- JoNova - -

This blogger needs your help

UPDATE: This post will remain a sticky post for a few days. New posts will appear below.

We’re in an information war against the financial monsters of the world. They’re swimming in an ocean of money. But thanks to all the independent spirits who have kept me going for years without a regular income, we fight on. Together we can expose the grifters, the sad culti, and mock their holy idols. It’s a dangerous moment in history, but as those in the gulags would have surely said, we have so many tools, and it’s a time where their sacred cows are coming undone. The pagan witchdoctors have overplayed their hand, they are vulnerable.Roman Colliseum

It is not just about the dollars, it’s an honor, and incredibly motivating to get help, big or small, from like minded souls all corners of the globe. It’s been an absolute delight to connect with so many good people who think for themselves, who will not submit, and who recognize the threat from the parasites in the system.

Never surrender

Please hit the tip jar, buy me a beer, a steak, server space or a new hard drive.

Thanks for your contribution, no matter how big or small.

Tip Jar Button

Please send supplies via Paypal, or through direct deposit, or by snail-mail instead.

Due to ridiculous legal froufrou, donors can buy as many “units of emergency chocolate” as they can spare in AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, NZD or USD. Or send help via  NAB Account BSB: 086420 Number:563148308 and International transfer.

Suggestions welcome for other supply routes.

The false prophets who pose as heroes while they try to trap us in a fifteen minute city, ban life saving drugs, inject our children and destroy our grids deserve nothing.

Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone here.

Special thanks to Bryant, Margaret, Keith, M.A., J.S., David H, Andre, Caroline K, Graham C, Joan S, Robert S, David P, Neil S, Janet S, Gavin T, William B, Barry S, Eddie G, Peter R, Robert C and Garry B!’

Photo by Desalb.

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