A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Flags are up.
In the USA, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May.
I wonder whether the US Air Force with their aerial displays on Memorial Day can fly as high as the US Guv’ment Debt Ceiling of just over 31 Trillion US Dollars?
One trillion dollars in a stack is 67,866 miles. No chance that the US Air Force can get there.
Maybe the government will give me 31 trillion pennies. I can hope.
LOL. No chance. All that money went to the Clown in charge of the Ukraine……………….
At least the US is still proud of their national flag. Here in Oz there re so many flags flying, all at the same height, I a sure a school kid could not pick the national flag from the crowd. When our prime minister holds a press conference the national flag is pushed to one side while flags representing alleged “First Nations” take precedence. Flags for diversity and inclusion also fly in our local shire, but hell, I don’t know which one represents which group.
Australia is the only country in the world with 3 flags. Not even the Kiwis out do us on that one.
A flag is a rag that some people like to fight over or under.
Global cooling signals.
How is the world going to survive with insufficient numbers of power stations and with the more fanatical believers in the anthropogenic global warming fraud, like Australia, shutting down more than most?
It won’t, but that’s the objective.
Do you think the WEF wants a fully powered green utopia for the masses?
With seriously curtailed energy, they can control everyone and everything, everywhere…🙄
Yes indeed.
Plus, I also think the ignorant masses actually believe windmills and solar panels are substitutes for power stations.
They have no idea of the science and engineering issues involved.
The masses know little of atmospheric science, but I’m convinced this AGW madness can be quickly overturned if the weather is unseasonably cold for an extended period.
We’ve recently received a flyer from the Labor member for this electorate of Fraser extolling the beauties of the Brimbank Community Battery but no mention of its capacity; elsewhere we discovered the figure of 500 kWH which is enough to power five hundred old style bar radiators for an hour –I don’t know how many houses and for how many minutes, if any, that would provide power during the imminent long term outages Albanese and Bowen have vouchsafed us.
The astounding ignorance of our parliamentary representatives passes unobserved by the electorate who expect the system to continue running smoothly as it always has in the past; well those days are over and Labor’s rule will collapse catastrophically when the dopes running the show have to admit there is no quick way out of the mess they have created as for example the Victorian Energy Minister’s advisers are indistinguishable from work experience kids.
I agree with you about the Victorian ‘Government’, unfortunately the state Liberals are just as clueless. It seems that the Liberals are trying to outdo the Teals in those inner city constituencies.
King island dash board same as yesterday wind 19% solar 1% diesel 60%, battery still flat
I read this piece and it is interesting and it must be worrying for the climate crazies because Channel Nine last night ran an extensive piece about a extreme heat in the Siberian Arctic. I looked it up and the report they were quoting from was a bit of heat hype written in 2020 and showing Arctic Ice Extent graphs from 2012. The boosters must be getting desperate.
The Siberian Arctic region has less ice being naturally formed and it is melting faster than any year in the past four decades, data from a US-based research centre has shown.
American climate scientist Zack Labe shared data over the weekend that shows the amount of ice that has currently formed near the North Pole throughout 2020, but also how fast it is disappearing and regenerating.
READ MORE: The Arctic is on fire and record temperatures have scientists worried
In one graphic produced by the University of Colorado’s National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), ice sheets that are more than four years old currently only exist north of Canada and Greenland.
On the other side of the North Pole however, countries such as Siberia and Russia are experiencing an unprecedented heatwave experts have said would only occur every 80,000 years if not for human interference.
That area has little to no new ice that has formed within the last year, the graphic shows.
Another comparison released by Mr Labe and the NSIDC shows that in 2020, the Siberian Arctic’s sea ice mass is lower than any year since 1979 and has never dropped so low so early, based on natural freezing and melting cycles.
Those cycles, depicted by the NSIDC, typically show the Arctic ice to melt away between July and November however this year’s ice began to drop away as early as late May to early June.
“On July 15, Arctic sea ice extent stood at 7.51 million square kilometres, 330,000 square kilometres below the record for July 15, set in 2011,” the NSIDC says on its website.
The land surface temperature in the Siberia region of Russia soared to the high 30s earlier this year. (AP/AAP)
“This places extent at the lowest level for this time of year on the satellite record.
“Through the first half of July 2020, sea ice extent declined by an average of 146,000 square kilometres per day, considerably faster than the 1981 to 2010 average rate of 85,900 square kilometres per day.”
The research centre has attributed the record-low ice levels to vast areas of open water caused by already-melting ice, as well as “unusually high” air temperatures of up to 10C in the middle of the Arctic.
Parts of the Siberian Arctic coastline near the North Pole have dropped to close to zero per cent ice levels. (NSIDC)
The data comes just days after international scientists released a study that showed the greenhouse effect had multiplied the chance of the region’s prolonged heat by at least 600 times, and maybe tens of thousands of times.
The study, which has not yet gone through peer review, looked at Siberia from January to June, including a day that hit 38C for a new Arctic record.
Scientists from the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland used 70 climate models running thousands of complex simulations comparing current conditions to a world without man-made warming from the burning of coal, oil and gas.
They found that without climate change the type of prolonged heat that hit Siberia would happen once in 80,000 years, “effectively impossible without human influence,” said study lead author Andrew Ciavarella, a scientist at the UK Met Office.
This comment could just as readily be attached to Jo’s item on the collusion of government and media. Pretty bad when they have to dig up a three year old story to scare people but the left wing press and lies go hand in hand. Why was I watching Channel 9 (NBN 3)? The football had just finished and I was busy getting dinner ready.
My reply to this rubbish is this. Well, all of you so called Scientists, go and live in Northern Siberia/Arctic for just one Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn. Take your swimming togs, board shorts, sunglasses and Climate Change Hypothesis and see how long you last along with your Stupid Incorrect Computer Models.
Cold Grips Globally: Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring…
From the NoTricksZone By P Gosselin
Oops, sorry el gordo, I see that my article is just a reference to the original article that you mentioned.
No worries, Jo prefers us to find the original source.
The zealots will just say…”our CO2 strategies are working…the windmills and solar panels are saving the planet from catastrophe!”
…and the compliant and gullible MSM will repeat their lies…again!
The tide has turned and the world is entering a cool cycle, so many red faces and not just among the scientific high priests, the MSM will be totally discredited.
Dr Crimp said they had also found the frost season was lengthening across southern Australia.
“So if we think about the east coast first, we see an earlier start and a later finish to that frost window,” he said.
“In some cases, the extension of that frost window is greater than 40 days.
“But in Western Australia in particular, we see that it’s less to do with the later frost occurrence, but more earlier frost occurrence.”
“Dr Crimp said, ironically, the observations could be explained by the types of weather system that brought warmer, drier weather.”
I may be ignorant – but I thought we had just had a triple dip La Nina????
There we are, relax and settle down everyone, The Voice is NOT racist, the Race Discrimination Commissioner says so!
Dividing people by their race is not racist, the Earth is catching fire, Covid vaccinations are good for you and 2+2=5.
Its a busy time for narrative propaganda!
““The referendum by itself, from my perspective, from a human rights perspective, and from the jurisprudence point of view, is not about a race issue and ought not to be,” he said.”
I dunno how these people get a job…
KP, I replied to a comment of yours on an earlier post but the days simply fly by…
Tyranny / Tranny
There’s only a ‘Y’ between them, and it’s a vowel not a consonant – could be why there’s so much confusion these daze [sic].
Indigenous people already have the right to vote.
but the voice will be “elevating the rights of Indigenous people to participate in the nation’s democracy”
elevated means ‘raised to a more important or impressive level’.
that is, they will have more impressive or more important “rights… to participate in the nation’s democracy”.
Shorter version
just what i was about to say.
Prob’ly because
‘t is a truth
and given
form and
by George
u know what.
It’s like the SA premier saying that the SA version of “the voice” is an amazing thing, so beneficial for Aboriginals, while also saying that it wont have any real power as it’s just “advisory”.
I really can’t tell what is more racist – giving people a genuine role in government decisions/policy based only on race, or giving them a token and powerless role in government decisions/policy – based only on race?
Visiting to see how much has fallen, and is about to fall, around this watery planet this week, their homepage leading article reported:
Burning Man Festival (USA) To Build Artificial Ski Slope… made out of plastic polymer sheets on a steel frame 15ft high because [you guessed it] CCCCCC!
Last week the lead article was about all the ski areas extending their seasons due to SO MUCH SNOW which didn’t want to melt… yet Grateful Deadhead freaks camping on a dry, ancient lake bed in the Nevada desert want to build a plastic kids’ slope ‘coz it’s our future, man…
I feel embarrassed to say I always wanted to be a hippy when I was a young fella… then I met some.
Just came back from a 9 day holiday in lovely Queenstown on the NZ South Island. Nice and cold as expected. Got back to ‘Syderknee’ on Saturday night with Sunday being next. Just as cold. Must be this Climate Change ‘thingy’……….lol
Fisher-Price Introduces ‘My First Gender Transition’ Playset
EAST AURORA, NY – In a show of solidarity with a vocal minority of gender activists who don’t purchase their products, Fisher-Price introduced the “My First Gender Transition” playset for kids ages 2 to 9.
“The My First Gender Transition playset helps your child have a fun time playing pretend while in no way being inculcated with an emotionally destructive ideology,” said Product Manager Murthina Spillwig who may soon be updating her resumé. “Parents in our focus groups were excited to force their kids to pretend to enjoy the playset for Instagram.”
The playset is bursting with a plethora of features to confuse your toddler, including:
-My First Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue puberty-blocking toy syringe
-Top Surgery For Tykes toy surgical table
-Barnyard and jungle-themed breast binders and packing underwear
-Therapist doll that, when squeezed, whispers, “Don’t tell your parents.”
-A lifesize poster of inspiring role model Dr. Rachel Levine
In anticipation of the success of the gender-affirming playset, Fisher-Price has announced they will soon be releasing the “My First Detransition” playset.
Thankfully! But the world is so effed-up these days you can’t be sure. 😆
a) Chainsaw
b) Toy psychiatrist’s couch + psychiatrist
c) “Coping with life-destroying choices” book
d) Quick reference guide on suing your liberal parents/teachers/doctors for everything they’ve got.
e) List of stores selling trans products. **Very limited time offers.😆😆
..and the wrong person won the Turkish election.. “The Most Unfair Election in Years” according to the West.
“The lira slipped towards a fresh record low against the dollar, after the results were announced.”
I’m sure they didn’t use those American electronic vote counting machines, so Erdogan could keep control of the count. Another few years of him carefully playing one side against the other with NATO and Russia, and if he can keep Turkey growing he will be a needed buffer against the West trying to destroy Russia.
If the West didn’t exist you’d have to invent it. Can’t have the World accepting blame for their own shortcomings.
Turkey is another failed State. Just look at the Inflation Rate, the interest rate on their Guv’ment Debt and which way the value of the Turkish Peso (whoops I mean Liar, errrr, I mean Lire) is going.
Ultimately Turkey will join BRICS and will not be able to be manipulated by the west . The USA is in a deep hole and still digging . The election is a reflection of that . The Turks also got to watch Syria get smashed as well by an earthquake and the west hold onto sanctions .
Microsoft Adds Mandatory System-Wide Artificial Intelligence Engine “Windows Copilot” to Windows 11, Promising “Helpfulness.”
On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, Microsoft announced it is adding strong built-in artificial intelligence or AI integration throughout its Windows 11 operating system. Microsoft says AI will make Windows 11 easier and faster to use. But some experts worry that AI in Windows 11 could invade people’s privacy. It is unclear to what extent “Windows Copilot” will be woven to in all aspects of Windows 11.
At first glance, it appears Microsoft’s new built-in AI will have access to analyze everything on your computer with its artificial intelligence engine, whether you like it or not.
Microsoft announced that a new feature called Windows Copilot will be built into Windows 11. Windows Copilot uses AI to communicate with Microsoft’s cloud computers. Microsoft says Windows Copilot will help Windows 11 users get more done and make it easier for programmers to build Windows apps.
While Windows Copilot may boost productivity in some ways, it will give Microsoft new ways to gather people’s personal information from their computers. AI in Windows 11 could access what users type, save and delete. This data could be hacked, misused or collected by Microsoft.
As AI learns from how people use Windows 11, huge amounts of private details may be gathered. Cybercriminals or Microsoft themselves could misuse this data or use the data in ways that you don’t like … considering the closed-source nature of Windows, the reality is, users will never know how their data is being gathered and used by Windows.
Given how M$ spies on you with telemetry from your pc continuously, this (fake) AI will just make it worse.
Tools like O&O Shutup10++, Spybot Anti-Beacon, Blackbird and Privatezilla are free and helpful though so far.
The only time politicians tell the truth is when they call other politicians liars.
Some people shoot themselves in the foot and they keep shooting, only stopping to reload.
My pharmacist in Melbourne (Australia) told me he is finding manufacturer shortages of a lot of prescription pharmaceuticals.
Any idea why?
All made in China?
A more subtle form of economic warfare.
Order your supply from India while you can?
Covid related supply chain issues.
I think that excuse is wearing a bit thin by now…
Drugs are typically manufactured in China and sent to India for packaging.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia says the government’s 60-day script policy will worsen medicine shortages.
People are hoarding, shortages and restrictions are global.
No problem getting your mRNA shot though.
My 50 year old son had his 4th shot a week ago. Three days later he developed shingles.
His doctor says it was caused by the vaccine. He’s been given antiviral medications.
Hopefully he’ll recover ok in a few days . .
What else can the vaccine do ?
Been about 6months or more for a mate of mine who suffered the same. While he quietly considers me a conspiracy theorist, he does admit the vaccine caused it. Of course he refused my offer of Ivm and has been on Govt anti-virals ever since. It hasn’t cleared up completely yet, it turned into a non-shingles sort of rash after a while..
Sorry to hear.
Was the 4th boost an employment requirement?
Government mandate?
One thing the vaccine DOES NOT do, is vaccinate.
At least under the previous definition of the flipping word.
Deliver a preventative med, follow with meds for the result of the preventative.
She may not have been a witch, if not, she is now in the glory of heaven. We are the messengers of God’s will.
Python World without the funny.
A strong cyclone in the southeast Pacific heading toward Antarctica will push cold surface waters from the south toward the tropics.
WA Premier McClown, is stepping down.
I bet the Elites have a bigger and more sinister role for him.
Mark McGowan standing down as WA premier in shock announcement, citing exhaustion
Exhaustion from telling so many ‘porkies’ and the stress of not wanting to get sued or being subject to Investigation.
i wonder if he exhausted in the Ardern UN sense of exhausted?
Love how he said he can be replaced very very easily.
Speaks volumes about the quality of pollies.
Another one jumping ship before the reef…
I am sure he meant to say he had a well developed succession plan
His greatest legacy for the WA residents residing more than 100 km from Perth is that they “Will need to find a VOICE”
Exhausted all the possibilities in Oz for evil manipulation, so time to move on to join Klaus’s inner pentangle. Sorry, circle, of course.
I am born & bred in WA, glad to see him go.
China can do no wrong here, any citizen who thinks otherwise is quashed, blacklisted.
The Mining Act specifically excludes Foreign Governments from holding a mining tenement.
(excluding Chinese Gov’t corporations) of course. These people are favoured over Australians,
Clive Palmer has a big mouth, but that doesn’t mean he is wrong.
I hope Clive persists with legal action to regain his stolen ground.
Else, W.A. will go the way of Victoria.
We are all going the way of Victoria. Just a matter of more boomers dying.
NSW Health ‘erased’ Covid, vaccine data used in weekly reports
Like many Australians cooped up during Covid lockdowns, Xin Yin Ooi found herself “obsessed” with weekly updates from health authorities, poring over case numbers, vaccinations, hospitalisations and deaths.
As a data analyst, the Sydney woman was naturally interested in the detailed statistical breakdowns provided in NSW Health’s weekly surveillance report — so when she noticed a strange figure in one table, she decided to request the underlying numbers to check the work for herself.
The only problem? The data had been “erased”.
“It was a big shock,” Ms Ooi said.
“In the early days of Omicron, our Premier, Health Minister, chief health officer, every day at the press briefing I remember vividly they were saying, ‘The data shows two doses are not enough, you need three to deal with Omicron.’ They kept repeating, ‘the data, the data’ — it’s just unbelievable they would erase the data.”
Jikkyleaks covered the increase in ICU admissions for the vaxxed:
Maybe a few more ship jumpers coming…
The data showing un-vaxxed get to hospital and die there is unnerving, no going to hospital and recovering. Suggestions of euthanasia to make the vaxxed figures look better.
The nurse treating my hand injury at the local hospital in 2021 told me she didn’t want to treat me as I wasn’t vaxxed, then gave me the most cursory uninterested lookover I’ve ever experienced. She only took it seriously at the end when the plastic needle she was using to flush out the wound went 40mm down inside my palm. Bandaged it up and said to go home, and handed it all over to someone else for surgery.
Unfollow the Science: 300 COVID Articles Pulled, Many Over Lack of Ethical Standards
More than 300 COVID-19-related articles have been retracted — long after they’d done their damage — due to a lack of scientific truthfulness and ethical guidelines, according to Retraction Watch, a website that monitors retractions of science-related articles.
A total of 330 COVID-related papers have been retracted thus far.
According to Gunnveig Grødeland, a senior researcher at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo, many researchers took ethical shortcuts when writing their essays.
“It will, of course, be withdrawn when it is found that ethical guidelines have been breached,” Grødeland quipped to Khrono, an academic news publication.
Grødeland states that there were other reasons articles were pulled, including researchers using too small sample size and new media outlets being deceptive about what the papers actually concluded. Sometimes the data changed, and articles were later retracted.
The lion’s share of these articles was released in smaller publications, but the prestigious Lancet got nailed a few times as well.
I’m shocked, shocked I say. 😆😆
Good article.
Further proof that we were being lied to.
Russian MIL collected bioweapon samples from Biosphere Reserve in Kherson, of avian flu strains with ability to cross species barrier and human lethality rate of 40%
or use the reader app, which is clearer:
Were we planning for an H5N1 event?
Awww…that’s a no-go. 😆
I’m seeing a lot more on the Yanks and their bioweapons labs in Ukraine, stuff I read a year back but it never made a ripple in the social media. All those samples still sitting safely in Melbourne??
Here’s a cute quote on Turkey-
“”Ankara is now in NATO only so that they do not declare war on it,” Hussein Erman Saluk, Turkish political scientist, on Solovyov live: “In Syria, the Americans support the so-called democratic forces, which are mainly formed from Kurdish militarized detachments. They are openly financed from the US budget, they pose a threat to the territorial integrity of Turkey.
At the same time, de jure, we are in alliance with Washington on NATO. There is also a disputed maritime territory, the eastern Mediterranean, where our so-called ally opposes Turkey’s national interests. Ankara is now in NATO only so that they do not declare war on it”
Coldest May on record I read yesterday. Imagine if it was the warmest!
Agree! so for those with frozen / cold blood and would like to “boil it” take a browse through this Weekly Digest. I’m standing Welllllll back!
Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time, IEA says. what they say and what they get, ….
Investment might be increasing, but with a world using fossil fuels for 78% of the world’s energy and only 2% total solar and wind, I cannot see increased investment in solar is going to change the energy sources much. Just sounds like the usual cherry-picking.
That IS the Big Lie, isn’t it. Investment = production, be it Education, Health service or whatever, .. just throw money at it……. Bank of fairyland
Australia’s winter forecast, warm and dry.
For June to August, below median rainfall is likely to very likely (60% to greater than 80% chance) for virtually all of Australia.
June to August maximum temperatures are likely to very likely (60% to greater than 80% chance) to be warmer than median for virtually all of Australia.
Above median June to August minimum temperatures are likely to very likely (60% to greater than 80% chance) for much of Australia, with below median minimum temperatures likely for parts of eastern SA and western NSW.
Drier definitely, but warmer, I think not. I reckon we’re in for lots of ‘frost then sunny’, and cold cloudy days when it doesn’t manage to rain.
We shall see…
Seems this area of south west Qld (IIRC 1946) had a run of about 30 days in a row with frosts. Cold enough to crack the block of one bloke’s shearing engine.
We’re starting this one with me having to warm the home brew to get it to gas, which hasn’t happened in the previous about 30 years.
What I found amazing in this morning’s news
1. “Queensland’s Palaszczuk government will deliver a record surplus in next month’s budget, driven by the coal royalty regime that has fuelled a $6bn jump in state revenues since December.”
In Victoria the Labor government in 2007 banned the export of $400Million in brown coal because according to The Age newspaper, they were going to remove the water from the brown coal and make it ‘blacker’. When Victoria should be exporting billions, we are not allowed because as one UK article stated, lignite is the ‘filthiest’ fuel. Because it is 66% water, so less energy per tonne. In dried form it is the same as black coal. And Victoria cannot pay its bills.
2. But the destitute Victorian government has just decided to spend another borrowed $3.5Billion building new transmission lines to bring in Solar from the solar rich NW and wind from the West. Of course that’s going to really help at night and when there is no wind. And not use our 150 years of dirty polluting brown coal. Old plants when we should be burning new ones.
3. “Wesfarmers chairman Michael Chaney says international investors are watching the Indigenous voice referendum closely and will question whether Australia is a “fair place” if it fails.”
So we will suffer financially if ‘investors’ decide if Australians are being unfair by not approving a change to introduce race into the Australian constitution.
I don’t remember when we elected Michael Chaney or understand why these overseas investors feel free to lecture us on our moral obligations. There was a time when Apartheid was the problem and they want it introduced?
And it would be nice if these same investors lectured China on their treatment of the Uighurs, but they don’t. Since when did Blackrock and friends feel they were morally superior to everyone in the world? And why?
Tell them to go to hell! We can print money to pay for whatever rather than borrow it, and in the end its the same.
Extra money gets poured into the economy, creates inflation, and gets taken out as taxes. Because we never pay the debt off the money stays in the system and inflates it either way. However if we print it we don’t have to pay some overseas mob interest.
Of course doing this would get a few politicians ‘death by car accident’, so don’t hold your breath.
4. And “Anthony Albanese already has one foot over the line as a signatory to November’s G20 Bali Leaders’ declaration, which pledged to accelerate the transition to agriculture and food systems that “better contribute to adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and halting and reversing biodiversity loss”.”
So now cattle are the new coal? Get rid of the cattle, sheep, goats, camels, horses, dogs, cats, budgies, termites, ants, amoebae, bacteria. Sure. We rely on our politicians to advise all Australians on the implications of all powerful deadly Climate Change. Even if we have no idea where and what it is.
5. And without warning Daniel Andrews has shut all logging except of soft woods, destroying the lives of many.
Of course he will pay millons he doesn’t have so they can to stay home and be retrained doing something else somewhere else. It’s amazing how much money this Premier spends on whim, despite his massive new taxes because Victoria is the most indebted state in Australia. Obviously his Chinese friends would not hand him any cash in his recent solo unexplained trip to his minders in China, so it means taxes on everyone to pay for his extreme spending. The public service wage bill alone has rocketed 70%, but that just means everyone else has to work harder with even less electricity and income and at rocketing prices.
And for all his attacks on the ‘rich’, companies and religious schools, his electors are the ones suffering as green electricity becomes their biggest cost and there is no way out, no tax deduction as rampant energy prices push them into poverty.
Victoria became the manufacturing capital of Australia because of cheap energy. On his own Daniel Andrews has fixed that. For less than the cost of new transmissions lines for daytime solar and new distribution, Victorians could have the cheapest energy in Australia. Brown coal.
But the new woke believe in windmills, windmills, windmills. The worst waste of public money in Australian history.
Repeal the RET tax and electricity prices would halve overnight. And build coal power as fast as possible. Allow the use of free Gippsland natural gas. Allow exploration. Allow people to burn wood again. But I suppose his Chinese friends do not want us using their future resources.
Sorry if someone already linked this.
Worth repeating.
This is where we are.
‘Truth is a Right Wing Concept’
Along with a little Western Civilization cart ride to scaffold humor …
“Own Nothing Be Happy” the song.
Flannery backs COVID-style approach to climate crisis
What would Tim Flannery know about either? He has no hard science qualifications or microbiology qualifications. Applying observations of the remains of ancient dead marsupials to either is not science, its quackery.
He should first explain the $200Million the taxpayers and much more the investors of Australia were ripped off over his ‘the technology is straightforward” hot rocks scheme. Everybody made money, except the investors who lost the lot. And how’s his beachside shack on the sand of the Hunter river going which he promotes the danger of rapid sea level rises?
Climate catastrophists certainly love their sea-level properties. Ask Obama, Gates, various Australian politicians and influencers etc..
of them have sea level properties
I would like to know how many of our tax dollars he is harvesting and has done so in the past.
It should be a matter of public record.
Wilson Tuckey’s view at LinkedIn:
Wat Language will we talk
The reason we are experiencing such cold temperatures is because all the solar panel rebates and the windmills are seeing a massive reduction in the amount of CO2 getting into our air, and therefore of course temperatures go down.
Australia should be giving itself a pat on the back in view of this spectacular achievement. Impressive.. 🙂
All the government and it’s creditors need to do now is fine tune how many more, or less, solar panels are needed to get the perfect temperature record.
On the subject of mind control, MSM caught red handed dishing out fake news about China:
And the insanity continues in the UK
“A major oil-drilling project in the North Sea worth up to £24 billion to the economy could be abandoned after Labour announced it would halt all new drilling licences if it wins the next election, industry sources claim.”
The question is what to do about this incredibly destructive refusal to use fossil fuel as if man made Global Warming is a real thing.
In Victoria, Australia it is reaching incredibly destructive proportions as we are now in energy poverty and the cows are the new coal.
When will real scientists say something? Why are they all silent or even compliant?
Fossil fuel CO2 is only 3% of CO2 in the air, 0.03% of total CO2. This is undeniable and fossil fuel is completely free to use from burning sticks to coal to gas. We cannot control CO2 in the atmosphere. It is the biggest scam in human history.
And the certifiably mad Australian Greens are now attacking cows and sheep as the next Big Polluters. It’s a form of national insanity. Just stop the irrational fear of the sixth element in the periodic table from which all life is made.
I blame the greedy UN and EU over 80,000 massively over paid power mad uncontrollable bureaucrats who actually encourage war in Ukraine. And Climates are not controlled by governments. That’s an absolutely insane idea based on science fiction, Climate Scientology.
The very idea of Climate Change was a UN idea but the Global Warming was made headlines by Al Gore in 1988 when he was running for President and he used it as his scare to get votes. And in December the IPCC was formed by the UN given that most of the funding was from the US anyway.
Al Gore and Joe Biden both lost against Michael Dukakis who then lost against George H. W. Bush but Al Gore kept his scam going now for 35 years. And the UN loved it, the idea that they alone controlled the world’s climates with Man Made Global Warming aka Climate Change. And Joe Biden had his own route to power and wealth.
The inconvenient truth is that it was all lies. But self made billionaire Al Gore nearly became President and still made Vice President under Clinton without ever admitting he made it all up. Science fiction, just like L. Ron Hubbard. His degree was in English and his final essay was on how Nixon made it to the White House.
And the UN just loved it. “At the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the UNFCCC in Copenhagen in 2009, developed countries committed to a collective goal of mobilising USD 100 billion per year by 2020” Which is handy as the UN is now turning over in excess of $65Billion a year. Not a bad little business and with the EU, two of the world’s biggest. Not bad for two non profit organizations where non profit means they spend everything.
Is there any Climate Crisis? No. Can humans control CO2 levels? Of course not. As CO2 goes up and down our human activity is barely detectable.
But it’s all about ’emissions’ and taxes and carbon credits and carbon farming and China. You have to wonder if Climate Scientology will ever end. How long before humans are told to eat termites to reduce methane ’emissions’? We might have no choice when they ban fertilizer.
So the UK socialists have adopted the policies of their former enemies, the National Socialists….
It sounds like the Nerobefehl or Nero Decree that the National Socialists tried to implement at the end of WW2 – destroy all infrastructure. Sounds like what Australia is doing as well.
The major event that would be required to make Australians wake up about the insane electricity policies we now have is extended city-wide power outages.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe these will happen because:
1) Consumption is less due to high electricity prices and a lot of industry has shut down and relocated to places without CO2 restrictions and with cheap electricity like China while domestic consumers choose to freeze or boil.
2) Load shedding of major industrial infrastructure like the Tomago or other aluminium smelters. Tomago liberates 950MW when it is shed, at huge expense to the taxpayer.
3) The unpublicised use of very expensive gas turbine generation.
The masses will continue to live in ignorant bliss and every time they see a windmill or solar farm they will genuinely think these are substitutes for power stations. And they will also continue to think that the Government can keep borrowing money indefinitely to pay for it all, at least those few that are even aware of the extent of Government borrowings.
The politicians believe those who advise them, namely the public servants and academics, as do much of the media. They – all of them – imagine that industry and commence will continue whatever their policies bring on, and that their future salaries and pensions are guaranteed. This means that industries and farms shutting down aren’t of any consequent to them, indeed an advantage to their ideas of control of everything. Their problem, their awakening, will come when there isn’t enough money to fund their future. You, but not them, can see this happening in Victoria, but it will take sometime before the collapse comes and the panic sets in when they realise they are expendable.
FWIW – Chiefio on Ukraine
Overseas readers may be interested to know that Australia will soon be setting up parliamentary representation based on race with the Orwellian “The Voice”.
Not a bad effort for a country which pretends to be egalitarian with a “fair go for all”, huh?
“Johannes Leak on Albanese’s Voice Ultimatum”
As a child you run in the Aesop’s fables. Each was a salutary lesson from over two thousand years ago.
Another fable I thought was very weak was that of Chicken Little. “The Sky is falling!” Really, who would believe that?
And he leads all his friends into the clutches of Foxy Loxy where they lose their lives. Again, unbelievable.
I was so wrong. ‘The sky is falling’ is easily believed. It’s the sad truth. And millions of people who do not believe it do not have a voice. And many who have a public voice say nothing because they would be cancelled. Australia’s Chief Scientist who has his own department has offered the technical opinion that all the carbon dioxide activity will make a very tiny difference to temperature, but he does not call it a lie. So he is covered but not in glory.
And the CSIRO and BOM are blatantly profiteering from sexing up the weather while the ABC is pushing it as a religion.
It’s now 20 years since the ABC science adviser Robyn Williams thought 100 metres by 2100, a metre a year of sea level rise was reasonable. Then all the loonies have worked all their favorite phobias into Climate Change. So we have to stop logging, farming, eating meat, driving cars, even leaving town because of Climate Change. So Australians go from enjoying cricket to enjoying crickets.
Perhaps the most worrying though is that the farmers agree with them, the new Country Party and Malcolm’s LIberals(R). But when Climate Change means you can give your wife and friends $444 million in cash without even having to fill out a form, there is an upside.
Just wait till they realise the potential AI might give to that –
FWIW – on AI
Some thoughts on US Memorial Day –*-nation/memorial-service/
Heart attacks? We’ve found ANOTHER reason why they happen, so maybe you’ve just experienced or seen one of these really rare ones, and its nothing to do with anything that occurred in the last few years!
“Unlike the majority of coronary disease, which is caused by plaque build-up around the arteries, SCAD is not associated with high cholesterol or blood pressure and tends to occur spontaneously in younger people.”
Its so bad that the SMH is running articles on how to tell if you’re having a heart attack. …& I’ve forgotten where I saw the weekend article about putting chest paddles in all the old telephones booths in the UK.
The centre is between two poles – and that centre depends on where those poles are – so
“The Centre Is Unreliable”
“5 Things I Truly Don’t Understand About The ‘Inevitable Energy Transition’”
“What’s more, the researchers have known about this long term trend for years but didn’t think to mention it, and the ABC didn’t have a problem with that either. (It’s not like farmers need to know these things?)”
Doesn’t fit the narrative.