Electric cars are not enough, they want no cars (for you)
Will taking a billion cars off the road change the climate or just make parking easier for WEF billionaires?
The conference-and-ski club for the uber rich has issued another white paper no one asked for. In it, the World Economic Forum that no one elected, says the world should redesign cities and reduce the number of cars to 500 million by 2050. Given that there are 1.5 billion cars around today and we’re headed for 2 billion cars by then, this means thwarting the desires of 1.5 billion people. It won’t be rich people who miss out.
It’s not clear why anyone should anyone care about the pronouncements of the Ski Club for the Stars of Money — but their strange catch-phrases have a spooky way of being parroted by our elected politician-minions. The galaxy of money that orbits the Planet WEF presumably waves their $100 Trillion dollar weight around and tells politicians “nice career you have there”. Who could argue with that?
The WEF world always looks disturbingly like a preschool cartoon.

WEF, World Economic Forum,
The WEF White paper is titled: “The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility“
The benefits of adopting their plan are, seriously, that there will be a lot less cars. They say this like that is a good thing in and of itself, rather than a deprivation. Imagine saying it would be a benefit to have 75% less houses? The assumed car-vilification is part of the packaging.
The second reason is, naturally, that it will reduce plant fertilizer (CO2), presumably stopping storms, saving whales, and calming anxious jellyfish. It will also “free up” 75% of urban public space and “save” $5 trillion a year. Sure.
WEF billionaires can give up their cars and private jets any day and show us the way, but they don’t.
The Scorecard tool is not a tool to create a future the voters voted for or voluntarily want, but it will help to bully bureaucrats into doing what the WEF want. This is the protoplasmic One World Government coalescing — issuing their policy prescription.
Look out for the keywords “SEAM Strategy” — it stands for Shared Electric Connected and Automated Transport Modes which means buses and trains and automated tracking. Any politician that starts to mouth the WEF lines should be reported to your local talk-back radio show.
Did I mention “cartoon-like”?
It’s like the wolf turned up wearing a teenage girlie magazine cover:
Presumably with all the bad press EV’s have been getting lately someone at the WEF realized they need to revive the old “public transport” canard. It’s not enough to force us out of our fossil fuel cars and into EVs, they need us to catch the bus.
Other posts on the WEF
- Evil or just Greedy? It’s time to talk about the WEF.
- Climate lockdowns coming with 15 Minute Cities? You will be tracked in your suburb and happy about it.
- It’s a cult: The WEF are the “select few” touched as saviors of the world to master the future
- UN NetZero cartel wants to make Insurance Firms into “Climate Police” but giants are fleeing
- “We own the Science” brags UN chief who works with Google to suppress climate skeptics
h/t LifeSiteNews