A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Excellent video on nutritional value of eggs by Dr Eric Berg.
Indeed. Have you ever seen a healthy-looking vegan?
Have you ever seen a sensible vegan?
Nope…they always look run down and sickly from my experience.
I’m watching “Alone” reruns right now……the eating of herbs and grasses isn’t cutting it at all …..yet to see a vegan on there too…. must be a first world diet ..
“Have you ever seen a healthy-looking vegan?”
No David, but I have seen quite a few angry vegans,
To calm down, they like to march into restaurants and remonstrate with meat and dairy eaters.
Can’t really blame them…. I’d be angry too if I only ate cauliflower and brussel sprouts.
I am a life long vegetarian and find many vegans very aggressive and assertive. They believe they are saving the planet but those here in the UK don’t seem to realise the huge air miles many of their foods stack up. Soya from the States, Almond milk from California helping to cause a drought, rainforest depleting palm oil and avocados, seeds pulses and nuts from the four corners of the world.
They often then come in for a lot of CO2 emitting processing to turn the stuff into something remotely tasty. Without eggs cheese and dairy their meals will be boring and lacking many nutrients. Perhaps it is the lack of those that make so many vegans cross?
If you want to eat meat, that is fine as I am not an an evangelist and it will provide the nutrients needed. All that I would ask is that it is raised ethically and humanely.
A green tick is not enough.
My best friend is also vegetarian.
Well said Tony.
Likewise tonyb, I’m a life long vegetarian with very rare (pun intended) excursions into the world of the carnivore.
I have never told anyone that they should eat like me (well maybe when I was a child), but I’ve had a lot of people tell me I’m various shades of stupid for choosing to be a vegetarian. I’ve also had militant vegans tell me I’m a terrible person because I like cheese and eggs.
I find it strange that my dietary choices become grave matters of discussion when, to me, not eating meat is no different to avoiding other foods that one doesn’t like.
Yes. Today 16th May is our wedding anniversary number 59. My wife has been vegetarian (though with some seafood) for over 70 years. I have not been vegetarian. Both of us are motoring fairly well given things that happen with age.
Geoff S
“The protein from plants is actually pretty poor”
And this is why the job of adding incredibly superior nutritional value to beans is outsourced to bacteria that actually ferment the beans/legumes prior to consumption.
That is why sherpa’s are able to scale much higher mountains than we westeners who need to carry oxygen tanks….Sherpa’s eat legumes fermented by Bacillus Subtilis and butter tea which is also high in K2, especially if the butter milk comes from grass fed livestock.
K2 upregulates mitochondria by over thirty percent, the powerhouse of the all cells in the body.
My point is that a new word needs to be added the list of diets. We have vegetarian, vegan, carnivore and broadly this new word is ‘Bacterian“….the diet that consists of a class of nutrition that has evolved long before we invented names for diets in mostly all ancient cultures derived from the products of digestion created by bacteria.
I consider myself a bacterian….vegan and vegetarian, as well as carnivore is so passe … 🙂
Dr. Eric Berg…unfortunately one of those “do this to cure problem-x” chiro youtubers who talk the talk but have never walked the walk, quoting endless articles and single causes of problems.
One from the JC2 stash, I’ve followed for quite a while, one who really understands what he says, and doesn’t push silly miracle cures like others, Sten Ekberg:
Eggs, bacon and butter!!! Shock, horror.
Watch Sten videos, Berg and Mandell videos and you’ll see the difference.😁
You are clearly not talking about real cowboys 🙂
Before fridges to halt fermentation were invented, real men cooked beans and what was not consumed would ferment while the real cowboy was ridin allong….after a couple of days on the trail, against the nice warm body of the horse fermented to produce a (shock horror) superior nutrition…
This was inevitable since real cowboys in those days (real cowboys) did not have fridges.
seems pretty clear that fermented foods are extremely good for you. One thing our diet lacks. But I’d rather stay near sea level and eat a steak than fermented beans from my saddle bag that allows me to scale Everest
Thanks Philip.
It is the specific Bacillus Subtilis outsourced by nature that ferments legumes and was always added to various meat dishes like pork or any other to make it possible to eat pork and meat every single day with no ill effect in ancient cultures before fridges were invented…. Easy peasy
B Subtilis is the powerhouse that also is able to control the growth of dangerous pathogens in the gut. The first antibiotics were isolated from B Subtilis.
For example, B subtilis reverses Dysentry in 24 hours
B Subtilis makes K2 for the entire animal kingdom.
Amazing skills of making Dead body soup (Cheonggukjang) / 청국장 / Korean street food
Eating has gotten quite complicated hasnt it?
You must mean with a fridge Yarpos. Mostly no fridges were used in the past. Fermented foods were impossible to avoid back then.
NO Turncoat you lying, deceitful, ingrate, the truth is you want us to spend five times as much on useless unreliables FIRST and then admit we still need to spend the same amount on Nuclear!
Family probably has shareholdings in coal mining companies too.
Genuine question for the crowd.
If coal & iron ore exports are booming, why are so many bulk carriers lying in anchor off Gladstone, Hay Point, Port Headland etc?
If there is a waiting list for Toyotas, EV’s etc, why are so many Car Carrying vessels anchored off the entrance to Brisbane?
A busy anchorage usually means a busy port. Lots of charters, only so many slots.
Multiple choice:
a) They’re being used to detain illegal immigrants.
b) The crews all left their vacs certificates at home.
c) The dock workers are having smoko.
or d) these ships don’t meet the rigorous maritime engineering standards relating to ship construction materials such as no cardboard, no cardboard derivatives, no paper, no string, no cello tape, no rubber. Per this John Clarke classic
Touché! ✔️
A burning desire perhaps?
Seems to explain itself really
Are there more than usual? Can we tell?
One of the things with coal is the mix required by the particular end user. Just as “oils ain’t oils, Sol,” coals ain’t just coal. There are different mixes for different purposes, eg thermal coal from mines in the Hunter go to particular power producers in China etc according to how particular generators are calibrated. Hence coal agents who organise the mix.
In Qld the same applies to metallurgical coal, but complicated by that government’s refusal to allow any expansion of export loading facilities, hence the queues.
Expanded iron ore and gas export facilities are approved for the Pilbara in WA, no.1 son is signed up for one of these now that his current FMG gig is ending.
In the case of Toyota and a couple of other manufacturers, supply chain issues affecting suppliers of systems like seat belts, fuel systems, engine management computers and a bunch of other stuff, are holding up production lines. Some manufacturers are actually downgrading their vehicle specs in efforts to meet consumer demand.
Personal opinion; I think all vehicle manufacturers could cut back on useless or seldom used features in new vehicles and consumers wouldn’t care less about it – but they’d certainly appreciate the resultant cuts in purchase prices.
We ordered a replacement for our Range Rover Evoque almost a year ago. I got an email from the dealer today saying its construction start was still not scheduled due to an absence of vital parts – probably electronics. Going to be a long wait, but glad resale value on diesel several times better than an EV!
The radar/cruise control has packed up on my son’s less-than-12month-old Audi SUV and the dealer wants 6months to fix it… I expect its a one-day job to do, but requires a new computer.
Maybe they should re-design their computers for all this rubbish and use the old 20 or 40nm transistor chips. It seems the world has all its eggs in one basket with Taiwan and the 10nm chips may be great for supercomputers but are not often really needed.
All the way!!
/s bigtime , left unionism in the 70s
There’s a big issue with cars arriving in Melbourne…the docks can’t clear them as required because there’s issues with their cleaning and port regulations holding them in at the port. Ships can’t unload until space is cleared at the ports.
Thanks Gerry as this may explain the horizon being cluttered with the Car carriers.
Maybe the source of the pest problem. Storage of over production
A big help with the balance of payments figures with 60000 vehicles not landing in an Australian Port.
Be interesting to see how they are valued. Mass produced cars dont actually cost a lot to make.
You need to know the number of berths and look to see if they are occupied. If they are occupied, they will be loading.
The coal loading berths at Gladstone are occupied so the ships are likely queued.
There are some 50 ships off Mackay and two vacant of 4 berths at DBCT so they have ship movements in progress; there is a problem at the port; ships are waiting for charter or supply problem of coal:
It appears all the iron ore berths are occupied and maybe 100 carriers waiting off the three ports.
Each berth can turnover a vessel a day and there are lots of shiploaders. A queue of 100 vessels is no more than a week these days. In the heady days of Japan’s emergence, the ships could be there for a month.
Coal and iron ore prices are not brilliant at the moment so demand could be down. I know DBCT throughput has been down earlier in the year. If the ships are sitting at anchor for more than a week and berths are idle then they could be waiting for a charter.
Shipping costs have been falling so demand has dropped off. The high cost of living globally may be having an impact.
Whereas a girl might once have been a “Tom boy” but turn out perfectly normal and become a wife and mother, or she might become a “butch lesbian”, now such a girl is immediately declared “trans” and urgently put on sterilising and mutilating hormones and surgeries.
Similarly for effeminate boys.
Leftist censorship doesn’t allow much exposure of the huge numbers of stories of “transgender regret”.
I see a huge number of cases of massive lawsuits in the future over this. Tavistock was just the beginning.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
In the past Tom Boys were perfectly mainstream and appear in many books. As you say the vast majority grew out of it when their hormones kicked in. It is akin to child abuse to push young suggestible children down the trans route as soon as they express an interest brought on by the media and peer pressure and fashion..
Tony, I was a tomboy climbing trees and playing adventure-games.
I had a herd of horses, one white, one chestnut, one grey, etc
I drew their stables in chalk on the back fence and wrote their names
above their stables. We went everywhere together, the horses cantering
through the empty streets, I would ride standing, first on one horse,
then the next. Black Beauty was my favourite but I had to hide my
preference so that the other horses wouldn’t feel sad.
I also danced and dressed up. I always knew I was a girl…
Children need to grow up without the political interference of manipulative
adults. Poor Greta.
Perfectly normal; you were living in your environment.
Like the CO2 induced Global Warming and death by incineration rubbish, the understanding of the relatively rare gender mishaps is also pushed away and out of sight.
Most doctors wouldn’t know what the base of gender dysphoria was and if someone starts to explain it with XX YY and XY jargon you know straight away that they don’t have a clue.
Out of every person born with this problem there would be very few who could be “transitioned” and ill informed doctors giving snips and hormones need to rethink things.
I was going to post a link to Thank Heaven for Little Girls but thinking of the White House resident thought it inappropriate. 😀
Our local library, usually full of youngsters, is promoting a book “The Times I Knew I was Gay” whose cover has a cartoon face of a youngster.
I get quite offended by this.
They might as well promote “A Child’s Guide to the AK-47 Assault Rifle.”
Children innately understand neither sexuality nor guns. They are educated, as by books, with bad choice of book sometimes leading to horrible outcomes.
Would any reader here agree with my action in asking the Library not to miseducate and cease this type of promotion?
Geoff S
A Kazak female work colleague could field strip and reassemble an AK blinfolded in primary school. They did it in PE. Kids today….
(Meant to be a reply to 3) Not sure that ports such as Port Hedland are large enough to cope with more huge ore carriers. Remember that in the mid-60s, all Port Hedland had was a short jetty, where the coastal state boats would sit on the mud when the tide went out.
Onslow is the next WA iron ore port, development approved.
If you zoom in you will see there are currently 15 berths occupied at Port Hedland. This is a Google image of the berths:,118.557743,4927m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x2bf54b78d765b9c9:0x21f0890fdaf855cb!8m2!3d-20.3620857!4d118.61481!16s%2Fg%2F11cjgcz7x1
Live shipping:
Very interesting, particularly the live shipping view. Thanks Rick. When I was there in ‘63, I think the jetty was straight off the Esplanade Hotel, where I lived for three weeks on the upper verandah.
An interesting video about Japan doubling their defense spending, because of threats from China and Nth Korea.
Islands near Okinawa have recently had missiles land in the sea and quite close to their homes.
Japan is protected by the USA and they have huge bases in the area but after the Russian attacks on Ukraine most voters want to increase defense spending.
But Japan also has pacifists who want to remain at peace and the two sides POV are shown in this vulnerable area.
I can see both sides but I think most people want to defend themselves and idiots like Nth Korea are very dangerous, as are China.
This recent video is about 24 minutes and very interesting.
pick a card:
-china is a threat
-we need to make china rich from trade arrangements.
… and much of the money China makes from trade will go directly into expanding its military, making China an even bigger threat.
Also, the technology transfer that occurred from west to east over the past thirty years or so has vastly increased China’s ability to produce its own high tech weapons.
We have been seriously conned by our own leaders who, though either naivety or corruption, told us China would be our friend.
That way they are not mutually exclusive.
“Japan is protected by the USA and they have huge bases in the area “.. The other word for ‘protected’ is ‘occupied’. The Yanks invaded as they won the war and they have never left. All big decisions in Japan have to be cleared by the Americans first, and those troops don’t protect Japan as much as make sure they stay a vassal state.
Neville, you’d think the West never tested their missiles.. its no different. Ask the people who lived on Bikini what they thought about the invades who came and destroyed their island testing their hydrogen bombs.
Maybe Taiwan will be the test case for whether Chinese are Chinese as a race or a political system. If you think we have a Chinese 5th column here, imagine how many people in Taiwan would side with China if war broke out between China and the USA. Its not “Do you prefer China or the USA?”, it is “Would you back Round-eyes taking over your island to defend you against the Chinese.. would you like to become another Guam?”
Hate eats your soul.
Fair comment.
Open your other eye H.. The world is not as you see it.
A Communist apologist.
That’s what they sound like – in print.
Multiple choice:
a) They’re being used to detain illegal immigrants.
b) The crews all left their vacs certificates at home.
c) The dock workers are having smoko.
or d) these ships don’t meet the rigorous maritime engineering standards relating to ship construction materials such as no cardboard, no cardboard derivatives, no paper, no string, no cello tape, no rubber. Per this John Clarke classic
If you want peace, prepare for war. – Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus c. 5thC.
“Pacifism as national policy for a nation is almost unheard of, for the obvious reason that it will only work if no-one wants to attack your country, or the nation with whom you are in dispute is also committed to pacifism. In any other circumstances adopting a pacifist stance will result in your country rapidly being conquered.” –
Our period of relative peace since ’45 is not because everyone decided to live in peace with their neighbours but because the war left the ambitious nations with their bums out of their pants and the US as world policeman, keeping the peace.
Yank haters note: As the ONLY powerful nation the US COULD have conquered anyone they cared to bar the other nuclear state. They didn’t.
Hanrahan, agree with your statement. (Although being a Southern American I chafe at the term ‘Yank’).
I feel lucky to have lived my life in this period.
My own father literally fought with a grease gun and Molotov cocktails, for my freedom to pursue Rock n’ Roll.
The Military Industrial Complex that produced this peace, and inspired a long series of James Bond and Rambo movies, appears to have gotten out of control, compromised their traditional adversaries, the Democrats, and overthrown a dully elected US President.
Topping it off with that Pandemicy thing.
The American MIC (now with its’ Federal law enforcement subsidiaries) also appears to have been internationalized, having, perhaps once at least, considered itself a protector of the American people, now view at least half the country as potential ‘terrorists’.
Our POTUS will seek democratic ‘re-election’ by labeling half the electorate “enemies of OUR Democracy”.
It’s going to be a weirder year after the preceding weirdness.
If were Ozzie, I’d think about gearing up for your own continent protection.
But it looks the WEF has already talked you out of it.
I kid.
No offence intended but downunder we were heavily influenced by Hollywood which revelled in the term.
They were certainly dull to elect him.
Victor Davis Hansen, a learned man with common sense, expands on this. Only 5 mins.
People in Afgahistan and Iraq and South Vietnam would disagree. The US rained fire on them and controlled their countries until they got tired/lost/bugged out.
Assorted other countries that got regime changed and had fuel poured on their local conflicts may also have different views of US altruism.
The US does what is best for the US interests which may range from help and investment through to terminating you with extreme prejudice.
US = Elected leader or Uniparty or CIA / FBI or technocrats or Oligarchs?
Who is deciding what’s best for the US?
Or you can do what Australia does. Defends the nation with a wall of words about what we gonna do – and then cut Defence spending and use the savings on more productive vote-buying exercises. It works very well and has enemies quaking in their boots so much that we haven’t been invaded. (Yeah, yeah. I know. Captain Cook invaded all those years ago when the place was held by hundreds of clans and bought it for a few baubles. Now, after all the hard work, and some heavy interim payments, some want to reneg on the deal.)
…rely on selling coal overseas for the budget bottom line,
while destroying coal fired electricity infrastructure with ‘renewables’ not fit for purpose.
Caberra has a very effective defence policy.
A cupboard in Parliament House holding 227 white flags.
One for every MP.
The red carpet is stored near the main entrance.
Fake Refugees Destroy Ireland Hotel Industry – America Next?
The Irish tourism industry is on the verge of collapse, putting the country’s economy in jeopardy after official data revealed that up to 10,000 jobs may be lost due to hotels being used to house illegal aliens.
This means that regional towns won’t be able to participate in the lucrative summer trading season due to the absence of hotel accommodation, which could result in a loss of billions of dollars, as reported by European Conservative.
Housing shortages in the Republic of Ireland have worsened in the past year as a result of the surge of illegal aliens, with 83,000 illegal refugees in 2022.
Just like the UK, EU, USA…
Totally destabilise society and the economy.
Kennedy has had a bit of profile recently here in the UK and on the few subjects I have heard him speak, talks sense. Is he a credible candidate as President, either this time round or next?
here seems to be a dearth of High quality, youngish Presidential candidates in the States at present.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. details how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warspeed’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history.
“The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC. When Warp Speed turned over the organizational charts that were classified at the time, it shocked everybody because it wasn’t HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA, a spy agency that was at the top and led Operation Warp Speed.
The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH, their own the patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer, or by Moderna. They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Trump reached out to RFK Jr. as his running mate. They both hate the deep state, so he would be a loyal wingman.
Actually, RFK Jr is just another Greenie political hack who never misses any chance to chant the mantra of climate change. In true politician style he’s using a popular issue (Wuflu vaccines) to win the middle ground, but when al is said and done, he’s still a Democrat and they always stick together when the chips are down.
Trump can do much better than pick him as a running mate.
Shouldn’t that have been “Operation Warped Speed”?
The Man Who Was Shot in The Head And Woke Up Seeing The World Backwards
A newly published study has rediscovered one of the most singular and strange cases of brain injury in history: the case of Patient M, who, having been shot in the head in 1938 during the Spanish Civil War, woke up seeing the world backwards.
People and objects appeared to Patient M to be coming from the opposite side to where they actually were, something that extended to his hearing and sense of touch too.
He could read letters and numbers printed both normally and back-to-front, without his brain being able to see any difference between the two.
The world could also appear upside-down to Patient M, as well as backwards: he would be confused by men working upside-down on scaffolding for example.
Patient M was also able to read the time on a wristwatch from any angle.
Patient M was studied for nearly 50 years by Spanish neuroscientist Justo Gonzalo, and his analysis led to a significant shift in how we see the brain – by no means the only time that a freak injury has helped scientists to better understand the brain.
During the 1940s, Gonzalo proposed that the brain was not a collection of distinct sections, but instead has its various functions distributed in gradients across the organ – an idea that went against the conventional wisdom of the time.
“The brain was seen like little boxes,” neuropsychologist Alberto García Molina, from the Institut Guttmann in Spain, told El País.
Italian btw…
Like I said yesterday, medicine, with its compartmentalised view of the body is due for a shakeup.😁
A strange brain injury story, rivalling that of Phineas Gage.
Years ago I read a book, “Shufflebrain” by Paul Pietsch, about holographic memory.
The author sliced up salamander brains and tested their memory by re-arranging the slices.
A fascinating book on how one even goes about testing a thing like what/where in the brain. I read it perhaps as a preprint as it was on the Author’s website and it was free.
It’s one of my favorite non-fiction edutainment books. (assuming the research is legit)
Now I will tangent thru offline hard disks in my uncataloged archives to see if I kept a copy. I may have….
I absolutely think that the brain has more memory bits than we can even imagine being possible, via distributed storage. Like a magical ‘multi image optical holograph’.
In hindsight, this was most likely to happen- An large explosion in Khmelnytsky, Western Ukraine, from a Russian cruise missile..
Experts draw attention to the fact that the fire at the site of a missile attack on a military warehouse in Khmelnitsky is being extinguished remotely by robots. Dosimetric patrols work in the city. Measurements of the radiation background are carried out “in uncharacteristic places.” If earlier they were made in the Khmelnytsky NPP location area (Neteshyn and its environs), now they are made in the regional center, in the west of the region and in Ternopil. After (the explosion) at the military warehouse, the wind was blowing in a westerly direction. The authorities are silent about the work of patrols.
“My friends from Ukraine reported that the Westerners are panicking. They collect belongings and scratch away from Khmelnitsky, and from Lviv and Ternopil. From everywhere where there are Ukrainian military units, warehouses, repair shops. Locals whisper that the detonated warehouse in Khmelnitsky was filled to the brim with depleted uranium shells. And my sources confirm this” writes political scientist Yuri Kot.
After the explosion, an increase in gamma radiation was recorded in the city. The release continues to grow. Given that depleted uranium emits a relatively small dose of gamma radiation, the current surge indicates the destruction of a very large stockpile of munitions, which sent uranium dust into the air.
From Rybar, an ‘official’ voice of Russia.
There’s nothing unusual radioactivity monitoring wise anywhere in Ukraine apart from the obvious.
Another good story is Russian air defences shooting down up to 5 of their own aircraft over Russia in one brief period.
Who knows!
As I said above at 6.2.2 KP is a Communist disinfo agent.
He probably gets paid to do his stuff.
Point out the ‘disinfo’ for me Sam, and we can debate it. There are two sides of propaganda to every story, not just your ABC.
Well, he would, wouldn’t he.
What if that was where the material for the “dirty nuke attack ploy” that has been on the possibility list was kept?
“Nuclear Fallout? Russian Strikes Create Richter Scale Explosion in Khmelnitsky + Updates”
Nasa’s new (pseudo 😁) AI gives ‘30 minutes of advance warning’ before killer solar superstorms strike Earth
Nasa has built an (pseudo 😁) artificial intelligence model to predict where on Earth an impending solar storm would strike, a new system that scientists said can provide “30 minutes of advance warning”.
The (pseudo 😁) AI model analyses Nasa satellite data to raise the alarm on dangerous space weather, said researchers from the American space agency’s Goddard Space Center.
The warning may provide just enough time for countries to prevent severe impacts of these storms on power grids and other critical infrastructure, according to the new study published recently in the journal Space Weather.
30 minutes warning for the masses. Just enough time for them to stock up on face masks.😆😆
““Solar panels are retiring faster than previous research anticipated.” ”
So are EVs. Now that people are working from home and their fuel costs are cut in half, they don’t need EVs anymore. No wonder governments want employees commuting to their offices again, working from home is wrecking their EV plans.
Thank you Covid!
Dutch MEP Rob Roos Slams Globalists ‘Great Food Reset’ Policy: ‘No Farmers, No Food, No Future’ (Video)
Roos’s call to protect and cherish our farmers and demand transparency in our food labeling is a clarion call to action.
In a recent speech at the European Parliament, Dutch politician and current Member of the European Parliament, Robert “Rob” Roos, spoke out against the EU’s “Great Food Reset” policy, which he claims is leading to harrowing scenes in the Netherlands. Roos argued that farmers have been producing food for centuries and are an essential part of Europe’s heritage and culture. However, the EU and United Nation’s trade agreements are inundating the market with products from half the world, even as farmers are being killed off with legislation aimed at climate action, including the ban of nitrogen fertilizer, an essential component of modern agriculture.
According to Roos, this inhumane policy is leading to devastating consequences, with 20 to 30 farmers committing suicide every year. Moreover, without farmers, hunger lurks, as evidenced by Sri Lanka’s famine and chaos, which resulted from the perfect implementation of Environmental Social Governance. Therefore, Roos called for an end to the Nature Restoration Act and the 2030 Agenda, which he claimed destroy farmers for the ideal of a CO2-free utopia….
Kneeling IS BACK (But WORSE…) Football Australia
so sickening. I stopped watching soccer because of their politics. All sports in fact, except motorcycle racing which thus far is about the only sport non affected. They even still have good looking girls holding umbrellas.
I don’t know if anyone has posted this before, because the video is a year old, but it’s from Australia.
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Credits & Offsets
No, I don’t believe in CO2 being pollution, nor that Carbon Credits and offsets being anything but a scam, but I thought you would have a laugh at the video.
Half want to quit ‘broken Britain’ for a move Down Under: One in two Brits believe they would have better quality of life off by swapping UK for Australia or New Zealand – as the Aussies launch bid to ‘steal’ 30,000 doctors, nurses, police and teachers
When I was offered a job in Australia, back in ’99, we didn’t even have to think about it. Even back then we felt that the UK was overpopulated, overdeveloped and on the road to ruin, socially. I recall saying it felt like living in a pressure cooker.
We have never regretted moving here. Even now, twenty-four years later, we frequently count our blessings and feel grateful that we were able to escape. We often say this to each other when we’re in a rainforest or on a deserted beach, when we can’t help but remember what a summer trip to the coast back in the UK was like – crowds, overflowing car parks and barely a square foot of space left on the sand. And that’s if you actually made it to your destination. More than once we had to turn back because the traffic as we neared our destination was gridlocked.
A Pom!
Most conservative minded people want a huge population. It’s one thing with them that I just do not agree with. Give me a cottage and a wood fire thanks.
As a pommie work colleague once said to me ” whatever I have to do to get off that miserable grey island ”
He did OK, moved to Switzerland, married a lovely Czechie girl and eventually retired to Spain.
“A Colossal Failure Around The World
“Let’s summarize what we now know of the negative efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, and why vaccinated people—not the unvaxxed—suffer frequent bouts of COVID-19.
The COVID-19 vaccines—and the new bivalents, of which they are a part—are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians, and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe, nor effective, nor reversible.
In this article, I show irrefutable proof that the COVID-19 vaccines are irredeemably ineffective. (See many dozens of my other Substack articles, and my book, “Neither Safe Nor Effective,” on how dangerous these vaccines are.)”
More at
From a comment at Chiefio
“For all, and for relaxation and inspiration (to make more), may I recommend a master of the art?
Chris is the same guy that’s recreated a working version of the Antikythera Mechanism. It’s a joy to watch him creating beautiful tools.”
“Safe and Effective®”
“Rebekah Barnett: Went from ‘95% effective’ to ‘only works if you get it at lunch time”
Published in Nature no less
“Monday Mirthiness: Wow So Much Climate Change in Five Years”
“Mann’s Twitter Mania is Embarrassing”
“After Action Report on the COVID 19 Scamdemic”
The thin edge of the wedge, officially promoted by the Lamestream as the SMH-
“The eSafety Commission has produced a report on how Australia could introduce an age verification road map to the federal government. Age restriction can range from government-issued “certificates” to technology that scans a user’s facial characteristics to assess their age. ”
A solution looking for a problem it seems-
“While juvenile sexual assault rates have been stable for the past 10 years, and there is no data on the types of sexual assault allegations coming before the NSW Children’s Court”
All for the children of course.. well, teenagers having the sex that the people pushing these laws can only dream about! You won’t get on the net without facial recognition and you will be restricted as to what sites you can visit.
“Netflix Race-Swapped Cleopatra Show Receives Lowest Rating In Rotten Tomatoes History”
Action and reaction
Another test coming up –
Chiefio warns of another “have to change your preferred beer” – seems Miller Coors is also going woke
“Why I Drink Sam Adam’s & Like Yuengling too.”
“Miller Lite Just Went Full Bud Light & Attacked Their Customers In New Insane Ad!”
Marine heatwaves, strength and locality.
There is a lot of wild talk in the MSM about a super El Nino this year, but that seems unlikely.
We should know more in a couple of weeks.
‘Despite the ocean giving clear signs that El Niño could form later this year, a lack of feedback from the atmosphere is giving forecasters a reason to be cautious in their outlook.’ (Weatherzone)
We’ll all be ruined said…
All they do these days is forecast some hellish future. God help us the next bushfire season we get. The emotions will overflow
Thank God for the vaccinations! Covid was running amok in 2020 er sorry 2022.
The excess death reports definitions and sources.
The team at NSW health Page 3
Actuarial report from ABS statistics
The ABS have a report out on Covid deaths until March 2023 Clearly the death certificates were completed as per instruction.
I wonder what else was running amok in the rest of the world. More information from the Infuenza reporting to the WHO
Tom Nelson’s latest interview on youtube is a cracker. Some guy talking about nuclear. Sounds dull but it’s a real good one.
Link please