Climate Activists throw soup on Van Gogh painting to save the world

by Jo Nova

“Trust the science” has morphed into “attention-seeking children toss soup on 8o million dollar painting”.  This can happen when a generation is taught that their own culture is worthless, that weather is controlled by light bulbs, and that vandalism is an achievement.

This is end stage absurdity in the climate religion. Their words don’t even make sense:

“Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of the planet and our people.”  “The cost of living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis. Fuel is unaffordable. To millions of cold hungry families, they can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup…”

Someone needs to explain supply and demand to the people at Just Stop Oil. If fuel is unaffordable the solution is more fuel. Drill for Oil baby, make civilization great again so people can heat up their soup.

I think the main message is: “don’t let anyone in wearing “Just Stop Oil t-shirts”.

Apparently the painting is covered with glass. To protect our national treasures perhaps it’s time we stopped rewarding vandals with prime time TV spots? Ten thousand farmers can protest for two months and they don’t get even 2 seconds of fame, so why should two teenagers with a soup tin get attention unless you want to encourage more people to defile national art?

But then again, the more people who see this protest and think it’s climate activists at work, the better. Who would look at this think “That’s it. I need an EV”. Just Stop Oil could be the dumbest science protest movement ever.

It makes more sense if this is actually a placement marketing campaign by Heinz:

Barrons News Just Stop Oil said in a statement its activists threw two cans of Heinz Tomato soup over the painting to demand the UK government halt all new oil and gas projects.

Just Stop Oil later tweeted: “Keep giving us new oil and gas, and you will keep getting soup.”

And the London Police said, “and we will arrest you”:

London’s Metropolitan Police said officers arrested two protesters from the organisation for criminal damage and aggravated trespass after they “threw a substance” at the painting in the gallery and glued themselves to a wall, just after 11 am (1000 GMT).

Philip Oldham @MrPhilipOldham says:   That’s it. I’m going for a pointless drive.

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129 comments to Climate Activists throw soup on Van Gogh painting to save the world

  • #

    “JUST STOP OIL” t-shirt


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      Sorry for being so pedantic, Jo.


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      Two wrongs do NOT make a right!


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      Without oil and gas there won’t be much soup.


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        Australian wheat yields plummet after decades of global heating, study finds

        They actually mention that this year is expected be the second highest yield on record.

        Holding, who also works with campaign group Farmers for Climate Action, said improvements in wheat varieties, chemicals and fertilisers, and greater understanding of soils had meant yields had been held steady

        Ahh, the models predict plummeting from astromical yields modelled. Did they put in trying to farm with batteries instead of diesel or dung instead of manufactured fertiliser?


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      I paused and looked carefully and I see no g;ass.Look at the edge of the soup where it meets the frame.
      I can’t believe that any curator would bond very thin glass to the painting face from frame to frame. If it is thin enough to be invisible it would be fragile.
      I think it is damage control.
      Those vandals need jail time.


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        The painting was actually coated in an epoxy resin because it was crumbling away, not sure where the glass claim came from. They were able to just wipe the soup off.


        • #

          All the media outlets say “glass” — so if that’s not true, are they lying to make the activists look less reckless?
          Do we know that it wasn’t covered in glass?


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      Now, the ink for that “just stop oil” t-shirt wouldn’t have happened to be an oil or gas byproduct, now would it?


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      They were in court today and bailed to appear some time in distant future.
      Tomorrow they might do similar vandalism again.
      If courts wont dispense justice the people ought.
      Act appropriately as the situation requires.

      [Wee edit. – LVA]


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    David Maddison

    It is sickening to watch this.

    Such a hatred of Western Civilisation and in this case its cultural artefacts.

    I bet they wouldn’t dare deface any example of graffiti crime made by their comrades. And of course, this art was made by the indigenous people of Europe. They wouldn’t do it to indigenous art in Australia, NZ or North America.

    And the stupidity of these people. They have no idea that nearly everything they wear and use is an oil derivative. So is of course, the food supply which needs hydrocarbon derived fertilisers and machines that run on oil. Good luck with that electric tractor!


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      They are our Red Brigade.


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      Graham Richards

      Take them around the back of the museum & give them a flogging they’ll never ever forget & set them free to walk home.


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      Mantaray Yunupingu

      David. I reckon you are over-reacting; over- ‘intellectualising” what is just the usual bad behaviour from brats, since the year Dot….

      Go get a copy of A) Rebel Without a Cause (James Dean), or else B) The Wild One without marlon Brando. Both early 1950s.

      In the latter, when the sheila asks Johnny what he’s rebelling against, he replies “What have you got?”

      Now those flicks were 70 years ago, so what’s the big deal about these kids in London showing The Squares what’s what today?

      And…Here’s the Sex Pistols putting it rather succinctly in 1976…..Anarchy in the UK…

      “I am an Antichrist
      I am an anarchist
      Don’t know what I want but I know how to get it
      I wanna destroy

      Nothing new about those crazy (and f’nugly) chicks at the art gallery…..whatsoever!


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    “Just stop oil” followed by throwing soup over a van Gogh sounds like a protest against oil paintings.


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    In my home town I always speak to climate groups. They are invariably pleasant and concerned and middle clas. The last one was just stop oil. I asked what they thought we would use for nergy.

    The response ‘we need far more reneables’ then lead to a detailed discussion which confirmed my suspicions after talking to various other groups of the year.

    They are profoundly ignorant of the actual facts and believe the top level slogans. That’s a bit scary as they are organised and committed and believe in their cause , but they just don’t know the facts.

    If you want to protest, fine, but you should at least find out more about the subject as their actions will profoundly affect society, their own lives, and that of their children if they succeed in their aims


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      Tony. Their ignorance starts in the classroom. Their teachers for the most part are ignorant and so they naturally teach ignorance. It should be an HSC subject. If it were I am sure Australian students would do very well in world rankings. Maybe we could have another T-Shirt slogan along the lines of “You think I’m ignorant? Blame my teachers”.


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        David Maddison

        Blame “teachers” but also parents. The parents should also oversee their children’s education. Maybe the parents themselves were also dumbed-down? Well, the parents of those parents should have taught them. At some point, the “chain of education and parental responsibility” was broken. Whoever broke the chain are the ones responsible.


        • #

          The chain of education and parental responsibility has been broken for a while. Two parents working to pay a mortgage helped break it. Pushing every kid to do year 11 and 12 did it (parents lose touch with the syllabus). Migration of people with little or no education doesn’t help either. ….


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            Thirty years ago we haad problems with education. Other parents were having problems too.

            I had a theory that the school was cluttered with not kids, young adults who wanted the personal independence that comes with a job, which the system was telling them they might never get. They didn’t want to be at school. They didn’t know what they wanted to learn.

            This was making things difficult not just for those kids, but all kids and all teachers.

            I asked the deputy principal, why can’t I get daughter to do her homework?

            He paused, then replied: “In the senior school, 84% of the kids are on social service.”

            Which confirmed my theory.


            • #
              Lion heart

              Bob Hawke strted this drop in educational standards. He pretended that his STC was to keep students who weren’t suited to a uni education should stay at school for years 11 and 12 should stay at school. Teachers and students with academic aspirations hated the disruptions. Hawke lied about his education motives as any thinking person knew it was only to reduce the numbers on unemployment benefits. Kids knew if you left school and pretended to look for work you got paid to bludge. The stay at school continues but STC stopped and years 11 and 12 standrds vanished.
              I was a frustrated employer and soon started job interviews with, “Let’s not waste time, do you want a job or just get your form signed?”
              Many admitted they just wanted the form signed. Some didn’t admit it but just performed poorly.
              The payment seems low but to leave school and be paid to stay home is generous.


              • #

                Hawke played his part, but it was Whitlam who lowered the standards with his free university for all.


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                Lion heart

                Ted I don’t agree that Whitlam lowered the standards. His fee did not alter standards but I admit that less compotent people did go to uni.
                Most of us pre Whitlam students had commonwealth scholarships and studentships. Admittedly if you did not qualify you may have had wealthy parents. But Hawke kept kids at school when starting work or apprenticeships was/is a far better option at year 9.


        • #

          Hi David,

          My brother came home yesterday after doing a days supply teaching, with a large brochure handed out at the school he was working at, titled ” coal kills “. This is being handed out to year 7 students by teachers and apparently with the blessing of the school administration. The contents of the brochure were utter nonsense of course.


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        The teachers teach what they have been taught.

        Around 35 years ago a daughter was told in class that in Australia the farmers had destroyed the arable land

        She objected, and stated her case built on the question, where did your toast for breakfast come from?

        The teacher was not a mug. She carried the argument.

        But in how many classrooms around Australia could that happen?


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      Frederick Pegler

      Fact are just soooo boring, inconvenient, and unfashionable.


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      It’s like these morons deflating the tyres of SUVs, do they know they are causing more oil to be burnt by necessitating a RAC callout, car hauled on a tilt tray truck and taken to a service center to possibly replace the tyre valve cores ( can’t see them dutifully replacing them), then inflate all four tyres, more energy used.


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      You have effectively just described all the TEAL party candidates which won a swathe of seats in the recent Australian federal election. What one of the Soviet leaders called “useful idiots”.


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    Doctor T

    I know you can’t judge a book by its cover, but I’ve seen stick insects with a deeper understanding of the world they inhabit than these also-rans.


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    David Maddison

    These uneducated, uncultured barbarian Leftists have also been attacking other artworks in Europe.

    And they have been destroying or removing statues for a long time.

    In our once-civil society artworks are usually unprotected in art galleries and people could be trusted to respect them. This might have to change.

    Like their Leftist predecessors, the National Socialists and International Socialists they are destroying or attempting to destroy artworks they disagree with. Because we all know how Leftists are terrified of alternate opinions or expressions thereof and must silence or destroy them.

    This is a consequence of decades of dumbing down the education system and the war against free enterprise, history, reason, human decency, politeness, morality and Western Civilisation.

    It is NOT about CO2.

    If it was about CO2, they would be protesting about the world’s largest CO2 producer, China with over double the CO2 emissions of the next biggest emitter and rising rapidly.


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    Bring back the stocks. I have a few ripe tomatoes and cabbage. Ridiculing and shaming them is the only solution.


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      robert rosicka

      The judges have in the past excused such behaviour so if there are no consequences for an action such as this it just emboldens the hard left radicals to come up with more ways to destroy things of value to bring attention to their cause . My biggest fear is just how far are some of these zealots prepared to go knowing there are no consequences for what they do .


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        David Maddison

        My biggest fear is just how far are some of these zealots prepared to go knowing there are no consequences for what they do .


        And we already have historic examples of that. Which I guess is one of the reasons they don’t teach real history any morem


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      I think the police and the courts would be the least of their problems if they were to deface my etc.

      From Jo’s article…”perhaps it’s time we stopped rewarding vandals with prime time TV spots?”
      Yes! And they should be made to pay for any damages and a charge recorded against them AND jail time depending on what they have done. The courts continue to treat these people with kids gloves. Thay aren’t kids. They’re spoilt, indoctrinated adults.


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        Within a very short time, you are far more likely to be arrested and placed in custody for expressing views of the kind you just did.


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      “I have a few ripe tomatoes and cabbage”

      Don’t waste ripe tomatoes..

      You need moldy, rotten ones.


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      H B

      add to that naked and whipped in the public square


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    “… could be the dumbest science protest movement ever.”

    Just dumbest.


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    David Maddison

    If you think about it, most things in society are not strongly protected, if at all. A society only works due to trust.

    Nothing is safe from these stupid, uneducated, fascistic fools.

    There needs to be laws with severe penalties such as a mandatory 20 year prison sentence with no parole for such destruction of cultural artefacts and similar crimes.


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    These two couldn’t even get the Andy Warhol 5 minutes of fame. Maybe they should have tried Campbells Soup instead of Heinz. Or even better; spend a couple of years in the Slammer.


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      The desperados will be charged with causing malicious criminal damage, but that is about it.

      The two clowns were aware that the painting was protected by glass, so all they have achieved is more widespread alienation.


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    To be fair these uneducated, soup throwing morons are about the dumbest of the dumb.
    But in the early 2000s we also had a so called educated loony who told us that increased co2 levels would cause a permanent drought for Aussies and “even the rains that fall wouldn’t fill over rivers or dams”.
    In response we stopped building dams and instead built many desal plants at a cost of many billions of $ in a number of states and most haven’t been used since.
    The BOM were silent in response to that loony’s claims and so were so many other so called scientists.
    Today we know that Australia suffers from droughts and flooding rains because of changes in ENSO, the IOD and the SAM.
    At least I think we should understand the science in 2022 , but perhaps I’m being far too optimistic?


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      Graeme No.3

      Well my recollection is that he was rewarded with lots of grants, enough money to buy waterside property and positions on the odd Quango (if that isn’t a tautology) and much favourable publicity from the ABC. And the then head of the BOM backed him up.
      It started a trend of people out for rewards (both financial and psychological) – I think the current phrase is TEAL.


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      I’m glad you didnt mention his name, but he also had lots of mates who also influenced government policy. What about Ross Garnaut, for instance.


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        Garnaut. Chairman of Sunshot Industries – current (apparent) grift is the BREZ. Can anyone tell me what this gobbledy-gooky ‘mission’ diagram means in any practicality? Other than harvesting grants, that is.


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          Basically that is a sink hole for sucking up green subsidies and because he has friends in high places, that will be really easy. We, the taxpayers, probably paying for most of it.


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      What! Where’s your gratitude for Tim’s desal plants? Surely the Victorian one is vital now?/sarc


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      I would like to see a journalist hound “Mr. no rain” and ask him what he thinks of the flooding that isnt filling the dams.


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    What sort of a pea brain could possibly consider tossing a can of soup on an artistic work of art can affect the weather? Only one with a brain the size of a thimble. Fortunately, the WoA was screened under glass so there was no long-term damage and the two idiotic perpetrators were arrested. The problem is they will get only a smack over the wrist when they should be placed in stocks on Trafalgar Square for mass ridicule and adorned with gallons of sh!* because it would be a waste of an edible substance.


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      It was only in the last week or two, someone committed a similar act, went to court and received a slap on the wrist. Around the same time an elderly woman tooted her car horn for a second too long, and received a $400 fine.


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      Your comment would apply only if the thimble was one used by an ant.


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    John Hultquist

    I read these two entered with other clothing covering the T-shirts.

    People are nuts! Here in the State of Washington there is a group (with the local bird folks chiming in) wanting the small town of Ellensburg to cease providing gas to households. Both groups are sure burning carbon-based fuel is destroying the planet. Locally, most electricity is from hydro, but that is incidental. More wind and solar is thought to be the source of our salvation.
    Low information activists are irrational.


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    another ian

    This is not down their alley then – Willis E looks at cloud cooling effects


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    AGAIN here are all countries co2 emissions since 1970 and note the almost straight trend line from “other developing countries” since 1970 and China’s soaring co2 emissions since 2000.
    Note if you add the EU + USA co2 emissions since 1970 you have no increase in their co2 emissions over the last 50 years.


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    Fossil fuels helped produce the dye in (non-gender specific) its hair and the mining and manufacture of the earrings, the contents of the can, the can itself, the ink for the label and the text on their t-shirts, the t-shirts themselves and probably helped them get to the destination. If you are going to protest, do it properly. Make your own clothes, don’t adorn yourself with industrial trinkets, use a natural substance like mud to prove your point, walk everywhere etc, etc….


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    David Maddison

    It’s important to also consider the psychology of what’s going on here.

    I believe a lot of the extremely uneducated, unintelligent, immoral people (not all of them) attracted to these movements are or become secondary psychopaths. Secondary psychopaths are not born like primary psychopaths but psychopath-like behaviour is learned from environmental influences such as the people they associate with.

    In contrast, the characteristics of secondary psychopathy would be consistent with the correlates of F2 (F2; impulsive, antisocial, and chronically unstable lifestyle) including high NEM (NEM; Negative Emotionality) and low behavioral constraint, violent behavior, and institutional misconduct; early onset of antisocial and criminal behavior; greater substance use and abuse; more mental health problems such as suicide attempts and poorer global functioning; and greater environmental stress such as lower socioeconomic status and exposure to traumatic events, with concomitantly higher levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dissociation


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    Honk R Smith

    I suggest sentencing them to five years of hunting and gathering.
    Well, at least gathering, they’re probably vegan.


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      David Maddison

      And send them out into the wilderness with just basic summer clothes for modesty and no fossil-fuel derived waterproof or insulated clothing and no tools whatsoever.

      In Australia, we have a YouTuber, John Plant, with a channel called “Primitive Technology” who does just that.

      I doubt whether any of these people would last more than 30 mins if they had to do what he does to survive.

      Here’s a summary of his work.


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    Promoters of Heinz of admirers of Andy Warhol? But then it would be Campbell’s soup.

    I notice no protests against water colours or pastels? Maybe they dislike the vivid colours?

    And how did the soup cans get through the metal detectors?

    Is spam next? Hamming it up in front of the cameras?


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      And how did the soup cans get through the metal detectors?

      That’s the killer question.

      Perhaps Sadiq Khan should be asking just that.

      Soup today Sadiq. What can your Londoners expect tomprrow?


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    No doubt the current floods will be blamed on climate change and that stopping CO2 and now methane will stop climate change and therefore stop the floods. But they don’t understand what causes floods. We hear from organisations like the BOM that say 1000 mm of rain fell in some period of time but do they understand what that means.

    Rain is measured in millimetres, but the volume of water depends on the area over which the rain falls. If 1 mm of rains falls on a 1 square metre of area the volume of water is 1 million cubic millimetres, which is 1 litre, so if 1000 mm falls on 1 square metre, 1000 litres has fallen. So, in order to produce flooding the rain must fall over a large area.

    So if stopping CO2 is going to stop flooding which part is it going to stop, the rainfall or the area.

    The current floods remind me of the ad from one of those businesses that supplies irrigation equipment. They say the equipment provides sprinkler uniformity second only to mother nature. But as we have seen in the last few days, mother nature anything but uniform, except in the minds of climate change believers who think average weather conditions is the climate.


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    In the 1950’s the Russians put forward a hypothesis that hydrocarbons ( gas and oil) were a byproduct of fusion in the core. Two hydrogen atoms smash together to become a helium, three helium atoms smash together to be come a carbon atom. The carbon and hydrogen bond together to produce a hydrocarbon. In 2008 at the Hopkins University, several scientists from around the world tested this hypothesis. They now had the technology to apply both the heat and pressure found in the Upper Mantle and control the experiment. They started with Ethane C2H6, within a few days this had changed into Methane, Toluene and Graphite. They then took the Methane applied the heat and pressure again and ended up with Ethane. Their conclusion was that the Upper Mantle was full of Methane . Hydrocarbons are the genuine renewables, they are not fossil fuels.
    With the destruction of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline , we have seen gas “flowing” into Europe, from Norway, America, Israel and Spain and no-one has been curious enough to ask “where does all this gas come from?” certainly not from biotic sources.


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      Every time you hear the term fossil fuel in the media you’re being lied to. It’s one of those misnomers like “renewable energy”. Apparently in 1892 at the Geneva convention J. D Rockefeller paid scientists to use the term “fossil fuel”. Old J.D was a clever man. What he wanted people to perceive was that oil was fossil derived and so “scarce”. This allowed a world price for oil to be set and the idea that there are limited supplies of the commodity. What’s true? Oil is the second most prevalent liquid on earth (water most prevalent). It certainly doesn’t come from fossils or dinosaurs ( or anything close )and some argue ( as you have pointed out ) it is being regenerated or produced faster than we can use it.


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      James Murphy

      There is a lot of practical evidence to show that the source rocks for oil and gas deposits contain what remains of biological life. the processes that form the oil and gas from material in the source rocks are indeed, abiotic.

      Unlike the climate change scam, oil and gas exploration relies on tangible results, especially as it is not as easy to find as it once was – so if this apparent edifice of “lies” is a reality, then it’s a pretty amazing conspiracy.


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    Still you have to ask why no government in the world is debunking man made Climate Change. From local councils to state governments to federal, they are all bringing in punitive taxes and bans on power, agriculture, farmers, transport. And everyone is fully aware that it is useless by any measure in stopping the growth of CO2, but no one cares.

    I blame the 20th century flight from the farms, leaving maybe 5% of people providing all the food. And from the factories, which are disappearing to China. So no workers and no farmers, leaving Labor and Democrats supported by new middle class inner city types who think they can just buy food and power and deprive others of it. So ban everything. Who cares? You can always charge your electric car and have food delivered.

    These are the new eloi, in Australia, Teals. And they have no idea who makes it all and could not care less. They are planning their next overseas holiday to a place where the palaces on the beach are cheap and the waiters cheaper.

    And slowly, even in America, the blacks and the workers and the farmers are waking up because they are the targets and the children of the old conservative middle classes are the Wokerati. With no idea at all. And protesting what they do not understand. The dams and power stations and transmission lines and trucks and roads and airports were always there. And world war has nearly faded from living memory.


    • #

      ‘And world war has nearly faded from living memory.’ And milk comes from bottles…
      History cast down the memory hole so that myth may prevail. Life with no record. Let’s clean slate
      into a future without memory, nothing to compare to and us as though new born – and just as unaware.


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    So dumb, canned soup, maybe they should be flinging their own poop? Canned soup, cans made of tin plated steel, mined, using fossil fuels to mine the raw materials. Cans made in a can factory, running on fossil fuels. Can filled in a soup factory running on fossil fuels. The soup made from vegetables etc, sourced from farms running on fossil fuels, fertilizer from fossil fuels. How did they get to the the art gallery, what were their phones made from and how, how where their clothes made? I see the women is wearing earrings – metal? Mined? Her hair is dyed, is that a natural dye (also chemicals) or one made from synthetic chemicals, or natural chemicals from fossil fuels – wonder where the chemicals come from? Fukking hypocrites.


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      “I see the women is wearing earrings – “

      Excuse me.. how do you know it was a women, without them defining what a woman is.

      And a gender female, identifying as a woman ??… not in their version of modern society !


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    I have seen a lot of ‘modern art’ much more worthy of their attention.


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      It’s a favorite of mine and of many. As for ‘modern’ art it was painted in 1888.

      Blue poles however might actually be improved by soup, perhaps a good minestrone. It’s certainly in the spirit of the artist in pouring soup randomly.


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    What you find is these are never really grass roots movements … someone trained these kids and put the ideas into their heads and probably funding also … go up the chain and start demanding damages for the protests.


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    Why do the police just not issue an arrest warrant for these people then leave them glued to the wall, or road or whatever. And then just have people watch them for the next ten hours or so. I am sure that the biological processes of the mammalian body will soon have them wailing for release, in more way than one. If that were to be the policy it would not be long before gluing to objects will come to an end.


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      and release a teensy bit of pepper spray into the vicinity, completely harmless!


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      I would first remove the artwork, and then replace it with “acoustic art”, the endless sound of a waterfall, to encourage their bladders to release. 🙂

      They and the acoustic art will be a modern “art” piece. It could be called: “Two Idiots Peeing Themselves for Attention”.


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    John Connor II

    “How dare you!” (with Greta’s face) stickers for your fuel guzzler’s filler cover now available at the JC II store. 😅


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    David Maddison

    I have no doubt whatsoever that these climate terrorists would destroy anything or kill anyone to achieve their perverse and irrational “objectives.


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    Andrew McRae

    These eco-terrorists showed how to protest against oil and gave a very detailed explanation of the process, from soup to nuts.
    They bought the soup then they went nuts.


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    Mr Nobody

    Look at wording on their website:

    It’s the very first step to ensuring our survival. We already have more oil and gas than we can afford to burn. Let’s get on with ending our reliance on fossil fuels completely: by powering ahead with renewables and cutting energy demand; by insulating Britain and rethinking how we travel; and by ensuring that no-one is left behind and everyone’s voice is heard.

    They want some kind of medieval society & level of technology.


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    Old Goat

    As pointed out above , useful idiots virtue signalling . It only happens because it’s rewarded by the media (publicity stunt). We are being played by some ruthless children of unmarried parents .


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    I quite like what they’re doing. It’s very honest. It is the destruction of beauty for ideology. That is exactly what the climate change movement is.


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    So their reasoning is:-

    People can’t afford to heat a can of soup because of oil.
    This can be fixed by throwing the contents of soup cans at an old painting and gluing your hands to the wall.

    The dumbing down of society appears to be nearly complete.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    Good on them, very successful protest, maybe those farmers could learn something


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      Reckon you could teach them farmers how to fill your gut without oil Peter? Go ahead.


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        Peter Fitzroy

        you missed the point, farmers protests are ignored, these 2 get all the coverage, which is more effective?


        • #

          Its the utter stupidity and gormlessness that attracts the attention of the press.

          Its what passes for “news” in that totally ignorant, far-left-oriented part of society that you are so proud to be part of.

          The fact that you appear to condone this sort of action, says everything that needs to be said.


        • #

          I got your point.
          Tractor races in art galleries, you mean?


    • #
      David Maddison

      So Peter, you think it’s OK to destroy or attempt to destroy the classic works of art of Western Civilisation?


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      Do you at least agree that no comment they made was based on any rational thought whatsoever.

      It seems that mindless attention-seeking is what impresses you.


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    How do you make a van go?

    Paint sunflowers on it.


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    John Connor II

    These brainless children are good examples of what I call DADDs – Dime A Dozen D%ckheads., a species increasing to plague proportion globally.


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    Van is the Man.


  • #

    That look of smug satisfaction: “We showed you!” was priceless.
    Operation Indoctrination so far producing excellent results.

    Reason is powerless against such people.


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  • #

    Apparently, pink hair dye causes those wearing it to behave irrationally.

    Don’t question it, it’s settled science.


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    Everyone should go for a pointless drive, in order to counteract these soup-chucking Drongos.


  • #

    The quickest way to stop this nonsense would be to penalise (fine) the organisations to which they claim to belong. Dropping a few hundred thousand because of the actions of a couple of lunatics would not impress them, or, more importantly, their donors. After a couple of examples, peer pressure would rub it out, quick smart.


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    This was not a random act.
    Looks like it was planned, with the cooperation of the media and museum itself.


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    Forgot the link for the pre-meditated act:


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    Bob Massey

    These people are not hypercritical, they’re uniformed, ignorant and childish. If they believed in any of this climate catastrophe stuff they would be naked and throwing human faeces instead of wearing clothes and throwing stuff made with petrochemicals.
    Morons !!


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      Morons apparently backed by more than half of all Australian voters and big business eager to see rolling blackouts in Australia.


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    I suggest that these clowns wouldn’t have done this if London’s police had been more robust in clearing their brethren from sit-downs at major road junctions in London in the preceding days.


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    Jeremy Poynton

    Glued? Leave ’em there. Sooner or later they’ll get very sore bottoms…


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    Dumb and Dumber


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    The Australian “Greens”, the Australian Labor Party and Climate 200 would approve.


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    There are no critical thinkers among rank and file activists, just drones. They don’t need facts, as they aren’t intent on solutions. They are sent out with a tshirt and soup can and their lives revolve around the ‘fight’ not the end result.
    Plainly obvious here with a laughable protest lacking logic and recruitment value.
    Foot soldiers are not worth arguing with. The response just has to be the same as the French Gendarmes removing useful idiots glued to roads in Paris. Just rip their hands off the surface and teach a lesson in cause and effect, actions & consequences.
