Why-O-Why has this taken so long?
Finally we have a preprint paper assessing SARS2 as if it might have been an engineered product from a laboratory. We now know it was very likely a lab product and we can probably even name the tools that were used to tweak it.
The virus appears to be too clean, lacking in the noise that all its wild type cousins have. Random evolution in bats and pangolins just doesn’t work like this. SARS2 has the unmistakable fingerprint pattern of a virus that not-so-coincidentally is perfectly suited to being manipulated with two of the most common laboratory enzymes available available at a biolab near you for $150. (Shop here, here, or here).
The authors stress that even though their results strongly suggest this virus was a “synthetic” virus, that doesn’t tell us whether it was intended to harm, or was released deliberately. But their results do cast a very different light on the rush to declare the wet markets were to blame, and the too-fast calls, based on no evidence, that anyone who said otherwise was a conspiracy theorist. This kind of analysis could have been done in Feb-March 2020 and it wasn’t. How fast would nations have slammed the borders shut if they thought this was a lab accident?
“This has been an incredible project. Yet, for obvious reasons, this is the saddest paper I’ve ever written.” — Alex Washburne
hat tip to Matt Ridley
*UPDATE added at the bottom as the debate over this paper progresses.*
So Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, and Antonius VanDongen looked for evidence that the virus was manipulated to suit two of the most common gene-slicing tools for sale — called BsaI and BsmBI . As Alex says, when you walk into the store to buy enzymes, these are the top recommendations. What they found were that the target cutting sites for these were placed quite neatly separated, to produce workable size fragments of a similar size. They also found that important genes were not split — things like the key RBD code were neatly contained in one piece, rather than cut in the middle. (RBD means the Receptor Binding Domain — the key bit that sticks to ACE2). When they compare SARS2 to 37 other types of coronaviruses the mutations that produced these new target codes were conveniently “silent” mutations. They were neutral spelling changes in the code that don’t alter the final meaning. For example both CTC and CTA code for the same amino acid. So we can flip between the two and the end product made from this will be the same*. But change an ATG to a GTG and the shape of the protein made will be different. Obviously if a human brain was managing the code for some desired effect they would select the “silent” kind of mutations to either create new target sites or remove unwanted target code in the wrong spot.
This is a long post, but the era of bioweapons and genetic-engineering accidents is upon us whether we like it or not. These researchers conclude the SARS2 virus was likely synthetic but even if it wasn’t and someone comes up with a realistic criticism of the paper — the SARS2 virus could clearly have been made easily in many labs. Clearly we need to talk about this!
From the abstract:
Both the restriction site fingerprint and the pattern of mutations generating them are extremely unlikely in wild coronaviruses and nearly universal in synthetic viruses. Our findings strongly suggest a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV2.
To understand how genetic engineering works we need to know the basic tools
Once we know the basic gene editing techniques we can see how well adapted the virus is for lab work. So here is a ten-second instruction kit for genetic engineering. DNA is made a four letter code A, C, G, and T. It has two strands: the active code and the mirrored “back up” copy (something the computer coders will appreciate). Thanks to chemistry the A’s always pair with T’s, and the C’s pair with G’s. So, for example, the sequence of GGAA will “glue” itself to CCTT on the opposite paired strand. Our DNA is the ultimate chemical velcro. The chain of paired bases makes up the famous double helix.
We have a lot of off-the-shelf tools to slice up that double helix code, and each of these tools cuts only a certain sequence, say CGTCTC, which leaves handy “sticky ends” that can be glued back together. This short sequence will stay embedded in the code after the edit, which is a clue, but not much of one on its own, since these sort of short sequences can occur randomly too.

This is code ready to be cut into 3 parts with “sticky ends” that will reassemble back onto themselves (to loop) and then later reassembled back in a line. There are unique “sticky ends” so the loops only pair back to the right partner in the right order.
But the lack of these target sites is also a clue. In wild viruses these “target sites” will occur randomly in the wrong spots. So the first task of serious genetic engineers is to remove the badly placed target sites — if they don’t do that, the enzymes will chop up the DNA into odd sized fragments, too big and too small to work with. The code needs to be “clean”.
Hmm? Those fragment sizes in SARS2 are oddly “perfect”…
[EDITED] Here’s a graph of the number of fragments made from 70 different wild viruses which were chopped at all the wild target sites.The number of fragments is graphed against the size of the longest piece. The wild viruses produce the grey curve with a kind of random distribution of cutting sites. But synthetic viruses fall in the red box where 5 – 8 fragments of similar size is easier to work with.
Washburne explains this graph on his blog. To get the neat log curve they took 70 wild viruses and cut them up with 200 enzymes in 1,000 enzyme pairs. Engineered viruses end up in the red box. Wild viruses fall on the grey curve.
Genetic engineers need to play with nice medium length fragments
The basic technique for genetic engineering is below in the diagram. The virus is chopped up into separate bits. Each bit has a matching end that pairs up on itself to form a loop, which is easy for people to work with. Then after we have played games with the separate loops we can cut them open at the same target marks, put all the loops back together, and they will reassemble into the right order in the long chain. To make this work the fragments need be a workable length, and each “split” is unique so the chain will only form in the right order.

So we chop up DNA, roll it into little circles we can work with. Make the changes we want and the open the circles and reassemble them into one long chain of code.
It’s worth knowing that while SARS is a single strand RNA virus, to play games with it we convert it into DNA and use our DNA engineering tools. This is because in the world of chemistry — RNA is like a cheap photocopy of DNA. The molecules are nearly the same, but it has only one strand, and it’s so unstable and sticky that it’s very hard to work with. To engineer RNA, the lab techs convert it to DNA, then play games, then convert the end product back to RNA (click to expand the diagram of the process above). This is especially important with a large virus like the SARS-Cov-2 virus which has nearly 30,000 bases. (That’s one long strong of letters like… ACGTCCTGC… up to 30,000 “letters” in a row.)
So let’s imagine the target sites were placed randomly by mutation inside bats in a cave…
This below is an evolutionary branched tree of corona viruses with two kinds of SARS2 in the top two rows and compared to 37 other corona viruses below. As you can see, for some reason the bats that SARS2 came from have cleaned up the target sequences. Clever bats. The red and green dots are the target sites for our favorite genetic engineering tools. The spacings in the SARS 2 rows are oddly ideal. This is part of the fingerprint of a laboratory made virus.
Like wow: This table blew me away…

Note the striking even spacing of the cutting target sites in the top two SARS rows compared to the random pattern in all the other Coronaviruses.
There’s more to this to be a full fingerprint pattern of a lab virus:
On his blog Alex Washburne‘s describes a pattern that marks a virus as “lab made”. An “infectious clone” means a synthetic clone of a wild virus. It not only needs nicely spaced markers for enzymes available by mail order, but also the “sticky ends” must be unique so it can be reassembled in the right order, and the mutations must be silent, and the genes need to be contained neatly on single piece.
The Z-scores for 5 – 7 fragments suggest this was “more likely engineered”.
Your eyeballs knew it anyway…

Caption: A ranked plot of z-scores for all digestions creating 5-7 fragments, the idealized range for a CoV reverse genetic system. z-scores measure the standard deviations below the wild type expectation, correcting for the number of fragments. SARS-CoV-2 appears more likely to have been engineered for IVGA than several known CoV reverse genetic systems.
So this then is the final SARS2 compilation of fragments assembled
Here’s the assembly plan for the virus that held up the world. The lowest layer in the diagram below is the old SARS1. We can see the placement of target sites for the two common laboratory enzymes (marked in red). As we go up each layer (to a new different virus) things are cleaner than the layer before. The topmost layer is SARS2 itself. The RBD and FCS (Furin Cleavage site) are marked. Click to make this bigger.

This is the covid virus, at the top, in segments. Start with wild coronaviruses at the bottom, they have random spaced target sites. But the sites in Covid are neatly spaced just where an genetic engineer would want them to be.
All the clues point to a lab created virus:
What are the odds a million bats typing on typewriters could create this?
Washburne tries to calculate the odds of this pattern occurring naturally.
It turns out, the sticky ends produced by BsaI/BsmBI digestion of SARS-CoV-2 are all unique, non-palindromic, and all contain at least one A or T – all criteria either required or recommended for in vitro genome assembly.
It also turns out, the mutations separating SARS-CoV-2 BsaI/BsmBI sites from those of its close relatives are all silent. About 84% of mutations between SARS-CoV-2 and its two closest relatives (BANAL-20-52 and RaTG13) are silent. There are 14 distinct mutations separating SARS-CoV-2 BsaI/BsmBI sites, and all of them are silent. There’s a ~9% chance that 14 randomly drawn mutations are all silent.
Compared to the rest of the genomes, we found a significantly higher rate of silent mutations within BsaI/BsmBI sites. Between BANAL52 and SARS-CoV-2, there is a 5x higher rate of silent mutations within BsaI/BsmBi recognition sites than the rest of the genome (P=0.004). Between RaTG13 and SARS-CoV-2, there’s a whopping 8x higher rate of silent mutations with 1/100 million odds of seeing as high or higher concentration of silent mutations within the BsaI/BsmBI restriction sites.
The odds of meeting any one of these criteria vary, from 1%-0.07% of having such a small maximum fragment length to 1/250 to 1/100 million odds of having such high concentration of silent mutations within BsaI/BsmBI recognition sites. The odds of meeting every single one of these criteria are even smaller. Much smaller.
As a result of this analysis, we theorize that SARS-CoV-2 was assembled in a lab via common methods used to assemble infectious clones pre-COVID.
It looks just like a common research product from a lab:
SARS could be an experiment that escaped, or it could be a bioweapon. This research does not differentiate, but obviously, if it’s a lab leak, that changes everything, and it also would have changed everything if this had been known in February 2020:
A synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t mean there was malicious intent. In fact, the location of BsaI/BsmBI site appear almost chimeric: some are shared with close relatives and others are shared with distant relatives, making us hypothesize that perhaps researchers just wanted to make chimeric viruses within this clade of relatively unstudied CoVs. Again, this is a common research project, much like that conducted at Boston University recently, and it is often done with noble intentions of learning about genotype-to-phenotype relationships and even preemptively designing vaccines against viruses that are most-likely to cause a pandemic. That would be tragically ironic if proven true.
Many labs could have done this kind of work says Washburne on his blog. The world needs to wake up to the ease with which this kind of dangerous work can be done:
We don’t identify who constructed the virus. Many people in the world could do this, although the origin of this outbreak in Wuhan does narrow the range of suspects considerably. The technology used to make infectious clones is relatively cheap, especially compared to making an atom bomb. Even if our theory is rejected by later tests, the ease of these experiments should scare the shit out of all of us enough to start talking about global biosafety.
We need to urgently discuss of how to prevent accidents
Perhaps all labs should have signature markers inserted in their work?
In addition to, I don’t know, regulating which sequences you can purchase online, we may also want to require some identifiability of chimeric experiments. As silencers for guns are illegal, we may be wise to require all chimeric viral research have clearly identifiable sequences that help us identify right away who did it and what was done, as such information may be relevant for preventing a lab accident from turning into a full-blown pandemic.
Washburne writes in beautifully dispassionate tones — always trying to figure out why he might be wrong:
As a scientist conducting this research, I did my best to ensure our methods were reproducible, our statistics conservative, and our presentation honest. We discovered SARS-CoV-2 was unusual, knew the massive stakes of our finding, and set out to disprove our hypothesis by looking closer at sticky ends, silent mutations, and analyses of the evolution of CoVs. Any one of these tests could’ve rejected our hypothesis and the world would never have seen this paper. We sought peer-reviews from world experts at every leading institution we could connect with, and we asked them to shake down our results. The pre-print is not exactly “not peer-reviewed”, as it is the product of rolling feedback from world experts and we did our best to incorporate all of their feedback, test all of their proposed tests, and include all of the limitations they identified in our manuscript.
The authors stress that “synthetic” means synthesized, and not necessarily a bioweapon, or “Gain of Function”. But even if SARS2 wasn’t a bioweapon we need to discuss these tools and techniques. There are other aspects outside this work that are relevant to the bioweapon question, and we’ll discuss those another day. For the moment, the citizens of the free world need to learn enough about genetic engineering to discuss what kind of world we want to live in.
UPDATE: It’s great to see commentary on this paper starting. Alex Crits-Christoph has attacked the paper on a twitter thread, which Washburne has already responded to. The former points out that the the pattern in other enzyme targets in SARS2 are not unusual and claims this is cherry picking, but if a team did engineer the virus to suit one or two enzymes I don’t see why we wouldn’t see what Crit-Christoph finds? Washburne replies they didn’t cherry pick they just started looking at two of the most popular enzyme tools. They also used a long list of criteria.
Other critics are pointing out the the Golden Gate Assembly model would remove the “scars” (or traces) of the Golden Gate sequences. But are these scar or coding elements removed later, only at the end? Tony vanDongen (author) says it’s correct the process can be scarless with target sites removed, but then they can’t be used again. He implies SARS2 is a work in progress — “The BsaI/BsmBI fingerprint in SARS2 is indicative of a design where you could test many different iterations of the virus. Disassemble and reassemble the genome at your heart’s content.” That suggests SARS2 may have been a workhorse used to test many things in a lab?
EDITED: Washburne notes that “The most important tweak is that the exact method used to assemble CoVs isn’t best termed “Golden Gate“ but “Type IIS directional assembly”. So “Golden Gate was removed from the introduction paragraphs.
Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, Antonius VanDongen (2022) Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2,
Alex Washburne’s blog and his twitter thread.
*Silent mutations turn out to still make a difference sometimes. The amino acid is the same but the protein may fold at a different rate to a slightly different shape. Dang life is complicated.
This is a preprint. It will be very interesting to see if a “peer reviewed” journal will publish it.
Peer review = peer pressure
I’ve got to admit David, the peer reviewed process seems irrelevant in the hunt for the truth now. If there are real problems with this paper there are plenty with a vested interest in telling us so I’m sure we will hear about it. That debate has already started on Twitter, and in blog comments. Alex Washburne is doing a great job responding calmly and welcoming critics to join in. His attitude is impeccable.
Jo, you are on fire! This is mind blowing.
I haven’t read it yet, but it’s not that nobody knew. It is that people in authority ignored the science.
It was called from Melbourne at the outset, I can’t recall by whom, that this virus could not have developed naturally.
And it would seem that the Chinese Govt. knew because of their obsession with stamping out all outbreaks, once they realised it was from the Wuhan laboratories.
I think that the local authorities were rather lax and allowed the virus to spread before the Central Authorities panicked. The continuing panic may mean little as they would be reluctant to admit wrong, and who knows whether the continuing lockdowns are necessary or whether they are following, like all bureaucrats, Sir Humphrey’s advice “never miss a chance to extend one’s authority”.
I think the continuing lockdowns is Xi claening house and consolidating power. Also an economic reset that can be blamed on something other than Gov mismanagement. The Chinese economy was a house of cards and Trump bumped the table.
Absolutely. What is happening in China using the excuse of Covid restrictions is actually Xi putting the last measures in place for complete party control of the people, businesses and the media. It is the excuse for a dramatic increase in surveillance of citizens, along with systems to identify dissenters – and deal with them promptly.
When Xi is confident that the Chinese people are under his total control and resistance thwarted, he will complete his transformation into full-on dictator.
Be alarmed.
Now that the evidence strongly supports the theory the virus was made in a lab, we still need to work out if the release was deliberate and if yes, who was responsible. The main winners of the COVID virus have been the US democrats and Pfizer and if the virus was deliberately released, the winners are a good place to start looking.
I think it might have been released at the military games, in order to side line the US military for the takeover of Twain. (Make what you will of the fact that ‘vaccine’ seems to have had a negative impact on fit and healthy young males) As is the norm in these regimes the lab leaders (who wouldn’t have been appointed for their technical knowledge) Told their superiors what they wanted to hear. As a result, the whole thing blew up in their faces. It had little impact on the young and fit but ripped through the weak and elderly like a wildfire. PS I wouldn’t rule out, outright treason by some people in the US.
MAn made? Yes. But I doubt that anybody released it intentionally.
Have you forgotten what pivotal election was needing to be fixed?
i have 0 doubt it was released deliberately.
The Omicron strain emerged in November 2021 in a clade separate from earlier strains (Alpha to Delta) and does not have a clear epidemiological link to the virus involved in the original Wuhan outbreak.
If the “Wuhan” virus was accidentally leaked, then the Omicron appears to originate from a separate and more recent “accidental” leak of a virus developed from the same clade as the December 2019 Wuhan virus.
All these pretty graphics should give us comfort. ‘Tis one thing to destroy our lives overreacting to a designer disease brought to us by a brain with fancy gene tinsnips in its human’s hands.
Quite another to get sucked in by the tallest of tall stories written around the latest incarnation(s) of dear old Influenza.
Will take a lot to shift me from Dr David E Martin’s view of the panic.
The influenza viruses are a whole different phylum. Only 13,588 bases long (less than half the length of Covid), and split into 8 segments, not one long string. They are also single stranded RNA but negative sense — the opposite strand, the back up copy. Influenza needs to be read first and converted to positive sense RNA, then the RNA code can be used.
Influenza infections don’t raise d-Dimer levels or reduce blood oxygen sat levels anywhere near the incredible 50- 60% level that happened with early variants of Covid. Previously docs would worry about blood oxy levels with influenza of 90% (call an ambulance!). Doctors made the mistake of thinking Covid was like influenza in the earliest days and unfortunately treatment with ventilators in ICU initially had dismal outcomes. Covid is a vascular disease, not just respiratory.
Paul Siebert ….. take a bow.
You’ve just been ‘ouched’.
Seems so. 😅
I’ll get over it.
Citizens of the free world?
Where’s that?
Touche. Indeed. I won’t try to answer…
“For the moment, the citizens of the free world need to learn enough about genetic engineering to discuss what kind of world we want to live in”. There is no way the average person would be even bothered to understand any of this. Nice intention, but it’s not going to happen. We are simply going to end up with 2 camps, 1 camp for the batsoup theory, the other for intentional or accidental release from a lab. Most of the former camp have been informed about this via MSM and they don’t really care anyway. That camp also think the vaccines saved us from COVID and you can hear that daily in a lot of media as well.
We’re either in a biotech war or on the verge of one.
Students in year 10 science are already learning about DNA and genetics now. Stories about lab experiments like Boston Uni’s latest covid chimera are getting wide media attention. Those who don’t pick up the basics of DNA and this game changing power will be ruling themselves out of the conversation. Sadly, that may mostly be our oldest and wisest.
Yes, this post was loaded. I’m not writing for average readers here, so I didn’t hold back. I’m guessing that people with engineering, chem, computing or maths degrees will find genetic engineering as fascinating as I do if I explain it well enough (and there are doctors and biochem people who read this site too).
People who do learn and understand the basics of molecular biology will be able to have conversations with believers that will stop some in their tracks.
There’s a layer of influential thinkers and leaders who need to get rapidly up to speed and I’m doing my damnedest to alert them. The power of this paper is that it will make it so much more difficult for fence-sitters.
Molecular biology is where computer science was in the 1960s. We’re on the cusp of being able to extend human lives in a paradigm shift in medicine — or ruin them.
Besides, understanding how the programming for life on Earth works is captivating is it not?
Thanks Jo. The number of potential deadly viruses is unlimited, which means, according to the Fauci mentality, we must create them ourselves! There is another recent paper about the new and improved (more deadly) Omicron.
IMV, this GOF research must be stopped with extreme prejudice.
Bioengineering as a branch of modern scientific endeavour needs a thorough rethink after a serious injection of ethics. The entire field has crossed a line to where it needs to justify its own existence to us, and seek our permission about where it goes next.
These people, the “elites,” without our knowledge or permission, have opened Pandora’s box, and seem to be relentlessly pursuing uncharted paths without any moral limits.
The worst part is, we allowed it to happen in our own lifetimes, and it’s up to us now to regain our lost sense of right and wrong, and individually reimpose some moral and ethical order for the future. I have started down that path personally, not by finding God etc, (being raised as a Catholic means He’s always there lurking in the background along with the Devil), but by revisiting the works of clear thinkers of the past who helped shape the best of humanity.
I have the feeling enough of us have been scared schizless by the enormity of recent actions against, and future plans for us by the sociopaths and psychopaths of Big Global, to be looking for and refining our moral and ethical bearings, because these people must be reined in.
“Sense,” not “senseless.”
[Edited! – Jo]
Bioweapons are a little like gun control though. Fine in principle, but the end result is merely the disarmament of good people while bad people will ignore the rules and continue to use them.
Let me try that again …
Banning bioweapons is a little like gun control though. Fine in principle, but the end result is merely the disarmament of good people while bad people will ignore the rules and continue to use them.
Steve indeed. Bioengineering is far beyond the stage where we can ask whether the field useful or not, or choose to say no. The arms race is here. If we try to ignore the field we will become the serfs of adversaries and competitors who understand it better than we do.
These are experiments that can be done in small labs that are not detectable with satellite photos and with off-the-shelf ingredients. How do we stop that in China, Iran or North Korea?
The solution is a lot like the cold war. We beat them with free speech, competition, and better knowledge. They need to know that if they use a biotech weapon we will detect it, we will punish them, and we have a successful method of minimizing damage. Right now we are a sitting duck and we have failed on every count.
Certainly, especially as knowledge grows. Yet self defense is a right, that won’t break the world, and indeed may and does build it, as it provides stability. Bio weapons created via GOF research will certainly break the world. Of certainty because we have already proven the accidental release will happen. (As deadly as nukes, but they go off far more easily.)
That is why such research must be punished with extreme prejudice. The number of potential deadly pathogens is endless. Must we create them all? Doom is then certain. Civilization needs to up its game. ( morality) Nukes forced this somewhat. Nukes do not require BSL 4 lab levels of security to not accidentally go off. GOF pathogens will get accidentally released.
I attest that EcoHealth Alliance developed SARS-COV2 … during my employment at the organization. — Dr. Andrew Huff
I saw this elsewhere
and saved this brilliant para. where the author says exactly what he means but wonderfully couched in terms to avoid censure.
Damning with a straight face: ‘You might say that; I could not possibly comment.”
“Dr. Washburne stresses that he is not alleging malign intent or even gain-of-function work in this paper. He writes: “We find no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 being a bioweapon (on the contrary, this looks like an accident) or any gain of function work. We find evidence suggesting SARS-CoV-2 may have been synthesised in the lab with known methods, probably for normal pre-Covid research purposes.”
Not alleging malign intent, nooo! No evidence of it being a bioweapon; it’s just accidentally a bioweapon. Probably for normal pre-Covid research. Yeah right, probably quite normal. I am sure Rutherford split the atom quite by accident during normal research.
Strictly speaking, Washburne is being careful and accurate. His study was not designed to investigate the bioweapon potential. There are many other reasons to manipulate and engineer a virus. One step at a time.
We would look for other markers and attributes to separate out bioweapon potential from other types of engineering.
True. He has simply proven, to his satisfaction, that it was man-made. But I guess Dr David Martin’s patent trail back into the late 20thC, it’s link to other ‘pandemics’ that never quite fired, the globalists’ openness about their aim of reducing the population and the fact that Prof Dolores Cahill clams that within Agenda 21, 2020-26 is known as ‘the killing years’, I guess it’s all just coincidence.
Why-O-Why has this taken so long?
A question that answers itself — because many powerful people didn’t want this result.
The worrisome thing is what Jo says about the age of bioweapons and bio-engineered accidents being upon us. We face great danger from rogue elements using these weapons but judging from the response to the COVID-19 epidemic I suspect even greater damage from the fear and incompetent authoritarianism this will generate.
The plan worked
I think the result is exactly what they wanted.
We’re now free to talk about it because the deal is done.
They’ve never been serious about the origin of the ‘virus’ because they already knew the origin.
Don’t be surprised if the bragging begins.
There are too many thugs for any hero to bring to justice.
Not to mention they seem ‘immune’ to embarrassment
(Has the definition of that word changed yet?)
Plus they have a massive tech/media apparatus to create any fiction they dream up.
Was this also the reason why potential cheap pharmaceutical treatments such as ivermectin were stamped on?
I think Western leaders know this was an act of war.(luckly it backfired) So it’s better to pretend otherwise then to go ‘hot’. But when it comes to China and the West the rose colored glasses are off.
There is much evidence that the US developed this in conjunction with China.
What a brilliant Article and yes, what sort of World do we want to live in. Unfortunately, I don’t think that I will get much of a say in it and probably never had anyway. Maybe just live out my last years growing food, raising animals, listening to good music, having lots of laughs and helping as many others as I can.
Wasn’t there are a group of Indian researchers that tried to publish the genome sequence early on in the pandemic? Also, Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV, claimed this early on too. He died earlier this year.
And we now have another engineered Covid virus that is 80% deadly in mice with human ACE2 receptors.
It is unbelievable that they are doing this. They really are trying to kill us all.
Leftist “Fact checkers” deny it but even the far Left New York Times admits it.
Also see John Campbell’s comments. Unlike MSM or Leftist and/or Chi-comm apologists, his comments can be trusted. https://youtu.be/_WTZo9ieBKY
New York Times:
I’d love to know if Fauci, Collins, Daszak et al make any response to this. I know Fauci has been quoted in our press several times that it “likely came from nature, but we don’t know” (each time, reported like it’s something new when it plainly is not new). Considering the source, we can presume that the opposite is true, and it did not come from nature.
I agree the virus was manipulated but why was SARS-CoV-2 chosen as the basic platform for this bioweapon when they are so many other viruses to choose from?
Perhaps because of the possibility of its ability to infect multiple species and be spread by them, especially domestic pets (cats and dogs) which are the only close animal contact most city dwellers in Western countries have, Western countries being the primary target of the bioweapon and the main competitors of the Chicomms.
Plus, the Chicomms know that Western countries are infiltrated and lead by Leftists who will deny any origin of the pandenic in China or it manipulation and weaponisation by them. Plus social media would censor such claims.
” Western countries being the primary target of the bioweapon ”
Only if you have preconceived beliefs that the Chinese made it. I see no difference in the chances of it escaping a lab in China after they made it, or the Yanks making it at Fort Detrick and releasing it in China after the International Army Games. The Americans are hardly likely to release it in America are they?
Lets see how the next-gen release goes, they are obviously well underway at Boston Uni. I expect the next one to be targeted at a racial group, like the earlier Asian flu that was a big problem in Asia but never got a grip on the West. Different sugars in our cellular membranes it seems.
Typo, led not lead.
This isn’t a surprise – what is, or at least what’s so disappointing is the rampant denials we have seen. Denials from the usual suspects, namely the media and politicians who have misled the people on so many issues for decades now.
I see above someone raising the need for “peer review”. What a joke.
My money is an accidental lab leek but don’t rule out a trial run, in a crowded situation, to test spreadability by some overzealous lab technicians.
Boyo; an accidental leek, you say?
Not in my soup, there isn’t..
It’s not called Leek Soup for nothing.
Given the way global politics actually works, how much bribery, coercion or rabid doctrinaire malice would it take to have such an “accident”?
“Lead”, the verb? Or “Lead” the soft, dense metal?
[…] build the virus yourself. Another paper has been published claiming the virus came from a lab. Joanne Nova gives very good explanation of the findings on her […]
Montage of Washington Claiming Vaccines Prevent Transmission
A real brains trust, that bunch….NOT. Some of the world’s most evil and stupid and/or ignorant people.
Thanks for that link.
This just in…
COVID got people used to highly restricted rights and freedoms and imposed strict conformity on everyone, such as face mask wearing, especially in the less free Western countries such as today’s Australia where all federal and state governments are fanatical followers of UN decrees.
The Sheeple have changed their outlook on personal freedom and rights plus the government has introduced anti-freedom laws which in Australia’s case won’t be rescinded because Australian laws dont usually come with a sunset clause and there is not a strong pro-freedom lobby.
Freedom issues are simply not on the agenda as an election issue, or at any time, for the LibLabGreenTeal uniparty.
The stage has been set for totalitarian rule.
I don’t think it’s coincidence that it all blew up during an election year in America.
I agree Dave.
And it is no coincidence either that possible treatments offered by Trump, such as from Dr Zelenko, (HCQ taken according to the Zelenko protocol) was immediately banned or restricted in the US and elsewhere and doctors were threatened with deregistration for prescribing it, even before any “vaccines” were available. At worst, it would have been harmless.
HCQ is still banned for treatment of covid in Australia, except in Queenslandistan and IVM is banned for COVID treatment in all states.
Of course, part of the plan was also to destroy the doctor-patient relationship and bring medical decisions under the control of the State.
Dave i. t. S.;
“I don’t think it’s coincidence that it all blew up during an election year in America.”
My understanding is that every other year is an election year in the US; I suppose that gives a fifty-fifty chance for an entirely random event [which I do NOT suggest that this is – I simply don’t know] happening in an election year.
FWIW, I favour the accidental release suggestion, rather than the deliberate attempt at biowarfare, if only because if it had been the biowarfare option, I think it would have been much worse [despite the ‘managing’ efforts of the Western authorities at reducing their pension burdens . . . .]. My thoughts only.
The West was fully capable of stopping nearly any infectious virus if it is deadly enough. Less deadly viruses would cause more chaos, because the West would stupidly let the virus fly in. This was especially so if people thought it was “flu like”.
How? Jo has neatly published the evidence of ‘How’ over the course of this ‘plandemic’.
Why? You have just explained we are in for remote Totalitarian rule.
Where? This we do not know. Who was the target and who will be next with whatever is the the next killer of a cure. The problem with poisoning your spouse/ mate / next in line / Monarch has always been avoiding the drink or meal with the poison. A good idea would be to market the poison to the target using a controlled vector (like a vaccination program), that way you do not risk taking out your golf buddy or bridge club.
I intend to not worry about hiring tasters for my food or joining patient groups using the medication being recommended by a medical practitioner to see is they are in good health.
Great article and blog thanks Jo. Your friends brag about their skills. Here they are rebuilding the 1918 Flu and they certainly had a lot of strategically placed Bio Security Level 4 Labs. (Just ask Putin he had a few on his border and the Russians certainly scored high in the death rate during the pandemic. H/T #iamjohncullen)
To me, ‘The Song remains the Same’. Eat, Drink, and be merry as there is little that can be done other than support people like Jo, enjoy the contributions of people like David and look after your family, neighbours and community as best you can. As Jordan Peterson highlighted in the writing about the ‘Gulag Archipelago’ at least we will not be confused when whatever fate befalls us. Those that have followed the rules and injected their patients, scolded those without masks, locked themselves away from their family in time of need and generally complied, will look as silly as those involved when the mastermind seizes the power. Remember they come for their own first when they seize power.
I do however wish ‘We the People’ and their Constitution all the best on November the 8th. That will be the test for Democracy against Totalitarianism.
Very interesting article but far too late for so many. I guess the visual evidence in counties like Australia, NZ, Canada and UK, reveal a great deal alone. If it had actually been a real pandemic instead of a manufactured one why would everything be so covert? MSM paid off for starters, when real information should have been forthcoming. Complicit media/politicians used fear for total control instead of truthfulness to enlighten and allay fears. The awful border closures in Australia that destroyed businesses and allowed state premiers to evolve into Latin world styled dictatorships. No accountability from leading authorities on experimental vaccines, people blackmailed into shots that killed and continues to kill and maim people. Why would I be a skeptic! This harks back to the “Spanish Flu,” which was neither Spanish or flu but bacterial pneumonia developed by the US before the age of antibiotics. The we have elites openly declaring the planet only needs 500 million people, them and their ilk I surmise. We see food growing under attack worldwide. Put it all together and much more and Covid 19 looks more like a plan than any other thing.
I agree in general Dave but I am not sure about the claim of bacterial pneumonia because Anthony Fauci was a co-author of the paper announcing that discovery.
Fauci’s reputation is pretty much in the gutter so caution is advised. I’m not saying it’s not true however, it may or may not be.
David, during the Spanish flu pandemic people constantly wore cloth masks. There were many autopsies conducted and it was found that a lot people died from bacterial pneumonia. It has been assumed that this was a result from wearing the masks. A four year old boy almost died from bacterial pneumonia in America from constantly wearing a mask. His experience was advertised as a warning to remind people to use a fresh clean mask each day.
Not a good idea to wear dirty masks. But bacterial pneumonia occurs commonly in severe influenza cases and has been killing people for decades who did not wear masks at any point. When a virus makes a mess of your lung cells, they are prime fodder for bacteria.
Yay for antibiotics. Now if we would only use anti-virals…
It really doesn’t matter if it was man-made or a wild divergent.
China closed it’s internal borders to prevent transmission – whilst keeping it’s external borders open, to export the virus.
China decided to infect the world, resulting in a death toll of 6.58 million.
China happily bought up stock around the world of PPE in the pre-covid rush and were even donated some PPE by places like Italy – only to sell these donated items back to Italy at inflated prices when Italy was in need.
Remember how you couldn’t get n95 masks when a pandemic was declared – that was all on China.
They are yet to be held to account for their actions.
That the western world is now ignoring this attack on global citizens, whilst supporting the defense of Ukraine tells us that China holds the strings of our political and economic classes.
It is the fulfillment of Obama’s plan to weaken and destroy the US and his work continues under the Puppet Presidency of Biden, Obama’s third term.
It really doesn’t matter if it was man-made or a wild divergent.
It does matter. 1. A man made virus can have diabolical long term potential effects and we need to understand what those are. And 2. in order to stop the next one we need accountability. There are labs all over the world playing these games. They will be lot more careful in future if they can see that careless, incompetent, or deliberate risk will be tracked and punished.
Can you imagine how much more careful the West would have been had we known this virus was a lab leak in Feb 2020? There was a whole sense of natural and inevitable many people had about this disease that was never justified if it was a Chinese (or US-funded) creation.
Every person you share this information with is another person who is less likely to be fooled next time. It’s another person who will demand justice, and that our nations get a better pandemic plan than the last one which was mostly a disaster.
Jo, you are so right…
Accountability is the key.
We have not held China accountable for their demonstrable actions that have cost the lives of 6+ million people.
Ergo it does not matter if this is a man-made virus or a ‘wild variant’…
That is not logical. Lack of accountability in one direction, does not justify lack of accountability in another. Lets try another area. The US. The evidence is that the US worked with China developing this.
I agree with you.
The initial release was accidental but the CCP allowed it to be spread around the world. Partly it was to “save face” – a government which has never admitted to being wrong about anything and which has been engaged in revisionist nationalistic propaganda for the last decade can scarcely admit to something like a lab leak outbreak.
But I think there was another dimension to China’s actions. Remember, by Q4 2020 the Trump Administration had just renegotiated its trade deals with China. The new deal put China at a disadvantage. I think the CCP leadership looked at the economic cost of local Covid containment and decided that China would not be the only country to have to suffer and thereby fall behind further economically. I think they made a deliberate decision to level the playing field.
It fits their psychology.
Speaking of psychology, remember also that much of the world was and is still in the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I would include Fauci. Fauci, who restarted gain of function research under Trump’s Administration despite the fact that an Obama Executive Order was still in effect. By the time the Covid panic hit America Fauci must have thought he could run rings around Trump. I think he deliberately misled Trump. Remember the whole injecting bleach thing? Trump might be unscientific but he isn’t stupid enough to dream up that idea on his own.
The world’s media and most governments criticised Trump at every turn, with their criticisms fuelled by intense hatred. That kind of emotional investment is hard to let go and I think it blinded many otherwise sensible people. I wonder whether the path toward “vaccines” might have panned out differently had American politics not been so polarised.
In any case we must try to extract something useful from this entire debacle. I will keep this part simple: Communist China cannot be trusted on anything.
‘The initial release was accidental …’
They don’t know that for sure, biosecurity at the Wuhan lab was slack, a lone wolf hazmat guy might have purposefully released Covid into the wet market.
Or certain agents of large US companies or war-machines that stood to benefit had an interest in setting up China to take the fall…
Who benefited from Covid and the pandemic — there are political parties, industries, and investors on that list. China itself seemed to get a net-benefit for the first two years though is suffering now.
The implications are extraordinary, if verified and splashed around the MSM it would severely dent American capitalism.
Yes they are suffering now. But the primary cause of that suffering has been their insane and brutally enforced Zero Covid policy. That policy is one borne of hubris which seems to be one of Xi’s great character flaws.
And I think the Xi faction has been using Zero Covid to attack his political enemies as in the lockdown of Shanghai which is a power base for the chief opposing faction.
Now that Xi has been installed for a third term and presumably for life, I expect he will begin mobilising against Taiwan and perhaps the US very soon.
Gold help us all through the dark times ahead.
Yes. Covid-zero in high density cities with Omicron is extremely expensive. So, given there are claims this lab virus has short HIV segments (among other things) the most important question I know is why is Xi continuing the Zero-Covid policy in the face of such costs? Are they just a stupid totalitarian regime (possible), is it about internal domestic enemies (can’t Xi arrest them anyway?), or do they know something about this virus that we don’t? You want dark? Could SARS2 cause long term increases in cancer, heart disease, dementia, or immune fatigue? Seems unthinkable, but if I were creating a bioweapon and I was a psychopath it would have some appeal — a slow acting virus. The evidence against that is if the CCP vaccine also used the original Wu-Flu killed virus. Did it? Can we confirm that? I’d like to know the exact composition of their approved vax. Have they removed any parts of the virus from the vax?
” a slow acting virus.”
.. you mean like … marxist global socialism ?!
Yes, it is very reasonable to be concerned with long term immunity break down, OAS, and ADE, all potential outcomes of using this leaky pathogenic vaccine on billions of people in the middle of a pandemic.
The purpose of VAERS is NOT to debate obtuse thoughts like how under-reported, or over-reported it is. It is designed to red flag potential harms, and INVESTIGATE!
And the CDC easily could.
1. Take the top 10 VAERS harms, and with the deaths do correct detailed autopsies. The handful done showed a high percentage were definitely related to the vaccines. (Instead the CDC blocks autopsies.)
2. Take the same VARES harms that also show increased occurrence in the population, like excess deaths, excess cancers, excess heart disease, etc… and do a detailed mortality morbidity study of those harms, comparing like demographics, vaccinated versus unvaccinated, and see if the increase or excess is mainly or exclusively in the vaccinated.
This is so simple and obvious. There is ZERO excuse to not do this! The control group, the unvaccinated, still exists in the millions. ( About 100 million in the US) The fact that this is not done, is in itself [snip “very telling”].
[Edit sorry, just need to be careful what we claim. -Jo]
China will be smarting still, over the opium shame.
Territory is still lost to them over that.
So, getting caught alone, in a disease debacle… no way Jose – sharing is caring.
Now, here we all are, in vastly reduced circumstances due, not to the disease, but our crazed response to it.
An interview with a whistleblower –former senior executive with the Ecohealth Alliance.
The primary outcome from this event is that bio labs must have much tighter legislation backed with independent audits and full transparency.
Covid appears to have been an accident probably caused by complacency, especially as China did not appear to be prepared for the release in any way, shape or form.
The USA was definitely funding research at this lab and plenty of other overseas labs, to get around strict regulations at home I would guess so the legislation needs to be worldwide.
This is a far more important matter than the supposed dangers of nuclear and definitely far more important that the CAGW Scam.
The next careless, complacent lab tech could wipe out almost all the human population in a matter of months – even the Uber rich, Mr Gates, if you’re snooping!
Probably more exciting is the realisation that the laboratory methods are getting simpler and the reagents cheaper, so individuals can have a play at genetic manipulation.
As the mainstream continue to blame individuals for massive bombings and terrorist groups for gas attacks, no-one seems to bring up bioweapons as a fun thing to do. Its not only Govts who have this research available, imagine Extinction Rebellion doing it.
Already we have high school students making glowing slime moulds as their science project, akin to the student who built a nuclear pile in the garage at home using the luminescent numbers scraped off the dials of old watches/clocks he bought in bulk. That got into a runaway phase too, he was picked up with a fissioning pile in the boot of his car.
“The primary outcome from this event is that bio labs must have much tighter legislation backed with independent audits and full transparency.”
Would have to be a bloody lot better than those “gun free” efforts then
“Dang life is complicated”,
So is this paper.Not being “science Savy” I will have to take this article as “read”.
But must say I believe the thrust of the paper There was too much of a rush to blame externalities around the Wuhan Lab to take them seriously.
Jo has been threatening to write a post about viruses and here it is
Packed with info about techniques of viral DNA/RNA sequencing etc. I will have to read it through two or three times.
Let’s look into it now,after Pfizer & Fauchi have made their money. (Sorry, did I say that)
The so-called corona virus – Covid 19 – was developed in the Wuhan Virology Labs, China. The Wuhan Virology Labs were built by, and are staffed by, GlaxoSmith Kline. GlaxoSmith Kline is majority owned by Pfizer. A major shareholder in both GlaxoSmith Kline and Pfizer is Bill Gates.
The patents on both the virus itself and the Astrazeneca “vaxxine” are held by a consortium headed up by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.
Nuff said.
GSK – new name for GlaxoSmithKline – has no shareholder with even 4%.
https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/GSK-PLC-9590199/company/ at 1010Z/23rd: –
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 146,250,966 3.60%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 121,905,985 3.00%
Dodge & Cox 94,377,360 2.32%
Norges Bank Investment Management 90,082,000 2.21%
Schroder Investment Management Ltd. 71,294,362 1.75%
Silchester International Investors LLP 64,552,476 1.59%
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. 60,099,218 1.48%
Legal & General Investment Management Ltd. 57,319,728 1.41%
SIX SIS Ltd. 50,166,000 1.23%
Mondrian Investment Partners Ltd. 48,297,733 1.19%
Now, maybe the esteemed Mr gates holds big holdings in Blackrock, Vanguard, Dodge And Cox, etc. I don’t know.
Speaking of DNA:
If it is “bio-engineered” then it would seem likely that the “engineers” would have the best internal information to bring about a real vaccine (one that actually worked) or some other public help; IF the release or leak were an accident.
If it can be proven that it was engineered and that they did not publicly render help by admitting an accident, that would lead me to firmly believe it was no accident.
If . . . if . . . if . . .
in June 2019 the WEF sent out invites to select parties – mostly bankers and other money managers, to attend a three day “what if” conference. What if a rogue strain of corona virus was to cause a worldwide “pandemic”.
The conference, titled “Event 201”, was held in October 2019, hosted by the WEF. It completely ignored 200 years of hard-earned experience dealing with epidemics, and instead opted for enforced vaccinations, mandated lockdowns, and other draconian population control methods, including stomping on “dissenters” and “disinformation”.
Then, lo and behold, by sheer coincidence there was an outbreak of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic a few months later, exactly as envisaged at the Event 201 conference, in early 2020.
200 years of hard-earned experience dealing with epidemics was ignored, and instead governments opted for enforced vaccinations, mandated lockdowns, and other draconian population control methods, including stomping on “dissenters” and “disinformation”.
Event 201 was wholly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Nuff said.
Did I mention that the Covid 19 corona virus was patented in 2017, and the Astrazeneca “vaxxine” was patented in 2018, both by the consortium headed up by Gates and Fauci?
It appears to be even a lot worse than that…
Moderna were the real pushers of the mRNA technology and tried to sell its advantages continually to attract investors. Not sure why because they had Bill Gates on board anyway. Perhaps that was window dressing. In one of their investment productions they proposed “band aid” type technology for the “jab”- except no jab, so you could do it yourself at home. The band aid type technology had micro needles and all you had to do was apply the strip to your shoulder muscle and the vaccine was administered. So also virtually painless, because you left the strip on for a period of time and its was slowly delivered. No need for a technician. Even today, to me, that seems a very good idea.
“No need for a technician. Even today, to me, that seems a very good idea.”
To minimize bad reactions (like death), the shot MUST go into the muscle, and yet many are still adversely affected and all too many die. Getting the shot into the muscle requires a skilled med tech. Micro needles into the skin is a concept wrong on many levels, I shudder to think some “experts”(?) suggested it (even if it was just an advertising gimmick).
Here is the “fictional” scenario from Event 201, courtesy of Gates and Herr Klaus Schwab/WEF.
Sorry about the formatting.
Prepared by Amesh Adalja and Lane Warmbrod
The FICTIONAL Coronavirus Acute Pulmonary Syndrome (CAPS) is an acute respiratory
infection that can progress to pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. It is
caused by a swine-origin coronavirus (CAPS virus).
The CAPS virus is from the same family of viruses as SARS and MERS but is antigenically
distinct. The virus has existed in the fruit bat population for many years and has been
transmitted to domestic pigs. The virus causes mild disease in pigs.
Like SARS and MERS, a mutation in the CAPS virus enabled human infection, leading to one
or more spillover events to pig farmers in South America, but with limited human-to-
human spread. Like SARS, a further mutation in the CAPS virus later enabled efficient
human-to-human transmission.
The CAPS virus is more transmissible in mild cases than SARS-CoV, and spread by mildly
symptomatic individuals is possible. Transmission is via the respiratory route, mostly by
respiratory droplets, with some proportion being airborne during aerosol-generating
medical procedures.
• Approximately 50% of CAPS cases require hospitalization, many of them in an
intensive care unit (ICU).
• The CAPS fatality rate in hospitalized patients is about 14%.
• The overall case fatality rate (CFR) is 7%.
• The average R0 is 1.74.
• The incubation period ranges from 5 to 7 days.
There is no licensed vaccine for any coronavirus, although some are in development for
SARS and MERS. There is no antiviral drug with an indication for coronavirus treatment,
although there are several drugs, including anti-HIV drugs, that might be effective. In this
scenario, there is one FICTIONAL HIV antiviral—extranavir—that may be effective for
treatment or prophylaxis of CAPS.
Here are the Event 201 “players” as they are described.
Jane Halton is the Australian player in Event 201.
JH is not a medically qualified doctor or even close. An Honors degree is psychology, that’s it. Most of us know she is Brett Sutton’s sister in law and a lot would say she had an undue influence on Australia’s initial COVID policies. To which you could say ” join the club”, because she had many mates both here and overseas.
Nearly all of the medically qualified “doctors” don’t have doctorates, they have double pass bachelor degrees. MBBS = Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery.
In the USA their first medical degree are called MD. However, the Americans tend to over embelish titles. Their “buck” sergeant is equivalent to our Lance Corporal.
Jane Halton aka Mrs Jane Sutton attended as the rep from Australia.
They did not offer help or release useful info because to do so would have been admitting they were doing gain of function work and/or developing bioweapons.
If the virus was “natural” then it cannot be patented under both American and international law. If the virus was manufactured then it is a bioweapon and constitutes a criminal offence under USA law, and STILL cannot be patented.
Nonetheless both the virus and the original vaxxine are patented under USA law. And just for icing on the cake for those of you waiting someone to make America great again, again, it all happened during the Trump administration, 2016 – 2020.
Sadly, as President Trump himself found out, even he wasn’t in control of tue Deep State.
I am prepared to cut some slack for people who had the terrifying responsibility, early in the pandemic, to protect us from what the doctors and scientists was a deadly killer. I myself fully endorsed and observed the first lockdowns, masking advice and border closures. The “X weeks to flatten the curve” was and is a sound strategy when there is the real prospect of our hospitals being overwhelmed. Lets not forget too the awful stories and pictures coming out of China and Italy, with claims of catastrophic mortality rates. As much as I despise most politicians, I would not want to be in their shoes when this kind of thing happens.
So the original ‘warp speed’ vaccine development sounded a great idea, especially to those of us with little or no training in vaccines. Trump was doing what a real leader should do – looking for a huge solution for a huge and urgent problem. Don’t forget that, from day one, his every utterance and decision was forensically analysed and, if necessary distorted, to find his error and get it into the next day’s news. He could do no right as far as the media and their leftist controllers were concerned. In the face of all that, I reckon he acted very decisively and fearlessly.
But eventually what we were told did not correlate with what we saw. Our lying eyes suggested that young people, healthy adults and those under 65 or so were at little threat from Covid. Also, not only relatively untested, but based on a totally new technique called ‘mRNA’ that hadn’t been used before.
So there was a point in time when things started to look decidedly dodgy as far as the vaccine went. People started to ask questions. Then various governments deployed strangely authoritarian measures to force people to have the new vaccines. A faint whiff of “Wait a minute ..” slowly turned into “WTF?”.
So, over the course of two years or so, much has been learned (some of it we weren’t supposed to discover) and everything changed. We have more data about Covid. We have more data about the vaccines. Covid 19’s evolution has followed the usual path for viruses and the risk:reward equasion has shifted even further toward NOPE.
So those who pushed vaccination, border closures, masking and isolation the the early days should be forgive. Those who persisted with overtly authoritarian measure – or outright deception – AFTER the truth was out there should be in goal.
Sigh …
“Also, not only relatively untested, but based on a totally new technique called ‘mRNA’ that hadn’t been used before.”
Should be: “Also, not only was the vaccine relatively untested, but it was based on a totally new technique called ‘mRNA’ that hadn’t been used before.
Steve of Cornubia,
With much the same lack of expertise, I condemned the first lockdowns, along with all the others. Lockdowns are a cargo-cult quarantine and should be thrown out of the toolkit for disease control.
Unfortunately, many people think like you that X weeks to flatten the curve was and is a sound strategy. This seems always to be motivated by reducing the burden on the hospital system. Hospitals are places you send people for treatement, but with a new disease there is no known treatment. The infected person gains little by going to hospital, but makes it very likely that other patients will get infected.
Real isolation is the key. Rather than locking up all the well people with stupid leaky lockdowns, you need to isolate the infectious people. You then equip medicos with serious PPE to find out what they can about treatments for the new disease. And on that point, rushing to a vaccine makes no sense either. If you do a decent job of isolating the sick, there will be no need to inoculate the well. Priority is isolation, then detection, then treatment. Prevention comes after that if the disease becomes endemic.
This is hardly an avant garde idea . In times past there were fever hospitals where people were sent to ride out their infectious diseases in isolation. If only we’d gone this way rather than rushing to “new-tech” lockdowns and mRNA vaccines.
If you cannot isolate a “Complete” virus mono culture directly from an infected person then How do you chop up a Virus if you do not have a complete mono culture of viruses in front of you to work with?
No virus isolation Massey MIKE ADAMS 05.04.2022
If anybody can find the paper how to find a “Complete” Virus is a mask please post a link.
Rockefeller Science.
Toxicology vs Virology – Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud | Dr. Sam Bailey
Warning: Bioweapon Bs By Dr. Sam Bailey!@!!!
I have replied many times to Kevin. I know some people want to believe viruses are not real. It would be comforting. I applaud everyone who questions assumptions, but not those who don’t want to learn any genetics or virology. There are billion observations that can’t be explained with the hypothesis that viruses don’t exist. I just keep pointing at the data. Isn’t that what science is?
Viruses have been isolated genetically, antigenically, with electron microscopes, and in functional plaque assays millions of times. The requirement that someone must also isolate them molecularly is an anachronistic, semantic, expensive and irrelevant point.
We don’t have to isolate a box of pure computer virus to know that computer viruses exist.
We can only make copies of viruses by putting them in cells which use all the same chemical elements and much of the same coding and proteins. Separating out the viruses from 100,000 similar chemicals to get purity is possible but expensive and scientifically pointless.
We isolate them with plaque assays, antibody tests, electron micrographs, PCR analysis, contact tracing, symptoms, blood tests for D-Dimer, Cytokines, blood oxy levels, etc etc etc. We do binding tests on various subparts of the virus with ACE2 TMPRSS2 and nuclear transport proteins, etc etc etc. See Nextstrain to get some idea of how much data they can’t explain. (Mouseover and then double click the dots on Nextstrain to see more data).
There’s a billion observations that already fit the hypothesis that viruses are real. The hypothesis that all viruses are fake explains none of them…
Test huge numbers of asymptomatic citizen lab mice for said virus. (Had that been done before?)
As many as 75% that “tested positive but had no symptoms at of time testing remained asymptomatic.”
The Proportion of SARSCOV2 Infections that are Asymptomatic: A Systematic Review
The unsick are then counted as ‘cases’, conveniently padding the ‘Pandemic’ numbers to be hourly breathlessly repeated by every talking news head around the globe … and the desired moral panic ensues.
Either the tests, or the viral/disease correlation (for this specific respiratory disease phenomenon for which we shut done the entire World), seems to be missing something.
And the vaunted ‘scientists’ and ‘public health officials, show little interest in where the alleged virus originated.
And marshal their considerable power to censor discussion.
(Especially since the truth may be that THEY used OUR money to create said virus.)
I think these are are clues to the contents of some dark closet.
Honk, all the asymptomatic cases reduce the case fatality rate and show the virus is not as deadly. You think they would want to fake cases to make the virus look safer?
BTW: Asymptomatic infection is known in other diseases, it’s not like a new thing they invented…
So, the choices are – either the knew and was part of it, or he is an incompetent blowhard d*****. At this stage it doesn’t seem to make much difference anymore.
Either that or managing pandemics is more complex that a One:Nil kindergarten binary choice.
Trump didn’t know enough virology to be able to singlehandedly defeat Fauci, Birx, the CCP, the Democrats, Big-Pharma, FBI corruption, The Lancet, and the CDC. But his gut instinct to shut the border was spot on. His instinct that those who spoke of HCQ were right was accurate and brave. His withdrawal of funds from the culpable WHO was better than any other western leader.
Fauci should have been sacked years ago. Whose fault was that?
Yes, poor fellow ‘only’ had a few hundred personal White House Staff, picked personally by him, or by people appointed by him, to dig out the truth. And he’d only been in the job for three full years.
The Plandemic Series video was released in May 2020 and had been downloaded and viewed by over a billion by July. Tens of thousands of copies had been sent the White House and personal representations had been made to Trump by people involved in that video, including world renowned scientists, political leaders, and Nobel Laureates. Trump was too busy tweeting about MAGA to notice. Which is why he was such easy pickings for the Deep State.
Yes, Jo, at the time Trump did what seemed good (a lot of it was). But by now he should know that the vax was a mistake. Sadly, as of the last I’ve seen (within a few months), he still thinks that it was a good idea. That puzzles me, but doesn’t affect my high opinion of him.
As to Fauci being sacked, he should probably also have been put behind bars for his murderous bungling of Aids, and still be there.
Trump was only one guy against the deep state, with few reliable allies. I think it’s amazing what he was able to accomplish, what with so many powerful enemies constantly attacking him.
“Yes, poor fellow ‘only’ had a few hundred personal White House Staff, picked personally by him, or by people appointed by him, to dig out the truth. And he’d only been in the job for three full years.”
So.. the equivalent of a mozzie bite to an elephant… Ok !
Up until the end his staff was packed with deep state subversives. Even many in his own party were, and still are, opposed to him.
Well, that answers my question.
So I guess it’s goodbye once again.
What question? Whether you have the right to use banal crass language here without getting caught in moderation unlike everyone else?
So, Richard Cranium is too banal and crass for this site?
All politicians blow.
Incompetence is common.
I agree. Trump does blow harder than most.
Some regard that as more likely to produce results.
He might have more friends if he were more gentle like the others.
(Come on Jo, sometimes it’s too easy 🙂 )
You’ll be shocked, but those who use crass language rarely have the most insight on a science blog.
The crass test serves two purposes, it raises the tone, but it also picks up angry commenters who have no self-control and put the blog at risk. It’s a flag. Often the rest of their comment is junk. They’re the sort who post entitled whinges off topic on important threads.
Epoch Times: From ‘Wildfire Cancers’ to Foot-Long Clots, Dr. Ryan Cole Explains the Dangers of the Spike Protein
I have discussed this with a friend, a highly qualified virologist with decades of experience. I have very limited understanding of these things, but he says the likelihood of the covid genome sequence being created naturally is a billion to one. The take away from this is that our ruling class lie to us on a daily basis, and they are never challenged. Be interesting to know exactly who is pulling the strings, but our “democracy” is a facade
What I would love to know is has a complete genome sequence ever been found at the site of an infection or in a mask? If we cannot find a complete virus Genome in a mask how do we know if the mask is stopping a virus?
Viruses have been detected many times on masks. Any quick search would show that.
See this one: Looks like Masks reduce viral load somewhat and there are more particles on the outside than the inside. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are worth it, or should be mandated. That’s another question. But they do something.
They have probably done full genome sequencing too, but maybe not, unless they were contact tracing, they only need the key identifying segments to identify the virus, rather than the exact full code. I don’t understand why the full sequence is important? You don’t appear to feel the 5 million full genome sequences found elsewhere mean a lot? Am I wrong?
Former deputy chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatsworth says Omicron variant is ‘clearly not’ as threatening as influenza
Rob Roos MEP
I joined @TuckerCarlson to discuss one of the greatest scandals of our time. #COVID passports and mandates placed millions of people outside society. But there was NO evidence the #vaccine would even stop the transmission. This should have massive political consequences:
I kind of admire Nick Coatsworth for saying what he believes. He appears to be a sincere player. He’s quite right on the short term effects of Omicron. Obviously, I agree. But the long term is something else entirely, and mostly unknown, though there is some data suggesting long term (months) of effects on some smaller brain regions, there’s long covid, asymptomatic lung damage from earlier variants (hopefully not the case with omicron) and other signs that repeat reinfection is not costless.
Has he got an opinion on the long term effects of GP120 sequences (assuming they are there) and long term infection of Covid in CD4 white blood cells? Does he know what the reinfection rates are and five year risks of heart disease and cancer? Viral reactivation of dormant viruses?
We hope that Omicron is what it seems, just a common cold type thing, but if there were some lab-nasties in the original sequence the evolutionary pressure to remove those long term effects is essentially random or nothing.
If you do not have the “Full” organism in front of you and isolated how can any one do a full genome?
You have to isolate all the noise to find a real signal.
Your own words “As I understand it, no one lab did a complete RNA analysis of those 29000 base pairs, bits were done here and there and a computer model stuck them into the “most likely” places in a standard sort of coronavirus library.”
The same Pfizer software makes it up. The same Committee agrees on the “Model” that has never been found in nature.
Kevin. Those are not my words. Perhaps quote more carefully? It would be helpful if you had a link…
Is your sole scientific argument that there is no data I can provide you because all pathologists, all labs in all countries are lying for pfizer? Not a single honest pathologist anywhere in the world. Am I right?
Have you looked at nextstrain yet. Don’t forget to scroll down and also click on the dots…
PS: They can do single continuous sequences of DNA that are 2 million bases long. So 29k in one piece is nothing.
PPS: Your body somehow managed to isolate your DNA from the noise and copy it accurately inside your own cells, and your DNA is 3.2 billion bases long. Learn some cell biology Kevin. All the tools are there. We are using equipment nature has provided.
Is there any data you would accept?
Clearly explains how the virus “Models” are generated
pharma downloaded spike protein recipe from chinese government?! the virus has never been isolated!
June 26, 2022 at 2:47 am
“As I understand it, no one lab did a complete RNA analysis of those 29000 base pairs, bits were done here and there and a computer model stuck them into the “most likely” places in a standard sort of coronavirus library.”
what jo said. There are half a dozen labs within walking distance of me that could do any virus genome to completion if they have a sample from an infection.
Kevin, I’m quoting KP there (see the italics?) and replying to explain why he is wrong. Those are not my words.
So we’re stuck, there is no data I can provide you under any circumstances to show that viruses exist and you don’t read what I write accurately anyhow.
Your reply is repeatedly not to read the content I provide but reply with 30 minute youtubes of someone telling you what you want to hear.
My guess is it was made in the USA, and dumped into China. With an extra bit dropped into Iran.
Germ warfare.
That doesn’t pass the sniff test. If America organised the release of a deadly virus in China, they would have simultaneously refused entry to the US by Chinese travellers. Nothing the Americans did in the first weeks of the pandemic even hinted at foreknowledge. I am prepared to believe American scientists collaborated with the Wuhan institute in gain of function research however.
Does any one realise what the average of death from or (with) covid is in Australia?
So if you are 91 years of age with 7 pre-existing chronic conditions how do you prove what exactly they died from, would be impossible?
How do we stop terminally ill 91 year olds from dying?
COVID-19 Mortality in Australia: Deaths registered until 31 August 2022
Pre-existing chronic conditions were reported on death certificates for 7,404 (78.5%) of the 9,428 deaths due to COVID-19 deaths outlined in this report. Of these 7,404 deaths:
Chronic cardiac conditions including coronary atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathies and atrial fibrillation were the most commonly certified co-morbidities, present in 39.2% of the 7,404 deaths.
Dementia including Alzheimer’s disease was certified as a pre-existing condition in over 30% of deaths due to COVID-19 with a chronic condition mentioned.
Those born in the Eastern European region had the highest median age at death at 91.5 years. Those born in the Oceania and Antarctic region (excluding Australia) had the lowest median age at death at 73.5 years.
Kevin since age is THE most common risk factor with covid many of us realize that the oldest old are most likely to die of it.
As for multiple causes, most deaths in older folks are multiple cause.
Since covid causes clotting, it is self evident it will also cause heart attacks and strokes and that people at risk of those are more at risk of covid.
As for dementia — that’s the ominous thing — Covid has 13 cell entry points and can get into brain tissue, and long term damage has been reported in some small regions. Covid confusion or delusion is reported. And of course, dementia is like the heart disease of the brain. Many of the things that raise heart risk also raise dementia risk. So it’s no surprise that people with dementia are at higher risk due to the common factors causing all these conditions.
[…] Jo Nova covers a paper that suggests COVID was bio-engineered […]
I just read this, where he mentions the Bruttel, et al, article, and others.
J.J.Couey has had him on his program.
His substack is worth a look see.
How do you have a terrorist weapon that kills 91 year olds on average,
That are terminally ill with no more than 2 years to live on average,
And two thirds were in private END of life aged care that are living on $6 a day,
The daily diet of the people that died was about TWO party pies a day.
About 900 billion spent to stop the deaths of 91 year olds on a diet of $6 a day that were in end of life care?
My 91 year old father was in aged care through 2020 and 2021. I told him one day that he should feel lucky that all his grandchildren were in harsh lockdown in Melbourne, Victoria (curfews etc). They were looking after the well being of all the residents in his facility. It was tongue in cheek. He replied ” Dont be so bloody stupid, no one in here is worth saving”.
Apparently Gates saved them all and predicted it all, Pre-emptively building 4 factory’s under a charity name of GAVI in preparedness for the outbreak, we should be more great full?
you don’t. That is silly panic porn.
I’m late to this and have just read this paper. Did you read it Jo? Why the list of unsupported claims like, “The virus appears to be too clean, lacking in the noise that all its wild type cousins have.” that you know to be imaginary critiques.
Why let this claim that you know to be false pass by “two of the most common gene-slicing tools for sale — called BsaI and BsmBI . ” You know that these are 2 of hundred of REs out there and that convenient RE sites are chosen from among those thousands. You also failed to mention that in this day and age restriction digestion, cloning etc is a minor part of genetic analysis, and if needed (which I doubt) for the claimed engineering, would not be part of the engineering process anyway. But these are superficial aspects and don’t get to the details of the research.
For that please refer to this twitter thread https://t.co/eD9Ojv8EKA
Great to see you arrive here Gee Aye. Surprised that that is all you have? I read the Kristian G. Andersen comments before I posted and quoted Alex Crits-Cristoph. Didn’t you read my UPDATE posted within an hour or two of the article? Washburne has already replied to both. I said there were a lot of tools to cut DNA, I mentioned that one of the graphs involved fragmentation with 1000 pairs of enzymes, so I’m hardly hiding that. Washburne said he started with these two RE’s, and didn’t cherry pick them.
Though frankly I don’t see why the WHO or NIH didn’t do these studies in Feb, and check the virus for all combinations of RE’s to find out if there was the possibility of it being engineered. Oh wait… that would only make sense if they were serving the people, and not Big-Pharma.
And of course, if the Wuhan Institute had nothing to hide they wouldn’t have deleted all their samples and records on Jan 1 2020 would they?
Don’t forget that RaTG13 virus is only known as a virus-sequence on the Bat-womans computer. It was suddenly listed in late Jan 2020, even though she allegedly found it years before.
been on holiday.
Basically there is no way to get away from
which is another way of saying what I said about their statistical focus on 2 RE. It is a nonsense approach and they hang their statistical hats on it. The fact that they are not up to date with analytical techniques is also evident and is why this paper will be ignored due to its lack of relevance.
I was compelled by eyeballing it rather than any “p” value or statistical trick.
Explain to me, if someone hypothetically tested all RE’s and found a suspicious pattern in one or two of them, how would we know whether that pattern was GE or random chance?
Say someone did engineer a virus using 2 RE’s — if we then test the virus against the 100 RE patterns — I would assume “the two REs” that were used in the engineering would turn up on that hunt unless they had excised the RE sites.
There is also a pattern of useful fragment length and silent mutations and genes not split?
There are ways for testing for multiple observations, some of which I don’t like because they throw the baby out with the bathwater. In this case there is no baby to throw as the study focuses in on the RE that match a preconceived idea of where the cuts are best placed and ignores all the rest.
An example (and not a perfect corollary) is winning the lottery. You could claim that you knew the numbers and that is why you won but an analysis of the distribution of the millions of entries would show that it was just a guess and that it is highly likely that at least one guess would be correct. On the other hand, by focusing on the correct guess, you could show that the winning guess was incredibly unlikely.
“Ignores all the rest”?
So, imagine a virus was man-made and exactly fitted what we would expect to see with two of the top 200 RE’s. Because there are other RE’s the lab didn’t use on the virus, and which don’t show the man-made pattern, then it proves it was not man-made but just a coincidence?
Have I got that?
At the moment you have nothing, zip, not one thing that shows this virus was a product of natural evolution. No animal reservoir, no mid-way evolved virus that is like SARS2 but better adapted to sticking to say pangolin ACE receptors?
If you did this with a thousand other random viruses plucked from nature you’d find a fit that looks manufactured using this method.
And if it was manufactured, then the results would look just like this too wouldn’t they?
So here we are. There is no evidence SARS2 is natural (you think China would have hidden that, or Fauci / Ecohealth?). Yet there is evidence it was manufactured.
Washburne claims these were the obvious RE’s to start the search for and they didn’t fish through all the others. And they didn’t do a random search of viruses, they looked at 37 that are close to SARS2, and there was no evolutionary obvious path to get here with those RE target sites.
So it appears all you have is motivated reasoning that assumes that President Xi, the WIV and Fauci are telling the truth while Washburne and others are lying? Is that it?
No they would not look just like that except that just about anything can fit into the manufactured looking category as you can manufacture anything. There is absolutely no evidence that this has not evolved naturally.
Washburne’s claims don’t fit with the common knowledge and practices int he fields in which he is not an expert.
Gee Aye said: No they would not look just like that … because many viruses would look like that. Righto.
Gee Aye: “There is absolutely no evidence that this has not evolved naturally.”
Corrected: There is absolutely no evidence that this has
notevolved naturally.There is no mid way infection carrier, no other spill events, not much genetic diversity in the virus, and it has the FCS, plus bound to the human ACE2 far better than any other species. Hmmm… Plus lab records, grants and other evidence showing WIV was working on a virus like it. Plus the CCP ordered all the samples destroyed on Jan 1 and told the world it was “not spread human to human”.
If it evolved naturally, why would China hide all the other samples of similar viruses and other infected animals?
What a stupid analogy, A.I.
Evolution of the virus from being able to infect only an animal host to being able to infect humans requires the occurrence of multiple random events occurring under selective pressure (if it can occur at all). Winning the lottery (fairly) is a single random event in the absence of any selective pressure. There is no comparison, and hence no analogy. Not even a weak one.
Zoonosis is a well understood phenomenon. For SARS-cov2 to have arisen so suddenly, and so evolutionarily distant from any potential source, defies all logic. Might as well throw out your science texts and start believing in magic. But then, it’s pretty clear to anyone reading your posts that you did that long ago.
NOTE – The lack of any evolutionary path to COVID was one of the original reasons for believing the lab leak hypothesis, going back nearly as long as COVID has been around. (Observe the date on this link)
”Even more indicative of an unnatural origin is the fact that the process of a virus transferring from one species to another, called a zoonotic jump, follows a well-established pattern in the literature. For a virus to fully jump into a new species, several months if not years are required for the process to complete….”
Since then, the evidence for lab leak and against zoonosis has only gotten stronger. If the best it’s opposition can come up with is bald faced assertions and sloppy reasoning, it’s pretty clear they have no case.
this is not correct. There are millions of viruses out there that have never encountered a human and which can, to some extent, infect humans, with all sorts of caveats about opportunity. You win the lottery if you have enough entries.
How do I know this if they havn’t been isolated and tested? Well some have and sampling viral populations suggests it is true. The observed rates of zoonoses backs this up.
it is well defined but not well understood. You are making things up.
Holding Yonoson to account would be helpful if you dont like unsupported claims. The one link is nothing to do with this.
Start here and work backwards through the reference list or forwards by looking at citation in google scholar.
Here is another that I took time to refind… sorry for the delay.
”There are millions of viruses out there that have never seen a human.” – AI
UH, yeah. Not ever seeing a human is the point. They would have to have, in order to be able to infect us.
As to the article on the UN report – utter speculative hogwash! …and none of it pertinent to the class of viruses under consideration.
Remember Occam’s razor; the most parsimonious explanation is the most likely, and that is the leak from a lab of a virus modified by humans in ways already funded, carried out and published on, by the same people who pretend it had to be otherwise. Hard to classify that among “the millions… that have never seen a human,” eh?
If we knew nothing about it, your suggestion might be worth considering. Maybe next time.
” Holding Yonoson to account would be helpful if you dont like unsupported claims. The one link is nothing to do with this.” – AI
That link (which contains others) has to do with whether this virus is engineered or not. I offer it in support of what Jo wrote, to which I haven’t anything to add.
If she has any objections, I’ll respect them.
Wow, just blown away by this analysis, just stunned at how easy this was to do.
JJCouey’s latest – …with Kennedy, Malone, Nass and Rose.
It’s about issues other than the origin of the virus, which was just the beginning of a long and complex, and far more important, sequence of events.
True, the origin is very important, but knowing what it was used to achieve, and how to stop it, is a much higher priority.