Savior Al Gore wields windmills to stop the storms and end the Culture of Death

By Jo Nova
Al Gore
Like a conglomerate witch-doctor cum pagan-preacher the only thing Al Gore recycles is the overproof grade hellfire of centuries past. Chieftain Al will stop the storms if only everyone will do as he says and invest in his climate asset fund. For he cometh armed with windmills that stop rain-bombs and solar panels that hold back the sea.

Like medieval Occult leaders, superstitious rain dancers, and healers with magical cures, the modern witchdoctors have satellites and simulations, but run on the same old formula since time began. Fear, smear, demons, and magic. All prophesies are ambiguous. Nothing he sayth can be falsified.

Coal, apparently, is not just a source of emissions, but a veritable “culture of death.” Despite the era of coal being a time of record crop yields, bountiful food, travel, and exponential world population growth. Despite the working class of today being richer than the kings of centuries past.

One day, he promises, after he is safely dead, all weather will be good weather, and only the perfect amount of rain will fall, and ski seasons will start and end on the same day each year. Trust me, he says.

Damian Carrington, at The Guardian, swallows the whole prospectus:

Al Gore has pleaded for leaders to end what he calls ‘this culture of death’

The former US vice-president Al Gore is on fist-waving, passionate form in front of world leaders at Cop27. “We continue to use the thin blue atmosphere as an open sewer,” he says. “It is getting steadily worse. We have a credibility problem – all of us – we are not doing enough.”

Gore says we can continue the “culture of death” by continuing to dig up fossil fuels, and cites vast floods in Pakistan, heatwaves and “rain bombs” in China, and a million displaced in Nigeria.

Magic Scene, Medieval death, witchcraft

And the valley of death will spread, and 1 billion immigrants will move into your home. (And you thought the southern US border crisis was bad?)

“The current areas of the world considered uninhabitable by doctors are small today but due to expand,” he says, with 1 billion migrants potentially crossing international borders this century, with all the colossal difficulties that would bring. If we stop subsidizing the culture of death and back renewable energy instead we can survive, Gore says, and no new fossil fuel projects are acceptable.

Here me O’ Minions —  take this essence of arsenic, I mean lithium, and it shall cure your poverty:

Instead, Gore says, “Africa can be a renewable energy superpower”. He says 40% of world potential is in Africa.

Sure, Africa can be a renewable energy superpower, just like nowhere on Earth is. Europe can’t manage it, but Chad will show the way.

Of course, those who question their Occult Leader are racist pigs:

He says the dash for gas in Africa, a contentious issue at COP27, is a new form of colonisation, with the fuel to be sent to rich nations. He quotes the late archbishop Desmond Tutu as saying climate change is the apartheid of our time.

Somehow drilling gas in Africa for Europe is “colonisation” but using African children to mine cobalt for our batteries is the work of saints. Often the same saints want to segregate nations according to skin color. When did Al Gore say “All Lives Matter?” I can’t recall…

Toss in an attempt at being a Concern-Troll:

[Gore] also warns about stranded assets of billions, especially in Africa, if climate action closes oil and gas plants early.

Shucks. The last thing Al Gore wants is Africans to be lifted out of energy poverty.

So much better to keep casting those spells and doing rain dances. Africans are just his stage props.

Witch doctors

Al Gore: Photo by Tom Raftery

Locatelli, Andrea – Magic Scene – c. 1741.jpg

Photo Lass Witchdoctors: US CDC (would you believe)

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123 comments to Savior Al Gore wields windmills to stop the storms and end the Culture of Death

  • #

    Fire and Brimstone preachers have been held up to ridicule by arty leftists in Hollywood and elsewhere for at least a century. Worse, even relatively mild Christian denominations have been termed “extreme right” or “intolerant” by the practitioners of propaganda in politics and media.
    But here we are, with the Church of Climate in full swing again. Media which should know better have fallen bigly for the apocalyptic sermons. The BBC has a major hard on for the climate porn being purveyed at COP27.


  • #

    Been following these climate talkfests since Copenhagen. They are boring and repetitive. Starting with the obligatory video full of scientific long bows and even blatant mistruths as anyone who frequents this site knows.

    The self-important attendees will capitulate to China again as they have every conference since Copenhagen (COP15). China, the “developing” country with 400km/h trains, world class telecommunications, a space program, a rapidly growing nuclearized military and who gave the world Covid-19. Yes that “developing” country.

    Then there are the absurd claims to lure the developing world – like Africa being a renewable energy superpower. Europe has already tried this but found the transmission and firming costs made it unviable. But Al Gore is still recycling myths to fund his ill gained fortune.

    Then there is the sickening self-interest. Like Australia’s Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest spruiking his plans to make billions of extra dollars exporting “green” energy whilst Australian homes and businesses back home suffer blackouts and/or freeze on cold winter mornings.

    These UN talk fests are bad for my blood pressure.


    • #

      Meanwhile Twiggy Forrest’ home state of WA is poised on the brink of severe blackouts this summer, bring it on baby.


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        And it will become worse when the SWIS grid stops using its cheap and abundant coal resources, with the most modern coal power station in Australia. Already coal energy has dropped to around 20% from its normal average of 40%.


        • #

          SWIS will be fine as long as the gas generators hold up. Coal base load seems to be holding at just at around 350MwH/hour according to the AEMO charts.
          I am a bit surprised that the “Teal” section is not proclaiming the 70% renewable output in the sunniest part of the day.


    • #

      I heard today on GB News that King Charles will make £8billion from off-shore wind. (I’m sure they said billion it seems a lot. It was a quarter share of £32billion/million ).


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      old mike

      China and India are not attending, Wonder why? (sarc)


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      Paul Siebert

      In my alarmed awake state, I read,”scientific long bows” as, “scientific long blows”

      The long blow being the longest sheep shearing stroke of all, could be quite fitting here.


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    One thing I can take out of this is my watching of his odious ” An Inconvenient Truth ” made me sceptical of AGW or what it is called now.The man has been dormant for a while so I think he is out to push the upcoming nosh fest and to further fill his pockets.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    ‘[Gore] also warns about stranded assets of billions, especially in Africa, if climate action closes oil and gas plants early.’

    Speaking of stranded assets, there is a coal mine in Western Australia that could use some financial help. Why not donate today.


    • #

      That is the effect of too many unreliable subsidies and mandates forcing unnecessary irregularities and uncertainties on base load providers.

      Also, when you tell a company you are phasing out their product, where are they likely to get finance for necessary maintenance from.?

      This is a government and an ideology caused problem.. and so should be solved by the government..

      Or they could just let WA go into a regime of regular blackouts.

      Blackouts is what will always eventually happen when you attempt to replace reliable supply with erratic, inconsistent supply.

      Unlike Germany or South Australia, WA does not have an umbilical chord they can suck on to cover up their idiocy !


    • #

      I doubt anyone wants to lend money to the Indians who have been mismanaging that mine … but that is certainly not even close to a stranded asset.

      It’s a very good asset, which probably will be forced up for sale soon and go to a better manager. That’s how capitalism is supposed to work BTW, it’s not a failure, it results in efficient business operation. There’s huge demand for coal and the main problems they had with the Griffin Coal mine was they were not producing enough … partly due to strict COVID regulations in WA making it difficult to get workers. I’m sure the high price of diesel also has contributed to their financial difficulties.

      If you bothered to read closely, their customers have been thumping the table demanding more coal deliveries because there’s shortages in WA right now. Let’s hope one of the cashed up Australian mining companies buys those assets at a nice price, if that happens I will certainly be willing to buy into whichever company gets it.


      • #

        I’m sure FMG has been giving it a close look.

        If there’s money in it, what do principles matter?

        Yep. Twiggy will find a way to rationalize it.


    • #

      Speaking of stranded assets, there is a coal mine in Western Australia that could use some financial help. Why not donate today.

      I’ll fix this for you.

      Speaking of stranded assets, there is a continent in the southern hemisphere that could use some financial help. It’s called Australia. Why not donate today.

      Australia continues to poor $$$Billions into the the fantasy of unreliables…unreliables that fail every day! Why would any industry want to invest in this stupid country?


    • #

      And once this child-like, anti-science, anti-CO2 nonsense suffers its inevitable demise…

      … the stranded assets will be wind and solar, NOT coal and gas. !

      (They will be useless assets in 10-15 years anyway, requiring “renewing”.)

      The only reason anyone would invest in wind and/or solar is to harvest subsidies.

      That is what Paris-ites do !


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    Murray Shaw

    Al Gore is back to remind us all as to how thankful we are that Floridians saw through him in 2000 and saved us from this odious being becoming the Leader of the Free World.
    Seems also that Floridians have gone from strength to strength since that time seeing through the Covid scaremongering and enjoying the freedom of no mandates etc and living normally whilst other jurisdictions lost their freedoms, their jobs and their businesses to Dictating Premiers and Governors.
    Looking forward to Floridians showing the way again tonight our time in the US Mid-Terms.


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    The klepto climate baggers are going at it hammer and tongs, ‘ Yer all gonna burn in hell’ is the catch cry.
    Well really, did we expect any less from these clowns who most likely flew to Sharm el Sheikh by private jet.


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      The beauty is that we have seen the same show several times now (14 is it?) with the same story line , same characters and only a scene change. The ending is the same as well, midnight to dawn struggle to produce a consensual paper for release to the worlds anxious press who then publish and the result read by even fewer than last year. Hey you fools- No one cares any more. Come Thursday, if the cheating is insufficient, there will be new players in town who do not believe your rubbish. I have a feeling that common sense ins on the rise although Bowen is swimming against the tide ably supported by the dumbest PM in our short history.


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        Was just reading a substack about the basis for all the evil perpetrated on citizens by governments during covid (no amnesty, nope) and I reckon there must be something similar, laying out the flimsy or non-existent evidence that there is a climate emergency or that some very foolish looking but expensive actions will tackle the myth.

        Is there something like this?


      • #

        The ending is the same as well, midnight to dawn struggle to produce a consensual paper for release to the worlds anxious press who then publish…..

        It’s actually worse than that. The Summary for Policymakers is bad enough as it is written by politicians, not scientists. Very few journalists read it as the Press rely on the Press Releases which are absolute rubbish and bear no relevance to the original “scientific” report, which often does not always bear world ending opinions.

        It’s a public relations scam of the highest order.


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    David Maddison

    Did Gore forget to say something about the world’s largest CO2 emitter, China (not that CO2 matters)?


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      James Murphy

      Surprisingly, Macron did mention China and said they should do something, so I guess he’s off their Christmas card list now. Goes to show that even a broken clock is still correct twice a day…


  • #

    Quite unbelievable. Removal of affordable reliable energy will result in mass poverty and mass death….

    I literally cannot believe what I am seeing.


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      I think we almost need “mass poverty and mass death” somewhere on earth to make common sense become common. When people hear a cogent argument against the headlong rush toward “renewables” and electric vehicles the, in my experience, realise the importance of an affordable and cheap base load supply and understand we just don’t have the infrastructure for mass conversion to electric vehicles. The problem is they just don’t get to hear about the downsides to wind & Teslas.
      A good disaster may well be the catalyst needed for an informed discussion to occur.


      • #

        “A good disaster may well be the catalyst needed for an informed discussion to occur.”

        Looks like the UK might be the canary in the coal mine this winter, let’s hope it’s a hard winter to get things rolling.


        • #

          The only problem with that, Ronin, is that a lot of poor, elderly people may have to die to bring the message home – unless Covid is blamed, of course, which is distinctly possible these days.


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        Steve, we are seeing it in Sri Lanka, and the Northern winter has the potential to be brutal as even people who have money may not have access to electricity or other fuels (although they may be okay if those who can’t pay are disconected from the grid, freeing up power for the wealthy). SO Europe and large parts of North America could show us what we can expect in the very near future from the myopic power policies being enacted around the world. And here in Australia.


    • #

      Believe it, “Prophet”;

      Mass poverty and mass Death are the INTENDED outcomes.

      The Klimate Katastrophists are a very persistent DEATH CULT.

      Read their own words.


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    David Maddison

    If anything is “racist”, almost a meaningless term now because it is so over-used by the Left to suppress debate, it is unreliables.

    Unreliables are contributing to stopping the development of the Third World (apart from other forms of dysfunction like cultural issues, tribal and ethnic disputes etc.). The Third World needs inexpensive, reliable power and unreliables can’t provide that. They will never do so.


    • #

      The developing world is demanding $1trillion from the uk as climate reparations. I think that if it weren’t for the industrial revolution they would be living like we all did prior to that event, as poverty, stricken, unhealthy, short lived peasants. In fact I think they ought to be paying us as They have been raised to the highest ever level of human prosperity.


      • #

        Tonyb you’re correct and Africa is our best example since 1800 or 1900 or 1950 or 1970 or 1990 or…..
        See my comment and the simple numbers or sums in my comments below.
        Amazing that the UN President isn’t aware of his/their own DATA?


      • #

        From Prometheus to Now, energy is the source of life. In the Promethean Myth
        the Gods didn’t want us to have fire. Today those Elites, Bill Gates, George Soros, et Al Gore,
        think they are Gods and would do like wise, deny us energy.


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    Wait. 1 billion immigrants? I thought that was a good thing!


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    A Happy Clappers Church is probably a smarter choice than Gore’s Unhappy Crappers should you choose to enjoy Mass Formation Psychosis.

    At least when you feel the rapture at a Happy Clappers venue you simply fall to be caught by the altar attendants.
    Gore’s acolytes end up glued to the ground in front of angry motorists, chained to a tree in front of a bulldozer or hanging from bridges, chimneys or sky scrappers.


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    David Maddison

    How exactly is Africa going to be a world “suoerpower” in unreliables as Gore claims?

    What will they do with this randomly fluctuating, extremely expensive-to-store energy even if anyone could afford to build it or pay for its defective ezpensive, random product?

    Is the plan to export it to Europe like the proposed 3,800km undersea cable from a solar random daytime generator in Morocco and Once Great Britain. What could possibly go wrong?


    • #
      Graham Richards

      Africa will degenerate as was predicted by Ian Smith in 1975. The degeneration is not yet 25% completed. Fiddling with renewables will certainly accelerate the degeneration a fair bit more!

      [It is alleged that lan D. Smith (former Rhodesian leader) predicted the future of Zimbabwe. Section 18C means we can’t discuss this easily in Australia. – Jo]

      lan D. Smith(former Rhodesian leader)
      ” [snip] people
      in towns will walk on sewage until they
      believe it’s normal, all the gains from
      colonization will vanish,infrastructure
      will collapse,roads will be impassable,
      trains will kill ppl until they’re abandoned
      as an unsafe mode of transport,
      hospitals will be closed ,farms will be
      grabed and nothing to feed the nation”
      11:43 PM • Nov 1975
      Was this a prophecy or reality.


    • #

      How exactly is Africa going to be a world “suoerpower” in unreliables as Gore claims?

      Only with a lot of help from China.


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    David Maddison

    Normally, it’s possible to get information on the number of private jets flown to COP27 and the usual problems of finding parking places for them. In the delegates’ information packs there is also usually information about places to park your private jet.

    There is none of that this year.

    I think information about climate cult activists’ preference for private jet ownership and flights to COP27 is being suppressed.

    Maybe it’s because Egypt is a police state and the flow of information is more controlled than is usual for COPxx. Or maybe the Leftist “journalists” are helping suppress the hypocrisy.


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    Anyone remember when a ” rain bomb ” used to be called heavy rain…or torrential rain ? The AGW nutters sure like to amp things up.


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      Leo G

      AGW nutters sure like to amp things up.

      Ironically for the noisy “AGW nutters”, the etymology of “bomb” includes Greek bombos: “a deep and hollow sound”


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        James Murphy

        The use of hyperbolic or grossly simplified terminology is just a reflection of the ever decreasing quality of education.


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      “Rain bomb” is also new to me, and being new, I considered it a wording change to sound good at the COP.
      I remember the term “cloudburst” for some heavy rain events, but never heard a precise definition. I think it was applied to a fairly localised thunderstorm.
      Dave B


    • #

      I can remember when you’d get home and say ” Geez, was a bit wet today wasn’t it”. Someone would reply ” Yep, just saw on the news that it’s going to rain again tomorrow”. Remarkable how we all survived without all the endless hyped adjectives and nouns.


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    AGAIN our poorest continent Africa has smashed all their records in the last 70 years and 50 years and by a long way.
    in 1950 just 227 million population and life expectancy of just 33 years.
    In 1970 population of 363 million and life exp of 46. Look it up.
    But today in 2022 a population of 1400 million and life expectancy now 64 years.
    And a higher percentage of their population are urban dwellers in 2022 and yet they should be starving?
    How does the Gore donkey explain any of this modern miracle and Africans are not really benefiting from increased use of coal or gas?
    But we can say that the CLIMATE over the last 70 years has been benign and certainly the greatest increase in population, HEALTH and WEALTH for Humans EVER.
    Why do these lying con merchants ignore the UN DATA/ evidence since 1950 and why do so many so called educated loonies BELIEVE them?


  • #

    ““We continue to use the thin blue atmosphere as an open sewer,” ”

    Then stop opening your mouth, !

    “We have a credibility problem”

    Yep, you certainly do !

    What’s the problem, Big Al, are you running short of fund to keep your several beach-side mansions warm in winter, cool in summer ?

    Feeling the bite of the price of AvGas ?


  • #
    David Maddison

    Gore claims to live a “carbon free” (sic) lifestyle.

    I am sick of ignorant Leftists using the term “carbon” having no idea what it is, its importance to life or its importance to geology and the makeup of the universe in general.

    Not so long ago, children in school would have known about the importance of carbon and its fundamental role in life, chemical processes and the universe.

    Now children hate carbon and are even terrified of it.

    The dumbing down of the education system has clearly worked. However Gore is old enough to have received a proper education. The ignorance he promotes is deliberate. Why? Follow the money trail.


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    How is his cute, cuddly polar bear extinction going? These multi-millionaires pushing this tripe have absolutely no shame.


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    michael hart

    I guess we’ll never get to see the stock trading activities of prominent persons who like to give fire-and-brimstone speeches about companies who are going to end up with so called stranded assets.

    People like Gore, who are not professional traders, probably don’t have to worry so much about market manipulation. A bit like Nancy Pelosi’s husband’s wife.


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    David Maddison

    COP27 is set to be a hypocritical love-in – sponsored by Coca-Cola

    Noel Yaxley

    November 4, 2022

    According to H.L. Mencken, one of the main goals of politics is to keep the population in a state of perpetual fear, so its leaders can act as saviours. But this is not just fear. Millions face the very real possibility of financial ruin. The cost, let alone the practicality, of achieving net zero by 2050 runs into the trillions. All this when the U.K. is responsible for just one percent of all global carbon emissions? Impoverishment is not an incentive.



    • #
      Geoffrey Williams

      Cop27 sponsored by coco cola !!
      Hope they are going clean up all those millions of plastic bottles and cans they sold . .


      • #

        What about the CO2 from the drink.

        At least some companies use Nitrogen to get smaller bubbles in the beer.

        Guinness nitrogen
        While many other beers are brewed using carbon dioxide, the brew masters at Guinness use nitrogen. The smaller bubbles create a smoother, subtler fizz, making it taste thick and creamy. The nitrogen also gives Guinness its signature velvet head.5 June 2018


  • #

    AGAIN, why no mention of the World’s number 1 co2 emitter?
    If co2 is to be feared then why no mention of China and the other so called developing countries over the last 30 years?
    Surely they should’ve been using JUST the S & W lunacy for decades and shunning Coal, Gas etc and proving that they can build a modern society on sunbeams and breezes?


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    Let’s hope that the Republicans have a solid win tomorrow and capture both the House of Reps and the Senate.
    They’ll then be able to throw a spanner in the DEMs evil agenda works and also make the BIG GUY and his clueless son answer some important questions.
    But AGAIN I’ll believe it when I see it.


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    Trashed hydro and celebrated wind farm.
    No amount of our money can change war and politics and corruption in Africa.


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      David Maddison

      All worthwhile progress in Africa stopped when those countries that were colonised were decolonised. And the African people are much worse off for it. Those countries that were never colonised, never progressed at all.


    • #

      MrGrimNasty, there’s still plenty corruption and wars etc in Africa and they should be building coal, gas etc as soon as they can.
      But life exp in 1950 for Ethiopia was 33 years and a population of about 17 + million. But in 2022 their pop is about 123 million and life expectancy of 67 + years.
      With all their problems they’ve increased population by 6.8 times and yet life exp by another 34 years.
      Look up Macrotrends for data.


      • #

        I am aware, not sure of your point.
        $100Ms of cash/aid has been tossed in over the years, stops people starving but doesn’t create a stable functioning self sufficient state, just increases the number of people at imminent risk in the next famine/war, needing even more cash to save.


        • #

          AGAIN Grimnasty I’m not very good at trying to explain the very obvious data and in this case it’s all assisted by a very BENIGN CLIMATE since 1950. AGAIN no terrible,nasty CLIMATE change at all.


          • #

            Nope, I’m still lost why that is relevant to my post. Ethiopia is a big country with various climate zones, episodically, naturally, far from benign – leading to famine, also caused/worsened by politics/war.
            It’s hard to say if the climate is changing because of the lack of comprehensive long term data, although the UN etc. predictably claim rapid warming etc. It’s fair to say the population has boomed despite the climate, but not because of it, one way or the other.


  • #

    Billionaire Al Gore makes fake scientist Professor Tim Flannery look good. Like Flannery his degree was in English and Government and he has no mathematics or science. Harvard yes but as a footballer funded by his rich tobacco family.

    And he has found his role as a fire and brimstone fundamentalist preacher, hell on earth for the sins of people who want to be a rich as he is.

    People may have lost their religion, so they will believe in anything and hell has been recreated as rapid tipping point Global Warming. Armageddon for our sins. And carbon has replaced sulphur. Otherwise he has nothing to say and has been wrong about everything but nearly became US President. The world was saved by a chad.


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      David Maddison

      funded by his rich tobacco family.

      If Gore wasn’t promoting the anthropogenic global warming fraud he’d be promoting tobacco to children saying it was good for them.

      The global warming fraud is much easier and more profitable. There is only so much money that can be made from tobacco because in the absence of taxes it’s actually quite cheap. Much more can be made from consumer electricity bills.


    • #
      John Hultquist

      Gore Jr’s father was a politician and a friend of Armand Hammer, most closely associated with Occidential Petroleum (also coal there). These two things – politics and Hammer – not tobacco, brought money to the Gore family. Tobacco and peanut quotas were in place.; sometime in the 1930s.


  • #

    “Climate change” alarmism is really an American disease. It was the likes of Al Gore and James Hansen who propelled the little known science ( pre 1990’s) into mainstream news. Unfortunately, up until about then it had been almost a true science but then Al Gore brought it into politics. We all know that if you mix science with politics, all you end up with is politics. All these COP events the same. Nothing about science, it’s all about politics.


  • #

    Gotta say . . don’t be so disrespectful of “witch doctors.” Years ago as a grad student I researched how different cultures treat psychotic breakdown, which interestingly occurs at about the same rate around the world. I looked at Western psychologists, Ayurvedic practitioners, and African witch doctors. The cure rate for Western psychology’s talking treatment is around 16% (which is about the same as the rate of recovery among people given no treatment). The cure rate for Ayurvedic doctors was much better, at around 40%. But the witch doctors cured psychotic breakdown at a remarkable 70 to 80%.


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      The problem with the witch doctors is their patients were even more effected by the demonic following the treatment


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    Destroyer D69

    The men who want to be left alone…..Note the comments section..


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    More on the Tokyo October temperature data and some of those dubious NASA temp adjustments.


  • #

    Temperature leads, while CO2 and Methane follow along.

    ‘Annual carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) change rates lag behind changes in sea ice extent by 7 months and 5 months, respectively. This robust correlation is consistent with the conclusion that CO2 (and CH4) changes are responsive to temperature, not the other way around.’ (Notrickszone)


    • #

      Yes EG and some of the temp and co2 ice core data like Vostok Antarctica etc are very extreme.
      They show a lag of thousands of years between temp and then co2 levels and this is quoted by the Royal Society, Zickfeld, Petit etc studies and even their lefty “Conversation” article.
      But don’t worry as soon as we get c02 levels to fall to 350 ppm we’ll be okay, just ask the COP 27 loonies. Forget about those little problems of waiting for thousands of years, that’s just an unfortunate technicality. SARC.
      I mean who cares if we waste many 100s of TRILLIONS $ forever and with a ZERO return? SARC.


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    No matter how bad Al Gore is, he would have been a better president than Biden. Hell, anyone would be a better president.

    And I note Australian front page US reporter and Biden apologist Adam Creighton who openly hates Trump puts Biden down as 79. It’s his last chance to suggest geriatric Biden is in his seventies because he is 80 on the 20th November. And he looks and acts a very frail disoriented 90. It is nearly elder abuse to have him on a stage under stress when he doesn’t know where he is.


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      Dave in the States

      I strongly suspect that Al is one of the puppet masters behind Biden. Biden is doing what Al would have done 20 years ago.

      And Al was calling some of the shots during the Obama years. I recall reading that according to the White House visiter logs, Al was the most often visiter to the Obama White House, averaging multiple vists per week.

      Wasn’t Abbott replaced by Turnbull shortly after Al flew to OZ and met with power brokers about climate action?


      • #

        A good point. Many people are likely pressing Bidens buttons. His wife. Obamas. Clintons. Gore.

        The limit for Obama was 2 terms so he had to leave and left his incompetent sidekick as his placeholder. The Clintons had their say with Hillary as Secretary of State. But Hillary failed to win, so Biden was and remains the sock puppet. And the Obamas are twenty years younger. Barack is just 61.

        Even Biden called Obama President. And Kamala. Every now and then Biden realises he is president and he gets very angry with everyone, the press, his minders. This will get harder and harder to hide. I am sure the press are not reporting half of it.

        Withdrawing all the military from Afghanistan in 24 hours before anyone could send them back showed his real power as President. And largely the press have said nothing but it was the single greatest failure in since WWII. So many including Australians died so one geriatric president could be petulant. Plus it is possibly also Bliken getting what he wanted.

        Biden used to be a brilliant speaker who could handle two hours without notes. Now he doesn’t know where he is or what to say and just gets frustrated and wanders off.

        This will not end well. General Milley called President Xi to explain he had Trump under control. Biden’s unpredictability is possibly the only reason China has not invaded Taiwan yet. Biden may be a pushover, but a irascible senile man in charge of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal is not worth thinking about.


        • #

          TdeF said:

          Withdrawing all the military from Afghanistan in 24 hours before anyone could send them back showed his real power as President. And largely the press have said nothing but it was the single greatest failure in since WWII. So many including Australians died so one geriatric president could be petulant. Plus it is possibly also Bliken getting what he wanted.

          These points are so true. A sensible leader he is not.


  • #

    Gore is onto something, If you have no electricity then intermittence is okay.

    ‘West Africa has one of the lowest rates of electricity access in the world; only about 42% of the total population, and 8% of rural residents, have access to electricity. These numbers, some far too big, others far too small, have grave consequences.’ (World Bank)


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      A cardiologist friend has been working with a small hospital in South Sudan, raising money to supply basic electricity from solar panels delivered from Australia and Australian volunteers who go there to get it going. In the distance you can hear the AK47s. Their basic need is to keep anti biotics cool, if they have them. And there is a desperate Africa wide problem with pregnant mothers and childbirth. The hospital is run by Italian nuns in what is an occasional war zone where life is cheap. What view of this the elites have in their glamorous Beach resort on the Sinai is unknown but it is all about money, not Africans or global temperature. They are of no concern.


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    COP27 and the agreements against ….. Methane.

    I wonder how that gels with, umm, the push for more ….. Natural Gas



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      Quite a few years ago us Climate Sceptics came up with the cow methane situation as a joke. Never thought that the warmies would be so stupid to take it up. ROFL!


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      Tony, Regarding cows and methane I wondered whatthe CO2 balance was so I drew up this quick summary.
      I have sent it to several people, including Jo but never a comment or reply.
      What is your opinion and comment – or am all wrong?
      The Burp tax does NOT consider the fact that cows use up more CO2 than they burp out.
      Grass grows by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere via photosynthesis and water.
      A cow eats 18,000 kg of grass, (which has been made from 32,400 kg of atmospheric CO2), per annum, digests it, converts it to sugars and uses that to grow meat, fat, milk and leather, make manure and run about. A milking cow will produce 8,000 litres of milk (full of carbohydrate) per year.
      Some of the grass ends up being converted to 125 kg of methane per annum during digestion which gets belched and farted out into the atmosphere, where it is soon converted back into 344 Kg of CO2 by the natural hydroxyl radical, – far less CO2 than the 32,400 Kg that originally went into the grass.
      This returned atmospheric CO2 (via methane) is soon snapped up by CO2 starved grass and plants, and then eaten by livestock, and so on.
      The nett result is there is a reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere due to cows, of about 32 tonnes of CO2 per cow per year
      Thus livestock farming ACTUALLY reduces atmospheric CO2, or GHGs, and thus has a beneficial effect on reducing global warming! (If any). More cows is better.


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    COP27: 40,000 delegates, 15,000 hangers on, 3000 media plus plenty of CO2. All on a junket. Totally didn’t use the Internet. Completely hypocritical.


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      David Maddison

      As I pointed out above I am still trying to find out how many private jets were flown in.

      I think this time the information is being suppressed.

      It’s embarrassing for the Elites, not that most of them care, and “journalists” don’t bother highlighting the issue.


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      We’ve even got representatives from CSIRO going. I mean really, haven’t we got enough there already?


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      Only 29 of 194 countries have presented improved climate plans as called for at COP26 Glasgow last year for COP27.


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    David Maddison


    The Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Pat Conroy, will represent the Prime Minister at COP27 from 7-9 November and focus on engaging with Australia’s Pacific partners.

    Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Jenny McAllister, will also attend.

    I bet a lot more hangers-on are going as well.

    And Australia wants to host COP31.

    Will we even have an economy left by then?

    The Australian Government is committed to working in partnership with Pacific countries to address the climate emergency and realise our shared ambition for a successful COP31 bid.

    Becoming a clean energy superpower and seizing the economic opportunities of decarbonisation for our region won’t happen by accident. Co-hosting COP31 will help restore Australia’s reputation and increase international engagement on climate change and energy.


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    An even greater man than Gore, our Albo, was on tv yesterday saying the way to cheaper power prices is more solar panels. It must be true if Albo says it.


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      James Murphy

      Saint Albo, the patron saint of idiotic policies?
      I dont think he is stupid, as someone who has sponged off the system and contributed nothing as a career politician, he certainly knows where the easy money is.


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      Apparently Albanese and Comrades are basing their claims on a recent CSIRO Report that states renewables wind and solar are cheap but ignores the “firming” back up expensive equipment, transmission lines and shor working life before dismantling and replacement.

      Also nuclear costs over stated and ignoring modular technology.

      Maybe a special report for political purposes similar to BoM warming trend modelling?


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    Culture of Death?

    Only one bunch of morons is advocating a course of action which will result in either the death of millions from starvation, or mass deforestation to put marginal land back under agriculture.

    What is the collective noun for a group of morons?


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    “Al Gore has pleaded for leaders to end what he calls ‘this culture of death’”

    A very apt descriptor of the NetZero/anti-CO2/anti-CH4/anti-nitrogen agenda that the gormless schmuck gets all his money from.

    Add in the multi-jabs, and it sure is a recipe for mass population reduction though energy and food starvation, and immune system weakening.

    This “culture of death” is everything he is trying to tell people to implement.


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      James Murphy

      At least they are consistent – they are good at explaining things in a way that is opposite to reality. The sad thing is that a lot of the public are also good at taking them at their word!


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    according to al gore, the world ended 10 years ago.


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    How are the Climate warriors going to cope with the methane emissions of these beautiful animals? Will they send Al Gore, Charles Schwab or Jacinta Ardern with Bowen to fact check how to stop them farting? What about wild African buffaloes, Rhinos and wildlife in general?


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      And the major polluters, termites. The fact is that all these things decay to methane and CO2 with or without the animals and insects. Bacteria and fungi will do the job if governments eliminate all the animals and insects. This self hatred of humans is now finding reasons to attack all other living things. Why? Where is this Global Warming?


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    Sorry forgot to add video.


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    Their ABCess is all-in on this sociopathic madness.


    Yep. But calculated, purposeful “madness”.


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    “Savior Al Gore wields windmills to stop the storms and end the Culture of Death

    whereas in reality, climate change ‘action’, mandatory vaccinations, digital passports, digital currencies, social credit scores and 24/7 state surveillance are the ‘culture of death’ aka serfdom 2.0.


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    I am seriously puzzled. Prince Charles now King Charles III has been promising the end of the world in about 8 years for the last three decades. Al Gore has been doing much the same thing.

    2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
    2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
    2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World (8 years)

    and now that another 13-14 years have passed and the world temperature somehow managed not to go down for a decade, what do they believe?

    Being wrong, completely wrong over decades does not seem to weary them or the years condemn.


    And what goes up must come down. How are we going to stop Global Cooling? More CO2? It has already started.


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      Now if it was a meeting to reduce the price of energy, that would be worth attending. Or just improve the supply chain which alone would drop prices.

      Cheaper gas, oil, coal, uranium on condition countries dramatically improve efficiency, reduce waste and reuse lost energy as heat. And an international coalition to fund fusion research and thorium energy to provide for a mere 20 years in the future when all the windmills stop turning and the solar panels stop working.

      But it seems to be a group of international bankers and their politician friends asking how to create Carbon Credits and pass cash to military dictatorships as reparations while making sure undeveloped countries cannot afford poverty eliminating and life saving energy.

      Or to quote Scottish Economist Adam Smith b. 1723 “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”


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    Remember that Al sold his Cable Network to Al Jazeera, owned by Qatar. Gore is a Capitalist Hypocrite.


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      Al Gore is the Jimmy Bakker of Climate Change. We are all going to die in hell fire unless we send money, lots of money. It’s that simple. Being passionate about things you care nothing about is a specialty.

      But then Pope Francis is also on the Climate cheer squad. Hell fire was never part of Christianity or Judaism. It was imported from Egypt and welded onto Christianity and Climate Change as Carbon Indulgences. You can buy your way to Green Nirvana with cash. It’s an old confidence trick, to play on the fears of the young. Give me a child when he is young is a recurring theme of the left.


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    “is this true?”
    U.S. Special Forces on October 30 arrested Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel


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    old mike

    I so want to see this fat turd in the financial and physical pain that he deserves, he’s a corrupt S.O.B. that must be forced to accept accountability for the damage that his stupidity, ignorance and greed have caused to so many people around the world. God will judge him.


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