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Deep State cover up: Twitter was a subsidiary of the FBI, and CIA is still hiding “those files” 60 years later

By Jo Nova

It’s the coverup that matters

Live fire training at the FBI.

Men with guns deciding what jokes you can hear?

Part II in the “United States of the FBI”

Matt Taibbi is reading through the TwitterFile emails between the FBI and Twitter and found strangely petty and detailed requests which reveal much more than you might think. The FBI were sending through requests to ban trivial no-name accounts who just posted jokes. They were also asking for their “location information” of people posting the jokes. The overreaction shows how entangled Twitter was with the FBI on day to day operations, but also reveals the hot button priority topic the FBI was so concerned about was election “misinformation”. What are the FBI most afraid of?

a surprisingly high number [of emails] are requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts.

Federal intelligence and law enforcement reach into Twitter included the Department of Homeland Security, which partnered with security contractors and think tanks to pressure Twitter to moderate content.

It’s no secret the government analyzes bulk data for all sorts of purposes, everything from tracking terror suspects to making economic forecasts.

The #TwitterFiles show something new: agencies like the FBI and DHS regularly sending social media content to Twitter through multiple entry points, pre-flagged for moderation.

They were even trying to ban some people just from saying “”Get out there and Vote Wednesday”.  Taibbi asks: This, is what the FBI spends time on?

When told of the FBI flagging, @Lexitollah  replied:

“My thoughts initially include

1. Seems like prima facie 1A violation

2. Holy cow, me, an account with the reach of an amoeba

3. What else are they looking at?”

Instead of chasing child sex predators or terrorists, the FBI has agents — lots of them — analyzing and mass-flagging social media posts. Not as part of any criminal investigation, but as a permanent, end-in-itself surveillance operation. People should not be okay with this.

“The FBI regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities. ”
To which Matt Taibbi says it was not about crime but about about controlling opinions:
This FBI response is disingenuous on multiple fronts. None of this expains flagging the silly jokes of ordinary Americans with low follower counts. Also, they are clearly not doing this in service of investigating crime. This is about domestic intelligence and opinion control.

The collusion was comprehensive. The FBI delivered up “products” from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Twitter team could received reports via something called the Partner Support Portal, an outlet created by the Center for Internet Security, a partner organization to the DHS. They could also get reports from “Teleporter” which is an FBI platform.  There is a string of three letter acronym agencies in contact with Twitter, including demands to know why Twitter didn’t take action on a tweet from Donald Trump (you know, The President).

In summary, Matt Taibbi says:

.he takeaway: what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless.

Speaking of Deep State revelations…

Why are the CIA still hiding files 60 years later?

In 1992 Congress decided the JFK files should be released in 2017, but the files remain locked, even though everyone named in them is dead. The Trump administration promised the files would be released, but Mike Pompeo, director of the CIA, applied intense pressure and they were not released. Today the Biden administration did the same. Tucker Carlson asked someone who has seen them:

We spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden CIA documents, a person who was deeply familiar with what they contained. We asked this person directly, “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President? And here’s the reply we received verbatim. Quote,

The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.

It’s hard to imagine a more jarring response than that. Again, this is not a “conspiracy theorist” that we spoke to. Not even close. This is someone with direct knowledge of the information that once again is being withheld from the American public. And the answer we received was unequivocal. 


Even Carlson was shocked:

It means that within the US government, there are forces wholly beyond democratic control. These forces are more powerful than the elected officials that supposedly oversee them. These forces can affect election outcomes. They can even hide their complicity in the murder of an American president. In other words, they can do pretty much anything they want.

They constitute a government within a government mocking, by their very existence, the idea of democracy.

If it’s true, then the CIA decided who the President of America was, and that was 60 years ago. The JFK files become a kind of Schrodinger Box. To see them is to know they can’t be spoken of. If a President opened those files, and if the evidence is there, what President would release them?

Who would risk the ire of an agency they thought had killed a President and gotten away with it?

The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered. @TuckerCarlson

Meanwhile, corruption is everywhere:

Currently news is coming in of suitcases loaded with cash being paid to Members of the European Parliament. It’s so bad, they are going straight to jail, “for a week”, and possibly a lot longer after the trial.

The backlash has been swift. Over the weekend, Kaili was stripped of her responsibilities as vice president, expelled from her party both in Greece and Brussels, and saw Greek prosecutors freeze her assets.

At least there is still some hope justice will be done, for common criminals if not for the criminal investigators.


The Babylon Bee satirical site got banned on Twitter, so it’s only fair they get the last word.

Government Warns That With Elon Owning Twitter They Will Only Control 97% Of The Media

By the Babylon Bee

Karen Jean Pierre, Joe Biden's Press Secretary.

“We can’t overstate how dangerous this is,” said gay black Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. “Yes, we still control Facebook, Google, Apple, Instagram, YouTube, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington PostThe New York Times, Hollywood, TIMEUSATodayThe Wall Street Journal, and pretty much all the rest, but we don’t control Twitter. This is dangerous to democracy.”

The entire intelligence community at the CIA, FBI, and NSA concurred with the warning, stating that “Elon’s ownership of Twitter leaves America vulnerable to dangerous opinions we do not approve of.”

Their democracy is at stake.

FBI Photo by Jamal Wilson

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