A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is this a sign of desperation or optimism?
Adelaide is in the middle of 5 days with maximums in the high thirties but one store has just put up a banner sign
Heater Sale Now On!
True but not surprising, Graeme.
We are in the last week of the last month of summer. Autumn is but six days away. For much of Australia this is the hottest time of the year. But despite bleatinngs about heatwaves it has been an uncommonly cool summer.
Methinks we are in for a long, cold winter.
Or a mild one like the winter that followed the cold summer last year.
What has happened to all the cyclones we’re supposed to be suffering. Flim Flam Flannery promised us double or treble the number of cyclones Queensland normally suffers. Not a single one has come ashore in the last 2/3 years.
Just like a Global Warmist. They’re similar to the Labor/Greens Coalition promising us all sorts but doing the exact opposite. Where’s my $275.00. Now I’m being deprived of my cyclone season. And the electorate can’t wait for more BS. We’re always told haw clever the Australian voter is…..looks like the exact opposite in this case as well!!
I’m no fan of Labor or Greens, but only one govt in our history has put one and a half million people out of work overnight, destroyed a third or more small businesses, effectively mandated compulsory medication of nearly the entire population with a highly questionable, ineffective “vaxxine”, and put the country nearly two trillion in debt, effectively bankrupting the place.
It wasn’t Labor or the Greens. What did you expect the electorate to do? Reward the perps by voting them back in for another go at destroying us?
And Dan Andrews wasn’t a player in that episode? Get real! What would our past and present national leaders Kevin/Julia/Bill/Albo have done, had they been in charge? Answer: March in lock-step with the UN!
I never said he wasn’t.
But everything Andrews did had the implied approval of Morrison and the Liberal-National coalition govt. Morrison could have mandated an end to Andrews shenanigans at any time, but didn’t. Ditto for what happened in WA and QLD.
If you continue to think this matter can be addressed as a Liberal versus Labor thing, you are going to remain in the dark forever. The three major parties have been in lockstep agreement on this issue right from the beginning.
It should be obvious to a blind man that “Somebody else” has been calling the shots, and our politicians have been obediently playing the parts allotted to them, regardless of party affiliation.
The unanswered question is why?
“The unanswered question is why politicians have been obediently playing the parts allotted to them,”
Easy .
Longer than that. Althea and Tracy were 50 yrs ago, Yasi 12 yrs ago. I know there have been others but they are not seared in my memory.
“Debbie” in 2017. Caused a lot of damage Bowen/Whitsunday.
Memoryvault we know why, the Australian psyci, founded on convicts and masters.
A modern first world western society.
We know of the 347 “detention” cells eleven stories under parliament. We know $547 billion spending on approved foreign espionage for a digital economy.
Stralya home of global totalitarian satanist.
Oh yeah everyone join a major political party, flood the membership and vote for change.
You think there will be more sunlight hours this Winter?
Why so?
‘Or a mild one like the winter that followed the cold summer last year.’
In the middle of a La Nina regime, this winter in Australia will be different.
Isn’t it coming to an end? Maybe you need to state what you mean by this regime.
The BOM has released its official record of Australia’s climate for 2022. Of course it was wetter and warmer overall 0.5 degrees warmer than the 1961-1990 average making 2022 the 22nd warmest year on record (equal to 2006). It certainly hasn’t been that warm in north central Victoria. My veggie garden proves that. Near the end of February and still no red tomatoes ( like last year) and corn that still hasn’t flowered.
Same. Tomatoes going red now after the first hot week.
Climate goes in roughly 30 year cycles –
1850 to 1880 – warming,
1880 to 1910 – cooler,
1910 to 1940 – warming,
1940 to 1970 – cooler,
1970 to 2000 – warmer.
The 30 year period BoM chooses to use now – 1961 to 1990 – straddles a decade of cooling and two decades of warming, thereby pretty much guaranteeing an overall warming trend for the period nominated.
BoM only recently started using this 1961 to 1990 period as its benchmark, and I very much doubt the decision to do so was either an accident or coincidence.
Quite right, Mv.
Then around 2005-2010 things began to cool again (they called it plateauing) and they had to do something.
Ah yes, let’s start adjusting all the temps. Use 1961-90 averages. ACORN 1 and 2 adjustments. Contour temp mapping. Homogenisation. Cleaning.
Yep, that’ll take care of it. Meme restored.
Chris Gillham has been comparing instrumentation and finds the digital variety has been exaggerating hotter temps.
And when all else fails, a strategically placed solar panel aimed directly at the Stevenson Screen housed thermometer three metres away.
It’s only European data but you can see it in the Carl Otto Weiss explanation of temperatures with a perfect fit. See 15:24 (plus his fit)
You can see about 12 inflexion points and all predicted by combining the De Vries 260 year Solar cycle with the major 60 year ocean cycle AMO/PDO. And this was found in a blind Fourier transform. You can see the BOM dip. They could have chosen any time up to 1940 and been even lower. They wanted a hockey stick and this graph is nothing like Michael Mann’s hockey stick.
When I saw this fit, it was game over. We know there is no fossil fuel CO2 in the air. We know what is there is not warming the planet. Now we know exactly why the temperature varies and CO2 has nothing to do with it. Why scientists are fiddling atmospheric models is beyond me. At present there are two and only two drivers of temperature of significance on planet earth in the human era and they have been identified.
So let’s build 100 million electric cars a year and devastate the planet to save it? But this is from the Australian ecology experts who introduced the prickly pear and the Cane toad and tell use the Great Barrier Reef is near dead.
And of course when the Climate models fail which is all the time, they blame the oceans not their programs and premises.
Perhaps some should stop and think that they should be modelling the oceans which drive the atmosphere, not some crazy story about the reverse. And of course the insane NASA “the oceans stole my warming story”. And the dog ate my homework.
I was listening to Judith Curry who sells her predictions now to insurance companies. And she is predicting cooling and saying it is all solar activity and ocean currents. That is the reality. Anything else is a lie, which makes you ask why it is government policy.
Actually MV, I would have said 2 +1/2 decades (1960’s,70’s,1980-1984) of really cool/cold and maybe 1 + 1/2 decades (1985->,1990’s) of slightly warm, at most. But either way you are correct, the comparison period is way cooler.
MV methinks 1947 to the great climate shift of 1976 is a better fit.
Also the PDO and AMO are often out of sync, like now for instance.
Further, the LIA didn’t conclude in the Southern Hemisphere until 1900.
Reference please.
New Zealand glaciers began retreating in 1890 and large icebergs were common place in the Southern Ocean up until that time.
Guys, I used the term “roughly” on purpose.
First, the effect is not as pronounced in the SH as the NH. The NH is mostly land, SH is mostly water.
Second, the effect seems to start in the western Atlantic and gradually makes its way eastwards, taking five to ten years to be global. This might be something to with the interaction between the AMO and the PDO, but frankly is way above my pay grade. However, if you check floods in Brisbane you will find they are five to nine years after the nominal swing point.
Third, the year to year temps are not nice uniform curves up or down. There are hot spurts during cold periods and vice versa. However, over the thirty year period the overall trend remains the same – up or down. If you go to you can plot it out for yourself 1880 to present using the HADCRUT global unadjusted mean temps.
Sounds like the PDO.
Good catch, in the mid 1890s the PDO became extremely positive.
I see a lot of hype about salt batteries for cars recently. Articles with headlines, new battery will make lithium redundant etc, things like this. Im aware of the silo full of salt, so Im not talking about that, but ones for cars.
Is this just another hype story, the nice theory shame about the reality type? Ive been seeing battery revolution stories for about 15 years now, none of them seem to come to fruition.
those batteries will work if they can get thousands of South Australian children to work in the salt mines of Woomera other wise they wont be viable.
crakar 24:
Why? Just restart the salt works (open evaporating pans) that was just North of Adelaide.
Gulf St. Vincent is higher in salt content than the open ocean, and the process could be hyped as solar powered.
If we can put little kids into eternal servitude to work in the salt mines then i am all for it GN3
And Dan Andrews wasn’t a player in that episode? Get real! What would our past and present national leaders Kevin/Julia/Bill/Albo have done, had they been in charge? Answer: March in lock-step with the UN!
Given our state’s NAPLAN results, you might as well do that and get something out of them.
The way I read it is that this is distinct from the old tech salt batteries which have low energy density. The old style is still being hyped as a cheaper/greener option for solar storage for people with the space to install them. The new thing is a sodium-sulphur battery which is more energy dense than Li and obviously Na and S are abundant. e.g of the many stories on this
I reckon new battery revolution stories go back way further than 15 years.
I found a new battery revolution story from the 1890s. There is always hope…
Ha………….funniest thing i have read this year
The Great Battery Tech Breakthru is just 5 years away.
Just like the Ice Free Arctic.*
Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve.
*(This may affected by Boiling Oceans.)
Soylent Green is People
And this
“It is a fact that the German War Department has advertised (10th April 1940) for an ersatz accumulator, to be constructed almost entirely from materials found within the Reich. A prize of RM 10,000 is offered and the competition closes on 1st January 1941”
R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”
Gee Aye, I have viewed your supplied link:
“Researchers at The University of Sydney say they’re close to a breakthrough.”
The researchers state:
“If we can transition to industrial-level testing and all goes well, hopefully within one or two years we’ll join forces with a local company and develop the technology further.
The aim will be to have a go-to-market product ready in the next three to four years.”
Ok.. So lets look at the words they use:
“If we can transition to industrial-level testing and all goes well”
OK… the words, “If and all goes well“…. does not inspire me with confidence.
“hopefully within one or two years we’ll join forces with a local company and develop the technology further..”
OK…the words, “Hopefully within one or two years we’ll develop the technology further” ….does not inspire me with confidence.
“The aim will be to have a go-to-market product ready in the next three to four years.”…. Hmmm…That also does not inspire me with confidence.
If we take the cr@p out from their media report, this is what they actually say:
“If all goes well, hopefully within one or two years we’ll develop the technology further.
We have no idea if it can be done at scale, but our aim is to have something to show, so our research funding can be extended again in 3-4 years time.”
I am an engineer. I know how it works.
Even if it “all goes well” ..There will be no battery revolution, before we lose our (Australian) base load coal fired power.
Imho .. Despite their words, this project will be at least 10-15 years away to fruition, if at all.
Understand that.
william, if you are correct about the 15 year timeline, it will be a moot point.
That’s about the same time for the fusion breakthrough as reported in the always reliable BBC.
Major breakthrough on nuclear fusion energy
One estimate suggests maybe 20 years
I do like this headline best though.
Nuclear fusion reactor ‘breakthrough’ is significant, but light-years away from being useful
thanks for that william but I also read the article and others.
Gee Aye there are many new batteries that are just ten years away and this has been the case since the 1980’s , the CSIRO are working on one which should be in production by now but no none have lived up to the hype . If you want to make some spare pocket change just let the scientists know you are on a breakthrough for a revolutionary new battery powered by crystals which can’t catch fire and one charge last 3 times longer than lithium but you need funding to further a working model .
I want 10% of your Ill gotten gains though .
The CSIRO is largely a waste of money, but battery research is one thing they COULD usefully do. However, the taxpayers’ would never be compensated for the money they put into it, were they to actually develop and commercialise a novel battery. Any ‘dividend’ produced would be divvied up between the government (i.e. it would disappear into a black hole), CSIRO itself (those overseas conferences ain’t cheap you know) and of course the commercial partner who rolled it out for sale.
We taxpayers get little to no tangible value out of the CSIRO.
Forget battery technology, we can’t mine enough Cu to electrify significantly more than we are doing.
I remember that in 1985 I saw stuff about new batteries being cheaper and more powerful. There have been minimal improvements.
The ‘salt’ battery you refer to – is that the ‘sodium battery’? Aimed at replacing uncommon lithium with very common sodium.
That doesn’t make much change to the storage density of the battery and the big problem with EV’s is getting enough energy stored in the battery to make the range acceptable. The car makers are trying to reduce the weight of the EV but there is only a small gain that way. Putting more energy into the same weight of battery just makes any battery failure even more catastrophic.
With current or foreseeable batteries the niche for EV’s will come down to small runabouts in the inner city – possibly why “the 15 minute city” is being pushed.
The molten salt storage systems that have been proposed don’t seem to be going anywhere.
Most of the technologically advanced nations are above 30°N, too far north for salt tech to even melt in winter.
About 1978 I went to USA with a friend who was doing advanced battery research. (I was not). He was optimistic then of a major breakthrough in a year or two. It never happened. He went on to researching high fidelity model trains cast from silver, compact disc players of broadcast quality and other more complex matters.
Geoff S
Rud Istvan on WUWT regularly comments about the new battery proposed. Apparently he has some knowledge about battery technologies and holds some battery patents. In general, Rud has said that doesn’t appear to be any workable new battery technology right now.
The “silo full of salt” ….presumeably the molten salt storage proposed for Thermal Solar plants, is definitely real, but stores “heat” not electricity, and has been proven ……
…….proven to be horrendously expensive, unreliable, dangerous, (30,000 tons of molten salt !) and has earned the record as being part of the most expensive way to produce electricity. !
There are always new battery systems being proposed including the Ambri liquid metal battery that runs at 500C that actually looks promising for non-mobile larger scale applications.
But for more universally applicable batteries the most promising and the most effort seems to be going into variations of lithium ion batteries with various nano-engineered electrode materials, different electrolyte systems and also batteries with solid state electrolytes.
Supercapacitor “batteries” are not able to fully replace electrochemical batteries at this time.
Funnily enough, I gave a talk on that very topic last night to a biomedical engineering society.
Certain old battery technology like the nickel-iron or Edison battery, patented 1901 still has a following among certain of the off-grid community. Even lead acid batteries, invented 1859 still have a good following and multiple uses.
There are still people alive today that had Pu-238 powered pacemakers implanted in 1974, still with the original pacemaker.
I meant add this link for the Pu-238 pacemakers.
David M;
I recall that an Edison battery was ‘resurrected’ after being flat for 90 years and worked happily after being recharged.
The problems with them was weight, being based on (toxic) Cadmium and a high self discharge rate. They were at their best as ‘standby batteries’ connected to the electricity supply (which kept them charged) but operating as soon as that supply failed. Great in mines etc.
Graeme, Edison batteries don’t contain cadmium. Self-discharge rate is about 20-30% per month.
We already have the best energy storage system there is.. FOSSIL FUELS. !
With an energy density at least 50 times greater than lithium batteries.
Was reading somewhere that submarine batteries have a much longer life than conventional lead-acid batteries, but are very expensive.
Study: Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Causes Cancer in Humans
Synthetic meat has been heavily promoted by Bill Gates and the globalist elites at the WEF as the solution to so-called climate change. However, this same food has now been shown to cause cancer via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.
Raw Egg Nationalist (REN) shined a light on this issue in a Feb. 17 piece for the National Pulse, citing a Bloomberg story about it. The Feb. 7 piece by Bloomberg‘s contributing writer Joe Fassler explained why fake meat companies use immortalized cell lines for their products.
“Normal meat cells don’t just keep dividing forever. To get the cell cultures to grow at rates big enough to power a business, several companies … are quietly using what are called immortalized cells, something most people have never eaten intentionally,” Fassler wrote.
While immortalized cell lines “are a staple of medical research,” Fassler noted that these are technically pre-cancerous and can be fully cancerous at times.
It started snowing last night – catching Ultramarathon runners by surprise in the hills behind Arrowtown, some having to be evacuated to hospital for hypothermia. It’s still snowing today – Mt Hutt has snow all the way down to the base building. Tomorrow the snow showers are expected to peter out… on the third day.
Although I’m a long way north, in sunshine & shorts, I’m claiming my first snowy ‘white’ birthday in NZ EVAAAAAAH! Never before in my three-score and two years has it SNOWED in high February, usually the
hottestwarmest month of the year.As the last storm was our fault, obviously this one is too: “abnormally cold temperatures and snowfall” blathered RNZ today about the ‘bad weather’, even though last week’s ex-cyclone, in the height of cyclone season, was CCCCCC™.
Can you please face a bit north of west and blow as hard as you can? I’m hoping a bit of NZ’s cool can make it as far as Adelaide. It’s the least you can do, having made us look at Mrs Ed for the past 5 years.
Its not that hot today Adellad and what was wrong with Jarcunda? Mrs Ed indeed
Sorry, maybe I’m a bit long in the tooth
Mid 1980’s in High Country Canterbury (South Island) it snowed during Xmas-New Years break, and our summer holiday at Lake Clearwater (600m altitude) got interrupted by very brief snow fights
Ah yes, Erewhon/Mt Potts backcountry, beautiful area indeed.
As a weather freak (summer cyclones for surf, winter blizzards for snow) I’ve now accumulated over one Flannery’s worth, ie. 30+ years, of storm data, maps, notes, etc for NZ. There’s been White Christmases (2002 was a good one in Queenstown), there’s been snow on New Year’s Day AND Boxing Day (2021) and from 2019-2022 it snowed every single month of the year SOMEWHERE in NZ… that’s 48 months in a row, the only hiccup being last month, January, but with this now 4-day summer snowstorm making up for lost time, things are ™back to normal™.
As the saying goes, Foyle, it can snow any day of the year here: be prepared. My gig is that it’s never snowed on my particular ‘special day’ of the year for a whole climate cycle – 31 years – until this year, 2023. Barely a mention about it on radio/media: it’s all mis/dis/bs information about a cyclone WHICH WASN’T A CYCLONE – was downgraded to a ‘low’ 48 hours before hitting the east coast – yet the majority of folk ‘believe’ we were hit by one… FAIL ❌
‘Barely a mention about it on radio/media …’
Same over here, the ABC shouts loudly when it comes to heatwaves, but no analysis on the unseasonal cold waves.
inally their ABC has vomited up something to post in today open thread
Who is Louise Adler???? (this will get complex for the woke mind)
Palestinian-American author Susan Abulhawa who was a guest at the Adelaide writers week stated Volodymyr Zelensky is a
“Those nasty Germans-promoting Zionist” and accused him of dragging “the whole world into the inferno of WWIII”.
I would tend to agree with the above statement however the SA opposition called for to be cancelled (thats the woke version of cancelled of course, not have her entry ticket cancelled) however the event organiser Louise Adler ignored the strange man in a suit no one in SA has ever heard of.
This accusation by Susan Abulhawathen triggered 3 woke Ukranian guest writers who also demanded Susan Abulhawa be cancelled, Louise Adler was then quoted as saying
“I’m disappointed those two Ukrainian writers have decided to withdraw because they object to the Twitter feed of one other writer,” Ms Adler told ABC Radio Adelaide’s Stacey Lee and Nikolai Beilharz.
Also quoted as saying:
“We talk a lot about safe spaces and I think we’d be better off talking about brave spaces and courageous spaces in which we are respectful in our dialogue with one another but that we can actually tolerate ideas that we disagree with.
“Writers festivals are places for us to gather together to share ideas and discuss ideas that might be upsetting, might be provocative, might be disturbing, but in the context of civil and respectful debate, so I’m really sorry they’re not going to be here because I think their voices would have been a valuable contribution.”
Now you know who Louise Adler is, she is someone who does not cave to the immature tantrums of the left, we need more peopl elike Louise Adler not less.
South Australian Opposition? Who on Earth are they?
As I recall after their electoral disaster, which some blamed on “SA is a Labor State”, they continued on their selected path under their new ‘leader’ (whom friend of mine who has actually met him, summed up as a Scottish Git).
I am a fan of the Late Terry-Thomas so I use his description “A right shower”.
As was predictable, there is no stopping the Left once people allowed them to get away with banning words.
Twenty four more words have now been banned.
[See link for rest.]
It’s part of my daily routine to say stuff that’s against woke folklore.
Thanks for the link of words and phrases to add to my list.
I also have a “WARNING! POLITICALLY INCORRECT” sign at my office door, visitors know what they are in store for.
David M:
I won’t bother reading their garbage.
By the way, the phrase “Survival of the fittest” wasn’t coined by Charles Darwin but by a contemporary “social commentator”.
As for eugenics which was pioneered by his cousin Galton, I note that at least 3 of Darwin’s sons were enthusiastic about it, including Leonard who was President (and Life President) of the Eugenics Society until his death in 1943.
Eugenics are people who (self) select themselves as superior to others on the basis of their opinion of themselves.
The NHS has downgraded strokes and heart attacks, and in future they will be treated in the same category as headaches.
Having massively increased the risk of strokes and heart attacks among the gullible millions who trusted the Government, the queen, and various ignorant celebrities, and allowed themselves to be jabbed with a toxic pseudo-vaccine that did far more harm than good, the NHS can no longer cope with the number of patients who have had strokes and heart attacks.
It has downgraded strokes and heart attacks, and in future they will be treated in the same category as headaches.
More shock and horror.
And NHS England is now asking telephonists and ambulance crews to ignore these patients and to tell them that they will receive a phone call instead of an ambulance. (I wonder how long it will be before the waiting time for the phone call is measured in days rather than hours.)
If you have a heart attack or a stroke you’re supposed to ring your GP and make an appointment for three weeks on Friday. Or drag yourself to the chemist’s and queue up for advice from a 16-year-old girl with O level gymnastics and too much make-up.
#attentionspansafe 😉
Have you been able to corroborate that story? I can’t find anything.
I have had seven major – ICU level – strokes and five major – ICU level – heart attacks. Six times I’ve spent three days or more in a coma on life support, and I’ve had to learn to walk and talk all over again like a baby – twice.
When it happens again, which is inevitable, I can’t see myself making too many phone calls.
Hi all,
I have drafted this letter to send to my council. Does anyone have any suggestions before I send it off?
To *** City Council
My name is Jane and I live in the council area.
I saw the other day that there is a lot on the council’s website about climate change.
It’s a common trend nowadays for councils to do work on this issue, and I suppose that is why C.S. is copying this trend.
However, it seems to me from looking through what is on the website that the council has assumed that climate change arising from humans is a real thing. I would like to suggest that you investigate thoroughly before acting on our behalf.
I ask that you consider my request respectfully, and not dismiss me without listening. Until an issue is completely proven one way or the other, one gets closer to finding the truth by hearing many alternative theories and analysing and testing them. Choosing one side without proof and refusing to look further is not a way to get to the truth, not science, but rather religion.
What evidence do you use as a basis to support your position?
Please find scientists (not politicians). Please check their funding too. A study (or a statement) has no value if it’s been paid for, the people should be independent.
Please examine not only the scientist’s conclusion but the basis for it – is it robust?
There are many many scientists who refute the humans-cause-climate-change story.
I will list some websites that you could start with. Please find out for the council and for ratepayers, to inform decision-making for us all. note the list of books – espec: climate-library
blogs – note Jo’s book The Skeptics Handbook – nice comments about behaviour in ‘about’
The best link on my site is probably this one:
These have about 50 peer reviewed references and talk about “Due Diligence”. ie Their legal obligation to do their own research before committing funds.
Skeptics Handbook link:
It’s is disappointing to see councillors wasting resources on ideas that essentially make the largest financial houses in the world even richer. The idea that we can change the global temperature with light globes, solar panels and windmills is like a form of medieval magic.
What the councilors fear most is probably a local grassroots group that will identify the greenest most activist councilor and single them out for a targeted campaign. If they think you might get organised, they may pull their head in.
there is an old TED talk on
dates from 2013 and should be available on YouTube (I remember seeing it there). The point being that he shows that “settled science” was wrong and following it results in things getting worse.
I am not sure of your response though I would suggest you ask for them to say (in writing) that their program will actually bring benefits. They hate leaving evidence.
“I have a Master’s degree! … We all have advanced degrees! What do the parents have? Are we vetting the background of our parents?”
We all know very well what you’re teaching impressionable children and what you’re getting kids to do behind their parents backs.
Defund every single school that engages in grooming, denying biological realities or pushing political ideologies.
I have just discovered that NSW imports about 97% of all natural gas consumed in the state (including ACT). They produce a paltry 3% from a few coal seam gas bores.
What a great place to build an open cycle gas turbine power station.
Victoriastan is probably even less .
Don’t worry, if gas becomes too expensive we can always burn straws.
As far as power goes, politicians have been clutching at them for 20 years.
We should have a plentiful supply by now.
We only have steel straws now and they don’t burn
“In The Spirit Of Russian ‘Total War’ ”
“Putin on the West’s decadence”
The Overton Window in New Zealand is such that any politician who announces skepticism against anthropogenic climate change will be mocked by the media and their leaders, regardless of political persuasion.
Yeah can’t have anyone drawing attention to shonky science can we .
So? once they thought Ardern would be a great leader also. Opinions change.
I clicked on a YT suggestion last night, a vid by a NZ blogger who was telling his vast audience not to vote for a certain candidate because she was an antiva**er and climate sceptic.
The post had been up all day and had 17 views and 2 likes, so even Kiwis are walking away.
For amusement only [now 23 views}
The Overton Window, stepping outside the big tent on climate change.
A few brave souls, putting their political future in doubt, are prepared to speak up on the science of climate change.
project Veritad
Two days ago Another Ian put up a link showing Project Veritas loosing Twitter followers in real time.
It has been fun watching the numbers scroll down and down.
Clearly the ousting of James O’Keefe from Project Veritas was relayed to the very recent story of the sting operation against Dr Tristan Walker, who revealed that Pfizer has been conducting gain of function research on the Covid virus.
I wondered what pressure was brought to bear on the board to get them to sack O’Keefe.
Money is probably enough.
A nefarious plan would be for a group connected to Pfizer to buy Project Veritas outright. They could then use the masthead and to redirect the activities of the company to other projects, likely false flag operations to confuse the Project Veritas readers.
Fortunately a lot of the readers have already left so they won’t get confused.
I think a lot of their financial support will disappear too.
Already some major sponsors are saying they will jump ship and support O’Keefe if he starts something new.
That CAGW is really in the swing of it
“75 million Americans are under winter storm, ice or blizzard warnings or winter weather advisories. They span coast to coast.
Including the first recorded blizzard warning for Los Angeles.”
AGAIN just to accurately update the global co2 levels and the SOURCE of the co2 emissions = the NH.
The CSIRO tell us that the NH is a net SOURCE and the SH is a net SINK.
AGAIN see their quote from their Cape Grim site. Mauna Loa is now about 418 ppm and Tassie Cape Grim is about 415 ppm.
Australia is the only wealthy country in the SH, but parts of Sth America are steadily improving.
Don’t forget that Australia emits just 1.1% of global co2 emissions BUT the entire SH is also a NET SINK. See CSIRO quote below.
“Seasonal variation”
“Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink)”.
Here’s the link to the CSIRO Cape Grim site.
Doctors Sue FDA For Prohibiting Ivermectin To Treat Covid-19 ”
BTW TOXIC S & W + the useless always FLAT battery are totally clueless AGAIN. Thanks to their Diesel generator AGAIN.
AND if it is useless for about 1700 people it would be a disaster for the 26 million Aussies.
Again are we really going to be that stupid? Please THINK AGAIN and install only RELIABLE 24/7 BASE-LOAD energy for a RICHER, SAFER future.
Marine heatwaves to dominate Northern Hemisphere summer.