By Jo Nova
Good news: The vaccine narrative is unraveling
There’s been a string of stories about the downside of vaccines; how they might be fueling new variants, how the harms have been suppressed, how doctors have been silenced, and now how the advertising is “deceptive”. Personal stories are flowing forth.
Last weekend a whole new conversation has broken out online — Rassmussen reports found 57% of US voters want an inquiry into the CDC’s handling of vaccine safety. They also reported that some 7% of vaccinees told Rasmussen they suffered serious adverse effects. This meant there are something like 12 million Americans who felt they had suffered something quite bad from vaccination.
This sparked an admission that Elon Musk was in that club:
Musk had taken the vaccines so he could visit his factory in Germany. The next day Scott Adams of Dilbert cartoon fame declared “the anti-vaccers clearly won. I lost.” And he wasn’t joking.
Rassmussen’s survey has reached 29 million views and they credit Scott Adams and Elon Musk.

Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash
As far as I can tell, the big media breach started in early January with the Wall Street Journal asking: Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?” It’s been a long time coming. We discussed these risks here twenty months ago: Leaky vaccines may trigger an arms race that makes Covid more dangerous. The WSJ story was a long feature article, heavy with scientific lingo. Even if most readers missed the significance, editors would have noticed the unthinkable had quietly been said. The vaccines were boosting the wrong antibodies, and people who had more shots were more likely to catch new covid variants. Alyssia Finlay, the author and editor, was holding a box of scorpions, and the article was heavy because she was using peer reviewed papers and technical jargon as a shield to ward off the criticism she knew would come.
That Wall Street article generated nearly 3,000 very heated comments, and another 500 in The Australian. It was denounced as “irresponsible”, “fallacious” and “wrong” and misinformation (of course) but it was a turning point. Interspersed among the noisy critics were people telling their sad stories of injuries.
Perhaps for the first time there was a conversation
Commenters were astonished — Joseph Breton wrote:
“Will my account be suspended if I agree with the WSJ journalist? Normally this type of truth-telling doesn’t sit well with the moderators. Maybe they’ll just delete the whole article.“
Within days there were letters to the editor from doctors saying “Of course it fuels new variants“. The same author, Allysia Finley, went on to write about how the experts hid the dangers, rushed the process and didn’t do enough testing.
‘Experts’ Are Fueling Distrust in Vaccines
Jan 9th, 2023, The Wall Street Journal
The experts are responsible for vaccine skepticism because they aren’t honest about the potential risks.
With thousands dying each day, the FDA in December 2020 decided it couldn’t wait for an exhaustive study and authorized the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after two large randomized controlled trials showed they were nearly 95% effective against symptomatic infection. But patients had been tracked for only a few months. The trials included too few participants to identify relatively rare adverse effects, especially among those of different age groups or with particular medical conditions. Public-health officials couldn’t conclude with any certainty whether the vaccines cause, for example, neurological symptoms in 1 of every 100,000 recipients or cardiac problems in 1 of every 10,000 young men.
Clearly Allysia Finley had been reading “the internet”:
The internet is full of stories of unexplained deaths that follow vaccines, many of which may be coincidence but some of which may not. The more the experts deny or ignore what people see with their own eyes, or what new evidence and experience show, the more people will ignore their counsel and be open to charlatans who undermine all vaccination.

The Majors and the media ignored the biggest protests in decades
It’s all still couched in generic pro-vaccination terms but suddenly people have a license to say “this vaccine is different”. Finley was called a “purveyor of dangerous public health disinformation”. But the comments kept coming, and the scientific debate has been unleashed.
Commenter Nathanial Haynes was delighted in the change:
” I must say, as someone who has been consistently skeptical of the covid vaccine charade it is a profound pleasure to read these comments. Where once the voices that were doubtful about the wisdom of giving people shots with very a VERY short track record, built on an untested platform and through force and coercion were few and far between it appears that common sense and sanity have prevailed. Perhaps we aren’t doomed after all?
Commenters who need to “Believe the Experts” are floundering and using the same old strategies of namecalling, platitudes and derision. You know the drill: all vaccines have risks; you’re just an anti-vaxxer; all these amateurs think they can do orthopedic surgery; does that mean you take your child to a barber for major surgery..? They are outnumbered and out flanked.
The latest Wall Street Journal story talks about “false advertising”:
The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters
Allysia Finley, Wall Street Journal and The Australian
You might have heard a radio advertisement warning that if you’ve had Covid, you could get it again and experience even worse symptoms. The message, sponsored by the Health and Human Services Department, claims that updated bivalent vaccines will improve your protection.
This is deceptive advertising. …
The problems are getting repeated and packaged up quickly now:
But three scientific problems have arisen. First, the virus is evolving much faster than the vaccines can be updated. Second, vaccines have hardwired our immune systems to respond to the original Wuhan strain, so we churn out fewer antibodies that neutralise variants targeted by updated vaccines. Third, antibodies rapidly wane after a few months.
Pfizer and Moderna claim their new vaccines are better but the studies are flawed, weak, done at the wrong time and the results are not good anyway:
The studies’ findings contradict November press releases from Pfizer and Moderna asserting that their bivalents produced a response to the BA.4 and BA.5 variants four to six times that of the original boosters. These claims are misleading. Neither vaccine maker conducted a randomized trial. They tested the original boosters last winter, long before the BA.5 surge and 4½ to six months after trial participants had received their third shots. The bivalents, by contrast, were tested after BA.5 began to surge, 9½ to 11 months after recipients had received their third shots.
The CDC published a study in November that estimated the bivalents were only 22% to 43% effective against infection during the BA.5 wave—their peak efficacy. As antibodies waned and new variants took over later in the fall, their protection against infection probably dropped to zero.
Finally fingers are being pointed at the right places:
The vaccine makers designed their studies to get the results they wanted. Public-health authorities didn’t raise an eyebrow, but why would they? They have a vested interest in promoting the bivalents.
Journalists are getting better at spotting the tricks junk medical studies do. But that means the hypocrisy has been noticed:
Many of the same experts who trashed observational studies supporting hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin now flog intrinsically flawed studies on bivalent boosters.
Exactly. We’ve been fed a bunch of medical hocus both ways — to denounce safe treatments and cover up the dangers of forced ones. It’s not just heads that should roll, whole agencies need to be razed, whole companies need to be dismembered and their assets used to compensate their victims.
It’s great to see that conversation start.
h/t David Maddison, Another Ian, Scott of the Pacific.
Tunnel by Jo Nova, Photo of man By 10634669.
I know it’s off topic, but I’d like to congratulate you, Jo, for being featured in today’s message from CFACT for your piece on Davis on 20 January.
Yes, excellent coverage.
You folks are aware that there is another recombinant mRNA jab out on the market? for at least 2 years. Shringrix
Virol Sin
. 2022 Oct;37(5):731-739. doi: 10.1016/j.virs.2022.06.002. Epub 2022 Jun 6.
LNP-CpG ODN-adjuvanted varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E induced comparable levels of immunity with Shingrix™ in VZV-primed mice
Immunity claims which I doubt….. strongly.
No, I’m not aware. I’ll need an explanation.
Mr. May: Nope, not aware, not even looking at experimental fluids I don’t need to treat a condition I don’t have. Why don’t you tell me about it?
Thanks for highlighting that.
I mistook it to be a criticism of the Shingles _ Shingrix vaxx.
do shills for big pharma get a bonus when they get the #1 comment in a thread, i think you should.
Same poison.. different name !
So What !!
So what?
Shingrix may have been the VaXXine that gave me blood clots, extensive, on both lungs.
I am now sworn off, Shingles Vaxx, CV19 VaXXines and Flue VaXX.
Any other future VaXXines are very unlikely as there’s no scientific guarantee that they will be safe and fit for purpose.
I know someone who suffered terrible side effects after the Shingrix vaccine, and I believe she still has residual problems, on and off, several years later.
And I remember reading a letter, online, from a doctor, asking how the hell they were going to sell the thing, when the side effects were so much worse than the earlier vaccine. How were they going to convince people that the side effects would be worth it?
“May the Biologist”
50 micrograms of gE antigen
Polysorbate 80
Monobasic sodium phosphate dihydrate
Dibasic potassium phosphate
These are adjuvanted with ASO1B Adjuvant System (Suspension). The adjuvant includes:
plant extract Quillaja saponaria saponin (QS-21) (50 micrograms)
3-O-desacyl-4’-monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) from Salmonella minnesota (50 micrograms)
Cholesterol Sodium chloride
Dibasic sodium phosphate
Monobasic potassium phosphate
Hmmm don’t see any mRNA there- just GLYCOPROTEIN + adjuvants
Please do not mess around with shingles. About 7% of first stage shingles goes to post-herpetic neuralgia. Serious conditions include an unending severe pain in the left face that has no known cure apart from seldom-performed surgery to disable the damaged nerve, with might or might not be the trigeminal nerve. There are many cases where the pain continues to detah. It has the capacity to completely wreck the life of the afflicted.
Do not confuse talk about shingles vaccine with problems with Covid 19 vaccines. Take the shingles vaccine as soon as your physician recommends it.
Geoff S
Shingrix doesn’t use mRNA. It is a recombinant DNA subunit vaccine using modified parts of DNA from the virus to create an immune response
No DNA either, I suppose the polysorbate/Cholesterol/Dioleoylphosphatidylcholine adjuvant implies a LIPID NANOPARTICLE. But the payload is NOT processed through ribosomes, so there is a modicum of predictability as to DOSE.
“No DNA either,” Cleverly disguised as “50 micrograms of gE antigen”.
Why would you use viral DNA as an antigen anyway? Your immune system doesn’t see the viral DNA, it is only exposed inside the mammalian cell. You would have to wait for cell lysis when the virus has multiplied and then have your immune system pick on any viral DNA that didn’t get encapsulated.
Wow!Does it have 94% rate of effectiveness in preventing contraction and spread or is it a treatment to lessen symptoms?Asking for an Advertising campaign manager!
It can’t be stopping the spread because every person who gets shingles, was already exposed to the same virus as chicken pox. Therefore the spread already happened, and chicken pox exposure is huge amongst the community.
My understanding is that it’s impossible to only get shingles.
Typically shingles is a sign of a weakened immune system … be that from old age, stress, bad diet, or sometimes because the immune system is dealing with other illness. The herpes family have the ability to write themselves into DNA and then keep coming back … meaning the immune system must be constantly on guard against resurgance.
Well media reporting is a start, but I have zero faith that the legal system will lock up the perps. Remember,this plandemic was a full spectrum dominance warfare to instill a “Globohomo” control. Our leaders surpassed CCP bastardry- the Chinese did not con their population to play mRNA fantasies.
Still,you are called ANTI VAXX or CONSPIRACY THEORIST if you question the prevailing view. Little by little the wall of pro compulsory vaccination/ lockdown paranoia and every other nasty vindictive terms are being broken down. This whole business is one big fiasco entailing the ignorance of experts, the bastardry of our bureaucrats and politicians.
I had problem with their management early on. It seemed a huge overreaction.
The cited fatality rate was about 1% of people who tested positive. Sad if you are in the 1%, but not a big number. And in normal circumstances you naturally expect that new information as research comes in will see that number reduced.
The other two significant numbers, i.e. the people who contracted COVID but were asymptomatic and the people who didn’t catch it at all were just ignored.
So, clearly the problem wasn’t as big as they were making it out to be.
Then we saw a report that a Dr Zylenko in New York had achieved an 80% reduction in hospitalisation using a protocol including HCQ.
Then we saw a report that Dr Zylenko had been “run out of town”. I only saw the headline for that.
The next that I noticed was when the New South Wales Medical Council suspended Dr Paul Oosterhuis for recommending Ivermectin, publishing information which the authorities wanted to keep secret.
Be it clearly understood, the authorities didn’t just prohibit the use of HCQ and Ivermectin, they when doing so prohibited ALL private research within their jurisdiction.
It is difficult to imagine an appropriate punishment for this action. In the private sector it would be a criminal act attracting lengthy incarceration.
I just want to see Dr Young, former QLD CHO, removed as Governor of QLD. Her reckless and unjustified pushing of the vaxxes and her completely wrong support of deadly and destructive lockdowns was utterly wrong. She was the one who was fining doctors who prescribed HCQ, when it actually worked vs the dangerous vaxxes.
She also had conflicts of interest that meant she should never have been in the job anyway. Her husband was connected to Pfizer through business dealings. Remember her negative comments about the AZ – then consider that this directly benefited her husband.
Dr Young was a political animal first and foremost, with the people of QLD a distant last in her priorities.
Just appalling that such an incompetent could be allowed to hold such an office. Time for her and our awful Palachook to face the music.
Heads on pikes would be a good response!
Excellent work Jo.
The real crime is not the inadequate testing or the withholding of information.
That could be forgiven as unfortunate behavior under fire.
It is the mandates.
Sorry, no forgiveness.
No Amnesty.
Sorry “honk if your horny” but i disagree.
The real crime IS the making of a drug that destroys your immune system and then lying about it (charge them with murder)
The mandators (Morrison, Andrews et al) should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder
In the US I think it would be akin to charging the gun manufacturer any time a gun murder was committed. There is tort for a negligent product. Even murder has got to be broken into 1,2, or manslaughter. The last “manslaughter” might apply to the person that ordered and/or gave the jab. First Degree (1), requires intent. Is there a charge for “conspiracy to commit intended mass murder”? I don’t recall seeing that but maybe.
It would be a good time to get a law degree finished though I can see some hefty class action suits coming….
“In the US I think it would be akin to charging the gun manufacturer any time a gun murder was committed. ”
I don’t think so, a gun manufacturer only has to sell you a weapon that performs as designed & doesn’t blow up in your hands. What the buyer does with the gun is beyond them.
A vaccine manufacturer has to sell a product that doesn’t kill you and has to help you over a sickness. Unless the Doctor forced it on you, medics are blameless for injecting a product that kills you.
If lawsuits can succeed on blaming a gun manufacturer for a death, then suing the vaccine manufacturers should be child’s play.
I’m doing a certain amount of pretending.
The kind we all do to cope with the tribulations of physical manifestation in this plane.
Some pretending is getting gradually more difficult.
Like the assumption some people in in high places believed they were doing ‘good’.
But then, there’s certain high minded folk that consider their fellow hominid creatures a threat to the planet.
So there may some question about the ‘good’ intended.
I have dimming memory of such.
It led to questionable activity with mixed results.
The Horny comment was a play on words just for a bit of fun LOL not intended to offend.
The issue here is Phizer et al developed a drug basically without any testing started vaccine distribution and injection.
The problem is we are dealing with a whole bunch of nested complex systems.
1, A drug mechanism that has never been used in humans before and one no one truly understands
2, An Immune system no one truly understands
3, A virus no one truly understands
4, Vagaries between humans, old, young, male, female, pregnant etc, etc , etc
Then you have the corrupt TGA/ATAGI approving the drug under EUA
Then you have GOV mandating its use
Then you have initial reports if side effects which were AND STILL ARE IGNORED by TGA/ATAGI/GOV
Then you have the corrupt doctors/hospitals
All complicit to death and injury
For me I looked at this and thought, any drug taken that can invade a cell and force it to make foreign objects cannot end well, turns out I was right.
At some point the vaxxed in this country (20 odd million of you) will realise what has been done to you, i hope you get justice.
Sorry but from my memory Morrison was doing very little, until the left, & their MSM started to make ground on attacking him for not having bought & distributed the “vaccines”.
The same applies to the net zero thing. I got the impression that Morrison had no real position on this, & would have done nothing, until he saw he was shedding votes in the thousands. Even then I think it took blackmail by the financial sector to get him to endorse net zero.
On both I think he is just a weak bloke who went with the voters rather than any actual thought on either issue. I think he weakly took the easy way out in each situation, rather than actually had any meaningful policy.
Then you need glasses, Hasbeen.
And a memory implant.
From the very start Australia, under Morrison, led the way.
Yes, he was working from a script written by others and supplied to him by Ms Inman Grant, but he threw himself into the task with unbridled enthusiasm.
Fully supported by Labor and the Nationals, I might add.
Fair go Hasbeen, he had all his time cut out working multiple duplicated ministerships.
If you recall, our first tranche of vaccines were backstopped by Italy. Morrison had to scramble to find more, all under the criticism of the left – who did bugger all but whinge.
Once we had the vaccines, the number of infections started to go up, not down, and not maintain a typical flu season level. Morrison should have stuck with common sense and Sweden’s model, but he wavered and caved under Labor’s panic.
The mandators (Morrison, Andrews et al) should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder
Don’t forget Greg Hunt. He was the WEF perpetrator in chief. The medically ignorant others just went along with him.
Over at “theconservativetreehouse”. Sundance put up a couple of articles 3 maybe, I will have to check. About the effects of the Covid 19 vax and those that avoided it.[1][2][3]
As Sundance said, figuratively speaking (from memory), Americans need to have this conversation and oh boy did they ever! Even Neil Oliver, from the UK, also discussed the “conversation we have to have”.[4]
As JoAnne says, “Exactly. We’ve been fed a bunch of medical hocus both ways — to denounce safe treatments and cover up the dangers of forced ones. It’s not just heads that should roll, whole agencies need to be razed, whole companies need to be dismembered and their assets used to compensate their victims.“. This needs to be done for all our sakes.
I will list the links below.
Climate Heretic
[1] So you did not take the shot?
[2] The Conversation Continues
[3] The conversation we were denied
[4] Neil Oliver’s discussion about the forbidden talk
The Daily Mail online has piece today about the adverse affect on the nervous system.
Remember when we fretted over a few deaths from Covid that justified extensive lockdowns?
According to Worldometer, deaths in Australia totalled 910 in 2020, 1,350 in 2021, and 14,900 in 2022.
And according to Worldometer, Australia had 28,000 cases in 2020, 367,000 cases in 2021, and 10,600,000 cases in 2022 (#14 in the world). The death rate as a % of cases has dropped significantly, now about 0.15%, was 3%.
Lets break down the death numbers using sensible periods!
Period 1. No Jabs 1/1/2020 – 9/4/2021
Period 2. Jabs rolled out, lockdown 9/4/2021 -5/11/2021
Period 3. 80% Jab Jab completed 6/11/2021-present
Cases: 1. 29,390 2. 148,003 3. 11,126,259
Deaths:1. 910 2. 885 3. 16,297
CFR 1. 3% 2. 0.5% 3. 0.15%
Comment: The deaths in 1. were largely in aged care
There was ONE death from 1/1/2021 to 10/7/2021- there were ~5 vaccine deaths in Australia admitted (Astra-Zeneca clot shot)<strong
Natural Coronavirus is seasonal in temperate zones. The seasonality was lost after the Jab Jab- simply "Opening up" having the blind faith in the Jabs demonstrated that the Jabs had help promulgate the infections. There was NO excess mortality in Australia before the Jabs, now there is 17% excess mortality.
I have yet to see any scientific evidence that the Jabs work at ALL. This is a case of "The Emperor's new clothes" writ large. But it certainly looks like "The Sorcerer's apprentice" gone awry.
That assumes the jabs were rolled out to protect one from the dreaded Covid-19 rather than for another far more sinister motive.😎
Spot on, John.
Excess deaths and debilitating illness amongst the vaxxinated are now established statistical facts.
Miscarriages and still-births are increasing at an alarming rate.
I suspect the number of women of child-birth age experiencing difficulties getting pregnant will soon show a similar upsurge.
Anybody who thinks it is all happening by coincidence or the result of “unintended consequences” is living in La La Land.
MV, Australian birthrates Oct-Nov 2021 down 21%, Nov-Dec down 63%. Reference circa 9 mins.
Lipid nano particles heading straight to the ovaries & not budging. The more shots the more clogging of ovaries.
Naomi Wolf & Dr Chandler have published book on their findings of investigation into Pfizer documents slated for release in 75 years but forced by Fed Judge. Pfizer knew damage to reproductive system.
birth rates increased in 2021 (when vaccination took off) compared with 2020.
So, nope.
Not quite Professor,
Your research is incomplete. ABS data shows that live births for the year ended Dec 2021, were indeed up from the previous year BUT the was a remarkable decrease from 23,000 births in October 2021 to 18,000 births in Nov 2021, followed by a catastrophic decrease to 6,000 births in Dec 2021.
The ABS has declined my request to give the figures for Jan 2022
So Yes.
Peter. So at conception in March-April, before any fertile women Had been vaccinated, they were somehow rendered infertile?
What are the stats for September 2022?
By late June 2021 only 8% of Australia was vaccinated and apart from health workers, most of those would have been high risk older people, not pregnant women.
Ok. How did Jo get an extra vote for saying the same thing as me 10 minutes later. Maybe Peter knows?
Who knows?
The ABS has declined to release any stats after Dec 2021. I have asked them. Their response is that in the normal course of affairs they will release the stats for the 2022 year in Oct 2023!
Malcolm Roberts covered this (see youtube) his protractors claimed his numbers are wrong because lots of babies are born in DEC but are at first not registered (xmas break) so in JAN the JAN numbers are inflated and DEC numbers are reduced until a government servant jiggles the books correctly.
The ABC ran a smear campaign against roberts and claimed JAN figures were up 7% or so and thus proved the books are yet to be jiggled. So now we wait for the jiggling to see what the real decline was in DEC…….. dont hold your breath GOV have been very slow with producing this type of data
This is 2021 so all data is in. Note the Mr Pull does not state “down” from what. The previous month? The previous year. The long term average?
This is all utter BS.
If a baby is born in December it is recorded as a birth in December regardless of when the entry is actually made in the records. It is not initially recorded as a birth in January (or any other month) for convenience then adjusted (“jiggled”) back to the correct date.
What next? Homogenisation? Seasonally adjusted?
INTENDED Consequences !?
Such issues do appear here (Washington State) but note the following from a Seattle TV web site. This suppresses the news about Covid.
“ The King County Medical Examiner’s office is struggling to find space to store bodies due to spiking fentanyl overdose deaths. Health department data shows 1,017 total overdose death in King County in 2022, a 43% increase over 2021 when the county recorded 709 overdose deaths. For comparison, in 2013 the King County Health Department registered 318 overdose deaths.”
There are economic and cultural differences between Covid issues and the overdose deaths. I do wonder if other countries have the drug problems found in American cities. Likely not.
King County is the Seattle area. Reports from other counties and the State are not yet available.
The vaxxers* are or were blaming “anti-vaxxers” (sic) for spreading covid but one of (the many) real enemies are the obsessive woke pro-vaxxers who were trying to get 100% vaxxed and multiple boosters.
Due to the defective, leaky, nature of the experimental covid vaccines they were and are, as Jo says, encouraging the development of new and potentially more deadly strains of covid.
*I am referring to covid vaccines only. I am pro-vax for properly tested and effective vaccines.
G’day D M,
I’m sort of with you and your foot note, but the last bit ” properly tested and effective vaccines “, is too big a proviso now. I cannot trust the producers, the WHO, the Australian TGA, or even the official “experts” any more. And the press is, at least largely, complicit.
So I’ll not even go near the flu shot again.
I will put my trust in Vitamin D3 (and its cofactors etc) and zinc with its ionophore quercetin (although I’d be happier to have a ready supply of IVM of HCQ).
Dave B
I am in total agreement. It is an evil thing when choice is taken from the individual only to be supplanted by the all knowing state with the goading of the media.
I have been reading, “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F Kennedy Jr. He is a lawyer whose primary focus seems to be ‘Children’s Health Defense’. He addresses the whole corrupt edifice in great forensic and referenced detail. The chief culprit seems to be Dr Fauci, closely followed by Robert Gallo who cut their teeth on HIV and AIDS and the AIDS ‘vaccine’ AZT.
The way in which Dr Fauci keeps control is through his specially selected Principle Investigators who are publicly funded but who work with Big Pharma. Dr Fauci controls and adjusts the trials to ensure that they produce the results he wants. Through his control of Federal funding, he can control the scope of research and ensure that rivals are excluded.
The other thing that Fauci and Gallo are good at, is media presentation and control. More often than not, new ‘discoveries’ are announced via press conference or from a sofa in the White House before the relevant papers are published. This immediately undermines any potential criticism of the papers when they are eventually published.
I very much doubt that Australian regulators did any more thaN accept the FDA approvals which were manipulated by Fauci,Q according to Robert Kennedy. I daresay the same happened with drugs from sources other than the USA.
That next to last paragraph beginning with “Exactly” is what we should push for; especially important is the bit about razing, it’s the only thing that opens up a future for us.
I’m not sure where I found this – PSI maybe – not that I frequent there much:-
The above contains a link to this:-
“How the Gene-Based COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Work
3.1. These ‘vaccines’ use a genetic technology which has not been employed for any fully
approved drug and in this sense the use of these products should properly be
considered experimental. This technology, due to its inherent safety risks, has
previously only been investigated in relatively early clinical research for possible use
in certain cancers and rare genetic disorders. These products deliver either RNA in a
lipo-nanoparticle (which has never been used previously) or DNA genetic material
contained in a viral vector to produce the spike protein, similar to that found on the
surface of the coronavirus, in order to provoke an immune response. It is the spike
protein which is now known to be the main toxic component of the SARS-CoV-2
coronavirus. It is also the spike protein produced by these ‘vaccines’ which is
understood to cause the unprecedented number of serious adverse events and death
being reported following vaccination in various international adverse drug reporting
hi Rosco,
Why have become disenchanted with PSI?
I posted this yesterday but perhaps not many people saw it.
As much of the world becomes less fanatical about covid vaccines, NZ is going for 100% and will be hinting down the unvaxxed.
A scary place to be.
I originally thought Hopkins wasn’t a UN/WEF puppet but I was wrong. The Elites wouldn’t have allowed a loyal Marxist puppet like Ardern to be removed unless to be replaced with another puppet
It sounds like NZ is a dangerous place to be for the thinking person. I don’t think I’ll be visiting again.
Here is a disturbing video segment about the new NZ PM Chris Hipkins. It is part of a much longer video compilation from You Tube channel Odin’s Men, but if you don’t want to watch the whole 10 min video, just go to the 8:15 mark.
Hipkins seems fanatical about the covid vaccine, far more so than his fanatical predecessor. He wants 100% covid vax and says “there will be some people we really have to go out and look for” to inject them.
It sounds exactly like what Klaus Schwab wants. He has a replacement puppet.
Appalling, I weep for New Zealand.
This is an old video from when the PM was Ardern and Hipkins was Covid Minister. He’s not as far left as Ardern was.
Non compliance is the only way out of this.
Holy Sh’t !! IS the new PM a lizard person?
What is it with kiwis who can’t pronounce Hopkins properly?
‘Hipskin’ is his new nickname.
His name is Hipkins. His nickname is Chippie as in C Hipkins.
Yeah after it became too obvious I decided to start a subforum on it and here is what I have posted on this:
and here LINK
It is about time the revelations and discussing them comes out into the open.
Sorry about the 2nd link but you can link to it from the AMPS document from the link in the phrase “evidence from reputable sources”.
Incidentally, the United States under the Biden Maladministration STILL requires visitors to be covid vaxxed, unless they are US Citizens or illegal immigrants.
Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Pierre Kory are coming to Australia but the Left are call8ng for them to be banned.
Don’t they have to be jabbed to be able to fly here or do they just need to pass a ‘Rona test?
Fear of free speech is vivid here; it is why they are ignorant.
A positive move at long last assisted no doubt by the fact that the journalists themselves may become victims of the flawed vaccines that they were hyping. Marvelous how the mind focuses when the gun is pointed at them.
I fully encourage journalists to get covid vaxxed and multiple boosters. The more boosters they have, the better, as far as I’m concerned. I just wouldn’t let them come near me because I don’t want them to give me a deadly strain of covid that their vaxxes encourage the development of.
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their underwear.(old Arab curse predating the flight to Mecca)
Flight from Mecca to Medina that is
And all the ‘Pollies’ and Health Officials in Guv’ment.
And pollies, “govt health eggspurts”, rabid loony lefties etc.
Wouldn’t it just be awful if all the above took all taken the shots and boosters.
In a few years they’d all be gone and that would be terrible.😉
Another positive in the Australian today as a report shows that Green Super Funds actually lost money last year while those of us who kept and bought shares in fossils did very well thank you. So heartening to see the suffering of the woke.
Various views on Scott Adams, including this one
“The Worm Has Turned”
Ive said it before and I’ll say it again, the only people I know who have had issues with covid are those supposedly vaxxed against it. Those at work with 3+ shots have caught it multiple times whereas I sit next to them and never been better.
Every unvaxxed person I know, of which only some have caught covid, have had only mild cold like symptoms – this includes my kids and my neighbours 80 yr old parents.
I know several people that have had serious issues with the faux vaxx, including a young mother of two who nearly died and my cousin rushed to hospital in an ambulance with heart attack symptoms day after pfizer shot (dismissed as nothing to do with the vaxx and not reported with TGA).
My GP said he was seeing a lot of neurological issues, mainly from mrna shots and one of his regular patients almost died after their first shot and still went back for the second – he was flabbergasted.
Pro vaxx family member in Ambulance Vic reported that hospitals were ‘filling with myocarditis cases, mostly younger males’. What was their risk from covid for gods sake?
It’s obvious there is something massively wrong with these experimental serums, which doesn’t even prevent you from catching and spreading the virus (quite the contrary) – How on earth can you force young, healthy people to take that under threat of being thrown on the poverty heap? Absolutely criminal and I pray that the psychopaths like Daniel Andrews face punishment one day for what they did.
Accountability, justice and learning for the next time. That is what will sort this out; nothing less. Some people must end up sacked and a few in jail (and one or two extradited to places still sensible enough to have capital punishment for serious crimes).
“Accountability, justice and learning ”
Learning — Yes!
Don’t latch tightly to the other two — serious disapointment awaits.
I knew there was shenanigans early on thanks to the fearless few who included Jo . I got 2 doses because I had to . I will never forgive Andrews or Sutton . “Chief Health Officer”? Bah…Humbug.
Same here. When the vaccines were first mooted back in 2020- the most common response by those with a little vaccine history knowledge, was that it takes years to develop efficacious and safe vaccines. Then via social media I started learning about the mode of action and history of the mRNA technology. The fact that these vaccines in particular were being developed in under 12 months shocked me. So, I chose the lesser of two evils – the AZ jab. Compulsory because I had my son’s wedding in late 2021. Was I affected personally. Not greatly, but my psoriasis went ballistic and I am still battling the new patches that appeared during 2021. The information that Jo has provided is very much up to date, maybe slightly behind social media, but not by much. The information is coming out on vaccine safety and ineffectiveness but the majority of the population will probably choose to ignore it. Via lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccines we have now created a % of the population who are now total germaphobes.
“…we have now created a % of the population who are now total germaphobes.”
And the tragic irony is these same germaphobes are actually now the incubators for the “germ” they are most scar(r)ed about.
Speaking of “walls of silence” –
“Covid Code Talking & Natural Substances”
Criminal charges against Lauterbach, the EMA and the PEI. Assault, manslaughter, murder?
There you find the pdf copy of the criminal charge (German text)
“Incurable” immune deficiency? Lauterbach corrects the interview with reference to “technical” errors
Some weeks ago, Drosten needed more than a weekend to realise that what he said was, as he saidwrongly represented in the news.
Top German virologist says COVID-19 pandemic is over
Pandemic boss Drosten: Corona-Aus a “misunderstanding”
There is a 7-day rolling average chart here:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations – Our World in Data
69.3% of the world population (5.544 B) has received at least one dose
13.23 billion doses have been administered globally,
2 million are now administered each day.
A problem with this entire Covid Panic is the massive numbers.
See comments #18 & 18.1
It will be extremely difficult to prove cause & effect without a reasonable doubt. For every person claiming harm there may be 50,000 that have shown no harm. For a jury, eliminate all those that have railed about the harm done, and then try to convince a jury of those left. I don’t expect this to get far.
The “numbers” are definitely being used as the greatest defence against the vaccine program critics. For Australia the figure was 65 m doses given so far which is 2.6 times the population. So they’re saying “Look at all the people that have been jabbed and so few adverse effects”. But that’s the problem, historically you should have a relatively low tolerance for adverse effects with any pharmaceutical. But, it would seem the EUA and the overall craziness of the COVID pandemic created an atmosphere where our normal guidelines have been totally bypassed. The mere fact that these vaccines offer such poor efficacy should have been the first reason to pull these products.
Actually, it would be quite straightforward to determine precisely how safe these vaccines are, thanks to those numbers. You see, using tried and trusted scientific and mathematics methods it would be as simple as comparing the incidence of (for instance) myocarditis among vaccinated people by comparing it with that pesky control group know as the unvaccinated. Both cohorts are large enough to provide reliable, sturdy data across all age groups and both sexes.
But of course that’s only if they cared to look and only if the data collection was blind.
Ivor Cummins has been doing that for over two years, working directly from the UK’s NHS official, published statistics.
Look him up on YouTube.
How do you determine if the unvaccinated did or did not acquire non-symptomatic Covid?
These sorts of viruses are known to cause heart and other issues.
Search up or talk to folks about Rheumatic Fever. The after effects are well known.
I doubt that you could acquire a serious heart issue, or any nasty adverse reaction , from “asymptomatic covid”.
If you didn’t have any symptoms, you weren’t sick.
And if heart and lung scans show people with asymptomatic infections have long term heart or lung damage (something that also may happen with asymptomatic vaccine reactions) is that “sick”?
Think of it this way — could a computer virus infect your computer with no symptoms at all, but disable, sabotage or cripple it at some point in the future? RNA and DNA can do that to people too.
People have this idea that disease is only something you notice and a short term thing. Throw that out the window. Disease is anything that harms you, and if you don’t know you have dementia or cancer or HIV any of those long term hidden conditions, it does not mean you are healthy.
I would argue that, Jo.
I think there was possibly a plan to try lockdowns, quarantines, etc., with a regular flu virus. I wrote about it here:
There was a British study with Neil Ferguson and a woman from UNC, Chapel Hill (home to Ralph Baric), listed as authors, that concluded that 77% of us are walking around with the flu and don’t know it and are a danger to the rest of the community. And this should be taken into account when declaring a flu season a pandemic. Can you imagine if they’d tried what they did the last 3 years with an ordinary flu virus? People would’ve laughed their asses off and just gone about their business.
Zero examination in that study of the validity of their tests and zero examination of what it means to be healthy.
We are walking microbiomes and viromes. If you don’t know you have something, it’s because your immune system is doing exactly what it should be doing. And that makes you healthy, not sick.
I think you have to be indulging in lots of alcohol or recreational drugs to not know the moment something is not right in your body.
Also, it’s possible to be ‘healthy’ and still do in your immune system. Binge watch something on Netflix all night long with a 6-pack of beer, and then walk into work, after only 2 hours of sleep, and get hit with a very stressful situation/problem. Bingo! Additionally, fear shuts down the immune system.
Attitude matters a lot, and it can work miracles. But people with AIDS didn’t feel sick for years, and their immune system was not “doing what it was supposed to”, and in that case, attitude wouldn’t save them.
I’m just saying that the statement Asymptomatic = Safe is False.
Most of the time our immune system is an awesome “AI.”
Be wary of the word “Flu” — it has been so overused it is a cliche. There is a world of difference between H1N1, H2N3 and H5N1 and the scores of others.
If someone wanted to create a lockdown influenza pandemic it would be all too easy, it would create panic, and it would kill babies and children too as well as old folks. No western nation would let it run.
But influenza perhaps is a bad weapon for biotech because humans get lifelong immunity to it. Coronaviruses, we don’t usually.
H1N1 was once Spanish Flu, then Swine Flu and now it is the seasonal flu. Perhaps maybe we all have some immunity to the Spanish Flu now?
I thought of a new curse:
“May you be vaxxed and boosted 100 times!”
Live to a 1000 and get your 10 year tetanus booster?
Two questions;
1. Will those ‘vaxed’ continue to catch Covid or will they recover immunity?
2. Will those ‘vaxed’ not recover full natural immunity and be susceptible to some other virus?
Don’t forget, in places like Australia that had, and still does in some places, compulsory vaccination, people were regular forcibly injected with the experimental vaccines in order to keep their jobs or even attend social functions like weddings.
Just because they got the juice, doesn’t mean they believed in it.
I looked at “crazy ole Alex Jones'” page this morning. He had a link to an interesting story from the SMH. The story is 19 years old! Read it and weap!
Hilarious and tragic at the same time.
Scott Adams is still punting the idea that the unvaxed “got lucky” but now his story is that it was due to a “distrust of everything corporate and government”. He refuses to acknowledge that the reason he lost out was that he was not intelligent enough to assess the risks posed by the Covid vaccine before taking the vaccine. He is still not able to acknowledge that a risk assessment of an untested vaccination is a very simple thing to do. If you err on the side of personal safety then you will not take the vaccine until sufficient data has been collected over sufficiently long a period to change your risk assessment.
You did not need to know the exact risk posed by the vaccine, all you needed to know is whether it lies outside of the acceptable range for you. Similarly, you do not need to know the exact risk of dying if you jump off a cliff, all you need to know is that it is unacceptably high for you.
An untested “new technology” vaccine lies outside the acceptable risk range for me simply because I have to assume the worst if the vaccine is not tested. Testing (including testing by injecting millions of people) provides the evidence that I am not going to die from this vaccine or its “new technology”. Without testing I have to assume that I will die or be disabled from this vaccine: the medical industry has a long track record of killing people with medicines that have not been properly tested. Pretty simple really. So, from a risk analysis point of view, I have a choice of assumed 100% dying from the vaccine or an unknown chance of dying from Covid. Why would you choose 100% chance of dying? Even if you had cancer or some other terminal illness, why take a medicine that you have to assume has a high likelyhood of killing you?
Would you trust a bank to keep your money if they told you that they use untested code written in an untested new programming language to manage your assets and they take no liability for any resulting issues, such as you losing everything? Maybe I am super bright, but I don’t think so, this seems very simple to me. Am I “lucky” for avoiding this bank? I don’t think so, I worked out it was not a good risk if I want to be sure that I retain all my assets, in this case my health.
The main influencer that led to my hesitancy was that I had spent considerable time researching the 2017 “advances” in the development of the flu vaccine. As many probably know most of our vaccines are based on the same cell line that was established back in the 1950s and included aborted embryo cells. This is where the mistaken early comments that claimed mRNA shots had the aborted foetus connection – this soon ceased when the structure of the mRNA became more widely understood.
The old vaccines were also cultivated in eggs and anyone who was hesitant about taking any vaccines could tell their doctor they were allergic to eggs. Again this piece of “advice” also circulated early on with the mRNA shot.
Back in 2017 the “new” type flu vaccine was released in Italy, USA/GB followed and it did not use the egg protein approach but was developed using (new) cell based technology which meant that more doses could be developed quicker. Thing is the cell based technology uses the mammalian cell line of a dog kidney.
As the linked article here states with regard to the old egg approach “That means the traditional influenza vaccine may contain minute traces of egg protein.” Ergo(?) what are the chances of some dog kidney protein??
Anyways before this gets too long I’ll just make the following points:
The dog kidney based roll out in Italy for the 2017 flu season was interrupted when some 10 people died within hours of getting their shot. Deemed to be a bad batch and this was withdrawn and shots continued.
Soon after rollout the incidence of respiratory issues increased in the Northern part of Italy but this was put down to increased pollution and the age of residents.
The degree that Italy was devastated by covid when it arrived 2 flu seasons later speaks for itself. There is a large population of Chinese workers living/working in Italy (so the knock off handbags and clothes can carry the “Made in Italy” tag) for many years so when these workers returned enmasse from their Luna New Year home visit some/many potentially brought covid hot and steamy with them.
There are some 4 diseases/illnesses that chickens can transmit to humans, none of them fatal.
There are 12 diseases/illnesses that dogs can transmit to humans, about 4 of these can be fatal.
Oh and the final kicker is that the development of the mammalian cell line for the flu shot was aids/aided by the african green monkey as this 1996 paper reports.
Busy few years between 2017-2020 with flu vaccine process changed from eggs to dog kidney/monkey then mRNA jumps in on our natural immunity. What could possibly go wrong.
How many even know about SV40? The first elucidated retro virus, that came with the early Polio vaccines? It came from the monkey kidney cells used to culture the virus. Luckily, it wasn’t serious, but . . . It took many years to discover.
One of my virology professors in my youth had worked on the Sabin vaccine, and would “give us the dirt” about actually working vaccine development. Someday I’ll tell the tale about the suppressed breakthrough that wasn’t re-discovered for 50 years.
Note that all unvaxxed are being misnamed “anti-vaxxers”. During the pandemic I took an MMR jab to fly from Hong Kong to Taiwan (resident visa so had to have certain jabs), I had had to give up work because I had refused to get the Covid shot and the firms in HK were firing the unvaxxed. I am anti-Covid shot, I am not anti vax generally. Every vax has to be assessed on its own merits in the same way as every medicine needs the same assessment …. Fentanyl anyone?
Makes you realise that the “anti-vax” stigma that existed before Covid was just propaganda driven by the media, a media who do not care about their readers because their money does not come from their readers, it comes from people with financial interests in vaccines.
I am not an immunologist or a virologist, but I have been a medical practitioner for many years. I known enough immunology/ virology to have a reasonable understanding of Covid.
I was taught “first do no harm” as a tenet of medical practice.
I have seen adverse events occur with monotonous regularity following authorisation of “safe” treatments- enough to alert me that the TGA do get it wrong.
For a virus with an overall case fatality rate similar to a bad influenza strain, but with a much more stratified risk profile, “first do no harm” should have been the guiding principle.
However, any doctor, health professional, or informed person who simply expressed an educated opinion was subject to slander and/or loss of their job/ family/ friends, etc.
I have never previously seen this occur in my profession.
Those screaming the loudest were politicians and the media- none of whom had medical training.
The outcomes we have seen- jab injuries, viral mutation, social dislocation et al, was completely predictably given the complete lack of the use of “first do no harm” as a guide.
There was a mention on a radio news bulletin a few days ago (3AW Melbourne) that I think said heart related deaths were up 17% in early 2022. I was surprised to hear that on a mainstream news report.
There was also an article in The Age that featured that 17% in the title, stating that was the percentage increase of ischemic deaths. It followed an article from early January which talked about the 17% increase in excess mortality in Australia last year. I think it’s smoke- some people may confuse the 17% increase in ischemic deaths with excess mortality figures from last year. The first article was from the journalist who reported on Kerryn Phelps’s vaccine injury, the second was from another writer
Africa is mostly unvaccinated but doesn’t have a covid problem either.
Because, coincidentally, and for other reasons, many Africans take two of the most effective prophylactics and treatments for covid, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
There’s many reasons.
On average Africans are younger that Europeans, and when you check out the median age difference it’s surprisingly large.
Africans spend a lot of time in the open outdoors where aerosols quickly disperse which weakens the main method of transmssion. They also get exposed to the sun more often that Europeans … although genetically Africans don’t build up as much Vit-D, the additional sun compensates.
Did anyone besides me think that this whole thing reeked of PSYOP from the get go?
I mean reek.
Dog park poop can reek.
Come on, wasn’t, isn’t it obvious?
Jeez, people did instructional videos about sanitizing groceries.
Two masks?
Jacinda said “don’t talk to your neighbors”.
Maybe I got some immunization from fearmongering from learning about climate pseudo science.
I only know of 3 people that allegedly died of ‘COVID’ … all near are over 90.
Pandemic humor …
The original “Plandemic Series” video was released in May, 2020, just two months after the first lockdowns. By July 2020 it had been reposted all over the internet and viewed by millions.
Anybody who did not know what was going on by then was being willfully ignorant.
“Did anyone besides me think that this whole thing reeked of PSYOP from the get go?”
JoNova Feb 3, 2020 — from the day Tedros the WHO Chief told the world to keep the flights running and that President Xi was wonderful.
But remember, it’s easier to run a PSYOP with a real bioweapon, and the best bioweapons “look like the flu” but have long term disabling productivity losses. It’s so much better to wound enemy soldiers than kill them.
“But remember, it’s easier to run a PSYOP with a real bioweapon”
Point taken.
Which increases the sinister.
Adding foil to my TFH. 🙂
Sorry about that. 🙁
Yeah, I thought most of the narrative was false from the beginning. Lots of medical error, for one thing. I think it was a PBS Nova (or maybe Frontline?) program that I watched early on that appeared to begin with a story of medical error, a story of a young Wuhan man going to the hospital, not feeling well, and leaving with a prescription. When he took the drug, his symptoms exploded! And the reporters didn’t think it was important to ask what he had taken! Had they, they might’ve saved a lot of lives.
Then, the NY Times got a doctor in a Detroit hospital to admit that they probably killed a third of their early patients by hurling antibiotics at them, which have never been known to be helpful in viral illness. They died of uncontrollable diarrhea caused by C. difficile. Not Covid.
Here’s my recent article on why I think the whole thing was a deliberate U.S. creation:
Re Antibiotics: Except Azithromycin can be useful against Covid, and the FLCCC suggested Doxycycline for a while too.
Antibiotics are just a class of molecules useful against some bacteria. It’s worth being skeptical of the old cannard that says antibiotics don’t work on viruses. There’s no law of pharmacology that precludes it. Some do. Some dont. A molecule is a molecule. Each one has a different level of activity against different viruses, bacteria and fungi. Ivermectin has both antiviral and antibacterial roles. There are no blanket rules, only cliches that Big Pharma want us to believe.
In April 2020 I blogged -“WuhanVirus as a ChiCom ops”
I still think it is plausible 34 months on –
brilliant weakening of the West forever. A hinge point in history.
Like 9/11, Berlin Wall, Suez, Pearl Harbor, Sarejevo,
Some people here are suggesting it was USA Department of Defense that did it. Of course that seems much less plausible than a CCP motive to me.
There is an economic war going on right now, between the “western” (NATO) aligned nations, and the “eastern” (BRICS) aligned countries. 99% of what BOTH sides say is complete and utter BS. In war the first casualty is truth. Both sides are working towards total power and control.
The only real difference between the two sides is that the western leaders believe in Malthusian mass depopulation (genocide), while the eastern leaders lust after power and control of their masses, so have a vested interest in keeping them alive.
Since the ultimate western result of the mass, coerced, mandated vaxxinations (so far) has been an alarming increase in “excess deaths”, it is not hard to believe this originated in the west, not the east.
This operation was organised to point to everyone but the perpetrators and I doubt that the Chinese would deliberately release a virus into their own population . Follow the money or “Qui Bono” – that’s where the truth usually lies . Who got rich and powerful because of Covid ?
The CCP would have no problem killing their own “for the greater good”. They have 0% conscience. Killing the old folks of China is a feature not a bug in a country with old demographics.
But the Western Pharma giants have no problem killing our own for their greater profits either.
Asking “who benefits” shows there are a mess of vested interests that could be implicated in various parts of this. Was it an accidental release, but then the CCP military made the most of it? Or was it a deliberate military strategy? There was obviously a serious biotech high risk GOF program that had military involvement in China. And there is Western-Pharma/Fauci as a powerbloc too — did they set up the CCP? Did Western intell set up the CCP? Was this the CCP military setting up the CCP government? Factions within China. Factions within the US. All of the above? How are the banker players, tech oligarchs and financial houses involved, they made billions.
The Chinese would absolutely release a virus on their own people if they thought it gave them “plausible deniability”. Though they can’t deny closing flights to the rest of China, lying about it’s transmission, and flying the virus to infect the world?
The thing that suggests the CCP were wrong footed by someone else is that if any halfwit was going to release a bioweapon, they could have planned it so much better. Why was the bat lady only publishing RaTG13 on Jan 23rd or so of 2020. Why did they leave all the lab virus samples undestroyed until Jan 1st.?
crackar, there were many lab samples and full sequences of the wuhan early variant. See Nextstrain. Note the branching genealogy. Mouseover, then double click, on the spot points bottom left and it will list the pathology labs, the mutations, the variants. It will tell you the name of the guy responsible for the data, and the lab he worked in. All the stuff you talk about with “the flu”, it’s all there for Covid and x 100.
The virus is 29,000 bases long, but it is a piece of cake to sequence it in full in one go and it has been done millions of times in thousands of labs.
Even if they did start the vax program (assuming it wasn’t already running) with just a “computer generated virus”, they would have many real samples to confirm it within days.
As for computer generated antigen sites and protein structure, it’s worth knowing that 20 years ago we were already getting extremely good at predicting the exact structure of protein folding. Note the date on that story! 2002.
There is huge corruption of medical science at the moment. People need to understand the techniques used in labs everywhere to pinpoint the real crimes. The spike in the vaccine is the same spike as the likely bioweapon. Both the original virus and the vaccine are dangerous. Both the vaccines and omicron may have long term effects we don’t know — reducing interferon surveillance, changing white blood cell lineage, causing endothelial inflammation, increasing clotting. We are in a biotech war and the first thing to do is to learn biotech.
The mRNA vaccines (and Astra Zenica) are experimental genetic programs that we didn’t need to do. There were so many better ways to stop this bioweapon. Close the border. Use safe nutrients. Use safe anti-virals. Until we beat this corruption we are sitting ducks for the next one.
And now the CDC is saying the unvaxxed can get the boosters without having the vaxx shots to start with!
They’re desperate for everyone to take a shot.
Do you want to know what these shots are really intended to do and explains everything you see happening?
This is going to scare the hell out of people when this gets mass exposure shortly.
I have the data and analysis.
Do not take the vaxx or boosters, no matter what.
Martin A target date – 2032
WEF target date – 2030
JC2 target date – 2028
You missed the one that upsets all the subsequent apple carts:
8 February 2027 – the appearance of the Mahdi.
A lot of these articles and comments are quite silly and take a very small number of problems to make up a story. The fact is clear that vaccinations, while not perfect have saved many from being struck down with covid and reduced the severity of the illness for others. Sure, there will always be those for which any application of medicine will be less than fully effective, but the vast majority are well protected by vaccines and other medical strategies.
To publish material which dispalys ignorance and encourages people to desist from taking recommended precaustions for themselves and others aroun them by accepting the medically recommended vaccines is actually quite criminal. Someone who accepts this nonsense may well die as a reult.
(The article is discussing about the censorship being applied that appears to be breaking down because many people want reliable answers that have been getting stonewalled) CTS
John, excess deaths in Australia are up at least 12%. No medical expert can explain that. That means around 10,000 Australians have died that we didn’t expect to die, and that is not due to Omicron. In the UK The excess deaths started to rise following the vaccine program . In Australia excess deaths started to rise as mass vaccination was rolled out, which was also the month Delta was running, but Australia had excellent testing then.
The vaccines appeared (at one point) to help some people from week 2 to week 16 against the Delta or earlier variants, but side effects (now medically documented) show protection not only hits zero but goes negative after 5 or so months, and is a lot sooner with the newer variants. (Fourth dose booster honeymoon all over in just 8 weeks) Then there are other side effects like clots, sudden deaths, inflammation, myocarditis. People in low risk covid groups may well have chosen to avoid those risks had they known.
What’s criminal is that the data on vaccination risks was hidden so people did not have informed consent.
A small “smoking gun” study shows Covid vaccination likely led to fatal myocarditis
The kind of medicine where you’re lucky if you get a bad batch
Alice in Vax-land: Let’s test this on 8 mice and force it on 50 million children?
Florida Surgeon General advises men aged 18-39 NOT to take Covid vax: Twitter deletes “misinformation”
Previously hidden CDC data shows 7.7% of 10 million people needed medical care after vaccination
People in their 30s and 40s more likely to die in the prime of their lives, and no one knows why
See all my posts on Vaccines
My intuition, not science, said that “excess deaths” fell in the early days. I could only attribute that to the lockdowns, though I can’t imagine why.
If that did happen, then those “excess deaths” would be expected to reappear at a later date.
Sorry John, but you need to balance any people supposedly saved by the vaxxes (which I quite frankly think is miniscule) against all those who have been harmed by them or killed (like my poor uncle). And now that the vaxxes have destroyed peoples immune systems we now have the jabbed flocking to ICUs and hospitals (and cemetaries) – these harms also need to be included.
These treatments were never properly tested and our TGA never did any independent testing, taking the vaxx manufacturers word on the efficacy, which has been shown to have been completely false. Your insinuation that we should just accept the TGA and cos word on these things is completely wrong and is just a false appeal to authority argument.
We had the Tamiflu incident in the early 2000s to warn us about failing to do independent testing and relying solely on Pharma promises and claims. But no, the TGA and co did not learn at all from this debacle and now created an even more massive problem. Total incompetence all round.
“8 February 2027 – the appearance of the Mahdi.” Yeah, I had to look it up. According to WIki, the quick & dirty reference book, we’re well into the first 20 signs. I always figured teh acceleration of time was because I was getting old. Now I’ve read a couple of things about how time really is going faster..
The coming of fitna (tribulations) and removal of khushoo (fearfulness of God, reverence of God, etc.)[note 1][1]
A person passing by a grave might say to another the following: “I wish it were my abode.”[note 2][2]
The loss of honesty, as well as authority put in the hands of those who do not deserve it.[note 3][3]
The loss of knowledge and the prevalence of religious ignorance.[note 4][4]
Frequent, sudden, and unexpected deaths.[note 5][5]
Increase in Al-Harj (pointless killings).[note 6][6]
Acceleration of time.[note 7][7]
Rejection of the Hadith.[note 8][8]
The spread of riba and zina[9][note 9][note 10][note 11] and the drinking of alcohol.[note 12][10]
Widespread acceptance of music.[note 13][11]
Pride and competition in the decoration of mosques.[note 14][12]
Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man. [note 4][4]
Abundance of earthquakes.[note 15][13]
Frequent occurrences of disgrace, distortion, public humiliation and defamation.[note 16]
When people wish to die because of the severe trials and tribulations that they are suffering.[note 17][14]
When paying charity becomes a burden.[note 18][15]
Nomads will compete in the construction of very tall buildings.[note 15][13]
Women will appear naked despite their being dressed.[note 19][16]
People will seek knowledge from misguided and straying scholars.[note 20][17]
Liars will be believed, honest people disbelieved, and faithful people called traitors.[note 21][18]
Good job KP. Sorry to burst your bubble but the latest suggestion is that earth days are actually getting longer! 1.4 billion years ago, a day would pass in less than 19 hours, compared to 24 today. Seems earth’s inner core may have stopped spinning in 2009 and may have changed direction. So with changes of that magnitude going on currently there is every possibility of other previously unheard of stuff happening also.
The story I heard was that during Ramadan 2007 (Monday 8 February – Tuesday 9 March) there will be both a solar and a luna eclipse AND both these will be viewable from Saudi Arabia. Apparently being able to see successive solar/luna eclipses from the same point is not what usually happens which (if it does occur) makes this a very significant and unique phenomenon and is being used to support a claim that it will be the sign of the return of the Mahdi. It remains unclear whether the return will be as in being born or as in full grown and able to take control.
Anyways forget extinction emergency the earth has her own plans for us and will speed up or slow down or go backwards despite our best efforts. Cheers.
Ramadan 2027…
Of prophets and prophecies
A must watch, excess deaths
Listening to our media encouraging pregnant women to be injected with the safe and effective “vaccines” wasn’t easy listening when it was known that pregnant women were never part of any “mRNA vaccine” trials to determine if they were safe and effective in pregnant women.
Watch the 2 VAXXED documentaries. I guarantee you won’t want your kids or grandkids to be vaccinated afterwards.
Here’s the link to the second one. If you watch it, make sure to do so all the way to the end. It has a happy ending:
The first documentary tells the real Andrew Wakefield story and it also tells the story of a study that the CDC did which found a statistically significant link between the MMR vaccine and autism, mostly in black boys. The CDC spent an incredible amount of time trying to massage the data and bury that link. They weren’t able to do so, and so finally, they just had a shredding party. But, not before someone at the CDC told Dr. Brian Hooker how to get his hands on the data. Hooker works/worked (?) for the Feds, doing nuclear waste remediation, if I remember correctly, and has a severely autistic son. He just kept bugging the CDC, saying “Help me, your data is shit and I need more information. I need help!” When he got his hands on the study that the CDC was working so hard to bury, he was utterly outraged.
The U.S. House actually investigated vaccine contamination issues during the pandemic:
I bet no one saw that reported anywhere!
Yes, in the same way that water “might” be wet. The medical industry has decades of evidence showing the mechanism behind the spread of drug-resistant strains of bacteria, and the best they can come up with is that it “might” be happening with viruses? It’s easy enough to demonstrate as a thought experiment with a spreadsheet. You start with two columns with ’99’ in the first column and ‘1’ in the second, representing the relative population of two strains; the treatment kills 95% of the first strain and 94% of the second strain, and you compute the relative population of the survivors, then put that into the next row and do it again. It only takes about 53 iterations for the population to flip, with 99% of the population being the second strain and 1% being the first.
Proudly unvaxxed and will forever remain so. I know too much about mRNA as a clinical laboratory scientist to ever willingly inject myself with that sh**.