88% of Germans don’t believe in the Solar and Wind Green energy transition


Removing snow off solar panels. Estonia.

By Jo Nova

The transition is happening, it’s just not the Green one.

Only one in ten Germans still believe solar and wind power can meet Germany’s energy needs. Three quarters of the people who used to be optimistic about Green energy have changed their mind.

But right now, the people are ploughing the snow off the solar panels while the government is ploughing along with the plan…

“The Germans have realized their government is on a suicidal ghost ride.”

— AUF1 Editorial team

Thanks to Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone :

Germans Overwhelmingly Fed Up With Move To Green Energies

As the government gears up to try to pass legislation that would force most homeowners to carry out extensive renovation to their homes and upgrades to their heating systems, the Energiewende is suddenly no longer looking like a bargain and is no longer welcome by the vast majority of Germans, according to a Forsa survey.

Skeptics are the majority.

Majority of Germans have doubts about a complete energy transition

Die Welt, Germany

Germans do not believe that the country’s energy needs can be met entirely by renewable energies. Amazing: Far fewer people believe in the energy transition than twelve years ago.

In Germany, skepticism has increased that the energy demand can be covered solely with renewable energies in the foreseeable future. According to a Forsa survey, only ten percent believe this, while 88 percent do not. In 2011, the value measured by Forsa was still 39 percent for “yes” and 61 percent for “no”.

People may call the punters stupid, but six out of ten Germans have realized that natural gas and nuclear power are good things. The unwashed masses can figure things out.

AUF1 Editorial Team

    • The Scholz government is facing massive skepticism and rejection in its core projects like no other federal government before.

Majority for natural gas and nuclear power

59 percent are still in favor of using natural gas as a source of energy, 57 percent are in favor of retaining nuclear energy – even significantly more than 10 years ago. The Germans have realized their government is on a suicidal ghost ride. Despite this, Chancellor Scholz continues to fabricate that the energy transition will succeed and that by 2030 80 percent of electricity will come from renewable energies. Therefore, heating bans and building renovation obligations are being adhered to, the installation of heat pumps – and above all the shutdown of the last three remaining nuclear power plants this month. The federal government is using the crowbar to continue a policy that has already failed and is rejected by an overwhelming majority of its own population.

Do 10% rule over the 90 — Who exactly does Chancellor Scholz answer too?

Photo by Sillerkill

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99 comments to 88% of Germans don’t believe in the Solar and Wind Green energy transition

  • #

    It’s not a scam,,,,,
    It’s a hustle…..
    AAaand here’s Australia trying hard, only 10 years off the pace, when will they remove the blinders.


    • #

      At this point in time, if the Lowy Institute poll is to be believed, we are happily looking forward to blackouts.

      ‘90% of Australians support federal government subsidies for renewable energy technology, 77% support a more ambitious emissions target for 2030, and 75% back Australia hosting a United Nations Climate Conference.

      ‘60% say ‘global warming is a serious and pressing problem’ about which ‘we should begin taking steps now even if this involves significant costs’.


      • #
        David Maddison

        Those numbers of the Lowy poll surely must be faked?

        I know the Sheeple are VERY stupid and most now want a Green Labor government, in all mainland states, but those numbers in favour of the climate scam/hustle/swindle/fraud are extraordinary and alarming.


        • #
          Graham Richards

          The facts from Europe & elsewhere are never mentioned byAustralian media, printed nor electronic. The majority of the public hasn’t got a clue about what’s going on anywhere else in the world.

          All we get here is an incessant stream of Climate Change being an existential threat.
          The usual suspects are bought & paid for. ABC, free to air TV & 90% of the print media.

          Even the Coalition is in denial. We really have only one option. Economic disaster!!

          The “ leader “ of the opposition has made a few noises about opposing the voice. He needs to start shouting about a the BS of solar, wind & batteries. Trouble is the Coalition are just as determined to dump all fossil fuels. More than 50% of the Coalition will vote with the ALP / Green Coalition & the price paid will cripple us all!


          • #

            The sheeple may be stupid. But their memories are not very long. They won’t stay stupid if they are hurting.

            Graham Richards calls that it will take an economic disaster to get the message across. The sooner that disaster happens the less will be the damage when it does.

            There are two events impending that have potential to become that disaster. First the closure of Liddell power station this month. Then the setting of a price for “carbon credits”, I think in July.


            • #
              Graham Richards

              Ted 1 ,

              There’ll be nothing in the media other than a passing mention that “ climate action” is happening under the ALP/Green coalition!

              The tipping ‘point of no return’ will pass followed by the resultant blackouts & huge energy price increases. It’ll be too late to react.

              No doubt the LNP Coalition will be blamed. How true that is because they did sweet f a to stop it. They want it as much as Bowen & Albo do!


              • #

                Do not forget that Clive Palmer and Al Gore thwarted the Abbott government’s landslide mandate by “protecting” the RET.


          • #

            Victoria might be the wake up call, some might remember what media referred to as “the rust belt of Victoria” 1980s when the state’s economy was a basket case following the mismanagement of Labor State Governments?

            As a regular business visitor to Melbourne I remember service station driveways chained off, shop fronts boarded up and a general mood of despair. Labor were thrown out by voters and the Coalition took over and managed Victoria back into economic growth.

            Right now building firms are collapsing and other businesses, Melbourne CBD has not recovered from the pandemic lockdowns and restrictions and the public debt is more than QLD, NSW, TAS combined debts. Government public works projects are suffering cost blowouts and union related problems, CFMEU has just decided to strike for higher wages, the transition to renewable energy so called is being pushed via a new State Electricity Commission and with Federal Labor Government and Union Super Funds investing taxpayers/members monies.

            It’s a recipe for economic disaster and will cause nation wide economic and financial problems.


            • #

              “If Labor is presiding over an energy crisis, housing pain and a stagnant economy in two years, Peter Dutton could well become PM, provided the Libs offer a clear and credible alternative.”

              The Australian
              6 April 2023


        • #
          Robert Swan

          David Maddison,

          I heartily agree with most of your comments at Jo Nova’s, but I have a low opinion of your ongoing use of “sheeple”. Dehumanising your opponents isn’t a rare tactic, but how do you feel about other people who have used it? Why make enemies? Wouldn’t it be better to try to win people over to your way of thinking?

          Putting up a mirror, how reasonable would it be to characterise your many comments here as “bleats”?


          • #

            Some of our comments are bleats, but not all. I have lived with sheep. And in my lexicon sheeple are people who display the ovine characteristic of following the bloke they think is in front.


          • #
            Graeme No.3

            Robert, I agree. As one letter to The Spectator put it “Sheep can recognise individuals by their face, are very good at sheepish behaviour and can solve simple practical problems. Only the last would rule them out of political life.”


      • #

        This is a link to the findings of the poll:

        Back in August, I forecast Germany would have rolling load management during the recent winter. My prediction did not eventuate, It did not happen mainly because the gas usage was down by more than 30% and most of the winter was mild. But cutting the gas by 30% was due to high price, government controls and good compliance, which is a Germanic habit.

        So the rolling load management did not eventuate but the population have now concluded their transition is impossible without unthinkable erosion of their living standard. Sitting in dank, dark, cold, homes eating bugs in not a future most envisaged.

        Australia’s test is not years away. It could very well be this winter. It is only three weeks to Liddell going cold forever. Energy costs will reach stratospheric levels this winter even with the government controls on coal and gas prices that are already harming investment in real energy production.

        The majority of Australians have not yet connected the dots. That could change this year. Certainly in 2025 if the Eraring closure occurs on schedule.


      • #

        I’ll bet none of those questions included “Would you support more ambitious renewable targets if it meant no electricity in your town from 6pm to 9pm?”

        Surveys are just scams with loaded questions to get the wanted answers.


      • #

        ‘90% of Australians support federal government subsidies for renewable energy technology,

        It’s frightening if those figures are correct.

        In the last federal election about 80% of voters opted for either Lieberal, Liebor or greens. All of these parties have swallowed the gerbil warming and unreliables scam. What do the public expect to happen?
        It may not be pretty but the only way the sheeple are going to wake up is when we suffer blackouts/load shedding… AKA “demand management”.

        Once again, what’s the definition of insanity?


        • #

          Is mass delusion a sign of insanity?

          ‘By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.’ (Franz Kafka)


        • #

          I have contended for a good while that the populace will only rise up when the lights go out.


      • #

        It is a bit like the old nine out of ten dentists prever X brand – simply ask enough dentists until nine say yes and then add in one of the legion who said no. No need to say which ten.


    • #

      That poll, published in 2021, is based on date from April 2021. Hardly current.


  • #

    Thank goodness that this has now started. The German voting Public is not that stupid, however, I do now wonder about the Australian voting Public. Dutton Get on board the Right Train asap.


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      Plain Jane

      I dont think it matters any more who the public votes for.


      • #

        Agreed, it’s already been decided by the WEF. Voting is an illusion to con the vox populi into thinking that they have a say on how things are run.


      • #
        Honk R Smith

        “I don’t think it matters any more who the public votes for.”

        Considering this, should we notice that just as the government realizes that its’ green scheme is failing, and needs to build a ‘consensus’ for retreat (among their own social constituency), polling indicating that renewables are losing ‘voter’ support, conveniently appear?


    • #
      David Maddison

      Dutton and the Libs are not the answer.

      They are just part of the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty.


      • #

        Did you see Bolt Report a few days ago?

        Labor and the CCP cooperating via Chinese language local newspapers to swing voters to Labor by suggesting that the Coalition does not like Chinese Australians and using the pandemic related rift in diplomatic relations between the Morrison Coalition Government and the Chinese Communist Party Government in China after calls for an. inquiry into the source of the COVID-19 virus. Of course many other countries made the same request and the CCP reacted by imposing trade restrictions etc against all of them.


  • #

    This is so significant, a counter revolution in Europe’s most powerful country.

    Hopefully it means an end to the demolition of the extraordinarily important German car industry, the Dutch farm industry and the destruction of so many cultures by the elites who see economic destruction and social disaster as prerequisites for dismantling Europe.

    It is clear that while Europe and France are the backbone of the EU, the EU is out of control. Their tens of thousands of cosseted, massively overpaid and largely unnecessary bureaucrats have been plotting the downfall of Europe and their total control as Napoleon and Hitler and Ceasar once dreamed. And the destruction of enemies Britain and Russia. This may be the start of sense returning. We hope.

    Now the same thing needs to happen in the US, Canada, Australia and NZ. It has already happened in Italy and begun in the UK and even Scotland. The people are rising up and the control of the bureaucratic Marxists in the long march through the universities and the public service has to stop. Their twin enemies are culture and democracy. The EU and UN and their hundred thousand scheming minions are the enemy within.

    Nett zero is simply their latest propaganda to bring Western Democracy to its knees. Carbon dioxide accumulation is an anti science lie in defiance of physical chemistry and the law of gaseous equilibrium, It plays on the ignorance of the masses while real scientists are silenced and intimidated by Marxists and cancelled.

    And there are only two sexes. People can identify as chipmunks or any gender they like. It is just anti science indoctrination like Climate Scientology.

    Fossil fuels remain the one invention which has produced the entire of human enrichment since the discovery of steel and the industrial revolution which dramatically ended poverty, starvation, slavery and serfdom and saved the forests of the world. At night, the Romans read by the light of olive oil. We have electricity and light emitting diodes, because of fossil fuel. We are not going back into the caves.


    • #
      David Maddison

      even Scotland.

      Not sure about that.

      The new First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, chose to be sworn in wearing a black sherwani, the national dress of Pakistan, not Scotland. Which country does he represent?

      And he is a “true believer” in the anthropogenic global warming fraud.


      Humza Yousaf wants to see a fivefold increase in the amount of renewable energy produced in Scotland.

      Katrine Bussey
      Monday 27 February 2023



      • #

        I’m glad that someone else noticed that …wearing a black sherwani …So Pakistan expanding its borders PEACEFULLY across continents.


        • #

          Jihad via immigration. No bullets required. It will only take 2-3 generations to gain control, with current opposing birthrates.


        • #

          I remember, back in my childhood days just after the end of WWII, there was skipping song sung by wee girls in the central lowlands from Glasgow to Edinburgh and it went like this – ye canna’ get a hoose fer a Pakistani – repeated until the skipping rope caught on one’s foot. Even in those days we had a lot of Pakistanis in Scotland and I well remember going into Falkirk on a Saturday morning to the “Paki Markets”. So nothing new really.


      • #

        Scotland is not the political class, the SNP. Nor Germany nor Holland or Australia. The political classes, the EU, the UN, big industry bodies, banks and supannuation boards are totally on board with Woke. They are not Waking UP. The people are.

        Scotland is a one party SNP state but the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon shows that being outragously woke well beyond reason is unacceptable politically.

        Like the former Liberals in Australia who are to the left of Labor and stand for nothing and worship at the altar of aboriginal achievement.

        I would love to go to just one opening of a major event or new building or structure and have the aborigines thank everyone else for dragging them out of the stone age and abject poverty and filth and short lives of extreme violence.

        But we keep apologizing and handing over more and more and now propose changing our very Constitution to create a new class of Australian with special rights based entirely on race. Without even defining it. We are inventing Apartheid. Eddie Mabo won his case, but he was not an aboriginal and he was a farmer. The rush to undermine democracy is in full swing. We had ATSIC. What good did it do?

        And the politicians are gambling that the teenagers and well meaning will drag it over the line because there is no logic to it at all, not even a clue as to why it is being done or what good it will do for anyone?

        If Trump represents anything it is the anger people have for politicians who know better than the people they are supposed to represent and all agree with each other that the cattle need herding and controlling and policing and devastating with uncontrolled immigration, not skilled migration. The aborigines get a voice and the people get none. And Abbott stopped the boats, so Albanese is flying them in record numbers, far outstripping out ability to cope. Canberra represents Canberra, not Australia.


        • #

          I have also noticed the emphasis Marxists like Albanese put on race, like BLM in America. Never having slavery in Australia and never having a large black population, we still had a big BLM march in in Melbourne in the middle of lockdown. We were not allowed go to the football or have an ANZAC day parade, but Black Lives Matter was centre stage. Aborigines are no more American Blacks than they are Eddie Mabo.

          My conclusion is that sowing racism directly and by uncontrolled migration is a plank of the Marxist attempt to disrupt Western democracies.

          So when it comes to Albanese’s Voice, why the priority to this above all other matters? While simultaneously doing nothing but harm to real aboriginal rural society by removing sensible limits on alcohol and cash or alcohol, a poison to which aborigines have no immunity at all, lacking the enzymes to metabolize it.

          As with electricity, Marxist agitators are pushing everything they can to destabilise and cripple Western societies. And that’s most politicians on both sides. There is otherwise no sense to all these windmills and solar panels and racist legislation and the priority given to these fake stories above all others. When the wind stops, all the windmills stop, no matter how many you have.


          • #
            David Maddison

            Yes, Leftists are obsessed with gender and race.

            As Dr Ben Carson said:


            “I find black Republicans are treated extremely well in the Republican Party. In fact, I don’t hear much about being a black Republican,” he said Wednesday at an event in Michigan. “I think the Republicans have done a far superior job of getting over racism.”

            Carson was a Democrat for years, but said he’s found the Republican Party to be more welcoming.

            “When you look at the philosophies of the two parties now, what I have noticed as a black Republican is that Republicans tend to look more at the character of people. And Democrats tend to look more at the color of their skin,” he said Wednesday.


            • #

              That should not be surprising considering that the Republicans were Lincoln’s party and the Democrats were formed to protect the rich slave owners. But like all leftist parties, their view of socialism is handing out other people’s money, which attracts voters but not the aspirational. In Melbourne the CFMEU turned the water cannons on their own members.

              But today blue collar workers in the UK, Australia, Canada and the US are finding the party of big business, the Tories are more likely to protect workers and their jobs than the communists who are now in partnership with big business as they transition to Fascism and slavery. In the UK the Red Wall has collapsed. And from Google to Apple to Nike, Equity inclusion and Diversity are more important now because they can posture, when in fact they can also get cheap labor from China.

              In the Australian this morning, a moan about the lack of STEM students and Innovation in Defence. But one advertisement was more about Inclusion than innovation. What sort of defence system is one which chooses scientists and soldiers on colour and gender not merit.

              The made up scare which caused the current energy crisis in Germany is affecting the ability of all Western Democracies to even defend themselves. Which I suppose is the point. When war comes western countries will have the best multi racial, multi gender army politicians can arrange. And no weapons or oil.


              • #
                Gerry, England

                You are not quite right about the UK. While the Labour Party were set up to defend the workers, they now despise the working class because they have become the party of champagne socialists with woke leftie liberal views. Your average worker has a conservative outlook which ironically chimes with the values of the original Labour Party. The party known as the Conservative Party has become a left of centre liberal party since the great days of the Thatcher government. They have no great love of the workers either and many businesses are realising the Tories are not they friend either as corporation tax soars. The death former chancellor Nigel Lawson has show up how far the Tories are from being a low tax, low spend party as the PM Sushi and his fellow millionaire chancellor kHunt have given us the highest tax burden in a generation. It was sad to see no mention of Lord Lawson founding the Global Warming Policy Foundation in the Mail’s piece on his death and even a follow up piece got the name wrong and gave it just a sentence.


          • #

            Another point, activist voice demand is based on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP). However the UN does not support race based division.


        • #

          Note that the Voice is in fact ATSIC revived, to be ATSIV.


        • #
          Robert Swan


          And the politicians are gambling that the teenagers and well meaning will drag it over the line

          Yes, we can see how it’s likely to go if “Yes” gets up, but it’s interesting to guess how we’ll be punished if it doesn’t: it’ll start with us being denounced not only by our own politicians, but by the UN and woke governments and NGOs around the world. Then what? Fingers crossed we find out.


          • #

            Yes, I would love to be denounced for not doing something outrageously wrong and quite stupid which is of no known help for Aborigines. In fact I would love to know who actually asked for this?

            Meanwhile whole communities are in trouble with alcohol and violence and it seems the leftists and bureaucrats, but I repeat myself, see it as a new dawn. For whom? A new massive junket more like it.

            And it does raise the all important question. Who is an aboriginal? In a world where the New Zealand Prime Minister cannot say who is a woman and an applicant for the US Supreme Court, a black woman, cannot define woman because she is not a ‘biologist’.

            So who is an aboriginal? Perhaps Professor Bruce Pascoe who holds a position at Melbourne University which is explicitly and solely for aborigines?


            • #

              Yes TdeF

              Who is an aboriginal? In a world where the New Zealand Prime Minister cannot say who is a woman and an applicant for the US Supreme Court, a black woman, cannot define woman because she is not a ‘biologist’.

              Perhaps Professor Bruce Pascoe can tell us. He who holds a position at Melbourne University which is explicitly and solely for aborigines? Up to you Bruce? TerenceM


        • #
          Gerry, England

          The downfall of the SNP leader Jimmy Krankie may not be down to her woke problems with a female prisoner rapist with a penis but her husband helping himself to large amounts of party cash as a police search is in full swing. I presume she knew it was coming and also knows the truth and legged it before it all breaks.


    • #

      It seems to me that the EU bureaucracy is destroying Europe to the benefit of Russia. It is certainly not to benefit Europeans. Just as the ALP and Greens here are actively aiding China whereas the Liberals are doing it unknowingly. With our own version of the swamp and our own version of the uniparty firmly in control Australia is heading for disaster. Hopefully the disaster will come quickly because there is still time to reverse the bus before it goes over the cliff. Blackouts will be the catalyst for change. 2000 W Honda generators are for sale at $1990. I can’t wait to see those caught on the 15th floor of an inner city highrise with no electricity.


      • #

        Making Russia the enemy has been going on for 250 years. And every German is aware that 20 million Russians died at their hands in a brutal one sided war of extermination of the untermenschen. So behind all this there is real motivation to try to settle those many ghosts and becoming mutually dependent is what Nixon tried with China, the real protagonist in Korea and Vietnam.

        Russians have no interest at all in destroying Europe and slowly went home. They really want to be Europeans, more German than the Germans, more French than the French, more British than the British. Three quarters of their language is German, French and English. And their music and ballet and drama is part of the European culture. No one does it better, as the Germans found. And no one is more patriotic or tougher.

        But they are always left out in the hall. We are talking about white Christians (no privilege), highly educated, hard working, ethical. The origin of Slave is Slav, the endless victims of every empire and then of the Mongols. So it’s hard to explain Napoleon, Hitler, the Crimean war, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cuba when rapproachment would have been easier. Biden is forcing them into the arms of the real Imperialists, China, their deadliest enemy with a huge border. If China has a target after Taiwan, it is Russia.

        We in the West are being spoon fed the politicians view. There is much more at stake as the vultures gather once again around the biggest country on earth, hoping and hoping. It worked with the Ottoman Empire in 1918 and only Turkey was left and that was attacked by Greece in 1922, causing a huge diaspora of nine million people. Openly engineered by Prime Minister Lloyd George. And even in the settlement after WWII Churchill had his Yalta naughty list with Stalin about retaining control of Greece and Egypt but Stalin could have his way with Poland. Which was the reason Britain entered the war!

        Politicians are not to be trusted.


  • #

    Parliament’s Environment Committee Bans Most Heat Pumps in the EU, and Cuts Short Lifetime of Current Equipment

    The ENVI committee voted to ban all fluorinated gases in most products today, which will remain essential (next to non-fluorinated refrigerants) for the 60 million heat pumps that the EU aims to make available by 2030 to support energy independence and to secure the cold value chain for food and health safety.

    “This week our alliance of associations and global partners urged the Committee to reconsider compromise amendments 10, 11, 13, 14 and 21 to the F-gas regulation,” said Russell Patten, Director General of EPEE.

    “We fully support the phase down of HFCs and the use of alternative refrigerants like propane in heat pumps where feasible. But the fact is propane heat pumps cannot be installed in every building for private and commercial use, so customers would have no other choice than to go for fossil fuel technology or direct electric heaters. This would undermine Europe’s carbon neutrality goals, slow down the process of building decarbonisation and jeopardise the goals of Repower EU and the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan.”

    More to say ?? 😀


    • #

      So. The conspiracy theorist in me suggests that they have reached the end of the road for evergreening those patents.

      Who holds the patent rights for the replacement technologies?


  • #
    Climate Heretic

    There is light at the End of the Tunnel!

    Climate Heretic


    • #

      And hopefully, the light isn’t from the headlights at the front of the Freight Train.


      • #

        😀 same minute, same idea 😀


      • #

        However, freight trains can derail

        Climate Heretic


      • #

        The road from Bylong to Sandy Hollow used to go through an unused railway tunnel 800 metres long, half a mile. Not officially, though the councils either side used to grade the road to the tunnel.

        The rule was don’t go in if there are headlights coming on, and it worked well. The tunnel was straight, you could see the other end.

        When they later completed the railway for coal, the road over the mountain was seven kilometres longer. With hairpin bends.


        • #

          Yes, went through the tunnel one winters day when the Mudgee rd (Cherry Tree Hill) and Bells line of road was blocked with ice and snow. Extra 4 hrs of driving via Newcastle to get home in Sydney.


    • #

      Be hopefull it’s not a train coming 😀


      • #

        It remains to be seen how much change from the bureaucratic élite will be allowed- if any. Will this result put political pressure on Scholz and his coalition? It is astounding that this has gone as far as it has. Sire, the peasants are revolting!


  • #

    Heat pump makers worried by EU crackdown on climate-warming F-gases

    The European Parliament’s environment committee voted on Wednesday (1 March) for a quick phasedown of F-gas refrigerants, in a move that drew criticism from the heat pump industry.

    Fluorinated gases were introduced in the 1990s to replace the ozone-wrecking “Hydrochlorofluorocarbons” (HCFCs) and are commonly used in cooling appliances like refrigerators and air conditioning systems.

    The problem, however, is that F-gases wreak havoc on the climate and amount to an estimated 2.5% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions.

    “F-gases are not well-known, but have major implications for our climate, as they are very powerful greenhouse gases,” explained Bas Eickhout, a Dutch lawmaker who steers the EU’s proposed F-gas regulation in the European Parliament.

    The ban of oil and gas heating equipment, the promotion of heatpumps, and then the ban of an essential of these pumps.

    Couldn’t run better for the these dumbatz (German idiot synonym)


    • #

      …and up pops the article about the increase in antarctic fluorine and the size of the ‘hole’ in the ozone layer.. What a coincidence!


  • #

    Operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants “okay” for Habeck

    After his meeting with the Ukrainian energy minister, German Galushchenko, Robert Habeck told Welt TV that it was “okay” for him that Ukraine would keep its nuclear power plants running. They are now built.

    On the second day of his visit to Ukraine, Economics Minister Robert Habeck met with Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko. After the talks with Galushchenko, Habeck stated that Ukraine would continue to run its nuclear power plants. According to a report by Oldenburg newspaper on Tuesday, the economy minister told the broadcaster world tv with the fact that the operation of the Ukrainian nuclear power plants was “okay for him. As long as the nuclear power plants in the Ukraine were safe, they would also be used. Habeck said:

    “Ukraine will stick to nuclear power. That’s perfectly clear – and that’s fine as long as things run safely. They’re built.”

    Germn plants are built, safe (or not ?) and have to stop running April 15th. 😀

    I call that schizophrenia at it’s best.


  • #

    “Sheeple” figured it out without the woke media and the many “unwoke” blog posters who treat them with disdain.


  • #
    robert rosicka

    There is no problem that can’t be fixed if you throw enough money at it , except renewables and socialism.


    • #

      And stoopid’ ‘Pollies’.


    • #

      Albanese wants to spend untold billions on renewables while imposing a carbon tax and caps on coal and gas producers. At the same time his coalition partner, Adam Bandt, is happily stopping new coal and gas projects. Our natural resources earned Australia over $400 billion last year but the current government is willing to throw that away and prevent future income. Just how will they make up the difference? Taxes on the sheeple perhaps. Without power there will be less industry and less commerce thus less employment and less tax. All that leads to recession if not depression. Our leaders are idiots and even without the MSM that will become obvious in the near term.


      • #

        What would China say if Australia said it was shipping no more coal, iron ore or LNG to them?
        I recall Japan was not happy on restricted oil deliveries in 1940/41…..


  • #

    What we need here in Germany are yellow vests, a lot of them. Polls are a nice instrument, but not effective.


    • #

      It is not compulsory to carry a yellow vest yet in Australia, so not everybody already has one. But whatever happens in Australia in the next few months will methinks be noticed in Germany.

      Everybody will be watching everybody else, wondering who will jump first, and which way?


  • #
    David Maddison

    The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false front for the urge to rule.
    H.L. Mencken


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Coincidence I’m sure, but, Stabcinda is joining forces with Prince Willy’s Earth:Shot® to ‘save the planet’ – beware Earth! ⚠️


  • #

    They’re only serious if they stop building any more TOXIC W & S farms.
    They are useless + unreliable and always wreck the electricity grids and always require coal, gas or nuclear to take over when the wind stops and at night or during very cloudy weather.
    It is critical to stop building these TOXIC disasters and only build reliable, BASE-LOAD energy plants in the future.
    Of course it is crazy to waste endless billions Euros on TOXIC S & W when you don’t need or require unreliable, parasitic energy at all.


  • #
    Rupert Ashford

    They still don’t vote with their brains though…


  • #

    “Do 10% rule over the 90 — Who exactly does Chancellor Scholz answer too?”

    The WEF of course.


  • #

    The problem is these large swings never seem to translate into votes. Italy being a possible exception.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      The Netherlands? Finland?
      Neither Labour or the Conservatives are popular in the UK. The Reform party is gearing up to contest all seats at the next general election, and with the rising cost of electricity, gas, food etc. there may well be a collapse in the vote for the UniParty.


      • #

        Weird that “Reform” Party – I have heard comments that they are anything but reformist. That, in fact, it’s just more of the same with a jazzy name indicating some difference. We had a similar experience in Victoria with Fiona Patton ( previous the Sex Party) who called herself ” Reason”. She has been anything but reasonable, just voting with Daniel Andrews and the Labor Party every time.


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    Francis Menton has a look at Bill Ponton’s UK Wind energy requirement if they tried to replace proper BASE-LOAD energy with TOXIC wind farms and batteries.
    This is the same dreadful result as their USA UNRELIABLEs study and the Wind + batteries could cost about 3 TRILLION $ for this proposed UK TOXIC disaster.
    BTW the UK ( 3.2 T $) GDP per annum would be wiped out if they were stupid enough to proceed with this lunacy.



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    Dunno about the german folk
    59 percent are still in favor of using natural gas as a source of energy, … but the pipe’s GONE. crying over spillt milk – should have gone to Specsavers.. write-ins on the wall.
    THeir Media is Soaked through and through with this rubbish (green) as is their industry. Folk I speak to on the Phone through business or pleasure seem to be ( outwardly at least) towing the party line and don’t want to get engaged in useful comment.


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      They are building LNG Terminals for the imported Gas.


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        Well I dunno about BUILDING terminals: there was a recent issue about a MOBILE Terminal ( a ship ) berthed on the ELbe on the outskirts of Hamburg ( that’s around 60 MILES ) from the open sea. NOISE & Light pollution from the Ship was the issue too.


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    AGAIN the King Island disaster is STILL relying on their DIESEL generator this morning and clueless Wind and Solar are generating SFA as usual.
    And the battery is flat as usual. Why would anyone BELIEVE that you could power an entire country using these intermittent TOXIC disasters?



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      David Maddison

      Flinders and King Islands are ideal models of the whole of Australia on unreliables.

      How is the whole of Australia going to be any different?

      The only difference is scale.

      And we already know that the wind is mostly correlated over much of the continent, i.e. it tends to be all blowing or all not blowing at the same time. There is no point saying wind power can be transferred from a windy area to a non-windy area. If it’s not blowing in one place it will likely not be blowing elsewhere either.


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        This is marvelous empirical evidence. If it isn’t working in a windy area like Bass Strait then why will it work in less windy areas? Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen are not returning my calls or answering my emails.

        Obviously, they are way too busy with giving Australian Taxpayers an ‘InVoice’ which will need to be paid up each and every year.


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    On Saturday last I drove past the Crookwell Wind Farm NSW near Goulburn, approximately half of the wind turbines were not rotating and up close were turning very slowly while the others were rotating quickly. A couple had a rotor blade broken or missing.


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      David Maddison

      I note that the Crookwell wind subsidy farm is now considered old and obsolete even though it is only 25 years old. And all it could produce was a small amount of expensive, useless, intermittent power.

      A proper coal, gas, nuclear or hydro plant would be barely half way through its life at that age (and probably much less than half way) having spent its entire years of operation producing cheap, reliable, continuous power except for scheduled maintenance. And with a hugely smaller land and visual footprint and environmental damage.


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        As you would know Prime Minister Morrison and Cabinet were investigating SMR technology and held discussions with the UK Government and Rolls Royce UK, UK Government has some RR SMR generators on order and delivery will be soon.

        The AUKUS nuclear submarine arrangements for operational existing submarines to be supplied to the RAN followed by development of a joint new generation nuclear submarine to be built in all three nations should be the barrier opener to repeal the ban on nuclear energy in Australia.

        By the way, nuclear submarines are really a small part of the very long term planning of the AUKUS partnership entered into in the UK in 2021 between POTUS Biden and Prime Ministers Johnson and Morrison. Earlier planning began between POTUS Trump and PM Morrison in the US. The also revived the Quad defence partnership with India and Japan.

        AUKUS is a big deal, three defence forces embedded, future defence capabilities jointly developed, much more and as a US Congress member observed, our three nations are now together forever.

        One example is the US firm now located in Sydney designing with the RAN a large AUV drone submarine, three ordered for the RAN already, for export and of course AUKUS partners. Following on from the Boeing Australia and RAAF now developed and six flying for development Loyal Wingman Project now Ghost Bat fighter jet aircraft force multipliers to fly with piloted Air Force aircraft or ground controlled without those escorts.


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        I was reminded today that Crookwell Wind Farm would be receiving Labor’s RET profit incentive subsidies at consumer taxpayer’s expense so electricity supply revenue is probably not important to shareholders, and the costs of dismantling, dumping, repairing foundations and buying and installing new Wind Turbines would be prohibitively expensive, so the half or less operating remain in place as virtue signals and because transition industry does not want to admit the investment failure.


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    A practical example of the problems we face when Bowen has his way. It is a pity the MSM do not tell people of the downside to renewables and EVs. The latter at least demonstrate their fallibility by catching fire in dramatic fashion which is hard to ignore.


    • #

      The up side.

      Cheaper electricity? No.
      Less environmental damage? No.
      Longer lived? No.
      Cheaper to build? No.
      Less unsightly? No
      Less visible? No.
      Reliable? No.
      Commandable? No.
      Adequate? Never. (See reliable)
      Eco-friendly? No. Birds, bats, whales, Raptors,.. Deadly.
      Smaller footprint? No.
      Less transmission infra structure? No.
      Scalable? No.
      Long term serviceable? No.
      Generate less CO2 in the first 8 years? No.


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        And the Germans have had enough. Not the politicians. The people.


        • #

          In the same vein as “Who are the Scots?” – a long, distant tv Prog here, then who are the Germans ? – the fowk – or the Press and Celebs ? Just Watch their tv progs ( huh listening often causes confusion with their Lingo ) Talk about ‘don’t rock das Boot ‘ .Dr Ian Grimble Took me a long time to find this record, Looks like History being in the process of re-writing by the search engines, Oor Neil just about everywhere ( no offence, Neil ! ) “The Government support that Gaelic is now receiving through the Gaelic Television Fund must have delighted him. What a pity it did not come
          earlier, when he was in his prime as a television communicator”.


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    The photo under the title shows the usefulness of solar panels in states such as Germany and other cold climes. They protect the roof structure.


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      Yes, they DO protect – and so often we see buildings on fire (in germanski) …. and the panels protect the flaming timbers from the water …. but that’s alright. a. we lose a house + Contents. or b. farm building with animals & c. we lose a Power supply donation to the Grid. Lose Lose Lose situation: can’t be bad , eh?


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    On Sky News they just say Apple has pulled out of wind farms in Australia because of environmental damage, One commentator says these bird killers need 600 tonnes of concrete for each base! The sooner these things are banned the better!!!


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    UK-Weather Lass

    The last time I looked at the UK’s position it hadn’t changed.

    We have no democracy worth speaking of.

    Our electoral system has gone AWOL in a crazy world where men are men and women are an indefinite and indefinable object. We now need to prove who we are when we are voting too despite being none too sure about gender.

    How the UK has fallen apart and seen its standards drop by magnitudes.

    But there is a healthy unrepresented minority which I guess is not too far short of obtaining half the voting populace. It just needs a party that gives us all the climate facts honestly –

    Question: Is it getting warmer or colder and what will the weather be at the end of this decade? Honest answer ‘No human being alive has a ******* clue about what the weather is going to do today let alone in many years’ time but we did have a nice spring day yesterday. Today it is a bit wet and windy … you know the normal for this time of year … drought one minute, flood the next as the Climate Worshippers’ would tell us.

    Follow Up ‘And so although the climate is changing it could be fun not knowing what the weather is going to be like later today because that’s what British weather has always been like.


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    Those 88% will just have to be re-educated if we are to have a Climate Movement that will endure for a thousand years!
    (goosestep, goosestep, goosestep…)


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    Well that’s a healthy thing. The Germans got a dose of reality and changed their minds!


  • #

    These are the productivity / capacity figures for 122GW of Renewables in Germany in 2022

    Measured hourly over the year

    Onshore Wind 20.6%
    OffShore wind 40.1%
    Solar Power 10.7%

    Overall Renewables 17.1%

    Would anyone sane buy a car costing up to 10 times the normal price to buy and run, that can only work one day in five, when you never know which day that might be ? 

    And then insist that its technology is the only way to power the whole economy. 

    For details see



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      Only if you were very WOKE and didn’t give a single care about the environment, or the continuation of society as we know it.


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