A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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More Fake News from CNN, this time about the Florida hurricane. An actor-reporter pretends to be blown about by the wind while someone calmly walks by in the background. Of course, this is not the first fake weather reporting of tbis nature. Another one is mentioned in the linked video plus there have been others.
Another fake weather report.
The left have trouble doing reasonable fakes.
They don’t have to be good fakes because most of the people they are trying to convince are fools.
I remember a cyclone hitting [tapping really] Rocky. While BoM was still calling it a cat 2 storm you tube clips were appearing of people back in the streets observing the foliage strewn around. The wall of the storm had already broken down, obvious on windy.
This piece I did for a boating site. It’s a bit long but does give one example of how bad the the BOM. can be. I do have others.
She was The South Molle 60 Ft Ferry, with twin 4 71 GM diesel, & a lot more top hamper than you really want in rough conditions.
It was 1985 or 6, & I was running the marine division for South Mole Island in the Whitsundays. It was stores day, when our 95Ft barge loaded fuel, our freezer truck & our major order of stores for the week.
We had been watching a cyclone out in the Coral Sea for a few days, but at 5.00 AM the forecast was it would not affect us in the next 48 hours. The island powerhouse was getting low on diesel so at 6.00 AM I confirmed with the MacKay fuel supplier to send 5,000 gallons of diesel, 5,000 of petrol, & 1,000 of two stroke mix up on the road tanker.
I sent the two large boats 29 & 24 meter International catamarans, off to our cyclone bolt hole on the mainland, & arranged for their families to go to a large high safe home that night. I kept the 60Ft island ferry out, as the resort requested 3 departures at 8.00 AM, midday & 4.00 PM for any guests who wanted off the island. It would take its chances at Shute harbor, as would the barge, after getting the supplies to the island.
9 AM the ferry is back, & the barge is at the jetty, pumping diesel ashore, & unloading stores. The wind is up, & it’s getting a bit rough at the jetty. The bureau correct their forecast, we have only 24 hours before the cyclone reaches us.
10 AM it is getting quite rough at the jetty, I tell the island the last ferry will leave at 11.00AM, confirm the power house has enough fuel, & send the barge off for Shute harbor. It’s square bow is not good for pushing into the growing seas.
11.00 AM I get on the ferry, with the departing island guests, & head for Shute harbor. The weather bureau corrects its forecast, the cyclone will be over us at 7.00 PM. I arrange our courtesy bus to pick up the big boats crews families & get them to the safe house, before meeting the ferry at Shute.
We hear a call from Whitsunday Rent a Yacht. 2 of their 35 footers are to the west of North Molle Island & in trouble. They cannot make headway in the rising seas. Can anyone help?
I don’t like this. Amateur sailors, with ropes, near propellers in rough conditions is asking for disaster, but what can you do. We are the only boat near, & just a couple of miles away. The 2 amateur skippers are very competent luckily, & we have them both in tow in just 45 minutes.
That’s when we get a call from the barge, it is losing power on the starboard engine, & can’t make headway towards Shute in the now moderate seaway. I can’t help him with these yachts out back, so tell the skipper to head to Airlie Beach, it’s mostly down wind, & out of the real rough stuff. He is to shove the thing up into the mangroves, drop all the anchor gear, & get home. His family were not taken to the safe house, as he should have been home.
The wind is up to about 40 knots by now, from a little east of south east. We keep as close in to the western coast of South Molle as safely possible, as I want to get south of Shute harbor entrance, then bring the wind & sea on the aft quarter as we cross Mole Channel into Shute. The ferry only has a couple of 4 71 GM diesels, & with a bluff bow, I’m not sure she could make headway into the growing sea, with the yachts in tow.
1.00 PM we finally get into Shute Harbor after a fair battle with increasing seas. As we do, the whole bay starts smoking. Spray is rising up from the water like a dancing mist, first at the far end of the harbor, coming to meet us as we get near the jetty. This indicates about 70 knots of wind usually, but it only lasts for a couple of minutes.
We get the yachts as close to their facility as possible, & get them to drop their tow. The company has their staff there to help now.
We get our thing tied up about 2.30 PM, & head for Airlie Beach, to look after our own families. Strangely it is not that bad at Airlie. In fact by 4.00 PM it is a quite nice afternoon. That smoking water was the switch to North West wind as the eye passed just south of us at around 1.00 PM.
It is fortunate the folk of the weather bureau were many miles away from the Whitsundays. If I could have got to them just then, I might have done something very nasty to them, with the sharp end of a pineapple.
It wasn’t actually their fault that the cyclone suddenly sped up, & the speed of travel of the thing helped keep the wind speed down, but I could have done with not sailing right through it.
Just as well you were on the “safe” side. That speeding up could have been very nasty.
Co-incidence I’m just sailng west of Molle(s) in only 5 knots, very different.
Off Gloucester Island several hours ago. 10kt breeze in a 4.5mtre boat you can get a bit wet. Back in Bowen and contemplating a Kilkenny ALE.
I viewed that, trust the weather news, not recommended.
Why don’t we get weather girls like these here?
Could only improve their ratings. 😇
After much research I found the severe threat to right whales from the proposed monster offshore wind arrays along the east coast:
“How to kill whales with offshore wind –> push them into traffic”
The beginning:
“Just push them into traffic. The collision deaths would not be directly attributable to the wall of noise created by the OSW (offshore wind) project, so who would know?
Let’s focus on the monster Virginia phase 1 OSW project, even though the other ten or so East Coast projects multiply the threat. Note that if each huge OSW project kills just one whale a year, then extinction of the 300 or so remaining North Atlantic Right Whales is assured within the projects’ stated 30 year life.
Not that these 70 ton whales will be chopped up like eagles, but their bodies lying beneath the towers. Their deaths will be less obviously caused by OSW. Unlike the eagles, the “taking” of the whales will not have to be licensed, but it will still happen.
Dominion’s Construction and Operation Plan (COP) provides the necessary navigation data in Appendix S: Navigation Risk Assessment. Ironically this assessment is all about the risk to ships, not to whales.
The project creates what amounts to an intense noise wall that the whales will undoubtedly go around, either to the East or to the West. Immediately to the East lies the westernmost lane of the very busy coastal ship traffic. To the West lies the equally busy coastal barge traffic. Both are deadly.”
End of quotation
So now we are gearing up a possible lawsuit:
Stay tuned!
Did nobody do an Ecological risk assesment ?
Thats the assesment that has killed so many coal mines and fossil power stations before they get started.
At least you are unlikely to find the usual sacred site/tree/rock out there
We want to stop the offshore wind developments. We have the sacred whales.
Save the whales from OSW!
The draft ecological risk assessment has not yet been published by the government. That is what we may sue on.
I wonder if they get wet pay.
Tucker Carlson talks about the politicisation of the Florida hurricane and attempts to associate it with “climate change”. (3.5 mins)
You have a boat tied to a dock, along with 40 other boats. A surge of water caries one into the next, and those two into the third. It is sort of like dominoes falling. Now a bigger surge carries the whole pile onto higher ground; then the water runs off.
Search-up images of “ boats piled on top of each other Florida ”
There must be a better solution!
You could use cars instead of boats. Would that be a better solution? As a bonus, if the water is choppy and a storm is coming, you could drive it to higher ground, away from the coast.
Cyclone Yasi piled up a lot of boats in a marina at Cardwell. They were doing OK until the tidal surge submerged the mooring pylons and the rope around the pylon was no longer around it.
There is up to about 8 metres in length, dry storage, your boat is lifted out of the water by a large forklift truck with mast that extends downwards and upwards for lifting and places your boat into an undercover rack.
Good system that I used for many years at a marina.
Mr. Hultquist: Here in USA, brilliant energy expert Jen Granholm has a solution for ya- electric boats!! You might say this is not a solution, they’ll pile up just the same, but she will call you a denier. Here, science is simpler for dems, all problems have the same solution.
I have now seen approximately 150 patients with likely or very likely musculoskeletal adverse reactions to Covid shots.
Still no definite case of reactions to the virus itself.
Just this week:
A healthy, independent 83 year old who has not been able to walk 100m since her 4th jab.
A healthy 55 year old with mild knee arthritis who now has severe knee pain and swelling following his 4th shot.
A healthy 19 year old with bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome since his second shot. I have never previously seen this condition at that age.
In each case I inform the patient of the likely cause and do my best to undermine the MSM narrative.
That is very honourable Doctor T and represents the correct practice of your profession but don’t you also risk deregistration for doing so?
A GP (family doctor) friend of mine was even called before the medical board because -HIS WIFE-, not him, said something that didn’t follow the narrative and my friend was reported as a result. He explained to them that he wasn’t responsible for what his wife said, that she was an independent thinker and formulated her own opinions. Apparently the Leftist expectation returns us to the 19th century when a husband was responsible for his wife’s opinions.
My approach is to simply present numbers and facts to patients and let them make their own decision.
I do tread a fine line though I feel the tide is slowly turning in favour of increasing freedom to at least have discussions.
Ooohh…a real doctor here with integrity!
Be still my beating heart (not from SADS though)
Welcome indeed and any of your colleagues of similar integrity.
As Lenin once quipped:
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
Particularly true now and in coming weeks and months.
As you say, the tide is turning for the Covid/vaxx global fraud and this tide is exposing that which was hidden from the light and also piling up the wreckage on the other hand. This tide is turning very quickly!
Doctors with respect for the hippocratic oath and their patients will be the winners, especially given the massive amount of data in the public arena. Others who chose to follow orders had best look for other careers as their patients won’t forget the wreckage aspect. Ever.
Btw…I’ve got this itch…😉
FDA is using Covid Vaccines as a “Platform Technology”. Robert Malone
There was a WHO consultation in April, 2021 (Sept, 2022 online publication ahead of Dec, 2022 print) whereby US government officials laid out strategies for the process of future mRNA vaccine approvals by the FDA. A summary of this meeting has just been published online, ahead of print. So, we no longer have to speculate about what the FDA has decided about considering future mRNA vaccines and using the past pre-clinical data package as the foundation for these vaccines as being a “platform” technology.
CBER has determined that this is in flux, and has not required that biodistribution studies be performed on a new vaccine if studies with another vaccine using the same manufacturing process and same LNP have already been done. (WOW. This is over the top malfeasance. With all this new mRNA vaccine and mRNA clinical trials being conducted – CBER DID NOT REQUIRE NEW BIO DISTRIBUTION STUDIES!)
Essentially, CBER has completely bypassed the issues of these vaccines not having a complete pre-clinical evaluation, and in April 2021 decided that new mRNA vaccines in development will not have to comply with the norms for vaccine development. That is all mRNA vaccines in the future, as long as don’t vary from what has already been done, will be like processed like the the influenza model, with only the “payload” to be tested.
Finally, CBER has determined that bio-distribution studies on new mRNA vaccines using this “platform technology” will not have to be redone, even though they were not properly evaluated in the first place. This is over the top idiocy. New products will be allowed to proceed with human testing without having a complete pre-clincial data package – as what was submitted to the FDA was cobbled together from previous studies is incomplete.
In the future, as companies will have to face an onslaught of new requirements, such as addressing the stability of the mRNA in these vaccines, it will be almost impossible to now move away from this manufacturing process and LNP. This will become the platform technology because of the shortsighted position taken by the FDA/CBER.
Another issue is that this synthetic mRNA (pseudouridine was substituted for uridine) is that it is immunosuppressive. Having this mRNA in the body suppresses not only the ability to fight off latent DNA viruses such as shingles, EBV and CMV, it is likely to also suppress the ability of the immune system to detect cancer.
And you thought the Covid mRNA vaxxes were bad now. The entire medical sector has a looming tidal wave of unimaginable scale coming. And the unvaxxed shall inherit the Earth, or what’s left of it…
On that subject
“Bulldoze The NIH”
I am part of a small community of about 100 people in a local car club (mostly people over 55). I have noticed an up tick in people with these sorts of issues. Many knees and some with shoulder ligament issues. Given the group I just put it down to age, never thought there may be another overlay in this highly vaxxed group.
Did you know that the name and gender “assigned” to a hurricane affects its lethality?
It’s apparently due to the fact that people perceive “female” hurricanes to be less deadly and thus take fewer precautions and they take more precautions for male-named hurricanes..
Perhaps the “law of unintended consequences” applies when authorities went woke and decided to use male names as well as female? And don’t Leftists claim their are 57 (or whatever) genders anyway? What about the others?
This would be hilarious if it wasn’t tragic.
Yes and that Hurricane Higgins (Male) sure caused a few Big Storms in the world of snooker………………
I can remember when all storms had female names. It might only be 20 yrs ago that changed.
It had become politically incorrect, men cause mayhem too and deserve equal time.
What! Are you telling me that they have not had one single LGBT hurricane yet.
Bruth !?
Well this topic is a thought provoker! Maybe that Hurricane Ian: What IS it’s name ? taken from another website was this comment EYE-an ? ciamar a tha thu ?
Pronunciation: ee-un , not I-an or is that of a different gender?
Ian was introduced to Americans by Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond. Origin: Ian is a Scottish name of Hebrew origin meaning “God is gracious.” Ian is of Scottish Gaelic origin and is the Scottish version of the name John. It comes from the Hebrew name Yohanan and means “God is gracious” or “the Lord is gracious.” Ian can also be spelled Iain. The name is imbued with a sense of history and Scottish heritage, while also feeling fresh and lively. Ian confers a sense of intelligence, kindness, honor, and grace. ….. Ian, Iain, Eoin, and MAYBE Ewen ( Y-ow -n )
It did not remain consistent with a hurricane did it? Fluffed out over Florida and then regathered itself before hitting the Carolinas ( Never heard anything about that in the Media) and than has fluffed out having gone inland as tropical storm @ 15mph – like we had yesterday -in Scotland, regularly without much rain this year….
I refused the Covid shots. As a result I was locked out of the office for around 6 months and left without human contact for months on end.
I finally caught Covid 3 weeks ago. I felt bad for one day and coughed at about 30 minute intervals for a few days. This from a 60yo asthmatic.
Was the trade off worth it from a social/mental health aspect? I’m not sure. From a health perspective – absolutely. The damage the bureaucrats have done is immense and will take years to properly assess. It will only come with the next generation who will be able to look back with disinterest and marvel at the stupidity of the years folllowing, say, 2015. Covid, climate change and transgendeism will be seen (hopefully) for the foolishness they are.
I suggest some new classes:
Bidencane – a hurricane that goes around in circles then heads off in the opposite direction. ie an expected event that didn’t happen. Common in BOM forecasts.
Mostlypeacefulcane – one that creates massive damage but democrats and the media applaude it.
Karencane – the most feared type. Highly aggressive but non lethal variety that demands to see the head of the weather bureau. This variety creates more entertainment than damage.
Norwegianbluecane – visually spectacular but in reality a fizzer despite commanding considerable attention. These are often spotted by the MSM and BOM.
Arderncane – actual nature is different to opinion so you’ll have to ask the government for the truth about it.
Gretacane – a short whirlwind of hot air capable of moving between continents, typically powered by CO2 but sputters and stops when studied closeup.
Maybe better to give them Russian names. After all it’s Russia’s fault for everything else. A reworking of ” the beast from the east”. Ha!
Morrisoncane?? He got the blame for everything else……
I don’t think Ian sounds at all scary and nor would Kevin or Keith, or David come to that. What we need are names like Atilla or Genghis
Hannibal !
Florida has a mean elevation of only 30m but all the coastal areas and a substantial portion inland is much lower.
It is not a sensible place to build, especially as it’s in a hurricane zone.
It is inevitable that there will be significant flooding and damage every time there is a hurricane. *Every* *single* *time*.
SEE a relief map at
Bring back the mangroves. Sure the beach is crap, the sand flies will eat you alive but the waves are reduced, the erosion is limited and the land expands as the sediments form new soil.
Then again, white sand….. It does have that special appeal.
I think nature had this all worked out long ago and then someone wanted things to be different. If only they hadn’t built on the barrier islands and stripped them of saltwater tolerant vegetation.
White sand too has “white privilege” then?
Ask the Chinese nicely and they’ll spray paint it green.😆
Luckily we have that Humphrey Bogart film Key Largo showing that hurricanes existed way back before CO2 !
You can easily build a house to survive even a Cat5 + storm surge – which will only be a 1 in 1000 year event in most places in florida – I’ve seen lots of pole houses along gulf coast. For something like $1million per hectare (a small fraction of cost of high value urban land) you can add fill to lift the ground level by several meters (which is why sea level rise is a non issue in urban areas with simple mitigations like requiring all new builds to have ground floors above a minimum altitude out of range of small likely future sea level rise). Or you can build heavy concrete bottom levels to ensure structural survival. The frequency of these events in any one location is very low, once in a lifetime stuff, a minor and easily insured cost in the grand scheme of things.
Here’s something to ponder.
A house, (or other structure), can be designed to survive the cyclone, even a cat 5. BUT, when designers talk of surviving, they usually refer to the structural elements, for example, the foundations, the walls, the roof.
A house that survives may NOT have functional doors, windows and may not be weatherproof. Wind and rain often get blown into a ‘surviving’ house, causing significant damage to internal surfaces and materials. Think carpet, electronic goods, white goods.
If you want survival, and intact, weatherproof, then be prepared to move away from the storms. Or bunker down and hope. An example is the Karratha hospital. It is single level, built inland about half a kilometre and has an earth berm extending around the perimeter to roof height. It doesn’t look pretty but it is likely to have working windows after the storm. As a bonus, if their diesel generator works, they could probably pump out their storm sumps before the water floods indoors.
For a pole house….. I wish you luck with the windows.
Is the name “Florida” male, female or LGbtxyrqa.
Some of my thoughts on Australia’s future.
Where does Australia’s future lie?
*Agriculture is being shut down because the government prefers to empty irrigation water into the sea. And Greens and other leftards want to shut down animal production. Dams are close to impossible to get built. No vision for large scale irrigation.
*Industry is being shut down due to expensive gas, electricity and feral unions plus unreasonable regulations.
*One of the world’s most fanatical beliefs in anthropogenic global warming and fanatical commitment to unreliable and expensive weather-dependent electricity production.
*Rocks (minerals) can be sourced cheaper in Africa from the numerous Chinese colonies there. And Greens want to shut down the coal industry.
*Tourism for overseas visitors is very expensive as it is for locals. It is cheaper for locals to holiday overseas.
*Tertiary education is (before covid) a good export earner but comes at the cost of extremely dumbed down degrees which are impossible to fail thus damaging Australia’s reputation long term.
*Commercial fishing has been made difficult or impossible by excessive regulations hence large fisheries imports, many from disgusting fish farms in Third World countries or polluted waters.
*There are severe restrictions on exploring for oil and gas.
* Nuclear electricity production is prohibited and nuclear submarines were prohibited until recently.
*We have some of the most expensive real estate prices in the world due to lack of policies conducive to decentralisation.
*The welfare system is unsustainable and many choose a life on welfare, especially some new immigrants who will never work as they have no employable skill.
*High levels of immigration from some people who will never assimilate or work and contribute nothing.
*Foreign borrowings by government are massive and it’s difficult to see how they can be repaid.
*There are more and more regulations affecting every aspect of economic and other activity and Nanny Statism is out of control.
*The government has a fanatical commitment to implementing virtually every decree from a corrupt and incompetent and Third World oriented UN which actively works to destroy Western Civilisation.
*Mismanagement of C-19 plus refusal to allow possible treatments such as HCQ and IVM. Economic destruction as a result of massive government spending and forced shutdowns.
*A public service which is afraid to give independent advice but merely state what the government wants to hear. All appointments at a senior level given to government sycophants.
*Australia has no worthy leader like Trump and we have little hope but to become a third rate Western-style country such as Venezuela.
*The government, even supposedly conservative ones, spend without constraint.
*I’m sure I have missed many issues in this short list…
We are soon to be the next Argentina and there appears to be no stopping for this to happen……………….
There will be blood.
Such things are reversible, but there is always a cost.
Socialist are NOT nice people, because they always ignore the costs.
You are talking about the centre left, they are not really socialists. The Greens are outliers and closer to Utopian socialism.
Democratic Socialism, Centre-Left (not really Socialism), The Greens (Misanthropic Socialism), The Teals (Virtue-Preening Socialism), Fascism (“far-right” Socialism – because sure it is).
It’s all “Socialism”, which at its core means the confiscation of private wealth, at gunpoint, by those “in charge” for their use and for your own good (whatever they choose that is).
The subservience of the individual to the
StateCartel (whichever one happens to be in dominance in that particular moment).61
A Pew Poll conducted a few years ago found the Millennials and Gen-Zers Are ‘Dystopian Socialists’.
The “centre left” are those who believe in socialism, just haven’t had the nous or courage to follow it through to the logical conclusions. Once you decide that you can be “fair” by taking otter people’s money and giving it to people you like, there is mo clear line between you and other socialists.
Notice how the “Liberals” are almost entirely content to keep the changes that Labor has made over the last fifty years.
The centre left accept the capitalist system, they might pay lip service to some socialist ideas but there is little between centre left and centre right.
Is China socialist or communist?
I don’t know how William Lane and his mob of Utopians would fit in ttoday, but like all such exercises they seem to fade into ignominy.
William Lane was a Utopian and his venture failed miserably.
It’s disturbing to see all of that in the one place.
“*I’m sure I have missed many issues in this short list…”
And that’s being overly modest David, 🙂
I wrote this a few days ago.
All of the problems on your (non-exhaustive) list are eminently solvable if we just had the “smarts” (some backbone and willpower might help too).
Instead, we are self-absorbed, self-obsessed, and self-destructive.
The only innovation that is left here, is finding new ways to destroy wealth and prosperity, in order to
enrich the grifters and parasites“save the planet”.230
Now we’re defining The Problem.
Construction costs are among the highest in the world, driving industry overseas.
National Parks and Indigenous land rights are curtailing agriculture and mining.
The only jobs growth is in the bloated public service.
The Voice will result in government by a minority – our voices will mean nothing.
You’re talking about NZ right? Kiwi’s look across the ditch with envy given rapidity with which Ardern’s govt is driving NZ into the dirt – every measure is severely negative, massive borrowing, incredibly bad balance of trade (-8% of GDP), enormous public sector expansion, efforts to create new Maori aristocracy and effectively disenfranchise rest of population, efforts to wreck agriculture, failure to maintain or build infrastructure (roads are a mess), most concerning being 20%+ kids that are leaving school functionally illiterate. By comparison Australia is still the lucky country, and you should expect a large surge of kiwis immigrating.
Likely fits with
Keith Windschuttle’s “The Break up of Australia: the real agenda behind Aboriginal recognition”?
I’ve just got the book from the library so I’ll find out.
>aboriginals call themselves first nation people, this is patently untrue. They invaded Oz worse than they blame us. They walked into Oz during the last ice age killing the original inhabitant which were Neanderthals. There is plenty of proof of this rock art that they say was already here. The ice age ended and Bass strait flooded before they got to Tasmania. White man got to Tassy and had open season hunting and killing them. The last one left was photographed her name was Truggannini. She was the last of the first people,I have seen her picture not very tall 4′ 6″ by the look of her. So I take what our first nation ramblings with a pinch of salt.
From the general to the specific on some of your items…
With the competitive advantage of cheap energy, we could somewhat accommodate the productivity destruction of feral unions and over-regulation. But we can’t afford both. Take away the productivity of cheap energy and you leave little for feral unions (the Union Cartels) and over-regulation (the consort of ‘Big Biz’ & ‘Big Gov’ to destroy competition) to plunder.
I hope someone draws the attention of the easy going, never criticise, never say a word, opposition averse leader of the LNP to this thread. Maybe he got hold of Joe Biden’s plans for a bunker to relax in!
It took almost a year for the LNP base of voters to realise that PM Morrison was actually Labor Lite. Not so with Peter Dutton!! Most of the base have woken to this sad state of affairs in the last 3 months. So we can have left wing Labor or left wing LNP!!
Same policies, different salesman!!
Looks as though I needn’t worry about getting to polling stations anymore!!
“The government, even supposedly conservative ones, spend without constraint.”
Abbott was elected with good intentions for both the AGW scam and the Rudd/Gillard mad spending. But his mandate was stymied by the Palmer United Party in cahoots with Al Gore.
However, come the “pandemic” the coalition ran with the crowd.
Well, aren’t you the optimist?
Imagine all of that and Dictator Dan.
…and if all that isn’t enough, across The Ditch, Wacky Jaci is after everyone’s ‘Ard-earned, as she’s a disciple of the lunatics running the World Economic Forum!!
* We are completely subservient to the USA and support all its lunacies.
* And yet we seem to be keen on selling the country to China.
But we keep voting clowns in!
Maybe independent psych profiling of all political candidates to reveal any sociopathic/authoritarian/loony left issues?
Testing to see if they are actually remotely competent to manage given portfolios?
A minimal fixed salary for all of them. No pay rises/trips/expenses/gravy train benefits etc without public oversight and approval.
Anything major (like pandemic management) goes to a secure referendum.
Absolutely no benefits of any kind once their political term is over. Go find a job!
Monitor and control them for a change – it’s the only way they will get anything right.
Sound unnecessarily punitive and makes no more sense than the largesse that happens know, just at the other end of the spectrum. Why would talented people sign up for that?
Because they’re not in it for themselves and a free ride through life courtesy of the political gravy train.
After all, look at the world now, the “quality” of politicians, the ignorance, the dirty deals, the corruption, the incompetence, the warmongering etc.
If nothing changes that’s all we’re ever going to get.
Punitive or selection criteria, not uncommon to many industries in the real world now…
yes I know I have been through a few of those for employment or security clearances, however you want more
all you will get is already rich people who can afford your minimal salary and no retirement benefits
then you attract the self gratification clowns like Turnbull and Canon Brookes
an IQ, personality test and actual real world experience outside politics and unions would get my vote , the remuneration stuff is just petty to me.
like to see a mechanism to engage independent qualified people on policy and strategy. I guess that used to be the public service but that seems to have broken down. The lack of Engineering input into the fragmented grid fantasies of State and Federal govts is an example. Unless thats gone public service style as well and they just shop around for someone with a nominal degree that will tell them what they want to hear.
Do we really vote them in any more? Or are we given no real choice from the start? Maybe Democracy is just a method to ensure outside control. The colonies, who had localised democracies, to me they were the real democracies and the good societies because the old world didn’t care enough about us to socially engineer us. I would want our own local King. I would want to avoid the King marrying his cousins and maybe make him look for a clever working class girl, or even poor country girl coming top in her poor country school, so that we don’t get this degenerate inbreeding. The problem with all these royals marrying their cousins is that its a bit too close to the mouse utopia experiments where all the mice die. To me our Democracy was finished when Costello went to the private sector and Beazley got the cushy job overseas. We can’t get it back. We need to move onto a better system.
But the reality is that the politicians are controlled by the public service heads. It is they who are destroying Australia from their ivory towers. Plus the criminals know how to manipulate. One word casinos
All about the S.S. Minnow from Gilligan’s Island.
UK current account for Q2 2022 was released on Friday. Bottom line is minus GBP33bn; 2.7% of annual GDP. So still living beyond its means but not quite as bad as Q1.
Q3 has seen energy prices going up but the GBP falling relative to RUB and USD. Crunch time for energy availability is still to come and the Q1 2023 result will reflect how bad it was after the events.
Blatant censorship and totalitarianism. !
Collusion with Google etc
“We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”
Yes, they do. It’s theirs. And it’s a comlete l*e. Not a myth, not a point of view, a l*e. There’s more valid science in Scientology with General Zod and Thetans and DC8 aircraft and e-meters.
And for a non profit with 44,000 full time people and another 40,000 casuals, it’s one of the biggest companies and the world and is metastatizing. WHO has been corrupted, but the IPCC was based on made up science.
The United Nations is a political creation with no particular point. Consider it plays no part at all in the conflict like the one in Ukraine, it’s reason for being. And the biggest pandemic in 100 years was a direct result of the CCP capturing the position of Chairman and declaring the virus ‘not able to be transmitted from human to human’. And no one has been fired.
So what does it want? Cash. A lot more cash. Hundreds of billions in Carbon cash. Every year. All based on their original l*e, man made CO2 driven tipping point Armageddon End of Days Global Warming aka Climate Change. Even after 34 years of a Climate Emergency and a complete lack of any evidence at all and every prediction wrong.
But Climate Change is why the IPCC was created in 1988. The Inter Government Pushers of Climate Change and the war on Carbon Dioxide, Methane, oxides of nitrogen and every other gas.
Coming to a taxation department near you.
Give to the UN. You know they want the money. Or you are an evil Climate Change Denier. Give generously.
The highest temperature in Adelaide as observed at West Terrace during September was just 20.4C, a new record low for this parameter. The previous mark was 22.9C in 1905. The BoM has published these observations since 1887. This looks like a big jump downwards, but during 1977-2017 Adelaide’s official temperature was measured at Kent Town while West Terrace was closed. The record low there was 20.5C in 2010.
I’ve been following the weather for 60 years and I’ve never known such a miserable September before.
Jan 2022 Volcano Tonga sent many products into Earth’s stratosphere, eg, moisture content increased 10%.
Could this regime change affect local atmospheric conditions – lower local surface temperatures and greater global precipitation?
No emissions I trust, there is a climate emergency.
Stop it! Nature has nothing to do with it.
I prayed to St Jacinda of the Equine. She said it is all your fault for eating meat, taking plane rides to Fiji, and breathing.
She means to stop all of these to save the planet, and because quasi-terrorist acts, like breathing, infringe the human rights of others.
“Leaders”Tyrants have a “moral obligation”, to abuse real human rights to protect pretend human rights! – you know it makes sense.140
The argument goes that water vapour in the Stratosphere is a positive feedback and will increase global warming.
The increase of 10% has little to do with precipitation and supposedly everything to do with ‘downward radiative flux perturbation at the tropopause and therefore is hypothesized to substantially amplify the surface warming.’
I don’t believe it, but happy to be proved wrong.
John, Dr Jennifer Marohasy mused just that back in March. I think it’s a plausible explanation.
Thanks everyone for their comments.
Antarctica and Southern Ocean have been cooling for 40 years, this is possibly how global cooling begins.
Norther hemisphere is warmer than the southern hemisphere and to add insult to injury there is this article: [1]
Climate Heretic
[1] How Can The Globe Be Warming When Most Of The Southern Hemisphere Isn’t?
Yes, 500 years into current glaciation cycle.
However the NH will get much warmer summers before the ice begins to accumulate. My prediction is more than 500 years but less than 1000 years before the northern glaciers are clearly expanding.
The average elevation of land above MSL is now 800m. The average temperature difference between land and oceans is 6C. The cooling that occurs is a result of the lapse rate. Oceans drop 140m. The atmospheric mass remains roughly constant and the land elevates by 300m on average. So total increase in land elevation over the updated MSL is now 1240m. That cools the land by 4C on average but a lot more of it will look like Antarctica and Greenland where the surface temperature can never exceed 0C while the ice is present irrespective of how much sunlight it gets.
A new mini ice age should take us to the brink before we slip into glaciation, the LIA lasted around 500 years.
Clearly this is not in the global warming script.
Global Cooling is now underway and accelerating as predicted. The Devries Solar Cycle and the PDO/AMO are dropping simultaneously. It should be about 3-4C down over about 5 yeaers.
Everyone will notice it, even in temperate Australia but especially in the Northern Hemisphere where 60% of humanity lives above the Tropic of Cancer. Only 2% of humanity lives where we do, below the Tropic of Capricorn. The longer winters, shorter, cooler summers will hit crop production hard and require much more energy to sustain life. The rich will move to places like Florida and Portugal and Spain just to escape the cold.
There are two cycles, the 210 year De Vries and the AMO/PDO combo.
We know that the intrinsic dynamics of oceanic oscillations are not determined by the sun, whereas the De Vries is solar related.
When is the next low ebb of the De Vries cycle expected?
This team went back to glacial times and found the cycle.
‘Here, we demonstrate that the de Vries cycle is present in 10Be data from the GRIP ice core during the last ice age (25 to 50 kyr BP). Analysis of the amplitude of variation of this cycle shows it to be modulated by the geomagnetic field, indicating that the de Vries cycle is indeed of solar, rather than climatic, origin.’ (Wagner et al 2001)
Does anyone realise the ramifications of even a 1C drop on food production?
4C would be catastrophic!
The met data from that West Terrace station is just priceless. Mainly because it goes back so far. The best equivalent ones I can find are the lighthouse met stations. Relatively unaffected by Urban Heat Island effect and usually go back to the mid 1850’s. Cape Otway in Victoria is another beauty.
Well observed Ian; when you consider how BoM uses 1-second electronic temperature recording techniques that are guaranteed to produce higher readings (eg: when a sparrow nearby passes wind) it’s even more remarkable.
The ABC and BOM explain it all… don’t trust your own perspective, only trust them!!
Interest post on twitter.
Market records are showing a significant sell-off of Russian-owned Gazprom shares just prior to the blow-ups. I’m not sure how state-ownership in Russia works, these days… but it does fit with the accident theory.
As in….. Boris-the-engineer, after receiving orders to clear the pipes – now- despite his protests, phones a friend with news that everything is abut to go tits-up, before joining the conscript exodus across the Finnish border.
For those of you who haven’t caught up with the mechanics of hydrate plugs and what can go wrong with gas pipes, it goes like this.
-When pipes are kept full of natural gas, under high pressure, intense cold and not-perfect removal of moisture, methane hydrate forms. Methane hydrate is a solid, about the density and consistency of ice. Left untreated for -say- couple of months, the pipe blocks.
-Removing the blocking plug requires patience and competence. You must depressurise the pipe slowly and from both ends.
– If a Russian engineer gets order to clear it quickly and without telling the German engineer at the other end what the problem is…. you get a lump of ice with 3000psi on one side, and 32psi on the other. That is how guns work.
-When the plug comes loose, that pressure can propel it down the pipe, until the 1000+kg ice-chunk travelling at 2-300kph, meets a corner or a valve. Every gun-nut knows that the way to blow up your gun is to fire a bullet down a blocked barrel. It works for pipelines, too.
– Observant persons looking at maps of the pipelines and locations of leaks, will notice that all of the leaks occur at corners.
But the Russians are calling it “sabotage”, just like they did when a dodgy Russian weld on a dodgy Russian torpedo blew up their new submarine, the Kursk. ……. and the media don’t want to run with the less-juicy reality.
If you want to know who did it you have an audit trail with the sell-off.
Biden calling it a deliberate act of sabotage:
How very sneaky of him…. trying to hide sabotage by calling it sabotage
…..but are the pipes not full of high pressure ,ice cold natural gas, with its moisture content,….in normal operation ?
….Or is it not possible for methane hydrate to form whilst gas is flowing ?
And i still do not see any advantage to Russia to cripple it own infrastructure and major income source ?
Fair question.
Flow and turbulence produce a certain level of heating through friction, and agglomeration is less common.. (Analogy… What freezes first? Flowing water or still water? )
Flow is also used to propel the maintenance and clearance machines, known as “pigs” through the pipe. No flow means no maintenance, no clearing and no checking.
Yes… engineers know this. Unfortunately, politicians and senior management often don’t. In a culture in which those further down the food chain are discouraged from arguing with their superiors, this can create problems.
Nothing is certain without careful forensic examination, but this scenario looks increasingly likely..
Maps of the leaks show that they all occur at bends…. exactly what you would expect if the cause was a high-velocity hydrate projectile.
The Russians weren’t in any hurry. If anything they were likely slow-walking the repairs and maintenance, so that they could let their friends in Tehran, Beijing and New Delhi know that they are people who maintain their contractual arrangements, even when breaching the contracts might seem understandable. But with the sanctions making it hard for the Russians to do repairs, there was no reason for them to do somersaults and contortions to get the gas moving again quickly. When taking their sweet time puts pressure on the German decision-makers.
You must watch too much TV. Russian military hard men don’t even break out in a sweat when they think about non-American NATO.
Chad… again.
The “interests” to examine are not those of the Russian populace, but those of the people who make the decisions.
One of the hallmarks of a corrupt society is that the decision-maker considers his own interest rather than tgat of those affected by his decisions.
One of the hallmarks of an authoritarian society is that those at the top make the decisions, and the masses do as they are bloody well told, whether it is in their interest or not.
One of the reasons why I consider the accident theory reasonable, is that it is consistent with known Russian culture and practices. A successful conspiracy involving large numbers of US personnel that does not leak?….. now that would be rare!
As rare as the failure of two towers on the one morning?
You are not applying what you are saying here. Its in the interests of the Russian elite to be able to sell or not sell the gas. So by your own logic your argument fails spectacularly. So much so it implies some underlying bias. Instead of ex-KGB types and other hard men, the American coup government is owned financiers. The American oligarchs would seek to justify all that debt they have created for their own local gas exploiters. Now in the American scene the gas exploitation was brilliant technologically. But it was a horrible failure financially. The American financiers, who control that country like a communist party, may wish to try to justify their incompetent lending. Shipping gas is moronic and uncompetitive. But if you destroy other peoples pipes then you might be able to get those debts paid.
Yes it would be rare because they always leak. They always get caught. But if you have total media control it doesn’t matter. This one will leak and it won’t matter either. I’m just wondering if they will go so far as to claim that the Russians did it in every American history book. They can say the Russians did it and then make teachers use the books.
Even the Americans are calling it sabotage.
Three separate pipeline ruptures with two only about 75km apart, all within a 17 hour period, in shallower depths than most of the pipeline routes, and with timing coincidental with the opening of the Polish pipeline.
Then there was an apparent past attempt to damage the pipeline with an explosive laden drone, detected by the Russians and removed by Sweden.
How many Russians claimed that the Kursk was sabotaged?
1. The official American line was determined by politicians and media, not by pipeline engineers.
2. At that time, no-one had conducted a forensic examination of the leaks…. so they didn’t know squat.
3. All they did know was that every indication was “explosion”….. so yeah, they blame Vlad, because he has means and motivation, too….. it what you do naturally if (and I’m not making assumptions here) if you know that you didn’t order it yourself
There’s nothing odd about anyone who doesn’t know gas pipelines, assuming that an explosion means someone did something nasty.
There’s also nothing unusual about media management being slow to admit that they don’t actually know what the flake just happened.
There’s also nothing unusual about the same bad decisions, made at the same time, causing the same bad results within a short frame of time.
If you want to find out what happened – instead of conducting a lynching – you consider all the factors.
Its not powerfully ethical to be running cover for terrorist action like this. We have gas pipelines all over the place. They last for a long time and don’t just decide on their own to fail simultaneously, in line with the aspirations of usurping governments.
“usurping governments.”
Ahhh… so you think it was NATO/EU/USA that did it. !
Yeah the Americans did it. They are the terrorists. We don’t want to be stupid about this. The only other suspects would be the royal navy, and the Israelis can always be called on for dirty work. But the Royal navy wasn’t seen in the area and its the same network of terrorists anyway, so it makes no difference.
There were three ruptures and all were accompanied by seismic events that indicated explosions . The only explanation that makes sense to me is that the USA did it to force the European countries to toe the line and not use Russian gas . Its obvious that civil unrest is threatening government control over the population due to inflation and energy scarcity and this takes the Russian energy option off the table .
The energy release from that kind of incident is very comparable with the level of explosion in -say – a conventional torpedo . I use that because comparison because everone understands that it is designed to penetrate hollw metal tubes in water. If you wanted to build a specific sabotage devise, the most common explosive technology to use would be the kind of shaped charge or EFP weapon used by nearly every military to penetrate the much tougher armour on fighting vehicles like tanks. Such weapons are frequently man-portable.
In other words, there was no need for massive charges, and it would be stupid to use them if you are being clandestine.
Ergo, the seismic shock interpreted as an explosion, is due to the massive depressurisation of millions of cubic metres of gas at over 3000psi.
To show you the kind of energy involved, another Russian accident involving a gas-pipe and a plug destroyed several miles of pipe……. and it was an accident, caused by some poor random worker who had been ordered to “warm” the pipe with a gas torch. They never found his body.
As for the idea that the USA needed to do it to “force” Germany…. the Germans have made it clear that they believe that they have enough energy to get them through the winter with some restrictions. Last I heard, they have not taken the kind of measures that they would, if they expected to suffer badly…… which means that there is no reason to believe that they needed forcing.
It doesn’t make as much sense as you think.
Another pipeline opening makes it even less sense, not more…… and the most likely scenario is that the Russians were in a bit of a hurry to get back into the market, before they found themselves redundant.
All the conspiracy theories rely on hiding something that you and 100 million others claim to know for sure. Bit of a contradiction, that.
You are getting a bit old for this childish talk aren’t you? Here you admit that you have a bias against bad people doing wrong things. Every terrorist act is a conspiracy and they keep happening.
No they haven’t. They are going to freeze and their industrial companies will start going out of business. Doesn’t matter what some idiot politician whistling through the graveyard says. When you say “The Germans” you want to think a bit harder what you mean by this phrase.
How deep were the pipes? If you have a lot of seawater thats a lot of pressure too. So the pressure may well be equalised and no cause for any explosion. The gas is being pushed around by what amounts to a jet engine. We may think of a jet engine as powerful. But there is not the power there for the explosion that was detected. There ought not be excessive pressure there to match hundreds of pounds of tnt. Its one thing to take a flame to a pipeline thats above ground, but its not a valid comparison to pipes that are deep in the water. And in your other example we have an explanation. Someone took a flame to the pipes. Since they were above ground that leaves the possibility for ignition. We don’t have an explanation in the latter case that doesn’t involve the nearby American navy.
Three breaks in a pipeline ? One maybe but not three . As Dragon stated europe does not have enough energy – the draconian measures they are implementing including industrial shutdowns indicate otherwise . As to “conspiracy theories” recently most have proved to be fact . This winter will see people freeze to death and this is entirely preventable .
Three of the four 1200 kilometre-long pipes of the two pipelines were ruptured, with the operator of Nord Stream 2 reporting that the pressure in the lines, at the German end, dropped from 1500psi to 100psi over about 12 hours.
US policy 8 years ago…
“ Well, the Russians will run out of cash before the Europeans run out of energy. And I understand that it’s uncomfortable…” Condoleeza Rice “
Over the long run, you simply want to change the structure of energy independence. You want [Europe] to depend more on the North American energy platform of oil and gas that we’re finding in North America”. C.R. US policy today…
Blinken just talked about this new “opportunity”.
Biden said NS II would not happen, and that German perspective or opinion was not even relevant! I take the assistant Secretary of State’s affirmation that NS II would not function, “ one way or the other “ very seriously. Also, clear US policy was to create the Ukrainian conflict, and expand it.
Russia wants it to end with Russian success. The circumstances were that disparate European populations were fed up with the sacrifice of their economic lives for an area of Ukraine that voted close to 80 percent for the pro Russian Ukraine party in 2014. Protest in Europe were growing.
Italy just talked about considering Russian gas.
If and when, and my view is that it is only a matter of when ( due to the severe economic hardship barreling into the German economy) the people demand that the Russian demands are accepted, Russia would have won. Russia’s ace in the hold was the ability to liberate the energy starved broken EU economy.
Russia did not commit severe economic self-harm, and throw away their best chance at ending the Ukrainian venture in success, with some vague hope that they could pin this on the US and drive a wedge between Washington and the EU. The sane folk in the EU were definitely beginning to drive that wedge for Russia.
The joint One World crowd is in solidarity with expanding the Ukraine conflict. The NS sabotage is highly capable of doing just that; expanding the Ukrainian conflict.
For Russia losing your strongest player, harming your own economic health at a critical juncture, risking getting caught in such a foolish adventure, all for a vague hope of pinning this on the US. (All in all, great risk, definite harms, very uncertain gain)
Additional reasons from EM Smith…
An impoverished Europe with manufacturing shut down benefits US Corporations greatly. $Billions & $Billions.
The “threat” of an EU beating the USA economically is removed. ( short sighted and likely long term very wrong, but this has been US thought process)
Russian Gas Revenue gets shifted to USA gas revenue.
It conforms with and accelerates the Zero Carbon goals of Agenda 30 & Paris.
It moves Europe dramatically closer to the desired “Great Reset” status that the Biden Admin and the EU Government advocate. Can’t “build back better” until you have “burned beyond belief” after all.
Russia has continued to deliver gas & oil the whole time with the volume reduced when sanctions prevented Business As Usual. Hardly the actions of someone wanting to hurt their customer.
The coincidental multiple accidents are neither logical or, according to some very well written technical articles, not what happened.
Note the diagrams.
Who in the Kremlin would have been aware of the possibility of that kind of “accident” to propose it as a valid action for authorisation ?
And even if they did, it would seem to be a highly unpredictable result when they could easily just use proven sabotage methods !
And in order to propell the plug (s) , would it not be necessary for there to be gas flowing in the pipes ?
I thought both lines were not being pumped ?..and NS 2 had not even been completed yet ?
I can see it is a possibility, but such a unpredictable result if they really wanted to cripple the system !
“Climate Change™” has brought a beautiful, sunny and still spring morning to the Canberra bubble. The tomatoes are in – have given up on the seeds and gone for nursery stock as last year was a miserable growing season and the seeds just did not co-operate.
On another note, I am mature enough to remember getting sunburnt around Mt Panorama on the October long weekend for the Hardie Ferodo 500. I hope they have a dry race next weekend.
Yes, back in the day, it was typically very hot at the Mt Panarama races. The weather is typically much cooler these days.
Never really thought about before but yes it was generally quite a warm weekend.
It’s now 140 days since the daily maximum temp at Bathurst has been above 20.0°C, 141 days for Canberra.
Liberty Wept
Roger Kimball
The fate of conservatism in an age of illegitimacy
Conservatism, in any normal understanding of the word, depends upon a generally acknowledged and widely shared sense of legitimacy if it is to survive.
Absent the authority of legitimacy, conservatism has nothing to conserve. It floats anchorless. In so far as its habits, rituals, and formalities persist, they contract into increasingly antiquarian gestures, detached from the vital pulse of lived experience. In such situations, conservatism degenerates into a largely rhetorical exercise. It mouths the same pieties that once rallied the troops, but it does so nervously, either without conviction or with that brittle belligerence that substitutes for conviction in decadent times.
There are several ways in which a regime can declare its illegitimacy. One way is when its governing apparatus becomes detached from or is at odds with the laws and mores that define it. This can happen, in fact it usually does happen, even when a soothing political rhetoric assures the public that everything is just fine, that the canons of our forefathers are just as operative today as they were in the past.
Examples are not far to seek.
Ronald Reagan is out of fashion these days, but I think that the fortieth President of the United States was right when he observed that “Democracy is less a system of government than it is a system to keep government limited, unintrusive: A system,” Reagan continued, “of constraints on power to keep politics and government secondary to the important things in life, the true sources of value found only in family and faith.”
Whether what Reagan says is true of democracy itself is something that we might, with Tocqueville, and with sadness, want to question. Too often democracy has been prey to deformations that encourage rather than retard the growth of government.
Illegitimacy occurs when there is serious disjunction between precept and actual behavior. Article I of the Constitution vests all legislative power in the Congress. But for many decades now, Congress has been assiduous in avoiding that duty
Indeed, Americans today find their lives directed by a jumble of agencies far removed from the legislature and staffed by bureaucrats who make and enforce a vast network of rules that govern nearly every aspect of our lives.
A closer look at the so-called “knowledge class” shows that what it knows best is how to preserve and extend its own privileges. Its activities are swaddled in do-gooder rhetoric about serving the public, looking after “the environment,” helping the disadvantaged, fighting racism, and similar performative kindnesses. But what they chiefly excel at is consolidating and extending their own power.
That discovery stands behind the growth of the administrative state. We still vote. We still have a bicameral legislature. But the institutions that govern our politics are increasing decadent: that is, they are empty shells that merely look like their democratic originals. As Tocqueville noted in his analysis of governmental paternalism, “Almost all the rulers who have tried to destroy freedom have at first attempted to preserve its forms.”
One sign of that decadence is the resignation that now greets every fresh assault on the impartiality upon which the rule of law, and hence liberty, depend.
Remember what happened to Mike Flynn? He was set up by the FBI and then lost his job as national security advisor and was bankrupted trying to defend himself. What happened to Kevin Clinesmith? In 2020, he pleaded guilty to doctoring the email and was sentenced to probation. What Clinesmith did is a felony. Usually, a lawyer who is convicted of a felony is disbarred. Clinesmith got probation.
It’s all part of our two-tier, which is to say, illegitimate system of putative justice. If you are a Deplorable, you do not have the same rights and privileges that the elite have.
Today, the Left says things they would hitherto only have thought, and does things that they would hitherto only have said. It used to be that there was a certain latitude accorded to opposing views. That’s all over now. What we see is the triumph not just of political correctness but also of visceral intolerance that nurtures a “by-any-means-necessary” attitude. Every issue is an existential emergency for which the Left’s shock troops are willing to go to the wall.
The Right’s problem has been that it was too frightened by the Left to respond effectively. Deep down, many on the right secretly agreed that only the Left was allowed to win. In some precincts, anyway, that may be changing.
The second thing worth bearing in mind is that this novel exhibition of backbone by the Right is down almost entirely to Donald Trump. The promiscuous desire to be liked is a common character flaw. Donald Trump does not suffer from that disability.
Donald Trump’s governing passion can be summed up in one word: winning. Similarly, his path to that goal can be summed up in one word: fighting. He showed the Right that it was OK to win and that the way to win was to stand up for the things you professed to care about.
The third choice is the perhaps paradoxical option of we might call Alinskyite conservatism, after the canny left-wing activist Saul Alinsky. This option eschews the quietism of surrender for the activism of what Trump called “winning.”
How is this to be accomplished? One major goal must be to downgrade the place of Washington, the spirit as well as the city, in the metabolism of American political life. Legitimacy is draining out of our governing institutions at an alarming rate. Stanching that debilitating flow requires that we redirect our attention away from the greedy puppet show in Washington to the true source of legitimacy, which is with the people. As I have suggested elsewhere, we might start by moving the next presidential inauguration out of Washington altogether.
There are messy ways that other countries throughout history have dealt with a regime party that is thoroughly corrupt. The process is seldom edifying, even if, in the end, it is cathartic. A kinder, gentler alternative would be to treat Washington, D.C. as Hercules did the Augean Stables. I doubt that the Potomac, suitably diverted, would sport enough water to do the job, but moving the government, piece by piece, out of Washington, beginning with the ceremonial occasion of the inauguration, might be the least expensive, and least sanguinary, alternative.
An Extremely Long but Excellent Read
The Oils’ last concert tomorrow at Hordern Pavilion. I was unaware they still toured and it seems Garrett is still writhing with them.
Maybe the Oils’ should write a song about the “pink batts insulation scheme” in which garrett was instrumental (pun intended) when he was in parliament.
The most notable success of the scheme was the death of innocent “insulation installers” though lack of training in a mad “green” scheme to save the planet.
A fine illustration of the enthusiasm for and effects of “Government Enthusiasm” as opposed to “Government Wisdom”
Further examples under construction
How can we tell when our ceiling’s burning.
Midnight Foil.
Sorry about the down thumb – my fingers were too big for the phone screen…
It’s odd really, I never like Midnight Oil, and I couldn’t figure out just why, because everyone else (said that they) did.
Then, in the early 1990s, I heard an Instrumental played on Coast FM, an ABC radio station on the Gold Coast, that just played music, before finally succumbing to talk. As usual, they played three or four in a row, and you never got to hear who played what ….. if you didn’t know, and this was one I had never heard before, so I patiently waited for the end of the bracket, but the announcer just spoke a little, and then hit play on the next four. It slipped out of mind until I heard it again a few years later, and again, on the same radio station, no idea of the song or the band, as it was completely unfamiliar. A few days after that second time round, they played it again, only this time it was a one off, and at the end the announcer mentioned that it was Midnight Oil, the song was Wedding Cake Island, and it was off the Bird Noises EP, and never made it onto an LP. Man I searched everywhere for that EP, and finally, a young lady in a one of the large music outlet stores did locate the EP Compact Disk for me and it still took weeks before it arrived. An EP CD, I never knew they did them.
I played the EP, but hated the other three songs, and I realised why I liked only this one song of theirs, and that was because Peter Garret was not singing on it.
An amazing piece of surf music really, and here’s the link to the song.
Exactly the same thing happened again four or five years later, just after the turn of the Century, same radio station, same playing the song in a bracket of four, same follow up of not telling who, the whole process, same music outlet, same wait period, for another really striking song from Steeleye Span, titled I See His Blood Upon the Rose, from their album Bedlam Born, and that beautiful soaring voice of Gay Woods, who left the band after this album. The song may not be for everyone, but it has a certain something, and here’s the link to that song.
Former Coalition Treasurer Peter Costello was very good at impersonations of Peter Garret stage performances.
In a word: wicked.
Another “non fan” of the oils here.
Compared to most other rated bands of the era , they just seemed very uninspiring with more of a political agenda than musical ability.
Garret had a limited vocal ability an even less stage presence.
Totally overrated , possibly due to lack of local competion, ?…
…so needless to say i wont be a the Horndean event !
A former Green who admitted when he became a Labor candidate for election that he had never voted in an election.
And later commented that whatever Labor say during the campaign they will change it once in government.
I disagree. They were pretty talented musicians and good song writers, certainly original. Up until they went overtly aboriginal, with that Diesel and Dust album. Then they were just woeful, the song writing terrible, simple stuff, and the lyrics were cringe and obvious. Thats their most famous stuff ironically, Beds are Burning, Blue Sky Mine and all that rubbish.
It was a conscious decision to change their style to mimic aboriginal rock bands which makes it even worse. I heard one of their members say he actually dislikes their early stuff. I lost all respect for them then.
From the early period 10 to 1 is still a masterfully produced and engineered album, ahead of its time.
I’m an odd one in that I don’t listen to lyrics, just melody and music. Most listen to lyrics primarily. So their strong political message of their pt 1 songs never bothered me in my youth, until it became non poetic and obtuse with the Oils part 2, then I couldn’t handle it anymore. While I don’t focus on lyrics, bad lyrics I’m repulsed by.
But overall, they had a terrible impact on that generation’s politics. Big thumbs down for me.
Wedding Cake Island is not too dissimilar to the “The Shadows, Apache” [1], An absolute classic.
[1] The Shadows, Apache
I got into them with album 10 9 8 etc. Power and the passion was played at some volume when my parents were out. Never forget one day when my darling Mum asked me about the group who sing about that NZ/Aus cricket test under arm bowling incident. Was totally lost for a couple of hours then realised she meant the line in Power and the passion. Didnt have the heart to correct her and said Midnight Oil. Guess Mum and Dad had come home earlier than I realised one day.
a great song. Very well produced. Can’t quite get the underarm bowling correlation though?
I think we saw Mikis Theodorakis in the Hordern Pavilion. Seen the “Stones” a few times but never the Oils, whoever they are.
Watch the disgusting moment feral Aussie soccer fans BOO during the Welcome to Country and make N@zi salutes at historic cup final: ‘Pathetic. Absolute village mentality’
From the Comments
– Everyone is sick and tired and being forced to watch this in every sport.
– Welcome to country needs to stop, as its crept into all aspects of our worklife & is just expected without debate. I was born here in Australia & I dont need to welcome myself to my own place of birth.
– The fans clearly don’t want politics injected into their game.
My wife, who is the caring Member of our family, has also become sick and tired of “Welcome to Country” – as a descendent from the 1st Fleet, it is her/mine/all of our country
The positive point to take from the Football Match, is that more Australians are sick and tired of “Welcome to Country” and it will push them to NO in Voice
I have been the chairman in several situations when an agenda was given to me with ackowledging the Traditioal owners. I just ignore that item and move the meeting to the next item to the horror of the Lefties in the meeting.
Barry Humphries in an event said he would like to acknowledge the actual owners of the country, the Pratt family. The Left were so outraged they wanted to remove a plaque honouring Barry’s contribution to comedy.
Old Ozzie,
Just switch off. Just like I do when that crap comes on , just as I do when there’s a smoking ceremony ( thought smoking was a thing of the past), just the reason why I’ve switched off any & every ABC/ SBS TV or radio transmission. You can only be brainwashed if you’re dumb enough to want brainwashing.
The Marxists who started the so-called Land Rights movements are anti-christian. The Marxist/Communists prefer to re-introduce the old “Culture” which is sorcery. Another name for witchcraft.Aboriginals find Christianity very useful because they can confront the spiritual world and undo the evil from the tribal witch doctor.
“Contrary to popular belief and practice, there is no evidence the fashionably modern “Welcome to Country” ceremonies were ever a part of traditional Aboriginal culture. Instead, as is well if not widely known, they were created as recently as the 1970’s by none other than Ernie Dingo and his cobber, Dr Richard Walley. An article in The Australian, published in 2010, explains how it came about” [1]
In other words, “Welcome to Country”, was never a part of the Aboriginal culture.
Climate Heretic
[1] welcome-to-country-bogus-but-preferable
thats the great part of having a culture based on Chinese whispers, it cant be anything you want it to be.
So how have you then approved a Post of 1,068 words at Number 17?
These empires don’t seem to take long to force themselves to fall apart. Firstly they always seem to want to go running straight for Afghanistan. Then they start wars they can’t win and get about gratuitously damaging allies. However Germany is being controlled, the next ten winters will surely test these colonising methodologies.
US is overreaching in Ukraine – Washington Examiner
All empires overreach themselves. Even if, like the United States, they aren’t empires in the traditional sense. This get-out clause began to lose its credibility around the time of the Monroe Doctrine and should not be taken seriously by a thinking person or even a career politician. As the nature of power projection changes, so the nature of empire changes. Power is not only projected by military strength or subjugating populations. It is also projected by influence over local elites and by control over resources, communications, currencies, and systems of economic exchange.
The war with Russia in Ukraine demonstrates America’s quasi-imperial reach. But it also shows how the country’s strategic goals are beyond its grasp. The Biden administration’s stated goal in Ukraine is to force Russia to withdraw entirely from Ukrainian territory. The administration’s unstated goals are to destroy Russia’s military and economy, harden the European Union’s eastern border, permanently establish NATO garrisons on Russia’s doorstep, and, as President Joe Biden stated openly when he visited Poland, bring down Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Our docile media repeat the administration’s line that we are not really at war with Russia, but we are. The administration has used the global financial system as a weapon of economic warfare against Russia. The proxies in our supposed proxy war include not just Ukrainian troops, but also American technology and American troops. The Ukrainian military’s communications are protected from Russian jamming because they use Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite. The American government is paying American manufacturers to send state-of-the-art weaponry to Ukraine in order to destroy Russian equipment and kill Russian soldiers. American soldiers train Ukrainians in the use of the HIMARS rocket artillery system.
Every administration since the Truman presidency inherits the assets of global influence. Most cannot resist the impulse to spend it. Few spend it wisely. The Biden administration is squandering it out of arrogance and panic.
As of this week, Congress will have sent $65 billion to Ukraine. Russia continues to control most of southern and eastern Ukraine, and Putin very much remains in power.
Biden and Putin are playing chicken over Ukraine. The player who will blink first is Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany. Winter is coming.
Biden’s economic warfare might not have beaten Russia, but it’s driving America’s European allies into a recession. It’s not doing much for Americans, either. The dollar gets almightier by the day as the tired, poor, and huddled masses of foreign investors seek a safe haven for their pounds, euros, and yen. Prices of imports rise with it. Meanwhile, rising energy prices have boosted Russia’s energy export earnings by 38% this year. Russian oil exports have risen by 12% despite six rounds of economic sanctions.
The U.S. is fighting a war on the other side of Europe that it cannot win, and the Europeans don’t want a war at all. This is the very definition of overreach
See how inadequate the Americans are to this task. They had a very good weapons system. HI-MARS. Accurate, long range, very mobile. How many did they need to send to turn the tables? 6000? Plus a constant flow of ordnance, and a lot of maintenance support so setting up factories locally but out of range. They didn’t send 6000 they didn’t send 600 they didn’t send 60. At first they could only send 6. I think they are up to about 18 now. They are now sociologically incapable of competing in war of this type. They don’t have that continuous factory production of even their very good platforms. In principle they ought to be able to turn Hi-Mars missiles out like sausages. But they have lost the business ecology to do so. Every act of production becomes a one-off contract with welfare queens.
So it goes for their other weapons systems. Like their B2 that goes all the way back to the 80’s. Instead of turning them out one a week until they have no more space for them, they develop these hugely expensive over-engineered models, that might probably beat all comers for an hour, then need a team of people working around the clock to make them flight-worthy again. No-one on the other side of 1940’s America stood a chance because of their excellent mix of big and small business. This was industrial capitalism. Now its financial monopoly capitalism. Incapable of war with someone serious.
“This is the very definition of overreach”
The arrogance and ego of the US deep state/ military industrial complex.
This little kerfuffle would have been over ages ago if it weren’t for the huge weapons-testing agenda of NATO and the US.
‘This is the very definition of overreach.’
What would Donald have done differently?
Its important to recognise that Putin desires the huge reserves of coal, natural gas and rare earths in the Donbass region. That is all they want.
Donald may have gotten the Ukrainian army to fall back West. Rather than getting them to prepare to punish the rebel provinces. It took a lot of work to get the war started.
“What would Donald have done differently?”
According to Trump, it would never have happened if he were president:
Yeah we can hate the American military industrial complex. And what about those evil Ukrainian nazis. Unfortunately they sure had reason. Jesus wept; the 70 years of man made tragedy, that the Ukrainians went through from 1920 to 1990. 70 years of seeing their people being wiped out, and their culture ravaged by communists, Poles, and nazis. They were f….d over by everyone who decided they were in charge. Stalin killed 4 million in an attempt to destroy Ukrainian farming and village life. Where did the russians in the dondas come from? They were the replacements for the dead Ukrainians. Where did the russians in crimea come from? They were the replacements for the Crimean Tartars, who were all shipped off to Siberia at the end of WW2. Purges and repression continued right up to 1990. It would be a miracle if there weren’t very strong anti communist, anti russian forces in the Ukraine. The russians are not coming out of this looking good. Maybe it is just excellent propaganda, but they are looking inhuman, and seeing toilet bowls strapped to tanks, as they were leaving after their first set back, wasn’t a good look. Let’s welcome to the 21st century a medieval army, that is being paid with loot.
Yes its very sad. Because Russians didn’t perpetrate communism. They were victimised by communism. Yet they pick up the blame. If you look at the top people during the Soviet Union, very few of them were actually Russian. Stalin was Georgian. Kruschev Ukrainian. Lenin a mixture of European grandparents and not a Russian amongst them.
And who did the dirty work? who actually got the blood on their hands? Who snitched on their friends and family?
We are not allowed to say who did the dirty work are we. Like many alleged civil wars, the revolution took a form closer to a foreign invasion. A lot of outside finance involved.
There’s a major reason why the world in 2022 is like the world in 1939
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the world was not on the brink of anything resembling a world war.
If you took a time machine and went back to February 2022 and asked the American people if they’d be willing to spend more than $50 billion and send the world into an economic tailspin if Russia invaded Ukraine, my guess is they would have said no. They might have talked about bulking up NATO forces, they might have talked about sanctions, but I doubt they would have supported propping up a corrupt regime in a notoriously corrupt nation with tens of billions of dollars that taxpayers already struggling under the weight of inflation and economic malaise would have to pay. Nor would they have wanted to bring America and the world to the brink of a nuclear cataclysm.
But here we are, six months later, exactly there, with Vladimir Putin opaquely threatening to use nuclear weapons and the leader of Ukraine goading the United States to strike first with its nuclear weapons.
What is saddest about all this is it didn’t have to happen. A new piece in Foreign Affairs states, “[I]n April 2022, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement: Russia would withdraw to its position on February 23, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea, and in exchange, Ukraine would promise not to seek NATO membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries.” So essentially, in April, less than two months after the beginning of the war, the parties involved were close to agreement with returning to the status quo of what existed the day before Russia invaded. But the agreement collapsed. Why? Two words: Joe Biden.
Pravda, a Russian mouthpiece, claims that Boris Johnson tried to block any peace negotiations. Again, that’s Pravda, but it comports with known facts and Johnson never denied saying in private what he’d already said in public.
So, essentially, the combatants had resolved their conflict, only to have the west appear saying it would rather have more war. The “they” in that statement is telling. Johnson was no doubt acting on behalf of the man who “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”; that is, Joe Biden.
At the very moment when a fragile peace could have been worked out and negotiators begun to solve the differences between Russia and Ukraine, Joe Biden steps in …
The Biden administration appears to need the short-term benefits of an appreciating dollar in its approaching mid-term political battle against MAGA Republicans.
Europe is expendable.
If Russia is defeated in Ukraine, and Putin eliminated, Russian states can be incorporated in a “reset” Europe.
More than likely Moscow will sue for peace, its in their political culture.
This is Finland’s experience.
Yes if pigs had wings and so forth. The problem is that the West is not taking any action consistent with the idea of defeating Russia. Which Nato country has announced the mass-sacking of public servants to create fiscal topside for such a project? Whose stripped their defence contracts of patent protection so they can mass-produce weapons platforms and ordnance unrestricted? Which country has announced banking reform so they can commandeer the money creation benefit for the treasury? Who has announced a black budget to put themselves in surplus? Who has announced plans to engineer a trade surplus ahead of a defence buildup?
So they are not serious. They can only get people killed for no reason if they don’t match ends and means.
Apparently modern electronic bug zappers don’t give a satisfying hard cracking sound when an insect is turned into plasma. The electronics are different now and they don’t give that satisfying sound letting you know the device is doing it’s job.
Cane toads still sound the same coming off a 6 iron.
They went “woke”.. and now they don’t want to harm the insects. 🙂
Yes. Because the Left now regard insects as “food” (for non-Elites).
National sovereignty barely exists any more
Normally we’ll just run The Daily Chart on weekdays, but the chart that the Wall Street Journal includes in today’s feature article “Where Democrats’ Grip on Minority Voters Could Slip in Midterm Elections” ought to be giving Democrats nightmares and thus deserves a special notice today.
Our Emperor Has No Brain
Biden must know he’s losing his mind – Staying in office is clearly more important than doing the right thing and resigning.
I normally feel great sympathy for any person battling the terrible disease of dementia. However, in the case of President Biden, who the whole world knows is battling this affliction, the sentiment I feel is closer to disgust.
The reason my normal empathy is lacking is that President Biden himself must know he has this condition … and he won’t acknowledge this and do what’s best for the country and resign.
Not only does Present Biden know this so too does his wife and children. So too does every person who works in the White House. Indeed, it now must be a 24-hour operation for White House aides to write the teleprompter scripts and stage directions they must produce for President Biden.
The best (dark) comedy bit proving my conjecture occurred when White House aides dressed up a volunteer as the Easter Bunny and said Easter Bunny performed his assigned task of keeping our president away from reporters and Easter egg hunters.
What motivated me to write this column is the cringe-inducing moment that happened yesterday when President Biden (going off script) asked if a deceased Congress person was in the room.
My new maxim is that what shouldn’t happen … will happen (and vice versa). So it’s very possible President Biden will still be president in January 2025. At that point, I can’t imagine the post-traumatic stress of White House handlers who got “Bernie” through not one weekend, but 208 weekends.
One day someone will write the White House tell-all of all tell-alls and the public will belatedly learn how severe President Biden’s cognitive condition really was. Until that day, we’ll continue to live in the surreal world depicted in the Peter Sellers’ cult classic “Being There.”
The reason he asked for Jackie is simple. As he goes from meeting to meeting, his aides brief him quickly. He is totally dependent on this, as anyone a normal person would be. There are just too many people to remember. And he was told to be very careful and very sympathetic, that the most important woman behind the ending hunger project, Jackie Walorski, had just died in an horrific car accident with two of her staff.
But all Geriatric Joe remembered was the name. As Jean-Pierre said correctly, it was ‘top of his mind’.
And he did the very worst thing they could have imagined, acted as if he knew the woman very well, using only her first name.
Cognitive decline? Too late. It’s done.
This is why he has spent half his presidency at home at the beach. He has no idea where he is or why? “What am I doing here?”
The Difference Biden/Trump
But surely the BIG question is, if Joe Biden isn’t the president, making presidential decisions and calling the shots, who is?
My suspicion is that we’re actually in the third Obama presidency and it is he who, behind the curtain, pulls the strings. Having said that, even Obama bin Lyin isn’t running America, he’s just the political director sitting on a board of powerful elites, the not-so-shadowy Bond villains currently manipulating everything according to their own agenda and objectives.
It is only because this sinister group has taken over that somebody as senile and useless as Sniffer Joe can masquerade – in spite of his incompetence – as POTUS.
Yes, but for the full picture you will need to overlay dead people, voting bots, and non-binary votes (ie those not bound to an actual voter).
And if that isn’t enough, well we control the counting, so we might find that some of those legitimate votes that are not cast for the “correct” candidate are somehow “misplaced”.
Ginni Thomas sticks with election fraud claims in Jan. 6 testimony
An attorney representing Mrs. Thomas, Mark Paoletta, said in a statement offered to the Post that she appeared before the committee to clear up any misconceptions about her role in the 2020 presidential contest.
“As she has said from the outset, Mrs. Thomas had significant concerns about fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election,” the lawyer said. “And, as she told the committee, her minimal and mainstream activity focused on ensuring that reports of fraud and irregularities were investigated. Beyond that, she played no role in any events after the 2020 election results.”
In a statement obtained by the Times, however, Mrs. Thomas said it was an “ironclad rule” that her and her husband avoid discussing these issues.
“It is laughable for anyone who knows my husband to think I could influence his jurisprudence – the man is independent and stubborn, with strong character traits of independence and integrity,” she said.
Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is a lawyer and conservative activist. She was called to testify before the “January 6 Committee” on Thursday. The first question is: about what? As to what purported criminality is she a witness?
NPR says that the committee’s chief focus was Thomas’s communications with John Eastman, quoting California Democratic Rep. Pete Aguilar:
“I’ll say broadly that the committee has been very clear that we’d like to hear from Ginni Thomas, her discussions and coordination to Mark Meadows and specifically to John Eastman,” he said.
Eastman is a law professor who had an interpretation of the Constitution and applicable federal law under which President Trump may have been able to legally challenge Joe Biden’s purported election victory. That didn’t happen, obviously, but so what? Is it somehow illegal to discuss legal ways of challenging alleged election results? Election challenges happen all the time, and occasionally they succeed.
Jonathan Turley, like Eastman a law professor, asks, “Why does a congressional committee care what Ginni Thomas ‘believes’”? Good question! Liberal media have accused Thomas of some kind of thought crime:
Since when is America a country that criminalizes thoughts? Many millions of Americans share Ginni Thomas’s concerns about election integrity–a majority, in fact, according to many polls. As I have said before, I don’t know whether the Democrats stole the 2020 election, but I know for sure that they tried hard to steal it. Much could be written on this subject, but Mollie Hemingway’s Rigged is a good place to start.
Why are Democrats so desperate to ban any suggestion that the 2020 election may not have been entirely on the up-and-up? After all, the Democrats themselves claimed that the 2000, 2004 and 2016 presidential elections were invalid and that the Republican presidents elected in those years were “illegitimate.” So what has changed?
Party designation, obviously; but beyond that, I think Democrats are sensitive about the fact that criticisms of what happened in 2020, often under the guise of a “covid emergency,” are valid. Laws were illegally and unconstitutionally changed so as to weaken ballot integrity in many states. The Democrats deliberately opened the door to voter fraud. Now, we probably will never know whether the margin of fraud was decisive in the presidential election, or not.
Professor Turley adds this:
None of the media even raised the question of whether such interviews could be viewed as harassment or pressure on a member of the Supreme Court.
Link at #23 not going to a relevant article
‘CPAC Australia is needed’: Sydney hosting CPAC conference
“Meloni and Macron”
I am really aghast at Nett Zero. A non science accountant’s dream. It’s absolutely pointless and impossible.
Humans by their very nature generate CO2, like all living things. A human 60-120kg of mainly CO2 and water and there are 8 billion of us, generates about 3 tonnes of CO2 per year per person. How are we going to compensate for that, 3000:1 even before you turn on a device or drive a car? Decomposition?
And how do you negate CO2 output with CO2 savings? I don’t understand. Solar panels and windmills are so negative in CO2 after manufacture it takes a decade to even talk of any nett CO2 saving. There is no obvious change in CO2 from millions of solar panels and half a million windmills. So why are we still installing them?
Farming and forestry do indeed capture CO2 but it is all released almost immediately except for cows and trees and who eats trees?
Magic sequestration is also completely pointless. You could bury all the CO2 or grow millions of trees and exactly the same amount would immediately be released from the oceans to the atmosphere. That’s real science.
Since 1990 world CO2 has gone up 14% but so has green coverage as determined by NASA and the CSIRO. More trees and you get more CO2, which indicates to any thinking person that trees are a direct consequence of more CO2 and do not reduce CO2.
So how can Nett Zero ever be achieved when you do not and cannot control CO2. All life generates CO2 but while human population has gone up x9 since 1900, CO2 has only gone up 40%. You cannot control CO2. It’s not possible and it’s not connected at all to human activity.
Speaking of which, when will the CSIRO be able to make it rain? That project ran over at least 50 years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars with generations of scientists. What was the final conclusion? I can guess. I suppose they are working on nett zero now.
And Governments around the world are actually writing carbon dioxide targets into real law oblivious to the fact that it is absolutely impossible to control CO2, 98% of which is dissolved in the ocean. And that is quite regardless of any alleged effects of increased CO2.
My only hope is that the Northern Hemisphere has the worst winter since Stalingrad and the scale of the self inflicted disaster is recognized. The UN/EU/WEF/Greenpeace are now the declared enemies of mankind.
You answered it.
9 of 10 of us need to just…go away.
Just a reminder that on 2 May 2021 New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg was appointed the Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions by the Secretary-General of the UN. Who else.
It’s a nice gig being a globalitarian.
There is seemingly no end to the uses of the word Climate as an adjective. It’s a wonderfully vague qualifier.
So we have:-
Climate Change
Climate Justice
Climate Ambition
Climate Solutions
Climate Emergency
Let us not forget the German term Klimaschutz aka Climate Protection.
Schutz away!
Fed Reserve announces that six of the nation’s largest banks will participate in a pilot climate scenario analysis exercise
The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday announced that six of the nation’s largest banks will participate in a pilot climate scenario analysis exercise designed to enhance the ability of supervisors and firms to measure and manage climate-related financial risks. Scenario analysis—in which the resilience of financial institutions is assessed under different hypothetical climate scenarios—is an emerging tool to assess climate-related financial risks, and there will be no capital or supervisory implications from the pilot.
The pilot exercise will be launched in early 2023 and is expected to conclude around the end of the year. At the beginning of the exercise, the Board will publish details of the climate, economic, and financial variables that make up the climate scenario narratives.
What does this mean in reality?
Who knows. More waffling bollox probably.
China has opened overseas police stations in US and Canada to monitor Chinese citizens
China has opened dozens of “overseas police service stations” around the globe to monitor its citizens living abroad, including one location in New York City and three in Toronto.
“These operations eschew official bilateral police and judicial cooperation and violate the international rule of law, and may violate the territorial integrity in third countries involved in setting up a parallel policing mechanism using illegal methods,” reads a report by Safeguard Defenders, a human rights watchdog, released earlier this month.
The report, titled “110 Overseas: Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild,” details China’s extensive efforts to combat “fraud” by its citizens living overseas, in part by opening several police stations on five continents that have assisted Chinese authorities in “carrying out policing operations on foreign soil.”
Europe is home to most of the police stations, with locations spread across the continent in places such as London, Amsterdam, Prague, Budapest, Athens, Paris, Madrid and Frankfurt. North America is also home to four of the stations, with three locations in Toronto and one in New York City. In all, there are 54 such stations in 30 different countries.
How long before they come here?
They’re already here. Not officially but there are spies all through universities apparently.
See – Confucius Institute.
John Connor II
October 2, 2022 at 2:16 pm · Reply
China has opened overseas police stations in US and Canada to monitor Chinese citizens
How long before they come here?
What makes you think there are not already here?
King Charles III told to skip climate change conference.
Lately I’ve noticed a lot of people (in Australia) seem to have what used to be called the common cold.
Could it be people have lost some immune function due to extensive periods of covid lockups and continued semi-isolation even outside of the lockup periods?
I get the Common Cold just about every Winter and sometimes in the Summer. I haven’t had the Jab or Boosters either. And, I don’t get the Annual Flu Jab.
I was reading a story that 90% of Fort Myers Beach was gone. Destroyed by Hurricane Ian. So I wondered how big it was and where.
On the Carribbean East Side of Florida is Fort Myers. It has a complex mangrove sea level approach of bays and sand bars. And the most easterly is long Fort Myers Beach. Two causeways, a long sandbar with one road and at places only two houses deep, water on both side.
A storm surge would easily submerge the lot but it’s on the lee side of Florida, so more sheltered you would think. But anyone who built on a sand bar has goto accept that it is a sand bar, nothing more. And for most of the year paradise with the water surrounding this little bar a few km long and as little as 100 metres across, beach to beach.
I wonder how you even insure something like that? Or you don’t bother? Just evacuate with your Lamborghini and budgie.
And you can guarantee that two years from now, it will be as if Hurricane Ian never happened. It’s part of life in Florida.
While the death toll has reached 77, the context is that annual shooting deaths in Florida are around 3,000 per year and another 3,000 in car accidents, so total about 20 a day on top of the natural death rate around 500 a day.
What is really amazing is that they evacuated 2.1 million so quickly from places including Fort Myers. Partly because everyone expects it to happen. This is not Climate Change, it’s the Climate.
I never cease to be amazed by people who build on unstable or flood, earthquake, hurricane or volcanos prone land.
Buildings built in such places should be only regarded as temporary structures.
Taxpayer money should not be given to people foolish enough to live in such places.
And in this case a sand bar? Do people not understand these are constantly shifting landforms?
Will there be Nuclear Weapons?
From Armstrong Economics –
QUESTION: Do you think this will turn into a nuclear war?
ANSWER: The people never benefit from war. We are the instruments of those in power no matter what the government. There are people who are brainwashed and hate Russia and are demonizing Putin because that is propaganda needed to create war. They are incapable of critical independent thought. There are people trolling social media pretending to be people who are really just the Deep State pushing hatred of all Russians to justify the objective of war. The attack on the Nord Stream Pipeline came interestingly as a key target week.
If the intelligent people bothered to verify all facts before making rash decisions, they would see that the Neocons who spread this hatred have been anti-Russia and praying for war ever since the USSR fell in 1991. ANYONE who claims Russia is evil and America wears the white hat is simply either stupid or a promoter of war for the Deep State. Anyone with 10% of a brain knows well that ALL GOVERNMENTS engage in propaganda – it is NEVER one-sided.
Politico published back in 2008 a record showing that John McCain was always anti-Russian long before Putin ever came to power. It does not matter who is the head of Russia – it never has. Now they pretend Russia would be OK if Putin is removed. That is the typical propaganda always changing to support the same objective. These people are playing a very dangerous game for the hardliners are still there behind Putin and blowing up the pipelines has now shown Russia that this is a war intended to defang and declaw the bear assuming they would even allow it to still breathe. That means that pushed up against the wall, Russia will have no choice but to use at least tactical nuclear weapons.
More reading at the weblink below –
Why the Air Force grounded most if its workhorse C-130H cargo planes
The Air Force is unable to fly 116 of its 128 C-130H cargo planes due to issues with how the propellers on the craft were assembled, Air Mobility Command confirmed Friday.
The 116 affected planes, which consist of the C-130H model and variants, were initially grounded Tuesday. Inspections continue to figure out which of those aircraft have defective propeller barrels.
“[The] propeller barrels in question had been installed in 100 C-130Hs, as well as the entire inventories of eight MC-130H Combat Talons, seven EC-130H Compass Calls, and one TC-130H,” according to Defense News.
Air Mobility Command told Defense News that the issue was uncovered by a maintenance crew. While running a test on a plane that had recently undergone maintenance, they found that the propeller was persistently leaky.
Technicians discovered a crack in the propeller’s barrel, and further inspection uncovered two more planes with the same issue. Air Mobility Command then mandated the field inspection of all planes with the older model of propeller, before ordering all problematic propellers replaced.
Lizzo Twerking With Madison’s Flute Is The Antithesis Of Civilizational Excellence
Our culture delights in the desecration of the sacred. The desecration is sometimes unthinkingly casual, but often deliberately profane.
James Madison, the new world’s great political mind, appeared coincident in history with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the old world’s great artistic mind. Of the entire founding class, it is Madison, born three months after the declared start of music’s high classical period, who lived most contemporaneously alongside mankind’s greatest artistic achievements.
Not entirely unreasonable then, that Madison would come to develop a taste for fine art and culture — a taste which developed then flourished not least by way of his enduring relationship with his political ally and predecessor in office, Thomas Jefferson.
Civilizational Excellence in Decline
That ambition stands in stark juxtaposition to the crude morass into which our fourth president’s antique crystal flute was thrust as a stage prop at Lizzo’s Washington D.C. show, Tuesday night.
“It’s like playing out of a wine glass b-tch, so be patient”, she remonstrated, flippantly hauling the priceless antique onto the stage, clad in a leotard, and clawing at the ancient keys with inch-long alienesque nails.
But of course, there was no music to it. Just a solitary f@rted-out “C#,” a trill from “B,” and of course, the accompanying twerking.
In the twerking, it seems, we always find the very antithesis of that aforementioned civilizational excellence. Not just the act itself, which to be sure, is a special variety of 21st-century personal vulgarity, but in the collective response it provokes.
It is the twerk that seems to evince in any crowd a manifest succumbing to the worst angels of our natures. The brainless shrieks of approval, the demented adulation for an unveiled sexuality not content with mere liberality, but further possessed of a flippant, aggressive, and unapologetically performative disposition.
Author – Ben Crocker is an Australian conductor, scholar, and writer, currently serving as Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation scholar, in Washington DC.
That was a disgusting assault on American history and culture.
Yes, but a wonderful promotion for the museum! Museums are dusty old places full of history of course and they can be boring places for many. A crystal flute once played by Lizzo is amazingly even more famous than it was. This is ironic, using pop culture to add value to really significant museum pieces. It happened to the Mona Lisa with a single song. This is a painting treasured by Leonardo da Vinci, possibly of his mother and travelled with him. It hung in the bathroom of Francis I of France after Leonardo’s death. And it is not Leonardo’s best work but clearly the one he treasured. Pop culture changed that and it is now behind plate glass. Plus the theft and return of the painting.
“Gone In 30 Minutes” – Next On Europe’s Doomsday List: Collapse Of Cell Phone Networks
It’s not just heating that could be missing across Europe this winter: cell phones may be the next to go. That’s because if power cuts or energy rationing knocks out parts of the mobile networks across the region, mobile phones could go dark around Europe this winter according to the latest doomsday reporting from Reuters.
While everyone knows by now that Europe’s chances of rationing and power shortages have exploded ever since Moscow suspended gas supplies, in France, the situation is even worse as several nuclear power plants are shutting down for maintenance. And the cherry on top: telecom industry officials told Reuters they fear a severe winter will put Europe’s telecoms infrastructure to the test, forcing companies and governments to try to mitigate the impact (i.e., more bailout demands).
The problem, as four telecoms executives put it, is that currently there are not enough back-up systems in many European countries to handle widespread power cuts, raising the prospect of mobile phone outages. Realizing that in just weeks Europe could be cell phone free, countries including France, Sweden and Germany, are scarmbling to ensure communications can continue even if power cuts end up exhausting back-up batteries installed on the thousands of cellular antennas spread across their territory.
Interesting how more and more countries are becoming energy starved and that is being followed by predicted communications outages.
The 3rd item to shutdown is water. 😉
A fire sale makes for an easy target…
Those legacy wires in the ground, to those now non existent independently powered legacy exchanges are soooo yesterday. The future is wireless and EVs n stuff they say. The future may be whatever is still working behind the diesel generators…..until they ban diesel. Building self reliance is a good thing.
Emergency management official warns of new variants as three New Mexico counties hit high COVID Levels.
Three New Mexico counties – Catron, Grant and Hidalgo – have shifted into high community levels of COVID19 after two weeks when the entire state showed low COVID Community Levels. That’s according to the latest federal data. Two new COVID variants are also raising concerns just as the CDC repeals universal masking guidance for hospitals and health clinics.
Tonya Lattin, commander of the Corrales Fire Department and New Mexico’s “Emergency Manager of the Year” in 2021, is concerned about two new COVID Variants, BF.7 and BA.4.6 . Lattin is responsible for updating the Corrales Village Council on COVID risks. She said BF.7 (a shortened name for BA. is gaining ground in Europe.
“What they are worried about, is that the changes in the spike protein from the BF.7 may affect Evusheld, which is used as a prep prophylactic for people with organ transplants, those kinds of things,” she said.
Shouldn’t be a problem as most of Mexico has all moved to the USA (excluding Martha’s Vineyard.😆) for endless free stuff.
Maybe Elon could buy Mexico when it’s empty and make it the new Switzerland?
No lefties allowed.
Charlie isn’t impartial on climate change.
‘King Charles III has been advised by Prime Minister Liz Truss to skip November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt.
‘The King was a vocal proponent of environmental concerns when, as Prince of Wales, he did not have the same constitutional and conventional requirements of impartiality.
‘According to The Times, the King was told not to attend the Sharm el-Sheikh event during a private audience with the Prime Minister in September.’ (Sky)
Is there anything to stop him doing an excruciating video message instead?
Massive ‘Ocean’ lurking near Earth’s Core found after rare Botswana diamond offers surprise clue
An international team of scientists has hit upon evidence of considerable quantities of water between the Earth’s upper and lower mantle, feeding into the theory that our planet boasts another “ocean” besides the ones covering its surface.
A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans on Earth has been discovered beneath the surface of our planet, according to an international study, the findings of which were published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The ‘ocean’ was found between the transition zone of the Earth’s upper and lower mantle as part of research carried out by a German-Italian-American team. The study lends evidence to support the theory that ocean water accompanies subducting slabs and thus enters the transition zone (TZ). In other words, our planet’s water cycle includes the Earth’s interior.
The TZ – a boundary layer that separates the Earth’s upper and lower mantles, is located at a depth of 410 to 660 kilometers. The research team analyzed a rare diamond from Botswana, Africa that was formed at the boundary between the transition zone and the lower mantle.
Sorry? What new ocean? 😆😆
I want to automate and remotely control (from outside the house) various functions of my house such as heating and cooling but this seems not to be possible without using controllers that are part of the Apple, Google or Amazon ecosystem. I don’t want to be part of that. Any ideas?
We should be asking you! 😉
Try Arduino home automation or here:
Thanks John.
One of the alternative companies mentioned is Insteon.
Apparently a group of users has since taken over.
Bypass home automation products.
Go directly to process control products that industry uses.
Do NOT implement WIFI if you can avoid it.
Use ethernet hard wired interfaces to all controllers and servers.
And then set up OPENVPN between your remote device (phone/laptop) and your home router to securly access your home network.
Make it as hacker-proof as possible.
I was interested in the wind speeds promulgated by the media for Hurricane Ian, and decided to check Cyclone Tracy (Christmas 1974) which our family lived through….surprise, surprise, the new wind speeds maximum quoted for Tracy is 205 Kph. No doubt Google has used some interesting Al Gore rhythms to achieve this figure. I worked for Air Traffic Services in 1974, and after seeing to the safety of my family (our home was completely destroyed, along with all our furniture and personal effects) I wended my way through the debris and overturned aircraft to the Ops building at the Airport, and along with a few others surveyed the graph of the wind speeds from the night before. The anemometer was located at the Tower, but the winds were recorded daily on a graph at the Ops office. (a rotating brass drum to which a graph paper is attached, with a stylus to record fluctuations in the wind IN KNOTS. The graph was calibrated in KNOTS from zero to 260 KNOTS if my memory serves me correctly, and showed some wildly erratic wind speeds until the stylus jumped the reverse rim of the brass drum, and the gust that caused this MUST have been in excess of 300 KNOTS. I repeat knots, as the Aviation Industry Did NOT USE KMH to measure wind speed, nor did the Maritime Industry,
and even though metric currency began in 1966, and measurements changed progressively until 1974, Aviation, Maritime and Firearms Industries retained the Imperial measure. You may hear the Pilot in your commercial aircraft provide you with ground speed in Kmh, but his instruments will be providing his airspeed in Knots, via a pitot. Another interesting fact, a friend who survived both Tracy and Yasi, suggested Yasi was a nice afternoon breeze compared to Tracy. As a Fire Brigade Officer, he attempted to attend a request at the old Darwin Hospital around midnight, Christmas 1974. He drove the Toyota out of the Fire Brigade HQ, in 4WD, but never made it to the corner of the street leading directly to the Hospital, 50 yards from the F/B HQ as the vehicle was blown into the gutter and he could make no headway towards the corner leading to the Hospital. Interesting that Kph is used in the latest Google material – One Knot = 1.852 kilometers ….
can you imagine the reaction if a Tracy hit Darwin today?
Many changes were made after Tracy. One major change was the Building Code, or Cyclone Code. When rebuilding my house, the code required turning it into a Fortress – too much to discuss here – however Interior Cyclone Doors for a Cyclone Shelter,
were required to be purchased, as it wasn’t possible to make them to code yourself. Most home builders like myself relied on common sense, consequently my Cyclone Shelter was turned into a downstairs Bathroom – re-inforced concrete walls, ceiling and floor, with a door made of a laminate of 1/8th inch steel, between two layers of 3/4 inch Marine Ply….
You do have to be careful looking at wind stats, knots/mph/kmh and is it a maximum gust or sustained measurement. The frequently get messed up and mislabeled, especially in media reports.
That is true Mr. Grim. I still have all the Newspaper clippings, and the Official Record of Tracy, and of course our family’s experience living through what was a very intense Cyclone. Darwin had a history of Cyclonic activity and old timers said Tracy was about as destructive of some much earlier Cyclones. Wind speeds for the Aviation and Maritime Industries has always been in Knots/Nautical Miles per Hour for purposes of navigation – 60 nautical miles equals 1 degree, and 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometres, which would turn navigation into a nightmare of mathematical calculations, especially on round circle routes used in long range Aviation. Tracy was one very serious “Twister” and Pilots arriving in the days following Tracy all mentioned the small circles along the path of Tracy as seen from the air. An interesting fact – there were NO insects for about a week, NO birds for about 6 months, and there was not a single leaf anywhere along the path of the Cyclone in Darwin. Even though we now have GPS (Global Positioning System) which can pinpoint ones position accurately to within a few metres, the Aviation and Marine Industries still use the old fashioned Knot (Nautical Mile per Hour)…..KB
? .. small correction..
– One Knot = 1.852 kilometers PER HOUR …
Thanks Chad….KB
A planet-sized heatwave has been found in Jupiter’s atmosphere
A heatwave the size of 10 Earths has been discovered rippling through Jupiter’s atmosphere.
It was 130,000 kilometers (around 81,000 miles) across, and a scorching 700 degrees Celsius (1,292 degrees Fahrenheit), traveling at speeds up to 2,400 meters per second away from the Jovian north pole.
And this, scientists say, could resolve one of the more perplexing mysteries about our Solar System’s biggest planet – why it’s so much hotter than models predict.
It’s the permanent auroras that glimmer at Jupiter’s poles that could be providing the extra energy to heat the gas giant to temperatures way beyond what we expect – and likely, along with a dense solar wind, responsible for the billowing heatwave.
A 700C heatwave!!?? Makes the AGW garbage here on Earth look totally insignificant.
Now, as to what caused it (and could affect our climate too 😙).
The climate science is settled until it’s not…
what is the normal temp range on that planet ?
No one watched the CPAC conference? Heavy focus on climate change. Im surprised Jo wasn’t speaking. Most of the info was pretty general for the informed types on here. Iam Plimer was first class of course, but Ive heard all his stuff many times, but still, I like Ian very much.
There were some lame speeches and some good ones. Ross Cameron – the greatest orator of the nation – delivered a belter, which I don’t think went down too well with the crowd. They seemed stunned. He basically classified America as a post democratic state and Australia too. Too radical for them perhaps.
Ross called Scott Morrison the worst PM Australia has ever had.
It’s a very crowded race.
“Scott Morrison the worst PM Australia has ever had.”
Followed by a long fall into the sewage treatment plant… to the get to the current PM. !
The monolithic Western Pravda is giving people a distorted view of this war. People seem to think its comparable to Vietnam. Where China and the Soviet Union could wage proxy war against the United States with impunity. Well the proxy war side of things is right. But the real difference here is the location where the parties are fighting. The most important thing to understand is that Russia’s best weapon is its railway lines. They have an army core devoted to railway lines. The gauge is different from any other European railway so it can’t be used against them. So basically they are unbeatable if they are fighting anywhere near where those railway lines end.
Diesel mechanics and factory workers are as much a part of the fight as the soldiers are. Artillery barrels need to be sent back on the rails to the factory to be rebored. This sort of standard maintenance is easy for Russia and difficult for anyone else so long as they are fighting in the East of Ukraine. Not all of the American defence alliance can match them there, whereas if they are fighting in Syria or somewhere else pretty remote the parties are on more of an even footing.
Supposing its the 1990’s and Canada and the US are fighting the rest of the world but only in Alaska? Thats not a good fight for the rest of the World. The rest of the world is probably going to come off second best. Well thats a bit like what is happening now. On any technical level the US could reform, expand its economy, get its house in order, and outcompete these Russians. But they aren’t about to reform. So they should bail out as soon as they possibly can.
Holy cow. A small bottle of cream has jumped from $2.10 to $2.60 in the space of a week at Woolies. They weren’t joking about inflation.
Thank the World Economic Forum
mmmmmm the $5 steaks in Aldi are now $6
No one has yet explained convincingly why Diesel is now double the price it was 12 months ago ?
The only viable reason i can conclude is simple profiteeringby producers/ distributers.
Where are the price regulators when they should be screaming at these ba’stards ?
I intended to add that until these primary fuel and energy prices are forced back down, ..the price of all commodities will continue to rise !
Seen this Jo?
“Discovery of cancer’s fungal fingerprint could predict disease outcomes”
“The research reports different types of tumors seem to harbor unique fungal populations, raising the possibility of new ways to diagnose and treat cancer.
Rob Knight, from UC San Diego School of Medicine, said it was a surprise to find fungi populations inside tumors as there previously had been little evidence of this occurring.
“It is surprising because we don’t know how fungi could get into tumors throughout the body,” said Knight. “But it is also expected because it fits the pattern of healthy microbiomes throughout the body, including the gut, mouth and skin, where bacteria and fungi interact as part of a complex community.”
a fungal genus known as Blastomyces was found to be particularly abundant in lung tumors, whereas the fungus Malassezia was prominently found in breast cancers.
Particularly interesting was the relationship between gastrointestinal tumors and common Candida fungal species. High levels of live Candida fungus in these colorectal tumors were found to correlate with greater rates of metastasis.
Not only that, but DNA traces from the same types of Candida species found inside gastrointestinal tumors were also detected in circulating blood samples.”
“It is surprising because we don’t know how fungi could get into tumors throughout the body,”
Wonder if the fungi are causing cellular disturbances which lead to the tumours?
“It is surprising because we don’t know how fungi could get into tumors throughout the body,”
Wonder if the fungi are causing cellular disturbances which lead to the
“Indigenous Islanders win UN climate case against Australia — opening the door for others”
Likely fits with
Keith Windschuttle’s “The Break up of Australia: the real agrnda behind Aboriginal recognition”?
strange it’s never a climate case against China
Basically all of the Torres Strait islands uses DIESEL for electricity.
This must now be stopped, as should all fossil fuel powered transport to, and between, the islands.
It is what they are asking for, after all.
ps.. I’m sure they would love a nice big wind turbine slap bang in the middle of that gorgeous lagoon ! 😉
“While the ruling is not legally binding…”
And not even reasonable. The island is a mobile cay, just because people decided to live there a few hundred years ago won’t stop natural processes. If Australia is responsible for erosion, who is responsible for deposition!
US Government (multiple agencies) being sued by Jay Bhattacharya over Covid censorship and high level collusion of US Government with social and other media.
Jay Bhattacharya and Jenin Younes (lawyer) interviewed by Freddie Sayers.
Judge has allowed discovery to proceed so case has not been immediately dismissed.
If you’re a fan of the Babylon Bee you’ll love this. Sort of. Maybe it could have been one of those BB memes that goes onto the list of those that came true? In Britain numerous police departments have dropped many child rape, and rape cases in general, because the rapists have apologised. They don’t get a criminal record either. If you’re into black humour this is for you. It really doesn’t engender a lot of hope for our world. As one of the guys points out, it shows feminism in Britain is in total disarray.
I haven’t been here for a bit because I live on the southwest coast of Florida.
It wasn’t much fun.
I have hurricane shutters and storm windows.
We were on the dry side of the eye about 20 miles from the wall.
A burst hit the north side of the house, a large flat wall, and pulled one set of shutter’s mounts out of the concrete.
The windows held. Lots of minor debris but no big damage, did the spot repairs and rebuilt the fence yesterday.
Airplane 12 miles south not so lucky; will be grounded for a while fixing structural damage to the flaps…gust locks everywhere
else. Estimate 80 knot wind directly on the tail, probably enough play in the springs to allow a flutter to set up..
trailing edge buckled and with that much are to work with wind ripped the hinges out.
And yet, at home, on the lee side of the sacrificed fence, we still have avocados that stayed on the tree!
Negative storm surge of 6.5 feet is awesome, & weird. Thanks to neighbors security camera we know what most of the bottom of the canal looks like.
Power & internet down for about 20 hrs, never lost cell, as thanks to experience our utilities are pretty hardened.
Not as bad as Elena, many years ago, but the worst since.
A 15 mile wobble to the West & we’d be Ft. Myers, and I’d be living in temporary housing somewhere.
Wiley-Hindawi publishers to withdraw 500+ scientific papers by reason of corrupted peer review.
“These abuses involve fraud, but inevitably there are also “rings” of scientists who do not use false identities, but who mutually scratch each others’ backs to build up a record of publication by favorably reviewing each others’ work.”
Black Ballsays:
October 2, 2022 at 6:09 pm
Piers Akerman today
The prospect of Italian politician Giorgia Meloni becoming Italian prime minister has sent the progressive world into a tailspin.
She’s been slammed as far-right, fascist even, because elements of her party can trace their heritage back to the fascist Benito Mussolini. There is, however, zero evidence – so far – that she intends to reintroduce any of Mussolini’s heinous policies.
The same shaming argument could be used against the ALP for its links to Communism and the White Australia policy.
What frightens the progressives in Europe (and Australia) is Meloni’s embrace of traditional values which don’t include bowing before the shrill advocates of identity politics.
She is condemned, as she said in a speech to the World Congress of Families, because she defines herself as an Italian Christian woman and mother.
Identifying by nationality is a sign of aberrant nationalism to progressives who insist that we must all pretend that we believe we are all equal and virtually anonymous within the United Nations.
Unless of course you are at present a Ukrainian (and Meloni is opposed to the authoritarian criminal Putin’s attempt to seize swathes of that country).
As Someone who played Rugby league throughout his School days and Presidents Cup for Norths after – the following made me laugh
Farmer Gezsays:
October 2, 2022 at 7:57 pm
There’s a game on TV.
Seems one team of Pacific Islanders is playing another team of the same.
It’s good of the locals to show up and watch.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 2, 2022 at 8:09 pm
Islamic State women and children to be returned to Australia from Syrian camps
By Daniella White and Matthew Knott
October 2, 2022 — 6.58pm
Australia is preparing to overturn its policy of more than three years and launch a mission to repatriate dozens of women and children, the family members of former Islamic State fighters who have been languishing for years in squalid detention camps in Syria.
News of the impending operation, which was confirmed by security sources in Australia, has given hope to dozens of families that they will be reunited with their loved ones, some of whom who have been stuck in limbo for more than three years.
About 20 Australian women and more than 40 of their children have been living at the al-Hawl and al-Roj camps in Syria’s north-east since the fall of the Islamic State “caliphate” in early 2019.
“But we’re yet to be formally informed and we look forward to getting more information from the government,” he said. “As always, we’re ready to cooperate with the government on the process.
“If it’s true this will give vulnerable children an opportunity to be protected and consistent with what we’ve been asking for close to four years now.”
Dabboussy said he hoped to hear more about a timeline for the Australians’ repatriation and details about whether the operation would run in stages.
A spokesman for Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said: “The Australian government’s overriding priority is the protection of Australians and Australia’s national security advice. Given the sensitive nature of the matters involved, it would not be appropriate to comment further.”
The return of some of the Australians may be controversial in Australia. It will likely pose a challenge to the country’s security organisations, according to sources speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorised to comment publicly.
There may not be enough evidence to charge all the adults with terrorism offences, so some may be free in the community and require monitoring by Australian authorities. The government could also charge some with intentionally entering Raqqa or Mosul, which were the capitals of the so-called Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and where it was illegal at the time for Australians to travel.
Madness!! Just look at the problems caused by Muslims in Europe, the vast areas of France & Spain that white people can no longer go to, the riots and trouble in Germany and the Nordic countries.. Why are we trying to destroy Western civilisation??
‘Bring them back and they will become good Aussies..’ like they have nowhere else in the world!
Madness!! Just look at the problems caused by the same people in Europe, the vast areas of France & Spain that white people can no longer go to, the riots and trouble in Germany and the Nordic countries.. Why are we trying to destroy Western civilisation??
‘Bring them back and they will become good Aussies..’ like they have nowhere else in the world!
October 2, 2022 at 8:20 pm
BioClandestine –
For those who have not read Putin’s transcript from his speech today, September 30th, 2022; I highly recommend you do so. You simply cannot trust any media outlet to give you an accurate or sufficient summary. You must read it for yourself, in its entirety. Link is here.¹
Now that you’ve read the speech, I’m going to give my takeaways and address which passages stuck out to me.
The overall message of the speech is, Russia have reclaimed land which belonged to them only a few short decades ago. Followed by an absolute lambasting of the US/NATO a declaration of war on “Western elites” (the Deep State) and the Liberal-Globalist ideology as a whole. Putin spent a significant majority of his speech highlighting the hypocrisy of Western society and the plague it has brought upon the world.
Now, you all know my field of expertise revolves around the biolabs in Ukraine. Interesting nugget from Putin thrown in this speech, his first public acknowledgement of “Bioweapons” and “human experimentation” in Ukraine and elsewhere. In the past he has allowed UN diplomats and the Ministries of Defense and Foreign affairs to address this situation, until today.
“They call the orders and threats they make to their vassals Euro-Atlantic solidarity, and the creation of biological weapons and the use of human test subjects, including in Ukraine, noble medical research.”
It might not seem like much, but what Putin just asserted would be the two most consequential international crimes known to man. Putin just public accused the West of infringing the International Biological Weapons Treaty, as well as the N@remberg Code. In case anyone needs a reminder for what the punishment for those crimes are
This sounds very similar to Trump speaking at a rally. The Deep State simply blame their enemies, in this case Trump and Putin, for all of the problems that they themselves created.
The playbook is about worn out. Your liberal coworker might still believe it, but the collective world are not buying it anymore.
“Let’s answer some very simple questions for ourselves. Now I would like to return to what I said and want to address also all citizens of the country – not just the colleagues that are in the hall – but all citizens of Russia: do we want to have here, in our country, in Russia, ‘parent number one, parent number two and parent number three’ (they have completely lost it!) instead of mother and father? Do we want our schools to impose on our children, from their earliest days in school, perversions that lead to degradation and extinction?
Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? Is that what we want for our country and our children? This is all unacceptable to us. We have a different future of our own.”
Sounds like a pretty reasonable and sane stance pertaining to family and children. Similar to Trump. Rejecting the preposterous and outright INSANE ideology pushed by the Liberal-Globalists. Putin doesn’t want the Russian children subject to the psychological perversion that exists here in the West. And I can assure you 90%+ of parents worldwide agree with Putin here.
“Don’t mutilate, psychologically manipulate, and/or dehumanize our children” seems like a pretty reasonable request. But the Left-wing media tells you that they are the sane ones, and Putin is the madman.
“Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure S@tanism