A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Tap tap..Is this thing working?
Sometimes. I haven’t worked it out.
I just stopped by to post a link to Donna Laframboise’s Substack séries on the Canadian Truckers protest in 2022.
Still plenty of disturbing news emerging. Worth a visit or two! It’s not mandatory to provide an email address at the landing page.
I get an email from Donna every morning with snippets from this series. Reading these emails brings up emotions of wonderment and praise for the truckers and the thousands who supported them along the way, to revulsion for Trudeau and his lackeys who dealt so harshly, not just with the truckers, but also with anyone who helped or supported them financially.
“Truck convoys” cost a lot of expense. For some of the participants, engaging out of desperation, participation will be their last act in the business.
When the need for such demonstration arises, leave the trucks in the shed and just bring the people.
My, my, my, beautiful Sunday 🌞
Colorado State Uni’s Realtime Global T.C. (ACE) site [] used to have a graph, below the listed cyclones, showing the difference between average years and the present one: for the past few weeks it’s disappeared down the memory hole (because the SW Pacific Basin was well-below the norm?). Anyone else noticed this, or is it just my out-dated phone?
The N.H. cyclone season has kicked-off with perfect timing as a storm whirls up the Bay of Bengal: no doubt hysterical cacologists will be on the airwaves shouting doom-and-gloom.
The 1970 Bhola Cyclone killed an estimated 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 people when it made landfall in Bangladesh.
Yes I remember that sad event. The world was on cold mode at that time. The ICE AGE IS COMING was the meme at those times.
Further to TC Mocha in the Bay of Bengal: Cyclone causes snow to fall in Burma / Myanmar (via
Hkakabo Razi, a mountain in northern Burma, is presently receiving “heavy snow” with over 30cm to accumulate by Tuesday. Max temp -7C with -20C windchill. Must be our fault…
Admittedly this mountain is 5,800m high on the border with Ch!na, yet anti-clockwise cyclonic winds associated with Mocha are creating impossible snow on the summit. Will wonders never cease?
” “Terribly White”?! What an appalling thing to say!’ | Laurence Fox on rampant identity politics”
At least Cleopatra is now black. This is a form of historical equity. Queen Elizabeth I should have been black too. It’s only fair. And you can drop the red hair as well.
But it’s odd that given the rules of historical equity, surely Cleopatra in the new Netflix show should have been Chinese or Indian or even Indonesian? I mean why should Mediterranean and European history be filled with white people? The fact that Cleopatra was Greek, descended from Alexander the Great’s general Ptolemy should not stop people from fixing history.
Next we will be hearing that Winston Churchill’s mother was American and Donald Trump’s mother was Scottish. And both were black.
I am looking forward to equality as White actors are offered the roles of Barrack Obama and Martin Luther King. Does anyone want to dare to suggest this on Twitter?
Interesting but apparently equality only works one way. The black and white minstrels now have to be black men playing white men playing black men.
And while gay actors are allowed play straight people, straight people are not allowed play gay people. Which is now a problem for Tom Hanks in Philadelphia story in which he as a straight man played a gay man pretending he was not a gay man. I assume the film will now require trigger warnings.
That’s why there a hardly any successful Hollyweird films anymore.
Get woke, go broke.
The last film I saw at the cinema was Top Gun: Maverick.
It was successful because there was no wokeness.
And then there is a small matter of a WHITE house.
I was half expecting Obammy to have it painted black.
A compromise has already been reached ;
It used to be always called The President’s House.
And because it had different ‘tenants’ perhaps a little more often than other homes, the upkeep was sporadic, and it was often almost run down inside. As to the outside, they would ‘cheap out’ on that part of the upkeep as well, and they would just use whitewash on it.
It (all of the above, inside and outside) infuriated President Theodore Roosevelt, the youngest President in U.S. history, (still) and he often referred to the place as ….. “that d@mned white house”, and the term ‘stuck’.
Had there not been a coup d’état against President Trump, the world would not be in the mess that it is.
It’s remarkable the enormous extent of damage the White House resident has done to both the US and the world in general in just a little over two years.
The current regime is really Obama’s third term and the fulfilment of his dream to destroy the United States.
Actually it would, albeit a different potus target for the neocons.
ie the war must go on, because that’s the plan (they have had for decades).
I just finished watching the Godfrey Bloom interview with Col. Douglas MacGregor and although war matters come under the 90% of things I normally don’t post about, this one is a must watch for the masses, especially the Zelensky fans, the MSM, the military and people in the UK and EU.😁
Nice drone coastal footage too.😉
McGregor and Ritter have been foretelling the demise of Ukraine for some time. General Petraeus and others are much more upbeat.
On balance I think the optimists are closer the truth.
John Connor,
your link didn’t come up when i tried (3) in Australia but this did.
I wonder what Biden would have done differently, if say his aim was to destroy the USA?
Mr. yarpos: Nothing different, but if (since?) his aim is to destroy the USA faster, he would also give Kamala more tasks.
Well, I don’t know why we’re going on about Ukraine, when POTUS says that the “greatest terrorist threat to America is White Supremacy”.
It’s “poison”. (Unlike the drinking water in East Palestine, which they are shipping to Baltimore to be ‘cleaned’.)
Really, he’s fine.
Inspirational speaker.
(Shh … don’t tell him he is the the Supreme Leader and he’s white.)
(1:45 min clip of Brandon speaking at Howard University, an ‘HBCU’ “HPCU”? … May 13.)
Just in case you thought I was making it up …
The “White” House?
In an impressive effort to accommodate both extremes of the spectrum the President’s residence will be refurbished externally and henceforth known as the Fawn House: recent O’Biden press release. Additionally, the front entrance will be off limits making it obligatory to use the other one.
It is amazing how many medical doctors are ignorant of the importance of correcting Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 deficiencies. Many, if not most people, will be deficient in at least one.
Indeed. Interesting how UV radiation can help heal illness, including Covid, fight cancer etc but the “health egg-spurts” all say stay home and INSIDE. How much do they know…
Current primitive human medicine and thinking is due for a major shakeup.
The current ways of “branches of medicine” and specialists in 50 different fields all looking for problems & solutions within their own fields won’t exist in the future, as they will be replaced by a single whole new branch of medicine that understands the real nature of function dysfunction and disease causation.
Then there’s the matter of consciousness.
The WEF wallies are in for a shock.😄
Our council spends a lot of money on our town beach and it is a very popular attraction, but a sign at a set of exercise bars says There is no such thing as a healthy tan.
I beg to differ.
That is common propaganda in Australia:
Not surprisingly, the WHO is one of the organisations advocating sun avoidance and therefore low Vitamin D levels. See:
As with most things it depends on the individual
Some are disposed to skin cancer some are not
..and some countries are disposed to highly radioactive dust in their soils from past atomic tests. While the particles may be few in the overall schemes of things, they can lodge and your skin or your lungs and slowly do a lot of damage.
Sunshine makes a convenient scapegoat though.
Very few would be subject to such exposure.
In my youth I had a luminous wrist watch. Maybe a pocket watch too. And an ex army compass. The luminosity came from radium as far as I know.
David Jones used to have x-ray machines so we could check the fit of our shoes by looking at the screen, which I think would have been direct. No LCDs in those days. Just raw x-rays on a sensitive screen.
My story is similar to Lawrie’s below, but I have had a number of BCCs and one melanoma successfully removed. That involved a skin graft about the size of a ten cent coin, which was an eye opener. Left open for a week, then a piece of skin removed from my arm and lightly stitched on the ear, and it took hold OK.
I was/am a farmer and Army officer. I spent most of my life outdoors basically only coming in at night and when it was raining. My father had a similar life as did my grandfathers none of whom ever suffered from melanoma and all with English or Irish background. I always sported a farmers suntan i.e. brown arms and lower legs and white everywhere else. I always wore a hat as did my forebears. What we never did was parade without shirts or bake on beaches. I have some mates now who are in their 70s and are periodically having BCCs removed. They all were keen beach goers and surfers. Now maybe ultra violet is more severe on the coast rather than inland. Anyone else have similar observations?
Are doctors really ignorant of this?
“Reflections on Motherhood
May 14, 2023 | Menagerie | 7 Comments”
“Motherhood. Contrary to ridiculous claims otherwise, it starts with being a woman. Which starts with XX chromosomes and can never be changed.”
More at
Richard Dawkins put it best. You can have as many role playing genders are you like but there are only two sexes. And only one can be mothers.
You can identify as the Sydney Harbour Bridge if you like, but we’ll cross that when we come to it.
So old fashioned! 🙂
The WHO’s guide for sexuality for infants aged 0 – 4
At that age they don’t need to know or be taught anything that belongs in an adult knowledge arena.
Be content with learning to stand up and walk and watching The Wiggles.
How much irreparable damage will be done by the time this planned societal cohesion destroying nonsense finally ends?
WE can’t change what others do except by example. We can ensure that our kids and grand kids and their friends get a good dose of truth every time we have inter actions. I talk to my 7 yo as I take him to and from school and sometimes talk about the differences between boys and girls. We live on a farm so it is easy to compare boys and girls to bulls and heifers with their obvious physical differences and different roles. Maybe more city kids need to go bush and learn some facts.
Toyota: Car location data of 2 million customers exposed for ten years
Toyota Motor Corporation disclosed a data breach on its cloud environment that exposed the car-location information of 2,150,000 customers for ten years, between November 6, 2013, and April 17, 2023.
According to a security notice published in the company’s Japanese newsroom, the data breach resulted from a database misconfiguration that allowed anyone to access its contents without a password.
“It was discovered that part of the data that Toyota Motor Corporation entrusted to Toyota Connected Corporation to manage had been made public due to misconfiguration of the cloud environment,” reads the notice (machine translated).
“After the discovery of this matter, we have implemented measures to block access from the outside, but we are continuing to conduct investigations, including all cloud environments managed by TC. We apologize for causing great inconvenience and concern to our customers and related parties.”
Exposed car location and videos
This incident exposed the information of customers who used the company’s T-Connect G-Link, G-Link Lite, or G-BOOK services between January 2, 2012, and April 17, 2023.
T-Connect is Toyota’s in-car smart service for voice assistance, customer service support, car status and management, and on-road emergency help.
As is typically the case, you won’t know about security breaches until well after they’ve happened.
U.K. Labour MP Calls for 10mph Speed Limits in All Residential Streets
The suggestion was said to be rebuked by the Conservatives, with a spokesman for them saying: “This question shows just how out of touch Labour is. 10mph speed limits would be bonkers, pushing up congestion and making it impossible to drive. “Labour’s anti-car crusade would see ordinary motorists taxed off the road.” Although it should be noted it was the Conservatives who started the current anti-car agenda during Boris Johnson’s time as Prime Minister.
There are currently very few 10mph zones across the country, apart from in central areas and car parks. So slow is the speed that the speedometers in many cars only start at 20mph.
So everyone gets to drive in 1st gear in their 15 minute suburbs creating more noise, pollution, frustration and anger.
Remember many decades ago when pollies weren’t intellectual pygmies? 😁
Pommy pollies – gotta love ’em:
Ooh err…
God Speed! Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is convicted of speeding by going at 25mph in 20 zone and fined £300 just days after King Charles’ Coronation
The Archbishop of Canterbury has been convicted of speeding just days after presiding over the Coronation of King Charles III, it has emerged.
Justin Welby, 67, was yesterday handed three penalty points and forced to pay a £510 legal bill after being snapped by a speed camera on October 2 last year.
The religious leader was driving his Volkswagen Golf along the Albert Embankment in central London when the offence took place.
He was heading towards his official residence at Lambeth Palace when he was caught travelling 25mph in a 20mph zone, reports the Evening Standard.
The conviction came on the same day he took yet another shot at the Government’s Illegal Immigration Bill in a rare intervention in the House of Lords.
Sending him hopes and prayers.😄😄
25 in a 20? Then hundreds of £! Good heavens!
Minor speeding fines are also draconian and common in Australia. The primary purpose is revenue raising.
This kid was just as educated as Greta.
This is why we can’t rationalise with the woke
Download link:×852/gfHp0WL2uTXbbUyg.mp4
World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018)
Devastating for the climate narrative:
Carbon-14 dating shows only 12% of atmospheric CO2 added since 1750 is manmade.
‘Much too low to be the cause of global warming.’,_Its_14C_Specific_Activity,.2.aspx
88% naturally occurring climate change eh…
What is the point of all that? The fact is that CO2, a simple molecule of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms situated either side of the single carbon atom in a linear form, does not generate heat energy at all so it cannot increase the temperature of anything. For example, cylinders of industrial CO2 do not get hot when left standing in a storage shed. Also, CO2 is used in fire extinguishers to smother a fire, ie to suppress the generation of heat from an exo-thermal chemical reaction.
The Earth temperature can only be increased by receiving extra heat energy from a source that is hotter. It cannot have its temperature raised by the internal transfer of the heat already causing that temperature, eg an household thermos flask does not make its content hotter by reflecting the content’s heat back on itself, as is falsely claimed by the UN IPCC.
When is the population going to wake up to the fact that it has been grossly mislead?
Right on Bevan.
Plainspeak hits the target.
The world needs to hear this truth!
The Ministry of Truth has deemed this un-truth: thou shalt repent thine evil thoughts! Say three Hail Gretas and donate $666 to the Clinton Foundation, or else-
Comment of the Week Award.
Je refuse.
But it is not that simple is it?
Earth’s temperature is a function of the energy coming in and also the energy going out. To further your thermos example, the earth does not have a set amount of energy coming in then it stops, it is continuous.
CO2 extinguishers work by interrupting the supply of oxygen to a fire, with some cooling depending on the distance to the fire.
It can have its temperature raised by solar radiation. The estimated “back radiation” merely changes the model equilibrium temperature by reducing the net emissivity of the earth-atmosphere.
Consider an analogy to the surface of the human body. The net radiative loss of a sedentary human is about 50 W per sq metre. But the human body’s outgoing blackbody radiation is about 450 W per sq metre. If not for the background incoming radiation a normal skin temperature could not be sustained.
Leo G:
I am not sure of your analogy. Your Earth must lose some solar radiation or it becomes warmer and/or hotter over time.
Even NASA claims that (their satellite) shows more long wave radiation out to space.
That we are realy around the current lowest temperature in the last 450 million years would seem to be unlikely that the CO2 is doing anytime. (The previous periods are End Ordovision, late Carboniferous/Permian, End Jurassic (although that was a bit warmer than present) and the current time. (CO2 concentrations are 4,500, 360, 2700, and today’s whatever) and the intervals are about 135-145 million years (or some influence from the solar rotation around the Galaxy.
Kinda wish that we only had open threads every second day, as I would have liked to see this discussion continue.
Estimates of the radiative balance are imprecise, but there clearly must be a radiative imbalance in favour of outgoing longwave radiation, even if the imbalance is only of the order of 1 Watt per square metre (referred to the Earth’s surface), and if just to account for non-radiative sources (eg geothermal).
Keep in mind that the radiative balance is supposed to be applied at the top of the atmosphere (wherever that is) and that is the model radiation surface.
When NASA or some other authority makes claims about climate change it really refers to an ill-defined homogenised surface corresponding to places inhabited by humans and where temperatures are sampled by instruments with a political bias.
Not long ago climate was synonymous with latitude, now it means whatever it is politic to mean.
Leo G:
I thick we are somewhat agrew.
The blame is that accordingly to Climate Theory (be a par kinder than hypothetic behaviour should) the heated Earth is radiative by the sun (hardly disputable) which causes the Earth to be hotter, which causes the Earth to radiate to the air (where various Greenhouse gases) absorb the radiation and send (no-where than half) back to Earth, causes the Earth to be warmer than it should be. Also, those various Greenhouse gases above the initially absorb the radiation, also send and half backwards, so the Earth is further warmed. Then the further Greenhouse gases radiate another sorbion back to Earth – in other words, no radiation gas can be (under Climate Theory) sent to space.
Unfortunately the Earth is roughly 70% water, which isn’t another as a radiative source, being more likely to use conductive and evaporations method. As a water vapour it can also conduction and given off heat of condensation into the atmosphere.
The problem, as I see if, is that there is no proof of CO2 causes in warming. If CO2 is (as claimed) causes Global Warming, why hasn’t this shown out up in historical evidence.
“those various Greenhouse gases above the initially absorb the radiation, also send and half backwards, so the Earth ”
That’s a thermodynamic impossibility but has achieved credence from having been repeated over and over thousands of times.
The so-called greenhouse gases only absorb infrared in very narrow spectral bands and the energy is re-emitted at very close to the same wavelength as absorbed. In those narrow bands the quanta effectively take a random walk through the atmosphere until either they escape to space or are converted to kinetic energy (eg by the earth or water droplets).
“Christine Anderson MEP FULL: 15-Min Cities, Climate Lockdowns & Digital Tyranny”
““The Digital Green Certificate, the COVID pass, that was a test balloon to get people to [have] to produce some kind of a QR code, just getting people used to that. Now, what they’re slamming us with is these 15-minute cities. Make no mistake. It’s not about your convenience,” argues Christine Anderson. She’s a member of the European Parliament, representing the Alternative for Germany Party.
Anderson was one of the European Parliament’s most vocal critics of COVID-19 policies in Europe, Canada, and beyond.”
More at
In comments at
“Fake Analysis by Greg Ayers and Jane Warne – Because End Justifies Means”
“Never mind harassing the BOM – just ask them why the requirement to take nearly 90,000 readings per day then disregard 89,998 of them.
Olympian Grade Cherry Picking or what…”
The formation of the long-dormant Tulare Lake was the product of an extraordinarily wet winter, culminating with a series of big storms in March.
The basin’s many dams, canals, levees and ditches normally contain the water that runs out of the Sierra and into the valley, but this year it was too much. The lakebed, which is mostly farmland with the exception of a few communities like Corcoran, has subsequently flooded. Earlier this month, more than 100,000 acres was under water.
It will continue to rain in California.,44.10,490
Area Forecast Discussion
Issued by NWS San Joaquin Valley, CA
Main concern this morning will be the development of convective
showers across the Sierra Nevada and the continuation of heat
across Central California. Satellite imagery this morning is
showing mostly clear skies across Central California with
circulating clouds over the Great Basin. Radar and upper-air
analysis is currently showing the center of circulation over East
Central NV. Upper-air analysis is also showing the Low over NV as
being part of a Blocking High pattern over the West Coast. With
that, heat will affect much of the Central California Interior
this weekend and into the start of the work week (Monday). A Heat
Advisory is currently in-effect for the San Joaquin Valley as we
are on our way to reaching the mid-90s this Sunday afternoon.
Tulare Lake will certainly not disappear this summer.
How can an unprecedented event refill an historic lake? What filled it last time and the time before that? Unprecedented is the most abused word in the globalist warmist lexicon. In Australia we have had bushfires that are unprecedented since last time. There are some very dumb people out there and many of them are either politicians or stenographers (used to be called reporters).
Unfortunately America is already at war with itself. The ‘Biden’ administration agenda is to run the country into the ground. It’s basically Good vs Evil.
Climate Heretic
Remember back then? Don’t forget.
“Memories that I will never forget of the Lemmings in our recent past.”
Via Chiefio
Good compilation.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
“Media: the Unvaccinated Are Scum”
If memory serves, the ‘Media’ considered most of us ‘scum’ long before the ‘Pandemic’ and the non-vaccine vaccine that resulted.
Perhaps we could corral them somehow and make them watch the 3 year movie of themselves?
Nah, doubt we we can induce self awareness from nothing.
“Can NMN Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide Stop Grey Hair?”
And other things
Monday morning coming down. NSW importing 1.5GW again, while 81% coal and gas powered locally (4% wind, solar not awake yet)
Eraring is going nowhere for quite a while I think.
And of course the ACT , sitting in the middle of all this, is 100% “renewable”. Yep.
“The Insanity Of CNN’s Alleged ‘Business’ Desk”
A city centre real estate problem
Same same in Australia’s big cities. Why commute into the centre of a big expensive city if the same job can be done in the suburbs or some country town? After Covid downtown Melbourne looked like a film set waiting for a shootout. Cafes open but the clientelle was twenty km away having a takeout coffee from the local MacDonalds before heading back to the spare room now an office. The effects of Covid will be felt for a long time. When many businesses can operate on line those businesses that do need an office can operate from a regional town just as well as a city centre. I wonder how many jobs were lost simply because the boss realised many of his/her workers were not really needed.
Very good article by Nick Cater in The Australian this morning, “Anti-nuclear Chris Bowen is a costly waste of energy”:
The article points out that Bowen’s rejection of nuclear for Australia is opposite to 50 other countries who are exploring or investing in SMRs.
Nick also notes that there has been no progress report on the plans to instal 22,000 solar panels/day. O(No comment about the plans to instal 40 wind turbines/day.)
SMR Nuclear Technology has obtained a cost estimate from Fluor for the purchase and installation of a 884MWe SMR – $5.4bn.
The article also comments on the faulty CSIRO GenCost report that forms the current basis fo all energy reports to the federal govt.
I would love to see a report which showed how much 340,000 windmills and billions of solar panels have reduced CO2.
After all it’s total CO2 not CO2 ’emissions’ which are the alleged problem.
And of course we all know why. The absorption of CO2 just scales up to balance any emissions. It’s called equilibrium.
Nothing humans do or can do will change CO2. That is real science, not Al Gore science.
Two such generators could quite easily be plugged in where Liddell is currently standing already hooked to the NSW grid alongside a lake if cooling water is required. Cost under $10 billion. Bowens plan to replace Liddell will involve $2 billion for windmills that work for 30% of the time and last 30% of the time plus 1800 MW h of battery to keep things going for one hour and based on Hornedale that would cost another $2 billion. Longer wind droughts, say a day, would cost $48 billion. Bowen is not only mad he is extremely dangerous and I predict he alone will cause the end of the Albanese dynasty in one term, maybe less.
Dr Aseem Malhotra Australian National Tour
Dr Malhotra coming to Melbourne 1-2 June.
I have a ticket for Thursday 1 June.
Dr Malhotta is an esteemed British Cardiologist. He was strongly pro the Covid-19 vaccinations in 2021 but then his father died of a heart attack shortly after getting the jab. Since his father had no known cardiac problems, Dr Malhotra suspected the vax.
He has become very vocal about the dangers of the vaccinations and has published a number of papers on the subject.
I’m surprised the Australian Government hasn’t tried to ban him as his opinion doesn’t follow the Official Narrative.
I hope the Left don’t organise any violent protests against him as they usually do with people with whom they disagree.
He’d be on the radar of which is a hub of today’s young totalitarians.
With the regular reporting of vaccine injuries I am surprised the TGA is still recommending and advertising boosters. Do these people want to cause harm?
Excellent video on nutritional value of eggs by Dr Eric Berg.