A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is there a preferred form of Zn in the Zelenko protocol? The site merely says “elemental zinc”
Forget all the advertising hype.
Something like Cenovis zinc tablets from Woolies are cheap and will do the job.
I found it. Any type sounds OK;
\The AAPS (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) recommends zinc sulfate, gluconate or citrate. These forms are available in pharmacies, health food stores, and sold online. Zinc sulfate 220 mg provides 50 mg elemental zinc, the recommended anti-viral dose.
The only number that counts is the amount of elemental zinc of which 50mg is recommended (but don’t take that as medical advice).
150 G of Beef should do it!
Why stop at 150, how about 250g of succulent medium rare rump.
Or a 2.5 Kilo piece of flat brisket cooked at 100C in a fan forced oven for 5.5 hours.
Here’s the recipe – Oven BBQ Beef Brisket (Sweet Baby Ray’s Hickory and Brown Sugar BBQ Sauce available at Woolies)
Now I have become the ‘designated cook’, as my dear good lady wife has reached her 80s, I find that I’m learning all new things, and there is ….. NOTHING I cannot find on the Internet.
I’m trying things we have never before eaten, that she has never attempted to cook. (Old school, with 20 cook books, all liberally interspersed with recipes cut from magazines) I’ve had two failures so far, just minor really, both of them too high a temp setting for the oven for a casserole. (failure to distinguish between ordinary and fan forced) When she asked where I got the recipe, and I showed her with the Search Engine, her response was ….. “Man, I wish I was 50 years younger. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do.”
The Brisket is for this weekend. (Oh! Yum!)
And in closing, and with specific reference to Zinc intake, check this out ….. for EXACTLY this piece of meat, Brisket.
…and oysters are higher in Zinc than beef, don’t forget…
Or just eat more beef. 150g is for babies.😎
Mmmm…Oysters…now I have another excuse to eat those delicious things.
Australia’s ancient soils are deficient in zinc, meaning the plants that grow in it are deficient, and the livestock that grazes on those plants are deficient in it. Including cows. Consequently, most Australians are hopelessly deficient in it.
And despite the bronzed Anzac myth, most people are hopelessly deficient in vitamin D. If you want to stay healthy you probably need daily supplements of both.
Zinc: See >>> ionophore activity of quercetin
Those are about the best you can easily get in Australia IMHO. Chelated Zinc with a few extras thrown in. Affordable when you compare with most other expenses such as electricity.
Basic Zinc Sulphate is cheaper and better than nothing … but more likely to pass through you and not be absorbed.
Never take Zinc on an empty stomach.
I would also suggest, take one a day every day, while you are healthy. If you get sick, quite likely digestion gets disrupted by the virus, so you want to have every advantage in place BEFORE you catch something. Give the Zinc plenty of time to go wherever it needs to go … in many cases it gets used in enzymes and those take time to produce.
Two Steps From Hell – Victory
Just because.
Amazing. Good music too.
Peter, YouTube “one step beyond ” the vision’
Sea level falling.
Coast line rising , getting ready for ‘The Big One’.
Thought that the northern coast of the U.S. and Canada was still undergoing isostatic rebound.
It’s amazing the number of people who have never heard of Vitamin K2 or of its importance. Including many in the medical profession.
I bought a box of it today at a local pharmacy though I was momentarily unable to find it next to a stack of boxes of D3 and K2 combined; blessedly nobody called me out as being a doddering old fool.
Don’t get me started and thus force me to go out and soak some more beans to ferment so that there is more than enough K2 for us via a hard working organism…..Gettin K2 from a chemist is ridiculous although not so if there are no beans or legumes in a post apocalyptic world…
The most startling and deeply troubling thing though is that the actual organism outsourced by nature to do the job of creating more than enough K2 is albeit ‘Bacillus Subtilis’ almost completely absent from discussion about probiotics, in a ‘Bacillus Subtilis probiotic knowledge vacuum’ (hello), and that is though not the case in the livestock, aquaculture and horticultural industry which is utilising this organism for the health of our food supply. This absolutely vital organism is well known on the farm and farmers would not use it so broadly if it simply did not work and not at all cost effective. At least farmers and veterinarians are now finally on to it while we wait patiently for so called natural human health experts and doctors cotton on. Bacillus Subtilis and the spores it forms provide numerous other helpful functions when in symbiosis with an human or animal host.
Let me again say it out loud.
The K2 of which you speak is produced by an absolutley vital organism (Bacillus Subtilis)
The B subtilis spores are in the air and the soil and vegetation everywhere. When in the gut B Subtilis performs a number of very vital functions. It is said that this organism is like the ‘gardener’ of the microbiome. I have verified this and am satisfied this is indeed the case beyond my dreams formerly, about 4 years ago..
.Modern civilisation has almost completely forgoten the art of fermenting beans to make an ultra high quality food source. Traces of this culinary practices can be found in almost every eastern country.
If iT were possible to even momentarily forget, or as it were, ‘decombobulate’ the contemporary bug out bag practice of sprouting legumes, and instead consider the lost high ancient nutrition pyramid building heavy duty ultra biologically amazing process of fermenting them there beans after cooking….it might be possible experimentally and practically empirically to, without dilly dallying much about it, reinvigorate the lost ancient high nutrition & ultra high ancient lost secret microbiome gut organism knowledge and said lost high probiotic technology”and almost completely lost again high ancient nutrition organism producing K2 technology
Afternoon all,
I’m posting this link for two reasons:
1. It’s to Naomi Wolf’s web site, and looks interesting; and
2. Two attempts to send me the link via email failed.
Those attempts had “Naomi Wolf” in the subject line. The successful one came, at my suggestion, with a different, innocuous title.
All three attempts happened in the last 24 hours.
I have to assume that my emails are being monitored for unwokeness. And checking the subject line as one of the forms of censorship. Targeting me? Or is it more widespread?
Dave B
I think it’s fair to assume that all of our mail is monitored for unwokeness, as well as social and other media posts, including those on this blog.
In Australia we also have the office of the eSafety commissioner to ensure your non-safety and non-free thought.
The commissioner is a favoured student of the WEF and in Davos discussing our future right now.
Memoryvault may have more to say on the subject.
I did this morning on the wokeness thread.
Thanks for the WEF link on Ms Inman Grant, David. What a lovely little whitewash. I was not aware of the awards she has been given by our media. Or that her term here had been extended.
I appreciate that for all intent and purpose she’s been running this country since 2015 but you’d think a multi millionaire would have better things to do.
She is a member of the “Agile50”.
As I have said previously, she’s been running this place since 2015. Our “elected politicians” are just there to give us the impression we have some say in the matter of government.
We don’t.
Dictator Dan qualifies for a statue of itself on 24th Feb this year because it will have been dictator for 3000 days.
It’s ridiculous. Why should anyone get a statue just because they’ve been devious enough to stay in power that long?
If someone is worthy, and Andrews most certainly isn’t, then if that person is revered by the people enough to warrant a statue, then let a public collection of monies be made (voluntary contributions only), and let the people build the statue.
In Andrews’ case, his numerous supporters in the extreme Left unions, the public serpents and his paramilitary police force will no doubt turn the statue into a place of divine worship of Andrews. He will be considered a living god by his brain-dead followers.
Would they accept a giant brown bronze dog turd?🤣
Not sure what the new Boston MLK statue is but many find it offensive.
It looks to me to be both his and her arms wrapped around her head. Or, …
. . . a large Brown Sand Boa crushing an arm.
It must be bad if even Communist News Network acknowledge controversy about it.
It’s bizarre. It only shows the arms and no heads, some say it resembles the male member.
I doubt his wickedness surpasses that of Henry Bolte whose effigy awaits Dan’s joining it in a further adornment of Treasury Place.
I daresay should our beloved Victorian premier die tomorrow the statue wouldn’t be cancelled surely…
Di you not like Henry Bolte?
What wickedness?
Don’t worry …..he will organise a new tennis stadium and get it named after him a la John Cain Arena ……John Cain Arena sits well with Rod Laver Arena and Margaret Court Arena doesn’t it ……the ALP have no class at all
Think of all the pidgeons decorating that statue of Commie Dan…such a fitting end
Apropos of that falling sea level, there’s a very informative comment on the blog by John Hultquist. His name rings a bell, though I don’t recall where.
He says:
This data is interesting enough that it justifies Jo posting it. But we don’t want to be like alarmist journalists, claiming something as evidence for a cause, when this clearly isn’t.
Update: Climate lockdowns are starting to grow
There are major protests in Oxford, but now Scotland has gone WEF.
The Scottish government plans to reduce car kilometres and discourage car use. They tell us the era of private car use is well and truly over.
The Scottish government will impose 30% cuts in road travel, to end travel in private vehicles. No-one voted for this. The rights of free people to decide their own destiny is trampled underfoot to meet UN imposed targets. Next they will come for you.
Meanwhile, a Swiss MP WEF puppet is proposing banning private ownership of cars and punishing businesses that don’t toe the line with environmental BS ideals.
Schwab is the new Vader:
And I see Schwab isn’t attending DAVOS due to “health issues”.
I wonder…
Escort agencies booked solid for Davos forum
Sexual harassment by wealthy men at WEF is “so common” that female guests are advised not to attend events alone, an Austrian outlet has reported.
The Swiss escort agencies near Davos are already fully booked ahead of this year’s World Economic Forum, the elite gathering that brings together heads of state, corporate executives, and influential non-profiteers, Austrian outlet Exxpress reported on Sunday, citing a missive purportedly sent from one such agency.
In a message to unnamed hospitality staff and published by Express, escort agency Sensuallounge Escort urges readers to book their “fine selection of ladies and gentlemen” ahead of time to ensure “the best possible care and company during the World Economic Forum.”
Sensuallounge reportedly offers “services for all sexual orientations,” and the outlet claims one night with one of their employees costs €2,350 (just over $2,500). The service does not appear to accept cash as payment, offering clients the option of paying with a major credit card or via PayPal.
Explaining that the WEF’s annual get-together is high season for Swiss prostitutes, Exxpress revealed the agencies set up dedicated websites for the conference. Their roster seemingly fully booked, Sensuallounge’s site had already disappeared as of Monday.
Hypocritically fly in on polluting private jets en-masse, dine on fine food and wine (no crickets), get laid, and plot how to enslave us all and shutdown rising opposition and awareness.
…and still the people did not see…
The purpose is to collect blackmail material and compromise key people. Just in case the WEF “leaders” are not completely convinced by the ideology, there’s a little bit of backup to encourage them to do as instructed.
Kind of like Epstein island in the mountains.
Cheaper than some of the escorts in Sydney… Matches the class of some of the attendees I suppose.
Massive explosion at a building housing thousands of lithium batteries (Bolloré Logistics) in Grand-Couronne, France.
Hundreds of firefighters on scene; level of danger in surrounding areas due to toxic fumes unclear.
Oh, the CO2…
World economic touts having “write level” permission to edit your genes and how the COVID vaccine was an “engineered code” with messenger RNA.
Write privileges granted.
New genetic sequence accepted.
Updating DNA.
Update successful.
Warning: target no longer human. All human rights suspended.
COVID VACCINE CLASS ACTION: Calling Australian vaccine injured and families of the deceased
A proposed Covid Vaccine Class Action is calling for Australians severely injured by Covid vaccines to come forward. This proposed action will represent a group of more than 100 vaccine injured, including the deceased.
The group behind the class action is No More Silence, a not for profit formed for the purpose of fundraising for the legal and associated costs for class action proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia, on behalf of those injured by the Covid vaccines.
The class action is free to join. Compensation will go to Covid vaccine injured patients only.
The class action is self-funded by the doctor (who at this time remains anonymous) who initiated the action, with additional funding via a crowdfunding campaign.
As I said, those complicit in these crimes will be on the wrong side of future history…
The vaccine industry’s dirty secret
THE vaccine industry and those who uncritically promote it will tell you that safety standards are so high, and testing so rigorous, that vaccines are totally clean and safe. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Apart from the toxic substances such as aluminium which are deliberately added, vaccines are frequently found to be contaminated with bacteria, viruses and metal particles.
It is now obvious that there are multifarious health issues associated with the Covid vaccines. Many could be a result of the experimental technology, but some may be related to contamination.
Three Japanese men died in August 2021 after being vaccinated with Moderna Covid vaccines contaminated with stainless steel particles during the manufacturing process.The batches had also been contaminated with latex, which broke off the vial seals when the needle was inserted, in a process known as ‘coring’. As coring happens an astonishing 40 per cent of the time and there are a number of people known to have latex allergies, this poses a serious health risk.
In the US, millions of batches of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccines had to be destroyed because of microbial contamination. Emergent Biosolutions, who owned the manufacturing plant, tried to hide the evidence of contamination from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors.
Viral proteins were found in the AstraZeneca vaccines and the researchers admitted that, although unlikely, it is conceivable they could cause blood-clotting. Disturbingly, they say these viral proteins are found in similar quantities in most vaccines manufactured in the same way. The problem, therefore, is widespread.
The MMR vaccine, for example, has a history of contamination. In 1999, all chicken-cell derived MMR vaccines tested, showed evidence of contamination from the avian leucosis virus (ALV).
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that ALV in vaccines is a potential threat to human health. Another study found that 33 per cent of MMR vaccines tested were positive for bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), probably due to the presence of the virus in the foetal calf serum used when culturing the virus for vaccine manufacture. It is a worrying fact that calf blood is used in numerous vaccines and it has shown to have very high rates of contamination. One study says that ‘most commercially available bovine sera are contaminated with BVDV’.
This action is against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), a federal govt department. That means even if successful, the public loses. Regardless of outcome we foot the bill for their defence, and if we win, we pay the awarded damages.
So, unless it leads to criminal charges against those responsible, not really much point.
The TGA is not precisely a government department … quite a lot of its funding comes from the pharma industry paying to have their products evaluated, and there are licensing fees for having a registered product.
Let’s just say it does not operate in the normal way people expect government to function.
If the court does eventually demand compensation, then it’s not clear who would pay. The TGA budget would be insufficient, and if you read the Theraputic Goods Act, they specifically claim NOT to make the Crown liable to be prosecuted. Perhaps the court might attempt to dip into the very large Commonwealth health budget … I guess we shall see.
It’s questionable whether there is even any constitutional power given for the Australian Commonwealth to regulate health matters to begin with. Normally health is a state issue. The Act describes an advertising code, and the offences contained are essentially all related to false advertising, or selling counterfeits. There’s not really any legal basis for the TGA to be responsible for anything beyond this.
Crashing a car into a pole at various speeds
Now imagine that’s an EV.
No thanks…
That poor little yellow car, all those impacts.
All those gum trees right beside the road in Aussie…
Flinders Island unreliable power, diesel 90%, battery flat.
Affluent middle class virtue signallers are funding journalists to write scary stories.
Apparently private jet numbers are down at Davos this year.
The WEF admits to 500 jets flying in this year, however.
Maybe they didn’t find enough unvaxxed pilots ? 😀
Apparently, the number of prostitutes flown in is not dropping.
Keep in mind that many Australians have shares in gas through superannuation.
‘Minister slams ‘whinging’ gas industry.
‘Gas producers will be punished if they withhold supply from the domestic market, amid mounting pressure over the Albanese government’s intervention into the energy market.’ (Oz)
I wonder if that includes holders of gas exploration licenses in NSW and Vic that are withholding domestic gas supply by not developing their assets.
…oh wait…so the State Govts have blocked development of new gas projects set aside 20-30 years ago for the domestic market and are now cranky due to shortages???
What idiots, Elbow, Blackout Bowen, the Apprentice Treasurer and the Treasury Dept are. The problem is one of supply. The Gas to be sold at the price cap just just isn’t there.
The States need to open up the Market so that the Gas/Oil Companies can increase the supply of Gas. The Gas is in the ground but the States are not letting the Gas Companies develop the Gas reserves.
The ‘Pollies’ do not understand the simple principle of Supply and Demand. Full Stop.
Jim Molan dies of cancer. RIP
I was unaware of his cancer so was relieved to hear it was natural causes that took him. I didn’t want it to be the clot shot, that would have been an unworthy end for him.
““Experts” -Always The Last To Know-”
“Ian Miller- Japan just reported its highest single day number of COVID deaths and set a record for their highest average number of the pandemic, despite nearly three years of universal masking & exceptionally high vaccination and booster rates. Seems to be working perfectly to control COVID.”
Graph to show
So , actually those are. “Dying WITH covid”….rather than dying FROM covid ?
Does anyone know what this means?
‘Weather ‘extremism’ fans fear in politics of climate.
‘Mentions of selective weather data and historical ‘records’ have raced up the charts like an Apollo mission rocket launch, creating confusion and alarm.’ (Lloyd / Oz)
Fun from US Congress
Criminalizing crime motivated by ‘white supremacy’.
It’s important to the NLWO that only legal, social approved motivations, are tolerated whilst committing crimes.
Don’t do any criminal while listening to Wagner or Beethoven.
Comedy dressed as science from the experts at the ABC and JCU on why bushfires are much more worser because of climate change .
The references to how many animals birds and reptiles killed is the new fear and awe factor. “Likely a BILLION bird animals and reptiles died and about a 100 bilion insects”
No justification for these numbers but they sure are scary. What are these birds reptiles and mammals, well we dont have to tell you, just believe us because its a big scary number. Can’t all be kangaroos and wallabies that would mean they are standing shoulder to shoulder or huge mounds of dead bodies could make the evening news. So we look at the smaller animals, well they aren’t that thick on the ground either, people would be tripping over bandicoots, echidnas marsupial mice etc. Now if we believe the WWF and all the other NGO conservation groups Australias fauna is all on the verge of extinction, so very low numbers of animals and birds, Hmmm something doesn’t add up.
The elephant in the room.
1949 ‘BUSH FIRE AT CAPE YORK’, Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 – 1954), 1 July, p. 1.
It is always hot and dry in the dry season. Climate change did not make the grass grow to 8ft instead of 7ft in the wet season, and would have made bugger all difference if it did.
I’ve got doubts about the results but if there really is something there, it would be clearing of trees and less traditional land burning.
“Undercover at the World Health Summit 2022”
“When questioned why treatments like hydroxychloroquine were not promoted, Issahaku admitted it was about politics and health. Alexandra Lavoie summed up the summit:
None of the speakers talked about consent, or ethics in science and medicine. It was more about science and politics.”
“two weeks to flatten the curve”
I think most of us accepted this as reasonable while we knew so little of the virus but scorned it as time went on and it became “two years to flatten the curve”.
What we [maybe] see in China today could well be vindication of this caution, their health system is overwhelmed.
What we are seeing in China today is the result of a compulsory mass vaxxination program, NOT the result of the most undeadly, overhyped, faked, “pandemic” in the last 100 years.
Much the same thing is happening here and elsewhere, it’s just not being reported. I spent Christmas in the intensive care unit of the local hospital. The place was seriously understaffed. Even meals were limited in choice.
The reason? A quarter of the staff were off sick with recurring Covid. Need I point out that compulsory vaxinations were mandated for ALL QLD Health employees?
Maybe this vid I saw earlier today will explain the health sector woes:
But they didn’t use mNRA. I’m confused.
What do you think they used – mosquito repellant?
If you’re referring to Astrazeneca, that was only used in the first round. Subsequent boosters have all been Ofizer or Moderna, both of which are mRNA. QLD Health workers all had at least three shots.
Please read. I’m talking about China, they didn’t pay the merchants of death their ransom.
The Chinese vax was quite different. It’s not mRNA, or DNA and has only inactivated genetic material inside. “Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine,[3] is a whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine ”
It may or may not bear any resemblance to responses to mRNA or virus vector or protein vaccines.
It is traditional old style western vaccine stuff — down to the AlOH adjuvant. See here,
I haven’t read the studies on it. I don’t know if I trust any of the results. And I certainly wouldn’t declare that knew what the side effects were. Somewhere between 0 and 100.
It didn’t appear to work well, but even if it doesn’t produce any useful antibodies that might mean it is less dangerous. I mean we don’t know.
My apologies Hanrahan, I misread your post.
According to some of my half million Chinese in-laws, the situation there is nothing like what is being portrayed on Western media.
So the satellite photos of queues at morgues are wrong. That’s a relief.
File them with the photos of “truckloads of bodies because the morgues were full” allegedly taken in New York two years ago.
I can give several other examples of govt manufactured lies if you like – all the way back to Tony Blair’s “dodgy dossier”.
Why would I doubt you? You have never been wrong in the past.
I’ve been wrong more often than I’ve had hot breakfasts.
But in cases like this I’d rather put my faith in the reports of people actually involved than in govt generated propaganda ” presented as “evidence” of anything.
But why should I trust people I don’t know?
Believe what you wish, just don’t tell me.
Hostesses wanted for the WEF,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Sorta like this:,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Strange. None of the 200 genders wanted, no pregnant trans guys either!
So much for their equity and inclusion.
Tall attractive blondes only – sounds historically familiar for our German friend Mr Schwab.😎
Surprise! Australia’s Green Transition Energy Price Caps are Causing Supply Side Chaos
Essay by Eric Worrall
About the Biden documents mess. Does anybody believe that we would have ever heard about it if the Dems are not done with Biden? His usefulness is at an end. It’s going to get much worse. Enter Gavin Newsome.
The Hunter laptop also becomes irrelevant. They suppressed it for one election, much harder next time around. Getting Trump and Biden on similar grounds is a ‘clever’ tactic too.
With a republican third in line they must be careful how they dump him.
BritishVolt now in liquidation.
You can bet someone walks away with very full pockets !
Hmm ? ..£3.8bn ?
I would like to see their business plan and how they expected to make a return on that investment !
Same schema as that big cable up north.
It’s not the end point that matters; it’s how much loot you can pick up in subsidies during the planning stages.
And Twiggy and that other guy really were angry with each other: really.
This is excellent (what DeSantis says).
Ron DeSantis calls out WEF Elites at Davos before the meeting started.
8 mins.
With commentary.
Meet the Green Energy Group Behind the Study That’s Driving Calls To Ban Gas Stoves
Rocky Mountain Institute partnered with China to implement ‘economy-wide transformation’ away from oil and gas
From today’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter –
“On Friday, New York State Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the jab mandate for healthcare workers was immediately “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held the New York Department of Health “blatantly violated” its authority by imposing the mandate, since that power is reserved to the state legislature. The court also found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” since the shots don’t stop transmission (imagine that), beggaring any rational basis for a mandate in the first place.
In fact, the judge underlined, italicized, and boldfaced the words in his order:
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen the judicial emphasis applied quite so forcefully. Boldface, yes, italic, yes, underlined, yes. But all three together might be a record. The text formatting seems to be screaming “how many times do we have to say it??”
I mean, REALLY.
That was great, but I think this next line was my favorite part of the order, even if it’s not quite as emphatic:
A term which is defined at the whim of an entity, subject to change without a moment’s notice contains all the hallmarks of “absurdity” and is no definition at all.
Thank you! Now do the word, “vaccine.” “
UK Doctors Call for Government Investigation of mRNA Covid Vaccines – British doctors finally growing a backbone and finding their voices. Appears to have been around since early 2022 but as of December (and this video) have become clearly radicalised…
The other big development is the evidence pointing to how the mRNA inoculation may have negative effect on IgG4 in humans and may be behind the increases in excess deaths. A short intro basic classroom vid from 3 years ago ie before covid/mRNA deabacle highlights there has been awareness of IgG4 (and 1, 2 and 3 types) but very very limited understanding of the extent of their role. Apparently IgG types are used as an indicator for food allergies with type 4 the best indicator because it gives less false-positive results. Anyways do your own research but for pharma it seems chicken little is on the money and their sky is about to fall.
Check your pilot before flying
“The FAA Has Very Quietly Tacitly Admitted That the EKGs of Pilots are No Longer Normal. We Should be Concerned — Very Concerned
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.”
More at