You’d think it would be big news? Deaths in Australia are running a lot higher than expected. After ticking like a metronome for years, they’ve suddenly jumped 12% or even higher. This is above and beyond normal deaths and deaths listed as “Covid”. Something mysterious or new has killed around 10,000 Australians in the first half of this year last twelve months*. This is eight times worse than the national road toll, yet this phenomenon has barely rated a mention in our news reports.
When a car crash kills three people, we hear about it on the six o’clock news. But when 10,000 lose their lives… crickets.
Total media interest on this mystery killer amounts to three tangential mentions out of 100 media outlets. One, in the Australian Financial Review called it a “marked” change and “helpfully” said it wasn’t due to suicide. The Guardian, meanwhile wondered if Covid was really killing more people than we realize. The third, NewsGP for doctors was the only serious discussion, yet even it was all questions and no answers. The word vaccine was only mentioned so that we knew that unnamed analysts believe “the probable influence of vaccine-related deaths … is ‘negligible’. Not that they had any reasons.
Actuaries Australia estimate the increase in deaths in the first five months of the year was 12% higher than expected. They are the most conservative. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) though calculates that so far in the first half of 2022 there were some 13,500 deaths more than the historical average. If they are correct that would be 17% above normal.
Of the excess deaths, 5,292 were Covid positive deaths, many in the peak of the first major wave of widespread Covid in Australia in January 2022. But sometime around September last year there was a large rise in unexpected deaths that are not officially due to Covid. This group (marked in yellow) was far above the normal range expected and stayed higher ever since.
*UPDATE: To clarify, of the 10,300 excess deaths from Jan to June about 5,300 were due to Covid. So there were 5,000 unexplained mystery deaths, which is 830 Australians dying each month (in the most conservative actuaries estimate, and more in the ABS numbers). In the last twelve months that works out to be 10,000 people. Obviously numbers can’t be confirmed for a few more months.
Peak vaccine doses in Australia occurred from August to October in 2021. The lack of deaths in winter 2021 was largely because the borders were closed and there was no influenza.
Figures for 2022 are extraordinary
Below, Actuaries Australia plot the deaths recorded so far in 2022 compared to previous years.

Excess deaths by Actuaries Australia was 12% higher than expected (Jan to May this year).
The grey line is what they would have expected to happen in 2022. The blue line is what the ABS estimates deaths should have been in 2022. The ABS is averaging from a five year baseline before the pandemic started. The Actuaries are including some figures from during the pandemic and allowing for our population to be growing a bit older which would make deaths rise slightly each year.
The actuaries explain the reasons their estimate of excess deaths was lower than the ABS:
We have made allowance in our estimate for late registered deaths whereas the ABS does not. This acts to understate the ‘actual’ number of deaths used by the ABS, thus understating the measure of excess deaths by around 2%.
However, the more significant difference is in the determination of the baseline, where the ABS uses a simple average of the number of deaths from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021, with no allowance for mortality trends or demographic changes. In our view, this understates the baseline and therefore overstates the measure of excess deaths by around 6%.
These two impacts work in opposing directions, resulting in a difference in the estimates of excess deaths of around 4%.
The causes of the excess deaths:
Actuaries Australia essentially declares that most of the excess deaths are probably due to longer ongoing risks after a Covid infection. Some of the excess may be a “bounce” from the reduction in deaths caused in 2020 when influenza was gone. (But why did that “bounce” wait until Sept 2021 to start?) Some of the excess could be because doctors and hospitals and emergency wards were overwhelmed, and people didn’t get check ups. But it definitely wasn’t due to vaccines because, wait for it, Australia has a good vaccine approval process. (Yes, we sign secret contracts, and use secret data. How could anyone disagree?)
Amazingly they even quote the Australian vaccine safety report which includes 931 deaths reported after vaccination. This is nearly 10% of the mystery deaths tally, and if it were under-reported 10 to 1 (as is the case in the UK — see Ref 39/40 in the Malhotra paper) then the true tally could easily be nearly all the mystery deaths. Instead, the actuaries are comfortable ignoring 918 of those 931 reported deaths. Only 13 deaths were found “to be caused” by a vaccine. Amazing the power of faceless bureaucrats to delete all those people. Cancelled, even after death.
For the sake of the record, here’s part of the Actuaries discussion:
What could be causing Covid Deaths?
1. Post-COVID-19 sequelae or interactions with other causes of death: Possible impact in Australia: High
An earlier COVID-19 illness could be causing later illness and death, and/or COVID-19 could have worsened other diseases which ultimately caused death. Studies have shown that COVID-19 is associated with higher subsequent mortality risk from heart disease and other causes. To some extent, this shows on death certificates in the 999 deaths in the first four months of 2022 where COVID-19 is listed as a contributory cause, and a further 77 deaths were identified as from Long COVID. However, we understand that medical science has not yet established a causative link that would allow, say, a heart attack several months after a COVID-19 infection to be attributed back to COVID-19. As such, it seems likely that there would be more of these deaths than identified.
2. Delayed deaths from other causes: Moderate
3. Delay in emergency care: Low to Moderate
4. Delay in routine care: Low to Moderate
5. Pandemic-influenced lifestyle changes: Low
6. Vaccine-related deaths:
While there have been deaths in Australia caused by the administration of COVID-19 vaccines, the number of such deaths has been small. Australia has a very good vaccine approval and safety monitoring processes, administered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. The latest vaccine safety report (to 25 August) shows 136,000 adverse events have been reported from 63 million vaccines administered (a rate of 0.2% per vaccine administered). Of those adverse events, 931 were reports of death following vaccination. Of those deaths, 13 were found to have been caused by the administration of the vaccine, and all were following a first dose of AstraZeneca which is now in limited use in Australia.
Possible impact in Australia: Negligible
7. Undiagnosed COVID-19: Possible impact in Australia: Negligible
If the actuaries were really interested in whether vaccines or late Covid sequelae were the problem, they could dissect the state level data. There was an ideal experiment in Australia where at least one state (WA) had virtually no covid cases for all of 2021, but vaccinations were rolling out. Surely there we could compare the excess mysterious deaths with say, NSW, and see whether it was the virus or the vaccines…
*The 10,000 deaths in the headline starts with the conservative 8,500 estimate of the actuaries from January to May and multiplies it by 6/5 to make it a six month estimate. The UPDATE in the middle of the post clarifies that half those deaths were Covid related so the 10,000 mystery deaths applies to the last 12 months. (2am WST Oct 6.)
Our World in Data:” Births and Deaths in Australia
Aseem Malhotra, (2022) Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1, Journal of Insulin Resistance, ISSN: (Online) 2519-7533, (Print) 2412-2785
There are excess deaths all over the world as well.
And most recently a notable large increase in deaths of babies in Scotland.
It is being investigated.
What could it be?
Dr Suneel Dhand discusses. (7 mins)
You cite figures for the first half of 2022.
What do the figures for the first half of 2021 say? And 2020?
I haven’t researched it, but it seemed to me that in the beginning the lockdowns and associated non activities reduced the overall death rate.
I thought at the time that those people who didn’t die then would have to contribute to a higher rate at a later date.
It would not be at a later date but many different later dates. It would also be a percentage of a higher population because those who did not die did not reduce the population. I doubt lives were extended by “lockdowns and associated non activities” but instead by quarantine. The lockdowns and associated non activities in Australia became efforts to return to the covid zero state each and every time that quarantine failed. In most other countries “lockdowns and associated non activities” remained attempts to just to “flatten curves”. I wonder if there is such a reduction in those places. The quarantine failed because there was not enough individual isolated places for people to go for the 14 days. Instead the few who could return home were locked up in the same hotels as sick people.
I haven’t researched it, but it appeared to me that in the beginning the lockdowns, social distancing and associated non activities caused a reduction in the overall death rate.
I thought at the time that the people who didn’t die then would have to contribute to a higher death rate at a later date.
The elderly and the ill that would normally have been culled by the ‘flu were probably culled by Covid, and those usually culled by motor vehicle accidents and by Darwin (not the town) disappeared from the annual total.
I can’t imagine, besides suicides and missed/delayed diagnoses and/or treatment after the lockdowns and the few Covid deaths, there were many causes other that which may not be mentioned.
Ted1 – It seems unlikely that the “lockdowns, social distancing and associated non activities caused a reduction in the overall death rate” because the death rate was higher in 2020 and 2021 than it had been in the previous five years (in Jo’s chart). I doubt too that the rate is lower per capita, because immigration fell to about nothing in the Covid years.
Re: Social distancing.
Heard of Stokes’ Law?
on Substack: ‘A Better Way to Health with Dr Tess Lawrie’
World Council for Health is convening a special in-person conference for doctors and health professionals on 15 October, in London. This will be a closed, private space where questions can be asked without fear of recrimination, and where answers will be based on data rather than policy.
Getting the message out about this conference to doctors is a challenge – so please be the journalists mainstream media have failed to be, and spread the word. If you are in the UK, share the poster below with the health providers in your town. This is UK-based and won’t be live-streamed, but we do plan to record the talks for future reference.
on Substack: ‘Common Sense’ Bari Weiss
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
(????) ‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’
Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. and Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD
… And second, the fact that just months before, the FDA bypassed their external experts to authorize booster shots for young children. ….
David; I have no understanding for what any of this conjecture is about….
The gene-jabs had only one aim; to induce the cells lining blood-vessels to create spike-proteins.
Once these spike proteins were protruding from the blood-vessel cells, they picked up passing platelets to form mini blood-clots.Blood-clots cause harm and death.
All very straight-forward, is it not?
Not all over the world.
The 2022 excess death phenomenon is mostly concentrated in wealthy countries where MRNA vaccines have a high penetration among the population. Africa and the Middle East, for instance, do not have particularly high unexplained excess deaths in 2022. Neither does China (to the limited extent their data can be trusted), which famously eschewed western MRNA vaccines.
Jo is worth every cent.
You mean donate chocolates, surely?
Please do, everybody. Jo deserves the support of every commenter on this site. The job she is doing exposing the truth on so many subjects is beyond priceless.
Please buy her chocolates today!
You buy the chocolates, and they’ll be delivered in time. See the schedule here;
Press the go arrow and get past the adds.
My sister-in-law is fully vaccinated, busted, the whole ball of wax…. Just came down with COVID. Can’t get out of bed. Extremely sick. Somebody tell me again why people were required to get the shot?
Two reasons:
1) Control of the people. People were forced to be injected or they would lose their jobs, ability to trade, ability to travel, ability to socialise, and in Vicdanistan even the ability to get a haircut. In addition, the uninjected would get second class treatment or no treatment in hospitals.
2) Follow the money trail.
Read Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s about Fauci. All will be revealed.
Do not forget who was doing the enforcing.
On Fox News they reported Fauci’s net wealth in 2019 was 7 million USD .. in 2021 it had jumped to more than 12 million.
So in just 2 years, he added 80% to the wealth it took him six decades to amass… NICE! .. while people were getting poor from lockdowns, “The Fouch!” was getting rich.
What happened? .. It’s like fortune smiled on him in a way it couldn’t before 2020.
Was Fauci getting rich receiving ‘royalty payments’ from Big Pharma, for the right to use ‘his’ intellectual property in their vaxxines?
Did he get rich from that? The time-line fits.
Something else that fits: his evasion when Rand Paul asked him about royalties received by NIH employees. (He said he didn’t have to answer that.)
Wouldn’t it be a Conflict of Interest, to promote a ‘novel vaccine’ if you’re getting a cut from every shot injected?
Property prices could account for that.
In this video Rand Paul presses Fauci on the issue of royalty payments.
The vaccine requirements were the initial pilot scheme for mandate compliance schemes.
You’re welcome.
So about 20% will question mandates! (That’s roughly what appears be the number of unvaccinated in several Western countries despite attempts to officially announce a much smaller number.)
It is the Pandemic itself that should questioned.
Fewer will be able to face the gravity of what has transpired.
The damage done may be so great, that what remains of public/government cohesion, will be so damaged by a proper accounting, that the accounting cannot be done.
The perpetrators are banking on it.
This is the point you’re meant to say “imagine how worse she would have been if she didn’t get the vax” (sarc)
I am continually impressed with the level of intelligence and maturity of the readership of this blog. In my above comment is an obvious misspelled, out of place word; but when taken in context it is clear as to my meaning. On other sites there would have been an endless cacophony of derogatory comments about my education, family lineage, etc. But not here. Speaks volumes about the proprietor of the site.
Thanks again Jo for highlighting here.
So we have a novel treatment with no idea long term what its impact is. We have credentialled and highly experienced doctors and researchers warning of the impacts of these treatments and wanting them stopped. And we had reckless lockdowns applied which flew in the face of carefully crafted, over decades, pandemic plans – and we know this totalled huge nos of livelihoods, and there is plenty of reliable economic research linking increased deaths with worse financial circumstances
But the “probable impact” is “negligible” in both cases.
This is utterly ridiculous. We have mass lying and avoidance of responsibility for decisions taken which were totally wrong. Until we face up and have a no holds barred enquiry, with teeth. we risk even more catastrophic impacts from climate change responses or another fake pandemic.
The Australian Guv’ments and Territories know the real reason for the mysterious excess deaths, however, they will never investigate any of this unless dragged kicking and screaming to the Court of Humanity (which does not exist BTW).
That is why Australia needs a Royal Commission into the mismanagement of the ‘Virus’ Pandemic and the so called ‘vaccines.
Only then and then to act on the recommendations in FULL.
I would have no faith in a royal commission looking into all of this. It would be a sham, set up to show that, while mistakes certainly happened, everything was done in our best interests. The terms of reference would be drafted to focus on side issues, ignoring the most pertinent and letting the likes of Dan Andrews off the hook before it even started. It would of course be required to show where Donald Trump and Scott Morrison made all the bad things happen.
The best answer you could possibly get, if lucky, and you got a non-puppet judge (unlikely) would be that authorities were “acting in accord with the best available information” and “expert advice”.
But even from the outset, neither of those things were true.
At some point, it was decided to INJECT everyone, regardless of the consequences.
The decision to inject must have been made even before the “vaccines” were available because possible treatments such as HCQ were banned in the more extreme Nanny States such as Australia or highly restricted elsewhere even in the absence of vaccines. Whether HCQ was effective or not was not the issue because the claim made was it was DANGEROUS which was an obvious, provable lie.
And any genuine expert who had a concern about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine was utterly silenced, and even worse would lose their research grants and even their jobs.
Their was an orchestrated campaign by the Left to cancel any and all opposition.
All concerns were deliberately ignored. There can be no legitimate claim that authorities were “following best available advice”. That is a demonstrable lie.
I will never forget what any of those people for what they’ve done. Nobody should. And they should be punished because what they did and continue to do is not an accident or even due to incompetence. It is deliberate and planned.
yes David, completely agree…..and now we see the same scenario possibly manifesting itself in animal health. As a partner in one of Australia’s leading Angus cattle studs, it frightens the living daylights out of me to possibly have a 12% increase in deaths…atm we loose one or two a year. The loss of animal genetics would be huge. But the plan is to have us all eating bugs and synthetic meat so all is well. [sarc]
Think what you will about Cairns News, but at least they are covering what is happening.
And eating insects is the answer when they kill off all the cattle etc.! (/Sarc)
They have already snuck insects for human consumption into 1000 Aussie schools.
And Australia already has insect “farms”.
The Government research organization CSIRO is researching it.
It is part of the UN Agenda, and Australia is a fanatical follower of UN Agendas.
A researcher in the US who I have worked with had been looking at mass raising of insects from a nutritional point of view. He found a diabolical situation. Most of the insects being raised are not raised with any nutritional principles, unlike for cattle sheep etc where, particularly in feedlots, we have nutritionists ensuring that the diets with premixes etc are complete and adequate.
This meant that most of the insects exhibited deformations and also were weak from lack of calcium etc.
And large nos were dead anyway prior to processing. This is a problem from decay, moulds, yeasts etc
There are also concerns about chitin, which is present in many insects, and whether ingesting large amounts is actually good for people (ignore the fact checkers here, they are just pushing the narrative, not following nutritional science)
Yet here we are, pushing ahead with no idea about any of these issues. Its just like covid, shout “safe” loudly, yet have no idea and attack any who question, but who cares as we must follow the UN narratives of mass vaxxing, insects for all etc.
Fear not. Mixing Soylent Green with deformed insects makes a tasty and nutritious treat.
Terry, the movie Soylent Green was set in 2022…
It is very noticeable that my GP, who was originally quite open in discussing my vaccine adverse reaction, is now very reluctant to say anything that goes against the mainstream narrative. And the mainstream narrative is completely supported by some specialists who should know better, ie. they will not hear of any doubts about the vaccines and very quickly give “diagnoses” that ignore the facts (the rather clear-cut facts, in my case). Royal Commission, yes please, but who will set it up properly?
The sham inquiry into the Vicdanistan deaths resulted in the blame being put on a creeping assumption!
I believe I know who Mr “creeping assumption” is, but when you can whitewash so many deaths with an explanation such as this why would a Royal Commission be any different?
It would be exactly the same outcome as the Agent Orange royal commission in the 1980s, also rigged and hobbled by politicians and the military industrial cartels. That was a disgrace and so will any future RC into Big Covid.
Best hope is talkback radio… The print media & TV will never go against the propaganda, but back in the days when I phoned radio stations they realised what most people wanted to talk about.
Their switchboard censorship can only take so much before they realise that this is a hot topic.
Anything Govt is involved in is a whitewash, investigations or commissions or whatever. This is bigger than Left versus Right, both parties will favour a whitewash.
When every public health official, all media, virtually every politician, and most doctors cannot see a problem with the “vaccines”, why should the actuaries be any different.
Again anecdotally, I see multiple “vaccine” side effects and hear of multiple “unexpected” cardiovascular and cerebrovascular post-jab deaths. Though anecdote doesn’t equal cause, it suggests a need to investigate.
It is the complete lack of professional curiosity at the least that stands out.
I don’t like this “unexpected deaths” term. Makes it sound like it’s people being run over by buses. More usual to call it excess deaths.
Even though I’m in Aus., I looked into the UK ONS excess death figures a month or two ago. They were also running high, but there were lags and bursts in the data. It turned out that they used time of *registration* not time of death, and the bursts were around public holidays. You’d expect the deaths themselves to be reasonably steady.
The ABS say they’re using the actual time of death. That’s good, but why is the baseline so jumpy? And, more puzzling, why’s the baseline range so much jumpier than the baseline itself? Suggests to me that the baseline period (2017-2019) is way too short to give a meaningful range.
The UK statistics were more interesting than these because they also included age bands. Would be very interesting to see a breakdown of Australian excess deaths by age. I don’t see such figures on a quick rummage around the ABS.
Profesor Norman Fenton has some interesting videos and commentary on the ONS data.
Thanks mawm,
Didn’t know about Prof. Fenton, but just now searched and enjoyed his video on vaccine effectiveness. I’d already come to many of his conclusions, but I hadn’t thought of how a lag in reporting would systematically bias the results. Obvious once it’s been pointed out. OTOH, he didn’t complain about what seems to me to be a glaring problem: why use time of report when the stats are old enough that actual time of death is known?
I use quotation marks for the words “vaccine” in reference to Covid transfection jabs, and “unexpected” in relation to deaths to signify scientific scepticism whilst trying to avoid having my registration rescinded!
Doctor T,
I thought you were echoing Jo’s use of the “unexpected”, which was the usage I was objecting to.
While you might feel put upon, worrying about AHPRA chasing you down for heretical comments, at least the time they spend doing that is time they aren’t spending writing best practice guidelines and the like. Lesser of two evils and all that.
Here’s the thing, as it slowwwwly dawns on the public and panic starts to rise, how do you think the public will view anyone who handed out the gene shots, and then said nothing?
I feel for the medicos who did stuff out of ignorance or had the truth withheld from them, but, “I was only following orders” won’t wash.
Unless some in the medical profession start speaking out….
Alea Iacta Est
There is data for deaths by age groups but this is done annually so the most recent data is 2021.
The US actuaries saw shifts in mortality age distributions at the end of 2021 so it might be worth a look.
The AIHW also publishes age mortality data but they are extremely slow – the last year published is 2020
There is a recently deployed national system for death registration. It’s available to organisations to
permit automated checking for deaths. Although it’s obvious that the AEC will never use it, as in “we can’t
discriminate – the dead, especially ex-trade union members must get a vote”.
An interesting experiment, shame there is an inability to access hard data. At least the Nazis kept good records of their horrific experiments and the sacrifice and suffering was not for nothing.
The current crop of high priests appear to be responsible for a horror with only the promise of benefits not dissimilar to the Aztecs, rain to fill your dams and the cure for the common cold.
I would like to know the mechanism by which a large hole in the heart can suddenly occur in forty year old after vaccination. Is there an ability to reverse the mechanism that closes the heart wall after birth? I have heard of two such sudden holes occurring in otherwise perfectly healthy individuals and these were massive not your usual defect eventually causing some erosion of the wall.
Another I learned of yesterday was an otherwise healthy 69 year old whose health had deteriorated since he received his second vaccination and is now dead after the booster. His gall bladder had effectively dissolved and his kidneys and liver were in such a state the Doctors could see no reason to operate. What is the mechanism by which such large changes occur? We know melanocytes have an amazing ability to migrate through the embryo and as a melanoma they can be dangerous when they regain this ability.
Shame to let such carnage go to waste. There were plenty of people who benefited from Napolean army’s demise, running around with a set of Waterloo teeth at that time. Why not allow a frank and open discussion? Why do we need a team to stop a koala crossing a road, yet we are allowing a otherwise healthy sixth month old be given an experimental treatment?
Where’s The Royal Commission? There won’t be one because both main parties were complicit in the plan and now the cover-up!
I think you can thank Greg Hunt (he of the WEF) for that. He clearly was the one who agreed to the deal with Pfizer et al and he was the one who put the ban on any other form of therapy, in order to authorise a partially tested “vaccine”, which can only be authorised under current legislation if no other therapy exists.
Some of the Victorian Liberal Party want to make Hunt the President of the Victorian Branch 🙁
Justed watched a YouTube video of a Canadian actress who 2 weeks ago had a vaccine shot and now developed bell’s palsy, half her face is paralysed. But her reaction is mind boggling, she says she’ll do the vaccines again cause it’s the right thing to do. I’ve had 3 shots, but I’m in the older age group, no more. I’ve never been an annual flu shot person ever, if I get the flu it’s garlic,hot chills breakfast, lunch and dinner. We here in Australia need to have a royal commission into all aspects of WUFLU, ASAP!
I saw that. Horrifying.
I just hope that they do not combine the flu and Covid vaccines. I will never allow that into my body.
Last month I saw some statistics connecting the flu shot to Covid severity. Be careful !
Having refused to take the CV19 VaXXine when suggested by my GP, I stupidly decided to top up on my other vaxxes just to make sure that I didn’t get CV19 plus one of the others.
In the space of three weeks I took;
1. Pneumo vax.
2. Shingles vaxx because two people I knew had been hit by shingles and didn’t like it.
3. The Flu VaXX which I had sworn off a few years earlier because of reported bad reactions and a death in WA.
Vaxxes are never pleasant but no huge dramas.
A month or two later I began noticing breathlessness while walking a regular track, no pain.
Went to the doctor and was sent for scans.
Extensive blood clotting of both lungs, pulmonary emboli.
Spent a few days in hospital and came out on blood thinners.
After the best part of a year, and walking most days, my check scan showed the all clear.
I’m very sure it was the Vaxxines and I can tell you that I will never trust politicians or health officials again with my life.
I hope and pray that there’s no other VaXXine damage that is hiding in my system and spend occasional time reflecting on my careless trust in the system.
Trust Has Been Broken and there’s significant resentment.
My own father’s literal last coherent words to me, “I haven’t been right since that damn flu shot.”
20 years ago.
We have been instructed to trust ‘Science’, not our own experience.
We are now being instructed to trust Scientists and not our owb research and and interpretation of information.
Soon that information will be hidden from us for our own good.
They own the science.
We will own nothing, not even knowledge.
They are not even attempting to gain trust anymore.
They are telling you to stuff your resentment.
“Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.
Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going.
Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.
You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”
Author unknown
I haven’t trusted any of those in authority since the Vietnam war.I smelt a RAT when HCQ and Invermectin disappeared or become”Unavailable”Seems I was correct.
Well known retired AFL footballer Matthew Lloyd (about 40 yrs old) developed bells palsey after his shots. As did his mother in law and a former teammate of his – just a random coincidence?
My bet is that this will all be blamed on “Long COVID”. Long COVID has been discussed now for at least a year in official circles. So like a slow dripping tap, this will become the reason ever so slowly. In Australia, this is all so difficult to detect trends because we have such a low unvaccinated cohort as a comparison. But one thing is crystal clear- our whole response to COVID has been wrong.
Yes. “Long covid” is the all-purpose escape clause for what were actually “vaccine” deaths.
In Australiastan, the official spin on long covid sympoms is here:
They haven’t yet included death, but that will come as soon as figures about excess deaths become more widely known. “THE VIRUS DID IT”…
I have some of those symptoms now, but have not had Covid. Mmmm?
Old age ?!
No doubt! Thanks for making me feel much better.
“all be blamed on “Long COVID” Mixing lies with truth. How could they resist. There is enough truth there and a crowd desperate to be heard. The long covid groups also met stubborn resistance getting anyone to notice or acknowledge the reality of it. They may well find it easier now if big pharma wants to hide behind them.
I want to see all politicians and “health” officials get injected with the same “vaccines” they approved every two months, indefinitely.
Every person that was vaccinated is documented, as was their date of vaccination. States record births, deaths and marriages in registers, but the ABS only gets summary statistics, not personal details.
So we already have all the data to associate all deaths to dates of vaccination. Except that data is all held by State governments. And who, exactly can request this data, to do this association? Only a government bureaucrat or a government funded medical scientist. No government will ever ask this question. In other words, it will never get done.
The excess deaths are worse than the ABS admits.
I’ve been working with the Qld registered death data since March and to the end of August there were 26161 deaths registered.
From a 2010-2019 baseline the expected number of deaths is 20335. This is 28.6% excess deaths.
Both Qld and Vic (22.4% excess deaths to end Sept 2022) have compulsory registration of all deaths and publish the numbers. The ABS numbers are very rubbery for many months due to the slow reporting of some states. The procedures the ABS uses are curious, especially how they establish a baseline. Currently they are using 2017,2018,2019 and 2021 as their baseline – they dropped 2020 for vague “it’s anomalous” reasons. Taking their numbers and building a 2010-2019 baseline gives a different picture to the ABS numbers. To the end of June 2022 for Australia:
Number of deaths – 91206
Expected (2010-2019 baseline) – 74170
Excess – 17036
%Excess – 23%
If this is even approximately right then Australia is leading much of the world this year – in excess deaths.
I guess the politicians and medical bureaucrats will only take notice when the stiffs are piled up outside their offices.
And didn’t politicians and “health” authorities boast that Australia was leading the world in covid “vaccination”?
Will they similarly be now boasting that we lead the world in excess deaths?
The Left wing trade union that represents GPs (family doctors) said this.
Or, like Mahotra, when they lose a close family member.
Good one.
“dropped 2020 for vague “it’s anomalous” reasons.” THAT sounds familiar… just like temperatures when calculating global warming!
I was one “ victim “ who escaped. Collapsed twice within a a period of one hour. Blood pressure on arrival at A&E was 233/?. To this day I cannot find out from the hospital, my GP, or he Vascular Surgeon what could possibly have caused it.
This occurred 10 days after visiting my GP for my Bi annual check up. Blood test was normal, As usual blood pressure was normal as usual, that is below 140 despite having to fight the traffic to get to the medical practice. His advice to me was carry on doing what I normally do because it’s working well!!
Last part of the consultation was an Astra Zeneca vaccination. Thanks for that doc!
That was18 months ago. To this day my left leg won’t do what I want it to, my balance is shot to hell, the medication seems to be more than half the problem and it all seems to be getting worse.
Can’t wait for the first class action to swing into action. I WANT BLOOD!!
My uncle started to lose his balance within 2 days of his AZ 1st shot, and within 2 weeks collapsed in his kitchen. He took over 6 weeks to rehabilitate.
His doctor would not register it as a vaxx issue, even though he agreed it was one.
Unfortunately the booster (which we urged him not to take, ditto 2nd one) killed him in the end. Collapsed and unconscious for 8 hours within 2 weeks, with heart attack (never ever had heart issues before nor others in his family). Found by neighbour. Rehab failed and ended in nursing home. But then more heart attacks and passed.
We need Scott Morrison and the Premiers in the dock over these horrific treatments.
No.We need them swinging from trees……..
Hi Graham Richards – I’m hoping that this comment may help you, but of course what you have may be totally different: When I came back to full consciousness a few days after my Moderna mRNA vaccine (3rd shot, 1st two were Astrazeneca) I found that I could not move my right leg. A blood test showed a very high CRP (indicates inflammation) and liver damage, and a PET scan showed inflammation around the right hip. A search of the US’s VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events) database filtered for ‘Moderna, Covid’ showed that inflammation and inflammation-related conditions had occurred in significant numbers (over 30,000). A specialist seeing the PET scan told me I had an infection, but admitted that it was not possible to tell the difference in a PET scan between inflammation and infection. Another specialist looked me in the eye across their desk and told me that the Moderna vaccine could not cause inflammation. I have had four samples taken from the affected area, on three quite well-spaced occasions, and they all show no infection. With some other corroborating facts, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the inflammation was caused by the mRNA vaccine, not an infection. I have been encouraged by another specialist who diagnosed exactly that and submitted a vaccine exemption for me to the health department. My GP has talked about the relevant muscles having ‘granulation’, and I think this may be a very relevant clue, but I have not yet been able to pursue it.
Nine months on, no doctor or specialist has been able to come up with any proposed cure for the condition. I’ve got more tests coming up next month which may show something useful, and I’ve got one more avenue to try (a GP who likes researching odd things).
Now here’s where I hope I may be of some help: On my own initiative, I started doing exercises to get the muscles going again. I started with a set of exercises designed for recovery from hip replacement, and ended up concentrating on my own exercises to work my muscles in the ways that they had not been working at all. eg, I couldn’t lift my affected leg forwards or sideways, so I do forward and sideways leg lifts every day (very painful and difficult at first), and they have given me almost full mobility back again. I also note that in the VAERS database there were indications that exercise was helpful. My balance is still cr*p but maybe that’s just old age! The liver appears to have corrected itself without any help. I’m still alive, and I appreciate that I have been luckier than many others. But I would still like to see a properly set up Royal Commission for everyone’s benefit.
All the best.
Mike ,
Sorry to hear about your situation. I’m certainly better off than you are. But that’s not the point. The point is that mRNA is messing with our DNA. It’s poison forced on everyone.
My GP tried to convince me to have boosters etc & I told him to shove it where the sun don’t shine.
I’m fortunate in that I’ve always been very active & cycled a lot, not competitively but purely to keep all the limbs & heart well exercised. I’m able to return to that practise shortly & confident I can regain 90% of my former self. It’s been a hard slog & im still fuming about the threat to my life. Someone will pay soon. I’m sure of that. Not looking for compensation, I’m looking for “blood”!
“There was an ideal experiment in Australia where at least one state (WA) had virtually no covid cases for all of 2021”
The ABS site quotes WA with the following rates:
2011 12,724
2020 14,993
2021 15,891
It quotes NSW with the following rates:
2011 50,661
2020 52,485
2021 56,525
What causes the excess deaths?
Good point Jo. A natural experiment with inbuilt controls.
I hope that some one can find the data.
Did not notice comment by Earl above.
Thanks Earl.
Is WA much different to other states?
No worries with politicians and “health experts” today repetition is a pre-requisite and even then it still doesnt get through.
I can suggest one plausible cause, if there is a consistent association with CoV-2 vaccination.
Some in my family are susceptible to thiamine deficiency and have at times suffered serious illness, occasionally with bizarre symptoms, caused by acute thiamine deficiency.
Those of us with the susceptibility routinely take Vitamin B1 supplements to avoid those acute problems.
We have found however, that the coronavirus vaccines (whether AstraZeneca’s viral vector vaccine or mRNA vaccines) significantly aggravate susceptibility to symptoms of acute B1 deficiency, and that it was necessary to increase supplement level (by at least double the routine level) for up to 9 months after vaccination.
I suggest that the vaccines either increase the utilisation of the vitamin or reduce the uptake- or both, and for people who are unaware of a genetic or acquired susceptibility to thiamine deficiency or who have a diet rich in foods that reduce the uptake of thiamine (such as coffee, milled white rice, and sweet potato), the vaccines could pose a considerable risk.
The experience of my family has been that Australian medicos overwhelmingly are unable to recognise beriberi in a person suffering acute symptoms of beriberi even when they have a recorded history of acute thiamine deficiency.
It’d be terribly interesting to know if there were any correlation between one or more vendors COVID vaccines and excess deaths.
You could also ask why some of the vials imported into Australia and all marked for use were labelled “Pfizer Staff only”. The photos were around a year back or more..
No thinking person has faith in an honest outcome of a government inquiry at any level, including a Royal Commission*.
Hence the importance of ongoing silencing of expert critics and the “smiling face of fascism”, Jacinda Ardern’s plea before the UN for government control of information.
It’s all part of a tightly integrated plan to destroy all Enlightenment values and Western Civilisation in general.
*For overseas readers a Royal Commission is a top level inquiry with high level powers such as subpoenaing witnesses, taking evidence under oath and requesting documents. The equivalent in the US is a Presidential Commission.
Yesterday, we heard about the 1 in 1000 figure for adverse vaccine events from Denmark. Today, a lawyer in the US (Aaron Siri) has finally obtained reports that the CDC didn’t want you to see. From these reports there is a figure of 7.7% of 10 million had to seek medical care post inject. 25% missed work and had some serious event affecting their normal lives.
I’m interested in the excess deaths, but I’m also interested in my observations of Perth bridge clubs for what I think of as the “dementia” link. These are anecdotal, but not to be dismissed as bridge clubs are what I call an indicator group. As a general rule those who joined bridge clubs and continued to play are brighter, used to be more physically agile, slimmer and have better general health than was normal in the community of those of that age group. Fifteen years ago when I analysed our membership I discovered that only about 10% who learned to play continued beyond 2 years and when we looked at those who became competent at this complex game were only about 1% of those who started. Jabs were mandated by the Australian Bridge Federation and the Bridge Association of Western Australia and most clubs followed suit demanding it and excluding non vaxed people. This seemed to drop the numbers immediately by 10%.
Club 1. A long time teacher, director & committee member reported that the membership of her club had dropped from 500 to 200 over the 3 years since covid started. Most were not because of deaths but because they were “past it”. Not only was she concerned about oldies dropping out as that had always happened, but the fact that those who were 40-65 seemed to have almost disappeared and instead of coming through as a new cohort of players seemed to have dropped out disproportionately.
Club 2. Similar source said that membership hadn’t dropped yet. However attendance had dropped from an average of about 60 players daily to 20.
Club 3. When I spoke about these drops to the club president, he said “It’s exactly the same with us” and went in to a long spiel about the history and what he believed had happened.
I noted that the reports were not about deaths, but about being “past it”, about people ageing very fast, about people just finding it too difficult to play and it was no longer enjoyable when they found their memory would no longer allow them to play such complex game.
This is a 60-66% drop in attendance over only three years with no new cohort coming through to replace the older ones. An interesting and dismaying observation of a previously highly functioning group.
It really looks as if someone has committed the perfect crime, doesn’t it?
Speaking of things “Covid”-related, Fauci has reportedly given Peter Daszak another US$650k to search caves in Southeast Asia to find more bat coronaviruses. They really are just taking the pizzazzle now.
Catch and release !
Our pharmacist declined to give us some regular medication that we had been taking for years. Apparently, I asked for it a day before I should have, because faceless, nameless bureaucrats in Canberra had decreed that Australians should slow down their rate of consumption of this medication.
When I asked the pharmacist why she thought that it her business to restrict, when the use of the medications was primarily directed by our GP, so that medical issues dominated central economics, I got that blank stare of lack of comprehension of the problem. In the last 20 years, the incidence of refusing to face an issue has grown so large that it is now of damaging proportions.
Jo, your video of UK health system recently, with the words “We are not going to respond to that question” is a good illustration.
When I write to people like banking chiefs and ask them if they have done prudent due diligence on climate change claims, I get the same response. When I ask our Australian Academy of Sciences to retract an essay on climate change because it is wrong in so many places … crickets. When people ask AEMO why it does not do proper public costing of electricity generation options … crickets.
When our Premier is asked what was discussed at a Covid meeting that led to lockdowns … crickets.
Try as I might, I do not think that the future way to go is to make assertions, then refuse to answer questions about them. It is a social environment that is quite alien to me. I fear for my children and grandchildren. Geoff S
Thanks Jo for this wonderful revisit of the Kovid Katastrophe.
This macro-overview is ripe for the picking and one of the first things we must be careful with in statistics is The Data.
Most of us would remember that the official government approved “statistics” could perhaps, maybe, possibly include deaths from CV19 which occurred in the period immediately after vaccination. The official view was that the VaXXine didn’t kick in until about two weeks after the intrusion.
It was therefore obvious that the unpleasant symptoms experienced prior to death were purely CV19 and the death was recorded as such.
Many vaccine victims have reported frightening symptoms immediately after the VaXXine which were not CV19.
Possibly the huge bump in CV19 deaths around January 22 has been deceptively boosted by the incorrect dismissal of the VaXXine effect for that two weeks.
Any reallocation of this data would boost the “excess deaths” tally.
How many of those deaths due to COVID19 occurred in people who had been VaXXinated in the previous two weeks.
This is false. Counter indications from any vaccine or medicine are noted from the time of administration, not from the time of effectiveness. This has always been the case and is stated on the bit of paper you receive, in medical legislation and accounts for why you sit around for 15 minutes after you receive the needle.
I agree: bits of paper are important.
I use three for the first wipe and two thereafter.
Hmmm?? seems to be a bit loose; suggest consume more fibre
“Counter indications from any vaccine or medicine are noted from the time of administration, not from the time of effectiveness.”
That’s quite contrary to what I have understood about Covid all along. Any side effects within the first two weeks (including catching Covid) and you were counted as “Unvaccinated”. It was a major criticism of official figures.
nope that is incorrect.
FactChek Inc.
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The US CDC was criticised last year for a definition of “vaccinated” in the context of data collection where cases were classed as “unvaccinated” if occurring less than 14 days from receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data was available.
True- the jab starts to work only after about 2 weeks.
Leo G above is correct about data presented by US CDC and the UK gov agency,
ie. an adverse event in the first 2 weeks is classed as in un-jabbed not as jabbed.
This is simply untrue. All adverse affects of any drug in every juristiction I know of is from the time of administration. Everything from penicillin to paracetamol have a delayed affect – your infection or headache don’t disappear straight away- but can have immediate counter indications. Same with any vaccine.
EXCEPT the CV-19 jab.. Ever wondered why !
Remember the AZ roll out? Clots in first 20 days due to the vaccine in younger cohorts were reported and it changed the usage of AZ from then on. There was no “wait for the vaccine to elicit an immune response before looking for issues” criteria. What you wrote is false.
People were not counted as “vaxxinated” until two weeks.
You know that. !
You are not getting the point which is why discussion tend to end when you are involved. As soon as the vaccine is administered medical counter indication are noted and reported which is easy to view on Australian and international data-bases. If you can get your head around this – clinically a person is told they will not have an immune response for some period of time. It is completely separate from reporting of medical issue to do with the vaccination.
You are being obtuse.
I referred to infection case reporting with inappropriate stratification by vaccination status, while you are referring to vaccination adverse effect reporting. Two different questions.
Apologies if I misconstrued your point. The debate I was having was more asinine with people completely misunderstanding reporting of issues caused by vaccination – reporting of covid cases was not where they were coming from.
Dr. Eyal Shahar, professor emeritus of public health in epidemiology and biostatistics. Claims:
“The mystery of unaccounted excess deaths in the US is solved, at least in part. Many of them are accounted for by poorly justified interventions and relentless impositions on normal human activity. At least 115,000 deaths belong in that category and the true number might be twice as high.”
The Mystery of Unaccounted Excess Deaths in the US ⋆ Brownstone Institute August 24, 2022
The Brownstone Institute is in Austin, TX
Color me confused.
That bloke seems to be addressing the Covid clampdowns. Did the U.S. have rigid controls on movement out of the house like Australia?
Actions were done at the state and city level so there was a lot of variation. Many places were closed and drive-through fast food places mostly operated. Grocery stores set shopping times for only-elderly — such as Tues/Thur/Sat mornings from 9 to 11. In Washington State there was the category “essential worker” that could be out and about. Others were to stay home. Much was shut down so there were limited places to go. There was very little police action as in Australia and elsewhere.
Medical facilities still require masks, but otherwise there is not much attempt to impose safety.
There is a big public push to get Covid shots; also flu shots. There are no special clinics. The over-the-counter covid tests have made data from tests meaningless. People are mostly back to pre-covid-panic activities.
There was great variation by state.
I took advice from this site and went for Vit D3, Zinc, red veggies and fruits (Quercetin). Being retired made everything easier.
Thanks. Retired too, but being separated from family by covid crushing was not easy.
CDC confirms link between Aluminium in jabs and childhood Asthma
The CDC has confirmed that harmful ingredients in childhood jabs likely contribute to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, autism and asthma.
A CDC funded study released recently reported a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children 24-59 months old.
Overall, kids in the study who received 3 milligrams or more of vaccine-related aluminum had at least a 36% higher risk of developing persistent asthma than kids who got less than 3, the study’s lead author, Dr. Matthew F. Daley, told The Associated Press.
Now say after me:
“Excess deaths are caused by everything EXCEPT the Covid vaxx”
Decades from now, future historians will look back at this time period and equate it to other great historical attrocities perpetrated against the masses.
Students will shake their heads in disbelief and refuse to believe it ever happened.
And yet here we are, repeating the past.
Well put.
Yes, well put. But history is written by winners, so it is crucial that we ensure that the authoritarians lose. If they win then no inconvenient (to them) truth will ever appear in any history. IOW, if they win, we all lose. For ever.
That should be our banner from now til the end.
We have to win.
Having a week ago lost my mother to undiagnosed metastasized lung cancer and seeing the number of people who couldnt come to her funeral because
1 sick themselves
2 attending another funeral
3 suffering difficult to diagnose hospitalisations
4 Other cancer
5 On deathwatch for spouse in hospice with heart failures
I think a LOT of the excess is due to failure to get early medical attention and doctors’ focus on the wrong things due to covid hysteria.
Sadly you are not alone in this predicament. Having lost 2 friends at the height of covid ( stroke and prostate cancer) and no funerals allowed, these people have passed into oblivion. Both families planned memorials when things improved, now 18 months down the track, these will never be held. The lack of what is a traditional anglo / Aussie farewell with the lies about the mis adventures of youth, bull sh-t and camaraderie of true mates, mates for an entire lifetime just swept under the carpet.
The families know their loved ones were appreciated, however that last farewell with laughter, tears and the gathering together for Auld Lang Syne, still important to some of us.
It’s important that people have a proper send off.
If nothing else it’s an “in ya face” to the unhinged power hungry psychopaths who were only too happy to herd people like cattle, coerce them into taking an evil brew, then enjoy the aftermath of lockdowns, misery and suffering.
“Vaccines Macht Frie”, they told us….
Lest we forget mates who paid the ultimate price out of concern for their fellow man, who stood shoulder to shoulder thinking they had done the right thing, only to be stabbed in the back by cowardly scum Collaborators.
Lest we forget those friends we’ve lost to this evil.
While we forgive those who perpetrated this act – never, ever, ever, forget.
Politicians, health bureaucrats, the media and others have been telling lies.
And the problem with lies is that liars have to keep telling bigger and bigger lies to cover up the previous lies.
As many know Dr John Campbell’s series on covid and other health matters is well worth looking at and, as I have commented before, it has been an interesting journey to watch his opinion on the issues slowly change as more and more detail gets dragged screaming and kicking into the light. His latest vid from last night (Tues 4 Oct) is a classic to watch not just for the information but also the “correct and proper” messages.
He got an official warning for his video before last nights which concerned him sharing both his inoculation history and that of 3 others with the other persons information was just a repeat of information already in the public domain. Get in before ghougle decide he’s a naughty boy.
It is a must see for those worried about contracting onchocerciasis, helminthiases or scabies.
Alberta Canada has some very curious statistics.Deaths attributed to Covid in 2018 were obviously zero and ramped up to roughly 1800 by for 2021 as is expected. Deaths due to “Unknown Causes” was about 500 in 2018, a value significantly less than other diagnosed causes such as heart disease, lung cancer, Covid-19 etc. Not being a medical expert, I am not sure why the cause of as many as 500 deaths would go undiagnosed. Anyway, for 2021 the “Unknown Causes” category of death shot up to 3362, a more than 6X increase from 2019. How do they not know the cause(s) of 3362 deaths in a civilized first world country. For reference, the present population of Alberta is about 4.5 million.
EMA/ risk management plan, Comirnaty, November 2021:
– Missing Information: Use in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
Risk-benefit impact: There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders and a theoretical concern that the vaccine may exacerbate their underlying disease.
-Missing Information: Interaction with other vaccines
Risk-benefit impact: COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will be used in individuals who also may receive other vaccines. Studies to determine if co-administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine with other vaccines may affect the efficacy or safety of either vaccine have not been performed. One protocol study (C4591030 – Co-administration study with seasonal influenza vaccine) is planned.
(What about the combination of routine childeren vaccinations with a mRNA covid vaccination?)
-Missing Information: Long term safety data Risk-benefit impact
The long-term safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is unknown at present, however further safety data are being collected in ongoing Study C4591001 for up to 2 years following administration of dose 2 of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and 2 non-interventional studies (C4591036 and C4591038) are planned.
(What about 3/4/5….. doses?)
updated EMA/ risk management plan, Comirnaty, September 2022:
-> BNT162-14: A Phase II, open-label, rollover trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of one or two boosting doses of Comirnaty or one dose of BNT162b2s01 in BNT162-01 trial subjects, or two boosting doses of Comirnaty in BNT162-04 trial subjects.
Businesswire: Pfizer reports fourth quarter and full year 2021 results:
Risks Related to Our Business, Industry and Operations, and Business Development:
… including the possibility of unfavorable new pre-clinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing pre-clinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection; …..
The first link is related to the injury or deaths that the information that the CDC holds. The second is mRNA type vaccines, possibly being given to cattle in the future.
1) BREAKING: ICAN Wins Lawsuit Forcing CDC to Turn Over V-SAFE Covid Vaccine Injury Data
2) NSW Liberals as agents of the WEF intend to wipe out cattle herd with mRNA jabs – where is the NFF?
The ramifications due to the second one is like opening pandora’s box.
Climate Heretic
The foot and mouth mustn’t be appearing fast enough.
You could also ask WHERE are all the”Doctors”hiding?????????
Name any other product but a covid “vaccine” that blames it’s failures on those that didn’t use it….
Its not it’s, another unauthorised spell check alteration…
The ABC ran an article recently about mysterious heart attack deaths on perfectly young and healthy people. It was reasoned that is was a possible genetic mutation? OK so how and why, is this only just suddenly occurring?
Researchers investigate ‘frightening’ numbers and causes of cardiac arrest in younger Australians
THis morning’s non-fact-checked news on the bbc: excess deaths ( somewhere ) in UK caused by AUSTERITY. …. eh? says some report. ( I do wish reporters learnt how to make up a simple sentence so that I would pay attention). So that was a different angle to what I expected. just saying.
didn’t read all comments, so apologies if already said
I’ve seen this story before, and the lag between vaccine and death averages to five months. See for example Brenson
There can be little doubt about this, and EVERYONE knows. I told my kids that if someone tried to jab them, then all previous education in non violence was set aside. scream, scratch, bite, and proceed if necessary to eye gouging. That so few kids have been jabbed is a light in the darkness.
Interesting last paragraph: and yes I would probably now ( then?) say the same thing: I believe ( from what we’re shown on non-fact -checked UK TV….{is there a single word for this term?} ) that amny children have been jabbed here.
No pun intended here but it is painful to have to sit all this nonsense through. ” I told you all so” and the Emperor’s clothes are non existent. Anyroad we have a new Penguin now ( 2,even – if you must 😉 )
It is not talked about because they all know what it is.
UPDATE added to the post. The 10,000 mystery deaths applies to the last 12 months not six months. I did say in the post that half those 10,000 deaths from Jan-June were due to Covid, but it was a mistake to add in “the first half of the year” in the first paragraph. Corrected now. Apologies that it was ambiguous.
The fact that of the 931 deaths after vaccines , 13 only were caused by the vaccine and NOT ONE from Pfizer is just not credible. The lack of details such as cause and age and personal health data leave a lot of gaps in the information. It’s like the actuaries are trying to not investigate the obvious answer that the Pfizer injection was the main reason for these excess deaths. As actuaries I’m sure they could work out based on age, and other risk factors the probability that the other 918 that occurred did so by random factors. My guess is there is probably enough of a pattern to establish correlation.
In drug trials companies do this all the time. Why don’t the actuaries do it now? The answer has to be that they know what the answer will be and the answer is too monumentally frightening to consider.