By Jo Nova
It’s just another climate denier with a Nobel Prize in Physics…
Dr John F Clauser of quantum entanglement fame, leaves no doubt about his thoughts:
“…climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience”.
Despite that, the ABC and BBC types won’t pick up the phone to ask Dr John F Clauser why a man with his remarkable reputation would risk looking like an idiot, and speaking up as a climate skeptic. It’s not that they are afraid he might bore the audience or sound like a kook. They won’t ask him because they’re afraid he’ll have a good answer.
How much damage would it do to the cause if the audience finds out that one of the highest ranking scientists in the world disagrees with the mantra? It would break that sacred spell. Suddenly, the unwashed masses will realize “there is a debate”, and that all the times they were told “the debate was over”, they were being lied too.
The same team that tells us that we must “listen to the experts”, won’t listen to any experts they don’t like. They rave about “UN Experts” that hide the decline, but run a mile to avoid the giants of science. They’ll ask high school dropouts about climate change on prime time TV before they interview the Nobel Prize winners. It’s a lie by omission. It’s active deception. And the whole climate movement is built on it.
The thing about skeptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make the namecalling “climate denier” program look as stupid as it can get.
Nobel Laureate: “Climate science has metastasized”
Thade Andy, RIPT:
Dr. John F. Clauser, joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, has criticized the climate emergency narrative calling it “a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.”
Along with two others, Dr Clauser, an experimental and theoretical physicist, was the 2022 recipient of the Nobel Prize for work done in the 1970s that showed “quantum entanglement” allowed particles such as photons, effectively, to interact at great distances, seemingly to require communication exceeding the speed of light.
The CO2 Coalition issued a statement when Clauser joined their board of directors in May.
His studies of the science of climate provide strong evidence that there is no climate crisis and that increasing CO2 concentrations will benefit the world,” said Dr. William Happer, chair of the board of the CO2 Coalition.
According to Dr. Clauser, …” In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”
Other Nobel Prize winning skeptics in Physics include Ivar Giaever who won a Nobel for tunneling in superconductors in 1972, and Robert Laughlin who won the 1998 Physics Nobel Prize for his explanation of the fractional quantum Hall effect.
Climate skeptics not only outnumber believers but they outrank them too — not that point-scoring in the pagan consensus battle tells us what the truth is. The point of telling the world about prizewinning skeptics is to expose the mass media propaganda campaign and the hypocrisy of their sacred cows.
h/t Eduard H, Jim Simpson, Helen D, Willie Soon.
Photo by Peter Lyons
Although the reputation of someone should not be the reason for believing them, it undoubtedly does give what they say much more credence, which is why it is so important to get the message of people like Dr Clauser into the public domain. Perhaps we need a list of prominent scientists who take a sceptic view and then put it out on all the major blogs like yours and WUWT, Not A Lot Of People Know That, etc I know that this is out there, but we need a current list and all in one place.
There are two aspects to Climate Change. The science, which we and Dr Clauser know is bogus, and the business, which is built on that bogus science.
There is going to be Hell to pay when the world finally wakes up to the fact that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does more good than harm.
Sorry Ted but there will be no “hell” to pay, people are:
A, Too stupid to wake up and
B, Even if they did wake up they are too docile to respond in any meaningful way
…and the pollies and the meejia will say they were only following “the science”.
There will be zero repercussions.
Meanwhile the scam artists will walk off into the sunset with their ill gotten bags of cash.
Keep calling it out. When the penny eventually drops there will be a rush to the exits.
But don’t forget: they’re easily led.
When the right leader comes along ……
I posted this article in my climate section of my forum.
Perhaps a group of leading climate change skeptics could sign their equivalent of the Great Barrington Declaration? It could provide a website where other like minded scientists could make known their academic position on the issue. It would at least provide a time stamp that could be referred to later by those who come to realise how much pseudoscience has prevailed in recent years
Like this.
31,000, 9000 PhD’s.
Or did I miss the sarcasm.
The disclaimer from Snopes.
Or this:
No sarcasm, I wasn’t aware of the petition. The website looks dated and Snopes did a good job of highlighting issues with the credibility of some of the signatories. The link by Peter C looks more credible and in keeping with the main topic of this thread- the need to depoliticise climate science and have mainstream media take a more objective approach when conveying articles relating to climate science. Thanks to you guys posting those links, different POVs being offered encourages debate, that’s a healthy thing
So you believe Snopes is a credible source, seriously.
Though not mentioned by BuzzFeed, the site in general also has a track record for extreme left-wing bias — as, in fact, do virtually all mainstream “fact-checkers“:
“The web site looks dated”, I think it was started in 1996, so yeah, its held up for quite a while. I bet you look dated, maybe we should disreguard what you have to say?
“Ever wondered about where the Snopes headquarters is located or who runs Snopes? You might be surprised. Believe it or not, it’s in a bedroom with a laptop placed on top of some books!”
David tied his wedding knot to Elyssa Young in 2016. Until 2015, she worked as an escort and porn actress in Las Vegas. A con man and a porn star, these are your leading sources of truth?
For Peter C’s comment
You do realise these people sign up to these things to deliberatly discredit the Article /Poll or whatever, otherwise Mickey Mouse would be running Australia.
Ah! But they are not ‘climate scientists’ and therefore do not count. Those who do count are obviously great ‘climate scientists’: Gore, Guterres, Thunberg and Coco the Clown.
That’s tough on Coco lumping him in with that lot
Look at the Clintel declaration,
I remember Prof Steve Jones being asked about climate sceptics on BBC Radio4 and said “they’re not scientists”.
I suppose professors Richard Lintzen, William Happer, John Spencer, Ben Plimer et al would be surprised to learn they weren’t scientists. Professor Jones is a geneticist so well qualified to pronounce on climate science then.
And what is the 97% man’s certified field?
This is rigt up his alley.
Now there’s a name that has not been game to pop it’s head above the parapets, Prof. Steve Jones, he of the UEA and “Climategate”.
Is he still on station?
Er, that was Phil Jones.
The thinking community should understand that “climate change” is nothing whatsoever to do with science.
It is entirely about the malicious reconstruction of Western society into the dystopian society the Elites/Regressives/Leftists have always wanted but couldn’t achieve by conventional means because no one was inclined to revolt because our standard of living was too high. (Hence the 1967 plan of Rudy Dutschke “long march through the institutions” to infiltrate communists into all Western institutions.)
And the fact that this isn’t about science, is even obvious from the name “climate science”. It is a propaganda term designed to appeal to the masses to make them think that (what thinking people know to be) the fraudulent claims of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming are something to do with science.
Why do I say “climate science” is a propaganda term?
Because you don’t use terms like “physics science”, “biology science”, “chemistry science” etc.. Those areas are known to be based on genuine science. There is no need of an “appeal to authority” of science by adding the science suffix.
It’s about social engineering and control and keeping the masses in a permanent state of panic. It is also about psychology. The technique is used by all totalitarian regimes, as both a prelude to them and during the exercise of such regimes.
What is this technique? Fear. A permanent state of fear. You see it promoted in all news reports, constantly and pronouncements from the Uniparty.
It’s also important to keep the masses ignorant. Hence the decades-long dumbing-down of the “education” system. In NZ they are even intending to stop teaching science as Jo recently reported.
Please see following excellent videos explaining the precise propaganda and social control techniques being used and what’s going on right now. I’ll trust that afteevseeing these videos, everything will make sense:
“The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis…” (16.5 mins)
“Is 1984 Becoming a Reality…” (15.5 mins)
And related, also by the same author:
“Fear Psychosis and the Cult of Safety…” (13.5 mins)
In regard to that first video about mass psychosis, do you recall how Dr Robert Mal9ne dared suggest that this is in fact what might be happening and the subsequent horrific treatment he received at the hands of the Lamestream media, fake “fact checkers” and the manipulative search engines? E.g.
By all means, feel free to offer any criticism you have of the first or other videos.
Fact Checkers? I wonder about the gatekeepers of “truth” and their obsessions. I dismiss completely any assessment of what constitutes truth by office bound leftoids.
It has always been a political “science.”
Well said, David. The other method of control is – GUILT.
We are guilty of destroying the Earth by using fossil fuels. Thus we must pay reparations to Giai ie the renewable energy crew.
Hence –
The Earth is in trouble.
YOU are the problem.
But we have a solution.
Give us your money.
Religious oppression has used guilt and fear to enforce compliance . Climate is the new religion and everyone must bow down . The next renaissance is required .
‘Climate is the new religion and everyone must bow down .’
Maybe I should have used ‘indulgences’ instead of ‘reparations’ to absolve our guilt.
No, there is “science” being used in the Climate argument, it is Political Science!
Why is there always the claim that the “unwashed masses” don’t already know ACC to be a scam?
School holidays in Oz are still in full swing, and in my neck of the woods, the place is packed with tens of thousands of visitors (all unwashed, I’m not sure) who flew in and will fly out: who take motorized fossil-fuel cruises, joy-flights, helicopter adventures etc etc. There are also tens of thousands of others who drive in and out in fossil-fueled vehicles.
Check out their home garages to discover 2-3 fossil-fueled vehicle:. their homes to see fossil-fuel-derived materials everywhere. Many live right on the seaside where the alarmists claim they will shortly be inundated.
Sorry, but I see very little evidence that the unwashed believe anything much about catastrophic global warming being a real existing thing.
Stop denigrating the people (the great unwashed) who obviously have not fallen for the BS at all. They are on “our” side, so why not cease insulting them as easily-fooled idiots?
I agree, we shouldn’t get our hackles up because the Great Unwashed Masses can’t see that “Climate Science” is not “true” and is in fact deliberately deceitful.
It’s the nature of our society that we appoint politicians to then appoint experts to deal with the needs of society.
The job of the GUM is to go to work and pay taxes.
Where the GUM have fallen down is in continuing to appoint politicians who have very obviously failed in their duty to lead us on the right path.
The rising costs of living, the smashing of education and business, the deliberate distortion of Science; COVID19 and CAGW, are but two clear examples of the failure of politicians and public serpents.
Obviously the Elected Ones are running the system for their own benefit and should be made accountability for what they’ve done and continue to do.
All their accumulated pension money should be seized and allocated to the restoration of a small part of the damages done to trusting voters.
My understanding of our democracy is that we are entitled to do that. Why hasn’t this been done.
Bribery, WEF, WHO, all interlinked.
Nett Accountability; Zero.
As David says:
“Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.”
It’s interesting to me that my BIL who makes no pretence to intellectual rigour and sophistication, can see it’s BS but my other BIL who sees himself as a urbane and sophisticated intellectual with some geological training, swallows the whole BS hook.
I don’t think the GUM are as prevalent as it seems …. I think the ones that get hooked are quite often those with some pretence to knowledge and scientific understanding and read the Age and SMH …
Last week a friend who has been following every trend that drops by the lefty inbox was telling me there’s not enough lithium to make all the EV cars. I nearly dropped my takeaway coffee in surprise. Times they are a changing!
Sorry about the coffee, but it was for a good cause.
Most people hunger for friendship/belonging and will do whatever it takes, see whatever they’re required to see to be part of the group.
And that’s the case even when they suffer in some other way because of it.
Everybody likes to be nestled up, part of the crowd.
We can hope for more, almost spilled coffee.
Here’s a well-known blogger (legend in her own lunch-time? Nah…) dealing with the GSA’a inability to agree there’s any kind of Human-Caused Climate problem at all.
The GSA is the peak earth sciences body in Oz. That means meteorologists and atmospheric scientists of all types…in addition to geologists and hydrologists vulcanologists etc etc…….
BTW: Interesting to note from my original post at #6 that some people do NOT like the common folk being given an credit at all (down-votes). Also they fear the fact that we notice the “proles” not following orders. Oh dear!
The BS surrounding fake climate science is very similar to claims that “98% of doctors smoke Camel Cigarettes ‘coz they are so flamin’ good for ya!” in 1950s TV ads. Reality is that a tiny handful of smugsters and scamsters and grifters and opportunists are on the prowl. That is all!
Grumpy today Mantaray? “Why is there always the claim that the “unwashed masses” don’t already know ACC to be a scam?”
Because there was no such claim, not today, or “always” either. Read the post. I’m denigrating the BBC and ABC, not the people. I’m describing the journalists point of view about why they won’t interview the Nobel Prize winners.
I’m the blogger who keeps posting polling data showing most people are skeptics. 90 posts so far. I have to ask, do you read the blog?
PS: Here’s me a week ago in comments at #1.1.2 making your point:
Jo. I’m always grumpy. Became a grumpy old man when I turned 13! Anyhow…
Here’s the money quote from the above article: “It would break that sacred spell. Suddenly, the unwashed masses will realize “there is a debate”,> and that all the times they were told “the debate was over”, they were being lied too.”
Kinda looks like they reckon the unwashed need waking up. My take is that are already awake….as shown by hardly any of them taking it seriously. Cheers.
You took your time Mantaray! I was born a grumpy old woman 🙂
Seems you don’t spend much time with “the great unwashed” because you don’t seem to know what they think on this matter.
I work with a lot who are in the 25 to 50 age bracket and also volunteer with quite a lot in the 15 to 20 years bracket and the vast majority DONT CARE.
They pay no attention to it at all and what little they do know has came from MSM. So while they don’t actually think about “climate change” they loosely link W & S to that topic, generally believe they will get cheaper electricity from “renewables” but they don’t actually expend any energy thinking about the topic at all – ZERO.
SO …… if/when they finally wake up and realise this scam is and has been effecting/hurting them for a long time they may band together and demand change.
That will probably only occur if their footy, fishing, FWDs or fast food is dramatically and suddenly affected.
To reiterate – they don’t think about the topic of Global Warming – at all!
Mantaray, the problem with the great unwashed is that they are living a lifestyle that contradicts a belief in climate alarmism but when asked they are either to scared to admit to scepticism or fail to realise that their lifestyle is not a green lifestyle, believing that their Teal voting and solar panels signals their virtue.
By not actively rejecting alarmism, the great unwashed are contributing to the problem.
It might just be a matter of definition, but I think you’re looking for the great unwashed in the wrong suburbs. To me, the great unwashed are the unengaged. They don’t install solar panels to change the weather, or to virtue-signal; they just hope it’ll reduce their electricity bills. Their electorates aren’t much frequented by teal candidates.
I don’t think they’re contributing to the problem at all. Our task is to convince them to reject alarmism. Declaring them our enemies is not going to help.
Robert, my definition of the great unwashed is all who are not part of the self selected elite *cough* and who have little say in things – no matter if they live in Mosman or Mossman.
William – describes my daughter and her in-laws perfectly. Daughter and SIL have two houses, one in Bondi Beach and one on Scotland Island in Pittwater. Solar panels on both, three cars, two of them EVs and totally in belief of CCC! Just back from a business class trip to the US and Europe. Would love to match them but don’t have the resources.
I tend to agree Mantaray. A helluva lot of people I interact with have similar sentiments towards climate alarmism. But, it’s not the topic that generally comes up in everyday discussion.” Hey Bill, how’s things, by the way what’s your thoughts on the subject of man-made climate change?” Doesn’t really happen in everyday conversation, unless there’s floods/bushfires or non- average type conditions. At the moment a lot of unwashed are now receiving their electricity/ gas bills- which have all risen dramatically. So, I think a lot more will be converting very soon.
Ross. Whenever I deal with people on a cold day in Paradise….and that’s a lot of people sometimes….a wry “that’s Global Warming for ya!” will quickly draw out the gullible believers.
The normies who know it’s BS will laugh in agreement, whilst the offended leftist will splutter in dire offence “Oh how dare you say naughty things about my weather-based religion you hateful bigot!”
Give it a try Ross. Or at a BBQ / picnic, look to the sky and remark “Looks like no Catastrophic Climate Change rolling in to spoil the day, eh guys?” Same result sorting the gulled from the ungulled!
My comment on a cold day in Melbourne which gets a chuckle Is “Gee, it’s bloody cold isn’t it. But Imagine how cold it would be without global warming”
We couldn’t possibly introduce real science into the Climate Change Cult could we? For years there have been great people ignored and mocked as ‘deniers’. I cannot see any chance of that changing now as governments move the whole economy into climate mode. Australia’s pursuit of the net zero treaty shows how this is on track to bring every nation under a one world government of unelected elites.
While there is no doubt that there is a censorship of climate sceptic views by the media, this is not by a totalitarian state. It is much wider than any single state and the suppression is much more subtle than the brute force exerted by Hitler or Stalin. The climate change phenomenon is much more akin to a religion, whereby the censorship is done voluntarily, in order not to become an “outcast” in society. Money is at the root of much of it, coupled with massive social pressure to conform to the “norm”.
While it is good that prominent scientists speak out, this is about like trying erase Uluru (Ayers Rock), the Matterhorn, or Mt. Rushmore off of Earth’s surface with a feather duster. Why?
Because Western Societies’ leaders have accepted catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) as an axiom. “An axiom, postulate, or assumption is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments.” [Wikipedia]
This is analogous to the Geocentric Model of the universe. When a cult, such as the ClimateCult™, is based on a false premise, or axiom, there is not much hope of piercing the veil.
The Flammarion engraving comes to mind. Something new and different needs to destroy the AGW axiom, and while many scientists have tried they have all failed.
Thank you JH.
I’ve been looking for the original (and a good copy for a prsentation I intend making.
A diverse group:
of old white men. They must be feeling pretty silly now.
Welcome to the Anthropocene, much warmer than the Holocene….
Hence, all the global chatter about introducing draconian laws to deal with “disinformation / misinformation”.
The usual suspects; criminally malicious, totalitarian vermin to the last, have long been redefining reality. First they steal your language, then your freedom (and cash). Then, if you still refuse to “submit” (sound familiar?), they kill you. If in doubt, READ THEIR OWN WORDS, especially about “right-sizing” the global population. Take careful notes and do anything possible to disrupt them.
One of the first things that “they” did when the Russo – Ukraine thing began was to entrain our mode of thinking along the correct path.
Now you know how to say Kiev and Vladimir correctment; Kiiiv and Wvlodomir.
What I can’t understand is why Putin still carries the same name.
Earlier on we white supremacists were taught to say Bombay and Calcutta correctly.
Indoctrination takes time, but they’re getting there.
Just bare your shoulder, stand still, put your hand gently on your hip and say “jab me”.
Australian place names are now being written out of history as well.
E.g. Lake Eyre, Ayers Rock, Fraser Island, Lake Macquarie, King Leopold Ranges, numerous national parks and other localities. And we are prohibited from visiting places such as climbing Ayers Rock or Mt. Warning, numerous areas at Mount Arapiles, etc..
The plan is coming together.
I linked to all the co2 Coalition scientists recently and I’m sure Dr Clauser was listed among them at the time.
BTW last time I looked at Lomborg’s team of 25 scientists, economists etc I think 3 of them were Nobel prize winners as well.
But I prefer to check the data regarding Human flourishing since 1800, 1900, 1950, 1970 and the very latest data regarding life expectancy, wealth etc.
And China’s health and wealth over the last 30 years is proof that fossil fuels are the fastest way to reach those high levels of prosperity.
And poor Africa has broken all the records since 1950 and yet they have much lower levels of energy so far, but their population ( 227 million to 1460 million) and life expectancy has boomed from 36 years in 1950 to 64 years today.
Just more proof that our Climate today is the best climate for the last 200,000 years. Just look up all the relevant data that I’ve linked to many times.
Just to add that global life expectancy in 1950 was about 45.5 years and population about 2.5 billion.
But today our global life expectancy has boomed to 73 years and today we have over 8 billion people.
This is the fastest rate of change in Human history ( at least 200 K years) and yet their so called scientists are telling us we face an EXISTENTIAL THREAT or CRISIS?
And all this the has occurred in just the last 0.1% of the Human journey?
Does anyone not understand their BS and fraud now?
Socialists don’t care what people think. In fact they despise people thinking. Men like Clauser are just fodder for the gulag.
I wonder when the oxygen thieves in the australian gov will admit climate changes constantly it is called SEASONS.
Where do you suppose society will be once some or all of the following are in place?
-Government control of supposed misinformation and disinformation as being attempted to be introduced in Australia and similar UN/WEF compliant regimes.
-Endless propaganda to lower standard of living expectations. (The primary reason living has become too expensive is wind and solar power production in anthropogenic global warming fraud promoting regimes such as Australia.)
-Endless propaganda from Lamestream media and the Uniparty and friends about imminent catastrophe due to supposed catastrophic global warming.
-People being told endlessly, as in Australia, that solar and wind power are the cheapest means to produce electricity despite the obvious fact that the more we get, the more expensive electricity becomes.
-Failure to teach science in “schools” as being proposed in New Zimbabwe.
-Promotion of insect eating for non-Elites because eating meat is “selfish” and bad for the environment.
-Enforcement of 15/20 minute cities, neighborhoods, suburbs (for non-Elites). Already trialled in the Australian state of Victoria during the covid lockups. (10km travel limitation which is 15 mins at typical speed of 40kph).
-Unaffordable gasoline. Unaffordable EVs (for ordinary people). Unaffordable electricity to charge EVs.
Regarding the misinformation bill, I recommend viewing this site – – and adding your name to the petition
I see the McKibben donkey is still yapping the same ludicrous nonsense about his so called climate crisis and why the OECD countries are not moving fast enough.
Note no criticism of the largest co2 emitters since 1988, like China and the NON OECD countries.
I wonder why?
I disagree, ‘they are on our side’ how strange ?! Who are you kidding guys?
The majority of people in Australia definitely believe that climate science is true. They are steeped in it, they have been brainwashed by the media for decades now, so that even those doing the teaching in schools believe it because they themselves were taught it. And even the Mums and Dads. And now most of them can’t wait to get their first EV and panels on the roof. And lots, lots more. After all, its free energy isn’t it, like the sun and the wind that blows. Here comes nett zero folks. They want to be part of that great Australian virtue society that can travel the world at will and with the confidence that they are saving the planet!
And if you do not agree, stop anyone on the street and ask them, or bring the subject up at your next dinner party. You will get ‘howled down’ for your troubles and labelled a denier.
So don’t tell me that the great unwashed are on our side, that is not true. The great unwashed have in fact been ‘brainwashed’ and it’s going to be a long, long haul back to reality . .
It’s all in how you ask the question Geoffrey. The great unwashed know what they are supposed to say “in polite company”. They know they will be harassed for the wrong opinion. It’s actually quite a task to get people in a safe situation and ask the right questions.
If we ask people if they believe in climate change, most say yes.
If we ask if they want to spend $5 a month preventing it, they say “No thanks”. Clearly they don’t think the Barrier Reef will really disappear next year, or the ice caps will melt.
If we were to ask “How many solar panels does it take to stop storms in Bangladesh”. They would laugh. Which is why pollsters never ask that.
A third know it’s utter junk. A third believe and and a third sit on the fence flipping depending on the exact question and the social pressure of the moment. But only a few percent bother to “offset” their flights for a paltry sum. It’s clearly not a priority. And we see that in polls asking them to rank the issues they care about. They just don’t care about “climate” policy.
In the USA, when asked, 60% thought climate change is more religion than science. But how many people have even asked themselves that question? It’s kind of like Schrodinger’s cat — we have to ask people if it is a religion for them to realize it’s an apt description. Otherwise it may not even occur to them.
People probably do think wind and solar are “free” because the costs are hidden and the propaganda campaign repeats it 100 times — but that’s a different question.
In the end the biggest problem we have as skeptics is the unwashed masses might realize the science is exaggerated but they don’t realize how much it has cost them. They don’t care about exotic climate debates because they don’t know what the bill is.
Bit hard to take you seriously with that picture
AGAIN here are all human co2 emissions since Dr Hansen’s DC speech in 1988.
The wealthy countries are OECD and the developing countries like China , India etc are NON OECD.
So why don’t our pollies, MSM and their UN so called scientists etc NOT understand the OWI Data graph?'t n
Sorry I’ll try that link again.
From the post:
“showed “quantum entanglement” allowed particles such as photons, effectively, to interact at great distances, seemingly to require communication exceeding the speed of light.”
This sort of thing worries me.
Are photons actually “particles”?
And “showed”: was that experimental proof or just wordy speculation.
I must admit to having not yet looked at the detail of the research/discovery but it sounds like something built on clay.
Sorry, supposed to be a separate post.
But to add;
A recent Nobel prize winner.
“Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann “for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming”
Chris Mitchell of the Australian did a story yesterday titled ” Timely warning of journos on the politics of the experts”. More to do with last 3 years of COVID, but in the comments section it also spilled over to climate change. Then, as usual, a contributor always quotes that “97 % of scientists” lie. That lie just never dies-its the zombie climate stat. So in reply I listed the scientists etc who are climate realists -Roy Spencer, Roger Pielke Jnr, Freeman Dyson, Anastosios Tsonis, Denis Rancourt, Harrison Schmitt, Steve Koonin. Then also added William Happer. It would have been great to also list the members of the CO2 coalition including Clauser, but to me they were unknown. I’ve never heard of this bloke. If anyone has a more comprehensive list of skeptics then please provide. Because, that damn “97%” factoid/lie will just keep rising from the grave.
Ross here are all the Scientists listed at the Co2 Coalition site and Dr Clauser is also listed.
You can find out more about each scientist at the link as well.
Thanks, I’ll have a look. The good thing Neville is due to all the ” expert” disinformation over the last 3 years of COVID, a lot of people are now beginning to wonder what other lies they’ve been told. The next big subject is climate change alarmism and I think a lot will now be ever more sceptical towards that as well.
I just tell people that the tides at Fort Denison in Sydney harbour raised 8mm in 138 years, so whats the emergency?? the 8mm is probably caused by increased bow waves from the increased ferry traffic!!!
Or the land around Sydney harbor sinking?
Science is about trying to understand the World. Climate «science» has become How to change the World?
There is no Climate Science from the UN, etc, etc, etc. There is only Climate Alarmism.
Hey, you. You the UN. How about solving World Poverty and getting rid of Despots. Oh. You are the Despots.
Right on!
Ten scientific rebuttals from Dr Greta Thunberg (LL.D) (1) He denies the Climate (2) He denies Climate science (3) He is a Climate denier (4) He denies Climate Change (5) He denies that the Climate Changes (6) He is a Climate Change denier (7) He has embraced Climate denialism (8) He denies the Climate Crisis (9) He denies the Climate Emergency (10) He denies the Climate Holocaust and the Holocaust.
That co2 will benefit the world: the biosphere runs on recycling. One thing turns to another and goes back again, or starts one place and ends in another then to go back. Any gardening enthusiast in their study of systems of life, will work this out. Furthermore, you can see that speeding up the recycling process provides a productivity. So, there is a high probability co2 would perform somewhat the same.
The Green’s argument is the opposite of this. A gas went from the atmosphere and into the ground, enabling human life to exist. The gas is extremely dangerous to the atmosphere and must remained locked up. This theory is linear and one way. Therefore, it contains a high probability of error.
It really is as simple as that to work this stuff out.
I think we are in a new place.
Once lockdowns extended beyond several months the Rubicon was crossed.
Government and Science have been exposed as the self anointed elite lying authoritarians they have been for probably decades.
Hardly any of the copious proclamations of ‘Public Health’ officials across the Western World during the Pandemic were truthful.
The colleges have produced at least two generations of Red Guards.
Here is an interview with an NYU professor silenced for daring to teach about the propagandistic elements of the Pandemic.
We now share co-existing, but non intersecting polar realities.
The politicos and the MSM will cling to the narrative, no matter the brick facts walls their empty little heads butt up against.
And P in our faces and tell us it’s Climate Change rain.
There’s an easy solution to that problem. They’ve already taken James Watson’s Nobel Prize away. Why not another?
As for the Nobel committee: if they are wondering who might be bringing the Prize into disrepute they need only look in a mirror.
At least the Nobel Prize people seem to know what Science is all about. Long may it continue.
Andrew Bolt discussed the barking mad policies of the Labor govt and the “Net Zero Australia’s” latest report July 2023 last night.
Here’s a few of the points.
It will cost us 9 TRILLION $,but Dr Judith Sloane says that is far too low.
It will require 800,000 experts to implement.
It would require an area at least 3 times the size of Tasmania or more.
Farmers should be required to go negative net zero.
And of course a new Hydrogen energy disaster as well.
All ICE to EVs vehicles etc, etc.
Listen to the Bolt Report from 2minutes 30 seconds and then to the end of Dr Sloane’s interview.
Unfortunately we could outlay many more TRILLIONs of $ and it wouldn’t make any difference to Temp or Climate at all, see Dr Finkel’s honest answer in the Senate. BUT it would BANKRUPT Australia for a guaranteed ZERO change by 2100.
the barking mad policies of the Liberal & Labor govt’s Net zero policies”
The final chapter of the excellent book The Deniers, having looked at the background of a number of alleged ‘deniers’ and their expertise in their fields, the author turned to the IPCC crew which at that time was a clique of 12 ‘scientists’. And apart from their work for the activist IPCC they had done nothing of note, left no lasting contribution to science, unlike those they called ‘Deniers’.
LOL it was written in 2008 and has not aged very well.
[…]… […]
[…] Published JoNova; Physicist Dr John Clauser, joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, has slammed the […]
[…] Published JoNova; Physicist Dr John Clauser, joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, has slammed the […]
I don’t suppose you’d care to see an image of the Atlantic smoothed by an unknown substance over an area of thousands of square miles with wave breaking suppressed up to Force 4?
The reduction in albedo and salt aerosol production might have some significant effect or not, but until someone does the science we won’t know.
You have my email.
There’s a post by me at the TCW Defending Freedom blog
Of no interest at all by the climate change freaks is that if the level of Co2 falls below 200 a process starts which CANNOT be reversed and the planet will not recover. All plant life will be on the road to extinction.
Why should anyone care? No one is suggesting that CO2 will fall below 200. And even if it did, what makes you think it is irreversible? Care to share?
This is hilarious…Clausen has never published anything related to climate. I have a mere MS in atmospheric science and I know way more than he does about the subject, just as I would not be stupid to offer my opinion on his views of quantum physics. The one things these old white guys seem to have in common is their political views, which usually preclude them from objectively examining the evidence. Meanwhile, the denialists will flail away and stutter incoherently as this summer continues to obliterate previous climate records.
Just shows how intellectually vapid an MS is these days. All that education and you can’t point to a single scientific argument. Just namecalling.
[…] Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser’s recent comments. “The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make […]
[…] Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser’s recent comments. “The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they […]
[…] Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser’s recent comments. “The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make […]
[…] Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser’s recent comments. “The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make […]
[…] Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser’s recent comments. “The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make […]
[…] Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser’s recent comments. “The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make […]