A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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No sign of output reductions from Liddel as yet ?
Half way through their reported shut down plan .
All 3 operating units still running steadily at 312 MW (+/-) as they have for weeks.
But NSW is importing over 1GW anyway and that’s on the weekend.
Their transmission lines wouldn’t handle another GW.
NSW is almost always importing power from QLD and Victoriastan, blind Freddy can predict what happens next but I’m no eggsspert!
I wonder how the grid might be affected by Monday’s predicted geomagnetic storm.
Don’t worry. Next week they will either turn up the wind turbines or turn down Tomago. Good to have options.
The payment to Tomage to load shed will be enormous. Last year they were paid $1852/MWh to load shed.
If you live in NSW and think removing Liddell for low cost “renewable” generation is going to cut your electricity bill, you will be disappointed.
Most here know BS when they hear it and now we have visuals too; Chris Bowen and Albo.
Make sure that any load shedding is published. Don’t wait till Tomago has shut down.
Local news and T.V advertising, “If it’s six months since your last booster OR covid infection then it’s time to get another booster” make your appointment a.s.a.p. to avoid disappointment I suppose.
Also getting a flogging is news about the number of deaths over the last couple of days about 30 or 40 people have perished WITH Covid. Most suspiciously the word “FROM” is missing from the narrative. Also missing is any useful info like the age and health status and the actual cause of death of these unfortunate victims.
If only they were giving something useless away like a bag of hammers or a box of bent nails I’d be first in the queue
Check the “simplification” of “vaccination” by the US FDA from “Covid and Coffee newsletter”
And more “simplification” this morning
What will the TGA come up with in the line of dosing magic?
In stronger language
“The FDA Admits They Screwed *YOU*”
I am guessing that when they reduced the dosage by 75% it was because they found that the smaller amount can still kill effectively. Now that the US and ours too, armed forces have all been innoculated with the wasting disease.
New WHO Treaty uh oh…
Is there are politician in Australia alerting the brain dead in Canberra? Maybe Albo is using the Voice to distract us from his real agenda; hand us over to the UN.
The Voice referendum has stuff all to do with Aboriginals and everything to do with transferring the power to alter the Constitution away from the Australian people and giving it to the Executive Government – that is, the PM and Cabinet, aka “The national Cabinet” of recent years.
Trouble is, most people, including most here, haven’t ever even skim read the Constitution, let alone understand it. The parody planned for October doesn’t even legally qualify as a referendum, yet the only discussion is whether to vote Yes or No for this farce.
I wonder what the “use by” dates of the vaccinations they have stockpiled are ?
Btw just watched a great tv show on Prime ……JURY DUTY….. excellent …..lot of fun and restores some faith in the goodness of some people at least …
COVID is the money machine that never stops printing.
Yes, next they will be saying Barry Humphris died with/from Covid!
A bit more on the Florey story.
In some eyes, Baron Howard Florey is the #1 enemy of planet Earth.
Florey is credited with the original development of modern antibiotics. Antibiotics have been credited with extending average human life by 23 years.
So without Florey’s contribution there would only be 6bn humans intent on destroying the planet.
Is there anyone here who has never used an antibiotic?
Once or twice in my lifetime and only due to severe problems.
My immune system usually ko’s everything very quickly.😁
Its in the food chain.
‘Antibiotic resistance is predicted to be a global problem that could make infections harder to treat.
‘In a study, 55 per cent of beef samples and 39 per cent of salmon samples were found to harbour resistance to a range of antibiotics.’ (ABC)
Is that before or after cooking?
Dave B
If it was on the ABC it has to be true Elgordo!
More likely without Florey’s contribution the development of antibiotics during a World War, the development would have occurred decades later and there would now be 8 billion humans intent on destroying the planet, but being younger on average, they would tend to be more destructive.
And “A Modest Question…” re Budweiser’s Clydesdale horses and their latest ads
Clown world part 1,473,951: Biden admin to use “female” crash test dummies
I think we all know where the real crash test dummies are.
What’s next? Of course – trans crash test dummies. 😆
Why is the “White House” not LGBTQE+×÷* ?
White is just plain racist.
Let’s spray paint it rainbow sparkles with a big pink Unicorn horn on the roof.
Let’s face it, you may as well at this point.😉
According to Gutfield! it will only cost $25 mil.
Males die in US car accidents at a rate roughly twice that of females.
The concept of misogynist crash dummies discriminating against females is a fabrication.
JC, it never ends. It is so sad that those that govern us are so ignorant and stupid.
I’ll help them out.
OK, breaking news for Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and the Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg.
Do you Rosa and Pete, understand that “female crash dummies” have been used in vehicle crash testing for over a decade now?
So there is no need to “fight the gender inequity among…crash victims.” by introducing Female crash test dummies.
They are here right now and are still used in the current crash tests.
This is the United States based, ABC’s report from 2012.
Titled: “Female Crash Dummies Test in Slow Motion; New Car Safety Rating”
You can watch it here:
Maybe they need someone who can pretend to be either !
That is “the thing to do”, nowadays, isn’t it ?
Question…. How do they know that current crash test dummies are male, and not female. ?
They are definitely male.
If they were female at the moment of impact they would be chatting on their phone while using the rearview mirror to put on their make-up and steering with their knees.
Isn’t that what males are meant to do now … “Act” as females ?
Not all of us are so stupid MV.
“Veteran Phillip Thompson OAM MP – brilliant on Albanese’s divisive, racist Vanity Voice.”
I essentially agree with the sentiments but am still confused by the following
:– “I am a proud Australian. My wife is a proud Aboriginal woman. My children are being raised to be proud Australian Aboriginal women”.
There is still the emphasis on Aboriginality as though it confers something sacred. The wife is very clearly of mixed race decent. Does she have aboriginal ancestry, yes. Does she have other contributing ancestry. Absolutely. The children, with an ever smaller amount of aboriginal ancestry are being raised as “proud Australian Aboriginal women.”
Vote NO to the voice by all means but why not be simply a proud Australian family with some aboriginal heritage.
I was born in England, but my surname is French, my paternal grandmother was a genuine Scotts Highlander, full clan name and tartan, my maternal grand father was the illegitimate son of a British aristocrat, my wife is Italian, from the south. Many of her relatives have dark (very dark ) complexions. One of our kids is fair haired and pale skinned the other is dark haired and gets a great tan. The daughter married into an English family with a Scottish name, the grand kids laughingly call themselves Italian simply because this is great socially but guess what, when push comes to shove we are all very very proudly AUSTRALIAN.
To paraphrase, all Australians are equal but some are more equal than others.
How does it work if one identifies as Aboriginal – on government forms, or, for example, in SA where they will forge ahead with race-based elections?
Does one have to prove it, or is it all based on “trust”, which, of course no one has ever abused for the sake of money or power…
CDC head Rochelle Walensky finally admits fully jabbed can still spread covid
After two years of claiming otherwise, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky is now claiming that a person can still spread the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) even if he or she has already gotten “vaccinated.”
The reason for the sudden change is not because Walensky was previously lying, but because of “an evolution of science,” according to her. She now claims that getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu does nothing to stop the spread, even though that is precisely what she claimed was true for the past several years.
Did everyone read that? – “an evolution of science”
So much for “settled”.
Next up, the evolution of CO2 science, once the lies can no longer be perpetuated.
Critical infrastructure also hit by supply chain attack behind 3CX breach
The X_Trader software supply chain attack that led to last month’s 3CX breach has also impacted at least several critical infrastructure organizations in the United States and Europe, according to Symantec’s Threat Hunter Team.
“Initial investigation by Symantec’s Threat Hunter Team has, to date, found that among the victims are two critical infrastructure organizations in the energy sector, one in the U.S. and the other in Europe,” the company said in a report published today.
“In addition to this, two other organizations involved in financial trading were also breached.”
While the Trading Technologies supply chain compromise is the result of a financially motivated campaign, the breach of multiple critical infrastructure organizations is worrisome, seeing that North Korean-backed hacking groups are also known for cyber espionage.
It’s very likely that strategic organizations compromised as part of this supply chain attack will also be singled out for subsequent exploitation.
While Symantec didn’t name the two energy sector organizations, Symantec Threat Hunter Team Director of Security Response Eric Chien told BleepingComputer that they are “power suppliers generating and supplying energy to the grid.”
Well, I did warn last year that we’d see power and infrastructure targetted this year, didn’t I. 😉
“North Korean-backed hacking groups are also known for cyber espionage.”
Wait..what? That backward semi-stone-age country we have always been told doesn’t have machinery and its peasants are starving? How can they have hackers, I’m sure the ABC said a few years back that they didn’t have electricity, never mind internet!
Surely my Govt wouldn’t lie to me…
N.Z. – Te Whatu Ora Are Hiding the Alarming Figures—a Tsunami of Illness
Against the evidence, the authorities and their experts stubbornly maintain that it must be due to Covid infection, rather than vaccination. They are calling for more mRNA vaccination, not less.
The leaked figures are from the Wellington Region, which contains approximately 10% of New Zealand’s population. Presuming they are accurate, the hospital admission figures verify that the health of the population is getting progressively worse:
The number of heart attacks has doubled, yes doubled. How bad is that? Hospitalisation for myocarditis is up by one third (33% increase). Miscarriage, stillbirths, and strokes all up by a quarter (25% increase). Acute kidney injury (AKI) up by 40%.
If this is being repeated across the nation (a reasonable assumption), in the year April 2022 to March 2023 alone, there will have been 14,600 additional hospitalisations for heart attacks, 9,700 additional cases of myocarditis, 8,200 additional cases of kidney injury, 1,600 additional miscarriages, 1,800 additional stillbirths and 10,500 additional strokes.
Spin the bottle. Who’s heads will it point to when the SHTF big time? Horseface has bailed just in time…
” Horseface has bailed just in time…”
Yup! Off to a sinecure amongst her peers,all according to plan!
Horseface or Dinosaur Dentures??
Nuclear war simulator
I’ve recently been playing around with Nuclear War Simulator which is exactly like it sounds: less a game and more a tool. Originally used by researchers at Princeton and the Pentagon, it’s now available on Steam. Here there are no points to win, only scenarios to run: each one terrifying in both scale and particulars. Did you know that today’s ICBMs carry up to ten warheads each? Each warhead, typically 30 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, can be independently targeted to strike a different city, or the same city if you really want to be sure the job is done. Russia has an arsenal of at least 400 such missiles in addition to nuclear weapons carried on bombers or submarines, for an estimated total of 5,977 warheads as of 2022. The United States has 5,428. All of these are available to you in Nuclear War Simulator, where you can push a button to launch them in great curving arcs over the Arctic Circle to rain down nuclear fire from the stratosphere on Russian and American cities below.
If you’re into data-backed sims, then this might be for you.
Hours of fun for all the family or just salivating loony demonrats.
I already know how it’ll play out for real and I don’t play computer games either. 😁
“Lies, damn Lies, Statistics” and then –
Could be sent as a tip to “Their ABC”
Worth celebrating –
“Resourceful Earth Day: Fred Smith on Julian Simon”
An accounting – of sorts.
Nearly all gone, $443 million.
Dave B
What is written about Down Under abroad:
P.S. email to returned due/to the link (google …) classified as spam …
I think perhaps that a new Covid variant is circulating in the Brisbane area. Our whole family, plus multiple friends, have been struck down with the ‘orrible snots over the past couple of weeks, including our 8mo granddaughter, poor little mite. Even worse, our 33yo daughter got it while hospitalised with an abdominal abscess and several other associated bothers. I am overwhelmingly relieved to say that she seems to be out of the woods now.
It’s an odd sort of bug, hence my wondering it it was Covid. None of us bothered with getting tested. It was ‘flu-like, with intermittent fever, chills, whole-body pain, sore throat and bone-crushing fatigue, albeit less debilitating than ‘regular’ ‘flu. The worst seems to be day two through day four or five, then a very slow recovery thereafter.
I kind of want it to be Covid. Mrs Wife and I have to head back to Blighty in a few weeks, to wrap up her recently-deceased mother’s affairs, and I in particular am prone to catching respiratory bugs when traveling. Maybe, if it was indeed Covid, we have gained some immunity that will get us through Europe. Would be nice.
Of note perhaps: I took the FLCC-approved course of Ivermectin as soon as I felt ill, whereas nobody else in the family did. Outcomes and disease progression were much the same nevertheless. Maybe this indicates that it wasn’t a viral infection, or that Ivermectin doesn’t mitigate Covid in its current iterations. We were all taking vit. D supplements though.
NAC, Turmeric, dried ginger, garlic, added to food.
Nothing will get ya! 😁
Ivermectin by itself neither prevents nor cures anything.
The spiked proteins formed by cold and flu viruses are normally destroyed by Zinc. The difference with the covid protein is that it is impervious to Zinc. Ivermectin breaks down the protein’s resistance and lets the Zinc get in. Without sufficient Zinc you can take handfuls of Ivermectin until the cows come home and it will make no difference. Vitamin D helps in the process.
Australian soils are seriously deficient in Zinc, and few people get enough sunlight for their Vitamin D needs. If you have a reasonable diet and take Zinc and Vitamin D supplements daily you shouldn’t have any problems. Both are cheap and available from Coles and Woolies.
I have been supplementing zinc + Quercetin for 18 months or more.
Has anyone here said that? I only remember it linked to Zn.
Ivermectin most definitely — all by itself — both prevents and treats Covid.
Ivermectin works with 20 different mechanisms (see my post here), the zinc ionophore path is just one of them.
Ivermectin reduces deaths by 92% for 10 cents a week
Bizarrely low dose Ivermectin still cut infections, hospitalization in half, deaths by 70%
TGA fodder
“Experts” priorities perhaps??
Dave B
Saturday WTF: how is this possible?
The pole must have become airborne from where it originally was.
The pole was sheared about a metre above ground level, with a one-metre section lying under the vehicle.
I expect the cables attached to the pole allowed it to return to the original placement after the collision and drop vertically through the passenger side of the front windscreen.
Female restrooms: Man in a dress vs man not in a dress. Place your bets.
My money is on #2.😄
the man is in mental distress, whether he be in dis dress, or dat dress.
Ivermectin is not only Zn ionophore, it has several other ways to eliminate Cov-19. So your first sentence is completely wrong.
Should be answer to 15.2 – Memoryvault
The fact that Ivermectin by itself doesn’t “cure” covid by itself is how they falsified results in hospitals here and in the UK to “prove” it was ineffective and so discredit it in favour of their killer vaxxines.
Conversely, in parts of India and elsewhere covid was both prevented and treated by distributing kits consisting of Ivermectin, Zinc, and Doxycycline (an antibiotic). Don’t get me wrong – I’m in no way knocking Ivermectin, only the misconception that it cures or prevents covid by itself.
Doxycycline – most commonly used for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and as a prophylactic for Malaria.
I can only speak about the 2nd use, and it was not fun, take for 2 weeks before travel, every day while in-country, and then for 2 weeks after. Working on a 4 week on, 4 week off rotation in a Malaria area meant that you’d be taking this stuff constantly, which has its own problems. In the end, most people in this situation stopped taking it…
IVM has about 20 ways to treat and prevent COV-19, with ZN is only one of the ways. Giving ZN is only to help killing virus, but in case of IVM not absolutely necessary.
Krishna is very much correct MV, see my reply at #15.
I expect zn and ivm would work better together than either separately.
I’d be wary of Doxy though. I don’t think the FLCCC recommend it any more. Check their protocol. It will wipe out some good gut flora. I think the FLCCC recommend probiotics now instead. Gut flora seems very useful.
James, I hope you did a gut restoral program after those doses!
FWIW – presidential contenders
“Bobby Steps Up”*-nation/bobby-steps-up/
Someone posted this link recently.
It is a short 24 min animated film about one possible dystopian future after the Left’s “Great Reset”.
It will happen if the thinking community remains silent.
Outstanding. Highly recommended.
Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
Isn’t chatgpt helpful.
I asked the famous ai this
what is the ir emission from a surface of emissivity 0.8 at 18.3deg c minus the ir emission from a surface of emissivity 0.8 at 15deg c
Given the prediction that doubling CO2 adding 3.7Watts per square metre to inbound energy which the IPCC claims increases surface average temperature by 3.3 degrees ( from 15C to presumably 18.3 degrees)
You would expect that the extra emission would have to be less than 3.7 watts per square metre to avoid violating the first law of thermodynamics.
Chat GPT helpfully answers
To find the difference in IR emissions for a surface of emissivity 0.8 between 18.3°C and 15°C, we can first calculate the emissive power E using the Stefan-Boltzmann law for both temperatures:
For T1 = 15°C (288.15 K):
E1 = 0.8 x 5.67 x 10^-8 x (288.15)^4
E1 ≈ 397.4 W\/m^2
For T2 = 18.3°C (291.45 K):
E2 = 0.8 x 5.67 x 10^-8 x (291.45)^4
E2 ≈ 441.5 W\/m^2
The difference in the emissive power is:
ΔE = E2 – E1
ΔE ≈ 44.1 W\/m^2
Therefore, the IR emission difference for a surface of emissivity 0.8 between 18.3°C and 15°C is approximately 44.1 W\/m^2.
Hmmmm 3.7Watts in, begets 44.1 watts out, sounds like a first law violation to me, wonder where the other 40.4 watts comes from.
Even chatGPT doesn’t believe in global warming
Looking at the football, the NQ Cowboys are wearing striking Anzac Day jerseys.
For kicks I just asked it straight out
difference in the emission of the Earth’s surface at 288.15K and 291.45k
And got
The difference in the emission of the Earth’s surface at 288.15 K and 291.45 K can be calculated using the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Assuming that the Earth’s surface behaves like a blackbody emitter, the emissive power can be calculated as:
E = σεT^4
where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, ε is the emissivity of the surface, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.
Substituting 288.15 K and 291.45 K for T, and assuming ε=1, we get:
E₁ = σ(288.15)⁴ ≈ 389.5 W\/m²
E₂ = σ(291.45)⁴ ≈ 406.9 W\/m²
Therefore, the difference in the emission of the Earth’s surface at 288.15 K and 291.45 K is:
ΔE = E₂ – E₁ ≈ 17.4 W\/m²
So, the difference in the emission of the Earth’s surface between these two temperatures is approximately 17.4 W\/m².
Different to the last result I know but still
So if as the IPCC claims 3.7W/m2 causes the surface temp to rise from 288.15K to 291.45K (3.3) deg where does the extra 12.8 watts comes from to cover the extra emission requirement for the new temperature.
Enquiring minds would like to know
How far can you throw a paper dart? What shape should it have? A couple of Boeing engineers have broken the world record with an 88m flight-
It is amazingly small!
It’s interesting to look at the art of flicking playing cards. Apparently there were UK stage experts who could embed them into timber, and another who could flick them off a stage up into the dress circle.
I prefer this paper plane effort.
Just watched the BBC Climate “Change – the Facts.”
Except there were none. It was an emotional appeal on Climate Change, not Global Warming, with the usual suspects including Michael Mann saying we have only ten years before irreparable damage. And a segment on ‘tipping points’. CO2 was hardly mentioned. Plus a sonorous David Attenborough saying he wanted to Green the planet.
But CO2 has done that, 14% greening since only 1988 with a 14% increase in CO2. If Greening was the real objective, we should be trying to increase CO2.
And Greta Thunberg with a child’s view, as usual.
What I find amazing is that this completely unproven and now disproven idea is still being pushed as real. Surely after 35 years of failure, it should be questioned? But who questions their religion?
And again you had this allegation that increased temperature means increased storms. Which is contradicted by traditional meteorology. But it seems that you can say anything if you are the BBC or Michael Mann, failed physicist not meteorologist. Like most self appointed Climate Scientists.
And one ‘science historian’. What exactly is that? And why does a science historian get to tell people what science predicts?
No doubt there may be exceptions, but it seems like anything with “the facts” in the title is indeed devoid of them. Just like the ABC when they have articles containing “…here’s what we know”
Vale Barry Humphries.
I wonder what the Yanks have planned for Sudan? This is their AfriCOM command they set up nearly a decade ago I expect.
“It is evident that most Western countries are sending their special forces to Djibouti, to extract diplomatic missions and other personnel from Sudan. The 82nd Airborne Division and the 173rd Airborne Brigade were allegedly transferred to Djibouti, while the Special Operations Forces soldiers were already there.”
“At least 160 British Special Forces have arrived to a Middle Eastern country and to Djibouti to prepare for the Evacuation procedures from Sudan.”
Also in there- The Canadians are ready for anything- “Canadian politicians have decided to fight “against gender violence” by wearing pink high heels.”
They are just a sad lot.
Why don’t you mention that Wagner mercenaries are backing one side, instigated the attempted takeover, and an awful lot of gold is being stolen.
Western special forces are there to extract diplomats and perhaps nationals, nothing more.
In theory… perhaps you are right, but who can tell?
Yes, Wagner have been supplying security at the gold mines for years, and I’m sure every leader and General has been looting all the gold they can. No doubt Wagner gets paid in gold, sand doesn’t make a good currency.
Now its a civil war between two Military Generals, and Russia will be on one side and America on the other. I haven’t seen anything suggesting Wagner instigated it, that might be in CNN or Voice of America or similar.
“Neil Oliver – ‘Nice Life You’ve Got There, It’d be a Shame if Something Happened to It”….
April 22, 2023 | Sundance | 5 Comments
Neil Oliver returns from a few weeks of holiday to hit this monologue out of the park. It’s almost as if Neil and I had sat down and shared a cup of tea.”
Time to remember
“For Earth Day, the 1983 WGBH Episode of NOVA: The Climate Crisis, The Greenhouse Effect”
“In Honor of Earth Day, Two New Exclusive WUWT Features are Now Online”
“#1 Earth’s Real-Time Temperature”
“#2 Failed Predictions Timeline”
Love it! People glaze over when you start arguing science, but mockery of their predictions has a very powerful effect.
Its been cold since 2015..
Viv at Saltbush Club sent out a similar email from Net Zer Watch.
A collection one might say –
Tom Shula demolishes back-radiative forcing and the greenhouse gas effect. This is so important. It desereves a full artice: