A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Albo, Wendy Pong etc all loved in Beijing and (of course) DFAT, but no visit scheduled for Washington – all while senior Congressional politicians express doubts about us as a trusted partner with secrets of the most significant type. Now why might that be?
She visited Washington DC December 7 2022. When do you think she needs to visit again?
Your right GA that would explain why the Yanks have gone dark on us. Best she, or Albo put it off as long as possible.
Wong and Biden are well suited to each other. !
She did; I referred to Albo – the nature of our US relationship demands PM-level eye-to-eye, not Foreign Minister.
Albanese met Biden, not in Washington, in May and early November. As per protocol, he will visit Biden in Washington when invited – a request for an invitation to visit was made at that Washington meeting. So he has had two eye-to-eye meetings in about 6 months, much more contact than his predecessor.
I said Albo should go to DC. Sorry if that offends you.
Did you read what I wrote?
Kevin Rudd as ambassador. That ridiculous choice would surely ring some alarm bells, even in somewhere as dysfunctional as Washington DC.
I bet Wong said or did something to sabotage Australia’s nuclear submarine deal.
I bet we don’t get them now.
I never expected to see “them”.
Whatever it is that we do get, it will have to be a long while before 2035.
Technology is changing so rapidly that current designs will probably soon be out of date.
It is the third La Nina in a row
The Southern Hemisphere is cooling fastest, which maybe unprecedented.
So 7th warmist is cold for a La Nina?
Irrelevant… Tiny period of time.
Climate is colder now than most of the last 10,000 years.
Glad you keep pointing to El Nino and La Nina.. shows you have finally figured out there is ZERO human causation in the highly beneficial warming since the LIA.
‘ … 7th warmist …’
We are on a plateau and temperatures won’t fall for a few more years until the AMO goes negative.
Emissions last year were the highest in human history, but temperatures remain flat.
So, your prediction is that the next El nino will be cooler or no warmer than the last, even though the current La Nina is the warmest yet?
Yeah, look again at the UAH and you’ll see the effect of Modoki during the first decade of this century. The year 2000 and 2008 were La Nina Modoki and 2004 was a El Nino Modoki.
Clearly ENSO is muted.
I hope you’re right.
I don’t believe the argument that increasing CO2 emissions will have an impact on ENSO.
“Extreme El Niño and La Niña events may increase in frequency from about one every 20 years to one every 10 years by the end of the 21st century under aggressive greenhouse gas emission scenarios,” McPhaden said.
Jumping to the chase, Rob Sharpe (Sky Weather), says there is ‘almost no chance of a fourth La Nina.’
It would be unprecedented, so what are the odds for a La Nina Modoki?
So what will he say if there is a fourth one?
We went into a Grand Solar Minimum (which was quickly, if not hastily, re-declared as a Secular Solar Minimum) in June 2020 and which would last 30 years. We are now only three years into it.
Perhaps a fourth La Nina could just be on the cards. I know I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it occurred… followed by more.
They’ll say it isn’t a real La Nina, sort of half baked.
Its worth noting that Modoki are more common place when the PDO is negative.
It would be considered “unprecedented” so that increases its chances of happening according to the current iteration of the climate change theory.
Would a perfectly average in every way year, be unprecedented?
Perhaps if La Nina conditions were to prevail every year from now on, they could call it something novel, such as ‘the new normal’.
It could take a while for the very solid period of solar energy absorbed by the tropical oceans to subside.
You do realise that the oceans are one huge solar radiation storage, don’t you !
There were triple La Ninas (three La Ninas in a row) 20 years before this one, 40 years before, and 60 years before. The pattern does not go on further back in time, but it does suggest that a triple La Nina is not all that rare. Like all the other “climate extremes” that the alarmists like to beat us around the head with, they have all happened before and the smart thing would be to use history to explain today’s weather and to work out what we should be prepared for.
An emotive word to be wary of…’unprecedented!’
Meaning downgraded to “take no notice”
not to mention that as far as we know the entire existence of the planet is unprecedented, particularly the ability to look around for precedents.
Keep in mind, there was a big ‘unprecedented’ explosion.
Unprecedented stuff starts randomly banging around and coagulating into other unprecedented stuff.
14 billion or so years later …
randomly out pops a Lamborghini Countach.
So … just shrapnel.
We are all just shrapnel.
‘We are all just shrapnel’ –
And here was lil ol me thinking we were ‘stardust’ … too many hippy trippy 1960s song lyrics floating through my brain…
NZ’s NIWA numpties have, today, declared 2022 the HOTTEST EVAH! for NZ (yawn), 0.2 of a degree ‘hotter’ than 2021 (did anyone notice?) yet only the 7th wettest (over 40 years? Meh, grain of salt). Meanwhile MetService is still referring to the (non-existent) ‘Cyclone Hale’ three (3) days after it was downgraded… ‘Science’ travels very very very slowly in these parts in the 21st Century.
From their limited knowledge, four consecutive La Nina is unheard of.
According to the BOM’s chart, there were significant La Ninas in the 70s. That would put them 50 years ago, surely?
According to the BOM’s chart, there were significant La Ninas in the 70s. That would put them 50 years ago, surely?
Your point?
The professor was drawing our attention to UAH and how CO2 warming has overwhelmed natural variables.
Warmest year ever in New Zealand. The top-4 warmest years on record have now all occurred since 2016.
Marine heatwaves around NZ may have kept temps higher.
Klaus Schwab’s WEF: The New World Odour.
Herr Klaus Schwab and his WEF is about the closest real life organisation you will ever get to a James Bond arch criminal organisation.
The WEF is right up there with:
SPECTRE (Ernst Stavro Blofeld)
Whyte Enterprises (Willard Whyte/Ernst Stavro Blofeld)
Drax Enterprise Corporation (Sir Hugo Drax)
Zorin Industries (Maximillian Zorin)
Carver Media Group Network (Elliot Carcer)
Enterprises Auric A.G (Auric Goldfinger)
Osato Chemical & Engineering Co Ltd (Mr Osato)
King Industries PLC (Elektra King)
Stromberg Shipping Lines (Karl Stromberg)
Janus Crime Syndicate (Alec Trevelyan)
Graves Corporation (Gustav Graves)
Quantum (Mr White)
The thing is, unlike the Bond villains, the goals of Klaus the Destroyer and his ilk are applauded and supported.
We live in a world where Richmond Valentine (Kingsman) is considered the good guy.
The Master – Dr Who
Daleks -duh
Wile E. Coyote – the most relevant of all. 🤣
Herr Klaus Schwab also where’s a bizarre suit, just like James Bond villains.
Wears, unauthorised change by spell checker…
The Davos shindig starts next week. Will Albonese attend or will he chicken out?
I think Jackson Pollock’s Blue Poles, held in the National Gallery of Australia, and the most expensive American painting ever sold at the time of its acquisition in 1973, should be one of a series of sales of national assets to pay off the staggering national debt of A$1.64 trillion (ref 1).
Blue Poles is currently estimated to be worth $350 million for anyone stupid enough to buy it.
Art critics think it’s fantastic but the reality is that it was made with house paint in a drunken frenzy with paint dripped and splashed all over the canvas.
Here is a typical response from an “art critic”.
Here is a more rational response to such pieces of modern “art”. Jackson Pollock gets a mention at around 3 mins.
“Why is modern art so bad?”. (Under 6 mins)
(Ref 1) (Fed, State, Local Gov. Debt)
If it doesn’t make sense, it’s art…
Photography killed realism – artists could no longer economically compete in making accurate representations of reality so they went elsewhere in search of dollars.
Ex TC Ellie hung around longer on a monsoon trough.
Although having been downgraded to a ‘low’ almost 48 hours ago, govt-funded media and MetService are still calling it ‘Cyclone Hale’… do I go through the rigmarole of lodging an official complaint to RNZ of spreading misinformation, disinformation AND false science, or would I just be persisting into the wind?
Wind’s swung southerly and boy it’s cooled down – I want my gobble worming NOW!
Maybe they need a (small) fright?
You could give it a go, if you think it’s worth it.
A cyclone doesn’t have to be tropical:
Lots of coverage on WA TV and in the Australian. But in the end, the flood peak was still below the highest one in the past, and there have been many recorded floods of the Fitzroy River – six before 1903. And Broome was only isolated for a week, as food, fuel etc., is now being trucked in. A few roads were damaged, a bridge at Fitzroy Crossing was lost, but that’s about it.
US citizens are getting fed up with the bureaucracies of the Federal and state governments.
The three big issues are the Covid Panic, Climate carp, and the open southern border.
On a different issue, the ramifications are just developing. The Covid Panic taught workers and the companies that offices were overrated. Office buildings are being abandoned (see Allstate Chicago) and following from that is that public transportation loses riders, so service is cut, causing more loss.
2023 will be an interesting year.
Those three were well known last Nov, lit up in lights, but there was only a red ripple.
At times I despair there ever will be a return to sanity.
Elections don’t matter anymore. The bureaucrats get the results they want regardless. by hook or by crook. Nothing is left to chance. They are the permament Gov. class. The agenda, and the gravey train, roll on.
The three McFailures: McConnell, McCarthy and McDaniel are responsible for the Red Wave becoming a red ripple.
What about McCheetoh?
The Scotts are good at failure (with a few exceptions) so maybe it’s genetic
See the fishy sturgeon, salmon and Macron?
It’s gotten to the stage where every second rate journalist can attribute a weather event to climate change with extreme confidence that it’s The Science despite zero chance of the postulate surviving the scientific method.
From site called Race to Zero that is written by University of Bristol alarmist
He still adds that Climate change is probably making it worse.
Maybe the animals are giving up because every one of their research grant applications was rejected!
Yeah, and that’s because they don’t kow-tow to modern climate change hypotheses!
Seattle Public School District Sues Big Tech Over Mental Health ‘Crisis’ Among Youth
Seattle Public School District officials filed a lawsuit Friday against social media platform owners, including Facebook, TikTok, and others, for allegedly intentionally cultivating and creating a mental health crisis among the youth.
Plaintiffs filed the 91-page-lawsuit in a U.S. District Court arguing that the platforms, which also include Google, Snapchat, and YouTube, have caused a public nuisance effecting Seattle Public Schools.
“Defendants have successfully exploited the vulnerable brains of youth, hooking tens of millions of students across the country into positive feedback loops of excessive use and abuse of Defendants’ social media platforms,” the lawsuit reads. “Worse, the content Defendants curate and direct to youth is too often harmful and exploitive.”
No sh1t skip. Walk through any mall and look at the faces of the nomophobes.
Unhappy, alone, vacant stares…
The World’s Biggest Study on Parasites Has Found Something Terrible. They’re Dying.
Parasites are not all bad, and in a rapidly changing world, they need our protection, but they don’t seem to be getting it.
In fact, in the second-largest estuary in the United States, scientists have cataloged a mass die-off among marine organisms that rely on free-living hosts to survive.
Over the past 140 years, from 1880 to 2019, parasite numbers in Puget Sound dropped by 38 percent for every degree Celsius of warming in sea surface temperature, researchers at the University of Washington (UW) have found.
The study is the largest and longest dataset on parasite abundance collected anywhere in the world, and the results are even worse than some conservationists had feared.
Parasites are the invisible threads that help tie food webs together. How ecosystems will cope without their influence is unclear.
“The findings are a real bummer if you care about biodiversity or you know anything about parasites,” parasitologist Chelsea Wood from UW told ScienceAlert.
“The declines that we observed shocked even me.”
If the same degree of loss were observed among mammals or birds, Wood says it would trigger conservation action immediately.
Birds in North America, for example, have declined by just over 6 percent a decade from 1970 to 2017, and already they feature heavily in conservation plans.
In comparison, no one really cares about parasites. A decreasing number of creatures that leech off the life of others is usually seen as a good thing. But that’s an outdated view that neglects the bigger picture.
Parasites dying?
Name one pollie that’s died lately. 😁
iPhone users worldwide are reporting their phones died suddenly after the latest IOS update.
Search “died suddenly” to learn more.😆
Breaking: a new and more lethal Omicron variant has been detected. It’s called BS24-7. It attacks the truth and insults your intelligence.
“The Twitter Files – Covid Edition – Part 1”
And inks
Oops – “and links”
Multiple vulnerabilities detected on billions of Android phones
With over three billion active user base, Android is the world’s largest mobile ecosystem, but this also attracts bad actors to prey on naive users. While the device owners are advised to exercise caution while on the internet, it is also the duty of Google and even the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to ensure a safe environment and create robust security for early detection and prevention of cyber threats.
However, due to oversight, several vulnerabilities within the Android and hardware go unnoticed. Now, in the latest instance, the state-run Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has warned that phones with Android 13, 12, 11, and 10 have multiple security loopholes (58 to be precise) and if not fixed soon, they could be exploited by an attacker to execute arbitrary code, gain elevated privileges and can cause a denial of service condition on the targeted system.
The flaws are said to be found in Android’s Framework, System, Google Play system updates, Kernel, Kernel components, Kernel LTS (Long Term Support), and components made by MediaTek, Unisoc, and Qualcomm.
Specific details of the vulnerabilities have been kept under wraps as they may aid hackers in misusing them to target potential victims.
Actually, Google earlier in the month did acknowledge the aforementioned issues. And, it has rolled out the January 2023 firmware update along with the security patch. But, for now, it is available only for Pixel phones.
Unfortunately, other billions of Android phones with chipsets made by Unisoc, MediaTek, and Qualcomm, are yet to get this update as OEMs are yet to release their custom Android version update to the respective products.
Be sure to update as soon as the patches are released!
Tuesday entertainment: doing wheelies in a dinghy
Just watched Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans”. It is a most interesting documentary. A lefty realises renewables are not what they seem.
Well worth a watch, lots of things I didnt know, but it goes for 90 mins. Didnt agree with his conclusion and never mentioned nuclear but still a good one.
That film would now be more than 2 years old. But it’s never been picked up by any major media , including the subscription services. If it was available on eg. Netflix, it would rate its socks off. Yet, it is a Michael Moore doco and most of his previous projects were all very popular. Just goes to show , even when a “lefty” or Hollywood favourite diverges from the narrative they also get shunned.
What do you think of this just-released interview with Howard Hayden re climate?
I listened to that today. I couldn’t understand it at all, that science stuff just goes over my head. But, yet another hard core physics guy calling faults on the calculations. They just keep stacking up.
Tom’s series he is doing at the moment is great. I’ve listened to many of them. One is by some hard core maths guy, who made his first climate model in 1970 or something. He’s an obvious genius and his frustration and disdane with the establishment was entertaining listening.
Great find DM.
For others here.
Howard “Cork” Hayden is a Professor Emeritus of Physics from the University of Connecticut.
At 13:20 in:
Make a wager and challenge your Climate Guru, (Climate Scientist).
“I’ll bet you $10,000 that you can’t find even one heat balance drawing in any Assessment Report made for any year past 2021.”
(There is no chart, but practically no “climate scientist” would be stupid enough to take you up on the bet.)
Next he asks,
“(Climate) Guru! Pick a model. Any model.
Pick a time. Any time 20+ years into the future”
“For that model and that time, find a heat balance drawing in the literature. You have two weeks.”
Professor Hayden then states:
OR “Alternatively, you can use the numbers produced by your chosen model to construct your own heat balance chart”
“Your chart must satisfy all five energy balance equations”
He then states: “Good luck with that!”
It’s 38 mins long, but well worth your time.
Saw a job yesterday I thought I might apply for with Forestry, doing surveys. Then right at the end it states you must be vaccinated.
Just incredible. How much longer are they going to carry on with that requirement?
“How much longer are they going to carry on with that requirement?”
Until Holy Consensus and Compliance.
Why would you need to be vaxxed to count trees.
You might be carrying Dutch elm? (/s)
In my latest medical indemnity insurance magazine which I received this week, an article entitled “Diversity in Medicine”.
The article interviews a female orthopaedic surgeon who states she “did not suffer any discrimination or setbacks”, but “It’s an ‘unconscious bias’, rather than discrimination”.
The doctor won the AMA’s “first ever Diversity in Medicine Award, commended on her work promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in orthopedics “.
“LGBTQI patients also face barriers because we have so few LGBTQI. Surgeons in orthopedics. People who present as gender diverse get lower access to care”.
I don’t really need to comment on this, other than stating the surgeon is based in Canberra.
I was reading Australian Doctor magazine recently and was horrified when they referred to someone as “assigned male at birth”.
You don’t get “assigned” a sex, it’s in one’s chromosomes and unchangeable. (As if I even need to say that.)
FFS, if this is the standard of biology they teach medical doctors these days, we might as well go visit a witchdoctor.
Australian Doctor was hard left and woke even before I knew the meaning of the word.
They’ve also been highly sponsored by Big Pharma, and always blindly toed the party line on all drugs being great.
As you say, this is the regular magazine read by most GP’s.
” commended on her work promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in orthopedics”
Uh-huh..This is why Musk could fie half of Twitter and it still ran fine! Maybe she should have been working in orthopedics for her money, I’m sure the patients who need fixing don’t give a sh*t about their medic’s sex life!
Diamond of Diamond and Silk fame passed away, only 51.
Diamond of Diamond and Silk dies at 51 at her home in North Carolina: Trump leads tributes to his one of his biggest cheerleaders saying ‘Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond!’
By James Gordon For
07:12 10 Jan 2023, updated 07:19 10 Jan 2023
Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway, a right-wing commentator and one half of the pro-Donald Trump vlogging duo Diamond and Silk, passed away
‘The World just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity! Please respect the privacy of Diamond’s family!’ a tweet read
Former President Donald Trump also shared the news on his social media platform and stated that her death was ‘totally unexpected’
She was with her sister, Rochelle ‘Silk’ Richardson, at the time of her passing
How sad. Thats my age. RIP. But, she made an impact.
Channel 7 “news” report on Melbourne’s fluctuating temperatures causing cancer, “gene changes” and illness
The latest lame excuse to cover the real cause, and an indirect admission that you-know-what causes genetic damage.
Better implement climate lockdowns to save everyone just to be sure…
mRNA Vaccines: Why Is the Biology of Retroposition Ignored?
In the current COVID-19 crisis, two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been conditionally approved and broadly applied, while others are still in clinical trials. However, there is no previous experience with the use of mRNA vaccines on a large scale in the general population. This warrants a careful evaluation of mRNA vaccine safety properties by considering all available knowledge about mRNA molecular biology and evolution. Here, I discuss the pervasive claim that mRNA-based vaccines cannot alter genomes. Surprisingly, this notion is widely stated in the mRNA vaccine literature but never supported by referencing any primary scientific papers that would specifically address this question. This discrepancy becomes even more puzzling if one considers previous work on the molecular and evolutionary aspects of retroposition in murine and human populations that clearly documents the frequent integration of mRNA molecules into genomes, including clinical contexts. By performing basic comparisons, I show that the sequence features of mRNA vaccines meet all known requirements for retroposition using L1 elements—the most abundant autonomously active retrotransposons in the human genome. In fact, many factors associated with mRNA vaccines increase the possibility of their L1-mediated retroposition. I conclude that is unfounded to a priori assume that mRNA-based therapeutics do not impact genomes and that the route to genome integration of vaccine mRNAs via endogenous L1 retroelements is easily conceivable.
Melbourne regional office was closed in 2015 but is the only station with a long record.
8 of the highest daily maxima for each month were before 1950. Only 2 of the remaining 4 were after 2000. All of the lowest daily temps for the month were before 1977, as you would expect in a fast growing city. 11 before 1950.
There is no way that global warming causes a bigger diurnal effect, but some how they managed to find it. The first sentence says it all.
it was always going to be fodder for climate porn.
you always need to take the results of a study with a pinch of salt when they get what they were looking for after teasing out a result from essentially intractable data.
First satellite launch from the UK failed due to an ‘anomaly’
Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne rocket and a group of nine satellites it was taking to low-Earth orbit burned up in the atmosphere as the launch failed.
The first orbital satellite launch from the UK took off from Spaceport Cornwall in Newquay, England but failed to deploy its satellites to orbit. Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne rocket, which took off attached to a Boeing-747 plane at 10.01pm GMT, began its ascent to orbit after about an hour into the flight, but around 25 minutes later the launcher “suffered an anomaly” and had to abort its mission.
It isn’t certain whether the rocket and its satellites burned up in Earth’s atmosphere on reentry or came to ground over unpopulated areas.
Should have spent the money helping your population instead of launching spy sats.
Meanwhile, and coincidentally, a huge multi-coloured meteor was spotted in the UK.
UK Safe-Haven for ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ Stopped by Emergency Order of Peak District Authorities
Peak District National Park Authorities have issued an emergency order in an attempt to stop a ‘safe-haven’ for anti-vaxxers being built in the park.
Former Dragon’s Den investor Rachel Elnaugh, who is behind the plan, raised nearly £1million with a group called Phoenix Rose to buy 70 acres of Derbyshire forest for the project before the Peak District National Park Authorities were told of the purpose for the land acquisition and had it stopped.
The sanctuary is the latest move by businesswoman Rachel Elnaugh who has been repeatedly attacked by the establishment for her anti-coercion stance. In 2021 Elnaugh came under fire from the msm when she stated that Chris Whitty should hang for recommending Covid jabs for children, a sentiment that thousands agree with.
The Investment group, which is also called the ‘Inner Sanctum’ initiative, bought the Cressbrook Dale Estate within the National Park in June 2022. In a prospectus published by Phoenix Rose, intentions for the land include ‘natural healing’ and growing organic fruit and vegetables. However, it was the mention of the farm being a safe-haven for ‘anti-vaxxers’ that seemed to have triggered council officials into issuing orders for work to cease.
Prior to the link with ‘anti-vaxxers’ there were no objections to the project, after it was revealed that the farm would be a ‘sanctuary’ for those who refused the experimental drug the Peak District National Park Authority appeared to change its stance, issuing an “emergency tree preservation order” to halt construction meaning that Ms Elnaugh will need planning permission for any further work to take place.
Ms Elnaugh said the site “is rich in all the resources required for self-sustainability with natural springs plenty of wood and sheltered from the harsher elements of weather.”
Wrong thinking and knowing real science will be punished. You will not be allowed to escape the WEF-Matrix…
In UK planning law the purpose of a venue is not a criteria for refusing planning permission. Valid objections might include design, traffic problems and with other criteria no doubt as it is a National park.
Queering the Family Farm: Meet the LGBTQ Midwest Farmers Taking Food Justice Into Their Own Hands
“We’re not just raising food. We are creating safe spaces for people.”
Shannon and Eve Mingalone avow that their farmers market booth is “very gay.”
They hang strings of pride flags and sell rainbow stickers to help pay for gender-affirming care, like hormone replacement therapy, for Eve.
Sometimes, when parents and their teenagers pass the booth, the adults glance, then speed ahead. The kids pause for a second look. Shannon, 34, hopes it means something for them to see LGBTQ professionals out and succeeding.
Shannon wears her politics on her coveralls. Her favorite jean jacket includes patches that declare “End monoculture” and “Save the Earth. Bankrupt a corporation.”
Safe spaces and whatever the fig “food justice” is.
Dose of reality coming up…
“food justice”
Well how would you feel about being boiled and eaten?
An article about an EV owner repeatedly encountering reality. Funny stuff. Originally sighted over on SDA.
Definitely worth a read. After that, who the heck would buy an EV?
LOL, Surely a modern version of a Stanley Steamer would be better that POS.
Ivor Cummins on what the stats tell us about covid, masks and lockdowns.
(8 min video)
About Ivor Cummins:
Of particular interest is this comment at the 4m mark:
One of the biggest factors in a covid impact we know is metabolic health. And let’s be honest, the UK is not far behind America in terms of a disaster in metabolic health and insulin resistance …
Note that in his introductory comments he felt it necessary to mention that he would stay away from ‘problematic areas’! Extraordinary!
See link for rest.
“Canada Threatens to Revoke Jordan Peterson’s License
The Canadian government wants to “reeducate” Peterson after he dared to criticize a government official.”
Visualizing 9,077 Wind Turbines to equal the capacity of one 1,154 Mw nuclear reactor
Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation
Full paper:
Happily since net zero is impossible this catastrophe will not happen. Blackouts and price spikes sure, but only up to a certain point. Europe is a good test case right now.
Blackout last night at the tennis in Adelaide for one minute.
Not sure it was general.
“Blackout last night at the tennis in Adelaide for one minute.”
Just getting you used to them..
The Australian Carbon Tax is Back
Essay by Eric Worrall
Chinese CSSC are building a Ø260m 18MW wind turbine. Not that it will help reliability or renewables costs, but it’s still remarkable engineering – taller than Auckland’s Sky Tower, and there will be almost 1/10th needed compared to the 2MW units in your linked presentation.
Chinese CSSC are building a Ø260m 18MW wind turbine. Not that it will help reliability or renewables costs, but it’s still remarkable engineering – taller than Auckland’s Sky Tower, and there will be almost 1/10th needed compared to the 2MW units in your linked presentation.
Morning all. This abstract states that CO2 radiation forcing is only 0.3% of incident radiation. Can somebody please confirm this for me?
“Radiation forcing calculations by both skeptics and believers show that the carbon dioxide radiation forcicng is about 0.3% of the incident radiation, far less than other effects on climate.”
Climate change targets Harry and other celebs who say it’s because we need to be kinder to nature.
Or perhaps not.
Michael Walsh “Against the great reset”
Expert Warns Americans How to Prepare for ‘Looming’ Economic Crisis in 2023 – a very interesting and topically pertinent video.
I hate those long drawn out spiels you can’t fast forward or even go back to check what you heard.
Yes, Me too. It is very long winded and it is ultimately an advertisement. What it basically says is that fossil fuel energy good, solar and wind bad. And it says that the USA is going down very far – big time – and long term.
More ChatGPT in action
Link at
LOL – It’s going to cool is it?? Any … moment … now ???
Check UAH. Highest global temperatures were mid 2016. It’s too soon to say if there is a long term cooling trend.
“The notch-delay hypothesis predicts sustained and significant global cooling starting sometime from 2017 to 2022, of ~0.3 °C but perhaps milder.
“If the predicted cooling does not eventuate then the notch-delay hypothesis is false.”
This new hiatus has been going for eight years, is that countered as mild? Probably not, so we’ll have to wait until the AMO enters its negative phase before world temperatures fall. A few more years.
The immorality of subsidizing electric cars so the rich can buy them-
“EVs have had fifteen years to show us that they can reduce the cost of driving. Instead, they have shown us how “ludicrously” quick they can be. How features-laden and fancy. All of which they are able to do for the same reason the federal government is able to do essentially whatever it wants.
That being because both have endless access to other people’s money.”