A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The win or no?
Maybe this will brighten up you day!!
Absolutely unbelievable. What a profoundly pompous dill. No wonder she cackles.
“Space is exciting. It spurs our imaginations, and it forces us to ask big questions. Space, it affects us all, and it connects us all.”
The space which really excites her is the one between her ears. She has no idea what she is saying. All meaningless loops without logic or content.
And she cannot really believe she is Vice President of the United States. And Biden agrees because he thinks she is President Harris.
But she has a point. Everyone is asking the big question, regardless of politics, how did America get two wordsmiths like Harris and Biden? One has nothing at all to say and the other cannot even read the teleprompter and certainly not long words. Honour of the Holocaust? How could anyone say that in Israel? Sorry your Horror, I misread.
I wonder who is her speech writer? Herself? Must moonlight for Dr. Jill ‘Taco’ Biden.
” I wonder who is her speech writer? ”
A very old, obsolete, speech-writing computer program.
Has there been such a tongue tangle since the days of ‘Known knowns and known unknowns.’
There was a racehorse named Irish Wrist Watch.
Try calling that under race conditions.
Rumsfeld’s piece actually made sense
The ultimate result of employment quotas!
Now I can understand why Joe picked her as his running mate.
Words to live by.
By the end of 2020, with no vaccinations available, there were 909 deaths from Covid.
Vaccination became available on 22 February 2021 and by the end of that year there had been 1330 additional deaths in spite of many people having one and some two jabs.
This year with most of the population double jabbed, three quarters triple jabbed and many quadruple jab, the additional deaths stood at 9065 on 26 July 2022.
A US court forced the release of progressive parts of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine trails in spite of Pfizer wanting them to remain secret until 2075. The March 01, 2022, release showed that 1223 people had died in the first three months of their trial. This should have cause the Australian Government to cease use of the vaccine immediately. However it is still being used and encouraged. Worse still we are refused use of Ivermectin, a proven cure.
This is State sanctioned murder and warrants a criminal investigation.
The vaccines are truly a medical crime, as the ongoing pandemic, excess deaths, SADS and side effects show.
The lack of deaths in 2020 in Australia was just due to border closures. It bought us time. We delayed the spread of the nastier bioweapon strains (mostly) until they were less deadly.
From the ABS: Released 23/06/2022
In 2022, 44,331 deaths occurred by 31 March and were registered by 31 May, which is 6,609 (17.5%) more than the historical average. 3,735 deaths were reported as Covid related.
In March there were 14,343 deaths, 1,254 (9.6%) above the historical average. 782 were reported as Covid related.
Next release 29/07/2022
3,536 deaths have been reported as Covid related in 2Q22.
From, With71
We will have to live with increasing deaths due to the baby boomer hump hitting the average use by date. The deaths that you need to look at are in the range less than 60 YO if you are seeking a conspiracy. Ones like a five year old dropping dead at daycare when they were not locked in the bus during a hot day. The oldies are checking out, it is just hard to tell who it was due to the masks.
The 40% excess deaths reported by the US insurance companies are among the 18 to 65 yr olds. Boomers would not be a big percentage of these. The youngest are now 60 yrs old.
Hi Jo
How would you propose we account for the issue where the original Covid strains had first pick at all the low hanging fruit ( one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel ) and governments around the world doing everything they could to expose these vulnerable (mainly old) people to Covid ?
At the start of “panic19” in the USA the ignition point was Life Care Center in Kirkland, 7 miles NE of Seattle. Prior to covid about 5 to 7 people died per month. When covid was introduced this grew to 10 or so. I don’t recall the exact numbers. A couple of weeks passed before authorities realized there was a new issue. All sorts of folks carried the virus out of the facility into the region before recognition occurred. No one knew what to do, and decisions with bad outcomes followed.
Later, in other places such as New York City, “expose the vulnerable” on purpose seems to have carried the day. That is the inexplicable part.
It is estimated that 12.32 billion doses have been administered globally with 6.77 million added each day. This is a massive experiment.
How many people were in the trial and was 1223 deaths above or below the expected number for that many people?
Were those deaths only from the group that were vaccinated or did that include people in the group that received a placebo. (I’m assuming there was a group that received a placebo)
If those deaths were just from the vaccine group, how many deaths were there in the placebo group?
Basically, is the 1223 deaths statistically meaningful in relation to the vaccine?
Strop: If you look at the top of your browser page you will see a Search bar. Entering a subject will activate the browser’s search engine and bring up a list of sites showing relevant information. One site giving the Pfizer Post-authorisation Adverse Event Report is as follows:
Note that Pfizer states “The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or other dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited. “
The report states that between 01 December 2020 and 28 February 2021, there were 42,086 case reports containing 158,893 adverse events of which 1223 were fatal.
Yes, I’m familiar with the search function. However, I’m not keen on wading through a myriad of information to probably not find what I’m looking for. If you hadn’t replied I would have.
You threw up a figure without any indication of its significance other than it seems to alarm you. You have the info. I assumed you’d actually noted or had some concept of the statistical significance and could easily say “yes, the 1200 deaths was (say) four times higher than expected for typical society and or was (say) double the deaths in the placebo group”. (those factors of four and double are just random example numbers and are not to be interpreted as the actual trial result)
I actually don’t understand why something like that wasn’t said in your original post as a means of highlighting the issue instead of simply stating the number of deaths which, on it’s own, is actually meaningless.
So a question to someone who likely knows and the response would likely add to the thread, seemed reasonable rather than me trying to find the info, do the analysis, and then complete the key info missing from your comment.
I do appreciate you providing the link. Not so much the derisive search facility location comment. I’ll checkout the link.
Strop, the trial was to test the mRNA gene therapy that had never before been successful in curing any medical condition. One does not go on doing an experiment that kills people.
It is not a matter of statistical significance, it is a matter of life or death resulting from a deliberate action.
It is actually. It is statistical significance which makes you stop the trial. If it was not significant you would not stop.
Be great if more people here tried science.
The fact that people in the trial died is not surprising or necessarily alarming because that’s what happens in life even without a covid vaccine.
If no one died during the vaccine trial it would have been a miracle.
e.g. in 2019 there were 169,000 deaths in Australia. A population of 25.37mil. So you could say we’d expect around 0.67% of the population to die in any given year. (I’m just plucking one year as a demo. 2019 demonstrates people do die without the covid vaccine 😉 )
So if you gathered a group of 100,000 people that reasonably represented Australia’s demographics and introduced a new factor to their lives, monitored them for a year, and 10% (10,000) of that group died instead of just 0.67% (670) you’d say that’s statistically significant and look hard at it. In fact, when you had 192 people die in the first week (10,000/52) instead of just 13 (670/52) you’d see a problem and stop. But if 13 people died in the first week and that matched the norm then you’d continue the trial. You wouldn’t just say “oh no, people have died. The vaccine is dangerous. Stop the trial.” You’d analyse the causes of deaths and other factors etc, and maybe stop the trial because of something from that analysis such as all deaths being confined to 20 year olds with myocarditis, but the number of deaths wouldn’t be alarming on their own.
Obviously in reality there’s a direct comparison to a control group. But I hope the above gives an indication of whether numbers are meaningful.
I’m not saying the mRNA vaccine is safe and the trial showed no problems. I’m just saying the data needs to be meaningful and have a reference point. The 1223 deaths figure didn’t even distinguish whether those deaths received the vaccine or whether that number included deaths in the placebo/control group.
I’ll have a look at the paper over the weekend. Cheers.
Strop, what is the point of quibbling over a figure from a pharmaceutical company that has paid out billions in fines for misrepresenting its products?
The point that I am trying to get across is that the Covid death rate is increasing as people have more jabs. Currently the death rate from Covid for the first 28 days of July has been 58 deaths per day. On 28 July there were 125 Covid deaths reported. However the population is being encouraged to have more jabs without being told this fact. This is gross negligence on the part of the medical profession and the public service as it indicates that the jab may be either useless or lethal. Furthermore this is without taking into consideration the vast number of serious adverse health effects that may disable or kill jab recipients in the future due to them becoming a genetically modified sub-species of homo sapiens.
Quibble suggests it’s a trivial matter. It’s not. Context and meaning are important things and shouldn’t be left out.
Swedish Scientist Says Humans Should Be ‘Tricked’ Into Cannibalism To ‘Fight Climate Change’
Humanity must stop being conservative about the idea of eating human flesh, according to a professor from the Stockholm School of Economics, who is urging people to embrace cannibalism in order to fight climate change.
Speaking on Swedish television, Professor Magnus Soderland claimed its time for humanity to “awaken” to the idea of devouring human flesh because it is more sustainable than meat and dairy – or even eating insects – if food sources become scarce in the future.
Or even the New York Times:
A Taste for Cannibalism?
I wonder if they’re trying to tell us something…
Haven’t seen much of Hannibal Lecter lately. Probably working at the WEF now.
Insects or human flesh. What would YOU choose if you were starving?
Even pets are potential food. If dogs ever start tasting like bacon they’d better start running. 😅
Mind you, I might be persuaded to take a bite of Scarlett Johansson. 😉
Don’t tell DM about this, he has enough to worry about with insects.
Why do you continue to mock something that is clearly on the agenda?
Of course it is.
Beware of barbers on the first floor!
“Stanley Holloway – Sweeney Todd The Barber”
Swedish scientist? Who isn’t a scientist these days?
Söderlund, Magnus, Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategy
A behavioral scientist and marketing strategist at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Must be a scientist. He says so.
And I think it’s about time that the world agrees Economics is not Science.
There is a reason “economics ” is referred to as “the DISMAL science”.
Economics is a Social Science and not real Science. Just like Political Science is not real Science. In fact, real Science has been swamped by BS Science. Time to push back against the imposters.
When considering the economic and political impact of the ‘Climate Change’ agenda, which is a marketing brand as opposed to natural phenomenon that can be defined as a concise scientific observation …
Behavioral Science looks a lot more successful than ‘Climate Science’.
We’ve been watching the behavioral political manipulators control the public for years.
While we still have arctic ice, and 22 year olds have learned to snow ski.
The ‘climate’ debate over ocean mechanics, green house gasses, an megawatt hours has been lost to the behavioral manipulators.
Mock them all you want, they have handed our us backsides.
Time to resurrect 18th century lifestyle and survival methods … unless you already possess a private jet and a beach front estate, or 2.
Oh hello, is this a lead in to Soylent Green.
Soylent Green was set in 2022, so was The Purge, what an amazing time to be alive……..
Dogs are already on the menu in Asia. In the Philippines Cordillera district they call it “ow ow”.
Dogs have been on the Asian menu for decades as they were considered to be food not pets.
If only I could forget some of the videos I’ve seen…
Thankfully man’s best friend is becoming that in Asia now too.
Perhaps the good professor could start with WEF chief Klaus Swab and then move on to UN head Antonio Gueterres ? That should give him a severe case of poisoning.
Starting with Klaus is fine but I hope they do not go too far down the “orientation food chain…”
I think he’s suffering from the human equivalent of Mad Cow Disease he picked up from eating humans…
There’s a reason we don’t eat each other, and it would make diseases like Covid look very tame.
Kuru comes to mind.
Time to get a duck and a pig for pets.
DO Black -The credit card that tracks your CO2 emissions.
In Sweden there is now a credit card that tracks the CO2 emissions from all your purchases, and if you exceed your CO2 limit, the card will block you from any further purchases.
The card is called DO Black and has been developed by the Swedish company Doconomy in collaboration with Mastercard who are actually part-owners in the company.
So far this credit card is voluntary. But how long until it becomes mandated by governments that all credit cards track your CO2 emissions? Probably not very long…
In Norway the state has already announced that they want to track the food purchases of all citizens, so it is not a big leap to think they might want to do something similar with your carbon emissions.
Of course this card is from Sweden. The same country that is pushing the cashless society and where some 6000 people have implanted microchips into their hands to use for payments. Some even uploaded their covid passports onto it so they could just scan their hands to show their covid status…
This free tool helps brands calculate the carbon footprints of their products
For brands looking to understand their environmental impact, calculating the carbon footprint of something like a pair of jeans or sneakers is typically a complex and expensive process. But a new tool called the 2030 Calculator is designed to be both fast to use and free, helping smaller companies become more transparent about the sustainability of their products.
Enjoy it all now while you can…
Sounds like the UK government back in 2006.
No hot shower this morning. Was it our turn to skip recharge last night?
Off peak heating seems OK.
It’s all for a good cause, you know.
My latest on Wind versus Whales:
Threat to endangered whales gets LOUDER
By David Wojick
The beginning: “The Virginia wind-versus-whales story has taken a turn for the worse. Worse for the severely endangered Right Whales that is. My research has found what may be some really bad news.
Meet Tethys. Not the real Tethys, the mythical Greek titaness of the sea, but DOE’s center for reporting research on the environmental impact of energy technology on sea life, including whales. This is the science side of DOE (where I used to work), not the Ocean Energy development side.
Tethys has some profoundly disturbing things to say about offshore wind and really loud underwater noise. Noise that could easily adversely affect the North Atlantic Right Whales.
It is all about pile driving, or in this case tower driving. The hundreds of huge offshore wind towers proposed for Virginia do not have poured concrete foundations like onshore towers do. Instead they are literally driven into the solid seabed by floating pile drivers. The lower part of the tower is designed to be driven.
In fact these driven-in tower bottoms are called “monopiles”. Here is what Tethys says about them:
“The environmental concerns associated with offshore wind farms vary with foundation type. Monopiles, for example, require pile-driving, which produces INCREDIBLY LOUD NOISES that tend to propagate far in the water, even after mitigation strategies such as bubble shields, slow start, and acoustic cladding are employed.” (Emphasis added)
From “Fixed offshore wind” at
Note that not only are the wind tower pile driving noises INCREDIBLY LOUD, the available mitigation technologies do not change that fact.”
Lots more in the article. This serious problem exists for all the huge offshore wind facilities proposed along the Mid-Atlantic Coast. Wind versus Whales.
Here is the prior article:
The Feds did a big study on whale migration and have buried it.
Rand Paul: The People Are Finally Rising Up against the ‘New World Order’
Senator Rand Paul says that millions of people in America are finally rising up and rejecting the ‘New World Order’ because they are sick and tired of being treated like slaves.
“There’s going to be a day that people are going to wake up and say, ‘We’ve had enough. We’re going to vote for law and order.’ And Lee Zeldin is the law and order candidate,” Paul asserted.
“So I think there is a chance that people will say, ‘I don’t care, Black, White, whatever. I’m not associated with any party. I want a stop to the crime and we have to put people in jail.’ I think that’s coming,” Paul added.
End the BS everywhere.
2+2=4 not 5
Men cannot have babies (or show me one that can)
There is no climate crisis but there is an idiocy crisis
Green energy cannot power a civilisation except between 1-3pm on alternate Tuesdays
Funny how the brain works “We’re going to vote for law and order.’ And Lee Zeldin is the law and order candidate,” Paul asserted.” I read this twice and came up with the same question, what the hell has Led Zeppelin got to do with this. Read it a third time and finally started believing what my eyes saw and not what my brain thought it saw. Of to check the bag now to see how many marbels are left!
Hey, the good news is you did actually notice.
Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere” – the vaxx reality
33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”
TV presenter Kate McCann keels over in the middle of today’s debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, and TalkTV quickly pulls the broadcast.
(Possible explanations:
1. The ceiling collapsed.
2. McCann fell asleep from boredom in a Ukraine proxy war discussion.
3. The vaxx kicked in.
Pick one)
Hmmm.. could have been 2
Tragic story about 5yo child. No mention of whether she had been vaccinated.
What a sad indictment of the main Canberra hospital, if that’s the best, god help anyone going to next best, Jeez.
Maybe they had seen this problem before and knew what the end would be?
Was she VaXXed with the CV19 jab?
Is it possible that she had been given the Covid Vaccine?
As you say it did not get a mention.
Why would they ask?
I presented to our hospital with an out of character but, I believe, life threatening high blood pressure and was never asked my vaxx status. Are ERs told not to ask lest they be required to make a report, and you know, man, we’re busy, man.
yep the focus is how you present and keeping you alive , not so much why you got there at that stage.
The increase in unexplained deaths will be attributed to climate change.
The greatest rhetorical invention since dragons and witches.
Joe Biden is blaming everything on Putin and ‘insurrectionists’.
Insurrectionists – people that don’t believe Joe Biden got the most votes in American election history.
Beating his opponent in the number 2 slot.
Winning over a candidate that routinely drew tens of thousands (standing in line all day) to his political rallies during a ‘pandemic’, while Biden was lucky to draw 200.
Also, people who don’t believe pigs can fly and men can get pregnant.
The insect thread!
Novavax vaccine contains 1 mcg of insect (the fall armyworm) and baculovirus proteins and a bit of their DNA too, which is injected into you with each dose.
NOTHING about this vaccine is traditional.
First, the Novavax company does not own a manufacturing plant, so the vaccine being distributed in the US is made at the Serum Institute of India.
Second, the adjuvant, Matrix-M (a nonspecific, potent immune stimulant) has never been used before. It is made from the Quillaja saponaria tree. There is another adjuvant that is only used in one (highly reactogenic) US vaccine, Shingrix, which is an extract from this tree. The Shingrix GSK adjuvant, named ASO1B, contains QS-21, a single extract from the bark of the Quillaja saponaria tree.
Third, in addition to getting 5 mcg of spike protein in every dose, you will receive 1 mcg of residual amounts of baculovirus and Sf9 cell proteins (≤ 0.96 mcg), and baculovirus and cellular [from the fall armyworm] DNA (≤ 0.00016 mcg), according to the FDA.
So, you are getting an additional 20% protein of insect and baculovirus origin in addition to the 5 mcg of spike protein, in each of your two doses.
In other words, the Novavax vaccine is not sufficiently purified. And no one can tell you how the insect and viral protein and DNA contaminants will affect you.
Anyone who tells you that the Novavax vaccine is a traditional protein vaccine is a scoundrel. This vaccine is another “bait and switch” being rolled out solely to entice the unvaccinated, because it is not made of mRNA. be continued
Emerging food allergy: Edible insects
A recent review provides an overview of past studies relating to food allergy to insects; the proteins involved in insect allergy including cross-reactive proteins; and the possibility to alter the allergenic potential of insects by food processing and digestion.
Food allergy to insects has been reported for many different insect species, including silkworm, mealworm, caterpillars, locust, grasshopper, cicada, and bee. For cockroaches, which are also edible insects, only studies on inhalation allergy have been reported in the literature.
As both insects and crustaceans (e.g. prawn, shrimp) are in the arthropod family (having an exoskeleton and segmented bodies), and crustacean allergies are both relatively common and potentially severe, cross-reactivity of insect proteins with crustacean proteins is perhaps the primary food allergy concern.
Indeed, the proteins tropomyosin and arginine kinase have been identified as the main allergens within insects that can invoke an allergic response when consumed by sensitised individuals – these two proteins are known for triggering crustacea and house dust mite allergies.
The review also found thermal processing and digestion techniques did not eliminate insect protein allergenicity.
So allergies to most proposed insect food sources then…
13 Common Foods That Could Secretly Contain Insects
If the thought of eating bugs makes you squirm, we have some bad news: You have probably been chowing down on these many-legged creatures for a long time.
You eat an average of one to two pounds of flies, maggots, and other bugs each year without even knowing it, according to the Scientific American blog. But don’t panic—they are perfectly safe to consume. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) actually permits a small number of insects in food products, because it would be impossible to filter them all out. Read on to learn just a handful of the 100 products that secretly contain insects. (Hint: You probably have most of them in your kitchen right now!)
Gee, I …wonder who’s squirming now.
The possible dangers of eating insects
The farming and processing of edible insects for human and animal consumption appears to be gaining in popularity. However, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, there are risks to eating insects that have not been farmed with the correct biosecurity measures in place, and these risks are potentially dangerous to human and animal health.
Insects are fast emerging as a viable food and feed group, with mass production gaining popularity globally. This can be attributed to the significant nutritional value of insects, as well as the environmental benefits and improvement in livelihoods associated with insect farming.
However, insects might carry biological and chemical contaminants as well as physical hazards that can be detrimental to the health of consumers. These food safety hazards are associated with direct or indirect (via animal feed) consumption of insects.
According to the European Food Safety Authority, the health risks associated with using insects as food for humans and as animal feed depend on the insect species and their substrate, as well as on how the insects are reared, harvested and processed. It should be pointed out, however, that the food safety hazards described below apply to numerous foods and not only to insects.
Unlike other livestock, insects are consumed in their entirety, which necessitates paying close attention to how they are farmed and processed. Insects can accumulate contaminants from their feed or housing materials.
More research is needed to understand the behaviour of foodborne pathogens in edible insects. Feeding experiments with houseflies (Musca domestica) using Escherichia coli O157:H7 show that the ingested bacteria can be found in the intestine, crop and mouthparts of the insects.
The bacteria were found to be excreted for three days post-feeding, which shows that the potential for houseflies to spread the bacteria can be high.
Rearing materials can also determine if there are any potential microbiological risks to consider. For example, if materials such as paper egg cartons are used for rearing insects, there are risks of contamination with Salmonella and Campylobacter.
Contamination of edible insects post-processing is also an area of concern. For instance, edible insects sun-dried in humid areas may be susceptible to microbial growth due to moisture.
So a lot of people are jumping on the insect-food bandwagon without the background research to establish and ensure safety.
Sounds familiar…
FDA data on bugs and food contamination is horrific fun for the whole family
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a handbook for the sole purpose of listing the minimum amount of mouse poop, insect fragments, human hairs, and corrosive rot allowed in your food. It’s a lot more than “none” and enough to make family dinner seem faintly ominous.
Perhaps you’ve fixed your family a delicious meal of macaroni and cheese, tomato soup, and a cup of orange juice. Seems innocent enough. But the FDA allows up to 225 insect fragments per 225 grams of macaroni (yes, that’s one piece of bug per gram) and 4.5 rodent hairs per 225 grams. Per 100 grams, the FDA allows either 10 fly eggs, five fly eggs and one maggot, or two maggots in most tomato products. And citrus juices are allowed five fly eggs or one maggot per 250 milliliters.
Let’s try grilled salmon instead, seasoned with lemon pepper, with a side of spicy broccoli sautéed in cayenne pepper and paprika. The FDA allows 50 parasitic cysts per 100 pounds of fish in the salmon family, 475 insect fragments and two rodent hairs for every 50 grams of pepper, 50 insect fragments and six rodent hairs per 25 grams of cayenne pepper, and 75 insect fragments and 11 rodent hairs per 25 grams of paprika. Did we forget the broccoli? Expect 60 aphids, thrips, or mites per 100 grams.
Not much better outside the USA either.
The Oz govt guideline links I had are now 404’ed but we can be sure we’ve been eating the above for decades unknowingly …
Beef, chicken or cricket.
OK, serious question to anyone (not necessarily just JC II).
Many years ago, there was a movie starring Tom Selleck (“Magnum P.I.”), Laura San Giacomo, and Alan Rickman, set in Australia, called Quigley Down Under. Great movie. Loved the soundtrack; setting(s) were amazing (closest to visiting Australia/New Zealand that I think I’ll ever get). Yes, I know: LOTR was filmed in N.Z., but that’s a side note.
There is one scene, after Alan Rickman’s character has banished Quigley and ‘Mad Cora’ to somewhere in the Outback, they are near death, and are rescued by Aboriginals, who are aware that Quigley has refused to go along with ‘Marston’s’ officially-sanctioned plan to “pacify” the native tribes.
Once revived, the natives offer Quigley and Cora some “food”; I use quotation marks because the offerings remind me of some type of grubs, or pupae. Now, obviously, when Quigley and Cora “eat” these offerings, there were quick switches between what we saw, and what they “ate”, but again, that’s an aside. There is much movie magic around all films.
So, the question is: is this scene, cinematic fiction and all, an accurate representation of ways that the native populations survived in Australia, eating, what amounts to bugs, as part of their diets? Does anyone know, or able to comment?
If not, no worries; I was just curious, and keep remembering the scene when the discussions of Klaus Schwab’s plans for all of us come up, especially on the Open Thread days.
Thanks in advance,
They would most likely be “Witchetty grubs” ,..a common food staple traditionally for some aboriginal tribes.
..big fat white grubs found by digging under the roots of certain tree species.
Many thanks, Chad. Very interesting!!!
“close attention to how they are farmed and processed.”
How do they kill them?? Spray them with some nice carcinogenic insecticide?
Sir, for a 10% surcharge you can have free range, RSPCA approved cockroaches.
There’s a song. There is ALWAYS a song!
This one is par for the course given its origins, but it may provide inspiration for a re-work of the lyrics. Extra points for hammering the eco-loons.
The “traditional” vaccines had impurities from the system used to manufacture them.
btw microgram written as mcg is quite weird. Micro (mu) or μ can be rendered using plane old u.
1ug etc
mcg is used on plain old supplement bottles on supermarket shelves. You will be surprised at how normal it is.
In the US and UK mcg is the preferred term in relation to medical information.
For the US:
(Ref: Wikipedia)
OK… happy to be corrected. I live in a cloisted world where micro is always u and I pipette 100 nanomoles of primer into 200uL tubes.
Biden’s plan to boost inflation By Post Editorial Board
And they say liberals have no sense of humor. Faced with record inflation and terrible poll numbers, Democratic leaders say they’ve reached a deal for even more taxes and spending. Get this, they’re calling it the Inflation Reduction Act. Ha!
We can only imagine that Sen. Joe Manchin said yes because he thought it was a joke. Certainly the American people won’t be laughing. The bill would increase taxes through various so-called “reforms” and “loophole” closures — which really means more IRS audits on the little guy.
The spending will go to subsidies for ObamaCare, which has proven it can’t survive without them. And hundreds of millions in subsidies for solar and wind power, which also can’t survive without them.
They call it a bill to fight climate change. It’s transferring taxpayer money to Democratic-backed companies that would otherwise fail.
The Inflation Reduction Act — a punchline, and a punch in the face to Americans.
It the same reverse language loved by politicians. When they want more money and they always want more money, it is always called a Tax Reform Bill. Like Inflation Reduction, reduction being a reverse word just like Reform.
There’s no stopping the Democrat’s idiocy this side of an election.
The Democrat’s strategy is to tax people to the point of removing all disposable income; thereby significantly reducing demand.
That, combined with the Fed’s (Aussie RBA) upping the interest rates, will be an absolute inflation stopper.
And the unintended consequence? Take your pick.
There’ll be:
1. a change of government;
2. A massive recession;
3. a depression;
4. an increase in crime;
5. a violent revolution; or,
6. a combination of any or all of the above.
Another view on that is “sold down the river”
“Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer Strike a Deal, $370 Billion for Green New Deal Energy Transition, Tax Increases to Pay for it and More IRS Agents
July 27, 2022 | Sundance | 472 Comments
Two weeks ago, CTH warned everyone that Joe Manchin’s torpedoing of the $500 billion Green New Deal senate spending program was a head fake; he was always going to sign up to expand the control of the federal government over energy use. Today Manchin and Chuck Schumer made it official.”
More at
Worth Repeating Peta Credlin’s Poignant Comments on Mother
July 28, 2022 at 10:14 am · Reply
Tom says: – July 28, 2022 at 9:42 am
As suggested above, Peta Credlin’s weekly Paywallian column is a ripper:
The word mother is more than a mere descriptor; it’s a word that holds profound significance for my sex. As someone who tried for many years to be mother, I know not every mother gave birth to the child they raise, just as I know mothers who mourn the loss of their identity after the death of a child, which is why those who make these decisions need to understand the depth of feeling women have about the language used to describe us and its obliteration in the name of inclusion.
This is deeply personal to voice in print even now, but I can’t imagine a more wonderful title to have than mother and that’s perhaps why I object so much to it being stripped away by activists, faceless bureaucrats and ultimately gutless politicians, even though it will never be mine.
Whether it’s footballers who can’t play because they don’t subscribe to LGBTQ pride or the cancellation of women to avoid transphobia, the risk is increasingly mandatory, politically correct, groupthink – with dissent possible at first – but ultimately compulsory for anyone who wants to participate fully in modern Australia.
Cry my beloved country.
I have a concern about wordpress and the akismet plugin.
For those who do not know wordpress software powers a large part of the internet from hobbyist web sites to larger commercial ventures. One of its features is a linkage between wordpress web sites and especially those hosted by You can effectively search all wordpress web sites at once through wordpress software.
One of the attractive features of wordpress is the anti-spam protection provided by the akismet plugin. Akismet claims to have blocked over 500,000,000,000 (that’s 500 billion) spam comments. Akismet uses what they term AI. A post which is marked as spam at one web site goes into the akismet database and is likely to result in the posts being marked as spam on other web sites. And that sounds like a really good idea when you want to filter out things like advertisements from get rich quick merchants.
My concern is the potential for the noble aims of akismet to be subverted. People can be put into akismet jail by a moderator innocently permanently marking a comment as under moderation. In akisment jail on one site means akismet jail on all sites. There are reports for example of people being marked as spammers when the post comments on their own web site. Akismet once provided a test page people could use to find out their status within the akismet network. That test page is no longer available.
Just like I don’t want google to decide what I see on the web, or microsoft to decide which of my emails I have to fish out of my junk mail folder, I don’t want any global power deciding which of my comments are spam and which are not.
In my view this is yet another corporation which has been cheerfully invited into the online world which needs to be carefully held in check. My rule of thumb is that if I can’t easily find out what information an entity is holding about me then I don’t want them in my life at all.
The threat of AI is here. Malevolent forces never rest. Especially when they have computers to assist in controlling what people say and do.
Finally, thanks to Jo and everybody who makes this such a valuable site.
Thanks Forest. This is a WordPress site, though self hosted, not on the wordpress servers. It does use Askimet. It may be a problem but I’m not sure how we could manage without it. What else is there? The ratio of real comments to spam is around 1:10. So for 800k comments I presume we’ve had 8 million spam. (I can’t get those stats right now). Askimet works with apparently extraordinary success. The number of false positives and false negatives is extremely low, respectively in the order of 1:1000 or 1:100,000. I am not familiar with whether it can put people into moderation, it’s main role is to stick thousands of comments straight into the Spam Bin. If your comment says it is “pending” then it isn’t in the spam bucket. If the comment vanishes, it might be. (And make sure you email us to ask us to fish it out support AT
You could not possibly run a busy blog such as this without some form of automation. There are a couple of alternatives to akismet but I cannot vouch for their effectiveness.
My respectful suggestion is that somebody you trust contacts akismet support explaining that non-controversial posts by well established contributors are being automatically put into moderation frequently enough to cause disquiet among affected contributors.
My wordpress knowledge is not current but as you know there is a setting to moderate all posts from particular posters. I am not sure whether there is a setting somewhere which can exempt regular contributors from the spam filtering process.
Maybe a wordpress guru somewhere can shed some light, ease the administrative burden on you and improve the user experience at the same time.
I’m open to suggestion. People may need to fish themselves out of Askimet-hell though. I simply wouldn’t have time to chase up individual cases. Sorry.
I don’t think anybody would even suggest you should chase up individual cases.
Forest and Jo
I seem to have landed in “moderation purgatory” here but not on other WordPress/Askimet sites.
As Churchill said “Everyone has his cross to bear”
Something changed when we did the big upgrade two years ago. Since then we’ve had more people, suddenly for no reason, get trapped. Sigh. We do not know what is driving that. Some people get out of moderation purgatory, and some don’t, no matter what they try. Sometimes a misspelled name can work, or a change in email — just let me know if you want to try that. We discourage sock-puppets or name changes normally, but if it gets people out of the mod-bin it’s worth trying.
Jo, my sincere thanks for acknowledging that there is a problem. Good luck!
Re suggestion above
Trying with a a mis-spelling in name
A perfectly good discussion forum is going to waste and you blame the messenger. I’ve tried to explain the problem but cancelling messengers such as myself is not part of the solution.
And now having made an effort in good faith I’ll leave it to you ED.
Hi, Forrest and Jo!
I run a blog ( which was formerly on, and was forced to use Akismet for spam, on their free plan. When our friends at were booted off hosting for political reasons, we left in sympathy and as a preventative measure.
I literally JUMPED at the opportunity to abandon Akismet at that time. Here is why.
Our site is basically social media – 80% open threads, 20% articles. We have only about 100 posters, but lots of comments. Live discussion is why people post. It’s like Twitter or Facebook.
I spent weeks dealing with Akismet to get posters out of the spam bucket. Their system does NOT learn how to deal with “false drops”. There is no way to tell Akismet not to put posters in spam. THAT is absolutely unreasonable. I’m a retired software developer. It is dead simple to have a program “learn” from manual rescues from the spam bucket. Even a stupid, simple, manual list would be a reasonable fix. Akismet and WordPress both must have some unstated reason they don’t implement a simple solution to their top user-perceived problem.
At some points we actually had to make life “rough” for Akismet by creating bug reports for EVERY single valid post that was sent into the spam bucket. I enlisted the users to help me do this. We made ourselves absolute pricks and bitches to both WordPress and Akismet. THAT worked. Even better, I published some blog posts ravaging Akismet. That prompted even better reprieves.
We found that this was very effective for the short term, but then a few weeks or months later, the problems would return.
We also had problems with JetPack locking out users with a “you’re posting too fast” pop-up. I didn’t suspect JetPack, until the husband of one commenter clued me into the setting that was responsible (block brute force attacks). Sure enough, that was it – we turned off the setting and the problem stopped.
Later, JetPack returned that behavior with a different setting – turning THAT setting off solved the problem.
It is my belief that somebody was harassing us in a deniable fashion. I even came to believe that and Akismet have some kind of unholy symbiotic relationship with spam authors – perhaps to allow IC access to data once “spam needs to be dealt with”.
There is also the possibility that third parties have learned how to “trigger” Akismet to deniably harass political enemies. Nina Jankowicz types have to be up to such tricks, IMO. We found that certain viewpoints and “productive news-bringers” tended to be the victims of Akismet.
Whatever. I have used other spam solutions, and they work fine, without Akismet’s baggage. WP Cerber is almost overly aggressive, while Anti-Spam Bee is very easy and just puts stuff in spam reliably.
I don’t trust Akismet AT ALL. And that’s why I wanted to state my case. You can search on terms and akismet to get more information from posts and comments. And remember that with plugins, you can just deactivate Akismet and try something else for a while, and see if it solves the problems.
Best wishes! I do love dropping in here to read – especially science articles!
Thanks Wolf Moon, we’re not on wordpress hosting here, so the software is the-same-but-different-Wordpress. Askimet is Askimet I suppose though and you obviously have a detailed knowledge of it. The oddest blocking of people only started here after a big site upgrade which was also at the same time as the US election fracas, which I was writing a lot on. I’ll ask the wonderful site software expert about the other spam blockers you mention. We would drown in a torrent of spam if we didn’t use something.
Thanks for the feedback!
Shadowbanning comments by permanently marking them pending review appears to have repercussions beyond your blog.
I suggest editing via a [snip] so that akismet isn’t fed derogatory information.
Interesting information Forest. If this message goes through without a hitch, it would seem that my personal website has been put in the naughty corner. If I provide a link to it, instant moderation!
Canadian farmer explains the proposed fertalizer ban
The Canadian Fertilizer Ban
The articles linked below may be of interest. I don’t think the Australian commented which may have meant some here may not be aware of current findings
The study concluded the emergence of COVID-19 could likely be traced to one or more of the wet market’s 10 to 15 stalls that sold live dogs, rats, porcupines, badgers, hares, foxes, hedgehogs, marmots and Chinese muntjac (small deers), with the virus having been found on animal cages, carts and drainage grates there.
However, events upstream of the market, as well as exact circumstances at the market, remain obscure, highlighting the need for further studies to understand and lower the risk of future pandemics.
We show the earliest known COVID-19 cases from December 2019,
In one study, Worobey and colleagues describe two subtly different lineages of SARS-CoV-2 that were found in people at the Huanan Seafood Market in late 2019, which they take as a sign that the virus jumped twice from animals to humans there.
The earliest cases were identified in November 2019, In this Jan. 27, 2020, file photo, workers in protective gear carry a bag containing a giant salamander that was reported to have escaped from the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei Province. Wuhan is where the coronavirus was first detected in late 2019. (Always wondered what a Salamander looked like, can’t argue that evidence, the science)
But the preprint by Gao and colleagues only notes that those samples contain DNA from many animals without specifying which one—other than humans. “The authors have already done the analysis, they have just not put all the results needed to interpret them in their paper,” says evolutionary biologist Andrew Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh, a co-author of both studies. “This will undoubtedly be fixed if the paper gets through peer review. (Add the data after it gets through peer review) what’s this, Woke Science.
The study, I can’t copy so you have to read. Some of the locations of the plague carrying plebs was done via cell phone location, with the COVID app, (So before they knew what it was they had an app.)
While>80,000 animal samples were tested and no evidence was found for presence of, or exposure to,SARS-CoV-2(1),this is far from conclusive evidence for most animals.
List of participants reads like a Chinese phone book, and I can’t find “who” funded the study.
And I am unimpressed 2.5 years later. The CCP tried to cover up too much stuff to have me believe anything they say now. If they were innocent, why destroy the samples on Jan 1 2020? Why keep out all the offers of help from overseas? Why act so guilty?
We also have the description of the English young guy in Wuhan with hideous pnumonia that ran in waves of illness (just like Covid) in November. So it was already circling then. Plus we have the oddities of the Military Games in Oct. Plus the database that disappeared on Sept 12 or so before that.
plus the genetic tree that when modeled backwards gave an origin of 2018..
“The study concluded the emergence of COVID-19 could likely be traced to one or more of the wet market’s 10 to 15 stalls”
..including the ones that bought used laboratory animals from the Wuhan Lab staff.
The whole thing sounds like the dying gasp of the Govt narrative that it was a wet market, not a Govt laboratory doing research that is common around the world, aimed at having exactly the effect Covid has.
I see the Yanks are now telling people not to give their DNA samples to the family history people as they could sell it on and ‘the enemy’ make tailor-made viruses to kill Americans. The really funny part was another article on the same day saying the Yankee Govt had been taking DNA samples of newborns to look for criminals!
Matt Ridley
Biden looks odd..
People are saying it’s a CGI deepfake but the essence of deepfakes is accurate eye reproduction and this doesn’t qualify.
I ran the video through a deepfake analysis and it’s a low probability.
More likely he’s dosed up on stimulants.
Like father like son eh…
For me, the hair and the chin don’t seem right.
And that space between the ears?
What do you think of that?
I think it’s an image from Hubble.
You know, one of those deep focus images where they have to leave the lens open for days to get anything.
The Chemistry of Cooking Over an Open Flame: What Makes Smoky, Charred Barbecue Taste So Good?
Cooking is the process of using high temperatures to drive chemical reactions that change food at a molecular level. When you cook meat at higher temperatures – like over direct heat on a barbecue – the first thing to happen is that water near the meat’s surface boils off. Once the surface is dry, the heat causes the proteins and sugars on the outside of the meat to undergo a reaction called the Maillard Reaction. This reaction produces a complex mixture of molecules that make food taste more savory or “meaty” and adds depth to scents and flavors. The reaction and the flavors it produces are influenced by many variables, including temperature and acidity as well as the ingredients within any sauces, rubs, or marinades.
A similar process occurs with vegetables. Barbecuing allows the water to evaporate or drip down without getting trapped by a pan. This keeps the vegetables from becoming soggy and promotes caramelization reactions. These reactions turn carbohydrates and sugars into smaller compounds like maltol – which has a toasty flavor – and furan – which tastes nutty, meaty, and caramel-like.
Another hallmark of barbecued food is the unique char it develops. When foods are exposed to heat for prolonged periods of time, non-carbon atoms in the food break down, leaving behind the crispy, black carbon. This is the process of burning or charring.
Almost no one likes a completely burnt piece of meat, but little splashes of crispy char flavor can add such depth to foods. Cooking over the direct heat of a barbecue allows you to add just the amount of char to match your taste.
Unfortunately for those who like a little extra crisp, some of the chemicals in charred meat – molecules called heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – are known carcinogens. Though the dangers are far lower than smoking cigarettes, for example, limiting the amount of charring on meats can help reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Smoke is made up of gases, water vapor and small solid particles from the fuel. Burning wood breaks down molecules called lignans, and these turn into smaller organic molecules – including syringol and guaiacol – that are mainly responsible for the quintessential smoky flavor.
When smoke comes in contact with food, the components of the smoke can get absorbed. Food is particularly good at taking on smoky flavors because it contains both fats and water. Each binds to different types of molecules. In chemistry terms, fats are non-polar – meaning they have a weak electric charge – and easily grab other non-polar molecules. Water is polar – meaning it has areas of positive charge and an area of negative charge similar to a magnet – and is good at binding to other polar molecules. Some foods are better at absorbing smoky flavors than others, depending on their composition. One way to use chemistry to make food more smoky is to periodically spray it with water during the barbecuing process.
I do believe a MEAT based bbq is coming up…
Yes… boil your lamb chops & steaks! Like the British do!
Mmmmm, definitely worth the colorectal cancer.
Smokey Scotch also seems to attract a premium
Thursday funny. Don’t pull out in front of a concrete truck
That’ll buff out. 😄
Obviously blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.
Moral of the story: Wait for a shiny red Tesla, he’ll stop.
Fertiliser shortage? Healthy soil helps ensure 98% packout rate of broccoli on KZN farm
They are notoriously tricky crops to grow in summer, but broccoli and cauliflower flourish on Southern Block farm in KwaZulu-Natal. By focusing on optimal soil and vigorous plants, this farm uses minimal chemical inputs.
Uniform to the point of perfection, the plants all stand at an equal height, leaves thick and lush, with hardly a blemish in sight.
Yet Southern Block farm carries out only a tenth of the pest-control applications that their neighbouring farm does. “If all the nutrients are in balance and the plant sap is optimal, pests find it difficult to bite into the thick leaves,” explains Rory Milbank, the farm’s agronomist.
Taking a natural approach is at the heart of the farm’s success, and getting the soil in top shape is an ongoing process, albeit one that requires less and less human intervention as time goes on.
Rory has walked a long road to become the biological farming convert he is today. “I’m part of the ‘lost generation’ who were indoctrinated to use harsh chemicals and nitrogen to get a crop off the ground. When I asked my university professors about a more biological [approach], I was told there was no room for ‘bunny huggers’.
“So I walked the way many farmers are still walking today, and the result was depleted soils with nutrient imbalances that were difficult to fix, and yields that decreased. I reached a point where I just couldn’t keep going with the high input costs and low yields, and was forced to look for an alternative way.”
“Our fertiliser cost around three times more last year, and probably only double this year with the higher fertiliser price. But we get a far higher packout rate than industry average, and we have such high uniformity in our vegetables that the extra cost is worth it. Furthermore, since we’re cutting back on inputs over time as the soil improves, we’re moving forward and the costs are reducing.”
There’s the solution. Go back to nature and dump the fertiliser/pesticide approach.
That philosophy is already being adopted here in Oz as I recall from a past Landline episode.
They tried that in Sri Lanka recently.
Yes, but Sri Lanka tried to change virtually overnight. It takes a lot of time and work to get the soil to it’s optimum state for each type of crop.
You can stop placing extra nutrients into the soil at any stage, maybe today maybe last year. Logically, the soil cannot synthesise elements, so as soon as your soil is depleted of one, (or more), nutrients, whether it be the highly consumed nitrogen or a minor nutrient like zinc, the plants fail to thrive. Often they die back and fail to reach market.
A lovely dark, organic soil, high in microbiological content can be very beneficial, they can cause the release of micro-nutrients otherwise bound into rock minerals. Similar, balancing the soil for the correct pH can ensure that the metals in the soil remain in the correct range for the crop, (consider aluminium which can be toxic to plants when it is present in highly mobile forms in acid soils).
Good soil can improve growth rates and even improve the yield but as soon as ONE nutrient is missing all bets are off.
If you keep taking a crop from the soil and selling if off farm, then sooner or later you will run out of a vital nutrient, unless of course you are selling nothing but things made from the atmosphere and water. And that’s why farmers buy fertiliser.
Yeah, fertilizer is a lot more than just nitrogen. I notice that the bags these days have an extensive contents analysis covering many metals and other stuff, taking up a large fraction of the printed area. They used to have perhaps one brief sentence saying what was in it. The magic of technology and a marketplace … buyers actually do care about these details even when government numpties don’t understand it.
The people trying to disrupt the agricultural sector don’t give a toss about details … any excuse will do and they say what they think might give them power for a while … then they say something else.
Re “There’s the solution. Go back to nature and dump the fertiliser/pesticide approach.”
Sure – but for balance read Baxter Black’s poem “All natural beef”
Rodger Waters live 2022. Music that never gets old. (thats Pink Floyd minus the rest of the band)
I downloaded the grid demand curves for the Australian Capital Territory calendar years 2018 and 2020. I was curious to see what affect the covid measures had on our power usage. Turns out that power consumption was the same for both years, but the shapes of the demand curves told an interesting story. Some of the conclusions:
You can read further here if interested.
How can it do better in the north? The closer the equator the calmer the winds. Remember our ocean:
Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing.
Of a peaceful nature; tranquil.
Of or pertaining to peace; of a peaceful character; not warlike; not quarrelsome
Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer Strike a Deal, $370 Billion for Green New Deal Energy Transition, Tax Increases to Pay for it and More IRS Agents
July 27, 2022 – Sundance
Two weeks ago, CTH warned everyone that Joe Manchin’s torpedoing of the $500 billion Green New Deal senate spending program was a head fake; he was always going to sign up to expand the control of the federal government over energy use. Today Manchin and Chuck Schumer made it official.
The people operating the “energy transition” levers will get $370 billion to spend on bigger windmills, more solar panels and new energy programs to eliminate coal, oil and natural gas. They will pay for it by raising taxes and hiring a new army of IRS enforcement officials. In exchange for his vote, the federal government will pay increased health insurance subsidies for West Virginians and pass out lower priced medications.
Look deeper into the people in Joe Manchin’s life that are tied to the healthcare industry. There you will find the familial beneficiaries of the deal. “Besides being Joe Manchin’s daughter, Heather Manchin Bresch, born 1969, spent several years as the CEO of Netherlands-based pharmaceutical company Mylan. She held the post from 2012, but stood down in November 2020, as a result of the company’s merging with Pfizer’s Upjohn outfit. Upon assuming the role, Heather Mamchin became the first woman to run a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company.”
The scheming strategery of Joe Manchin is as predictable as the scheming strategery of Mitch McConnell.
The two wings of the UniParty duck seem still on the surface. This type of ploy is exactly how DC is able to operate, paddling forward furiously, just below the surface; and almost no one can see what is happening.
Mak Siccarsays:
July 28, 2022 at 3:17 pm
As requested a while ago. The Mocker strikes again!
Does the furore over the Manly pride jersey sound familiar?
Manly’s self-imposed problem goes far beyond the issue of players’ conflicting religious beliefs, writes The Mocker.
How a Silicon Valley dad designed the next generation of face mask.
(That “thud” sound was probably Jo hitting the deck.😆)
For the last few years Kevin Ngo has spent his nights and weekends developing a new kind of reusable face mask. After calling in favors from friends all over Silicon Valley, the resulting Flo Mask is a radical take on face masks – light, comfortable, and as protective as any disposable mask around.
As the pandemic wore on, new SARS-CoV-2 variants emerged and we learned more about how this novel virus spread. Cloth masks simply weren’t enough, so many people shifted to using surgical masks. But soon it became clear they weren’t that effective either. In a world permanently changed by the emergence of the stunningly infectious Omicron variant, well-fitted N95 masks became the only real option for those seeking good protection from this airborne virus.
The big eureka moment, according to Ngo, came when he learned a next-generation filter material had been developed in late 2019. Initially, the material was only being used by the Department of Defense but due to a random confluence of events, Ngo got his hands on a load and went about testing its efficiency.
The results were the game changer he needed to create the adult mask. Testing the material revealed it had the ability to filter with 99% efficiency over a tiny surface area while maintaining extraordinary breathability.
The pandemic results in around 7,200 TONS A DAY of disposed of masks.
Global mask pollution jumped 9,000% due to mandates.
All those masks…all that pollution…but no-one seems to be getting sick from it.
Strange. 😷
Well…I too am looking into a superior mask design and toying with a concept in my head. One that offers 95%+ pathogen removal BUT offers full airflow which means you can breathe easily AND exhaled air isn’t trapped causing pathogen build-up.
I have a totally new concept but need an expert in air flow dynamics to fine tune it…
only $99.99US per mask!! Buy now, NOW I say!
” Well…I too am looking into a superior mask design and toying with a concept in my head. One that offers 95%+ pathogen removal BUT offers full airflow which means you can breathe easily AND exhaled air isn’t trapped causing pathogen build-up.”
I’ve already got one second coming, I just dips me hanky in rum and breath through that. Works a treat, especially on the inflow side. Haven’t caught anything but a head ache for a long time!
Thinking that the first 2 words of your title, and then the conclusion, don’t fit the narrative.
#23 is posted in response to #20
What do the ABC and Adam Bandt have in common?
They both think 10% is more significant than 90% .
The ABC thinks 10% of deaths are more worthy of reporting than the 90% who are ignored.
Adam Bandt thinks his 10% of votes means his views are more important than those of the 90% who voted against him.
And both are very noisy in their pronouncements.
Dave B
BREAKING: Portland restaurant comes up with innovative new idea to promote racial equity.
Creating separate sections for black and white diners.
“We want to provide a safe space for our diners of color to ease the trauma of living in this racist society,” the owner said.
Real or not. Who knows! It’s the USA after all where insanity rules.
They should bring back segregated buses too while they’re at it. 😄
Does the person directing wear a white pointy hat?
Finally …
the faculty of Harvard and the Klan have achieved political unity.
They should throw a party.
Mimosas and PBR?
Bono and David Allan Coe?
Lions lie down with lambs?
The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World. What they plan for you.
New ways of measuring cities’ climate footprints show that C40 cities consumption-based emissions contribute to 10% of global greenhouse gases.
This report explores how cities consumption-based emissions need to reduce to avoid a climate breakdown and focuses on six sectors – food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation and electronics – where leaders, businesses and the public can take action to change consumption habits, significantly cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
The research sets out science-based targets for cities for GHG emissions reduction that are consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions, and identifies key previously untapped opportunities for cities to address the impact of urban consumption whilst delivering multiple other benefits for their citizens. It also maps how urban stakeholders can work together to deliver these changes.
July 28, 2022 at 4:35 pm
Wokeism dialed to 10. Get a load of this.
And now for the peak of peak absurdity. Each summer the New York Public Theater puts on a festival of Shakespeare plays in Central Park. Currently running is Richard III. I’m no expert on Shakespeare, and I’ve never seen Richard III; but almost everybody knows some of the basic plot elements, including that Richard is deformed and that that fact is significant in the plot, and that he kills his predecessor as king and then tries to woo the guy’s wife. In this version Richard is played by a black woman named Danai Gurira, who has no visible disability. But lots of other actors in the play do have disabilities, including multiple who are deaf (and apparently use sign language — how does that even work?), and a little person. The woman whom Richard woos uses a wheelchair.
Here is a picture of that scene: – See the pic for the absurdity of it all.
Dutch Farmers Versus the WEF: Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food
The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy’s Food Compass, unveiled in late 2021, is another Great Reset tool designed to discourage consumption of animal foods by falsely rating them as unhealthy, and encouraging consumption of ultraprocessed foods by giving them high nutritional ratings
Food Compass rates Frosted Mini Wheats as three times healthier than ground beef, with a score of 87 out of 100, compared to 26 for ground beef
Food Compass also gives high scores to fries, Lucky Charms, Honey Nut Cheerios, chocolate covered almonds and almond M&Ms, while rating whole egg fried in butter, cheddar cheese and ground beef as foods that should be avoided. Based on this tool, you’ll be healthier if you replace whole egg, cheddar cheese and ground beef with candy
Just crazy.
Look at the encouraged/minimised graph.
Eggs (yes, even in butter, shock/horror!), beef and cheese are the best foods there and belong at the TOP.
Chocolate M&M’s preferable to beef!!??
It only makes sense if the objective is to make people sick and therefore dependent on big pharma.
There are very high margins on processed foods and breakfast cereals. A large box of Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cornflakes retails for over $8 at Woolies. On special it might be a third cheaper and on occasion even half price. I think the ingredients might cost 8 cents, possibly a little more due to recent commodity inflation. Obviously retail markups, slotting allowances, machinery, factory depreciation, warehousing, transport and packaging all come into play. Cardboard is a lucrative industry – Australia’s richest family for a long time was the Pratt dynasty. Back to the cornflakes, more is probably spent on advertising them than making them.
Big Food pays millions to nutritional organizations to promote their very profitable concoctions.
Pharmaceuticals are similar. Huge margins. Soft drinks and energy drinks too. The richest guys in both Austria and Thailand are the duo behind Red Bull. Either is wealthier than any person in Australia.
The power of global branding.
Cost accounting may not be a very exciting discipline, and Tom Cruise will never play a cost accountant, but high margin products are what creates billionaires.
Monster Energy drinks is another example. Teenagers like to drink them. You see them on the shelves of supermarkets and convenience stores. Monster was started by two South Africans who moved to California and bought an apple juice company for $10 million in the early 90s. Today Monster Corporation has a stock market capitalization of US$60 billion.
High margin!
I remember Barry Humphries saying that he would like to acknowledge the Actual Owners of Country, the Pratt Family. The Left when bonkers and tried to removed a plaque dedicating Barry’s contribution to Comedy in Australia.
Bolt Report, Sky News, Andrew replayed a video of an indigenous elder acknowledging Bolt’s claim to be indigenous on the basis that Bolt has relatives buried in this country and he was born here.
Here’s something to add to your list of things with unintended consequences.
The clueless (green?) mayor of Calcutta banned trucks in the city.
But truck-like vehicles were still needed for deliveries.
So now they have human powered carts operated by people they call “horsemen”.
Back in the old days … when words still had meanings … we simply called it bullying.
Do you know about “Nudge Theory” or “Behavioural Insights”?
If not, maybe you should.
It’s a psychological strategy used by certain governments and the World Homicide Organisation to manipulate the behaviour of people.
It is explained in this 9.5 min video.
“”I want to put drinking beer in the Olympics” ”
Links to a recipe – and a band too
“The group were contacted by the International Olympic Committee in August 2016 over their 2008 song “The Beer Olympics”. The IOC claimed trademark rights over the word Olympics stating that Hotpots’ use of the word was a breach of their trademark. To avoid further problems, the band subsequently retitled the song “The Beer International Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Sporting Quad Yearly Event”. ”
“That’s quintessentially British working-class humor, that is – cocking a snook at authority on every conceivable occasion!”
I’m just sitting at a pub eating a meal and they are showing UFC fighting on ESPN2.
I have zero interest in such nonsense but one of the two dull witted brutes fighting is bleeding quite a lot and yet the match is continuing.
I thought most sports had a “blood rule”?
I guess as our civilisation continues to collapse, the Sheeple will demand, and the government will encourage, more and more violent sports to take their minds away from mundane things like a lack of food, fuel and electricity.
Incidentally, the 1987 Schwarzenegger movie, The Running Man, which portrayed this scenario was set in 2025….
According to Wikipedia the movie was set in 2017, not 2025. Close enough…
It will soon be shown as a documentary on Netflix. Along with the Hunger Games and anything by Philip K Dick.
‘Rollerball’, from the 70’s was also quite prescient.
“Reflections On The Sorry State of Canada”
Have you noticed how we are now at or past the date when most dystopian movies we set?
Dr Strangelove 1960’s
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer 1970
Andrimeda Strain 1971
Clockwork Orange 1980
Nineteen Eighty Four 1984
Colossus: The Forbin Project 1990’s
Cherry 2000 2000
Contagion 2011 ????
The Running Man 2017
Blade Runner 2019
Soylent Green 2022
Still to happen
Logan’s Run 2274
Zardoz 2293
Feel free to add to the list.
Have you noticed how most dystopian movies since about 2000 are actually just WEF/UN training videos.
Here you go…
Cherry 2000?
Man that was a BAD movie. 👎
Zardoz was great but the audio woeful…
That Ccould actually be closer to future reality than any of them.
More covid
“Dr Francis Christian was a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the U of Sask. in Saskatoon until he was fired for strongly speaking out over vaccines for children. Now he’s suing. Viva and Barnes had him and his lawyer on to discuss everything Covid related. This is not only a must watch but a must SHARE, especially to those in your life that have children or grandchildren. This is a serious subject. People need to go to JAIL. ”
Goes with this
“Yesterday there was a fascinating discussion with Saskatchewan doctor, Francis Christian. Around 1:15:00 in the video you’ll observe that they shut down the YouTube feed so that they can talk openly without censorship. The fact that they have to do this is a stinging indictment of the social media giants, the Biden administration, and the cowards in the medical community who have let this all occur.”
Dutch farmers sent a clear message: “You want our land? ..TAKE THIS!” – Trekker Tribute
Dan Andrews is itching to bring back masks and restrictions in Victoria. But an election is coming up. Dan will return to form next year. By then I will have hopefully moved out of state. 😄
How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention coordinated with social media companies and Google to censor users who expressed skepticism or criticism of COVID-19 vaccines, according to a trove of internal communications obtained by America First Legal and shared exclusively with the Washington Free Beacon.
Over the course of at least six months, starting in December 2020, CDC officials regularly communicated with personnel at Twitter, Facebook, and Google over “vaccine misinformation.” At various times, CDC officials would flag specific posts by users on social media platforms such as Twitter as “example posts.”
In one email to a CDC staffer, a Twitter employee said he is “looking forward to setting up regular chats” with the agency. Other emails show the scheduling of meetings with the CDC over how to best police alleged misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.
Connecticut Steps Up to Save The Planet
Francis Menton
Ha ha. Green dreams go up in smoke… Clean air, huh?
Volcanoes, Oceans and Weather
Scroll through the comments and you’ll come across a great debate on the subject, do volcanoes really have an impact on weather and climate?
So I wanted to express my opinion on the flip flop senator mansion did today but alas the topic is closed:
The swamp… No it is SWAMP
New Tesla Model 3 Owner Finds That Supercharging Is More Expensive Than Getting Gas
Regularly supercharging an EV battery is a sure way to significantly reduce its lifetime.
Francis Menton has tried to calculate the full cost of changing the USA economy from Fossil fuels etc to just S & W and batteries and his final number is 433 Trillion $.
BTW today the USA emits about 13.8% of global co2 emissions, so we can say that the cost of a 1% reduction would be about 31.4 trillion $.
Aussies emit about 1.1% of global co2 emissions so our cost would be about 34.5 trillion $.
Obviously these numbers are beyond logic and reason and would bankrupt every country in the world and leave us in ruin.
The EU 27 cost would be about 300 trillion $ and NZ cost would be about 3.1 trillion $.
Lomborg’s expert team recently calculated an even higher cost of 5 trillion $ for NZ and he also has the maths, stats and economic muscle to call on. NZ emits about 0.1% of global co2 emissions.
Thanks again to the Manhattan Contrarian and his contacts.
Also see this IMF 2020 list of top 20 countries GDP. USA about 21 trillion $ and Australia about 1.3 trillion $. Please stop and THINK?
These climate change FACTS will SHOCK your liberal friends
Good link Kim and just more proper data and evidence from Lomborg.
I wonder if donkey Albo or the Greens even begin to understand any of this?
A very good reference book is Lomborg’s “False Alarm”. Lots of useful graphs and data to refer to, and all backed up with copious references to the research papers supporting his statements.
AGAIN here’s Mark Mills trying to educate the clueless loonies about energy and why TOXIC, UNRELIABLE S & W are a joke.
Mark is also a contributor to the Manhattan Contrarian site and this 5 minute video throws a new fact at us every few seconds so we can try to understand why we will always need proper BASE-LOAD energy to run a prosperous country’s economy.
10K Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) Every Year: Why Are Young People Dying So Suddenly?
Long range European winter weather forecast, looking back to a strong La Nina.
‘The winter of 2010 was unusually cold and snowy for most of Europe. On most days between mid-December and mid-March, the mean temperature was below normal across much of the continent.’ (Ecad.EU)
Of course the La Nina is a teleconnection, but in addition the North Atlantic Oscillation was deeply negative in the run up.
‘The winter of 2009/2010 was one of the most negative winters of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) during the last 150 years.’
In the UK Dec 2010 was only 0.1C off being the coldest Dec mean temperature in the entire central England temperature series at -0.7C, one of only a handful of Dec’s in almost 400 years with a negative mean.
Cory Bernardi on Ukraine:
I have never believed there are any good guys in this, and while the US reaction is superficially “helpful” I believe they are playing a dangerous game of brinksmanship.
Forbes: A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months.