A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Have just heard on the grapevine – the FAA have just lowered the safety standards on heart conditions for ATC operators and pilots in response to the reactions to the Wu Flu vaccines. Also ATC operators and pilots can’t work for 48 hours after receiving a Wu Flu vaccine injection. Aparently this information is circulating around the aviation industry but is being kept largely quiet.
wrt vaccine liability in general: The governments gave the pharamceutical companies a free pass but in my mind once any government, corporation or organisation mandated the taking of the vaccine they took on legal responsibility for that vaccine and hence are liable to class action and individual law suits.
Mixed bag there.
Good that the reality is being acknowledged; bad in terms of our safety when flying and that’s IF we can get a flight.
Ticket costs go higher and insurance won’t pay in the event of pilot error causing death.
Yes, I am fully on board with your reliable news source that has many lines of evidence I can follow to verify what they wrote.
In certain circles, such as Elites, there is a high demand for unvaxxed pilots. Not even the Elites who forced the vax on us, want their own pilots dropping dead mid-flight.
That would be right ! One rule for them and one rule for us just as it will be once they achieve their ambition of “One World Government”.
A link here to the Steve Kirsch substack article about the FAA loosening its electrocardiogram PR interval pass range for pilots while offering no public explanation.
Kirsch doesn’t offer evidence that the FAA action was prompted by pilot’s PR-intervals changing after COVID-19 vaccination. There are recent studies (2015 year) of athletes having ECG parameters outside the normal population range.
However, the suggestion that few of the pilot’s PR interval parameters were inside the normal range is troubling.
There is no way that I am flying with jabbed pilots. Not that I can fly anyway as I have not been jabbed. Suits me as I will stay in Australia and just get the train.
The 48 hour grounding time was announced very early on.
Normally a new drug will not be allowed for FAA medical issuance until after minimum of 12 months after release. Not this one.
Here’s a win for the good guys,
I wish we had a DeSantis in Australia
Should governments really be telling people how and where they are allowed to invest their own money?
They are not and it’s not their money. Such organizations are purely for investing of other people’s money, say held in trust for supannuation.
They are telling the banks not to put blatantly politically manipulative and motivated ESG conditions on loans or investments. Politics is not the job of financiers but of elected representatives.
In the US, the pension is part of the salary package. Most democratic countries permit individuals to choose their own pension plan. Why should the state interfere? It’s big government and anti free market, the very antithesis of DeSantis’s claimed political leaning.
DeSantis has DUTY to protect his State and its citizens from the worst of the leftist scams. !
It’s not a free market when investment comes with arbitrary ESG conditions set by an institutional executives when the people whose money it is have no say at all.
This is blackmail by politically motivated middle men and likely against the wishes and rights of their victims, both the investors and the businesses they refuse. As merely custodians they have no right to do this and are in breach of the faith placed in them to maximize return on other people’s money.
For example coal is very profitable at present but institutional money managers refuse to invest in coal even though it is the wish of the investors whose money they hold in trust and a denial of their right for free market profits. The middle men have no such rights. They have a job to do.
ESG blackmail by unelected middle men in a position of trust of other people’s money are breaking that trust. It’s not trustees money to play such games but a breach of trust. Calling this out as illegal is exactly the job of government.
A free market should consist of voluntary economic activity not controlled by coercive central authorities.
Is ESG investment regulated by UN global governance standards and directed toward UN sustainable development goals compatible with a free market?
But since that’s not even remotely what happened, your comment is irrelevant.
Why don’t you try actually reading the article before shooting your mouth off.
It would make a nice change.
Simon, please don’t pretend that you believe in free enterprise. It just makes you look like a hypocrite.
“It just makes you look like a hypocrite.”
Well at least he iisn’t one
Simon is an anti-CO2, far-leftist, that exists in a world where everything he uses is there because of fossil fuels.
He is the ultimate in hypocrisy.. as are you.!
Simple Simon and his ilk take the trappings of the Free Market and Capitalist System and then proceed to rubbish it. What a Hypocrite.
It is not the Guv’ments money. It is Taxpayer money.
Seriously ??
DeSantis has every right to PROTECT his state and its citizens from the slimy attempts of the far-left to grab money for INAPPROPRIATE uses.
Lol Simon- Anyone else would have got away with that comment & started a Libertarian discussion… you get 16 red thumbs!
In short, superannuation shouldn’t be legislated over, shouldn’t be forcibly deducted by employers and only the person earning the money should have any say on how it is spent or invested. Anything else makes you a slave.
The whole thing will eventually fix itself.
As the profits dry up with their woke global warming agenda they will quietly reinvest in the things that actually make a profit.
At the moment they’re fleecing the taxpayers for subsidies and when some of these clowns in the government wake up, that should stop.
Mr. Simon: Nothing more amusing than a leftist who pretends to oppose big government for a few seconds. Should be railing against capitalism again in 3, 2, 1…..
(sigh) Mon, is your life as miserable as it appears to readers of this blog, or is it worse?
I have a question. Why don’t the big oil companies, coal companies, gas companies, explorers, miners, Saudis do what everyone accuses them of doing, hire some scientists? Or do they actually believe that fossil fuel CO2 stays in the air for hundreds of years and produces warming?
All sceptics are accused of being paid by Big Oil, Big Gas, Big Petrol, Big Coal but there has been no evidence of that at all.
In my expeicence the only public sceptics are self funded or retired, which is the same thing. Often white haired ex professors or NASA employees or independent sceptics who cannot be fired. Perhaps Cardinal Pell thought he could get away with being a sceptic?
But anyone like say the Saudi family who did hire real scientists to pull the whole thing apart would find that there is almost no old CO2 in the air. You can radio carbon date the air like anything which has carbon in it. And 97% of the CO2 is not old enough.
So I am really puzzled. Perhaps the boards of companies and universities are main chancers who do not want to rock their cushy jobs? And they are all Teals. And everyone else is just keeping their heads low? It’s hard to be virtue signalling when you are Saudi Arabia or Iran.
But if even one company did fund a report on the % of man made CO2 in the air, they would be shocked. And the evidence is undeniable.
You really do go on about this easily disproved piece of “science”. I am sure you’ve rationalised these away somehow.
I know, it all disappears into the deep ocean etc. Think about this though- 3% of the atmosphere is new CO2 – ALL THE TIME. That means that humans are pumping out the equivalent of 3% ALL THE TIME since it is quickly disappeared into the ocean only to be already replaced by new CO2. What you are suggesting is an input into the atmosphere, by humans, of an amount that exceeds any estimates I’ve ever seen. A hugely massive amount.
Second is your assertion that the steady quasi-linear increase in CO2 is temperature driven. ie equilibrium balance shifts more CO2 into the atmosphere due to warmer conditions. This, of course, claiming a linear lagging correlation with temperature. The only way this could lead to a quasi-linear increase in CO2 is if there was a similar, lagging, rise in temperatures. I’d like to see the evidence for this.
‘easily disproved piece of “science”’. Go ahead. Make my day.
‘3% ALL THE TIME’ You are missing an essential concept here. Time. Consider, is that 3% over a day, a week, a month, a year?
What equilibrium means is that in a given time the amount leaving the atmosphere matches the amount coming in, so the total of 3% does not change. As I calculated earlier, 860 Billion tons of CO2 enters and leaves the atmosphere every day in a massive exchange of ocean gases like ventilation. The new CO2 from fossil fuel is 162Billion tons per day as quoted by Al Gore at the WEF.
For an analogy consider yourself breathing where you are, likely in a room. If you sealed the room, in time you would slowly suffocate as the amount of CO2 in the air increased steadily. But it does not because the room is ventilated (legal requirement of all rooms) and your excess is replaced by the exchange of new air with a constant and lower level of CO2. The amount of CO2 in your room stays constant. People take this for granted in a house, car or aircraft or submarine but it is a critical health idea in all design of buildings or subways or basements. And the exchange of air in your room vastly exceeds your human output.
The relationship between temperature and CO2 level is controlled by Henry’s law of dissolved gases. All relationships are linear with temperature over very small variations. But what sets ocean surface temperatures? The vast deep oceans which cover 75% of the surface and contain 98% of all gaseous CO2 do not have a single surface temperature. In the much colder waters of the polar regions there is a nett sink of CO2. In the warmer waters of the equator, CO2 comes out on average. And overall the ocean surface temperature is increasing on which summer and winter temperatures are superimposed.
You can confirm this temperature sensitivity from the graph of CO2 as little regular oscillations from summer and winter. Haven’t you wondered about this? Clearly it is annual temperature. And you do not see any human activity in this graph as it is so small. No explosive growth in CO2 output. No short sharp volcanoes. No worldwide lockdown effects. Just summer and winter superimposed on a very slight steady increase at about the rate of the summer and winter annual variation.
So what sets ocean surface temperature? Ocean surfaces can increase because of direct sunshine as with the Gulf Stream and ocean current oscillations including AMO/PDO the balance point shifts. El Nino is such a huge surface warming event and La Nina surface cooling. The amount of heat in the ocean is 1400x that in mobile thin air and heat can only leave from the top by evaporation. Which causes all our weather. Without ocean evaporation we have no weather and the climate would be fixed.
But I repeat that we can accurately measure the average amount of old CO2 in the air and it is 3% of the 0.04% you are breathing now. Your output and that of the other 8 billion people on the planet varies from 4% resting to 14% in high activity. But total CO2 hardly changes in a lifetime.
Our total CO2 output is of no consequence, but over say 100 years, the total CO2 emissions would mean an increase of around 30% if there was no CO2 equilibrium with the oceans. That was the proposition debunked in 1958 by a New Zealander in this Royal Society paper. What was true then is still true. Oceans set the CO2 level and all the power of the WEF cannot change it.
And finally that the theory that world temperature is controlled in any degree by the CO2 level means you have to measure CO2, not so called ’emissions’. But the proponents of CO2 based warming never mention that because there is no relationship. You are told you have to reduce CO2 output even though humans have almost zero effect on total CO2.
In measuring the success of a million wind towers and billions of solar panels and millions of electric cars you need to look at CO2. And the slow increase in CO2 levels is linear despite the clearly exponential rise of CO2 in the last 100 years, at least x9 for human population and perhaps x30 for total CO2 emissions. So the connection between human emissions and total CO2 is again busted, denying the unproven proposition of man controlled CO2 levels.
The sun and oceans control everything. And on a longer time scale the ice ages will return. We are just in what is always a short interglacial. Enjoy.
The summer/winter oscillations are because more of the world’s biomass is in the northern hemisphere, which absorbs more CO2 over the northern summer. The newly released CO2 from burning of fossil fuels is in constant flux with other CO2 molecules. It can’t magically disappear, it moves between atmosphere, ocean, plants and minerals.
it moves between atmosphere, ocean, plants and minerals.
Yes, the plants respond with higher growth rates.. a benefit to the whole planet.
Seems that increased plant growth is “magic” to the ignorance of the bog-standard leftist. !
Seems you haven’t been able to comprehend TdeF’s arguments yet !
Biomass variation is not big enough to explain the size of the fluctuation. And yes CO2 is the same chemical whether from fossil fuels or any other source. But 98% of the free CO2 gas is dissolved in the oceans and any extra is absorbed easily.
Yes, the total amount of CO2 does increase very slightly but the partial pressure of CO2 in the air is set by ocean surface temperature. You can only lift aerial CO2 levels slightly and in the very short term with burning of fossil fuels. The half life for absorbing CO2 and CO2 levels is about 5 years, no matter how much CO2 we release.
In 1965 atmospheric testing of atomic bombs doubled the amount of C14 tagged CO2 in the air. With a half life of 5400 years it cannot vanish but in a mere 57 years, it has all vanished into the deep ocean. So excess CO2 does magically disappear into the ocean with a half life of 5 years. We have the absolute record of this.
A PhD doesn’t give anyone the right to distort science in an area outside of their area of expertise.
Think carefully before embarrassing yourself in public like this.
Really? What is the field of expertise?
Can’t remember, but it certainly wasn’t involved with physics, thermodynamics, atmospheric physics, astronomy or geology
Pretty sure KK was replying to the clayton’s-biologist, GA.
“this easily disproved piece of “science””
Except you haven’t ! Surprise, surprise. !
That’s it; Bio ,Logi.
I suspect because they’re sensible realists and know demand for their product (oil)/gas) will keep increasing despite all the green blob’s efforts. Look at Qatar as an example, they have gas reserve quantities similar to Australia. Yet, because they are more astute they are able to yield $22b in annual royalties from those exports. That’s billion, not million. Compare to us dummies ( Australia ) where we are almost giving it away to China, while we now face huge hikes in our gas bills. Next year that revenue will probably be $30b. Why bother with some silly sciency stuff?
Let’s say that there are 400 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Approximately 4% max of that is of human origin and that’s a fact.
A simple calc shows that, at the most, human origin CO2 in the atmosphere is 16 ppm.
Even IF the so called warming mechanism was real, and it isn’t, then the human contribution is irrelevant.
This theme of Human CO2 Guilt is not science, it’s a scandal that it’s been used to enslave us for so long.
Slavery was supposedly outlawed a century ago.
Let’s all stand together and condemn the theft and enslavement we’re being hit with.
I can prove it is 3%. It’s quite simple. In 1958 it was measured as 2.01% +/-0.15%. Since then we have learned the half life and we have seen all the C14 disappear into the deep ocean. We know there is only one sink for CO2 and it is not the biosphere. We know so much with total certainty. So it is 12ppm. I am appalled when so many people claim the increase in CO2 is all man made. They have no basis for that at all. Their theories were debunked 65 years ago.
What I cannot understand is that the big companies do not fight back and do exactly what people accuse them of doing, hire experts to debunk the fraudulent statements. Or are the directors of these companies as left as their accusers? Certainly Shell Oil in the Nederlands agrees with the ignorant agitators. But surely not the Saudis or the Iranians or even the Emrirates or the individuals like Clive Palmer and Gina Rhinehart. And I have real concerns with Andrew Forrest and his crazy schemes to save the planet with hydrogen, or is it all a game?
Because the oil companies knew full well in the 1970’s what the impact of burning fossils fuels would be for the climate.
One or two of them followed the same ERRONEOUS anti-science that you do. !
There was no scientific evidence that fossil fuel emissions affect climate, and there isn’t now.
You have proven that many times.
The temperature graph is also very obviously FAKED as well,
Where is known peak around 1940?
Where are the steps from solar force El Ninos.??
Its a load of junk science… even you must know that. !
And how could Exxon possibly be aware of any threat from CO2… WHEN NO SUCH THREAT EXISTS !!
And research from Harvard and Potsdam… and the Ork !!!.. You HAVE got to be joking.
Ultra-pushers of the AGW scam…. bitter and twisted, and PAID to come to a pre-determined result.
Now .. where is that scientific evidence that human released CO2 causes warming.
We are still waiting !
‘The temperature graph is also very obviously FAKED as well…..’
Definitely faked. Even the ‘adjusted’ NASA graph shows the 1910-1940.warmng and the cooling between 1945-1976.
Here’s what Exxon knew from their internal 1982 memo. Note that it’s mostly from NOAA, U of Oregon, MIT…..
They speculated what everyone else was speculating….
They were just “copying” from the erroneous consensus science…. ie mantra regurgitation.
“It is anticipated by most scientists that a general consensus regarding the likelihood and implications of a CO2 induced greenhouse effect will not be reached until such time as a significant temperature increase can be detected. above the natural random temperature fluctuations in average global climate. These fluctuations are assured to be +-0.5C. the earliest that such discreet signals will be able to be measured is one of the major uncertainties of the CO2 issue.”
What is patently true is that the Exxon scientists were no more knowlegdable than anyone else making wild ass guesses, then or now. !
Or are you saying that Exxon actually knew MORE than the CHIMP6 modellers do now. 😉
The stupidity starts in the very first line ‘
“Climate projections reported by ExxonMobil scientists between 1977 and 2003 were accurate and skillful “
What a total load of codswallop. !
In 1977 they had basically no ocean data, had no understanding of the effect of CO2.
Anything they put out would have been a rough guess calculated using slide rules, with basically no comprehension or consideration of anything happening in the atmosphere.
Even the climate models of today, with 50 years more data, are totally lacking in “skill”
And “accurate”.. .. well a wild guess can sometimes be accurate too.
(or did the Ork and its buddy Rahmsdoofus, just “select” one possible model they thought they could use? )
Pretending EXXON actually “KNEW”…. now that is the stuff of fantasies. !
Simon, what about the “elephant in the room”?
How is it that a hand-full of Exxon scientists are smarter than the rest of the world combined (and by a wide margin)?
“How is it that a hand-full of Exxon scientists are smarter than the rest of the world combined “
I suspect the lavatory assistant at Exxon would be smarter than the likes of Hansen, Gore, and most self-proclaimed “climate scientists”.
Bigger research budgets.
Yep, maybe, but they were stillll wrong.
CO2 does not cause warming in Antarctica.
Globally there is no catastrophe in sight, CO2 does not cause warming. Rejoice!
Making rubbish up again, ??
Their research funds would have been directed at their core purpose.
The nonsense of “climate change by CO2” would have been one or two back-room boys reading up on Hansen and other climate fools. !
I notice you still haven’t found any scientific evidence of CO2 warming..
Just petty little conjecture based comments , pertaining to nothing.
Climate Change and Public Health are not scientific questions.
They are political proto religious social phenomenon.
The oceans are now boiling.
Stupid science, great appeal to the Constituency of the Absurd.
Lockdown and injection mandates.
Near silence on obesity.
‘Public Health’ officialdom stands silent when public schools drop physical education.
Is it possible the Pandemic toll was heightened by panicked, politically motivated medical care?
Officialdom is not interested in true COD data.
We are opposing fully automatic, cheaply produced religious rhetoric with rare finely crafted logic.
The nose ringed, tattooed, blue haired hordes have routed us.
And we can’t figure out why.
That a cabal of sociopathic billionaires and intellectuals trained and deployed them is just a conspiracy theory.
We are far too cultured to say such things.
You and I grew up in unique time period where reason and science almost won the day.
We were lucky.
Our children now think there are 80+ possible genders.
I’m a proud sceptic!
Sometimes I get a little curious.
We have a recent visitor who now regularly leaves comments at my home site, well, for a while now, and he’s from Dubbo in NSW, and he also runs his own blog as well, and he copies across some of our Posts. I was wondering about sending him a link to an old Post of mine from 2014, now eight years ago. That same Post was also taken by Joanne here at her own site as a Guest Post from me, and here’s the link to that Post here at Joanne’s site. And here, keep in mind that this was back in 2014.
Niger, Africa where 17 million people use less electricity than Dubbo, NSW
The spur that made me write the Post was that they were going to open up a new coal fired power plant in Niger in Sub Saharan Africa, and some greenies were complaining. This was a 600MW plant to be constructed on the site of a (brown) coal mine.
However the main talking point from the Post itself became the chart I constructed for the Posts, listing a number (23) of African Countries with a total population of 142 Million (2014 figures) and how each of those Countries (separately) consume less power in a year than the city of Dubbo in NSW. (population 40,000) and those 23 Countries (combined) in total consume less power than Adelaide. (population 1.1 Million)
So, this morning, I went back and checked to see how Niger was going with that recent availability of that (pitifully low) 600MW of coal fired power.
It, umm, still has NOT been constructed. It seems that the original backers might have dithered around a bit too long, and the new Government is exploring a new partnership with China’s Eximbank in order to get it constructed, but there’s still nothing that has been done.
Here’s the link to that article.
Huh! The situation has improved marginally since then with respect to the generation of electrical power. The Country now consumes 451GWH of power a year, still lower than what is consumed in Dubbo, and the population of Niger is now the same as for the whole of Australia, 25 Million.
Sometimes, we just take so much for granted, eh!
I remember that article Tony.
Adelaide is 1.5m.
As I mentioned, that post of mine was written in 2014, and at that time, the population of Adelaide was 1.1 Million.
As an aside to this (and to those who talk of “Gold-plating” the electricity network), the Tungkillo substation (a large switchyard aka giant circuit breaker in the Adelaide hills) which is part of the link to Victoria, is being substantially upgraded. Basically its ability to switch on and off the interconnector is being doubled, less than 15 years after being first built! One wonders what network changes have occurred in the last 15 years, that warrant a doubling of switching capacity….?
New Zealand right now
Fantastic response. Better than the end of WWII.
Observe closely, England flags etc. It’s a doctored meme. Not that I am not overjoyed that the harpie’s reign is at an end, mind you.
Yes, it looked like a fabricated video. No one cares that much. More like a goal at a football match, but still fun.
The optimistic part of me took it – delightfully – for real. But someone real disabused me. Pity really.
Dave B
Climate loonies want cows to wear masks and diapers
I don’t mind changing my babies diapers. I draw the line at my cows though.
And where do I buy size XXXXXXXL diapers?
Dr. Robert Malone: NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic
Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest provider are worthless, analysis shows
The forest carbon offsets approved by the world’s leading provider and used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big corporations are largely worthless and could make global heating worse, according to a new investigation.
The research into Verra, the world’s leading carbon standard for the rapidly growing $2bn (£1.6bn) voluntary offsets market, has found that, based on analysis of a significant percentage of the projects, more than 90% of their rainforest offset credits – among the most commonly used by companies – are likely to be “phantom credits” and do not represent genuine carbon reductions.
The analysis raises questions over the credits bought by a number of internationally renowned companies – some of them have labelled their products “carbon neutral”, or have told their consumers they can fly, buy new clothes or eat certain foods without making the climate crisis worse.
But doubts have been raised repeatedly over whether they are really effective.
The nine-month investigation has been undertaken by the Guardian, the German weekly Die Zeit and SourceMaterial, a non-profit investigative journalism organisation. It is based on new analysis of scientific studies of Verra’s rainforest schemes.
It has also drawn on dozens of interviews and on-the-ground reporting with scientists, industry insiders and Indigenous communities. The findings – which have been strongly disputed by Verra – are likely to pose serious questions for companies that are depending on offsets as part of their net zero strategies.
Carbon Offsets™ are indulgencies, and all are worthless.
It is all based on fake science. CO2 is in equilibrium. More CO2 means more trees. More trees do not change CO2. Whoever came up with trees reducing CO2 has no idea. The whole concept of man made CO2 levels was plausible in the 1950s but was proven completely wrong in 1958.
Friday spectacular photography
Panlong ancient road, China. 208 bends.
Now that’s WRX terrain. 😎
Fraternal greetings.
In WA there is the Gooseberry Hill Zig Zag. One way only, downhill.
I don’t understand. Why didn’t they just build the road in a straight line? Shorter and less corners.😄
It’s very steep.
You get some great climbs like this in the Giro D’Italie and the Tour De France, but more like 12 bends than 208.
A brake rebuild shop at the bottom could be a profitable enterprise…
…..and a clutch /trans repair business at the top !
Friday strangeness. Wringing out a washcloth in space
It shows how used we are to gravity and water dripping away. A wonderful demonstration of surface tension creating one big blob of water, not little drops.
I’m so happy Elon has Starlink so if the Elites cut off Twitter’s Internet access, he has several thousand satellites in low earth orbit to deliver the Internet directly to the free speech consumer.
Elon Musk is a good man to have on the pro-reason, pro-freedom side.
And with his EV’s, he’s not doing it to “save the planet”. I’m sure he knows he’s making toys for the rich, the woke and the virtue signalers.
People forget that the sale of Teslas financed the most advanced space exploration program in existence today.
Just like the “Not A Flame Thrower”, people so inclined got a new toy to play with, and Musk got the money for Spacex.
Win win all round.
Laughable, Tesla was a subsidy sucking exercise. Money stolen from taxpayers.
But used to advance the knowledge of those taxpayers and the nation. It’s not for nothing that so many are now using the Spacex system to continue their explorations in space. It appears much more economical with reusable propulsion rocket systems. It’s a much more productive use of taxpayer funds, if that is what it is, than most funds sent via governing bureaucrats to service a lot of social services that don’t appear to be very successful in California and NYC if one looks at the pavements, or indeed rising crime rates.
In an attempt to keep power prices down, someone came up with the idea of a reservation.
‘Coal plan could mean supplying at cost.
‘BHP could be forced to supply coal at cost to NSW power generators, as miners slammed State Treasurer Mat Kean’s plans to establish a domestic coal reservation in the state.’ (Oz)
And where does the government think that the profits go? – retirees who will have to have their incomes topped up by the government coffers.
The Mt Arthur North coal area was originally set aside by the NSW State Govt as a reserve for domestic power generation, managed by the Electricity Commission of NSW. It was then flogged off in a competitive tender to BHP in about 1998 under the NSW Govt led by The Hon Robert (Bob) Carr. There is a conveyor belt from the Mt Artur North mine to the Bayswater/Liddel Power Stations.
More back to the future stuff. I thought that BHP was falling over itself to get rid of its coal assets – maybe they could sell it back to the NSW Govt. for $1.
They could even refund the royalties miners pay on coal burnt in power stations.
Vic and Qld deliberately RAISED royalties to reduce competitiveness.
Matt Kean shows whom he is time and again.
I could give you link after link, after link.
I won’t bore you.
I will give you his address To the Legislative Assembly (NSW) before parliament closed for the summer break 2023. Dated 15th November 2022
This is recorded in NSW Gov (Australia) Hansard. (Parliament record of statements)
Understand that the Honourable Matt Kean attended COP27 and this is what he is referring to.
“While I was there a serious climate threat was emerging in New South Wales. It was Chris Minns’ Labor Party.
What was he saying about the COP (27) summit, the number one opportunity to collaborate around the most important climate and energy summit in the world?
What did he say (Minns) about a summit that was laying the foundation for driving down global emissions?
He called it “gallivanting around the world”.
He is the chief climate denier in the Labor Party but he is not the only one. Not to be outdone was his deputy, Prue Car, who said that going to the conference was “swanning around talking about climate change”, and then she laughed.
Opposition members may think climate change is a laughing matter, but their record on climate change is an absolute joke.”
My comment:
Ok, those are the words of the NSW Liberal Member of Parliament, Matt Kean.
He now wants 10% of NSW coal production reserved for domestic power, at cost price.
You can make your own conclusions.
Something out of left field. Seeing the word “psychopomp” and then looking it up to find it means “supernatural creatures, spirits, entities, angels, demons or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife”, I also found this:
“Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, some of the monarch’s former subjects assigned the role of her personal psychopomp to the fictional Peruvian bear, Paddington, who had become closely associated in popular culture with the queen after a televised sketch featuring the two was shown during celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee a few months before her death. In lieu of the ritual of leaving a coin to pay Charon for passage, mourners left marmalade sandwiches at the gates of Buckingham Palace. This spontaneous folk ritual has no official status in the Church of England of which the monarch is Supreme Governor.”
I particularly like the final sentence. ToM
‘ere that new bloke, whatshisname, King Charlie, he’s a psychopomp.
WEF: Americans Must Be Stripped of First Amendment Rights “For Their Own Good”
What would the masses think if they saw Greta’s fake arrest?
Very disturbing video. 13 mins.
Fortunately, Americans have the Second Amendment to protect the First Amendment.
The truth behind this statement is, freedom of speech and media is working. The fact these elites, despite their self considered elitism, can’t get enough of the ‘sub-elites’ to believe as they are told to believe and do what they are told to do, makes the case for freedoms to be defended, not abandoned.
Their messaging is so poor that they have to enlist a formerly 15yo naive schoolgirl to sell it. This demonstrates how corrupt and insane the message of those elites really is. It’s a case of indoctrination of the youngest to force obedience by the oldest, the parenting class already fighting back to reject the teachers that say the kids are theirs once they attend school. Again, it shows how sick modern politics has become. Children have absolutely no knowledge nor ability to evaluate the would-be authoritarians in Davos and elsewhere, let alone their messages nor decipher their true aims.
It’s disgusting but again a reflection of the Maoist tactics that are being used against the West.
South Australia, how could you stoop so low?
It’s a far cry from the 1834 proclamation that everyone (including Aboriginals) was to be treated equally.
Great, we’ll get a glimpse of how it works before the Federal Referendum.
Major setback as another large ongoing Phase 3 HIV vaccine trial fails
In a blow to researchers all across the world, the only HIV vaccine currently in Phase 3 human trials has been deemed a failure and studies have been discontinued. The experimental vaccine was being tested in thousands of participants across Europe, North America, South America and Africa, and its failure turns current research focus onto several other candidates only in early-stage human trials.
The trial, dubbed “Mosaico,” began in 2019 and was one of three promising late-stage real-world tests for several types of HIV vaccines that had been in development for more than a decade. Mosaico was the last remaining hope from these three major trials.
The first trial began in 2016, enrolling more than 5,000 people in South Africa. Called “Uhambo,” that trial was testing a vaccine regimen that combined two different experimental HIV vaccines. Uhambo was discontinued in 2020 after early data analysis revealed similar numbers of HIV infections were being detected in both vaccine and placebo groups.
The second trial, known as “Imbokodo,” began in 2017, focusing on around 2,500 women in sub-Saharan Africa. That study was testing a vaccine similar to the Mosaico trial, delivering a variety of different HIV antigens in a single shot. Imbokodo was discontinued in mid-2021, again with an interim data analysis finding the vaccine didn’t offer protection from HIV infection.
Now, in a new joint announcement from the National Institutes of Health, Johnson & Johnson and the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN), Mosaico has been officially discontinued. The story with Mosaico is sadly the same. After enrolling approximately 3,900 men across 50 trial sites an interim data analysis revealed similar rates of HIV infections between placebo and vaccine groups.
40 years later and the vax is a failure but the Covid vax was allegedly developed in weeks and a success. Right…
Vax is a failure like every other HIV vaccine as there is simply no HIV.
AIDS is real but caused largely through lifestyle practices such as anal ingested semen drug use and the prolific use of Amal nitrates or uppers etc which over a period of time gradually wears down the immune system which allows the plethora of opportunistic infections and diseases to take hold.
That is why every so-called HIV vaccine has failed and everyone in the future will go the same way.
Google Dr Peter Dusberg as a start.
If you want to know what’s happened to the HIV situation read “the real anthony fauchi”. He makes mengele look like a rank amateur.
You might want to look more closely at Mengele.😉
While both Mengele and Fauci class as sociopaths and guilty of twisted medical experiments, they both pale compared to Japan’s notorious Unit 731.
But Unit 731 pales when compared to historical torture methods, not just medical experiments.
Not a topic for this blog.
In my book collection I have an important book about some of the Unit 731 crimes:
Download it here:
A quick search of the JC2 online archives revealed 102 other available books on Unit 731…
What Does “Woke” Mean?…Here’s The REAL Definition The Left Won’t Want You To See
Woke is:
An ideology—meaning a secular religion. It’s revealed Truth; opponents are sinners, questioning is heresy, and unbelievers must be converted or destroyed.
It’s collectivist. Collective thinking rejects human individualism, herding people into broad classes based on defined characteristics–like race, sex, and religion. In classic Marxism, those groups are defined by economic status. Woke defines them by race and sorts them out by ‘privilege.’ The color of your skin does indeed define your character—forever. A wealthy black college professor outranks a poor white son of a coal miner. Collective thinking denies humans basic dignity and treats them as mere numbers. Key: it also assigns collective guilt. Another current name for collectivists is “Progressive.”
Woke is authoritarian. Collectivism is tyrannous. With no individual rights to base human dignity and freedoms on, people are simply ants to be directed by any would-be Leader.
Also, Marxist: Woke defines the world as nothing more than an arena of power. All are at war with all for dominance. The defined dominant class is at war with everybody else. Every institution, norm, faith, history, and tradition—every human endeavor—is a deliberate instrument of oppression by the dominant class. Woke defines the dominant class as “white supremacy.” Everyone else is a victim. Everything existing is fair game to be destroyed.
Spot on! 😁
Hang on, hang on – my dad was “a poor white son of a coal miner”. He ain’t woke… he went to sleep long ago. RIP
Who composes these “definitions” ?
Obviously someone with too much spare time and not enough brains !
Boston Dynamics Atlas now has hands
This newest iteration of the robot has actual grippers. They’re simple clamp-style hands with a wrist and a single moving finger, but that’s good enough for picking things up. The goal of this video is moving “inertially significant” objects—not just picking up light boxes, but objects that are so heavy they can throw Atlas off-balance. This includes things like a big plank, a bag full of tools, and a barbell with two 10-pound weights. Atlas is learning all about those “equal and opposite forces” in the world.
This is the first stage of a Skynet/Terminator style scenario, along with ChatGPT providing the woke AI.
In Ukraine…if your winning this ‘war’…
Why are they ‘faking’ and ‘creating’ scenes for the mainstream media?
..been going on since sometime before Russia moved in, the USA made sure it was all going to happen.
I wouldn’t trust one word coming out of Ukraine or the West (read.. America). Maybe I’d trust half the words from Russia, their fakes are more blunt and obvious.
I suppose its because they don’t have a history of Hollywood running the mainstream media, the Communists never needed to pretend, they just said something and that was ‘the truth’, end of story.
The Yanks have been busted with these faked newsreels from Iraq to Syria to Afganistan, the crying child features high on their go-to list.
Another completely unverifiable video and claim obviously made by Russian propagandists, what is even the point in posting it?
It certainly is showing how rough a shape NATO countries military are in with faulty and failing equipment that the politicians have neglected for multiple decades.
The ‘me’ generation of politicians where what they preaching rarely is reality anymore.
Fertility rate continues decline in China.
‘Without effective fertility support policies, newborns in China will fall to one third of India by 2050 and drop to a quarter by the end of the century, demographers say, amid concerns about far-reaching economic implications and disappearing labour dividends for the world’s No 2 economy.
“Looking at the long-term trends, due to the low fertility rate and the continuous decline in the number of women of childbearing age, the number of new births will remain in a period of rapid decline,” said Beijing-based YuWa Population Research Institute in a report on Thursday.
“By 2050, if substantial and powerful fertility support measures are not taken, the number of new births in China will drop to 7.73 million, a third of India’s, and it will plunge to 3.06 million in 2100, only a quarter of India’s.” (SCMP)
…that’s if India’s stays as high as it is in 2100. I’m sure India’s birthrate will also slow, they have no particular religious reason to avoid contraception and they must see the ‘advantages’ of women working like in the West.
If they don’t, I’m sure the WEF will have some subtle methods to make sure they understand their place in the world.
It will be interesting to see what sort of market economy replaces the one that has relied on an increasing population base for hundreds of years.
Tucker on the job
As is The Bee
Here is a tragic story of a transgender who believed Leftist propaganda that it was actually possible to change sex and now wants to have themself killed under Canada’s euthanasia laws because their life us such a misery.
Under 12 mins.
“Australia’s rapid transition of electric power systems away from fossil fuels is introducing substantial new risks to their electric power systems. A transition of the electric power system that produces less reliable and more expensive electricity acts as a tourniquet that restricts the lifeblood of modern society.
“Attempts to speed up the transition away from fossil fuels by restricting the production and use of fossil fuels has backfired by making many countries reliant on Russia’s fossil fuels. The Russian war on Ukraine provides a stark conflict between net-zero emissions goals versus immediate needs for abundant, reliable and secure energy. European and other countries are struggling with inadequate natural gas supplies, after restricting production of fossil fuels in their own countries.”
Farmer speaks out against forcing cows to wear diapers to contain methane emissions
2 weeks ago the ski season was cancelled by global warming, now it’s cancelled by too much snow.
UK slowly warming up presently, but another chill expected shortly.
My suggestion is that Anthropogenic Global Warming activists should crazy glue their nostrils, mouths and anuses closed to stop their own discharges of carbon dioxide and methane.
People should drink less coffee to combat climate change, study says
This Peter Thiel is one of John Key’s buddies?
““How about Palantir? Hey, that’s a weird one, isn’t it? Peter Thiel, who has successfully run a company that has lost $200 million plus, every year for about seven or eight years, goes public in the middle of COVID. Isn’t timing interesting? Isn’t it fascinating that a company that’s done nothing but lose billions of dollars goes public in the middle of the worst economic cycle we’ve had? Isn’t that funny? And did you actually go back and read their public offering? Hah! Funny! I know you didn’t, because there really wasn’t one, that’s why you didn’t read it!
“Because they went public in this very bizarre, backdoor way of actually selling founder’s stock into the market, so we got personally-enriched – personally-enriched – using the public market as the laundering facility. Isn’t that brilliant?
“But let’s look at what they did for our COVID scandal. They actually came up with a thing called Gotham Data Tracking…you know what that does? That’s making sure that every time you turn your phone on, when you get off the plane, when you cross the state line, it gives you a little tag that goes, ‘Hey, do you want a COVID alert in your neighborhood?’ You know why? Because you are being monitored. Your phone is being monitored. Your transactions are being monitored, your credit cards are being monitored, your health behavior’s being monitored, your vaccine status is being monitored and it’s all done under the contract run by Gotham Data Sciences, the company that went public during COVID – and none of you knew about this.”
David Suzuki joins in on opposing gas stoves
The humble gas stove is the latest target of the Left / anti-energy lobby.
Three conservatives I’ve noticed Youtube are shadow banning more than usual.
Matt Walsh.
Mark Dice.
Tony Heller.
Not sure about all the things that Tony H comments on but his tracking down on historical weather events via newspapers of the day should be required factchecking for all.
Britishvolt: UK battery start-up collapses into administration
Attempted street interview by Rebel News with Greta Thunberg at Davos.
She is utterly clueless, cringeworthy and pathetic and just keeps laughing.
She is obviously a puppet, former child actor and now actor now that she’s no longer a child.
There is an international push to go from two to one pilot (one being a first officer) on commercial flights.
Surely, this is a very bad idea, especially since pilots were forced to have the untested covid vax and like other people, especially younger makes, are now prone to sudden death?
Airbus have been testing an aircraft fitted with extra sensors for one-pilot operations.
That’s called research. Doesn’t mean it will happen.
Chiefio has a few words
“Derangement On Your Part Does Not Constitute A Mandate On My Part”
“Doofus of the day”
A school with computer controlled lighting and no manual off/on switches where the computer has gone fritz so the lights are full bright 24/7.
Sounds like “Elbow and Bowen On the Job Training”
“More people died last year than ever before. Sydney’s death industry has struggled to cope”
Yep- the extra deaths are showing.. Even in the mainstream media.
“Everyone dies. But last year in NSW, far more people than usual did. Every single week up to September, dozens more deaths were reported than the state’s average. The cause is no secret: ”
Hahaha!! Guess what’s coming-
“a rapidly ageing population combined with the ongoing impact of the pandemic.”
Nothing to do with vaccinations, at all, no chance…
Then the article rushes off to look closely at how the extra deaths are overwhelming the death industry, without considering the REAL death industry at all!
“Why now is an especially bad time to suffer a heart attack”
Uh-huh.. we have a suspicion that hospitals might be overwhelmed too, like the death industry.
“Outside China, COVID weighs less on people’s minds these days. Yet healthcare systems in the rich world are closer to collapse than at any point since the disease started to spread….Just before the pandemic, someone with a medical issue requiring urgent but not immediate attention, a category that includes strokes and heart attacks, waited on average 20 minutes for an ambulance. Now they wait longer than an hour and a half.”
Well, what could be causing long waits in the heart attack queue?
“What is going on? Politicians, at both a national and regional level, are taking the blame – and occasionally deserve it. But the forces creating the chaos are common across countries, and are linked to a shared experience of the pandemic. ”
We’re getting close now, something linked to the pandemic is overwhelming our health systems around the Western world!
“The problems facing healthcare systems are not therefore caused by a lack of cash.”
Yep, plenty of money & plenty of healthcare workers..
“This suggests that the true explanation for the breakdown lies on the other side of the coin: in exploding demand. Coming out of lockdowns, people seem to require more medical help than ever before. Some of this is to do with immunity. ”
So close…!! But no, they race off sideways and blame pent-up demand for healthcare from people not getting any for the last three years!
Most of what have written is correct, KP, except about health care workers.
I spent Christmas in Caboolture hospital (19 to 29 December), much of it in ICU.
The hospital was chronically understaffed. Fully 25% of the staff were off on sick leave – they had Covid. These are people who are required by law to be fully vaxxinated.
..and speaking of faked movies from Ukraine..
A few weeks back there was one claiming to be of a Russian officer beating up a group of 10soldiers who had all bought in just one wounded guy. It had English subtitles so everyone would understand him as he beat a couple of them with an iron bar, and it was said that he killed two of them because they abandoned their post.
Today is the response, a cheap and badly-made video claiming a Ukrainian officer beating up the soldiers who wouldn’t man the front positions.
I’d say they are both faked, its what I mean about American propaganda being very slick and Russian lies are crude.
Why don’t you tell us what you REALLY think of America?
I was 2 weeks old when the Yanks fought and died in the Coral Sea, just 500 miles away. I’m sure you will understand that my thoughts could be different than yours. Please don’t ram your American hatred down my throat daily.
Hanrahan I have no time for America at all! I come across your thoughts every day talking to most people, ‘America saved us from …’ but they completely fail to see that-
America entered WW2 late, only after being attacked, and broke England financially.
America took over Germany and Japan, installed troops who have never left and Govts that are just puppets.
America set up the petro-dollar/reserve trading currency scheme and have done nothing but print dollars and buy the wealth of other countries.
Of course in my lifetime they have invaded country after country, changed Govts everywhere and fought anyone who opposes their world domination. Hence the cold war, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran etc.. those who refuse to kow-tow.
Now their race has run, quite predictably their currency is debased and inflated, their debt unpayable, and its only their toadies that keep them afloat.
I don’t expect any one country to replace them, but I do expect a multipolar world to be better than a unipolar one. But..but.. I get told, sooner America as an ally than China running the world..
If they were real allies of the rest of us, they wouldn’t have blown up the Northstream pipeline to hang Germany out to dry. They will sacrifice any of us to keep themselves afloat.
Do you REALLY think those in charge of America cared for the dough-boys dying in the Coral Sea? Do you think those in charge of America have changed? All they know is war, the world’s biggest arms producer, the world’s biggest military budget, the worlds greatest number of armed bases in other countries.
So no, I don’t believe in their sweetness and light, their democracy and rules-based world. All I see is a country that will do anything to dominate everyone else and has been at war and killing people in other countries all my lifetime.
Power Rationing in Germany
“Charging times of three hours to charge electric cars will be allowed so that they can cover a distance of 50 kilometers.”
Hmm… 25km each way, that’s plenty for a 15Km city. Looks like its starting.
““The expansion of the distribution network simply cannot keep up with the boom in heat pumps, electric cars and solar systems.” In order to arm the distribution grids, between 100 and 135 billion euros would have to be invested in Germany in the next decade and a half..”
Well, that sounds familiar. Funny how no-one thought of this until it happened.
Police raid gym after Apple watch mishears personal trainer’s words
Dr. Peter McCullough on V*ccine Adverse Events & the Perils of ‘Settled Science’
Evidence based medicine has been corrupted