If anyone says “but this was only a few people” — the absolute scandal here is that every nation in the West should have been doing studies like this nearly two years ago and by the hundreds.
German pathologists studied heart muscle cells in 25 people who died at home within a month of getting vaccinated. Of these, five people had strange strange clusters of white blood cells infiltrating their heart muscle and all of those died within just a week of being vaccinated. In three of those cases, the results were quite clear, and there were no other potential causes of myocarditis, and no obvious heart problems, and the link to the vaccination was quite strong. “Further studies are needed”.
Constantin Schwab and others searched back through historic records and were struck that during the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital they had not seen any “comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration.” It really was unusual.
In this case the myocarditis was not necessarily severe, but the mild localized inflammation in clusters may have interfered with the pattern of contraction of heart muscle, causing fibrillation — where contracting cells become unsynchronized. In that trembling state, the heart can’t pump blood and death is rapid unless someone gets “defibrillated” and the electric shock resets the pattern.
Dr John Campbell describes this study as a “smoking gun” in terms of the cause and effect connection with vaccines.
And in one of those uncanny coincidences, wouldn’t you know it, but communal defibrillators are being installed on the front of houses in a trial in one suburb of Melbourne this year. Because fibrillation can happen to anyone… see below.
People Died From mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German Study Provides Direct Evidence
Jennifer Margulis and Joe Wang, Epoch Times
Medical pathologists from Heidelberg University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany have published direct evidence showing how people found dead after mRNA vaccination died. As this team of six scientists explore in their study, these mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This autoimmune attack on their own heart cells then leads to their damaged hearts beating so many times per second that, once the tachycardia unexpectedly started, they died in minutes.
Died of Ventricular Tachycardia or Fibrillation
Ventricular tachycardia is when the heart begins beating so fast that it doesn’t have time to refill with blood between beats, so it is not adequately pumping blood. The problem originates from the ventricles: the chambers that push the blood out of the heart to the rest of the body.
In these images of heart muscle cells, inflammatory white blood cells appear as small dark spots. In D, as we zoom out we can see they are clustering sites of inflammation. These dark cells are not supposed to be there.

A Lymphocytic aggregates in the interventricular septum of case 1 with associated myocardiocyte destruction. B The infiltrate is predominantly composed of CD3-positive T-lymphocytes and C CD68-positive macrophages. D In lower magnification two foci of CD4-positive lymphocytes are evident (D)
Visibly Damaged Hearts
Macrophages are large cells that are part of our immune system. When the immune system is functioning properly, our bodies use macrophages to attack infectious agents and other foreign matter. Macrophages are a key part of the innate immune system, helping with normal tissue development as well as with repairing damaged tissue, according to researchers from Northwestern University.
But in the case of the people who died suddenly within a month of being vaccinated, the body’s own macrophages permeated their heart muscle, chewing up the muscle and causing spots that disrupted the heart rhythm. This macrophage invasion appeared to have literally short-circuited the heart’s conduction of the electrical impulses, causing the heart to beat irregularly.
The irregular heartbeats led to a negative feedback loop, making the heart race faster and faster as it tries to right itself. When that happens, the heart is effectively pumping no blood, and the victim dies within seconds or minutes unless there is a defibrillator nearby—to deliver an electrical shock to the heart to help it get back into rhythm—and someone knows to use it immediately.
Heart muscle is special, primed from the beginning to contract in regular cycles for life. Cardiac cells generate their own electrical impulses, and they send signals to the cells around them so they can synchronize their contractions. If one cells “falls out” of the pattern, presumably the others around it bring it back in. But if enough cells lose the beat, chaos spreads.
Not so coincidentally, defibrillators are being rolled out in a Melbourne suburb
In Resevoir, 28 defibrillators have been installed at the front of homes, available for anyone to use, and no more than 400m away. It’s handy for all those times a teenage jogger collapses with ventricular tachycardia.
According to the experts Sudden Cardiac Arrests can impact and affect almost anybody, don’t you know: “it’s not about age it’s not about gender, it’s simply a killer across the board”, says CEO of St John Ambulance Victoria, Gordon Botwright.
Just like when we were kids, yeah? Which house on your street had a defibrillator when you were growing up…
Was it caused by sloppy injections that put the vaccine directly into veins?
The researchers speculate that the lop-sided nature of the inflammatory clusters (foci) could be due to intravenous delivery:
Interestingly, we recorded inflammatory foci predominantly in the right heart, which may suggest a gradual blood-stream derived dilution effect and based on this finding it is at least tempting to speculate that inadvertent intravascular vaccine injection may be contributive.
If they are correct, tragically these deaths might have been avoided with aspirated intramuscular injections which make sure they are not going straight into the bloodstream. It only takes a little bit longer…
As part of the study, they ruled out all the other viruses and bacteria that are capable of causing myocarditis:
Regarding potential causative infectious agents, FFPE samples of all cases and fresh frozen myocardial samples of cases were tested for viral and bacterial genomes by a diagnostic panel with (reverse transcription) PCR (Enteroviruses, parvovirus B19, human herpesvirus 6, Epstein–Barr virus, human cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster virus, herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, human herpesvirus 7, adenoviruses, borrelia spp., Toxoplasma gondii)
In one of the five victims, Human Herpes virus 6 was found, which means they can’t rule that out as a cause in that victim. But none of the infectious agents above were found in the other samples, leaving vaccination as the most likely reason.
The researchers explain their reasons they believe the Covid vaccines caused this:
In general, a causal link between myocarditis and anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is supported by several considerations:
(A) a close temporal relation to vaccination; all cases were found dead within one week after vaccination, (B) absence of any other significant pre-existing heart disease, especially ischaemic heart disease or cardiomyopathy, (C) negative testing for potential myocarditis-causing infectious agents, (D) presence of a peculiar CD4 predominant T-cell infiltrate, suggesting an immune mediated mechanism. The latter criterion is supported by demonstration of a phenotypically identical T-cell infiltrate at the deltoidal injection site in one of the cases. It has to be emphasized, that a comparable (epi-)myocardial infiltration was neither found in any of the other 20 autopsies performed on bodies found dead within 20 days following an anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination nor in the age- and sex-matched cohorts from three independent periods from our autopsy-files.
In a small amount of good news, at least they did not find the same effect in the bodies of people who died three weeks after vaccination. So this effect, at least, appears to wear off.That does not mean the vaccines don’t cause other harm in other ways three weeks later (or three months later). But it shows this effect resolves quickly (or is fatal quickly). Sigh.
Constantin Schwab et al (2022) Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination, Clinical Research in Cardiology
Diagram of the heart: Wapcaplet
h/t David Maddison, William Astley, Leo G, Lance, Krishna Gans, Richard K and John Connor II and another Ian (for the defibrillator story).
One has to wonder what the vaccination status of the young Thai princess that was rushed to hospital yesterday is? The ABC breathlessly told us that “no reason was given” for this event.
“Covid and Coffee” report has her vaccinated
There should now be enough evidence/data to have these so called ‘vaccines’ withdrawn from the Market. Then all of the Drug Regulatory Agencies throughout the World should be ‘Built Back Better’, otherwise the same thing will happen again and again.
No point having a Royal Commission here as the resulting Report(s) will just be put on the shelf to gather dust just like most of the other Royal Commission Reports produced to date.
I have been saying this for ages and argued that the so called vaxxes should never have been rolled out at all.
No idea of what they do long term, no proper independent studies done, usual long term testing protocols not done, more died in vaxxed group in phase 2 trials etc etc – but they were rushed out and so many lives have been, and will be, ruined.
Its not just the drug regulation agencies but our political system which is utterly corrupted. We elect representatives who act recklessly and have no idea of science or morality. And its all plain as day in front of everybody but seems only a small number here can see the huge issues.
And now we have the same Venezuela type approach on Climate Change.
Unfortunately the only answer, it would appear, is for the country to be ruined before people learn the lesson that the Leftist approach is utterly deadly and utterly wrong.
‘Modre wol oout,
That se we day by day,’
H/t Chaucer, Canterbury Tales.
Listen up you Vaccine Mandators…
Cancer, Dementia and Diabetes too:
The truth will out. But who is to be held to account, and by whom?
I had heart problems for a few months after receiving a moderna booster. Finally after six months I have recovered from the malaise.
This is pretty old news now, you get clusters of spike protein in the heart which disrupt electrical activity leading to fibrillation and “died suddenly” or the spike protein attaches to your aorta this causes lymphocytes to attack and effectively chew a hole in it, you bleed out in under a minute and “died suddenly”, the spike protein attaches to your vein walls causes amyloid (prions) fibrin white clots to form blocking blood supply to brain/heart and “died suddenly” the list goes on.
Up 20% increase in excess deaths is the result
But, but… aren’t the vaxxes not declared as effective and safe ??? ;-D
A “declaration” is NOT the same as the “TRUTH”, especially when dealing with governments, their agencies and enablers.
As Ronald Reagan, among others, like our very own KRudd, noted on several occasions:
‘The nine most frightening words in the English language?
“I’m from th government and I’m here to help”.’
See also the reasonable hypothesis that Guy Fawkes was the only person to enter Parliament with “honest” intentions..
Definition of an “honest” politician”
When they are bought, they STAY bought.
And a merry and sacred Christmas to all, whether you want it or not!
Fix the problem at the source.
Do not pay politicians and you will not be feeding the trash out of arts law into the preselection sausage machine that churns out useful idiots. Swamp dwellers whose loyalty is to those who give them the nod.
If you want a dummy to nod their head in the ‘shot’ you can probably buy one of those toys that used to sit on the back deck of the Monaro between the cushions.
“Do not pay politicians and you will not be feeding the trash out of arts law into the preselection sausage machine that churns out useful idiots.”
They never used to in NZ, I think it was the 1930s when they started the rot that meant Parliament became a career instead of a calling.
A student of mine got his vaccination at age 24, Died of myocarditis within the month.
Sioux falls South Dakota. Just plain wrong.
Sorry for your loss.
My uncle was killed by the booster. Heart attack within 2 weeks. 6 weeks rehab, then 2 weeks in nursing home and yet more heart attacks and that was it. He and his family have never had any heart issues.
And they still keep pushing these deadly treatments…
I only just read your comment, Timo, but when I went to “up vote” it, the button was white not green, as if I’d already voted which I hadn’t!.
Anyone else have that issue?
Dr Peter Mccullough (recently) on SADS
Short video TIKTOK link – https://www.tiktok.com/@r.e.b.e.c.c.a_f/video/7169097526052818222?_r=1&_t=8YApvp2gF6Y&is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7169097526052818222
Full video RUMBLE – https://rumble.com/v1vp79q-del-bigtree-hosts-dr.-peter-mccullough-pandemic-era-sudden-death-and-crushi.html
[Ive not yet watched full video – just found it now to support the short tiktok post]
Back in the old days of B.C. (Before Covert) defibrillators were placed all around Waiheke Island (where I drive wine tours) due to the growing number of older folk living here: they were donated via the Red Cross, as the only way off the island, in an emergency, was by a 45-minute ferry ride or a rescue helicopter.
BTW most people I know who were ‘fully protected’ are now getting their 2nd dose of Covert, while my ‘science den!er’ immune system is working perfectly fine… so far, so good, touch wood. Funny how life goes sometimes. Thanks again, Jo & contributers!
Not sure we need to go all the way to Germany for evidence. Australian Cardiologist Dr. Ross Walker is now saying publicly that he believes there should be a ban on the use of mRNA booster vaccines. According to Walker, the mRNA vaccines are “very pro-inflammatory,” he told Daily Mail Australia. “ He contended that The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization should never have mandated mRNA vaccines. I have no doubts that this German evidence plus the comments from Dr Walker will appear as top stories on Channel 7’s Sunrise, all the main newspapers and will be discussed earnestly on the ABC’s Drum and 7.30 report.
You forgot the sarc tag….
No, he just meant to write “will NOT appear…”
The greatest crime/scam in all of history
yes Max but they needed to test the technology on the masses, apparently the vaccine was a roaring success and based on these results they have now manufactured/perfected a MRNA drug to fight melanoma. Your body will effectively make a cancer cell in order to get your immune system to recognise and kill the melanoma, what could possibly go wrong?
Along with Climate Alarmism…………….
The fundamental problem is that the Left have corrupted the practice and philosophy of science.
With the anthropogenic global warming fraud they introduced the fraudulent ideas that there is such a thing as:
1) “settled science”
2) scientific fact is decided by “consensus”.
If you had an opinion outside the established narrative you would be and still are cancelled, depatformed, censored, defunded and sacked/fired.
This has extended to all other areas of science outside the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
It ensured and still does, that most scientists and medical professionals were and are too terrified to speak out.
Hopefully Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, his expulsion of censorious Leftist employees and turning it into a free speech platform will change things.
As I followed some German twitter trends with COV-19 reference, there is free speech abbout all aspects of vaxxes and so on.
But what really is hard to believe is the still existing strenght against anti-vaxxers and the quantity of these.
Seems to be a psychological problem from people seeing, that the anti-vaxxers were correct and won’t accept to have choosen the wrong way, with or without side effects…
Jay Couey has a guest who goes there in great detail.
“But what really is hard to believe is the still existing strenght against anti-vaxxers ”
They’re terrorists and they cause people in Qld to shoot cops you know…
Yet, one of the shooters, the school principal from Walgett, had a heart attack. Media only reports his argument about the NAPLAN tests as his reason to go rogue.
I read a lot of papers and infos, most following from Jo’s blog here.
On the one hand, they found spike proteins in heart muscles in cases of myocarditis or other inflammations of the heart, and, no idea if true, it’s possible to recognise if a spike protein is a corona one or a vaxxed, because of alterations made for longer “life” of these artificial spikes in the vaxxes.
An other aspect is, that the question of aspiration is not given, as these mRNA nano particel are able to move around in the body and have no frontiers. At least I read it and understood it in that way.
Only, if nano particel turn around in the muscle tissue, how can they enter the blood stream… There ends my understanding of that issue…
In the olden days, I was a registered nurse, and we were all trained to aspirate any and every injection. Dr Campbell also trained people that way.
But I did notice that aspiration not being done when I had Astra Zeneca 1 and 2… after due consideration of various discussions, I gave polite refusals for pfizer boosters, so I don’t know if that’s how the mrna jabs were given in Australia.
Good question, if they can distinguish engineered spike from naturally occurring.
Below I posted a video (first one) where staining for spike was used.
The “vaccines” express the spike protein only, whereas the actual virus also contains nucleocapsid and structural proteins. Thus, it is possible to differentiate spike proteins from the virus.
None of those autopsied by Dr Burkhardt had tested positive for the virus, so the only source of the spike had to be the “vaccine.”
I didn’t write above, but I don’t know that one can even easily immunologically distinguish between different isoforms(?) of the same protein.
it is the mRNA that is manufactured to last longer not the protein product it encodes.
They told us that wouldn’t happen, and certainly not for 6 months. It was only supposed to last long enough for the body to make useless antibodies to the product (a few days), not keep producing the toxic antigen till it kills you.
Fact is, the spike is found in tissues of critical organs up to six months after mRNA injection. Quibbling about how it got there doesn’t alter the fact that it’s there, and is the most likely cause of death.
Is the sequence of the spike protein different between the different vaccines?
Will be interesting to see if this ever arrives, or I am a Pure Sucker?
Qty 1 Purchase your CellAED® for delivery in early 2023.
CellAED® is your handheld, smart, personal defibrillator, for use together with CPR, in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest – bridging the gap until Emergency Services arrive.
Designed for your home and workplace.
Easy to use under pressure in three steps: Snap Peel StickTM.
by audio voice prompts.
Pre-charged battery and no need for replacement pads or gels.
If you are in reasonably good health..
… and you haven’t been vaxxed…
You will probably not need it.
Watch this and have your mind blown. Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-Files has to be a time traveler or a senior deep state operative who revealed the entire plan just for giggles 🤯🤣 – 4 mins 25 Secs
Perfectly describes the World over the last 2 years – Creepy
Hmm – Someone from Pfizer Covid Vaccine and the DemoCraps with FBI, CIA & DOJ?
Blimey, maybe we’d best check out other episodes to see what else they predicted!
Thai Princess likely died from the Jab –
Yup. I think I’ve posted on that here in the past. It’s already been shown by a German pathologist that not only are critical organs, including the heart, often infiltrated by lymphocytes after injection, but spike protein is also present. And that’s in deaths up to 6 months post injection (means that the spike has a much longer life than they say it does! …and it goes everywhere, contrary to what they told us!).
Here it is…
Actually that’s his second study. The first only showed the lymphocyte infiltration, about which the doctor interviewing him pointed out that such a condition isn’t in any of the medical textbooks, because it’s never been observed before. Info on that is here…
NOTE – these are all redone in the second study, because the spike was not stained for in this first study.
At what point in time after receiving the experimental vaccine can you be regarded as a survivor and therefore safe from injury or death?
To establish that the medical fraternity must first acknowledge the problem before they can study it.
My understanding of how big a dose you got depends on the following:
1, Quality control of vaccine, manufacturing process was not very good so lots of contaminates too hard to estimate what damage that can do
2, Again quality of control so amount of vaccine in each vial either by accident or part of the “experiment” to see how strong or weak doses affect the injected
3, Transport and storage at temperature, remember waaay back at the start they said the vaccine had to be stored at -80C which was impossible so they slowly rolled that back to “store at room temperature”. This will have an effect on how much of a dose with LNP intact the injected received
4, Each vial contained 6 doses, you would divide this up by 6 by diluting with saline. This meant some people got a 6 X dose and others got saline
5, Did the inject it intramuscular as they should have or was it intravenous?
Beyond that they have found LNP and spikes in people up to 6 months after injection so who knows but for most the damage is done with regards to fertility, heart damage, fibrous clots etc
Kind of hard to “acknowledge the problem,” when they are an integral part of the problem…
“One way of protecting your heart that you might not be aware of is by getting the COVID-19 vaccine.” – Baylor College of Medicine
In the meantime, since Feb.10 2022,the date of the article, the knowledge may have changed, I hope at least…
No one knows, as the late time side effects hadn’t time to occur, cancers etc…
Has anyone else noticed that all “Medical Officials” have completely stopped all public announcements of COVID boosters? That is despite Princess Palachuck jumping up and down a few weeks ago about a sudden increase in COVID cases in QLD, another COVID cruise ship arriving in Sydney, and Despot Dan’s health crisis in Victoria.
Now, all the ads on TV sincerely recommend you speak to your doctor about “anti-virals”, if you have Covid-like symptoms.
Someone clearly knows something! But now, instead of TGA or ATAGI publicly stating that they screwed up, due to lack of published data, experimental drugs, and taking the word of FDA officials who get most of their income from Big Pharma, our “authorities” are staying well away from any TV cameras!
And they have successfully buried the Queensland Police Service announcement this week that the mandate had been removed for the state’s police service.
In the USA , they are still being advertised in all the main medias.
In Canada they are still pushing “boosters + flu vax”.
And for South Australia
This SA initiative actually commenced back in December 2017 and the Victorian suburb of Reservoir in Melbourne’s north kicked off in April this year.
It seems the Victorian St John’s Ambulance has long held concerns over the high rate of cardiac arrests for quite some time as documented in this Feb 2019 article.
The ABS comment on Causes of Death, Australia released on 19 October 2022 included the statement:
“Excluding 2020, both the number and rate of deaths due to ischaemic heart diseases (IHD) have been decreasing over time. While there was a 4.5% increase in the number of deaths due to IHD in 2021, this follows a 7.4% decrease between 2019 and 2020.”
It seems that immediately prior to and even in the first year (2019) early pre-shot stages of a certain bug IHD was tracking lower all on its own, surely the 350 defibrillators in regional SA pubs wasn’t that impactful? Then if we exclude 2020 we find a 4.5% increase of IHD in 2021. Curiouser and curiouser.
Following the Steve Kursk link, I came across this guy. He’s a modern anti woke, anti vax Tom Lehrer. Excellent. Unfortunately when I sent a friend you tube links to songs, hotmail and gmail would not deliver! I think I got a link through with his general you tube page? Email providers censuring! Is that shadow banning?
Thanks, F.C., I will be sharing that one. 👍
PS – He seems more like a Tom Lehrer / Woody Allen hybrid to me. 🥸
Then cross reference all this with the Norman Fenton post yesterday.
How can das gubermint, the medical profession, the TGA and all medical governing bodies allow this charade to continue, given their legal and ethical obligations to the entire Australian population?
Let me guess – $$$
British MP calls for cessation of the experimental covid vaccines before an empty parliament chamber.
The typical politician just doesn’t have a clue and has no interest in what he has to say.
It seems that there’s three possible outcomes for those who participate in the experiment.
1) Death
2) Serious injury, temporary or permanent.
3) You survive with no obvious short term effects and unknown longer term effects.
And in all cases, greater susceptibility to the virus.
It is an outrage that defibs were not made available decades ago, which could have saved all those young people who used to die suddenly from cardiac problems, with no warning, in the street.
Wait a minute …
An herein lies the problem.
The guvmint cannot provide most of the population with a GP familiar with your health history at the moment let alone access to life saving drugs or therapies.
My suggestion is you join a service club (they are verging on the brink of extinction at moment) and raise funds to install these devices and educate your community on there use.
You will achieve two very good things with this small contribution. You will have a life saving device the community will look after and you will short circuit the ‘Great Reset’ which is the rule of a remote tyrant dependent on you not talking to your or relying on your neighbour, believing a guvmint will provide everything you need.
There are increasing cases of Tachycardia and palpitations, some benign and transient and others not.
There’s another condition known as Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
Triggers are viruses, vaxxes and autoimmune issues.
Cases are increasing but it’s not well understood.
By the time we do understand it may be too late for the afflicted.
Yet another reason to stop the experiment.
Good news for manufacturers of implantable cardiac pacemakers.
Homer Simpson does’nt look too good in the cartoon in the link below. Hopefully de-fibs are available at school and at home. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjcaPNqHAsg9t4mARILCPxW_-3Gv8ulbnWn4BxGRNu4CMCTFzZep1RKn5PS8bYI2SHMYn1IPNX-nowCvvUtPQrETGbKfOUv_9XtZ6I9cemOP0uhYq2ck6L6L_JroTOE8Zd7AglCYsW354VXU2TRC3panH-LR47WtRHij2KV2A3wD9h5XLkFDs0ljTDgsw/s960/90mimb_fb9df0d6092453b9f23f5f02f19e9820_71db1db3_640.jpg
Meanwhile in W.A.
This article has been “fact checked” by Facebook pop-up:
S.th. not following the narrative can’t be reason for heart attacks.
They bought so many doses of vaxx, can’t return then, can’t cancel orders etc, so all ways to spread it in the population are wellcome and undertaken.
To accept these sideeffects also would be prove for the earlier lies.
Everybody knows in the meantime, facebook fact checked means they write opinions, not facts.
@ cherry-picked#7
Spin machine is maxed out.
““The risk of cardiac complications post-COVID is very high and your risk of getting myocarditis is much higher if you catch COVID-19,” Labos said, citing a study by scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study reported a 16-fold increase in the risk of myocarditis in COVID-19 patients compared to people who didn’t get COVID-19[4].”
Too bad they didn’t split the 16 times more myocarditis victims into vaxxed and unvaxxed. Maybe it would show the wrong thing…
According to the trusted mainstream media, those of us on this blog who read this kind of stuff are anti-vaxxers and by extension, cop-killers.
“sloppy injections that put the vaccine directly into veins?”
The inoculation can also be carried around the body using the lymphatic system.
Aspiration will not prevent this.
Yes, and it appears to be even worse than that!
No wonder they want to silence Dr. McCollough
I got neurological pain in my hands and feet, similar to that described by Eric Clapton, but not so bad after my husband got one vax early on because of his heart failure. After the vax he had to decrease his beta blocker to 1/3 because of hypotension. This appears to be a permanent change in his heart function. By the time he mooted getting the second shot, I had a panic attack and he thought better of the proposal.
Wow. Thankfully you’re still with us. It could have been much worse.
Dr. Zelenko said there were some supplements one could take to minimize the toxicity of the spike. I found the video here was helpful.
Wishing you both long and good health
Money Talks!
“inoculation” – well done love your work, just ignore the red ticks lol.
Jo, Here is something that needs as wide a circulation as possible, please.
For years the fake climate scientists have manipulated the data sets to ‘hide the decline’, remove the Medieval warm period, systematically lowered past temperatures and boosted more recent ones to produce the rise they need for alarmism. What Tony Heller accurately calls ‘policy-based evidence making.’
The same trick has just been applied to the Euromomo statistics on jab injuries, but with the opposite purpose: to remove the steep and steady rise in excess mortality.
So just at the point where it is no longer possible to fudge and misdirect and explain away the dreadful truth, they remove the evidence.
This years trends have overnight been flattened and almost worse, the five year average, against which the recent jab-death peaks stand out, has been adjusted to reduce that contrast entirely.
It never happened. Nothing to see here; carry on dying folks.
Psychopaths is being far too kind to them. If hiding mass deaths doesn’t convince fence-sitters that there is evil, rather than incompetence or misguided best intent, behind the jabs nothing will.
Like that ‘Eagle’ character who religiously checks the VAERS data and highlighted tens of thousands of deaths being disappeared from that register, this guy too is a bit nerdish but the observations are only too real.
Another site references that study…
…along with a lot more.
I haven’t vetted the site’s other material, but it looks like it has potential.
Another link, found from following leads acquired there…
Who ever found / find what ever, the “authorities” try to hide it, because “vaccine” and side effects, that can’t be, I wrote about above.
UK – Suffolk: Jack Last died as direct result of Covid jab
Dr McCullough on Del Bigtree on myocarditis and other horrible consequences of the virus, as well as other issues of importance.
I recall that your stance was pole opposite two years ago when I tried to alert people to the falsity of the Covid claims and the dangers of the vaccines.