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What do you do when you can’t win elections legally — raid political opponents homes…

Anything but let Donald Trump run in 2024

A few perspectives on the FBI Raid of Mar-a-Lago that we didn’t hear on the ABC news tonight.

The word of the day is “Banana Republic”

There are two legal systems in the US now. If you’re on the same team as the Regime, the FBI will happily go slow on your laptop investigation, even if it implicates past Vice Presidents, and potential Presidential candidates and in an election year and on matters of national security. Likewise, using private servers while being Secretary of State and getting a subpoena and bleaching 33,000 emails. That’s OK too.

Mark Steyn: Criminalizing Opposition in a Pseudo-Republic

“we’ve now moved into hardcore banana-republic territory: the regime’s cops are busting into the home of the opposition leader. “

Steyn speaking three days after the “election”:

It’s my view that after the Biden regime takes power, as in many coup situations, they will want to have the previous leader arrested. I’m being perfectly serious here. It is the intention of the Democrat Party to put Trump in jail. So, when he launches the ‘Trump News Network’, it’s gonna need to be based out of Costa Rica or the Turks and Caicos or somewhere.

Just after the unarmed “insurrection” Mark Steyn predicted they have to erase him:

…it’s not enough for him not to be president, they don’t want him to be a former president either. They don’t want the Grover Cleveland scenario, where he comes back in four years. So it’s important to them, as I said this morning, that he be the most ex ex-president ever, more ex- than Nixon. Nixon they still invited when they had these photo ops in the Oval Office, where all the presidents get together and stand around the desk with the incumbent. They’re not gonna be inviting Trump to that. They want Trump to be an ex-president, they want to put him in jail…

This may backfire badly if it galvanizes Americans against corruption and injustice:

Is this the moment when they wake the sleeping bear? One former Secret Service FBI agent Dan Bongino is on fire: “the FBI has shredded any credibility it had”. “This is a freaking disgrace”. “The country you thought you lived in yesterday, you no longer live in…  “

On Politico:

“If they raided his home just to find classified documents he took from The White House,” one legal expert noted, “he will be re-elected president in 2024, hands down. It will prove to be the greatest law enforcement mistake in history.

Assuming that voting still matters, and Trump and his supporters are not in jail, this will turn Trump into an icon.


Random person on Twitter:


But was this more about provoking Trump supporters rather than just erasing Trump? If Trump supporters “take the bait” and do five percent of what the George Floyd fans did, that will be a handy excuse for the FBI to hike up the “War on Domestic Terrorism”. Beware, the brazen injustice of it may be the point.

Trump’s team released this on Truth Social today:

It’s a fight for the heart of America.

It’s unprecedented:

Armstrong Economics

Never in the entire history of the United States has a former president been indicted for any criminal conduct. This has not been because there was never such an incident. Most importantly, the historic precedent is that post-term indictment is NOT legally allowed.

Up until now, both political parties, as well as the public, see the prospect of post-term immunity as a guarantee that the country’s politics will remain civil and that power will transition peacefully from one party to the other. All of that is now crumbling before our eyes. That very percedent is what drove President Gerald Ford to pardon Richard Nixon. It was also the reason why the Office of the Independent Counsel decided not to indict former President Bill Clinton for perjury.

It’s serious:

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends

Joy Pullman, The Federalist

Locking Up Opposition Politicians Is What Putin Does

An indictment of former President Donald Trump would be a breathtakingly authoritarian turn. It would amount to the U.S. security state refusing to accept “no” from America’s voters yet again. An indictment would be an unelected and unaccountable federal agency overruling voters’ two-time rejection of impeachment through their elected representatives.

This is the core danger of the administrative state: Its now open propensity to go rogue. It is apparently hellbent now on turning the United States into a banana republic.

A two-tier justice system is not a justice system. It is a totalitarian system.

Certainly even more ordinary Americans are realizing through all of this that the entire federal deck is prejudiced against them. Desperation makes people do wild things.  … Equality Under the Law Is the Nonviolent Way Out

Remember, 75 million people voted for Trump in 2020. This isn’t some fringe Davidian cult, it’s half of the nation’s voters. — read it all

The FBI and DOJ are already known political players:

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown.

William A Jacobson, Legal Insurrection

It’s also a provocation to get Trump to declare his candidacy for President before the midterms. Democrats would love to turn 2022 into a referendum on Trump rather than the deliberate destruction of the national borders and inflation.

Would the FBI and DOJ do such a thing? Aren’t they “above” politics? The then FBI Director James Comey admitted to trying to set up the new President Trump by alerting him to the Steele Dossier, and then leaked the story of the briefing to CNN, which gave license to report on the false allegations in the dossier. So yes, the FBI and DOJ would do such a thing, and have done such a thing to Trump.

It appears to be out of all proportions: Is this really just about “archive material”?

Alan Dershowitz Raises Legal Questions

Reports are suggesting that this raid may be in relation to classified documents that they think should be with the National Archives. But if that’s the case, it’s an insane overreaction rather than just pursuing the documents in a normal manner. The family said they had been cooperating in reviewing documents that the National Archives might want. But to send in agents and just grab documents right and left, even breaking into the safe in the home is just wild and it sounds like a fishing expedition. Is it to try to find other things, with that as an excuse?

Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz is calling it “misconduct.” According to him, in an appearance on Newsmax, such a raid should be the method of last resort, unless they can’t get the documents through subpoenas or any other lawful methods.

Can Trump be ruled out of running for President in 2024?

On Politico:

There was a burst of excitement on Democratic legal Twitter after MARC ELIAS pointed out that one of the penalties for violating the statute on improper handling of government records is being “disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

But as NYT’s Charlie Savage expertly explains, that issue was well-ventilated back when conservatives wanted to throw HILLARY CLINTON in jail for allegedly violating the same law, and many scholars concluded that, as applied to a presidential candidate, it’s unconstitutional because the Constitution alone sets the eligibility criteria for the presidency. (Former A.G. MICHAEL MUKASEY was a fan of this theory, but Savage notes that he later recanted.)

Or was it a fishing trip to find a better reason?

Bonchie says “Don’t take the bait”

There is nothing the Biden administration and the left at large want more than another January 6th moment before the mid-terms. They long for it, and they are willing to do anything to try to manipulate a reaction out of the right to feed into their narrative. Why? Because they believe it can save them from certain destruction in November.

Further, the FBI specifically wants justification to fight its war on “domestic terrorism.”

To add another new flavour of potential corruption to this cake: Apparently the Judge that signed the warrant is likely to be Judge Bruce Reinhart, who was also a donor to Barack Obama, once worked at the US Attorneys Office and left to become an attorney who represented employees of Jeffrey Epstein. By apparently flipping sides in the Epstein legal battle he was then accused of leveraging “inside information about Epstein’s investigation to curry favor with Epstein.”

It’s like a movie script.

h/t Mike of NQ, Johnny Rotten, Scott of the Pacific, Old Ozzie, Fuel Filter, and Bill who moved from AZ.

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