A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Tensions emerge between state and federal governments over Australia’s energy grid roadmap
Cracks in the unity of the nation’s energy ministers have emerged amid disquiet over a review of power grid plans and an effort by the federal government to force carbon offsets from big new gas fields on to the states.
Almost two weeks on from a gathering of energy and climate ministers in Tasmania, senior officials expressed concern about how the review of the integrated system plan (ISP) – the grid’s roadmap – would be handled. One concern was that the federal energy minister, Chris Bowen’s department would be handling the review.
“Any review has to align with the ambitions of each jurisdiction,” one official said. “We’re not there for the commonwealth to tell us what to do.”
Although, apparently not for Queensland’s Mick de Brenni – arguably the second stupidest of Palacechook’s Cabinet;
“Neither I, nor anyone that I know of in an elected position, has any doubt in the ability of a federal agency to deliver high-quality, independent advice,” De Brenni said.
The agency he refers to is AEMO.
Oh dear…………………….
The other day I met Senator Babet, UAP (VIC) and he made the comment that unbeknown to most people, when Labor needs votes in the Senate, they can rely on some Libs crossing the floor and voting with them. Further evidence that they really are a Uniparty.
I think most people know that can happen. I’d be curious to know on what policy or legislation Babet thinks that would happen. More particularly, what Lib senators he has in mind.
Easy to make the claim. Not much good without the detail.
We are nowhere closer to ending the CO2 is evil drama than we were ten years ago.
The scientific truth is in two parts and is incontrovertible.
First: There is no scientific mechanism/process that supports the claim of CO2 induced Global Warming.
Second;”and this is really unnecessary, but just for good measure;
The thermodynamic analysis of the capacity for CO2 to “carry” and spray extra heat in terms of its capacity to warm “stuff” is miniscule and would be irrelevant.
The Thing is a Great Big Lye.
How do they get away with this?
Our society is dysfunctional in allowing the damage caused by the so called remedies.
“How do they get away with this?”
The important thing is to make it a really BIG LIE.
Similarly with Covid .
But cancelling education in schools can be very helpful too. Functional illiteracy in science can do wonders.
And then there are levy bodies to promulgate the lies .
A corrupt academia is always useful.
And you can always enlist third parties , like churches , sports personalities, and not forgetting government -funded media.
Then silencing dissidents and sceptics should finish the job .
Need anything else?
The debate on CO2 goes on and on, why?
WHY are sensible people arguing about photons.
February 17, 2018 at 9:20 pm
The illusion of debate is a good title to prompt assessment of the Man Made Global Warming Meme.
There is only one truth that needs to be substantiated and that should be obvious, however the waters have been muddied so much using irrelevant factors that most of the public and all of the politicians just don’t know.
The basic concept of CAGW, put out by the warming community, is that CO2 is a heat trapping gas.
The whole scam is based on one mechanism: the idea that carbon dioxide is a heat trapping, “greenhouse” gas.
I have said that twice for a reason: it is the core concept on which CAGW stands or falls.
IT IS NOT A HEAT TRAPPING GAS and must resolve to equilibrate with gases surrounding it: Instantly.
It is known and accepted by all scientists with basic university degrees, there is no mechanism by which CO2 can adversely affect the atmospheric temperature.
Why has this point never been examined in court?
We should no longer debate the warmer deliberations because we need to go to the core of the issue: that CO2 cannot act in the way they claim.
This is the scientific truth of the matter.
There never was and never will be any human caused Global Warming.
We need to start attacking this point.
Real science is quite clear: CO2 is NOT a heat trapping gas any more than any other gas and cannot be responsible for changes in Earth’s atmospheric temperature.
All other debate around global warming is irrelevant, pointless and deceitful when this fact is ignored.
Why is this fact not used as the basis of a court action against all of the “misdirection” of public funds justified by association with the CAGW scam.
Warmer advocats have avoided facing the question on the basic mechanism by endlessly debating non issues and have given the Illusion of Debate while hiding from the
real science
I think Venus with a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide than the Earth provides the best answer to the problem. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface is 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus. The mass of the atmosphere of Venus comprises 96.5 percent carbon dioxide and 3.5% Nitrogen. The observations from the Magellan mission show that the atmosphere of Venus is at one bar pressure at an altitude of 30.75 miles. The only significant change to the temperature of the atmosphere of Venus is with altitude, the atmospheric temperature drops by an average of 100 Kelvin for every 11 miles, up to an altitude of 60 miles. From Venus the Sun appears 38 percent bigger than it does from the Earth, an atmosphere that is 93 times both the mass and the surface pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere. The surface temperature of Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan and Triton follow these rules. But I think the simplest way of proving that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
Yes, key words; “molar mass”.
Atmospheric gases are best seen as blobs of matter carrying energy received in collision.
Thank heavens there was no mention of the dreaded “Photonz”.
It is a known scientific fact that our Sun is the creator of all the planets in our solar system. Does it not make sense that since Venus is closer to our Sun it will absorb more carbon dioxide from the Sun than Earth? We live in an electric universe. Our Cold fusion Sun, the electric Star evidence in CO2. If the Big Bang composition of the created elements is universally similar, it shouldn’t be possible that the Earth has extremely small amounts of CO2 in its atmosphere, while the atmosphere of its neighbor planets is made up almost entirely of CO2. This shouldn’t be possible. It is a paradox. The paradox becomes resolved when we recognize that all the carbon and the oxygen for the CO2 in the solar system were synthesized on the Sun from plasma by electric fusion. With this being recognized, the paradox becomes resolved as part of local distribution characteristics. We can sometimes see with our own eyes, on rare occasions, that the atomic elements in the solar system were synthesized on the Sun and flow away from the Sun with the solar wind.
I’m fairly sure on one of Dr Brian Cox’s (BBC?) docos, he stated that Venus is hotter than Mercury (even though it is further from the sun) because of runaway global warming due to H2O. Luckily we haven’t got much of that!
‘How do they get away with this?’
I blame the MSM from the start, the free press exaggerated and science boffins got grants to pursue their meme. It grew like Topsy.
We have to convince the MSM that this global warming spike is not unprecedented.
El Gordo. Do you believe in “instantly” as a physical possibility?
Yeah, “instantly” was just used to get your attention.
The basic thing is that the atmosphere is always moving towards internal equilibrium for the parcel.
As warmer, expanded air rises is gets to a lower temperature zone where it has to find a new equilibrium, and so on.
A refresher leafy one?
Physicist: CO2 Retains Heat For Only 0.0001 Seconds, Warming ‘Not Possible’
10mSec is for all practical purposes “instantly”.
The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.
You are confusing science with religion Simon
That’s quite amusing, coming from someone with a reputation of following a belief system rather than objective facts.
Maybe it’s a sign that you’re beginning to understand what science is… stranger things have happened.
Simon >”The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
Is this the “science” that the WEF/UN owns?
WEF/UN: “We own the science.”
Or the Fauci genre:
Fauci: Attacks on me are really also ‘attacks on science’
Or is it the science, actually physics, of Optics i.e. radiation, and radiation-matter interaction?
Hopelessly deficient in IPCC reports so reports are impossible to be true in the first place.
Or are you alluding to science fallacies ?
Like CO2 is a “heat trapping” gas when a) heat is a transfer process – not a trapping process, and b) CO2 transfers radiative energy by collision and re-emission; thermalisation is extremely short and transitory.
Context matters.
“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
But what about when the ‘science’ has ‘changed’.?
I’m glad the ‘science’ of Climate Change has not ‘changed’ … and will not change … truth will reign when the glaciers stand inert.
At least historical temperature extrapolations are more accurate than this:
‘Science’ is not fashion, anyone who says otherwise is a MAGA Dogface Pony Soldier.
Fun day at JoNova.
Science has said many things over time that have proven not to be true. Its just our best current view of the world, which changes over time.
Simon >”The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
“Combustible Mixture Of Ignorance & Power” – Carl Sagan Warned ‘Authoritarian Science’ Would “Blow Up In Our Faces”
Carl Sagan Issues Prescient Warning of Authoritarian Science™ From the Grave
Because the education curriculum in Australian (& ditto most wrester countries)is no longer structured to develop critical & independent thought. This, combined with post war “affluenza” has inhibited outspoken criticism of “accepted” ideas – with the exception of blogs like this (thank you Jo, you are an angel!)
Simons no Gen Zeder, so it goes back a fair way.
So we now see the full purpose of Naplan, to see how well they are dumbing them down
Posted at 6.15am
Updated at 8.45am
When you get to the article it changes again to read
Just to clear … the original headline and article both included the 7.5 billion figure – this was not an editing error – as the accompanying nationally broadcast video evidences , that still calls it a once in a 7.5 billion year event (at the 2.40 mark*).
• Audio further updated at 12noon to reflect Millions not Billions.
EDITOR’S NOTE – July 24, 2023: The original version of this story said the sea ice level event occurred every 7.5 billion years. This has since been corrected to 7.5 million years.
We read with HORROR the current agitprop …
“Earlier this year, scientists observed an all-time low in the amount of sea ice around the icy continent, following all-time lows in 2016, 2017 and 2022.”
“But this year is different. For the first time, the sea ice extent has been unable to substantially recover this winter, leaving scientists baffled.”
“For those of you who are interested in statistics, this is a five-sigma event. So it’s five standard deviations beyond the mean. Which means that if nothing had changed, we’d expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 million years.”
Any statistician (or honest reporter) could easily do a simple Google search and find that a 5-sigma event is a one in 3.5 million event, not 7.5 million and certainly not a one in 7.5 billion event.
A 5-sigma events typically suggest that some new or unknown phenomenon has or is occurring.
“There are people saying it could be natural variability,” he said. “Absolutely we can’t conclusively rule it out yet. But it’s very unlikely.”
One would hope that this scientist is eager to identify this new or unknown phenomenon.
Now to reason for all this scaremongering …
“The consensus statement at the moment would be that this is largely anthropogenic forces that have caused the ocean to warm, for the atmosphere to be highly disturbed and to affect the sea ice,”
Ever since James Hansen hectored from the lectern, the United States Senate on Jun 23rd 1988, the developed theories about global warming/climate change have all been predicated on the ‘boiling frog’ approach.
This’ boiling frog’ approach has worked remarkably well when discussion turns to Artic sea ice levels, but has failed miserably to explain Antarctic sea ice level over the course of last 35 years.
Yet, here is the ABC misrepresenting the 2023 Antarctic sea ice level & 5-sigma events in the name of ‘climate change’ and murdered frogs.
Obviously no one at their ABC has any clue how old the earth is.
Yep. They just multiplied the probability by years. It is pretty sloppy.
The AFR gets its Millions and Billions mixed up all the time. That’s what happens when you no longer employ proof readers.
But they are not really typographical errors.
The “journalists” are just clueless. They don’t have adequate general knowledge to have any clue what the truth is. Thousand, million, billion, trillion, it makes no difference to them. They neither understand or care.
– JR, that’s what happens when your education system is floundering.
ABC = All Bollox & Cobblers.😁
Antarctic sea ice extent is almost six standard deviations below the 1991-2020 mean, which is roughly a 1 in 1 billion chance of happening if the climate was unchanging. Clearly that assumption is false.
Simon – this assumes so many things. A null hypothesis of unchanging environment is itself absurd and a significant deviation is, as the researchers admit, uninformative of the cause of the change.
The big problem is sample size. They are extrapolating those SDs based on a rather small data set so that the SD actually is poorly estimated, even if mathematically correct using the available data.
Another aspect to this is whether SD is a good statistic in any case. Weather and seasons can produce episodic data that has nothing to do with trends. Think of some of the monsoonal events that happened recently in eastern Australia. No one should have been saying they are x standard deviations as it is the wrong stat for episodic events.
The rule of thumb that you need thirty years to discern a trend is insufficient during rapid climate change. This is a good article discussing the uncertainties.
Simon >”The rule of thumb that you need thirty years to discern a trend is insufficient during rapid climate change”
You’re implying the 2023 Antarctic sea ice anomaly – a ONE year aberration – is “rapid” climate change.
Isn’t that a stretch ?
Simon >The Conversation – “is-it-really-hotter-now-than-any-time-in-100-000-years”
In the CO2-forced models yes.
In reality no.
Scroll down to #7:
“1.5 C Limit” Anomaly
If 1.5 C is highly unlikely, 3 C is of no consideration.
Simon >”The rule of thumb that you need thirty years to discern a trend is insufficient during rapid climate change”
“Rapid climate change” is a contradiction in terms for less than the nominal climate average.
WMO seems to have missed the memo too:
Climate and change of climate regimes is not about a trend. It is change from one (nominally) 30 year average to another 30 year average – that’s 60 years in total.
“The rule of thumb”
Isn’t that the rule that you’re not allowed to beat Climate Change heretics with a stick larger than your thumb?
Fortunately, most true believers in Climate Change have small hands.
There is always one who steps in to a science discussion with banal rhetoric. You’re a hero Honk.
Ignoring the fact that seasonality can subvert such a data set, defining a trend and estimating variance are two different metrics. 30 years is not good enough for a parameter like SD.
Simon >”The rule of thumb that you need thirty years to discern a trend is insufficient during rapid climate change.”
Me >”Climate and change of climate regimes is not about a trend. It is change from one (nominally) 30 year average to another 30 year average – that’s 60 years in total.”
Roger Pielke Jr.: What The IPCC Actually Says About Extreme Weather
And the signal must be sustained to become “climate” over a “long period of time” “30 year average” (WMO).
>”Antarctic sea ice extent is almost six standard deviations below the 1991-2020 mean”
So what? It’s an aberration in ONE year – that’s not climate change.
This was raised (a little O/T) in the Lancet post previously by R.B. My response:
>”which is roughly a 1 in 1 billion chance of happening if the climate was unchanging. Clearly that assumption is false.”
Again, a ONE year aberration is NOT climate change. R.B. linked to the ABC news article which stated “scientists baffled”:
Antarctic sea ice levels dive in ‘five-sigma event’, as experts flag worsening consequences for planet
4th sentence:
Baffled but then some race into definitive anthropogenic attribution – how?
Yes it is a change in ONE year. No it is not “climate” change. No there is no definitive attribution. In fact, scientists are “baffled” as to attribution.
I completely agree.
The reduction in Antarctic sea ice is due to the reduced capacity of ice to “flow” at lower temperature.
Normally the pressure of accumulating ice at the pole pushes down vertically on the ice trapped against the solid ground base. That ice, under load, has nowhere to go but sideways and plastic deformation occurs with the ice being squeezed to the point of lowest resistance, i.e. To the oceans.
When the temperature is lowered even more, that plastic deformation is inhibited, hence giving less horizontal ice flow and less sea ice.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Lower sea ice indicates lowered world temperature.
Temperatures are falling!
You might have noticed that the East Antarctica records you have supplied show little to no sea ice loss – with the vast majority of sea ice loss around the Wendell Sea.
Making the ‘boiled frog’ of Climate Change™ approach even less likely as a cause.
The answer is to question the assumptions being made and look for the new or unknown phenomenon – rather than endlessly repeat 35 year old dogma.
Simon >Zachary M. Labe, Ph.D. website link.
Scroll down to this graph:
Since 2008, 2 big spikes ABOVE the baseline followed by 2 big spikes BELOW the baseline.
What are the chances of THAT happening?
Simon, it’s only your group of science deniers who think the climate is unchanging. The rest of us know it has, and will continue to change, with no discernable or measurable impact by humans.
As for statistical anomalies, I guess we should be pleased at your consistency, as you defend the blatant statistical anomalies in BOM homogenised data with equal vigour.
Observational record going back 100 years.
‘He said vast regions of the Antarctic coastline were ice free for the first time in the observational record.
“To say unprecedented isn’t strong enough,” Dr Doddridge said.’
Measurement and reporting of actual ground temperatures in Europe rather than air temperatures, in order to massively exaggerate the extent of the “heat wave”. It doesn’t get much more dishonest than that.
They now openly, brazenly lie and misrepresent things. And no one in the Lamestream media, and few people beyond present company, understands, knows or cares.
Had some twit on the last thread claim that Corsica and Sardinia recorded 47+C last week.
When I linked in the actual temperature records for these location – he blasted my ‘logic’ in cherry picking these 2 sites.
Unfortunately my rebuttal was too offensive for even this forum.
You have to laugh.
Last night the NZ Minister of Justice, also associate Minister of Transport , ploughed into a stationary vehicle , while driving a government vehicle and pissed to the eyeballs.
Then refused to accompany police .
She’s a classy act.
Sounds like some of our politicians.
Reminds me of Tasmanian DPP Tim Ellis.
It took just one hour for the first 600 people to register a ‘Like’ on the newly launched facebook page titled ‘We want Tim Ellis fired’ on December 23, 2014, immediately after Ellis was given a suspended 4 month sentence. Ellis was the Tasmanian Director of Public Prosecutions convicted of negligent driving causing the death of 27 year old Natalia Pearn in March 2013.
Ellis had been suspended from duty after the 2013 accident on full pay (almost $500,000 pa) and angry Tasmanians want him sacked.
“while driving a government ELECTRIC vehicle”
Maybe she thought it was on auto-pilot self-drive – BANG! Now that she’s resigned, the Police Minister has been gifted the job – BANG! – she who doesn’t know much about policing, let alone justice. Shambles. Third-rate. Mickey Mouse – or is that Chippy Mouse? Why wait three months for the election… thar be rumbling on the streets.
Daniel Andrews , prior to being elected Victorian Premier ( opposition at the time ) cleaned up a young cyclist near his beach house at Blairgowrie. The cyclist claimed Andrews ran into him. Andrew’s and his wife claimed the cyclist ran into the side of their government car. It is suspected Dan Andrews was probably driving , but they alleged his wife was driving. Neither were breathalysed and the car was driven from the scene although damaged. Later photo of the car shows damage to the front of the vehicle ( not side). In the past year the ambulance records of the incident noted the cyclist was hit by Andrews car , not the other way around. Both Dan and his wife then possibly gave untrue statements to the police. But hey, none of that matters if you’re Teflon Dan. The cyclist suffered really bad injuries leading to a drug dependence etc.
Townsville’s Mayor also ran over a motor cyclist, not guilty you honor.
I encounter Motor vehicle accidents in my day job and have to write MVA incident reports.
Re this particular incident, I have read the statements made to the police.
I have also read the Ambulance report.
I have seen and studied the vehicle photos post accident.
This is an excerpt from the ambulance incident report:
“Nil current medications
No known allergies
Trauma on L side. Post cyclist vs car
15YO on bike. Struck on L side by car travelling 40 to 60kmh … PT onto bonnett, then onto windscreen which cracked on impact … thrown onto roadway…. Helmet worn and not damaged. No LOC seen… PT distressed post impact…..MICA Attended = GCS 15….BP 110…..HR 100…. SOB RR 45min… Painful breathing re # Ribs L side. HELO requested… CX Collar….. IV Access. 10mg IV Morphine…. 500ml NS… PT on spineboard..”
The Ambulance officers’ description of the incident is important. They were first on scene. The officer/s may be requested to attend court…. They have no reason to not report truthfully.
Imho, The statements made by the occupants of the vehicle involved, do not correlate with the physical evidence and Ambulance incident report.
I’ve previously posted the workings, based on NCEP/NCAR R1 monthly data, for determining the actual absolute value for the 1.5 C “limit”. Here’s the anomaly value:
“1.5 C Limit” Anomaly
Anomaly Baseline 1981-2010 Mean: 14.032 C
2013 – 2023.42 Global Mean: 14.4 C
1880 Global Mean: 14.4 – 1.1 = 13.3 C
14.032 – 13.3 = 0.732
Anomaly “Limit”: 1.5 – 0.732 = 0.768 or 0.77 C
Absolute “Limit” = 14.032 + 0.768 = 14.8 C
2013-2023.56 Decadal Mean: 14.417 C , 0.383 C below “limit”
Decadal Trend: 0.005 C/year, 76.6 years to cross Anomaly “limit” on annual basis.
“1.5 C Limit” Anomaly has been crossed temporarily at least twice a year for last decade. This can be seen by applying the 0.77 value to the GFS baseline:
GFS 2m-T
Click on graph and keep clicking to back in time. Even with the 2016 super El Nino the annual average wasn’t over the limit for long.
Keep in mind the “limit” values previous when coming across articles and headlines like this:
‘Scientists: it looks like we underestimated climate breakdown & are heading for 2 degrees of warming’
Professor Sir Bob Watson:
How EXACTLY does Professor Sir Bob know “We are likely to pass 1.5C in the mid-2030’s” ?
No value for the limit, either absolute or anomaly, has been published by the WMO or IPCC that I know of. I’ve had to calculate the values myself. And from previous comment it is obvious it will be decades before we pass the “limit”.
Has anyone seen these values published anywhere?
I think Professor Sir Bob is making it up.
The Earth has been warming since the LIA which finished around 1850. Based on normal long-term climate cycles, it should warm until about 2050 when temps will ‘bobble about’ and then start cooling around 2300.
THEY know this will happen so the natural cycle will fulfil their agenda – ‘Oh, look; it’s cooling because of sustainable energy.’
They have been adjusting temps – no problem adjusting CO2 levels in the future.
Many key skeptics have stated that the planet is actually already in a COOLING phase.
(Ref Prof Ian Plimer , etc)….
…whilst others explain how it is the Sun, not CO2, that is responsible for the reported warming trend ?i
I wonder why some of us are confused ?
>”Keep in mind the “limit” values previous when coming across articles and headlines like this:”
Here’s a doozy:
‘No one wants to be right about this’: climate scientists’ horror and exasperation as global predictions play out
Dr Joëlle Gergis, senior lecturer in climate science Fenner School of Environment and Society, associate investigator ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes at the Australian National University:
ARC Centre of Excellence for Hyperbole – “deadly heatwaves” ?
Where are the bodies?
100+, Oh.
>”ARC Centre of Excellence for Hyperbole”
There must be a prize for this somewhere:
Dr Joëlle Gergis:
Used to be GWPF Emma Awards but that was for Climate Hypocrites.
Oops, missattribution. Should be:
Bill Hare, physicist and climate scientist and chief executive of Climate Analytics
NOT Dr Joëlle Gergis.
Attribution FOLLOWS the quotes in The Guardian article – not precedes.
Startup aims to transplant pig hearts into kids in 2024
A biotech startup hopes to transplant pig hearts from genetically engineered swine into young children with serious heart defects before the end of 2024.
The challenge: Right now, nearly 250 children under the age of 5 are on the US waiting list for a donor heart, and because of their small size, these would-be transplant recipients can’t accept hearts from adults — they have to wait for one from a comparably-sized child.
Due to the limited supply of such organs, an estimated 30% of children under 2 who are waiting for a donor heart will die before one becomes available.
Massachusetts-based biotech company eGenesis is working to end the global organ shortage by genetically engineering pig organs to be suitable for transplantation into humans, and it plans for some of its first recipients to be children under the age of 2 in need of new hearts.
Some of the edits knockout pig genes that make proteins likely to trigger the human immune system, while others add human genes that eGenesis believes will help prevent organ rejection. Most, though, are designed to prevent ancient viruses, called endogenous retroviruses, that have hidden their DNA in the pigs’ genetic code from being able to replicate after the transplant.
I can imagine the playground taunts already…
They’ll be able to treat the wounds with oinkment.
Press release:
British nuclear revival to move towards energy independence
Great British Nuclear to boost UK energy security, reduce dependence on volatile fossil fuel imports and deliver government priority to grow the economy
— Great British Nuclear to drive rapid expansion of nuclear power at an unprecedented scale and pace
— Government kickstarts competition for game-changing small modular reactor (SMR) technology, which could result in billions of pounds of public and private sector investment in SMR projects
— Plans will boost energy security, create cheaper power and grow the economy – creating better-paid jobs and opportunity right across the country
Reading the press release further, the goal is to produce up to 25% of the UK’s electric power with nuclear.
They should go for 75% and be more like France.
The UK Government are so far behind the curve with their ‘nuclear ambitions’ that it is a very sick joke. The reality is that to design, develop, deliver a traditional big Nuclear Power station takes around 25 years (of incompetence and bureaucracy). An SMR ‘could’ be produced within five years but the reality is that 10 years is more likely. The government doesn’t actually fund any of this they just throw insignificant sums of ‘seed’ money at it to try and get the private sector interested. The private sector won’t do anything until the subsidies are large enough to make it profitable.
By the time anything happens it will be too late and the developed technologies will be old hat. Reliable power is needed now, if not yesterday, in 10 to 25 years time it will be too late and by then the UK will be totally beholden to foreign power supplies.
Meanwhile other nations already have working SMR systems, and more in the pipeline.
The UK Government is great on talk but rubbish on real action.
One of the big issues with SMRs right now is that it will be the mid-2030’s before the nuclear industrial base is working well enough to supply them in the numbers which are theoretically possible.
SMR roll-outs will be slow until the industrial base is tuned up well enough to start cranking them out more or less like clockwork.
The other big issue is that new-build nuclear in general is facing severe competition for access to limited supplies of industrial raw and finished materials, primarily from wind and solar projects, and also for access to the electric power transmission and distribution technology needed for a quick nuclear expansion.
The steel, the concrete, the copper, and the rare earths which go into solar farms, wind farms, batteries, and many miles of new transmission lines aren’t available for use in new-build nuclear power plants. It’s one more facet of the problem that the opportunity costs of Net Zero are enormous.
Exactly. To make SMRs ‘economically feasible’ one needs to be able to churn out, say, 10 in quick Succession, all to the same design. Which would mean potentially five for the home market and five for the overseas market, as an example.
I suspect what will happen in the UK is that one or two will be produced, eventually, to different competing designs and costing 10 times more than they should. Or, UK manufacture will be spurned and foreign systems purchased at exorbitant costs. A dogs dinner masquerading as UK ingenuity.
It’s not going to be ten times. The learning curve multiplier for the initial SMR units will more likely be 1-1/2 to 2 times the theoretical optimum CAPEX which might be achieved when full production efficiency for a particular SMR design is reached.
For myself, I’m opposed to focusing on just one SMR design as a national standard for any one country. It’s better for the long term to determine through practical experience what each vendor can do in delivering a whole package.
One other thing …. We don’t buy nuclear because it is the cheapest way to generate electricity. We buy it for purposes of energy security and energy reliability. Gas-fired generation can do it more cheaply, if one isn’t concerned that supplies of natural gas or LNG might be interrupted.
Companies Are Throwing Thousands Of Diversity Officers Overboard
Top companies are laying off thousands of diversity-focused workers, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Major companies that have championed diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, like Netflix, Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery, recently announced the exit of high-profile DEI executives, and thousands of employees working in diversity-related positions have been laid off since last year, according to the WSJ. Employee opinions about the importance of DEI and the funding for related initiatives are changing too, with many workers not seeing it as important.
Data from Live Data Technologies shows that chief diversity officers are far more likely to be laid off than similar positions in human resources, and they have a 40% higher turnover rate with longer job searches, according to the WSJ.
Oh how the tide turns and washes away the flotsam…
I wonder what they will do with those degrees in Intersectional Lesbian Interpretive Dance now?
American Cancer Society: ‘Treating Patients Is Harming the Planet – They Should Be Left To Die’
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned that treating cancer patients is bad for the planet because the “carbon footprint” of many procedures is too large.
On May 18, 2020, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, a journal of the ACS, published a scaremongering “science” paper warning that treating cancer is contributing to “man-made global warming.”
These claims have continued to grow in the little more than three years since that study was published.
However, the United States is now suffering from a mysterious shortage of cancer treatment pharmaceuticals.
According to the ACS in 2020, the “carbon footprint of cancer care” has become too large.
The ACS argues that trying to rid patients of the disease threatens to accelerate allegedly man-made “climate change.”
Now in 2023, either predictively or by design, there is a mysterious lack of the usual drug-based tools that cancer clinicians use to treat patients.
Before the shortage, some cancer clinicians were also complaining that the treatments are damaging the environment.
Is all of this just one big strange coincidence, or was the plan all along to blame modern medicine for planetary warming while simultaneously phasing out cancer care under the guise of there no longer being enough cancer drugs available to treat everyone?
Take the Fakevax ™.
Get turbo cancer.
Be told there’s no drugs and you need to die to save the planet.
Ah, euthanasia. So much cheaper.
You’ll have to pay for that as well !
Have you priced the cost of a funeral recently?
One of the reasons we wont be having traditional funerals.
That’s evil.
They also claim certain anaesthetic agents like Desflurane are especially potent greenhouse gases and want to ban them or already have.
Medical options are being restricted in the name of wokeness.
And they want to restrict Vitamin D tests as well, because “carbon” (sic) footprint.
If you are noticing a pattern, consider yourself a conspiracy theorist.
If not, consider yourself Sgt. Shultz.
As for me, I am still in bed.
I think today will be the hottest day EVER (on the side of the planet that really counts).
And as an American, I think Bidenomics is great.
(My 50$ grocery purchase yesterday was only 87$, which is good news for the planet and the working class.)
And that CNN is an impartial public service news organization.
(And that no other 3 letter organization is involved in any way with CNN.)
And even if they were, that would be a ‘public service’, so there.
Regards – Loretta
Joe Biden Triggers Paralysis in the Production of Strategic Semiconductor Chips. Worldwide Collapse of the Automobile Industry?
Semiconductors constitute a strategic commodity, used in a variety of sectors including electronics, medical devices, electronic and communications networks etc.
There is evidence of manipulation, which has led to artificial shortages of semiconductors affecting a number of key sectors of the global economy.
There are geopolitical implications: US Confrontation with China engineered by the White House.
On July 20, 2023, TSMC Chairman Mark Liu said production of advanced microprocessors at its Arizona factory in the south west of the US would now begin in 2025.
The company said its profits fell by around 23% to 181.8bn Taiwanese dollars ($5.8bn; £4.5bn) in the three months to the end of June, compared to the same time last year.
The political standoff between Biden and TSMC, affects supply lines of semiconductors in the US and Worldwide. It potentially destabilizes large sectors of the global economy. According to Goldman Sachs:
“the world chip shortage has already affected 169 industries, and we’re not talking about electronics anymore. Industries like steel and concrete production and even soap manufacturing are already affected”.
Maybe a Flintstone’s car?
Trans people now want CIS (normal) people to be their slaves
Life and reality are tough!
We can’t cope so we need others to do stuff for us and give us money.
Cry me a river.
I have 5 fingers.
Guess which one I’ll give you. 😆
If you have 5 fingers on one hand then you have one too many……
Lol back at you.
The thumb IS a finger by definition.
Go sit with the fig leaf.😁
Not the finger – the whole fist . They are into pain as its all thats left . Everything else has been removed…..
On the positive side:
In the Weekend Australian July22-23, 2023 on page 4 is an article entitled:
” Banned Covid posts totally factual’ “. !!
My thanks to Chris Kenny, author of the article, and to Senator Alex Antic who used FOI requests to track down what happened.
There’s a quite busy graphic with the article which includes:
Statement: ” Covid-19 can be easily cured using the drugs Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine”; and the reason for censoring:
Reason: ” Unverified medical advice “.
While the information in the article is not new to regular followers here, the fact that the story hs been published is big IMHO.
Dave B
Is there an online non-paywall link for that article?
Sorry David,
I suspect not. I read it in the hard copy.
Dave B
Massive fireball brings people to TEARS as it lights up the skies over Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida – leaving some fearing ‘Armageddon’
This is the terrifying moment a massive fireball lit up the sky over the South as a meteor shower had some fearing of ‘Armageddon’.
Reports of more than 50 sightings across Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida of a massive fireball flying through the sky were recorded by the American Meteor Society.
Witnesses said they saw a bright falling object light up the sky ‘like fireworks’ last Friday morning at around 4.30am.
Multiple recordings of the bright burst of falling light show flashed of green, blue, orange and yellow light .
Several additional witnesses said it was by far the largest and brightest falling object they’d ever seen.
One from Frankston, Texas said they’d ‘seen falling stars but nothing like this.’
Another one!? 😊
How bad ideas are promoted by faith in institutions – our system.
An excellent interview by Triggernom. If short for time, go to the last segment.
Will the media ever admit Europe has just suffered multiple pyro-terrorist attacks or will they prefer to stick with ‘fires caused by climate change’? I won’t hold my breath.
Never forget the mindless irrational hatred they had for the (now totally correct and vindicated) unvaxxed.
Australians are STILL BEING MALICIOUSLY PUNISHED for not taking the Covid vax.
Avi Yemeni interviews the Australian lady who is being forced to go overseas to get a heart transplant.
Even today they are demanding she be covid vaxxed, obviously there is no scientific or medical basis for this. It is punishment for her not following the Official Narrative.
“In a related posting, this speaker says that parents who have allowed (or even encouraged) trans-sexual surgery or pharmaceuticals for their own children are now in a position where they will forever be very unlikely to back down. Doing so means they would have to face the irreparable damage they have done to their own children.”
“I think something very similar may happen to parents who vaxxed all their children in spite of the lack of medical justification for the policy.”
And PTB by the look of that.
Interesting that in my two medical appointments recently there has been no mention of jabs for Peking Pox or flu.
There are still vax requirements (3 shots) for Govt related jobs in VIC, even though the 3rd shot may be 18 months + old (assuming you thought it worked anyway) I guess it makes sense in the halls of Govt.
The Left are going bonkers about the documentary “The Sound of Freedom” about child trafficking.
Why are they opposed to it?
Paul Joseph Watson discusses the Left’s opposition and even sabotage of movie theatres showing it.
Perhaps some resident Leftists can explain?
Goodbye to the blue bird: Elon Musk announces new logo for Twitter
Few modern corporate logos are as well-known as Twitter’s iconic blue bird, but with new owner Elon Musk looking to further distance the company from its old image and change its brand, the birds are being culled. The new logo will be an X; a reference to Twitter’s business name, X Corp.
Musk tweeted about changing Twitter’s logo a few hours ago. “And soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds,” he wrote. It appears that the billionaire is also giving users the opportunity to design the new logo, noting that “If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make go live worldwide tomorrow.”
An “X”.
Wow. Not.
As non registered user of Twitter I have no more access to the news of 3 to 5 accounts I often looked up.
In so far my interest in Twitter is zero.
Just as well its not compulsory then
“Mr. Praline: ‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!”
Regarding the Antarctic ice I thought that undersea active volcanoes were causing the ice melt?
Nah, that’s a conspiracy theory buy far right terrorists. It was debunked by experts in gender studies, according to fact checker
A badge for the Snowy 2 organisation?'t%20move%20rocks.png
Fantastic news from Nigel Farage.
The UK Government is taking action about the closure of his bank accounts and that of other “undesirables”. Even the leader of UK Labor supports him.
To be fair, while it is good news, I think the politicians only support him, not because it’s the right thing to do but because they don’t want the same thing to happen to them. Politicians, with few exceptions, don’t have any morals, they only act on selfish impulses.
Six minutes.
Talk is cheap, but his bank accounts will still not be reinstated.
Woke Regressives explain why not to eat meat.
Meanwhile, I had a very large piece of delicious roast lamb tonight. It was mouth-watering. I loved that huge piece of animal flesh that I ate.
The whole purpose of that animal was that one day I and others would eat it.
In case you think that video is a spoof, it’s not.
Like so much from the Left today it is so outrageous it seems like a spoof but it’s absolutely real. Below I post links for an article and the full version of the debate.
The video is actually an excerpt of an Oxford Union debate and the woman’s (I will assume it identifies as a woman) name is Carol Adams who wrote a book “The Sexual Politics of Meat”.
You can also see the full playlist for the debate here.
RFK Jr runs for President
another cross reference for Jo –
The Australian climate journalist Jo Nova
“Something’s not right here with this Greenland core”
“So back when the US military was trying to make an ice base like the Planet Hoth from Empire Strikes Back (really happened, 20 years before the movie), they drilled an ice core and hit paydirt. Someone finally got around to looking at that dirt, and it has some startling revelations about the Greenland ice sheet. And when you add that up with what CO2 levels were, something does not jive. And then the mental gymnastics by the media and researches around this are even more entertaining.
Perhaps the science isn’t settled, after all?”
And the comments
I wonder if this is where the Antarctic ice is hiding? Scientists are puzzled.
they’ve dated the tundra ecosystem captured in the Camp Century core, one of the most northern portions of Greenland, to a mere 416,000 years ago—so northwestern Greenland couldn’t have been locked in ice then.
at that time, global temperatures were similar or slightly warmer than what they are today.
atmospheric concentrations of planet-warming carbon dioxide were about 280 parts per million, compared to today’s 422 parts per million.
Their conclusion?
we’re exceeding the conditions that had previously led to the wide-scale melting of Greenland’s ice sheet and gave rise to the tundra ecosystem. “It’s a forewarning,” says Utah State University geoscientist Tammy Rittenour, a coauthor of the new paper. “This can happen under much lower CO2 conditions than our current state.”
Affirmative action graduate? Fluoride in the water dropping generational IQ? Sloppy journo writing the opposite of what a scientist said? Why are there so many stupid people in the world these days?
Brian Zinchuk dissecting the article:
How a real life Hoth ice base in Greenland in the 60s calls CO2 concerns into question today
“What was discovered, and Wired’s mental gymnastics about climate change, both are quite remarkable”
Mental gymnastics, or, how to spin an inconvenient truth.
“Electric vehicles struggle to hold up amid heat wave roasting US ”
Goldilocks cars. The temperature and the range and the placement of charging points and the time you have for the trip all have to be just right. Then they are really good. If you just want to get in a car and god somewhere without analysis , then maybe not so much.
“Ryan Maue on Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Submarine Volcano.”
“Initial scientific estimates were 50-million metric tons of water injected into the stratosphere by Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai submarine volcano.
Likely off by a factor of 3.”
“Combustible Mixture Of Ignorance & Power” – Carl Sagan Warned ‘Authoritarian Science’ Would “Blow Up In Our Faces”
“Let me point out that at this rate of error resulting in death the entire pandemic’s death count can be accounted for over three years time. In other words it is entirely within the statistical boundaries of this study that the virus killed zero people and medical stupidity was responsible for every single death.”
Much more at
‘When will politicians listen?’: Another green energy project ‘bites the dust’
For DBMS nerds:
The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud
By Jay Valentine
Have studied, programmed, and used SQL access for Relational DBMS – now left in the dust.
This is one of those quantum leaps that radically change work practices – like slide-rule calculators giving way to electronic calculators; drawing boards giving way to CAD.
Here’s hoping the technology wins the war on US election fraud.
Massive fireball brings people to TEARS as it lights up the skies over Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida – leaving some fearing ‘Armageddon’
This could be further proof that our Sun is weakening and we are heading toward a full ice age possibly in the 2050s.