Have the Democrat-FBI cabal awakened the sleeping bear?

Nigel Farage: Many people were skeptical about the concept of a “Deep State” — they’re not any more.

” The World Is ‘Bewildered’ By The ‘Politicization Of America’s Justice System'” says Farage, and “It’s a war to save Western Civilization”, but despite that, Farage is cautiously upbeat.

I do think… the Democrats have completely overstepped the mark. … and whilst it’s a very bad thing that’s happened, I think this will play very very well for Donald Trump.

It’s a shocking day but it may well prove for all of us on the nationalist, populist cause, to be a good day.

Trumps populist message could be more potent now than it was in 2016. (Not half!)


All fingers are pointing at the FBI now

There was no FBI before 1908. But once it started, it was inevitable that the FBI was going to serve the government that feeds it. And since Big-government pays better than small government, it was also inevitable that the FBI would become a tool of Bigger-Government. Following the same trajectory, it’s just a matter of time before the FBI becomes One with Big Government and then we get Tyrannical-Government.

Monday, August 8th: The Day the FBI Crossed the Rubicon


Monday’s raid on Mar-A-Lago is not the first time in this nation’s history that the FBI has been involved in using its law enforcement authority to benefit the political party in power. For 48 years, J. Edgar Hoover used the offices of the FBI to create political intelligence reports that were given to the president. It did not matter if you were a Republican or a Democrat; Hoover misused his power to benefit the president so that the president would ensure that the FBI expanded its scope, budget, and authority.

Congress created the FBI, and Congress has the full authority to reorganize, modify, or disband the organization. Nothing in the United States Constitution requires this nation to have an FBI. In fact, the argument could be made that the Constitution does not permit an FBI since the Tenth Amendment reserved the power to enforce the health, safety, and general welfare of the people to the states (police powers).

The Big Question is of course, can the US vote it’s way out of this and disband the FBI before the FBI becomes the fully fledged Stasi?

“We’re a Collapsing Empire”

Worth watching — Mark Dice who points out that Ron Paul said way back in 1988:   It almost looks like the FBI was designed to spy on Americans who might be disagreeing with policy…”

The most dangerous power of prosecutors — is the selective choice of who to investigate.

The first major issue of prosecutorial discretion is the decision to investigate.  Justice Robert Jackson (former Attorney General of the United States) called that “the most dangerous power of the prosecutor, because it enables the prosecutor to “pick people he thinks he should get rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted.”

Irving Younger observed,” …that a prosecutors power to damage or destroy anyone he chooses to indict is virtually limitless.”

When a prosecutor focuses on a person, Jackson said, it is “not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him“. At that point, law enforcement “becomes personal, and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group…”

h/t Fuel Filter.

9.8 out of 10 based on 101 ratings

142 comments to Have the Democrat-FBI cabal awakened the sleeping bear?

  • #
    Wet Mountains

    Got my new Trump 2024 baseball hat out yesterday (was going to wait till he announced) and will wear it every I go from now on. This is the Alamo.


    • #

      Alamo…. The 200 rebels lost the battle and no one survived. Do you want to chose another box?


      • #
        Wet Mountains

        Your choice of the word “rebels” in interesting. You clearly know little of Texas history.


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        Honk R Smith

        Ultimate victory bought by heroic sacrifice.
        Maybe by people like Trump.
        Who is in imminent danger from powerful unhinged forces.
        He could just walk away, but he is following a harder path, perhaps like the men and women of the Alamo.
        Maybe you’re not American.
        I am.

        For cultural context:
        My own father did a similar thing. He had the same role as the guy with the bazooka, but Pappy only had Molotov cocktails.
        If you are American, and I see him, I’ll thank him for you.


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    Fuel Filter

    First off, thank you soooo much for posting this, and thanks for the H/T!!

    And for introducing your Aussie readers to Mark! He’s great and all here should follow him! I’m a huge fan and hopefully many here should subscribe to his channel. I’ve been following him for almost a decade.

    BTW, he’s got some in-depth reporting on Operation Mockingbird and other nefarious thing the 3-letter agents do to screw us over.


    • #
      David Maddison

      introducing your Aussie readers to Mark!

      I think most thinking Aussies will be familiar with Mark Dice.


    • #

      One matter that real Republicans …even at risk of being labelled ‘supremacists’ or whatever…must investigate to the hilt…down every rabbit-hole IMO…is the whole suite of events surrounding Jan6…Pelosi’s refusal to deploy National Guard etc…leading up to and post the event.

      There have to be reasons the DEMS have avoided like the plague any mention…let alone investigation of all kinds of incongruities….avoided everything except the misdemeanors of American mums and dads who let down their guards and suspended suspicion of entrapment for a short time….to enter their Capitol building when beckoned in by what looked like officials.

      If it was entrapment and worse as many of us suspect…the Democrats involved in it..or in covering it up…and the RINOs too….should be charged if possible and the party discredited until its current ‘swamp’ is drained completely.

      Democracy’s moral licence depends on it.

      The pipe bombs were mentioned in the recent show trials…but attributed to the Trump supporters.

      Worldwide MSM delivers the CNN version with Trump firmly cast as the evil insurrectionist of course…and with that the US Democrats are ensuring that faith in democracy will likely sink without trace at a moment in history when it could hardly be more vital to preserve it.

      American commonsense conservatives’ fight against all of this is the whole democratic world’s fight…so you’re doing it for all of us…good luck to you all.


      • #
        Thomas A

        Another thought…what if Trump’s assertions about the last election being rigged are true? If he gets another shot at the WH with a Republican majority and full investigative powers, then people are going to jail: Lots of people. From a Democrat viewpoint, it’d be worth pulling out all stops to make sure he doesn’t get back in power.


        • #
          Graeme No.3

          I offer an idle thought. Supposed there was a “socialite” involved in criminal sexual activities with a wide group of associates in political power who were also involved. Thinking that he/she might get jailed and not get out, he/she passed some incriminating documents/photos etc. to someone close, who in turn (after the socialite’s worry about his life expectancy turned out to be correct) sent them by a circular route to someone who could use them to embarrass his associates (just in case). Suppose they turned up at, say, someone with the initials DT who copied these and after sending the originals to a safe place, let it filter back that they were stored in his safe.
          Should this evidect of wrong-doing be removed, all DT has to do is wait to see if action is taken against the associates or if it is suppressed. If suppressed, at some future time release would be a bombshell and very adverse to those associates.


        • #

          I would have thought you are stating the bleeding obvious. The dems are fighting to stay out of Gitmo which is highly motivating.


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    Please, Trump supporters, don’t over-react. This is what the DemRats want you to do.
    Have your say quietly at the Ballot Box. It’s not long to wait — just 90 days or so.
    Could they put through an indictment in that time anyway. They are running scared.


  • #

    US democracy was saved from attacks on multiple fronts after the last election by a small number of bipartisan Republicans. Trump has broken the law many times and his day in court is coming. He will not be contesting the next election.


    • #

      What are you dreaming at night ?
      The pills you seem to take, are they freely available ?

      Details please, what laws he has broken ? Russiangate ? 😀 😀 😀 Better idea ?? 😀


    • #
      David Maddison

      Simon, name one law Trump has broken.

      The Regressive Left have been after Trump on a witch hunt for over half a decade and the man is squeaky clean.

      I find it terrifying that there are people such as yourself that believe everything you are told.


      • #

        Hilary thinks she is so bullet proof she is openly taunting Trump and selling these hats to fund herself, that’s what happens when elites believe they are above the law.


        Is this someone you would vote for Simon??


        • #

          I couldn’t believe it when I saw Hillary’s “But her emails!” caps.
          This reminds me of Colombian drug gangsters of the 90’s when they’d execute people in public or even in courtrooms with no attempt to disguise their identities or quickly escape. They wanted to publicly demonstrate their absolute power. ‘Mess with us and this is what ya get!’


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        You obviously haven’t been listening to the Jan 6th hearings. Remember, most of the witnesses are Republicans. FBI Director Chris Wray, who approved the search, is a Trump appointee and also a stout Republican. Fortunately, most who put their hands up for public service leave their politics at the door.


        • #

          “FBI Director Chris Wray, who approved the search, is a Trump appointee”

          You do know how much this raid will help Trump, don’t you.

          Wray knows there was nothing to find.

          Try not to be so thick !

          And the Jan 6th hearings a petty Bollywood charade.. containing absolutely nothing except innuendo.


        • #

          Simon what galaxy have you been in lately. 89% said the hearings have not changed their minds. These were show trials. People with a semblance of cognitive functions have known this for a year. The hearings could have started March 2021 and concluded last year. They have been choreographed for people like you who are told how to think and what to think. Try harder at using your brain.


        • #

          Wow, regurgitating demorat talking points.

          In August 2021, the FBI announced the results of its enquiry into the Jan 6:

          WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

          Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.


    • #

      Of course Hilary was perfect, as is Biden and his family.


    • #

      “Trump has broken the law many times”

      Lots of FAKE ALLEGATIONS from the deep state… but never has one skerrick of real evidence been found.

      Rather like AGW !

      Why do you just believe all the FAKERY ?


      • #

        Trump pleaded the Fifth Amendment yesterday on the fake real estate valuation civil suit. Why would he do that if he has nothing to hide?


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          Gary S

          Perhaps because it is obvious that ANYTHING he has to say in the lead up to the elections will be tortured and twisted by the compliant, bought and paid for press and intensively edited prior to being used against him by the Democrats.


        • #

          Showing your ignorance there Simon, “taking the fifth” must never be taken as an admission of guilt. A judge would strike out any lawyer’s inference to that effect.


        • #

          Read his explanation about why he did, it is obvious, and then ponder the reason for the U.S. 5th amendment. You seem to be a complete naif politically.

          In the old Soviet union there was never a reason to fear the KGB either if you’d done nothing wrong….


        • #

          So you now admit THERE IS NO EVIDENCE..

          Well done… and Thank you. 🙂

          Its all a fishing trip, without any bait. !


    • #

      Absolute poppycock !!!!!!


    • #

      The Trafalgar Group NationWide Issues Survey July 2022

      COSA-Justice System-Full-Report-0729.pdf – 13 Pages

      State of Justice System

      What is your opinion of the current state of the American justice system?

      There two tiers system of justice: one set of laws for Politicians and Washington Dc Insiders
      vs one set of laws for everyday Americans

      79.3% of all Participants Agree

      66.7% Democrats Agree

      87.8% GOP Agree

      Note: This Survey was before the Raid on President Donald Trump’s Home


    • #
      David Maddison

      Simon, I am sorry to advise you that your test results have come back from the lab and you have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

      Sadly, it’s incurable.


    • #

      You’re head would explode if you only knew how to distinguish truth from propaganda. So much of what you believe is so wrong it would be funny, except that too many others share your same delusions. This is why we are suffering through a phase of leadership hell bent on sacrificing prosperity and freedom in the name of evil agendas wrapped up in cloaks of false benevolence.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    The current Director of the FBI was appointed by then President Trump. Director Wray replaced James Comey, who was fired by the former President for investigating possible links between Trump and Russia.

    Director Wray signed off on the raid. (yahoo news)

    What does it say about Trump, when the man who owes his job to you, turns on you


    • #
      David Maddison

      Not even President Trump’s supporters deny that Trump made some bad employment decisions.

      This is partly due to:

      1) The Deep State was and is deeper than even Trump thought or even suspected. He naively didn’t realise that some prospective hires who superficially seemed reasonable were in fact Deep State.

      2) He wasn’t used to or expecting the extreme dishonesty and disloyalty of the Washington Swamp scene, including his own VP. (Ninety Eight percent of Washington, D.C. voters are DemocRATs.)

      He won’t be making the same employment mistakes next time. He will be hiring only people with deeply proven honesty, loyalty and integrity and who are loyal to the Constitution and laws of the United States, not foreign enemy powers like Russia or China.

      And that terrifies the Left.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        bad decisions is the epitaph on Trump’s presidency. Even the Murdoch press has dropped him.


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          Wet Mountains

          So what Peter, that has nothing to do with reality. You dropped him long ago and it didn’t mean a thing and still doesn’t. What matters is what the people of the United States decide, not Fox news.


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        Old Cocky

        That’s quite unfair to Mike Pence. He didn’t have the power to do anything about the “disputed returns”, and shouldn’t have been put in that position.

        Despite the recent bad blood between him and Donald Trump, he condemned the FBI raid.


      • #

        I believe Trump is a charming man used to being able win unbelievers over to his way of thinking. May work in business, doesn’t work in politics.


    • #
      Wet Mountains

      Posted on earlier article but still relevant for Pete comment: You wrote something that is continually stated by the left; “The Trump appointed judge…” Your own words indict you and those of like mindedness. Your words imply a judge appointed by a President owes his/her allegiance to that President. And by your own words that is what you believe and expect. But judges are sworn officers of the law and owe their loyalty to the US Constitution and the existing laws of their jurisdictions, not to the person that appointed them or got them elected. But judges, etc., appointed by democrats are expected to rule in support of democrat causes and against causes contrary to democrat goals, whereas there is no such expectation on the part of Republican appointed judges. This judge signing the warrant was in full support of democrat goals and his expectation is that he will be rewarded by democrats for his loyalty to the party. Loyalty to the party…does that sound familiar? Good day to you.


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      Honk R Smith

      “What does it say about Trump, when the man who owes his job to you, turns on you”

      Perhaps it means that Trump attempted to reach out to, and work with entrenched DS DC.
      Your statement actually says more about you than Trump.
      Assuming you are an actual person.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Many people were skeptical about the concept of a “Deep State”

    Yet another thing that President Trump said that turned out to be true and not a “conspiracy theory”.

    The Regressive Left would endlessly accuse Trump and his followers of being “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” but the concept of Deep State was true after all.

    In fact, those who tell the useful idiots of the Left what to do and think knew it all along and it was just a projection on their behalf, i.e. accusing your opponent of doing what you, yourself, were doing.

    Other things that the Regressive Left mocked or censored when Trump and his supporters mentioned them:

    -The Hunter Biden laptop.
    -The artificial origins/lab leak of the WuFlu.
    -Dependence on Russian gas would be disastrous for Europe.
    -Voter fraud.
    -Usefulness of HCQ and IVM for covid treatment suppressed.
    -Democrats opening the border.
    -Organised criminals entering the US via the open border.
    -Drug trafficking of prescription opioid drugs like Fentanyl into the US by the Chinese government.
    -Russian and Chinese business involvement with Trump when they were actually involved with the Biden family.
    -The Democrats being out to destroy America and hating America.
    -Obama deliberately creating racial and class division and a war against the police and law and order.
    -The Democrats being bad for African Americans.
    -“Sleepy Joe” as Trump called him, well it is extremely obvious Joe is “sleepy” because of his dementia.

    And there are many others. Feel free to add to the list.


    • #

      Democrats opening the border.

      Lets hope our progressives don’t do the same here. I fear they will lose control by trying to be “fairer”.


      • #
        David Maddison

        You can be certain they will.

        Labor will encourage the illegal or legal immigration of some of the most uneducated, violent, unemployable and culturally incompatible people on the planet.

        They make ideal Labor Party voters.


  • #
    Wet Mountains

    Simon, it’s a Constitutional Republic. A democracy is where we all vote you off the island without a raft.


    • #
      Wet Mountains

      See #4 above.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Yes, in a true democracy (i.e. decisions made by a show of hands at a meeting), Leftoids would be rapidly expelled from their respective islands, villages etc..


      • #

        IRS Is Hiring New Employees — Including Armed and Fit Federal Agents “Willing to Use Deadly Force” …Update: IRS pulls Job Post

        They will shoot and kill you over your $1,500 in taxes.

        But the Bidens, the Pelosis, and every other Uniparty crook will never be touched.

        The bill will add 87,000 new IRS employees to harass and abuse working Americans and their political opponents.

        And it Starts – The IRS is hiring new special agents!

        The IRS is looking for new agents — including armed and fit federal tax agents who are “willing to use deadly force.”

        The Duties also include “willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”


        • #

          Note: jobs.irs.gov is not real


          • #

            Note: jobs.irs.gov is not real – Porquoi – ©2020 UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE

            Saved from https://www.jobs.irs.gov/resources/job-descriptions/irs-criminal-investigation-special-agent

            IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent



            Click here to apply today!

            Who are we?

            Criminal Investigation (CI) is the law enforcement branch of the IRS. Our mission is to serve the American public by investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code, and related financial crimes, in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law.

            As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes. Special Agents are duly sworn law enforcement officers who are trained to “follow the money.” No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government.

            Criminal Investigation Special Agents are part of a diverse workforce that mirrors the taxpaying public we serve.

            To learn more about us visit our Criminal Investigation page or read our 2021 annual report.

            Major Duties

            Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.
            Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.

            is jobs.irs.gov legit


            • #

              IRS Job Listing: Special Agents Must ‘Carry a Firearm and Be Willing to Use Deadly Force’

              A job listing for the position of IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent stresses that applicants must “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force” in order to carry out their duties.

              The job listing says:

              As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes. Special Agents are duly sworn law enforcement officers who are trained to “follow the money.” No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government.

              It goes on to describe Special Agent “major duties,” which include “[carrying] a firearm and [being] willing to use deadly force, if necessary.” Applicants for the Special Agent position must also “be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”

              Breitbart News reported on June 19 Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) concerns over the IRS’s purchase of approximately $700,000 of ammunition “between March and June 1” of this year.


            • #

              [I’m calling this off-topic. Jo may decide otherwise.]ED – headline up top

              Have the Democrat-FBI cabal awakened the sleeping bear?

              Nigel Farage: Many people were skeptical about the concept of a “Deep State” — they’re not any more.

              Recent Job Listing Called for IRS Special Agents to ‘Use Deadly Force, if Necessary

              There has been a lot of concern about the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) since the so-called Inflation Reduction Act authorized the hiring of 87,000 new agents. Why does the IRS need so many agents? What are they going to be used for? Why must they be armed and willing to use deadly force?

              That last one is no joke. The IRS has been looking to hire new Criminal Investigation Special Agents, and the qualifications were right there on the job listing as recently as last week [archived page].

              I would call that a concern about the Deep State


          • #
            another ian


            Might be more to that

            “IRS Deletes Job Posting Seeking Applicants Willing to ‘Use Deadly Force’ ”



  • #

    It is sad and frightening to watch the USA self destruct. We in the West need the USA more than ever to defend the principles of liberty and freedom throughout the world. It has been easy for their fair weather friends to demean them, but when the bullies and thugs of the world emerge from the shadows we know who they turn to for help.


    • #
      David Maddison

      We in the West need the USA more than ever to defend the principles of liberty and freedom

      And that is exactly why the Left are focussing on destroying the USA first. The ongoing destruction of the rest of the West, including Australia, is just the Left playing games. They are not even trying to hide what they’re doing because they know they can get away with it.

      Wait until the USA is a failed state with no power or money, it is close to that now, then you will see the full fury of the Left unleashed.

      Things such as the wars against energy, agriculture, safe and effective covid treatments are just small samples of what to expect.


  • #
    Nick Chalmers

    “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”

    Lavrentiy Beria
    ‘the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror…”


    • #

      Nick , Beria was also a psychopath, serial rapist, serial killer and the scum of the earth.
      He also helped to hasten Stalin’s death ( perhaps his one good deed) and yet he was soon arrested by the fast acting Krushchev team and by the end of 1953 he was convicted, humiliated and shot begging for his life.
      Good riddance to very bad rubbish.



      • #

        I think doing a master’s degree in Russian history should be an essential prerequisite for any aspiring horror writer.


      • #

        BTW here’s part of Beria’s speech at Stalin’s funeral in March 1953 and you’ll see Krushchev on the right of Beria and in the last 20 seconds of this short video you’ll see the line up of some of the greatest thugs and murderers of the 20 th century.
        And Beria was shot dead on 23rd of December 1953.No doubt about it that many of the thugs on the balcony acted quickly and beat Beria to the punch.



  • #
    David Maddison


    The Florida federal magistrate judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort donated to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign — months after he left the local US Attorney’s office to rep employees of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had received immunity in the long-running sex-trafficking investigation of the financier.



  • #

    Now it appears that the DOJ and FBI raided Trump’s home as part of ongoing investigations into his and his Family’s business dealings. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. And while they were there they could plant some ‘stuff’ to do with something else while the security cameras were requested to be switched off. Apparently, that request/order was denied by the home owner. And rightfully so.


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  • #

    This Epoch Times interview with one of Trump’s legal team gives a good review of what happened etc. NB. She says the FBI were there in June doing a search of the document room and left taking away NOTHING.



  • #
    Murray Shaw

    Seems the FBI we’re treating the Trump house/compound much as they would an Outlaw Bikie Clubhouse. Going in when no one is home with associated sledge hammers and safebreakers.
    This was all played out under the gaze and lights of the MSM for greater effect. Which I might say could only help DJT in the minds and hearts of US citizens.


  • #

    Former CIA official and CNN commentator Philip Mudd also downplayed the purported justification for the raid if this was about classified records. He said that many things are overclassified and that such a thing shouldn’t warrant this kind of action. He implied that there had to be more. In saying that, the former deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center and the FBI’s National Security Branch also made an embarrassing confession.

    “The chance the attorney general and the FBI director went in and said, ‘Hey, he’s got some secret document down there he hasn’t given us, and to ensure we recover those, we’re just going to go to Mar-a-Lago,’ I would put that near zero,” Mudd explained. “To get to the bar where you’re going to the residence of the former president, classified documents don’t get you there. I had them in my house sometimes, inappropriately. It happens all the time. There has to be the additional piece … and they have to do with stuff that the FBI can’t get someplace else.”

    You see how little Mudd cares about confessing that he even took classified information home with him. We know that no one will be going after Mudd for that confession because he’s an acceptable liberal. But Mudd’s comments just place a glaring light on the inequity we are seeing here. Meanwhile, Trump, as the president, has the right when he is president, to declassify anything and who gets to decide what is a presidential record, according to Christina Bobb, Trump’s attorney.


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    Peter C

    What are the FBI looking for?

    Speculation by the Gateway Pundit is that they are trying to retrieve documents that implicate the FBI and DOJ in corrupt conduct in the Spygate and CrossFire Hurricane investigations.

    It seems likely that Trump has at least got copies of documents that do that. They are probably not kept a Mar a Lago.


  • #
    another ian

    “This is evergreen.

    The Rise Of The Praetorian Class.*


    Scroll down about a page worth to get to the start.

    “The emergence and rise of the Praetorian Class is a common observation in societies that have transitioned from market-based meritocracies to societies governed by coercive syndicates formed by the Political Class. The Praetorian Class is formed and grown to defend the Political Class and in time becomes the dragon that rules its master. It represents a highly disturbing trend because it foretells the decline, not the advance, of a society. In some instances, the decline is peaceful, clearing the path for an improved future. Unfortunately, in many instances that is not the case. The Political Class leverages the full force of the Praetorian Class representing significant loss in wealth, personal freedom and, in many cases, human life. For this reason, it is critical that productive members of society take steps to protect themselves”.


    * My bold



  • #

    Nolte: Kevin McCarthy Rips Republicans Remaining Quiet as Dems Abuse Power

    House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took to Facebook Wednesday to shame those Republicans remaining quiet “while Democrats in Washington are abusing their power”

    The McCarthy post comes in the wake of Monday night’s outrageous and unprecedented raid of former President Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago. The next day the feds seized Rep. Scott Perry’s (R-PA) cellphone.

    “If you are an elected Republican, and you are staying quiet while Democrats in Washington are abusing their power,” McCarthy wrote, “you are the very reason they think they can get away with it. NOW is the time to speak up and be LOUD!”

    For the last five and six years, we have seen local and federal law enforcement, along with the Democrat party and their propagandists in the corporate media, launch one hoax after another at Donald Trump. Everything from the Russia Collusion Hoax, which was orchestrated with the help of the FBI, to the first impeachment hoax to the second impeachment hoax to the January 6 hoax. … On top of that, Trump’s been falsely accused of shady business dealings, not paying his taxes, and on and on and on…

    It’s just one lie, one failed frame-job after another…


    Unprincipled “republicans” like outgoing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) just don’t care. They are political animals out only for revenge and power. The idea that the crocodile will one day turn on them (and it will) doesn’t matter. They are so shortsighted and bitter that it doesn’t matter what norms are shattered, how the Constitution is shredded, or the evil being done by a politicized law enforcement institution. All they care about is getting their revenge on Trump.


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    HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI

    Sperry had his second account takedn down on Monday after he tweeted about the Mar-a-Lago raid and what the FBI was looking for.

    According to Paul Sperry, the FBI agenst spent 9 hours looking for details President Trump took with him on the Crossfire Hurricane FBI spying scandal.

    The FBI and DOJ cannot let the American public know the truth of the their criminal acts and attempted coup of President Trump. So they raided his home looking for the documents that may indict the organization.

    Sperry also tweeted a list of “conflicted” DOJ officials who were “briefed on the Mar-a-Lago raid”, and noted that “CNN is admonishing reporters not to call the FBI raid of Trump’s home a “raid,” but instead to term it as a “judge-approved search.”


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    Custer Van Cleef

    I think some form of recognition is owing to Christopher Wray, for successfully fusing the FBI to the Democrat Party.

    Poor Comey! He’s now overshadowed by his successor — but he did light the path for Wray.
    Anyway, Wray has completed the mission, and now the Ruling Class has its own private army to go after its opponents.


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      Ban Wray has a nice ring to it, I think.


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        Custer Van Cleef

        Or Wray-bans, to “Protect your eyes from seeing evidence of Democrat crimes”.
        Money-back guarantee! (All profits to a good cause…less 10 percent for the Big Guy).


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    another ian

    “And Now, Since 48 Hours Has Expired….”

    “It has now developed that the Raid at Mar-A-Largo was supported by an affidavit that positively identified both the presence of documents that were retained or taken by Trump in violation of Federal Law and where they were.

    The FBI was specifically interested in Trump’s “newer” safe, so presumably that’s where they were told the documents were.

    Except…. The safe was empty.\”

    “It is also reported that there was nothing in the safe.

    Now maybe — just maybe — the FBI found something else. We don’t know, but now given the 48 hours and more information, I am laughing my ass off here because if this is what happened then Trump accomplished several things and, in fact, it might just get him a second Presidential term — like it or not.”

    More at



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    (Copied from previous post on the subject of the FBI raid. Didn’t see this later post)

    There is another angle in this. The whole partisan January 6th Commission is an attempt to smear Trump. But to get value, they have to make Trump the focus of the mid terms in November and keep him in the public eye as an alleged villain, make the November half election solely about Trump, not rampant inflation, Afghanistan, China, gas prices, mass illegal migration and $300Billion in the Climate change trough while begging autocrats and communists for energy. Build back nothing and 81,000 new tax inspectors to audit everyone. That’s going to be popular, the elites auditing ordinary wage earners for more cash.

    Meanwhile Trump is refusing to nominate for 2024 despite his electioneering style videos. And the Trump influence is heavily biasing the primaries, creating a huge raft of potentially new congressmen and women who have already stated allegiance. It means instead of being a rank outside against a sea of never Trumpers, it will be a united party under Trump. And top Republicans are not happy.

    Former Congress head Paul Ryan and his never Trumpers frustrated the new President for the first two years until and then impeachment for the second, supported by many Republicans. Now Mitch McConnell stands nearly alone representing the pro China and anti Trump brigade and he absolutely refuses to criticize the DOJ for the raid on Trump, so he is part of it.

    The unprecedented and utterly unjustified armed raid on his family home is a combination of massive intimidation of a private citizen and provocation. Not just of Trump but his whole family. If Trump nominates for the 2024 Presidency, he will do it after the mid terms. But the Democrats and their private police force want to make the mid terms all about Trump, who remains an ex President but also frustratingly a private citizen rather than Presidential candidate. So it’s back to chasing his tax returns.

    And the Democrats have no idea what to do about Biden and Harris, the most unpopular duo in US history, a failed Presidency half completed. And as Trump points out with more Wuhan Flu deaths on their watch than on his. It all points to a Republican landslide in November. The Democrats desperately need a big distraction, like Taiwan.


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    Trump Thanks FBI For Kicking Off His 2024 Reelection Campaign

    MAR-A-LAGO, FL — The morning after Trump’s Florida home was raided by FBI agents, the former president took the time to thank the FBI for officially kicking off his reelection campaign.

    “I would like to thank the F…B…I… remember them, the FBI? How about those beauties, huh?” said Trump to a roaring crowd of thousands outside his resort. “They came into my home to make your favorite president look like a criminal. Such losers, such losers. But everyone still loves me so it’s ok. They didn’t even find anything! I’m gonna be the President again!”

    Sources close to Trump say his first act as President will be to fire his own appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray and replace him with a used dust mop from the Capitol janitor’s closet before razing the Hoover building and banishing all FBI agents to Gitmo.


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    John Trigge

    It appears that you believe that appointees to these positions are beholden to the President of the day and should follow the dictates of that President.

    What does this say about the independence of the current appointees placed in positions by the current President?

    Are they only there to do the President’s bidding?


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    And as a Federal agency, the FBI is entirely a creature of Washington, DC where 98% of people vote Democrat. With a population of only 750,000 it is not a State and not in any State but a strange creation of Federation, like Canberra in Australia.

    And the Democrats want Washington, DC to be a state and for obvious reasons. But is is tiny. And the Federal police with Federal jurisdiction only on Federal matters are a law unto themselves and their Democrat masters. Add the Federal Department of Justice and you have very powerful tools to intimidate the Republicans while Democrats like the Clintons and Bidens never get seriously investigated. And Jeffrey Epstein was never coming out of that cell.

    A bit like the Chief of General Milley, Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff now says he only stayed on under Trump so he could undermine him. Which sounds awfully like Treason.

    So Trump and his 73 million supporters are up against all of Washington, including seemingly the judges, FBI, CIA and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And it’s a free ride for Hunter Biden and the Big Guy, from Ukraine to China. As long as they do what they are told.


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      And it’s a free ride for Hunter Biden and the Big Guy, from Ukraine to China. As long as they do what they are told.

      You forgot – Jesse Watters exposes Paul Pelosi Jr.’s alleged shady business dealings

      Jesse Watters reveals Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Taiwan with mother Nancy Pelosi

      JESSE WATTERS: We told you about Hunter’s escapades from being bribed with Chinese diamonds to funding a Russian sex trafficking ring, but we just found out Hunter has some competition. His name? Paul Pelosi, Jr. As far as we can tell, he’s never had a real job. The kind you have to punch a clock. So, what does Pauly Jr. do all day? Well, last week, Nancy snuck little Pauly on her plane to Asia.

      His name wasn’t listed as part of the official delegation. They didn’t want you to know Paul went to Asia with his mom, but if you look closely at the photos, there he is, Pauly P. Jr., about as unqualified as Hunter with all the big dogs there in Asia. He was also caught by foreign photographers in Singapore and Japan.

      The U.S. press, who covered every move Nancy made in the Pacific, somehow never noticed that her son Paul was along for the ride. He was even wearing the same purple tie he wore when he went to Ukraine. Oh, you didn’t know he went to Ukraine?

      Well, yeah, we didn’t either. You won’t find any trace of this on the speaker’s website because she didn’t want you to know about Pauly Jr. What was your son doing there? He’s not an elected official. He’s not an advisor to Nancy. He doesn’t even live in Washington, but he was greeted as royalty by the president of Taiwan.

      If you thought Hunter Biden’s business deals were shady, just wait. Pauly Jr. Is on the payroll of two lithium mining companies and Asia just happens to be a lithium gold mine and Taiwan just happens to be a world leader in lithium battery production. He’s also heavily invested in Singapore’s energy sector. Wasn’t that another stop on Nancy’s trip?


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        Custer Van Cleef

        Nancy has seen the big bucks that came Hunter’s way when he hung out with Daddy on his overseas trips; and she wants to horn in on some of that ‘payola’.

        That’s fair, isn’t it?


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    Haha! I had to laugh at the end of Mark Dice’s video when after a very good and dense intellectual analysis of society he launches into a metal guitar riff and a hyped voice to promote his Trump shirt you should buy. Loved it. Very professional. Perhaps Jo should consider such tactics ?


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    Biden is Responsible For Raid On Trump Home!

    Judicial Watch President @TomFitton appeared on “Varney and Co.” on @Fox Business to discuss the White House’s refusal to answer whether the Biden administration is weaponizing the DOJ/FBI against political opponents, Chuck Schumer’s 2017 warning that the FBI would have “six ways” of getting back at Trump, and more!


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    Welcome To Biden’s Police State, Part III

    I & I Editorial Board – August 10

    Try, if you can, to imagine the reaction if the Justice Department had, in President Donald Trump’s second year in office, orchestrated a raid of Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, N.Y., home, rummaging through rooms and cracking the Clintons’ safe looking for government documents she hadn’t turned over when she left the State Department.

    You can bet, at the very least, that newspapers wouldn’t be carrying run-of-the-mill headlines such as “F.B.I. Searches Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence” or “FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in document investigation.” The Washington Post thought the important story to tell was how “Top Republicans echo Trump’s evidence-free claims to discredit FBI search.”

    No, the press would be in a full meltdown. Democrats would be calling for Trump’s impeachment. Celebrities would be making videos in which they cry about the future of the country. Never Trumpers would be patting themselves on the back and shouting “I told you so.” Colleges would be canceling classes so students could comfort each other and draw in their school-issued coloring books. The gnashing and grinding of teeth could be heard from space.

    Needless to say, it would have been the end of the Trump administration.

    Don’t expect the “watchdog” press to ask such questions.

    Instead, the response to the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home is, if anything, celebratory.


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    another ian


    “The Trump raid and its aftermath: don’t be blind to reality”



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    The FBI’s Dangerous Search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

    Merrick Garland is taking the U.S. down a perilous path.

    By WSJ The Editorial Board


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    Custer Van Cleef

    Did anyone see a mini-series called ‘The Comey Rule’?

    It was based on Comey’s book, mainly the parts about the “Hillary’s emails” investigation, and then his dealings with Trump.

    There was a grotesque portrayal of Trump by Brendan Gleeson. He’s a better actor than shown here, so I can only imagine he had very specific instructions from the director… or he just has a chronic case of TDS, like the rest of the acting fraternity, who knows?
    According to this show, Trump sniffs loudly between every sentence, and contorts his face continuously… it was absurd.

    Not surprisingly, Comey is portrayed as befitting his nickname ‘the Pope’ — always a straight arrow, dignified, no flaws.

    There’s some laughable scenes in the boardroom, where the scriptwriters want us to believe the agents were at pains to be unbiased… trouble is, it just doesn’t fit with Strzok and Pages’ text messages, nor the crooked FISA court applications — Comey even signed one of them — where the Steele Dossier was a central component, even though Comey himself said it was “salacious and unverified” (but HEY! That’s my LOW HURDLE for evidence against Trump — I’ll give to the Judge!)

    P.S. It’s possible that Comey knew the Steele Dossier was paid propaganda from the Hilary Campaign, but needless to say, there’s no Michael Sussmann character in the show.


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    another ian

    More smoke?

    “The Silence of DeSantis – Florida Governor Ducks Media Appearances, Records Statements, Seeking to Avoid Questions About Trump Raid
    August 10, 2022 | sundance | 860 Comments”



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    Under Biden’s DOJ, The Rule Of Law In America Has Become A Farce

    Biden’s Justice Department and FBI will do anything to keep Trump from regaining the White House, even if it means imitating Nicaragua.

    The criminal indictment and imprisonment of former heads of state by ruling regimes in other countries is more common than most Americans probably realize. Today, former presidents of Argentina, Bolivia, El Salvador, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, and Costa Rica are all imprisoned — and that’s just in Central and South America.

    The world is replete with corrupt leaders who criminalize the opposition and politicize domestic law enforcement. That’s why, for example, Daniel Ortega has been president of Nicaragua since 2007. When you jail your political opponents and potential rivals, as Ortega did with gusto ahead of Nicaragua’s 2021 presidential election, it’s easy to stay in office. One of the salient features of these so-called “developing countries” is that they have not developed a way to transfer power peacefully. Brute force, not free and fair elections, is how rulers of the Third World seize and retain power.

    Soon, the United States might join their ranks. On Monday evening, dozens of FBI agents raided the Florida home of former President Donald Trump. The absurd pretext for the raid was a dispute over documents with the National Archives — a circumstance by no means unique to the Trump administration and one that no serious person believes could ever justify such a raid.

    Everyone in America knows the real reason for the FBI raid: to tarnish Trump as unfit for office and to intimidate and dissuade him from running again in 2024. Nothing like this has ever happened in American history. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., was exactly right to compare the FBI raid to the kind of thing you see in Ortega’s Nicaragua. It’s what ruling regimes do to rob the people of their voice and avoid the consequences of elections.


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    Trump Raid Is More Democrat Gaslighting

    Monday’s raid on Trump’s Palm Beach home at Mar-a-Lago is just the latest example of this jackbooted push to destroy American norms in the name of preserving American norms. That said, it also represents a new low – a dangerous escalation of the Democrats’ attempts to present their vicious misconduct as virtuous.

    Here’s what they want us to believe: that this unprecedented act – no former president has ever had his home searched by swarms of FBI agents – was the only way they could retrieve potentially classified material Trump may have failed to hand over to the National Archives. You heard that right – they weren’t looking for dead bodies but pieces of paper that he may not even possess. They could have taken any number of gentler approaches; instead, they brought a machine gun to a wrestling match. It was intentionally extreme. Are you for us or against us?

    As Biden’s Department of Justice claims they were simply pursuing justice and the rule of law, here’s what they want us to forget: The same FBI which executed this raid has had its reputation deeply tarnished by the gross misconduct of its high-level officials when they tried to frame Trump as a Russian agent. They also want us to ignore the fact that the raid occurred a week after GOP Sen. Charles Grassley said a whistleblower has proof that the FBI sought to discredit evidence of corruption regarding President Biden’s son Hunter.

    Democrats may already be past the point of no return: if you accept lies long enough, they begin to look like the truth.


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    We can’t trust the FBI after its long history of political meddling

    The FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home has Americans worried whether this untethered federal agency is suddenly a threat to democracy. Truth is, the FBI has played politics from its inception in the 1930s. It has a long, tarnished history of resorting to deception, violence, and lawless methods in pursuit of its partisan goals.

    The FBI raid against the ex-President raises the question: Will the FBI get away with it a third time?

    After the raid, Grassley warned that if the FBI doesn’t start “rooting out” the “political bias that has infected their most sensitive investigations,” Americans will no longer trust them.

    What is the remedy? The FBI’s powers and mission are too broad. Congress can fix that. Congress created the agency by statute, and increased its powers under the USA Patriot Act, after the attack on 9/11. The agency’s snooping powers — domestic surveillance to protect national security — should be removed from the FBI’s law enforcement duties, and located elsewhere in the executive branch. That will keep the FBI’s dirty tricks from destroying our fair elections.

    Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.


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    The FBI aka Obamastapo have been acting like stormtroopers for a long time now. This vindictive raid should surprise no one.

    It’s how they roll. Trump must be close to some dark secrets or a serious threat to entrenched interests. Epstein? Soros? Clintons? CIA? The Bushes? Probably all of them.


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    The Democrats are doing all that they can to get Trump reelected.


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      I think they are doing all they can to get him nominated, in the belief that he is the only rep they could beat, there is still a lot of TDS out there.


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    The Center Ground – the Center Right – the Conservatives are actually a movement that rolls on irrespective of Trump. Trump is doing a lot of good but if they took him out it would not actually make any difference – the movement would just pick up steam.


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    John Connor II

    The Big Question is of course, can the US vote it’s way out of this and disband the FBI before the FBI becomes the fully fledged Stasi?

    1. Look where the last “vote” got you.
    2. “FBI becomes..”
    Too late. Years late. Decades late.
    However, maybe now the FBI swamp will be addressed.(heh yeah…lol…)
    3. The USA has been in decline for decades (waits for howls of dissenting opinion…) but like all things, countries, societies & economies, they are now at the same point as the Roman empire – pointless laws, total decadence and perversion, economic collapse looming.
    Spend away – it makes no difference now.
    The infighting just gets worse, the left is falling apart, incapable of being rational, unified and consistent. Rats, seeing the writing on the wall and indeed the true nature of the dems and what it is leading to are abandoning the dems en masse.
    The next 2 weeks will be very interesting…


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    John Connor II

    Just breaking on Twitter:


    “I have information that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of Hillary Clinton”


    I guess 2 shots in the back of the safe wouldn’t be considered suicide…


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    Judicial Watch has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and the affidavit of probable cause which led to it today.

    Shortly after Judicial Watch’s motion, similar motions were filed by The Times Union and The New York Times.

    Mar-a-Lago Raid: What did the feds spend so much time doing throughout Trump’s office and residence?

    Whatever it was, it probably had nothing to do with retrieving records claimed by the National Archives. The mystery Search Warrant is now subject to motions to unseal by Judicial Watch and others.

    The Times confirms my understanding of the standard practice, that search warrants are unsealed after or soon after they are executed. The reason for the seal is to prevent the target from concealing the subject matter of the warrant, but once it’s executed, there’s no reason for secrecy:

    To date, despite the immense public interest in the search, the public, including The Times, has been prevented from accessing any court records related to this search warrant, including the warrant itself. Southern District of Florida practice is typically to seal search warrant matters at least until the warrant is executed, but not in perpetuity….

    For warrant recordsto remain under seal a court must determine, in clearly articulated findings, that the government established a specific, compelling interest justifying an ongoing seal that is no broader than necessary to serve that interest.

    The Court docket as of this writing indicates the government has until August 15 to respond:


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    If Merrick Garland doesn’t give a solid, fast reason for raiding Trump’s home, he’s probably just re-elected him

    By Post Editorial Board

    So Attorney General Merrick Garland has a clear duty to address the nation and explain Monday’s unprecedented FBI raid on a former president’s home. Hiding behind the “need to avoid compromising an ongoing investigation” will fuel over-the-top speculation on all sides. Transparency can at least ground the debate in reality.

    So Republicans are entirely right to sound alarms about possible fresh weaponization of the FBI. After all, the agency’s reputation is already in tatters.

    And Garland’s own rep has been battered by his actions as AG: siccing the Bureau on parents who speak out at school-board meetings, pretending all political violence comes from the right (when the left rioted in 2020 all across America) and giving at least the appearance of slow-walking (and maybe soft-walking) the Hunter Biden investigation.

    Trust in federal law-enforcement is at rock-bottom for at least half the nation, for good reason. Garland needs to address that elephant in the room, and explain what in hell he’s doing. What were they hoping to find as they rifled through his private residence for more than nine hours?

    Unless and until Garland goes for full transparency, telling us all exactly what he’s investigating, we have to fear he’s simply taking a huge roll of the dice — hoping to find a Trump-slaying mother lode of evidence at the great risk of turning the ex-prez into a martyr and the next president.


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    New York Attorney General Letitia James is purporting to investigate Donald Trump’s businesses. James is obsessed with Trump, and her supposed investigation is an obvious piece of political grandstanding. She scheduled Trump for a deposition today. In Trump’s eyes, the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid was the last straw, and he announced today that he is invoking the Fifth Amendment and has declined to submit to a deposition.

    Trump released a statement that is lengthy, but worth reading in its entirety:

    Trump also released several videos of Letitia James. This is one of them:

    How important is this development? Trump acknowledged the reality in his statement:

    I once asked, “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” Now I know the answer to that question.

    I always try to be even-handed in talking about Trump. This, if you haven’t already seen it, is what amounts to a campaign ad that has obviously been ready to go for a while, but was released in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid. I think it is a beautiful piece of work, and one can fairly ask whether anyone other than Trump could have done it. It is worth viewing full-screen:


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    Has anyone seen this?


    Suggests it may have been a setup to flush out a mole. Who knows?


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    I just slipped across to read my subscribed newspaper. Not a word is reported about this Trump raid. Maybe it was yesterday but nothing today. So the same pattern emerges as with a lot of the US political events in the MSM. Firstly, the official narrative is reported. ( you know, Orange man bad ). Then there’s complete silence on the subject ( would appear that is now) Finally there will probably be censoring or scorn directed towards anyone criticising the official narrative. Same happened with COVID.


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      Jo in Panama

      The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality is anything between 2 weeks and 6 months is it not?


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    Deep State Infighting

    DOJ Fingers FBI for Mar-a-Lago Raid Disaster

    Source: AG Garland Not Asked to Approve Raid – ’Spectacular Backfire’


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    Facebook Posts Reveal Epstein-Linked Magistrate Bruce Reinhart’s Woke, Anti-Trump Attitudes

    Bruce Reinhart, the magistrate judge who signed off on the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s Florida home at Mar-a-Lago, has a history of endorsing woke and anti-Trump viewpoints on his Facebook page, according to reports.

    Images that appear to be of Reinhart’s Facebook page seen by Breitbart News show Reinhart praising leftist Robert Reich for his criticism of Donald Trump, accusing the former President of lacking “moral stature,” and sharing a woke video about “white privilege.”

    In a Facebook post dated 14 January 2017, Reinhart attacked President Trump for his comments about former congressman and woke hero John Lewis.


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      They “fortified” the last US election- which means they’e going to try to do the same for mid terms and the 2024 event as well. Except they’ll dream up some new word or phrase to describe it.


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    Turnout, Trump, and the Mar-a-Lago Raid Made for Big Upset in Connecticut

    Republicans, Democrats, and independents throughout Connecticut were left reeling Tuesday night by the results of the GOP Senate primary.

    In what is easily one of the Nutmeg State’s biggest upsets in recent history, former State House Republican leader and long-presumed favorite Themis Klarides lost the Senate primary to Republican National Committeewoman and former President Donald Trump-endorsed Leora Levy.

    To call Levy’s upset of historic proportions is no exaggeration. In defeating Klarides, who had the endorsement of the state Republican convention, Levy became only the third Republican to win a statewide primary over the convention-endorsed candidate since primaries began in Connecticut in 1970.

    “Trump voters were fired up,” said one GOP consultant who requested anonymity, “His endorsement [which came last Thursday] along with what happened yesterday when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago came at a good time for Leora. The conservative Trump bases had an outlet— today’s primary— which allowed them to hit back by voting for Leora.”

    Along with endorsing Levy (whom he unsuccessfully tried to appoint ambassador to Chile while president), Trump followed up on Monday evening with a “tele-rally,” which saw a reported 32,619 supporters of Levy calling in and hearing the former president live.

    Declaring that Levy was soaring “like a rocket ship” in the twilight of the campaign, Trump mispronounced Klarides’ name (almost surely on purpose) and denounced her as a “total RINO [Republican In Name Only]” for support from centrist Republican Govs. Larry Hogan of Maryland and Charlie Baker of Massachusetts — “establishment sellouts” and “losers,” Trump told his telephone audience.

    Hours before the voting began, Frank Ricci, retired president of the New Haven Firefighters, told Newsmax that Trump’s endorsement would not be enough “to overcome the record that Themis established over the years of fighting for lower taxes and smaller government [in the legislature]. Trump won’t topple Themis Tuesday.”

    Recalling his words Tuesday evening, Ricci told us: “I was wrong. Trump carried the day.”


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    Interesting point about the Fifth Amendment.
    The general view is that there should be nothing to fear if one is innocent but in reality that is naive and wrong as Trump has now learned.
    The problem is that often the accuser is not to be trusted so fear is appropriate even if one is innocent.
    For very simple matters a person falsely accused can perhaps be relatively relaxed about it but the vast majority of accusations relate to matters of opinion and interpretation as to whether or not a crime was ever committed.
    It is possible to twist and miserepresnt anything said and it is all too easy for an accused under pressure to use a form of words that may be inappropriately incriminating when a different form of words would more accurately represent the truth.
    That is the reason the Fifth Amendment exists and taking it should not automatically imply guilt.


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    Jo Fankhauser


    Jon Patel has a very interesting angle as to what could soon happen re the stolen election and subsequent “Democrat” overrreach.
