Having sold their souls not-covering Biden-family corruption, election scandals, Pharmaceutical malfeasance, and rackets running through politics and science, it’s no surprise that barely 1 in 6 Republicans trust most media outlets. Mass lies will do that.
Look at the vast partisan gulf in the poll below which asked “how trustworthy do you rate the news media…“. Can anyone look at this graph and argue that the media is not dominated by left-leaning views? Fully 18 of 22 media outlets appeal to, and are trusted by around three times as many left leaning voters.
It’s no surprise that the most polarized and divisive news source in America is CNN followed by The New York Times and Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post.

The Republicans (red) are more skeptical than Democrats (blue) of nearly every media outlet.
The least polarising of the mainstream news outlets is the Wall Street Journal.
The only media outlet arguably that serves both political views is The Weather Channel, but even there half of Republicans and 40% of Democrats don’t “trust” it. There is no common Town Square media left where both sides of the political spectrum can hear each others views.
How things have changed since the year 2000
Republicans were always less likely to trust the media than Democrats were, but in the last twenty years that trust has evaporated.

| Gallup
In New Zealand trust fell because people now see the media as an “extension of the government”
Trust in the media is falling in New Zealand too “at an alarming level”. (It’s only alarming if you think the media is worth trusting).
The Daily Examiner in New Zealand seems perplexed that government funding might be a bad thing. Almost like they and the academics at the AUT research centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy, who did the study, have never once thought about the Government as a vested interest.
Trust in news falls alarmingly, steep declines for Māori TV, TVNZ and RNZ
While in 2020, 62% of New Zealanders trusted the news they consumed, in 2022 the figure was 52%. Additionally, general trust in the news continues to decline.
- Paradoxically, one of the main reasons for distrust in news media appears to be the Government’s funding of it. A large number of respondents now perceive media as an extension of the Government, hence it is seen untrustworthy, says Myllylahti.
- This year, journalists have been increasingly under attack when reporting on the Covid crisis, vaccinations, vaccine mandates, protests and so on. In its role as disseminator of vital information in a crisis, the media has perhaps been seen as the Government mouthpiece. In one sense, it has quite rightly been, says Dr Greg Treadwell, co-author of the report.
Funny how telling the public to obey the government, without any questions or alterative views, makes the media look like a wing of the bureaucrats because that’s exactly what it was.
A truly great picture of polarization. Fortunately there are ample means of communication besides these Democrat dominated legacy outlets. Blogs rule. And here we are.
I agree with you David, but the number of people who read or participate in quality blogs like Jo Nova’s are tiny compared to the people who read or listen to the MSM.
I’ve tried to talk to people to try and get them to understand data about our REAL world in regards to so called Climate change and it’s a very hard slog.
People seem to enjoy their dreams of a fantasy world and some just refuse to understand very simple data and evidence.
I couldn’t disagree more.
The number of people who get their news from blogs, podcasts, video streams, etc. absolutely DWARFS the number who get their news from traditional media. Just take a look at the demographics of all those news sources. They are almost exclusively reaching people in the 55+ age group. MSNBCs audience is 90% over 55, FOX is among the youngest skewing and it’s audience is 75% over 55.
Also, take a look at the viewership numbers. CNN can’t even crack a million viewers anymore. FOX maxes out at 3-5 million depending on whatever events are happening that week. In a nation of 300+ million, that’s not all that impressive. Contrast that with Joe Rogan’s podcast numbers in the tens of millions.
Alternative media is dominating traditional media, particularly among the prime demographic (18-55 years old).
I agree and this helps explain why roughly half of Americans are still climate skeptics. Social media swamps legacy and skeptics dominate the blogosphere.
It should be a lot more than half who are sceptical then.
“more than half who are sceptical”
Could be so. Being expressly skeptical is a very risky behaviour . Indeed , telling the truth , puts you “beyond the pale”.
Gotta look after the Social Credit Score , doncha’ know?
During Obama, the left wing media got over confident in their power to drive elections. Trump was a wake up call that their message wasn’t getting through, so they doubled down on the hateful rhetoric and the result was Brandon. Unless the Republicans do something really stupid, this colossal failure in collective judgement will result in the biggest flip from blue to red we have ever seen. Hopefully, it won’t be too late.
Never underestimate the Republicans ability to totally blow it.
They can easily blow the presidency, if Trump is not nominated and does a 3rd party run, splitting the vote and giving the Dems an impossible win. My worst nightmare. Congress should be in the bag but things can always go bad in 6 months.
My bigger concern is if Romney does a third party run when Trump or a Trump endorsed candidate is nominated.
Propaganda ministers,
Propaganda ministers,
I got a heavy due,
gonna walk all over you. . .
– Madness
[ but keep a count on the obituaries]
Here is a great video about how google swings elections, and what to do to stop them:
“Can anyone still pretend the Media are not a wing of the Democrats?”
The Media are not a wing of the Democrats; both obey their big-money puppet masters.
They aren’t a wing of the democrats so much as they are a wing of the permanent establishment. The MSM is all about access journalism, have enslaved themselves to their beltway sources, and will wage war against any outsiders who seek to turn over their apple cart. In other words, they have become part of ‘the swamp’.
That is the main reason Trump was feared and despised. He not only threatened to turn over their apple cart, but to burn it to cinders and then piss on the ashes.
One of the things I love about Trump is his ability to make their heads explode. He does it for entertainment and we are indeed entertained. The left never gets the joke. Look at his career: CEO + Entertainer. He is just still doing it.
Fox is hated by the Democrats, because it actually tries to present a balanced view point.
FOX is bifurcated. It’s news wing does tend to be relatively ‘fair and balanced’ compared to the others (though it is still biased), but it’s prime-time punditry is purely partisan. Democrats are willfully obtuse when it comes to making the distinction between the news operation and the prime-time shows.
Interestingly, The BBC is highly rated by US news consumers. Which shows how unfamiliar they are with it.
The BBC has been hijacked by Eco fanatics as regards climate change, however very many other adpects of their output is of high quality. That includes their news output which is run by long established commentators with skills in their area of expertise.
Their coverage of Ukraine has been good, the radio world service being especially interesting
Loves the stage ups put on for them. The BBC is not into truth – it’s into promoting outrage. Bring back the safari jackets.
Once upon a time!
Which ABC is that in the list ?
The suspect that the Australian ABC would rank very low with conservative voters down here.
That would be the American ABC. I doubt 99% of people in the US would have heard there was an Australian version.
If you can find polls on the ABC in Australia, I’m interested. But past polls show the ABC is still trusted by far too many. Our media is not comparable to the US. The ABC here is dominant and affects the whole media landscape. Massively well funded.
Yah! I finally made the 1% in something.
The ABC here has a lot of clout in the regions, where there may even be some employees who are in tune with their communities.
“In the spirit of that I had a look at Steve McIntyre’s site
There are a couple of threads at the top re Climategate reveals since
“BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab” thread
To be fair, approximately zero Americans watch BBC news. They watch the nature and entertainment shows on BBC America, but BBC America doesn’t carry BBC news. Some cable providers carry BBC World News, but it’s buried among hundreds of channels and I can’t imagine it’s viewership ever exceeds five digits.
Very good point.
Relative to the average, Democrats trust the weather channel far more than Republicans who are aligned with the independents who are pulling the average down.
This is interesting because the reason for any mistrust in the weather channel is not political, but the accuracy of their forecasts. This test shows how correlations to reality are ignored by the Democrats, just as they ignore other objective metrics, especially those which are harmful to their positions.
They seem so brainwashed by the cause, reality has no place in their thinking. This is classic cult like behavior and Madeleine Dean has it backwards.
We can say a similar thing about “our” ABC in Australia. The issue here though is we have a supposedly conservative party still funding it. Can anyone still pretend the Media are not a wing of the two major parties? After all, they are on the same bandwagon on a number of key issues, such as climate change, COVID-19 mandates, anti-nuclear and the war against Russia. The only key issue I can think of that differentiates them at the moment is the border issue. Same applies with the US. Illegal immigrants are pouring into the US from Mexico. Going back to “our” ABC, isn’t it time to sell it off? The good work they do, limited as it is, could be funded by the government in other ways. As for providing propaganda news, I find it distasteful that our tax dollars are being wasted on the ABC. It’s also counter productive for the so called conservative side of politics. It would be like funding an enemy when fighting a war. Oh, wait a minute! We are! Europe, US and other countries are still buying billions of dollars of oil and gas from Russia. Go figure.
It has been impossible to reform the Marxist enclave that is “our” ABC because there hasn’t been a time when the Senate would have passed it.
The Labor Party fund the ABC because it is their advertising arm. The Liberals fund the ABC because they are scared if they don’t they will be cancelled like Tony Abbott was.
Europe and other countries arent at war with Russia.
We import US goods while they wage war in assorted countries.
We continued to exports coal and gas while engaged in Vietnam and having invaded East Timor.
Just depends who you think is righteous and whose agitprop you believe.
Here are some examples of US scripted media all saying the same words:
https://youtu.be/ksb3KD6DfSI (1min 38sec)
https://youtu.be/yshJn7lgVsY (11mins 2sec)
Here is an interesting scholarly article about the history of journalist training in Australia and also looks at the US, Britain and NZ.
Not mentioned in the article but my comments follow:
In Australia I think journalism became Marxified when the Whitlam regime (1972-75) made the universities “free” and loaded up the universities with Marxist “academics” to indoctrinate rather than teach new generations including the so-called journalists.
Especially the journalists. I remember the scandal reported in the National Times around 1979-80 at the UTS journalism school when so-called academics told new journalism students that the course was heavily Marxist-Leninist based and if they didn’t like it they should leave, sending many students home crying after getting into the highly sought-after course.
I would have still done the course then reported on it, have had first hand experience.
David, you’ve got the story right. Spot on!
When journalism moved from being a trade to a profession the future looked bright, unfortunately the invention of the interwebs made journalists practically worthless.
Its all true about the socialist academics, at CSU they were fairly brazen about their leanings and course structure.
The problem we now face, 60% of Australians cannot engage in a constructive or civil debate with others. Acrimony and divisiveness are par for the course.
“The problem we now face, 60% of Australians cannot engage in a constructive or civil debate with others. Acrimony and divisiveness are par for the course”
As few as 60%? It’s a lot more than that here when a comment from anyone with an opinion different from the echo-chamber majority is posted.
This is just baiting with a hostile comment to get a hostile reply. You presuppose the result you appear to want and label commenters here as an “Echo-chamber majority” which is just a form of namecalling. It shows a lack of respect for opinions that differ from yours.
So far this behaviour fits the pattern of the usual gmail trolls who aim to turn the thread into a pointless flame war. But we’ll give you a few comments to show your civility and respect, and if you are here for an honest conversation, about policies and science, we’ll welcome you.
Over to you…
This forum is far from being an echo chamber. !
There are many different view-points put forward.
Some are just far more rational and supportable with science, data, reality, than others.
So if I go to a lefty blog and express conservative views I’ll be treated with respect and ignite a genuine conversation?
I don’t think so. The accusation of “echo chamber” is vacuous and incorrect.
I think CNN was a relatively reliable and honest network until Ted Turner married “Hanoi Jane” Fonda.
Sort of like Boris.. mind ruled by his ….. !
I remember several years ago on Bolt’s blog someone commented on how partisan and left wing CNN is.
Someone else replied that CNN is a conservative network!
And that was during the Trump era.
I learned a long time ago that journalists are rewarded for headlines, not for presenting facts.
And reasoned debate has been replaced by abuse of opponents.
Interesting slant on political affiliation, trust and bias.
I did not expect the democrat voters to be that naïve
Here’s more data and evidence about the Biden donkey’s so called net zero idiocy.
Their biased, loony left wing MSM may want to BELIEVE in their fantasies but even the EIA know the truth and provide their projections up to 2050.
Just more proof we shouldn’t rely on the extremists of the MSM and we should follow blogs like the well researched Manhattan Contrarian.
Ditto Jo Nova’s blog and WUWT etc.
I had virtually ceased using MSM when covid arrived and that sealed it. I never read newspapers or use MSM TV – I have seen so many examples of completely false news and reporting. Why bother watching when you have no idea if what is being said is true or accurate?
Most of my friends, who also share my right of centre, liberty based world view, have done likewise. We use blogs and our own research to inform ourselves, and our views are science based and far more accurate than the leftist fairy tales told on the MSM, who are just propaganda arms for leftists and the govt.
CNNs ratings collapse and the struggles of the idiotic leftist media outlets will eventually destroy them – Go Woke, Go Broke. Unfortunately they will manage a lot more poisoning and brain washing in the mean time.
If we had a govt worth its stripe they would turn the ABC into a news service that concentrated on balance and accuracy, which could show up the commercial networks. But the jerks in Canberra find themselves incapable of this….
I keep thinking of the Reformation.
I no longer trust the Priests (Journalist) to reveal the truth.
They serve a corrupt church that has turned away from righteousness.
I look to people proselytizing from basements and kitchens and an Australian lady for a more faithful view of the world.
They speak in a language I can understand.
I had a coffee shop friend of Russian decent whose parents were in University during the Revolution.
Fluent in Russian, he was not a fan of Communism.
The young college hipsters were not happy with over hearing our conversations and there were vague threats.
We were branded heretics.
He has left he city.
I know longer visit the coffee shop and very much miss the espresso.
It feels very much like a religious conflict to me.
And the Priests (Journalists) seem to me to have traded their souls to serve the forces of darkness.
Those of true faith are compelled to fear the pervasive gaze of those forces.
I recall a now often dismissed addition to a very old book about this kind of thing.
And one more important thing …
the Australian lady and the basement kitchen/people don’t proclaim themselves to be the sole masters of truth.
Although the Australian lady does pretty good. 🙂
But… Jacinda W.E.F. Horseface is the self-proclaimed One Source Of Truth™ for “all New Zealanders” … or so she said.
Personally, Honk, I too prefer that nice Australian lady and her ever-growing clan of commenters to provide a well-balanced, educational forum where discussion, and critique, is paramount. It is, after all, science – not a religious cult.
This is what “journalists” are guilty of:
A bit in line with this, I’ve been wondering what is likely to become of all the anti Morrison hatred and bile, that is bubbling to the surface of many people I know? Would Victory be enough to sweep away all that bitterness and rage? That’s pretty unlikely, seeing as it’s an internal psychological phenomena. America went through this with their Trump Derangement Syndrome, and what has come out the other side? I think it has been used to fuel the self hatred of white privilege, and white racism. Cranking that up is something to look forward to.
Another leftist meme that isn’t being mentioned much at the moment is, ‘Year Zero’. But it’s dam good to have it in the quiver.
As people have commented above, thinking people get their news from blogs such as this one and discussions with independent-thinking friends.
Q. Who then is the Lamestream media for?
A. It’s for the vast majority of people, I estimate 80% plus who have lost the ability to think or reason for themselves.
>Media … a wing of the Democrats
There is a model for this:
Actually by Mussolini’s ghostwriter Giovanni Gentile, the self-styled “philosopher of Fascism”.
They don’t mention The Daily Planet.
As far as I’m concerned, Clark Kent was the last honest reporter in the USA.
To quote Perry White. “Great Caesar’s Ghost”.🙂
Reading an old book called ‘Walkout- with Stilwell in Burma’, which is an amazing first hand account of the end of civilisation, and what it takes to survive. Getting 100 people out was helped by at least one airdrop, luckily arriving when they were pretty much in a hopeless situation. That’s as far as I’ve got, and they still have the jungle, big rivers, and the mountains to cross, and they don’t know where the Japanese are. About 1 million people tried to escape, about 100 000 made it. Pretty sobering, when we hear we are 9 meals away from chaos.
Here’s an excellent talk with Mark Morano about the connection between the Covid response and lockdowns etc and their so called Climate Change.
The WEF etc and their extremist collaborators saw their opportunity and ran hard and still think they’ll win the long game.
This tells us the full story about the global Cooling then Warming then Climate change then Covid BS and nonsense and is definitely worth 35 minutes of your time.
We must hope that the US DEMs get a real kick in the guts in NOV this year and Trump and Desantis can then sort out a sensible agreement on who runs in NOV 2024.
Some trust the media
“I Hypocrite”
The next survey could be about the trustworthiness of surveys.
F.G. It wasn’t
“The Elite Think Climate Action is More Important than Your Ability to Pay Your Bills”
Never forget what the majority of countries have signed up to with the DELUSIONAL Glasgow clown show.
Pre Ind REV the co2 levels were about 280 ppm and are about 420 ppm in 2022 or a difference of 140 ppm.
BTW that’s an increase of just 0.014% of atmospheric co2.
BUT Dr Hansen and McKibben’s 350.org tell us that if we can reduce co2 levels to 350 ppm we’ll have no more problems of Climate Change or EXISTENTIAL THREATS for Humans etc.
And the difference between 420 ppm and their fabled 350 ppm is just 70 ppm or a drop of just 0.007% of co2 in the atmosphere.
Does anyone really believe any of their nonsense?
BTW Mauna Loa is showing co2 levels at 418.81 ppm for March 2022, but I think it’ll be about 420 ppm by DEC this year. Who knows?
It seems that Dr Finkel was correct when he told the Senate hearing that Aussies’ impact on Climate would be NOTHING.
EVEN IF we stopped ALL Aussie co2 emissions today.
Using the above data our Aussie impact on co2 levels in the atmosphere would be a reduction of about 0.0007% of co2 in the air we breathe. Over to Dr Finkel AGAIN.
BTW Mauna Loa is showing co2 levels at 418.81 ppm for March 2022, but I think it’ll be about 420 ppm by DEC this year. Who knows?
And for that matter… who cares.
“but I think it’ll be about 420 ppm by DEC this year”
Still a long way to go to get to a nice nature sustaining 600+ ppm !
“Does anyone really believe any of their nonsense?”
Never have from the first time I heard it.
Both were obviously totally away with the fairies, and in denial that the Earth’s natural landscape, flora and fauna formed when levels were far higher than now.
The Jen Psaki kerfuffle is another example of the partisan/establishment bias in American media, with her going from the White House side of the podium to the MSNBC. Nothing says ‘holding the government accountable’ like hiring the White House’s #1 PR flack to spin the news for your network. I wish the Psaki situation was an outlier, but if anything, it has become the norm, with both FOX and Newsmax hiring former Trump press secretaries. And don’t even get me started on the number of federal spies, cops, and bureaucrats on MSM payrolls.
The incestuous intermingling of government appointees and media talking heads is one of the more sickening developments in the media landscape, and a huge reason why they cannot be trusted.
“The incestuous intermingling of government appointees and media talking heads . . .”
Not to mention, in no particular order, the other big recent developments :-
. . .education cancelled; corrupted academia and science ; OSH militarisation ; surveillance technology; NGO/Church/ levy-body enforcement of compliance; entrenched political class.
Not good! Not good!
Here is what the Media know about you in Real Time.
Pull out your cell phone, enter *#06# and watch how much anyone can legally identify with you. Identity. Position. Time. etc.
This is how Govts and Media can attach you to an event, anywhere.
If you aren’t using your cell, turn it off.
Carts, horses, etc.
LSM churnalists have long referred to themselves as “opinion shapers” and acted as “king-makers / “king BREAKERS”.
Who votes for churnalists?. The “mug punters”, by the simple act of inviting the vipers into their homes? To a large degree; yes.
The problem is not new.During the US Civil War, Gen. Sherman observed:
“I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all, there would be news from Hell before breakfast.”
The MSM, the legacy media, are wokie zones. The are owned by wokies, staffed by wokies, broadcasting to wokies. We just need to leave them in their own world and not expect them to be a part of our world.
I would start by being skeptical of the poll itself.
The highest scoring “trustworthy” news site on the Democrat side is CNN but we know that the total audience of CNN is shrinking severely and it’s unlikely they ever had a whole lot of Republicans in their audience.
Therefore I have to ask, how come CNN can still get listed as most trustworthy even when hardly any Democrats actually want to bother watching? People don’t walk away from something that provides useful information.
The concept of “trustworthy” is in itself unreliable. I note that the “Weather Channel” is regarded as “trustworthy” but for what? If they tell me it might rain tomorrow then I’m likely to believe them, but if they start carrying on about telling what vehicle to buy then I have no faith in them at all.
Sorry Steve, hit the wrong button; see green.
maybe so but the least polarising of all (ie with the smallest difference between parties) are easily OAN and Breitbart.
Note that the guardian is almost the same as the WSJ
“Note that the guardian is almost the same as the WSJ”
Look at the purple dot. Not even leftists trust the Guardian !