Tesla drivers who probably spend half their life flying on planes will be safe.


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    Sean McHugh

    I’m no windmill-loving greenie but I don’t like urban SUVs. I was no fan of Keating but I didn’t mind it when he said that he would tax them off the road.


    • #
      David Maddison

      You mightn’t like them but somebody else does. Why harm others because of your personal dislike of something?

      Remember, it works both ways.


      • #
        Sean McHugh

        I did specify ‘uraban SUVs’. Urbanites don’t need tractors either.


        • #
          David Maddison

          Let owners decide if they “need” them or not.

          Presumably they wouldn’t buy something they didn’t think they needed.

          Everyone has different needs whether they correspond to your personal viewpoint or not.


          • #

            Hear, hear.


          • #
            Sean McHugh

            What has changed? Families never used to need ‘trucks’. Bigger families now? No, quite the opposite. Though there are exceptions, they are mainly for a word that translates to ‘Pajero’. I’ll add that, aesthetically, they tend to range between plain and ugly.


            • #
              David Maddison

              What difference does it make Sean? It is not your decision to make. I am not sure why you think you should be responsible for deciding what other people buy.


              • #
                Sean McHugh

                What difference does it make?

                It makes a difference when I am reversing out of parallel parking and can’t see a thing. With a ‘car’ beside me, I am usually able to see if something is coming.

                It makes a difference when I’m in the left lane wanting to turn left and an SUV, wanting to turn right, stops beside me, making sure that he is far enough forward that I can’t see what is coming. I then have to wait till he is gone and then wait again.

                It makes a difference when I can’t see what is happening well ahead.

                It will make a difference if I am in a collision, where I apply the formula E=1/2mv^2, where E equals energy and m equals mass. In the US, the acquisition of SUVs was nicknamed ‘the arms race’.


              • #
                Peter C

                What difference does it make?

                Maybe the purchasers of SUVs also made a similar anaysis and decided to buy one.
                I like my Ford Territory, which I think is a mid sized SUV. It fulfills multiple roles for me.


              • #
                Peter C

                Let me throw that back at you. Obviously you can have an SUV if you want, but please allow me to offer my opinion of them.


                You get the benefit of tiny fuel costs. I applaud that but it comes with a little extra cost.


            • #

              Space, protection, but mostly the ability to load it up with “stuff” and go somewhere if you want to.

              My parents could sure have used a larger car at times when lugging cricket gear and owners of that gear around.

              Stick to your mini if that is all you ever need, but please stop telling other people what they should choose to drive.


              • #
                Sean McHugh

                Stick to your mini if that is all you ever need, but please stop telling other people what they should choose to drive.

                Let me throw that back at you. Obviously you can have an SUV if you want, but please allow me to offer my opinion of them.

                Keep in mind that, in merely commenting here, what I am doing is less dangerous, less imposing, less aggressive and less inconveniencing than are your SUVs.

                The Sydney suburbs around me are clogged with huge 4WD cars which have never seen a dirt road.

                SUVs [are] problematic for road safety [because they] put other road users at a higher risk of severe injury.


              • #

                I have never had a problem with SUVs on the road… not an issue.

                Perhaps you just need to learn how to drive!


            • #

              The “footprint of most SUVs is the same or SMALLER than the cars I grew up traveling in and tinkering with.

              ’48 Mercury, ’55 Customline, ’66 Fairlane. My parents various “traveling wheels. ALL of them bought second-hand.

              The family “shopping trolleys” were things like a ’50 Prefect that replaces en epically gutless ’48 Anglia. My first car, in 1974, was a 1950 Vauxhall Wyvern, akin to a 7/8 scale FJ Holden but grossly under-powered and annoyingly cantankerous. Student wheels.

              The return of horses to our roads?

              The “furry-fondlers” will go nuts, but who cares?

              However, anyone who has seen photographs or movie footage of most world cities from the beginning of the 20th century may not have realized that the scattered lumps on the roadway were NOT cane toads…….

              Motor vehicles (and electric trams) literally “cleaned up the streets”. Just as reticulated electricity reduced the incidence of house fires and massively reduced urban air pollution. Next thing some scabrous cretin will be claiming, is likely to be that “sewerage” is all about white supremacy and imperialism; Romans and all that.

              These are NOT serious times, surely, when voices of insanity and terminal narcissism drown out those of REAL PEOPLE.

              Coffee-break is over; back to building new book-cases.


  • #
    David Maddison

    I keep telling rational thinkers to not make the mistake of trying to understand any “logic” from the Left. It is a common mistake and only leads to frustration until you realise they have no logic. See quote I posted above by Stephen Hicks.


    • #
      Stuart Hamish

      The Tyre Extinguishers leaflet : ” The world is facing a climate emergency. According to the UN millions of people are already dying from climate change related causes ……We need emergency action to reduce emissions immediately .We’re taking actions into our own hands because our governments and politicians will not ”

      What an amazing insight into the minds of millenarian fanatics. Unfortunately such delusions seem to be shared by numerous woke celebrities and, lamentably, presumably sensible public health officials , psychiatrists psychologists and even intelligence agency chiefs. The chattering classes
      Ah, the old ‘ millions are dying from climate change ” canard. The best available data shows that climate related fatalities have plummeted by 95% over a century since 1920. [ See ‘ Climate Related Deaths Are at Historic Lows. Data Show ,FEE , June 7 2019 , Marlo Lewis Jr ] as atmospheric CO2 has proliferated

      The world is not confronted with a ‘climate emergency ” This is a mass hysteria myth. According to the respected and widely cited EM DAT database, weather and climate disasters have decreased by 10% this century. This is the same dataset used by the United Nations.

      ” SUV’s are the second largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade ” No evidence cited for that dubious statement. Here is a fun fact : decaying forest wood releases a massive 10.9 billion tons of carbon each year ..This total exceeds all human annual CO2 emissions

      ” Psychological studies show SUV drivers are more likely to take risks on the road ” Who would trust these sort of psychological research studies when the field is renowned for junk science and a 61 – 75% research replication failure rate ? Anyway, it is not ‘gas guzzling’ SUV’s complicit in thousands of needless and premature deaths but rather radical green NGO’s like Greenpeace.[ See Andy May’s essay :Greenpeace Crimes and Lies ‘] Of course these selfish zealots who seem to believe deflating the tyres of SUVs to nuisance the drivers [ who may need to get to work or transport an ailing grandparent to the hospital] is a planet saving mission are on the same side.


      • #
        Gary S

        I think the term ‘climate related fatalities’ needs to be replaced with ‘weather related fatalities’, as these deaths are usually the result of single, normally occurring storms, floods, etc.


    • #

      David, why do you irrationally brand anything counter to your views as ‘left’ ?.


      • #

        Be my guest, name anything modern left fashionable policy does that is rational?

        They say they want to reduce CO2 but then pick ineffective expensive ways to do it. They say they care about the environment while they destroy rainforest for palm oil and cut down trees to put up solar panels. They say they dislike corporate power while doing everything they can to increase income inequity, promote Big-Banker-interests, centralize government and silence the workers.

        I could go on, but the most rational hypothesis that predicts left-leaning behaviour is that they only care about power, fame and money. The poor and the environment are just tools to that end.


        • #

          Most of the World is currently governed by the right under market driven economies. Somehow, in your alternative reality, it is now ‘left’, its strings being pulled by the fictitious green blob boogeyman . I’m glad you’ve dropped any pretext of being a science blog.


          • #

            Dave, ask your masters to send a smarter Big Government believer please. Righteous indignation and pure bluster don’t work here.

            Governments control more of the economy now than they have done since modern Democracy began.

            The science of civilizations says, obviously, that left = Big Government and Right = smaller one.


            • #

              I’m shocked that the mods didn’t block your ad hom spray, this blog, btw, runs on fact free bluster .
              ‘The science of civilization’ ??, did you steal that from Jordan Peterson ? .
              All efforts at small government have failed its people miserably.

              [Yes, That’s the way to impress the Host. /sarc – LVA]


          • #

            Wait Dave! You bring no science but yet complain!


          • #
            Stuart Hamish

            Jo’s page is a science blog ..And a current affairs blog ….Ironically Dave you are the one not debating science here. Instead you are waffling on about the left -right dichotomy, the merits of small and big government and so on. And acting like a dilettante. Jo actually tried to steer the discussion closer to a scientific debate yesterday and you shifted it back to petty politics and economics again : ” Most of the world is currently driven by the right under market driven economies ” .Not entirely.. China is one such mixed free market and command economy that has lifted at least 200 million Chinese from crushing Marxist poverty. They are not dying by the millions under collectivization programs anymore are they Dave ?….However thousands of Venezuelans are starving and dying from treatable diseases after voting in a Socialist caudillo
            Why does Jordan Peterson make you feel so inadequate ?


        • #

          The left/right divide is clear and indisputable.

          A Canadian poll showed a startling difference between fully vaxxed and “others” when asked about appropriate response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The pro-vax were something like 80% send in the troops, enforce a no fly zone [interesting that Canada only has old F18s some bought S/H from us].

          Sorry Jo, ’tis late, I’ve had a hard night or I would find the link.


      • #

        Its not a matter of counter his views (which you are unable to do, I might add)

        Its just that all the leftist agenda is just downright idiotic, irrational and anti-science.
        … as well as being a waste of time, space and money.

        Against all rational thought and morality.


      • #
        Stuart Hamish

        Dave why did you irrationally straw man David Maddison? .In the instance above he sarcastically referenced the left’s bizarre ‘logic’. Not opinions that differ from his .Can you stipulate where and with recourse to what arguments David has lazily categorized any and all views contrary to his own as “Left ‘ ?..I can’t, and your faux pas has vindicated his assertion if indeed you identify as a leftist….In social media parlance – a ‘facepalm’


  • #
    David Maddison

    Knowing how much the Left hate SUV’s, it makes me even more determined to buy one.


  • #
    another ian

    Around this area IMO

    “You Were Born With a Brain Allowing You To Process Information
    March 19, 2022 | Sundance | 43 Comments
    CTH has encountered criticism for our position on information. Perhaps it is important to step back and explain exactly why we should not be playing by rules established to control us while engaged in the battle of ideas. First, my position:

    …”There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation”. There is only information you accept and information you do not accept. You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told; rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.”… ”

    More at


  • #

    These clowns haven’t thought this plan through. A recent story told how electric car charging stations were being vandalised for the copper in the cables. Apparently it’s bigger than CAT converter theft now. So what stops “EV-Extinguishers” retaliating – EVs still have have tyres … don’t they? The police will likely treat this stuff as petty, so wilful damage will escalate on both sides of this divide. WASTE should be the real villain of both sides – particularly after deliberate vandalism.


  • #

    Idiots. But they believe in Climate Change aka 34 years of rapid Global Warming, so not unexpected.


  • #

    My 4×4 Isuzu 3.0L diesel does 13.1 L/100km or 7.6 km/L highway cruising with a bit of urban, which is my commute to work. That’s actually pretty economical. I doubt fools like these would consider such facts, that’s not really their thing.


    • #
      robert rosicka

      Try 20 litres to the hundred around town and up to thirty towing with a head wind .


      • #

        of what? the DMax? Towing a caravan is a disaster for fuel of course.

        I now have it up to 14.5 km/L which is extraordinary for a 4×4 or any car really.


    • #

      #27 is all wrong. Its actually the other way around 13.1 km/L and 7.6 L/100 km.

      And I now have it up to 14.5 km/L which is 6.9 L/100km. That’s travelling at cruising speed of 86 km/h.


  • #

    This seems to be in the Uk. Most of us will probably say “..wont happen in Australia, surely”. But, of course in these days of global interconnectedness (I think that’s a word) there is probably a high likelihood of it happening. Look how kneeling for BLM caught on.


  • #
    John Connor II

    The world is facing a climate emergency.
    I know this because it said so on the piece of paper under my wiper blade on my car with flat tyres.
    I shall write to my local physicists society immediately advising them that the laws of physics are wrong and that CO2 CAN trap heat.
    Phew. Saved just before the 12 years were up. That was close!
    Next global emergency: idiocracy.


  • #

    I actually hope they do it around this regional area. All the greens live up the distant valleys and so all drive gas guzzlers, so I’d say they might be victims of their own activism ? The potential activist around here I think would quickly notice their hypocrisy and stay quiet. None of them drive electric cars out to their bouncy road/track, funnily enough.


  • #
    Serge Wright

    This is probably the fastest way of making your group the most hated on the planet. It’s also going to lead to dangerous situations when car owners reach their limits and take matters into their own hands. More importantly, the action could have fatal consequences if a vehicle owner is unaware of the vandalism and drives out onto a busy roadway. I would think this would constitute a manslaughter change at a minimum if someone is killed.


    • #

      I wouldn’t want to print instructions online…but many modern vehicles have senders in the tire valves to alert to dash warning system
      to flash low pressure; making it simple to create and arm a system that would discomfort anyone letting the air our rapidly whilst not reacting to a slow leak. They also support all kinds of cameras, which are easy to rig for a security function. This kind of vandalism tends not to happen as much in communities where the perps are unable to maintain anonymity, the false courage of the morally righteous but totally incompetent. People already are killed or injured over vehicular vandalism in surprisingly large numbers, testifying to the emotional bond many have with their cars (airplanes, boats, motorcycles); especially those worked on by the owner.
      I once met a college professor of forestry who had a permanently damaged leg from cutting into a spiked tree; though usually mild mannered he left no doubt he’d happily take a chain saw to the spiker given positive identification. This kind of mindless vandalism metastasizes on a social level, and most aren’t willing to classify it as “protest”.


  • #

    In breaking news, Australia sends coal to Ukraine. Fancy that! Does that fit net zero policy ? Why don’t we send some wind turbines and some solar panels, or some hydrogen ? Send a whole ship of hydrogen up the Boshporus.


  • #

    ‘We are prepared to risk our life and liberty to protect people from climate change, air pollution and unnecessary death on our roads,’ a spokesperson told the Daily Mail. ‘We will make it impossible to own an SUV in the world’s urban areas.’
    That’s hilarious! Sort of catch all handwringers! It could be right that they’re a leaderless band of useful idiots and therefore threw in the road toll as part of their ‘manifesto’ to cover that they don’t have a clue what vehicle uses what fuel source!
    There’ll always be zealots who need a cause, the real worry is the urban elites buying this bullshit! They’re the ones who get their bullet point news and then stick their fingers in their ears when you mention Tongan volcanoes and core samples.
    They WON’T accept that stirred into their koolaid!


  • #

    The Tyre Extinguishers need a crack Aussie assault squad to target the NSW Northern Beaches and go after those diesel electronic billboard trucks being used for election campaign ads! You know, by Allegra Spender and the other climate ‘independent’ candidates being bankrolled by billionaire Simon Holmes a Court!
    Would the ABC and Guardian report their flat tyres as climate justice?


  • #

    Europe is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do they stop using fossil fuels to save the planet, or do they keep funding Russia by keep buying their oil and gas to fight the the war with Ukraine and indirectly with NATO/US? I suppose Greta would love to give the EU more advice on European Energy Policy to help them resole the dilemma. Of course it would be in the best interests of saving the planet from a potential nuclear war that’s far more real than any climate change catastrophe. They could open discussions with Russia to come to a peace settlement. Of course the US don’t like that. They prefer to bring down Russia instead, some would say at all costs. So much for climate change. I bet Greta must be confused by now. Is she for world peace or for war?


    • #

      Just found the answer. Greta Thunberg Wants Changes In Farming And Food Consumption
      I suppose she feels a war with Russia and China would help a lot to achieve such a goal. Certainly a lot of her followers believe so.


      • #

        Greta’s reference population? Soviet-era “Kulaks”. Might be hard to get an answer, though


      • #
        Stuart Hamish

        Greta Thunberg’s ancestor Svante Arrhenius conducted electrocution procedures on children and was a founding board member of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene ..His ‘global warming royalty’ descendant seems to have inherited the twisted proclivity to control the lives and choices of others


  • #

    Grandpa and grandma visit one of the kids and family (wife and 3 kids). What are the current choices for a 7 passenger vehicle with room for 2 suitcases.
    Which is the lesser of 2 evils; SUV or van?
    Btw my 20 year old BMW gets to 7.5l/100km on the road. Not much use for family transport though.


  • #
    Sean McHugh

    No need to fear it too much. The warmists would also be letting down the tyres on their support base. They drive those things too.


  • #

    Eventually it isnt going to end well for someone. You keep messing with peoples cars in the early hours and the clock is ticking.


  • #

    Off topic, but still vandalism in economic terms.

    Australian researchers claim ‘giant leap’ in technology to produce affordable renewable hydrogen

    I know it’s the Guardian but a few things bother me?

    Why make Hydrogen when it takes 41.5 kilowatts of electricity per kilogram to make.
    And then yield only 33 kilowatts per kilogram of Hydrogen.

    Plus the storage and transfer costs would be huge.
    Then the water usage etc


    • #

      Why use hydrocarbons when 40% is lost in extraction, refining, and fuel transportation?


      • #

        Because they are far more efficient, cheap and user friendly.
        Plus its already in widespread user without needing any change.
        Plus the huge number of other essential products we need from oil.
        Of course, you don’t use it, or any of those bi-products, do you. 😉


      • #

        Complex hydrocarbons have a MUCH more efficient flame and pressure front in Infernal convulsion engines, for a start.

        Hydrogen leaks everywhere because of its tiny molecular size.

        Hydrogen is also a pig to transport and store.


    • #

      Following on from that. In 1874, science fiction author Jules Verne envisioned a future in which ‘water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable. Someday the coal-rooms of steamers and the tenders of locomotives will, instead of coal, be stored with these two condensed gases, which will burn in the furnaces with enormous calorific power.’


    • #

      Because Australia imports a huge amount of nitrogen fertilizer every year. Cheap (and green?) hydrogen could mean it could be produced LOCALLY.


      • #

        Alternatively, solid, treated sewage could be transported and used as MUCH better fertilizer.

        In fact, this is ALREADY happening, in several places in Australia.

        ANY move to shut this down, or regulate it into oblivion WILL BE ENEMY ACTION.


  • #

    An article on the news tonight, a craze On TicToc where young people are holding their breath until they pass out. A million views. Many hospitalized. Some dead. Another with major brain damage. Unbelievable. Many videos of children crashing to the ground unconscious. Awful.

    Perhaps a craze of lentils in tyre valves is stupid and inconvenciencing and silly and potentially dangerous but the idea that it is a protest of any sort has to be considered in the light of people dying from holding their breaths for no point at all. Peer pressure perhaps? Not tyre pressure. It shows the deadly power of social media to tempt young people to do stupid things for no real reason.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Even though it is owned by China, TikTok is banned there. Rather, they have a Chinese version called Douyin.

      It doesn’t allow the degenerate, the obscene, the pointless, the alphabet people posts, etc. which greatly contribute to Western immorality.

      However, the moral destruction of the West is valuable for the Chinese and they make money at the same time.

      I wasn’t aware of how depraved TikTok was until I started watching the critical reviews of those videos on YouTube channel Odins Men.—


      • #

        I can’t unsee that stuff! What a Bizarro world of Woke nutters. And Woke is not enough. These people have fallen off the edge of the world socially. Like the people of Walmart. And now they have TikTok.


  • #

    Might have to go back to solid (airless) tyres, like I have for my wheelbarrow (single wheel drive).

    These imbeciles won’t be able to deflate them but not real good for “the planet”.

    In lieu of my suggestion above, a couple of dobermans or red heelers might be a good option, they tend to choose their victims wisely.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    I would appear they have prevailed.
    Watch your business burn in passive powerlessness, it is only property.
    Watch you property vandalized, you’re insured after all.
    The Justice Overlords demand it.
    It’s the Antifa definition of violence, the destruction of the personal property of heretics and the neutral, is peaceful protest. Honking is violence.
    (Funny how they’ve disappeared. Guess they don’t teach the Captain Kidd story anymore.)
    No problem if the occasional store owner is beaten.
    The building has a smoke detector, if you don’t get out, it’s your fault.
    Except of course if the Totechnotarians deem otherwise, talking physical violence, say towards Russians, is now acceptable.
    Yale law students physically threatening the participants in a panel discussion, justified.
    Have a polite semantic discussion while you’re being led to the top of the pyramid to have your beating heart removed … by a ‘certified’ priest.
    I get it now.
    It seems this last outpost as accepted the new rules.


    • #

      AntiFa were only ever for de-stablisation purposes.

      Same with BLM… all quiet now the Democrats are in.

      Same with the same gender marriage issue here.
      Gillard et al had plenty of time to do something, but as soon as Tony Abbott got in, that’s when all the noise started.


      • #

        The noise I can put up with as I stand for free speech but that requires all sides to be able to make noises, not just the wrong side. Free speech is not working due to a lot of silencing of people who want to speak out the truth while the wrong side keeps shouting. That’s why we don’t really have free speech any more. The noises we hear in public are all just bias, propaganda and lies from both major parties, the MSM, Universities, doctors, scientists, etc.. Anyone in those disciples who do want to speak out the truth are silenced or publicly ridiculed by various means. This is a war within based on terror against those who want to speak the truth. It will come to a crunch one day but it won’t be pretty.


      • #

        Yes, Gillard said, I don’t believe it’s an issue, but it sure as hell was once Tony was elected.


  • #
    David Maddison


    Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story

    March 18, 2022 

    They are the supposed nonpartisan group of top spies looking out for the best interest of the nation.

    But the 51 former “intelligence” officials who cast doubt on The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president. And more than a year later, even after their Deep State sabotage has been shown again and again to be a lie, they refuse to own up to how they undermined an election.



  • #

    Tony Heller makes some good observations about how people are being brain washed with regards to climate change. Notice in his video there’s a speech by Obama that spells out the truth about why reducing emissions is so vital, and Obama admits it is regardless of whether he believes coal is good or bad. The speech could have come from PM Morrison himself. Yes a lot of people are being brainwashed by politicians as well as others. Do we really need such politicians? Of course the answer is no but sadly most people keep voting for them. When people start complaining en mass about such policies ruining their lives at an alarming rate, they need to look in the mirror to see who to blame.
    Do You Really Need Corrupt Politicians?


    • #
      David Maddison

      Good video.

      And notice another common theme of the anti-energy regimes of the US, Australia, Once Great Britain etc.? Extensive bans on oil and gas exploration and fracking.


    • #
      Stuart Hamish

      Brainwashing is only one observational truth .The similarities between religious cults and the climate alarmist movement are extraordinary. ” The Climate Change Cult : 10 Warning Signs ” See also Ian McFadyen’s Quadrant article ” Our New Established Religion ” You may be interested in those essays Simon


  • #

    A pity the loony vandals who deflate all these tyres don’t have a look at climate models etc and then start to WAKE UP.
    Here Willis looks at the latest global rainfall models since 1850 and up to today and beyond.
    These delusional loonies really are a joke, yet we’re supposed to be calculating the spending of endless TRILLIONs of $ based on this idiocy until 2100?
    Again just unbelievable but true and yet this is supposed to be part of their so called climate science?


    • #

      You have to understand it’s very simple and it comes down to this. They don’t care about the facts and the truth. Their hatred of the right thinking people is so massive they have turned to the leftist illogical and false view of the world. When I say “right thinking” I’m not referring the so called far right extremists – that’s another deception and they are just as crazy. Normal right-wing is actually good, and that’s why the so called left hate anything associated with the right so much, and the far right extremists also hate the normal right but for different reasons. The normal right often have to duck and cover in the cross-fire between the left and far-right, which is why the normal right don’t get much of a chance to be in positions of power.


  • #
    David Maddison

    (Off topic.)

    Ha! I just heard on the radio that as part of its aid package to Ukraine, Australia is sending 70,000 tonnes of thermal coal.

    It’s good enough for Ukraine but not good enough for Australians to burn our own coal!


  • #
    David Maddison

    The really obvious climate vandalism apart from dangerously deflating car tyres is how the Left get proper coal, gas and nuclear power stations shut down to be “replaced” with expensive and unreliable intermittent wind and solar generation and are now pushing “green hydrogen”, the use and management of which will make the disasters of wind and solar seem like nothing in comparison.


    • #

      No doubt that’s the agenda engineered by the WEF and now being followed by all Western governments to its ultimate goal of a NWO. Whether they succeed or not only time will tell. If they don’t then we face the real prospect of another kind of NWO headed by Russia and China. Sad really as they all could have spread us the carnage and worked together to form a nicer NWO where peace and tranquillity ruled the day, not war and mayhem.


  • #

    Hmmm… might be an rewarding exercise to write up a one page expose of the evils, inconsistencies and plain stupidity of the business model of the EV industry and then target, in an identical manner, every parked Tesla and hybrid vehicle you come across.
    Seeing the white hot rage and impotence of those idiotic duck-squeezers at being hoist on their own petard would make for some interesting and entertaining You Tube clips.


  • #

    Gosh who realised that Aussies could become a new Renewables exporting giant and also generate 100% of our energy here at home from these UNRELIABLES?
    The Conversation has another loony article extolling the virtues of the TOXIC S & W disasters and the unbelievable so called Green hydrogen we could also export around the world.
    All this when our Coal, Gas, Iron ore, Uranium ( think?) are in increased demand all around the world and most countries are not looking to support the Putin maniac and Russia in the future.
    Anyone looking forward to more S & W in our future and if so please tell us why? And please tell us what difference it will make to our weather or climate or temp by 2050 or 2100?
    Then tell us how it will make a difference and by how much?


  • #

    “We are prepared to risk our lives…”. Okay then, Sparky.


  • #
    Charles Bradley

    Don’t forget to add a bumper sticker:
    These tyres contain pure CO2, sequestered to save the planet


  • #

    My small SUV has a smaller engine and better fuel efficiency than the very small car I traded in on it. Is there no credit given for the improvements in fuel economy in recent decades?


    • #

      Quite a few of them now have a 1.5 L engine boosted by a turbo, so you get economy and power.


    • #

      Yes, but so do modern cars, and an SUV still has to push more air out of the way and weighs more to takes more fuel to accelerate – the two irreducible factors in determining fuel consumption.


  • #

    Pity the deflating loons don’t realize the owner of an SUV who gets a tyre or two deflated will call on their roadside service to tow their vehicle to where it can be put right, extra vehicles involved, extra fuel burnt, too bad.


  • #

    Remember my S.U.V. owner tale,
    He, for knocking the youth got no bail,
    The judge said the lad,
    Didn’t mean to be bad,
    Sent the car owner straight off to jail.


  • #

    ‘We are prepared to risk our life and liberty to protect people from climate change, air pollution and unnecessary death on our roads

    These people are stupid!

    In one sentence he has lined every one of them up for not just malicious damage but far more serious charges. ANY lawyer trying to prosecute one of these criminals who does NOT quote that sentence should lose his licence to practice.

    He has just admitted they KNOW they risk not just damage to property but injury, trauma and death but they don’t care.

    As far as I know, any action with a probability of leading to injury or death is prosecutable as a felony, even if the injury or death did not occur.


  • #

    Not a fan of SUVs but anyone who does this should be rounded up and charged. Ridiculous some people really have issues. Sadly this is the mentality of the renewables zealots.
