A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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David M frequently reminds us of the long march of the communists subverting education.
Well in Cheltneham, they have arrived and look down upon their domain!
Sales of blue textas are now on the increase in the Cheltenham area.
What does an Aboriginal flag even mean anyway? Aborigines were 600 disparate, endlessly warring tribes with no concept of nationhood or even a flag. And until recently when the Federal Government (taxpayer) purchased the rights to it for $20 million, it was a privately owned, copyrighted symbol.
As for the “Pride” flag, sexual matters should not be advertised on school uniforms. They are meant to be at school to learn to think, not to become indoctrinated.
Like you, I find it easy to criticise with words, but real action like law suits now seems needed. Quickly, I fear.
Is there not a legal challenge possible to the use of the term “First Nations” when used in some type of legal context, like when raising money or votes for an effort like voice?
Surely there is some relief available to combat knowingly false advertising?
I used to know quite a few lawyers who off their own bats would initiate legal cases when their concepts of protecting the public good were threatened. Not so much political meanings as wrong in historical record, wrong in science, wrong is not matching past knowledge. They seem to have gone to water in the face of cancel culture. Boo hoo.
Geoff S
Gerard Rennick loses the third and winnable spot on the Liberal National Party ticket despite word of him having Peter Duttons’s support.
Hurrah for the ‘Uni Party’.
Senator Rennick enjoying the support of his friends
The Liberal Party is making it very clear that conservatives are not wanted among their ranks.
And Dutton is making it clear that he isn’t a conservative as some claim, or he lacks leadership, or both.
Dutton supports “renewables”. He is a waste of space like all others in his party, except Senator Rennick, soon to be removed.
UK Daily Mail this morning had an article about a Smoking Ceremony for the opening of a free way extension in Perth WA.
The grand opening was going to plan until there was an altercation between 2 Aboriginal elders as to which tribe or clan, whatever, over who was the legitimate elder to carry out the ceremony. The roads/transport minister exited the scene quickly not wanting to be involved.
10 Minutes after reading the article I tried to return it but it had disappeared from the UK Daily Mail site. I may have missed it the second time but as it was the last notification I received it should have been in at least the last days list of newsworthy articles.
Two problems with this.
1). Can you even begin to imagine the arguments & pedantic behaviour of the tribal & clan elders when we have the The Voice to contend with. The country will find that forward gears have become a thing of the past as we stop & then engage reverse gear.
2). Just wondering if ALP misinformation + censorship is being given a test run.
It would appear that the UK article has been “ DISAPPEARED “ , probably after a complaint from the YES vote administration!! This incident will be very damaging to the “ YES “ mob!!
I don’t have the wherewithal to investigate this but hopefully someone reading this will know how to ferret out the truth.
231 hey you also covered it and Frank Chung article is here. Cheers.
(The internet has ears and eyes – and a quick screen grab/cut and paste. Lol
And the D (please allow ads on our site) M article is still there/here.
They probably shared the same grandmother in any case.
Was on the nightly Perth TV news, in all its glory. The Transport minister was immediately asked by a reporter as to how she thought about the debacle.
And it’s still on TV news – ceremony cost $1000, along with the suspension of a tree-planting ceremony due to WA’s new “heritage” laws. What did they expect? What a farce.
40 item on the tree planting suspension.
““Despite checking the site online prior for any Aboriginal heritage, of which there was none, a respected local knowledge holder shut down proceedings on the basis of ground disturbance and the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and the ‘significance’ of the site to the family.”
So between family significance and mystical serpents that swim up rivers keeping the peace WA farmers have no future at all.
Another compelling reason to vote NO in the referendum trap.
Mining companies have to deal with this all the time and there are hustlers out there.
read the biography of Senator Neville Bonner and you may understand the confrontations over who, where & when are inevitable.
This was relatively local. From there Bonner and his family were even on Palm Island.
The Durack family’s record (‘Kings in Grass Castles’) of their movements farming in Southern Queensland and then in the Kimberleys is similar to Bonner for the people who lived with them. Must be interesting which stockman’s offspring should be collecting the dough for the smoking ceremony and where.
‘First Nations’ is just the placeholder to destroy the one Australian people goal of Bonner, after that the whole thing will disintegrate into a bikie gang type war.
I got a copy of that book, Kings in grass Castles from a second hand bookstore here in WellingBabwe this morning.
Should be and interesting read when I get home tomorrow.
The Aboriginal “culture” is actually sorcery. This is against the first and second commandments. Those who support this are under condemnation for going along with this. The smoking ceremonies were imported from the North American Indians. It is not from here.
More like a desperate fight for food on a well weathered landscape of ‘Droughts and Flooding rains.
These hunter gatherers appear to have left sorcery behind and joined the recent arrivals to participate in the new magic. Here is one such Gentleman. I am lucky to have met plenty of these kind and generous human beings in my life and know the re-writing of history for the boring and disrespectful tripe that it is.
Thanks for putting this up.
A few months ago I came across the wisdom of Trevor Wie. He came on to a few zoom meetings that were being run by a group of locals here in NovoCastria.
He was taught the lore of the group he grew up with and gives a very positive impression of that native culture in the way he thinks and acts.
I also heard Jacinta Price speak at a meeting a few years ago in Sydney: she’s impressive.
On the other side of the coin, I see Noel P and the recent speech on TV by Linda B and don’t feel very positive about them.
But which culture, which mob and what language?
The latest claim is that 300-plus “First Nations countries” remain in Australia. That – “My mob can’t speak for your mob. Your mob can’t speak for my mob.”
So how can there be one Aboriginal Flag, a small number of “voices to parliament” that have the right to speak on behalf of all mobs?
How can fellow Australians sign one treaty for 300 mobs? – Voice+Treaty+Truth telling.
And please explain how identifying as indigenous ancestry and ignoring non-indigenous ancestry could lead to special rights like unelected second voices to elected parliament?
There are many other questions.
All good points Dennis, but the perspective given by Broadies comments and links is fascinating, even inspiring, and should be told.
Whilst on education, RT reported Brown University in U.S. has 38% of the students identifying as “Alphabet” futile sexual orientation (AFSO). Given that XX individuals make up 60% of the enrollment, when you add the AFSO with 20% of XX that won’t reproduce (Hypergamy- XY must have equal or better educational standards), ~58% of the XX will be childless. That is very impressive and goes to predict a further decline in births/aging of the population. Go long on boxed wine and kitty litter. The confounder is the number of “Bi” (but they don’t exist as everyone knows there is more than two genders!) XX. I also noticed how the feelers were put out so that children would be “Communal property” so the AFSO brigade are consoled over their biologic nihilism.
From the Royal Commission Report –
“Robodebt was a crude and cruel mechanism, neither fair nor legal, and it made many people feel like
criminals. In essence, people were traumatised on the off-chance they might owe money. It was a costly
failure of public administration, in both human and economic terms.”
Page 35 of the Report – Volume 1
Pales into comparison to the Superannuation Guarantee Charge. There will be no small employers. Those that survived the Fair Work Act are toast when subjected to an SGC claim.
Even if you are not a solicitor with an accounting background and you employ someone, be afraid! be very afraid!!!
Quote from Johnny Rotten (John Lydon) of the Sex Pistols.
I’m not here for your amusement. You’re here for mine.
– John Lydon
Yeh! Wealthy kids sticking a safety pin through their nose and their heads through a wall. Much more innovative than the modern self mutilation of sitting and feeling sorry for yourself and hoping for attention.
Funny thing – the young who cannot afford morgages can afford multiple tattoos.
I’ve always thought the theory of man made climate change to be well, just that, a theory. In the early 1980’s I heard of a thing called the ” greenhouse effect” which I have always thought a ridiculous analogy, to say the least. This continual “looking up” to provide reasons for climate change has so many exceptions and faults it’s too long to list. In the last 10 years my thinking of the reasons of climate change have changed direction. I’m now looking down under our feet, rather than looking up and hurting our necks. Climate change/ Global warming has very little to do with atmosphere. It’s all mostly oceans and geothermal effects which happen in cycles. Just recently the “Exothermic Core Theory of Climate Change” has gained some traction in some circles. It’s extremely explanative and compelling. Makes much more sense than all the other illogical nonsense. Cows eating green grass causing climate change – yeah, sure, as if that is believable. The earth has a ginormous molten core at super high temperatures and we KNOW a lot of it escapes to the outer mantle. Makes more sense to me.
Milankovitch got it right. It is Earth’s orbit.
All the long trends now apparent in the satellite data are following the solar intensity but lagged by hundreds to thousands of years due to the thermal inertia of the oceans. The reason the average temperature is rising as the peak sunlight moves from the Southern Hemisphere to the northern hemisphere is because the NH is 50% land while the SH is about 20% land and half of that is a block of ice. The distribution of land across the hemispheres combined with the fact that land has lower thermal inertia than water means the SH is not cooling as fast as the NH is warming so the average is increasing
However, on average the region of the globe south of 40S is not warming. The region that is warming most is the Greenland plateau during the boreal winter. The Southern Ocean and Antarctica are cooling.
The boreal autumn has a strong upward trend in snowfall:
This will accelerate as the NH oceans warm up as it puts more water into the atmosphere in August that ends up over land just as the NH land is cooling below zero in November. The snowfall will eventually overtake snow melt again and sea levels will fall around 4mm per year.
Milankovitch only got it a bit right. The huge changes in energy required for glaciation/de glaciation phases are not fully explained by the variance of the 3 different earth cycles, particularly the big one around the sun. Maybe party responsible, but not fully. Certainly I was a big fan of Milankovitch about 20 years ago because it provided evidence that the earth’s trajectory changes in a way not a lot of people knew about. He was also folk hero type because of his lack of science credentials etc.
There is a Milankovitch calculator here.
Ross you might be interested to know that since the 1950’s Earth scientists have hypothesised that hydrocarbons ( gas and oil ) are produced by natural processes in the mantle above the core. The deeper the mantle the more methane produced. The latest is Prof Lefei from Peking University. He has demonstrated that large amounts of methane can form during prograde metamorphism in a cold subduction zone, he is talking about 10.8Mt/y globally.
He says methane is produced by water-rock reactions during the prograde high pressure to ultra high pressure
Abiotic methane is released into the atmosphere from mid ocean ridges.
British scientists have shown that methane disappears from the atmosphere in the northern summer months because it is broken down by UV light, the C and H rebond with free O2 to form CO2 and H2O.
Thanks Chris, also part of the Exothermic Core Theory of Climate Change theory. Part 2 of this theory when they describe heat hitting the asthenosphere. A term I had not come across before. So had to look it up. “the denser, weaker layer beneath the lithospheric mantle. It lies between about 100 kilometers (62 miles) and 410 kilometers (255 miles) beneath Earth’s surface. The temperature and pressure of the asthenosphere are so high that rocks soften and partly melt, becoming semi-molten”.
As the old saying goes “It is easy to identify the best man at a nudist wedding”.
Guess the same can now be said of the swimwear walk at beauty contests.
He’s the one holding the donuts? 😆
The “new women” are easy to spot though:
Being below sea-level already, didn’t think the Nether-Regions could sink any lower…
Well THAT’S ruined all my fond memories of lovely Dutch women I’ve known. Those poor finalists – the real women – having to smile and clap: ya pays ya money, ya takes ya chance. RIP Nederlands. Another one gone.
You’ve seen some of those latest updates on how the US military is promoting equality?
Compare the image in the second one in this to some of those – and Sitrep 7/6/23
Incidentally she is standing by bits of one of those “unstoppable Storm Shadows. More of that further down further down
Yes, that gorgeous young lady leaning on the Storm Shadow at the bottom of the article.. Make a great advertisement, although not for the missile.
The West will sink without trace.. sadly, well-deserved!
NATO will be very happy when Albo hands over old jets to Ukraine.
‘Any decision by Australia to send retired fighter jets to aid Ukraine’s resistance to invading Russian forces would be welcomed by “cheering” from Europe, according to Lithuania’s foreign minister.’ (ABC)
There is one F18 not being handed over, number A21-201 I think. Looks impressive up close.
There appears to be three of them in Australian museums.The one I know is A21-101.
Yes all those F/A-18s will make good barricades in Bakhmut as thery are not much good for anything else
I think it was on Simplicius I read that the Ukies don’t want to get in the NATO vehicles as they are the armour that gets targeted first by the Russians.
Its been some months since a company set up a cash rewards system for any Russian soldier destroying the NATO gear, it was worth quite a bit in terms of Russian incomes. Maybe it helped point them in the right direction.
I’m sure they would rather walk in the open.
Do you know anything about jets or do you pick up facts from twitter?
A good jamming pod and they would be more than useful.
The retired RAAF F/A-18 Classic Hornets are in excellent condition and in storage, some have been purchased by the Canadian Air Force.
Without going into a lengthy description they are equipped to carry latest model missiles and would be a very useful asset for the Ukraine.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists
“This work is truly a masterpiece of Soviet scholarship. It is so good in fact that I had the author sent to a Siberian Gulag in order that I could claim authorship.”
— Joseph Stalin
“The Idiots Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists is required reading for all WEF Young Leader’s Program indoctrinates. I can think of no higher praise.”
— Klaus Schwab
“As you know, I am Science. But if you want to know how Science is made, look no further than this brilliant, highly researched and purely evidence-based publication. I even have a copy on my nightstand signed by President Xi that he gave me to celebrate the opening of the Wuhan Institute of Virology!!”
— Dr. Anthony Fauci
Extremely long read.
I’ll rip it to pdf sometime…
‘Uncontrolled Experiment’: How Smart Devices Are Damaging Kids Brains
As little as two hours of screen time per day can impair a child’s thinking and language skills, interfere with sleep, and increase anxiety and depression.
Children ages 9 to 10 who use electronic devices for seven hours or more per day exhibit premature thinning of the brain cortex, the outer brain layer that processes information from the five physical senses.
As little as two hours of screen time per day may impact cognition, resulting in lower scores on thinking and language tests.
Infants under the age of 2 do not effectively learn language from videos; they need live interaction.
Babies do not transfer what they learn from the iPad to the real world. For example, the ability to play with virtual Legos does not transfer over to the skill of manipulating real Lego blocks.
Apps and social media are designed to be addictive, and young children are far more susceptible to addiction than adults.
Never mind, they’ll come up with an mRNA fakevax to “treat” it.
Tech detox camps will be all the rage. Fresh air, exercise, human contact, mental & physical health…probably be banned by the WEF…
The Hunter Biden Saga.
Joe Biden uses the FBI and DOJ to protect his son, Hunter.
Left media bleats that it’s so wonderful that Joe is protecting his beloved son.
Brings a tear to the eye that Joe is such a wonderful Dad.
Joe is protecting Joe, because he knows that when Hunter goes down, so does he.
Tesla EV sales
So they are selling very well according to VFACTS. Sales growth has been phenomenal.
lots of figures here:
Reading some of the comments, “so what, no ones buying sedans much anymore”
Around 17,000 sedans sold in June 23, including Teslas,(7018 units) Sales 3,900 % up year on year…in a deceasing market
and around 66,000 thousand SUV’s sold in the same month
What I’d like to know, I’m curious
What demographics are buying these cars?
ie gross income
How many are repeat buyers or first time buyers?
How many are buying them for their “green” credentials?
It’s noted that Model Y sold 5560 units and model 3 sales actually dropped from 3097 units to 1458
I’ve ridden in a Tesla (as a passenger) and I don’t get all the fuss, it’s just a car with a huge LCD screen which seems ridiculous in size, and it runs on electricity and not petrol, so what? Then people talk about the acceleration, again so what? 0-100 in 4 secs, yeah so? Legally we can only do 100-110 on the roads.
The low maintenance cost doesn’t offset the zero residual value once the battery dies so it’s a no thanks from me.
There has never been a financial justification for choosing an EV over a comparable ICE
Choose your ICE carefully [Toyota?] and look after it, those “tens of thousands of parts” are low maintenance too.
.. i assume you mean the Teslas ?
Those numbers are distorted still by the unusual state of supply chain restrictions .
Most of the numbers are vehiclles ordered some months ago and you only need one shipful of a specific model (Tesla Y ?) to sail in on a particular month to heavily distort the sales mix.
Tesla buyers are normally a committed Tesla fan, not interested at all in any equivalent EV,.
They are like footy club supporters, they wont change until Musk is revealed as a con artist.
But in honesty, anyone with a leaning to an EV will find it hard to ignor Tesla’s model range
“How many are repeat buyers or first time buyers?
How many are buying them for their “green” credentials?”
How many are Govt Depts buying them? Virtue-signalling Councils? Private companies trying to get Greenwashing points on their ‘Attributes’ ledger with Govt Depts?
In Australia, without building more coal, gas, nuclear or real hydro power* (not SH2) stations, EVs will soon become unaffordable to charge as electricity prices continue to go through the roof as more and more expensive wind and solar pollutes the grid.
* NOTE: There is not much potential left for hydro in Australia, most of the good sites are already used or in protected wilderness areas.
Yes, but providing everything you need is within battery range after you put the solar panels on your roof the recharge cost is zero.
Lots of trade offs to calculate for my household in the near future. The idea of powering the air conditioner and the pool from a solar system is quite appealing.
So check insurance Terms & Conditions and estimated trade-in value over the years you intend to keep an EV, but noting that by 8 years the battery pack will be struggling to maintain a charge even close to useable original range.
Second-hand is also a problem not knowing the charging history and usage of the EV, fleet vehicles probably the highest risk. For example, regular recharging above 80 per cent not recommended. Regular fast charging hastens battery deterioration.
And if involved in a collision the insurer will probably decide it’s a write off because of undetectable battery pack damage.
However, value for money compared to an equivalent ICEV not much.
Quite so Dennis and I have no interest in buying an EV. What I did was to provide a counterpoint to David’s assertion that EVs would become unaffordable to charge.
They may or may not depending on where you drive them and whether you have your own solar panels on your roof.
Monday funny: some cartoons
Australia’s Cybersecurity Chief Confirms ‘Sensitive Government Information’ Stolen by Russian Hackers
Australia’s newly appointed national cybersecurity coordinator, Air Vice-Marshal (AVM) Darren Goldie, has confirmed that Australian government entities embroiled in the HWL Ebsworth cyberattack have had their “sensitive personal and government information” stolen by Russian cybercriminals.
This comes as over 40 Australian government agencies are feared to have been impacted by the database hacking, including Australia’s four major banks.
AVM. Goldie said that he is working with the law firm EWL Ebsworth to understand the full extent of the data breach.
“I am actively engaging with HWL Ebsworth to understand the complete picture of this incident, including how their private industry clients have been impacted, as the data analysis continues,” AVM. Goldie said in a statement on July 5.
“Impacted entities are commencing the process of notifying affected individuals about the impacts the data breach has had on their information.
“We will work to ensure the lessons from this incident are shared so that we can continue to collectively bolster our responses to cyber incidents.”
Departments such as Home Affairs, the Australian Taxation Office, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), the Defence Department, and the Australian Federal Police have been impacted by the database hacking of HWL Ebsworth.
Other governmental departments include the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Treasury, Education, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Industry, Science, and Resources, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), ASIC, the Parliamentary Budget Office, the Fair Work Ombudsman, and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
National Security Potentially At Risk
Shadow Minister for Home Affairs and Cybersecurity, Senator James Paterson, said that sensitive information related to defence and national security may have been taken during the cyber breach.
Maybe we need a cybersecurity taskforce!
Oh, we have one..
Not the “Communist Elders” the Uluru Statement architect and others have thanked?
Tech giant Meta to ‘safeguard’ Australian referendum integrity, arbitrate truth
Meta, Facebook’s parent company, is the latest international mega-company to get involved in Australia’s upcoming referendum regarding an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, after Pfizer pledged its support for the Yes campaign earlier this year.
Meta will provide an undisclosed amount in funding to ‘fact-checkers,’ will provide specialised ‘social media safety training’ to MPs and advocacy groups, and will block fake accounts in its bid to, “combat misinformation, voter interference and other forms of abuse on our platforms.”
Meta’s platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Whatsapp and new Twitter competitor, Threads.
Fact-checkers named as recipients of Meta money include the Australian Associated Press (AAP) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) ‘fact-checking’ unit, both of which have been responsible for publishing false claims as ‘facts.’
For example, AAP falsely claimed that the Australian Government had not tried to hide reports of Covid vaccine adverse reactions. Documents released under FOI request have revealed that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) did in fact hide child deaths reported following vaccination, due to concerns that disclosure, “could undermine public confidence.”
In another document release, the Department of Health was shown to have actively sought for the removal of Facebook posts describing users’ adverse reactions to Covid vaccines.
RMIT’s ‘fact-checking’ unit falsely ‘debunked’ claims that Covid vaccines were affecting women’s menstruation. RMIT also falsely claimed that, “evidence overwhelmingly shows that masks and lockdowns do work,” failing to address the many peer-reviewed studies and reports finding the ineffectiveness of masks and lockdowns.
Phew! No worries about integrity then…
Nickel, yet another dirty secret of supposedly going green.
Until recently I didn’t realise that there was an attempt to patent the human genome
Some on that here –
“Free genome databases finally defeat Celera”
More on the role that The Welcome Trust played in “The Gift” chapter of “Backroom Boys” by Francis Spufford
‘Joe Biden on Monday described the UK-US relationship as “rock solid” at talks in Downing Street with Rishi Sunak.’
Like a coprolite.
Voice+Treaty+Truth telling explained by Teela Reid, an Uluru Statement committee person colleague of Thomas Mayo.
Leading member of Just Stop Oil is revealed to be sitting on an estimated £1million pension pot from… Shell
The hottest day eva:
World daily temperature records smashed — here’s how we know
The output is neither University of Maine nor NOAA specifically – it is NCEP’s CFSV2/CFSR.
NCEP CFSV2/CFSR is just 1 of at least 14 reanalysis datasets. See the 14 via WRIT here:
Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Monthly/Seasonal Time-Series
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is an arm of the NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS),
NOAA’s NCEI claims the Global Forecast System (GFS) where they say GFS “is a model”. But the page then redirects to NCEP:
Global Forecast System (GFS)
Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) next comment.
Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS)
Observation Types
Wind Profiler
Aircraft Reports
But remember, the “hottest day” records come from CFSV2/CFSR – not GFS.
And the records are from initialization data – NOT modeled forecasts.
The observationally constrained initialization data is an output from GDAS.
That in turn is input initialization for forecasts: GFS, CFSV2/CFSR, or whatever uses GDAS for initial data.
Avoid fake news. Don’t go by press agencies – go to the sources.
>”Global Forecast System (GFS)”
Karsten Haustein has the GFS 2m-T anomaly timeseries and forecast:
GFS 2m-T anomaly
Note at the bottom of graph is “GISS adjusted”. You can read in his FAQs why he finds it necessary to “adjust” the reanalysis but I’ve followed this anomaly every day for years and it doesn’t seem to distort the series that I can see.
Now that Big Climate is referring to absolute timeseries and records these anomaly series have been relegated somewhat (good). Still, I do find the GFS 2m-T anomaly useful in regards to “climate change” (or not).
>”The hottest day eva”
Daily 2m Air Temperature [CFSV2/CFSR]
Now down to 17.11 from 17.23.
But Choose Area: Antarctic
Antarctica is what is driving this current effervescence. Except the current swing, as large as it is, is still within the 2 sigma range.
And the 2023 profile looks little different to 1980 i.e. no “climate change”.
Urgent NEW WARNING as rare DEADLY VIRUS heads to Europe and USA
To somewhat misquote –
“And still they hope, and still the wonder grew – – ”
“ABC News- Ten positive tests and counting: The mystery of why some people just keep catching COVID
Recently Marion has resorted to giving up going into the office, resolving to spend three months working from home in a desperate attempt to out-manoeuvre the virus at least long enough to get a fifth vaccine dose. Right now, she says, a six-month break between illnesses is little more than a pipe dream.”
From the link
“Ten positive tests and counting: The mystery of why some people just keep catching COVID”
“Telegraph: “How central bankers got it spectacularly wrong on net zero inflation” ”
“We can only hope that at least one central banker is brave enough to remember their first duty is to the public. It will only take one central banker to tell the truth, to shatter the green mirage, to awaken everyone in the financial world to the reality that renewables are a dead end. Because if no central banker has the courage to step forward and say “enough”, we are all in for a hell of a ride.”
Something else for “ElBowen” to not read
“Musings on Forest Fires, Fuel Load, Dr. Ehrlich and the CO2Fertilization Effect Upon U. S. Forests”
Note the “miraculous reappearance” of that pre-1983 data?
“Incoming” economic trouble for US
These signs hint that travelling may soon be restricted
These people are Nuts !!!!!!