Wednesday Open Thread

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105 comments to Wednesday Open Thread

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    The faux urgency of the climate crisis is giving us no time or space to build a secure energy future
    Posted on December 27, 2022
    by Judith Curry

    JC note: this is the text of my op-ed for SkyNews that was published several weeks ago

    The desire for cleaner, more abundant, more reliable and less expensive sources of energy is universal. However, the goal of rapidly eliminating fossil fuels is at odds with the urgency of providing grid electricity to developing countries. Rapid deployment of wind and solar power has invariably increased electricity costs and reduced reliability, particularly with increasing penetration into the grid. Allegations of human rights abuses in China’s Xinjiang region, where global solar voltaic supplies are concentrated, are generating political conflicts that threaten the solar power industry. Global supply chains of materials needed to produce solar and wind energy plus battery storage are spawning new regional conflicts, logistical problems, supply shortages and rising costs. The large amount of land use required for wind and solar farms plus transmission lines is causing local land use conflicts in many regions.


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      My comment to the Judith Curry posting:
      As you read this, you are experiencing the accumulated global warming from 4.5 billion years of Earth existence due to the ever-present atmospheric CO2 which is absorbing and re-radiating part of the infrared spectrum released by the Sun and ‘Greenhouse Gas’ heated surface.
      The Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. The earliest geological era is named the Hadean era after Hades due to the extensive volcanic activity creating sheets of molten lava across the surface. Volcanic activity produces copious amounts of atmospheric CO2 so how could the temperature of the hot surface have fallen to the present-day comfortable level if the ever-present atmospheric CO2 was continuously warming the Earth?
      Like every inert, material entity, the atmospheric CO2 is merely a conduit for the passage of heat energy from hot bodies to colder bodies via conduction, convection or radiation, the normal process of achieving thermal equilibrium. It does not produce any heat so it cannot warm anything.
      In every minute of every hour of every day, the atmospheric CO2 absorbs and re-radiates heat from the Sun and the Earth’s surface and has been doing so for more than 4 billion years. If this caused warming of the Earth’s surface then surely at least all of the oceans would have evaporated by now.
      Given estimates of the Sun’s temperature, its distance from the Earth, the thermodynamic surface properties of the Earth and a given location on that surface, we can estimate a realistic maximum for the temperature at that location without including any contribution from 4.5 billion years of accumulated CO2 global warming.
      Under these circumstances, surely it is irrational to propose that CO2 is warming the Earth. The fictitious warming claim promoted by the UN IPCC and the World Economic Forum is simply untenable. It is an attempt to instill fear into the population at large, cause an economic collapse and then claim that a ‘One World Government’ is necessary, run by them, of course.


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        Kalm Keith

        Hi Bevan,
        had a look at your blog, “Climate Auditor”, and the first thing I read was a good putdown of the UNIPCCC;

        The basic science does not support the concept of human induced climate catastrophism and the fact that they’ve resorted to the misuse of the good name of Arrhenius to manipulate and control the population is disgusting.

        The beginning of any real analysis of this sort of problem begins with the macroscopic assessment of relevant factors; the UNIPCCC “analysis” begins with complex formulae which misrepresent the importance of the microscopic sleight of hand being applied.

        Real science, engineering, astronomy and thermodynamics have been dismissed by the Climate elites for a long time now and the only question remaining is;
        How can they still get away with this!



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        Peter C

        Thanks Bevan,
        Your comment is interesting but are you mis-stating the Greenhouse gas hypothesis?
        Jo would say it is the Sun that heats the Earth. The CO2 acts somewhat like a blanket and sets the equilibrium temperature level.


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          Kalm Keith

          Hi Peter,
          The CO2 component of the atmosphere is but a tiny fragment of that delaying blanket and the human origin component of that total CO2 makes our “contribution” sadly irrelevant.
          I had a look at Bevan’s blog, interesting.


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          Graeme No.3

          There are a few who suggest that there is some heat coming from the molten rock deep inside the Earth (generated by slow breakdown of radioactive elements), backed by noting that the temperature rises as you drill/excavate deeper (e.g. 4 mile deep South African mines reported as being 70℃). Another suggestion is that the molten iron rich magma is magnetically stirred by changes in the sun, heating it as well.
          The NASA hypothesis is based on the sun heating the ground which radiates IR which is ‘trapped’ by CO2 and some re-radiated back to the ground, causing it to be warmer. Quite how the surface can loose energy by radiation yet be further warmed by getting some of it back is not explained, nor what happens at night. Convection and conduction are ignored, as is the fact that the surface of the Earth is about 70% water, which is a powerful absorber of IR but which can lose heat by evaporation. ( If you’ve lived in the tropics you would have observed the build up of clouds during the day, followed by heavy rain in the late afternoon.) Then there is an old observation (1915? by some obscure scientist named Albert something) that any increase in energy from absorbed radiation must be transferred to other molecules in the atmosphere by kinetic collision, meaning that all molecules reach the same temperature. Thus the atmosphere does act as an insulating ‘blanket’ (as on other planets), not as a greenhouse which works by having a solid barrier holding in the heat.


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            Kalm Keith

            The internal “heat” does escape but from memory it’s only about one tenth of a Watt per square metre on average so not a big factor.
            That said, if you’re standing next to a lava flow in Hawaii, that’s above average but still a small amount when considering the entire Earth’s surface.

            Thank heavens we have a good insulating layer underneath us.


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          Murray Shaw

          PeteR, the “greenhouse” effect of this planets atmosphere, led by H2O, is what keeps this planet liveable for plants and Mankind (animals). Without that greenhouse effect this planet would resemble the Moon and be completely inhospitable.
          Long Live Global Warming and the Greenhouse effect. Imagine if you will Global Cooling and the next Ice-Age arriving!


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            But a greenhouse has a distinctly enclosed space, unlike the atmosphere.


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              Murray Shaw

              Earths “enclosed space” is its atmosphere held in place by the Earths gravitational pull. No need for plastic and glass, Annie.


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                Graeme No.3

                you are re-defining greenhouse – better is something with a physical barrier that stops circulation. Annie is right.


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            Murray Shaw, there is no “greenhouse effect”. The atmosphere is simply the medium through which the Earth’s surface loses its heat to the cold of space via conduction, convection and radiation. The surface can only be made hotter by receiving heat from a source of higher temperature than the surface and that is the Sun.
            Almost 100% of the radiation absorbed and re-radiated by CO2 is in the 15 micron wavelength band which represents the peak radiation from a source at -80 deg.C and that is never going to warm a surface at an average temperature of about 15 deg.C.


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        yes. It is a load of BS. Maybe time to move to another Planet that has intelligent life……………….


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    US Grid Needs Fossil Fuels, Not Wind


    By Paul Homewood

    Just to follow up yesterday’s post on the Texas grid, here are two charts for the US as a whole.

    The first show how total demand rose by more than 100GW during the cold spell just before Christmas.

    The second illustrates how wind power halved in the space of 24 hours at the same time.

    This destroys the idea that the wind is always blowing somewhere, and that all you have to do is distribute surplus power around the country in order to meet demand.

    And without gas or some other dispatchable source, how would that loss of wind power and surge in demand have been met?


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    Time for some holiday time conspiracy theory footage. This time on the supposedly fake Moon landings. But given the scale of lying around covid and climate change maybe we need to accept that reporting on many past events may not be what we thought it was.

    I leave it up to you to decide…

    Note that You tube flag this one, which is a good indicator that maybe it may have some validity!


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      John Connor II

      No-one’s ever left Earth’s atmosphere. 😎


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        John Connor II

        No-one’s ever left Earth’s atmosphere

        No-one’s going to bite?


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          Leo G

          No-one’s ever left Earth’s atmosphere

          Whenever anyone gets closer to the geocorona, scientists move the bar.


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            James Murphy

            A moving bar can be a nice way to get around town, but I guess also very annoying if you get off and it pedals away:

            Maybe this was not the bar you were referring to…?


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              Leo G

              the bar you were referring to…?

              Where Earth’s atmosphere merges into outer space, there is a cloud of hydrogen atoms called the geocorona. Researchers found in 2019 that the geocorona extends beyond the orbit of the moon about the Earth.

              Accordingly the Apollo astronauts never left the envelope of the Earth’s atmosphere in the circumlunar or lunar landing missions.


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        That’s because they took some of it with them.


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    John Connor II

    The CLOT shot

    Del Bigtree and Pathologist watch Pfizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines react with LIVE BLOOD

    (JC2 – Granted, this is direct blood exposure, but the clotshot doesn’t stay in highly vascular muscles like the 1st year medical students claim either.)

    10-Inch Clot Removed From Live Vaccinated Person – Doctors Baffled

    The discovery was reported Christmas Day by entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, who sent the specimen to a lab for further research.

    In a subsequent update, Kirsch noted the 10-inch long blood clot was “Sent for analysis and SILENCE.”

    “I would love to know what the pathology lab thought of that monster,” commented one Twitter user. “As in… what is it? Looks more like a parasite than a clot.”

    “They are SILENT,” Kirsch replied to the user.

    The clot reported by Kirsch appears similar to ones observed by morticians and embalmers who have been noting strange long fibrous clots coming from the cadavers of vaccinated patients.

    Speaking to the Dr. Drew show earlier this month, Idaho pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discussed the fibrous “foot-long blood clots” taken out of autopsy patients, describing, “What there is is unusual amounts of collected proteins…there are unusual combinations of proteins that make these very difficult for the body to dissolve.”

    How long before the “clotted” stop asking for forgiveness and start asking for help?


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    John Connor II

    Heart attacks increase by 40% in the final weeks of each year due to stress and changes in daily schedules, experts warn

    While the holiday season is a time for family and festivities, experts warn it is a time where deaths from heart attacks also rise.

    There are around 40 percent more heart attacks during the week between Christmas and New Years than the average US week. Doctors blame family stressors, travel, cold weather and even sports for causing the jump.

    Around 800,000 Americans suffer a heart attack each year, around half are fatal. Survivors of heart attacks are more likely to suffer one again in their life. Heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks – is responsible for 20 percent of US deaths.

    Cardiovascular issues are the leading cause of death both in America and across the world. The prevalence of obesity and other weight-related conditions in the US puts the population at an even higher risk of heart complications than that of other nations.



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      I blame Family tensions over the Christmas period. Arguments over who gets the Chicken/Turkey wish bone can be fatal.


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      It’s the immune rebound from winter. As temperatures heat up there is more immune activity. As vitamin D increases. Exposure to mould ends. The increase in immunity increases inflammation. Symptoms from maybe all chronic illness increases late in the year.


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    Summer has finally arrived in Sydney after 3 years of being away somewhere else. Was it Climate Crawling or somefink’ else like that?

    I must contact the UN again and maybe Mr KRudd. Wot’ a great Diplomat he will not be. Will he support the recent initiatives to have Nuclear Submarines, Hypersonic Missiles, Computer Hacking and all that stuff against his Mandarin Friends. KRudd is the Manchurian Candidate…………………….Wot’ a Tosser. Leave him NY.

    And this is the best that Elbow can offer to the USA?,vid:CyTCKoiYk7w


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    John Connor II

    The DAM is breaking in Japan, two more professors speaking out against the vaccine
    Prof. Masanaka Nagao from Hiroshima University School of Medicine
    “We believe the vax is related to immune abnormalities”

    Speak out before it’s all proven, because afterwards you don’t have a future as no-one will trust you or want to deal with you…


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    David Maddison

    Who to leave money to?

    A number of friends have been contemplating which institutions they should or could leave some money to in their wills.

    They want their money to be spent on something worthwhile and that represents traditional values and is supportive of Western Civilisation.

    Most, if not all, universities have been fully taken over by the Left, even science and engineering faculties (Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”). They, and I, would not like to leave money to them to see it used promoting anti-science such as the anthropogenic global warming fraud or wasting effort on designing better windmills.

    Most arts faculties similarly are not engaged in genuine scholarship but in nonsense, contrived subjects such as “gender studies” or “critical race theory” or “feminist interpretations of shakespeare” etc..

    I personally have been asked to give money toward a race-based scholarship to a university but I refuse such a racist concept. Scholarships should be available to the best candidate irrespective of their race.

    Are there any worthy, enduring and traditional institutions left that deserve money being left to them and who are not yet and are never likely to be taken over by the Left?


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    David Maddison

    I wrote this six years ago.

    The Gangrenes, Labor and many Lieberals are celebrating the likely closure of the Portland aluminium smelter in VIC saying that it has only survived through cheap subsidised power. Now, because aluminium smelting requires huge amounts of electricity the business model requires the cheapest electricity possible since about 90% of the value of the aluminium is represented by the cost of electricity required to produce it. So how do they get cheap power? Even though the Australian electricity market is highly regulated, in the following description things operate as though they were almost in a free market for the purposes of aluminium production. A large power station, unless it is specifically designed to be “load following” cannot easily adjust its power output so needs to be operating at a constant power output all the time. The problem is that there is more electricity consumed during the day than at night. To keep things efficient and the cost to the consumer as low as possible you don’t want to lower output at night. So what do you do with the night time production? You sell the surplus at a cheaper price and the marketplace reacts by providing consumers prepared to take the cheap night time production. Aluminium smelters are ideally placed to do this. They benefit the power company by absorbing their surplus production and the smelter is benefitted by cheap power without which it can’t function. So the cheaper power prices paid by aluminium smelters are not subsidies but a natural outcome of a free market. It is absolutely no different to “off peak” pricing of any other resource including airfares or hotel bookings. The reality is that the destroyers of our society are celebrating the deindustrialisation of Australia and the decrease in our standard of living that will follow.


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      John Connor II

      Gangrenes and Lieberals – adds to collection…


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      Will Gray

      Give it to research the Min min light


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      Murray Shaw

      Davis]d, the business model of Snowy Hydro employs this energy pricing anomaly, they were able to buy electricity between 11pm and 5pm for the nominal sum of 1C/KwH, and pump water up the hill, then generating energy to the grid at the peak usage times of an evening and morning, around 13% of the day, getting some years ago $98kwh. Hence the beauty of “pumped hydro”.
      Renewables are removing that pricing anomaly with Solar giving zero at night, and wind being intermittent, the rush to renewables has ruined SH business plan. Though I do notice that the midday pricing with a rus of solar has been negative at time, maybe SH is now pumping at lunch time on sunny days.


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    David Maddison

    Relying on the weather for power production is never a good idea. That’s why industrial society ditched the windmill the first time around about 250 years ago as soon as the steam engine (Newcomen) was developed and became popular.


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    David Maddison

    An evidence-based report on Covid “vaccines” from Dr Phillip Altman. See link in following text.


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    Great Artesian Basin Recharging

    “The high levels of rainfall that we’ve had over the past six months is absolutely recharging the groundwater systems across the entire region,” Dr Robinson said. (ABC)


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    David Maddison

    This is quite interesting.

    Ben Shapiro (conservative) interrogates OpenAI chatbot.


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    David Maddison

    The date and starting location of the next pandemic?


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    David Maddison

    List of WEF acolytes.

    Who can you find?

    Courtesy of The Malone Institute and The Pharos/Media Foundation.


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    Replace coal fired power with wind power. Let’s look at some Maths.

    Bayswater coal fired power plant has been in operation since 1985, so it’s 37 years old.

    Its operation has been restricted in recent years by ideology, and green followers would like to say that the low Capacity Factor (CF) of recent times is evidence of their, well, whatever they want to believe, but, given normal operation, that CF would be what it has always been, now around 75% for its lifetime, and while data only goes back to the start of 1999, the previous 20 years would have been around 85%, probably higher, so in fact, the lifetime CF might be around 80%, but hey for the sake of the exercise, let’s use that 75% lower figure.

    The total Nameplate for ALL wind generation in Australia is now 10,277MW, and at the current CF of 30%, that’s effectively just 3083MW.

    Okay, like for like, using generated power (extrapolated CF total) as the guide, then ALL of that wind generation is the equivalent of 6.22 Of Bayswater equivalent Units.

    6.22 Units of coal fired power, and with four Units per plant that means effectively one and a half power plants.

    That’s six Nameplate Units of 660MW at 1.5 power plants.

    Wind generation has around 3400 individual turbines at 79 Wind Plants.

    One and a half plants versus 79 plants
    Six turbines versus 3400 turbines.

    Electrical power whenever it is required versus electrical power who knows when and for how long.

    Wind power to replace coal fired power.

    Hmmmm! I, umm ….. don’t think so



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      Sorry, I left out the Bayswater maths.

      660MW Units at 75% CF is 495MW, so for 3083MW (wind equivalent) that’s 6.22equivalent Units.



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      if you built a new state of the art coal fired power station what capacity would you expect it to operate at, what would be its life span and how much co2 would it emit compared to say the creation and erection of an equivalent wind farm


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        what capacity would you expect it to operate at,

        The question is poorly phrased.

        A new coal plant should achieve an availability around 95%. Month ahead scheduled availability above 99%.

        On this basis wind and solar both have a scheduled availability of ZERO. You cannot rely on them to produce anything when needed. In fact they rarely ever produce at capacity.

        The capacity factor depends on how often it gets back off due to rooftop solar killing the demand. Rooftops do not respond to price signals. They only shut down on overvoltage.

        I worked out today that my off-grid solar/battery system would need to operate for 430 years to recover the same energy value of coal (120 tonne) at the time it was installed. It is more convenient to have solar panels on the roof and a battery in the garage rather than a pile of coal and all the gear needed to convert that but it gives an insight into why wind and solar are energy sinks rather than net energy sources.

        My system was an economic build with AUD1000/kW on panels installed and AUD500/kWh for battery. There was another AUD1000 on bits and pieces to make it all work. So it was not expensive even by today’s standard.


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          The question was phrased accurately to assess the capacity of a coal power station (size of your choice) and the overall emissions for the creation and erection of its wind farm equivalent, that is to say the number of turbines needed to produce enough electricity to equal the coal plant plus the cement, mining, steel, transport etc etc both would take . I would imagine that a wind plant would need to operate for years before it achieved equivalence to the coal plant and many more years before it exceeded it sufficiently for others to be able to claim it was reducing CO2 significantly over its coal equivalent.


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            Like I stated, wind and solar generators are net energy sinks. They can never operate long enough to recover the energy equivalent of the coal that went into their manufacture.

            Wind and solar do not replace coal or gas capacity. It is still needed. Many coal plants will occasionally achieve in excess of 100% of their rated output through their life by various upgrades and under good operating conditions. Under adverse conditions they may need to be derated a few percent. As they get older, the derating might be by 10%.

            Wind and solar can reduce the fuel replacement for coal or gas plants. But they can never replace more fuel than that used to make them.

            No country with high penetration of wind and solar can manufacture wind and solar generators. China has to burn a lot of coal to make these generators using subsidised coal production at CNY700/tonne; fixed through 2023, to keep the illusion alive.


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            G’Day Tony, Just heard on local radio that the UK has just experienced its warmest year EVAH recorded. with the hottest 10 years on record being between 2003 and 2022. Hope you are enjoying a balmy winter. You will, of course, not be using much electricity to stay warm so with the savings on your power bills you will be able to afford a tropical holiday without leaving home.
            I hope you have a very happy new year in your new “paradise”


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      And replace coal power with solar power and it gets even worse. Only deliver power when the sun is shining, and then ask other generators to guarantee supply 24×7. Wacky Wreckenomics.


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    The scenario is the holding cell at a prison in the older South Africa.
    Scene Three inmates: two whites and one black,
    One of the whites asks”What are you in for?” to the other white. The reply “I am in here for robbing a bank, 10 Years, but if it had been with violence 20 years” then “and what are you in here for?” Answer ” I am in here for embezzlement, 10 years, but if had been with violence, 20 years”. One of the whites asks the black. “What are you in for Kaffir?”. Answer: ” I am in here for riding a bicycle without lights, 10 years, but if it had been at night time, 20 years”


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    A happy little debunker

    George Monbiot, environmentalist, political activist & writer for The Guardian admits in a mea culpa that household wood burning is far worse for the environment and climate change than fossil fuel usage.

    But he never makes the leap needed to recognize that wood/dung/waste burning is the way most of the world cooks and heats & that it would be better for the environment if far more ‘cleaner’ coal and gas plants were built to phase out this very dirty ‘habit’.

    Needless to say he is now all in on having government authoritarians phase out use of these fuels and I quote

    lets face it, if wood burning were mostly a working class habit, it would probably have been banned already.


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    ‘The Bureau of Meteorology says Hobart has had its hottest December night in more than 100 years. In the early hours of this morning.’ (ABC)

    Back in 1922 there wasn’t any global warming, so it must be a natural variable.


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      John Connor II

      I’m in Hobart for xmas. It was 28C at midnight last night and 26C at 7am.
      Low humidity though, thankfully.


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      another ian

      el gordo

      They have to find/invent a something like that I guess!

      I was talking to a bloke down there Xmas day and he was being bombarded with high temperature alerts. It was 26 that day and about the same as previous days. I can check and see what he got.


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      Will Gray

      SARS-CoV-1 China mortality rates rose to 11%. Many Chinese suspect it bioengineering in Ukraine.
      We all have seen much deception, could SARS-CoV-2 cause a degree of paranoia?


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      Leo G

      COVID-19 Out of Control in China …

      Elsewhere, estimates of the infection fatality rates for the most recent strains vary from 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 40,000.
      Accordingly, total fatalities for China would be in the range 35,000 to 900,000.


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    Dr Bill Hare, the australian insider at the UN, who claims to be a hard-core climate scientist, but seems more like an activist to me – was saving forests in the 70s which tells me his ideology leads the way. He writes for the Guardian a lot.

    A presentation he gives claiming Jarrah forests are clearly being killed by climate change so we must stop co2 to make it rain more, which he guarantees will happen.


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    David Maddison

    Yet another “sudden death” of a relatively young person.

    Famed Brisbane fashion designer Daniel Lightfoot dies suddenly on Christmas Day aged 58

    Tributes are flowing for fashion designer Daniel Lightfoot after he died unexpectedly on Sunday.

    Miriah Davis
    December 28, 2022



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    Third try to get this up!!!
    I’d been wondering what had been happening to Dr Jackie Stone, whose interview on ‘Trial Site News’ in Feb 2021, has been my touchstone for IVM. Either it was true, or it was a bare faced lie. I lean toward the former. I have a copy, but it disappeared off you tube, came back shortened, then gone again. Yeah it’s old hat, but it turns out she has been harassed by authorities for the last 14 months. Welcome Trust sent a Dr down to Harare; the medical authorities now have a brand spanking new building, and she has just been finally convicted on 2 of 4 charges. It could have been jail, but because she is a woman, they let her go with a fine. She and her family have been threatened, and her licence has been severely constricted. And Zimbabwe uses sinovax, not Mrna! The authorities’ obsession with IVM is that crazy. Someone who saved thousands of lives in the 1st and 2nd waves must be silenced. The last ten mins of the video she pleads for people not to get distracted by the masses of information thrown at us by both sides. She thinks it is a distraction, while the smarties slink off with huge bags of loot.


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      Thanks for letting us know F C.
      I was lucky enough to see her first (?) video with her anecdotes and early results, but by the short time after when I went back to watch it again it had gone.
      Then I thought her government were enlightened. Seems either I was wrong, or something has changed – for the worse.

      I admire her work and wish her well.

      Dave B


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    Honk R Smith

    Can’t shake Reformation 2.0.
    There are those that follow the established interpretation, and those that are noticing problems.
    A ‘Heretic’ is now a ‘Conspiracy Theorists’.

    The two co-existing realties are startling.
    Just recently, talking with a close, still mask wearing friend, with whom I avoid mentioning politics, this person asked “why is Elon Musk silencing journalists ?”
    (Drives a Tesla.)
    I muttered reluctantly, something about the FBI and Hunter’s laptop.
    “Hunter’s what, Hunter who?”
    Where would I start?
    So now I’m even more of a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
    Catholics vs. Protestants?
    Science vs. Scientism?
    Globalists vs. Humanity
    What do we call it?
    Hard to not go to G vs. E.

    Reformation 1 was a long ugly slog.
    I see very little political structure in the Western world willing or capable of putting up a fight.
    Most of us are likely to be forced to choose compliance or our last solitary hill.

    – Loretta


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    John Connor II

    Wednesday funny: Mission Impossible cat


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      David Maddison

      I dislike cats intensely but they can be smart and funny at times.

      Dogs have owners, cats have staff.


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    Global Cooling

    A ramping test with a new 1.6 GW nuclear power plant in now in progress: Look especially their focus on the stability of the power grid.

    Information about the power grid can be found here
    Note variation of the price from 50 € to 170 € during the day. Wind power has daily variation from zero to over 4 GW, today it is below 1 GW.

    So; we are looking for cheap and reliable energy. Demand is today from 9 to 12 GW. Where is the elasticity? Import from Sweden may save from blackouts but cost is high.


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      The investigation into the damage in Olkiluoto 3’s feedwater pumps has mainly been completed. The cracks in the impellers of the feedwater pumps have most likely been caused by the test production, where the pumps are used in abnormal circumstances. The feedwater pumps have been operated outside the range of normal use during production tests, which has led to a higher than normal strain on the pumps. The recurrence of similar damage can be avoided by the optimal operation of the pumps as well as using using impellers with more robust measurements.

      !!… wow !.. sounds like someone got the pump design/ spec seriously wrong !


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      What is Finland’s current domestic energy cost in kWh?


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        And the other question I should have asked: what is Finland’s average energy source percentages – I.e., hydro, wind, solar, gas, coal, and proposed nuclear?


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          Energy pie

          Foreknowledge for 2021. Start 1pm, from there clockwise, Öljy=oil, Hiili=coal, Sähkön nettotuonti=net import of electricity, Vesivoima=hydropower, Tuulivoima=windpower, Puupolttoaineet=wood (Finnish word is in plural, meaning all the different ways of using wood as a energy source, I guess), Turve=peat, Maakaasu=natural gas, Ydinenergia=nuclear energy, Muut=other


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        Here you are.

        Electricity prices in Finland

        From the left; Price at a moment (active), The lowest/ the highest per day, 7 day meanprice and 4 weeks meanprice. Bit lower in the page is table or diagrams for 4 weeks meanprices for every hour of the day.

        Prices are cents/kWh.


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    David Maddison

    Younger people are dying all over the place.

    Here is yet another case of a young 37 year old succumbing to “sudden death” due to a heart attack.

    He was a producer at woke ABC America so the obvious likely cause will be denied.

    At least “conspiracy theorists” are not dying from “sudden death”.


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    Kalm Keith

    My apologies for having been immoderate.

    [Just the evil auto filter KK , has been released.]AD


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    More daft lunacy from the McKibben donkey and his delusional ideas about TOXIC S & W.
    If these clueless UNRELIABLES are so good they should surely require NO subsidies from the taxpayer?


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    William Astley

    The CDC has been caught hiding a change to a FAQ on their web page.

    The CDC’s RNA covid vaccine web site prior to the ‘stealth’ change which has made July 23, 2022, stated that the RNA vaccines only remain in the body for a few days, after which time they are broken down by the body.

    That statement is not correct and has removed July 23, 2022 without comment/explanation or notification that a revision had been made. Peer reviewed studies have shown the RNA covid generated, spike remains in the body for up to a month.

    The covid RNA vaccines, including the RNA ‘bivalent’ covid boosters produce a modified first release Wuhan-1 spike. The Wuhan-1 spike produced by the vaccines, has been modified to make it more difficult for the body to break the RNA spike down. The covid RNA vaccine generated Wuhan-1 spikes last up to a month in the body.

    Due to a court order the CDC has been forced to release the data from their v-safe application which logs RNA vaccine adverse events. The v-safe data shows 7.7%, 782,913 people, reported that they had to seek medical attention for serious RNA vaccine side effects. The data also showed that 25% of the RNA vaccinated had side effects which caused them to miss work or school.


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    Europe is going to enjoy a warm spell.

    ‘The 15-day upper air forecast by GFS indicates an amplified upper-level high-pressure ridge dominates the Europe climate favoring mostly dry and very warm conditions into the early New Year. One possible catalyst to the warmth is the unusually warmer than normal Mediterranean Sea.’ (Climate Impact Company)


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    another ian

    Covid highlights from today’s “Covid and Coffee” newsletter

    That IgG4 study is getting noticed. 2 points on that –

    “There are a couple takeaways. First, “fully vaccinated” (two dose) folks may not yet be in the danger zone. The researchers didn’t find IgG4 antibody replacement began in earnest until after the 3rd booster, and especially after the 3rd booster and reinfection.

    The study has lots of leg. Things are making more and more sense.”

    “Finally, and maybe most important, people may want to strongly consider STOPPING BOOSTING until this thing gets sorted out. It’s almost certainly the continued boosting that is causing tolerance. I know this sounds shocking, but repeat injections of a toxic genetic antigen over a short period of time might not have been the very best idea they came up with during the pandemic.”


    “”Uh-oh! More problems emerged last week with Moderna’s fancy covid drug in the form of two studies.”

    “These researchers studied outcomes of patients with and without Moderna’s covid treatment Molnupiravir (its version of Paxlovid), and found that Molupiravir doesn’t work:

    Molnupiravir did not reduce the frequency of COVID-19-associated hospitalisations or death among high-risk vaccinated adults in the community.

    That’s not good. But that’s not all.

    Another pre-print study published on MedRxIV the same day, December 22nd, titled “Antiviral treatments lead to the rapid accrual of hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 mutations in immunocompromised patients.”

    The researchers also studied Moderna’s covid treatment Molnupiravir, which is supposed to reduce viral replication by scrambling covid’s genome. Nothing could go wrong with that plan.”

    “So, not only doesn’t the drug work — it does NOT reduce serious covid infections or deaths — but it “supercharges” the evolution of new covid variants by DELIBERATELY randomly mutating the covid gene.

    The FDA approved that drug. You really can’t make this stuff up.”


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    OK, I put this up on rumble. I put it up public, but it came up private, now it’s back to public. Hopefully it works?
    If at all true, is the hardest information to refute. So they hide it, and go after her through regulatory channels. As I said, this has been my touchstone for IVM, all the push and shove with trial stats is impossible to decipher. This is like a beacon.


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    So, it was bad enough that we didn’t try to get an Australian citizen from being extradited to die in the USA, Julian Assange…

    Now we’re taking an Australian citizen and happily handing him over to the Yanks to die there too! Don’t expect help from your Govt, they are the enemy!

    “Canberra approved on Wednesday an American request to extradite former US Marine pilot Daniel Duggan.. The veteran fighter jet pilot allegedly “provided military training to PRC [People’s Republic of China] pilots” through a South African flight school.. His lawyer, Denis Miralis, has argued it would be a “miscarriage of justice” for the pilot to stand trial in the US, given that there is no equivalent to the charges he is facing in Australian law.

    “Australia does not have an arms embargo on China, Australia has not sanctioned China, therefore the extradition should fail on the basis it does not meet the requirements of dual criminality,”

    Like Assange, the Govt behaviour is not even legal!


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