By Jo Nova
Oklahoma blacklists BlackRock and 12 other banks that boycott fossil fuels
We may yet be saved by states in the US that are pulling the pin on the Big Banker Cartel. In this case Oklahoma wrote laws to investigate and ban state investments with banks that boycott the energy sector. They’ve now decided that 13 banks fail the bar, and should be banned from all public business. In response BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are now dancing to a whole new tune, suddenly protesting that they invest billions in the energy sector. The twisted truth is, that it is no defense at all, it was part of their strategy. Often they used their major voting interest to oust directors and pressure boards to pick up more “woke” ESG policies. These are big targets. JP Morgan Chase is the largest bank in the US and BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world.
This is excellent news, and we need more. Spread the news. But how did it get to the point where a bank that outspokenly campaigned to end fossil fuels was managing 60% of the state employees retirement funds in a state that is the fifth or sixth biggest oil and gas state in the US? This rort meant the bank managed funds on behalf of people who spent their whole lives working in the oil and gas industry — yet it used their funds as leveraged power to try to destroy their livelihood, to make their energy costs rise and to undo their democratic choices.
Make no mistake, the banker money isn’t following the fashions, it is creating them. The way to win is to turn off the tap…
Thanks to NetZeroWatch
Oklahoma bans more than a dozen woke banks from doing business with the state
By Thomas Catenacci, FOXBusiness
Under a 2022 law passed by the state’s legislature last year, the state’s treasurer is mandated to probe the investment policies of banks it does business with and assemble a list of companies determined to be engaged in a boycott of the energy sector. Russ’ office said it received almost 160 responses which helped inform the decision Wednesday.
“Our state’s financial partnerships should reflect our priorities and values, and it is our responsibility to partner with companies that share our vision for a strong and prosperous Oklahoma economy, and that includes our energy sector.”
The banned list has names now:
Grosvenor Capital Management, Lexington Partners, FirstMark Fund Partners, Touchstone VC Global Partners, WCM Investment Management, William Blair, Actis, and Climate First Bank were also among the banks banned from doing business with Oklahoma on Wednesday.
Look at BlackRock dance: now they’re bragging about fossil fuel investments
In response to this report, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase pushed back, saying they have invested billions of dollars in the energy sector.
“BlackRock is a leading investor in the Oklahoma energy sector,” a BlackRock spokesperson told FOX Business. “On behalf of our clients, we have invested over $15 billion in public energy companies based in Oklahoma and approximately $320 billion in public energy companies globally, including investments in both traditional energy sectors like oil and gas and in renewables.”
There are many states in the world like Oklahoma where their wealth and quality of life is dependent on the bounty provided by fossil fuels:
Overall, as of 2022, Oklahoma’s oil and gas industry and its component sectors sustained 4,000 businesses, produced $19 billion in state gross domestic product, provided state households with $16.5 billion in earnings and created 85,050 jobs, according to state data. The state is the nation’s sixth-largest crude oil producer and fifth-largest producer of marketed natural gas.
Read it all at FoxBusiness
Every state in Australia could be doing the same…
19 US states are pushing back against meddling bankers
It’s War and most people don’t even know it. JP Morgan Chase has been “accidentally” cancelling checking accounts of religious and conservative charities. While the banks claims they laud diversity, they do the exact opposite — applying politically targeted pain and inconvenience to people and groups they don’t like. When caught, they say it was an accident, but incredibly, tellingly, they only offer to restore the account if the organization reveals all their donors and gives them a list of political candidates they would support. As if the bankers have any right to demand that…
It’s so unbelievably brazen:
‘Woke’ bank put on notice: 19 US states threaten legal consequences if JPMorgan Chase doesn’t stop ‘persistently discriminating’
Kelly Laco, Daily Mail

JP Morgan Chase is the largest bank in the US.
A group of 19 GOP state attorneys general are putting JPMorgan Chase on notice for alleged discrimination against religious and other conservative organizations, which contradicts the company’s commitment to ‘inclusivity,’ they say. In a letter to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Tuesday, the state attorneys general led by Daniel Cameron of Kentucky allege the company has ‘persistently discriminated’ against customers due to ‘religious or political affiliation.’
Chase claims that it opposes ‘discrimination in any form,’ yet the GOP state leaders allege it has repeatedly targeted religious liberty organizations by shutting down their checking accounts and refusing them other key banking services because of their political leanings, a practice now known as ‘de-banking.’
The attorneys general point to Chase’s alleged ‘de-banking’ of a religious liberty organization last year – the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) – with no clear explanation. NCRF, which was founded by the former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, is a known ‘multi-faith’ nonprofit.
According to the letter, eventually a Chase employee contacted NCRF saying the bank would restore the account, but only if the organization provided a list of their donors, a list of political candidates it intended to support and reasoning behind the endorsements.
‘The bank’s brazen attempt to condition critical services on a customer passing some unarticulated religious or political litmus test flies in the face of Chase’s anti- discrimination policies. Worse, it flies in the face of basic American values of fairness and equality,’ the attorneys general say in the letter to Dimon.
Full Story at The Daily Mail
Photo: BlackRock Bank by Americasroof
Good morning,
People will possibly look back in 5/10/20 years time & say 2 things!
A. “Why did we put lunatics in charge of the Assylum?”; &
B. “Why was the scam/farce allowed to persist for so long?”
Keep up the great work Jo.
You are truly a national treasure.
I hate to say it, but I think we’ll need another winter/summer or 2 of rolling blackouts before the vast majority “Get it”! … Eg. Why the F*@% is Albo still in “honeymoon territory”?
Warm regards, Reformed Warmist of Logan
If you think this is good news wait until Trump is President once more & the Federal Government pulls the plug on the woke warmist financial institutions, their hangers on & affiliates, nation wide. He should also take action against the UN, WEF & the dictators of the EU.
That’s when not only the shite hits the fan, it’ll be the whole sewage treatment industry hitting the fan. Please God, Trump wins again & turns up the heat on the woke not to mention tipping a whole bucket of you know what on the Democrats & their Climate Change BS.
It’ll eventually filter thru to Australia, hopefully before it’s too late.
Trump will not be allowed to win another term. He may not even be allowed to run if they can figure out a way to put him in jail.
Or he might commit suicide by shooting himself through the heart then hanging himself.
or stab himself 97 times accidentally whilst shaving.
[Please can we get back to bankers? – Jo]
In 5/10/20 years, assuming no catastrophic collapse (no certain assumption) the Gramscian “educational” machine will have ensured that the polity is even more skewed leftwards than it is today. There shall be no such reconciliation of the kind you suggest IMHO.
Albo and BoBo and our electrical system, what could possibly go wrong, well, just about everything.
That’s great news to hear.
Untangling the “investments” in renewables, however, may not be painless.
As with the U.S. our own nation’s savings in superannuation are heavily skewed to the wokeish wind and solar and battery and pumped hydro memes and restoring our electricity system to its rightful place will see a lot of pain for the trusting workers who found that their super was invested in stuff that was basically a cardboard cutout and doomed from the start.
Renewables don’t work in any sense.
They are an engineering deceit, they’re expensive, they are environmental monstrosities: but politicians of all shapes and sizes just love them.
Yes, and another problem is that there are very few students studying Electrical Engineering. With the old ‘Geezers’ retired/semi-retired and maybe for those still working (at Bunnings}, who would be able to run any existing or new Power Stations whether Coal fired, Gas fired and most certainly not Nuclear. Maybe Hydro at a pinch.
Wake up Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen (and the Treasurer). How can you develop Australian Industry with your Madness? Australian Industry/Mining/Construction and the Householder requires cheap Energy. We used to have it so where did it go?.
every incoming PM is told, touch renewables and 15 million workers lose half of their super, do you want the blame for that Prime Minister? it explains Scomo backtracking when he was so promising before becoming PM.
This is great news for the US, but in Australia, we have woke, far Left administrations in all mainland states and the “opposition” Liberals, pretend conservatives, are as woke as Green Labor, in some cases even more so, e.g. Matt Kean (NSW) and Victorian Liberals.
And as KK mentions above, there is a highly tangled web of superannuation (retirement) funds and other institutional investors involved in the whole “renewable energy” scam.
In addition to that, the renewables industry relies heavily on subsidies, forced purchase, price guarantees, long term contracts and other legislated anti-competitive forces. How can that ever be disaggregated, especially as Australia is utterly devoid of true leadership or anyone who has a clue in the LibLabGreen Uniparty. (There might be one or two exceptions of Liberal members who have a clue but they have no chance of leadership.)
I would say Australia can’t disaggregate from this madness. Australia has written its own death sentence.
a list of political candidates it intended to support and reasoning behind the endorsements
These people really have been hanging out with the CCP for too long.
It is simply none of the banks business to know who the organisation intends to endorse.
If it was me I would have stated that plainly and then got in touch of the USA version of Australias banking ombudsman. Certain media outlets would also be interested of course.
Bad public relations can hurt a company – how’s Bud Light doing today?
It’s great to see these 19 states take on these vile, treasonous bankers etc, but they’ll need a lot more states to join in and really put the pressure on and let the L W media howl until most people start to WAKE UP.
We haven’t even started to wake up in Australia and I’m afraid the Aussie electoral cycle doesn’t really favour an early change.
In fact I’d say that we’re probably a decade away from any real change, but I wish this wasn’t the case.
I’ve talked to a lot of people about their delusional AGW or CC and some seem to start to wake up, but others just resort to their religious fanaticism and couldn’t care less about data or evidence.
Just a quick truthful example to THINK about. A youngish teacher asked me about the “terrible Murray floods” last year and I said Australia has suffered terrible droughts and floods for thousands of years.
He looked at me with astonishment and started to get more hostile when I asked him about 1870 to ’71 floods and and 1916 and 1950 and 1956 and the 1970s?
This loony fool didn’t have a clue and yet he is a teacher. What hope have the kids got when these ignorant fools are “educating” them?
BTW here’s Aussie rainfall over the Murray Darling Basin since 1900, but really bad drought from 1896 to 1900 as well.
Remember we live on the world’s driest inhabited continent and we shouldn’t complain about too much rainfall ever.
Look at the first 50 + years ( since 1896) of MDB rainfall and it’s below the line and then look at rainfall after 1949.
And just think where Australia would be if the money literally thrown to the wind on unreliables was actually used for useful projects like drought proofing and flood proofing. Yet another wasted opportunity from the Stupid Country.
My father (born 1929) was actively farming from about 1949 -> 1975 and if asked would have answered ‘“ Yep, the climate has definitely changed , it’s got colder and wetter”. Ask the same question of farmers transitioning between the 1970’s to present day a lot would say “ it’s got warmer and drier”. In 20 years time same question will probably produce my fathers answer. Then it’s cycles again, ad nauseum. #climatescam.
Yep Mum born 1919 died 2022. 30s warm, 70s cold, 90s like the 30s
With 19 states taking the lead gravity might bring the rest around.
But never forget, the root of the problem is not the banks. The real problem is government regulation.
“This loony fool didn’t have a clue and yet he is a teacher. What hope have the kids got when these ignorant fools are “educating” them?”
Teachers are using text books or curriculum material that needs to be edited. This needs to happen now.
Tony Thomas at Quadrant Online has researched the origins of teaching material in Australian schools and noted the dominance of material produced ultimately by the Just Jeans owners as Cool Australia group.
It is frightening to see the power of education captured by an unelected group with a mission. Geoff S
The genesis of these twerps is exhaustively detailed in a Quadrant Online piece:
Yes, a must read by Tony Thomas, Gob.
I linked to it on Thursday’s Jo Nova.
Thanks, beth, I read that on Thursday via your link. Loathed school myself yet achieved the paper work, and now, five decades later, so glad I learned ‘old-school’ – the canings hurt but I learned… history, geography, languages, writing (physics, chemistry, biology & maths were in there too, but yeah nah, the priests put me off).
Our government-sponsored radio this morning aired a brief ‘news headlines for kids’ PR piece on activism, specifically about Gertie & Charlie and how their ‘activism’ is helping ™save the planet™ by fighting carbon pollution [sic].
Oxymorons 100%
The teachers teach what they have been taught.
This is a very big problem, but it shouldn’t be all that hard to rectify.
Our education system has already earned itself a poor reputation. It shouldn’t be hard to make a lot of people understand that our education system has let us down. We have been misled.
We have now three great scams, all founded on people’s ignorance of science. 1. The Hole in the Ozone Layer, 2. CAGW, and 3. The COVID fiasco.
They should be tackled as a single problem. Ignorance of science has allowed the scammers to get away with the money.
The low quality of our teachers is no accident, it has been engineered and this is the result, morons teaching morons.
Re: education, getting stuff from the govt for free sounds like a great idea for a while, until the real costs show up decades later. Now we will be the poorer as a nation and personally for it. Free stuff from the govt is never free.
Australians think “The Government” pays for all the “free stuff” but seem unable to comprehend that they are ultimately the ones that pay for it, at least the ones that aren’t on welfare or public serpents.
Maybe more rocks in the road –
From this morning’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter
“Some new narrative beast is afoot regarding the Jeffrey Epstein disaster. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal ran its second exposé piece in one week on the notorious deep-state pedophile and his compatriots, headlined “Jeffrey Epstein Documents, Part 2: Dinners With Lawrence Summers and Movie Screenings With Woody Allen.” ”
It includes more JPMorgan names
“Debanking” is also a serious problem in Australia and was discussed as part of a report to the Australian Federal Parliament in 2021.
Wasn’t Bendigo Bank doing a bit of this re anti- moslem folk being debanked.
“Watch The Other Hand – The Potential for One Million Illegal Alien Migrants Expected to Swarm the U.S. Southern Border, May 11th With Biden Ending Title 42
May 5, 2023 | Sundance | 6 Comments
On or around May 11th, will the U.S. launch the new spring offensive in Ukraine? Will Fulton County Georgia release unseal their indictment of Donald Trump? Will Jack Smith release his assault upon the former president? Will Main Justice finally release, through the USAO in Delaware, the indictment of Hunter Biden?”
More at
Will Peter Dutton grow a large pair & drag the Lib party room out of their comatose silence on matters critical to Australia’s future.
Do something Dutton!!!
It is easy to sit on the sidelines and demand changes that appeal to you.
It has almost become a national Australian trait to demand that Government fix this or that.
What really needs to happen is this. People educated in and knowledgeable about Conservatism in politics need to offer themselves for election. The Liberals need new faces to break the present rift between wet and dry. The wets have to be pushed aside by new people who understand what the liberal Party used to stand for, but has replaced by rank opportunism. Politicians need to have a strong personal committment to what is right and proper philosophically, to sustain them amid the myriad somments of onlookers lacking such profound understandings.
Geoff S
Yes, more of the same just doesn’t cut it.
Western Governments, especially the more fanatical followers of the UN and WEF like Australia’s, are keen to go 100% cashless. In Australia we are almost there now.
This allows governments to fully trace and track everyone, examine their interactions with others, their interests etc., and how compliant they may be with the Official Narrative on any topic – which will all form part of your CCP-inspired Social Credit score WHEN they introduce it. I have absolutely no doubt that the Uniparty will introduce Social Credit scores to Australia.
Governments WILL weaponise your bank accounts with debanking as well. E.g. look at what Jacinda Trudeau did with the truckers’ bank accounts in Canada, and even people who supported them.
* Interesting Australian article on Social Credit (on a government-sponsored website, no less…, part of Melbourne Knowledge Week 2022):
* Also see
Australia’s social credit score Olympics
Tim Cudmore
(PAYWALLED for some.)
All true, David. But let us not forget who is responsible.
The Cash Restrictions Bill provides for the elimination of cash and paves the way for a CBDC. It was passed by the HoR in November 2019, and its first two readings in the Senate in December 2019, with the full support of ALL members of the Liberal, National and Labor parties, plus Craig Kelly, now of UAP.
The Online Safety Act 2021 provides for the blocking and, if deemed necessary, the jailing of those guilty of “extremist” dissension on social media, websites, online TV and radio, and emails. It was passed by the HoR in February 2021 and the Senate in March 2021, with the full support of ALL members of the Liberal, National and Labor parties, plus Craig Kelly, now of UAP, plus Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts of PHON.
And yet reading upthread there are STILL people here who believe some of these snakes are worthy of supporting.
I often wonder if any politicians bother reading the bills they vote on. I think not.
None of them reads the actual legislation upon which he votes; some will take a quick scan of the press release type synopsis handed out.
It was Craig Kelly’s insisting on seeing the text of the NEG legislation that triggered events which brought Turnbull’s parliamentary career to an end.
David, “reading the bills they vote on”
They get paid to represent constituents and don’t even read a lot of their mail.
In the 1950 our local member visited our high school with a stack of mail and papers and explaned that was 1 weeks reading. He asked if we believed he read it all. Staff read and reply and we sign off.
This is the WEF propaganda (links) for a cashless society, which bizarrely, they promote as a method to help the poor…
Expect Uniparty politicians to soon start promoting these arguments.
Obviously their true intention is surveillance and control of the thinking community.
We have on our highways great gantries with cameras which can identify number plates, ostensibly to check for speeding.
Most of them were built in the aftermathh of 9/11. I am quite sure that their primary purpose is to trace everybody’s movements.
Or to bill you for using their roads,in Bris,the Gateway has got gantries galore but also those embedded loops in the road surface on a motorway, so it isn’t for traffic lights, what have they got planned for us.
Increasingly I am hearing on the grapevine that Government action to do away with cash will be the trigger for a military coup here in Australia.
Whether that is correct or not, the prospect would appeal more if we could rid our military of sexual perverts, to be replaced by people in the image of what a soldier should be like. Tough, no nonsense, physically strond, usually male, ready to shoot and ready to kill.
Geoff S
Being a married, heterosexual, white male will immediately put me at a disadvantage, my score will be negative from day one. Then they will regularly deduct social credit points for STILL being heterosexual, STILL being married, STILL being a man, STILL being white and STILL not molesting young kids etc.
We need to be placed on the Endangered Species list and then, surely, people will ‘love’ us? 😃
Get a grip. Self-pity and hysterics are not the way to go. Reports of your imminent demise are much exaggerated!
I see no indication that Albanese, Bowen, Marles, Dreyfus….or Andrews, Minns, McGowan etc etc are planning on cancelling themselves for being white male heteros. Nor Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, or any other white male hetero (including pretty-boys like Trudeau, Gavin Newsom etc either).
The aim is for those with the power (see the white hetero males running the WEF, for example) to bamboozle the gullible into thinking the future will one day be theirs. Do not be likewise bamboozled by the chicanery, fellas.
Go to work on Chris Minns. He. Could be good. Trouble is the company he leads.
Aka Justin Castro.
$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over ‘Carbon Neutrality’
Kennedy: “Let me ask you. Maybe I’m not being clear. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?”
Turk: “This is a global problem, so we need to reduce our emissions and we need to do everything to, uh…”
Kennedy: “How much of we do our part is it going to reduce global temperatures?”
Turk: “So, we’re 13% of global emissions…”
Kennedy: “You don’t know, do you? You don’t know, do you?”
A fully flabbergasted Turk then says “In my heart of hearts, there is no way the world gets its act together on climate change unless the U.S. leads.”
Watch (with full exchange here):
As energy expert David Blackmon writes in the Daily Caller;
And there we have it. Americans are being asked to accept the force-feeding of an incredibly radical set of policies with a price tag that is unprecedented in global history to achieve a “carbon neutrality” goal, whose benefits are so nebulous, negligible and wholly reliant on the cooperative actions of other countries beyond U.S. control that they cannot be measured in any reliable way.
Instead, we are being told by senior political appointees forcing those policies into being that we should simply trust them because they think it is the right thing to do in their “heart of hearts.”
This is madness. For some context, $50 trillion is an amount that exceeds the gross domestic product of the U.S., China, India, Germany and Japan, combined. It is a number that drastically exceeds total U.S. national debt. It is more than 135 times the $369 billion in green energy subsidies contained in last year’s Orwellian-named Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
That is five new IRAs each year for the next 27 years. Madness.
Madness indeed.
The Andrew Bolt question!! I think AB started asking that $ about 20 years ago. He should have patented it!!
Oklahoma has a population of around 4m, so equivalent to a Qld or WA. Possibly similar demographics and energy industry to that US state. What would the chances be of either of those states banning ESG principles? Buckleys and none. Both Labor socialist states in terms of governance like ( let’s face it) the rest of Australia. We have now become the most “woke “ country in the western world. I don’t think I have heard one important politician in the LNP even discuss this subject.
Including Dutton, who some see as the hope for the Liberal Party (pretend conservatives).
If only Scott Morrison had been so bold.
He was goven every opportunity but blew all of them, which wasn’t surprising since he was merely a Turnbull replacement clone.
That’s a step in the right direction for this war. What’s happening at the same time in that other war? Maybe a fair bit.
The first rule in war is don’t let the enemy know your plans. But we seem to get everybody’s plans in the daily news. And sometimes it turns out to be right.
Plans have certainly gone awry. The manner in which the Russians withdrew last year told me that something was badly wrong behind the scene, maybe even as serious as elements of the Russian army shooting at each other. The Russians seem to have more than one army, maybe more than two.
Then their mercenary army, the Wagners, supposedly elite fighters, set out to drive the Ukrainians out of the city of Bakhmut. WE were assured that the Ukrainians would be forced to withdraw, but they didn’t. And now the Wagners have tired of being cannon fodder, and are going to pack their bags and withdraw, declaring they could have more fun in Mali.
So, who is going to pay their wages in Mali? Which takes me back to ancient history.
Many years ago I met a man who told me he had been in the German army. I said to myself, you’re not old enough. But. The Germans had kids in the army at the end of the war. Maybe he was old enough.
Then, he said, he was in the British army. ER, whats that? But yes, the British army was in Germany with work to be done, why not employ a starving kid accustomed to military discipline?
Then, he was demobilised, making him one of millions of people out of work in Europe. He enlisted with Mike Hoare’s mercenary army, something he wished he could just cut out of his life. They went to Africa to The Congo. What they were doing there was at night setting up machine guns around a village, shooting the place up at the crack of dawn and clearing out. Unadulterated terrorism.
He told me he had seen Mike Hoare decide he didn’t like the look of a new recruit, take a gun out of his belt and shoot the bloke in the head.
I asked him who paid for this? He said Jomo Kenyatta. The encyclopaedia says Tshombe was paying. This bloke said Kenyatta. Either way it was probably the USSR funding the job.
I wondered if this was fact or fiction. I think most likely fact. And it seems that 70 years later it’s still going on in Mali.
And I wonder how enthusiastic the Russian army will be if the Wagners pull out. Verbal bullets are already flying. The war might not last long.
I will forever remember former treasurer Josh Frydenberg in September 2022 announcing that the Morrison Government would adopt a net zero carbon target by 2050.
I cannot find the original by an Internet search, no clue why it is buried, but some commentary at the time included
“Host Peter Stefanvoic questioned the Treasurer as to whether he personally believed Australia should reach net zero by 2050. He replied: “What I’m saying right now is being part of those global frameworks, being part of those global targets is in Australia’s national interest.”
The then Treasurer said in simple words that if we did not go net zero, international finance would become more expensive. In muy book, this is blackail by any banker who said that. Punishment should have followed.
Geoff S
Yes. There had to be blackmail for the Nationals to go all quiet on the job. Double barrelled blackmail.
But you don’t have to give in to blackmail before it happens. Various threats were emanating from Europe, but nobody was forced to substantiate them.
The second barrel would have been the Liberals bullying the Nationals.
Geoff, in Sept 22 Morrison was not in government. Too many Septembers.
Can we let a little bit of reality leak in here?
35 years ago, in 1988, I had lunch in the Old Parliament House with Ian Sinclair, then Leader of the Nationals, and Charles Blunt, then Liberal spokesman for Social Security. At that time both them and their parties were all for measures to “curb global warming, because, and I quote, “that’s where the votes are”.
John Howard introduced legislation to “fight global warming” in 2007, and Tony Abbott campaigned for an Emissions Trading Scheme to “control global warming” in 2010.
The banks only started jumping on this money cart around 2015. Frydenburg and other Lib/Nats are simply using that as their latest excuse for what has always been Coalition policy ever since the global warming scam started in the early 80’s.
Yes, they were Elbowed in March.
“Every state in Australia could be doing the same”…
Yes, and the place to start is for the Mining and Manufacturing Unions to support the Energy Industry, in particular, Coal, Oil, Gas and Nuclear. If the Labore State Guv’ments don’t change tack then don’t give the Laybore Party your Union money. See how they like that. Then maybe the Laybore (and weak Lieberals) will start to take some notice.
Nothing like the ‘hip pocket nerve’ to instigate some action………………..
The other problem has turned up in the USA, where Biden et al. has been spending furiously about renewables/EV cars/switching to turbines/getting out of gas etc. All without thinking about the future problem.
This has lead to the revenue (partly from the recession) dropping so the Government is swiping the future benefits (retirement, health) for the Public Servicebut adding a IOW to the funds. Nothing new about that as the Debt Ceiling is supposedly due by the end of the month, but this has always been glossed over, but this time the spending is really causing some doubt. but of course if the debt/deficit is not made up then the Public Service will go out on strike (probably causing a boom outside and questions of measure they are really needed, but that is off course).
And of course this doesn’t apply to Australia where we have no debt ceiling, no setting of money aside, and the only way is for the government to keep going because it will be “someone else’s problem” except when it becomes the real time problem. The French monarchy collapsed because they were bankrupt (several times). So did the German/Hungarian and Austrian in the 1920’s when they tried massive inflation (and wiped out most of the Middle Class) and soon a new set of politicians were in charge.
So the Labor (and Liberal) parties will need more cash, while generating inflation which will hurt the general public with higher bank rates, higher food prices etc. As some stage there will be any explosion. Look at Finland, Sweden, France, Netherlands and now the UK (where the Tories have lost the local government in a landslide). Look at Sri Lankan where the ruling lot had to flee overseas.
Sorry, a bit longwinded but the end is coming soon and the will be a Great Reset but not at all what the current “ruling class” will want.
Sounds like I should be looking forward to this “new” reset.
The threat of deregistration would pull them in line.
Aloha! The US state of Hawaii got rid of the big banks in 2000. The last one was Bank America. The only banks with branches in Hawaii now are Bank of Hawaii and First Hawaiian and Territorial Savings Bank. During 2008 Bank of Hawaii was one of the Top Five US banks that survived the purge without a bailout. Get rid of the major US NY and US Fed member banks and all these political driven crisis go away.
DO not forget the other components like the corrupt accounting firms and credit rating agencies. Now its KMPG that seems to be the common denominator. I am sure though that CBDC will fix all the flaws! Right now we have nothing but layered crisis one on top of another. Marxism requires this chaos in order to thrive. Welcome to the Kakistocracy!
Hmm, maybe that’s why Ed Dowd lives there (along with the weather)..
Meanwhile on the MSM here in the States: crickets. Most of the people don’t know how ESG banking is using their own money against them.
[…] It’s War: 19 US States fight back against the Woke Banker Cartel […]
[…] […]