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R F Kennedy Jnr: Not one childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial

By Jo Nova

Thirteen remarkable minutes everyone needs to see.

Remarkably, despite the aura of modern space-age medicine — not one childhood vaccine of the 72 that are recommended in the US —  has ever been subject to a long term pre-licensing placebo controlled safety trial. Kennedy knows, because he took legal action to get Anthony Fauci to supply one study. After a year of litigation, they admitted they could not provide a single study.

As Kennedy says, he’s not anti-vaccination, he just wants good safety studies — something everyone wants, except maybe certain shareholders.

“Calling people “anti-vaxxers” is a way of silencing them.”

So, for decades, our highly trained doctors have been injecting babies and children with medicines that we didn’t test properly.

The four big companies that make vaccines … Merck, Sanofi, Glaxo and Pfizer, have paid over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties in the last decade, for lying to doctors, falsifying science, for defrauding regulators…

RF Kennedy Junior’s site is  Children’s Health Defense. They have a list of safety studies and controlled trials that use active ingredients in the comparison arm instead of inert placebos like sugar pills. Putting active compounds in both arms of the trial is more likely to produce similar side effects in both sides of the trial, effectively disguising any effect those ingredients have.

Kennedy is such an old hand at the vaccine debate, watch how deftly he uses Elizabeth Vargas’s poorly thought out questions to turn the tables. He’s quite the lawyer, getting her to clarify what she means, fencing her into admitting that no one is suggesting vaccines never cause any harm. At one point she is just gob-smacked, struck dumb. She has not done her research, she just assumed he was the loopy-kooky guy she thinks all “anti-vaxxers” are. (See how name-calling works?) Her spontaneous interruptions, her absolute declaration of faith in the studies that don’t exist, is the perfect foil for RFK.

When Vargus resorts to reciting attacks from his own family, he doesn’t even mention them, just asks her if her family agrees with everything she says.

Biohazard medical symbol. Medicine

All the medical organizations and doctors trust and rely on the FDA and the CDC.  But these are the same agencies that get more funding from Big Pharma than they do from the taxpayer. In 1969, one former FDA commissioner himself warned us that the FDA protects the drug companies, not the people, and yet here we are 54 years later, and most people have no idea. Perhaps the $15 billion a year Big Pharma spends on seemingly pointless media advertising has a point? It’s a forcefield against bad news…

h/t John Connor II, Kevin a.

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay


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