A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dr John Campbell has been censored. Report by Dr Philip McMillan as per following link.
In the previous thread another ian posted:
Incidentally, in the video Andrew Bridgen misquoted Einstein saying he said “when the facts change, I change my mind”.
Einstein never said that.
for origin of that quote.
Does it matter who said it? Jo’s blog is not an encyclopedia.
Some of us are concerned with correctness and I was just pointing out an error in the Bridgen video. By all means, ignore if my clarification offends you.
The pedants rule.
Quote Investigator attributes it to Paul Samuelson, 1970.
Interestingly, in 1978 Paul Samuelson attributed it to John Maynard Keynes.
And John Maynard Keynes is reliably reported as saying while at Cambridge (1902+) ‘When someone persuades me that I am wrong, I change my mind. What do you do?’.
So this is a quote which, like so many quotes, has morphed over time. Maybe it should be attributed to Marcus Aurelius around 170AD: “If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed.”.
Do facts change ? Or is it our understanding that changes and hopefully moves closer to the fact/s?
Here are some more comments on Dr John Campbell’s censorship by Dr Suneel Stand.
A tsunami of membership into the major political parties change the base change policy and become the machine.
I think a pro-freedom political movement is needed which already exists in some of the smaller parties. It would be better to join the smaller pro-freedom parties and make them big rather than try to reform the old LibLabGreen Uniparty.
We also need to cast off the philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, the major political philosopher of the UK and subsequently Canada, NZ and Australia as he did not believe in natural rights, hence the fundamental weakness of those countries.
The most influential philosopher of the United States, on the other hand, is John Locke, who did believe in natural rights and whose ideas are written into the Declaration of independence and the US Constitution, including the right to remove a corrupt government (which Locke even considered to be a duty, even greater than a right). Unfortunately after decades of infiltration and rot from the Left, the US is now a shadow of what it could be or should be with Deep State corruption, but I think there is still more hope for the US than the other Anglo democracies.
Hmmm, you may be right in the idea, but I fear that the small parties are all too random in their ideals and directions, Net result IS zero. ( now where did I get that phrase from?). Indeed the mainstream are all as one, steered by the greenblob. Doesn’t slime make a good lubricant: that’s all the greens are. – look at Scottish politics: no friction to put on the Brakes and the scot natsi party has spent at least, hunnerts o’ thoosans on suspect doobries, let alone wasted so much on public failures ( the Ferries and Trunk road Infrastructure)
Great to see you and Mark Steyn chatting today! Two of my favourite commentators.
Dr John Campbell talks about the anti-viral properties of cannabidiol, especially in relation to covid. Cannabidiol is not psychoactive.
Does anyone know if it is legally available in Australia?
If watching the video please try to use the Rumble link instead of YT as punishment for them censoring him.
I think “CBD Oil” is only available (legally) via prescription in Australia, but maybe it depends on state laws.
I buy CBD oil full spectrum hemp extract online with no problems here in Australia. Have been doing so for the past few years, a few drops under the tongue at night helps me have a restful sleep.Supposedly good for joint pain relief, but I haven’t found that to be so in my case.
Do you get it from an Australian source or overseas, Maree?
There is a new book out by Peter Frankopan. He is a Professor of Global History at Oxford University in England. The book is called “The Earth Transformed: An Untold History”. The punchline is – ‘By far the biggest risk to global climate change comes from volcanoes’.
These UN plonkers and Climate Alarmists have only looked at the World over the last 200 years at best. This Professor has looked at everything as best he can over the last 4 billion years. Top that if you can you Charlatans.
CO2 is a harmless gas that is ESSENTIAL for life on Earth. Ask the Trees and plants what they think. And then ask the Animals that need to eat something.
“Top that if you can you Charlatans.”
Beyond the 140 character limit
I have posts that went to well over 500 characters with no problem. Old Ozzie, often to his credit, does many many more.
So put that in yer’ character counter and smoke it. LOL.
This Chat Bot rubbish is NOT AI. It is not relearning but punching out the BS that was programmed in. AI seems to be Ar@e In and Ar@e Out. Garbage In and Garbage Out once again.
You don’t say.😜
So why is there all this talk of AI when it most clearly isn’t? Maybe Jo could do a piece on all of this BS.
Because the masses are too technically backward to know any better?
Remember it wasn’t knowledge that drove the Fakevax ™ uptake, it was fear and ignorance.
People believed what was publicised via the msm, and didn’t deep dive.
Or the degree and PhD qualified “experts” claiming the vax had self-assembling nano tech?
Try random contaminant clumping or the sugar that’s added as a cryoprotectant.
No knowledge of tech needed, just talk bollox.😉
You mean it is just a sophisticated buzz word generator?
They’ve gone about as far as they can go, yes sir.
They’ve gone about as far as they can go.
Even if Moore’s Law continues to hold, nobody will notice.
The cost of hardware is no longer a significant factor in computing.
Gordon Moore has recently passed away
Their BoM is not alone:
“Official Warnings
For some reason the NZ Government now has a tax-funded-double-up with Government Agency Niwa competing head on with Government Agency MetService during severe weather events. No other Government or country on earth does this – and then also severely limits this public data from public access. So it’s very important (critical in fact) for NZ’s news media and the public to note that MetService is the ONLY official weather voice from the NZ Government… it is not Niwa.”
This was released yesterday by, a private, and far more accurate and realistic, meteorological outfit, the ONLY one to correctly and scientifically, call ex-cyclone Gabrielle what it was when it arrived here on Valentine’s Day: a former, an ex-tropical cyclone – or as FijiMet named it, ‘XTC’ – downgraded 48-hours prior to reaching our shores.
As the Pythons would say: Tr’uble at mill, ma’am.
Meat is crucial for human health, scientists warn
Close to a thousand experts unite behind statement that rejects ‘zealotry’ of plant-based diets and promotes livestock farming.
Meat is crucial for human health, scientists have warned, as they called for an end to the “zealotry” pushing vegetarian and vegan diets.
Dozens of experts were asked to look into the science behind claims that meat eating causes disease and is harmful for the planet in a special issue of Animal Frontiers.
They warned that it is difficult to replace the nutritional content of meat, arguing that poorer communities with low meat intake often suffer from stunting, wasting and anaemia driven by a lack of vital nutrients and protein.
In recent years, there has been a widespread societal push towards plant-based diets, with schemes such as Veganuary and meat-free Mondays encouraging the public away from meat.
In one paper published in the issue, experts found no good evidence to support red meat being dangerous below intakes of 75g per day, and argued that the link between red meat and disease vanished when part of a healthy diet, suggesting it was the rest of the diet that was fuelling health problems.
Dr Alice Stanton, of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, one of the authors of the review, said: “The peer-reviewed evidence published reaffirms that [the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Risk Factors Report] which claimed that consumption of even tiny amounts of red meat harms health is fatally scientifically flawed.
“In fact, removing fresh meat and dairy from diets would harm human health. Women, children, the elderly and low income would be particularly negatively impacted.”
I have never seen a healthy-looking vegan.
Meat is delicious.
I would like to become disciplined enough to become a full carnivore one day and eat only meat, fish, eggs and dairy.
Plants are my food’s food.
“no good evidence to support red meat being dangerous below intakes of 75g per day”
That’s not much meat. Most of us would eat way more than that.
Bet they didn’t include any serious meat eaters in their survey.
Dave B
Israrli startup creates world’s first 3D printed fish fillet
An Israeli food tech startup has produced the world’s first 3D-printed fish filet that can go from printer to plate in minutes.
The printed fish is based on cultivated cells of grouper fish and was produced by Steakholder Foods, which uses bio-printing and bio-inks to develop meat products.
Unlike fully-cultivated meat products, which still require incubation and maturation post-printing, the startup’s technology means the fish filet is ready to cook immediately, significantly increasing production speed and reducing costs compared to traditional 3D printing.
The development comes just months after Steakholder announced a partnership with Umami Meats, the Singaporean cultivated seafood company that supplied the startup with the grouper cells. The first line of the partnership’s products will be launched in Asia.
The companies are now working to boost the printed fish’s nutritional qualities, increasing the levels of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, and macronutrients that consumers expect.
Not quite scifi replicator technology yet.
The Israelis are doing some interesting work.
I hope they print in some annoying little bones just to make the whole experience “authentic”
I got a brochure in my physical mail advertising the following event (SEE below).
You can bet that rational thinkers will not be allowed to speak or ask questions.
Junk mail !
Insect Numbers Are on the Decline – What Is Happening?
Globally, we are observing not only a decrease in the population of individual insects but also a collapse in insect biodiversity. The primary factors contributing to this alarming trend include increased land use for agricultural and construction purposes, climate change, and the introduction of invasive species due to human trade activities. These key findings were highlighted in a recent special feature on insect decline published in Biology Letters. PD Dr. Florian Menzel, from the Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), is one of the three editors of this special feature.
“As evidence of an on-going global crash in insect populations increased over the last few years, we decided it was time to edit and publish this special issue. Our aim was not to document insect population declines but to better understand their causes and consequences,” said Menzel.
Oh no! I’ll have to forgo eating bugs to save them, and tuck into some juicy beef instead.
With Chilli. 😁
The insect populations are being homogenised, says Dr Menzel.
Have a look at wind mills, they kilI tons of them every hour.
Are there any left after my windscreen sees them?
How do they not know that there were too many insects in the world before and now it is coming to the norm?
They don’t.
Secondly. Insects are horrible and cause a lot of damage. Less insects is a good thing.
This idea people have of “nature being in ‘balance'” is extremely infantile, but widely held. And biodiversity is extremely overrated.
Mysterious Surge of Activity Detected in The Brains of Dying People
Scientists from the University of Michigan in the US have detected a surge of activity in the brains of two people as they transitioned into death, with the phenomenon similar to spikes of brain activity seen previously in animals whose hearts had stopped beating.
Only last year did scientists record for the first time, in gripping detail, the brain waves of a dying person. Under tragic circumstances, they happened to record a spike in one particular type of brain activity, called gamma waves, along with changes at other frequencies.
This new study reports a similar burst of ephemeral gamma activity, in two of four patients withdrawn from life support.
Since 2013, neurologist Jimo Borjigin and colleagues have been looking for parallels in the dying human brain to what they found in rats after an induced cardiac arrest. They reasoned that the brief flares of brain activity they saw soaring far above levels of the animals’ waking state may be the biological flickers of near-death experiences reported by many cardiac arrest survivors.
The cells in the optic nerves die and fire at different rates between the outer and inner layers causing the famous “tunnel of light” that people brought back to life report seeing. Nothing spiritual, just biology.
Probably the same deal here.
Mr. Connor: Read about Eben Alexander, and get back to us.
ULEZ Blade Runners: ‘This is What Happens When Democracy is Ignored’
Dressed in a balaclava to protect his identity, the father in his mid-forties revealed he had stolen 34 Ulez cameras himself but his group and others like them have taken down hundreds.
He told MailOnline: ‘In terms of damage it’s way more than what [Khan and TfL] have stated. It’s at least a couple of hundred.
‘Snipping, damaging with hammers, painting, disabling on a circuit level and removing. They are unbolted and they are snipped. “The tools they use to install them are the ones we use to remove it.” “We don’t want this. It’s a way to try to… restrict our movements” adding “F*** them. It will not happen because we haven’t done anything to deserve it.”
And a giant middle finger to Schwab and cronies.
You WILL fail. 😆
Hey people, there’s no easy way to say this.
I haven’t left a comment here at Joanne’s site for three weeks now, and I wasn’t even sure I would come back.
After a short stay in hospital, my wonderful good lady wife of 42 years sadly passed away.
I won’t go over it all again here. The owner of my ‘home site’ asked if I would like to write about it there, and after getting approval from her three children I did just that, so you can read it there, even if it does seem odd that I am linking to my own Post there, so sorry for that.
I have been so busy since then, and yesterday was the first day wholly by myself, so I took the time to write about it. It was a cathartic thing to do.
And MemoryVault, if you still visit here, we now share a bond, good friend.
Link to Post – Barbara Lang – Finally At Peace.
So sorry to hear your wife passed away Tony. I have been married a long, long time myself and struggle to imagine how hard losing a longtime partner must be. I therefore cannot offer any advice, only my sincere condolences.
Sincere sympathy to you and your family for your sad loss.
Very sorry to hear of your loss Tony.
Thanks for sharing that Tony, beautifully and lovingly articulated. All the best.
Tony, I’m so sorry to hear that you have lost Barbara. Condolences from both my other half and me. Annie
Thankyou for sharing and my most sincere condolences.
Sympathies Tony. Always enjoy your informative posts. Stay strong.
Tony, so sorry.
Deepest sympathies
Terrible news Tony , wishing you and your family all the best in this difficult time .
As somebody who also lost his wife of 37 years some time ago, my sympathies are with you Tony. Take your time mate, it’s a lot to cope with and I believe that you will need some time to readjust your life.
Thank you for sharing your story, Tony. Most interesting.
My sincere condolences on your loss.
Thank you all so much.
While I have many things to do, I find I am part of a ‘Community’ here as well.
I know that ….. somehow, she is still with me, pointing things out to me.
Life is good!
What a remarkable marriage Tony! I feel I should say congratulations as well as condolences…
Thank you for sharing your story. I had no idea. I read it all.
You are welcome here anytime and for any reason, of course
— very much a part of this odd online village.
Thank you Joanne.
May she R.I.P.
Sorry to hear the news Tony.
My condolences to you and family.
l’m very sorry for your loss Tony
may your wife Barbara R.I.P
thankyou for the wonderful story
and god bless you for being the man you are
Always sad to hear about the loss of a loved one. All the best.
Thanks Tony for sharing your loss. Heartfelt condolences.
Sad to hear this. Hang in there.
A good friend during the 90’s passed away from Lou Gehrig disease yesterday, I was informed. He divorced about 20 years ago, but when he was diagnosed his ex came back to him and helped care for him.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Tony.
The eulogy you wrote was wonderful.
What a wonderful tribute to your wife and how fortunate that you had each other for such a long time. May you be gentle with yourself as you heal from your loss. So very sorry. ToM
So sorry for your loss Tony.
Best wishes,
Dave B
“‘The greatest crime against humanity’ in history: Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents
“In an extraordinary speech synthesizing several “headline” discoveries from analyses of thousands of Pfizer documents, Dr. Naomi Wolf presented how the COVID “vaccine” enterprise intentionally sought to not only “disrupt and impair human reproduction” but “attack” and “kill” large numbers of people, particularly in the West.” ”
‘The greatest crime against humanity’
Likely the most significant event since we stopped hunting and gathering.
The Reset, as the plan intended, has created the foundation to end the ‘nation state’ system as organized since 1918.
We have seen in a short period of time, the internet and tech industry it birthed, transform from a vehicle of freedom of expression, into a powerful tool for thought control.
Oddly, the primary catalyst for this was a media personality named Donald Trump.
The most convenient devil since The Devil and CO2.
Interesting that internet can’t quite yet control wrong thought, however an effective system of ‘official authenticification’ is being constructed.
All else is ‘misinformation’ and ‘conspiracy theory’.
A FOIA is needed for weather data.
Soon we’ll need a FOIA to get our medical records.
We are already required, by law in many places, to pretend the men are women.
(Whilst at the same time, pummeled with a ‘Science’ stick.)
You betcha, now that’s a reset Bono can be proud of.
Dr J.C has a post called German Pathology stating growth post mortem of abnormal structures. You know I felt a cringe of irony thinking about zombies.
More history around Ukraine
“Prophetic 1992 Interview with Putin Mentor Anatoly Sobchak Predicts Existential Clash”
Not much happening at the moment between Russia and Ukraine.
They’ve been putting on some pretty impressive fireworks:
In your second link, I love the giant black hand that comes up out of the earth at five seconds..
Depends who you ask. As I hear it it was solid state rocket propellant from ICBMs long ago dismantled. The Soviet state wasn’t careful about these things when they broke up. The two Alexs are Russian shills.
Both sides suffering from being unable to concentrate men, ammo and arms due to missiles/guided glide bombs.
Modern warfare makes attacks very difficult to organise, and newer weapons like drones make stalemates and attrition more common. Once your initial attack runs out of steam and the enemy can stabilise a front, it seems very difficult to re-gain any momentum.
Like the explosions, the propaganda is still amazing to watch. Any moment now I expect to read that Prigozhin assassinated Putin or Zelensky died of a coke OD.. Nothing can be believed.
Noticed NSW is way short on power again tonight , thank god for extension leads.
Any state that can’t “most times” generate their own power is mendicant IMHO.
I am not suggesting that cross-border supply is wrong. What is wrong is relying on your transmission lines to remain serviceable 100% of the time. NSW currently has a standing interstate order of 1GW+ during benign weather.
50 years ago Qld duplicated the HV line from Gladstone into the northern grid because of the risk cyclones posed to the one on the coast, but we had a pro mining premier who wanted the mining revenue to roll in 365 days/y and draglines use a lot of MWatts.
An extensive analysis / expose on the performance of “renewables” – at WattClarity – is probably beyond the ability of Energy Minister Bowen’s ability to comprehend.
It also serves to explain how and why our electricity supply grids have gone from sturdy to perilous over such a short time frame.
It seems that the much maligned Vit I has anti-cancer properties. Who’d a thunk it.
I have just seen two sites suggesting this but I’m reluctant to post links. I’m sure anyone interested will find a search will give some results, especially if “colon cancer” is included in the search terms.
But you don’t speak about ibu ? What cyclist like to take und they name “vitamine I”
Are you aware of vitamine B17 ?
Tuesday funny
A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked,
“What are those clocks?”
St. Peter answered, “Those are Lie-Clocks, Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move.”
“Oh,” said the man. “Whose clock is that?” “That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie”
“Incredible,” said the man.
“That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life.”
“Where is Joe Biden’s clock?
“His Clock is in Jesus’ office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan.
Aye that’s a good yin.
…”…. because you’re younger and smarter…” … says who? What do “they” actually mean by that remark. Hearing it a lot recently. Tucker for one. I am somewhat offended. “They ” don’t know my age or experience in various disciplines, never mind my take on the rest.
Following Dr. Roy Spence, April +0.18°C×317.jpg
And the results for Australia? Geoff?
The globe and Australia are in free fall. Snowball earth is around the corner.
Thanks, but I prefer to believe the actual data from Geoff.
“The globe and Australia are in free fall”
What a fatuous, nonsensical comment !
They are just not warming, haven’t been for quite a while.
Here is Australia for 23 years.. not going anywhere.
Zero trend in UAH Global is out to 8 years 11 months.
Again.. the real point is that the ONLY warming has come at El Nino events..
(Watch the alarmists praying there is an El Nino coming, because they KNOW the warming is NOT from CO2) 🙂
Jo now has a sporting chance of getting into USA –
“Novak Djokovic can now enter the United States and play in the U.S. Open. And our Canadian C&C brothers and sisters can now fly back and forth to America unmolested.”
From this morning’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter
Not yet. Happens on the 11th iirc.
“Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Testifies It’s Better to Get Rid of Jobs in USA, Live in Poverty and Save the Planet – Even if Rest of The World Doesn’t Do It
May 2, 2023 | Sundance | 75 Comments”
A lesson in marketing –
“The Untold Story of the Bud Light Fiasco
The “Real Men of Genius” at Anheuser-Bush have screwed the pooch in more than just one way.”
FWIW – more around covid
“I’m Forced To Update My Estimate”
Thanks a i,
Much appreciated.
To others I say:
Don’t miss this. Neat summary.
It’s quite a long read, but well worth it.
Includes cures.
Dave B
“The people’s vote
This week in The Spectator Mike Ryan revived the idea of the citizen-initiated referendum. This is a welcome suggestion and it recalls the memory that in 1987 the Centre For Independent Studies published a very well researched book on the various forms of the citizen’s vote, including the provision for recalling politicians who don’t take any notice of their constituents.”
More at
The UAH satellite temperature for April is just out. It expends the cooling period to 11 years even, starting in May 2012.
We really should make a fuss about this.
I cannot get any radio talk shows interested.
The Australian newspaper gets my monthly update but has never mentioned it.
How about some strength of numbers?
Send this link to the graph to The Australian. Geoff S ;
Thanks Geoff. Appreciated.
UAH Australia is +0.21C …. Putting 2023 as 17th warmest April in the 45 year satellite data
Thanks Geoff. Sent.
The first tropical storms will hit Southeast Asia.