A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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They are at it again!!
Too late!
We are running at 4 degrees below normal this month!
Too late!
Lately here we have been running at 4 degrees below normal, with no change forecast in the next week!
over on they are recycling the collapse of the Gulf Stream and how La Nina may become permanent.
Amazingly false! Oh wait it is models.
I’ve never seen as much cloud cover in Queensland. I’ve been living in QLD for 33 years and this year is certainly the most cloud cover and the most rain that “won’t fill our dams”!!👁
Albo is on another “each way” charade again. I see he’s looking for reverse gear on coal fired power. Careful folks this stinks. He must have some or the other diabolical reason & plan up Labor’s collective sleeve!!
You might be seeing a lot more cloud
“Climate projections…”
need i say more?
‘ … with evidence that a slowdown is already underway.’
No its not.
In fact, its the exact opposite.
The AMOC is considerably large than the sub set that is the gulf-stream
Its the biggest game in town, if the conveyor belt breaks down it will be the end of civilisation.,34.70,2120/loc=-57.764,32.822
The Gulf Stream
How can it break down?
It is powered by the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator. That is not going to change.
read the paper or this explanation. They model (yes model) a scenario which can cause slowing.
From my scant reading the last time it stopped travelling north was during the Younger Dryas.
‘The main hypothesis for the cause of the YD is a catastrophic drainage of Lake Agassiz, leading to freshwater-induced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) collapse and abrupt reduction of the associated northward heat transport.’ (Renssen et al 2015)
That article by Matthew England et al is seriously flawed and histrionic.
Certainly the headline writer is a bit stressed. I don’t see them suggesting it will stop, just change. Note that the slowing down paper is from 2015 and different authors. The article is about possible consequences, not about the observed slowing.
From Rahmstorf et al 2015
Here is a link for the full slowdown paper
It didn’t slow down during the LIA because it requires a large influx of fresh water, but it did happen at the YD. There was no climate impact in Australia, so that is another furphy.
Eric is onto it.
The last words on the subject, quoted from Eric Worrall, above.
If it stops then La Nina conditions will become the norm, bunkum.
This abstract points out how the LIA began and of particular interest there was anomalously high blocking activity between 1960-68.
“What is a projection?
A projection indicates what the future changes in a population would be if the assumptions about future trends actually occur. These assumptions are often based on patterns of change which have previously occurred.
For example: Data collected about the total number of store locations for a retail chain over three years show an increase from 8 stores in first year, to 12 stores in the second year, to 18 stores in the third year. It could therefore be projected that if the chain continues to expand following the same pattern of increasing by half (50%) each year there will be 27 stores after the fourth year.
A projection is not making a prediction or forecast about what is going to happen, it is indicating what would happen if the assumptions which underpin the projection actually occur”: (emphasis added)
Good to be reminded
One day on this website you might string at least two to three substantive paragraphs to form a cogent intelligent argument ..
… but only by chance.
“One day on this website you might string at least two to three substantive paragraphs to form a cogent intelligent argument .”
What would be the point?
if you have such a low opinion why are you here?
Ian is here in a vain attempt to stroke his own ego.
Keeps failing hilariously.
if you have such a low opinion why are you here?
I was about to say that. 🙂
“to form a cogent intelligent argument “
a) not going to happen
b) neither are remotely capable of it.
c) their comments are basically empty, gormless, egotistical garbage.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is treated like a duck, ……. then a model ‘projection‘ is a prediction. Do the models we’re talking about in this thread measure up to the quack test? I suspect that the answer is ‘yes’. In a different pond, it does seem that every climate model projection is quackably a prediction.
if they were predictions they would be falsifiable.
So when did this come out if it isn’t in Al Gore’s movie?
Monday! A computer projection comes out predicting what they have observed in recent times, to blame it on fossil fuels.
The world has experienced massive variations in regional weather even before this BS. The news makes out that the wettest start to winter is something extraordinary in Adelaide – and then add it’s the wettest for 100 years.
1923 in North Adelaide, over 300 mm fell in May and June, with another 138 mm in July. It was the end of a 15 year period with 4 of the 5% wettest May rainfalls, 4 of June’s and 3 of July’s. The highest monthly totals for all three occurred between 1916 and 1922, inclusive.
If that happened now, there would be a paper in Nature by the first week of August with computer projections showing that it’s due to 420 ppm of CO2.
Our issue, is not the models.
The models are the sales pitch for promotion of the international energy Ponzi scheme.
Which turned out, coincidentally or not, to be the perfect vehicle for the creation of a Neo Totalitarian order.
Updated in 2020.
“Did you know that 97% of scientists say we’re all going to die unless we do what we’re told?”
500 years ago it would have been ‘priests’.
Once you read this you can disregard everything that follows. Climate models have less value than poo.
The only thing climate models show is the stupidity of their creators and people who believe they offer useful output.
Climate models show tropical oceans exceeding 30C. This is a physical impossibility without dramatic increase in atmospheric mass.
only thing is the gulf stream is not collapsing but strengthening
evidence for this?
You have to produce proof that its slowing, not the other way around.
? I was asking for evidence of his claim. I’d be interested where this came from.
Do you have any evidence, or not?
The new dam proposed by the Morrison Government for NTH QLD is still not approved by the QLD Labor Government.
The NSW Coalition State Government has dam projects;
The NSW Coalition Government has been unsuccessfully trying to get permission to raise the main Sydney water supply Warragamba Dam wall, resisted by Green groups and the UN environmental people.
Be very, very wary of raising a dam wall.
While the temptation of adding depth over the entire surface area of the impoundment is great, every little bit that you raise the wall reduces the safety margin in the original design.
Keep up Dennis. Every dam in your link is either in perpetual limbo or scrapped.
The $350 million Mole River Dam near Tenterfield has been scrapped.
There are moves afoot to also scrap the upgrade to the $484 million Dungowan Dam that supplies Tamworth and the Peel Valley, and which got down to 15% in the recent drought.
Likewise the dam wall-raising of the Wyangala Dam on the Lachlan is indefinitely postponed. It had a price tag of $600 million but that has blown out to $1.2 billion due to the “soaring costs of biodiversity offsets”.
Warragamba Dam is also in limbo due to environmental concerns.
Matt Keane is currently reviewing NSW Environmental Offset Schemes, probably to make them even more oppressive and unaffordable. Lack of funds/ cost blow-outs/no business cases are given as the main reasons to abandon the three bush dams according to the Productivity Commission.
Basically nothing is about to get started, let alone completed.
It takes such an incredible amount of incompetence and stupidity to cause an energy crisis in a country like Australia. We are full of resources, over 300 years of coal, uranium, huge land masses, no frigid temps like in USA and Europe, and no earthquakes.
We have the perfect setup for a reliable electricity grid and it takes a special type of catastrophic failure to still cause electricity shortages. Governments of the past few decades have caused this with their woke nonsense.
It’s like an investment banker who earns $10 million a year who can’t afford to buy a house in a rural town, something has gone incredibly, catastrophically, wrong.
Jack, While I mostly agree with you, we really dont have the perfect geographic setup for a reliable electricity grid. The coastal population concentration, particularly East coast, has necessarily led to a long stringy network with accompanying reliability risks. This is why it is imperative to manage the load and generation available to a higher level than required in most other highly populated parts of the world (where more interconnected grids provide better security). It also means the transition, (not required, but here we are), is fraught with perils of not being managed to avoid the sort of carnage we are now seeing.. ie, the nature of our grid is a major factor in the outcomes we are seeing at the moment…..
Pre 1970 there was a single 135kV transmission line to Nth Qld but Joh [a man I have learned to respect] built a second inland 270kV line because he feared interruption to his beloved Bowen Basin coal mines by a cyclone.
Your point is well taken though, our transmission lines are long and expensive, one reason I have been lukewarm on nuclear, too much in one place. I still prefer power stations built over coal seams. There must be plenty of seams big enough to supply a power station for projected life but not suitable for export, for various reasons. I shudder to think they might try to reopen Collinsville without neutralising the unions.
Oh, the Bowen River Rodeo is on this weekend. There will be many people in attendance for sure.
It’s going to be cold mornings camping at Collinsville. 8 or 9 deg. according to
Good point about the concentrated population, thanks for clarifying. The complexity of that is pretty much the only downside here – we have an abundance of everything else needed for electricity generation. It’s more a matter of don’t fix what ain’t broke.
Its the free market, our hands are tied by multinationals.
yep. politicians have helped multi-national corporations create a system of international corporate oligarchy aka fascism (corporate interests dictating public policy is fascism)
We are just as powerless as the people of China under a fascist dictatorship.
They don’t have the vote, while we are forced to vote for career politicians who are completely clueless.
Partly true. Yes a lot of career politicians are clueless. However there are some politicians who have a clue. We should vote for them. Unfortunately many voters are clueless about their options.
Fascism is all corporates having to toe the dictatorship’s line, not the other way round. China today is fascist.
Beijing is the epitome of fascism.
(1) states routinely do the bidding of multi-nationals, incorporating corporate ideology into national policy.
(2) multinationals are more powerful than the nation state [hence (1)]: “If you look outside your window, the world is telling us that neoliberal globalisation has transferred too much power from states to multiple transnational corporations. This shift can be witnessed in corporations such as Facebook and Google through elements including capital, tax evasion, lobbying and political censorship”: link
the only thing that can be concluded with absolute certainty is that fools have been in charge. Everything else is debatable, but that isn’t.
In the 1990s during the NSW school holidays I drove to Thredbo Village in the Snowy Mountains with four teenage boys to spend a week skiing, often that was the beginning of the snowfall but the resort was reliant on manufacturing snow overnight.
Today with the “tipping point” of heat and no return predicted again, the goal posts moved as they are after every tipping point is reached and passed without disaster, and for at least a week now an early skiing season is underway;
Perisher Resort’s Vice President and General Manager Belinda Trembath says the recent snowfall in the region has created “fantastic conditions” to start off the ski season.
“I think we’ve had about 130 centimetres since last Monday, so a fantastic start for the season,” she told Sky News Australia.
“We’re expecting … another 30 centimetres over the course of the next 24 hours.”
More rampant Global Warming!
I specifically remember the 90s when people were saying the re would be no snow by 2020. Better go now while there is still some snow.
Friend of mine with a daughter at JCU told me if I wanted to see the GBR again I should get there in the next few years as its disappearing rapidly. Imagine what they teach those kids.
Spain Admits Spraying Deadly Chemtrails As Part of Secret UN Program to Fight Covid-19
The Spanish government ordered the military to quietly spray lethal chemtrails on its citizens with UN authorization under the cover of the “state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19.“
The chemtrail program, which involves the spraying of biocides on the population, was authorized by Royal Decree, was quietly acknowledged by the government on April 16 2020, just one month after the World Health Organization announced that Covid-19 was a pandemic.
Spraying citizens without their knowledge in the USA has a history going back decades. Given Spain’s Covid numbers their spraying didn’t do much…
I fully endorse this article
From the Spanish goverments web site.
The CBRN defense units of the Armed Forces and the Military Emergency Unit (UME) have personal means, materials, procedures and sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfections, since they are operations that they execute regularly, with the exception that instead of using biocidal products they do so with other decontaminating chemicals. That is why, in view of the above and in order to improve and expedite the disinfection operations of all types of facilities that the personnel of the Armed Forces have been carrying out, it is considered appropriate to authorize, exceptionally and while the state of alarm lasts, the CBRN Defense Units of the Armed Forces and the UME,
Via google translate.
Boletín Oficial del Estado
The Boletín Oficial del Estado is the official gazette of the Kingdom of Spain and may be published on any day of the week. The content of the BOE is authorized and published by Royal Assent and with approval from the Spanish Presidency Office.Wikipedia
Funny mob the Spanish.
“I fully endorse this article”
But thumb up or thumb down?
I use spray to get rid of flies, mosquitoes & other pests.
Wonder what the Spanish were spraying for??
Just like pests & others the Spanish population were unaware of poison being sprayed around. The Spanish also have a Socialist government don’t they.
Speaks volumes about Socialists but people keep on voting for them & their backers the UN & WEF!
Remember the other famous Socialists….The National Socialist Workers Party aka Nazi party??
..and the news on the same page about the 5 soldiers who collapsed while on honour guard at St Pauls.. Apparently ‘the heat’ got to them, nothing to do with vaccines.. move along there..
Maybe UK soldiers wouldn’t do too well up against Russia.
I understand the temperature was just above 20C. Bunch of wimps! However I do remember, in my schooldays, being
on parade in the cadet force and collapsing myself (down what seemed to be a view from the wrong end of a telescope) so perhaps I should not be too judgemental.
KP, it is known as a ‘Guard of Honour’ in Britain. ‘Honor Guard’ is an American expression.
Please don’t start this Chemtrails cr@p up again. It’s all bull$h1t.
Tony, did you notice the “chemtrails” BS vanished without a trace soon after Trump’s election?* I saw a few posts saying Trump put an end to it. That’s BS too.
Try this: The chemtrails saga was a doctorate thesis in some uni to demonstrate the gullibility of the on-line addicted. Just my idea, never read anyone else who agrees with me. 🙂
I’m sure they got Honours.
* We both know the difficulties of doing anything secretly around
yet it is carried out in every country every day.
Call it whatever you like, Chemtrails, Atmospheric Aeresol Injection, Stratospheric Aeresol Injection, Cloud Seeding or Aerial Disinfection its happening, has happened and will happen despite putting your fingers in your ears.
Believing that science is lying about AGW is also a conspiracy, welcome to the club y’all.
you actually believe in chemtrails?
Hanrahan hit a nail. The conspiracy ceased to exist when Trump was in power because the believers in it could not countenance that it would happen under his watch.
Cloud seeding is done very obviously and not secretly by lower and slower flying aircraft with full reporting of what they are doing. Shine on you red road diamond.
I can’t deny it, as it exists. Lower and slower? The definition is spraying a chemical from an aircraft, I doubt it is speed related.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that it “is the most-researched [solar geoengineering] method, with high agreement that it could limit warming to below 1.5°C.
Not confusing it with condensate trails, there are numerous articles on this. Gates funded one study and you know he loves his injections.
I am not a Trump loyalist, though he is far better mask on the puppet than the present version, I had not noticed any decline in the chatter.
Any chemical being sprayed out of an aircraft is a chem trail.
It is impossible to dump anything out of a commercial aircraft for a host of reasons.
If anything IS being dumped in the air it will be from a specially converted aircraft such as a crop duster.
I am confident that, if the report is true, the spraying is safer than mRNA jabs.
When does the RBA announce the rate rise? When will banks pass on the last one to depositors?
soon. And soon after.
(last time most lenders took a day or so to raise rates)
I haven’t seen it yet with either ANZ or Qld Country.
Just checked:
No term deposit is >2,5% so they could not has risen by that amount.
Sorry… yeah loans went up quickly not deposits. It has always been thus
Maybe put a time delay on your reflexive counters.
Up by 0.5%.
Above expectation, go hard and go fast is their motto. We are unlikely to go into recession before the US.
FWIW More things covid
“Neil Oliver: Gut feelings on vaccines”
“Neil Oliver: Will the truth come out”
“Brett Weinstein: I will be vindicated over covid”
I’ve watched the last one so far.
From an email – FWIW
” Jesse Kelly interviews Naomi Wolf about what’s been found in the documents Pfizer tried to keep hidden for 75 years.
If you’ve had the jab(s), or know anyone who has, or anyone even considering it, this might be the most important thing you’ve ever listened to. This appears to be the biggest, nastiest crime ever committed. And they’re still doing it.
Follow the link – his interview with her starts at 22:00 minutes. The interview lasts 13 minutes. Please take the time -we have to make people aware of what these monsters have done, and are still doing. “
A doctor recently confided to me that he has patients who are suffering from vaccine injury but who plan to get the booster shots as soon as they can. Some people live in fear.
The new cash rate is 0.85 per cent
The Reserve Bank has increased interest rates with a 50-basis-point hike taking the cash rate target to 0.85 per cent – well ahead of most economists expectations.
If passed on full by the banks, the rate rise will add $133 a month on a loan worth $500,000 over 25 years, and $265 a month on a loan worth $1 million.
In early May, the RBA lifted Australia’s official cash rate by 25 basis points to 0.35 per cent from 0.1 per cent.
It marked the first rate rise in 11 years – since November 2010 – and forecasts are that the cash rate could hit by 2.5 per cent by the end of next year.
Of course one not insignificant group of older Australians have been financially disadvantaged by the very low official cash rate and related interest paid on bank savings and term deposit accounts. Especially fully self funded retirees who saved hard for retirement years and then suffered reducing returns on cash deposits forcing them to draw from their savings to support themselves.
And we paid mortgage interest of 7.15% on average during the Howard Federal Government terms 1996 to 2007 and earlier on average 12.75% during the Hawke and Keating Labor terms 1983 to 1996.
Doesnt matter what you (and I) paid then Dennis. Different time , different context, different world and far different house cost to wage ratio.
you really should attribute direct quotes
Don’t you ever stop nagging? I hope you aren’t married.
Ad hominem is a logical/debating fallacy in lieu of a valid argument …..That trolling pest presents no intelligent rational arguments …At least I do
you did exactly the same thing a couple days ago
it only came out in random following discussion it was from the ABC
GA… nearly as petty as Ian. !
BTW Leaf, I voice my opinions, I do not red thumb.
It looks like Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his team have been correct all along by basing their case on how the PCR test is useless, lead to falsely calling a pandemic and the subsequent economic and health carnage that followed.
“Breaking news. share on all platforms: FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.
A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus.
In the FDA document, it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonal flu genetic material was used as the testing marker in the PCR test kits because the authorities knew that many people would test “positive” for it, thus allowing them to use these results to create the “Covid” narrative. …….”
A link to the full FDA document is included in the telegram link.
So people can understand the full perspective on this — The FDA has approved no less than 281 different diagnostic tests for Covid. See them all listed here:
Please don’t be misled in to thinking that one error in one test negates all the cross checks, the different labs, different companies, 100,000 doctor observations, the millions of records held in opensource data on Nextstrain from 200 different countries. The different kinds of tests that confirm most of the PCR findings, the contact tracing. The case studies, medical records…. etc
Skeptics who want to talk about PCR need to learn the basics of this workhorse technology used for 35 years. Sometimes it is abused (like any scientific test) but if we want to talk to doctors and convince them of anything at all, we have to understand their tools. Just as people who know engineering/IT/geo etc roll their eyes when biologists make an obvious gaffe, it goes both ways. Doctors use dozens of PCR tests every week.
If I wanted to make right-winger vaccine skeptics look silly, and I had no conscience, I would find a a doc of some exotic desk-top specialty who could talk a few key medico words and utterly mislead good people. Then when honest people said “the PCR test is useless” doctors everywhere would silently know to ignore everything else they said. It’s a great way to neutralize and disable critics. I’m not saying anyone was paid, just that this would be a very successful strategy. Tell people what they want to hear, wrap it up with some irrelevant jargon and set them up to fail.
In a science debate, we need to know the details. This is not aimed at any one skeptic. A lot of people are saying the same thing.
I think the real issue here is the manipulation in the cycle threshold values,
low during lead up generating high case numbers when they want to scare people and bring in lock downs.
High after lock downs to bring case numbers down and get people back to work
Thats it, CT’s. No doctor does PCR’s, they go to a lab, doctors sample and send the sample off, reasonably sterile and all care taken except for the fact they are disease central.
But that was then and now we can pop along to the local office works and pick a RAT up with the printer ink, take it home and hand it to a snotty nosed kid to put his grubby little hands all over, get a positive and phone the government like good citisens.
Government does not have to do squat anymore, we will willing march to our own demise and police ourselves along the way.
Also add a second step. Run the amplified material out on a sizing gell for the positive results and make sure it is the correct size. Then you know the primers annealed to the correct genetic material.
Or the other way round.
And sure, in certain situations the CT “cycles” were abused for effect, and the numbers misused in the media. Sure. But I just warn people that if all you know about PCR tests is “CT cycles” then you can see about .1% of the information. I worry that a lot of good people have been well trained to repeat a couple of jargon phrases, and I just suggest humility and to (as always) read both sides.
I imagine Geo’s would wince if someone said “all rocks are the same”. “No test can tell them apart.”
I can fully appreciate your comment as both you and I were using PCR not all that long after it had been invented and thermocyclers were a novel addition to the molecular biology bench. It brings back memories of Taq polymerase and primers and gel electrophoresis and hoping the number of cycles/primer concentration/sample concentration server optimal.
When I first read about Kary Mullis had come up with the idea of PCR to identify regions of DNA I thought how obvious was that? Like so many brilliant inventions the PCR was a huge breakthrough in molecular biology.
Damn gel electrophoresis. 🙂 Like I have ADHD or something, I used to forget and accidentally run those samples right off the tray…
Those experiments back then would have 36 steps and take 3 days to do with results not available for two weeks. Takes a special kind of brain to concentrate that long.
“Doctors use dozens of PCR tests every week”
but not, i imagine to (1) ‘diagnose’ patients who have no symptoms of illness or disease; and (2) diagnose patients without a physical examination.
They’ve used PCR in the past to estimate asymptomatic cases of influenza, so it’s been done, but obviously people who aren’t feeling sick don’t usually visit the doc to ask for tests. However in research labs that would have been done — things like Cyto megalo virus and Epstein Barr virus are commmon viruses that most people don’t get sick with. In legal situations, forensics, crime, historical work, and paleontology they would use PCR all the time on people who are not “diseased” though some are dead.
It’s a rare situation (in our lifetimes) when a disease that had a significant death rate (back in the Delta and earlier WuFlu days) was also spread asymptomatically. The past pandemics like this were pre-PCR testing.
None of which changes my central point. If people want to convince doctors that they have something worth listening too, they need to know the topic.
And I want you to be heard, not written off. Doctors know PCR works because it is a tool they use all the time, they are the hands-on scientists at the front line — they have to solve the problems. The results from the PCR tests are used to inform their choices of drugs and treatments. If you want your doctor to think twice, please don’t waste a word on PCR unless you understand it well. Better to talk about things that matter more like Vitamin D3, the antiviral drugs, and informed consent, vaccine risks. Those are the bigger scandals.
Jo I agree with your main point, but I don’t think doctors (ie GPs) no much about the PCR at all.
As for Vit D3, I asked my doctor to test my levels. She looked at me and said” Peter, you know there is no evidence that it is useful”.
We were both surprised when I came back a bit low, even though I was taking 2000IU per day!
Since then I have upped my dose to 5000IU/day and the latest test showed me mid range at 100nmol/L.
It seems to be working. I have not had Covid yet.
“I don’t think doctors (ie GPs) no much about the PCR at all.”
I think most doctors simply take it on authority (same with the vaxx), which is not very adequate for (inter alia) the reasons spelt out by Finnocchiaro in his book on Galileo: “If one is appealing to an authority, it is more adequate to look not only at the authority’s conclusions but also at his reasons and arguments” (Finnocchiaro 1980).
So millions of tests done in 30 years in thousands of independent pathology labs in 200 countries are a fabrication? And the results which must be random — meant millions of people received drugs / antivirals / antibiotics / cancer treatments that were entirely by chance but doctors didn’t notice that the results of all the tests they ask for are essentially worthless?
And tens of thousands of laboratory pathology workers are paid to check that the fake results don’t obviously produce nonsense — they must phone up the other labs, check pre and post results and make sure we don’t get too many cases where people get cured and get sick again with the same random disease? And all the medical research done in universities using these results is also carefully curated otherwise some hapless prof somewhere would discover that people were recatching eg H1N1 Flu all the time because that shouldnt happen.
And when other people then sequence the viruses or cancers or genetic material some central command and control is recording all the results so the gene defects and SNP’s shown in some people which predispose people to worse illness produce consistent results. I mean all those people with MTHFR mutations need to believe they have a bad mutation and take methyl folate (or not) and other supplements and avoid certain foods and synthetic forms of folate and it’s a all fake?
So no one really knows what any of their genes are and paternity legal cases are just random?
Well over a million Yanks have died “of” covid.
You can argue ’til you’re blue in the face whether thats inflated by motorcyclists hitting semis who present WITH covid. I accept that it is but the percentage error is not relevant.
Anyway you look at it, for the richest nation on earth to have the almost worst death rates is appalling.
If PCR is inaccurate, and it can be, is irrelevant. America suffered a self inflicted GASH, not “wound” because it is the most corrupt nation on earth.
USA is also the fattest nation on earth with high rates of diabetes. This has a lot to do with it.
A non-corrupt government would say that, say that they need D3 etc.
The biggest risk factor is obesity.
Yes low vitamin D imposes a risk but less risk than obesity or being over-weight.
The biggest risk factor is obesity.
Yes low vitamin D imposes a risk but less risk than obesity or being over-weight.
But then the obese need much higher doses of D3 before they reach adequate levels. It’s a catch 22.
No it is not at all appalling, for reasons already mentioned. The U.S. has 6.6 million people over the age of 85, and has twice the entire population of Australia over the age of 65. You do know that risk of death rises exceptionally with age? I mean the risk ratio from under 5 years old to 85 and over is 8700. Because of our affulence we have a huge number of people in nursing homes who were sitting ducks for COVID. People in nursing care, with dementia, and heart disease and diabetes. Then nursing home staff who traveled to and from one home to another. Politics influencing every part. Why is anyone appalled or surprised that so many died? I am not.
There were a couple of issues with the PCR tests that led to nothing good. First, they have a false positive rate, not well known early. If you are mass testing, which lots of ignoramuses insisted uopn, and classifying people without corroborating evidence, like symptoms, and the local prevalence of disease is very low, say down in the neighborhood of the false positive rate, then the false positive rate is a very important consideration. We had an epidemic of false positives.
Second made even more problematic by the number of false negatives, and around here the students figuring out how to hack the test then traveling all over the state spreading the virus. It was a foregone conclusion that this disease would end up endemic anyway — there never should have been a rational expectation of preventing that. The best we could have hoped for was to delay a huge wave of infection. Response could have been designed much better — focussed efforts to protect the vulnerable. Instead we chose a strategy preferred by the authoritarians of all stripes, but particularly so the public health people.
They are already planning to make this the default response — it worked so well.
Kevin is right on the circumstances where false positives and false negatives in PCR matter. Mostly in the early low covid number days. Obviously we could have stopped this disease with it’s low cluster spreading nature if we just stopped the damn flights in JAn 2020, but we didn’t. The WHO tricked stupid politicians into flying in the CCP Bioweapon and the man that did that got relected to the wHO. President Xi is happy.
Jo Nova,
I have replied to myself here, Jo, just to give you some background that may be interesting regarding the PCR tests, etc. In summer of 2020 our university decided to mass test everyone on campus twice a week (15,000 per week). When I got my first test package I noticed it had a disclaimer “For research only. Not for diagnostic purposes.” Well, we were doing exactly what it said not to. I then went to the website of the developer of the test (Rutgers) and found no information specifically for this test, but a table indicating that based on related work they believed the specificity for this one was between 76% and 95%. In other words the false positive rate could be between 5% and 24%. Yikes, I thought. In the end it turned out the false positive rate was probably not as bad as 5%, but a rate of 1%-2% probably explains all sorts of anomalous results we observed. The worse problem was the estimated false negative rate of 18%, which just led to infected people escaping the net.
In a number of venues I tried to point out that interpreting the results of these tests is a matter of conditional probability and depends on related factors none of which we knew. I got into a bit of an argument with a Vet at the school who stopped speaking to me after I explained all my sources. Amazingly a majority of people in charge never researched a bit of this — only a physicist/mechanical engineer. It was amateur hour throughout. We did get to be a national hot spot with the CDC because we so over-reported cases. At one point I asked for the number of cycles being run only to find that no one knew and the lab running the tests was unresponsive to my query.
In the 2021 school year our k-12 district, including my childrens’ school, decided to test all students reporting that they felt unwell. The tests employed were a nasal swab antigen test. No one involved ever read the EUA for the product and didn’t know that a table in the EUA listed things that would produce false results, including some common mouth washes like chloroseptic, and common cold viruses. People treated medical technology like it was magic which would work properly no matter what.
This is relevant to PCR how? The technique wasn’t invented then.
Can you see my Japanese Encephalitis climate change scare post below registered at June 8 2022 6.24 am Jo ? I think we discussed the subject in an email correspondence recently
” There’s no question – none at all – that we have to focus on and respond to the emergencies in front of us . Fires ,floods and now Japanese Encephalitis have all challenged us in recent years .But we MUST address and underlying driver – climate change – and act urgently ” [ Victoria Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton, Twitter March 4 2022 ]
” With accelerating climate change ,we’re going to be in a world of hurt …”with some of these diseases that have in the past been restricted in the tropics extending as we’re beginning to see .Some of these diseases are not nice ..Japanese encephalitis is just one “[ quote attributed to Tim Inglis , head of pathology and laboratory medicine , University of Western Australia ]
” we need to be on our guard .We’re seeing more of these tropical diseases flare up ..because of climate change …..”We don’t truly understand how its [JEV ] made it to our shores to this degree but , without question [ the La Nina event ] and the recent rainfall ,what thats done to mosquitoes is likely to have played a significant part .Potentially also something has changed how the birds that carry this virus may have moved around to deliver it to more parts of the country ” [ infectious diseases expert Associate Professor Paul Griffin quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald ,March 8 ,2022 , “What is Japanese encephalitis and why is it spreading in Australia’]
” David Littleproud told the ABC’s Radio National …there was no doubt climate change and extreme weather was playing a role in its [JEV ] spread ……Littleproud said it was “because of the changing climate”…..”We’ve had extreme weather conditions again this year where obviously there’s rain thats falling right across the east coast …There is a lot more water around and these migratory birds come further because of the availability of water ..That means the risks are greater ” [ Recently appointed leader of the Nationals David Littleproud cited in ‘The Guardian March 8 ,2022 ]
” We now have a local council that has acknowledged the climate emergency and a State Government that has a pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 – 50 per cent by 2030 …..The medical impacts of climate change are upon us with the appearance of the tropical disease Japanese Encephalitis now on our doorstep ” [ Dr. Malcolm Altson ,family medicine practitioner and co signatory to the ‘Do No Harm’ medical professionals petition urging the Wellcome Trust to end fossil fuel investment ,letter to the editor The Euroa Gazette ]
According to this selection of “medical professionals ‘ [ although to be fair Paul Griffin’s quoted words are somewhat moderated and ambiguous ] including a scandalized Woke state chief health officer and a Green leaning National who should know better, climate change is emphatically the fulcrum of the “tropical disease” Japanese Encephalitis Virus spreading into Australia. These claims are pseudoscientific nonsense .The Australian Department of Health alert updates have sensibly made no mention of any climate change influence let alone a force majeure.
Eric Worrall ,in his WUWT blog post rebuttal to the latest climate change plague scare story, posed the valid question as to why JEV is distributed over such a wide geographical range of climatic zones if climate change is exacerbating the endemicity of the viral pathogen. As confirmed by the CDC distribution map ,JEV is not a specifically tropical’ disease but rather a tropical , subtropical and temperate zone arbovirus of the Flavivirae family that includes the closely related strains Murray Valley Encephalitis and St Louis Encephalitis. Epidemiological researchers believe JEV mutated from its proto-genotype virus in the 16th Century CE [ the midst of the Little Ice Age ] somewhere in the Malaysian – Indonesian archipelago region, thereafter spreading across Asia and the Western Pacific as far north as the Korean Peninsula , the old Manchuria province , south east Siberia [Primorsky Krai] and Hokkaido in northern Japan, penetrating the rim of the taiga biome on the 49 N parallel that crosses central Europe and the Canadian – United States border territories. Quite obviously the historical evolution of JEV transmission is not logically commensurate with global warming pseudoscience ideology. During the first five decades of the 20th century, JEV was principally a summer – autumn seasonal infectious disease affecting the temperate regions of Korea [ first case 1933 ] mainland China [ first case 1940 ] and Japan [ first case 1871 followed by outbreaks in 1924 ,1927 and 1934 ] The 2009 Weiss et al paper ” Past Present and Future of Japanese Encephalitis published in the journal Emergent Infectious Diseases, lists the dates JEV was first detected in tropical and subtropical countries .They are as follows : Malaysia [ 1952 ] ; India [ 1955 ] ; Indonesia [ 1960 ] ; Vietnam [1960 ] ; Myanmar [ 1965 ] Thailand [1964 ]; Sri Lanka [1968 ]; Nepal [ 1978 ] Pakistan [ 1983 ] Laos [1989 ] JEV arrived in Papua New Guinea and Australia’s Torres Strait islands relatively late in 1995 . So the JEV pathogenesis arc started from the Japanese archipelago in the 19th century near the terminus of the Little Ice Age, to mainland temperate zone East Asia [ where winter temperatures drop to minus 20 -30C ] in the 1930’s and 1940’s , then descending to the tropical and subtropical latitudes of south east and west Asia as the world warmed. Now that JEV cases have appeared in the temperate southern states of Victoria and South Australia in the La Nina year 2022 – 100 – 80 years after the viral disease was established in temperate Japan and East Asia , when atmospheric carbon dioxide lower – legacy media outlets , preening medical professionals and the odd foolish politician are proclaiming climate change is driving or influencing the spread of the exotic arbovirus southward ? That doesn’t pass the pub test . Now surely if JEV’s occurrence in Australia is attributable to climate change then the closely related MVEV flavivirus should track a not dissimilar pathway. Is that not a reasonable expectation ? And yet Murray Valley Encephalitis outbreaks can be traced in Australia’s south east to 1917 -25 ; 1950 -51 and the wettest flood drenched year in the BoM rainfall series – 1974 . Molecular studies suggest ” MVEV evolved …approximately 200 years ago at around 1814 …much later than JEV estimated to be around the mid – 1500s ”
Essentially both the JEV and MVEV progenitor viruses emerged during the Little Ice Age and anthropogenic global warming theory has nothing whatsoever to do with the spread of either mosquito borne disease . Swine and wading water birds such as herons and egrets are the reservoir and amplifier hosts of JEV. The emergence of JEV has more to do with rapid human population growth, the expansion of irrigated rice cultivation [ providing the Culex mosquito species with larval habitats ] and domestic pig production. Not greenhouse gases
To finalize my argument ,Dengue fever which is another of the complex of flaviviruses that may have arrived in Australia prior to European settlement , spread in Australia as far south as Bourke and Gosford in NSW and Canarvon on the coast of Western Australia before 1930 ..Dengue has now receded to Queensland..
Professor Zun-You Wu, Chief Epidemiologist, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. China CDC’s Chief Expert of Epidemiology “VIRUS NOT ISOLATED”
Please dont yell at us Kevin. We can argue about specific definitions of “isolated” but single viruses have been photographed by electron microsopy, traced through one patient to the next, following for a single patient every day for 140 days, and sequenced in full — all 29,000 nucleotides (and I’m pretty sure I’ve told you that several times before have I not?). It’s all open source, free for you to look at and debunk if you can: Mouseover every dot, every lab, every mutation, the site and the date. It’s all there. The code is there too.
Should we believe the Chinese CDC or the opensource github?
Please be aware it’s in the interests of some medical establishments to feed and mislead people into wasting time fighting pointless battles. Be careful which battles you pick.
Future comments with ALL CAPS may get snipped. It’s annoying…
Does every one realise the “Spike” protein model every one is being injected with is made by ccp.
Pharma downloaded spike protein recipe from chinese government?! the virus has never been isolated!
[ Read this first. “There are numerous examples of scientists isolating SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID -19, and sequencing its genome. The argument about purification relates to 19th Century microbiological theory that does not apply to viruses.”- LVA]
LVA From links to the four papers referenced in your link only two reference isolation/culturing and could only culture on vero cell lines The patient’s oropharyngeal samples were obtained by using UTM™ kit containing 1 mL of viral transport media (Copan Diagnostics Inc., Murrieta, CA, USA) on day 7 of her illness. We inoculated monolayers of Vero cells (ATCC ® CCL-81™) with the samples and cultured the cells at 37°C in a 5% carbon dioxide atmosphere. Until 5 days after inoculation, cytopathic effects were not distinct, which is compatible with the previous findings that no specific cytopathic effects were observed in the Vero E6 cells Swab contents were seeded on Vero E6 cells To distinguish between true negative results and reactions affected by inadequate RNA isolation, presence of PCR inhibitors or instrument failure, Nobilis ND C2 vaccine (NDV) against Newcastle Disease (Nobilis) was added to the ESwab™ media as an internal control prior to RNA purification using the AGPC method and the Maxwell® instrument. The amount of added NDV had previously been titrated to yield a Ct value ~27.5 as measured by RT-qPCR and routinely used for evaluating sample quality after RNA isolation at the Department of Clinical Microbiology. To determine a Ct cutoff value for NDV after purification with the Maxwell® instrument and the AGPC method, 24 clinical swab samples with known SARS CoV-2 status based on the Cobas®6800 system were processed using both methods and the data for the in-house NDV and SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR assays were evaluated. Based on these data and applying a precautionary principle only samples yielding Ct values below 29.5 for the internal control NDV assessed by RT-qPCR on the Maxwell® and TRI Reagent® platforms were included in the analyses.
This one is basically comparative analysis. Interesting that their CT cut of was 29.5 and Australia’s is 45?
Here’s the CDC’s own isolate and purification We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells. (My note, they use the term we cultured on, yet they could not culture on 4 of those) Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T), in addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells. We also examined an available big brown bat kidney cell line (EFK3B) for SARS-CoV-2 replication capacity. Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24 h postinfection (Figure 3, panel A). No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells, Would nbot culture on Bat, or human cell lines, only Monkey. So we have the most lethal virus in the history of the planet that jumped from a Bat to a Human and can’t culture it on Human or Bat cell lines. Makes perfect sense.
And the human cell line is originally taken from a liver tumor in a 57-year-old Japanese male in 1982.”[1] It is used extensively in hepatitis C and dengue virus research.[2][3]. Quality product from the tumor of a human liver.
If its highly transmissible between humans, why won’t it culture on human cell lines, only monkey?
If its jumped from bats why won’t it culture on Bat?
[ Read this first. “There are numerous examples of scientists isolating SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID -19, and sequencing its genome. The argument about purification relates to 19th Century microbiological theory that does not apply to viruses.”- LVA]
But Germ theory, “19th Century microbiological theory” was pre Kochs postulate, yet its still good?
Kochs postulate is a scentific method of proving your hypothesis, if its no good what is the new scientfic method of proof that has replaced it?
Thanks for the link, But?
My understanding is none of the “Models” exist in nature, you cannot purchase reference material, real physical reference material of any variants. No Freeze dried PURE MONO culture of any variant exists.
My understanding is no virus has been purified directly from blood from any infected person, made into a mono culture and the mono culture proven to be infectious.
My understanding is no virus has been purified directly from lung fluid from an infected person, made into a mono culture and the mono culture proven to be infectious.
If no virus can be purified directly from lung fluid then how can some one be Infectious? That would be impossible?
If viruses only exits in cells then how can they be infectious or contagious if we cannot directly purify them from an infected lung?
Masks would be a waste of time if we cannot purify the infectious virus directly from an infected lung?
189 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever
189 institutions (mainly health and science institutions) in >30 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the alleged “SARS-COV-2” having been found in any sick human and purified, in order to sequence and characterize “it” and study “it” with controlled experiments.
In other words, none of these institutions can prove that the alleged RNA genome of 30,000 base pairs with a spikey protein shell actually exists…. let alone that “it” causes an allegedly new respiratory disease that is allegedly spread from host to host via contagion.
No one on the planet has a pure sample of the alleged virus.
[This answers your claims: . – LVA]
And yet people in a house with certain symptoms can test + on certain tests, and their samples show the presence of that same 29,000 base sequence which is just like each other, and they all fall sick with the same or similar symptoms and test results, and even if they don’t have symptoms they can infect others and those others get the symptoms and the same 29,000 base pair results. And if we took biopsies and ran electron micrographs we’d see the same odd structures and tissue samples and high D-Dimer and CRP Blood tests. Are they fake blood tests?. Repeatedly. And if they got on a plane and flew to another country with another medical system and another doctor and medical lab, and a different company that ran the machines the 29,000 bases would be nearly the same, just a few different, and they would go on to infect others. And we might follow them through a shopping centre like Bondi (June 2021) and find that two people with the exact same sequence did indeed walk past each other on camera for a second and that we can actually trace the path of the virus from the FedEx US employees to the Limo Driver, to the Bondi shop…
Are the patients lying, or is it all the contact tracers? Actually both, and all the guys in the path labs, 90% of them would have to lie too. And the doctors. And the academics doing research on all the ways the spike etc interact with 5,000 other compounds, found in computer simulations but usually confirmed in vitro and sometimes also in vivo.
Either you can accept a million data points and observations or you can continue to demand a very specific fine list of exact instructions from an 1854 anachronistic definition of “isolation” and wait for one or two bureaucratic units that may be happy to only give you 5% of the information they have, because they don’t mind if people are wasting time on a rabbit hole to nowhere.
We have photos. We have the full code. We have medical records. We have enough. Let’s discuss the Biotech Cold War and how we can beat medical corruption that stops cheap safe drugs from being permitted.
ops sry about that. was in a hurry and did not expect any one to watch it.
And as I have said many times Mullis died before Covid came (sadly). When he said those lines in the mid 1990s he was talking about AIDS, a Retrovirus that embeds in human DNA. It’s a very different story. Please learn how PCR works so you can criticize it meaningfully. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling you have posted these exact same lines before?
The interview with Mullis was about AIDs, that specific comment was in regard to any genetic material.
The video in this link is the Doerty institutes version of proof of isolation, literally whack a mole and evidence of nothing. This is the quality of the evidence from a department set up for the very purpose of virus identification, yet they can’t even see the virus. Grown on human kidney cells, yet the CDC’s own virus isolate would not culture on Human kidney or bat cells, you believe both of these to be correct!
I watched a video of the scientists from the Oxford Uni on the development of the AZ vaccine, it took them 3 hours (cost the tax payer $billions) to develope once they had downloaded the genetic code from the CCP servers. Every virus has an origin, every scam has a begining, in this case its all out of China. Just dropping dead while doing the shopping that happened nowhere else, propaganda!
Nextstrain covid is computer generated garbage.
Why don’t you explain how PCR works and how you can multiply a fragment of a genetic code 3 billion times and get a full genetic code and not a replication of the fragment of code?
Honest doctors, our jails have ample “honest doctors”.
Follow the science, thats so CO2.
Here’s a fragment of the virus can you find the virus in this. If you multiplied that fragment 3 billion times would you end up with this or this.
Thanks MP some one who sees the full picture.
I doubt anyone of us plebs understands the full picture.
MP says: “Nextstrain covid is computer generated garbage.”
So you have no answer to all that open source data. Thanks for responding.
The conspiracy it would take to fake all this is so vast it is Truman level. See my reply above at # 90% of all medical workers, patients, academics, nurses, labs in every country and all universities, would have to be in on the scam, coordinated by a secret group that kept all the lies consistent in a complex web.
For every fake video from the CCP there are 100 videos from patients nurses and doctors in Italy/Brazil/Spain/Canada/UK/US/Hong-Kong/Taiwan/Japan/Germany etc of the gruelling horrors of working in ICU with a disease that was not influenza, plus all their pathology tests and symptoms, and all those dead bodies.
All the data we think is important in the climate world — multiply that by 1000 for the medical data in the world. It’s vastly bigger, it matters so much more. The money is bigger, staff are more, the patients and doctors actually care about the results. So do the Dad’s paying paternity for sons and daughters they “think” are theirs or not theirs. The Lawyers in legal cases get paid 100,000s of dollars to find holes in PCR results. To believe PCR is worthless and the virus doesn’t exist is to believe that 90% of the people in hospitals/GP/Path/uni-medico are fake actors paid to lie and you are Truman in a theatre.
Go meta. Think another level up. The “proof” a few units may say they are providing to these semantic “virus isolation” questions is a form of playing games. They are stringing people along, not even trying to honestly answer the question (as I have so easily and so many times on this site in comments in detail). They know they don’t have to. No journalist will follow up, and the confusion is useful. Fog works for them. It leaves honest skeptics thinking the virus doesn’t exist, and saying things like “PCR is useless” and quoting a dead guy from 20 years ago as if it neutralized millions of data points in a web of consistent results. This helps those that lie and cheat and do not serve.
Everytime a good person turns up unarmed to a medical debate saying “PCR is useless” those who know medical things silently put on a warning tag that auto-deletes in their head everything that honest person tries to say. And if a few old Republicans denied Covid existed in 2020 and caught it and died, that’s just a few less Republican voters and that can’t be bad can it? And if they survive and keep following the rabbit down the PCR-isolation hole they will spend hours fighting a case that isn’t the one that really matters. They won’t be talking about the crime of Ivermectin and D3 or forced vaccination and informed consent. “Great”. The machine has sabotaged some good soldiers.
I want you to be effective in this war. I want your voice to be heard. I’m trying to help.
PS: I could create a vaccine in 20 minutes. I just have to boil a germ. “Bingo”. It’s the testing that takes 10 years. If anyone wants to fight corruption in medical science, and we need all the help we can get, then learn medical science. Some red flags are decoys. Prioritize the ones that matter….
Open source data, “Open source is source code that is made freely available for possible modification and redistribution.” why is open source more trust worthy? Wikipedia is also open source and I have little faith in that as well.
Fake video’s from the CCP, you believed them all. The point is you only need to lie to cover the truth or push a naritive, there is no other point in lying. Yet they lied and still lie.
There was a campaign way back at the start of the plandemic called film your hospitals, normal people worldwide went and visited their local and filmed, empty, all of them.
That busy thousands of dancing nurses, danced in full PPE at a time when PPE was being rationed, in empty hospitals?
Taking a full DNA strand as opposed to a fragment of code is a poor comparison. I am not saying the PCR is useless, but gold standard? Sangar is also a gold standard and NGS is a gold standard, everything is a gold standard, as PCR was not used in the Human Genome Project due to its less than gold standard, I have my doubts. I have asked the fragment multiplication question many times, never been answered. If there is a sensible explanation to this fill me in, otherwise my watermelon analogy stands!
The vast majority of the medical profession are also CAGW believers and pushers, and corruption is embedded in every aspect of all professions. When doctors film themselves in a room by themselves, with a mask on, I have to question the legitimacy of the video. When there are professional photos of COVID victims taken from inside a ward that nobody including families are allowed into and the photographer is not afraid, I have to question the legitimacy.
When ABC Media Watch exposes NSW health for hiring actors and putting the actors in hospital beds and getting happy snaps under the guise of dying of COVID, I have to question!
When social influencers are filmed dying in hospital in full makeup and their funeral home eulogy is one sentence and no comments, I have to question.
When Legal persons, politicians and senior police are exempt from vaccine mandates for the most lethal disease in history and no one is safe until we are all vaccinated, I question.
My local council stated at a rally that they would be enforcing government vax mandates, yet the council workers themselves are exempt???
I can go on for pages in regard to double standards.
Going on two and a half years and I know of nobody who has died, and none of them know of anybody, that’s as close as I get to facts nowadays.
Numerous doctors shows on TV and the movies, filmed on sets. The mocking bird media is called that for a reason. You just need to control who you put in front of the camera’s. The Truman analogy is pretty spot on though. In a world of optics, whack scrubs on your a nurse, white jacket and hang a stethoscope around your neck, you’re a doctor. Wear a mask and you can hide many sins.
Mullis died in 2019, two years ago. 15th of August 2019.
When the definitions of Pandemic are changed from deaths to cases. Vaccination is no longer sterilizing immunity, its best to question
It takes 3 months to approve a drug now, testing is so 2019. The world has shown you do not have to test anymore, just trust the science, the consensus and roll up your sleeve.
War, its an one way arse kicking and we are standing in a circle.
By the way, has the spell checker on this site been disabled?
All I see is Theater, same script different actors.
It doesn’t matter what I say does it MP? Still mis-attributing me? Still using confirmation bias to ignore hundreds of videos of distraught medical staff because some other staff filmed empty hospitals. Two years later do you still *need* to see one but not the others? You use photos of watermelons as if you have a reasonable question to ask about PCR that you think I should reply to?
Apparently the big problem with open source code of Nextstrain is that a totally different project called wikipedia has problems? So you have nothing at all. Not one error, inconsistency, anomaly. Nothing. Not even an argument.
My Truman analogy is one layer bigger than what you see. Keep looking. Find better experts. OK?
Like I said, we need help. I want your voice to be heard. Some rabbit holes are decoys.
Your caps lock key is stuck on
Dennis. Haven’t we already been through this a dozen times…and more. So here it is again….
The largest Climate-Crank alarmist outfit in Oz is the CSIRO, with all their shrieking that climate change will soon destroy us, and there will shortly be no snow in the Oz Alps. They get hundreds of millions per year to constantly claim this, and yet….
The CSIRO has it’s very own expensive Ski Club in those same Oz Alps.. One large chalet complex in Jindabyne and another in Perisher. Every share in it is held very tightly and is very valuable should one come onto the market. The lodges are booked solid
At the annual AGM, the ski club is bound by law to report the truth about it’s activities and it’s prospects. It said the following at last year’s AGM in October…. And our members did not disappoint us – solidly booking both lodges from
June through to September….
The report also had the following to say : “The company expects to maintain the current status and level of operations, and there are no likely (detrimental) developments in operations in future years”
OK, so the lying CSIRO hounds out spreading the BS with a trowel, do not expect any change in ski condition AT ALL. The snow will still be there, and none of the members have disputed this finding at an AGM, since there might be fines and even gaol-time if they continued with the ACC lie in a company report.
No more discussion is needed. the CSIRO has admitted reality. The Ski resorts know it too. End of story, FFS!
It seems to me that this would be similar to the bind various US municipalities got themselves into in those “Exon Knew” lawsuits.
On the one hand they were claiming damages caused by those emissions while not mentioning them as risks in their bond issue advertising
Meet Yuval Noah Harari, the prophet of the world’s ruling class, one of the most top influential advisors to the World Economic Forum.
The video linked below is what the World Economic Forum like to listen to.
Those that control and monitor biological data under the skin merged with external surveillance data will control the world – what he thinks and what he believes is coming.
Jump with us in this man’s world who says: Free will is a myth. This myth served us well in the past, but now it is becoming dangerous. Most humans will become economically useless and politically powerless. We are beginning to see a new class of humans…the useless class. In a hundred years, people could look back and see the coronavirus crisis as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over.
Any volunteers to become economically useless. politically powerless, the useless class? You will have nothing and be happy.
Welcome to the New World Order.
I found his book “A Brief History of Human Kind” interesting up until the industrial revolution when I stopped reading. From the beginning of agriculture he became more and more anti-human, and by the industrial revolution it seemed as if he thinks humans are a plague upon the world. He seems to abhor the notion that humans acquired some control over their environment. Peculiar, since many species of living things have significant control over their environment.
“since many species of living things have significant control over their environment.”
I wonder if these guys had building approval certificates.
Biden declares state of emergency in the energy market
Immediate action is needed to ensure in the interim that the United States has access to a sufficient supply of solar modules to assist in meeting our electricity generation needs.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including by section 318(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1318(a), do hereby declare an emergency to exist with respect to the threats to the availability of sufficient electricity generation capacity to meet expected customer demand.
Running low on energy are we?
How will those lucky EV owners go?
Ahhh..Monday was an interesting day but didn’t make the MSM. Probably just as well. Warning bells going off everywhere.
The NEXT event will be a doozy.
Hint to dopey Jo Biden: use your own country’s COAL and GAS. !
oops.. Joe Biden !
Joe cant do things right nor do the right things. Energy “state of emergency” and expedite solar panels????
Its the sort of stupidity that would be said here as a joke , may with a /s
“Best start to a ski season in 50+ years” (an Australian ski season).
Wonder what was happening 50 years ago … oh yes … Time Magazine front cover was “The Ice Age cometh”.
It is just all a natural 60-year cycle. 50 odd years ago they were worried about an Ice Age, then *BANG* it started heating up, and now *BANG* it will start to cool down.
BUT hopefully we can do just enough to stop the global elites from bringing in their socialist
South African People Seek To Hold President and Bank Liable for C0VID Crimes
This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflicted by the Globalist’s Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.
This could be the big breakthrough event that the world has been praying for. If the South African Constitutional Court was completely corrupted as the rest of the world, this case would never have gotten to where it is.
This should go global while there is still time, and there’s VERY little. NZ have openly admitted they knew of the Pfizer risks from day 1 and are therefore negligent and culpable, just like Australia is.
Dutton may spook the government with a suggestion that the Opposition is pro nuclear.
‘New Opposition Leader Peter Dutton appears set to bring a debate about nuclear power back to the centre of Australian politics.
‘Mr Dutton’s shadow front bench, unveiled on Sunday, included two proponents of nuclear energy in key roles: Ted O’Brien, the spokesman on climate and energy, and Hollie Hughes, the junior spokeswoman on climate.’ (New Daily)
Great news
Upgrade all the coal to HELE units
And buy in Small Modular Nuclear!
Win WiN!
I am sick of my local rep (Ted the dud) telling me “we are signed up to Paris”
But he has to get on board with all technologies.
Over the past approximately 18 months the Morrison Government recommended provision of 4 gas generators, 2 for NSW and 1 each VIC and SEQ. So far only NSW has approved 1 gas generator for the Hunter Valley.
The Morrison Government also recommended 1 new HELE coal fired power station for NTH QLD and, with due regard for the reluctance of bankers to finance coal fired power stations, the Morrison Government offered to underwrite the finance for a private sector investor and operator. The QLD Labor Government has not supported this proposal.
Another Morrison Government initiative was to offer existing coal fired power station owners financial support to ensure that their assets are in reliable operating condition at all times and to offset the loss of profit caused by intermittent generating to accommodate wind and solar energy sources. This was a big deal given that electricity supply is State responsibility primarily, and that State governments sold power stations and transmission lines owned by the State Governments on behalf of the people, public assets.
Earlier the Morrison Government announced that in 2030 the Labor RET and subsidies will end, and strengthened company laws to force greater electricity pricing competition between suppliers.
The roadblock is State Governments and the same applies to gas exploration and extraction, new coal mines, uranium mining, etc.
The Morrison Government had been discussing nuclear modular reactors since 2019 and more recently were in discussion with the UK Government about nuclear power stations and modular generators, and with Rolls Royce UK now preparing to supply modular generators to the UK.
Discussing for 3 years and proposing nothing may be one of the reasons there is no Morrison Govt.
Once people have discussed, powerpointed, white papered, feasibilty studied, stayed in 5 star hotels and strode confidently through business class airline lounges around the world; eventually somebody actually has to do something.
Monthly death statistics for Vicdanistan.
I haven’t analysed these figures but it was suggested that there was a significant upward trend.
What do you think?
Just basic observation would indicate that something has been hitting home over the last 4 months. Since 2019 deaths vary either side of 3500 a month , then in the last 4 months three out of 4 are well into the low 4000s.
Nothing to see there though, just ask Brett Sutton.
A Substack piece on this article
some interesting comments , especially one from a lawyer processing estates noticing the uptick
Ignorance is a choice.
If people choose to be ignorant, they must bear the consequences.
Choosing to be ignorant is like choosing to drink and drive. You are 100% liable if you kill someone drinking and driving because you chose to drink.
Similarly, you are liable for the harm caused by choosing to be ignorant.
There can be no excuse for people being ignorant about the anthropogenic global warming fraud, the biggest fraud in human history.
As our economy and people’s lives are further destroyed by energy starvation, I will not accept any excuse from anyone claiming “they did know”. Such people, when in position of authority, must be held liable for their actions.
Correctly, Judith Sloan (and many others) say that wind and solar is failing Australian consumers, pushing electricity prices up and up and threatening reliable electricity supply. That the “firming” including all important gas generators are too few and handicapped by State Government restricting exploration and extraction of gas supplies, and coal mining.
Obviously the remaining coal fired power stations are essential to generate baseload electricity yet they have also been handicapped by AEMO management restricting their generator operating hours to accommodate wind and solar when available and the owners have not been wasting shareholders monies maintaining power stations as well as they should be because of the restricted operating hours and fluctuations.
But the new PM Albo continues with a straight face to promise a renewables supply amounting to just over 80 per cent by 2030?
And why does Alba-sleazy only want 80%? If he was a “true believer” he would be going for 100%.
And how many tens of thousands of windmills with gigantic batteries would this require?
I assume no one in the government has done the calculations.
Nor will they. These projects are not even about technical feasibility but destroying the economy and Western Civilisation in general.
Just keep approving them peicemeal, we dont need no steeeeenking plan!
The latest calculations, mainly by Ken Gregory, show that even a small amount of gas or coal baseload means a significant reduction in firming/backup required for renewables.
Fellow Lab-rats:
Even the Chinese-owned WHO is getting twitchy:
See also:
So: is it all “sweetness and light”?
Or should a LOT of people get their affairs in order before hoisting the black flag, while they still can?
that first story is a year old so they have been twitching a while
Anyone done the maths on how much electricity (or extra electricity) an all electric car market would demand, by state or Australia ?
Add to that calculation the costs that would be involved upgrading local area grids to cope with EV demand including sub-stations.
For the factories I managed there was a large sub-station outside dedicated to factory electricity demand, highest being when the heavy machines were started and they had to be staged one after the other to avoid electricity disruption, so we tried to run 12 hour shifts whenever possible and some machines ran twenty four hours six days a week.
So what would happen if a street of houses each had one or two EV, would the householders need to contact one another to organise recharging times?
thats what you have smart meters for
The “Friends of Science” Alberta April 2021 report, End Notes #18, includes calculations that could be used to determine the additional EV load. The calculations use the total energy sold at the petrol pumps over 12 months, then assumes a 20% efficiency gain for EVs over ICEs. Alberta’s total 2019 consumption was 84.9 TWh, and the additional EV load was calculated to be 60.9 TWh, or an additional 72%.
The maths part would be simple , its working your way through the minefield of assumptions you would need to make that would be difficult.
There are 14 million registered cars in Australia.
Acccording to ABS , they average 31 km per day each, ……or 434 million miles daily total.
A typical EV does 5 km per kWh, so ..87 GWh needed daily for 434 mil km.
A typical daily grid supply is 550-600 GWh.
So the 100% EV cars would add about 15% extra load demand on the existing grid supply.
BUT… there will NEVER be 100% all EV cars, infact it is unlikely there will be even 50% EVs within the next 20 years.
And by then the grid generation system will have changed dramatically (Nuclear ?)
Well done, thank you for sharing. So that covers the cars but what about the public transport system? Brisbane city council are starting a trial that could lead to a fleet of 65 electric “buses” that will have flash charging stations both in depots and at end of run points around the city. These recharge the bus 85x faster than the home car charging. The council fleet currently stands at over 1200 buses with the majority of these naturally operating at the peak rush hour periods getting passengers to/from work not to mention kids to schools which is generally covered by private bus companies. Cheers
1200 Electric buses, assuming each recharge a 500kWh pack, every day,..
..that would be a 0.6GWh per day demand
Compared to a typical QLD daily consumption of 150GWh ….( of which 100+GWh is in SE QLD )…. Then you can see that the additional demand for all 1200 buses is not significant at 0.6%.
Note, QLD has a lot of reserve generation available ,..with a total installed capacity of over 300GWh per day ! (15.5 GW)
Thats Brisbane busses compared to QLD generation, how many private sector busses are in operation in Brisbane, and those present busses would be on specific routes.
It was a specific answer to a specific question.
If you know the number of busses that WILL convert to EV, then simplt factor up the numbers.
And bear in mind what timescale might it take..
..and how the grid may change over that same timescale.
But, either way, you will find that the impact of EVs of any shape or size, will have little significant impact on the grid capacity.
I read that 40% of our energy goes into transportation, net zero means zero from all sorces.
Could just compare Brisbane busses to Brisbane power instead of the entire state plus the continual flow of (at the time of writting 300 meg) electrons to NSW.
Vic are feeding 900 meg to NSW.
The flow to NSW is 7% of QLD generation, so you are also comparing Brisbane busses to the NSW teat feeding exercise. Apples!
Let me repeat….
Qld itself consumes 150+GWh daily, without the additional export supplies
See Nem log.
Over 100GWh of that is consumed in the SE QLD area ( Bris+ GC)
EV buses will make an INSIGNIFICANT extra load on the grid supply !
About a week ago Andrew Bolt (Sky News Bolt Report) discussed nuclear power stations and modular generators with a guest who pointed out that Australia’s coal fired power stations could be upgraded with imported modular nuclear units to replace the coal fuelled system.
Just keep the existing coal fired fleet serviceable. Cheapest option.
Of course that is the most cost effective option, as would be constructing additional new HELE technology coal fired power stations using the latest developed in Japan lower emissions technology which reburns the emissions something like a Diesel engine exhaust gas reticulation valve.
Australia has one nuclear reactor located at Lucas Heights, a Sydney suburb. The reactor has been operated safely since the 1950s and produces radio isotopes for medical and commercial purposes here and for export markets.
The AUKUS Agreement negotiated between the Morrison Govrnment with the UK and the USA on mutual defence includes the RAN becoming the third trusted nuclear technology submarine operator as soon as possible.
Isn’t it the right time to remove the Federal and State bans on nuclear energy and State restrictions on mining uranium, and to proceed with conversion of coal fired power stations, at least one or two, to nuclear and to install a number of nuclear modular generators?
Actually there have been two reactors on the site;
HIFAR 1958-2007 and OPAL 2006 to present.
Covid Vaccines linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease!
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is the human equivalent of Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, AKA Mad Cow disease.
Nice to see you making plenty of posts here Dennis…
But can I just give you a quick reminder please?
Morrison is gone. I know you had a bit of a man crush on him, but he (and his rapidly moving to the left) government is gone, gone gone.
He paid the price for pretending to run a “conservative” government.
Now we all face the consequences, which was predictable.
Fact Check fun …
Did the Police Chief of Ottawa say … ?
“Every single Canadian that supported Truckers will be hunted down and ruined.”
Fact check: FALSE
actual quote …
“If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges absolutely … this investigation will go on for months to come.”
What do you think Jonova readers?
‘Actively looking’ by armed uniforms is completely different than ‘hunting’ (for other humans), hunting is done by common people to kill innocent animals … commoners shouldn’t have guns anyway.
Only commoners hired to protect nice people should have guns.
Nice people get sanctions and charges from other nice people.
Nice people hire lawyers and have their property and freedom taken by due process.
Only commoners get ‘ruined’ and it’s their own fault for consuming disinformation.
From those that have little, little is taken.
Canada is so civilized.
Aren’t active looking expeditions a major income producer for many of the indigenous communities in Canada?
(See, I used two woke Newspeak terms in one sentence.)
Justin is so handsome.
He should get ALL the votes.
I’m sure he is actively looking for the votes he didn’t get.
During Canadian shut downs nearly 1,000,000 people entered the country?
Major food shortage coming in the next ‘few months’
so all going according to plan, then.
The Glaring Engineering Mistake That Made Wind Turbines Inefficient
put a bunch of wind turbines in the sun next to salt water,
what did they think would happen?
Who wants to bet that the ‘solution’ to blade erosion is something derived from ‘fossil fuels’ … … …
The Glaring Engineering Mistake That Made Wind Turbines More Inefficient.
UAH satellite temperature for lower troposphere over Australia, May monthly result extends the pause in cooling trend to 9 years and 10 months. Monckton method.
This means that on present trends, comes August in a few weeks, UAH will show no warming for 10 years here.
How about we all get a programming going to shout this out to the public and the media.
Anybody up for it?
I think it will be a hoot. Too clear to deny.
Geoff S
(My apologies for also posting this on the last thread, just before this open thread opened.)
Something on the cancer front…
Bloomberg: China is Suffering a Renewable Energy “Curtailment Curse”
Essay by Eric Worrall
What is SADS? Healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
How bad things are in Russia (/s)
“Interesting Video, A Walk Through a Russian Supermarket
June 7, 2022 | Sundance | 27 Comments”
Why do these Russian videos always have that voice? Why are there so many videos showing the bountiful state of Russian shops on YouTube etc.? Russia has a history of segregated shops for the connected/foreigners, how do we know this is representative?
I’m not saying it is blatant Russian propaganda, but it is as likely as not, so posting it takes us nowhere, it can’t be believed or disbelieved.
Meanwhile Australia is recording 31,000 new cases of Covid per day, the 6th highest in the world, and a total of 7.5 million cases.
That’s despite 59 million doses of vaccine.
There have been over 8,000 deaths, with 93% aged over 60, 83% over 70.
According to the ABS, COVID-19 was the fourth most common cause of death certified by a doctor in February 2022 following cancer, dementia and ischaemic heart diseases.
and bad maths
Bill Gates just admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines don’t work well.
yesterday: “The vaccines don’t have duration and they’re not good at infection blocking.”
German MEP Christine Anderson – Legend!
Listen until the end – what she says is nothing short of legendary.
WSJ Electric Vehicle Road Trip a Disaster
reality interferes with a good narrative one more time
#44 might have fitted better in this series if I’d seen it earlier
Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal Covid-19 Vaccination is going to lead to Depopulation
MEP Christine Anderson Smacks the EU Upside the Head for Disregarding Human Rights in the Name of Globalism
“Countries (like Canada) which deny their own citizens [the ability] to leave the country do so because they are a dictatorship.”
“More on Energy Fantasy Versus Reality in Woke-Land”
“Here’s a great quip on the CCS fantasy:
One of the highest ratios in the world of energy science: the number of academic papers written on carbon sequestration divided by the actual amount of carbon sequestration (~0.1% of global emissions at last count).”
Another swing set×283.jpg
From Sichuan to Sydney: Chinese long-range rocket soars over Australian skies
What some mistook for UFO, astrophysicists confirmed to be Chinese Long March 3B rocket
Hobart to get a chill, but is it unprecedented?
Ah yeah, 1986 saw snow downtown.
The down escalator.
“Petition requesting polls reveal links to global groups such as WEF”
More democrat logic
“Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Has her EV, so Gasoline Prices Don’t Matter”
All about me for Senator Debbie. Good buddy of Pelosi?
“Is It Ethical to Purchase An EV Lithium Battery Powered Vehicle?”
Any ethics about EVs went out the window long ago.
Wind farm challenged in High Court.
FDA Admits: “Significantly Elevated Risks” + “Long-Term Effects” of Myocarditis from mRNA products
Tucker: How many Americans have died after taking COVID vaccines?
Eva Vlaardingerbroek discusses the rise in sudden adult death syndrome with Mark Steyn