A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Via climate depot.
Mad transporting gas right around the world when we have our own, but gratefully received until our leaders regain their sanity.
That’s crazy. Somebody calculated that at least 5% of the load would be consumed in transporting gas to Europe, which would significantly increase its price.
Paul Joseph Watson looks at modern “art” in his latest video:
(10 mins 16 sec)
More than half of poles want war reparations from Germany
Britain spent £12 trillion on the first world war and the same again on the second world war.
Germany was eventually forgiven its debts. The only European country that made a contribution to Britain was Norway, whilst loans made to Britain during the war by the USA were finally paid only a couple of years ago,
So I shall watch with interest to see if the poles get anything as that opens up the field for other countries to make a contribution to our huge financial costs. Can’t see it happening though
Sorry, I have no idea why my comment appeared out of sequence
Tony, I read somewhere that it was costing a million pounds a day during WW1 just for shells and bullets, that is incredible.
US used about 50000 bullets and 5 tonnes of bombs per kill in Vietnam war.
History fades, so I searched this up.
Both to the USA and Canada: Stamped PAID on the last business day of 2006, but 6 years late.
German war reparations payments were adjusted to match Germany’s ability to pay. Contrary to myth and legend, they were not the cause of WW2 (impoverished countries find it hard to build large military forces).
For the Germans, WW2 was just unfinished business. They wanted to be a major military power with a world-spanning empire….. and the thought they could get it “right” in the seconds innings.
Sounds remarkably like a couple of other wannabe superpowers right now.
They’re still at it.
The EU is just Germany’s 1930’s Lebensraum in sheep’s clothing.
No wonder the Russkis are nervous.
A lot of territory east of the Oder-Neisse line was ceded to Poland after WWII [oficially recognised much later on] and much of that territory was majority German population who fled as refugees to Germany in 45/46 [12 million people]. Their descendants have questioned whether Poland should compensate them for what they lost [ie stolen from them]. Germany paid large sums of money to the Jewish state of Israel, however money can not undo the human tragedy suffered by Jewish peoples [and of course other victims of Nazism]. The maths has been done of German and Polish reparations and, if one disregards the ‘who started it’ question, Poland comes off second best. Sorry I can’t supply the links and sources.
Explaining the physical principle of the “anti-gravity” wheel.
No physical laws are violated.
(10 mins 19 sec)
Why are so many companies going woke? It is the Environmental, Social, and Governance scoring imposed by the likes of Vanguard and Blackrock:
See Jordan Peterson on this issue – 26min–QS_UyW2SY
Sources Allege Trump Stole Plans Revealing White House’s Thermal Exhaust Port
Aug 15, 2022 · Babylon Bee
Thermal exhaust port briefing.
The additional comments were interesting.
Inclusive Albo has discovered the secret plans to Scomo’s thermal exhaust port and is aiming multiple exocets at it in an all-out inclusive gesture.
Someone suspected he had plans for Contra Polar Energy
A DC droid election sheep pipe dream.
or just a bit of satire in the Bee
Apart from the accepted explanations of the 1986 Challenger disaster of 1) bad joint design, 2) bad o-ring material selection, 3) bad management, there is a suggestion of another contributing factor.
This factor is the possibility that even though the boosters were measured to be round, they may not have been?
How can that be?
Because a circle isn’t the only possible shape of constant diameter.
There are also false circles or “curves of constant width”.
(4 mins 41 sec)
Also see Wikipedia article on curves of constant width:
Fascinating stuff. The ingenuity of the human mind literally know no bounds. I am intrigued by the fact that enough people think quite “differently” to be able to come up with the concept, then set out to prove it. I have no idea if these things can always be turned to practical use. As a stab in the dark possibly some shapes may well be involved in systolic pumps. I should google it but that would just suport the fact that i don’t think outside the box, and therefore , need to cheat.
2 -bad o-ring material
Richard Feyman visited the factory and spoke with the employees. One showed him the material and I think — without saying so — how it behaved. I’ve read a more complete story, but found this today:
I watched this the other day!
It’a small world.😉
How did NASA get this film footage during the Apollo program?
Remember, there was no HD video transmissible by radio, back in the day.
CBS reporter caught telling outright lies about President Trump.
That’s how the fake news works.
Jordan Peterson says Albanese Government utterly delusional over climate policy.
He’s right you know
The title says it all about covid injuries
Among the Left having a “trans” kid seems to be a status symbol, like having an exotic pet.
Here (video below), a mother of such a child is caught with evidence of having coached the poor kid what to say.
Back in the day “tomboy” girls or effeminate boys were just left to grow out of it to become whatever they were to become.
Nowadays they are immediately and cruelly “transitioned” with permanently sterilising and mutilating hormonal and surgical “treatment”. And they still don’t change into the opposite sex and they are still not happy in a vast majority of cases.
And the proponents of these mutilations won’t warn of the poor success rate.
Besides, kids who aren’t allowed to decide their bed time are now deciding what gender they want to be (with parental coaching).
“Trans” kids are like vegan cats. It is clear they aren’t the ones driving the agenda.
The infamous Tavistock clinic in London treated some 150 would be trans children in 2010 and some 2400 last year. It has now been shut down by the govt whilst 1000 parents are suing the clinic.
A mix of peer pressure, fashion, media attention and parents bending over backwards to be seen to be doing ‘the right thing’ seems to have been the reasons for this ultimate gesture of wokery which not many years ago would have been viewed as child abuse
Meanwhile in Australia something different the same.
The child in your link is only 12 and is on pills to transition and has wanted to do so since kindergarten according to her mother. Far too young some may think
Tonyb – exactly right and the other story re the sex change clinic Tavistock being closed down together with the video link that David M posted (comment #12) shows the depth of the issue. We have a UN that we entrust with guiding the world (covid) health, this same body was originally meant to head off conflicts (sorry Ukraine and Taiwan) not to mention human rights (economic refugees who fly over how many countries to get to the UK and Australia) and inter generational issues like (non bigger than global warming/cooling/whatever) yet when it comes to the mental health and rights and future of the next generations not a peep. Maybe its good that we have vegan cats and dogs as a world of meat eating chickens would be a disaster… and how would you like your steak cooked sir? Soft or hard boiled, sunnyside up?
A minor can not give a consent for sex. Only for a sex change.
This is definitely the case with my niece and her “daughter”. She has a large enthusiastic facebook following. I am hoping puberty blockers are outlawed for such kids in Canada before she physically mutilates him.
Fran, it’s so sad to see child abuse of any kind. But tragically this is legal and nothing can be done about it.
In your country a man went to jail because he tried to save his emotionally disturbed daughter from “transitioning”. She is now sterile and mutilated for life and pretending to be a man.
This is a very good article.
I would like to follow up on something that I mentioned yesterday.
It concerns a way out of the unreliables mess.
In the event of Australia or any Western country that follows the anthropogenic global warming fraud, gets a rational government, then what do we do?
That is, if a decision was made to ditch economy and life-destroy unreliables, the payouts to compensate unreliables operators would be huge.
This would mean high electricity prices would be maintained as the logical way to pay out the compensation would be via electricity charges. And if not, it would come out of taxes. The consumer would still pay either way.
There appears to be no easy way out of this mess.
It will get FAR, far worse under Labor. Even worse than under the Libs.
The other way is to demand that renewables actually deliver “the cheapest source of electricity” as has become a Green cliché as in
“A trite or overused expression or a stereotyped formula”. And send them the bill for all those transmission lines, batteries, Snowy2 etc. which they won’t pay.
There will be screams of outrage and a lot of Company Directors sailing their large ‘yachts’ overseas to ‘tax havens’ like the Cayman Islands’. And a lot of talk about ‘sovereign debt’ but as many other countries will be doing the same that won’t wash. And as a side benefit, it would upset the Chinese as that industry collapses and they have the cost of cleaning up their own pollution. Then we will be able to mine the “renewables” for the minerals. Leaving the turbine towers as roosting sites for birds to replace all those trees used for “green energy”.
Agreed. The towers must be left for roosting sites for birds, perhaps add some platforms and hollow spaces for nests plus they must be kept as monuments to stupidity.
In large vertical lettering down their sides it can be written GREEN FOLLY.
Does anyone have other ideas for slogans?
WINDshills, FANtasy, or perhaps even TURDbine?
Bower tower
Crest nest
Flop top
It also could be that if Donald Trump runs and wins the next US Presidential election that he will cancel unreliables in the US and I think all other countries will be forced to follow, whether they like it or not, when they see the advantages of this huge economic burden lifted.
I think you are running ahead of likely events. The current policy in the EU will see either a recession, more likely depression, shortly followed by months of suffering (and deaths) in the coming winter. The result will be either the collapse of the EU as countries “look after themselves” or massive civil unrest. Being “Green” will be the least popular option.
If Trump wins then he will abandon the Paris accord (as he did last time) and “repair the budget” by cancelling the subsidies for renewables and stopping (even deporting) illegal immigrants. That would leave States like California in turmoil, and the New England States in real trouble also unless they replace renewables with reliable generation. That these measures would also punish those States that vote Democrat won’t be missed by him.**
Then he can move on the bloated Public Service despots. I doubt that Departments like the Federal Environment one (of doubtful Constitutional legality and a history of incompetence and despotism) would survive.
In the meantime if the Republicans win in November life for a lot of senior Democrats would become difficult. Its not only Presidents that can be impeached.
**Threats of Democrat successions from the Union would be laughed at, even encouraged.
David, We could, and should, send the bills to the parties
who allowed these things under THEIR own constitution and platform.
After all, they have NOT been acting under The Constitution of
The Commonwealth of Australia, 1901.
They haven’t been since the early 1970s.
Ultimately it will be lower cost to make your own – that goes for everyone. As long as China continues to power its economy with coal, they will be able to provide solar panels to Australian roofs that will produce electricity at lower cost than grid power that is predominantly run on wind and solar. Rooftops avoid the costly transmission component.
The only way that intermittent take up can be increased rapidly is to install massive storage. The quickest way to do that is to put batteries into homes and businesses. It avoids the EIS process.
This is the Liberal policy for Victoria:
Years ago, I forecast that the grid power would become more expensive than making your own. That is the case now. Nearly all households are still connected to the grid but many households are making some of their own. That means grid power is more expensive for those not making their own. It is now at a point where batteries are economic in the household mix.
Talking as if everyone lives in a detached dwelling and owns their property and has the means. This is probably the case for less than half of the population.
What a thrashing:
For the EV record
“Spilling petrol every charge”
And Chiefio on that
From the NTZ article…
That is utter rubbish !
ALL the power used to charge the battery , including losses, is recorded on the meter .
EV power usage, kW/km , is measured as “wall to Wheel” consumption. IE, how much power used to rechargeas measured from the charger supply…vs, the distance travelled.
Anyone who was not aware of these losses has been living under a rock !
PS,.. there never has been a viable financial advantage to owning an EV vs a ICE car.!
“Anyone who was not aware of these losses has been living under a rock !” or is just a member of the general public who just want the utility of a car without having to understand how its works.
Asian billionaires continue to snaffle up Australia’s coal assets. Response from Australian investors, government, and populace? Crickets. 😃
The third richest family in Indonesia (of Chinese origin) now control Stanmore Coal which is in the process of taking over all of BHP and Mitsui’s highly productive Australian coalfields.
Each year coal is either Australia’s largest or second largest (after iron ore) export earner, depending on the relative pricing of the two commodities. The coal miners will pay State royalties and corporation tax to Canberra, but any juicy profits will be heading overseas to China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Switzerland (Glencore).
After all, local companies and Australian super funds are far more interested in chasing the renewables rainbow and the huge future returns promised by “free” solar and wind energy. /Sarc ON.
Just heard an advert on the local radio for an up coming event to ‘Heal the country, heal the planet”.
Wish someone could actually tell be what this clap trap means. People will gather, pay money, do something (ride a bike or walk along a trail) and go home believing that they have somehow made a different to “something”. No follow up will be given, no indication of what the countries “illness’ “are but some people will have a warm, fuzzy feeling about making something “better”.
Some key performance indicators (KPIs) are needed.
Sadly, always lacking in Leftist virtue signaling events of this nature.
I would like to know how anyone proposes to charge EV’s in Australia once the remaining coal and gas power stations are shut down. There is certainly not enough hydro.
And people will be so desperate for what little electricity remains, I think EV charging will either be banned or charged at a huge premium.
People will need the remaining electricity for night time lighting, to watch the government propaganda broadcasts on TV and to heat their once daily meal of gruel and insects.
How say you, warmists?
Mr. M: First of all, nobody said anything about gruel to go with the bugs. You don’t want to give us masses false hope like that!
Second, here in US, the folks who own EVs should be able to pay immigrants on some big treadmill to supply a charge.
Just a general note: I keep seeing wokey advertisements being flashed up on YouTube. Whether it’s the NSW government pushing 2 lesbians kissing or some WA organisation attacking QWERTY conversion (rehabilitation) therapy or some other of the myriad of other advertisements. They can often be brief 5s ads. I make a point of clicking on the video to stop it then clicking on the circle at bottom left and blocking the ad.
The propaganda is relentless.
Bendigo Bank just showed me an ad on Yootoobe for house insurance. It was a cartoon with a tree crashing through the house roof. The cartoon couple in the ad? He black, she white. Tarzan go home!
This is a trend very noticeable now with regard to adverts on commercial television touting all kinds of generally useless products and services. I guess that is why they need to promote them in the first place. The very obvious aspect is the ‘diversity’ portrayed – white and brown/black mixed couples, sometimes bizarrely shown with children with more asian characteristics. I suppose they may be adopted, but the point seems to be that you need to cram every possible racial group into your promotion to fulfil your ESG requirements. There even seems to be a quota system operating in the background as all the extras must include brown, yellow, black with the occasional token white to throw us off the scent of what is the real subliminal message.
There is also the food preparation delivery mob where the white wife has come home after an apparently extended absence and her multi-cultural children are updating her on how they got their father (same hair gene as the children) to cook healthy stuff during her absence – they even got him to eat brocolli. How stereotypical is that as in wife goes away and the husband is too dumb to maintain a healthy lifestyle if it were not for the childrens intervention and the food delivery service.
That increasing atmospheric CO₂ results in increased global temperatures – still not proven beyond reasonable doubt.
That increasing penetration of variable renewable energy into a stable grid increases the cost of power to the consumer – proven beyond reasonable doubt.
If temps don’t fall below the line then the lukewarmers win.
Not necessarily. You could change the line.
That would be cheating.
If La Nina conditions prevail, without an equivalent drop in temperatures, I’ll have to concede.
Equivalent to what though?
If the pause continues above the line I’m sunk.
Lukewarmers believe industrial CO2 causes a little warming, but its not alarming.
Trending …
Woah David Maddison! You are spamming!
Feel free to contribute something of your own.
More spam?? That would effectively ruin a blog. Is that what you want?
So an off topic blog is “ruined” by blog entries. Interesting logic.
Empty claim without substance or reference. Prithee do desist in this endeavour.
lost count of the percentage of David comments (perhaps 80% at the time of my comment.) If this is the David Maddison blog then no problem. If it was the Joanne Nova blog then David is a spammer at 80% rate of comment.
Hey! He’s a bona fide skeptic you know.
Which has nothing to do with anything.
David’s post always have content.. unlike comments from some other people.
spam doesn’t have relevant content.
David’s post almost always do.
At least try to comprehend the difference.
Oh C’mon b.nice would you?
Everyone knows that spamming is a loose term meaning something like high volume with or without value. I could have said “Comment Flooding” but who knows that?
The point being it is rude and potentially off-putting to infrequent readers (IMHO).
So I get red thumbs for it and my comment wasn’t even mean.
What Me Worry?
No way 80%. Your calculator needs a new battery. Maybe one of those Climate Change thingies.
I’ll concede not using the standard skeptic edition calculator (can’t say model around here). I’ve got nothing at all against David either. But Jonny, look at the comment time stamps for David and there was a spam-like flurry.
I don’t mind getting thumbs down but imagine if everyone did that?
I note even David did not deny my point either.
David is really the Maddison triplets.
“Germany is facing a complete collapse of its power grid this winter due to the soaring demand for electric heaters amid growing fears gas supplies could be cut off.”
I guess that they will be able to calculate that in “EV Equivalents”
The wokies are very big on original sin, a feudal concept adopted by the Catholic church – a Christian church. The wokies are anti Christian so you can turn it back on them by asking whether they are Catholic.
The doctrine of Original Sin is based on Mosaic traditions dating several millennia BC , a long time prior to European feudalism.
Earliest evidence of that tradition is amongst tribal people in the Middle-East.
It is a theme in the epic of Gilgamesh similar to that of Genesis 3 which is elaborated in later Old Babylonian versions of the myth.
The Inflation Reduction Act is “Orwellian –
From Martin Armstrong –
“ABC News anchor Jonathan Karl questioned clueless White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. “But let me ask you, it’s called the ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’ but the Congressional Budget Office, which is nonpartisan, said that there would be a negligible impact on inflation this year and barely impact inflation at all next year, isn’t it almost Orwellian?” Karl asked. “How can you call it inflation reduction when the nonpartisan experts say it’s not gonna bring inflation down?”
Jean-Pierre did not have an answer. She simply stated that the proposal is “making sure that billions in corporate America are paying their fair share.” We know from data that the IRS will target everyone and has historically gone after lower-income Americans. Another Democrat-backed reckless spending bill that taxpayers will pay for without ever having the opportunity to cast a vote.”
We shouldn’t use the term “renewables”. I prefer “unreliables”.
What does “renewables” even mean?
The implication is that we are running out of the alternative.
But that’s simply not true.
There is no foreseeable shortage of gas or coal in the world. The only shortages are due to political constraints. Obviously they are finite resources but presently nowhere near depletion.
And the wind might be “free” but any yachtsman will tell you it is VERY EXPENSIVE to collect, and unreliable.
Oil is less abundant, but if necessary, gas and coal can be turned into oil as well.
Spot on there DM. Call them unreliable, intermittents, anything but renewable. Renewables are recycled old furniture. Not sure why that word applies to electrons. Also, stop calling wind farms, wind farms. Call them Wind Motion Power Installations or WMPI (pronounced wimpy). One thing Angus Taylor should have done ( at the very least) was change all the wording in his portfolio to those better names. But, them I assumed he may have had some common sense.
I read today about the Government of Germany recommissioning nuclear power stations as a top priority.
The only way Australia can now stop the electricity generation crisis is to but back the previously state owned public asset power stations and implement the plans the former Electricity Commission had created to recondition and add new generator units at each power station.
We shouldn’t use ‘farm’ either, more correctly something like ‘industrial installation’.
We should stop using green too, very clever marketing, the Greens political party hiding extreme left agendas behind environment has managed to get us brainwashed into referring to green …. hydrogen the latest.
Or environmental vandalism.
Blocking high pressure over North America.
Could be the solar flares / CMEs erupting from the sun, as we have a blocking (stalled) high to our east, 1045 hPa, drawing down Fijian tropical wetness [one expert described it as a ‘hose pipe event’]. Could be La Niña Part 3. Could be Tongan volcano side-effects. What it ain’t is CO2 as it’s snowing and cold in other S.H. climates. Then again it could be Bill Gates…
The ‘hose pipe event’ is clearly shown on this satellite image.
Re computerised farm machinery.
“Sick Codes has jailbroken a John Deere and this is just the beginning. Turns out our entire food system is built on outdated, unpatched Linux and Windows CE hardware with LTE modems.”
IIRC a while back there was a bloke who was doing similar with electronic voting machines. He was NOT impressed with what he was finding.
Chiefio has been having the rounds with this on a used up-market Mercedes that he got – sworn off anything later than about 2002 due to inbuilt features of the control system.
Speaking of this make of car, please consider Mercedes C250 coupe
Wrong link ??
Michael Hastings was driving a brand new Mercedes C250 coupe when it “crashed”. One line of thought is it was remotely controlled to speed up and crash while another suggests a missile. It is not just farm machinery that might have “…inbuilt features of the control system”.
More on Chiefio’s Mercedes fleet and problems in his text at the start here and continues in comments
Just back on the energy subject. There are some contributors to this blog who discuss all the possible new ways of generating electricity. So, modular nuclear reactors (not necessarily new, but an extension of present tech), fusion power etc. All which sound OK, but have not yet been commercialised to any reliable degree. Watch Youtube and there’s a never ending list of whizz bang new power generation sources. Even if some of those newer techs become possible I’m not sure there would be the ability to get to commercial stage anyway. The solar/wind/ batteries (intermittent) lobby and their financial backers are so powerful now , I would doubt any of that new tech would go any further than experimental. Nuclear energy appears to be just hanging on in those countries who once championed them and It would be difficult to see any new nuclear being envisaged in any western countries. The green blob/ intermittent power lobby would just shut it down. Sorry, no dollars for you!
The last thing the corporate rulers of the world want is cheap energy. How would they control us then?
Agreed – cheap water, energy and food. All quickly becoming a relic of the past, for no good reason.
China has already built a Thorium SMR and is in the testing phase.
They plan to roll out hundreds of them to remotr areas where there is no cooling water source available (one ofthe Thorium smr advantages)
Injdonesia also has a SMR under construction, and the USA has just approved a plant in Wyoming.
The SMRs are coming !
I keep hearing about this SMR. Wasn’t it supposed to be operational by now?
Here’s a Clue:
Gaia Liar Sanctioned for Lying, er, basing claims upon unproven data, er, old data, er, poppycock?.
“Jane Lubchenco, a key climate aide for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), has been barred from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) publications for five years.”
Darn!!.. you would have to pretty awful to get banned for anything to do with Biden and integrity !!
AGL will release its financial results for 2022 tomorrow. Judging by the unexciting share price, the market is not expecting anything scintillating. The only news story this week is titled ” Why are earnings expected to be lower? ”
Generating electricity in Australia seems to be a less profitable business model than operating a fast food chain. As such the sector attracts little new investment – except in the much-vaunted renewables space.
I wonder how long it will take for Albanese Labor to extend the Morrison Government cut off for renewable energy subsidies in 2030?
Good news, the Supreme Court of the USA has ruled that the EPA can not regulate power plant emissions, as for some reason they do not fall under the Clean Air Act.
Real pollution from coal and gas fired power stations is already highly controlled.
CO2, on the other hand, is an absolutely essential part of clean, usable air.
It MUST be there or the planet dies..
… and levels are currently quite low compare to optimum plant requirements.
So the question is how will the EPA regulate emissions without the Clean Air Act?
What the Court ruled is that the EPA cannot give itself powers that the elected Congress did not give to it.
The Clean Air Act does not give the EPA the power to do this, and the EPA should stay within its lane, not pretend that it has the authority to reinterpret statute law.
Governmenr “of the people, by the people“ means that the law is made by elected representatives, not non-elected bureaucrats.
mmmmmmm CO2 has nothing todo with clean air
Well Worth A Read –
Rain, Rain, Go Away –
The Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite showed that the greatest methane emissions are from the tundra in Canada and Russia, and the tropics – especially the Amazonian, Central African and Indonesian wetlands. Smaller emissions were from tropical South America, north-western America, China, west Africa, Antarctica, and Cape York.
From the Spectator.
And not, repeat NOT from livestock farms.
Study Reveals Leftist Males Given ‘Additional Testosterone’ Turn Into Conservatives
Males who vote Democrat may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, according to a new study.
Administering testosterone to Democrat males induces a transformation, according to a Claremont Graduate University scientific study which concludes that leftist males are likely to become conservative when their testosterone levels rise.
“When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party affiliation fell by 12% and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president.”
A cure!! A cure!!
No more loony lefties or “meat & 2 veg” women. 😅
Hence the origin of the retort, ‘grow a pair’.
Anything I could post in reply wouldn’t get past the mods. 😆😆😆
I’ve seen your posts in blogs unknown to most here. Congrats on your “wide ranging knowledge”. 😏
Sun tanned testicle increase testroszone and elevate vitamin D
China – technological advancement FAIL
China is in deep trouble with their tech.
It’s way behind the world and getting worse. The recent arrest of tech CEO’s goes to show the massive corruption and fraud in the industry.
Biden’s boost to domestic chip manufacturing is in reality a China sanction.
Little wonder China want to take over Taiwan. Taiwan was NEVER in the chinese fold or a member of the CCP but China has claimed that they were, since 1949.
Every CCP government since then has tried to take over Taiwan but failed.
If China does invade Taiwan then the sanctions will encompass Taiwan and the global chip crisis gets worse…
The car industry need to modernise their tech. You think your new car has state-of-the-art tech? Nope. More like a VHS player in a world of Bluray. The chip makers don’t want to produce legacy automotive “tech” which is why the auto chip crisis exists…
Hundreds of Children Diagnosed With ‘Childhood Dementia’ – Doctors Baffled
Hundreds of children are being diagnosed with “childhood dementia” and a rare disease described as Alzheimer’s mixed with Parkinson’s — and doctors are baffled.
Now mainstream media outlets are suddenly highlighting a previously unheard-of disease: childhood dementia. According to some researchers, the media are engaged in an intentional predictive programming strategy designed to normalize surging neurological disorders.
A peer-reviewed article published in the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases scientific journal shares some concerning revelations regarding coronavirus immunizations. Titled COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease, the paper suggests Pfizer’s mRNA elixir may trigger fatal diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob (similar to Mad Cow).
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is an esteemed scientist with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She holds degrees in Biophysics, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Programming. Amid the pandemic era, she has dedicated her time to studying COVID-19 vaccines. After meticulously analyzing data, case studies, and physiological responses, she made several startling discoveries.
Examinations of patients who developed Parkinson’s post-jab reveal that once the shot is administered, its synthetic contents activate an immune system response and production of spike proteins— the most toxic part of viruses. Through bodily filtration mechanisms, these cells make their way to the lymphatic system where they rapidly accumulate in the spleen.
Seneff explains this critical terminal center is where brain conditions develop. She describes the entire process as a perfectly concocted method to induce progressive neurological damage in the coming years.
Yet another “doctors are baffled” story.
In parallel news:
New Study Finds That a Certain Protein Helps Protect Against Dementia
A groundbreaking study reveals the crucial role of the protein p62 in reducing neurodegenerative disorders through selective autophagy.
Cells use selective autophagy or self-degradation of undesired proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis (i.e., a state of balance). This process is controlled by autophagy receptors, which mediate the selection of a target protein that is subsequently “cleared.”
Tau proteins, which play a crucial role in the internal architecture of neurons in the brain, abnormally accumulate within neurons in disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins (or tau oligomers) in the brains of dementia patients leads to the creation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and eventually cell death of neurons, leading to the disease’s progressive neurodegenerative symptoms. While tau proteins may be degraded by selective autophagy, the specific mechanism by which this happens is unknown.
However, recent research conducted by experts at Japan’s National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology demonstrated the crucial role performed by a specific gene—the p62 gene—in the selective autophagy of tau oligomers. The team includes researcher Maiko Ono and group head Naruhiko Sahara from Japan’s National Institutes of Quantum Science and Technology’s Department of Functional Brain Imaging.
Selective autophagy – sweet…
They try to wipe us out on the one hand then come up with cures on the other.
Go figure…
Moderna’s New Omicron Booster-Jab To Be Rolled Out To Over 50’s & Vulnerable In UK
Around 26 million people, including the over 50’s, vulnerable Britons and healthcare workers are in line to potentially receive the new jab starting from next month.
It is a half and half vaccine, made from the genetic material of the original Wuhan Covid strain and Omicron.
RNA for Moderna’s Omicron booster manufactured by CIA-linked company
Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence.
The approval comes shortly before several Western countries, including the UK, plan to conduct a massive COVID-19 booster vaccination campaign this fall. Moderna has also noted that approval for its Omicron booster vaccine are pending in the US, EU, Australia and Canada – all of which are also planning fall vaccination campaigns focused on COVID-19. The company’s CEO, Stéphane Bancel, has called the reformulated vaccine “our lead candidate for a Fall 2022 booster.”
Last September, it was quietly announced that a company called National Resilience (often referred to simply as Resilience) would begin manufacturing the mRNA for Moderna COVID-19 vaccine products. Under the terms of the multi-year agreement, “Resilience will produce mRNA for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at its facility in Mississauga, Ontario, for distribution worldwide.”
However, while Nelsen has been given much of the credit for creating Resilience, he revealed in one interview that the idea for the company had actually come from someone else – Luciana Borio.
At the time of their conversation, Borio was the vice president of In-Q-tel, the venture capital arm of the CIA that has been used since its creation in the early 2000s to found a number of companies, many of which act as Agency fronts. Prior to In-Q-Tel, she served as director for medical and biodefense preparedness at the National Security Council during the Trump administration and had previously been the acting chief scientist at the FDA from 2015 to 2017.
Borio is currently a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations, a consultant to Goldman Sachs, a member of the Bill Gates-funded vaccine alliance CEPI, and a partner at Nelsen’s venture capital firm ARCH Venture Partners, which funds Resilience. Nelsen’s ARCH previously funded Nanosys, the company of the controversial scientist Charles Lieber. Around the time of her conversation with Nelsen that led to Resilience’s creation, Borio was co-writing a policy paper for the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security that recommended linking COVID-19 vaccination status with food stamp programs and rent assistance as a possible means of coercing certain populations to take the experimental vaccine.
So long as no one stops them, they will keep producing and injecting these diabolical products. It is like a B. Grade movie – only it is not!
BHP has torpedoed Twiggy’s green hydrogen, but will Albanese Labor take note, that green hydrogen technology is at the earliest, if ever commercially viable, many decades away.
Do you mean the canadian Nickel deal ? ..or the BHP statement about not using green hydrogen for steel?
Albo will only take notice of things that might win Labor votes !
BHP statement about hydrogen for steel.
Naah !..Twiggy wont worry about that !…., he plans to refuel the whole world with millions of tons of Hydrogen
Study Reveals Blood Abnormalities in 94% of COVID Vaccinated Participants
Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna
In the present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves.
The full 104 page UNREDACTED Pfizer EU purchase agreement!
… The Participating Member State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, the Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine shall not be serialized.”
Get it before it gets deleted…
Meanwhile the BBC is currently celebrating the UK’s brilliance developing a new ‘bivalent’ vax for autumn jabbing of the over 50s and vulnerables. Safe and effective, safe and effective,…..
Not found Err 404
Third try successfull, sorry
Great Artesian Basin seems to have despite predictions of doom and gloom replenished itself with over 90 new springs popping up in the outback .
The water table is our area (NSW Central West Tablelands) has definitely risen after so much rain in the last 12 months. At first we thought it was dam overflow, but it is now clear that the aquifers are completely charged and overflowing through the topsoil.
I wonder what Tom Foolery thinks about that situation?
We have similar next to a small dam at our place. When we first moved in we thought it was overflow, but it soon became clear that its rising groundwater. The system around here in NE VIC seems fully charged and local rivers are flowing strongly. Coming weeks forecast , showers every day. Looks like a great summer for Lake Eildon.
I love a sunburnt country……
Don’t forget the “droughts and flooding rains”.
She included them all. Knew more than our current experts.
Dave B
Tapping those bores was a good idea, a bountiful natural resource is saved. Meanwhile, droughty conditions in East China is of concern.
‘Drought conditions triggered by sustained hot weather and low precipitation in East China’s Jiangxi province have reduced the country’s largest freshwater lake, Poyang, by 75 percent, according to local authorities on Thursday.’ (China Daily)
el gordo
With the GAB – they tapped it first then later they capped
Actually bores were mostly rehabilitated if needed so the flow could be controlled and piped instead of using bore drains.
Pressures are on the rise.
Well spent government money for a change.
Thanks for the clarification, I stumbled across this essay on the GAB.
Sudden cow death syndrome in Italy
50 cows suddenly die in Italy in the space of only a few minutes.
Government ‘experts’ attribute the deaths on SCDS (sudden cow death syndrome) brought on by climate change.
MOAR solar panels!! 😄
They turned on the local 5G network…
Saw something like this in Switzerland. They called it lightning. Of course being Switzerland the farmer had insurance.
7-Eleven Stores Close in Denmark after Cyberattack
7-Eleven stores in Denmark shut down on Monday after falling victim to a cyberattack that disrupted their payment and checkout systems throughout the country.
The attack occurred during the early morning on Monday, with the company’s post on Facebook saying that they were likely “exposed to a hacker attack”.
The translated statement said that the company closed all of its stores in the country while investigating the security incident.
“Unfortunately, we suspect that we have been exposed to a hacker attack today, Monday 8 August 2022. This means that we cannot use checkouts and/or receive payment. We are therefore keeping the stores closed until we know the extent. We naturally hope that we can open the stores again soon,” added 7-Eleven DK.
Welcome to a Digital future…
Klaus Schwab was warning of a coming cyberattack. He must own the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph of crystal balls. 😄
“Welcome to a Digital future…”
Noticed that Coles supermarket in a large regional town now has “Card only” check outs.
We will gather your information one way or another.
The process may take a while to fully implement but it is happening by tiny increments,
G’day J C II,
The channel 10 News at 5 had a report of a failure of the checkout systems (at least?) at some Woolworths supermarkets in Sydney. No cause or duration mentioned. Connected?
Dave B
I track global transactions & outages amongst numerous other things and report when appropriate.
So far, nothing major happening.
Canada to launch Digital Identity Program
Trudeau is pushing forth the Great Reset at any cost. Canada will impose a federal “Digital Identity Program” to help the World Economic Forum develop a global ID system. Since the COVID passports failed, they are outright demanding that everyone carry proof of their digital identity.
The Canadian government will be able to track every citizen’s movement. They will surely implement digital IDs into every facet of government, so the people will be required to carry their digital ID as if it were Nazi Germany. Freedom and privacy have been lost to tyranny.
We need a “Citizens for sanity” party here and an emergency election…
Double vaxxed New Zealanders 7x sicker now than pre-Covid 2019
New Zealand health officials are seeing double the number of people feeling cough, fever, illness, this year over last year.
And the country is SEVEN TIMES sicker than in 2019 before the pandemic!
Maybe all the masking, isolating, social distancing, and pushing the garbage vaccines didn’t work?
Pollies, “experts” and complicit health “professionals” – arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. Can’t come soon enough.
The evidence is now demonstrable and overwhelming. No more excuses.
Antibody dependent enhancement. The jabs prime the body to overreact to all future pathogens. Immunology 101. The cure is worse than the disease. It should disappear after a couple of years, but not if people keep getting boosterized.
Not just New Zealanders. Here’s a Thai Study On Covid Vaccine,
heart complications in more than 3% of 13-18 year olds after vaccination.
Chemistry breakthrough extracts oxygen from water using magnets
In what’s described as a key advancement for the development of systems to help propel humans into deep space, scientists have demonstrated a method of extracting oxygen from water in microgravity using magnets. The technology shapes as a cost-effective and viable way to keep astronauts breathing during their journeys, and marks an important breakthrough for the production of oxygen from water in the absence of buoyant forces.
The scientists developed a new technique to detach gas bubbles from an electrode surface in various liquids using neodymium magnets. In their successful experiments, the researchers were able to use this approach to attract and repel gas bubbles in microgravity using magnetism for the first time.
“After years of analytical and computational research, being able to use this amazing drop tower in Germany provided concrete proof that this concept will function in the zero-g space environment,” said Professor Hanspeter Schaub of University of Colorado Boulder.
According to the team, the advance could lead to a new generation of life support systems for next-generation spacecraft, and is the kind of technology that could greatly aid efforts to send humans to the Moon and Mars.
The research was published in the journal npj Microgravity.
Surprise Discovery: Sleeping Giant Could End Deep Ocean Life
Continental movement is capable of throttling marine oxygen.
A previously overlooked factor — the position of continents — helps fill Earth’s oceans with life-supporting oxygen. Continental movement could ultimately have the opposite effect, killing the majority of deep ocean creatures.
“Continental drift seems so slow, like nothing drastic could come from it, but when the ocean is primed, even a seemingly tiny event could trigger the widespread death of marine life,” said Andy Ridgwell, University of California, Riverside geologist. Ridgwell is co-author of a new study on forces affecting oceanic oxygen.
As the water at the ocean’s surface approaches the north or south pole, it becomes colder and denser and then sinks. When the water sinks, it transports oxygen pulled from Earth’s atmosphere down to the ocean floor.
Eventually, a return flow brings nutrients released from sunken organic matter back to the ocean’s surface, where it fuels the growth of plankton. Today’s oceans feature an incredible diversity of fish and other animals that are supported by both the uninterrupted supply of oxygen to lower depths and organic matter produced at the surface.
New research has found that this circulation of oxygen and nutrients can end quite suddenly. Using complex computer models, the scientists investigated whether the locations of continental plates affect how the ocean moves oxygen around. They were surprised to find that it does.
This finding led by researchers based at UC Riverside is detailed in the journal Nature. It was published today (August 17, 2022).
A very large volcanic eruption, similar to Toba 74,000 years ago, would trigger global cooling.
‘One in six chance of massive eruption this century.
‘British researchers say the world is ‘woefully unprepared for such an event’, which could have repercussions for supply chains, climate and food resources worldwide.’ (Oz)
The Germans have apparently invented another new climate term: Klimakiller. Self explanatory I would imagine: Climate killer. Are you a climate killer?
The term appeared on a large outdoor advertisement in Berlin in 2020. It showed a mother with two children and the wording ” Zukunft oder Klimakiller ” Future or Climate Killer? Meaning that having kids is irresponsible as it produces future climate killers.
How antihuman. Who is behind this nonsense?
Meanwhile in Russia, increasingly generous multiple child payments in recent years and now the reintroduction of the mother heroine 10 (ten) child honour and big cash bonus.
Well deserved I’d say! 10 children! I can’t imagine the extent of the chaos!
Paris hit by 80% of average August rainfall in 90 minutes, France
Violent thunderstorms brought heavy rain and strong winds to parts of France on August 16, 2022, bringing temporary relief to the drought-stricken country.
A violent storm accompanied by hail and intense lighting circulated last night from the Minervois towards the eastern Hérault department, bringing hourly rainfall in excess of 50 mm (1.96 inches), with 63 mm (2.48 inches) at Montarnaud and 87 mm (3.42 inches) at Puéchabon.
The storms also brought powerful wind gusts to the region, with 104 km/h (64 mph) registered in Aigues Mortes, 108 km/h (67 mph) in Saint-Mandrier, and 116 km/h (72 mph) in Hyères.
A series of thunderstorms hit Paris between 16:45 and 19:15 LT, with up to 47 mm (1.8 inches) of rain measured in the Montsouris park rain gauge, including 16 mm (0.6 inches) in just 12 minutes.
To put this in perspective, in an hour and a half, the area received the equivalent of 80% of the 1991 – 2020 average monthly accumulation for the entire month of August (58 mm / 2.28 inches)
How do you describe this?
A counter-emergency?
Time-constrained diametrically-opposed weather events.
Gotta love it…
It’s called the usual thundery breakdown after hot weather. Same in UK. It’s very misleading because the rain totals can vary massively between locations just 100s of meters apart, that is the nature of localised thunderstorms.
In the England rain totals in the last day have varied between 0 and 143mm (5.6″), but the average is probably 20mm or so.
As a teenager in England in the 1950s, I certainly remember violent,localised thunderstorms in summer (July/August). Nothing new! Like the day we fled what had been a sunny, warm beach in Bournemouth to shelter in a shopfront from a very sudden and violent thunderstorm.
I also remember a thunderstorm blowing up after a Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night celebration in early November and waking up at first thinking it waa still fireworks going off!
The problem with becoming older is that you remember all these ‘strange’ happenings over many years in the padt and wonder at the panic-inducing nonsense our youngsters are fed!
It was nuclear winter in my earlier days…
Definitely, the climate alarmists very much rely on the limited life experience and perspective of younger people to convince them that the ordinary is extraordinary.
Is the Rhine still dry 😉
They were complaining about that, only a few days ago.
‘At the moment, the new showery pattern affecting Europe is not benefitting Rhine River level forecasts.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Something is Looming Geopolitically, and We Better Start Taking It Seriously
August 18, 2022 | Sundance | 23 Comments
from the article …
“Never before in the history of industrialized nations has any government intentionally lowered it’s economic activity.”
I think it’s a segmented class based lowering.(The oligarchs and their mandarins, against the rest of us.)
Small businesses were wiped out by lockdowns, oligarch corps made out.
Climate/Virus manufactured hysteria is just a horde sweeping the globe, burning and pillaging.
The circus will end when the mission is accomplished and the mercenary media and pols, no longer need to convince us we haven’t been turned into serfs.
Who knew the Age of Aquarius was the dawn of Neo Feudalism?
One thing leads to another, like it’s a plan or something. Certainly gives pause that CV19 was a bioweapon.
I found a new dam site to pump water from the east coast to the Murray Darling system. Wollomombi Falls, at the headwaters of the Oxley Wild Rivers is a deep narrow gorge perfect for a dam of considerable size. At the very edge of the eastern escarpment, a very short pipeline from there to the origins of the Gwydir River just west of Armidale, some 50 kms perhaps less, is all it would take. A pumping station as well. This would feed into Copeton Dam and onto the Moree plains, probably the richest agriculture area in Australia. Copeton got down to 4% capacity during the last drought. That would never happen again. Sure the National Parks have claimed it but I’d get rid of that ? NOt sure how much water flows in the feeding creeks but though it would be a mighty big hole to fill, Im sure it would fill eventually. Hydro electricity at the bottom.
Fantastic, we have a perfectly good, never been used 70 km long pipeline just laying in the ground waiting for a buyer. Only one owner that Im sure would let you have it for cost price, somewhere in the one billion dollar range ought to do it.
Can’t mention the word “Dam” it’s a trigger word .
Wait until the next Mega drought, then you may just have a slight chance…but doubtful !
Nickel is in high demand for electric batteries. The price has doubled over the past few years. Remember Poseidon!
The company? Or the cruise liner? 😄
Yes… good old Poseidon. I bought shares at $5 and sold them for $240. LOVE IT!
It was inevitable.
Probably augmented by vax side effects.
Let them eat insects.
Gas Crisis Chaos: Minister Brands Unhappy Public ‘New Enemies of the State’ Amid Riot Warnings (18 Aug)
Those taking the German government to task over the ongoing gas crisis have been branded the “new enemies of the state” by one government minister in the country.
The minister — who is a member of former chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party — made the claim as authorities in the country begin to fear significant backlash for gas shortages in the winter, with one official saying that he is now expecting riots to occur if and when people are no longer able to heat their homes.
According to a report by broadcaster NTV, Herbert Reul, who serves as the Interior Minister for the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, has now labelled members of the public challenging the extremely poor handling of Germany’s energy, cost of living, and COVID crises by the political class as “enemies of the state”.
Freezing pensioners are now terrorists. This sort of approach didn’t work too well in a certain next door country, as I recall.
“The “Coming Climate Anarchy”… Run Away!!!”
“Guest “Really?!?” by David Middleton”
CO2 cools Venus.